THE DAILY E - . KG TELEG R A PH FII1L AD ELFIII A , MONBAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1869. 6 HAITI. X i OftMdIU of A fife Ira la th I.lanrl. Port an Prince (IJajtl) correspondence to Jan nary 17, gives ns tho following informationi 'lurid an opportunity the Other day to -visit jerrrnle, Adx Cayr-s, and Jacmel, the three prln (put seaports on the loothern lorkof the Island, vratoti are now in nonunion of the Rebel. Jesyareall beautiful towns with fine harbors, landlocked by high wooded mountains, and ..onortcd by a back countrv the finest and most productive that I ever taw. I saw Gene tl Brtce, and, as I supoose, his whole army, arooootLnp probably to about three hnodred men, Mostly mulattoes, representing families of con aider Able property and Influence, who only tolerate the blHck man when they nan use hi in to ain come political end. (teneral Dries is a aniome Creole with features entirely French, and as well-nianuored and erauifiil as one would iruh to tee. He is twenty-scvon years old; speaks and writes French clpgantly, and has a tood deal of literary taste. He is the Vice Pre sident of the new Southern republic, aud is klpL-cplrltcd and ambition?. It is said that ke aspires to the Presidency of the whole country. , , . . From Jercmlc we proceeded to Am Cayo, ln capital of General Dominie, the so-called President of the fcouth. He is about 65 years old, a man of moderate ability, who it is thought was doeUrcd President to second the political aspirations of jounper men by whom he is surrounded. From the bet information I could obtain he could not have had more than 500 soldlcis at Anx Cnjes, who arc armed with every kind of muikct, pistol aud sword ever invented. Iwo days before I was there a skirmifh took place between his troops and the Pickets (a species of UnytUn ruerrlllas in favor ot Saluave), which resulted in considerable loss ot life on both ides. Two pickets were brought to Aux Cayes, one with a leg and the other with an arm kronen, and condemned to be shot. Neither of Ihcm could stand up at the time of tho execu tion, and they were accommodated with chairs lor the occasion. The back country at Aux Cayes is swarminn with pickets, aud it Is thought that the place must fall as soon as Salnav appears in the hurbor with his ships. Jercmle and Jacmel must share the fate ot this city, and when they have surrendered the insurrection is ended, so far as the South is concerned. For tome weeks past there has been an accu xnnlatlon of English, French, and Spanish ships of war In the harbor of Port au-Prlnce, and many conjectures have been artoat as to the object oi their coming. At iasi me rruuen Admiral arrived. What could have brought him here r Borne said it was to compel by force of his Runs the payment of the French debt, -which amounts to about 15,000,000 francs, aud on instalment oft which is overdue; others thoncht that his motive was to exact from General Obevalller, a prominent chief under saiuave, ana coin na aiming his forces at Uouaivcs, an apology for some real or supposed insult to the French Sag. Whatever may have been the cause of his coming-, it is cettain that on Thursday or Friday of fast week he rescued two French trading vessels from the llajtian corvette 81a Dave, and towed them into the harbor of .St. Hare. He also made public declaration at that port that the blockade there was "null and void, and that the insurgents fighting uuder General Saget would be treated by the French Government as belligerents." It is said that this proclamation was made on the promise of fiaget that the North would furnish to France coffee enough to pay one twelfth part of the French debt. ENGLAND. A Warning to Theatrical Managers. The following circular has been addressed by the Lord Chamberlain to the managers of all the London theatres uudcr his jurisdiction: The fjord Chamberlain presents his compli ments to tie manager of the . He hns learned with regret, from observations in the press and from otber sources, that there is much reason to complain of the impropriety of cos tame of the ladies in the pantomimes, bur lesques, etc., wnlch are now being performed in some of the metropolitan theatres. He has noticed for some lime past that this evil has been gradually onthe increase; but he has been most unwilling to interfere iu a m titter which he considers ought more properly to be left to the discretion and good taste of the managers thcajBclve. Now, however, lhat the question has been taken up by the press, and public opinion ts being expressed upon it, he fe.ds himself com pelled to call the serious attention of the man agers to the subject; for he cannot but remark the discredit ihat now justly tails on the stae, and the objections which are now being raised against it by many who have hitherto fre quented the theattes, but who now profess tneniiehes unwilling to permit the ladies of their families to sanction by their presence 6UCu questionable exbibi'.ious. The Lord Chamberlain, with every anxiety to promote the iuterests ot the stage, trust9 that he may confidently appeal to the managers to" asfist in