The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 12, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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rmn NbuuM III Aflleneed
uj Blow Oat II la Brains.
The Kcw lork X'mocraJ of this morning
A terrible affair oecnmd at an carl MUr
testesday niorntng, at the Loine No. 116 Seventh
avenue, occupied by a tai'or named John
Rhodes. A young nan named Peter Bmb;rsrr
hot hi sweetheart, and tbrn placing the
Htaisle of the pistol to Lis own head, flreJ three
times. An Inquiry Into the facta of the case
repealed the following: ,
Feter Bamberger and Sarah Bocrd, young
levels returned Irom a ball, where they hud
been apparently enjoying thenxclvcs with
ntaal Jest and pleasure. Tuoy had entered the
ffw fof the premise Ko. 116 Soventh
avenue, where they bo.h lived, when the lover
wfrom his pocket a revolver, and sent the
taden contents ot the pistol through her head.
He nest placed the tevolver oppose his fore
head ami dischsn'ed three shots, which, It Is
Ctrl, ha
' ia l ..t nrr fell1 iiiibi lit:! . hl jxl
rM'Jeii 4 '. '
tor the past three years, mnce
v .,vdiftth B'nco then rbo hai boon
fcW,p ft be m r . HoioJ three month;
were engaged o be nun - stJpf,uhcr and
Sh a Servant t John Rhodes. Bain
fcSrWnloVr! h'ho. 1W Movent avenue,
Md stare "hen her at-'phitnor, tieorge BrerJ.
k not een her. n Wednesday evcului?
s.iab Tund ber sweetheart (Bamberger) wont to
Stall' bell m iatonal Hill. In West Forty
twth street. Yesterday mormnir. about
Lalf-pusi 4 o'clock, they left the ball,
in company with Mr. Rhodes his wife, and
arm her man. who, on reaching the home, left
the l ivrs In the hall-way. Tney had scarcely
ondieeeJ when th-y heard n pistol shot, lm
meo a ely loliowed by two others. Mr. Rhodes
took alight, and went down stairs, at the foot
c.f which he louud the young girl, Sarah, lyim,',
with a bullet-hole In her lett ttniple, and al the
door he discovered Peter lying In a pool of
blood, whicb ran from his hcaa where three
bulls had enteral. He Immediately roused the
iteieobots. who gathered around In alarm.
Bo'h were taken In an insensible condition, and
wire eouvejed to Mount Slnui Hospital, In
West Tweutj-eighth street.
Cor. ner Rollins atteuded at the Mount Sinai
Ho? pi at, and examined the girl Sarah
to the circumstance of the shooting. She states
that she was engaged to be married to Bamber
ger. On Wednesday night he and she went to a
kali at tbo national Assembly Kooms, and
Teturn'd about 6 o'clock yesterday morning.
Tae hall was dark, and they were taliting
leasantly together, and in about three minute9
ebe was tnoi. mere ws uu miauuucisinmiins
between them, and they were to be married
soon. Her father was opposed to it. She nevor
saw the pistol found In Uttub.'nrer's possession,
aid he had never threatened violence upon her
r himself in cane t-he refused to marry him;
there was no oiie In the hull at the time, so tar
as she know?; BAOitiereer was fooer, and after
he was shot she knew nothing lor some little
time. The pirl evidently desires to convey the
impression that the was not shot by her lover.
The report, when first related to the police of
the Hxtecuth precinct, was that they were both
hot by her stepfather, whereupon au officer
was despatched to arret him, and succeeded in
doing so as he came from a liquor store Ui
orty-Beteuth street. Ou being informed of the
occurrence he seemed startled. The following
letter, written in German, was found on the
person ot the unfortunate man, which shows
that the deed was premeditated:
"Dear Brother: I am sorry for onr poor
parents, for the pain and shame I have brought
upon you, and all, nnd forgive me if jou cau,
for 1 can't do otherwise. 1 can't live without
er, and to live with her would not dj. Mr,
Jkerd (Sarau's stcplatbci) gut his satisfaction
f us both. I loved her strom.', but, anyhow,
I could not respect her. 1 done every thing to
get rid oi her. Iottenwas cold towards her.
Afterwards it pained me iuside, and now I have
jbo more rest. I can't do otherwise. I wish I
had never seen her. My dear brother, I wish
you to lulol my last wishes. I promised
ny mother if I could not follow
her to the place of her last rest, that I would
fcuy ber cofliv. Now I request you to
Bend ber S25 before she knows the truth or my
case. I don't think that she would ever get
ver it If she knew the truth of her unfortunate
eon. Tear liiend Rhodes (his employer): Oh !
togive me. if it is possib.e, so do me the favor
i me iai love, auu see mat i get ounea as a
human being, and give my friendly greetings to
jur loved and respee'ed wife. You always
Meant good with Sarah and me. Sneak to mv
poor brother, and if possible talk him out ot it
ae nucu as possible, uu : near Droiner, I like
so much to live, aud now I have to go so soon
M the grave's rest, illy mends, torglve me.
Dear brother, everything 1 leave behind roe
hall be yours. Dear Rhodes, if you please give
my money that, you owe me to my brother
Adam. Bambbhoer.
The inveetleatlon will be continued to-day
Peter Bamberger died at 4-30 P. M, at Mount
Sinai licepital. MUs Boerd Is improving
Valiant Conduct of asteamsblp Captain,
One of the most gallant instances of self-
devotion, ot whicH bo many are on record in
tbe history of seamanship and its dangers and
acrlncee, was furnished recently by tbe enm
nander ot the passenger steamship Columbia.
Captain Carnaghan, which is told in an fengliah
ewspaper as folio ws:"J3ut for the uncommon
seamanship and self devotion ot Captain Carna
ghan we might have read to day about another
Wholesale lotsoi lives auu properly vo maicu
that of the Hlbernta. Exactly the same
accident befell both vessels. .The pro
peller of the Columbia, like that of her
SlWaWd sister ibip, broke loose in the shaft-
pipe while in mid-ocean. Nuthing cun be
store perilous; tor the sharp and heavy metal
Mad'', thus loosened, are banged and beaten
about the s' ern post ot the vessel, and the plates
f the counter are sure to De stove in or the
tern-post to be wrung away. The Columbia
-was in that fearful danger, and the captain
saved bis ship by sheer t k ill aud pluck. After
yeassaring his passengers, aud gettiog bis biats
clear and ready agaiust the worst, he urst tried
to drop the screw by withdrawing tbe shaft.
