THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADKkpfllA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1869, 8 0IXY INTEIiLIQEIiOE. matin h Ieraeltl Committee Mn the Jnuielal ttoeneat. This morning at 10 o'olook a meeting of the Hiato legislative Committee upon tlie content btiwwn JadRt UrtenbRnk-wba waa returned m eitoted Judge of the Dlstriot Court and ladie fbayer, claiming to be elected to tne -.rue noelllnB.. was held In Common Council : bg,obr. The Committee consists of tbe fol bkina lenllemeu: itei Htors Btinson. Chairman; Brown, Miller, Twrv: Representatives Nelxon, Ames, lleatty, Jnter.Koblnson.Uounale, MarsUall, Josephs, rnfollowltig gentlemen are counsel in the -..-- J Alexander Blmpson for the contestant: nd "William A. Porter, II. M. lieuhert, and " H,i (or the respondent. h7 nAng organiaea by Senator Btinson i.illonHysWorn-Was an election offl . Ttne Heventa dtvlHlon of the Boventeeatu fiaat election day; had the window ESBr WhW Democratic In-boo-VJ.. were i only tlve or alx persons Wagner 8,v"e Jj" nnarr knew of one Josiau hoiue and Ret his Ppers anYioid the ornoera MrMary Mo'canney .worn-Live at No. f...7ioi. mhnMiADtl'K name was "; V he died on tae ldm of June !.." l" m wYonna upon the list of votors.) f!.'.'..--! u viM.iir aworn Am nite of the MBneriapptMuted by the Ooart to takeevl U T the contested oloctl n rases; ( witness bfentifled I the,tally lists of the Heveatu dlvlslou ?$ilitoSnlUon to those tally lists that If their flunres were correct there were more voles ret urned than there were voters; there are 18 tallies and 21 votes returned. William Kay sworn Was an oflioer at the Seventh division of tho Seventeenth wara last lection day; was return Inspector; when a man eame up to vote his name was looked for on the BHt aud sometimes found, sometimes not: when not found the applicant was sworn; that la the way the election was conducted; t here might nave been a dozen persons sworn dur tua the day : only one person sworn as vououor Coring the day; reoollect that Frederick Wag cr voted that day; be bad no papers; he was eliallengeU; the challenge was disregarded and nil vote taken, he belDK told to go home and procure his paper; know of no case of false personation during the day; voted the Repub lican ticket during the day myself. Jobn Dufl'y aworn Live No. 201 Jefferaon treet; have lived theie about three years; know one James Collins; at the time of the October election Collins lived In the next house toDBlDe; know John McOulgan; know James JMcUnlan; James was In prison at the time of tbeelection; Fatilck (Slacken lived lulbedl vlston before the election, out was out of it at tbetlmeof the election; be bad moved out of the ward Henry Conner sworn Am one of the Com mlMlonersof tueclty ol rhiiadelphla. IWltness gave evidence In relation to the giving out and return c.f the assessment books, atatinit that the first book waa given out abont the middle of May, 18t8. and the last one re turned about the middle of the following Sep- elvart MoMlcbael sworn-Voted in the Se venth dlvlnlon of tho Seventh ward last eleo. lion; voted the Kepuollcau ticket; live No. xnrLh HAonnd street: know Nelll Mcaulre; he boarded with me; he has been in this country abont one year; he did not live with me at the time of the election; he moved into the Nine teenth ward; knew Oliver Nole; uo nad been in this country about one year and six months; lie bad moved away Irom the division abont alx months before the elect ion; knew Bernard Hamlll; be has not been long enough in the country to be a citizen; am certain of that; know William Montgomery; he lives No. 1018 North Hecoud Btreel now; at the time of the October election be lived in the Nineteenth wanl; knew William Walker; be lived at No. r18 North Seoond street about a year ago; he did not live there at tbetlmeof the October election. Thomas Brant-on sworn Lived No. 1S'!0 North Second street last October; voted In Beventb division, Seventeenth ward; voted the llepnbllcan ticket; gave other persons tickets to vote; gave llepubllcan tickets to Charles Beebergur, Chants McPbersou, and Isaac Har ffravet; saw Jlargraves vote the ticket I gave klm. Thomas Branson sworn Voled the Repnhll dan ticket In the SeventhdlviBlon, Seventeenth, ward, last October; lived No. 1030 North Second street at tbat time. Charles Klcbardson sworn Voted In the Seventh division of the Seventeenth ward last October; voted the Republican ticket. Thomas H. Simpson a worn Lived at No. 1511 North Second street at the time of last October lection; voted the whole ltepublloan ticket; am A naturalized citizen. Christian Klngsley sworn Voted In Seventh division of the seventeenth ward last O:louer; voted the whole Republican, ticket; live at No. 1620 Bod me street. Mrs. Margaret Russell sworn. Live No. l"::t Pump street, my husband was named Wil liam; he died on the 13th or July. Jobn Carson affirmed Was acting as! Clerk tor the Inspector in the Ninth division ef t ho Seventeenth ward on the Ootober election do j ; voted the Republican ticket; waa at toe polla nearly all day; I wrote the names of the person who voted; live No. 1517 Philip street. entries Moseley sworn Voted in the Ninth division. Seventeenth ward, In October; live No. 1647 Oermantown avenue; voted the Re publican ticket; gave a Republican, ticket to (be last Witness, James Armstrong sworn Lived at tne time Of the October election at No. 1527 Philip street; voted the. Republican tUket; know John fialne, formerly residing at No. 1527 Philip treat ; at the lime of the election be was living In the Nineteenth ward; know James McKee; at the time of the olectlon he was not In the ward; his wife told tbat me was la Scot land. A. C. Foster