THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY II. 1830. NEW TORKISMS, tron Our Own CbrrwponAjnt Haw York. Feb. 11. 1859. The season of aackcbth and ahe dm arrived, aud vrlta pointed propriety, the Italian optra aeaeon commences to-night at the Acalemvof MuMc. Prom these doors, uoweer. Fifth Avenaedom hai, for the nonce, rigorously re tired. Private boxes are eichanjted for jrie dfewae, fasts are substituted for furore and abstinence for encore$. The season of Lent Is the scapegoat of the fashionable year. Fashion folds her hands, twirls ber thumbs, adopts the demureness of the devotee, and forsakes the parlors of the modiste for tbe communion altar and tbe confessional. The clock of sin and folly, whose pendalum has come to Tib rale With dreadful rapidity, Is adjusted to a slower rate of motion during these forty commemorative days. The world Is bidden adieu or rather aw revoir an 1 the flesh and the Doll, those 8iamce-tla se ducers, are shown the cold shoulder, jet per haps the very same shouller wbosi warmth and whiteness and satin texture daziled the youth of the metropolis at every ball of tbe season. But the flesh and the Devil aro very dlffioult to offend. They are cut and come again; and though you rcluse to recognise them fciuitv-nlue limes, they ruBh up to you juit the same the one-huudredth. But I ratber admire the thoroueh self-cnjoymeut with which Vexa tion oi Spirit turned her back on poor Vanity When Ash Wednc.dav set in. It Is Interesting to watch the frantic efforts of Religion and Fashion in repeating this eiz weeks' intimacy every year. And when the sis weeks are over, "au revoir," sighs Fanhiou, putting her perfumed mowhoir to her little plaintive noe. "We shall meet on Sundays, but J shall thiuk of you very often, dear." "Yes, but I intend to ba very busy,'' answers Religion; "for I ana engaged to write stories for the New York fodgerl and Bylvanus Cobb." Let mo give you some particulars of the small rnneute which occurred the other evening at the Grand Opera Bouse. Doubtless your readers have already had the skeleton of the story laid before them ere this, and If so they will have no Objection to have the filling np done by an eye witness. No one would suppose, to see Mon sieur Aujao and Mad'lle Irma on the stage together, that they are not on the very best of terms. Oer frUklness is in admiraole con trast to his frankness and good nature. There la no more thoroughly charming couple on the New York opera-bouffe stage, for the tenor' frame is full and healthy Without being In the slightest degree "pursy," and the primt donna compensates lor an undesirable lack of length from tbe waist down, by remaining still a "fine flgger of a Woman." She has one fault. 8he forgets, or at least ignores, the fact that even in opera bouffe there arc situations of momentary seriousness, and that ou such occasions the playfulness sanctioned by burlesque ought to be sacrificed out of compliment to tbe spirit of the scene. The burlesque with her is perpetual She has no mercy on herself. She spoils the plaintive business with a grimace. She agrees with 8hakespearo that there's nothing serious In mortality, or opera bouffe, which, to her means he same thing. As "La Perichole" she makes laces at sentiment, and answers with a Grecian bend when TeinUSo'' U supposed to be over whelming iter with melodious conviction. It -was such freaks as these which annoyed Aujac when they first sang together at Ntblo's, and that robust tenor has been Buffering in silence ever alnce. They "put hlru out," as we would eay in our own rude, picturesque idiom. It waa lb la long-sufTei-Iug which pricked him on the other evening to make the statement, in answer to an encore, that it was impossible for him to proceed until Mad'lle ceased her mincrnderiea, or whatever