THE DAILY EVENING TELEGHAPII PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1869. NEWS SUMMAR T. VI ty AfTulrs. ""jTb following vessels cleared from this port urtiift the past wtk, with petroleum: Barque Abrnlecu, tor Bremen, wltu 377.255 Rallons; lrlg Bef-tUe Rowe, for Liverpool, with l!80 do.; prig Albert, for Cork, with 80.808 elo.; brig Hennea, for Laguayra, with 2000 do.; and barqne Elizabeth, for Barbueloea, with 6297, making a total of 465,340 gallons for the week, and 2.0:15,732 gallons since the let of January, 18C9. There are now chartered and loading two hlpy, nine barque?, and one brig. yesterday morning, toon aUer the fire at Eleventh and Wharton streets was extingulfihe 1, the adherents of a neighboring Are company tnade an attack on the members of the Keliauce Fire Company, bea'lng- one of their number, mamcd VYilliara Cook, aied twenty-eight yearn, living at No. 1031 Milton Mreer, and badly injuring him about toj head. He was taken to the house of the Helinnee Kire Company, and soon at'.er arriving there the opposing party, it la alleged, came up and battered the windows and doors with brick9 and other missiles. Cook wus taken to the hospital, whore lie remained la&teveuinp, In a critical condit on. After the fire at the corner of Eleventh and . Wharton streets attempts wero mule to tire a stable la the rear ot Nelson's court, Fifteenth aud Fitzwatcj streets, 8.1011 alter an unoccupied store at Fifteenth an 3 Webs'.cr xli'eet wat set on lire, also a shed In broad etneis, below Hliippcn. fcoon after the fire was extinguished au attempt Was made to set fire to a building at Filtceuih and Deanin street?. In all the nbovc cases coiil oil was used as a weans of if-nltiug the flames, the oil being thrown turaiiW the dors. -The Joiut Corumiitteon the Seml-Centcriiil;il Celebration of the I. O. O. P., held an adjourned meeting on Saturday eveninir, in the Grand Lodge 100m, North Sixth street. 1. G. M. JoUn W. Stokes, occupied tie ciiair. The Committee on Programme submitted tne following resolu tions, through their chairman, Mr. Jatncd 13. Klcholson, which were adopted: Btsotvcd, That the Past Grands be requested to parade with their respective subordinate lodges, excepting the Representatives to the (Jrand Lodge, who shall appear with the Grand Lodge In scarlet 11k sa-hes, of 11 uniform pattern, with badge on the left brenst, the Grand Officers to appear in regalia and jewels of flice. Resolved, That lhe Reprcf entutives and Grand Officers parading with the Grand Lodge shall appear in a uniform dues, to consist of black pants, coat, and black si.k hat, while vest and gloves. Resolved, That the Lodges and Encampments wiM be required to adopt regulations that will secure uniform appearance iu each Lodge or Encampment; that the Lodges be requested to appear in the Regalia of the Order; but if any Lodge or Kncampruent desire to appear with a eimple insignia, they be empowered to do so. Resolved, That the ceremonies of the eveniner, of the 26th ot April, at the Academy of Music, shall consist of choral and vocal music, and addresses by distinguished visitors. The tickets to be distributed pro rata ainoug the Lodges and Encampments. Mr. Peter Fritz, Chairman of the Committee on Division Marshals, etc., reported the follow ing as the regalia to bo worn: Grand Marshil, scarlet velvet sash, gold rosette, lapel and fringe; special aids, scarlet siltc sasbes, silver do.; aids, white; division marshals, blue silk bashes; assistants, white; specials and their aids, scarlet and blue; lodges, etc., to march iu the procession six abreast. The Committee on Invitations reportedihaving extended invitations to ail the- Grand Lodges ana urana Kncanipmenta ot tue united Stales, and that tbe Grand Master of Maryland had at once responded by saying that all the lodges ot Baltimore would participate, and not less than five thousand Odd Fellows might be es pected from that city. The Special Committee on Street Music made a report, and asked for a contribution of $20 from each Lodge and Encampment to pay lor street music. A resolution was adopted authorizing the Committee on Academy of Music to ascertain, as far as possible, what other buildings may be wauled. Doineatie AUiilrsu Gold closed on Saturday at 1354. The Athenians are still greatly agitated. General Grant will return to Wabhington on Tuesday. General Sherman arrived at Kew Orleans on Saturday. The Governor and Legislature of Nevada are quarreiiiDg. The Southern Press Convention will assemble at Mobile on the 17th Inst, Ex-Governor Hubbard, of Maine, died sud denly at Haliowell, in that mate, on Saturday. Sirs. Leonard, an insane woman, was burned to death in the jail of Flint, Michigan, on Friday night. A man na:ncd Hoop r murlered bis own daughter, aged lOje irs, at Uanuibal, Mo., on Saturday. The Treasury Department last week printed $869,000 worth of lractional currency, and re deemed $638. 