THE DAILY EVENING TELEG K APH PHIL ADKLPHI A; TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1869. 7 NEWS SUMMARY. . City Affair. , --Wr. JoHPpta Ban'om fits been appointed mirrprcter for the Coons of Quarter Sessions no Common i'lras. The evidence la the contested election case aa rcsnmed jestriday beiotc the examiners, Meetrr. Me;rlrk and Battun. Thomas MansBclJ, reddlim nt No. 1315 ttice treet, died suddenly last evening from the ef fects of a fall received last week. John Hon, nsced 7 t ar?, whs run over by a 1 oai train at Twcnt j-rourin street and WaflhlnR ton avenue yesterday, aid was Instantly hilled. Jacob Orobler, living on Front street, below Pontb, fell jeeterday at a puhllc house In Pine tieet, be'-ween Pixth and Hovcntb, aad broke his leg. lie was admitted to the l'eniisvlvanla Hospital. Cornrllns Dorm. Cli-irW Washmore, and John Morao have burn held to answer, by Alder man Kerr, the theft of a piece of cloth from Mcndehsoiin's cloth store, No. 1318 North Second street. Panels Brnrciu was yesterday appointed Lieutenant of tho Seventh dis'rict, In place of John A. franks. William Winter was appointed roundsman In the Nineteenth ward, and An drew Whiteman a private in the Fouitcenth district. The attention of the Mayor having been Called to the fast dttvincr ol horses on Broad '.reel, c1ectall.y on Sunday, be Intends to 1sue an order lor its supprcsHlon. The complaints come chiefly from residents on that much tra tellcd thoroughfare. Jennie Hccly, nineteen years old, left her home, In Rainbow street, between Trenton avenue and Blair street, on lad Saturday week, since which lime the has not been beard or. At the time she left, ehe snld ibnt sho intended to go to see a dressmaker on business. About half-past seven o'clock last rvcnlnsr, a woman, aged twenty-Qve years, wearing a black alpaca frock, fell on the pavement near Thirteenth and Master streets, striking her forehead. She was removed to No. 1113 Fawn street, In an insensible condition. At tbe meeting of the Board of Port War dens held yesterday, a license was granted to George II. Stocktou to extend a pier Into tha Delaware. Alto, to Messrs. I). B. Taylor & Son to Improve their w brut property on the Dela ware river, norih of Coates street. Permission was alao granted lor a renewal of a licence to Messrs. I. P. Morris & Co. to extend their wharf to tbe Warden's line on the Delaware river at Cumberland street. At a meeting of the Historical Society held last evening, "Ibc following officers were elected: Pieshlent John William Wallace. Vice-Presidents B. II. Coates, II. (J. Jones, A. II. Hnalth, James L. Clagboru. Treasurer J. Edward Carpenter. Corresponding Secretary J. Roes Snowden. Record in n Secretary S. L. Hmediey. Library Committee John Jordan, Jr. Publication Committee Charles il. Morris, Finance Committee J. L. Fcnlinore and James C. Hand. A meeting was held In Liberty Hall last evenlnp, to receive the dileaates sent from this city to Washington, to tho National Convention of Colored Men, belli last January, to petition Congress for the right of suUrage, P. N. JudaU in the chair, and Joseph C. Russell acting as Secretary. 1 he report ot the election was real, giving tbe uamej of tbe delegates, and fixing the total vote at 634. James W. BrowD, a dele gate, addressed the meeting, stating that tbe Judiciary Committee of tho Senate had given them great encouragement as to the obtaining of the bounties ot the colored soldiers and sailors. Tbe following was offered aud adopted: fitsolved. That tbta meeting endorses the action of tbe Rational Convention with regard to ex-President Roberts, ot Liberia, who has no claims either of gratitude or contidence on the colored people of America, in their efforts to obtain their liberties. Addresses were made by Rev. George W. Gould?, David Turner, ana others, when the meeting adjourned. Last evening an adjourned meeting of manufacturers and mechanics, to take measures to secure the passaue ol an amendment to tbe law parsed in 1810, regukting tbe shop tax, wus held in Ransom street, above Eleventh. The following was adopted: Hection 1. That hereafter mechanics and manufacturers who sell eoods in their store, factory, or warehouse, other than their own manufacture, not exceeding the sum of one thousand dollars per year, shull not be classified as dealers, or required to pay the annual tax and license Ice imposed by the act ot Assembly, approved April 22, 1840; but if s-.ich tales exceed the sum ot one thousand dollars yer year, they shall be classified in the same manner, and required to pay the same annual tax on all rales ol goods not ot tbeir own manufacture, as ion required of dealer?. But in no case shall a manufacturer or mechanic be required to p y a license fi'C upon the sales of goods of their on manufacture. DoineHtte AllulifU John C. Breckinridge arrived in Baltimore on Saturday. Buebanan and Glllem will not be confirmed as Johnson's Brieadier-Generals. John Lamb, of New York, died suddenly of heart d'sease yesterday in namniorc. A dinner was given in New York last eve ning to Senator-elect Casseily of California. Edwards. Piper bus been