6 - at a I ft BRING A Ilt for Mental lypptle A Kalswl for Nninll Nalaries, AND A BALVE FOR BAD CUTS. 3EM v hole earefulty compounded on I pnt Bp expressly for Family Use. BY OUK SEMES EDITOR. NUMBER CCX THE PRIVATE AND PUBLIC HISTORY OF OUR ARTIST. DRAWN OUT OF HIS OWN HEAD. Jtvl i first. At an rarlj ucro it was satd by an un Teubted nnthoritj thut I bad a decided ability fr "ravTing. iVsond. A specimen at the age of three yewe, without Instruction. Third. At Ibr a.ee o! live 1 w..s jv.t to iuure tawing- lonrlli. But prefen cd tc be f.r. uniusa 4kagft.bt.uiaT. 4.1 tilth, 1 was always good at mkius rucrs. iisti. Aocl good at, taking poople cfl. yC V.A , i V. - ! HevfDtb. 1 fsperienced a vloknt longing to a ma thut could draw a full Louse, Blrbtb. At tUc ko of teu 1 tried to draw a cart, bo failed. Th onlv th'.na tin it I liave been ublo to draw. vkb n socce", b..s br u u coaclusiou. That that tbere Is notLiuv like oonjincuclocr early far HDjtbloff, cu eptiii!? "Jrawlui; a not e" for a sun. lake us rnutb lioio m jou cau btloic jou Vfgin to draw that, and pov f.s tuuen "Uiiii" oa II aitar ?oa conimeoce it as you cau, A Kod atory U told of a ''country gcotlenfm" bo for lh flret llmo hard au tpwcopai tMtmiin nrench. lie uid board mucn ot iue wl.tAeracv and Drtde of the church, aod when 1 retarned borne be was asked 11 the people wtra slock op, Tbaw ! no," replied ue, by tbe minister preached in his shirt tlMVS." A Boom habely KBHTHD-Hot ui for lua- froTement. m? fV v, - 'ilWVW.'Vl nor TUB DAILY E i .f A Tl Ucsnliof Too Nncli Science in tbe Krliool. communication. rB SeuiBs KwiTon:-Our Ficd ly troesto one of the np-town echools, where they have lately introduced a new book for etudy, "Bucklnal u Prc-Adamito Exlfctcnce," and ever since they have given up the "supper Tablo S.'ric" and taken up this monster mania, Fred, has been unable to sleep. Tho drawing I send you (which I dedicate as a valentine to the Academy of Natural Science) is a sample of the Minsthat get after him in bis lreams every nkht. lie coutinually cries for tlie time wheu he emu have the "Suj'per Table Series" egiiin as their text booh. i'urs? Jia Chack. . A friend of ours ha two boy, aged respsa tivcly Fix and eight jears. The youngest was partaking pretty largely of the good things o this life at the dinner-table, immediately on their return from Sabbath school. The elder, after ejeing his brother for borne time, said: "Charlie, if you worn to tat much more, and It ibovld kill you, jou would wcit;h so much that the angels could not carry you to heaven." Little six years old hesitated for a moment, and then looking up, replied: "Well, If they couldn't do it olone, God would send 8aiti3on lown to h'Op them." "William, my ton, how c&uie you to muddy your dress so ?"' Willie stopped a moment, then looking his father iu the ere, very Goberly aked: . "Father, what am I ir.ade of?" "Duft. The I3ible say, 'Dust thou art, and unto dust f bait thou return.' " ."Well, father, if I'm dust, bow cau I help being muddy when it rains on me ?" A Universalis! once conversing with a divine asked him bow old he wa. Tiio doctor told him his age; and the UuUcrsallst replying thut be was much older, was in the ardeu when Adam and Eto were, etc.: "Yes," mid tho doctor, "1 knew thtt there was a third persou there, but I never know it was jou." An Edinburgh journal, a little while sii.ee, inserted under the "Deaths" the demise of a Mri W. W. Tho gentleman beinct alive, pro tested, and the week after the following correc tion appeared: "We regret lo liod that the announcement of tho death of Mr. W. W. is a malicious fabrication. ' "Give uie a p jund of oystev," said a man to fin ojstcr vendor, who was fjolag by. "I sell by measure, not by weight," replied the cystermao. 