THE DAILY EYENlffE TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAl, FEBRUARY 13. 1869. hvnOur own OortetpondenL VtwYonx, Feb. , The New York Ladles Museum of Anatomy the title of a new place of amusement aoon to be opened. Perhaps I ought not to eall It PUee of amusement, any more than I ought to name eo the present Museum of Anatomy, Whloh U resorted to principally by gentlemen. It WU1 probably offer a good deal of Instruction in an Indirect way. Tna Amaaonlan Idea la spreading. Women are beginning to take part In everything. In burlesque there are no men any more on the New York stage. ThevlTlfled fashion plates who flguVe as members of the BorosU have asserted their right to dress as they please, Mrs. Stanton and Miss Anthony are haranguing at Chicago before crowded and mphatlo audiences. Papers are before Congress demanding and arguing the right of female suffrage. That a New York Ladles' Museum of Anatomy should be opened seems, then, a very natural and pardonable link In the chain whose fetters were first forged In the metropolis. It "rags" In along with the rest. The new ma aenm will be opened next month. Gentlemen Will not be admitted unless aooompanled iby ladles. The prices of admission will be the same as those charged by the never-falling Madame Byron (direct from Paris) or Mrs. Van horn. When a lady Is aooompanled byagen tlemau, the gentleman will be expeoted to pay for both. The object of the new museum Is, ol course, to upraise the fallen and down-trodden, to extend and Intensify the sentiment of New York sisterhood, to leach women to forsake the bandbox for the ballot-box, and tbe limits of crinoline for the lloenseof the osmpalgo cluo. The late Philharmonic concert here has given an Intense deal of dissatisfaction to all bat the friends of the directors. To general publlo were sold tlokets with the assurance that their purchases gave them tbe freedom of the house, ' and that positively no seats were held In re serve. When the usual doors of entranoe were opened, all the best seats in the bouse were (lis- covered to be ooouplod. Theorcaesira, toe or ehestra rirole, and the balcony tier of private boxes were tilled with laughing and "chaffing" friends of tne President and Olreoiors; and even tha earliest comers, who did not enjoy the dis tinguished honor of suoh intimacy, were obliged to take baok seats, or stand I eg seats, or seats in tne nearest homeward soma stage, uouse ' onently. there has been a blast of newspaper trumpets awakened about the ears of t"e deiinnnent Directors, who. In their ofn olons disposition to oblige BeDson, have diuobllard a far more numerous and Important class of people than that of which Benson Is the generio synonym, vie : i nose wno puiu a gooa nrloe for seats and had a riant to expeot tnem. Knt this action of the directors of the soolety is on a par with one or two others For instance. the plaoards announcing rehearsals nave been elaborately so worded as to convey the Impres sion that a number of distinguished artists would scnear uron the same occasion, whereas only one appears on each. These facts have caused the Pbllharmonlo Society of New York to lose, for the nonce, some of its ancient pres tige, ana to smaok 01 tne mereiriciousness 01 a concert ball arrangement. Tbe reoent troubles In Cuba have sent a great . number of emigrants from I hat Island to this city. These cam prise some of tbe most Intelli gent residents from Havana. Bo numerous have these Cuban refnaees become that a weekly newspaper in their interests, and of the insurrectionary movement in cuoa, nas been atarted. It is called tbe "Boletin de la - Jievelucion,' and gives a complete digest of tbe latest Cuban news. A sooiety of Cuban ladles has likewise been formed, whose purpose It Is to raise funds to procure necessaries for the nospitat service 01 tne uuoan patriot army, a c resident, vice-president, secretary, vice-secre