THE DAILY KVENING TELEGTtAFTl IMIILADKLPIII A, MONDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1869, 8 V INSURANCE. INSURANCE. INS0ANCE. INSURANCE. INSURANCE. YONK K R S II O E A T L A N T I O liEHM AN H SPRINGFIELD AND NEW Y .O K K FJBE JN UIUNCE COMPANY a HEW YORK. Ut following Btatemen?, of th-e couaU.oti ol VMmptoT on the 81st day T December. 18W) ks pohllaued Id conformity wUb an act or As-e-eibly: MpltalBtock,fall paid 500,000 00 AHHBTH. tfteih nn tiaird V!'""'.VV in Banks. spet-lfylp me oau. iMeirouolllan Nation! Bank) f.lvo 81 lid orK. oousiitullog the Urst hdob i Rial Ksiaie, u whlcu there VsTe.n one year's ia X due Amount ol K'VKfeHOwn'ed by the com ratty. BpfrlMnK the number of Ku and their par and market VBlU : par jfartct Valw. Vnlu. lo 0 20'. 18ofi... 100,000 107.000 NewYorkSUteBd's,'77..3UHK) Wm9nw .Amonnt of Stock held by the Company as Collateral Security per loan, with the amount loaned on each kind or Block, its par and market vuaa........ lui.ioo oo Valw til a r..M1 Unnria nt IMA ... i" 000 t27.6U0 9.000 it 0. 0 16.200 6.:wo cooo JF.'rl RR. 4ib MorVe JUs 10 000 HarU-ra UK let do Fho olx Nut. Bank -Block m. Nicholas do do -Continental do do Widows' Orphans' Llf-J insurance Cona'y Stock Security Insurance Co... 1 1n 1 nii.en 1 T.lf Tflfltl 2.0H0 )5.0fl0 6.0()0 6 61)0 10 000 10.0U0 n ooo 10,000 8.000 70.000 750 7.700 7,500 l.COO in ooo I. 1 0!K) II. 8-50 1,0 0 1.500 ratvee Company 8,000 V. -S. Guaranty and In demnity Co 53.0'K) oordian Klre Insur'ce Company 1 WW V. B. 6 20 Bonds of 1865... 7.000 do do do. . .7.500 BaoS of North America 1,000 .New York central rv iv Stock... N. Y. Central R R mock U.S.-20 Hondx of 1H65... Nat. think of Yonkem... Jialgor'a Insurance Co... ao ooo 10 (HK) JO 5"0 1.000 l,i 00 190.100 2J1.850 Aecroed Interest not yet due lo.OSl'10 Other available miscellaneous aeis, speeriylng their charauterapd value: Palvace doe ou loes paid 7 OOO 00 Due OoBopany on Policy of relnsur'oe.. 2.850'HO VthOB teanituro 3,500 00 uBiitrie. Amount of .Josses daring the year, ad Justed tont not dae 2,442 13 Amount of losses reported to the Com pany, ftnt nottkcteil upou 21645-00 Amonnt flosses resisted by the Co 3, .W0 00 Amount of all other claims against tne Com'y contested or ot herwise Rent 607 00 .Amount repaired to safely reinsure all jouutandip risks 191.330 62 INCOHC. AnMKint of Cash J remmms received... 444.H70-74 AmotDt of Premiums earned ......... 3U5,i.l9,09 Jntestst received from inventmout. . . . tl.ti-1 Oil EXPEHDIl l'BE, Amount of losses paid during the year.. Amotrot paid and owlus for reinsu rance premiums 123.732 deducted from preoiloms receive I above Amnaot of (Return Premiums, whether paid or unpaid, deducted from nr minms reeved above liii 792 00 Amonnt of Div-Uiends declared during the year 50 000 00 Amount of Divided paid 50,000 00 Amount of expense Bald during the year.lncludiue coraoi.'sslonssnd fees paid to Agents and Officers of the Co, 119,562 61 IWCDARD A. FRANRLTN, Tresiclent. WM. CONNER, Jr., Vio"-PreBKl it. JOHN W. MURRAY, BetreUrv. TILLINCHAST & HILT, Bate Agentfl nd Attorney a, IdrtbrennsjlTanla Railroad Doilding, 400 "WAIiKTIT STUEET, THTLADELfH I A, BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW STYLE gHATING BOOTS, DARTLETT, THE BOOT MAKER, K0. 