senteuced to the Vermout State Prison f rcit'ht years for fortrery. Another Railroad Restriction bill has beeu prepared and introduced in the Illinois Legisla ture. General Grant yesterday took a ride with Mr. Borner, the famous "Dexter" trotting in their frout. James Taliant, one of tho parties arrested for complicity in tbe Rogeis murder, has been discharged. An accident on the Missouri Pacific Rail road on Saturday, at bmithton, caused the deatb of the engineer, diaries Browuell. General Unrnside's "Kxptditlon Society" or organization has been formed, with General Hum side as President and General J. G. Parke as Vice-Preldeut. The trial of tho nnailUt Wormald and O'Baldwin, for enduing lu a prize tight at Lynn- field, Mass., commenced in tlie superior Cjurt, at Salem, yesterday. Tbe North Caiollna Cherokee do not llko the treaty now pending, nnd protest ag.tuist it. onloos It secures to t lie i?atoi u Cuurokee their share lu the land.) f o l. Inaac Dunn, ol Trenton, N. I., v. as found in the Water Tower 11 Sunday. II li id breu mlining TSr several day, KllO. It b . oseu that be com n.itted suicide. Tbe Special Co'iiiuis;ioierb appoints! to rev'ew the Union Pacific Rullioul have arrived at Siicrau.ento, and wll etart eatwaid to rrntke tueir report in a 1 ivv uajc. Two th eves smashed the window or a Jewel;? SToTo iu Broalwav, New Yor'i, l ist eve li'rg, at Lalf-pr'st fevcu o'clock, aud male oil" with . tray nl diamonds worth $10,000. The jewels got sratlered and the laioves secured but 11U0Q worth. rr Ifru AlfK rn. Ionkon, Feb rt.-Th! ue from Athens is outradic:l.,ry. Tuo lale.-l d '"patches maintain that Zulnili had succeeded iu torintng a Cao:- net, aud that peace is thereof assured. Vhe reported bu'ilo betweeu the Turks and llnnti nerins is nrtthnriti'tlvelv denieJ. Lokoon. Feb 8. Advices have been received unourii'ing that tba American ichooni r Gott was alinndimed at eea on January 3. No par ticulars are Bivcu. Tlie Copper Tariff mil, of 10t ea to ea nats, concurred In the Beuato raendmeut to tbe Conner Turltl bill; Its oppo nents endeavored to filibuster, but its friends were so numerous that they were choked off. The Senate amendments to the bill mute it more strinient as a protective measure than it was when it passed the House. A roan commuted to tba Main Insane AgTinm twenty years ago for some alight ofierae, on the ground of lnuurable lnaanlty, .. Wore the Superior Court at Portland, on Saturday, to hare his further fate settled, and lm. 4 v. a f'.onrt and Deonle were otherwise Wed. ha coolly walked out of court lad A REVOLUTIONARY RELIC. Journal of sin Ald-d-Cnmp of Rocham beau. The Trovldence Journal describes an origlnnl French manuscript, now In pof ession of Mr. O. F. li arris of that city. It Is the journal of a French officer who served under Count d Kochambeau, and bears the following title: "Journal depuls mon depart de Franco 2tf Mars, 1781. josq'au 18 Novembru do la mcme atinco que rarmec aux orders de M. 'e Cte. de Rocham beau est entre dans ses Quariiers d'nlver.'' (Journal since lis departure from France, tho 2iih ot March, 1781, to tho 18th ot Noveuibsr of the same year, of the army under tbe orders of the Com pie de Kochambenu when it went into winter quarter-.) It Is handsomely written and makes a small folio volume ot 116 pae. In It arc nine beautifully executed maps and plans, some of them four feet in length, as follows: 1. Map of the Islttn 1 of Rhode Island; 1, 3, and 4. Maps of the route of Rochambeau'H army from Newport, through liartlord to Ftt-bkill: 6. Camp on tho North river, near Dobb's Ferry, showing tho positions of the French aid American armies; 6. Map of the country north of New York, embracing Fort Washington, Harlem river and the vici nity; 7. Morrisnnla, with portions of the East river and Long Island; 8. Froe's Point and purt ol Long Islitnd; ft. I'lan of West Point; 10. fUu of the H attic of Trenton; 11. Plan of the Siege of New Yoik, 1781. This valuable and interest irg manuscript was in the celebrated Alatson mvffa.s which took place in Paris on the 15ih of January, in 18G8, at which Mr. tfarrta was so fortunate as to socure It against the competi tion of several European libraries and collectors. Alter spendiog a few days in Boston and Cam bilJgettne writer came to Providence, where be found tbe French troops encamped under General Count de Rocbamboau. Hu observa tions about Providence are very brief. He calls it a '"bcautliul little town," with au extensive commerce belore tho war. There Is nothing curious here, he says, but "a hospital ot the greatest beauty." The building alluded to was doubtless the old, or northern, editico of Bro wn University, which, at one period during the Revolutionary war, was used for a hospital. This fine structure, so superior then to all others in 1'rovldence, together with Its beautiful situa tion, no doubt attracted the attention of the Fre nch oflicer. From Providence the French troops com menced their march westward on the 18' h of June. The first day they encamped near Water man's tavern, and toe second day reached Plain field, which tbe writer says occupies "a superb position." This