abating the evil complained of, which threatens to become a public scandal. He has purposely addressed these observa tions in thw form of a rlrrniar to thn manaoer.4 of Ml theatres nnder tis juiUdictioo, without iinntitinp hi ii mo n !r nurMimlnr. and will gladly receive frorA then; &Dy observations 6r suggestions which. tLey may wish to oiler on -u5 subject. Lord Chamberlain's Office, Jan. 28, 18C9. BEQUESTS. Tho Will or n Benevolent Lady. The will of Mrs. Harriet II. Hosmer wife of Mr. Charles Hosmer, of this city), who die 1 re cently, has been admitted to probate. Mrs. Hosmer first made her will November 29, 1865, bequeathing her estate, real an i personal (after the pavinent of certaia Bpecial bequests), to Junes B. Hosmer, m trus', for the support ot her husband during bis lift. The following were the public Deques is made: Hartford Hospital, $2000; Uc treat for the In sane, $1000; Cbnritable Society of Hartford, 1 1000; Widows' Society, $200. Several smlaler bequests were made to personal friends and servants. The will provided that auer the decease of her husband, Mr. Charles Hosmer, whatever portion of the estate remained should be sold and divided us lollops: Ouc third to the American Tract Society, aud oue-third to the American Board of Foreign Missions. Mr. James B. Hosaifr was named ms executor. After executing this will Mrs. Hosmer re ceived a large legacy irotn her brother, Mr. orge Hall, and ou the 24tn of September, 1868, made a codicil, in which she made the filowinff imnorinnt ovibUvbequ"s..: To the Hartford Hospital $20,0 0, "to be keld aa a permanent fund, tecm-ly invested, and known as the 'Harriot Hall Fund;"' $25 000 to the Hartford Hospital, to be kept n a special fund, to be culled tbe "Gtorgo Hall Fund;" $60 0(j0tothe Theological Institute of Conucu sir tit, to be frept a a permanent fund, to be alit-d tbe "fieorge Hall Fund." Th following- nubile bequests are also made: Hartford Orihn Atluru. $2000: Widows' Society. $2000; Charitable isoeieiy, ot uarvoru, tJOliO; Connec icut Retreat torttie (tisane. $2000; Connecticut Female Industrial School, $2000; American Home Missionary Kocicty, New York, wnn? American Forelen aud Christian Union, $2000; Park Eccleilastlcil Society, of this city, floOO: to J. C. Bod well, in tru-it (or tbo Wethers It Id Eeclc-isslical Socety. $1000, and $3000 to bolld au addition to Warbui ton Chanel. Hurt- fri ( ouraw. LEAD. now They Mine It. A correspondent describ'ng the Berkw< lead lee in Wisconsin savt:-"Thlrtceo beautiful stalactites depend from ins iow rui, varjiui; la Unfth from eighte-n inches to five feet, and ! diaoieier, at the bas. trom three inches to even inches. Tbeir proportions are symme rl . taoerlDK graduajly down to a point that ill.ll b'rely soulo a droo of water, as it pauses tbtrta second, trembling before ft iWto five place to anotner. uuun u . imierat heuririD the same Mlation to each other that the Btalactttes above 0, and tontainlDg, seytrwny, piruajj' as much body as the Intter. Iioth are ie an im perfect state of rock formation, and may be. shaven dowu with a kuilo In granular limy particles, little coarser than the scrapings of chalk. At the bats of t.arbL .(however, above and belo w, at their Jil l bt attachment, the limestone is very per fect hod bard, In a section three feet wide ex tending entirely across tbo cave. In wh'kt manner the separation is made between tbn Tartous deposits, or when tho necescary nhangij took place, is more than I am able to determine; yet true ills that at one time these stalactites were deeply grooved from tho base down ward, as they are suspended towards the prit of the apex, and now these grooves are filled to the surface with pure lead ore, glittering and beau tilul. Connected with these deposits and ex tending over a considerable surface of the roof is an incrustation twoand a half to three Inches thick. On tho cones below and tho floor, how ever, there is a very little mineral. The entire surface of the walls is bathed continually by a slow ooEing of water from a crevice surrouud in?. It is indeed a more beautiful and Interest ing demonstration than any professor of chemistry or natural philosophy could hope to give.'' Foreign Literary Item. Mr. William Michael Iiossettl is engaged on a new edition of Shelley's Works and a life of the poet. Mr. Robert Buchanan has two works on the eve of publication: a new poem entitled the "Book ot Orm: a Prelude to tbe Epic;'' and a ptose volume of picture and adventure, portions of which have appeared in the Spectator, entitled "Hebrides: the Cruise of the Tern through tho Scottish Mes." The fifteenth century prose translation of De Guilcville's "Pilgrimage of the Lite of Man" is all in type for the Koxbnrghe Club. It was thought somo time ngo that this translation might prove to be Chiuicer's, as his "A B C, or Prayer to the Vireln," was used in It, as if the same writer translated both the verso and prose; but so far as a hasty reading of the parts of the work enable us to judge, its proso is lighter tban Chaucer's not his, but that of a fifteenth century writer, The Early English Test Society