THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1869. NEWS SUMMARY City Affairs. -lniijrtion of flour and mr-al for the work Odin February 12s Barrels of superfine. 830 do. Coo, U;do. rie, 00; do. condemned, 130 total, 0072. The following are the receipts of hay and 1 trw tor the week ending February 13: Loads of bay, 624; loads cf straw, fiB. Price Prime tlmothy.pcr 100 lbs., $l-25(i&l10; mixed, $1108 rl6; Inienor, $ll-05; straw, $1-25 1-30. The record In the case of Tnri'choll, con dieted of the murder of Mr. Hill, has been completed, with a view to Its presentation to the Supreme Court, where tho exceptions to tho nihriiia of the Judges In the Ojcr and Tcrmlucr will be arcned. Mark MciUwee, while etipasrcd on Saturday In coupling coal rot on the Media lUilroad, at Thirty-second and Cbesnut streets, was caught between the bumpers and killed almost In etantly. His body was taken to No. 2123 Fil bert street, and the Coroner notitlcd to hold an inquest. Yesterday morning, about 2 o'clock, two men entered the residence of Mrs. J. Bctts, No. 1039 Walnut street, and proceeded to her bed room. Cue of the men lit tho gns, while the other held a knife over the lady and threatened to kill her if she made any noise. The o'.hcr man then searched the premises; while so doing their roo ennuis wero discovered by two domestics, who gave the alarm. The men then fled, dropping much ot their booty, but carrying away a valuable lot of jewelry. They broke several pieces of furniture In the pretence of the lady before leaving h?r bedchamoer. James B. loyle died suddenly at his resi dence, No. 409 Locust street, yesterday morn ing. About an hour previous to his death he was found by three citizens at the northeast corner ol hixth and Chesnut streets, on the side walk. Ife was unable to walk without assist ance, and requested them to assist him to his home. With their help he managed to walk to Fifth and Chesnut streets, where his strength tailed him and be dropped to the pavement. A pobctman assisted the citizens to carry Mr. Doyle to his residence. Soon after bis arrival there he bee an to sink, and in lc.s than an hour from that time expired. He had been drinking to excess during Saturday, and a short time before he was found be had come out of a res taurant at Kixtb. and Chesnnt streets, and it Is thought, from a bruise on hla head, that he iell and struck on the pavement, which caused con cussion of the brain, and this, coupled with the effects of the liquor, caused his death. lie was in his 35th year and was married. He was a graduate of the High School, and an attorney at law, and several jears ago held the position of Assistant City Solicitor. The Coroner will to day hold an Inquest over the body. About midnight on Saturday last, Officer Solomon Start, of the Fourth district, heard cries of murder from the boarding house No. 103 Vine street. He hastened to the house, and was admitted by a lsdy, who said she did not know what was the matter, lie then met a lady running down stairs, who, after telling him that a man was hidden lu the bath-room, tainted with terror. Making a search of the premises, be discovered a man concealed lu the yard, who, npon being qucstloued, said that he came there to obtaiu lodgings. Upon searching him there were found an open dirk knife in his pocket, a buneh of skeleton keys, a candle, two boxes of matches, two quart bottles full of milk, a large quantity of bread and butter and meat, a valuable watch and caaln, and other jewelry. He at first gave his name as Shirk, but a deposit book of the Philadelphia Saving Fund being alto found upon him, bearing the name of Dr. J. A. Oilman, who was credited with a deposit in cash ot $300, he said that was his real name, and that the only thing ho feared was that the occurrence would injure bis business. He claimed to have come from Lancaster, but re fused to tell where he resided. He was taken before Alderman Kerr yesterday morning, who committed him in default of $1500 ball. Domestic Affairs! Gold closed on Saturday at 135. Deaths in the city last week, 274. - Coltrel & Dickey, ot Cleveland, failed on Matarday for 200,000. A heavy rain storm prevailed at Savannah, Ga., last evening. The 'bulls'' and "bears" of the New York Gold Koom are having a ttorce conflict. Koll of Honor Ko. 19 has just been published by the Quarlermas'.er-Ueneral ot the Army. A tire in Norwich, Conn., has des'royed Apollo Hall and other buildings. Loss, $200,000. The sraa-fixture lactory ot Putnam & Co , at Newark,"N. J., was destroyed by Arc yesterday. A motion is pending in the Kentucky Legis lature looking to the abolishuiPut ot all dis ctimination between witness on account ol race or color. The sales of gold and t-ilver coin on acconnt ot the United Stales, liom Jaumtrv. 