61tt worth. General Spinner's friends want him to as sume the duties ot Collector of the port of New York, under General Graut. It is rumored in Madrid that an insurrection against the Provisional Goveruuieut will be inaugurated on the lltli ins. The billiard table factory of Decker & Eavanaugb, in New York, was almost entirely destroyed by tire on Saturday night. Tbe Treasury Department during last month issued $44,800,000 worth ot warrants to meet tbe requirements ot the Government. i A bill submitting the question of female suffrage to a vote of the people will be Intro f duced in the Legislature of Missouri this week. Senator McCreery and others had au Inter view with Attorney-Generil Evart9on Saturday in lelation to tbe release of John C. Brainc. Tbe injuries sustained by Galusha A. Grow iu the accident on the Lackawanua and Blooms burg Railroad are not of a serious character. Elleu Dojle, aeed fourteen, au inmate of the Children's Home nt Lancaster, was detected, on Saturday night, in an utieaipt to set fire to tbe building. TueComptrollerof Tennessee hns apologized to the Iioufe ot K"pre.-entatives tor bis breach of decorum in siriKing Kenmektative Brown lor words spoKen iu aeoato. 73!i nun in tieasure whs Mitnned at Han Franchco ou Saturday. 0:ily $100,000 of this amount comes to the Atlantii-H:a'.es,,tUe Dulauee t.fina sent to England. Joseph A. BaydeD.Benteritiert to Ave mouths' imorlsonraeut auu a line ot fciuuu ior a violation ot tbe i mortal revenue law iu Boston, has been Dardoued by President Jomison. liantikee, a Chinumau, has swindled San Francisco merchants to the extent of $18,000. and sailed for bis native land. Telegrams 10 secure his arrest are ou their way to Hon Konp. General Horace Porter's report of the militia trouble ia Arkansas is corroborated by an official dee patch from Major General Ayer. tbe Inspector-General of the Department or Louisiana. Forelgu Altulr. Havana, Feb. 6. The insurgents have b'irned eighteen largo plantations in the lOaateru De- iparlmeut. The cholera, of a very violent type, is prevalent in the insurrectionary distrie:ts, ai d the Rebels, gpauish troops, and citizens are tailing victims. The steamer Cabrero bai been loi;t at sea whll J carrying Government supplies lrom Santiago dJ Cuba to Mauzauilla. An attempt of the Cubans to fire a powder macazmn at Puerto Principe was frustrated. Tbe Cuban prisoners Parra aud Annoy were killed by the troops or volunteers while aitempt Us to escape from Guantanamo. Private letters deny that tbey were attempting to escape. JoueCespedes, late noniamsioner to theiusur cent", sailed to-day for America. lie says he la disgusted with the state of atfairs. Influential and wealthy Cuuuu families, who generally synpa'bize with the revolutionists, continue to emigrate to New York aud New Orhans. Madrid, Feb. 7. The name of Prince Girgenti, ton in-law of tbe ex Queen Isabella, has b-en stricken from the rolls ot the Hpauib army, Tbe Cai lists are very active, aud there are indication tht they are laboring to produce an Insurrection, which may break out at anj moment. It is rumored that tbe 11th ot February has been fixed upon by them for an open at monslraliou against the Protlslonal Govern ment. Madrid, Feb. 6. The Pope has forbidden prelates elected to the Constitutional Cortes from taking seats in that bod v. Madrid, Feb. 7. It is said that Prince Ferdi nand has consented to be a candidate for the throne of bpalrj. Orders have been issued for the execution of the atRRBSins ol the Governor of Burgos. It Is generally conceded tbnt Heuor Olozaea will be chosen to preside over the Consttutional Cortes. Many rumors prevail about the proposed direc'ory. Some a s rt th it the members are to be elected for five jt ars. Many poltlcal arrests hive lately been made, all tlic prlt-oiicra being chaigcd with engaging in the Carlist movement. Parts Feb. 7. Queen Isabella has lsued arot her manifesto, denouncing tne revolution in Kpnln hih! asserting her rlj-'tit to the throne. Paris. Feb. ( livenine. The early payment of an ius'.almeut of the Mexican debt Is pro inucd. Papis, Feb. 7. The great powers hive eranted a delay of eight days for the Greek Government to make its final de-eisiou in regard ti tho pro posals f the Paris Conlerence. Paris, Feb. 7. Announcements are made on official authority that late advie:es from Athens give the French Government good region 10 hope that the pacific policy of King (leorae will triumph over the excitement ot tho Lour. Groat itgitauou still prevails a'. Athens. Cabinet UoNNip. Hie following extract from a letter from Washington may explain some of the reasons tor General Grant's reticence ou the Cabinet question: Wahiinoton, Feb. 6. Wednesday is the day fixed by law te r counting the electoral vote tor President and Vice President in Congress, and the result, ns then declared, will be t'ue first offi cial notice to General Grant of his election. Some 1 eoide think that after that he will feel himselt mere at liberty to talk about his Cabi net arrangements. But there are others who believe this will make no change in his pro gramme, and you might ns well know their reasons. First, let me fay to you tuat, as a emeral rule, those who wish to breakthrough General Grant's reserve, aro men who wish to uree fome particular nerson or persons on him for their own purposes, not because tbey are the best men for Cabinet positions, but because they will recocnize particular luterests tn eiis tributins patroriace. and help particular inte rests iu State polities. To all such he has kept up bis reserve, while he has not tailed to listen with attention and to treat them with perfect courtesy. But these are the persons who com- Blain most ot liis "reticence." xnere are otuers who do not seek to impose their favorites on him. believing that if left to his own sound judgment he will do as he has always done, and nave a Matt 01 ao.e, pure, tuiei irusiwonuy men around lnm. Some of the most sagacious of the Republiean statesmen think it is the best