other word he used I think it was betites. Imagine the astonishment of the auditorium. The con ductor all but dropped his baton, and the orchestra was electrified out of Us professional indifference. Tbe house was silent for an Instant, and then the Anjue party frantically applauded, followed by a small shower of hisses from the Irraa faction. I am afraid to guess hew many fresh pair of ourvoisier's were split up the palms. Finally the Aujacs gained the day. Meanwhile the fair cause ol this hubbub "maintained her individuality," the picture of , supreme indifference, through It would have required only one of the many piquant gestures the has at her commaud, to win over the audi ence to her way of thinking. For having muie war on the brokers and . bankers and threatened them with a visitation . of tbe tax law in its most malignant and un mitigated foim, Nemesis bas overtaken Mr. Assessor Webster, and prostrated him with pneumonia. Two of his coadjutors, however, ,are welding facts and evidence together for the approaching campaign, anl have been as busy as beavers in devising means to bring Wull street to justice. Tbe Assessor's intentions, like the last new nostrum, go right to the place The amount ot correspondence that has piled in upon him is large enough to be the budget of a prime minister, and General Grant never had - more calls than have been made upon him in $ ruin. Wull street has been struck by lightning, and capitalists who have long breathed the oxygen of that region are beginning to wear a blighted, not to suy blasted, aspect. t At half past ten o'clock this mornlrig high I mass will be celebrated over the remains of ' Mr. Jamea T. Brady, whose suddon death (has . cast unon tbe local profession la tbls cm a profound shadow that will uot easily be effaced Be was only in his fifty-fifth year at the time of bis death, and had declined almost every office in the gilt of the New York Democracy. He was one of the few examples of noble men who, without self cousciotuuesH, are too great and good to feet office, too conscientious to accept it, too i e find charitable to scorn it. An Baba. MUSICAL AU DKAMATIU "C hing-Chow-IH" at tbe Chesnul. Tho opera of Ching-Chow-Ui, which was per formed at tho Chesnut last eveuing by the Galton troupe, is not as artistic as most of the other pieces which have been presented by Miss Galton and her company; in fact, there ii very little art about It, but as a musical burlesque of the most extravagant kind, it is entertaining and very laughable. The music la more In Offenbach's ubual btjlo than Is that of A Mar riaqe by Lan erns orCB," and more thau once palls to mind some of the strains of Barbe Bleae und La Belle Delene. In such a piece as this anything and everything is admissible, from the Penn tiquare project to the inauguration of rat. A Try good hit wa made last cwenlng by a neat reference to the bad manners of some theatregoers ln leaving their seats and rushing for the door before the conclusion of tho performance. The hearty applause Indicated that a largo I orHon of the audience were in favor of abating a very decided nuisance, which has been dis cussed of late, to some extent, with good results, by tbe newspapers. Tbe effects of the agitation of the subject by the pres, and the very palpa ble hbt from the stage, were apparent in the fact that the eurtaln was allowed to descend last evening before any one ventured to move. We can only hope that the reform will be per manent, for it is not altogether pleasant to hear the actors reprove even a small portion of their audience. Vhmg-Chow-JJi was produced In better style thau Heretofore by tho Galton troupe. The chorus was good, and the principal siusfrs were equal to the task of rendering tho piece with effect. Miss Galton was in good voice, and sang