1853, to January 9, 1869, amount to $238,500,100. Frank bigelow, of Sprins dt-UI, a brakeman on the Boston and Albmy Railroad, was crushed between the cars ltidtSaiurduy and was Instantly k lied. Thomas E. Lon trd, formerly Treasurer of Shelby county, Tcun.. has been arrested in New York, charged with obtaining $16,000 on forged voucher. Three mail robbers, who have been com mitting depredations upon the mail route between Sr. Louis aud Cairo, were captured at Odin, III., on Friday uirbt. At Shiipeusbuig, Saturday night, tho store of Isaac Laud is was entered and robbeJ of a small amount of jewelry, the burglar beiug unable to break open the safe. A three year old child of Samuel Whitney, of Auburn, Me., was tetribly burned on Friday by the igLition of some matches which the child had in bis pocket when put to be1. Reports are circulating iu Charleston that vessels containing large uumbeis of Cubans and other pnrties hive Billed from various ports along the Florida and Georgia coasts. One of the persons poUr.ned in Brooklyn by the accidental use of ar enio for salaratus, died on Saturday, while several other members of the family are in a critical conditio!!. A teleram irom Helena says that gentlemen from the Yellow Stone report that two large war parlies ot Blai.-k.tect aud Crow Indians had a tight near Big Timber, oo the Yellow B one, aud several were killed and wounded on both sides. Fonigru A ll'a! ra. London, Feb. 13. -The polit'cal news is meagre. Tho amnesty petition, which will bn uretented to tbe Ojeon by thp Lord Mayor of Dublin, contains over KiO.OOO signatures. AUdriii, Feb. 14. The Constituent Coa'es organized jestcruty by electing litvero as Presi dent. The Provisional Government continues it eflorts to bailie the schemes ot the reactionists Many Carlis a have been anested In this city, ami otuirs have been arrested while trying to trots the frou'ier from France, with the object ot inciting lni-urreclioo. Paris, Feb. 13. A dei-palcb from Nice men tions the death in thitt cry of Fuad Pasha, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, and repre sentative ot Turkey in the Conference lecentiy in tension here. Sam Fkakcisco. Feb. 13. A slight shock of earthquake was Ult here at 43 I this morning. A shock was also felt at San Jose on Feb. 10, Jne tidal gauge located at Fort Hornet iudica'ea sanhquvke disturbances at seme point at pre sent uuknown. San Francisco. Feb. 13. Lata Acaoulco advicts siate that Governor At varez lidi b'-en oidered to the City ot Me ilea, ad General Arce placed at the head of the Government of the State of Guerrero drog hu ab cue. - Money had been raided to pay the arrears due to tkte troops. Ho btrs again infested the roads between Ai'apulco and the City of M xico, and required a string oody of tioops to disperse them. Governor Diaz, of the Sta'e of Omca, ha inareled with hi brother, Portlrio Diag. - Tne ill fueling wse caused by the Governor's order it g Poiilrio U be searched by the eddierslor poison. Numerous horrible outrages bad been coma ittri throughout the country, and tbe ptrpotraurs still go unpunished. Ia the dulrlot of Seacmtiapam. some farmers bad org mixed, their object being to level the commui.iiy by aividUi the prooerty of tno rich among i be poor. It i considered that tbe Government will have more trouble from this dangerous ditUiiit tlan from h'guty robber?. . The L(u,lftturf ol tup LttU Jttft ftuttflriied the political chief of each commuuHr to form an armed guard for the purpose of defending their live and property. The French Consul, ticmralM. Charles Cossattee, died to day of smallpox. Kan ford 1. Ounovrr 1'ardoned. President Johnson on Thursday last Issued t pardon toSanford P. Conovcr, all 'is (.'banes A. Iiunham, convicted of perjury at the De'!emb'3r term of the Criminal Court ol District of Colum bia, and sentenced to ten j ears' Imprisonment iu the Albany, N. Y., County Penitentiary. Tho I anion states! "It is lepresented by Hon. A. G. Riddle, counsel for Government in the irlnl of John H. Suiratt, and Hon. Joseph Holt, Judge Advocate General, that without solicita tion and in the interest of truth and iust'ce, Conover gave valuable information to G ivern ment, which was used to assist tho prosecution, and tbat he is entitled to the favor ot the Executive npon the principle that requires from Government recognition of such service, and that ho has already served two years of bis feiiteucc ." Mrs Conover, who has been plead ing for pardon for tome time, left immedla'cly for Albany, with an order on General Pilfsbury, Warden of Albany Penitentiary, for the release ol her husband A Nlngnlnr Revelation. The Senate Committee on the lifltrlct of Columbia have bad occasion, for some days, to take testimony npon the question of the loyalty, duiing the war, of Corcoran the banker. Sat urday a die charged Union soldier tes'.ided that he. wbile In the employ of Mr. Stoeckl, in July, 1801, was waiting at a dinner party, at which were present Mr. Corcoran and Senator Bayard. The latter remaiked he would give ten thousand dollars to any man who would put Mr. Lincoln under the gronnd. Mr. Corcoran said he wonld give one hundred thousand dollars blmscll to see it done. The witness under went a rigorous cross examination by Senator Vickers, but told a plain and plausible story. The committee then called Mr. St occkl's stew ard, who has been in the employ of the K issian embassy here for about forty years, and he was asked what he had heard of or known about the alleged conveisation. He at once refused to answer, and put in the plea that, as an attache of the ltussian Legation, he could not be put npon the stand to testify upon any matter transpiring in that Legation. This Mr. Sumuer denied, and claimed that he could not refuse to answer upon any question covering the crimi nality of any one, and he must answer or stand committed for contempt. He whs glveu until Wednesday next at 10 o'clock A. M. to make np his mind what he will do. The committee are unanimous in the opinion that he must answer, and as this is the first time such a case has been tested in this country, it has given rise to considerable discussion among Senators. It will be recollected tbat Mr. Her bert, a California Congressman, once shot and killed an Irish waiter, at Willtird's, and escaped conviction, becaufe tho ouly white witness present was the Dutch Minister, who refused to go upon the stand and testify, pleadiug his "privilege." Inquirer's Washington Corres pondence, MARINE TELEGRAPH. Far additional Marine Newi $ee Pint Page. 1XHARAO EOB PHILADELPHIA THIS OAT. BOW Kihmh... 