tary, and treasurer, have already been selected irom among ineseuaraveyeaMmrwor iiavsua. I mentioned the other day the particulars of an BRHnnlt whloh had been committed by an exasperated ohorus singer upon the orohestral -and polyglot Blrgfeld. Adolph Is an operatic mansner. but be is also a Christian. The union is not lmnnsslble. He has Droved his Curls tlanlly, not only by Influencing the Mayor for me release or inoier me ouuroa ginger iu -question but also by forgiving him and taking him baok Into the troupe. It reads like a pretty ' little pastoral In tbe dissonant eplo of New York life. But perhaps opera bovffe managers are so deeply aware that they have much to be forgiven, that they learn late in life to practise that virtue upon their lrjurers. Why should love and suicide always be classed together, unless In unconscious Bitlre - upon tbe fact that they never go together ? Living for a woman Is an Infinitely better thing than dying because we can't have her. The Germans, and more particularly tne uerman population here, don't appear to thluk so. 'Charlotte" throws " Werther" In love with her as she cuts bread and butter, and "Wert her" makes away with himself because the bread Is not siloed thin and the butter spread on thick for him. Tentonlo Gotham takes Its morbid oue from Goethe, I am afraid. In this respect. The Instance which occurred at half-past 4 o'clock on Thursday morning, seems at least to be In proof of this. An appa rently happy young oouple attend a ball and return at that hour. At the hour of separa tion, while they are exchanging their last words tn tne inresnoia ids youuK iiuiu uuteues ont a six-barrelled pistol and shoots the girl and then himself. Perhaps they quarrelled during tbe first quadrille. He nursed bis pas sion during the polka-redo wa, and plotted death dnrlDC the detix-Umps Murder Is a mon strous chameleon In the midst of us at present, and Is changing all sorts of letbal colors. The pare beds at the Morgue are full, and tbe coroners eat their meals standlne. Madame La Grange reappeared last night as 'Norma."' A oetter audience was present tnau It wonld have been wise to expect, and tbe prima donna successfully Invoked all the re source of culture to veLI her voesi weaknesses. Miss Kellogg Is booked for next week. The audiences at the two operabwff bouses are crowing scant. At tbe Grand Oera House It Is ' In vain Tostee gargles with her little voice and (Ogles with her little vlsutls. Tne failure Is dead and the seats are deal-head. And at the French Theatre Urau is so far at the end of bU wits and bis repertoire that he Is going to re- Tire uenev eve on Monday. ah blua. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC Tbe City Amusements AT thk Arch Tame Cat and Barbe Bleu will toe performed this evening. Twelfth Night will be represented this after noon. At thk Walnut Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wil liams win appear in The lenini Circle The Cus toms of the Country, and Ths Irish Tiycr this At tub Chksntjt Ctitnir-Choiu Hi will be per formed this even lo a by the Gallon Trouoe. At tub American attractive performances Will be given tbls efieruoou and evening. CarlHentz and Mark Haislor'sOrcnestra will perform at Musical Fonn Hall this afternoon. The Philharmonic Sonn'Y will give their econd grand concert at the Academy of Musio tois evening. Thk MKNDELS80HN Society's second sub scription concert will bo given on Thursday evening. February IS John Mitchel, Esq., will lecture for the benefit of the Celtlo Library Fund at Concert .nan on weunesuay evening, reoruary 17. suo- Jeot, "Who are tbe Cells?" CITY ITEMS. raiors Obsatlv Redocko to elite oul Winter t block of Men's, 1'uuths' and Soys' Cloth ino, a Balf-way belween -v Bkbtbtbtt A Co.. ' ' firth ana ; V Towkb Hall. bxxth streets.) No, ia Mkkt 8t . PlLAnI.PHlA, juimdwh amw roast. Joou Nnwa roa