The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, February 06, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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netnlattoiia for the observance of tta
Archbishop MoCleskey, of the Roman Oattao
110 Church, ha Issued through bis chaplain, the
Rev. Fattier Alolnerny, tbe following regula
tions and rules for tbe proper observauoe of the
enaon of bent, commencing on Wednesday
nest Although Issued wlib special appllcatloa
to tbe Archdiocese of New York, like regula
tion obtain in tills city:
1 All the week days of Lent, from Ash
Wednesday till Easter Sunday, are fast days of
precept, on one meal, with allowance of a raei
derate collation In tbe evening.
3. Tbe precept of fasting Implies albo that of
abstinence from the use of llesb meat. IJut, by
dispensation, the use of flesh meat la allowed
in this diocese at tbe principal meal on Mon.
Hhvb Tuesdays, and Thursdays of Lent, wltb.
ibeViceptiou of Holy Thursday.
8. There Is neither fsnt nor abstinence to be
v ' 1 ,.r unnrlnvsnf IjOnt.
4 it U not allowed to use lish with flesh meat
week days of Iront.
Y There Is no prohibition to use eggs, butter,
or cheeRO, provided the rules of quantity pro
scribed by the fast be complied with.
C 1. Lard may be used In preparing fish, vege-
7. The Church excuses from the obligatton of
failing but not of abstinence from fresh meat,
except in special casts of slcknes or the like,
the following classes of persons: 1 lrst the in
I... on,i i hnae wliose duties are of an ex-
ViBUstlDg or laborious character; third, persons
who are attaining their growth; fourth, women
r .n.nrv or nurslne: Infants; filth, those
who are enfeebled hy old wgp.
A Tondiful Oircmlcr ThlcvliiK Mendl-ranta-A
NuNplclotiM Cntte TIU-Tiiiier
Rnrtlary A Woman AsHnMcI.
Yesterday morning, while the door of the
residence Butbara Grab, at Seventh and Master
.i,.. was ktiimiins? iiir. Annie Sabine, aged
12 vems. went into the house and up-Mtalrs,
nhLn.i a rnnHarked the bureau drawers ana
clobets. She then left with a box of Jswelry,
but was captured shortly alter making her
exit, and on being taken before Alderman Hood
nan httiit for a tnri.hnr hearlne.
James 11. Watson and George Seward were
before Alderman Patohel yesterday chained
nith vnrinus offenses of larceny. It seems
that, thev en from store to store seeking alms,
and when an opportunity Is offered thy steal
mail wares. Yesterday one of tOeru attempted
to dispose of a bam, but it wouldn't bo lu his
pocket, anu ne was cRugiii wnu mo
The magistrate oommltted both to prison.
Vnnnv Drown, who is a mulatto girl, was
caught yesterday in Middle Alley wltb a lot of
nhlna ware in her possession which sue is bus
nented of havlne stolen. She had nothing to
ay about it, and Alderman Carpenter sent her
10 prison.
inuerih Gamble isavonth of eighteen years,
Yesterday he went luto the shop of an old
woman at Eighteenth and Catharine slreots
and stole three dollars from the till. Alderman
liuiinn mmmlUcil him la dela'ilt of 1200 ball
Joseph JaBt week was up on a charge of stealing
a quantity OI WBHUeu ciuui?, utit was lo.caouu
rn iha nnn.nnnearance of the prosecutor.
Frederics B'.evenson has been bound over
tnr imriHrv hv Alderman Caroeuter. It seems
that he burst in the door attached to Dennis
Hmiih'a hnime. No. (ill Kt. Mary street, and
etole a lot of clothing. Bot h he and the oloth-
lDg were recovered before they had succeeded
in getting very far away.
ftarah Crellly keeps rn apple-stand at Lela
mcnnA and Dock street. Yesterday An
demon Carr picked up her basket and started
off with H. Sarah grabbed him, and he knocked
herdown, Bheyelled.andOIllcer Ltlton chased
indninn until he canlured htm. Alderman
thimenter committed him for assault and
battery. ...
Mortality of thb Citt. The number of
Aih in the eitv for the week ending at noon
to-day was 214, being a decrease of 83 over tne
mrreunniKllnir nfirlOJ Of last Seur. Uf th0S6 117
wr adults. 1)7 minors: 1U5 were born in the
lTnitd Htates. 44 were foreign, 5 were uu-
irnnwn. IS were people of color, and 8 from tbe
.nnntm or tho cumber. 8 died of conges-
iinnndhnlimln 19 of Inflammation of the lungs:
R-nf maiasmus: 11 of disease of the heart; t of
lonixiiii fver- K of debllltv. and 9 of old as:e.
lf ne deaths were div lded as follows among the
Ward: Ward.
yirat. 7 Fifteenth 13
Second 6 Sixteenth 6
Third... 7 Seventeenth 8
Fourth........ 12 Eighteenth ....10
Fifth l in lueteeiiiu ..11
Hlxth 6Twentleth 0
uovanth 14 Twentv-flrst 1
Kirrhth 11 i T wenty-seoond 10
Hiiith. 4 Twenty-third 4
renin lu ; vwenty-iotirm 4
Meventh 6' Twenty-fifth. 3
psmirth 4 Twenty-sixth 6
Thirteenth 5 Twenty-seventh. 12
Fonrteenth 8, Twenty-eighth 3
Unknown. 8.
