THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 18G9. NEWS SUMMARY. DomMtl Ailainw -OoJd closed yesterday at 135. "Two men were murdered in different locali ties In Mlchtjran on Thursday nteht. ,v"At 8ouU JJcnd, Mass.. on Tmtrmiav night, lhe Town Hall was burned. Lom. $21,000. Major General Barne. United Stales Army, "Lou Thnrsday. at Bpitntrfkld, Mass. The traitor John O. itrwltiurldgfl, is In Jialtimore receiving the uttentious of. his llebel to lends. By the explosion of a powder mill at Hazard. ""' Gono., on Thursday, two men were in stantly hilled. Three persons were arrested yesterday on Staten Island, charged with emugiiling Havana cigars. Two men were burned to fit a'h the other day At 8uncook, fs II., by the accidental Ignition of naptha. Dr. Ernect ShalroUi, ol South Bethlehem, aoo'dentally fell Into a cellar in Allentowu, Wednesday n'elit, and was killed. Wesley Nelson, who murdered Mr. Limbr-rt near lielolt. VViscoitn, tins bi-en arrested, and conleisses that he committed the crime. fori tzn Air.itra. London, Feb. 12. At the banquet to the Ministry at Fishmongers' Hall lust richt, Mr. Uladstoue remarked Unit the last House of Commons bad been condemned by the Oavern mcotot the day, that that Government had been bronchi to the bur of public opinion on a distinct Is.tue, and the policy of the people was now most clearly denned. London, Feb. U. .advices received to-day state that the Persian artuv, with the Hhah at its bead, has gone to Bagdad. In trie meantime, the Turkish troops are pushing forward to the Peainn frontier. LivKitrooL, Feb. 12. The bnrque Neptune, from mew York for Liverpool, was abandoned OfTBkelly. Liverpool. Feb. 12. A meotiuK of the Chamber ot Commerce of Liverpool was held to-day, to hear au address from Mr. Graves, Contervative member ot Parliament lrom this tiitV. Mr. Graves expressed the belief that the treaty negotiated with the Aruerlcaa Minister for the settlement of the Alabama claims was sore to be iatiucd by the United States bennte. He said the American claims were made with, a dignity, and maintained with a forbearance, that ivereluilj appreciated by tnpland. She had, n consequence, met the advances of the United States more than half-way, and receded from principles which had been re garded as fundamental to the British Constitu tion. The result ot such eouduct, said Mr. Graves, forbid that party politics thill in any detriee interere with houorable arracceoicnts which hae been made between the two countries. Southampton, Feb. 12. Arrived, steamship Holsa'ia, from New York. Dublin. Feb. 12. The Mayor of Dublin will take advantage or the tirst public levee, to present to Queen Victoria a monster petition lor the amnesty ot the Fenian prisoners, which has been so extensively signed by the corporate auihorities of cities ana towns throughout Ireland. Paris. Feb. 12 The spe.-ic in the Bank of France has increased U,00i),000f. since lust week. Havana, Feb. 12. A smnll Spanish schooner hi-n had cleared for New YorK was iseized to-day by the authorities, on suspicion of having arms oud supplies for the rebels on board. Her cai tro was examined, but nothing was found to confirm the suspicions of the othcials. A mixed commission, appom'cd by planter) and merchants to raise fundi for the govern ment, have resolved to recommend ihe following plan: The Spanish bank is to turned a loau of ffl.OOO.OUO to the treasury of the eoveromeut, the government to provide tor the payment thereof by imposing special taxe?, as follows: Fifty cents on each box of miliar imported; oue huudrud dullnrs on each load of unmanufac tured tobacco, and fifty cents on every thousand Cigars; tive per cent, on all Impart duties now paid, and twenty five per cent, uiditional ou the taxes now paid by merchants and manufuc tnrer. The Diario a-lmUsthat therevolatlonists hoVJ possession of the mure Puerto Principe disliiet, except ine city proper. Several secret aepots of arms Lave been dis covered at Curdtnus. Ho detinue news ot the state of affairs in the Central Department is received, either through guveinmenialjor other cbanueK It is, bowver, that the rebels have made the to fa of Menicaragul tneir rallying point. Arrests ot Buspeocd aartit-s continue to bo made. Bevcral Americans and other foreigners aro anions those no in custody. Thomas Levry, the wealthiest rnercbaut ou the island, wa arrfeicd but subsequently relented. It is re-' toned that he ottered to O.totain General Dalei his entire possessions to aid the (tovernmeut in suppressive the revolution, Prominent Cubans cou inue to emlcrate from the Island in larcre numbers. A portion ot thj insurgents in the Di-trict of Cknfueeos are marching towards Hawai Graudee, m the Col- district. Madrid, Feb. 12 At the opening of the Cortes yesterday Marshal errauo said: Tue nations of Europe, in att; a higher degree of ciV'llzuttou, threw olf the itadiuoual bonds which fettered the public miud. Spain delated for a long time following the example of her selgnbort?. She now calls ou her representatives to construe a ucw ediuce. K;vol:icorj has achieved a olooale68 victory. Ihvj etrencth of the nation bis not been impaired, but the ex. ' travagancc ot former udniini-ttrutions has die organized and embarrassed its progress. Tue Government relies upou the Cortes to remedy this by ecbuomical reform and changes iu administration, by wli-c legislation in regard to the public deb, and the payment of tne interest thereon, and by