sworn Voted at the Ninth divi sion of the Seventeenth ward last October; voted the RepnbHoan ticket; lived at No. 1521 ji. Second street at the time of the election. Robert Xi. Carlledge sworn Lived at No. 1303 N. Fourth street last October; voted the Repub lican ticket. Jobn Eaoele sworn Voted In the Seventh di vision of the Seventeenth ward last Oitooer; voted tbe Republican ticket; got it from James Armstrong. . . William A. Brown affli med Lived at No. 1521 N. Second street last October; voted the Repub lican ticket; opened and examined my ticket. Bernard Klaher, sworn Lived back of No. 212 xford street, last October; voted tbe Repubii an ticket; opened and examined my ticket; gave tickets to other parties; was electioneer ing; opened all tbe tickets 1 gave out, and saw Uiey were Republican. Cnrlstopber Mayer, sworn Lived No. 1532 N. Beeond street last Ootobet; voted the RepubJl oan ticket; gave tickets to other pari let; exam ined ail X gave away, aud sawtbey were Rj. John Fisher sworu Lived No. 1.VJ0 Bodlue atreet last October: votd the Republican ticker. John Radford aw irn Lived No. 150J North Tourtb street last October: voted in tbe Hwvcn'h division Seventeenth ward; voted the Republl- Rlcnardt Brenard sworn Hvod No. 1538 Bod tne street last Ootsber; vorU tbe full Re tmbl lea ticket; gave tickets to otlier parlies; Liamlned Uieni all. Richard Iogan sworn Lived No. 1518 Phllp treat last October; voted in Seventh division Seventh ward; voted the Republican ticket; ! 'ic'lieuiy sworn L'ved No. 15-11 American tnel last October, vote I lu Suventu division Mevcnteentu ward; voted the full Republican 1jkM Crontbammel sworn-Lived No. 1520 nrmantown road last Oatoher; voted in the Haventb dlvlnlon Seventeenth v.ard last Octo ber! voted the full Republican ticket; examined ThomBB L'nd sworn lved No. l'lOl N. Worth atreet last October; voted lu tbeSeveaih 5iXion Seventeenth ward last October; voted full Republican ticket; examined it 1 MoVerke i sworn-Wved No. 1620 North Mvnniid Street JASt uuiooer, .......... Beoouu " ... I. in IhA hnilHn with iMimnlni! be uiu nut liv a tsst dotobe ; be left in June; cau-t say Snetber be left the division: know Thomas Twerf- be bad Jived In the house with me: he KWininn,e- kntwC-arlesfilcClarken; be had lived ? tbe .iJe honee, bnt left before the .L- and i wentlnlo the Nineteenth ward. V&fw.t& "sworn-Lived backof No. 1627 iection ana wru Jobn W. Hells sworn- v..iiio street last October; voted the mu pu" 71p.Z?Zi in tks Seventh division of the lwan llckfat in Joslah sbever sworn Lived No.l5W North i Pecond street last October; no man named i Tlmoihy Sheen lived In my house then; be went away either In July or August. ,. Robert Cochrane afflrmml-Llved atNo. '6U Philip street last October; voted the Repnbllomo ticket In tbe Seventh division. Seventeenth -i ward Cares sworn-Lived at No. 1M Ph' P street iHstOfttobar; voted the Republican lioaei In tbe Heveuth division, Beveiitwentd wsf5u,,ir,i Ueorge F. Schmidt worn Lived N- Oermanlown avenue last Oototier. voi Republican ticket In the Seventh division, Seventeenth waid, last October. ,,,. John Proadhuisl sworn-Llveil I No. W NortU Pecorjd street last Ootober; voted can ticket In tbe Seventh division, Seventeenth word; examined all tbe tickets. Franals Dougherty afilrmed Lived No. 1511 Phillip street last Ootober: am a weaver, voted in tbeXevenlb division. Seventeenth ward; got my ticket from my brother; voted It unaltered as he gave It to me. jestph MouHley sworn Lived at No. 1549 Oermantown avenue lat Ootober; voted In the Seventh it I vision of tbe Seventeenth ward; voted the Republican ticket; examined It. Henry I) Holt, sworn Lived at No. 1532 Philip street last October; voted the Republican ticket: got it from James Armstrong; examined It and fonnd Hall right. Kdward Ketnler sworn Lived at No. IS03 Philip street last October; am a maohlnlst; voted the Rcpnblionn ticket In the Seventh division of theSeventeenth ward; examined It, l'klwnrd Cunningham sworn Lived back of No. 15H Philip street last Ootober; am a weaver; voted the Republican ticket In tbe Seventh division of the Seventeenth ward; got It from James Armstrong; did n t examine It. Hugh Black sworn Lived at No 1611 PulUp street last Ootober: voted the Rnniilillcan tlr.tat in the Seventh division, Seventeenth ward; got ii irom james Armstrong; aiu not luny exa mine It. Jacob B. Went.el sworn Lived n. Wl! Ox. ford st reel, (back) last October; am a shoemaker; voted the Republican ticket In the Seventh division Seventeenth ward; examined It in part. Kdward Rice sworn T.lved No. 1511 Cadwaia der street lattt October; voted the Republican ticket In the Sevenlb division Seventeenth ward; did not examine it; got it from a man at the wlcdow. The committee Is still sitting as we go to prves. CITY CHIMIN A L CALENDAR. Till Tappers Breach of Ortllnnnce Fust lrltliiff Youthful Thieves. William Anderson was arrested yesterday morn'DK at Hope street and (jlrard avenne. on the-charueof tapping the till of the tavern of George Jessup, situated on Frankford road, below Oirard avenue. On teing taken belore Alderman Kggleton. Miderson was committed to prlNon. Asber Blaker, notwithstanding the recent order of Mayor Fox, yesterday was caught driving bis horse'a no against the tailboard of a vehicle in front of him. at Second and Brown streets. Alderman Becker filled him 86. I'lysses McKenaiie, wnlle trying tbe speed of a nbg on isroau street, was evcrnauieu ana taken before Alderman Hood, who imposed the nsusl floe. James Marion yesteiday was held by Alder man Bonsald for a ft.riher bearing. He was charged with robbing the till of n tavern at Thirteenth and tjlirlstian streets of 87. Martin Planigau and William Bramble were arrested by Policemen Clark and Prltuer, of tbe Sixteenth district, for stealing a copper kettle from tbe store of J. B. Atkinson at Tbirtv-tourtb and Market streets. The article was sold by theso youths to Margaret Weaver, who keeps a second-hand store on Market street, above Thirty -lourtb. She was held by Alderman Maule for receiving stolen goods, and tbe boys lor steaiiLjr. Mobtalitt of tub CiTT, The nttmber of deaths In tbe city for tbe week ending at noon to-day was 2t2. being a Increase of .10 over tne correspondliig perlou of last ear. Of these 149 wero adults, l-si miuoi; zu were ooru in tne United Slates, 50 were foreign, u were nn- known. 