6P5,Moow H its ...,... SSI Bum 8btb......,-5 86iliin Wathh. j'g2 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OS TKADK, JAMXS DOITHHKBTT, ") CB AHX.KS WMklUtEB, VMOBTTHXY OOMIHTTEJL W.CKBNT, UOVKMKHTS OfP OCKAS BTJCAMKRS. XV A AAJUUVA, Main Boathampton...Kew York,, U. Klngaom.......(ilansow.,.New York., Belioua....--......Loi"lou...New York., Kina... ..........Llverpool...New York., Nevd.. LiverpoolNew York-, Bremen boutbampton...New York., -Jan. .... ...Jan. .M(.,M Jan. .......Jaii. Fho, a 11. no Liverpool. ..New York Can City OIN. YorkLlverpool...New York b0. Deumark.-.......LIverpool...New York......, ...b. M. American Liverpool Portland ..Fb. Cuba. AJ verpoqi... ew r or. . .i'eb. JfOK JtUKOPK. New YorK... Liverpool. Vah Minnesota... Cnlua. , America., ....... ..New YorkLiverpool -Ken. ...xxew i urn... Bremen...... ..F'i U. otN.Yoik. New York.Llverrjool i.'k St. Laurent .New York...Havre....., ..pelJ U.ot Antwerp New York Liverpool , EIDB-. New York...Llverpool Kku OOABTWIBK, UOMErtTIW. KTJ. RlBtrik Star New York...Asnlnwall ww Btanauatilrlpea Pbtlad a ....Havana..,. ..-.Feb Y azoo. . rnuaaa. .rnew Urloans ..Pub Kaie y ork...HaTan. Fo Pioneer.. .. .Phllada ...WUnilUKtou Feb. Wyoming... ...Phllada...iavanaab...,.Feb. B. America New York...Rlo .laimirr. " MalU aie forwarded by every steamer In tberekular lines. The steamers tot or from Liverpool call at Qoeenstown, except tbe Canadian line, wnlcn call at LondiiuderiT. The steamers for or from tbe OonU nerit call at Hontbamptoo, u CLKAKJU SATURDAY. Steamship Norman, Crowell, Boaion, H. Wlnnor Arv Bctir U Newklik, Huntley, Hataozaa, D. B. Stetson A 8i'rNw York. Jones. Washington and Alexandria W P. Clyde Co. --"exanaria, Bt r K. W Ullcg, Cundltr, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. ARRIV KD YK9TKRDAY. Bteamshlp Roman, Baker, 4'J beurs from Boston with mdse. to ii. Wiusor A Co. 'Kostoui Barqoe Aberdern. Treat, 15 days from Carden wlibeusHr to W. Busby. "ueoaa, Bcbr Marlon, Leppert, 14 days from New Orlaana wlib oottuo, e;c. to Henry bloao Bous. Had till weather the whole paiisage No date, so nillea W n B. ol Caprsof Virginia, saw a barque ringed mw'J war. under canvas: showed us no Hag oraiirnal ii tbe Breakwater, saw a three masieo uctioonir hnTTn u,.. In tbe bay. passtd achr LUi e Watoon. ?,om lieorgftown. 8. O. ' IU" Bear K. blonickson, Wlnsmore. 15 days from Trini dad, with sugar and molaiwes to 8. A W. Welsh Bcbr Taylor A Matbla Chet-sman. M dsys from rr. ""' ""u. v. uarsun &Uo. ARRIVKD BATDRDAY. Bteamnhlp Norfolk, Pla (. from Norfolk anri TJinh niouo, with mdbe. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Rlch' bivamsbip Broneite, Howe, 24 hours from Mao York, with nidse. to John F.Ubi. 1,111 New Baique Protenn, Chipman. a days from Savannah In haiiast to J. J6. Biey A Co. oavannan, Brig Herald, Crtlghion. is days front Orange Biv with migBraiid logwood to Geo. W. Bernadou A Bro Kxiirlrnoed very heavy weather, sprung a leak aud abbot 40 tons ol logwood off dnk i... u u M.. lat. 44 45 N., long 7 40 W.. fell In with brig Gold Hub, of BU Jobn, N. B . Ha. (laid, msler. from New Yo k for CaruVnas. In ballast, diamaeteil on bnr bram ends ai.d In anlukins oondliioii- Link mr capisiu and crew a' d brought them to this oori. Tue uiionun laiea ai; ua was owned by Mudara, m . . ....V I,.. . fi ... fci ik ' ' Brill U. V. Williams Tnuniown. 12 dava rrnmTrlni. dad. with sucar tit B. A W. Welao. Br. brig Alice, blmi son, 14 days Irom Havana, with ut ar viu-. w junn miuivii a vj. Brig J. B. Blrby, Harnua. isoaysrrom uienfnegos, WlihtugarloB. A w. weisa. tli'br r-mrua L. l'orter, Bparks. 22 days from Trial dud lib nugai aud molaaes to Geo J. Oarson A i tuhr J. Bioarao jova. kiltie, ii ant a rrrnu UlufUe. r.a with miitr and molawies lo MadelaA CaDaila. Hchr KH. Furber. Coiib 7 eats Irom Charixsion, with cotton, etc.. to Lmihbary, WlckerKham dk uti. Hi pain cr G. H. Hioui. Ford, from Washington and Alexandria, with muse, w w. r. ciyueci. Qwrrtworiderics of the Phitottelvhla Kxelwuioe. Lkwkh. Dh.. Ft-b 12 s P M-snnr A. if. Brook. Irom 1'iovlncelewu, besides two brig and several tci.ui urrs. iikiuvs nut known, w. nt up Hie bav io day. VICMfiu iN ni . Bienmsblp Wyoming. Teal, for Philadelphia sailed Irnui Bavuunah lHib lust. .?.'.'Au,ik--v,,5 w"ule-Craig. sailed from Messina Barque UexilehS Bu'ldon, hence, at Brbadas 21 th 1 ?,rVhVuau x" C""k' t")UUB ' New Or Wrlu Man Urane. Morrison ( ni. n r reD)alned airtt. Jobus. p. H . 