for their patty. a8 well as for the country, to leave General Grant to take his own course, confident that he will choose wisely, and coc- stitute a Cabinet that will aid him, giving the country such a good administration as will carry the next Coueteesional elections, and make a grand record for the party in 1872. They believe such a record to be indispensable for future success, as In their judgment they cannot hope for such a strong candidate as General Graut at the r.ext Presidential election, nor can they hopo that the Demo crats will blunder as badly next time as tbey did in the recent caiupuign. They be lieve, in short, that their main chance of sue- ces, both in the next Congressional elections and the Presidential election, depends on the merits and success of General Grant's adminis tration; and that it will staud a better chance of being all the country can desire by leaving mm to his uueiurstionabla knowledge f men, and his talent for selecting the abfest and most honest. The men who want a full hand iu the distiibution ol 'patronage" of course do not assent to tills, but 1 am 01 opinion man ine worn "patronace," lu the usual sense 01 "spoil-'," win become oosoieie unuer uenerai uram. o, 1. LEUIGIl YALLEY RAILROAD. Annual Report to Itue StocKlioulers Oi rations Inrin tlio xenr los Froni the annual reports of the President auJ Ger.eral Superintendent ol the Lehigh Vullcy Railrond, we select the following; During the mist vear the coal tonnage over ths load has sho fiu a larger increase than usual. the growth ot business aud new arrauie:ueuis to secure trade to the line having nure than com tei balanced tho etlect 01 the opening ot a new outlet to market competing with it lor the same traffic. The total number of tons niovett was z.coj.iuj pgamst 2.080.157 iu 18G7. making an tuciease ot 622 946 tons, or 25"14 per cent., of which amount 204 02G tons was delivered to the cauals forsnlp ment in exceES of that given them the previous year, leaving 310, yzu ions as me nei increase carried over the road. The total amount carried on the line below Mauca Chunk was v&.OJO tons. The receipts from transportation of coal nave mcteasea over tuoso ior the previous year . . $572,607 And those from passengers, and ma'lr, aud mitcelluneous heights , 56 907 Making a total Increase of receipts of $029,614 The receipts lrom all nources lor the vear were M,4io 4U4 Expenses of conducting the business 2,601,293 Nef earnings $1,904,109 Outot wbicu the usual quarterly dividendaof 2 per cent, each, amouuting to 10 percent, in ml. were naid. The above includes the receipts and expenses of the Uiizletou Divii-ion for the lat six mouths the merger uot having gone into effect until June 1. Work baa been continued upon the railroad of the Pennsylvania and New York Canal and Railroad Company, aud thirty-ihree miles between Wilkesbarre and Tunshannock have been brought into uc during the past year. The completion ol a Driugc ai iue raiier piaoe win soon enable the company to use several addi tional miles of track nlie ady down, and most of the heavy work is done on the wtiole nuy two miles from Tunkhaunock to 'To and a, from which point this line has been iu successful operutiou to the Erie Kaihvay, at Waverly, a distance of twenty miles, Ior about one year. The local traffic on the portions opcued has exceeded the anticipations. As stated in the last anuual report, there had been expended, on the ex elision from While Haven to Wilkesbarre. over 5500,000 more thau the amount received from toe issue of slock tor that purpose. It was also estimated tbat$l,500,' 000 more would be requited during the pat year to complete the railroad along the rorth Branch of the hutriubanua river to the Erie Hallway at Waverly iu New York. To meet tbete espc uuitures, e.ud lor the purpose or pro viding means 10 increase tne nullities nr uoin business, and aUo to eimble the company to withdraw, by conversion, or payment at maturity, the outstanding bonds of the com pauy due iu 1873, tho Board directed lhe exe cution of a mortgsge on the road aud branches for the sum of $5,000 000, to secure lhe puytneut of 6000 bonds for $1000 each, to be eittier coupon or registered, aud to bear interest at the rato of six per cent., free from biaie or United Htates taxes, ui inese nouns, a sut H. ii nt mi hi tier have been set aside lor the con- uj.ri.inii nr navmentot the old bond, and aU) of the outstaudiug bonds of the Ilazieton Ba I road Company, aud tho balance are applicable 10 the geneiai purposes i'i iuo uumimuj. Ml he end of the ncal 3 ear (Nov. '.in Iho enn'lal stock COUSldtcd of vvl'lIM ul.wrea .... $10 058,150 Old bonds outstanding . . . l,22,OOij Hafcletou ltailroad Company douus . New louds 1,uf.7H? Floutkgdebt .... bd.6Ai Total $20,350,271 Tbe amount of the bonds of ths Pemis -IvaDia and New York Caual and Railroad Company ouned by the company, including some yet to be received in settlement lor work done, ia $2,440,000. Early in the 3 ear. Mr. William W. LoneHtr.-th tendered his resignation ot the office of Prest dent, which was accepted. The Vice- President, Afa Packer, was elected President, aud Charles ilflrtchcrne Vice-President. The amount of coal transported over the main Hue and branches, 2.003,1(12 11-20 tons.wai derived from the lollowing sources: Tnerrntr. From Wyoming Region HuEietnn 1U ou.... Uppei Lehigh Kneton H tn vr M endow Ken Mahauoy lteglou 187. 1M8 (Jjtcrea.) 