. 5'hl plan only let the 6ea in, without getting
rid ot tbe propeller, so tha' the sliatt h:id to be
replaced and shoved in firmly. The next hope
was to lath the broken screw somehow, so as
to keep it . from bnttciing the stern of tho
Columbia. Hut bow could that be done wbeu a
kteavy ea was roiling, rarely leaving a moment
to obtain a hold of the ptopeller, or even to
see tbe restless blad- s r Captain Carnagauu
did it blftisel'. He made the men lower
lam over the tuffrail by a rope around his
waist, while he diiec'ed aud guided with his
wn hands the uecesaary operations. ' The
biect was to have lashings made fait upoa tue
Wades ou bo h rides: the diflL-alty was to get
the b gots ot tbe chains over each upper blade.
Thirteen times the crew had to snatch the good
aptaiu up from tbe horrible waves which rose
to choke him or daU biai lifeless against his
wd rndder. Fonr'een times he bade them
"lower him awaj" attain, till at the last
the cables wt re drawn around the screw
n both sides, 'bossed tausbi" with pur
base blocks to ringbolts on the deck,
aad Ibe Clumbla was . safo from anv
lsiury wi b. which she had been threatened
"y ser broken gear. The frightful noise of the
blades thundering asaiost her stern plate was
o m re heard during the three weeks' sailing
which tbe Columb'a had to accomplish tbe
wart was done shioshape and Bristol fashion;"
i ha flr.t-mto ea. contain had to
o through a leat which all the Imagination of
? iAmT. ran hnrdlv comDass working at a
rttr nt enclnflprini? in the Datises
between wave and wave, a game toa in an.a
o with death, in the fierce cold billows of the
rtl Atlantic at Ihruimaa time.
Be prel mala In tb Wesl-Kelofo1"
tnta for ft Mb AnthorltleA.
Correspondence from Davana, dated the ith
instant, mj(
Ffi thepaat few days there bave been man
tngne rrporis of an extended rialng n
Vuella Abaio, the extensive to banco 8 romtoa
ection In tbe western part of the Island . iha.
something of the kind baa take-i p nee f r
tain, as Information concerning it
telcj rnphed to the government here. Hut J'e
cenliy forty prisoners were brought here from
that section, among whom was a foreign lady
residing in Havana, said to be an emissary
the conspirators, and whe arrival there was
to be the signal of revolt. The insurgent ijm
paihlxers state confidently that two thetwaod
well armpd men have started the cry of Uoertj
there, and that under preconcerted arrange
mns tho whole section will soon be In revolt.
Private b-tteis aud persons arriving alo re
port disturbances in Canto Kvpiritu, Trinldid,
Villa Clara, and other jurisdictions. A con
ideiable body of luurgents has taken to tnu
fields near Nueva Bermeja. in Colon,
la uranoe, ana iue utmost agitation perccptioie
throughout all that vl Inlty. On tbe 2d a parly
of IusurKctiUi sent not he cry on the sugar estate
"Trapiche," near San Juan los Remedios, aud
a party ot tioops were sent out in pnruit from
tbe latter place, and were Bred npou from a
cai.e field, in which the tebels had concealed
themselves, withreults not mentioned. There
is a crowing teeling here that tho disturbances
are hk fly toon and very seriously to affect this
did of the ir-luu'l.
The Cadiz mail steamer Fucuio Rico nrriveJ
here on the 2d, bringing 400 troons, which wero
immediately translerrcd to the Montezuma, and
sailed to Nuevitason the following day. Tbe
Spanish war stenmer Juan de Austria arrived
here Irom tho latter place on the 3d, bringing
back Brigadier Lesea, the newly appointed
Governor of Puerto Principe, who but recently
left here to ftHsmue that position. Tbe oblcct ot
his speedy return is not knowujbutlt Is sur
mied that he came to represent the impracti
cability of Lis making his way to his scat of
government with the 2000 troop at Nuevitan.
Tbe erl'orts of the Peace Commissioners have
evidently served to distract the counsels of the
insurgent, if nothing more. The Dtario states
that (.emral Augusto Arango has been assassi
nated by his companions iu consequence of the
et eat diecord which exists among them. The
revolutionists admit the tact of his death, but
state that he was truly tried by court martial
aud shot for unauthorized arrangements with
the Government authorities. Your correspond
ent at Kuevitas, writing on the 2!Hb, makes no
mention ol.thts, and it is therefore extremely
doubtful. Senor Don Jose de Nanas, one of
ibe commissioner.', ii expected here to-day or
Ou tbe night of I he 29' h a disturbance took
place in Beiucal, iusurrectionary in its charac
ter. The ringleaders werp secured by the police,
several of them considerably Injured.
For several days past it has been rumored
here that an Imt rienn fquadron was cornineto
Havana to demand satisfaction for injuries done
to American citizcus in me late troubles here.
Rumors of filibustering expeditions are also rife.
Tbe French war vcesel Semiramls, flagship of
Admit nl iMackay, arrived here this morning.
Immediately after anchoring the Admiral called
on Kear Admiral Hod, of the Contoocook, and
was saluted with the usual number of guns. It
is now understood that the Royal Alfred is not
ro mine to Cuban water. Admiral Mundv has.
however, eiven orders for three ships to commu
nicate with Cuba one to Santiago, one to
euvitnfc, and another to be held at tbe disposi
lion ol the English Consul General in Havana.
A nritliti View of American Flnmiee.
from the London Times, January 28.