ccouomiiug ;h) expenses of the armt and navy. The fundamental principles of Radical Liber alism wbicn had b eu adop.ed in relation to religion, the press and edjenilon, by the Pro Visional Government, ma. t no jv bo consolidated by the action of the Deputies. Oir revolution here is not responsible lur the r's ue in Cuba. That t due ta errors i,t past govei-uments. Ha expressed the hopa that the iumrection there would be speedily cxi.iiieun-h.ed, aud tbattrau qo lltty. based cu ro'orai, would h.j (lurarile.ulle predicted tha'. slavery wo-M b-s Mbolished wtt.u out precipitation, aud wl-bout, comprooiisluu the prosperity of the Antiil'-s. In couciu'-ion, he congratulated the couu' ry on the goo I rela tions wiib formcQ naiious, cow more intimate than ever bc'o-e, Mauktd. Feb. 12. At the op"nine of the Tones, the Marnnts of Sun a Cm preskded, and ft salute of t Jveiny-' iiO cun wns ored. D'irintr the MrshHl Serrano's speech, tlwre were osoas for the proslsioual covermiiin', for (ieui-ral Prim, and for a republic, aid fir a monarchy The confusion was great, an 1 wa- finally queued by Marshal crra'0'8 crying cftxt for the B07ereigDty o the Cortes. A grand review of troops wa subsequently hM nut ihe members oi the Cortes attended the le Deum ut the Bsillei of Our Lndy ot A fjwh a . Uadrio. Feb. 12 Tho Constituent Cortes fni-nmiiu run iicl its esioi)s here vest'Tdiv with orfftt eeromQv. Ihe eitv was orofuselv decorated tn honor of the event. Crowds of pei pie were la the streets, tings Hying, and the cuv wa regaruen as a n nu ij. The President of Ihe M i i-tre, Serrano, do. livered a eoucriitulatory uJileis on the assem biing ot the depuiie The Contented Micllou, Yesterday aturno'in the above case was re tnmed, and the loilowing lesiiuionv was taken: Mrs. Helen McCartney. No. h13 8. RmhtU street, trsuued that her huMmu 1. John McCart ney. followed tne ea; on ihe mornmifot the Mellon he le t Doitm between 5 andBoVitrK. to go to his ve-sel up town; tie got bajk abj tt 1 o'clock tn the evecimr; he u ruonuiT uo het ween New Ymk xnd Wa-hineton. He wtis iiMesEcd at that number, and ou the Hat ot voter IB the est nour Mi. YVinilM'd Dunleavy, N. Ml Essex street, tes'iai d that bcr busbud. Pa rick Douleavy, had rot beeu lout; enough in the country to vote: had been here uve years Ghrlstmas lust bn wnB a'Sf Bed nnd on the lint or voters.) liH-uni Have. N-8aaHouttr-.H'i!'thi'ree4 fkUtieU ibtti uv-'i oird, uor ever tni to Henry neWier testified that ho moved lst Peptc aber from No. 709 Chnstiau strectj did not voto at all; (he was assessed there and marked as votine ) Vincent Emerson, No. 025 Catherine f tree, testitled that he did not vote; (assessed aud on the voters' list.) Wm. E. Keiliey testified that at this election he lived at No. 713 Stewart sired; no one lived there but hlmnclf. (John Siroble wasassesied thrre and on the voters' list.) Mirbat ) testitied that lie voted from No. 7Gu H. Mnth street, where he resided atth'i election; lived there lrom early In Au,;ust last; Bernard Hopper lived there boiore that; he moved to Holmctborg; no one but witness was there at this time to vote. Bernard Hopper whs assesred there and on the voters' list. ) Hopper is UvIdk now at No. 768 Stewart street. Edward A. Phillips testified that he wm em plojcd at No. 800 Fitzwaier ftreet; Jjhn Kow bottom moved lrom No. 808 Fitzwater street to Hcadlne before t tie November election; knew of no Loose No. 804 Fitewatpr. (lames Do vine was asM'seed at the latter number and ou the voter' list.) Witness resided at No. 514 Federal stieet, In the Second wsid. Joteph Pe er. No. 820 South Eighth slr. et, tet.tltirdtbatMr.Frpderick Mullln lived with him at this election. (Mullen was ascsed there and on the voters' lint. ) John Mnipe lived there then, und does now; Patrick McCrory boarded there then, ulso Jopph Baker. James Dough erty, Frank Peters, his son; a Mr. Put Mullen, living with witness, died on tho Oih of October loot. William Gillespie testified that last October he resided at No. 812 Fallou street; movert to No. 700 8outh Kizhth street about the 8.h of November; EJward McNulty lett witness' house about tho Is', of Weptemoer; took his clotoes away about the 8th of November and pild his bill. (Ho was assessed, and on the voters' list.) Patrick Mullen, No. 819 Catharine street, testified that no Francis Quhin lived there last October. (Quinn is assessed there, and on tho voter' list.) William Owen. No. 828 Catharine street, testified that no other one of the same name was there lust October; is nineteen years old. (tie was a?fessed there, nnd ou the voters' lit.) Charles Darnell, No. 825 Catharine street, testified that a man named Dcviue moved away before the election from No. 823 Cathnrtije eiieet about a couple of squares. ( John Devme whs asessed there aud on tho other list.) Witness voted the Republican ticket. John Lvncb, No. 820 Catharine street, testi fied that he voted the Republican ticket; knew no other John Lynch in that division, (lie ws? aseefsed there, and two were on the voters' list.) Benedict Hosn, No. 822 South Eighth elrect, testified that he came hero from Germany in 1854; was never naturalized, nnd did not vot. (He was assessed there aud on the voters' list.) Patrick Carney, No. 931 Catharine street tegutied that Patrick Campbell never lived there. (Caraobell was assessed there and on the list of voters. ) Matthew Murray corroborated tho testimony of Mes rs. Shultz aud Young, In the previous