83 BOTH SIXTH STREET New Styles for the Promenade. Hew Styles for the Parlor. flew Styles for Ilea? j Weather. Bis large .took enables him to furnish a good . .. .,i tlmaa. 1" 18 fmwj HATS AND CAPS. . . M..nw m . r IAI hTo A fl I. K H. L i T K B B, Tlxst door above Cheanul tireel. t8 n WABBOTtTOS'9 IMPROVED VENT1 t it uud, .ud Mtar-ntilof Press amiM hibj mil L'lff umrrvT-N imuiiuui m 7- - - ... INSURANCE COM PANY NEW HAVEN, COMM. Ye following stitnui Lit o? Ibeooudlticii ol the Company on the 3lsl aay ol Deoemoei, 1864, Is published in accordance with ao act of As Minbly: Capital Stock, fall rl" - ll.OOC.OOKflO ASHV.XH. Tee valne as nearly as may neol the Ktral lHle held by tke Company.. 430 026 00 Casn on hand ... 1,311 18 Cash lu Hattfts iD,iJ4i-8d CuhU io bauds of Aguuis in course of traiKUilssl.iU . 27U,bJl-81 AduuuuloI Loans secured i-y buus Hud MortgMgts, flisi Leu ou Ileal i;.ate 46,10J,00 far Vaiut. Ill I'ed felftte Five twenty Don , J126.500 138,939-37 Msouri ale H (lids. M.onO Vi.bQi-oQ Viraluia Male bonus, 46.776 2ti U15 t8 Tenia ee Biale lijDds 20,.00 18,005 0i AlaSauiaKiuU- Utmds IO.iioO 9,000 00 Wlscouslu blsteHouda - 12 00J 12.360 00 New UrfNtn cl y Uoud- dl.OtO 61.00000 6i shnies Nailouul liaaer- rnin'rtianB.N. U 000 9,165 00 l!a "k. N. 11 - 69.000 76.700 00 it it n Via! A NmLIoLii&I Bank. N. 11 .W 2-1,000-OJ 68.800 75,33000 ttfiii i,(.pi.k Nmu? HlfcVofl (li)liDl V Mutmual Raiik.N. U 6.003 900 00 tlocal Bank. N. 11 6.W3 7,785 00 53 bhaies Meicbauib' .. t,ioiHi na. N. H 2,tj0 3,127 00 l.lOsbaiiS New HrliHiti N - llnnnl Hi. ,.U NfW Hi illilll. Cuun......" '5.000 17,10000 Amouiilol Stocas lield Dy me Com pany as Coliatelbl btcurliy for 1x)aiS, wlto t.Le auu.uui loaned on each kind of Bto'K, ns par ana uiatbei value: I'd- Mar Kit It shares Clinton Na tional Hunk l.MK) tl.000 Sl.tWOOO litnliurR Ami iIchii 1' ,ie Insurunce Co.. N Y 1.000 1,000 1,000 00 3(K) sin. rts Adams MjUu fnCturltg CA., Cnel.t- boio. V SO 1.00 aoXX) 15,600 00 Acciutd Interest not yel lue tuu itnis accrued 14.89828 Oiibh loantu uu can 4,616 21 Bills Bectlvable lot lulund Frt- miums 69,85'20 8undr Bal iucts due t i v jiipanj. W,5.7'il Fire and lnlanu B-Wtt", Agency Buppilr. Ortico Kuruitn.e, and . bun dry Invebtmcuts - 93,3!7-j7 LI A UIL.I TIB. Amount of Ijois s iiunuu i he year. acjus'ed but not due 127,872-33 Amount of Losses repon-'i u the Company, bud not ace J upon - 32,200 00 An.ount of tiossea lestsua by tne Company 8,500 00 Ainouul ol Interest due and unpaid ouScilp 3068 Amonui reclaimaoie on rerneiaal Policies 48.775-32 Amount required to safely reinsure all outstanding rlskn 681,939 45 Amount of Casli rreminms re ceived 81.979.659-25 Amount oi premiums uoi paiu in cabbduriug the year, blatlug the character ol such premiu'QS. 46,392 50 An cunt of premiums earned 1,685,630 60 Interest received from Investments. 