should produce at once the verse translation of De (iuilevllle's work, lor com parison with this prose oue. In notes on volcanic phenomena, by Mr. Mallet and other geologists, attention has from time to time been directed to the unusual ac tivity that prevailed, as if a period ot disturb ance was approaching its maximum. lu his Dewly published book on Vesuvius, Pro essor J. Phillips, ot Oxford, adds confirmation to what has appeared on the subject. He says that the "whole Vcsuvlan tract is now in a condition of greaUr frequency of eruption than in any previous period," and from this and other facts carefully tabulated, he concludes that "we are now Id the midst of a period of more than average struggle with the imprisoned energy of Fire." This will be alarming intelli gence for those vho live in terror ot earth q linker. The Athpnmtm says: We do not know whether the similarity which exists between the follow ing verses by Waller and Leigh Hunt, on com mon subjects, has been noticed. Tho old poet thus wrote ' Of the Queen" (Heiirictta Maria): "The lark ttiat tbituR on lolty boughs to build Her humble nciH. lies ullent la the Held, Juut If (Die promise ot a cloudlets day) Awora smlllDK bids tier and play, Tten Blralgut she shows wao uot tor want of voice. Or power to climb, she made so low a choice; Kinging she mounts: hr airy wini s are stretched Towatds heaveu, as It from heaven her note she fetch'd. So we. retiring from the busy throng, Use to restrain the ambition ot our Bona: But since tbe light that now Informs our age Jl'eaks Irom the court, laoolgont to her rage. Thither my muse, like bold Promethens, Dies, To light her to torch at Oiorlana's eyes." Thus, Leigh Hunt, "To the Queen" (the Lady of Ualruora!): ' The lark dwells lowly, madam, on the ground, And yet his song within tne heavens Is louud; Tbe basest heel may wound him ere he rise, Rut soar he must, f r love exalts Ills eyet; Tbaush roor, b s heart mist loftily be spent, A nd he sinus free, crown d with the firmament. A pcet thuB (If love ai d later lame May warrant him to wear that sacred name) Hoi ed. In some pause ol birthday pomp aud po verf juis caroi nugut nave reacu a tne oveiesu bower." Mr. Robert Buchanan, the author of "Lon don Idjls,:' "Undertones," and "Idyls and Le gends ot Inverburn," gave a reading from his own poems recently at the Hanover Square lironip, London. The Atimaum. says: A numerous audience. Including many literary celcbtities, assembled. Mr. Buchauan's pro gramme was divided into two parts, each con taining three poems. "Tom Dunstnn," "Attor ney Sneak," and "Willie Baird, or tbo Dominie's stery," constituted the nrst. the second com prised "Nell," "The Wake of Tim O'Hara," and "Widow Mysie, an Idyl of Love and Whisky." An impictsive style ol deliverv. a voice of con siderable depth and power, and a certain command of pathos, are Mr. Buchauan's chief qualifications as a reader. His voice is. however, Inflexible and under imperfect con trol, and bis delivery has a c'aaut-liko monotony of tone, which, though for a time ellectlve, is apt when prolonged to become oppressive. Dra matic energy was displayed in the more pathetic passages of "Nell" and "Willie Baird." In Attorney Rneak" the reader adaoted cleverly his voice to the character of the lawyer, who is represented as unconsciously betraying nis own baencs8, lie gave the verses yyUU a hard, dry fwaViuel', aceompauied by an occasional Smlra, WUICU lOia oi invuiui-iuuie uuiupinceuty and self-conceit. The wit and the dcllca'ely veiled satire of Tim O'Hara were well delivered, and produced a strong impression upon the audience. Tim O'Hara was the most success ful of the selections. Its delivery was more than once interrupted by applause. Next to it in popularity came "Widow My6le." Tho archness of the concluding stanzas of this was very effec tive. Mr. Buchanan's success in commanding the sympathies of his hearers U the more re markable as his poems are scarcely suited to puunc reading, ningie poems are generally in one key. and offer no such stronc contrasts of light and shade as are required for public reci tation, in "iSPii," lor instance, powcrtui as is the poem, its gloom is unbroken and funereal. "Willie Bftlra," too, tender as U its interest, was less acceptable to the audience than tbe more broadly-marked humor aod the well colored description of the Irish Wake. Mr. Buchanan's reception was very favorable. Konntng CongresH. The last illustration of the retrenchment policy of the House ot Represent atives is the purchase by the Clerk ol that bod v of combs, brui-hes, and soap to the amount of'$HOO. The Clerk Is authorized by law to make such pur chases as he deems necessary, and his bills must be approved by the Committee ci Ac counts, tit which the independent statesman Bro mall is chairman. The bill for comba and brushes and soap is now before tbe committer, and three of its members refuse approve it. It might bo supposed that $1400 worth of brushes, combs, uud boap would be tuflicient to comb, brush, and wash two or three Con tresses; but It does not appear that they have breu equally distributed, for