11 were people of color, aud 8 from tbe country. Of tbe number, 1 died of conges- 1 of marasmus; 11 of disease of the heart; 5 of typhoid fever; 12 of debility, and 17 of old age. Tne deatbs were divided as follows among the wards: Wards. MYinto. First 8 Fifteenth 6 Second. 14 Sixteenth n 7 Third 13 S: vcnteenth..M 8 Fourth 8 Kluuteentb ....17 Filth 7 Nineteenth 27 sixth - Twentieth. 17 Seventh 1 i Twenty Urn! 3 Klgbth tt' Twenty-second 6 Ninth i l wenty-tniru ti Tenth 0' Twenty-fonrth U Klevetth tilTwenlyflfth 8 Twelfth 5'Twentv-Bixlb 18 Thirteenth H'Twenty-sevonth 15 Fourteenth n twenty tiiahtu 1 Unknown, ti, Bout rribh. The residence cf Asher Ccu- nlngliam, No. 331 Wli irton strwt, was entered about 4 clock tbis morning by means or a rear door, ami robbfitl ol two dozen sllvor spoons, a shawl, and other clotl.lDU. The war- vant heard the noise oreuted by tho thievos, and ou coming downstuits. RCircd tbetnaau they escaped. She herself got. a little bit frletitencd and foil down stairs, though no lu. Jury was sustained. Nu Knieht & Baker's warehouse. No. 2U N. Broad street, was broken into during last night, and the place completely ransacked. Nothing but a lut oi old ciotmng was laaeu. The rear door of tho house of Mr. Holskell. No 1 120 N. Twelfth street, was broken In last lilgni. X lie luio't" neu im tjiieu suver nap- K I II nuKN nuu bwv nun.iuuuuH. Thieves forced an entrance lust u.'ghtlnfo the office of Ureble's marble works, ou Cbosnut strtet, above Seventeenth, and pried 0en the sale. The booksnnd paiters were scattered over ine noor, ivui no money was stolen. MlMCAL AND LlTKIlABY EUTERTAIKMENTB. The firht of a series of grand musical and meiHi y enieriainments will take plaoe In the Went Arch Street Presbyterian Cuurcn. oorner oi I'.iBhtecPth sua Arch streets, on Monday """n- -mo ov, uf. a. a, wiuiis win de- the I'bllononbv ot a ilnnnv l.lfB " anrt mi- A a' KnJpe, tbe organist of the church, will give some excellent music the whole presenting an entertainment of rare attractions. From tbe well-known popularity of I'r. Wllllts and the musical talent eoaged for the occasion. we emueoi.iy reenui memi our rrienria to go to ma Yin'tni en ou .iunuuy evening ror a season i reai i)rneiifi enjoyment. The proceeds are lo be devoted to the Hi aldation of tho debt of Comianv A, Urav RifnvEB. An election ror captain or company a. Umv iiar-u look place at the armory on Broad street last evtuiug, iu im mo vacancy occasioned by the resignation ot captain James L. Keysnr recetilly prc-ninted lo Major ct the legtment! There were mty-Meven votes polled. First, Llcuicnaut W. V. having deoiioil tbe Lonlnatlon, tieoice I'. Oelleker, formerly nr!, i.teuienain ut mo company, wits unani mously elected Tiie KtconU Lieutenant of tutH ncilvo oruaiiiztivmi in Mr. John Stewart. Tbe roil of t.on.puuy A uumbprs nearly tbe tun coinpienieuij or limn, anu aiuoug itie mem heriiuip ure Home oi our loadluj merchaniH aud DUMuetis meu. All Thikvhh to pe Taken to ins CfwiEAL Station. The following important order was iKHued this morning to all the Lieutenants of I'once: That all penou ams'iHl lor cr! Me of tho higher, MiH'b liU'ilarlffi laroDin, 1.y hor.te rob- uvrien. puc-ei. imi iu. Vr iH.mouol inievea, neu rnutiivia iron i-ibiicF. ii imininpM iaiid v....u..... itolt-n goolH and all tneb l kq ciiHrgw, snail oo f.iriu wtn m to ILe ('nial J ilicfl Hikiiun. h. W. corner Kliil) ami d'eiiiui s'.rt"i. lor ht-m;i aaO ior sv:itr Jiji order ef the Myr. Jihfh i-:kbh i"' iv'teotiyeroi'oe. BmMON to Young Mes. At the requestor tho Young Men's V'ivl"llu As.soci-itton, the llev J. Ii. witnrow v i.t preucn a sermon espe cially to young meu, to-morrow eveuioir, at the Arch Street rresoy terian t.-nucn. lu Arch street, ubove Tom I). Tbia in tereal lug course of fei liions Im lnteuueii . irinmiariy ror strangers in the city and young men without regular places Of worship. Full into tub Dm. aware, About lOo'elook this morning Patrick MoBrlle, residing at No. i!V3 Monroe street, toil luto Hie lielawaie at Mead st.rce'r wharf. He was rescued b 1J r- bor Policeman Ueunard and Private watch man Mullen. Owner Wahtkd. a bag containing thirty nounds of sugar was found bv Harbor Police men Myers and Brown at Almond and Water streets. It a wal s au owntr at the atatioit I'Vont ana jsouie iirts. CUEHTKH RAILB'JAD, jhinaal Report ! the Dlreetarts Opern f for the year ltOH. Tbe Board of Manager of tbe West Chester I and Philadelphia Raliroad bave last snbmlited to the stock holders their annual report, show ing the operations of tbe company for tbe year ending December 81, 1648. During tbe year tbe earning of the road amounted to IrW ai7 5'i. beiDg litt.Ul VI greater than In 187. Tae ope rating expenses. Including aalaries, tl!8 J)J67. or 18 408 31 more than In 1817: the lncreane la pet earnings 118,708-67. Tbe debt of tbe road Is 8.'8,13 30 less than last year. The com pa ay has contracted for the purchase of Arment's land In Mlddleiown, for tbe accommodation of sum mer exonrsloulsts, and expect to ereot a depot there. Tbe number of pasHengers carried was tOO.