'Then gire me n yard of them," said the man. The oystermnn shook hie bead dubiously, aid passed on. "IrE CnOCSL TO HF A rIfly, IP I MIGHT BE A Floweb." Sweetly sentimental, no doubt, but silll far from beins popularly acted upon, judg ing from the number of people we see daily conver.trig themselves lnt laughing "stocks." IwronrAM' to Aeronauts. Who sr.js that man viil never have the power to l!y? A sci entiiic tnend oi ouia has so far solved the pro blem as to be able witb. tbe gra'.est oasc to "skim over" a newspaper. A pentlman,on taking a volume to bo bound, was aPke J if ho would nnvo it bound in Busein. 'Ob, no I" he replied, "Russia is too far off. I will have It done here." A traveller inquired of a gaide the reviou why "echo" was always spoken of as a "ebe," and was informed thi.t It was because It always has the bist word. "Off she pocs," said a lady, speaking of tl.a train as it was staring. "You have mistaken the gender, madam," tuid a gentleman; "this la tbe mate train." Why can't the captain ol a vasel keep a iiicmeraudum of the weight of bis uuchor. Instead of weighing It every titue he leaves port? Wasps manulacturo co-nb, but have never come into notif e for their honey. Yet a man thinks Lo has only to make verses to be a poet. When a Great composer like Hossiui dies, he leaves us bcirs to a m ver failing luad. His notes Will never be dishonored. Ycueg women stonU beware of marrying un accountuut. It itiev do so the? take an adder to their bosoms. A peu'kiDPii Htio baa recently lost an eye begs to Intimate that, ue has tow a vacancy lor a pupil. When is u chiaII'3 I I cly to be enraed? You say when it is put on!. I Bhould say when tVs itghtfii. "Very good, but rather too pointed, ui the eodCsb said nbn it swa.'lowcd the butt. Fashionable ladies are like aristocratic houses they both hnvo hirh stoopj. WiiAt'H in a .VAMK?Vllittm Tell would never come down to poste rity without it. WhT does a sailor kaow there is u man in the moon? Because hi M been to sea. To escape trouble Irom noisy children -send them to jour ucigbburs viaiiing. Why arc tbe cloiuL like the con :biueu ? Ik' cause they bold ih i rat at,: The lady whoso -p oee of mind" was broken iLlefcdh to have it iea'.ired. 'ihnalOTer dotes on hit) darling, a rcTusa1 acts as an ami-dotp. Carpets ore bought ly the jurd, nud worn b? the foot. How to TnBji'1' a Wiv-Trethertoa new dress. Tne 4 bust h.i i HTRArKV Paper our" a bank note. Kow to ? hid cv Rath-kih them. High BocIety-lD tbe ArcUc Clrclt, XG TELEGRAPH I'lHLADELPfflA, SATURDAY, A New Broil on tit Old Orldlrnn. At a late session of the LeB!ilatnr4 In llamr burp, Mr. GrabaU, from Sctemup c muty, called np tbe resolution provldln that tbe right to rstablibb passenger railways upon all the streets, lanes, court', and aMrys tn th R.-e-tnngular City which are not preoccupied by existing Hue:, shall be granted to Johu Smivn, John Jones, and John Thomson. He supported this proposition in an eloquent speech, showing thut it was the most popular measure that hnd ever been brought forward in any age or conn- I try, inasmuch as one citizen out of every tweiity-Cve thousand on the lino ol the propose 1 roads had signed a petition in its favor. Hq claimed that, as the other 24,000 cill.cr.s would bear of the law after it was passed, their asscut could be presumed from their failure to get up antagonistic petitions tn advance of their knowledge of the intentions of the Legislature; and be alleged that the new law bad not been opposed by more than nine out ot ten of tho newspapers of the city. He also proved that tho Committee on Supplies, who had closely inves tigatcd the subject, were fully satisfied that it was "a good thing;" and be hoped that no member present was so lost to a scute of self respect