charmingly. Mr. Whlilin gave some excellent burlesque acting aa "Ching-Chow-IH," and the remaining parts wcro creditably sustained. Many of tbe dresses last evening were now and clepant, and good use was mad jof the Increased facilities ot tbe CLeenut to make the piece at tractive. The opera Itself li a lively pleco o nonsense, fit to excite laughter, but no utterly absurd as to bo beyond the reach of sirious criticism. Th Theatre Keeeipta. In the statement of the receipts aud perform ances of the leading theatres lor the months of November and December, 1HC8, wiilch wc gave a few weeks ago, an error of some moment was commuted, and the receipts for two of the thea tres were given as greater thau they really were. As au act of justice all around, wc gladly make the necessary corrections. At the Arcb, during the month of November, the receipts were $15,322, the number of per formances 26, and the average for each perform ance $589. During December the receipts were $16,4'J5, the number of performances 28, and the average $589. At the Walnut the receipts during November were $17,893, the number of performances 25, and the average $715-75. During December the receipts were $13,616, the number of perform ances 28, and tbe average nearly $483. At the Chesnut, during November, the receipts were $8036, the number ef performances 29, and tbe average for each performance about $217. In December the receipts were $7514, the uum ber of performances 32, aud tho average about $23475, Tbe City Amusements. At thb Walnut Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wil liams will appear this evening In tbe drama of The Fair ft Circle; or, Con O'Carolan's Dream. Alter which will be produced tne comedy en titled The Customs of the Country, and tne (aroe Of The Upectre Urideyroom. At thk Abch Edinuud Yates comedy of Tame Cats will be produced this evening. Mr. UialK'a burlesque of Barbe Blcue will be given urn au afterpiece. ATTHsCHKSNDTthe Galton troupe will ap pear tbls evemnz In Ctiing-Ohow-Lli, previous to which an entertaining couioUlulta will be given. At the Ameiucan an attractlvo variety en tertainment will be given Ibis eveuing. Thk Bkntz-Uasslkr Okchestka will per form at Musical Fuuu Hall on Uaturday ulier noon. Thk Skcond grand Concert of tbe 1'nllhar monlo Society will be given on .Saturday eveu ing at tbe Academy of Mnsto. Mr. Carl Wolf sohn and Mr. Rudolph llounlg will appear. Mendels80bn'8,,8ooton" symphony will be per formed, and the program me, altogether, will be euch as trie lovers ot fine inuslo will appreciate. Tickets can be obtained ut tbe oUloe of the society. No. 1102 Uhesnul street, aud at tbe Academy of Mnolfi. .... A duDUO renearaai previous iu iuo uuuuun will be given at Horticultural Hull on fcrlday afternoon. Mr. db uordova win ueuver iiishbcouh lec ture at Concert iiail tbls evening. The subieot, "Mrs. Grundy," iaone that la oupab.e of being illustrated with an infinite deal of humor, aud we have no doubt but that Mr. Da Cordova will do It ample Jnstioe. THK WEST 1 HlLAUELfHIA VllUKlLi ouumi l will give a concert this evening ul Morton Hull, Forty-first and Haverlord streets, for the bene fit ot tbe Children's Home. An attractive pro gramme will be presented, and tnere abould be a large aneaunuuo. ..... . . " T". . , . mill JOHN MITUHBIJ, liSH., Will "un tbe Celtlo Association, at Concert Man, on Wednesday evening, February 17, for the bene fit of the Celtlo library fund. Bubjeol "Who are tbe Celts ?" Tickets can be prouured at the book stores of Messrs. Commiskey, No. ID 17 Chesnut street; Tomer Brothers A Co., No. 808 Chesnut street; ursmoo, corner oi cum uu Choanut atreeu: and Boanian, No. 10S South Klfih atreet. Misa Pauline Brewster Bmythe will de liver an "Appeal to Woman," at the Assembly itniiriinir thin evenlns. Tickets can be pro