Bawaaa. fjood dsws lor Hewers. Good dsws for Hswsr. i An extra redaction will bs mule on enr usual prices where parties purchase oar Bpool Cotton In quantities eseredlng ons dos-n. This Cotton Is tbs bat la tbs market, and In all mm exoeeds two buuurea yaras to tbs spool. Job ic Fihst. Southeast corner Arch ana Beventb streets. Epool Cotton I Bawaas Look i ! ' Hlx spools for 2S oents 1 1 tilx spools tor U oents II Blx spools for 28 o nta I This Colon,aner a years trial, nua no rival. It baa proved tbs strongest, smoothest, aud bm adapted fur ruacblns or band ue; and la all cases, Wbea measured, exceeds two hundred yards la ibe pool. At tbs low pries ol s'x spools for u csqU, n can onl bs bad at John if. Kimw'h, .Southeast corner Area sod btreutn streets, Cammbt OsaAWS Tbs snecess of the Masea A Hamlla Organ Conipsoy, now tbs lart est maaurae torersof Innrnmentso. tblsolfitt la ths world, p-a-duclng and finding a demand for an average of ons hundred and ve organs per wwfc. lUmtrmtee wbat can bs dons by energotio and persevering pur ee It of rlgbt principles In business. Tbe rollowreg are wbat rosy bs said to Articles of their OmaiKuiton1 kept always la view aal never dsviatsJ. from: 1. KicelisDce In ths msDnfactursd article must never bs sacrificed to tcsnomy end cost.' The best only and alwejrs. I. No degree of superiority shall bs considered satis factory ss long as Improvement Is possible. 8. Tbe ins of ever? vslasbie Invention snd real lm provtmenl must bs ob'alced, at whatever cost, i. Productions la bs sold at lowest possible prices' ibese to bs prlntsd and offered to all alike, thu i deal ing falr'y and Impartially with tbs public. Tbls Company have expended an immense amount In experiments for Improvements, In wblcb they have been greatly sncceiuiful. developing, enlarging Improving, and adding to the well-known Melodeoon of former times, antll tbey bavs become tbs magolS cent Mabox A Bamlim Cabinet Oroaks of ths prs sent, to which was awarded tbs Paris Exposition Medal tor saoerlofl'y las', yssr. Tbey bavsjast Introduced a a Important Improve, mnnt.tbo MasokA Hamlin ImpbovkdVok Humana. a beautiful Invention, wblcb is said to bs as great as advanoe npon the Vox Humana already used ss tbs Cabinet Organ Is npon tbe Melodeon. Tbey also an" nounce Important reduotloa In prices, oflarlng their nnequal'ed Organs at prices which are even less than those commonly demanded for Inferior workman hip. Tbls Is tbe aatsral result or their greatly la creased facilities for manufacture, and fixed rale to sell at Bmallcst profit. A'. 1. Tribune, VAi.wrrrNwi. VALKNTrsris. No. 310 cbesnni etreet. No. Uliesnut street. Between Tbttd and Fourth. MAesx'a Headquartera, Maukk's Head(iiiartars Maobk's Headiiuarlers, For Valentines, For Valentines, . For Valentin ei. Are at Ko. 3t Chsnut, street. ' Are at Mo. 310 cm emit strnot. Are at No. 310 Cnnsnnt strent. Botall Price I.lst. Retail Frlce LHU Valfn'lues, 1 cent each, at Magee's. Valvnliuts. 5 cents each, at Magee's. Valentines, 10 cents eaah, at Magee's. Valnntloes, 15 o-)bts eaoi, al Magee's, Vaicuilnee 'iO oents each, at Magee's. Valentines, 43 cents each, at Magee's. Valentines, :tO centa eaon. at Magee's. Valentines. 3-1 cents esch, at Magee's. VaUntlnes,40 cents each, at Manee's. Valentines 4,1 cents eacb. No. .'110 Cnesnut street, Valentines .10 cents each, No. 31rt Coesnut street. Vaun Iu ',?.! cents each. No. 31H Chesnut street. Valentlnes.One lxllar each. No. 310 CUeiaut st. Valertlnes. Two Dollars each. No. 310 Caeanul St. Vales tinea, Tbiee Jkllars eacb No 310Chesnutit, Valentines, Five Dollars each No 316 Chestut st. Valentines, Ten DolUrseach, No. 310 Cnannut st. Valentlnea.Twerty Collar each And up to One Hundred Dollars ecn, No. J 10 Cb?nat street. At IU Mas he's Valentine Manafactory. No 31fi Chearmt atreet. Philadelphia. J.N IBIS CBAStbABLK CLIMATE Ol OUtS S Cold U easily taken, and without