35,356 52 liicome from all other souroes spe clIyiLg what sourcos Rents... ...... 18.488 08 Amount of losses oald durlncc the ytar - 1,331.748-01 Amonnt paid for jlnsnrMaee pre mium?, y, u 8,589 91 Amount oh return premiums, whe ther paid or u n paid H... 97,580 61 Auiount of dividends dieclureu dxr- kug ytar lCO.OOO-OO Amount of dlvldeuUs paid. 110,000 00 Au.ouct of txpeDwn paid during the year, Including oom missions ftuil ra nstld In RirMntii mill ntMnfii-fl ol tb Company 610,617-46 Aftumntof taxes paid by the Com pany J9.481-40 Amount of all oth.r expenses and expenoMlures ... 100,0)6 98 Tar aud market value of the Com pany s stock per share far VutiiC Alurktl Vaiui, ioo tioa P, R, BATTERLEE, Freeideot. WM. 6. GOOI'ELL, Seoretary. TILLINCHAST & HILT,' f tatj Agents and1 Attcnwye, jiorth reim&ylvaDia Biviiread BuiWing, No. iOO WAINBI STREET, l it totnsn PHlLADEXTHl QARPETiNGS. GREAT REDUCTION. $50,000 70RTII OP OUR STOCK OF OAKPETINGS Hate been redaced In price to close out early and make room for NEW 8PRINC GOODS. REETE L. KNIGHT & SON. 1222 CHE8NU T STREET, IXDIUlWlIurp lliiUAl)tLL.raiA.. ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDG Mi. A URGE AWiCRTMkNT O CC1N AND 1 LEWIS LA DOM US CO., Jewellerc, $Srp J. 60HKHiVTTRET, Fire hinl Marine InKi&imiicc To. rROVIDtWCE, r. i. The toiiowJok KlaUMoenl of the condiuro of the Company on the 3it day vl Drtcember, 1868, -la publisiied in aeeordaoce with ao ntsl of Assembly r C8 Ua Stock. Inll pS.J. fao i.tXIOtX) mm valne 88 nearly am my be of the Heal Kst.ate held ny the Connpauy ii,:txo-ii0 Oaxhoi'hand 610 00 CasU In Bank 7.9J7 08 Cash In hands ol agents in course of transmission 8 61t'10 Amount oi sincHs owntu uy me uom imny. specifying thn number of st.sres and their far and market valne., ..-.26 :l.o 00 I'nr Vulcu. Vatut. I'M Notional Bank of Commerce, I'rov. 106100 I9S277 MU UHIUO IMHtlUUItl IJB., Providence 200 Fourth National Bank, Trov 150 Northern Bank, Providence 400 Lime Rock Nai'nal Bans:, Frov 200 Fifth National Bk., Providence 101 Merchants' Nat'nal Bank, Frov 145 American Natloukl Bank, Prov 200 National Bank of Commerce, N. Y. 300 Feorth National 2o,im 27,500 20,000 21,000 13,000 14,2.10 20.J0 21,200 10.003 11,400 5,050 6,451 7,250 7,757 20.000 25.000 30 000 39,600 8218 000 (2U3 038 Other available miscellaneous assets. s peel lying their charscer and value. 20,623-91 nuiH reeeivaoie lor marine risks . f.3 057 2.1 Bills leceivsble other tbRU those taken for marine risk-. 49.OC0 06 Rents arerupd....- 600 00 Personal property 1.000 0J 120.62,1 Ul S.IAniLBTIE. Amonnt of losses reporietl to trie Com pany, tint not acted upon 6,82015 Amount of losses resisted by t ho Com pany 10 950 00 -Amonni of dividends due and unpaid.. 