&Ti, being an Increase of 24.222, of whloli In. create 3738 were derived from the Baltimore Centra). No passenger waa killed or Injured during tbe year. Tbe annual .meeting of tbe stockholders was held In Media, on Monday evening of this week. At this meeting It waa stated that, the company hud purchased the branch road from West Chester lo the Intersection, for 1117,870, or tlli per share, there being about 3300 shares held by other parlies. The election ol ofTloors for tbe ecsnlngyear resulted in the choice of tbe old board, as follows President Marshall It. Hlokmtin; Directors J. Kdward Parnum, Kdward Hoones, Dennis B. Kelly, Michael .Malone, SatunelRlddlo.Hainuel P. Shipley, Mark Wilcox, William Apple, and John Bennington. ROTHKHUMa'B 1'ltTTttB OF THK HATTI.K OP GxiTvuHtTHO. This afternoon, Mr. 1. F. Roth erm.i win evhlhlt his treat ntatnre of the Hutt in of Uetlvsbura to the Art Committee of the lglHlatnre, and to such omoers of the army as my happen to be in tbe city. Tbe picture la I be laraest ever executed In this country, and even in Its present incomplete state It promises in be sucn a record oi r.oe groa-csi name ui um war as thefitl.ens of Pennsylvania may well be uroud ol. The fiuures are aliskoice'i in with color, so that a general idea can be formed of what the -picture will be like when com pleted. According to Mr. R-ilhermel's oontraoi with the LcBlHiature. the Art Committee wore to have tbe privilege ;f luapeoting tne work at this stage, so as to oiler any suggestions for im provement tbat their united wisdom, tn.gtu ihlrk neeeenary. Oeneral Daniel K. Sickle", and a number of other participants In the battle, will he present with the committee, to sen that justice is done their berolo exploits and that the artist does not put them too much in the background tbrough an unnecessary fast IU Ion mss about tbe purely artistic ciiect of bis picture. The New York Mosey Market. from tite Timtt. 'la money there wan fnlr activity at M7 per ceut. on pledge of lolo ceriltlcaies, and 7 per cent, on the railways, while there is leis demand to carry the pobhc lauds, eomo description ut which are bor rowed and lent betweeu tbe brokers at 4 per cent, in. ttrei'. Merchant psper. or prime names ana short date, is wanted at 7 per cent, "Tbe fioutnern State bonds show no particular fniniatlon. altonh Mlmoorn and Virginia were a fraction higher and tbe other Hiatea steady la oricw. A bf arloh leellng In developed In the Levee bands of Lonltlnna, Indncml. It may be, by lowsr telegrams Irnm I'ew Orleans. I be mlicAiiancoDS stocas are hlchpr on the Marinuna rvrllileales and oreterred abates, and amoon Cmtoa I.nd Oj. wLlrh is now as high if not tomo'ciug niguer toan ai a-iy time slnoe 1K6 The Hliways were general y dulliih In movement. Piiena are fairly supported, out most of the couiDiltalon brokeva cumplalo of tbe absence tif oroers. Tl. buBiriifi! ws conipsrailvety light, and the operators, on notb sides tbe acoounu seiu to oe waning ror lumeiuiiia new io turn up, roe pro minent cliqne holders of tbe Western stocas are ontble to make np large sales at anything nice pre sent Unmet, aurt are probably unvvlllinz to attempt to io te dird r quotations ai tne neztra or iiinreao- ng lueir own noi mis inis, ai iesi, n me ioos or tbe market today, iiioimh all may be reversed belore batm day ullit. ' fVoni the Ti foune. ' "Money It In good tiioviy at tfi7 per eent. on mis- cellanei-us eecurtties aud L.v4 per cent, oo Govern ment bondv There are n lart.Tsamount currency Bomb ana tblptneoti io tbe west are very llgil. uoruDirrc!! paper ii lu demvud ai7(u)?per ceil, for prime tame.'. Sterling exchange Is dull and weak coder bpavy oll'erlngs of bile drawn against bouds. Wj qnni,: Iuiru, 0 da? s, loa.'jinjiuy1,; ioudon, slot, li - It9; iRrln, long, t'lVaWio-ieUi "arln, eliort-, MftovnV: Antwerp S 18YJ9517H: Swiss, s-ts'i ICS 1 HtfDari, ni',aMiAt; Ainsieraani, ir'tui: Frankfort, -,VjH; Bremen. l;:(aj,H;,: iioiiio, 71 'i Calclnet Mob lug;. Now tliht Goncral Grunt has been oHicial-y declareti rreiirlent-olect of tho Unite 1 States, the selection, of h1 Cabinet is next in ordor, and tbe announcement of tho naroei of thoi3 who are to be General (iranrs immea aw aa vinera will b"5 looktd lor nit'j interest, Iu thii view tbe following historical resume of the dutee of some ol the aiitiouuceu3''iit3 of former Cabinets Is apropos: General Jackson arrived In Waihlng'on to preer9 for hin luauenratioa February 11, 1829, aal the Manonnl Iweuiqencvr acnooticea tne meui - bers ot bis Cab net February 'n. sir.; vac Bureo made but aeunie cnatipe in rresioea Jaikoo'8 Cabinet. General Harrison arrived in Washington February 0, 1841, and February 13 the national In etligauxr published, a a "ir-jbobilitj," the cabinet as it was suoac- oueotly constituted. Mr. roiK arnveu iu WasbiCRtou February 13, 1645. and his Cabinet was not orcani?.ea vm shit wtu. wcu. Tovlor arrived in Wanhlnnton feoruary March 3. General Pierce arrived in Wfun xittml February 21, 18G3. and foar days before h arrival his Drobable Cabinet was pub lbed, tbe lint containing nearly all tho UEOaes oi thofe who wete subsequently selected, toough the anfienment of positions was changed woen the Cabinet was lormally announced. Mr. Bucbanr.n selected his Cabinet at Lancaster, tne Imei itjenctr ptlntinc tbe lltcorrectly;Febr jary 26 1867, and tbe Presl'lent elect arrlvioaf In Washington Mareh 2. Mr. Lincoln arrived in Washington February 23 18C1, but hi Ctblnet was not fullv decided upon till March l.JV. F. World. Pome of the French journals announce the dlBoovery In the pnono arenives ot the seoret of the "Man with the Iron Mastc." me aoiauon ot the historical enigma is said to oe eaiaousnea on authentio evidence, and has been comtnu- nioated in a sealed letter to the iresiaeui oi the Aoademy of Moral and Political Sciences. It will shortly be roaae pnono. BccIvrA too late fur ClaflcatIoiu TtTFJJBlNU J.NVlTailu."va, Muaavt-J ji .jM.ianBJkh.v. nttnn itin m 1 the rnwmi and uei ruanuer, ver. yHE GREAT CARP DEPOT. Vl!iITIa ANU WEDDlPtU AND PARTY INVIfATlONS, the latent and moat faahlonablo aiyle. NEW FRENCH PAPEKS. 