Biitish nuance has labored to relieve aud
aim oft entirely to exempt industry and material,
In the United States tnev Dave to enoure even
more than their eiaal share ot taxation. Tue
obvious remedy is to proceed on the British
modi l as tar as postDie, tor u is just possinie
thorp miiv he f. rconistst ees rendering imitation
exceedingly Uimeuir. uowtver, a goea ueai may
be done tn this direction, inu minuieneej
with which American Qnanoe strikes at all
the ingredients necessary in work and diibu
facture produces mlscbiet out ot proportion
to the srain. It leads to adulterations.
bad i-ub titutes. bud woikmsnshlp, aud to the
introduction of the refu.-e ot tho Europeau
markets. An ad valorem duty on dru9, tor
example, is an encouragement to the cheapest
avid worst article, which la a serious matter
when li;e and health are io questloo. The con
traband trade is so great that me market is led
with smuggled goods aud the custom houses
aie corrupted it is impossible io say now nigu
in the pervlce. The tariff is breaking down as
a source of revenue and the balk of the taxes
cannot be raised. The obiects are a return to
gold currency, the establishment of credit in
order to tbe conversion of the debt to a lower
rate of interest, and such a cheapening of
material and relieving of industry as
shall enable the American manufac
turer to compete with the foreign in
the market of the world. These ends are
remote for the present, hardly even in view, but
till they are attained America cannot feel that
she has tbe full command ot her own resources,
or that she uan do anything which threatens an
addition to burdens aud perplexities already
beyond endurance. What, thcu, is the remedy?
It is to enable Amcrlcau industry to help itself,
by putting it, as much as possible, on an
equality with foreign. This can only be done by
giving it an abundant and cheap supply of raw
material, of atticles iu the early stages of
manufacture, and of everything which miay be
necessary to manufacture. Within a short
time we have struck from the tariff many
hundreds of articles the taxation of which
led to more trouble aud evasion thin they
were worth. The proms was hardly logical,
for, in strict justice, tin nil quantities may as
well be taxed as large. But nnaoce is uot a
matter of justice fo much as of convenience or
ot necessity, and it can nt least afford to spare
whatever it please. The Americans mast give
up their pleasing dream, or rather their fu
tshtlc fiction, of pei lect financial equality.
They camiot lax everrbody and everything
equally, ff they will submit to tax what they
cau by rougher rules than thoi-c of abstract
justice, they will und themselves more just In
the end.
Turkey aud Greece.
The Liter e-oi Paris, of tbo 28 ih nit., pubi'nhes
that a detailed memorau iura has b:eu presented
to the Conference by the Minister of Urcoe, of
which the iollowing is a resum?:
Tho ultimatum ought to be entlrolv with
drawn, partly oi account of Its bMug inoppor
tune, und because it is unjust, and Turkey
should cause tbe conduct of the ViceAdimral
to be examined by competent juJees, ami allow
such r para ion or indemnity to Urt-coe that an
equitable lnvettigation miLt prove to be IU
due: also that guarantees iliould be given that
Creek eit ecus be treated in the same matim-.r as
the mot favored ra ions, according to tbo
treaties already existing.
uu me oilier. Hand tbe Creek tioverriment
would promise mi sr lorinalij:
Firmly. That no lunUraxcfa tthcnld bo nflnrtit In
tbofce Crtlaua wbo might wlh io miirn io iticr
country; iim. uu ufli ila nliould bu . lined io oiler
dv oiipisilloD, ud ai.y one doing so should bu
tetcoMdly Thst uu m"ar. noB-cimmlMloaed o(0
e r. sold r. or civil muiioreot tlie stte bou U be
lowd to Uki vp aruua In rvor of lbs lotarieeuia
Tbirdly. Ili.t no vessels be oiK'ng to tuo Hiate,
wtiHiber armed ltr war r oiti- wine, Htiould be at.
1' wrn o carry sriut or ammDiiUlon or asilalauoe to
lb l re'aiii,
Fourlbiy. That n not"iirlcd accusation shon'd b
lodged BgBlnnt Die mimln of ib Kniwls, nuril on
oowiilalut jo tut mini Irom tbe 'i'urklsb Vics
it tidwwit and best niuiDur
UUVIM CJiitKA,i-tllonr od BSnsravar.
Ne. IQilSUHKtiNur Hlnu.
. BED, neat, healthy, and comfortable, use
tbe Belt-fastening Bed HprloKs, gl 25 per doa
baUuIacUou u tiarae teiwi. y H. d riUll Ji 3u)
TfUaiuUi aw ii iiKAJttATlC.
Tbo City Aiinmenti.
AttbsWai.sot Mr. Barney Wlillama will
have m benefit this evening. The drama of 7A
Fnlry LHrvle will b performed, to v Ninwwt
by the corned of TtuQuMomttftht OowMry ad
ine laree of 71 IrUh Tiger.
At thb Arch tbe comedy of Tarn CMs wlU
beperformed this evening.
To-roorrow itinre win oe a matinee, when
Twelfth Itlght will be performed.
ATTriBUHlWNUTOilenb U'n opera Of 07i(nff-Chow-III
will lie performed this tveulng. Trie
rfnrmnc will commence with a lavorlle
at thib Amkrioaiv Harry Gnrr, tbe eele
bra led swimmer, will appear this evening. A
matinee to-morrow.
Tnu Hk.kt, Uashlkr Orcbmtra will per.
form at Mnsioal Fund Hall to-morrow. An
attractive programme will be presented, In
elndlDg tbe famous "Jupiter" symphony of
Tn Philhaiimo?ic8ooif.ty will give their
groom) grand conoertof tbe seawon to-morrow
evening, at the Academy of Music. A large
orchestra will perform Mendelssohn's Hootch"
symphony, the overture to Der rreitchutz, by
Weber, and the overture to Franc Juve,)y
BerllcK Mr. Carl Wolfsohn, piaoiat.and Mr.
Rrdolph Iennlg, violoncellist, will appear.
Mr. Ok Cordova's humorous leoture, enti
tled ".Mis. Grnnay," at Ooneert Hall, last
evening, was enjoyed by a large audleooe.
Mr. le ltmlova' inira leoiurn win ob given
on Thursday next. Hunjeoi "ins upriiu bv
Bnratosa." .
JOHN MITCHFI., KA , will loinrei uiiuoen
Hall on Wednesday, February 18. for the benefit
ol the OelMo Library Fund. Buu)eot "Wno
are the t.'elts?"
Krv. Hknry wart kefchfr win leeinreat
the Academy of Mnelo on Tnnreday evening.