399-00 Amonnt of all other claims a-'ilnst the Company, contented or otherwise 1 076 87 Amount requ're'i o safety reinsure all outstanding risks 46,086-88 INCIOHK. Amount of c-ssh premiums received, deducting reinsurance and return premiums 103,476 48 Amount of premiums not paid lnoash daring the year, slating the charac ter of inch premiums note for ma- Tine premiums n 1,207 1 interest received from investments...-. 22155'74 income irom an oiner sources. specify ing what souross 6,212 72 interest..... . rjus Items 6.012 90 ICX PENIT VHB. Amonnt of Losses cald darina the year 72.74836 Amount of dividends declared during year 8,000 00 Amount of dividends paid 8.23600 Amonnt of expenses paid daring the year, including commissions and fena raid to Airenta and Officer! of the Company ?5,020 14 Amount of taxes paid by Company....- 5,6-4 A Innnnt nf All nthnr vnniM &nd AX, renUltures..,,....................... 6,670 78 B, WAURANi PfesiaeBt. J. B. PAWSB, Pcwtary. TILLINCHAST A HILT, Plate Agents and Attcrseya, HqtVH resDjylTftaia Ifiallrcftd BbiWIog, Kc 00 WAUiVT STREET, TBIIACXLTB1A. . WATCHES. WATCHES. C & A. FEQU1GN0T, Bannlketarerii and I m porters. No. 13 South SIXTH Street. lVnw?rp Uannfaeiory. No. 22 & nBTBJX FURNITURE, ETC. GEORGE J. HEHKELS, ' CABINET MAKER, 1301 Bad 1303 CHESNUT St. Umtp ' riniDlirH. I- vnrT WANT A DKLIOHTFCL 8PRINQ KRKD neat healthy, and comfortable, nee iuHelf-f?sleningBed Bprlncs. 1 25 PfrdM Un gnaj-aateed 0 a 3d Bt,U J3 3m INHUltAWOK COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL. Thfe following stniemeutof the condition ol the Company on the 31st day of December, 1808, ispuousnca id conformity with an aot of As- serooly; Capital Block foil paid ....-..83oo,oooro AKNKTA. casn on uand.... 4 995-66 Cash In Banks. sneclfviniz tne Hnki in Uniuu Nations 1 UttuK of Coicmko 16,284 62 v- ,u ihuubui iiHVDi. inuoiiiseoi iransmlMlon 8,51014 nmwwLi oj seuureu ny uonus and MorlKSgts, ronstitaiiOK tne first luii tin Real Kslaie, on which lets than one year's Interest is due nu owing.... 43 0H9-04 Aiuouuini 8ocii8 owned Dy the Com pany, spt-cli.ving the number ol starts and their nar aud market . valne: J'ar ldarhf.1, Vtttut . i.w.l. 206 6-20 TJ.H. Bonds.. ...V9 5m) 106,i.')M :n 106,trifl 37 J 10 40 do 500 .WD 00 5:10 03 yiinonni or Bloc a ueia rty llie Com pany as Collateral Hjonrity fr lAhDB, with ihe amount Jo ned on escbklcdo Stock Us par and mar ket vaiut-: I'ar M , rkt. t Vulvc. YLaltw. Government &20s jio 800 821.210 75 J19,500M0 , " i0 40 70 1 712 0J 70-1 00 1st Nat. Bk. of Chicago. 42 800 53 giwoo 39.000 10 Tbhd " " 15716 21.195 00 14 9-W00 Jonrlh 3 000 3 0ii0 00 2,489 00 rum - Z8.5O0 i WK) 00 2: 475 00 commercial " s oon 9 900 CO 6 200 00 AiercnaniB saving lioad ud TruslCo.. CtnoHgo ifiiio 2 2i0 00 850 00 City National Bank 6,100 6.R0 00 6,100 00 Viiicufio.cariiiiuiD udu tialncy Hallroad Co. . 