3 nut received, a new assortment ol very de- Bliablo patterns. Monoarame and Initials stamped in caori grtttia. ur ntiiT xt a m. rv BtatlODnra and Kneravers, BlmwhHua No. 913 AKClH atreet. 'fcDDUiG AND PARTY INVITATION-. kURAVKD IN THE I. VI KST FAbUiUNABLU! 81 VLEM. FCVK QIJIKKH OP I'HKNOH FA r Bit rovn vivid oi.' knvkloves, HTAMPFP, IN BOXES. 1. J. l.INBRD, Kn iu No. 921 BPn'NO QABDES ". AMD RW DTOCI Of BPRINO, ntJSB AND M0S3 MATTRESSES, 1EAT11KH BHDS, TILL0W8 AND B0L8TE118, AT B. W. Coa, 12ra urn CuauTitut Bis. TKYOD WANT A DELIGHTFUL BPHINO X BKI), neat, healthy, and comfortable, nae ineeir-rnateiilDg Bed Bprlnaa, ftl 2fl per o BatlHfaiMlon gnarantoml. a4 H. If l HI 1 M 8rn cjt-io nnn 10 loan on mohtgagb. ' i vnrTo tt niMiM TTf Ltrwts IT. TIKDNER. 7 JlSt Vo, 731 WALNUT bUMb nilTTONWOODIlTHEKT PBIiOUT- EESStKHIA CHUHOH -Beruion 1U A. M -In iho 1 ark an" lo the Dn." buobatu Si-ncul and A'lult Bible CUhs at 1 . M. THIRD EDITION FE0II THE CAPITAL. Proceedings in the Kenato-Oeaerul Grant's Certiflcate of Election-How He lie ceircd It. FJIOM WASHINGTON. KpetitU Despatch to 77m Evening Telegraph. National Hank aud the IHatrltmllon of Currency. WiflnrKOTON, Feb. 13. The ban king and Cur Tfticy Committee to-rlay finally decided on tho order of business which will be disposed of to' day. FivebiUs in all will be reported, as fol lows: A bill prohibiting the depositing of pnb lie moneys lu batiks in cities where there are sub-treasuries, and a'redlMribntioa of national banking currency. Tnie b!H tnkee twotity-threo millions of cur" reucy from the piesent naUonnl bank", by reducing their per centum of the ;ircul;iliou to their capital, and fixing their percentages at eighty, feventy, slsty, and tilty, with a proviso that no bank thall bave a circulation of more than a million. It gives tweke millions to the Sooth and the balance to the other States and Territories wl loh bave heretofore secured the lenet valuable proportion ol bank cuireucy. The other lour bills relate to the certitlcatioti cf checks by national bunko, prohibiting tho loaning of money ou greenbacks as a collateral, rtgnlating the time and manner of making re ports by national bunks, aud providiutf for the talc ot told at pnblic suction, and the tale of exchange and purchase of Uui'cd States securi ties by ioviting proposal, sfter publionotiee. Dpatch to the Associated rrtn. Ventral ranta Ortilioatw of r.lecdon to the l'rcilK-ucy. WAflHiNOTON, Feb. 13. This morning, at half past 10 o'clock, Senator Morton, and lie. preseri tat Ives Prnyn.of New York, and Wilson, of Iowa, made their appsarance at tbe Head, onartera of the Army, lor tin purpose of pre - renting to General Grant the certificate of bis election 88 i'lesident or the united mates. Tbe ImpreNHlou that the procetdintf woald be nitogether private, logeiher witn tue fact that the committee arilved a baif hour in ad vance of the hour at which it was underxtood tne ceremony would take place, prevented the presence of a large number of persons, who would otherwise have bteu attracted by tbe Interesting proceeding. Oeueral viiautwas in his otlloe at the time ol Ihe arrival or the committee, uusiiy encaged In tbe performance of his otllcial duties. They were aoon escorted into bis presence, ana tne procecain.s oeuu. Senator Morton's Speech. Senator Morton addressed ihe Presidentelect, aunounclna that tnev were the committee au- pointtd by Congrets to present blm with bis commission as President if the United fttaies for lour years, commencing on tbe 4 oor Mac i next, and in a lew remarsa aasurea tue Ueue ral tbat bis electloa waa extremely gratifying to his conntiymen, and that the ptople full assured be would. In exercleiug the dnlleB of bis distinguished oltlce, apply the same energy. Integrity, and patriotism that bad characterized blm In a former sphera of nneiuinets; ana in concinaing nis remaras said tbat be would bave the support of the people of the nation, even including those who differed politically from htm in admlnls tering the affairs ot tbe Government. Oenernl Grant" Npeech. General Grant, receiving from Senator Mor ton the cemucaies of bisoieoilon, announced. amid Intense Interest on the part of tho lew gentlemen who were present, and in a firm, unuloie voice, suDstaniiany, i nai in aocepuug tbe ctllce of President of tne United Slates be. Btt-nrt d t hem of bis determination to carry out laiiiiiuiiy tne ooiigations oi mat oniue. aud reierred particularly lo tbe neoessliy for aa honest and faithful dlschargo of the revenue laws. He would call around blm men wuo would earncs'ly carry out the principles of economy, retrenchment, and honesty wniou weie desired by tbe people of the country. Should the officers of the UittVrent uranohes of the Government service not saUsfy him in the discharge of their official duties, be wonld not nesitaie a moment aoout removing mem, and would do so just as quivttly with bla own ap. polnime&ts as with tuoie of bis predecessor. ueutrsi uraut staieu tnat no nua not an nounced bis Cabinet up to tae lime of the official declare Ion ol the result of the election. dui uau jDienoeu at ti at peiioa to matte Known ibensmtsol those whom he would Invite to become members. In the Interval, however. he had concluded