many mem bers comjluiu tha. the.v have not received eiiher a comb, a brush, or a oiece of soap during the whole sem-lon. The question is, where did the articles go? And this is what the tbreo mem bers of the CouimUti'e on Accounts who refuse to approve the Clerk's little bill are trying to find out. X. Y. ihruldCorrespotultnce. (jJALVANIZED CABLE FENCING. Tlie Cheapest ami most Enduring Fence for Farmers, Railway Companies, or Country Seats, bfiKipjitK seen at tneoffloeof rm UPS. JUSTICE, AO. 14 North KIFTU (street, Biro PHILADELPHIA. O B 4XOHAH01 BAG MAHCVAOTOHY. JOHN T. BAILKT, t- oor net ot MARKET and WATXB Btreeia, Philadelphia. D KALE ItS IN BA(M ND BAGKjUBO Of every duuM-lpUon. tut HraUi, Vioui, bit, buper rhophie al Uux, Boot Dnat, Klo. Ite and uaall sunny Bins omwuntly enfant AJao, WOOJ. NAWtA WANTS. A N T 8 WAN TED ron a TOrULAIt COMMENTARY. BV ALFRED NEVIN, D. D. This Commentary, which la mainly of a Devo tional anil 1'raotloal Character, la tne tirn of a series to be lssna 1 on the Books of the Old aud New Testaments by the same author. CONTENTS. I. The Text, with parallel passages. II. Ae'earand eompreheuRive eiposltlon of tbeUospel, based on the Interpretation received by all Evangelical Christians. I7L A division of the Oospol Into Lessons of proper length, with appropriate Ques tions added to each. IV. A Harmony of the Oospela. V. A CbronoloKloal Table, Hiving the leading events In the Saviour's lire. VI. An Appendix, with a more minute ex planation of persons, planes, and to Iocs referred to In the Gospel than would be proper In, the Notes. It will be perceived that this Commentary will possess tbe peculiar and important advan tage of a practical combination of four vol nines In one. With this book In his hand, the sindent will need neither a Concordance, a Question Hook, or a illbie Dictionary. OPINIONS OF TIIK PRESS. We heartily commend It as one of the Tory best Commentaries we have ever seen. I'iilw dclphia JJuUctin. It is a thoroughly delightful volume the -work of a master. rhilatiephia Oity item. It Is the most thorough work of Us class ever prodnoed In this country. Philadelphia Press. To do all that can be done to make perfectly clear tbe text has been tne evident aim of the learned and Industrious commentator. Phila dtlphla Inquirer, Bend for circulars and terms, giving full de scription. WILLIAM FLINT, Ko. 2b' SOUCU SEVEN Til STKt'ET, S lmwrm PHILADELPHIA. WANTED LOCAL AND TRAVELLING Aeents In every city and town la the United BlKtes. C-treut lndacemtnls oll'cred to active men. Cull or sddrfRS with tump, WOOD fc CO., Boom 16, No. 400 CHKHNUT Btreet, Phla. 2 8 8m CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. piCTURES FOB PRESENTS. A. S. ROBINSON. No. 910 CHESNOT Street, Has Just received exquisite specimens of ARTi SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY GIFT3, FINE DRESDEN ENAMELS" ON PORCE LAIN, IN GREAT VARIETY. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a Number of Choice Gems. A SUPERB LINE OF CHROM03. A large assortment of NEW ENGRAVINGS, ETC. Also, RICH STYLES FRAMES, of elegant new patterns: 3 15g JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1828. HOLIDAY jPBESEOTS. WATCHES, JF WELRT, CLUCKS, SXLVSHWABK, and FANCY GOODS. a. W. BUS SELL, Ko. 2 AOKT11 SIXTH STKEET, 1 29J PHILADELPHIA. GOVERNMENT SALES. PUBLIC SALE OF CONDEMNED OE.D uaiice Stores. A larte quantity of Condemned Ordnance and Ord nance Hioit-B will De oile'ed tr naie at Public Auc tion, at BOCK INLAND AH3UNAL, Illinois, on WKDNESUA V, April 7. 1, at 10 o'cloca A. M. The loliuwlLg com prises some ol tbe principal arti cles to be s Id, vim : 2h Jroi Csnnon, various calibres, lioo Field Carrlsgrt and Limbers. 190 fcfcti ot rlltiery Murueaa, 10,(00 pounds Hhot and Hbell. 45.100 8ih of Infantry Accoutrements, 22C0 tocC'lellnn baddies. 7i'il riliK rv (Saddles. 2( 00 Halters. 7i0bUdlo Blankets. 0 0VftlerU.K Bridles. S410 Cavalry Cuib Bridles. 2200 Ai Hilary 'iraci-s and Hames. 1 ereons wlablng ctBloues ot tbe Stores to be sold can cblain ihem by application to tbe Chief of Ord natce, at WasbluKion. li. O., or Brevet Uuloni-i a, CB1BPIJN. TJnitt-d isiaiea Army, Purcoaslug OiUcr corner of HOUSTON and OHKEN Hlreils, Bw Vorlc city, or npon applicatlou at Ui's a"?1;, . T. J 1J1J .M. a , Lieutenant-Colonel Ordnance, Brevet Brlgadler-Oenertl U. is. A., Coinmaniliutt. Bock latand Arsenal, January 25, 18s a. 1 M tA7 QCJAKTEUMA8IER PROPERTY FOR SALE. UKPOT tj lAHTIJlMAnin n 1 Wakhikoton, 1. C, Feu. is, is9. Will be sold at public auction, at Lincoln Depot, ou TTJKSDAY, February 28, commencing at 10 A. M., under tbe direction of B.evet CoIoumI a. P. Blunt, AiHlBtant Quarternnasler, the following aeivlceanle Quariermnler Propfrty, not now required by tbe Unltt-d biaies, to wit: 10 mmtB, I fl MO W aeon Biwt, 20 ooo pounds Iron ni'd 15,01,0 Do, it Amb, Hpokes, 20,000 ret lumber, do. awea r enoei, 100 Bent do., 2t0Amb. Tongues not Ironed, IOOWhroii do,, ironed, 4,1160 Doubletrees, eooPlrgieireea, Slid WsKon Hculids, 100 Wagon JlolKieis. 1 Cftm.1 Vat.1 KPhlA. 