"Hbabth and Home." The eighth number
of this Interesting weokly. dated February 13,
na8 a great variety of articles on subjects suited
to the tastes of town and country readers. The
illustrations are numerous and good, and the
editors present their readers with a valentine
la the shape of a pleasing engraving, entitled
The Pet of the Village." Jlearth and Home has
been a success from the beginning, and it fully
deserves all Its popularity. Published by 1'et
tenglll. Bates & Co., Mo. 37 Park Row. New
Robbebies. The trimmings and candy store
of Mrs. Clements, on Hanover street below
Ulrard avenue, was broken into last night and
robbed of Jewelry, goods, etc. valued at $50.
Thieves went into the store of K. S.
Ijevin & Co., on the southwest corner of Uela.
ware avenue nnd ltaco streets, last night, and
rebbed It of t200 worth of goods. An entrance
Ws effected by prying open a side window.
Death of a Veteran. Yesterday morning
an old soldier of tbe war of 1812, Joseph.
Kswortby by name, died, at tbe age of eighty
seven, at his residence, No. 6 Bhorl court, near
Twelftb and Bace streets. He was In very desti
tute circumstances, and It Is said did not receive
tbe attention that common humanity should
have dictated.
grand Mammoth Bkatlog Rink, Twenty-first
and Usee streets, will be reopened this after
noon at a o'clock, and again tbls evening at
7 U o'clock. The famous Meagher Brothers will
perform on both occasions and very evening
till farther notice.
The Letter-Boxes. Mayor Vox this mor
ning Issued a special order to the police, calling
their attention to tbe letter-boxes, which must
not be opened by any one except by the carrier
In nnlform.
A Prosperous Fire Insurance C!oiiiauy.
from the American Exchange unil Review of
e bruary, 18tiU.
The Fame Insurance Company of Philadel
phia, now In Its thirteenth year, will double lu
present oush capital preparatory to extending
its Hues ot risk uud Us business generally.
Books of subscription to the cnpital stock have
been opened at the present olllce ot the Com
pany, No. 400 Chesnut street, in order to aliord
facilities lor all so desiring to subscribe nnd to
secure the advantage of the widost distribution
of the stock. Tho Increase of the cash capital
Is, however, a fixed fact. In order to attuin '.be
requisite accommodations for enlarged opera
tlojis the company will remove to tb3 building
of the National Bank of the Republic No. 8UU
Chesnut street. The new efhee is commodious
and elegant in all i's appointments, and tho
location a very deslrnblo one.
Increase of local Philadelphia Are lnsuranoe
capital has been much talked of, but tbe
Sromises of such Increase have not amounted
j much, yet 1U cetsslty Is udmltted on all
ides. We have now, however, something
definite In this connection, and the new capital
Is placed most acceptably. It is not entrusted
orioaninrfi-u in the business. bulaHDlld.
durable basis has been laid, through years of
experience, lor 1U proper and suoceusiui em
''? hS'trum a hepnn business September 1. ljfl
and this period was the beginning of a series
off-Ten tin I and disastrous years In tbe history
of Philadelphia Insurance. It passed through
the ordval with credit; It proved lis reliability
at every trial, never contested a loss, and never
bad a lawsuit of any kind. Originally 1MJ.OO0
f the capital was paid op; subsequently the
cash capital wh tooreased to nearly 8100,000,
tid tbe preseut addition wilt give the Fame a
full pald-np capital of f&xi.ooO. The president
and secretary of tue FaiuehMV0 boon counowled
with tbe company from the start. Cbarle
Richardson, 1 :q., now President, wa orlgl
hally a dlrerlor, and subsequently filled the
position of Vice-president. Ills accession to the
presidency gives good promise for t he n 'a
upon which the Fame Is euterlng. Mj. Rio bard
sou is a gentleman o rMe nnsiui-j:
lions. As a mannger of the V.l,,udoi'Yl;
branch Of the (treat house of J. O. J Jl
be bss evldenoed the possession ' ofoPoliles or
no common order. William H-il,'1t-'J:i
Vice-President, has a ilrst-class financial and
administrative record as President of tiieJN
tlonal Bank of the Republic William" I.
Blanchard. Kq., Secretary, the Fame has had
a faithful and laborious executive oincer from,
the first day of it career, The reputation of
tbeofnre Is largely the result of his manage
ment; as a fire underwriter he knows
"The trailed shore
To a most daDgerous sea;".
find disciplined by the experience and observa
tion ol lb past, he Is p i&ollarly qualltled to
condnot tUe company mi its now career. That
the Fame will receive lis run share of ine mer
cantile patronageof the city admits of scarcely
a doubt. Tnis is quo io it oy tne commercial
Interest; for srtch is bur, the sustaining of n
nrrrrsnry and worthy r.gency ol the city's
Abolition ot Slavery Resolved I'pon.
Th9 N. Y. 7Ylbune' Madrid (Feb. 6) sneolal
despatch save:
as the lime for the meeting of the Constitu
ent Corle the lllh of February Is near ut
band, the Provisional Government are busy
completing the draft of a new constitution,
which they will recommend to the Cortes for
adoption. Little is as yet known of theartioles
oi their drait, but t:ie abolitionists, who em
DiRce men oi an pomioui parties, nave tit length
sutcteded in obtaining from tbe Government
meouiciai assnrancethat theirdrariwlll contain
atliaise prohibiting slavery In all the Hnanlsh
pofihensions. rne best method of freeing the
slaves Is to be left altogether to the decision of
the Cortes. As It, Is known that the l,l'erul
Unionists, the Progressists, and the Republi
cans are generally in favor of the Immediate
abolition of slavery, and that even some of the
Ab'vUtlontsta lavorsuch a is ex
peeled that tho Constituent Cortes will adopt
this article oi the new constitution oy an over
whelming majority.