85 n u 7 load,?.. BrlK llsale'lrooi., Ni-wa.l. haute, sail" d Irom r,, ,l da lih ult.. lor UlfniurKa. irom iru.l Mrlg Hunter, Inib. Irom Bnmbrero forPhlimlai. pha, salifO irom Hi. Tunam ih un. Buglaola. Buwdi. Iii, sailed iruiu Caideuas ti Inst f r a irt north or Haiteras. ", Brbr m ifwcii, mr jueiaware Breakwater, was lod in ki ml Johns. P R. i til Ull rich! F. B.Ooltnn. Roalnaou bene ,t Barbados Mih ult , aua aaueu uiu tuc wcum.iu.. NOTICH TOMARINER4. The bell at Jrrdan' Point LlgbtuuiiHe, James river having twoom) cracked, vesxeis paaiD mat llgbt utaiiou in loggy weaiuer win m warn, u or its prux lu in h the airlkli of a sort w nuu ha bu tm Dorarll lubstiluted until a new b il ou be provided. Due ni HCM will be given of the p uclug la vosltlou of a new Den. D fcAFNtm EVEBT INSTKDMBNI TUAJ . ..1 .bin h.v. mvHDUd ui aaaiat uia heajlug in everr dearrea of deamesa; also, Meaplra. to raj alao, UrandaU's Patent CruUibaa, npanof so any others la use, as v. HAJvaiaa a, u. tttrTTH Klrnt balow nkaaaoA. TDRIZE8 CASUEt IN ROYAL TTAVANA, JT KENTUCKY, and MISHOUBI tsrrRIfM. t'lroular sxnl an" I'ven JOBKl'U M A I Krt. SO, IS AUSUA-L) VTA I. CISW IBVIK. . SPECIAL NOTICES. tT COLO WE4TI1ER DOES NOT CflAP f-x ar rniiRhen thesklo after nsing WRlflHrs ALCONA I KDGLYARIN rABLKTOrSOLIDI f IED oLYCklUN. lis dally line makes the kla dell cat el) soft and beautiful, It I nellgtitruily tragrani, transparent, and Incomparable as a loilot Mian For sslebyaUDluggUta, K A W. A WRIGHT, I4 No. S2A CHE3NUX Btreet, tT" NOTICE. T AM NO LONGER X trading T.eth wlihont patn fir toe UjUoo Menial Aisoclatlon. Persons wishing teeth ex traoied absolutely wlibotit pain by fresh Nltfoue Oxide (lis. will Had me at N J. 1027 WALNUTrttret. i baraes suit all. DR. V. R. THOMAS. VALENTINES. VALENTINES. No. 310 CbeauutBt. Nn. air) Obe nil Hi, HeUMu im daud tourtu, Maof.b's Headquarters, M AkK'a Herlriartp's Maobk's Ileadqnarters, For Valentines, For Valentines, For Valentines, Art at Nr. 310 r hesrnt street. Are at Nu. 310 ftii snul si rent. Aid at No. 31 cnennt street. Betall Pr'ce List, Retail Price List. ValFn'Ini'S, 1 cent each, at Magse's. Valentlnt 0 oents each, at Mugee's. Valentines, lOceota each, at Muget'a. Valeniloes, 1! cm eioi, at Magee's, Valentines 'Mt cents each, ai Magee's. Va'pntlne til cent each, at si gee's. Valentines ;t ccdis a n. at Magee's. Vulaotli er, 35 cents tacb. at m safe's. Vai.n tines, 4(1 cents -ci, at Msvee's. Valentines 4 0 cents each. No. 3l chesnut street. Valentines 5( ceu's nch, Nr 31 C eanut street, Va.i d Ii es, 7ft cents ach. No. 310 rhnanut street. Valentines, (me Dollar arh N. 310 Cnnauut st, Valer lines. Two Dollars each. No. 31 Cie nni St. Va'erlluea, Thiee Dollar each No aiAChosnutat. Vkleotlne. Five Lioliars each o 316 Cbes, ut st. Valf mines, Ten DnlUiseach. Ni. 310 Chasnut St. Valentine Twerty Dollars nob Nu,3IO t-'ursna' st And up io One Hundrtd Dollars eou, No, 310 Chesoot lret, . At B. Mak Valentine Vanntactory. No 3 IO Chesnnt street, Philadelphia B5P T H K A R A 33 8 ARB C O M I N O. 2 13 ft KTSfCELTIC ASSOCIATION OF aWS' AMERICA. 1ICI t H h, Br rv. imiN Mi'(:il.l,l, r-q. AT CONCERT HALL, WEDNEoDAY, FEB. 17, J Al o r.jn.. mm saw For the BrDCtit of the Ce.tlc Library Food. Bnbjecl ' bo are the (Jeita T" TlcaetB, no c"Dte. For s' at the book stores ol Mersra Cumm'sky, No. 1037 Vbesnut street. Turner te B OS.. No. WIN Chesnut street, Grambo. corner Mlxih and Chesnut, and Bcanlan, No. 108 rjouth Fittu Choice seats reserved for ladles and gentlemen ac companying them without extra cari;e. F R. BHELlOiS MACKK-eZTB. President. James Q'Donnll, Secretary. a 10 t trf0 LECTURE BY REV. A. A. WILLIT3, SV3S1 D, D., MONDAY, February 15. at 7t'4 P. M , being (he ttrsc of a;course of six MUHIOIL AND HlKXaKY h,N I KR TAIN 14 K V TrJ. In the WEST ARi H HTllHEr PKE-4BV TKRIAN CHURCH, corner of Ulghteentb street, for mo bf until ol thecborch. Tickets 6oc.; I r s' at Gould's. No. 5143 ChfSDut street; Boner s. No. 11014 Chesnut street, and at tbe door each evening. 2 18 21 OLD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. 618 WALNUT BTREET. Tbe Company Is now prepared to dispose of lota on REASONABLE TERMS. Tbe advantages offered by this Cemetery are well known to be equal If not superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery, We lDVlie all who dealre to purchase burial lota to call at the office, where plans can be seen and all particulars will be given. Deeds for Iota sold are ready for delivery. RICHARD VATJX, President. PKTKRA KKYMttK, Vice-President, MARTIN LANDKNBERiiER, Treasurer. Vic-hail Nihbkt. becretary. llllm Sb OFFICE OF TI1E DELAWARE DIVI- 8ION CANAL COMPANY OF l-ENNSYL-VAMA, No. 808 WALNUT Btreet, Philadelphia, Feb. 6, i860. The Managers have declared a dividend of FOUR PER CFNT., tree from taxes, payable at tbe office on and after the 15th Insl, 2 9 6t E. O. QILE9, Treasurer. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL- ROAD COM PAN Y. Philadelphia, Jannry 27, 18rJ9. NOTICE TO oToCKHOLDICKel. The Annual Meetli'g of the Btockholders of this rompauy will beheld on TUsHDAY, the l,h day of Februaiy. I8ti9, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Concert Hall, N . 121B Chi snut aire t, Pbllaaelphla. 