examination, as to the voting of a number ot New Yrikers. Cooper B. Fithian, No. 823 S. Tenth street, testified that he voted the Uepublicun ticke;; was Kepublicau clerk of the election; he cor roborated substantially the testimony of tho previous witnesses as to the raoulity of the voting and the general conduct of the flection, nnd further, that there was no interruption durins the first hour, except when the ch'rks told the Democratic inspectors to hold no until they wrote the names, which they did, and could not say that be saw anything inside the pol's different from the usual course of elctions ut that poll: the Republicans polled about one third ot their entire vote in the first hour; should thiuK the judge would know tffo-thirds of the voter. Joseph A. Lybrandt, No. 730 Evangelist street, testified thn. ho voted the Republican ticket: was with Officer Murray most ot the time; left him about 1 o'clockaw him at intervals d. inn i the afternoon; cannot tay ho wsdrun-f. Witness declined to answer as to hi own condition; had drank with Officer Murray three or four glasses of ale. Adjourned until Monday afternoon jest. MISSISSIPPI. Provisional (jloverniiicnt Proponed bill to provide for the reorganization of a Provisional Government lor the state or MIS' sissippi. Be it enacted, etc., That for the better security of persons ami property in Mississippi, the Constitutional Convention of said State, hereto fore elected under aud in pursuunco ot an net ot Congress passed March 2, 1807, entiilcd an act tor the more cihieut government ot the itcnei Mates, ana tue several acts ot uom'ress supplementary thereto aud ameudutory thereo'. is hereby authorized to assemble upou the call of the President thereof, and 1:1 cse of his failure for thirty davs to summon said couven lion, then the Coramnudiug General of the Fourth Military District Is hereoy authorized ami requireu ov proclamation to stimimu said convention to assemble at the Capitol of taid Sta'e,' and said con vention shall- have and it Is her.-oy auihoiizod to exercise the following powers in addition to the powers now authorized bv law: lo appoint a provisional governor: to mime remoals and npnoiutments of ail SuiW. county, township, and other officers of the pro visional government ot said state; to authorize the provisional governor ot said state to ren.ove aud appoint ree inters aud judges ot elections under catd acts ot Loneress; to sub mil to the people of said Htate the constitution heretolore lramed by said convention, either vttb or without umeDumeuts; to provide, bv ordinance, lor holding all elections autuor lzea ny saia acts oi oonpress, aud tor hk and declaring the results of said elections, and especially ol any election which may be neid for the latincation or rejection ot env constitution which said convention miv submit to the people ef said State; to exempt irom attachment, maucou execu'ion lor deb household property, or agricultural and me chanical Implements andjtools, not excee iiog in value ouo iu any one case, and to puss such ordinances not inconsistent wiih the Constitu tion and laws ot the united Mates as it may oeem necessary to protect an persons in their lives, liberty, and property. Provided. Tiia paid convention sna.i not continuo tn session tor more than thirty davs. nor allow to the n. embers thereof more thau five do lars per day ascoinpeiiMuion, uor more man ton ceu.s n miie lor trueilwir io and horn the uI.icj ot uteetini.'. Hectlon 2. And be it further cuactcl. That i tie fcevt nil orumances which may bo passed by the Cr ustitinlomil Couveiitiou ol mi'd S'ute. us bt r iu pr viued. thall be In force in sa d statu until olnrproved of by Connieus, or until Mi-- Kibsippi snail nave iidop.ea a constitutional n.rui oi Mate government, and the same soall been Hilop'id by Connies: Provided, That no hum iu this aet cou'a r.e.l bhall deprive any peihon ot tr ul by jury in the courts ot mud State, forotlenseu'jalnstttic la' of mid A'.-xio. freciiun 3. Ana be U liiiiherenne'ed. Tint Hie M lunry Commander iu said State t h ill i?ive aid to the oiiiceis of the Piovulotial (!overmjiii ot Hate in prenervins ihe praee aud euiocini' the laws, and especially in suppres-iiur uul'iwlul on tructn lis and f' tclble HHiHiunee lo the exe cution ot the laws. section 4 And li it further enacted. That the enid Provitional Goveruor m.iy, nf er the ad iouvtiuiiut ot said Conven.ioti, remove fron ofliee in fnld Siato any person ho:dmg otlioe ttcrtiu, and may appolut a successor in his steod, urd mav al.o nil lid vacancies that may occur bv dvuib, resieuation. or otherwise, sub ject, however, to tlin orders ard ilireotons ot ihe President of the Ui t"d Hta es; and the l'lesident of 'he Untied mates may at any time remove the Provisional Goverii'T und aopotnt a tuccei-ror in h' sti'ad. Beei on 6. Anl bo it further enacted. That any perer. who seal", by thro.i's. iiitimidaliou, Maud, or force, ut emptto prevent any citizen ot Mi sis'ippi trotn voting who may be entitled to vote, Khali bo deemed guilty ot a misdemeanor, and unon conviction thereof phall tie vani-liod bv a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $;i000. or by lronrlfl mment for not les thao thirty daja tor more than to years, in the di-erpHoHvOf tb1 eoiirt, ts-olou 6. And be it furthr enao'ed. That th icoajteof the-CnKed S:atc and of the kJu rhall have concnrrenl jnfl'dlctlnn 'of case aiislna under tne 6th reciion of this Act. tscction 7. And be it rarther