pot to make known tbe nsmea oi the gentlemen whose tervioas he would be glad to bave la this respect, even to thfa gent It men themselvea, until be senttbetn lolo Ihe Btnaie for confirmation. Tbe reasm for this determinatlon.Gen. Grant said, was because of the fact tbat should he do bo a pressure woald immediately commt-nce irom various parties to endeavor to induce him to change his deter mination, not so inui'h probnbly irom tbe fact that the opposition would be made from per sonal motives, but on account of tbe interest which gentlemen may nave ror their own fi lends. For these and other reasons he had concluded to make no public announcement of u is uaoinet until tne lime mentioued. General Giant speke without any reserve, aud with tbe greatest frankr es and courtesy, and bis re marks were received by bla distinguished visi tors witn every mark or interest and approba tion. Afterwards, Mr. Pruyn, rf the committee ad dresHed the General very briefly, to the effect that whilo the party with whlcti he was Iden tified differed politically from tbe President elect, be desired lo assure him that his admin istration, iu carrying out the prineiples whioa he had men'.iontd, would bave their bearty support uud cooperation. The speecbes were delivered more in a cou veisa iunal tone than in a formal set mauuer, and the occasion was one of qulei though moxt Intenhe interest. The members of theHtatf'or General Grant were present. About twenty gentlemen were present alto gether, includiuii the committee and staff otticers. Tbe committee, after leaving General Grant's beadquartejg, proceeded lo tbe Capitol, aud wailed upon Hpe.iaer Colfax In his recep. Hon room. They presented blm with ibe certi ficate of bis election as Vice President, algned oy the President of Ihe Henaie. aDl theu severally rongratulated him, to which friendly exrifsMnnH he recponded: "Gentlemen: Piease convey to the two bonaea of Congress my acceptance of tbe office to which I have been eleoied by tbe people of tbe United Htalrs, and assure them tnai I euall endeavor to prove worthy of this mark of on rwierro by Jldellty to my principles aud my duty." Ine committee tben withdrew. l'rom Oiualia Bt. Louis Feb 13. An Omaha despatch, dated yesleruay, says that a locomotive boiler ex ploded at Hlch Creek, on the Paolllo Ittllroail, u st t.ialit, killing the engineer, conductor, and fl, tmnn. A leifgrntn from Helena says tbat gentlemen ' lioni Ilia XSIIOW rsione report iiiui, two large vnrpBrilea ot UlaMt Knot and Crow Indlaus hod a tight hear Big Timber, on the Yell iw Htone,i d teveral were killed and wounded on tHith sides. , , A dn-patoh fiom Lluo'du. Nebraska, says Mr. Hiewatl'a bill, granllnu 10,000 acresof land lo any corporation oontruotlug twenty mtleaot' railroad wlibln the Hlutcof Nebraska, passed tbe Houre to-day. A eoroblnailon bill, dividing 480:000 acresof pnhlio land between Ave projeoied roads in varlons parts of tbe rttato, but entirely Ignoring the Omaha and boulliweatern It lad, baa passed tbe Senate. Conviction of a Murderer. Tbov, N. Y., Feb. 13. Joel D. Thoaipson, who waa Indicted lor the murder of Thomas H. Bailey, by shooting him in the streets of this Icily ou Jan. 26, 1608, was convicted before Judge Hogeboom. to-dav, of mordtr in Hha second degree, and will be nntenced on Monday nest. FOUKTn EDITION Ihe Proposed New National Bank ing Law Redistributing the Currency. Advices from Ban Francisco and Central America. FORTIETH COJHiRESS -THIRD SmiOS Beunte. WaMHiKoTOrf Feb. IS The Prmiilont preienUd the cieOtni an ol Keshan K. t su.on, senator elect irou, mw y. rK. a', r. F.ellnihuTMn pr tented toe credential, af hi. suic.ator, John P. UUKkiun, beu.tor sleet Irum Now Mr. Pnro.ror Oirsrad th following as an addttlnnal nun Wnila tbe motion tor lb. urevl iu anmtlon I bail not be Dlalned In tbe Senate yet me Heoa'ott by a vote of ibret-Ufm. of ilielr ruenioor. way de termine tbe lima t h.n UbU .ball clos open any ptroloa propvaltlon. anu th.n lb mala nuentton ball be t.keu bv a vet. of tbe aenai. lu tne mauuer troviOMi tor uoaer eimuiiR rule.. oo tie table, tr r. vli kers preneu'ed a rmltlon "f ol Majland fol an amendment to Hie to nmre direell rtcoimm- AiinlKhty (iod. Mr. l'omeror presented a of tne eolored Uiiilian a.Tluniol ihe uicir.el or Colmubla for aid. jte eird to tbe Commlnce on tbe .District ot Co mmon. .1 r. eiea art Inlroilnced a bill to ntabliib a uniform rnie ol naturalisation, lu tbe foliotvlug word: lie It ei'arlcd.etc. , i lint all wd.U permini of loreign b'r li poi cnnTi"tr d of crime, and who bave nut p.r'.lrlpates In Ineumcllou -r rebellion a.alu.i the U. lied ft. it-., and w bo now ure or who nhall hire- alter bfcome permaneut rM-'eiit ol ih Unll.d H nif. and elfct lo be rltlsiei?. i hereof, are h-rebv dfi-lHrnl na'urailEd clo.eiiH. and ei.lltUd to all ripbl. and prlvllesof other cHIUBOf tbe Unlt-d B-nUf. Mr. Coroner I wi.h lo say to tbe Benator tro-n Nevada that X obji t to the word ' white" in that Dill. a Ifonae o It-ireentHtUea, Mr. Voore preaented tbe petition of the owner aud martera of vee.e'a tt tbe cl y oi Mew York, praying for tbe Intervention or Couciess to protect a. I eo- yaf ed Id navlKailon from Illegal exactions by Hiutea ard municipal cor Hr allot a. Mr. Hue moved to dlanerae wlfi lh morning hour, an an to take up tbe Political Disabilities bill. after tome dlncutalon as to the efl'uct of tbe mo tion. It w r)cttd. Tba House tben prncneded to tbe baxlnoaof tbe mornlua hour, the ca'l ol riumuiluee. for report, ot a private rial uie, and took np the bill reportoj yea- ttrday from tie Cnnimittee of Foreign a li'ain tor the relief of Knott A Co., American uiurcb.ula doing bnMntts la Cbina. after explanation by