274 334 2K8 137 13 WW iil.Sa 1252 018 Ml. 315 63H.S5 X8,3H7 lii7S 677(178 KifZiO Si.Viii 4o2 KJ7 400 761 16.014 Tota' 2.080 167 2,003.103 622 918 During the fame period there were trans ported ti88,4oR4 t'Hsi-eiieer?. enual to 11,132.673 carried one mile; beitg an increase over tb'i previous veur tf 45.333J. eeiual to 119.200 carried one mile. The miscellaneous freight transported ariionntidto 1,140,2I6'60 tons, equal to 2tf,4l2. 370 ?9 tons one mile, being an hiureaso over th'j pie vti,us jenr of 80.774 60-100 tom, equal to 4 !iii4, 4 29-iim) ions one mile; made up j ally of lumber, Jive stoci, Empire line aud n eicl nndhe freight. C m pure d with Inst year, the receipts from coal tho wan increase ot $ii72.G07'22. or 22 6N-100 percent. ; from Irtish:, an iucrease ot $74,103 02-100, or 10 68-iflO per cent.; from pas'engers, a dtcreaso ot 17. 197 "4 2. or 4 24-100 per cut. ; total Increase ol receipt, $629,513'G2, or 17 28 101) per ci nt. lhe following Is a stirementof receipts from all sources and the oraiunrv ruuning expenses Orosg Jiei-eipts. J '.rpensea Xt' l keveipti. Coal 3, 108.207 l.8i.37 ttl,'2S2 ! relent 771,400 3S7.8S7 4U4.672 270.KS5 8u0.8Ul 117 002 Puts, express ana man Ul 270,050 82 501,297 1 709 85(1 In passengers, the number carried exceeded that of Hny previous year, although the receipts weic 17.1!I7'4Z less man last year; tins Is uc- counted for in part b? the lare number of ocursiouists carried nt lov rates during the politicnl campaign mid by the Increased nninbjr using mileage tickets. Amoiig the charges to expenses are the fnllow- hg ilems: Depots, $7,04'JH.r; shops, $45,330 35; new coLUecUun with. Athe Belvidcre Delaware Bailroad aud widening of rock-cut at E iston, $28,005-00; new locomotives, $92,625-01; new cars, charged to repairs, $57,500. There are low in use, including all divisions Of the road, 72-43 miles ot double tra;k and 12702 miles of single track, iu addition to which there are 1442 miles of oonblo track laid, but used as ridings, and 0034 miles of sidings. making the total length of track laid 38264 miles, an increase fiom last yearot 72-89 miles. of which 6540 milss were obtained at the mergers with the Hazleton and tho Lu.erue ai d Lehigh Ba'lroads, and 7 49 miles were laid during me year. lhe officers of the company elected at the meeting held January 11, 1809, are as follows: FreMdent Asa I'acker. Vice-President Charles llartshornc. Tn at-urer Charles C. Lonts'.reth. 8fcrctnry Lloyd Chamberlain.. General Superintendent and Chief Engineer Robert II. Havre. Directors Charles Haitshorne, William W. Longstreih, Kdward H. Trotier, J.ihn Taylor Jobi.tton, William II. Gatzmer, David Thomas, Ashbel Welch, John N. Hutchinson, William L. Conjue.hnm. Ario Pardee, Edward Roberts, W illiam A. lngnam. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Abr additional Marine Nev set First Page. ALMANAC FOB .PHILADELPHIA THIS BAY. Bam Risiia....HMM. ...7 0il Moon Km m 4'5S Snnr mtctb o ztii vatib , uvi PHILADELPHIA liOAED Off TftADE. James DoooHEHTr, t ( tAkLin WheKLKB, f MONTHI.T (XiMMITTKH, W. t). Kjcnt, J UOVEUEHTB OF OCKAN 8TKAMKIIB. TO AUEKICA. Rheln ...BonthauiiMu...New York .Ian i uerDiHnla.....boultuujuitoa.New YorK.. ..Jhu. 15 Nevudn.... ........ J-.lvriool...INnw Yorn Jii. iu Tarliu ......Llverpool...New Yorn.........ja. m C.uf Balllinore...Uveriool...iNew Yoru Jan. 20 Tbe Queeu.m...IJvjriool...l ew YorK ...Jau. vo Kuio-j....... uiflKow.....iNew 1 cru. ...... .....Jan. 21 Main Soulliauiilon...New York -Jau, 2o MluiifSOla-.........Llverpool...New York....-..ja. ;,. Biberla Llverpool...New York....M..jao u,. C ol I'arls.....r.iveriMoi...ew Ynric .Jan, 27 Kuglaud. Liverpool...Nw York .Jau. 27 Beliima. ixmaon jev iorlc.. Jaa. 27 AUBlnan Llverpool...Portiaucl. jBU. a nun x.vivjrK. O. Of Oork....M...New York...l.lvriool . 5Vh. a Clmbiia Kew YorkHamburg........ Feb. 9 Kiissla ...iNew 1 oik...LiverDool Fn. in llfCltt.......New York...Liverpool .Feti u Douau New YorKHriuuu Keb 11 Diiy ol l'arls....,New York...Llverpool ......Keb 1) C. ol Aniwrp...New York. ..Liverpool --i)'eb. 211 CXJAKTWIHK. iKiMnwhu. rem. AlflBka.......New York...Aspluwall....... Feb. 9 IkiltiD b h Kew York...Uavaua.......,.......Feb. 11 Tcnawanda.....Phllala. Bavaauah Feb. l;i (larnauaBlTlpea Phllada.... Hisvaiia............wFdb. 17 J!,a'00 iJhllada..New Orleans. ....Feb. 17 Pioneer.. .Pbllada....M.WUjnliiKion .......Feb. Ja B. America New York...BJo Janeiro.. Fnh. Aiatla Aia forwarded hv nnriiijian... i . lines, lhe steamers for or from Liverpool call it Queenstown, except tUn Canadlau line, whlcb call at Londonderry. Tbe Ritamers tor or lrom theOo-iti. neutcHJlat&mtbainpton. iobwobu. CLEARED SATUHDAV. BUaniHhlp Norfolk, Plait. lUdimoud, W. P. Clyde & Co. 8(1 L. B. WIdk, Hlgbee. Porto Rico. John Mason A B nr C W. Way. Kimmey, Havana, Iaaao Hough A Ht'r . H. Btout, Ford. Wastilnirton, W. P. Clyde & Co St'r J. a bbrlver, Klggaiis, Baitlmc-e, A. Groves, Jr.' Bchr Lottie Klotts, for Cleufuegos. wag cleared 1st iiibi. or aiaueira x t,auua nut as before, 4RIV"TD YESTERDAY. Y0rk.1n PnPadelpfila and Southern Mall eie.n,8blp Company. The Y. eucoeeds tbe Mir of Dewet,- "iiadelplila, Havana, and New JT If HUB Utli James Baker. Pbelan. Odava irnm vri.. Willi miliar aud muluesfs to Daliett i tton. aiat mi ' oil H alter a. waa lu cvribanv Kim t., ...... r. r? B ocki-r, Uoia Uatauiag (or Phlladelpnia Maw Z.I toe Break water brig b. p. HmltU, lrom Matanaas. wbIIIpk firdeiB. . ncitt western ear, tjroweii, 6 day a from Boston pltb nx-ie tocapia'n. Hteamer