cured at Gould's, No. DiW Chesnut street; Trum- pler'a, No. uati Chesnut street, anu at me uuur. Q I TY I TEMS. Pbices Gbeatly Rkdockd to dote out Winter Stock of Hen's, Youttuf ami Hoys' Clothing. Half-uiav between i BitHHirr dt oo., t Towkb Halt.. bUth streets.) No. Mabkkt St , Philadelphia, Amp No. eoo Bboadway. kevv Yoau.. A Hacking Cough 1b one of the most distressing a well aa dangerous forms of cough one can be aflllcted with. Its continuous action fatigues and Irritates tbe lungs, and thus engender consumption. Upham's Fresh Meat Cure will cure the cough, soothe the Irritated bronchia, and give tone aud vigor to the lnngs and whole system. a alnele battle win convince any one ol its parity Bold one UoiUr Pr bottle. Mo. 60J Arch street. MONEY LOANED In sums from one dollar to thousands, on Diamond, bllver Ware, Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, Dry Uoods, etc., at llETTHW a x.oau uuice, ivonneast corner Fifteenth and Market streets. BEUUCTION IN FBICES To close oil Winter Block. t'HABLKB bTOKKS & CO., Clothiers, No. 824 Cbesuut street Bkin Disbasbs What form of disease ts more Annoying than that of the skin, with lta Itching, stinging, smarting, lta ngly ted pimples, blotchy eruptions, and loathsome, Ichorous desquamations. Happily, Hleskell's Tetter Ointment Is a sovereign remedy for every form of sklu disease, making a radical care In every case. Bold 60 cents per box. Bent by mall for 60 cents. Johnston, BoUoway Jk Cowden. Jkwklby. Mr. Wi'Uam W. Cassldy, No. 12 South HAnond street, bas the largest and most attractive assortment of fine eweiry and silverware a the city Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle lurolsbed at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has large stock of Amerlcau Western -T.t.i.i In all varieties aud at all prices. A visit to bis store Is sue to result iu pleauure and proUt. bale or a Valuable FAaii.-Thotnas a Pons wlllsell onlu sday next, at tba Exchange, tbe valuable (arm belonging to the estate or Henry Nv glee, dtceased, 9i!i acres. First ward, aojUnlng lands ol the Pennsylvania Railroad company. oe mt tUement. ma Rat.b op Paintinos, Crystal Medallions, eto, from the American Art Gallsry. New York, will be xnntinued tbls evening at 7 o'clock, at Boolfs Art Oallery, No. lUflt) Obesnnt strsst. Bum a Biiu'i Miahesi Prsmlom Bawtng Uachlnes, No. 7M Chesnat sUeet, " ClMina On Wihtm RTorK, ft Mrelug Out Winter Hinck. -l - Uhwlng Out Winter Biwk. - illoslng Om Winter Htork, ' IT Closing Uut Wlnur Nto k. - JS ('liming Out Winter Stork. , T tlloslng Out Winter Htnok. - M CloMng Out Winter ntock. - i-rWTAt. foT K twterrriiLed to c!is nnt R' u,t. Mock of tlio tnrmc-r Arm. we agtlo call ettontloa to the fact that nine? the appraisement we Lave revived he price o' all our good The aortmnt .f MCTTs and lloya' bulls aid overcoat mill ver void. Wan.makeb A IIiiciwn, WaNAM.KKHc R-.OWN. Wanauakkh A liHowar, Oak Hail. Thb Lahdhht C'lOTHINd Hnrmn. T UK I'OB. 6IXTK AMI MaHKCT HrBKKI'M. MARRIED. liROWN-Kir.KV.-OnJaunnry 7. at theTweutletli HUeet M. K. Parsonage, No. 1511 N, Twentieth 'rem, b; tho Pernor, Key. W. H. Hurrell, Mr. HtNH U'K W. BHOWK to Mils LVDIA A. MILKY, bolu of rlil ladelphla. CI.4.FMN WHITIC. On Tuesday, the flih Instant, ai the residence of the hrlfte'x parenii, d. B. t'l.Al LJN, Ol Philadelphia, to ANN It It., only ta'ighter ol Mamuel M. Wblle.ol thin oily. MABTIN-STUOI'SK-Februnry 4, ISB9. at the Parnnnageof thr PrsHliytrlan Clinn h,( loniu Hli nj jiy. jHiRBruweni, Mr. w I i.i.i A n ii . MAllvlM, nf Clrmanionn, to Miss CAUJJIK 11. Hl'JUJi aH of tlbcsiiiit 11111, Pa. HIMMON8-l)WNNr On Thps(1bf. Febrnary ?. bytbeitev. Jarxips Payram, Mr. W I f.l,. H. HIM- biuivs in Aioion aiicii. to mib ( AKKIK It. IIKX NIB, ol I'elanro, N. J., danirhtpr of tne Wie Joel Den nis, el Atlantic