enacted. That the poll tax levied in any one year npon any cHlecn of Mipfi-wppl shall not exceed one dollar an l fifty cents; and all laws iu said State tor the collection ot taxes and rtrbts shall be uniform, and cvry clU7fn shall be entitled to all the exc mp'lons and immunities In these respects of th most favored citlzeu or clafs of citizens. Srction 8. And bo it further enacted. Thntall ncl and paris of ac b, as lar as thepa-ne may no in conflict with tho provisions of thx act aro hereby reieab-d. FR OM WASHING TON. Washington, Feb. 12. rinanclnl HI I J. Senator Sherman gave notice to-day tn it he Intended to frees bis financial bill, and InsUUd upon its consideration with a vlw ot seeuring action before the 4th of March. Senator Morton touk tho floor in opposition to the bill, aud in favor ot his own scheme. The lienrsnrgre. The House pafcd the bill appropriating otic hundred and ninety thousand dollars lo tho officers and crew of the Kear.sarge for the destruction ot the pirate Alabama. Butler'n KeNotutlon of t'enmre. I.ocan msdc a strong speech a?ni-ist liutW's res-olu'.ion ot censure, and pronounced a warm enloey ou Ben Wade. Duller liii" given notr-e that h will withdraw the resolution, and alio a substitute to be offered providing tor the ap pointment ol a committee to tevisc tbc rales dh the subject of counting the electoral vot,1. Wndc's friends refute to allow the resolution to be withdrawn, as they want to have the satisfac tion ol laying it on the table. Under' Resolution Kinleliel. Wahuinoton, 3-38 P. M. The House has lust tabled by a vote of 130 to 55 the wholo subject uvoivea in uutier'8 resolution prote-ainc against the action of the presiding officer of the Senate. Obltimry. SmiNOFiELD, Mass.. Feb. 12. Major-General Harney, U. is. A., died in this city to-day. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Nev e Frl Page, AXMANAO ton PHlLADBXPHIA-TUia DAT, BUM KlHBB. Sum bars.., ,.6 83!H)8R WAT Ha 8 68 CLEARED YESTERDAY. Htf amb!p ToDawanaa, Jnnlogs, BavAnnah, FAlla- dlbla and ttoathera Mail bimoip Co. Bleamiililp Promelbeue, Oray, Cnarleaton, E. A. Sou- avr .v co. Bcbr Queen ol the West, Beatty, Zza, D. 8. Stetson Bi'r J. B. 6b river, Blggans, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. ARHIVD YK3TKBDAY. Ftteamibln biara and Hirlue. Holmeit. 5 dart from, with tugar, cigara, eio., to Tbuinaa Wauson t Bot e. Mteamer Klctiam Willing. CundlfT. 12 hours lrom Baltimore, with mdse. to A. Uroves, Jr. MEMORANDA. Bhtp Oenoanla. Evers, hence for Bremen, before tepotied at Uallfax, In distress, had aisobargpd imh Iuhi.. ai d would go on tbe marine railway for repairs Hiram Rliii Pioueer. Catharine, from WUmliiKt m, N. c mi n iDRt. lor Pbiladxlpbla. has on board 891 bbis. aplrlli turpentine, 162 do. rosin. 162 baltw cotton X ib". 111 iuhi iiiuncr, 77,(K)0 sningius, oiao Juniper staven. and lu pks, mdne. Bieamship Brunette, Howe, hence, at New York 11 b IijkU B'nihlp Volunteer, Jones, hence, at New York yeme dy. . Ba. que Marlon, Williams, for Philadelphia, cleared at LlVfrpool 29'b nit, Earqup Ptrmbroke. aline, sailed from Cardenas 1st lLt . for a port north of Hatterae. Baiqne Carl Jobann. Nordln, tor Philadelphia. C'eorcO at Liverpool S'Jtb ult, liaiqne Hubert Portfr. Curtis, from Liverpool for Pbliaoe phla, was olf Hnlyhfad ZHih ulU BaiqueCaetrlns Kemble, lor Pnllaaelphla, entered oui at l.i" dun ftitb uiU Brig Harry Vlrdea. Collins, sailed from Liverpool 2flth nit.. I"f Ma anzan. Brig J. W. Hnencer. Bpeacer, for Havana, entered out at Liverpool 2uth ult. HriK Hirlau Blar, Crosby, at Cardiff 27th ult., from Antwerp. Hcbr Hiawatha, Lee. at Baltimore lltn Inat,, from ProvldcDCH, Bchi Ioa Nicholson, Bteelman, bense, atBiUlmore 11Bchiii American Eagle. Rameay; Col. Jonei. ntron?; una j. h. liai?hr. from James river nr PnlladMl pbla at Norfolk lVtb last., wlib raliroad lle; vai In '"eohr yL Adams, Bobbins, for Philadelphia, cleared "SK'ua. May?' BHer. at rrovllence loth Inst., lrom WllmlBBtcii. Del. hcbr AIpx. Young. oung.fct Ouorgctown, 6. C, Uu Inbt., from cbaileawn. MISCELLANY. Pcbr C. E. PMge cf Philadelphia), Dongbty. frnm Boston for Savannah, wltn guanti, nut lino Norlolti 9th li su. lor repairs, having on the U.u. wbie have to olTCape Hatteras. In a heavy K gale, aolit mtlasall ann carried away malnboom; vessel fell oil Into 11)9 trough of tbe si-a, shipped a boavv sea. carrying .p rompBLlnn ways wanhed away the blnnaole aud ii-rirc wheal, and everything movable from off the l rk lining the cabin aui lorHc&stie wlih walur, aud Injuring the captain and shifting the cugo. NOTICE TOMABINERS. Ofllelal iBformatlon has bren recoived at this olllce trim, lrom the 1st day of Jaucnry, I8t9 the rollowing cobi ge In the P'ti 00 of ihH llxnt at Alituei Mor(.. Oini 01 Lyon, south coast 01 France, would take place: Tbe HKtU wonln be removed to Poinle de I'Eipiga etie t hnui 3 mites h. w. from Its 'ormer poslt ou. 1 be light, a fixed and tlathlng. nhowlni; a flash, preceded by a short eclipse, every four ru I nines. It is i-levaled gsteet above tbe sea. and lo clear wea I) or shon d be seen from a ditance nt 11 mlleo. Tbe prslllon. as given, is la lat. 43 29 16 N., long, i 8 14 F.asl lrom Greenwich. 