200 wagon wneeis, SO Amo. do., lEDTailgates, lto Hubs, asuorted, 400 bpreaders, inn Amb. do., 1 ooo Feed Troughs, 4 Tlnber TructiB, 1 Pile Driver, together wlihalotof nnservlceable Quartermaster stores, consisting in pan ol Ambulance Harness, one isarge, loois. jueainer nu i.uiu own, wn. auijv, Bcrep Iron, Horseshoes, Grain backs, etc eio. The Men in Pile Driver, lu good condition, will be oMVred at blxtn Blreet Wharf on Wednesday, 24lb, "jcepeclal attention is Invited to tbe lotot Males 'Terms Cash. In Government funds. By ordtr of the Quartermaster -cnFehrllA N Deputy Quurtermuster-UeuHi at, 3 16 7f Bv., Brlg.-Oen. U. b. Aruiy. TUT SB ICE & SON8 fJODTHWARK FOUNDRY, NO, 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Phlladclpblv, WILLIAM WBJOHT'H PATH.NT VARIABLX CUT OFF BTKAM.-KNU1NB, Benlated by tbe Oovernor. MKBBICK'8 BAFKTT HOISTINU MAOHINfc Patented June, 18S. DAVID JOyB PATENT VALVELEaa 8TKAM MAMMKH, D. M. WKHTON'H PATENT SELF-0NTERINa, BELF-BALANULNO OEN TBIFTJ O AX BUGAR-DBAININQ MAOHINB Airo HYDRO EXTRACTOR, Ver Cotton or Woollen ltannfaatu"". 7 lOmw jNT I-WI N DOW BAT IL Bit. For DwellloKB, Cars,Steaaiboa(SEt. Prevents Rattling and Snaking of the Win dows by tne wind or other causes, tightens the hash, prevents the wind aud dust lrom entering, easily miaoued, and requires bat a single glance to Judtce of Its merits. Call on the General Agent, O. P. ROSE Ko. 727 JUNE Street, Between Market and Ohesnut, 13 11 fmw3m biiadelphla. DR. P. GIRARD, VETERINARY 8UB- nvoM. .1, , . i Mst. 7 .T I 1 UIHHV UI IlfirBM ... r modatlODS for hore at his lnorniarr. No. MAJUUlAia.BttmalvtPl.rr Jlo GENT.'S FURNISHING COOPS. II. 8. K. C. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVERT PAXB WABBAHTEO, XZOLUBIV1I AQKNTS FOR GENTB SLOVBS J. W. 8COTT & CO., Ktrp HO. S14 CI1KMBCT TSUklBT. pAIESI B II O U LD1K.BSAU SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND QKNTLKMKN'S FURNISUINQ STORB. PKRFKCT FITTING BHIRT8 AND DRAWERS made nom measurement at very short notice. All other articles ol PEN f f.hiM KN' DRK8U OOODB In fall variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 11 1 No. 70S CHEflNUT Street. SHIPPING. ffffffr LORILLARD'B BTEAM3HIP LINB FOR NEW YORK. BaUlng Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at boon. Tbe winttr rates at which irrelght la nol taken is so centa per 'loo pounds, gross, Scents per root, or 2 cent, per gallon, ship's option The Un u now prepared to contract fer sprlug rates lower than by any other oute, commencing on March 15,1849. Advance cbargta csbed at oUtuu ou pier. Freight lecelved at all times on covered wharf, JOHN P. OHL, Mfim Pier l North Wharves. N, B. Etra rates on small packages iron, metals, etc ffnt-., FUK LIVERPOOL AND OUrJENS TOWN.-Xumau Lu,e of a am iviuted to sail as follows:-- onuaen Wi Y uJ AN iWkiiP luesuay, Feu. na. u uoou. RijufvKllfax, Tuler.7.' tS.t CITY OF BALTIMuKE, Haturuay, S!J 1'. 1 V m' and each succeeding Hainrda and alternaia,TneuJ. at 1 P. M., from Pier 46, NortS Kl ver. W KATEb OF by IH KAU, BIBUMJta V.-M"tLL&'?. VJBBT SAIOabAY, vrolf if i m UoM' , Py ble in Onrrenoy. F1EB. VA4?.li4"""100 BTEEKAOE ........,...i3 tS : lit ts titt0- s pabsabk m sbiJanaV hIiwm un riBHT oania, HTICKUaUI Pay able In Uuld. Payable In CurrencT. Passengers also forwardua to Havre. HamburK. Bra. men. eicy at reduced rates. ' ttuluur Tickets can be bought here by persona sendlnc fbr their friends, at moderate rates. mnK 0morturther information apply at the Oompany't JOHN Q. DALE, Agent, No. 16 BROADWAY, . Y. Ox to O'DOftJSitH A FAULK. Aieui ' No. 411 CHEBN UT Btrett7PhUeip1jA. $m 0NL5r DIRECT LIM3.TQ FRANCE, ixxji. OAiNEBAL TRANBAI'LaNTIO COMPANV'm MAIL bTEAMBHlPa BKlWKaN VV 19 Ti,-x,ikVilJfi' UALLiNu a r BHWST. t,-? plmaia uev vesNoisou this favorite route for iXtnJow,"lU'WlU,U ftm Ple'0-orWir?ve' BT. LAUkkNT Brocande Baturdav ot. i u!ti rj1-- i" Pl!ati.lBE... Ducnesue oatuxuay, Oct. ti , ..'MCJI OF PASSAGE In gold (Including wine), TO BK-her OR HAVRE, First Cabin fi4o oecoud Cabin. las TO pARltt. (Including railway ticke.s, lurnlshed on board) First ctDiii,., i46 eeconu c.bln.....M 85 Tuete steauiers au loi carry aieeiage pasteuaera. Mediol aiieuaanLe nee ot charge. American travellers going to or returning from the continent or Aurope. by taklug the Bie .niBrs of this line avoid unnecessary risks from trauait oy English rallwajs aud cruesmg tue Channel, besides saving tune, trouble, aud expense. OkiUKOE MOKENZIE, Agent, . . No. 6SBHOAl-WAy,New ifoik. For passage In Puuauelphla, appiy at Adams' Express Company, to II. L. LEAF. 1'4 NO. MOCHKtSNUl' Mtrit. I"tIlLAiriiJ.FlilA, RICHMOND riALjOUUU FKEXUHP AIM LINE TO TUB bOUill AD WiOST, EVERY BATUKDAY, Btfee"0011' -""LUST WjHARF above MARK El TiiKOUOH RATES and THROUGH RECEIPT, to an pom in in Norm auu bouih Carolina, via bu board Alx Line RullroaU, conoecilug at Portauioutn and ta Lyuubourg, Va., Tennessee, and tbe WestTvli Vlrguila and Teuuesaee Air Line and Biohmond and Danvuie Kallroaa, maa tretgut HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken LOW ER Ra'1 EB THAU ANY OTHjR LIN " The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this rontt commend It to tbe puolio an tue most desirable me dium for currying every description ol trelgnt. No charge lor commission, dray age, or an exoerua Ot transfer. bieiunahips InBared at lowest rates. Freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO,, , No, 14 North and bouih WHARVES, prnnt. POKlil'it Agent at Richmond aud Ultj T. P. CROWELL A CO.. Agenta at Norfolk. I JJ &fp MtW EXPREBa LliiB TO ALEX. tSmifi-n audrla. Georgetown,, and Washington f V:;,v'tt Chesapeake and Delaware caual. with coa f r -eihfria from the moat direct route wdeu"!? Knoule' TUle, DaltOB bteamers leave regularly every Bator day at nana from the hnt wharf aoof Market street. 