1 he Annual Ki.oilon for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the firnt day ot March, 1869, at the office of tru Cjmpany.No 2HS south TH.1 ltl B'reet. I 27 17t EUMPNU HMITH. Secretary. BARLOW'S INDIGO I3LDE IS THE r- cheapest and best article in the market for bluing clothes. IT DUES NOT CONTAIN ANY ACID. IT WILL NOT INJURE THE FINEST FABRIC. It Is tut up at WILTBERGER'4 DRUG BTORE, No. 243 N. SECOND Btreet, Philadelphia, and for sale by most of the grocer aud druggist. Tbe genuine has both BARLOW H and WILT BKBGER'B Dames on the label: all others are COUNTERFEIT. BABLO W'H BLUE will color more water than four tin e the same weight of Indigo 1 27wf3m 33- BATCH fcLOK'S HAIK DYE. THIS mP splendid Hair Dye la the neat In the woriu; the only true and perfcot It ye; harroltaa, reliable. Instantaneous; na disappointment: no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 elluots of bad dyes: Invigorates and leaves tbe Hair soft and beautilul.biacAiororouiri, botd by ail Druggists and Per to mere; and properly applied at Bachelor' Wig Factory, No. IS HOMO btreet. New York. 4S7uawf prF AMONG A FEW OF THE DECIDED Ir-ii-' advantages which Elastic rpi,u. po sme over ether maietlals Is tcooomv cledaiiuesa. ueultn, and, above all. lis perpetual eia'tlotty. T be K'ltsilo fcpouie laao prepared that It alw.ya maiu'a.ns Its ( OUIH Bll Ult.limnoq, vuiuiuua, U.U. , IIH.'U with It never heed reareesUig. s 3 mwlf LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR J. 1HK C.iY AND COUiNlY OF rHuA Tniaffcate of I.KTITI A O BACKUS, formerly LE- T1TIA O.COOPH.K. Tbe Auditor apoluted by the Oourtto audit, set lie, and adjust the MWouut ol liAKnlrlO BMI Til at.o J MhJ B A Y A HI), Trustees uud f lao-u um ol the IV hoi May. lMil between LKVl 1 1 A O lOOi'KK In loLiemp alii. u ut be uiairluse witu be tiv, JOHN c UA'KUrt) fud SjAMUKL F Mtilll uil WILLIAM W Bal ITH, In wh"ae steid tbec"oi.i au'H bkVe bi-eu duly suboiltuleu, aui 10 r p prtdls- r ,l uuun ot the halauce in toe huuds of tun Account al.t, will lui-ft the 1 ar,Us I tiler en e I, for ibu nurui i, h u; 1 o i.tUjeol. nu TL) KSU A V, rHOrurv 41 A 1' 1NM, hi llo'clo-H A M ,ai his tidice No. toil WALNUT l-.fitl, In Hie City of Phi adeiphl 1 It 'row si WILLIAM D. it AKKK, Auditor. IN IHE DISTRICT CO CUT OF THE UNITED 1 KTi '. FOR TrIE KAsTallN IlS.RlUTOF 1'ANN.' YLVAMA. IN It t NK RUPTCY. At Phi ade'pbla FHbruiwy l A 11. I8S9. Hi' uuLrn'mei i,rfv glvH notlnn uliann In, o ei.t ao A-t.lut of M9RUIS EiNB FF.I V . of Pj.I fiKlphU. In the oouuty of Flili an bu no t Hlaie ul l.i.D. ylv.uia. wi bin said Iilsirlct, who baa bien DUtrlut O.iurt of said Linnet. ,.., CHABLttto H. MATHEW Assltaee No. OSA.NS )tfH.iev. RniS! pHI? WOSTENHOLM'8 PX:KEI flnlahlioiiSr tOKH. and the 'nZdLJ BClBWORb of the Oneat qoVlllf HAAOB FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE CHAMPION SAFES! Philadelphia, Jannary 18,1869, Mesars. FARRJEX, HERRING A CO., Na 623 Chesnnt street. Oentlemen:-On tbe night of tbe 18th Inst, m la well known to the olUeena of Philadelphia, onr large and extensive (tore and valuable atock of merchandise, No. KM Chesnut street Was burned. The fire was one of the most extensive and deatrnotlve that has visited oar elty for many years, tbe beat being so Intense that even the marble cornice was almost obliterated. We bad, as yon are aware, two of your valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE PROOF SAFES; and nobly have they vindi cated your well-known reputation as manufao tarers of FIRB-PROOF SAFES, if anyfurther proof bad been required. They were subjected to tbe moat Intense heat, and It affords us muoh pleasure to Inform you tbat after recovering them from the ruins, we found upon examination that our books, papers, and other valuables, were all In perfeot condi tion. Tours, very respectfully, J AS. E. CALDWELL A CO. THE ONtF SAFES EXPOSED TO TUB FIRE IN C ALB WELL'S STORE WERE FARBEL, IIERRING A GO. Philadklfhia, Jan. 18, 188& Messrs. FARREL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 cnesnnt street. Gentlemen: On the night of the 13th instant onr large store, 8, W. oorneriof Ninth and Ches nnt streets, was, together with onr heavy stook of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of yonr PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFES, whloh contained onr principal books and papers, and although it was exposed to tbe most Intense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our reoommendatlon. Our books and papers were all preserved. We cheerful ly tender our testimonial to the many already published, In giving tbe HERRING SAFE the credit and confidence It Justly merits, Yours, very respeotfnlly, HOWELL A BROTHERS. STILL ANOTHER. Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1869. Messrs. FARREL, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Chesnnt street. Gentlemen: I had one of your make of safes In the basement of J. E. Caldwell A Co. 'a store at the time of the great fire on the night of the 13th Instant. It was removed from the ruins to-day, and on opening it I found all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watch materials, etc., all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of yonr truly valuable safes, and shall want another of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, F. L. KIRK PATRICK, with J. E. Caldwell A Co., Na 819 Chesnnt street. FARKEL, IIEIlRIiNC & CO., CUAMPI0N SAFES, No. 629 CHESNUT Street, i n tt PHILADELPHIA. mm PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Cannot be Sledged!" Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCK8 rivaso iud for a catalogue to , MAEVIN d CO., a.'.. -J..--.:." .. ...J.. 'rrl FinE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES pilOM THE GREAT FIRS IN MARKET BTREET. HERRING'S PATENT SAFES Again tlic Champion! rHXOBLYBAFB THAT PKE8KBVE3 ITS CON TKNTB UNCHARRKP. LETTER FBOMT MORRIS PEROT A OO. Philadbxpria, Twelfth tfontn Sth.lsM. Messrs. arrel, U erring A Ca, No. 628 Chesnut street went: it Is with great pleasure that we add otr tettlmony to the value of yonr Patent Champion bale. At the destructive lire on Market street, ou the et eDlng of the sd Insl. Jour store was the centre or the ctnHagratlon, and, being Blieo with a large stock: ol dm s, oils, turpentine, paints, varnish, aioohol, etc , niaue a severe and trying test. You Bale stood In an exposed situation, and tell with the barnlng floors Inio ihe cellar among a quantity ot combustible ma teilala. We opened It next day and found onr hooka, papers, bank notes bills receivable, and.enllie content ail safe. It Is especially gratlfvloi? to usttiat X nr Bale came out all right as we bad animated onr D ost valuable book to It, We shall want another of j tur Bales In a tew days, as they have oat eutire ooo Udence. Your, lespectfolly, T. MORRIS PEROT 4 CO. HKRRINO'8 PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the victor in more than 600 accidental fin's, Award-U the prise Miaala at the Worlds Fair, Louuou; Farla' KeW VoIk' andlUpolllon Unlverseile, atannractnred and for sale by FAIIREL, lLElllUXG & CO., NO. 629 CM fc8NUT STREET, wrm tmrp PHILADELPHIA. G. L. M A I 8 E B MANUVACTTJBKB OF FlKt BUliGLAK-PKOOF SAFES, LOCKSMITH, BELL-HANG RR, AND DEALS AM HULLULC4U UA1UIWAUK, 1 6 Ra 434 BACK Street PROPOSALS. QEALED I'ROPOBALS WILL BE RECEIVED O at the Office of the Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Missouri. Bt. Louis, Mo., until 12 M., on the 20th day of February, 1869, for the transportation or Government troops and supplies from the following points to posts on tbe Missouri river, as Indicated, during the time from March 20, 1869, to Ootober zu, loon, inclusive, vis : From Bt. Louts to Blonx City. Forts Randall. Bully, Rloe. Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the menin oi me uusoiesneu river, ana Fort Ronton. From Wyandotte, Kansas, to Bloux City, Forts Randall, Bully, Rice. Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at tbe mouth of the Musoleshell river, and Fort bod son. From Fort Leavenworth to Bloux City. Forts Randall, Bally, lUce, Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the mouth of the Musoleshell river, and Fort From Omaha to Bloux City. Forts Randall. Bully, Rice, Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post tbat may be established at the mouth oi Musoiesneii river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Randall to Forts Bully, Itloe, Bte venson. Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the mouth of Musole shell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Sirtly to Forts Rloe, Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post tbat maybe established at the mouth, ol tbe Musoleshell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Rice to Forts Btevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be estab lished at the mouth of the Musoleshell river, and Fort Benton. . , From Fort Btevenson to Fort Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that maybe established at tbe mouth of the Musoleshell river, aud Fort TtAnlnn. From Fort Buford to Camp Cook, or any post tbat may be established at the month of the Mnaninabell river, and Fort Benton. From CamD Cook, or any nost that may be established at tbe mouth of the Musoleshell river, to Fort Benton. It will be the endeavor of the Government to shin dnrlnu the season most favorable for navi gation of tbe river, say between June 1 and August 31. Bidders will state, however, the rate (separately for each montb from Maroh 20 to Ootober 20 Inclusive, tbe date ot starting, so as to determine the rate to be paid) at which they will perform tbe service from eaoh of the start ing points oi destination aoove namea, as ioi lows: 1st. Tbe rate at which they will transport each officer and soldier (cabin passace to be provided for officers, and for soldiers necessary facilities for cooking their rations, which will be supplied by tbe Government). 2d. Tbe rate per 100 pounds at which they will transport supplies. 