JIow tlio RcpublUnut TftKe tbeir Defent.
from the Madrid DUcusxion.
Tbe Republican party have lost the elections
in Madrid. We said wo should yesterday. We
have had to combat against all the phalanx of
oiuciallsra. We have had to oomoat against
the army ot Prim and the more numerous one
of Kivero. We have had to struggle against
the plague cf employes ana pretenders who
live and agitate In Madrid. We have had to
struggle against the contractors who live upon
tbe city and the Government that Is to say. at
tbe expense of the people of Madrid and of the
Bpanibh nation, uur ueieat was certain.
Madrid always win ue unuer monarcnioai
governments a grand column of drones. Wo
have not conquered; nevertheless, we have
polled 15,400 votes In Madrid. This Is not t
triumph over the monarchical candidates
but It Is a triumph over the monarchy.
The monarchists know now that there
are 1.".U0U republicans In Madrid who
protest against tho raisins' of a new throne.
monarchists. The Ayuntamleuto of Madrid
pay over 12,000 laborers. They would have
voted wn n us n trie mvero oi ino uau oeen tno
Rlvero of 18d4. Borne tbonsands of employes
live here. They also would have voted with us
if. in place of calling for the monarchy, tbe
Government had called lor the republic. We
have not triumphed in Madrid. The cause has
been a piece ol bread. The Government have
gained the elections here, as all former govern
ments have gained them. The treasury Is the
grand moving power of the Madrid electoral
machine. Those who have no interest la It
have given us 15.000 votes. Only by looklue in
that direction, and at the laborers employed by
tbe Aynutamiento, can we explain how it In
that lllvero has mmw votes aud film only
fti IKKI; while Bagasta. who has neither soldiers
nor laborers, only gets lil.uw.
fVoin the Igaaldad.
The e'.ectoral body of Bpatn has nlven Us
ultimatum. The monarchists of a hundred
forms, the heterogeneous mass of democrats.
legitimists, absolutists, forelgnlstas (permit us
the word) will constitute the majority of the
future Assembly. Tho Republicans, we have to
confess, are in tbe minority. We have been
defeated. Tbe origin of our defeat has been In
placing ourselves In opposition to the provi
sional povernmeut. There is no mystery. In
spite ot all tbe efforts we have brought Into
ninv. we have a minority of ninety repre-
rentatives. But, considering tho dlstinot
frtCtloDS of which the successful party Is
composed, the truly numerous lu our
nari v. The Uepubllcans.are the great hone of tbe
country the great national party. Against the
will of the men Jn power the country has been
able to so nd ninety or more lor a radical opno
sit Ion. The consequenoes are impossible to
foresee, but one thing is they will make it
Impossible to convert the country luto a
monarchy, which will boa moral proclama
tion of tho republic. In place of the Impossi
ble monarchy, tho future Assembly can do no
less than proolalin "Viva la Kepublloa Fe
Another Civil War Tmmtucut.
Whatever roav be tho result of the vote whloh
will soon he emitted by the Cortes, It is evident
that it will be powerless to avert another ap
peal to the sword. 1 1 any direct evidence were
wanting of this determination it would be
found in tne mannesio wmcu iiasiust neen ad'
dressed by Cabrero to the people of Navarro.
one extract irom it win do sumuient to indicate
the general character uud purpose of the docu
' Our victory." u says, "must Be won on other
ground that of the battie-neid. There we
shall promptly secure our much-coveted tri
Uuhannv Spain! are the liberties whlah
seemed within your grasp again about to elude
yon? Torn thus by intestine strlie, how Is It
possible that you can pursue to a successful end
tne arduous las, oi sen-regeneration ?
f f tbe newest ana nest manner.
jjuuid iiitp.K m . nuiiiuuvr anu BjirnivHr.
e.l0a3CmCSNUT etree.
tbe latest and most fashionable styles. .
JnBt received, a new assortment of very de-
Biramu patterns.
Monograms aud Initials stamped In colors
Stationers and Engravors.
9 lmwc8m Mo. 91U AHUI Street.
srAMl'ilD, IN BOXElS, (I.
lit naiwslm No. 921 BPlllNQ GABDKN Street.
X Mibacrlbers, bave this cluy entered lutoaliui-
lud partho'siilp, axx-eably to the provisions ot tue
Act ol Assembly ol iho ComaioaWHiiltii of Feuusyl-
vanla, patuva the urst oay or jnaion, load, entitled
'An Act illative to l.liulted i'armershlps;" and do
heieuy entity that tbe naaieof thsiltm under wblob
said partnership Is to bo conducted is fOUTKll ti
COA'l'liH; that ilia general nature of the business to
be transatttd Is the maniilacture, publication, pur
chase, aud tale of lifoks and Hlatlouery, ana the
same will be transacted in the city of fhiiaDolphla;
that the nanieu ot n o general Paitners oi the said
firm are KOHJlltT PDHTK'l and II BH HY T.