0 FieJghtreoeivea daily, m WM. p. clyjbe A CO., 4 No. 14 North and bouth Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELD RIDGE Co., Agents at Alexandria, VIr. glnia. ai 0T1CE.-.F0R new york, via AND RAR1TAN CaJSAJU H.XPRJLBS bTEAMROAT COMPANYT' The Hieaut propellers of this line leave DAILY from first wharf below Maraet street. THROUGH IN 24 HOURSl Goodf! Arwardedby all tbe lines going out Of York, North, East, and West, free of commission. Freights received at our usuul low rates. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., Agents. No, 14 tt. WHARVEd. Philadelphia JAMES HAND, Agent. ' " tJ No. 119 WALL btreet. corner of BeTith, New York FOR NEW YORK SWlJbT-SDai .Trausuortatlon Company Deanauih ai.u bwiit-sure lilnes. via Delaware and ititriuin Canal, on and aner the lSlh of March, leaving daily al 12 M. and 6 P, M uonneoting with all Northern and Xaetern lines. For freight, which will be taken on aceommodatlns terms, apply M WILLIAM M. BAIRD fc CO., 1 U No. 1X2 b. DELAWARE Aveunsb ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC. iv PEJN eTEAal SNOINB AND WUMMUMat JX.AA nUAAO.KUJLMlA CM LKVl Iwll .1 Hltf. AKil. 'V-U UtlU tt'rT I ' A i. L'muI ul,i. WACH IN liil b, ROILER-MA K ERtt, B i. A C H ' BMIlHts, ana FOUNDEKtt, having tor many yeaii been In sucosful eperaiiou, anu been exoinslveiy engaged lu building aud repairing Marine and Rlvei Engines, bigb aud low-pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, eio. etc, respectfully Oder tbeli service to the public aa being fully prepared to con tract for engine, of all sices, Marine, River, and Blationary; having sets of patterns of different sis.i are prepared to execute orders with quick despauin Every description ol pattern-making mad. at tbt suorteai uoilue. High aud Low-presiur. Flu Tubular and Cylinder Boilers, ol the bot Pennsylva nia uiiaruoal iron. Forgiugs of ail sUes and klnut Iron and Bmm Castlugs of all descriptions. Boll Turnlugtbcrvw Cutting, and all ether work oonneeMtf with the above business. Drawings and speclUcatlons for all work done ai Uieesptblisbment free of charge, and work guaraa toe1' . Tbe subscribers have ample wbarf-dook room fn, repairs of boats, where they can He lu perfect safety and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, etc. u for reiAin. hear, or light weibt. q b John p. lew. 1 11 BEACH and PALMER Btreeta. J, VADOBM MXaaiOMi WIXLIAM H, MSULKIOl JOBBT OOPM. SOLTHWAKK FOUMlty, FIFTH ANI WAlsiUNGXON btreeut. ' i-HiLAJJ MORPHIA, MERRICK A bONfS. OCNGINEERb AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Uleam. Engine) for Land, River, and Marine bervlce. Boilers, Gasometers, Tank., iron Boats, eta Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Work, Workshops, ana Railroad citations, eio. Retort, and Ga. Machinery, ol the latest and moai Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Maohlnnry ,elt Sugar, Haw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Fans, Ol) Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping, En gines, etc i,.'. . Sola Agents fbr N. Blllenx's Pateat Sngar Boiling Apparatus, Nesmyth's Patent Steam Hammer, ana A Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machines ta0 COTION BAIL DUCK AND CANVAS, OP all numbei. and brands, Teut, Awning, and Wagon-Cover Imck. Also, tPsptrr Manntactnrers' Drier Felts, from thirty Incne. to seventy-six InchM wll, Paulm.Bel Ing, saU Twine, eta JOHN W. EVER ma n, " Ng. 103 CHTJItCU BHee Oil, btortsv INSURANCE. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE company. Incorporated by the Ltgielatnre of Pennsylvania, 1HJ&, Office 8. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Bueels, Philadelphia. MAHIHK IHWTIRANCM On Vessels, Cargo, and Freight to ail parts of the world. INLAND INBBHANOKfl On goods by river, canal, lake and land oarrlage to all parts of the Union. F1RB INBURANOK8 On Merohandlsegeneraiiji onutorea.DireHliiga, liOUBOH, eio. ASBBTS OF THE OOMPAWT, November 1, lMtiH. 200,000 United Btates Five Fer Cen t. Loa n , 10 40s 8208.500.00 120,000 United Btates Six Fer go'twu'w Cent. Loan, 1881 136.800 00 60,000 United Htates Blx Per 1'w'oww, Cent. Loan (lor Paciaolt). MOOO'OO 200,000 Blate of Pennsylvania Blx Fer Cent. Loan 211.375 08 126,000 City of Fhlia. Blx Percent. r.nin ...Lpan (exempt tromUx). 