1 100 1,914 00 850 00 iohbl jo iij.;var 1 unu Bonds 2.300 2.173.50 2.075 00 jnecnanicat uaaery or Chiogo 2,600 2,500 00 1.700 00 Chicago Fruit House Co 6,000 1.SO0C0 1425 00 Chicago Iock Co 11,200 11,210 00 8 60000 Fireman's lnBiirence Co. of Chicago 9.000 9 000 00 8.850 00 ChlcagolrlbuueCo 8.000 32,000 00 6,800 00 Chamber of Commerce, Ch lens o 2.000 2 20 ) 00 2 000 00 cnicago city itaiiway Co - 2,500 1,875 00 2,500t0 Merchants' Insurance Co. of Chicago 7,600 7,500 00 6 StMMM) iiumnerman a ins. uo. ol Chicago 3.000 3,000 00 1,650 00 xoung men-s (nrisiiua Association Scrip of Chicago 6.00O National Watch Com pany of Klein 3,000 Merchants' Union Ex press Co 2,600 4,000-00 2.49J 50 3,000 00 3.000 00 400 00 7601)0 8l91.770$i27 960 2o Interest accrued ana not due....... 123 94 O.her available miscellaneous assets... 61,221 68 LIAntLITlKP. Amonnt of losses reported to the Com pany, but not acted upon - 13,711 00 Amount, 01 losses resisted ny tne coin- pany..... 10,800 00 AmcuDi 01 an oiner claims sgtinsitne Company, contested or otherwise 740 31 Amount required to salely reinsure ail outstanding risks - 87,117 69 IN COME. Amount of Cash Premiums received 224.223 77 Amount of premiums not paid in cash (luring the year, stating the character of such premiums - For Inland Insnrance not yet paid 712 50 Amount of Premiums eanred 137.7K8 56 Interest received from Investments 29,601-05 EXPiKDirtJBES. Amount of losses paid during the year. 122,9 13 77 Amount paid aud owine for Reinsu rance Premiums 69558 Amount 01 iteiurn I'remiums.whether paid or nnpalJ 13.09162 auuuuiui vxiuuHu imiu auring tae year.lnclndinK commissions and fees I aid to Agents aud Officers of the Company 43.473-60 Amountof tuxes paid by the Company. Il,tj72 99 Amount of all other expenses and ob ligations... 17,451-27 it mo rnniiei vaiue 01 tne com pany's Block per share: Par Value, fioo. Market Valne. 1 100. HERMAN G. POWERS, President. TD0MA8 GOODMAN, Becretary, I .! . i TILLINCHAST & HILT, fc'Ute Agents and Attorneys, jNottii Fcnnsylfanla Kailroad Dallding, No. 409 "WAIiNUT STREET, PHIL&SELFHIA. FOR SALE. FO-l BALE MERC II ANT VI LLE, N. J veiy oeeirabls atw Frame Hoose, 18 r mm, good style, bath, hot and cold water, and all Ihe modern Improvements, with a large front ard and garden; eaiy cf accs rer C. A B. Oo. B. B.i frsquenl trains leave via Maikel Slreet Ferry. Inquire of ttt. OATTELL. KO. 6 B. WHABV8, or Merchant vlll. TO RENT. j TO LET A LARGE MODtRN-BDILT lii Tfc-NANT HOUSsiaon Flv. er. of Oronni, liid.u. wuh wa's.aud 'UeoB. IdOKKU.HIXjWW, two ui uu.ts' from l)uy' Lsu. 8j"n-Mr. TO VKNT-UOUSB AND T0RB, KO. iti 836CBlbNUXbUei. . 1 iH,.y j J, HKRGEANT PRICK, HiV No. tall ARCtt dtrts t. rpo RKSTj AN OFFICE SUITABLE FOR A J. bIivbicihu r a lawyer, wun or witbouii botra, MNo lUlttJKAKUblreelj II If FLOUR. CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, for the Trade or at Retail. KTKRV BABBEL WABBAB1ED. KLYHTONE FLOCK MILLS, MOM.IABI SI UIU1RD AVENUE, I It lury JCast J Pro. t street- F1IIK IN8URANCK COMPANY WORCESTER, MASS. The fullowlOK statement ol the condition of