and to the privileges of tho House as to quarrel with the bread and butter of his fellow members. Mr. Overnlce offered an amendment. He thought It possible thai something might be made out of railways on all the principal streets, and be was not the man to jcopardi.e the welfare of bis colleagues, but as be ex pected to be re-elected, and had a regard for the future as well as the present, be moved to amend the bill by striking out the provisions relating to lanes, courts, and alleys, so that it might be made to apply only to the streets, and he contended that if the whole ground was covered at once there would be no chance left for profitable passenger railway legislation at future sessions. A member here rose to a question of order, He contended that no parliamentary rule was better established than that each Legislature shonld take care of itself, without regard to the interests of its successors, and tho Speaker instantly decided the point of order to be well taken. So the obnoxious amendment was not considered, and, indeed, no member present seemed disposed to second It. Mr. Playfair rose to ask an explanation. He was fully convinced that aftr a thing had been fairly set up it was contrary to all rules 0 propriety and legislative precedent to disap point tbe just expectations of industrious and enterprising members. The only question which deserved even a moment's consideration was whether all the members from the city had been "seen" In reference to this measure, and whether none of them had been "left out in tho cold." While bis mind was fully satisfied on all other points, be would be content with nothing less than explicit information on this mouicntoua subject. Political parties bad sought safety aud strength in the maxim that ''to the victors belong the spoils," and H was evident to every observing member who wished to improve to the utmost the opportunities offered by the session, that legislators musf, for their own safety aud profit, insist upon an equi table division of tho spoils of legisla tion. Ou that great principle he took his stand, and demanded to know the sentiments of every member of the Rectangular delegation. If they all favored the bill he would vole tor it, but if there was a dissenting voice, or a single complaint of gouging he would oppose tho bill, and postpone action until the happy period had arrived when, if he might be allowed to use a more forcible thau elegant agricultural expression, "all the pigs were fed out of the same trough 1" (Great applause.) Every eye was now turned to the Rectangular delegation, and the wbolo house awaited with breathless anxiety an authoritative answer to tho mighty question on which tbe f ito of the law hinged. As soon as assurances were given by the Keclangulars that everything had beeu done on the square, the bill passed, as a matter of course, and before jou could say Jack Ro binson tbe Speaker had givcu a hcakhy im pulse to bisiues9 by asking, "Who's the next custom r V' Tins Pevektu Son. We have often ber.rd the oi l superstition that the seventh son of a family was gifted with extraordinary wisdom, and that the seventh son of a sevenib sou was endowed with second sight and various other marvellous qualities. Tbe reason for these marks of favor was long hidden, but it has at last been un veiled. This is a world ot compensations, aud unusual privileges or great possessions go haud- inhaLd with extraordinary afflictions or un usual tribulations. The report of Special Com missioner Wells demonstrates that the average expenses of every household are doubled after the birth of the seventh child, and it is only fair that the insatiable little cormorants who consume as much as their parents and six brothers or sisters combined, should possess euperior intelligence and be gifted with bi brains ai well as big bellies. Bklow Par 6'orfc in the Skating ltinks. There is a universal complaint that it has been too much watered, 'ihe bulls assort in vaiu that It is "swimming," and not a bit "slippery," for the bears retort that it is drowned oat, and that the OLly ' cold- thing ou ice" aboat the rinks is the prospect of their stockholders. STtiVLS, RANGLS, ETC. jStQf. j uinr-i ii ei uaiibuniiiAcu f -vf wuuiu v.ul m HUimiioii or tne tiubiiu lo hla hifimiin mn i.