3d. The rate each at which they will transport horses, m ules, cattle, ambulances, carts, wagons, etc. (troughs for feeding animals to be supplied by tbe steamboat). A lust preference will be given to parties who own and control boats. Bouts will De expected to always give tbe Government frelgbt the pre ference, and in no case will be allowed to carry private to tne exclusion oi uovernmenc ireigni. The contractor wlJl be required to transport stores bv land in the event of failure by water: and all stores received by the contractor for transportation must be delivered at their destl nation within the year 1869. Bidders will please give the rate at whloh they Win mrnisn transportation aown Btream. In ease the contracting party fails lo carry freight as required, the Government reserves the rlgbt to lurnlsh tbe transportation at the expense of the contractor; aud notblug herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Government irom transporting public sup nil a on an.v of its own boats. Tbe Government reserves the right to reject any or an ine uiob mat may ue uumou. Bidders are informed that no boat loaded with Government stores will be allowed to go above Bioux City, Iowa, drawing over tnree and ooe-baii leet of water, ana mat ooats win not be required to go to points above Bloux City witn less man usu tons. Bidders should give their names In full, as well as their places of residence, and eaoh pro posal must be accompanied with a bond in tbe aura of f 10,0(10, signed by two or more respon sible persons, guaranteeing tbat In case the contract la awarded to tbe person proposing, the contract will be accepted and entered into, aud good aud sufficient security furnished by said party, in aocordunoe with the terms of this advertisement. Tbe contractor will be required to give bonds in tbe sum of 1100,000. Tbe party to whom the award Is made must be prepared to execute the contract at once, ana to give the required bond for the falthlul performance of tbe contract. As railroad transportation maybe required for troops and supplies from Chicago, Illinois, to Bloux City, proposals for the same during tbe season above speolded are Invited. Copy of blank form of river oonlract to be entered into, lu the event of award, and blank forma of proposals, ean be bad byapplloalloa to i his office, at the office of tbe Chief Quarter master, Department of tbe Missouri, Fort Leavenworth. Kansan; of Chief Quartermaster, Department of the 1'iatte, Oraaua, Nebraska: ai d at Ibe office of Brevet Brigadier-General Fred. Myers, Deputy Quarterinaater-Ueneral, U. M. Army, ObloBKo, Illinois Propotala for river transportation sbould be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation by Ibe Missouri river;" those for rail, "Pro posals for Army Transportation from Cbloago to Blonx City," and addressed to the under signed. By order of the Quartermaster-General U. 8.A. J. L. DONALDSON. Assistant Quartermaster-General U. a. A.. Cblef Quartermaster Military Division ot the Missouri- 1252Ut GROCERIES, ETC. JpRESH FRUIT IN CANS. FEACHXKi PINKAPPLI8, ETC., " GRBEN COHN, TOMATO EH, FBIKCH PXAB, MCBH-BOOMS. ASPARAGUS. ETC. ETC. ALBEBT C. BOBEBTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, U Trp Cor. KLXYKfiTU and VLNK Btreet. bTTiNKILiII, AJTEB A RKSIDENCl and prautioa ol tbtny tan at lb fit onb weal oorner oITiiird and Culun streets, bas lately re niovd to Bt-oi'h ELKVSAiXJrX bar, between MAM. Ki-TaodtHIUiNUT, ftaaoptrlorli; In lbs prompt ana perfect core ol roeal, caronlo, koeal. laud couailtuilonal affao Hens ol a specie! nature, Is proverbial. Disease of the akin, appearing la a bnndred dif ferent forma, totally eradicated; mentaj and pbyalcal weakaeaa, and all nervous debilities sulenllfloall -"! raa-ewa IHC U&U Imut UWfa I A. at AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT BT. THKATRE. BEftJNfl AT 74 THI8 (Monday) KVKNINd. Feb. 10. L (tcteoth Msiitoi tbe word rrnowned Comedian. Mr. and Mrs. BAKNKV WILLIAMH. , RN'llliK CIUNOK OF PRRKOKJUNC1 Tbepetbtiio Irlnn Drama, einlf ie1 JRKLAND AS IT WAS. Ratted Vsi.wltu Bong... Mr. BA RNE V W7LLIA VrJ Juilj O'Trot . Mrs. SABhf W1LLIA US Alter which ihc brsn'Hinr.-nmeny nr TH" KOU If DIAMOND. Wart'ry Mrs. B kNKV WILLtAMS To conclude wltb the roarlnr rnmdteu of THE 1UFPV MAN Body Murphy Mr. BARt KY WLLf AM8 MRS. JOHN DKEWS AltCH STBSKT THE. ATl'.k. Beslnsat 7-8. BKCO-ND WKKK AND FtTLL HOUIM. kiUNDaT. AND DUKlcNa TUifi WfCnJC Fdn und Vales' new Ocmedy, TAME DATS, lv Tit. II A k BT LANOlyKV. ....... Mrs. JOHN DKKW Aided by the Full Company. Concluding Willi Cralc's ervprxlou ut BAHRK KLKl'R la rehearsal, A VICTIM OF CI"CTJM9 ."ANCBi and Mil H A DO ABOUT NofHINU. J MI8r8AN (.ALTON'S CHESNUT srREET TJ1KATKK. r lKM BtTRAN tfALTON'8 COMIO OPKKA tXIMFANT BVKRi KVKNINU IN THK ORKAT eUOCKSS. UKFKNRAOH'3 CHINHtHOW-HI, . FRIDA V KVENINQ, BKNF.FIT OF MISS 8UBAN OALTON. tea's can be sec i red six dars lo ad vanes, at 1 tDnip er', No. 9i Oneanut street, and at tba t i ia u FOi'S AMERICAN VAKICTY THEATRE. UHhWKNT 41 IT rut; .1 A IM for a limited Lumber oi night. sreat j a id ana tn ruinai a r.t .ma if i' EVEKTEVEN1NO and SATURDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT HAL L L E C T U R E. llOK, ALHXAlSPrlR K. Met LURK. JTH1DA Y KVF.NINO. Feb. 19, JSSS. Bubjeot "LIFK IN THHi KOOKY MOUNT4.IN8. Ticket. SOcvnia. Ru, Ham ai I'riimDlnr'a ' Muslo Store, No V2 Cuesnut straet. U1SH uwm open at 7 o'ciuca. Lectu re at n o cioc. VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER OAKDEN, Noa. 710, 722, 724, and 724 VIMJK THK GRAND OROH KPTRIOW, formerly the pro. pe ty ol tbe GRAND DIKE OF BADEN, purchased. , at great eipenae by J Al)B VALER, of ibis city, In cornolnatlon with FLAMKR'S OROURHTRA. and , Msos NKLLIK ANDKRfriN, will perform JtVKKY Aiinsnuus ana k ejhibh as ne ugTo-mr. tloned place. Admlsalon Iree. 1 18 U HORTICCLTURAL HAL L. OERMANIA OBCHIOTKS P DBLIO BKHKARHALH EVERY WEDNESDAY, at IX P. M. Ticket sold at tbe door, and all principal Mualo Store. Pack., aces of fl lor II: single, 26 cents. - , j.ncagemenia can oemaae Dy aaarwmni . aad. TF.KT. No. 1231 MONTERaY Street: Wlttlg's MnalQ Store, No. W-l Cbeannt shreet4 Andre's Music Store, No. 1104 Cheanut street. 