the Company ou the 3iU day of Deoember. lWifl. Is published Id accirdnnco with an net of AsscmDiy. Capita) Stock, fall paid AHtrTM. The value as nearly as may be of the iteai i!tate ne:d oy the Company J5O.0C0O0 tunii in )twnp, Bfitfi-.if lug Dtinas jeuin,i iXHUonaij 8,120 00 AiHnuui 01 liOHun nrvureu vy uouus ana moripHgui, cousiiiuuna trie nrxt lien ou Real Estate ou which there Is less than one vest's lner-st lsi ns-i m auM'uui 4u iji hub 011 wnien interest Las not neeu pnin wiililn oueyear 900 00 pany.speciij tna the number of shares anu llieir par ana marner. valnn 270,19.5 CO V H Bnrds of 1881 and I e twenties 1160.000 1110 .mo 1 JMa sacliiiftt's Btuid.. I,no0 1.V00 ilui de UIhi a Bendf in UK) lu OtHi CUy ot Purtland Bonds 5 000 5 0(H) Bank Stocks 37 200 46,456 Its II rood Stocks and Bonos 76.900 97.209 Amount of Stocks held by the Com pany bn collateral security for loaus, with theamounlloanrdoneach kind ol slock, Us par and market value 31,475 00 I U S. Gov. Bond, 8500.. .(1,500 J550 5u0 ' 6 ' " $1000. 6000 6(K1 tt IHM1 66 slis People's Fire Ju snranre Company 6K) 7.800 1,500 Ousba Worcester Gas LlHbM.'omiiaiiT 7 500 A lion 20 shit Kaale Htove 1:0... ' 2,600 600 wiiu meicaniue cav il KB Bank 2 200 1 500 12 shs Onlrnl Nil . R'S 1.500 1.2(H) 228 bh Bay State H. A L ;ompny 25 0i0 12,000 1C0 bs Lincoln Whutf Company 10.000 5.0C0 On personal property, .. i75 63 730 3-1,475 Interest on Inves'mcnU di e aud un paid. 8im-:t!i Accrutd lniereKt to1 yet one 3 67 00 O'ber available mibc luueous assets, speciiyinK meir cnarscier ami vume . ii tqi-qi Loans oi l'eisonal fecutliy S3 900 00 T wn Loans 6.000 00 OfnYe Furniture M l,tt910l Rente accined M 1,170 00 X.IABI1.1TIE:. Amount fi losses during the year, ad- Junttd bnt not tlae 175 00 Amouui of looses rtporioa to the Company but not 1 acted upon estimated.. 7,82500 Amount ol losses resisted I by the Company , j Amount of Mutual D vldeuus unpaid... 1,865 00 Amount required to Bafely reinsure all oo Htanuii g risks 197,813 00 (Kstimated at 50 per cent.) INCOME. Amount of cash premiums recalved 308 807 82 Interest received from investments 29,618'46 Income from albotber sources, specify ing what kources (Rents) 4,19100 KXPr.N01Tl'BG. Amountof losses paid during the year.,1 53.127 27 Amount paid anu owing) for TAlntni-itiiflA nro. minms Amount of return pre mium", whether paid or unpaid. estimated , 17.657-64 Amount of dividends declared dnrlng tne year Amountof dividends paid Amount of expenses paid durlug the year, includlogciummlsions and fees Cald to Agents aud O Ulcers of the ompsny Amount ol taxes and stamps paid by tbe l mrany Amount of all-oiber exnendlinres: Paid mutual dividends. 17,328 07) Real estate repalrs... 616 66 J J'ar Vaiut. Market Vulue. 