128,594 00 oVj)Q state of New Jersey Blx Fer Cent. Loan 61.600 00 20,000 Fen n. Rail. First Mortgage Blx Fer Cent. Bonds 20,200 00 25,000 Fenn. K. Becond Mortgage Blx Fer Cent. Honda 24,090 00 4u,wv western reus, iw jvtort. Blx Fer Cent. Bonds. (P. K. it. guarantee) M 20.825 00 80,000 Btate of Tennessee Five Fer Cent. Loan 21.000 00 7,000 Btate of Tennessee Blx Fer Cent Loan 5,03125 iii,wv uermamown uas CO., prin cipal and interest guaron teed by City of FhUad'a. 300 shares Btocb: 15,000 00 10,000 Fenn 'a Kallroad Company. 200 shares Stock 11,300 00 o,uw norm reno a iinuroaa Co., iuu snares ntocK o,oou w 20,000 Pblla. and Bonthern Mall . Bleam.Co!t80Bhares Block 15,00000 207,000 Loans on Boodand Mort- fage, first liens on City 'roperUes 207,900-00 1,109.000 Par. Market valne, 11,130,325-25 , 4 Cost, $l,093,004-26. Real Estate 86,000 00 Bills receivable for Insurance made 822,486-94 Balances dne at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accrued Inter est, and other debut dne tne com pany 40,178,88 Btock and scrip of sundry corpora tlons, 83166. Estimated value 1,813-00 Cash in bank 8110 150 08 Casn in drawer 413-65 . 116,663 73 81,647,367-80 DIRECTORS. Thomaa O. Hand, i Edmnnd A. Bonder. joiiu v. jayis, James Ci. Han1 T I t -i n . Theopbllna Paulding, Joseph H. Beal, Hugh Craig, John R. Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqnalr, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, James B. McFarlrtnd, Edward Lafouroade, neury ojoan, William n I .nilmU George G. Lei per, Henry C. Daliett, Jr., John D.Taylor, Ueorge W. Bernadoa, William (1 Jacob Klegel, ipenoer Monvatne, D. T. Morgan.Flttaburs John B. Bern Die. " Joanna r. iyre, ;yre, J v. B. Berger, tH nil Aflfi uiun l JOHN o. DAVIS. Vice-President EENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary. flQ 6 g29-CllAKTEa PEBPETUAI. Fianblin Fire-insurance Co. wjt rutiAAtriiiAt OFFICE; Nob. 435 and 437 CllESKUT STKEEj, ASSETS OX JABfJABX 1, I8f, z vvSEPuZ UUeL 03 -....M..M ............. 1,01 S,898S9 i hjloii ujua,., iti84,s4iaaa UNattTTjUEUJ CLAXMU, lUiMMJS i UU lSffl 3.098ll 8aolOOr04. ArUHHiM PAID SIKCB 1S3 UVkem 1&& 600,000. rerpetoal and Tempoiary Policies on Hberrl Tsrau DLRJbXJTOKS, Charles N. Bancker, Alfred Fltler, baiuuel Hraut, iThomas Bparks, George W JEU chard. William B. Grant. Isaac Lea. Alfred a. Baker, Oeorge jralea, IThomas ts. aiiihI CHARLES N, il-fUNCKKH, President. ?Jlli0lMSi'-,I4,!, Vice-President. .AO, tt , iuu&iuitntrA, oeuretary pro teui. Kxcept at Lexington, Keutuoxy, this Comnanyt i no Agencies West of Pittshurg. j jjjj' FF1CE OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NOIUH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT; bueet.Phliaueiphia. Incorporateu 174I. Charter PerpetuaL Capital, $500,000. Assets 82,350,000 MARINE, INLAND, AND FIRE INaURANCE. OVER 20,000,000 LOSSES PAID SINCE iia ORGANIZATION. aM DIKKCTOR9. Arthur G. Coffin, Oeorge L. Harrison. Buuiuel W. Jonea, Francis R. Cope, John A. Brown, Edward H, Trotter. Charles Taylor, Edward B. Clarke, Ambrose White, X. Cnarlton Henry. Ricbaru D. Wood, Allred D. J ess a p. William Welsh, John P. White. B. Moirls Wain, Louis O. Madeira, John Mafeon, Charles W. Oushman. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLATT, Vloe President. MATthiah Makih, Secretary. 2 1 J EA1RE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY THS JtNNBiLVANLA Fllta, INBUJiANOlB CVM PA NY inoorijoraied 1U6 Charter Perpetuai No (10 WAIib UT bueet, opposite -Inaependence Bquars This Company, favorably known to the community fbr over forty years, Ouutlunes to insure against loss or damage by ft re on Pubilo or Private JBulidings. either permanently or fbr a limited time. Also on furniture stocks of Goods, aud Merchandise gene, rally, on liberal terms, . aw Their Capital, together with a large Burping Fund la lnvesteu In the moat careful mauuer, which enable.' tuem to offer to lbs Insured an undoubted security l. the case of loss. . Daniel Bmith, Jr., John ThnriiMiiT! Alexander Benson, Lsaao Maslt-hurst, Thomas omlth, Henry lewls, Thomas jumps. DANlKL, etUiTu! jB.,prealdent, WM. e. CKOW KLL. becretaiy. l.uo TRICTLY MUTUAL. PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, No. Ill S. POUKTII STREET, urguiiixed to prontute LLbiii aNoukaNUH among members of the bOCIKTV OF VKIKNDflb Good risks ot any das. accepted. Policial Issued upon approved piajig, al the lowwi WU President, 8AWTJKL K, isHIPLKY, Vice-President, williau C. Lonuhtrxth. Aciuary. hOWLAND PAHJ61T, The advantages ooertsd by this Company are exoeiud, f87 FhCEMX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PnlLADElPUlA. lNCOKPOcaTh.D lbui-CHARTEa PERPETUAL. No. Ui W ALf b'l Hirett, opposite tbe JLxobanga. This Company Insures irom loss or damage by . FlKni, on llbetal terms, on buildings, merchandise, farnltnre, etc., tor lln lied periods, and permanently on build Ugs by deposit of prt-mlum i. The C'j mnany baa beeu In active operation for more tnan HX'l Y V H.A1W, during whluh aU loosea have been promptly "CJ"".; John L. Bodge, , David Lewis. Al. it. ftiani'ny, John T. Lewis, Wllilam b. Grant, Robert W. Learning, Benjamin Ki ting, Thomas H , Powers, I A. R. McUeary, I Ailu. and Castlllon, Hauiuel Wilcox, U. ciara Whanon l.awrnce awi. r-L, l "L'"' " v,-,,' , . I juewm v. in orris. Bamdil Wilcox, Bcriary. IMPERIAL