February Zx on the subject of "KUlonal
AmostmeniB." ,
(4iii. O af.rtner will give his second classical
soiree at Musical Fund Hall this evening. Tbe
Pniladelpbla Quartette Club, Messrs. Himraeis
baeh and Boettger, and a number of Mr. Uaert
ncr's pupils, will appear. The programme will
Include selections from the works of OAde,
Mendelssohn, Schumann, Schubert, spour, ana
Ukios Benevolent Absociatios. B refer
ence to the annual report of tnls association
we And that much good has been accomplished
during the past year. The association baa been
In active operation for tbe last forty years, and
now additional means are required by tbe
managers to perform the charities they bave
undeitaken. The following eases, reported to
tbe last stated meeting ol tbe board by one of
tbe visitors, cannot fail to appeal to the bene
volence of tbe public:
"At Mo. 710 liedforu street I round in a deep
cellar, only partly floored, a family consisting
ot a mother, son, son's wife, and child. Ha
furniture, except two old cbalrs; no bedstead,
in tbe middle of the floor a clay furnace burn
ing cinders. No chimney or vent.
"At No. 727 Bhlppen street, found a Mrs.
T with tbree children, one dying with con
sumption, wit bout food and laat penny BpenU
"At No. 1314 Carpenter street I visited a
family of five. Tbe father, dying In consump
tion, bad been unable to work for six months;
without fnel or food.
"At No. 1813 Shippen street found a Mrs.
g , with cancered breast, standing at tbe
wash tub, helping her daughter to wash; they
had no fire. v
"At No. 707 S. Broad street I found a family
consisting ot a father, mother, and six chil
dren, all living In a back basement, bad no
ooal, and but little food. In tbe same bouse,
fourth story, lived Ann M .In similar cir
cumstances, with seven In the family, all In
one room, nine by eleven feet.
"I could fill a book with oases not Inferior In
destitution to the above, and am often filled
wlih sadutKS at onr Inability to afford adequate
Contributions will be received and acknow
ledged by the Treasurer, Mr. Edmund Wilcox,
No. 40D Chesnut street.
Fmcs. At a few minntes past 5 o'olock thta
morning a fire broke out in the drying-house
belonging to Messrs. Charles L.a!lrty & Co.,
JNOS. loYtj ana iota uhdco;k nireer. ins alarm
was oronaptly sounded, and the firemen were
soon on the ground, but notwithstanding their
exertions the entire wood-worh of the structure
was destroyed, 'J'lio firm had ou baud a stock
of niateriuf to the value of 82000. Tnls was com
pleiely ruined. The entire loss is estimated at
gXjOu, which ia fully insured in the County In
surance Company and Tire Association. Tue
boilcMng was of brick and four stories high.
About bulf-pdSl 0 o'olock this morning, tbe
manufactory ot Horn dc Kills, No. 307 Kace
street, was slightly damaged by Are.
Removed. Another good and efficient officer,
Daniel Hoblr fou.of the Second district, has
been removed by the Mayor. He has served the
city fallhlnlly for tbe last fourteen years, and
was muoh respected by the residents of the
district in wblcn be was stationed. His name
must be very familiar with many a soldier of
tbe late war, for during those trying times Mr.
Robinson could be seen at tbe Union Volunteer
licfresnment Haloon both day and night, at
tending not only to the duties of an otlioer, but
earing for the brave men passing to and the
nnnmiiui roinrntnff from the seenes of conflict.
He retires from the force with an unblemished
RoBCBHTES. While the family of Mr. J.
Fisher, residing at So. 1311 Parrlsb street, were
attending a funeral yesterday afternoon, the
bouse was entered by thieves and thoroughly
ransacked Bora- six hundred dollars In money
and a lot of silver -ware and elo blng were car
ried off. An entrance was effected through a
rear window.
On tbe morning of tbe 11th Instant the dwell
ing of Mr. Barauel C. Parrls, Third and Chris
tian streets, was entered and robbed of three
overcoats, valned at lot).
Accident. Edward Flogus, aged 12 years,
living In Hutchinson street, above Thompson,
met with an accident this morning. He had
one of his bands orushed between tbe oars on
the Pbiladelpbla.Uermantown.and Norrlstown
Hallroad, at Ninth and Thompson streets. The
Injured lad was removed to 8t. Joseph's Hos
pital. Stealing Orahobs. A black man named
Rudolph Jones was arrested at Fifth and Uas
kill streets yesterday afternoon, charged with
the larceny of oranges from bneksters' wagons
standing In that locality. He had a hearing
before Alderman Carpenter, and was oommltted
for trial.
Stole a Pikok op Calico. Moses Hanson
(colored) was arrested at Keventhand uombard
streets by Officer Smith yesterday otiargod with
tbe larceny of a piece of oalleo from a store on
Houth street, near Eighth The prisoner had a
bearing before Alderman Pa to he 1, and was
committed for trial.
Labcert of Monet. William Reddison ami
Felix O'Tooiebave been held to answer the
charge of lb larceny of 117 from a German lady
residing on William street, Itelow the Heading
Hallroad. It N alleged that U' Poole secured tbo
money and Keddlson concealed it In an old
frame building.
Pviilic Sale of a Valuable Pah. Thomas
A Hons will sell on TtusJay next, at tbe Kx
ebange, tbe valuable farm belougtnor to i tie
estate of llenrv Nsglee, deceased, 9SU aces,
First ward, adjolrlng lands of tue Pdunsyl
vanla llallrosd Company.
CicoiiT lit thb Act. Henry Cnlp wai ar
rtsted yesterday by Lieutenant Brurelu, on
suspicion of attempting a robbery. He boarded
at No. 421 Wood street, and was cauiibt la the
act of ransacking a bureau drawer In tho house.
Refcited from Drowsing. Henrietta Ry
don was In the aot of walking overboard t
Lombard street wharf last evening whan
rescued by iltieer Edinr.
For tbe Bale of
Itemoved to
No. 105 B. Firm Street,
Kext Door to Old Offloe.
10 12
Tn tlia rV1llft,B Af lh- llnk
Tbe ondeiHlsiied bereoy gives notice el his ap-
ridutmeut as Asalcnee of JM KNOI.lrtll, ol
be ouy of Pbiladeipula, eHaie of Pennsyivunia,
wbo kM been art I mined a bankrupt upou bis owo
petition by Ibe ruatrlrt Court of said Dbtrlot.