due care another will be contracted on top of it one Cold thus running tato another antU tbe accompanying Cough becomes settled and confirmed, straining and racking the lungs, and ulllma'cly stimulating tha production of tubercles; yet notwithstanding a majority of existing cases of clearly defined Pulmonary Disease may thus be accounted for, thousands are now carelessly air lowlcg themselves to drift through tbe preliminary symptoms, under Ihe fatal delusion tbat they are troubled with "Nothing but a Cold." How obvious Is It. therefore, that a Cold should be carefully cared for from Its urelplency, snd every exertion need to rid tbe system of its effects T Coughs and Colds, almonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic Affections, are readily cured by that s sndsrd preparation, Dr. D, Jaynt'e Kxpectoiant, and by promptly reporting to It, all fears ol Cancerous results will soon be dli. slpated. Bold every where. Tii a AyluK iN Life Isbuban'cs) Comi-akvof PBiLAiiKi-rHra" Is A good company to work lor, and almost any Industrious roan can make a good living by acting as lis agent. Its claims are easily presented, because they ars clear and definite, and because of a very proper pre fevence oa the part of Pblladelphlana and Peanay! vanlans for "home" Institutions. It oners larger In ducements than any ether company, aud good agents are wanted to work la Philadelphia and adjoining couutles. Address or call at tha Company's sllice, Southeast corner of Fonrth and Walnnt streets, and talk with Mr. C B. McLean about tbls matter MONEY LOANED In sums from one dollar to thousands, on Diamonds, bllver Ware, Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, Dry Goods . st Rettkw's Loan Office, Northeast corner Fifteenth and Market streets. HiDfCTiON in Prices Tc close oil Winter Stock. CBABJ-KS ST0RK3 & CO., . Clothiers, No. SSlChesnut street J rwxjJ-y.-Mr. "William W.Cassldy, So. IS South feeoond street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of fine Jewelry and silverware la the city Purchasers can rely npon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock of American Western watches In all varieties snd at all prices. A visit to bis store Is sure to result In pleasure and profit. TAJSTIKeS, Cbybtsi, mkballionh, Etc. Ths sale of Paintings, Crystal Medallions, etc., from the American Art Gallery, New York, will be continued tbls evening at 7,'j o'clock, at Scott's Art Gallery, No 10'iO Cbesnut street, comprising maty due speci mens. Kale without reserve. HittrT, Davis Jt CCs Pian.s ponsess the most superb action, with unusual purity of tone, which Is one of lovely softness and great brilliancy. Ths agents. No. tt.T Cbesnut street, exhibit thirty-four premiums over all other. Mhs'BB. Howuix, Finn 4 Co. have opened no ex tensive assortment of Paper Hangings at No. ill? Cbesnut street, which store they will continue to occupy ontil the completion of their new establish. ment at tut corner of Ninth and t'nesnut streets. 8 a lb or Boots anu -aots. We would call ths eaAy atlentlou of tbe trade 10 tbe large and attriw tlvesate or uoois aua ?uoes, to us aoia ny catalogue, lor cash, ou Monday tuorulng, February Ltth. at 10 o'clock, by C. D McOleea A Co., Auctioneers, at their store. No. H' Market street. Tbx Fas Tbe stay of Dr. Hartley la our city Is positively limited to the day named tor bin departure. No. 1 107 Cbesnut i-tret. i. eaovia A Baaica'a Highest Prsmlnm sawing Machine. No. T& Chesnot street. sj-Wic HKcoauisnOuH clothino. ST n'v jieeomn'tna vur i toininti. "H, jlfCGiitttientt our vi-imitfi. A a" We Jieim,ii(nil Our Clo'liiiip, Ssr lt! uetoiitmtna ur mmntng, - llr Jtcvn)iMnd Our Viothlnii, 1st, tor Us Good Uuut's -4S tt For Its (,'oorf i)ialiiii,- 1st. br Us Hood Oilv "5 21, for Us Uoout Make.'Ul 2d, For Us Unod Mul.e id for Us Uood Jlui-e-iei ftj br II t 1'iutuubted Vlieames "5a :sl, bi" Us I'ndoubted