lilamond Btato, Webb, la hnn.. r...m BalUEuure. wim mdiie. to A. Groves, Jr. ARRIVED SATURDAY. BleamBlilp J. W. Kvermau. Vuuoe. from Klnhm and Mi.rnnir, with uiitse. to W. p. Clde dt ejo. (Mi'auier xew orK. joins, imiii WuMiiinuton aud Alexandria, Willi indue, to V. P. Clyde di Co. o.. .t. MKlitjKAitDA. BDlp KbtDSay. HHil. for Pl.llu ll.,,ln noa In rlvir Liverpoul, ult, r ' Bi.ip Atlai.tlo, tschubenbabor. lor PhlladelpUla, Balled from Llvermol anth uli. bnip w. ii. woody, uurkeo. sailed from Antwerp 17ib u;t. lur Iiniilaiid. BleaLUBlllll Jlllllata. riollo kinna nt N. llpla.iti 2d lust., via Havana. H eamstilp Human, Baker, benne. at Boston fitn Inst, bteunistilp Tonawauda. Jeuuluua n.r jmiMiHlDbla. Chaied at navauuota nib Inst. itaitiue Waido. iluker. from ArdioRsan lor Pbl'a- dnpbla. put Into Queeustown iiiX ult. tut tbe secoud time, wltu oiihiukb to ru'iaer. Barque Brliltaoi. iioliiurii. f-om London for Phila delphia, sailed from Heavier 2'M utt Baitiue Aniilrt Baobnlder. ileelmun, Bulled from liktBeiilfBSt) h nlt, lor Mew YorK. 1'arque Bcud, Crosby, at He&uluaUlb ult. lrom Mr- BflUfS. Barque J. W. Barsa. Davison, from Harubarg, at Klile ds Wd ult. , , v , Briu Robert Poner. ChKlta. for Pbll.delphla, cliart-d at Liverpool 21sl nil. - llBrquM llaubei, Lammers. fir Philadelphia, en-teri-d out at Liverpool l&ih ult . . Barque George H. Jenkins, Duikee, henoe, aiilel- BurqueGyde.Bevold, for Phili delpkla, oK-ared at Hklnne J.'flii'mmlnBS. Ilookway. from Rotter lum for Philadelphia, sailed from Falmouth ilev ult. A NTI-WINDOW RATTLER. For Dwellings, Car. Steamboat, Etc, Prevents Rattllns and Hhakinur of the Win dows by the wind or other cause, tightens tbe tush, prevents tbe wind and dust from entering, easily attached, aud require but lilntfle gtenue to judge of lis merits. Call ou the General Agent, c. p. hose No. 727 JAYNE Street, Between Market and Chesaat, U U fmwZm jPliuadelphU. PROPOSALS. SEA LEI) PROPOSALS WIlIj BERECKI.VED I at the OrBce of tne Cuief Ciunrlernaat-ter Military DivlHion of tbe Mlnaourl. Hi. Luiil, Mo, uuill ISM., on the iiOin day of February, 1809, for the transportation or Clovernruetit trtops and supplies lrom I no tolhiwloir polulx lo ponta on Hie Missouri river, ns lrjlloild, duiliiR tbe time from March 20, lHtW. to October 20, ihi.O, liichihlve, viz : From 8t. Louis to Hlons rtty, Fort Randall, Bully, Klee, MievenHon, Buford, Uojp Uook, or any post that may be owtabliHtieil at tne mouth of tbe Muselcshell river, and Fort Item on. From Wyandotte. Kans-v. to Bloux City, Foris Randall, Hully, Klee. Htevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any pout that may be eslAbllieii at the mouth ot the MuselueueU river, and Fort Hei.ton. From Fort lavenwortti to Sioux City, FortH Randall, Hully, Wee, Htevenson, Buford, Camp t ook, or any i)oi.l that may be establlMhed nt themoulh ol the Mut.closhell river, and, Fort lift' lull. From O in nh a to Hlonx City, Forts Raiidull, Bully, Hlce, Htevenson, Hnford.Uamp Cook, or any post Hint may bo eMtublllmd at the moutti ol Muhclftdiel) river, ai.d Fori Heiiton. From Fort lUutlall to Forts Hully, Itlee, Ho vensou, Buford, Camp Cook, or any poHt that may be ehlabllMied Ml the moutti ol MuhoIu slitll river, and Fort Benton. From fruit Buliy to Form Rloo, Stevenson, Buford, C tnp Cock, or any poMt that mv a eaiabltHbed at lhe mouth ot the MusjUbIioH liver, unel Fort. Benton. fr'rom Fort Bice lo Forts Htevenson. Buford, Cmup Cook. or any p.)t lliHt nuy bo omiio lit.hed nt ibe moulh of the MuHoleslieil river, and fr'ort Bentou. From fr'ort Htevenaon to fr'ort Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be entabliHtied hi tbe month of lhe Muuolosbell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Buford to Ofrap Cook, or any post that may be established at tbe mouth ol tne MuHclesbell river, aud Fort Beuton. From Camp Cook, or any post that may on estnbliKbed nt trie month ol the Masulosboil river, to fr'ort Benton. Jl will be the endenvor of the Government to uhlpiiuimi, the reason most fuvore.ble for navi gation of lhe river, cay between Jnnel and Aneast 81. Bidders will edate. however, tbe rute (fti)Biately for eaeti month from March 20 to October 20 Inclusive, the date of starting, so as to determine tbe rale to be paid) at wblob they will perform the service from each of the start ing polnta of destination above named, as fol lows: 1st. Tbe rate at which they will transport ench officer and soldier (cablu pat-sago to be provided for officers, aud for soidieiM faoiliileH for cooking their rations, which will be supplied by tbe tiovernment). 2d. Xbe rate per lot) ponnds at which they will transport supplies. 