- . m i h i n t In H.W ORDAIN H-Abl.h. 1 UKIS At.'il. SLJL Tina la ui frullreiv iihw i.i,u r It In an nr n- cliucicd an lo atonre cimiuiei U itaeli logttueral favor, beius aoLtulHuailou ui wrought a. d caul iron. It is vm alii-ple lu iu counirui-uou, aU U poilei As air mail; tii-i'Winniiig. liuvlntfiuo i lpn or drums to La taken out and cli-uned. Jt U so arrang-i-d mtu uprlfcbt Uut bh lo i.roUiH'.wa iHrgnr amo'iuiof lu al from u e Bxii-e wetfciit ol coal llian any lurrictiie now lu use, 'i'be li (j-unietio coniiiMuu ol Uie air na prudiicod by Hi) utiw ani litiiunil ol ovaporHilmi will at owm dc uioiii irate ibat it la ti e only Mot Air J-'uruaue Uial will prtdUL'f a pvrelclly beauliy aiojooiilibre. li.otiln wbuliit a ooiupldLe IJeung Appnratm would do well to call aud tjiHiulno tbe U.ilUeu Hk'le, CJHaULHW WIl.l.UMS, JSo.1. LUU auu 11 MAKKSir 8ireet. ibllBdelplii. A largr- i,sor:ui,iU ol (.'ooktug Rtuijfe, S lru-buatd blovoi, Low Down Urates, t,nlliuioia, elo., always Ui) band M. n, JobblDK of all kinds promptly done. lei FOR RENT. 7 O R ft N T. 1'EIlliSES, Ko. 809 CUESXUT SU, run BTOirsi or officjc AIM), OFK1CKS) ASU UrVOH HOONS SOltablt rcr a coiaiuarcial uolieve. A A ..lId at t 6 TUB BEFUBLia COTION BAIL DrCK AND CANVAS, OF ail Dunibi and brauda, Tent, Awnlug, aud Waion t over iiuck. . Auto, Vpr Manutactnrera' lrlr Kelta, " tblrly lucue tovuly-alx Inches wtd, Paulia.Bel llll, Mil J WUW JUMN W.j-rjvm" ' ua iniriiTMiiii L'nui Jig. 103 CJl VM.U GQ&t, ill V wlffc r.CDIGAL. XOlISlJJcIA.'XTSltt. IN 13 ,U II A. O I A Warranted rermanentlj Cared Warranted rermanentlj Cored Without Injury to the Sjstenu W Itbout Iodide Fotasula, or ColcbJcum Vj Viing Inwardly VJuJj DR. FITLCR'S CHEAT RHEUMATIC BEMEDY, For Khevmatitm and Neuralgia in ali ilt fomu Tbe only tiMOaxd, reliable, positive, lnral'lbl per manent ctu-e ever discovered, l la warranted to con tain nothing bortfol or Injurious to tbe system. WARRANTED TO CUKE ORMOWJtY RKfcTJNDKD WAKKANTiDTOlUBEOaHONKY BJEFTJNUJU) Tbonmands ol Philadelphia rererenoos of cure. Frs pares at No. 29 SOUTH roURTH STREET, St2ltnlhtl BBXOW MAUKHT. GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. H. 8. K. G. Harris1 Seamless Kid Gloves. EVltBT PAIB WABBAJITED. BlXOLUSIVI AQKHT8 FOR GENTS' GLOVE? J. W. SCOTT & CO., irbp BO. 814 CliUMUX HIUKKI, DATE.NI B II O ULDBR-8BAM SU1HT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORB. PKRFKCT FITTIAO 8H.1RTSJ AND DRAWJUU3 made lioiu meanuremeut at very snort notice. All oilier articles of OJi XHOUuN'tJ SREOa eooub in run variety. WINCHESTER & CO., Ill o.7nCHJflHNDr Btreel. SHIPPING. ffU LORILLARD'S STKAMS1TIP LIN 3 FOR NEW YORK. RaUing- Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at noon. Tbe winter rates at which .frelgut la not taken Is 20 cents per luO pounds, gross, seeuw per foot, or 2 ceius per gallon, snip's option Tbe iaue la now prepared to contract (or spring rates lower than by any other route, cominedclng on Al&ich 15, 189. Advance cbarctb cuhed at oilice ou Pier, freight lecelved at all times on covered wbarf, JOilN P. ORL, Bt8 6m Tier It North Wharves. M, U. Kxtra rates on small p4cteagea Iron, metals, etc. FoK LlVEKi'OOL AND oriwv.Ka SiiITOWN.