ennnty, N.J. No cariK 8TOKK8-MALONEY-On NnvembPr 11 by Rev. 8. W. Tliouias, J AMK.IS C. 81 OKKS to J KNN I K MA I.OKY. DIED. HOCK 1 UH. -On tbe th Instant, Wit LI AM t'HNI Dl. k Bl'CKHIH In t lie 21th year of nil age, , Tbe mauve and frieuils ot tbe tamny . also the mpmbpr ot Chlppowa Tribe, No- SI, I C .o'K. M., aud tne mpmhers of Hlerobant Dlvlsij ,. No. ui. bone ol lemimrarjci", are reipectnilly Invite 1 to attend tbe ioneral, Irom bis late residence. No 40 N. Kie venth atreet, no Friday, tne Iv'.b luntaiit, at 1 o'clock. Interment In tbe Woodlands Cemetory. HONING.-WILLIAM HONINJ, on Wednesday nigl't, tbe inih liiNtnnt. In bis r.Btn year. Due notice ot his funeral will be given. MoNtTLTY. on tbedtn Instant, MARY, wife l the latx Arthur McNulty, aged 4i yearc. T'.e relatives and Irleuas, alsu (lie ('Julratnrnl'y and Modality of the ( Allied Kl.arerrMiiecifuily Invltpd to attend the funeral, from tbs residence ot her br iber . TerrecreNoeson No. 102a Buttunwoud street , on Haturday morning at Sli ooock. Funeral services at 1 albedrai. Interment In Cathedral Uemetery. MctJtJILKEN Suddenly, on the 10th Instant, Mrs. F.L1.KN, wlie of the late J'aolel McQullHen. of rjtra bane. 1'oniiiv Trrone. I -eland, ased t)H vears. Tbe relailves and friends are reMnc( fully invited to attend tne ninerai, rrom tne reauence ot ntr mu-tn-law. Joeeph Morgan. No. 88 Cbarloits strce. below Poplar, on r'aiurday morning at 8 o'clock. VAN LEEB. On the morning of the (tlh I .tant, RARaH p. VAN LKKH. re'.lrtot iholntn William Van JiOer, of Chester oouuty, Pa., In the 68lh year of oer age. The relatives and friends of the family are resnet t- fullv Invited te attend the funeral, from the rrilleuce of ber son. George B. Van ler. No. 1KI1 Wallace street, nn Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Interment at Great Valley Presbyterian Ohurch, Chester county. VOOIEi.-On Wednesday. February is, JOdN R, vuuniM, ageu vi yearr. The male relatives and mends of the cpceaseil are respectmily Invited to attend his funeral, from bis late residence, Nn 5-17 Ni. Fortieth street, north ot Lancas ter avenue, West Philadelphia, ou Saturday, the 14-h Instant. Tbe religious nervier will begin at 1 o'clock P. M. precisely, aud the Interment will be at La uel lilll. LIFE INSURANCE. Br THE AMERICAN AGENTS WANTED LIFE INSUUASCE CO. Ot E'hiladelpliia, S. E. Comer Fonrth aud Walnut Streets. IN better terms NOWHERE fered. ot- riiiladeliilila Adrtrp'H or call at Olhue, l to 8 P. M. Company's CALVIN B. McLEAN, 6 10 Manager of City Agency AGENTS AND SOLICITORS FOR LIFE LNSUKANCE, AND ALL PERSONS CONTEMPLATING INSUR ANCE, WILL DO WWLL TO SKK Mr. 11. U. W1LS0JJ, at the Olflce of the PENN (MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4)21 CUESJfUT Street, X18BtutUtf PHILADELPHIA. REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. 45 OHl'HANS' COURT SALK-Esiate of Maria Lewis, OecHHsecl. Ttiomas & Soas. Auctioneers. modern i Dree-mory uruin uweii- lDg, JNo. 1)21 .soutn l' ma sureet, nortn or wortu street, and below UlckoiHoa street. First ward. PurBuant to an order of I be Urphinn' Court lor tne city and county or fmiadelpalu, will be Bold at pnbllo Bale, ou Tuesday. March 2. I860, at 12 o'clock, noon, at tbe Philadelphia Ut- cUBDRe, tne following described property, lato nf Maria LewU. UeCfaaod. viz : All that lot oi eraunu. wun tne improve- menta thereon, situate on tbe eattl aide of Dela ware l' inn street, iu tne r irst weru oi tne city of Philadelphia, commencing ut the distance of 4 feet northward from tbe north aide of Worth. street, aud extending northward in fronton Fifth street It) feet, and extending east ward In depth of that width 79 feet 71 inches. (Uelnt: inn name DremiseH wuicu wuimaumysuu wife, by lndentnre dated tbe llkn day o( Outo- her. A. D. 18u7. and recorded