I U AT Kei, boi b of the en ot FbllHrta Pbla, n4 tbe
special rartnera are JtftJMlfi UHAI'Kr) anil
UKollUR ItOJUUrtON OUAIhjs, also bota of ibe
city of Phlladelpbla; mat the capital contrlbute4 by
the special pi-rtnei'S Is on hundred tboussud dollars,
ol which Jienjauiln Coa's ooitlilbutea llfly thousand
dollars lu caun aud Ueuge Morrison tiontes osriUl.
Imiea Hit ihnusand ditllars In oasbi that the ueriud
at which said partnerelilo Is 10 ooiuuience la tbe brst
dayol jy, A, I), eighteen hundred and slity-
nUe, avd that it will terminate on ma iniriy-iirst
rJayol January, A. li, 04 luousuu4 elgUt uuudr4
Uenral Partners,
&H.UHUs MUitaliN tOATK
lipealal i'MTtiiers.
I-bllsdBlphlS. Ut FbtDr, UiA 1 1 t
Tlio Army to be Rodacod to 30,000
Men - Pacific Railroad
Special Despatch to The Evening Teleffrafh
Kftlnclna; the Army.
The Military Committee to-daj agreed, after a
eeision ol three hours, to reportonMondajnext,
or when the Army Appropriation bill comes up,
an amendment, authorising the President,
whenever it is necessary, to niaVc the following
reductions in the army : Infantry regiments
reiluced to thirty, making strength of the army
about thirty tLou.Km). It consolidates the
QuartCTraaster,8obji8lence,nnd Ty departments
into Department of Supply. Other staff depart
ments are decreased about one-eighth. It re
duces cflicors about one-third. There Is no
reduction in cavulry or srUllerp.
Ia'lftc Ilnllrot.ri ItcnlrlctloiiH. I
The Pacittc Kuilroad Committee had a fiunl
meeting to iliiy, and aeiced on their bill. It
inl 03cs two additional restriction?, provi lint;
that when any of tho companies fail to pay ten
per cent, on tho gross earnings, they shall be
proceeded ngainst in bankruptcy, in
addition to security for tho payment of
interest on money for sale, lmds shall
be lfta'ned for tho purpose of
creating a sinking fund to redeem the bonds o
the company. Tt rotaius the North Piiciflc.
Atlantic, and Pacific and Eastern DivUien to
All'Wiuciqiie, and lioni Portland to Humboldt
river on the Union I'liciflc. Air. Howard ex.
pectfl to report It to-day.
The Finance Committee
ame to no conclusion to-day on the bill to
prevent the secret sale of gold by the Uoveni
Washington. Ffb. 6. Mr. Conkllnr DrfwunteJ a of tli e Union I,eKuo In ri'l ulon to lruds
lu naiurall.ation and la elections, deferred toJadi
cl.ry Committee.
Alio, a lucnu rmi or ins tnamorr oi U:ramprce of
Hew York, u-klng rongrviM to BUHpend action upnn
the bill for tbe construction of a bridge aoroav tin
Kakt river, until a coramliieeanpolmed 07 lh9Jham-
ber to lneilu'ate tbe matter stiall bave reparted
upon it, lteferied to Committee on Commerce.
Mr. Morgan presented a memorial ot the National
Academy ol Dtaign, asking lor tbe passage of an ac;
amending theCopyrlebc lav.
Also, preamble and resolutions ef the New York
Chamber of Commerce against secret sales of Gov
ernment bonds and gold.
Also, a memorial or tne same ouny, similar o mat
presented by Mr. f'onkllng. In reUtiun to the bridge
over jitsi river, neierrea to tne voiunimoeoa uoia-
On niotloD or Mr Rice, the bill civinean additional
town to the United States Clrnuli Courtor tbe Kattern
Dlvtsloa or ajrkacsas was tuKen op and PRgnd,
Mr, Harlan, from the (oroml tee on Ibe District of
Columbia, reported a bill In lelallou to the ecilve
ira&o ise in Qeorgetown, ana aaicod its Immediate
M r. Humunds oujectea, anu it went oyer.
On motion of Mr. Kerry, tbe bill to establish a ear-
tali- post road In Connecticut was taken up.
Mr. rerrv starea in at nep resell laiive Jtunoara nsa
said that If tbe bieiiate wi-nld p:sstbebillwithibe
amendment wlilcn be (Hubhanl) bus pruposnd, and
wblub baa paused tbe House, be would not object to
tbe paHcsgA ot 'be bill.
Mr. Dixon said that In view of the statement of big
oolieapue (ferry) be full bound to make no opposition
to me out.
lloase of Representative.
B Mr. Brooks presented a memorial of the New York
( l amher ot Commerce against auv lurtber Btcitt
sales of Uovornuit nt bnils or gold.
Mr. Mot re nreHented tne petition or arin owners ot
Lowltport, Maine, p.aylng the Intervention ot Coti-
fresH to protect ail engaged in navigation from
iltgal exaction by State and mnulcipal corpora
tii s. .....
. . Mr. Keiivypreseniea a petition or tne vatofl county
Aurlcu.tttral Huclety ot New York, againxt oueniiK
tbe markets ot tbe united Btates 10 productions of tbe
Dominion of ( ianada, through a now treaty of re
ciprocity to celled.
Mr. Julian toe memorial oi a c invention
from all pans of New Unirland, lu favor of granting
the right of suffrage to women, ltulerred to Judiciary
toinniiitee. .
ti rofiirni in a nreamble. that an hatnan beings ara
created equal, and that women are deprived ol their
natural equality when they are dented tbe right of
suffrage, which Is gives to all men, II Is signed by
James Freeman Clarke, president, and Charles K.