-luu.au idua of Miirvr."""" un puiu(,ed to soil aa lonows: Cl'A'X AtAU'lalwjrtii;, riaturday, February B. Cii Y Ot" PAWia, bHiuroay, February 19, C 11 Y Ob' AN i W liUf, bttiuraa, ! euruary 20. t.1 N A , '1 ue.O ay . i eoi uary M, CITY OJf a,OimuON. eiaiurday, JaauarySO. aud each succeeding baiuida aud alternate Tneaday.. r, l f, Ul trow Fler 46, Nonu Hlver. iiAIha Ob' fAnUAUbi hy ru uArx. BTXAvms SAlLIhiU JCVAUY tiTUBluy, Fyble lu Oold. PayaDle in Cnrrency. FJROT UAolN iW8TJlXlia.Uili....., to ixudou .,. lU 'l to i.oiuou j to turm 116 1 ui i-rl . - 47 rASSAum uy tus sujuluav stkamkb via ai um, K'lllBT CA1IIN, BTH.BHAW. Payable In Uold. Payable In Ourrency. XAverpool... iiJverpool...... HailittXnm UI l lautui 1 ol. Jobn'a, N. M I I ll, Juun's, N. F r. ' by Brauob iateuiuur.... 1 ty Branca Hieaiuer... m laBBeiigHis also It rwnrileu to Havre, llamburg, lir tutu, etc., at ruiiuceu raiu. 1 ickfis cu be boiikut tn-re by persons sending fur tbrtr Irlendi, at oiuuerate rated. 1 or turiber luiormaiiou apply at the Company' OlUca, . . JOHN Q. DALK, Agent, No. 18 EBOADWA x", N. Y, OllO O'liOIMiNhXl A ifAUliK. AgBut. No. 411 CHIMIN QT Birett, i'ullfcdelpnla. 0NLY PIUBCI LINli.IQ FRANCE. ii uiiiIRALTR4KSAlli4NTIC CXJ.MPANY'a WAIL nlhAmollllo BKJ. Wh-.iN MijJvV rOitli AMI Ha.VrtK UALLlMi a I' Hue;!'. Thu spltndia Lew veswa's o.i uilu lovorno route for UinCXiLiiueut will lull from Pit No. iio Nortnrivar. us iuiiown: c'l. LaUIUST Brocande.M...-Katurday,Oct. 8 VILLL f Al(.iri.. .buruioui Haturuay, Oct. i7 JrU.Ui.llUi , JUuuueeun jsamruay, Oct. 81 PRICE Oh' PASJS3AGJS In gold (Including wine), lO iin-ai' OS HAVHR, First Cabin Hu aecoud (jaoin.. i5 lO PAlllSJ. (Including railway ticke a, lurnlshed on board) FIlBi cabuiMUM. ..(i4o 1 tiucouu CuUlu,, ....tM Tuece.Uaii.tib uu lo carry bieeiage passeugars. M ediC.l ai.ieuduv.e li te ol cUarge, Au.encau travehera guiug to or returning from the cuLliii' nt ot jturope, by saklug the Bte.uitirs of ibis iibe avoid ouutcenHary rua. iruui trannt oy h.ugiliia ruiiwaja autt cruts.ug tue cuuuuei, bealdes taViiig tune, trouble, aud eicnae. UaOUUK MUKKNZIK, Agent, No. 58 auUAi WAV, New Yoik. For passage In Puliaaelpnia, appiy at Adams' Kipres. I'ouipAiiy, to II. It. Lliilf, 1 HI No. 329 CBKHN U C otreet. iv I'iilLADfiiiVUlA, RICHMOND tZ. AND AoHiUJLK. bTjua M hh IP 1,1 Mtf iiiiutuH HKiuuiiT Alu. laNji; TU TaU boo i a. aisu w toi1, KVitKY BATIji-UJAY, At noon, from iuuT WUAKH' above MARKET BireeU TUliOCQH HATKH and THROUGH RHXKIPTe to an poiuub lu Noi.n aua 8ou.li cartillua, via cea ouard aU Line Kailroad, cuuuectlug at i'or-Biuouui and to Lyuunbarg, V.,TeuuiwHi-e, aud the Went, via V n-gima aua leiiueMue Air liine and lUumuond auiI Iiiuivuie Kaluoud, irieuiut HAMiLFO BUT OC'JC, and taker, ai IiOVv 1,H kA'Ild THAN ANY Oluku Lib a. The regularity, ualeiy. aud cUeapu.jw ol tuin rouu, couiiueuu It to tlie public s lue uiout de&lrBb'e u diau lor carrylug every description ol treignt. No charge tor oomuuniilou, uraye, or fcoy exnatiM 01 traimiur. Iltearonlilpa Insured at lowest rates. jimlgiitreoi'lved dauy. Wll.UAM P, ULYVE A CO., No. 14 Nurlb aud somlt W11AH VP& W. F. POaiiUi, Ageut at Rlohiuoud aud City Pt mt. I . p. CROWK1X A CO.. Agenm at Norfolk. 1 1 ti r' Ktw KAl'llEta USE TO ALfcZi nula. t'oor.eujwn, aud Wa.hLu.iou u vm C-UeBupeuke auu Helaware oa.iai. w.ili cou-pi-ctloua at Aifcxauu-ia from tbe moat direct rotu lor livucbburg, Utiu,t, Kuoxvliie, NaubrUle, Ca-Utn aud ihe t-oiubil. nusaniera leave regularly vry baiorday at nooa fruiu tbu Ur.t vtri ai'J' ALur kct sUect. 