ALEX. P. cols BKRKV, as-lgnee.
7 a t to, ao tin KtiN V 1' Htreel.
thikTd edition
Opposition to the Air-Lino Koad to
New York-Butler's Protest.
Special Despatch to The Evening TtUgrapK
Washington, Feb. 12
Tho Alr-Lln Road.
Tbe Marylanders are determined to resist the
construction of the proposed air line railroad
from this city to Now York. Frederick Stone,
wbo represents the Fifth district of Maryland,
has addressed a letter to the Governor ot that
Btatc, In which he eeyst
"Blcce this question has been Introduced 1
have examined the question carefully an 1. I
believe, dispassionately, and I have no doubt
of its nnconktiiuiionality; and that tbe first
spadetull of earth thrown up in making the
road Will atlord an opportunity to test it before
tbe Hupreme court of the United States. I sup
pose the State will take, at tbe proper time, tbe
necr ssery steps to obtain the decision of that
Tbo Oallerlea
of tbe House are again filled to-day, tu anticipa
tion of some excitement when Butler's rewlu'.lon
comes up. After two or three more speeches
are made on it, it will probably be laid upon
tho table.
Tho American Poinololcal Society.
2f rw Tore, Feb. 12. An ad interim meeting,
In this city, of the officers and committees of
tbe American Poroologlcal Society has just
Closed, with a Drier address ot congratulation
from the president, the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder.
upon the full attendance nnd marked ability of
the convennon, lis ooiects, and the great
amount of work accomplished. The meeting
ad)ourned to meet at Philadelphia on the 15th
ot September next.
The MeConnell Mnrderj
Chicago, Feb. 12. The Coroner's jury find
William A. Robinson guilty of the murder of
ex-senator McConuell, at Jacksonville. Ha was
seen to enter the house of MeConnell the morn
ing ot the mnrder by several parties. He is
said to have owed MeConnell fsur hundred dol
lars, and the chain of evidence against him ia
Three Men Arrested for NmagBjInir.
new York, reu. li.xnree meu, names un
known, were arrested at Staten Island yester
day, on a charge of smuggling, havine five
barrels of choice Havana cigar in their posses
sion. xney were neiu ior iriai.
Kacape of Another Desperado.
Kew York, Feb. 12. The deputy sheriffs, it
appears, on Wednesday allowed another desoe-
rado ot tbe worst character, name 1 McDonald,
cuargea wnn ourgiary, r,o eBCupe.
Explosion and Lous of Life.
jhompsonvillb, connr. reD. 12. Two men.
named Joseph Yates and Thomas Tomer, we-e
ii.ttaotly killed by the explosion of the powder
mins at uazaravnie yesterday.
Latest Markets by Telegraph.
NbwYohk. Feb. It Ootton lower: nales of(Wflblei
t'(iX7-30-, WfBiern. 5 fcS 70. Wnel easti-x; salvs of
io.oihj oaoneifi; jo i i i Bitaii a c iiaoecin ng;
alts of 81 0t0 bushels mixed Westrn t Un)S;.
! tliU): sales of 1S.IK0 ousbols t 7Hc. all aod
7,aC. Id stare. Beef quiet. Fork bvr ol lowe ;
new mew. ti usigifi iu. iara neavy; steaui, wXjjaouc.
wai quiet.
Tbo New York Money Market.
From the Times.
Money to ibe brokers to-day rates SASS Dernnnt.
on Uovtronienl collaiieral; q,7 our cent, uu gold; and
7 per cdi , as ine luie oi me ititoi, oo ran wav aud
miscaiiatitODS siocas. 'mere is a i ir eaiploymeal
In ibe wy ol demand loau at 7 per cent, ou llie rail
war nocks, and on sold at u,7 per cent., Itespeoula
kiuu iu uuiii uriuv ueuiueuiy uuuivu."
Anotcer beay buHlufsa was done In tbe Public
Funds, aud geDerahy at lbs lull advance of yester
day, wltb a iuntier life oi VC'tiAi per cent, on tbe
way ana nuvemutr iviwtimes i i uhii iwjd,
Tbe latter was In large request, and sold at ItiU
Ber ctnt. std the price bid at ut oioie. ine
ou'hero b'a'-e Koui n were steady tn prices and
in lair ctuiaDd; allboign there s sa d to be a
bearlth leellos In ibe new TeDoemees. and some
considerable sales bave ben vutured upoa tbort
account. We bave no direct lofdrinallou from tbe
btaie to sulLor xe ibis depression bume large pri
vate traDssclloKS are report, d la Virginias, old aud
new, at about ij aud Mi', per cent, respeutivery, and
tieomlas bave advanced to 01 per ceut.
"Tbe Hallway maiket was Irregular bstweea the
morning sales and la-er boards, and ibe feeling la the
main was dulllab, although prices were rainy sap
ported ,witb two or tbree exceptions, la toe afternoon,
whtn tatre was a dlspoeitloo to sell Onlo and Missis
sippi ard Cleveland aud riilsbu'g. Taese twostocks
are supposed le be controlled by tbe same oilque,
and It does I ot fol ow tbat tbe occasional break
of l3 per ceo I. ami urns io anything more serious
tl an an court lo Impsit fresh activity to and perhaps
temtt a thort In etet In tbe stocks. We discover
nothing of real weak nets In tbe market Iu day, al
though tbere la doabt'eas more InalfTereoce on the
pitrtof bayeisoaulde tbe prouilaa.1 fliqaes In tbe
wtslern rosds Iban tbe latter could wlHh. New
Tork Cental advanced to lilM(Sld6 peresut.,
bnt subsenneBliy ielnrne4 lo iii163)4 per oeut. Ua
lb xnlsceilanrous list fscitic Mad was less firmly
suppurtsd tban yesterday."
From the Tribune.
"Money contlonos easy at itiS percent, on miscel
laneous stocks. Uoveroment dealers were lully sup
plied at per cent. Tbere Is no increase la ibe ofT-tr-li
gs on call. Commercial paper is nncbaoged at 7u9
per cent.