1 he entrance of Urao d'Algnes Mortes will continue to be llgbi ed by a small fixed red light on the head of lb con h west letty, and vislhln s miiei. By order. W. B. BHUBKIClt, Chatrmna. Treasury Department.omce Lighihousa Board. Wash ington, D. C, ieb. 1, 186S. Thechannel tor the port of Bt. Augnstlne. Flnrda, has been closed, rendering it nnsain for vessels to attempt an entrauce. Tnro I another ohanndl lead ing to ibe harbor, and the buoys will newd to be moved 10 Indicate It. This matter will be remed.ed wliboul delay. SPECIAL NOTICES. fr-75T COLD WEATHER IX33 NOT CH4P or roughen tn skin alter nsing Wlliunr'n ALCONA1 EDOLYAltJN rABLE'I O fiOLI OI 71 K O t.LYCKKIN. Ita daily una makes the sklu del I- calulv soli uud beautiful, kt Is allulitrully trakrant. tranjparont, ami iuoouipArable as a 'lo:lf Ho;p. For sI by all Drutglsis, K fc . A WRUirti', ifl No. 624 CUESNDT Btreet, N0TICE.-I AU NO LONG Ell EX. trrctina Teeth without puln fir the (.t.ltmi Mental A sociation. Ptntons winhlne teeth ex tracted kliNoltitely without wain by trend Nltious Oxide is. win Coil uie at Nj. 1(7 WALNUT Btrtet ll rn suit ail. 1 4m DR. F. H, THOMAH. COFFEES ROASTED ON A NEW rrliicVle, retalnlnn all the aruma and true llaor, are the h'st. tn sale by FAlllTIIOnNK A CO., No, 5405 N NtNIU aud 1 ."(iHlnthin No. lO.'ttl MARKET Hlrwt, NOTICE. " Dkpabtmknt of KKceivmi ov Tin g, B. K'. C'OH. (l tUTH AIHU (IHWHIT CTt. TheTax Dnpllcaiea will be leady tor the receipt of City and Btata Taxes for the year iscoon MON DAY next February IS. A discount at he rate of nine per cent, i-ei tLiiuui will be allowed tvr prompt payment. JOHN M MF.LLOY, llooelver ut Taxes. Philadelphia, Feb. 10 2 it 31 riff" CELTIC A H 8 O O I A T I O N Of AMKHICA. I. KCrimli BY JOHN Mrrt'H'I.L K-Q, AT CONCEllT ilAl.I,. WKONKiDA, f Ml. 1?, At H p. M rr th IlPtclH ol tne oh. tic Library I iQd. Bulijei-t 'V ho uro tne Cells T" IteaetH. :hi c-nt-. Kor sm a', tha hoik swres of Mttis Cumm sky. No. io:if cne.4uut mroet. Turner ro. MW iiiMoi ul aiiHMt, Hruiiiln) oirudr b'p'i 1 1 "i hcaulau, No lot !tiuih Ifiilu Choice seats renervt J f,r atlia and gentlemsa i couipanjiug them w.tbout extra cari..'. IU tellKLlO llAthHt.tK, Jaui-ji O Djmnll, Becretary. 10 tit ?" KEV. HESBY WAHD BEETHER Will lecture at tbe Y Of MtlMrC, THt'lsiJAY l.VKNIKO. Pehruary 2Hh, Fnbjert "BATroNa L a UtmRMRWT." 'JbesaiO VI wia itM Muiounoed beat wttk. M Jifcj ' SPECIAL NOTICES. OLD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. 118 WALNUT BTRKKT. Th Company li now prepared to d Is pons of lota on UF-ASONABLK TKKMB. The advanUgns offered By this Cemetery are well known to be equal If not superior lo those poiemed by any other Cemetery, We Invite all who dtalre to parohaaa burial lot to call at the erUce, where plane can be eenn and all particular will be given. Deed lot lot sold are read; for delivery. BTCHARD VAUX, Present. PKTKRa KEYHK'R, VIce-PreeldenA. MAIITIN LANDKNB.UHtJ&K.TreMtiTffT. NimiBL Nikbkt. Hcreiary. Ill em tEf OFFICfS OF THE DKIAWAItE DIVI- 8ION CANAL COMPANY OF PENNSYL VANIA, No. tea WALNUT Btreet, PHiLADixrniA, Fob, 6, is9. The Manager! have declared a dividend of FQCU FEB CFNT.. tree from taxes, payable at the tmce on and after tne istb lust, I Hi R. O. GILRB, Tremmrer. r'T- OFFICB I'KNNSYLVANIA KAIL ROAD COM PAN Y. . Philadelphia. Jatiniry 27, 18. TYia AhliidI Mastiiiv ,.r ihA KLwtohulrtera of this Poinpaiiy will be held on TUhHDAY, the lsih day uf fforuikiy. i.9, at io o'Ciw A. ra uguci Kr. ll)ldf'hi.Miil.l.d.t. ftlillai1ulllhlav lllll Annn.l Kunlnn fur Dlr.l'lorn Will behold OO MONDAY, ihe lirnt dy ol March. 18. i tne oUloe oi tii Cjrupauy. No mh Mouth THIHU ej-reet. I 27 17 K I) M ON SMITH, Eeorotary. rSJfT- ELLIfi' IRON BITTERS prooioie dtgeitrlon. ntlniulate the blood lo Imaltriy eeticn. Ionic and palaiabl". l'reoartd by William Kills. CliemirU Bold by JOHNSTO y, HOL LOW AY A COWDKN. No. U ARCH Kireet; KVAXx, No. 41 U. KlOUril Btreet. aud by DrutKims generally. 14 tumiwn S3" ELLIS' IRON BITTERS. THESE v-xy Tlluara RontBin lrou In one of the mo.t va n ab:e forme: marb ilcKuwd la oecanloned by Ita want iDtbeb'oiid, Te Iron Id this compound auppllt and imparl vigor to the name 2 4tutnistr FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE CHAMPION SAFES! rHiLAEELTBiA, Jannary lfc.Jt-W. Messrs. FAR RE L, HERRINCJ A CO., No. 629 Cbesnnt street Oentlemeo: On the nlgUt of tbe 13th Inst, ai Is well known to tbe citizens of Pblladeirhla, our large and extensive Etore and valaable stock of merchandise, No. 902 Cneanut street was bnrned. Tbe fire was one of the most extensive and destructive that bos visited oar city for muny years, the heat being so Intense that even the marble cornice was almost obliterated. We bad, as you are aware, two of your valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE- PROOF SAFES; and nobly have they vindi cated j onr well-known reputation as manufac turers of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, u anyfurtber proof had been required. They were subjected 10 the most intense heat, and It affords us much pleasure to Inform you that after recovering them from the ruins, we fonnd upon examination that our books, papers, and other valuables were all In perfect condi tion. Yccrc, very respectfully, J A S. E. CAJ-BWELL & IX). Till- OSH hTl.H KYPOEB TO THE 1IRE IM CAMIWIXt'N NIIQE W1L FARItLX, ULKItI. A t o. I'Hll.AnfJLPHIA! Jht., It, irt. Uttstch. 