1 St am ; CABL BENTZ' AND MARK HAoSLEK'S OR CHKfeTRA MATINEEH. JSVERY SATURDAY at 8 r.M IN MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Ad mlulnn. 68 cent Fackane ot 4 tickets. 1L afBoner'ip.. Ko. 1102 CHESNUT BU. and at the Door. Ill 4 If PROPOSALS. J3R0P08AL8 FOB SUBSISTENCE STORES. XlEADQUARTKBS LlJSTBICTOF THK Indian Tkbbitoby, Office f , Chief Commissary of subsistence, r FoktUibson, O. N.,Jan. 21. 1869. J Sealed ProDoaais. In daolloate. will be re.. celved at the oflioe of the undersigned, at Fort UlbsoB, U. .N., until 12 o-eiooK fti.. mobuay, Marcn io. ihdu lor tne aeuvery ot BUDsistenoe . Stores, as follows: AT FOKT UlJBUUr., UUEKUKUl iNATlUIM, I. T. 560,000 pounds of Flour. 76,000 pounds of Bacon. 25,000 poonds of Halt. 6,000 gallons of Vinegar. 400 barrels of Pork. And Cora Meal in suoa quantities as may bo requited. T he Flour to be equal In quality to the beat XXX brands of the St. Louis maraet, and put up as follows: 126,100 pounds to be put np in barrels full hf ad lined, and 425 000 pounds to be' put up in double saoks, ot gunny sacking and cotton sbeetlrjg. The Baoon'to be of first quality, and pat np as lollows: 20,000 pounds in tierces or casks, and 55,000 pounds in gunny sacks of about 125 pounds each. Tbe Salt to be of good quality, and put np as . follows: 10.100 pounds in barrels and 16,000 pounds In double sacks of gunny sacking and cotten sheeting. Tbe Vinegar to be of best quality, and made of whisky of full strength, and to be put upas follows: 1000 gallons in barrels of good quality,' securely hooped, aud 400 gallons to be pat np In casks containing not more than 23 gallons each, the be of best quality, painted,' and to have four iron and eight hlokory hoops on each. The Fork to be prime mess pork, to be put np securely In good barrels ooutalninK 200 pounds each. The Corn Meal to be of best quality, and put up in barrels or sac&s, like the Hour, as may be required. Tbe person or persons to whom any' award is made must be prepared to execute contracts and give the required bonds at onoe, and be in readiness to commence tbe delivery of stores on the 20th day of April, 18ti0, and to continue the same in such quantities as may be required until the 1st day of .December, 1809,, at which time tbe whole amount of tbe artlole or articles contracted for must be supplied. - Samples of articles (except meats) must ac company the proposals, in boxes or bottles, and not in paper parcels. Kach bid must be accompanied by a good and sufficient guarantee trom two or more persons whose loyalty and solvency are oertlfled by a clerk of a court of record), setting forth that they will, In the event of its acceptance, give' ample bonds and security for the faithful per fbrmance of tbe same. The name and place of residence of eaoh bld! der and surety must be given. No proposal will be entertained, unless satis factorily represented, tbat does not fully comply witu tne terms oi uts advertisement. Proposals may be for the whole or any part of the stores rt quired. Any contract awarded under this advertise ment wlii be made subject to the approval of tbe Corjnmlst.ary-Oeneral of Subsistence, U. S. Army, and tbe right la reserved to reject any or ail bids. All stores delivered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. Payments upon tbe contraots awarded will be made monthly In onrrent funds, or as soon as the same abali have been received. Bidders are invited to be present at the open lag of proposals, wbich will take place on tbe, day and hour above spudded. Blanks for pro posals ( nd bonds will be furnished on applica tion to this office. Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, "Pro posals for Subsistence Stores," and addressed to the Chief Comtulasary ot Subsistence, Dis trict Indian Territory, Fort Gibson, C. N. By order of , J6 5w , Bievet Major-Gen B. H. GRIE1WON. A. F. ROCKWELL, Bvt. Meut.-Oolonel aud A. Q, M. U. S. A., O. U. & Plat. ludlaa Territory, PATENTS. 'J 1 ... OFFICE FOR PROCURING PATENTS, rOKRLST UHLDINUS, ; r";t'(,'ji No. 119 South FOURTH Rt, Philadelphia- AND HiBBLB Bnil.DINaa ' NO. 40 SEVENTH t km! . V, 8. Patent H. HOvvun, So, iou'or of Patents. C. HOWSON. Attorney at La. ' Oitlct), Pulladelpuia. j 2s im WOODLANDS CEMETEBY COMPANY. Tne loilowiug Wiiusr sua O Ulcers have nun elecu tt lor tbe year ismi:- " kLI ii. PiUCE, PreslrtFHt. Wm. B. Moore, I Wiu. W. Kasn, ' baiunel 8, Juoon. IVrdlumid J lireer. . . GUUts Plle t, O, urge L. BiisDy, ' awlnUrebl I B A. Knight, hetrtwry and Treasurer, JOSEPH B10WN8ERD. Tbe Manager! bavepa-ea a leaulmlon regairlns both Lei lioltteni snd Vwliois to preieai ticket t tue enirsnce lor a4 nils Ion to tbe liemvtery. Ticket idbt be bad at the otltoeof tn Oumpaay. No. su ABCU Btreet. or ol anr ol tbe Manager. 1 PHILOSOPHY OP MABRIAGE.-. A nw Ouwme ct Ltolurrs. a delivered at the New Yolk Uaitum oi Ai atomr, embrajln tne subjeots:-JIuw to Live aud Wnt to Live fur: Youib, Maturity, and Old As; Manhood Oenerally It. viewed; Tb Caunot Ii Umt-.tlon; Platulenoe and Nervuus D'eeares Acoonuled For; Marriage Pbllo oi Ulcally Coualdrred, eio, tto. Pocket volume son. taloiog tbee Lectures will be forwarded, pout paid. raiialDlofK oenis. by tddreuin. W. A i iruir