'enntw)elveu daily. p No, It North and (south WUaxvug, J, B. DAVIKHON, Ageut at Georgetown, M. KLdJLUHOK Ai U., Agiiuut at Al.xui.Jria, V4t gluia. ! ':.. NWAlVja. n ir.rv IUUA. VIA ''. nt..AWAKI! AlV.lkOlllAU I:.M1. "71 V RUM HI KA At BOAT JO,J PAN V . I lie oii aiu Iroiieilern of tui. Hue leave U CJlTi from llrbt Hburl oelut ilar.ew oireet, IHKOLjUiH. IN U HOURS. Goodr Xrwarded by all the Hue. goUig OcU-f Y'irfc, Ni riU, KaHl, aud Wt.ul, free oi couiaiiaBiOb, .liititLts ,!:ei''fc1 at our mul low rat.. ' WllJ'LAAl P. CJ1.Y1IK t CO., AgenW, No. 14 . WKAHVW, PmiAdelphU, JAMKS HAND, Ageuf. J. Wo. iw W ALLBtreiit. t urner of Hetith, New York m. Vou sa l w yokk awiFrDiu J!t 1 t r.TrauKuortallon Uoiapany leiiacl a? u BAUt-.ur A.luo, via Delaware aud lUriiau CJtvnal. on and after tue lsth ot Marn, leaving dully al 13 M. aud i P, at., counecUug wlUi all Northern aud .r tMtVjtH.' w b leb will be taken on aooommodaitni term auuiy 10 WILLIAM M. RA1R1) OO., lerma, apply H, HKLAWAUH Avmm, IRC GUARDS, rB KTOBB FHeHTN, ASlTLVlttn, VAC VOUIKH, ETC. Patent 'Wire RalllngIron Beds leads. Ornament. Wire Workpaper Makers' Wires, ana every varlel f WUt Work, manufactured by Ji . WALIAHR HU9TSI awi .(UJlTi4,r47v FEBRUARY 13, 1869. INSURANCE. ELAWAKE MUTUAIj BAFBTY INSU J ANCK COMPANY. Ioeorinjratod by the Legislature of fenaaylvanta, 18J5. Office 8. K. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Btreets, Philadelphia. . MAKINE INHURANOK!) On Vessels, Cargo, and l-'relgb. to all parts of the world. INLAND 1NHUKANCK3 On goods by river, caual.lahe ana land carriage to all parts of tbe Union. riHB INSrTRABCM CnMcrchaxidlsegenerally; ontitores, D-volllnjjs, Houses, eta 4 AHhKTS OF TH COMPANY, November 1. taoO.lKX) United States Five Per Cent. Loan, 10-40s 120,000 United Biaies Blx i'er Cent. Loan, 1K81 n 60.0CO United HUles Blx Ter Cent. Loan (for 1'aclflo It). 200,000 Stale of Pennsylvania Blx Per Ont. Loan 125,000 Ully of 1'hlla. 81 x Per Cent. Loan (exempt irom lax). fHLO0 State of New Jersey Blx Per Cent Loan 20,000 Penn. Hail. First Mortgage Blx Per Cent. Bonds 26.CO0 Penn. K. Becond Mortgage Blx Per Cent. JUondn 25,000 Western Penn. K. Mort.. Blx Per CDt Bonds, (P. K. K. Kiiarantec) 80,000 Blate ol Tennessee Five Per Cent. Lean......... 7,000 Btateof Tennessee Blx Per Cent. Loan 16,000 Gerinsotown Us Co., prin cipal snd Interest guaran teed by City of PhlittU'a, BOO shares Htoek 10,000 Penn'a ltallroad Company. 200 sliares fj tuck 5,000 North Penn'a Hallroad Co., 100 shareB BUk'U: 20,000 Pblla. and Bonthern Mall Bteam.Co.,80sharesBtK'u; 207,000 Loans on Bond and Mort. sage, tlrHt Ileus on City 8208..500.00 130,800 -00 50,000 00 2U.375 08 123,591 00 61,500 00 20,200 00 21.0W0 0 20,625 00 21,000 00 5,03123 15,000 00 11.300 00 3.500 00 15,000 CO 207,000 00 I'roperues. D......... ......... l,10y.0O0 Par. Mark t value, $l,lo0,325-2.3 cxmi, iirviaa.uora). Real Estate 3(1.00000 Bills reoelvable for Insurance made U22,im'Vi uaiances one at agencies, premiums on marine policies, accrned inter- fnl.. nnrl nl.liMr .Icltiu Hiia l.hA onm- pauy 0,178Sd Block and scrip of sundry corpora- lions, S3Ui0. Kstlnaated value 1,81300 Cash In bank fUO lWltW (Hfth In liraivnr 41:111 116.563 73 ei.617,307-80 TIT RECTORS. Thomas C Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, Johu C Davis. Bumnel K. Btolres, James C. Hand, Theopbllns Paulding, Joseph 11. Bead, Hugh Craig, John It Penrose, Jacob P. Jones, Jnmes Traqualr, Kdward Darlington, 11. Jons Brooke, Jatocs B. McFarland, Kdward Lafourcude, "tui y oiuuu. William U. Ludwig, Oeorge G. Lelper, Henry C. Daliett, Jr., Jonn D. Taylor, ieorge W. Bernndon, William Q. Boulion, Jaoob Itlegel. Spencer Mcllvatne. D. X. Morgau.PUtanurg loan rj. nempie, V. B. Berber. jesnna p. Uj re, TUOMAB C . HAND. President- JOHN C. DAV1M. Vice-President IRY LYLBURN, Hecrelary, iRY BALL. Assistant Beoretary. flO 8 CHAKTEH FEIiPETUAL Franklin lire Insurance Co. tJT rUAI.AVaVadPlllAu OFFIOHi IVcb. 35 and 43? CILCSXDT STUUEi, ASSETS OH JAHVABT.I, 1339. 