Cheupnem, ;WI, 'oc Ht I'liitniioted Citeapivss AIT hrn iAL, Cabu. The close of a ean i a-it -m,ti time, to buu Ovorronts ami Suits of evt:rw,.a rltr(p"''n. at prta that are considerably lafvi 04-than are to be soon again. -i.a WANAMAK BH E DIOH.V, WANAU.KKa A ll.OWN VAMAUAKica A Baowai, Lab ruT AaeoBTMBisT and Laboswt FsTABLISlt MUHT WafEfxTAKn MAKK.T 8TB.KTH. MARRIED. - J01TSTON-FACOirTT. On Fsbruary II. at Ihe i . hrl.W. r.lha,. hv tha KhV. ItlCX .rd Nwion.f) It.of IheChurca of the Ki Ipbany, Mr. HW1N H, JOHNSTON to Atlas LVKEf TA l fAU KTT, both Of this City. DIED. aARDtaniCOa tha mnrnliu Of the tltb lOStaat. after a abort Illness. Mrs. MAK V UAiUUvON, la the 7h year of her age. . . ..... 1 1 friends and relatives, ana tne awm v United Jackson Female jteneflolal fsoclety, euii Olive Urove. Na 4, A.O.of F. D. and of Amrloan Btar Aaaeuibly, Ancient Older of Agatbiislans, of wbtchabewas a member, are Invited to asteid the fnneral, tbe residence ol her son In-law, N .! luanoatn a'reet (telween liomoara ana om,u.rr..n, above Tweaiy-tblrd street, on 8uniay afternoon next, tbe luh Inatant, at t o'clock. To prooend to Meobanlcs' Cemetery. BAINIKR-Oa tbe KHb lastaat, CHAltbKS J I. HAINlF.R,lnlbetthyearofhlaage. Tbe relatives and friends of tbe family, also tbs Pcbool Directors of tbe Heventb m"tlnn snd to Teachers of the Public fkiboois, are reapeottiMly In vited to attend tbe funeral, from bla late rasl'lnnne. No. 847 B. Twentieth street, on Monday, tie lu'h In stant, at 10 e'oiook A. M. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. WITnK.RS. Oa the lt'b instant, UAViuari WITHKIUJ, widow of tbe late Hubert F. Withers, of Charleston. B. ('. i LIFE INSURANCE. BT THE AMERICAN AGENTS LIFE IN8UBAJNCE CO. Of I'hlladelpbia, WANTED 8. E. Corner Fonrth aud Walnut Streets. IN better terms NOWHERE fered. of- Address or call at Otlice, 1 to 8 F. M. Company's riiilaucli'iila CALVIN B. McLEAN, 1 10 Manager of CUy Agency ACCNT8 AND SOLICITORS FOR LIFE DiSUBAJiCE, AND ALL PERSONS CONTEMPLATING INSUR ANCE, WILL DO W&LL TO BEK Mr. II. 0. WILSON at the Office ot the PENH MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 21 ClIliSNIIT Street, llBatuthtl PHILADELPHIA. DRY GOODS. G OK El) SKIRTS- Tncked and Rullled. imported. Just onened a line of the above, seven dlfierent varieties, al ra suitable prices. 1HABKEI CIjKN TOILCT NETS. Knt Ire cases nf certain siz". to a Set, for .10 cti., or li, 10, and 10 cents for Nos. 1. and MII.K II.LI SIOH. A la: gs lot for Pufled-chetk purposes, only in ct. a yard. REAL ( KtlCIICT TIIiri. Heversl beanttfnl d-siyns, only H ilO eacb: on, half naual price. Bi:iL HiI Rfjri'LISUS, No. 1 at il.'.t No. ., 'i: t No. :i 31 J. a piece. All other widths, edge and Plats, proportionately lo. Please notice, that these are the Magic Kuliltcg Co.'s manufacture, guarat teed. ini'fATlOSlU'KED 1'REHCH MHU.V, JCxtra Wld'. t'BEM'll JA;OKi;T M UKI.IW, Fxtr. Wld. FBENl'll niLli, For Walking Dresses for Hummer. Fzceedingly scarce In this country. DEAL CiVIPl Bi: L4:e, BLACK. iniTAT14X UIIPIIHE IiAOKS, BLACK, XEW PATTEBSN I91ITATIOH I'BOCBET KUUIKVH, ttEW Jnet received at WORXK1 Lere and Rmbrolderv Store. No. JH N. 1 1HHTH Wlreet. pRICC & WOOD. W. W. OB. EIUHTH AND PIIBBBV, Have Just received from New York India Twilled LongC'ollis, 31 :mir. iter yard ratln Plaid Nalneook Maallna, '41, ;il, 1. 10 1.1, and .H)-, ' Hatlu bulpe Mualln. :1. 31, 33, 'Jin, to, and r'lain and Plaid Orean'ttes. cbeaD White JUrllltama 4 . 31, and .17, '.! very ch.n II air Cord plaid and serin e MuRllns. White Ploues. tfl iK. :tl. Al and 'J .. Freeh Corded Piquet, 31, 37,' and ICtf-. o, ;;, 71, Sott-Uulsh Cambrics, Jaconets, Nainsooks. Swlsa Muslins, a. owiss Unbleached Power-loom Tabls Linens. VI, T-l.andti t Bleached Table Linen. Wataon and Armstrong Table Linens. Barusl.y Table Llnana. Linen Napkins, &1-.10, sjl'OU. $Z, ai-.IO. to 91 per dozen. Linen Doylies, toe., ai, $143, B1-.10 np to f3 per do.n. Best makes Shirting Linens Linen Bird eye, for aprons, very cheap. Scotch Dlapif. by the piece, cheap. Linen Lawn, 0'4j, 7.1. and ", yant. BaigalDS in LadleV and Uenta' Linen Hdkft. Himhnrt V.AriDue and Intertlnet. Dimity Banda Coventry Buttling, Magic RnrtUi'Ks. Banurmgnam innings. Aietiaterea rtuining, a new aruoie: a large 10: very cheap. . , , nargam. 