''Sterling exchange Is dull an-1 weak at quotations:
London. 80 das. 10S(iK'9)-,; onduo, slgbt,
liH',(iil(S: Paris, long. t'17l,C6-lCS,; arls, short.
B-IMis-lr: Antwerp 6 Ui(v5 17S: Hlsa, 6-IS
(at 17': llarrbur. Amsterdam, W.,(di:
Frank lort, .7,(3)lli Kremen. lktH17-,; iloilin, Jl'i
7l?.." m
The Latb John R. Voodeh. At 1 o'clook
this afternoon a meeting: of members of the
liar was held In 'be Liw Library, to lake ac
tion upon tbe death of the lute Joliu It. Vogdes,
Fq. Tbe meeilnn was organized by tbe call
ing of tbe lion. Ka ward Ktoii to tbe chair and
tbe appointment of Ueorge M. Counaroe, Kiq.,
as secretary.
Mr. Henry M. Phillips, after some remarks
eulogistlo of the life aud character of tbe da
cessed, cftr red the followina; renoluiloBs:
Jietoivra. TlUlhi esrol Phiia4lubl bave beard
wiib slteera regret ef tbe deain of John H. Vooges.
Ksi.. ibeir late asanc ate, lo bin lots Hie commuuliy been Cenlv.d of a valued and uselul citizuu,
ard tbe profexplon of an boneal and 'a tnlul mtnlwr.
AtKdtd, ' 1 at a cemuiiliee of Ova Un appointed
trgeiner wltb the cbalrmait su t secretary, to carry
lie expression of inn sympsthy and roodo'euos uf
ibe liar to ibe family ol Mr. Vogdes in toeir b.eave
nien', Jiitolivd' That Ih Bar will attend lbs funeral la a
CC'Uy, and will wear ibe usual bade ot moarnlug.
These resolution wcru stcouded In reiuarks
enluuistlo of tbe) deceased by Messrs. JoeoU
A. (May, Ilo'ierl Betnel, Jude Ludlow, ex Judge
lVrsons, and tbe Cbalriuan of toe meeilnii.
They were then unanimously carried, and or
dered to be primed.
Tbe Cbali man appointed the following gen
llemen as the ootntulttee ooolem putted In the
resolutions: Mesnrs. Heury M. i'ollllps, Joseph
A. Clay. A. V. l'arsons, Bum u el flood, and
Itoberl Detbell.
On motion, adjourned.
Nteek- (inolatlona by telejrntph 8 t. M.
GlendiDDiDf , Uavls Co. report torough their
New Vor house the f Unwind
N. Y. Ceut K.... .. lUi1; Cleveland and Tol 10,1
N. Y. and Krie H... ?A Tol, A Wabasb. K... iM'A
Phii. and Ken. h.... 91' Mil. A Ht P. ooiu tjA
Mich. H and N.I. It 9 VA M U. & 8t. P. pref... H I
Cle, and Pitt. It 91 ' Admo Kxprnwe Oo 7
Cht and N. W. com. WW Wells. Kurgo Kip,. 21iV;
f hie and N. W. prL Vl UnHed States Bto.tlV,
i hi. and H. I. K laivg Tennessee Oi, new.. 1U
11S.F. W.andChLll75)i Uold M.......l(iVi
Pa. M. Hteam. U...1IH I Market dull.
Western Union X. 7
E ft X
For the 8le of
Removed to
lOd 8. FIFTH Street,
Next Door lo Old Offloe.
fourth edition
The Wells, Fan;o & Co. Contract
Projected Provisional Got
ernment for Mississippi.
Ppttial DcipaUK io The KveMng Telegraph,
The) Welle-Fara-o Oontraet.
Waibikotom, Feb. 12 Tbe report giving the
result of the investigation of the Wotls Farc;o
contract is nearly ready, and will completely
exonerate both contractors aud the Postmas
ter General. The report on the Alaika investi
gation will not be ready for a week or ten days.
Mississippi and Virginia.
Mr. Boutwell, from the Reconstruction Cora-
miutce, will to-day report a bill providing tor a
Provisional Government for Mississippi. He
will 1-k to bave it printed and recommitted to
the Committee lor the purpose ot further
consideration. Tbe Committee do not expect ti
fret either UibSissippl or Virginia leconstructed
and admitted to representation in Cotitrress at
this tetbion. The bill relative to IfisBissinoi
recalls the Convention of that State for thirtv
days, and authorizes tberu to appoint all officets
lor the provisional uovernmenl. including the
uovernor, out gives me rremient of tbe Uuited
Btates power to remove the uovernor.
Tbe Hatter-Wade Imbroglio
Is losinp; ground ovtry hour. Butler's resolution
has fewer mends to-day tbau yesterday, and
nil he ticieated by a nearly unanimous vote
The only members wbo really support it are
those who nave pumiciy committed themselves.
V- 11.1 , , V I
sucu an BiueucK auu Liuguu.
Judge Cndtrwood sad Ilia Releasing- of
Deepatch to tho Associated Press.
Washington, Feb. 12. James Lyons, of Vir
ginia, to-day, in tne supreme court, argued in
bebalt ot that Commonwealth to show that it
was an inherent right In the Court, under the
coil mo u law. to issue the writ of prohibition
for which application has been made to prevent
Judge Underwood Irom setting aside decisions
and sentences ot mate courts, be having dm-
charged tbree convicts two sentenced to death
ou tho ground mac tne a;ate j udges were dis
qualified from exercisiug judicial functions
under the lourteen n amendment to the Consti
tution of tbe Uuited States. Judge Underwood
did not appear in court. Chief Justice Chase
announced that the application would be con
sidered. fortieth: conukess -third sessiojv
Washington, Feb. 12. Mr. Cameron pre
sented a petition lor so amendment to the Con
si notion so as to recognize Ood aa the source of
all elvil authority.
Mr. Con a ling presented a Use petition.
Mr. Hanisty introduced a bill to encourage
telegraphic communication with Europe. Re
ferred to the Commiilee on foal OUioes and
l'ot Roads.
Mr. Abbott introduced a bill to order the con
struction of tne Texas and Paclflo Railroad.
Referred to the Committee on the Faclno It til
roads. On motion ot Mr. Harlan, tbe Committee on
the Dlairlot of Columbia was authorized to
send for p rsons and papers In conneotlon with
tne Inve-ligation of the claim of W. W. Corco
ran lor compensation for mo of his property
by the Government during tne war.