3d. The rate each at whloh they will transport horses, mules, cattle, ambulnnues.oarts, wagons, etc. (troughs for feeding anlmaia to bo supplied by tbe steamboat). A Just preference will be given fo parties who own and control boats. Bonis will be expected to always give tbe Government freight the pre ference, and in no case will be allowed to carry pitvate to Ibe exclusion of Government freight. The contractor will be required to transport stores by laud tn the event or failure by w liter; and all stores received by the contractor for transportation must be delivered at their desti nation wltbin the year IKo'J. Bidders will please give the rato nt. whloh they will furnish transportation elown stream. In case tbe commoting party fils to carry freight as required, the Government roserves tne right to furnish the transportation at tbe exnense of tbe contractor; and nothing herein contained shall be so construed as lo prevent tbe Government from transporting public sup plies on any 01 us own ooais. iue ijiuveruujtjuii renervea tuo i iguii hi rtjwi any or ail tbe bldH tbat may be ottered. Bidders are Informed tnat no boat loaded With Government stores will be alloweel to go above Blonx City, lowa, drawing over inree and one-ball feet of water, and tbat boa's will not be required to go to points above Hloux Cltv with less than 1U0 tens Bidders sbould give their names In full, as wellas their places of residence, and each pro posal must be accompanied with a boud in tbe fcurii of 810.000. signed by two or more respon sible persons, gunranteelng that In caho tbe contract Is awarded to the person proposing. the contract will be accepted and entered into, and good aud sufficient security furnished by said party, in accordance with tne terms of this uavemt-emem. Tbe contractor win be required to give bonds in the sura of S100.000. Tbe nartv to whom the award is made must be prepared to execute tbe contract at onue. ncu 10 give the rtquireei oona lor me laltniul r enormunce of in e contract. As railroad transportation maybe reonlred for troops and supplies from Cbloairo, Ilunole, lo Bloux <y, proposals for tbe same during the season above speolned are luvited. Copy of blank form of river contract to be entered Into, lu tbe event of award, and blank forms of proposals, can be bad by application lo mis omce, at ine omce 01 mo uuiei etuaner innaier. Deoartment of the Missouri. Fort Leaven worm. Kansas; of Chief (luartermaster, Department of the Platte, Oman, Nehru ska; and at the office of Brevet Brigadier-General Fred. Myers, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. b. Army. Chicago, Illinois. I'ronotalB for liver transportation should be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation by tbe Missouri river;'' inoae ior rail, - t-ro-prtala for Array Transportation from Chloaao to BioMK City." aud addressed to the undur- Bltned. 1 tt o . By order 01 ine j.uarieriutwi.t.-r-viou-rrmi u o.v, ' J. L, DONALDHON, . . . . . . ..... .'.. .....I IT U A Assistant IjaaribruHMiwr-ueunmi u. a. x.. Chief QnarttrinaBter Military Division of the MlasourL 1251tJt Pit O P 0 8 A J-i S fH wOKB bTATB or Tax AS, I Ol HCI OK CHIlr QUA BTICBTWABTK. f Austin, 1KXA8, Jan. 5, lw9.J Beafed proposals, In duplicate, will be received at this cilice until bAl V KDaY. 1'ebruary 18, lsxa. at 12 e clock M., for furnisblug tbe UuBrterruasteu's Iiepartiuent at Camp t'ouoordla. Texas, wtn suib quantity of Oorn as may be reuolred anlll Juue Af J oOtf c.n'in ha nf arnnd. nlvan. merchantable QQalltv. sbeiud. and delivered la sacks, subject to a rigid la section. . and continue in sucb quantnies and ai suon times as may be required by lhe foal quarter- '"hid to be plainly endorsed "Proposals for Oorn at Camp Coucordta,'r antauresu to Ike uutler- ''Sy command ol Brevet Major-General ranby. Brevet Bifgadff f -G nerai and C. . at., 1 22 3w yiftb Military District. GROCERIES, ETC. JPRESII FRUIT IN CANS. (iHHEH COilN. TOMATOES. rllSCH PKAB, MC8HBOOU1. AsrajiAuus, 1.1 j. Jiiu ALHEBT C. HOBCRTN, Dealer in Fine Groceries, Cor. KIJCVKNTii and VlSibtreota. 11 7rp OFFICE FOR PRGCUMG PATENTS, rOKUlKT lillLDl.NUS, Ko. IVJ fionlli FOURTH St., riiilatlelphla, AINU MA Jim,?; iUIL.JJliNUS, Ho. 480 BJlVKMll Biretit, opposil) u. 8. Patent Vlllfct.. - HU 1 1 1. tj. il. HOW-ijiS, Ko leiiioTo! Pattjnls. C HuWHJ, Atloriiu ai. l.a. evD Ui'TlcaltoiiM 'O be addrcastit lo u.ePrli rtp Dllicr- PnltadiHii. lSKlui (jjALYAKlZEU CAULE FENCING. Tlio t'lipapcsl and most Kodiirlng Tcnce for larnivrf, Uailwuj CouipuiiicM, ort'ouutiy Seats. Ken at the oilioo of nilLlPH. JUSTfCl!, e. II JVorin t-l 11 11 street, Haa I'ul'5'Af.!igg-lA-TlTOODI.iNDS CBMLTEKT COM PAN 7.- VV Tliu Hiiiowlng Ma.i.icxa abd UiUoeni have ueua eirUW V lur y rm. ULI K. HUOB. rPreaMeaC Wra. II. Ttfooi. I Wm. W. Mwn. Mu.tifi Moon, I VrilluiHl J Drser. (HilUs Dklleit, I Oi-orkeX.. Bushy, 0 In Ori lil" I H A.KniKlu. he ret ry aud Treasurer, JOaKl'Jl H. 'I'OWNSEND, 'I'll ManaiiHrs havo paaaed a ibaoluiton ranuirlnir both Lfci holders and Vi llors lo prteui Uuketaal tne niraaca ior admlalon 10 toe Ceiuntory. TW:kes n,av be had at the umceoftna Uompany, Ho. si Aiteu ontwi, wr wi iuijvi iu aiauasore, PROPOSALS. pROroSALJJ FOU SUBSISTENCE STORKS. llKADQtARTr.RS DrsmtCTOr THtC ) I N PI A N TKKK ITORY, O If KICK f CltlFF (JOMMISMARY OF Htl T KNC'K, t Foiit iiimn, C. N., Jan. 21. m J PesWd Troposa'a. in duplicate, will be re ceived at tbe ofliee of lite tinderslgued, ar, Fort Gibson, C. N , until 12 o'cimck M ., MONDAY, March J6, jm, for the delivery of tsuosisienoe Htr,ns.a follow : AT FOKT GIBaoN, CHEKOKEE NATiO.V, i. r. ISO.dOO ponnds of Fionr. 7i,uw poll utls of Ilieon. 25,(i0 Kunris orsnlt. O.tmO Bailor. s of Vinegar. 