Mr, Blair of Michigan, the hill waa naaaeri. Ur. blair. Irnm the t otnmlltee on Forelen A tT .lrn a so rr pnned a bill to pay to Ijeuoerd Fierce. J .. la e Un'tt o H'llti Conul at Matamorait. Mex'cu. tilt 4 In (fold, for expendltniea made by blm frura ine I'itb 01 M.rcn limi to tne uio oi ivovemoer, lobi, in am Ilk Union aoldleraand rfineees tteeloe from Texan after conalderahle Ulactmlea bf Mtflirs. Blair, Barka, Butler (Mas ), and Pli lu explanation und anvoeacv or tbe b IU, and by ararn, PpnldlKK Chai dler. anil Lawrence (Oblu) In crltlclain of H, the Dili waa ptraed. Tha mumlni rour lievlnv expired. Mr. Itronmnll Ire ui lb loiiiBilttee r-n Pubi'.c Exoendl-ures. mvlea reiioit In the catr of the Wells Faro contract tor Cfrrvli g the mails between the termini of the panlfl railroad. The Commnue exonerate tne oat Ortln liapRitmenl from nil b'.an e. and report ti a th (lifli cully or'Klnsted In an actot Cnfrrc3H which threw about four hundred Dr rout, mora mall matter on the routs In question than tbe bids bad been made tcr. FROM SAN FRANQISQO. Tlie Recent Storm. San J'BAHOisfJO. Feb. 11. Report from tho In terior indicate that tho terentB'orm wan the most di stroctivc since the vmi r of 1802. Tne tor n vUited every portion ol the State, Santa Cltra and San Josquin sufierinsr the greatest. The lorer part ol tbe city ol ntoekion was tloodcu, tbp celiar.-i in tbe principal streets bein2 ailed bv Culraras river ovirflowing the banks. Aa lots ol Ulo Is reported. Advices from Honolulu. Honolulu advices to January 26 have baca xcccied. Ihe Privv Council adopted resolu tions ol icspecl io tho nicnior.v of the Kind's lather, and conloli nco to his ufDicted relatives. The smallpox excitement iu Honolulu is sob-idine. The rant of s'eam communication bc'.ween Honolulu aLd t he o htr islands is felt by the buciufSK community, the prcvalltnf? caluis Irequcntlj tulf rruptiDK tuc trude iu nicrcliun dtse. The commerc'al news Is uiiimprrtaDt. Nearly aP tbe 'b.ile ihlps have deprted, and uany of the citizens have ifone into the country or the otbi'r KJands for pleasure. FROM CENTRAL AMERICA. Collection or tbe Commercial Tax, New York, Feb. 13. Tae steamer Henry Cbiuncey. Irom Asninwal), bnnfrs Panama da es to the 6ili, tJalifornia paenrs, aud $247,350 In treasure. Instructions huve been sent to Aspinall to collect in full the c jm morciul tax. Merchants rr-sist ihe collection, nr.d have allowe.i their Roods to be seized. Mr. liice, the Ainericau Cousul, protested uguiiMt the collection. denernl Crash lns' Mission. (ieneral Cu. h'np. United 8'ates Spoolnl Com" nii-sioiier to Bogota, is a paenrer bv tne Henry Cbauuc. The Sntf and Uera'd says he has been entirely successful in his mtsiiou con cernlr(j the li-thro us canal, acd tnkes home vrub him a treaty to be approved gby Congrea-, vtben tbe work on tbe canal will at our.e be prrcecdtd with. (tneral Cushing was hand st.rncl; en'ertftlued in Panatns. Tne report ot nu attempt to poison rfesi.icnt (, ot Nlraraeaa, and bis family, Is con firmed. No arrcs.s have been made. From CniindM. Montbkai.. Feb. 18 William Workman was jeKteroay re-elected Mayor. Aicuouaio, iu. iuueuncui luigiir, una uuen comrnltled for eztradluon. A Toronto dlxpatch from Ottawa to tbe Leider ssyn Sir OeorKe Corllcr has transmitted In formation of furiher progress la the Uulson Bay negotiation, from wulcli It appears that tbe company bave yielded Important polite in tho bargain modifying their original opp-mi-t'on to a degree that makes the transfer e-tsy and certain. It In s reeled that the present session or tbe Imperial Parliament will witness tlie comple tion of au arrangement with lMmlnlon uutiio. illy, which will cover ine whole North west In lens I ban three months, A bill will be brongut before tbe Newfoundland Urbane of Aeuetiuny to-day. proposing tf e aube.'Soof that colony to the Union. ISuoulU It pass it will be lirotiul np In tbe Honso oft 'omnaoua early la May. Tbe body of Whs Ion was burled In the f 'all yard last sight. There la no exif tomon-. iu town. From Maine. Lewihos, Me., Feb. 13. The store ot W. S. ILarwood was robbed by burglnrs last niv-ht ot several hundred dollars' worth of Jewelry aud cutlery. Ko arrets have been made. A three year old child of Samuel Whitney, of Auburn, was terribly burned yesterday by the lenlnou of some matches which tho cbitJhai in his pocke'B when put to bed. Latest Market by Telegraph KiwYork, Feb. 18 Ootton lowert Mu bule sold at 2t,i. Klour aUad): aalea of uau I'Mh. Wae&tuull abudeoilulug, corn ea!.l-r and decltue.1 lo. HtUnn .if a(hi0 buabeia B.ixi'l WeaUiru at 81U2'io. Hin eulcaalvs Of M,oe nuahela at 77C!"7-. all tat, and 7Se. In atore. Beef quiet, fork neavy; new nieai, 12 20. Laid beavt ; atoam. Vi'jOi'UHs. Whlftky qulot. . PUIIAUELPHIA STOi'E KIIOANUK SA1KS. PKB. 13 Be ported by De Haven A Era., No. 40 B, Tblrd street xtiiii w e.B.m Do&iwa. 16S ab teanB R...... H7' i aU lea N, ous insi loo do ..M M. Mh) at) Itead lut 47 hi 100 do.MMbl(L17 81 6t0 do.....4.. 4714 i do.bu.47 Hi "0 Au... U.bsO 47 II lOshliShV B l 1)0(0 do....."-."11 iMoWPim....-.. , hi s teb 6a ' e- W. i fl ab feona H.w wo 67k. IvO do. do., . 7?, ii0 27 IV .bto. la ,.MU. ts v. do-.. RKOOJSID BOARD. ssnoo Lb sa,' told 9 I 7 ab Irfh V R . 