1100 1130 22.000-00 22,00000 15.251 19 18,117 71 7,01163 BENRY CHAPIN, Preaident. AUG, N. CURRIER, Secretary. TILLINCHAST A HILT,. State Agents and Attorneys, Norm rennsjlYanla Railroad Bulldliigi No. 400 WAtJfUr STREET, PHILADELPHIA. COAL. ytJILLIAM W. ALTER, LEHIQII GOAL, AlsOf Lorberry and Locust Mountain. Depot, So. 9&7 or 111 MNTH Street, Below Glrara Avenae. laotMU Offlee,Cor. 81X111 and 8FKINU UAUUO. BOARDING. AFURMSHFD 8FC0NO-ST0UY BOOM TO 1 i, lli liticrruc. rsqulrsJ. Appiy Co. 54( N. Ki-EVK.Til Bu-t. 14 tf AT KO. 1121 fiHAKD feTRBRT MY BK ffctaii'eo lurnlBlid uil uuiuruisusd rujins lor loJglDK. Buard. al.o, II dt!ird. S1U Rfl A X W ELL'S PB EPA RED GYPSUM", For AVrilteuinir aud Culurlug Walts, A BUDTlFtU lUKikLK& CHEAf A K I IU K To. Uiitniu gi lbs l' tor. Ilihui gio. will nut rub oft. id U ihfier.r" mors, 1 ewily m e.i, i o ceiie nifietfcao in. cuniumn Lluin, . d li tuUty on. In r- "il"o': It U ih.ei(relo t.ft rinrct an.urim.-ca bn au thing of tbe kind Vfi i n'eied 10 111. uiitoUO ih.ta ' wio ts' U will !)' a ui Lia. lb. Idvw tor .nuid .,k y a to study your lu lertatby giving b lo atrial u'oeti r'etlv- d or .pply lug Ilia Gyp.ura. PrtIou at aueailou i-ald W Parlor wJJ"' Ko lanOH. PIPTU Blretl PnlUMieluiil. Eold by Uioceis ikusrally, 18 Fire and Marine Insurance Co. OF SPRINGFIELD, MASS. The following statement of the condition of the Company on the3lat day of Dsoember, ioe is pobll.heu In accordance with an act of As eenib'y; Capital stock, full paid-... ..tCO3,O00 00 AMKM, Tbe valne as nearly a my be of Ihe Real B tave held ny tbe Company IflO.fOO DO Cai-b on bDrt ... n 6 0761)1 Cash in BaiK,ni-cily m the HnK-: Auan NttUonal BOk.l0 111 44 1 bird National Bauk 7 471-28 17,68 J-72 .500X Cah in hands of Agents la course of IransmlKStop Amooniot Loans s cured ny boniiuniid iiioripHgrn. oodni n u inn lue riraillda on R al Estate ou wnicb tat-re Is leva than one jeir'. Interest du and OWlDB ... , tn mm Amonnt o: Loaunon which Interest has not been pl I within one year. 2THlnn Anion i t of Blocks nnt Bunds owi.od ' by the Company, specifying I ho Dnm ber ol sbarta and their par and market va,n' 629.482 00 Par Mirk'i. U. R 6- of IrtSl. Rgls Vaiae tered Ben il 50 000 $.57 375 U 8. 5-iHN, 1R65 17(1,000 181)700 U H 6-2(ls. IHD1 80.IMH 32100 IT 8 6 20s lh6H - 10 000 l a 1117 h. Bhnk block Ill 700 1:17 870 167 sb. Hallr.-a'i (Stock. 136 7()0 1 80 632 Rome, Watertown, anit Odeukburg Railroad D1,"n0" 1.600 1,500 Potsdam nrd Water town R. R. Bonds 7,000 7 1 00 Hi. Lnl, Alton, nd ' Tene lisuie lisllroad Bonn. 6,000 4 700 Union Pacific 5,000 6 000 Hfrlri(inlii Aqueduct Company 8'ock 6.000 6 480 Amonnt, of 8'ocks held by the Com pany as col aieral secutliy for Lians, with the amount loaned on eicn kind of stock, its par aud market value 63 288 54 ilfnrA'l Jl mount 9 shares Chloope Nat! ""C- X"'"d Batik Slock, Spring field $1377 1800 00 10 shares Agawam j:W0 li'OOOO B3 shares Howiird 863 880000 6 sbaresThlrd 050) lost area Asawam......... HJooj 1.60008 1 bond U 8.5 -20 Coupon 10-SO 1 000-00 2 b'.ndit U 8.6 20Coupon 1620 1,400 00 67 shares Cievt lauo, Co 1 lombn, Cincinnati, and I. It. R.... 4 132 V 26 short s Third Mat Bank 33K0 J 1600 