Mr. Marian moved to set apart to-morrow.
after morning hour, for tue consideration of
business appertaining to ine uistrlot of Colum
bia. Mr. Sumner supported the motion, and said
that If the busluess of the District could not, be
better attended to by Congress It would be
necessary to amend the Constitution, so as to
lake it ont ol the executive larladloilon of Con
Mr. Ferry also supported the motion, and
said that owing the neglect of its affairs by Con
grcas tbo condition ol tbe Dlatriot aud of the
eiiy of Washington was a dlsgraoe to our civili
sation. Mr. Morrill (Vt.) moved to set apart Taesday.
lnatead of Saturday, for that purpose.
Mr, Cole moved lo set apart Monday evening.
at7o'chck. Curried.
Mr. Cragln, Irom tbe Committee on Terri
tories, reported with amendments, and asked
tbe passage 0', a bill to provide for the better
adminlstiatlon ot Juslioo in the Territories of
ti e Colled States.
Tbe bill lor the relief of Margaret Doyle was
then taien np and passed.
Mr. Rumsey movtd to take up the Joint reso
lniion declaratory of tne act to establish an
American Hue of mall steamships between this
country aud Europe. It gives the compauy
ar other jear to build their snips.
Mr. Hendricks opposed taking up the bill.
Mr. Why te also opposed It, and Bali he would
oppose the bill Itself. Tbere were already two
liu. a of American steamships from Baltimore.
Mr. Nye asked him what flags those snips
salUd under.
Mr. Why le admitted that they sailed under a
foreign liag.
Mr. Tbaver was In favor of taklnor nn t.h
( bill. lie liked, at least, tbe object of the bill,
I to take onr mail carrying business from foreign
; yissels.
Mr. bomner said that his eonrse with rnrrard
to tbe proposed line of American ateamsnips
would be determined by tbe degree In which It
weuid cheapen ocean postage.
Tbe motion waasilll under discussion at tbe
expiration of tbe morning hour.
Mr.Buerman moved to resume the considera
tion of tbe Currency bill.
On motion of Mr. Trumbull, Wednesday
neat, after the morn Inn bour, was set apart for
tbe consideration of a bill to reorganize the
judicial rystem of tbe United States.
Mr. Morion then made a long speech on the
bill in relation to the public dubk
Ilonao of Representatives
The first business in order being tbe conside
ration of a resolution offered last night, to put
tbe clerk of the Commlitteon invalid l'euslons
on an equality with the clerks of the Com
mittees ou Claims aud Public Lands, conside
rable time was occupied iu lis discussion
Finally, on motion of Mr. Maynard, the resolu
tion wasieferredlotbeCoinmllteeon Accounts,
with instructions to report eenera'ly on tne
subject of the pay of committee clerks.
Mr. Brooks presented a memorial from the
New York brewers for tbe removal of the doty
on Canadian barley, aa the production of barley
in Ibe United Htales Is InsuUlclent lo supply
tbeir d. niaud, and as Canadian barley la of
befei quality.
Mr. O'Neill presented a memorial asking an
mtLdmenl lo tbe Coast lln Ion, ncknotvled.inz
Alnilgm.v Uori as tbe Motiroo of all civil power,
and the Lord Jesus Christ as tbe ruler amouK
Also, a memorial of tbe professors and sto.
deuls ol tne Jt-fiersuu Medical College of I'nlU
tieipblM, lor the puBai:e of the bill reurganl.tng
tbe medical o rpsof ibenavyt
Alto the petition ol Unified men who served
nil tue o.ose of the Rebellion, for additional
Mr. Latlln presented the remonstrance of
Till i A Hioiuers, and ntbe's, of Little FallB,Nev
Voik, against tue lmposluou of additioual
tinis oo notl.
Mr. Kelsey presented the preamble and reso
lutions adopttd by the Uninu W.iol Growers
Association ot outarloaud Llvlngalonoounties,
New York at its anona! nn-etlng ou tue 3d tun',
ualiibi ibe renhwal of lheso-otllod Reolprael y
lieaiy wltn Canada.
Tie House then proceeded to the considera
tion of private reports from committees.
Mr. Archer, from I he Coin ml mho on Naval
AUxirs, lepnntd a bill to p-iy tM 000 to entries
W. Wnl'ney, lor the enlargement of the Iron
cladKenkuk. Orjeoiluii being made that tlie
bllliiade an appropriation, tl was referred to
ibe i nmmltlce of the Whole, on the private
calet'dar. .
Mr. Pike, from the Naval Committee, re
ported a bill lo pay Commodore Jnlin A Wins
low and ibe olUeers and orew of the United
Slates aieamer Keai surge f DO 00U, to be distri
buted aa prize monev. being the estimated
value of the Rebel piratical vessel Alariamt.
desiroytd by tbe Kearsarge on tbe 19lti of
'ftern'me dlsoosslon and the Insertion of a
piovlao that an money should be paid to tbe
assignee of any mariner entitled to a share, but
Oily IO1D0 nsriucr uiiuhhii, uiil WHO Ui vUll
tlren. the bill was passed-5 to U.
1 tlren.
The Butler-Wade Imbroglio In the
House Financial Propositions
Advices from Europe.
Special Despatch to The JPventnoTtU graph.
Wa8Bwtoh, Feb. 13.
Financial Bilia.
Senator Sherman gave notice to-day tbat he
intended to press bis financial bill, and ineUUd
upon its consideration with a view of securing
action before the 4th of March. Senator Mortoi
took the floor in opposition to the bill, and U
favor of his owo scheme.
Tho Kearaarge.
The House passed the bill appropriating one
hundred and ninety thousand dollars to the
officers and crew of the Kearsarre for the
destruction of tbe pirate Alabama.
Butler'n Revolution of Censtnro.
Logan made a strong speech asaiist Butler's
resolution of censure, and pronooncsd a warm
eulopy on Bon Wade. Bailer has given notice
that he will withdraw tho resolution, and allow
a substitute to be offered providing for the ap
pointment of a committee to levise the rales on.
the subject of counting the electoral vote.