10 i.aipa ana ueuir nuirj. Ladles' Fnll Regular-made Hoae. 33c. Uants' tuper Stoat Hair-bose 31c Gents' ilest Fngllsh Super H.out, 37!i-, PRICK & WOOD, Ji, W. CUR. KII1TH AND FILHKKT. lliwl) PHILADELPHIA. 1SG9-C0MPETITI0N P1UCE8 ! J Ur T0VN LIGHT EXPENSES II OCK CTST0MKS THE UAIJiERSlI Uoode delivered la fcll parts of tbe city csrefully and free of cbarge. MUSLLNS I MUSLLSS I Thornleys Popular Corner. We have Isld In a superior stock of MCBLINB, Bleacbsd and TJnbtescbed. all wlctbs and quslltles, and ars prepared to soppiy tne tnoiuanus 01 out Philadelphia boosekeepers on tbe very best terms. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, N. E. Cor. EltiHIH and SPKIX (JAKDEN. to. b.-To can rids to our door. It will pas to come. - DK2LbS OOOD6 AND SHAWL! Cluslos. out low, w KITE A Ij F AC AS t OK I AKlIr.8. While Corded Alpacas. White French Merlnoes. White rolln Alpacas. At very popular price. wiiiti: GOODS. Flaia and striped Kalnsooks, 25 cts. up. White soft finish Cambrics, 31 cts. ur. Victoria Lawns, bariralns, 37 and 50 cia. One case While I'kiue, 44, worth 50 cla. White Swiss Musllus, 20 cia. up. MCNLINN. Good yard-wide Shirtings, 1! ct. up. All the aood makes Bhlrtlngs. Wide heavy Sheetings, 60 cla. Sheetings, all widths, by the yd. or pc IHIM IH, ETC. New Spring Frlnta, Bblrtlng Vrlnu, novelties. 16 to 37 cts. New Ulnghams, Delaines, etc 37-ot. French Frlnta reduoed from 62. 16 oU Delaines rednoed from 22. COOPEK aft CONAHD, 1.7 fam 6. p, gor. HWTU. nd WARKliT St. DRY GOODS. J O H N D U R fl 8, No. 17 fSOlTTH EIT.TENTH STAKI7T, ABOVI BPRUOB. WIIITI1 CAB DP. D PIgfJK, Bits W1IITM COK DKD FlattlM. 3le. Jta?V th' desirable Whits Oordfd P que, r."""11 as wsre sold last season, and would s cheap svt rK'fw wjaacaie Spn4H Figured Piihs, 3t ;.., woith Flenred Ploues, i.t to 87 Isat year's prices. Fins Corded Plqaes, 31, 50, l)'4H, 7H to ttOc. MA1NSOOKM, CAMRRKU, AND SJIv-ISHI MtJfSLINN. Patln Plaid Cambrics, 1V. a. a 3.1 te O.le. "!.l" d Piatd Natbsooka, !!4, 55, a, 31, 3T' ; Ilam'jurg Xdglnts snd Inserting., nsw Importa tions IX yie. wlas Watson dt Armetroag Wulie Table Damask, 71r, . S Wauon A Aimstrong White Tabls Damask, M '.. V aton A Armstrong Splendid Damask Napkins, 91'fHI per doaen. Pillow aad Sheeting Lluens, less than matkst prices. IIOMir.BTI BOllERT I 1IOVIERTI Ladles' gennlne Balbriggan If one, 81'k F,inl., 73-. Oenta' Balbrisgan hose, Silk Fimli., noe.up. Idtea' extra long English Hose, W .c. worth 71r. Oents' superfine English N-hote. extra-fasbloaed, 37Jt , beat imported. it 5ILK8I SILKS I 8ILK8I STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER'S 8ILK DEl'AKTMLWT is now Unusuall Attractire. The aesottment ifl large and prices reasonable. RICH BLACK SILKS. RICH FANCY SILKS, RICH PLAIN SILKB, RICH EVENING SILKS, FINK SILKS, YflllTE SILKS, CORN-COLORED SILKS, SCARLET SILKS, BLUE SILKS. PLAIN DRESS SILKS at $2 00. ALL SHADES DRESS SILKS at $2 00. RICH CORDED SILKS at 2-75. VERY WIDE HEAVY SILKS at $3-50. GOOD BLACK SILKS at $2 00. HEAVY BLACK GROS GRAINS at $2 50. Jn&t received, per late steamer, fall assortments ol SILK and LINEN TOFLINS in PLAIDS, PLAIN, and BROCADE FIGURES. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, tEMIUL Dill HOODS HOUSE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. s MLK POPLINETTES NEW STYLES. STItlPED POPL1NKTTK3. PLAIU POPLINETTtF. PLAIN POPLINETTES, PLAIN POPLIN ETIES, 30 INCH fc: WIDE, IN STKEL GREYa. SILVER GREYS, LIGHT TARS. VIOLET AND BROWN, At , WORTH ! 