Whipple and Ueorge it. Vllbert. seceetarles.
1 te IDiumitev uu Jiaillbarjr Aunira voiiik uauvi lur
rcnaitscif a orlvate character, bills were reported
fri m that Committee and passed as follows:
th. rpli.r rfHmnel H. Moore. Drlvate of Utn
Ohio Volunteer; lor the relief of 'he heUs or legal
repMsentatlves of Charles Cook, 77 tu Pennryl'aniu;
lor itie renei ci whiihui r. wui, uju.n, im
Inn volunteers: lor tbe relief of certain oompan es
of soon1 s and guards organized In Alabama; lor the
relief of Captain Geo. W, Hbort, 3d Iilluola Vols.; tor
una reuer oi jueuj. jumiuuv, mv ,uuiuui
in tbe army, ana bis snrelles, releasing tnem Irom
llabllitv tor ItiS.soo of Uoveromeut tunas, of which
l'yn aster Malone was robbed lu Washington on tbe
Sid of i'tbruary, 18l, without fault or negligence on
bis ran. Tnis latter bill was, ader considerable dU
cnrsltn, referred to the Commutes of tbe Whole on
the private taleuaar.
I'xti-RCts from the "Bine Book" on tbe
United Mtatea.
The following extracts are from the Frencn
"Blue Book," relating to foreign affairs
Our relations with ibe United btates are of
tbe usual cordial obaraoter; we unhesi
tatingly aided tbe eilorts of tne Washington
Cabinet to make peaoe between Hpain and
tbe republics of the i'acltic As we stated
last year, the American Government bavlng
again ottered Itself as- a mediator be
tween tbe belligerents, we considered,
like England, that tbe maintenance of our
previous oilers might be embarrassing to tbe
Cabinets to whom we applied first, and intgbt
delay the re-establtshment of tbe aceord that
all tne neutral powers wonld gladly see re
stored. We at once declared that our proposals
should not be an obstacle to tbe suocess ot the
proposed American mediation, and, desiring
above all that peaoe shall be restored, we de
clare ourselves willing to aid Hie endeavors,
from whatever sonrc-e, that may seem moat
llkelr to secure the wlsbed-for result.
In lite United Btates we again behold exoes
slve taxation paralysing business transactions.
Ei perH nee only can enlighteu the Amerluau
people as to the dmad vanities of its system of
political economy, bnt already lesions on the
subject are growing out of commercial uneasi
ness and attteady deerease of oustoms' rooelpts.
Cougresp, by ordaining In the early months of
last year, wltb a view l o secure foreign markets
for Arrjer.cun cotton, the abolition of tue taxes
levied upon this Important element of trade,
proved that It knew what were tho necessary
menu to maintain and develop nalurul pro
tuolivenfuT. We trust that Uie new legtHia
tive power will beoome impressed with tbe
amepilLclpltu, and will not hesitate to apply
them to other brunches of industry to tbe pros
perity of which freedom Is no lews indixpen
sable, lie it noted mat demonstrations through
tbe columns of tbe press end at pnbllo
assemblies favoring a revision of tbe tartii'aud
laws rtgntatlng tbe Intercourse of the United
Kates w tin other (towers bave not buen warn
ing. We bave marked with special attention
tbe resolailons voied In never i towns of the
Union, with a view of establishing wi ll foreign
tmvemunenis nn International guarantee for
the security of Intellectual properly. We sretit,
with pleasure, la a Hist arrangement ell'octed
by the Wushlngion Cabinet for the reciprocal
proiectlou of manufacturers' marks, thereooi
mtloi, by tbe United guttes, of a rlglil whloU
rhe powers that, like t rance, ean ooufer upon
tbe oliiKtns of that country, will, no) doubt,
oou succeed lu having apolled to their own
Letters have leen received In Ijondon, from
ZanKlbar, dated Nov. '2iS, at wnlolt time nothing
bad been beard respecting Dr. I.lvlugHtone for
a long time. The latest newa reported him to
be in Cazembe'a country a year ai"- Dr. Kirk,
WlitlriU finm 7inui ku i.1Hnr tu lin
knowledge where he Is," but Mr. Waller Is of
opinion mat mere la no aotual need for mnon
auxlety. Muost, to wnoxa inventive powers
the reported deatb of Dr. Livingstone was due
wu utuo uaua, uaa ueen released oy IT. JVira,
afivMr havlug paused eight montks lu htavy
Efforts for a Yote on the Suffrage
Amendment Tho Tostal
m . fs
Special Despatch to The evening Telegraph.
Tbe Mnil-t'arrjlna; Contract.
Washington, Feb. 6. The witnesses whoe
names were glvcu to the Wells, Fargo & Co. in
vestigating committee by the correspondent of
the New York i'oa', ns having furnished; him
infoimation on which ho bnued his dospatrhss
relative to the contract, were before the com
Imttce to-day, and teatiQed that they did not
fnrnlth him any information on tho snbjoct,
and that they knew nothing whatever about it
eiccpt what they saw in paid despatches.
Hie rSutrrntre Question.
An effort will be made to secure a continued
fession of the 8enate, with a view of getting a
vote on the Suffrage Amendment. Those op
posed to it will talk against time in order to
defeat iU
Despatch to the Associated Press.
The Keeonntruc-tlon Committee,
at Its meeting this morning, agreed to report a
bill removing legal and political disabilities
Irom between 300 and 00 persons in the
Southern States.