in ueed book k. U. W.. No. 144. Daee 223. granted aud conveyed unto the said Maria Lewis, In fee.) Hubject to the payment to Lube W. Duffel, his heirs aad BkHlins. of a certain yearly erouud rent or sum of 110, as therein expreted. Together with tbe free use, nunt, iioerty, ana oriTneuo ui au ailav s tHt l! lnr-hfea wide and K2 feet dflnn. leading Into and from Kalerprlse a'.reet. 76 feet Vi inobes east from Firth street, with the rluht to lliirounoe waier iiipeu uuuer tun uu, .uu toRetber with all other appurtenances. ily tbe court, iohkph MEOABY. Olerk O. (X HKNKY K. LKWia. Aduiinlstrator. C.T.A. M. a, The Improvements are a modern three story brick dwelling, with two-story lrame back building, in goou repnr; una gas, uain, hot. and cold water, coo kid a range, etc. M. TUOMAS & HONft, Auctioneers, 2 112027 Nos. 1U and Ml H. FOUUm blrtet. KXKCUTHIX'S SALK. ESTATE OF Henry Nag lee deceased Thomas A S iua, a.i. tioneers. Vorv rvalnable larm. S '1 acres. t lrst ward, adlolnlns lands of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Com oauv and otbers. Oa Tues day, Febrnary 10, 1800, at 12 o'oloclr., noon will Kxcbange, all that valuable farm land, Mftuate In the Firtit ward, city or pniladeiuDta, con- taiulrjs about UbVi acres of land, no w bounded by lands of the Greenwich Land Company, 1't-nbHVlVania Jliuroau Lumirauy, xneouore Mltcbt.ll and otbers, aud Intersected by Froul, cnurcb. Hwanson. K4sl. Pollocli or I'ulrly- second avenue, Tackt-r, Curtln. Meadow, Ath, Kaver. and other streets, lus Pennsylvania Uallroad runs through the property. It Is about a half a mile from tne wuarvos of tbe Ureenwloh Land Company, on the rlvar Dela ware, and an i qual distance beiween the Navy Vara ana league isinuu. i'l ar nf all Incumbrance. Terms Oce-third oaub, oue tblrd In two veara. and the remaining third may remain dnrlrjg the life of the widow, or all nny be paid in cash. . 8UXJ to be paid at the time of Bale. Hr nlan at tbe auction rooms lly order ot MARY K N A(41,EE, Executrix, M.THU11AS & HONS. AtlOlioiieei'S. 21113 Nos. iy and HI H. FOUHl'H Htreet. Q A M EX CAME Constantly on hand all kinds of choice Wild Gauie, poultry, Bait water Terrapin, Oysters, eto. Private families, hotol-keepers, etc, supplied MAHTIN'H GAME DEPOT. No. 1115 MARKEf HTKKET. N. R. We are reoulvlng dally one bnndred pair Live ttnaiis. i u Ul rp FINANCIAL. UNION PACIFIC EAILR0AD FIRST MORTCiAGE 30 YEAKS SIX PEU CENT. GOLD BOFJDS, FOR SALE AT PAR (Nil ACCRUED INTEREST. DKALKRS IN OOVHRNMENT SHCUIUTIK3, GOLD, KTC, No. 40 South THIRD Street. 21 tl lOOO SOW tOMFLKTKII OF 1HE Union Pacific Railroad, TLe Coinpavy vi ill have the eutire Hae Unlbheil througk to Califoriua, aatl rcutly for 1 1. Is Hinimer's travel WE AKE OW Si,LLl The First Mongage Gold In terest Bonds ii PAR A3ND INTSHeST. UMIL FUllTHHK NOTtlF- tioYernmeut Necuritlea taken in exchange at full market rate. WM, PAINTER & CO., UAJSKLKS AXI) OEALEKS In UUVE1L. MM KECUK1T1LS, No. 30 South THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. BANKING HOU8B OF JayCooee&p. Kos. 112 and 111 South TIILRU Street, PHILADELPHIA. Vt alen In all UoTernment Securities. Old 6-209 Wanted In Eichango for Nen, A Liberal Difference allowed. Componnd Interest Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. COLLECTIONS MADB. STOCKS bought and sold on Commission. Bpeclal busloett accommodations teserved for ladles. We win receive applications for Policies of Life Insurance in tbe National Life Insurauce Company of tbe United Btetea. Full Information given ai ou onioa. 