410 barrels of Folk. And Corn Meal tn sueU ouauUtlcs as may bo required. J lip Klour to tin pnunl in auitllty to ine oe'. XXX brands of the Ml. I.onls marKet, and pu lip aa f llowK 12.5,t(rll poi'nds to be put u In ham Is full bead lined, and 4'2" )M ponndi tT bo 1 ui ui in don bit sucks, ol ituuuy saclilng and tolfon shretlrg. ine uacof-ro be of nrst quaii'y, ana put no ttH tol owk 2o,i 00 jKiUiuls iu tierces or cask, j sntl fift (too pounds In gnnny suohs of ebjut l-'i tieuir.os 1'ncn. Tlie Halt to be of good qn.'ilif v, and put ttpni fol.owf. lo.l.fn) pounds In barrels and l.i.ooj r Uriels in doublo sucks of gunny sacking aud cotun Hlieetlng. The Vinegar to bo of best quality, an! made of whisky of full, and lo bo put up ns lollowi-: 100U itflllous in barrels ol'irood ou tilfy. eecurely boope'd, aotl 4i 1:0 gnllons to be init up iu teams contuibirg not iuo.o tbaii 21 gallons each, tne rucks to bo of bust quality, painted, ot. d 10 have four lion and eight hickory boops on eseh. Tbe Fork to be prime ruees porir, to be put np Ft-eurely In good Lai 1 els coululoiug 200 pounds eneri. TlicCorn Meal to be of best quality, and put up In bariels or Fuelts, like t lie Hour, rs insy bo required. Tbe person or persons to whom .iny award is made must bo prepared to execute contracts nnd give tbe required bonds at oncn, and be in readinesH to commence tne delivery ol stores on tbe iOth day of April, lb(i!l, and to continue tbe same In such quantities as tuny be required until the 1st day of December, InH'J, at wlilcb lime the whole amount of tbe article or articles contracted for must bo supplied. Hamples of articles (except meats) must aa company the proposals, In boxes or bottles, and lioi In paper parcels. Each bid must be accompanied by a good and snllietent guainntee lroru two or more persons whose loyally and solvency are certified by a clerk of a court of record), setting fortb tbat tbey will, In the event of Its acceptance, give ample bonds and security for the faithful per formance of tbe same. Tbe name aud place of residence of each bid der and surety must be given. No proposal will be entertained, unless satis factorily represented, tbat tloes not fully comply with tbe terms of this advertisement. Proposals may be for the whole or any part of the stores required. Any contract awarded under this advertise ment win be made subject to the approval of the CcrJomiBtary-Geiieraf of Subsistence, U. M. Army, and the right is reserved to reject any or ail bids. All stores delivered vi lli be subject to a rigid Inspection. Payments upon the contracts awnrded will be made monthly in carrtnt funds, or soon as the same shall have been received. Bidders are invited to be preseut at f e open ing of proposals, which will take place ou the day and hour above specified. Blanks for pro posals nd bonds will be furnished on applica tion to this ofliee. Proposals must be plainly Indorsed, 'Pro posals for Hubslstenoe Btores," and addressed to the Clilef Commissary of Subsistence, Dis trict Indian Territory, Fort Gibson, C. N. By order of (2 a 5- Hi e vet, MPjor-Gen B. H. aitlEH-lON. A. F. ROCKWELL, Bvt. L.leul.-Oolouel und A. Q. M. U. S. A., C. C. H. Dist. Indian Territory. COPARTNERSHIPS. VTOT1CE OF PARTNER SHIP. WE, THE LN tubrtcrlbers, bave this day entered into a lim ited partneisblp.aicreenbly to the provisions of tne Act ol Aasembly of lhe Commonwealth of PmniHyl vanla. DasHi-d the first day of March, loss, entitled 'An Act Relative to Limited r-artuershius:" and uo herebv rprtlfv thai the named thetlrm under which said uartnershlp Is lo be conducted Is fUBTKrt .t COATfS; t'.iat tbe general nature of the buMnusi to be irantaottd Is ihu manufacture, publication, pur- chese, and tale of Books and malionpry, and the same will be transacted In the city of Fbila'lolphla; thai lhe names of ti e geuerai partners ot the said firm are KOBEHT POKTKK and HEJNKY T. 1 OAT RS. both of the city ot Pbllatle'phla, and tbe special tartners are BENJAMIN COATHt-) and ejJKjllUK HOKHItiON COATKS, also botU of the city of Philadelphia; that the capital contributed by the ipecia pHriuera in one nunurea aounrs, ot which lienjamln Ooates contrlbates titty thousand dollsrs In casn and Ueorire Morrison (Joatea oantrl- bulf fllty thooBand dollars In cash; tbat the neriod at which said partnership Is to commence Is the first day of Febrn ry, A. D. eighteen hundred and slxty nli.e, and that U will terminate on the thlrty-lirnt nay 01 January, a. jj. one tuousaua eignt hundred and sevnty-t- 1KJ 1 r, tt 1 run1 r.n, J1KNBV T. tJOATKS, ei. iu ral Tartners, BKNJAMIN COATK8, OHOKGfi MOKHIbUN CO TE-I, Heclal Partners. Tblladelphia, 1st Febroary, I8i 2 0 at T II PKINCIPAL DEPOT FOB TZU BALB OT R B V B H U B STAMPS NO. 104 CHESNUT 8THEET. CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 S. FIFTH ST., (One door below Chesnut street. ESTABLISHED 1862. Tbe sale of Revenue Stamps Is still continued At tbe Olct-lAtabllshod Agency. Tbe fttoolE comprises every denomination printed by tbe Government, and having at all times a largo supply we are enabled to fill and forward (by Mall or Express), all orders, Inline Ulately npon receipt, a matter of great lmpor anoo. United BUtee Notes, National Battlr. Notes Drafts on Philadelphia, and Foat Olllce Orders, received 1b payment. Any Information regarding tbe decisions of tbe Commissioner of Internal Kovemue cheer lnlly and gratuitously furnished. Revenue Bttuupa printed upon Drafts, Checks, KeoelpU, etc Tbe following rates ot commission are allowed on Stamps and Utamped Paper: On Jt5 and npwards.......-. .2 per eent. too M i " Addreea aU orders, eto to BIAMI AGENCY, NO. 304 CHESNUT BTKEET, PHILADItH'UIA. UNITED BTATEfl POSTAGE STAMPS of aU kinds, and BTAAIPI VXV1U)W, OOU tantty oa tumd, .AMUSEMENTS. MAMMOTH SKATING RINK, tWeMLI IKST and UlCE Btrccte. OI-1TN TA1LY TlLt, FTJRTHKR FOB BKATEHtJ AND TUIfi POBLlo F'cm I to S and 7', to lo P M. The pub lo will be allowed to rraHTITl- tr. . . C V r EN haK ARttJ. . J THE MEAUHEK BROTHERS Wii,P.''