(iOTernor Brown and Judge Simcall, of MirsH
nippl, were heard before the Committee in favor
of a rc-BUbmisfllon of the Constitution to the
people of the State of Mississippi. The fines
tion will bo acted on finally next Wednesday.
Washington, Feb. 6. Tbe following U tbe
statement of tne puoiio ueot or tne united
btates on the 1st of February, 186
Debt Bearing' Coin Interest.
January. Dfrrnitor,
rive per cent, bonds t.'il Mtl) tlz.6KS,4ii0.oo
bU per cent, bonds 181 in 1 677.4uu,o 6;7.son-0u
kux per Cut b-'M bOuds...l,60t,68! 330-00 1 601 670,400 00
12,107,850 030 00 2,t7,sS,l 0 t
)eltt Itonrliif? I'nrrenejr Interest.
ferlitictes at 3 per teut... 470,OC0.UO'CO t.HO.OOJ-O
Navy pension lund at 3
per cent MO.OOO.OOO 00 14.(0) 0U1 0
711, 0110, OOrnu t72.U,'i0u'C0
Ulatnreal Debt Knt 1'rcheii tvl for tuy incut
Tbree-yeer 7 S0 nries dun
AtiKUkt IS. 1SA7, Jnne.and
JinylS, 188 - tl77,i:0W
Compound luurest notes
tuutiired June lu, July
15, AuguKl 16. Decem
ber .6. 11(07, and May
16, August I. Bepv. 1
and la, anu uct. i ana in,
Texas 'lnaeni'utyBouus...
Treasur Nous, acts of
July 17, Uril, and prior
thereto...- - -
Bonas. April IS 1812, Jan.
28, 1X47, and March nl.lsts.
Tiessury Notes March a.
1864. - .
Temporary Loan
t'erlllicales of Indebted
ness S H)9,170'fyi
ili.0Jfl to
1 12S 710 DO
Mt,l'M U0
la oooto
415 4S2-0O
t.243,St3 SI
Iebt UeariuK' " Interest.
United States Notes..... .;s,t2l.071OO p59 Wl 7 00
Fractional i.urrency i
C.old.CerillloateB of !)-
posit, 0,,UU,.HP W
1421.11)1 720 64 11.1,152.58l 17
Total debt ..........t'2,IO,aW,7v7 13 ti,01.74,ltt4 81
per cent, lawini money
l.i, nils I Ailed to 1'aulllO
JtliioadCompinleH.... "i2,0l OuO OO 1 1,177,000 00
Total debt t2.6tl2,87 9)7-Utf
Amount lu Treasury ,vo n l8 7S2.7 8 44
ss :t? r.4
currency i,i,oo
1108.174 049-iO
(l,2u3 Did is
nelit f less amount In
Treasury) tl,5r.,in5,i659'8 (2 539,031,841 1 1
Tha forevoinir Is a correct statement uf the iiuDlic
Debt as appears from the books aaa Treasurers re
turns in this Depariincni, on penrnary i iina.
Secretary of tbe Treasury.
The warrants Issued by the Treassry Denarinteiit
dnrlng Ihe moutb ol January, lWS'J, to meet the re-
(lUlremenls of the uoverument, amoaati in round
nanobers to tbe following sums:
(Mvil. mixeellaneouB. and forencn Inter
course v 1.4 10 000
Tnterest on tbe public debt....- o.T4 ooo
war department ... s. 624.000
Navy Department - . 1
Interior Department .., , 4 000
Total . f 41,860 0
1 be wairsnis Issued for tbe redemption of tue pub lo
debt are nut included In tbe above.
Heavy Iaiung;ea Itecovered.
special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Nuw Vork, Feb. 6. Camden C. Pike this
nomine obtained a verdict of $15,000 in the
King's County Supreme Court against the Erie
Railroad Company for injuries sustained in the
Cun's Rock disaster.
Tate Marquis le Moiisller.
A cable despatch which e announee this
morning Informs us of the death of the Mar
quis de Monstler, a member of tbe French
(Senate, and late Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Lionel, Marquis de Moustler, was born lu 1815,
and is the eldest son of the Marquis Clemeut
Edward de Moustler. He waa educated for tbe
dlploraatlo career, elected member of the
LeglE-latlve Assembly for the Department of
Djubs, May 13, 181'J; was Ambassador at the
Court of Berlin from Marob, 1803, to November,
1H59; Ambassador at Vienna from Deoember,
Wit), to August, 18M1; Ambassador at Constanti
nople from August, 1861, to September, 1800,
and appointed Heoretary of Stale for Foreign
A Hairs on tbe 2d of Heptember , 1806, whloh
place he held np to Deoember, 1808, when he
was made Henaior, and was succeeded by tbe
Marquis de La Valette. While filling tne De
partment of Foreign Affairs, the Marquis was
generally regarded as representing tue war
policy of the Kmpire, and, In particular, as
urging an aggressive interference in the affairs
ot Uermuny, with a view to preventing th?
consummation of Uerman unity. Ills health,
since tbe period of bis appointment to the
Henate, has been steaelly and perceptibly de
clining. Ills retirement from tbe Foreign De
partment was almost universally regarded as a
manin station on tbe part of Napoleon III of bis
abandonment of a war policy towards Prussia,
and the news of It was Joyfully received at the
1'rtiKtilHU Conrt.
aepvried by Je Baveu fe tiro,, Wo. 40 b. Third street
HMO Leb 6s gold 1 UnU
)oj sh Bead K,..,...b80.