118m uLEllMING, DAVIS & CO., No. 48 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA, GLENDINHING, DAVIS & AMORY, No. 3 NASSAU St., New Work, BASKOS AND DKOKEKS. Direct telegraphic communication with the New York Stock Hoards rrom tho l'blladelpbia Office u ORE AT OP SLIGHTLY WET AT 0 & AT NINTH AND CHESNUT STREETS. J. F. e E. E. ORiME, 904 CHESNUT STREET, HAVE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STOCK Or C ARPETINC8 LEFT FROM THE LATE FIRE AT SACRIFICE 1ft PRICE 8 A LE CO 01 MOID A FINANCIAL. LEDYARD Sl BARLOW Hare P.ciiiohmI their LAW AD COLLECTION OFFICE Ko. 19 South THIRD Street. PHILJMTKLI'KIA. Atd tviii continue to give careful attention to collecting and (.unnriug CI. vlMb tbrotunoal tne United Btatt-M, BiitiHti Provinces, and u rope. Slgbt Drafts and Maiurlug Paper collected at Bankera'. 128 6m Dealers in United JSlates Bonds, and Men feerS Of Stock and Holi Exchange, Keceiie Accounts of l'unks aud Bankers on I ihrr-tl 'I'prma. ,.,.,,. , , .VV.i, ,H . i ISM'E HILLS It I HXtllAJiWE OX C. J. HAUIiH.0 & SON L'ONDON vt7tVtw a H do .Munnom 15. aiHTZLL.Il, S. 80 LIN & CO., FRANKFORT JAMKS W. TUCKKR & CO.. PARIS. . .... .! ...". Anauiner rrineipill l ltleS, ami Letters OI Credit Available Thntut;liout tnrope. pa 8. PETERSON & CO., Stock iind Extliaiigo llrokers. No. S9 South THIRD Street, Members r the Nnv York and I'hiliulei phla Stock ai4 ;!d Boards, 8TOCK3, EONX)3, i.c. I) )nglit aud sold oa ooniialHHlon only atl'tir city. ny GROCEKlbb, TC. OOLONG TEA, Extra Flno Quality. Just received, of tUe uevcrop, aa Invoice of Very Extra l ice (Junlitj Milck Tea, In smkll boxes of Seventeen aud a Half ikiuuJb each. Those wlsblug a Htnaii pt'Kaye of very One TEA will Had llile tad boit seen herein many yeurs. For sale by tlie box at tue LOV EBX WHOLESALE PttUE SIMON COLTOIi k CLARKE, S. W. Corner 1IK0AD and WALISUI sts., 1 1 tntba PHILADELPHIA. TEAFKESS. EVEKYTnSTKUMBST THAI J aotenoe and skill have Invented to assist the bearing In every degree of deafness; also, Kesplra. tors; also, Greudall'a Patent Oruiobes, superior to any other la dm, at t, MAjrjKiRA'k io, Us li SAL e T i ini THE LATE FIRK MMEN OED Y, February 1. CIGARS. fO CIGAR SMOKERS. "MARIANA RITA" Cigars, in twenty varieties of size and price. are pure alt Havana Tobacco; prononnoed eqnal to Imported Cigars, yet much oheaper t Thy Them. " FRA DIAYOLO" Cigars, In five varieties, are pure Uaviwa Fillkr?, still cheaper, and ansurpassed at their price ! Tbv Thbm. These Dranda, Copyrighted, are manufac tured exclusively by S. FUGUET & 80N9, No. 229 South FRONT Street, Rkoclah ImpobtRh, as always, of Fins Havana Cioah y BDS, MATTRESSES, ETC. JI O V E K'b PATENT Combination Sofa Bed decldeciy the beat ofa Bed ever luentetl. It can ' fi'ndfi rromaeora in.o a hanciuorue Fieoca 1 JtlBtaC. with balr Bering maitrss, In tea seconds ! t tliiie. It reiinlres 110 uucrwlo(r or deiacblag. naa no sepavailou b.iwn bu:k and seat, no curds to break aud no UliiRfd fool auaclied tithe top ol U.e hack to support It when down, wbloh Is unsafe and liable 10 gni out of lepalr. It bag tue conveniences of a pureau lor l.oinluii clothing is naslly managed, ana f U Is muoaiOie for It to uet oat at order. I rnce about thesauiu as au ordinary tola. li. F. lIOVElt, Owiu t anil Kol WanufHCliirer, I 2H tuthtem Ho.JM South bECON D Blreet. COAL. ILL. A 171 W. ALTER, LI'jHIOH goal, Also, Lorberrj and locust Mountain. Depot, No. i57 XonU SIXTH Street, Below Ulrard Avenue 1 30 tM18 Ufllce, Tor. SI XIII and Sl'lUNU GAKUO. WANTS. WANTtP J.CCAL AND TRAVKLLINO Aftnt Iu every city aul town la the United stales, tareat iuduct-oitnis ollrrd to active men. I) 11 or address . lib siauio. OOU dt CO., Room la, So (.0l Ili:bUTeiireel. I'bla. LOST. T OST-CEKTIFU'ATE OK OLD CITY LOAN J-i Nn. isis. lor one hundred dollars. In the nM Alary . Keeves. Application will be &JFJ Ibsue of a new ceitlhcaie; "g-"m AVI 8 I M PORTANT! HKAUX MKUULKB. ,,o, Helens et Ch.mbre. a Arra-ne. ponr Edition dan. App.rlemenU Garuls et CouverU de Taple. GEORGE J. HENKEL8, KBKNISTE, 218rarp CHESN UT STKEET, au Coin de 13m. GS, !