00,XHfet 4LC,KJ,UBJ'L CS .'8' CNBUnTUtU CU.AXM.Bf XNOOiUJC MOH Utfl $8300- 30e0O-0. DMISU 1AI SIHCB 19110 UKU 4500,000. Perpemal and Temporary PoUcies on LiberM Tsrmi DIKJfcCrORH, Cbaiea N. RAucker, Allrea Filler, Bhjuuel Gcaut, I'i bomita 8parn, CteoryeW Richard, William b. Uraut, iji.aoLea. lAUred a. ilaker, George tales, Tboruas s. Jtnisi CHARLES N. AANojili.R, Prealdsnl, UaORuK FaUb, Vice-Presldenk JAB. W. IclcALLlBlU R, secretary pro tem. luxcepl at Lezlugtou, Keuiucay, tnis Oomnanyisi no Ageuclea West of Puwburg. OFF1CK OK TUK INSUKANCK COMPANY OF NOKlli AiVlDjitlCA.Nu. WALNUX Bireel, Pnliaueiphia. lutorporateu 17I. Charter PerpetttaL Capual, 300,ooo. Afcsets ....S2,350,000 MAKlAE, INLAND, A N D Fl Itli IN B U U AN OVKK $20,000,000 LOt-BKB PAID SINCE JiB OltWANlZAXXON. DIRECTOR'S. Arthnr U. Coffln, Oeorge L. ITarrlHon. Buinuel W. Jones, Franms H. Oupe, John A. Brown, Kdward II. Trotter, CLaries Tuy lor, Kdward B. Olarko, Ambiose W line, X. Cnurlton Heury, liivnaid D. Wood, Allreo D. Jessup. William Welnh, Jubu P. Wnite, H. M01 us Wain, LoulsU. Maoeira, Jchuilahou, Ciianes W. CuBuman. AttTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHAltLEB PLATX, Vice President. ;Hatthia8 Maiuw, Beoretary. ai? BKtJ labUltANCJS tiCLUbl VliLY TUB AKNJSYLVANlA FIRn. IMaUKANQg CHJM 1-ANK-rnuoiporaie lbib-Obarter Perpetual-iNo Bin WALisLiT bueeir, uppoBlte 'lnuependence ouuax Tbls Company, favorably known to tbe oumoi mill for over tony years, Ouutiuoei, to Insure against lues or damage hydro ou Publlo or Private Rulidinga rltber eruiauenily or for a limited time. Alao on jrurulture Blocks ol Goods, and AferubandJa. cena ra ly.ou liberal terrns, . ahelr Capital, togeiberwlrb a large Bnrplus Fond la:uve.teu lu Uieiuoat caretuluiauuer, wuicli enable vtixui to oiler to tbe Insured an ondoubtsd seoarliy i. ibocaseofloas. Psnlei niultb, Jr., 1 John Devererut. Altsaniler Reuson, I . Thouia orulin, luaao Ataslebuist, Heury A,ewla, Xl,owa Bohins, I J. GlUlngham Felt Daniel E addock . Jr. DANIKL nil II H. J.,PItaldnni. AT, 8. CROW fcLL. becTfelary. S8tH jjTRICTLY MUTUAL PXCVIDENT LIFiTaND TRUST C9. OP PillLAD ULPHIA. OlfTIlK, Mo. Ill H. rotlHlH BTltECT, C t.iiUedlO promute LIA A ANoUitAiVCii; SaQauf K.mber.ottb Qy t.'cod risk of uy claas aocepied. J'olicle laned upou approved piaua, as Un Rati President. BAMTJKL K. BU1PIJET. ' Vice-President, WILLIAM O. LJJNGHTRKTH. Actuary, hOWLAND IiUiY, Tbe advantages ottered oj this tXiupany are eioeiled, g7 "LjlltFR 1 X" INSUKANCE COMPANYOF t PHILADELPHIA. UiCOhrOMATblv IbOl-CHA RTKR PKRPETTJAL so. Mi W.U UTH.reit, opposite tbe Axciauge. MjIb Couipauy luAures iroru Ions or damage by . 1)111.1, on llbeKl terms, on bolldiu... merchandise, fnrnlture. eni., lor Ibxi'eU period., aud perwaneutly on build it in by depoiU of rmiluui 1. '(he C'i Oj any fcau been lu active onernt'on for more Ui tn (-1X1 Y YClARis, during willed all lost hav be.u promptly adjouied a"d,,f,!i Joan L. Hodge, Li.vul Lewis, Herjaoiin Kiting. Tlivuiaa 11 .Powers, A. R. MrHd iry, Atlu u d Ca.tlllon. al. M. Atkbrny, iotiu 1. Lels, WilHaiu H. Granv LU'U-rt W. Lemutut, D. Clark Wbanou, narunel Wlloor, Lswrence Lewi", Jr, n,j(M 111-1 . YimN n. U n!HKRlil. Prosldnnt Lewl tl. wiirri. Biuncl. Wilto. tM-creiary. i IliirEIilAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. LONDON. KNTABLIIHI1ED 1S03. Pald-np Capital atd Aocuuiulated KunSa, $8,000,000 IN GOLD. pnEOST A If EKKINU, Ag-enOi, S No, 107 Boutb THIRD Street, Pbllada. J CCAi Ki FMYPCIi cOA. P. HEIUUflCJ INSURANCE COMPANIES. I F F ICQ OF TH Fire and Marine Insurance Co , ! Ko. 420 WALNUT Street. PmT inr plTTi. .Tttintm li TbefoV!owtrtstaiiiienortiie GUAHOI Ajl FlRH ANU BtAltlt B INhOKANClK COMl'ANV of ib"5 cnnolilonontheaistoay ol Uecernoer. isss Is pu0 lmhea In accord anre with an act of Assembly:- Authorised capnai .