100 do....,..,
1U0 do.
2010 do C. W
, 47
JI4I tCA U III OO OV.,.. 01
:lui fa sa. t ser .HitV
tMO b-2Us '(. Jv.rg'.
K 00 do.'ti7....cp-10.'.a
)sh I'lillaJlK. . ..... .100
JtiiBli full Coal......... t'i
luO do ob. 6'
75 sh Penna KU 6s
JCUHll NVA M m 4',
1 an Uwh Bk 8'J
100 do ..bill. 47'
100 do. 47),
1C0 do,...sluwn. 47',,
1(0 do ti'.;
tsbfj k Am. ...U4'
do.'. 4U
2 sh Bk N Auter....t40
i do........aio
92 sh Ulueblll.mnuv bi
Iioouuity 8s, Nw.....1nl
100 sb Bead ltlt 47 88
100 do......b8u. 47i
10 sh O A Am Uil
46 su Leb V B 6i7n
14 sb Leh N btk.....M Bl
lvMWft trana 7m.... j
f imhi leb l;bi0
Siooo do o. 8o.'4
tUIVO dO .baO. 0,'a
I..KKJ dil. IS. SOU
toVOO I'UUib'K ss-.btwn U) I
Stock (inotntlona by Telea;rapls a P. U.
Glendlnnlng, Davis & Co. report through their
Mew tors jioubo ui iiMwiDk:
n. x, jeui. rv. iu-v
N. Y.and Krle It... 8tl
fhll. and Kea, K... r
Mich, Hand W.I. 11. 93
Cle. and fltt. K 93U
Chi. and N. W. com. 3
CHla.and N. W. prf. 91U
Western Union T.. 87
Cleveland aud ToL 1(14)2 A Wabash K... 64
Mil. ABU H. coin. Wa
Mfl. &. Bt. P. pref... 79
Adam Express Co 6
Tenneasee An........... S7
Gold - IWJi
JViarket steady ',
vui. auM m a. n....iia
F18.F. W.andChL.llt
fa. M. lOtefcui. Ca.iltj
Speakership of the Next
llouse-AiTalrs in Canada.
Opettal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph,
Ibe Kext Speaker or the House.
WismxoToN, Feb. 6. It Is stated' among
Democrats that Fernando Wood, of New York,
will bo put forward as the Democratic candi
date for Breaker of the Forty-first Congress.
For some unknown reason, most of the Demo
cratic members ato uslug their lulluenee with
personal friends on the Republican side for II r.
Blaine as Speaker,
Among the mort active iu this matter is Fer
naudo Wood. Mr. Brooks, ot New York, purpo
ses to bring up nest week the caso of Scannell.
his poor and humble constituent, who is
prisoner here for refusing to testily beforo tbe
committee. Ho will move for his discharge
from custody.
By Atlantic Cable.
Tbe Grecian Ittliilatry.
Athi'b, Feb. 6. The now ministry is a (ail'
vre, end Bulgaiis, the former Prime Mihistcr,
has been recalled. The King is firm lor adher
ence to the protocol.
Spnln nnd filnvery
Madrid, Feb. 6. The draft of anew Cousti.
tatlon, to be presented to the Cortes, abolishes
slavery cveiywbere in the Spauish dominions.
1 he Alabama Claim) Treaty.
London, Feb. 6. Tho Government has re
solved on the abolition of university tests. The
full text of the Clarendon-Johnson treaty has
been received by mail in the New York papers
Tbe limes ol to-day denounces the treaty, and
says It is incomprehensible and without order.
"Unless there was a secret stipulation some
where to the contrary, the consideration of the
qucition of recognition of the Southern States
si belligerents was plainly provided for in this
treaty. Kothing, indeed, was excluded.
' Tho defects of the treaty have grown out Of
and are owirjg to the semi-public fashion lu
which the negotiations were conducted, and if
the United States Semite hesitates to ratify the
project Ireland will not chufe. It is desirable
that tbe whole treaty be revised nnd recast. As
it is now, pracllcally, every claim may go to the
foreign umpire for final decision." If this be a
settlement, the Tone a-tks for a new definition
of the word.
Attempt to Burn the Children's Home
at EutuottHter.
Lancaster, Feb. 6. Several attempts have
been made within a short time to fire the
Children's Home at this place, containing
nearly two hundred inmates. Last evening
another attempt was made by placing an old
loth in the bung holo of a barrel or coal oil in
the cellar, and Igniting the end outside. The
attempt was fortunately discovered and the firo
extinguished. , Suspicion fell upon a girl four
teen years of age, an inmate, named Kllcn Doyle,
who at first denied all knowledge of the matter,
bnt this morning confessed that she had not
only made the attempt ol last night, bnt also a
similar one during the last ten dajs. rJbe was
committed lor trial.
From Canada.
VoNTKBtx, Feb. 6. The Governor-General
ltlt this city this moraiDg for Ottawa, and
Lieutenant-Governor Hewland for Toronto.
The Governor-General expressed his opinion
that Montreal should bo the seatol government,
and that he will use kis influence to have it
brought here.
Several well-known Fenians have left Canada
lor the United States, fearing, it is said, tevela
iions by Whalen.
ABogiiM Detective
Uarkisdubo, Feb. 8. The public are cau
tioned against a swindler named James D.