oflicer seems to have an eye to the position of every place he sees, with a view to its detente. The position of Windham he also considers fine. Of Hartford littlo is said; but with Weatherefleld ho was In ecstacles. The houses there were fine, and iu order to see the H adjoining coautry he went up into the steeple ot tbe village church. He says he could see the country for fifty miles around, and declares it to be the most beautiful be had seen in Ame rica. The route from Providence to Flshkill, with each day's march, Is laid down with great precision. The army Fet out in a single division, until they reached Windham, when they formed two divisions, and thus, from eight to ten miles apart, in parallel lines, they marched to the Hudson river. We will not follow the army further. The Jowtutl says: "In addition to the journal there are In the volume tho following interest ing papers: A copy of the capitulation of York town and Gloucester, in which event the French army took part. A letter in relation to the same from General Washington. Journal of the Siege ot Yorktown, by M. de Mcnouville, Aide Major-General. Abstract of the campaign of the naval lorces, under orders of Compte de Grasse, printed by his orders on board the Ville de Puris. Construction of the American army, and notes on tbe Constitution ot the thirteen United State.". Tbe maps and plans are drawn with care, and add greatly to the value of the journal, which was doubtless prepared for General de Rocham beau himself, it is In its original red Moiocco binding, with the edge of the leaves richly gilded. "We learn that there was great competition for it at tbe sale, aud that, besides several orders for tle volume from the United 8utes, the British Museum and other great EuroDcan libraries were comnetitors for it. We think our townsman, Mr. Harris, showed much clack in carrying off the prine against such antagonists. it is to tie noi eu mat lue manu-cript may be printed, accompanied by its maps." MARINE TELEGRAPH. For widUiwal Marine Neuii tee Pint Page. AUHANAC JfOB fHILADKIiPHIA THJ8 DAY. Bcn Risaa...MMM...MMM.7'0J Moon Hiss. r 45 Bum S3kts...m. ,..... 8-27UUOH WiTJUg. .111 44 FBXLADSLPaiA BOARD Off TitADK, Jambs DoueHJtBTr, " ( b ami. is Wiituju, yuoKKLT Ooumrrai. W. C. KBMT, J UOVKAUCHTS OF OCKAB 8TKAMK11S. Rhetn ....BontharQi)lon...Now York. ............ Jan. uernianla.... Joutlianipton.New York ........Jau. Tarta Llverpool...New Yora...w..Jn. 11 am oainiunpH)D...jMew xorK .Jan. Mlniieauta..Mm...tJvrpoolNew Tork..nMmM.Jaa. Siberia ....Ltverpool...Nw York............ Jan. Koglaud- wverpooi...iew Kora Jaa. Beliua...........London...JSew York Jaa. Austrian Liverpool.. Portland..... Jan. Ft. Laurem-..-BreaU. ....... New Yurk.........Jau, China. .......LI verpool..New York Jan. W SI pnaua. n vr?....iew x uric , J Klua. OJverpooi..JNew York, .Jan, C of Oork.. New York...Llverpool.. ........Fob, Feb. -Feo. 1. ...... Feb, Clmbr Itt ........... .New YorkHaoibarg.. Kuwila .....isew Y or k... Liverpool . Heola.......New York...Llveroool .. Don aa N ew YorkBremen ISMaaWWtl Dity oli'arifl..rew York...LlverpooL.......l'eb. is W et tpb al la......N ew York.Hamburg........Feb. 13 O. ot A-niwerp...New York...Ll verpool .feD. 3u CXJAbTWIBK. DOMitdTIOJ. B1XJ. AlsVa........New York..Asplnwall ...Fb. 9 ColiiU)bia.........New York...Havana.. Feb. 11 Tcaawanaa. ,nilaaa......Bavaauaii......i' eb. 18 Htaraanamxlpea Panada. Kovana...M.......Keb. 17 v 200 uaaa,.ivew Orleans, ...reb. 17 Ploneer.....PhUftla....Wllmlnirlon Feb. Is b. Anterlca Mew York. .. Rio Janeiro........ Feb, 21 frl alls a A for warded hv avArv .lAutnar InLhA rAirill&v linen. The a learner fir or from Liverpool call at Qofeenstown, except the Canadian line, whlca call at ArtinuuDuerry, i no iteaxuers lor 01 una Ine Uunu neut call at bonttaampton. CLEARED Y E8TK RDAY. Hteametilp Paxon, Bokks, U'wion. 1L Wtosor A Co. Brig Ocean Sella, Haneii. Havana, Warren b (jlregg, ARRIVirD YKSTHTiriiV. Scbr V. . O. Itlah. ilathbun. from Nnrfnllr. with Inn. ber to captain. ucnr iaa L , surgess, rrom Boston, with mdse. to ospiain. t , , , MKMOKAWDA. hum Wm. CDmminffM Miliar, i..,.! .1 v.n. leaua 8d lust, lor Uunuo, wllb 2C07 bales collOfl. atl uom. in, nr. vi ions iron, and 80 bales roue. Mca jut bin Prometbeuit, Or- rr Heroes rice, m bal ni"v'p" . rrom Wilmington nai 00 boarf, 00 board 14J Hl.i.hl.. f' Lit "" UUIM'U. uu luuuur.. , and sundries yefteraiTy. ' IcelnB'i nence, alew xorx BiefcHiBijip rjormarj.Orowell, cleared at Boston tU A M inrHl,ml "'Phl' and PSd Ood at 11'!!? J1!?1" vrtr- Curtis, for PhUadfelphla, sa li-Q irtm Llvtrpuol in nit. .""hm w uueiuiiue, jtneli. l enoe, at Flasblog ZM (111 I Hit. Brig AugDite. KUntwortb, hence, at CQxvea 2id aniaiOt PaBK'.'at5i".yit.0rV&7' tirin jMiim mu, jnerriman, rrom London tor Philadelphia. aDouored at Deal j:id uit. r-cur Joan uriiuu, r iem, iroin Hagua la Grande for Pbliadelulila, experienced a lieavy gale un tnexd Inst., and wa. .truck by a waier-Buout, carrying away ber luuder lions, woeei rope., etc. put Into Wli Btluttuii. N. IL, yesterday. feci r Old Clmd, McCllntock, tor Philadelphia, Olea'ed at Portland 6ih lu.l. CHiar J. xi. cuiuu r, jjev, imu iuvuuc lur jduovvd, at Hi lrues' Hole 6tb liu-t, SolirUen. Bherldan. Bnell, hence, at Norwloa 5th iDHiaiit. , , v.