50. A Isitj. nd complete ssortiaentor BLACK SILKS. BLACK 6ILK8, with lustre, Bl'l'iK to 't',0. BLACK GBO UKA1N SILKS, to Oil. A complete sesortmsnt of NEW SHADES. COLORED DRESS SILKS. COl.OHl.D DKES8 SILKS, Hl'V) to SO. FANCY DHKtrS SILKS, HI f31j, 1'5, ei. bargains in Wiiiter Dress tootle. H. STEEL & SON. KJ. 'It AND 715 KORT1I TENTH ST., It PHILADIXrUIA. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. PUBLIC 8ALK THOMAB A SOXS, Auctioneers. Larze aud valuable Lot. 4 ouies, fronting on Tioga, Ontario, Clinton, anl Howard streets, Coopessvllle, Twenty-tilth ward. On Tuesday, I-'ebruary hi, 1SW, at 12 o'clock, noon, wl'l be sold at public SHle, at tbe Phllsdelpbla Ksctiarjge, all Ibat large and valuable lot of ground. Iron ting on Tioga, On tario, Ulinlon, and Howard streets (Vlosa and Ontario streets are opened to this lo ). liogin nlng at a stake, corner of land belonging to Jacob Rldgway. and land conveyed and allot ted to Isaac Wtlklns. In the late Northern Liberties Township, now In tbe Twenty-flfcu ward, of the city of Pblladelphla; t hence along said line of Jacob llldgway south 72deg.o'J mm,, west Id perches to a stone, corner of land of Kenderton binltli; thence south H deg., east 62 perches to a stone In John Wilklns' land; thence north ) dec. east IS :0-10u perches to a stake, corner in John Wilklns' line, and land conveyed and allotted to Issc Wilklns; thence by land auotteu 10 ibsao w iikids norm oieg west 4H 8-lCOpercbes to the place of beginning. Containing 4 acres, a roods, and 21 perches of land. For further particulars apply to Wakellcg Li others. No. "i-i Walnut street. M. TBOUAH & HONS, Auctioneers, It Nos. 139 and 142 8. FOURTH Street. s It 1-2 A L KSTAThJ THOMAS to SONS' feiSALJC. Four brick aud frame dwelllniis iu Ana street. Northwest of Salmon street, Twenty-flftb Ward. Ou Tuesday, February 16, lte'J, at 1J o'clock, noon, m III be sold at publio sale, at the Philadelphia Kxohsnge, all that lot ot t; round and irnprovements thereon erected. Situate on tbe southwest side of Ann street, 10 leet nortnwest. of Salmon st reef. Twontv-flfth Waid; containing In lronton Ann street 10 feet, and extending In depth about (r9 let to Kiren srtet. Tbe Improvements are a three story brick dwelling. 2 two-storv lrsme dwelllnL'. acd one-story lrame mrsusc, occupied as a liquor siore, wuu an me uxiures. autjecttO yearly ground rent of .vi. M. THOMAS ,t KONH. Auctioneers, It Nos. 13 snd 141 S. FOURTH Street. HEAL ESTATE THOMAS A SOX3' I "i Bale. Well-secured t round-rent, H.ya a vear. i.-r. On Tuesday. Febtnary 21. l8ti'J. at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchanee, all that weU-Sdcurtxl redeemable ground-rent of ti iO a year, clear of taxes, payanie April ana uatoner, securea uy aiithst valuable lot of ground, with tbe ex ten- etve Improvements known as the "Victoria Oil Works," thereon erected. Bcglanlcg at a point on the east side of Penrose avenue or State Ulsnd road, 214 feet 8 Inches south of Pollock sir et, containing over i acres ol Und. The Improvements on the above are nearly new, and cost ssu.m-u. A clan way be seen at tbe auction rooms, M. THOMAS A 6ON8. Anctliueers, 2iai720Jt Nos. 139 and HIS. FOURTH St, t,t?st VHTATU1 THOMAS HOSS' g a ln wen-secureii uruuuu ivoui, juu JtZr rar tr000. On Tuesday, February lo. 1869, at The Pblladelphla Exchange, all tbat well secured ground rent of 1300, issuing oat of all that lot of ground, situate on the south side of Vine street, 2M feet west of Twenty-first street; Anntainlngln fronton Vine street 20 feet, and .