?)n,? ''ery,'rin. and the elllolnnt RINK JlAwl) will be In atteniance a-to-no m am I K, WcentSiCenipon Tickets (zu admlsjlous), sdoilu tli g ray or evening, " "ulu'1" N. U. 1'rf )BrtliiM-i ar bftlntr rnad r,. nn . FANtiY IlhKHH bKATlM ANJJ ritOMKN aDW I AllNiVAI. und' r lhe BtiFplc.en nt thn M K i K iwuiiiii,i , on the st-iin mat. set your Costumm "? an ii MRS. JOHN DREW'S AKCU faTRKET THE. ATKK Peitlns at 7-8P. A N1W t'UMKUV AND nUFtf.ESOl7ir IMeiNDAY, AND MJHINO THIS WlCKiK Edmund Ya-es' new eon edy, called TAMK WAia. Jfrs. IIAERT tANOLKV .Mrs. JOUN VHFW Aided by the Kutl Company. Concluding with Craln's r-prTrrfljo of B itliK Hi, H. t R TWFI.FTH Nloll I M riKKK, Ra'nrdsy. at 2. la rehearsal. A VI.'Tl f OK e 1 RCU.VH 1'ANclfci. WALNUT ST. THKATKK. BEffN8AT:i TnlS(i onoay) ItVKNiNei, Feb 8 Flritnliiht of the wir'd rr no ned Con edians inr.niiu mis. iMiviAi niliklAMQ, who will apt tar In the Kal'-y I rains en.itld THK IA1KV CIKl'I.K. M.r rtto . n . . . . . . . . - . . m r. a . It Y W I r.l.I K M A MOLKBHKK .Mrn HAR.VKV WILUAMs Alier which lhe t.roarlMipiy latiiruable txnuedv enntled THK ClsTMi )!' TUB ( OU TRf, ' M Ll-JeA. who s Jug-... Mr-. BA NKY WILLIAMS '10 conclude with tne immense Farce of A LOAN CF A LOVKH. 1VI IS8 SUSAN tJALl'O.N'S CUEsNUI dTRKEr XX THKATKK ISM BI'SAN HALTOJT8 COMIO OFKKA COMPANY will appear on MONDAY EVKNINQ, Feb. 8. In OFFKN BACHES "6!" 6t!'" -H6!" SI" TUESDAY KVKNINe. Feb. 8, OKFKNBACH'H MARRlAWK BY LANTERNS. WKUNItibPAY KVKNIwO, 1'eO. 10, OiyRKBACH'H t CUINOCHOW-HI. ffais can be secured six days In advano a lruuper'i, Ao. ut Cbesnut street, and at tbs Th mi re. 28 if TTOJ!.'H AilEItlCAN VARIETY THEATRE.-! J.1 EVAUY IVKMNIi AND SATURDAY AKTKKNOOX. " , . ORFAT COMBINATION TROTJPB, In Brand Ballets, Kth opian Burlesques, Bonn Dances. Pantomimes. Wymnaat Acta, eto. YALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER OAIIIjKN, os. 720, TU, 724, and 72 VLNIS bireet, 1 HK GRAND ORCHKBTRION, formerly the pro pe'ty ol the GJKAinU ULKK OF BAD UN, purchased atgreatexpeuNe by J A eB VALKil, of ihlaclty.ln coninliiatlon with FLAMICR'U OKOUK8TRA. and iUfS NKLUH ANDKIU-f.N. will perform XVKKY AH h, II MOON and KVKNINQ ail lhe above-men-tinned place. Admission Iree. 1 la tl HORTICULTURE L II A L L. GEliMANIA OBCUKbTKrt F UBLIO It EH KAKtSA LH hVKRV WKDNKbDAY. at 8,S P. M. Tickets sold at the door, and an rlnclial Mutlc Stores. Fack ages of live lor 1; single, 26 cent. .bnengemenM can heuiaue by addresnlng Q. BA8 T&BT, No. 1!1 MON1K1UY Btreet; Wlttig's Mnslo Hlore, No. llttl Cbesnut street; Andre's Muslo Btorej, No. 1104 Cbesnul street. i sm CABL SENTZ' AND MARK HASSLER'8 OR CBKeTRA MATIN KIM. JUVERY BATORDA Y at F. M IN MtblCAL lllftBllALL, blngle Ad mlHslon, fit certs l'tiofcae ot 4 ttckeu, 11, atlloner' No. Illtt CHKMNDT Bl.. and at the Door. U4 tt " LUMBER. " 18G9 (sl'RUCE JOIST bFuliCK JOIST. H KM LOCK, 11KA1LOCK. 1869 1809 BEABONED CLKAK PINK, BKAJSON KD CLKAK FIN it. 1869 l h'.l)iU 1 rj'O FLORIDA FLOORING. 1 Dri lOOl FLOK.1DA FLOOK1NU. lOOU CAROLINA FLOOK1NO. V VlHOllA FLOOKLTM. DKXAWARK FLOOKiNtJ. ABU FLOOU1NU. WAliBtT FLOOU1NQ. FLOK1UA 8TKF BOAiUa, KAIL FLANK. 1 ftf 'O WALNUT BUS AND FLANK, i QUO lOOJ WALNUT Mid. AnJ1 FLaISJ. lODU walnut boaklb. walnut flank. 1 fil"?! CNDKUTAKKR8 LUMBRR. f Q0 BKO CKOAR. WALNUT AJND FINB. TuZo bkaSonkd foplab! Toon 1DDJ BKABONKD CUKBRY. XOQU WHITE OAK FLaNK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1 QfcO CIOAR BOX MAKERS' 1 OOCk lCDJ CTtiAR BOX MAKKKa XOOt bPANIbli CKOAU BOX BOARDS. FOR BALK LOW. 1 Oi0 CAROLINA SCANT LINO, - Qt( 1O0 J CAROLINA M. T. BiLLa, lOOU Norway bcantlinu. 1 OfcO CKDAR BU1NULKS, 1 QfJO lOOl CYFBKBriBHINilLKS, lOOU MAULK, BROTHER A CO., 1 1 No. 2600 BOU 1 H bireet. . T. P. GAL YIN & CO.. LUMBER CGrMICGION MERCHANTS SUACKAMAXOA hlKLLT WILAKfa BELOW SLOArS MILLS, (so-OALUts), PHIIt DKLFBvIA. AOKNTBFOIiBOCTUiuBN AND KASTKiiN Mao racturers of YKLLOW FINK and BFRUCKTIMBS BOABDB, etc, shall be happy to turulah oruera wboieiale rates, deliverable at any aexjebslule port, - Oonstantly receiving and on band at our wharf BOUTHKKN FIAK1JUINU, HOANTLLNU. H1UN ULFJs, KABTKRN LaTHB. P1CKKTB. BKO-BLA IH, BFRUCK, H KM LOCK, eKLKCT MIOillUAM AND CANADA FLANK AND BOABDIrJ. AND UAO MA11XI BH1F-KNKKB. 1 81 stuth ALL Ol" KHIDMHUL HE DlUt KnU AT ANT PAUTor TJHECITr mOJlFTlT o LD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OF PHIL1DKLPHIA. OFFICE, NO. B18 WALNUT STREET. Tbe Company Is now prepared to dispose of lots oa REASONABLE TERMS. The advantages offered by this Cemetery a-e well known to be equal If not superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery. We lpvl.e all wbo desire to purchase burial lots to call at tbe ofliee, where plans can be seen and all particulars will be given. Deeds lor lots sold axe ready lor delivery. IUCHAHD VAUX, FrwitfePt. FKT1CU a. KEYHhiR, Vlce-Frealdent. MARTIN LANDK.NBKRiAU. Treasurer. VrcBAKL Nimbkt. Becreiary. 1 11 ttn LAnZCLERE & QUCHEY, Ciibtom House Brokers aud Kolai Ics Public, No. 405 LIBRARY Street. All Custom House Business transncledr PASSPORTS PROCURgP P1IIL080PHY OP M A BR IA 0 E. A new tlourse ol Lectures, as dell vi a. tbe New York Mubsuur oi Aaawrur. jaibrtv. "g in "mZ,,, VJii AUge: Mauhool GeueriuV soi Wi'al'7 ouW.'-1r! iji be forwarded, paid, lalijlug lhee lo" ,f .rtdresninH W. A.LKtKV UK1 a coM Ol wi WALN UT ttreet; ' Fhl-adelphla. twvanDKR G. CATTELL CO LJhIiL)U'E OOMMIBHION MERCHANTS, kmU NoTM NOBTU WUARVKU AND KO. 7 WORTH WATF.R STRXJtT, pun a im t Piitt f ALX-uxvnOA-nrau. mui unsii