-m. . R?w OrjefH, New York th In.t. Mllt aTaVW-B. VV11C9T. UUaH VriiSlsalSeves. from Savannah forPhlladel ?".rf,?"TlL.;Si Korlulk In dlatrew. encoun. fer 'St h" av, eTiyfale SSrS Cl.incole.Rne Bhoals, H V7t bSlS and .us. tatred vuoa daniaga. 'h'Z'lli t0""'Zm i-an'S "ilZaoii and chains la a a-k.n.llf.. nitU.n xl thaHitlh nIL iaTl Th Oil l.rded from the ship (Jerruaoia tuiuora In in dl.lre..). wa. all .ei.d oa Tliuraday eveulng by the lutpeolor of inland KaTenue. a. aroiirdiug to the J 1P XI aa I 'Si v-tD , . a ,, a Inlnd Iti-venue act no peiroiepm m. c-o -, .1 i,a ta alinaraa ia k lan.ea- harqn bad laarl d two or tbrea Ihonsand barrels, aad ihougb they bad taken every preoatutnn. tna In- rfcierof Inland KeTcnne did Dot deem lirlxht to lavelbe cliyeino-d to snob a eaiamiton tire ai mlfht ecenr. Tbeship baa beea moved to Ulcbmoml. where tbe will dlmliarse tbe remainder of ber cargo. GAS FIXTURES, ETC. CORNELIUS & BAKER, MANUFACTURERS OF CAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, DRONZE8. LANTBRF18, Etc. STOltK, Xo. 710 CIEESXUT Street. MANUFACTORY, No. 821 CIIi:iUlY Street, 1 aonrrm-lm PlULADEXriUA. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. p I C T U H E 8 FOIl PRESENT 8. A. S. ROHINSON, o. no CHESNUT etreet, Hasjuat received exquisite apeclmens of ART, SUITABLE FOH HOLIDAY GIFT3, FINK DREDEN:,ENAMi;L9" ON rOKCE LAIN, IN OUEAT VARIETY. SPLENDID PAINTED PllOTOORAPHH, Including a Number of Choice CTnms. A BUPERB LINE OF CHROM03. A large aaaortmentof NEW ENGRAVINGS, ETC. Also, RICH STYLES FRAMES, of elegant new patterns; 8 15g BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY. JA8. H. BRYSON & SON. 3o. b INortli SLXTU Street. Stationers and Printers. B la life UookR, Ledgers, Daj Books, Cash Books, Ltc. Etc, Made to order at tbe nbortest notice, at tbe lowest market rale.. LETTFR PAPER, per ream. 2 50 Fooi Bl'AP PAPEH. per ream ... 8 00 NUTE l'APKR per rearn... l-a A full assortment of Imported and staple STA TIONERY, always on band; INKS, PE3I0IX3, PEN HOLDERS. Etc., In great variety. ENVELOPES, bo 0. letter size........ l-60 per 1000 wniie, ibo " A grat variety or styles and grades always on band, at tbe lowest rate. PRINTED BLANKS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, Etc.. e ecu ted In ihe most approved style. 1 29 Im JAMBS D. SMITH & CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTTBERS, WHOLESALE AND II JUT AIL. No. 27 Soutli SLTEMH Street, IS IS fmw3m FEILADELPHiA, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1823. HOLIDAY rBEEHTSt WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, &IXVKBWABE, and FANCY GOODS, G. W. RUSSELL, HO, 22 AQRT11 SIXTH STREET, tm PHILADELPHIA. LEGAL NOTICES. TESTATE OP JOHN R. PANCOAST, IJ C'EAbEU. Letter a Teaumeutary sulttrT UDOU Olil above (slaia tiavlog been graoied toili.ouaeralgueil. all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, aud those having claims agolubt the same to present them 10 WILLIAM W. JUVENAL, LIUR&HY Htrnet, beh.w Fliih. Attorney fur TAUY tt. PANCXIaoT, tltcct Eeoutri. FOR RENT. R but. FREJttlSES, Xo. 809 CHESNUT St FOB BTORS OB OFFICE, ALSO, OFFICES AND LARGE BOONS tultAOli for a Commercial College. Apply at mu bank of the republic NT I-WI N DO W RATTLER. For Dwelling, Cars, Steamboat, Etc Prevents Rattling and Shaking of the Win dows by the wind or other cauHes, Ugotens the tBBh. prevents the wind and dnst from entering, easily aitached, and requires bat single glance to Judge of its merits. Call on the General Agent, C. P. ROSE No. 727 JAYNE Street, Between Market and Ohesnut, u Ufmw3m Uadelphla. PENNSYLVANIA HO8PITAI1. Puii.dkli'bia, December 2tt, lewl. j'ne aiierjoms jnauagrru rc, Wlsiar Atoms. Ko.MH Third street. B. Morris Wain, Mo. 18. Delaware avenue. AUenalng Physician J. Al. Da Costa, M. D., No. 105 hpruoe street. Llleudlrg Hat Tbomas Ueorge Morton, i iir Hit r. M. D.,No. 1421 Chesnut Tbe'Pbyslcl.n and Surgeons attend at thanoejl lal every day iHundaya excepted) to receive appll :. iluns lor admission. . . Fei.. .lis seriously Injured by accident a-ealwas admliied ll brought to the ttospllal unnteaiat iy berealier. 1 a:t O B H U X O H A HA a MABTClfACTOBr, B G I i ii H N T. Ull L'K Y. Bf, K. cornet ol M AKKET and WATEB Bbreetg, Pbliadelpbla. DEALERS IN BAtia a NO BA90IN8 lr Aiwrv dMprlritiiin. Air Brain, Flour, Bait, Buper-f feoapuai of Ume, Boat Dnst, i, to. Larre ana small OTTNNT B a8 eonstantly on3taat aian. wihil H4Utl BODOEB8' AND WOSTENHOLM'3 POCKET UH IV KB. Pearl and Blag Handles, of beautiful gulsh. RODukllH' and WADE A BUTCH rUl'd KA wit.mM'.f bS '"brated LiAX)ULTUB HAJJOB BCIbHOltB ot the finest quality. HfiP'X' B:",vs. Bciasor., and Table Ontlery Gronnd ri nriSiri.C'1J ' W TJiU ALEXANDER G. OATTBLL & CO PJtODmiB; OOMMTHHION M EROH ANTS, NO, M NUit'l H WHAH VUtt KO. & JKOTITH WATHB 8TBXET , PBlLADlUi'lUA, PROPOSALS. QEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECKWED I p at tbe Ortloe of the Chief Onariermaster Military Diyision of ine Mltnourl. Hi. Lout., Mo , nnill 12M., on lbs 20tn day of February, I8ti9, for tbe trantmortatiun of Uovernineui troops and anpplle. from the following polou to poets on tne Mlasonrl river, an Indicated, dnrlnn the time from March 20, 1809. to Ootobor 20. 