1' AltKElij HEitlUNOI & CO., No. 029 Otiosnut street. Gentlemen: On tho night of tbe Utu Instant our large store, (3. W. corner of Ninth and Ches- nnt streets, was, together with onr heavy stock of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We bad one of your PATENT CHAMPION ritiiPKUUP' BAf rJi, winch contained onr principal books and papers, and although It was exposed to tbe most Intense heat for over 60 hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our recommendation. Our boois and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully tender our testimonial to the many already published, in giving the HERRING SAFE the credit and confidence it Juki ly merits. Yourf, very respectfully, HOWELL 4 tiJtOrri..KS tSTILL ANOIHEH. Philadelphia. Jat, JV, ifou Mebsrs. FAKKKL, HERRING & CO., No. 629 dhesunt street. Uentiemen: I had one of your make of safes In the basement ot J. E. Caldwell & Co. 's store at the time of the reat fire on the night of the Uih instant. It was removed ftom 1 he ruins to-tlay, and on opening li I fonnd all my books, papers, green backs, watches, and watoh materials, etc., all preserved. I feel glad that I had one of your truly valuable safes, end shall want ftuothet of your make when I get located. Yours, very respectfully, if. L. KIRKPATR1CK, with J. K. Caldwell c Co., No. 19 Chesnot BtrtMt IAKKCL, IIERBIHG & CO., CHAMPION SAFES, r;o. C20 CME8NUT teeot, 1 11 ti PHILADELPHIA. TDEN NV LVANIA H08PI1AI. r ' FHinaUKLi-ula, IHsueuiber IU, Idtxi, "Tbe attending JlauaBf ra art; WiHiar siorriii o.llttlr Tulrd Btreet. u Murna Wall). Wo. Via 8. Diiaare avenue. At"n"ing r-nyaiclan-J. 11. l)a Costa, M. li., No. 1 uPwTgion8-WiUtam Hunt, M. J., No. 1300 BT,bUoiaseorg Merton. M.D..N0. UU Ohesnut B,Tif'pbTiilcln andBurganns attend at tha noHnl-talv-ry day iHundaya excepted; to receive appllua- 'Ve'w'rlouy Injured by accident arealwavs adnilti'd li brought to the Huaplial buiuoOiai-ly irlier. t5oDGBB8 ASD W08TKH HOLM'S POCK El rV KM V Faarl "d .blag Ilandira, of baatltoi ill tab. K01Or'iK' and WAtiK A BUTCH rUi'H RA ZOhH, aud ibe eelebrawad LKtXiULTRJS AAZUJi t11KW)lU Of tbe fiDMUt QIMlltT. itazuta. MjIv.. Io:aoia. uid Tfcble CcLy Oroun PROPOSALS g I BALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED at the Office of tne Chief Quartermaster UHary DfVlHion of the Missouri. Bt. Louis, Mo., until 12 M., on tbe 201b. day of February, 1W9, for the transportation of Government troops and supplies from tbe following points to posts on tne Missouri river, ns ludloated, during tbe time from March 20, im, to Oolobor w. ibo, inclusive, vir. From Ht. Louis to Hloux CTty. Forts Randall, Bully, Rice, Stevenson, iUtfoiJ, Uamp Uooa, or any post that may bo efttnbllsbed at the -mouth of the Musclesbell river, and Fort Renton. From Wyandotte, Kansas, to Sioux City, Forts Randall, Bully, Rice. Btovenson, Buford. Camp Cook, or any post that may be eatabllHiied t tbe mouth ot the Muscloshell river, and Fort BCD von. From Fort Leavenworth to Rlonx City, Forts Randall, Hully, Rice, Stevenson, Bulord, Camp Cook, or any post that may be ettabllNlieil at the mouth of the Mtihclcsboll river, and Fort Benton. From Omaha to Rloux City, Forts Randall, 8nlly, Rice, Htevonsou, Knfonl, Camp C00K, or any post that may be established at the mouth 01 mnscieBneii river, and Fort Bunion. From Fort lUndatl to Forts Bully, Ulcn, Rto venson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any pout that may be established at the month of Muscle shell river, and Fort Bnnton. From Fort Solly to Forts RI09, Stevenson, Bnford, Camp Cook, or any post that my be eRtabllsbed at tbe mouth ul the MiiHolesheil river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Rice to Forts Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post mat may bn eat ab Imbed at 1 be mouth of the MusclisheU river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Stevenson to Fort Bnford, Camp Cook, or any post that luay lx e!abltHiipl at tbe month of the MufKUetthcll rlvor, and Fort Di-u ton. From Fort Buford to Camp Cook, or any p'wt that may be established at the mouth of the Munolesbell river, and Fort Benton. , From C'uruD Cook, or auvtuwl. that mnv ho established at the mouth of the Muscloihell liver, to Fort Benton. It will be tbe endeavor of the Government to ship during tbe season most lavoraole for navi gation of tbe river, say between Jnnel aud Aneust 81. Bidders will slate, however, the rate (separately for each month from March 20 to Ootober 20 Inclusive, the date ot starting, so as 10 determine tne rate to oe paiu) at wuion tney will perform the service from each of the start ing points of destination above named, as fol lows: 1st. Tbe rate at which they will transport each officer and soldier (cablu passage to be provided for omcers, ana ror soiuiers necessary 'acuities for cook lDg their rations, which will be supplied by tbe Government). 2d. Tbe rate per 100 pounds at which they will transport supplies. id. xne rate eacn at wnicn tney win transport borees, mules, cattle, ambulances, carts, wagons, etc. (troughs lor feeding animals to be supplied by inesieamDoat A Just preference will be given to parties who own and control boats. Boats will be expected to always give tbe Government neignt tue pre ference, and in no case will be allowed to carry private to tbe eiclnMon of Government freight. Tbe contractor will be required to transport, stores by land In the eve Lit of failure by water; snd ail stores rtceivca uy itie con tractor lor transportation must be delivered at their desti nation wnnin meyeariooy. Bidders will piessegive tnf rate at wnicu mey will lurnlhh transportation down stream. In case tne contracting party tans to carry frplohl. au rfotiirtd. the Government reserves the light to lurnibh tbe transportation at