FIBEINSUBANCE CO. LONDON. ESTABLISHED I SOS. Fat dap Capital and Accumulated Funds, e, OOO, OOO IW GOLD. JMIEVOST A HERRING, Ag;enUl, 2 I No, 107 Bonth THIRD Btreet, Fhilada, CD AS, Mi FRBVPST. CHAf P. 11 ERR LN 9 INSURANCE COMPANIES. UNITED SECURITY LIFIi INSUIIAKOK AUD TRCaT COMPAi. Y, OF PEN NSYLVANIA, OFFICE: 8. E. Comer F1FT1I and CHESAL'T PHILADILPB1A. CAPITAL, - - 31,000,000 D I It E O T O H a. PHILABKLPHIA. GFOROE H. BTCAKT, OJ.OROK W. CirllLl'H. ANTHONY J, DUKXKL. JOBKPH PATTKKMiM. FRANCIS A. DHEXKL, Uoa, WM. A. PORTKU. Hon. ASA TAIKKR. THOMAS W. fcVANa. WM. V. McKEAI?! W1DNKY J. bOLMi, ' WM. C. HOIIHTON S. U. HOlUsTMANN. SIW yOBK. JAMES M. MORRIS ON, President Manhattan Bank JObJi-PH STUART, ot J. J. fttuart A Co., Rankers. BOSTON. HON. E, B. TOBEY, late President Board of Trade, CINCINNATI. A. E. CHAMBERLAIN, of Chamberlain A Co. CHICAGO. L. Z. LETTER, of Field, Letter A Co. C. M. SMITH, of Geo. C. bmlth A Brothers, Bankers, ST LOUIS. JAM Re E, YEATMAN, Cashier Merchants' National Bank. BALTIXOBV. WILLIAM PREBCOTT BMITH, trnperlntendeal Consolidated Railway Line, New York ta Washington. w w UitOBGE H. STTJART, President. O F. BETTd, Secretary. J L. LUDLOW, Consulting Physician. R. M. GIRVI N, M. ., , JOS F KOKRPR, lJ, D.,J e c'Knl,ner. C. STTJART PATTERSON, 1 RICHARD LUDLOW, 'jConnseL This Company Issues Policies of Life Insurance npon all the various plans that have been proved by the experience of European and American Com. panles to be safe, sonnd, and reliable, at rates at LOW AND UPON TERMS AS FAVORABLE AU THOSE OF ANY COMPANY OF EQUAL, STA BLUTY. ; All policies are non forfeitable after tbe payment of two or moie annual premljms. 11 18 lmw3mrn THE ENTERPRISE INSDRANCjS CO. OP PHILADELPHIA. ve Ollice Southwest Oor. POURTH and WALNUT Bts. FIRE iINHUKANCK AXCLUHIVELY. PFRPETUAL AND TERM POLICIES I88UED Cash Capital mum Cash Assets January l, ist9 470 ' S DIBACTOB8. F. Hatch ford Starr, J. Llvlnsmton 1RrvfnAM James L. Olaghorn, m. O. Boulton, Charles Wbenl.r. John V. Atwoed, Benj, T. Tredick, Oeorge H. Stuart, Titos, if. Montgomery, r "I 1 rfauies m. &ert8en. This company insures rnlv timuoiua rii.. bin jonn tx. .Brown no specially hazaidous risks whatever, such as facto ries, mills, etc -r-F. RATOnFORD STARR President TH OS. H. MON TOOM ER y, Vice-President Ai.bx. W. WisTBB, Secretary. 28 BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JAS. H. DRYSON & SON. No. 8 North SIXTH Street, Stationers and Printers. Blank Books, Ledgers, Day Books, Vash Books, Etc. Etc, ' Made to order at the shortest notice, at the lowest market rates. LETTER PAPER, per ream MOT ,2 B0 FuoibCAP Paper, per ream ....... 00 NOTE PAPER per ream-... 1-25 A full assortment of imported and staple STA TIONERY, always on hand; INKS, PENCILS, pen HOLDERS. Etc., in great variety. ENVELOPES, bnff, letter size ti'tO per 1000 ' white, " lu A great variety of styles and grades always on band, at the lowest rales. PRINTED BLANKS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, Etc., executed In the most approved style". 119 lm JAMBS B. SMITH A CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAILi. No. 27 Sonlb 8EYENTU Street, IS 18 fmw3m PHILADELPHIA, BTATIONEBS. STOVES, RANGES, ETC ; NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED' would call the atieullon of the publle to his This Is an enlirelv new heater. It 1. an nnni struoted as to at once commend IWelt to general favor, being a combination of wrought aud cast iron. It bt very simple in na construction, and Is perfectly air tight; self-cleaning, havlngino l lpea or drums to be taken out and cleaned. It 1 so arranged with upright hues as to produce a larger amount of heat from the same weight of coal than auy furnace now in use. The bygiometlo condition ot the air as produced by my new arrangement of evaporation will at once de mon trate that It is toe only Uot Air Furnace that Will produce a perefctly heauhy atmoMphere. Tnose in want ol a complete Heating Apparatus would do well to call and examine tbe Oolden Eagle, CHaKUM WILLIAMS, NOS. 1182 and 1134 MARKET Street. , , . Philadelphia. A large assortment ot Cooking Range., Fire-board Stoves, Low Down ttreies, Ventilators, etc, always on band . N. B. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. lot THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER! or EUROPEAN RANUK.for families, hotels, or publio institutions. In TWENTY DIFFER ENT SIZES.. Also. Phlladeluhla Ranzea. Dot-Air Furnaces, Portable Hemers, Low-down Grafts, Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers, Stew-hole Plates, Lollers, Cooking btoves, eio,, "wholesale ana retail, by the maiiulaoiurers, bHARPR A THOMPSON, U Kwfmem No. 2us N. SECOND Street, FOR RENT. R R B N T; rilEMISlLS, No. 809 CIIESNU1 8t FOR STORB OR OFBTOB. ALSO, OFFICES AND LA ROB ROONS Suitable for a Commercial college. Apply at nil bank 6w the republic LARZELCRC d CUCHCY, Custom House Brokers and Notaries Fubllcl No. 405 LIBRARY Street. All Custom House Business transacted v PASSPORTS PROCURED: QCORGE PLO Wr.lATI. CARPENTER AND BUILDER, HE3S0YED TO Ao. Ill DOCS Street; FHILAPELP . Ai'