1W.9, iDcluslve.vIr;: Krom Ht. Lotus to Slonx City, ForU Kandall, Bnll9, Kloe. hievenson, Baford, UttUip Oook, or any pout that, may be established at. trie month of tbe Mu.sciesh.ell river, and Fort Item on. From Wyandotte, Kanaan, to Sloox Olty, Forts Kandall, Mully, Uioe. Htevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any poat that may be eatablUlied at the mouth ot the Muscleahell river, and Fort Ren ton. From Fort Leavenworth to Slonx Oily, Forta Randall, Hnlly, Klce, Htevensou, Jinfonl, (Mtnp Cook, or any post that may be establlahed ui Ihe mouth of the Muscleahell river, and Fort Brulon. From Oraaba to Rlonx City, Forta Randall, Bully, Hire, Htevenson, Uuford, Camp Coo it, or any pout that may be established at the mouth of MiiKcleshell river, rd1 Fort Benton. From Fort Randall to Forta Hully, Ulce. Hte venaon, iluford, Camp Oook. or any poat that may be esiabllohed at the mouth of Musole Bliell river, and Fort Benton. From l'oit Bully to Forta Rloe, Btovenaon, Ruford, Camp Cook, or any rxral that maybe eatabllabed at tbe mouth ol the MuajloHboll river, and Fort Hen ton. From Fort Rice to Forts Stevenson, Buford. Camp Cook, or any pout that muy be eaiab limbed at the mouth of the Muscleahell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Bteveuaon to Fort Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that maybe eatabliNlied at the mouth of the Masoleahell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Bn ford to Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the month of the MtiHoleshell river, and Fort Benton. From Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the month of the Muaoleahell river, to Fort Benton, It will be tbe endeavor of the Government to hip during the season mott favorable for navi gation of ibe river, pay between Junel and August 81. Bidders will state, however, the rale (separately for each month from March 20 to October 20 inclusive, the date el starling, so as to determine tbe rate to be paid) at which they will perform the service from each of the starl ing point of destination above named, as fol lows: 1st. Tbe rate at which they will transport each officer and soldier (cabin pannage to be provided for officers, and for soldiers necessary facilities for cooking their rations, which will be supplied by tbe Government). 2d. Tbe rate f er 100 pounds at which they will transport supplies. 8d. The rale each at which they will transport horses, mules, cattle, ambulances, carts, wagons, etc. (troughs for feeding anlmala to be supplied by the steamboat). A Just preference will be given to parties who own and control boats. Boats will be expected to always give tbe Government freight the pre ference, and In no case will be allowed to carry private to the exclusion of Government freight. The contractor will be required to transport stores by land in the event of failure by water; and all stores reoeived by the contractor for transportation must be delivered at their desti nation within tbe year 18(19. Bidders will please give the rate at which they W ill fui nlsh transportation down stream. In case the contracting parly fails to carry freight aa required, the Government reserves the right to furnish tbe transportation at the exnense of tbe contractor: and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent tbe Government irom transporting puoilo sup pilrs on any of its own boats. Aue uoverDiucaii reserves iuu riguii mj reject any or ail ine bids that may be offered. Bidders are Informed that no boat loaded with Govern mon-t stores will be allowed to go above Hioux city, iowa, urawiutc over tnree and one-half feet of water, and that boats will not be required to go to points above Bloux City with less loan tau ton a Bidders should elve their names In full, aa well as their places of residence, and each pro posal most be accompanied with a bond in the iDtn of (10,000, signed by two or more respon sible persons, guaranteeing that in ease the contract ia awarded to tbe person proposing. tbe contract will be aooepteu ana entered iio, and eood and sufficient seonrliy furnlahed by said party, in accordance with the terms of this advertisement. Tbe contractor win oe required to give bonds in the sum of HIGO.OOO. Tbe party to whom the award is made mnst oe prepareu to execuie tne contract at onue. and. to give the required bond for the fallhlul terforinance of tbe contract. As railroad transportation may be required ior troops ana supplies iroca uuioatto, Illinois, to Bloux Oily, proposals lor tho same during the season above speoltled are invited. Copy of blank form of river contract to be entered into, in tne event oi nwaru, auu uihuk forms of proposals, can be bad by application to thlB office, at the office of the Chief Quarter master. Department of tbe Missouri, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas of Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Piatte, Omaha, Nebraska; andat tbe office of Brevet Brigadier-General Fred. Myers, Deputy tnaneruaaier-uenerai, U. B. Army, Chicago, Illinois. Proposals for river transportation should be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation by Ihe Missouri river;" those for rail, " Pro posals for Army Transportation from Chicago to Bloux City," and addressed to the undsr- BlByeorderof the Quartermaster-General TJ. B.A. ' J. L. DONALDSON. Assistant Qnartermaater-General U. 8. A.. Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Missouri. 1 25 23t p B O P 0 B A L 8 FOH OOKB HKASQTJaBTBiaS FIFTH MlUTABT DlBTBTOT, "1 bTATa of Tax AS, I 01C OxCHiir QCAaTKUTMABTaa. f Aohtim, 'luti, Jan. t, 1W19. J . Sealed proposal., In duplicate will oe reoeived at tbls otllce outll fcAl UHUaY, February 18, ISrttf, at 12 e clock M , lor furnishing tbe Quartermasters DeparlweDt at Camp I'onoordla. Texas, with such quantity of Ourn aa may be reqnlrtd aotll June Corn' to be of good, clean, merchantable qoallty, bent d. aad delivered la sack., subject to a rigid la- SIDelive'ry to commence on acceptance of contract, and continue In such. ouuu;lee and at aoa times as war be required by the Post Quarter- "lilds'to be plainly endorsed "Proposals for Corn atcampcoucoidla.and adaressed 10 U under- 'SlVcomwaBd ot Brevet MJornrrnb Brevet BrlgadUr f"e'rai and U Q. H., 1 S2 8w yiltb Military District. GROCERIES, ETC. JpRESH FRUIT IN CANS. PSA CUES, PINEAPPLUB. ETC., FBEKCB TEAS, MTJBHUOOMIJ. f ABPABAOUa ETC. ETC ALBEBT C. ROBERTA, Dealer in Fine Groceries, uv:rp Cor. BXEVJUiTtt aad VXNJB Streets, OFFICE FOR PilQCURlNG PATENTS, F0RKEST BUILDINGS, No. 110 South FOURTH St., riillaaelphlo, AM) MABBLU BUILDXNOS, . tta bkvKM'U afreet, oppotln U. 8. Patent NO. 0 Bytnce, Wabli gtou. D. U. H. HOWruN, so louor of Patents, V, HuWHHJf. Alloroe at la. 0T!; dare,,t4 IMi'i.lBi25 jjALVANlZED CABLE FENCING. Tne Cltfavcst and most Enduring Fence for Farmers, Railway Cotnyaulcg, or t'onuti j Heats. Bainplce seen attheoffloeof PHILIP 8. JUSTICE, So. 14 Mortu ril'IU Mreet, t5Jm PH1LADMLPHIA. WOODLaSDS CEMETEKY COM PANT. The loilowma Managers and O Ulcer, have ueea eiecuo tliriWSck. Prddeat. Wm. H.Moore, I Win. W. Kyn. h.uIuxiB. Moon, I'.rdUandJ Dreer, OI,ls Dslle.t, I '"K uby. owln tireble 1 11 A. Kuiuni. HiretrT and Treasnrer, JOiKPH B. TO WNHEND. Th. MKoagem have pasea a reanlmlon requiring hnih Lai boider. and Vvltors to prevent tlokeu at lue Zvl kbce ior aduiln.lon to the Cemetery. Tinker mii t bad at to OMeeof u Cuntmuy. .! tU.I at ! the Uauageia. t M PROPOSALS. ipitOPOBALfl FOR SUBSISTENCE STOBIM. IIEADO.DARTKR8 DlHTKICT OF TflK J Indian Tbkhitorv, t)'t tcrt (. Chief Commissary or HunBisrF.Nt R, i Kokt OinaoN, C, N., Jan. 21. ISO!). J Fealcd Proposa's, In duplicate, will be re ceived at tbe ofllce of the underslgued, af, Fort Olbson, U. N , nutll 12 o'clooK M., MONO.W, March 16, 1H9, for the delivery ot Subslalouco Htorts, hh follow: AT OUX OIBHON, CtlEItOKEE NATION, J. T. 160,000 pounds ol Floor. 7n,0C'O pounds of Bacon. SK.CIjO pounds of Halt. S,u(K) gallons of Vinegar. 400 barrels of Pork. Ami Corn Altai in anon uuantltlea as may be requited. 'ihe Floor to be equal In qnalliy to tlie bel XXX brands of the Ht. Iouls maraet, and put. upas follow.; 126.100 pounds to bo put nj In barrels full lit ad lined, and 425 000 ponuda ti bo ut up in double sacks, of guuuy sacking and col ton sbeelltis:. Tlie Baconlto be of first quality, and put no as toliow:-20,C00 pounds in tierces or cask, end 65.000 pounds lu gunny snoks of about VIZ nounda eacb. Tbe Bait to be of good quality, nnd put nr m folio: 10.100 ponnds in barrels and lo.OO:) pounds In donble sacks of gunny sacking aud colicn ebeeliDg. XbeVintRiir lobe of best qnallty, and mado of v?hlsky .f full atrenatb, aud lobe put upas followt-; 1000 gallons In barrels of good quality, securely hooped, and 4i'00 gallons to on put up In (caskg-contalclPR not more (ban 23 kiI'.odh each, tne tui-ks to be of best quality, pitlnted, and to bave four Iron and eight hickory Loops on eacb. 1 be 1'ork to be prime mess pork, to be put np securely in good barrels oontainluK 200 pound eacb. The Corn Meal to be of best quality, and put np in barrels or sacks, like I be Hour, as may be rtqulred, Tbe person or persons to wtioia any award Is made mnst be prepared to execute contracts and give the required bonds at once, and be In readiness to commence the delivery ot stores on the 20th day or April, 18o!l, and to continue the same in such quantities as may be required until the lut day of December, lh6i), at which time tbe whole amount of tbe artlole or articles contracted for must be supplied. Bam pies of articles (except moata) must ac company tbe proposals, In boxes or bottles, and not in paper parcels. Kuch bid must be accompanied by a good and sufficient guarantee Irom two or more persons whose loyalty and solvency are certified by a clerk of a court of record), setting forth that they will, In tbe event of its acceptance, give ample bonds and security for tho faithful per formance of the same. Tbe name and place of residence of each bid der and tnretv must be given. No proposal will be entertained, nnlees satis factorily represented, that does not fully comply with the terms of this advertisement. Proposals may be for the whole or any part of tbe stores rtqulred. Any contraot awarded under this advertise ment will be made subject to the approval of the CcmmlM ary-Ueneral of Subsistence, U. B. Army, and the right la reserved to reject any or ail bids. All stores delivered will be subject to a rigid Inspection. Payments upon tbe contracts awnrdod will be made monthly in onrrenl funds, or aa soon as the same shall have been received. Bidders are invited to be present at the open ing of proposale, which will take place on the day and hour above specified. Blanks for pro posals end bonds will be famished on applica tion to tbls office. Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, "Pro posals for Bnbslstence Btores," and addressed to the Chief Commissary ot Subsistence, Dis trict Indian Territory, Fort Gibson, O. N. By order of l? 8 Brevet Major-Gen B. H. GIUEH30N. A. F. ROCKWELL, Bvt. Elenl.-Colonel and A. Q. M. U. B. A., C. C. B. Dlat. Indian Territory. COPARTNERSHIPS. -VTOTICE OP PAUTNtBSIlIP. WE, THE JN lubscrlbers, have tbls day entered Into a lim ited prtne'.blp, agreeably to the provisions ot tne Act ot A.stmbly of ihe Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, patsed tne first day or March, ls86, entitled "An Act Relative to Limited PariDerablu.;'' aud do herebv rprtifv that the uame of iheUrtu under wblon .aid narinersblp Is to be conducted Is rOitTEK Vt COAT! H; that the general nature of the busloes to be tran.acud Is tbe manufacture, publication, pur chase, aiid (ale of Books and Htailonery, and the Unix, e will be trausacied In the city of Pulaielpala; that Ibe aaroes or lue general partners ot the .aid firm are HUBERT POMTEK and HKNRY T. t 07 Via. boih of tbe citl ot PhlUoe phla. aad tbe special lartner. aie BPKJaUIN COATKd and OKjltOIC MORRISON OuATfc.54, also botn of the cliy of Philadelphia; that the capital cootrlbuted by tbe rpecla pxrtuera Is oue hundred tbound dollars, ol winch Benjamin Ooates contributes fifty thousnnd dollar, lucasn and Ueorge Morrison Coates CJiitrl bnlra flltv ibonsand dollar, in cash: that tbe oerlnd at which said partnership Is to commence Is the flmt any or jreDru ry, a. u. eigmeen nunarea ana slxty nli r, SDd that It will leruilnate on the thlrty-llrnt day of January, A. V. one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two J ROBERT PORTER, HKNRV T. COATES. 0"nral Tartnera, BFNJAMIN OOATES, OEOitUE MOaaii-ON OOATE3. Hpeclal Partners. Philadelphia, 1st February, u. net P K I N C I P A L DEPOT roa tbx bali or RBVBNUB STAMPS NO, 90 CHESNUT BTRKT. CENTRAL J)EPOT, No. 103 a FIFTH 8T (One door below Chesnut streets ESTABLISHED 1862. The sale of Revenue Stamps la still continued at the Old- Established Ageuoy, The stock comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and having at all times a large supply we are enabled to All and forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, lmme diately upon receipt, a matter of great Insur ance. United States Notes, National Bank Notes Drafts on Philadelphia, aud Pout Office Orders, received In payment. Any Information regarding the deolalons of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue cheer tally and gratuitously furnished Revenue Stamps printed upon Diafta, Checks, Receipts, eto. The following rates ot commission are allowed on Stamps and Stamped Papon On 826 and upwards - 3 cetL - 100 J " a " 800 M " Address all orders, etc, to STAMP AGENCY, Na80CHESNUTSTREET.P.niLADEJbPHIA. UNITED BTATES POSTAGE STAMPS Ot im kinds, and BTAOU'lLO E3Y1X3;X3. 033 tjutlll on hand. AMUSEMENTS. MRS. JOIIN DBEW'S AP.CH STBKET inr, ATRK, Begins at T-af. A KUW CtiaEUf AND BURLUBOrW ItONDAT, ANO UORO THK WJU, Fdmund Ya'.es' new Comedy, ca'led TAM R uA.1B rs. IIA1RT I.ANaL6;Y...M..Mr8. JOHN DREW Aided by tba Fun Company. Concluding wlib Cralt's "ervrrnlou of TWKLFTIf NIi; 11 1 M UNaiK, Ra'urdey, at i la ifbearsal, A VIOTIH UF CI ROC MU i'A SCW. ALNCT fiT. THBATKB. BEOINSATJi THIS (Tuerdayi KVRN1NO. Feb.t " Bfcoml ullit of the wor'd-ifnovned Come Dans. Mr. and Mrs. BARNEY W1LI1AM4, who will aprtar In the Fulry I ram eniitled '1 HK FAlitY CfKCLR. tN OTAPOLAN Mr. BA KNEV WILLlA MOl.KSllf j; Mrs BARlNKY WILLfSvti? Alier whlrh ihe uproariously 'awefiable comedy eniltlfd THK CUbTOM- OF THE OUTRY, Mfll-tfA. with so...Mri.. RA mNKY WILLIAMS TocODClude with tbn iHiuhab e Onmedtetta Of A PHETl'T PIK'JK O BUBINKiH. ".f IS BUSAN OALTON'3 CHESNUT STKSr X. UIJiA l KH MIHM BfRAN (i A LTON'8 COMIC OPERA COMPANY will appear on TUESDAY EVFNING, Feb. 9, OKFKNIlCll'M MA SRI AW K BY LANTERN W;KUNli.HrA Y I.VESIJIO, I'M 10. Ol- FfTN KADH'H f HINOtliOW-Hl. erals can be secured six days la advanf irrn pei'i, Ho. m Cbf.nul street, and at Ue ilmtre. (aott FUJI'S AMERICAN VAK1ETT THRATKE. lVi.KY JtVliMNU AND BA1URUAY ArlJ-KNOON. HRFAT COMBINATION TROWPK. in Prniid Balleu, Kib oplan Burlesques, bodaa Daniifs. Pantiimlme.. Htmnnil Aou. eto. YALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER OAltLKN, No. 72o, TI2, 724, and 728 VINE rjireet, U1K GRAND ORCHK8TRION, fhrmerly the pro ps ty ol Ihe OKAMiUlKKOf BADaN, purchased ..,i-i.rlrriiiiii uj jaiun VALKH, Or IIUnCHJ, 111 coninliiatlon with FLAMKR'H OKUH ICS IK AT and S'!?Iy,J-'LlE ANLUlu-N. will perform A VERY AlEBNOON aud KVKNINO at the above-men-tloued place. Admlsnlun tree. 1 18 tf TJ ORT1CULTURA L II A L L.