00 24 shares Third ftat. Baok. 83t'0 2 2,38-54 33 sham Agawam Nat. Bank 4270 8.000 00 30 shares Agawam Nat. ") nai K. 8900 66 shares First JSa lunal H.inb VAnji 1 15share","Tri-d'""Nt'. f 12.000 00 Bank 1950 1 2 Bonds Western Union ' Tssegrapli O 1600J 60 shares Cenirsl Nut. 1 Bank. N. Y. 63001 20 sb. bhne and Lrainer f Nat. Bunk. N Y.. 2500 J 8.000 00 . lbmd tielroU.Monroe, and Cleveland R R... 1000 1.0.WO0 4 bonds U.H.5-20'-onpon 430 4 000 00 lOflmrcH New Loudun 1 and Northern R R... 1100 I 6 Bhaies .K'nti Iosu- ranee Co. Block 1000 J 1,850 00 0 iioiids Hf.jin.eiin ami Council BloiTs R. R... 6000 8 000 00 1 U. 8. 5 20 Coupon 640 600 00 SU2 422 53 2r8-54 TntereKtoninveRtmeaixdu-aad unpaid. 462-00 letcreet. accrued, not yet due....... 8,060'02 Other available miscellaneous urhmis, specify Idk their characer and valuo.. 4,323-20 RpijIh at-crued 1614 16 Othce atd Agency Furniture 3719 10 Total Assets. 1901,687 11 JLI4Ittl.lrIE. Amountof lo-se. during the year, ad justed but not due 20,738 34 Amount of looses reported t) the Com- pary but not acted up in 14,604 30- Amount of losses resisted by the Comt'any; 7,937 37 Amount oi nil claims Bgnlost the lorn- pany. c-intested o' olnerwlse 8,257 27 Ami unt required to sifcly relosure all outbtanding risks 266,632 05 IKCltlSE, Amonnt of cash premiums rooelved 639 678-41 Amount ol pi ern turns earned ...4;i2 790 61 Interest rect-ived from in vest meats...... 61,43240 Jncime Irom all other sources, tpeol- fylng what sources (Rents) . 2,215 OO BXPENUITIIBE4. Amonnt of looses paid dnrlng the year..208,019 13 Amount paid and owing lor rein surance premiums 4,823 93 Amount of reiuru premiums, whether paid or nnpald - 31,284-64 Amountof dividends declared during year 67.80472 Amount of dividends paid 67,891 72 Amonnt of expenses paid dnrlng the -year, Inducing commUslons and fees paid to Agents and Officers of - tbe Company.... 94.427 10 Amountof taxes paid oy tbe Company 22,60126 Amonnt. of all other exnense. ind ex. pendlture.,H,s..MM..MM...a.a..a.......MMM.M 25,30124 Par Value. . Market Value. S100. S120. EDMUND FREEMAN, President. SANFORD J. HALL, SeoreUry. TILLINCHAST ft HILT, State Agents and Attorney, North F-rnnftylvanla Railroad Building, No. 409 WALNCT STIIEET, PHILADELPHIA. CIGARS. yo CIGAR SMOKERS. 11 MARIANA RITA" Cigars, in twenty varieties of slso and price, are pare all Havana Tobacco; pronoanoed equal to Imported Cigars, yet mnoh cheaper J t Tb Tbkm, 41 FRA DIAVOLO" Cigars, in Ave varieties, are pare II avid A Fillkhs, still cheaper, and unsurpassed at their price I Tax Thbh. t ' ' These Brands, Copyrighted, are mannfao tared exclusively by S. FUQUET k SONS, ' No. 229 South FRONT Street, . Rkculab Iurom-KBs, as always,' of Futs Havana Cioaus. siutsp INSTRUCTION. TT D. Q B E O O tt Y, A. U. A-L. CLaH-H'AL ANu KOLISH tMjHiiL, No. 111 BlkKKT Btrwe,l2lme ELOCUTION TAUR11T AND STAMMERING CUiea t.yH. L. AlJAMl No. 1HC4 MAHTKR fctxtet. UlMSisvisiieaouiuodaiMaiMiua, tuii