the exnenHe of the contractor: and nothing herein contained frhall be so construed as to prevent tbe Government lrom transporting public sup pllts on any of its own boala. Alio UOveroillcIlb irnurvco iuq iiuu Hiivjuvu any or all Ibe bids that in:iy be olieied. liiibUra are informed tnat no boat loaded with Government moron will no allowed to go above Sioux City. Iowa, urawinsc over mreo and one-ball reel 01 water, ana mat ooa'swm not be required to go to points above Sioux Cltv with less 1 nan iw tons Bidders should give their names In full, as wellas their places of residence, and each pro posal mtiRt be accompanied with a bond in the kum of 810,000, signed by two or more respon sible persons, guaranteeing thnt in case tho contract Is awarded to the person proposing, the contract will be accepted and entered into, and good and sutticlent security furnished by eatd party, in aocordance with the terms of this advertlnement. The contractor win oe required to give oonas in tbe sum ol (100,000. Tbe party to whom the award is maJe must be prepared lo execute the contract at once, and to give the required Dond lor thelultlilul terformance of tbecontraoi. As railroad transportation maybe required for troops and supplies lrom Chicago, Illinois, to Slonx City, propoKnls for the same during the season anove specified are luvited. Copy of blank form of river contract to be enteied Into, in the event or award, and blank tortus of proposals, can be bad by application lo inls ornee, at toe olhce of tbe Chief ljuarter master, Department of tbe Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas of Cnlet Quartermaster, Department ot the Piatle, Oman a, Nebraska: and at Ihe olllce of Bievel Brlgadler-Goneral Fred. Myers, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. B. Army, Chlcitgo, Illinois Proposals for rlvor transportation should be endoiked " Proposals for Army Transportation by the Missouri river;" those for rail. "Pro posals for Army Transportation from Cbloauo to Sioux City," and addressed to tho nudar- 8lBsorder of the Quartermaster-General U. S. A. ' J. L. DONALUHON, Acslstnnt O.uartermaster-General O. S. A.. Cblef Quartermaster Military Division of the Missouri. 1 25 2Jt BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JA3. Ha BRYSOrJ a SON, o. b North S1XTU Street, fitationers and Printers. Ulaufc 1.006, Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Books, Etc. Etc, Made to order at tbe snout st notice, at the lowest anarauk rates. LETTFB PAPER, per ream . ft W FuOlht'Af ParCK per ream 3 00 NOlE I'AltK pur 1 eaoj. 1-43 A lull assortment ot Imported and staplu BTA TlOlsEKY. always on hand; INKS, l'ENCiLW, PEN BOI DEK8. Etc., la great vatlety. EN VI LOFEB. bus, letter size. .fl'M per 1000 itane, " in A great variety of sty Us ana grades always ou band, al tbe lowest ralrs. MlIMKD BLANK 8. CARDS, PAXPnLETS, Etc. executed In ibe niut-t approved style-. tat9 lm JAMES O. SfifllTH & CO. BLANK O O O II MANCtfACTCREUS, WHOLKHALK AND llFIAII o. 27 MonOi SEVENTH Street, iv if finwauij yBlLADELPMA. 8TATIONEIIH, KROCERItS, ETC. 3SJI rnurr IN CANS. PKaCHKe, P1NKAPFL 'B. ETC., OKU KN CJUS, TOMATOES, iKEKCB I KAS, MCbUKOOMM. AbPAItAQDa ETC. E1C. ALBERT C. BOBEBTt, Dealer io Fine Groceries. UTJrp Cor. ELBVSNTU aud VIA JE btreeia. DB. XINKELIN, A7TEB A RESIDENC1 aud prautloe u tblrty years at the Mortbwesl oornei of Third and Uulo" atreeta, has lately re aiovxd tonnib FLSVKMTH btreet, between lCaju It KT Dd ( H BN UT. Hlssoperlortiy Id tbs prompt aud perfect core ol all rtoent, onronlo, local, aud oonatltutloaal ajtao Ues ol aspwlal natnre, Is proverbial. Diseases of the skin, aiipearlng In a hundred dlf ferenl forma, totally aradloatedi mental and physical wi-akuuta, and ail uervwua debltitMia souuiUncal'y and snorwaaruaty !, UtfiOl houca ttrow I AM te IV.Ms iWUSEMENT8. rjHBBECOHI, ORAND COl?oliB W fl M ' niace'oa "M0NI0 (KJOY r'OLO ARTIkIH Mr. C4RI. Wt)Lr)HN. Mr. RrriOr.PII uvxrairt ' - - over on nrr- -I)lt 11 KHK Kcn UTZ'.T.. w erlure- FRANlH jvukh . Z .Z." . T'n. Overlure- BV THH. UlllMi riu.'HlrafVi"."" bur i,0m tnkiRun., ti u) Ferale at lbs Ottlre. No. 1102 Ch.n'ti't "niri all Wnr-fc P MU8l Btore", 0(1 M AeadsM, ol l oom open at 7. Betln at 8 o'clock. Ho lttnerved Beats, . THE GRAND PUBUO ItKnEAHBAL, ' v previous to tha conort. at H' HTIcrjLTURAL II ALL. TKIDAY, Ffb. 12, al8 o'clock. 1 10 4t Tlcfcot M cunts. WAUSUT 8T. THBATBE. BEGINS AT 71 1IOGBEH L'Kt.'WDKU TO THK DOMUJ. i TrtlSlHainiOayi KVJCNina. Feb. 13. Hlxtb NIkIiI ol tbe w. r'd renownpcl Conifrtlaas. Mr. and Mrs. 1HRNKY WILLIAMS, who will apnear In iba Pal y I ramamiltled THK FA1KY CIKttLR. TON OTA It OLA N Mr. Ba RNK V WILLIAM MOI.I'HHFK Mm BAU.NKY WILLI A MS Alitr wliicb ibe upruarloaaiy laugbable cooiedy entitled THE CrBTOMS OF THE COUVTRY. 21 F.LI A. with si.. g ...Mra. B KMC Y WILLIAMS To conclude wltn tno m--piitlii Farce, IHE IKIII TIOKR. Patltiy Ityan Mr. BAB B!Y WILLTAM8 Mlifl. JOHN DBEW'8 AKCH BTBBET THE ATRK. lleliia at 7 . A NEW COEUY AND BCRLKHUTTF. MONDAY, AND tll.Hll THE WEEK. Kdniund Ya'.es' new t'omrdy, called . TAMKUATS, Mrs. HAIRY LANUliEY Mrs. JOHN DREW Atded by lb-Full Onmpany. Concluding Willi Cralv's fprverslji, of ,. B h BR 111 KU K ' TWELFTH HIwH I M I INKR. Sa'nrday, at 4 III rebt-arsal. A Vtf'Tl H UF UIBOUMel 1ANCKH. MISS 8CSAN GALTON'S CIIESNUT 3TRESX THE I KE IHS BUsAN jiALTON B MIO OPERA IIIMPANV EVEIIY EVENINU IN OFFK.NBAOa'S OOMIO - , OFKRA-CHINU-tllOW-HI. rtats can be scenrt-o six day la advance at J't, bo. SU Cneanut street, and at the Thtatre. " a IS tf AMERICAS VARIETY THEATRE.'