-....... viiOO.OOO Amouut paid In - r.... n.iuo ASIBTS, Itonds and mortgages .....51,008 00 k.alesiaie. uisi-u.iua fiuirei. w York 73,011000 21.609 00 Wa.ne County Railroad bonds...... Instalment en sioca-"u. uu , belnir fatd ... "OD Raiai.ce doe ty ageui. J ?, Casb la bank wOOO I09,13J'J4 UKC F.IPTS FOB 1S01. Premium on fire rlske Fire losses paid. ....- V.WVU Kxpenes. reut, aaveriiseuieBw,, agencies. ic 11. 'M4! Con. missions to ageut . S.4MI4 2.1U4 Tottl amount a rink . 1,340. fts-sj 3.rrtfflOU 2.4H6 Lrxf m unaOJiiBlca and aol due. Accounts. DIlttCTOKH. A. N. Atwocd. J. F, Raknr. ll. li. U. V. l awrence, Willlm K. Owens, B. CI. Worlbluglou, Haitian JUInei, ou. Johu Titus, IK ( At wood. K. A, Tboaiaa, James J. Mtulen, II. K. Huil-inn, llou.N. T. Wllnon, James Richmond, C. 11. Gale. A . N. Al OOD. Pri slilenl. 2IIUU S3W U. K HUrsOV. SUcwtary, 3rilB ENTEHPRIM4 INSURANCE UO. OF L PHlLADSLPHlA. " 4 tile ft nth wist Cor. FOURTH aid WALNUT at. F1HB lMritAN,:i; KXCLUSI VKLY. -PFRrKTUAA. AND TKRM. P0LICIK0 1HMUF.D. t ash Capita' MMMm. ....aoiKBiliO Casn Atsels Jauuary I. miiS 47,28iJ t& UlgAUiOKa F. TUtcbford Ftarr, J. Livingston Kr linger, James L. Ciaghorn, Wm. W Boulton, -Charles Wbeeler, Tho. If Montgomery. ' xaiuru i i.wfr. Ji.hn V. A I word. Rf nl. T. Tredick. George H. Muart, Johu H. Brown, I Jame M, Aertseu. This Ciililoanv Ir.tllres onlv limL-nlui.. risk., takln. noipecinlly bazaidou risks whatever, suob asfacto rlts, mills, etc. F. RTOnFOnOBTARU President. TBOH. H. MONTGOMERY, Vice-President, . Alex. W. Wibikb. Secretary. m PROVtSIONS, ETC. QAM E . C AM E . Constantly on band ail kinds of obolce Wild Game, Poultry, Bait Water Xerrapln, Oysters, etc. Private families, hotel-keepers, etc., supplied at lowest market rates, at MAHTIN'S GAME DEPOT. No. 1115 MA Kit EX 8THEET. N. B We are reoelvlng dally one hundred pair Live Q,uails. i u 121 rp MICHAEL MEAGHER & CO., Ko. 223 Sou Ui SIXTEENTH Street, WHOLE8ALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IH PBOVIMIONM, VYSILUN, AND SAND CLAHS, " FOB FAMILY fJSB, TEBBAPIIfk $I6PEB DOZEN. 281 DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC, ROBERT BHOEMAKEJJ & N.. Corner or F0UBTU and IUCS SIs PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGCI3T8. IM PORTERS AND MANtTFACTTJREHa Ot bite Lead and Colored Paints, rirftj Tarnlsiies, Etc AGENTS FOB THK CKT.y.BR A TEP mESCU Z1SC PUNTS, DKALER8 AND OONBTJVEBS BTJPPLTJED Alt LJWS3T fBICKB FOB GASH. 12 U GAS FIXTURES, ETC. CORNELIUS & BAtlER. MANUFACTURERS OF CAS FIXTURES, LAMPS. BRONZES, LANTERNS, Etc. STORE, No. 710 CIIJESNCX Street, MANUFACTORY, ; Ko. 821 CIIEKKY Street, 1 Msmwlm PHILADELTHIA.' LUMBER. icno spkuce joist iaac HAAUAHJiC IC'fl BKASONKD CLKAR PINE, 1 QJO lOUU HUabuii1i.D liiAll riiNK, 1.O01I ChOlOK PA1-1S.RM PINK BPANLUH CJUAR, Foil PaTIARNB. anil CK1JAR. 1 Ol'O FLORIDA FLOORING. f Oil( lOOl FLORlLA FLUOHlJNU. lOOU CAr.oLlJNA FLOORING. VlhUlMA FLOORliNG. LtL AWAKE FLOORING. AHH FLOORING. WALiSUT FLOORING. FLO hi U A BTKP ROaaDB. KAIL PLANK. 1 CfiO WALIsCT RDB AND PLANK, 1 Q(( lOOU W ALA UT LLB. AD PLa.N JL lOOt WALMJT LOaRUW. walnut plaak. ' IC'O CNDkhTAKKRH LUWBKIL 1 Q(C J 001 CNl'R't AKAKd' LUjlHiLR. XOjO Re.iJ CJAllAR. WALMJT AN1 PINK. 1 Wl;fl SiiMlNHO rOFbAK. 1CCI bJlAbUNAU OHltRKY. 1869 Asd. WUIT1C OAK PLAAK AND BOARDS. BlUAORY. 1869 1869 KPANltjH C'LUAK IIOX BOARDS, H)H t-ALii: LOW. 1 UtlCl CAROLINA BOANTLING, " QJfl AOby C10L1N W.T. BILLM, lOOU N..RA bCAMTLIRU. ICitd t'ltpAM bHINULKB, 1 OPf XOOJ CyPRWIHlULS. lobiJ M AULK BHOTllER A CO., 'H No- SbOQisOUTM btreet. LARZELERE & CUCHCY, Cofitom House Urokers and Notaries Public No. 405 LIDRARY 8troot. All Custom House Business trojuftcted PASSPORTS PROQUREPj QEORCE PLOWMAN. CAHPENTEB AND EUTLDEB, RE21QYED TO No." lil DOCK gtreet,