Wade's friends refute to allow tho resolution to
be withdrawn, as they want to have the satisfac
tion ot laying it on tbe table.
Itn tier's Ronulntlon Sojnelebsxl.
Washington, 3-3R P. M. The House has Juet
tabled by a vote of 130 to 55 the whole subject
involved in Butler's resolution protesting against
the actiou of the presiding officer of tbe Senate.
House of Representative.
Continued from Fourth Edition.
Mr. Boutwell. from the Committee on Reeon
strnitlon. reported a bill to crovldn for th.
organization of a provisional government for
tbe Hi aie of Mississippi. Ordered to be primed
and reoom muted.
Mr. Pike, from the Committee on Naval
Affairs, reported a bill to pay Rlobard M.
Green for the use of his patent by lb Govern
men t. Referred to the Committee of tbe Whole
on tbe private oalendar.
Also, a bill to pay Foster A Tower, of New
York, 81, for a difference in the eost ef
crucibles. furnished to the New York Navy
Yard. Pasked.
Mr. Blair (Mich.), from the Committee on
Foreign Affairs, reported a bill directing tbs
Attorn ey-Qeneral to examine the olaima of
Knott & Co., American merchants trading In
r..!.... ..nnlnat lliaTlilnua IIa.a.. .
loss of Iron, cansed by tbe capture and robbery
of the Neva In 1867, and if found lo be j net. to
to cause Its payment wltn Interest.
The mornlnu hour having expired while the
resolution was being read, the bill went over
until tbe morning hour to- morrow.
BThe House at 2 P. M, resumed the considera
tion of Mr. Butlei's privileged resolution, pro
testing against tbe manner of procedure, and ,
tbe order of tbe President of the Senate pro
fern. In counting tbe vo eif Georgia In obe
dience to tne order of the Uenaieoaly, and In -dissolving
tbe joint convention of the two '
bouses at his will, as an Invasion ol the rights
a- d p ivileges of the House.
Mr. Dawts of Massaouuseits oecnpled the
chair as i-peaker pro tern.
Mr, Bern on having three minutes allowed
him, proceeded to conclude the remarks which
he had commenced at the close of yesterday's
morning session In advocacy of the resolution,
Mr. Woodbrldge having eight minutes al
lowen him, argued that In counting the electo- .
ral votes tbe House of Representatives was not
a mere cipher, bnt had rights to maintain and "
duties to perform.
Mr. Logan said be should not attempt to go .
over the questions presented by the various '
gentlemen wbo bad preoeded him in tho de
bate. He was In favor of naving the rule gov
erning tbe counting of the eleoloral votes made
clear and distinct. He was opposed to the "
adoption of the resolution, because be held that
tbere was no Intentional violation of tho rule
on the part of tbe presiding offloer. He agreed
with Mr. Woodbrldge. tbat the error committed
by tbe presiding oflieer was in refusing the
objection of tbe gentleman from Massachusetts
in the first place.
Be would not vote for any resolution that
would contain the slightest reflection on the '
brave and patriotic Senator from Ohio, and he
proposed to submit a motion to lay It on tho
table. Ho far as tue oomlnot which bad been
ebaraoterlaed as d'rgraceful was concerned, he
bad nothing lo say. He was sorry to witness
that scene.
The Bank of France The F.uglieb llin
istry Amnesty to tbe Fcniaua War
Movement in tbo East.
By AUanttc Oable.
Southampton, Feb. 12. Arrived, steamship
nolsatia, from New York.
Pabis, Feb. 12. Tbe specie in the Bank of
France has increased li,000,000f. since last
London, Feb. 12. At the baunuet to the
Ministry at Fishmongers' Hall last niuht, Mr.
Gladstone remarked that the last House of '
Commons had. been condemned bytheGavern- ?
mentof the day, that that Government had'
been brought to the bar of public opinion on a ,,
distinct issue, and tbe policy of the people was
now most clearly defined.
Dtjblik. Feb. 12. -The Mayor ot DabHn will .
take advantage of tbe first public levee to
present to Queen V.cterla a monster petition ;
lor the amuesty ol tbo Fenian prisonere, which '
has been so extensively siencd by the corporate '
authorities of cities and towns throughout
London, Feb. II. Advices received to-day
state tbat th" Persian army, with the Shah at
its bead, has gone to Bagdud. In toe meantime,
the Turkish troops are pusbing forward to the
Pe'sian froutlcr.
Madrid. Feb. 12 Tbe Constituent Cortes
formally optned its ses-lous here yesterdav
with great ceremoy. The city was orofusely !
oecotated tn honor of the event. Crowds of
pet pie were in the streets, flags flying, and the
dav was regarded as a holiday.
Tbe President of the M iilstiv, Serrano, da-,
llvered a oiiTHtulatory address on tbe assem-
oiing oi tne oeputies.
SpBrNG field, Mass., Feb. 12. Major-General '
Barney, U. b. A., die J in this city to-day. ,
Beporied by De Haven fc Bro No, 4 a. Third street .
liioo Pa 6s. 3 sr .Imt
Leli V coo bi. T
fu0 Len Cs Kld I W)4'
1' tisb Bead A t0u 47 S,
lo do.-M....ssu. 74
100 do bs.
61 m ln Vl . In. M
10 dO MM. SS
sh Fenna u. 67
l0 do.....eli0 '
s h
2n Sll fArrlK x-l
too dO.18.blll.47 si
..3d. us
,.,.1'tMI. S7'4
10 sii b nav
L4H (W.STUlrt .. (HX
lll-OSKCll N H. S
f 1010 1ii Sr. It l.bftwa M
60 ak feima Km. S7
m do Is. 6T
litanNY A M...tiu. tti
S CO ........
so do.... .
82 Sh (1 A 1m
h5. tu
20 Sh Phil A Tr
. 1
tO Sll Ht Mich OotU.
J., very desirable new Frame Reuse, it rooms, good
style, bath, hot and cold water, and all the mod era
Improvements, with a Urge front jard aad garden l
easy of access per O. B. Co. R. R.j frtonent Ualas
leave via Ifsrket Blreet Ferry. Isqulre of X. 8.
CATTELL, Ko. SO . WHARVES. or at Merebasl
vine. lu