. EVERY EVKNINU AND 8ATTJ&JDAY . AU KHNOON, . ORKAT COMBINATION TROPX, 'n.,(,rnd3 Ballcta, Eiboplan Burlewiues, Bongl Dancee. Fanlomlnipa. Hvmnuil Acta, etc VALER'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER Hlrfpt"AKlEN, Noe. 7S0, 74. TH, and 72 VlHJt 1 HE GRAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the aTO p ty Ol tbe CKAJND DUKE OF BADEN, parohaaed ai great expense by JA oh VALKtt, of ibis city, In comnlnalloD WHhaFLAMKR'B OHOH aXTRA, and Msks NELLIE ANDERi-r N, will perform EVERY AFTKBNOON and KVEM1NO at tne abovs-mea. tlonitd place. Admlsklon Irce. 1 18 tl H OKTICDLTIUAL UAL L. GERMANIA EVERY WEDNESDAY, al H P. M. Tickets sold at tbedoor. aud an piluclpal Mulo Stores. Pack ages of Uve lor 1; slDsie. U6cut. EUKaKPDienia utu neuiaue by addressing- Q. BAB- TIIU', No. mi UONTKKr Y Btreet; Wlttlg'a Moalo Htore. No. lMlCbenDut street; Andre's Music Bioro, ao. 1104 Chewuut street. 1 It 8m pABL SENTS4' AND MARK HASSLER'S OR- V. JTl JV- A -I 1 1X1 n M l k.1 ti. Mlt V JLL. A Oil A V Xt V A M. at 8) f, M. IN ML'BICAL FUJSD HaLL. Blngle Ad- niinaion, nu cf-nts rttcaeoi ticaeta, i, atuoner p No. 1102 CHEBNl'T Bt.. and at tbe Door. 114 If PROPOSALS. P ROPOSALS EOK SUBSWl'ENCK STORES. HEADO.TJARTEH8 U STKICTOFTHR . INDIAN I'KKKIfOKY.UirFICE CHIEF OOMAIIWHAH Y UF tiUBHlSfENCK, 2 Voht UiumuN. U. N., Jan. 21, 1HG9. J Sealed fropdstt b. iu duplicate, will bo re- celved at itieotiice of 1 be undersigned, at Fort UlbsOB.U. N.,uulli li o'clock M., MONDAY, Match 16. lKt9. for the delivery of Bubslstenoe . Stores, a follow: AT l'UUT OlJbSON, CHI;KOJrilili NAl'lUN, I. T. 660,000 pounds ol Floor. 7n,000 pounds of bucon. 25,0( 0 pounds of H ilt. 6,000 aallons ol Vinegar. 400 barrels ol Pork. And Com Meal in such Quantities as may be requited. inn fioor 10 oe equal in quality to toe nest XXX brands of the hi. Louis market, and put up as loiiowt: 16 too pounds to oe put up in barrels lull h ad lined, aud 425 000 pounds to be I nt op lu double sacks, oi gunuy saoklng and cotton fibeetlna. The BacouMo be of first quality, and put cp uh lollows: 0,1 00 pounds lu tierces or casks, and 65 000 pounds In guuny Backs of about 126 pouuoh eacn. The Halt to oe ofeood oualltv. and put up an fol'0f ; 10.100 pounds 111 barrels and 15,000 nonnds in double sucas of buddy saokine: and 001 1 11 olieetii'g. Tbevmeenr 10 be of best aualltv. and made of whisky I full HtreiiKih, aud lobe put upas follown 1001' uallous in barrels of good aaallty. securely hooped, and '00 gallon to oe put up 111 caus couiuiumg not mote inau ligations ench, the cnt-ks tn b of best quality, painted, and to have four Iron and eight hickory hoops on each. Th vnrtc to be nrime mess nortr. to be put no securely In good barrels containing 2oO pounds eacn. ' ' ... . ' . The Corn Meal to be or Dest quality, ana pui up in barrels or fcaekH, like tbe Hour, as may be requireo. ineperacuor pBiwim m wuma mj award is made inubt be prepared to exeouto oonirHCisand give theretiulred boners at once, and be in readings to commence the delivery of stores on the iOih day of April, IsiiO, and to continue tbe aame lu such quanlilies as may be required nnlil tbe ll day of December, 18011, at which lime the wbole amouut of the article or ankles contracted for most be supplied. Bum pies of articles (except meats) nimt ac company the proposals, in boxes or hollies, ana I101 in par er parcels. Kch bid must be accompanied by a good and snfllclent guarantee lrom two or more persons whose loyalty and solvenoy are certified by a clerk of a court of record), sotting forth tnat tbi-y will, In tbe event of Its acceptance, give ample bonds and security for tho faithful pr lornuauce of tbe name. Tne name and place of residence of eaoh bid der ana surety must be given. No proposal will be entertained, unless satis fni lorlly represented, that does not fully comply with tbe terms ol thl advertisement. Proposals may be for tbe whole or any part of tte storeB required. Any contract awarded under this advertise rnent will be made subject to tbe approval of Ibe L'cnimlisar.v-tJ tieral of Hubslslenoe, H. 8. Army, and the right is reserved to reject any or ail bids. All stores delivered will be subjeot to a rigid lDfiptoilon. Payments upon tbe contracts awarded will be msde monthly lu aurrt-nt funds, or as aooa 88 tbe same aball bnve been received. Bidders are lnvlieri 10 be present at the open leg of proposals, wblch will tube place ou the day and hour above apeolded. Blttuks for pro posals f nd bonds will be furnished on an plica tion 10 tbls office. r,r Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, 'Pro penal for Bobsisience Htjres," and addressed lotbe Clt'ef Oommlhsary ol Bubslstenoe. Cis. t let Indian Ten Uory, Fort Cllbson,C.N7 ty order of ' 3 6 6tw Btevet MJor-Oen. B. H. GRIEftdON. A. F. KOi K WELL, Bwl, Lieut. Colonel and A. Q. M. U. B. A., C. C. a Dlst. Indian Territory. PATENTS. OFFICE FOR PROCURING PATENTS. iUKKLST liULIJlMJS, No. 119 South FOUUTH Kt, rhllauelphla. AND M AHBLU BDILDINHfl No, 4o BKVKNTH threat, opposiu V, 8. Patent 11. HOW-UN, Ho luiiorotPatanta, V, BoWktuA, A.Ltorue ai. Law, CWirr mnnlcallniia o ue aildr.iud tti ih. p.iai Olllco Pftlladolpuia. litlm (GALVANIZED CABLE FENCING, Tbe Cheapest and most Enduring Fence for Farmers, ltallffay JomnanJes, or t'ounti 7 Heats. BampUs seen at the offloa of PHILIPS. JUSTICE, im PiULADjraA, t.tei'"