-GERMANI A rr ..V.TSf IMA r UbLlO RHKARMALH fcVKRY WKDNiisDAY. at K P. M. Tlcktta sold at the door, and an principal Mulo Stores. Pack n of five lor 1; single, 2ft cents. ,fr-P&Bg?nienl8 c"u bepjaoe by addressing O. BAf TLitT. No. 1231 MONTKHtY tkroet: Wltirs'a Mn.lo Biore. No. iffil Cfae.nut street; Andre's Uoslo Btora, No. 11M CLeennt street. 1 11 Bra CABL BENTZ'AND MARK BABBLER'S OR-CB1-TRA WATINB-kH, JtVKRY SATDRDAY at -,MIN MU&1CAL f DNDUALii, blngle Ad mission, 66 ceni. Packane ot 4 tickets, II, at Boner -No.ll()2CHJliNDTBt..andaliheXoor. 1UU LUMBER. 18G9 bprucb joist bPKCCifi JOIST. HH.MLOCK, JUAMLOCK. 1869 inin 8EABONKD CLEAR PINK. 100 J BKABUMlD CLH.AU PINK (illf IilL L A 1'' I L. U XI in hi LI W BPANldH C1.1)AR, KOK PaTXJOINS. Rhll IKUaH. 1869 FLORIDA FLOORING. IXOKLOA FLOOltlNU, UAhUUNA FLOOKliNU. VlUUlMlA FLOOK1NU. DiXAWAHK FLOOItNO. AHU FLOOK1NU. WALNUT FLOOttlNQ. FLOK1JUA teTi.P UOaJaDS, KAIL PLANK. 1809 "1 Ql 'Q WALNUT UDB AND PLANK. I Qfl lOO J WALNUT HUB. AmD PLaJSlt. lOOt walnut boards. walnut plank. . UNDSUTAKlLKtl LUMBER. 1QO( lOUJ UNUil.BTAJili.tUi' LUMBJUi. lOOti RAD CADAK. -WALNUT AND PINK. 1869 BUAHONIlD POPLAR. biLABONAD CHUatBY. 1869 Ann. WHITE OAK PLANK AJSD BOARDS. HiuitoaY. 1 QtCk CIOAR BOX MAKERS' 1 Qtf( lCDt CIO A 11 buX MAKHirto lOOU HPANlBH ClLDAlt BOX BOARDS, APR tAl;K LOW. ' lP.fcO CAROLINA BOANTLINO, TQfO iOUt Carolina h. t. billb, JLOOt NuHWAY feCANTLlNQ. . 1869 CEDAR bHINULSH, 1 Qf'Cl CYPitABebHINULKS, lOUt jUACLK, BROTHER dt CO., No. moo BOUTH Btreet. T. P. GALV1N & CO.. LUMBER CCr.1ISSI0N MERCHANT 8 SUACKAJUXON STKT BELOW SLOArS MILLS, (O-OAIXKU), PHIL DJB1LPHXA. AUZNT8 FOR BOUTHH-RN AND KASTEUN Man fucturer. of V ALLOW PINK and BPR(JCJTIMB ' BbAiUM, etc., shall be liaipyto turu lab order wholesale rates, deliverable at any aooet.lble port. SOUTHiaiN FLOOiONO, BOANTLLMM. SHIM uonntuniijr rvcuiviua nuu uii nana a. oar wou OLFB, KABTE&N LATHB. PlOK-KTS. BKD-BLATS, &PRUCK, H KM LOCK, BKLKOT MiOHIoHN AND CANADA PLANK AND BOARDd, . AXD HAO M ATOO BHLP-KN EUS. 1 81 stnthl A&.1. Of WUllH WIU BB UKlVITKBJBJi ' AT AN T PAST OF THK C1TX FBOBPIXT STOVES, RANGES, ETC HOT1CE. THE UNDERSIGNED would call the attention of tbe public to hla MiW taOLl'AN EAOLHl FUilNACK. ' Thia la an entirely new Beater. Jt Is .0 con structed aa to at once command ltlr to general favor, being a oumblnatlou of wrought aid cast Iron. It Is very simple In 11a construction, atd is perleotly ab , tight; self-cleaning, bavlngino flpea or drums to be taaen ont and cleaned. It U so arranged with upright flue, aa to produce a larger amount of beat from the same weight of coal than any furnace now inoae, 'Jtue bygiomellc condition of toe air as prjidaced by my new arrangement of evaporation will at once da mn nitrate iLki it la tLe only Hot Air Furnace that will produce a perefotly beauhy atmosphere. Tuoee in want oi a complete Heating Apparatus would do well to call and examine the Uolden Eagle. (JllAHLJM WILLIAMS, Roe. 1182 and Hat MARK ET Htreet, Philadelphia. A large assortment of Cooking Bangea, Fire-board b loves. Low Down Or a to., VeulUalura, etc, always on hand N. H Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. 1 10 THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENERS or Atnuj'xjjj Mflui.wr ramiiie. noteis. vi (iuuiiuiubliiuiiuu.iiii in&ui l 11,1 m.XV ANT Ml Z.l. AlSO. Phllarinlihla Itnaa. Hot-Air Furnace., Portable Healer., -Low-down Orate., Flreboard Bloves, Bain Boilers, Btew-bole Platen, Boiler., Cooking bloves, eto,, wholesale aud) retail, by the manufacturer., ' bKARPE A THOMPSON, . U SowftnSm No. 2tf N. BEOOND Street, o LD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. B18 WALNUT BTREET. Tbe Company is now prepared to dispose of lots oa REASONABLE TERMS. The advantages offered by tills Cemetery are well known to be equal if no superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery. We It v He all who detlfe to purchase burial lot 10 call at tbe office, where plana can be seen and all rarticnlars will be given. Deeds for lot oM are ready tor delivery. RTCH ABD VATJX, Prrwldent. PETKK a K KYMltR, Vlne-Prestdenl. &IARTIN LANDKNBKRJlSll, Treanorer. MjCTiAit-NutBicr. btcreuary. llHto LARZELCRE & QUCHEY, Custom House Brokers and Notaries rublle, Ho. 403 LIQnARY Street. All Cnbtom House Uusluess trausactJ. PASSPORTS PROCURED PHILOSOPHY OP MABRUGt A new CiorB of Lectures, as delivered at the New 01lr Mumiuui ol Acinuniy. euibraj Dg iu ?hjecta:-lluw to Live and Wint to Live ror, Youih, Maturity, and Old Agr; M" "fiitn5 It.Tleweo: Tbe Cause of Udigtion; rlatu'ence and Nervnus Accuuoted For; Marriage PblKJ koi blcally Considered, eio. eio. Pocket voluuies oa lalulng these Lectures will be forwarded. PPS nx rM-. Int nf vn non's. bv adilretsirm W. A. ,lni .ka Av. tHMWrfw. AU iail aLNWTBW-- PUiadCpbla. 1 lamm. Be wu rraptttr4. Us aiC enavi i avwte m -