5S tb i-eul "-l"- "k HOabOll CAAI ICUiS 68! loo of...U. 7;,i lOshMechUk (SSSSlaiaaf FIFTH EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. Tho Spanish Cortes and the Form of OoTcrnment Dulce Tabes Harsh SUps Against the Cuban Kebels Affairs In Washington. FROM WASHINGTON. Special Drrpatch to Tho evening Telegraph. The Fhllsidelpliln t'uatom-IIoun WisHDtoroM, Feb. 13. A few Onjs ajro Mr. Ecofleld, of Peonjylvahia, offered a resolution calling for the cortespondence betireca the FecreUry of the Treasury and Collector Cake, of Philadelphia. The Secretary, in reply, sent oulj a portion of the correspondence, relating to the general question at Issue between himself and the Collector. . To-day, thorcfore, Mr. 8oo8old offered tho followinp, which was not agreed to on account of iin objection being made by 8am. fUbdttlk- Kesolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be d reeled to furoi.h to the House oi represen tative toe correspondence relative lo tbe dss. m fu1 of John O'O a iy. Captain, of the Nlprht Watch, aud William 15. Johns, Deputy Collector ol the Puilsdelplna Custom boufe. The We I la, Fttrirv A Co. Contract. Mr. JBroomall, of Pennsylvania, to dy made a report as to the result ol the We'll, Fargo A Co. contract wi'h tbe Postmaster-General for carrying tbe overland mail. The report exone rates both tbe Pottniaster-Ceneral and the contractors. Concerning the statement, made by a correponaent of a Philadelphia paper, the cooemtttee eay there appears to bave been no foundation fir them whatever, nor was the eerier-pendent himself able to substantiate nnder o:uh a single statement which be had made. Detpixtch to tho Associated Brest. MlulMter to Cblll. Ihe President to day nominated Louis Dent to be Minister to Chili, and John fi. Nagle lo be Secretary of that legation. FUlll Another Veto. The President lo udy sent the following rues ssfie to tbe 8enntc: jof.te Senate of the United bta'en: -The bill entitled "An act tiansterrinfr the duties of tbe Tru-tct s ot the Colored Schools of WasSantjton and Georgetown," is herewith returned to the Senate, lu wbicl houe it originated, without my approval. The accouipanyii.g paper exhibits i the tact, tbat the legislation which tea hill nra. pcees is contrary to the wishes of the colored rteiaenteot Waihinton nnd Georgetown, aud U at they pre er thai the scnols for their chil dren should be under the management or trus tte selecti'd by tbe Brcro!aryof the Interior, whrsetermoi office Is fur four years, rather than to be subject to '.h control of bodies whose tenure ot oflice deoends merely upou political constderaiions. and which may bu annually aflce'ed b- the electior s which take place in the two ci te The colored people of Washington and Georgetown are at present not represented by a prison of tte r own race in cither of tbe boards of trustees ot pvtoi.c rchocls appointed by the municipal authorities. Of tho three trnstees, however, who, ur.der the act of July 11, 1862, compote the hoard ol trustees of the schools tor cuilaren, two are persoha of color. The re sol u t;oi s berewirn. transmitted show that they have per'orroed their trutts in a msntur entirely satk'actory to the co orud people of tho two cities, and no good reason is known to the Executive why the duties which now devolve nncn them should be trsnslened us proposed la the b li. Willi these bnet suggestions tne bill i recpect'ully returned, and the consideration of Conufss ii invited to the accompanying preamble and resolution). Anpbrw Johnson. Washington, D. C, Feb. 13, 169. FROM EUROPE. By Atlantic Cable. 1 he Fenliau Amiiealy Procliamatlou. Lou dot, Feb. 13. Tbe political neirs Is meagre.. Tbe amnesty petition, which will be presented to the Queen by tbe Lord Mayor of Dublin, contains over 100,000 eijjuitures. Tbe Spanlah Corie. Midrio Feb, 13. The fat a re form of govern ment for Spain Is the engrossing question with the Cortes aud tbe people. The proposition for a directory lor a number of jeats has been abandoned, and a regency and council have been 6bciested instead. FROM OUR A. Tbe Auueatjr WlttMlrawn--FreedoMi of toe I'rena faspeiilel. By Cuba Gabie. Havana, Feb. 13.-Captalu Genejal Oulce has Juft Issued an important proclamation. He re cites that wbcieas the Insurgents have refased up to this date to accept the amnesty proffered in his foimer proclamation, and whereas others are continually joining tho insurrectionary forces, therefore tbe proclamation of amnestf is withdrawn. Tbe liberty of the press is also uipended for tbe time, and the former censor ship is re-csiablisbed. The printing and dktri btttlon ot newt papers without permission from tbe Government aathontie are prohibited, and a'l persons guilty ol violating the press law, and all political prieouere, lu future wilt be tried by court martial. A Mall Breaker. CoNCOBb, N. II., Feb. 13. Jarcd Divis, of Clortmout, a peJdier iu tUe cars, has been held in dcloult of $3000 bail, cliuiged with taking a package of letters ftom a mail car on the Sulilvau ltiiltoad. IntrrcHtluic Futent faae. Unitsd Statkm Cikcuit Court Jujjje Caxl Whluuer. llt-ury (jitlarU, Sailer, di V . vm. Uam bildge A Mi t ry, Hue, aud others. Appllualiou Hit a special li juon.lon to reatrala Ueteodanta fit m maklDK andaeUloglnJectorssuUi autlally lie same a. paented oy UtH-ird. -Numerous iifbdnvlis weie read and exhibits presented The Court grunted a special Injunction. Hard lug for plaiulltrV; Bou.all for Uefendauts, Ntoek (aotalloiii ly TelearrMph 3J j p, JUi Olendinn.ny, Uavls A Co. report turou their New York house tbe filoln ,uutt aelr N. t. Ceuu R. mi Cleveland and Toi ifiss N. Y. and Krle It Phil, and Kea. H ... Mlob. H.and N.l.H. i4 1 01 w ... M . ' ... UT all. A HU P, oona. tibU. VI ti. 4 HUP. prer... 7t)V" i:ie. and FltU U Adam Ezpreea Co Hn i fa. M. Hlearn, Co...n8 Wtstern Union T Market dull. M'; .n.Bt' .o! V1nna, recently oom- arijiiBting th fatal rop. Le ooUeoUi tAl oofMgpondeuoe, jewela, bonds, etc., repZ aenting several mUllon. of llorlna, and set tX to the heap. He was determined that &on of Ml familj iLonld IuLmH Lla wealth. uni. ana w. w. com. w Wells. Farao Exn 9ii uuio ana w. w. prf. Vi , UoliedBtaiea Fin a i I