-4 n ..cll. lll'l rul It la omirail hv m. exienoiuK 'u ...... AW.HVWUH.VW j three-story brick dwelling, with all tbe modern Tliitfa lii uii Inunnnna Ice ft:t(U)it. ClluTIIIJlvUU. a " " " - - - THOMAS dt HONS. Auctioneers, U Nos, 139 and Ul ti, FOURTH Street. GREAT op CARPET Hi SLIGHTLY WET AT THE LATE FIRE AT NINTH AND CHESNUT STREETS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESNUT S T I E E I, HAVC DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STO0K C ARPETI illOS LEFT FROM THE LATE FIRE AT A SACRIFICE ID PRICE SALE COMMENCED ON MONDAY, February 1. WORKS OF ART. LAST DAYS OF TSB EXHIBITION OF CHURCH'S NEW "NIACAR A," AT CARLES' GALLERIES, No. 816 CHESNUT Street, 12 ill astnarcIP PHILADELPHIA. CIGARS. JO CIGAR SMOKERS. 11 MARIANA RITA" Clgare, In twenty varieties of size anl price, are pure ail Havana Tobacco; pronounced equal to Imported Cigars, yet much cheaper ! Tby Them. " FRA DIAVOLO" Cigars, in Are varieties, are para Havana Fuxeeb, still cheaper, aud unsurpassed at their price I Tbt Them. These Brands, Copyrighted, are manufac tured exclusively by S. FUGUKT & SONS, No. 229 South FRONT Street, Regular Impobtek as always, of Fixe Havana CiGiKs. t iiMo WATCHES. WATCHES. c. & a. r u qui a not, Manufacturers gu! Iui porters, No. 13 South SIXTH Street. Ilrnwsjrp Manufactory, jVo. 22 & FIFTH fit. HATS AND CAPS. G J0NE9, TEUri.B ft CO., FABBIOMAB L Hi HiJIKHs No. U B. NINTH Btrool. First door abovs Cbosnumrest. B GWAHBUltTON'8 IMPROVED VEN1I luted, aud sasy-rutins Iress lists (pslouledl.lo all tbs Improved laaiiious ot tli seasoa, UHK NtT Btreet, nsxtdooi to Ui. FostOfflosv U Utiap WANTS. WANTED LOCAL AND TUAVELLINO Afuu In every city and town la ths United Ktsiee. Great iuduoeniuts oll-rwd to aotlTS men. l ull or aildrwis. with stumii, WOOD A LO., Boom 1-i, Wo.tOOCUt&NVTbtrsst, I'ula. tslui SALE 8, INSURANCE COMPANIES, THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUB United States ot America, WASHINGTON, D. C. Chartered by Special Act or Congress, Approved July 25, 1868. CASH CAPITAL, 81.000,000 BRANCH OFFICEi FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, Wnere tne business ol the Company la trans acted, and to wblcb all general oorrespondenoe aboold be addreosed. directors; CLABBNCX H. CLABJC, K. a. Rollins, JAY LWSE, John W. tixia, W. Q. Mookhead, Okokok b Xylkr, J. Hlmokut Clakk, a arisx l. VOOKM, Wm, K. Cuanoijes, John D. Daraiucs, HlnwAKO Dodok, U. O. Cahnxbtoox. OFFICERS. Clabxncb H. Clabk, Philadelphia, President, Jav Cookje, Chairman Finance aud Kxeoallv Committee, Hknky 1. Cookk, Washington, Vloe-President. Emkkson W. Pasrr, i'hilaUelpUia, Heoretaiy and Actuary, K. H. Ttjbjvjcb, WasblrLKfon, Assistants eoT. Fbancis U, Hmith, M. 1.. Medical Dlreotor, J. Kwinq Mkabs, M. li Assistant Medical Director. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. BABNK8, Bargeon-Oeneral U. & A., Waao- Li. g ton, P. J. HoRwrra. Chief Medical Departmea U,8. X., Washington. D. W. BLi8d, M. V., Washington. BOLlClTOlts) AND ATTORNEYS, Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, Washlngtan, D, a UxoBeit Habjiu, Philadelphia, Pa, THE ADVANTAGES Ottered by this Company are: It la a National Company, chartered by spe clal act ot Congress, lHoii. It has a paid-up capital of Jl.OOO.OOO, It oilers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other com paules for the same money. it la definite and certain In 111 terms. It Is a home company in every locality. Its policies are exempt from attachment. There are no unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Kvery policy la non-rorfeltable. Policies may be taken whloh pay to the In sured their lull amount aud return all the pre mium, so that tbe insurance eosta only the ln tertst on the annual payments. Policies may tie taaeu t hat will pay to toe Insured, alter a certain number of years, darlac liie an annual lucouie of one-tenth tne amount named In tbe policy. Mo extra rate la charged for risks upon tne lives of females, 188 warp It lnsurta not to pay dividends, but al so low a cost that dividends will be Impossible. ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS. L LA HOE AHSOHTMENT OF COIN AND K A 11 AT ALWAYS ON HAND. u LEWIS LAUOMUS & CO., Jeweller?, t rp MO. 1 HKSM VT SJTUEETs