Lewis, who is procuring money from sundry
persons under the false preteuse that he holds
a commission from the Governor of Pennsylvania
as a police detective, several cnecas on tne
Bute Treasurer from him were presented here
The Cattle Plairue In New York.
FouonsaEPBiK, Feb. 6. The excitement over
the sudden death of cattle at Flsbkill Plains
has subsided. The four that died were lound by
a stream of water, having been poisoned. The
balance of Ualghl's cattle are in a healthy con
dition. Tho loss on the cattle is about 300.
Fire In New York.
New Yobi, Feb. 6. Steinmetz's picture framo
factoiy, on Mulberry street, and the New York
frame manufactory, were.burned to day. The
loss is $100,000.
Death of an Ei-Uorernor,
Hallow bll, Me., Feb. 6. Ex Governor Hub
burd died In his oflioe to day of heart disease.
Auuiug, iu laa. iiGinL.uiairiirji,
FhiUaohli'HIa, February 6 1809.
The Pennsylvania boclety nr the Prevention of
Ojueliy to Animals, No. 13ii Obrsniit street, au
kiowisdKe the receipt of tbe following- sums slnoe
uguKi io. lorn;
Mrs. William Wlsttr.
2 00
10 00
4 IKl
20 011
, 600
t 00
60 00
no m
6 Oil
6 00
i oo
In oil
60 00
Miss K. P. Hmllb
ti. W. Fiftrtol-.........
B. W. Baldwin
Alexander Benson
A Young Msu ...
M. A. I.i ntjuirelb...
H. If. Bartol
Tbouias M. rswlln....
.I B (Jbanibers...,.
W. VV. l rszler
Benjamin Marshal ,
'Ibnu'ss Priarks
J. V. l ublus .
II. B. Uanuls & Co....
A lend io tbe Cause.......
u. . T..
H. M
J. !., Jr
B. it.P
W. H. Oaitmer
.loba Gibson. boo &Oo
T. K. ilscon
Caleb Coie
James it. (iteevea
Total 4I90
Donailuus in aid of tbe objects ef the boclety and
scbscripilons lor m.mber.hin tj per V") are
earnestly solicited. JIOB6.H1 K. COHHON,
H Treasurer.
giTOSSJB r, Alli UJUf,
rat en t Wire BalllDgIron Bedsteads, Oraamenta
Wire Work, Paper Makers' Wires, and every vaxlel
of Wire Work, maoafaotnred by
. wiikrii sons
awl U J4oxlA H13.TU HUeet,
PHii.ADici.pTt A, January 18, 1869,
No. 629 Cheennt street.
Gentlemen: On tbe night of the 13th Inst,
Is well known to tbe cltlaena of Philadelphia
our large and extensive (tor and valuable
stock of merchandise, No. 902 Cheennt street
was bnrned.
The fire waa one of the most extensive and
destrnctlvethat baa visited our city for many
years, the beat being so Intense that even the
marble cornice was almost obliterated.
We bad, aa yon are aware, two of yonr valu
able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE.
PROOF BAFES; and nobly have they vlndl.
catea yonr well-known reputation as manufac
turers of FIRE PROOF SAFES, U anyfurtbe
proof bad been required.
They were subjected to the most lnten-e heat,
and It affords ns much pleasure to Inform you
that after recovering them from the ruins, we
found upon examination that onr books, papers,
and other valuables were all In perfect condi
tion. Yours, very respectfully,
Philadklphia, Jan. 18, 1881
No. 629 Chesnut street,
Gentlemen: On the night of the 13th InstanV
onr large store, 8. W. corner;of Ninth and Ches
nut streets, was, together with onr heavy stock
of wan papers, entirely destroyed by fire.
We had one of yonr PATENT CHAMPION
FIRE-PROOF SAFES, which contained our '
principal books and papers, and although It was
exposed to the most Intense heat for over to
bonrs, we are happy to say It proved Itself
worthy of onr recommendation. Our book
and papers were all preserved. We cheerfully
tender onr testimonial to the many already -published,
In giving the HERRINU SAFE the.
credit and confidence It Justly merits.
Yours, very respeotfclly,
Philadelphia. Jan. 19, 1869,
No. 629 Chesnut street.
Gentlemen: I bad one of your make of safes.
In the basement of J. E. Caldwell A Oa's store
at the time of the great lire on the night
of the 13th instant. It was removed from
the rulna to-day, and on opening it
I found all my books, papers, green-'
backs, watches, and watch materials, etc., all
preserved. I feel glad that I had one of you
truly valuable safes, and shall want another ol
your make when I get located.
Yours, very respectfully,
with J. E. Caldwell A Co.,
No. 819 Chesnut street.
No. 629 CHESNUT Street,
1 SI tf
BALK. Modern tbree-storv brink- iurn.
lug. No. 1842 Master street, west of Eighteenth.
On Tuesday. Feb. 2ir lautf, at 12 o'clock, noon,
will be sold at pnbllo sale, at the Philadelphia
Exchange, all that modern three-story brick
messuage, with twc-slory back bonding and
lot ot ground, situate on the south side of
Master street, east of Nineteenth street. No.
1842; containing In front on Master street 15 feet
10 Inches, and extending in depth 100 feet to
Ingersoll street. It has the gas Introduced;
bath, hot and cold water, water closet, furnace,
cooking range, handsomely papered, marble
vestibule, etc Subject to the restriction that
any building erected on said lot shall be built
fronting on a line 10 feet south of Master street,
and 20 feet otlngersoll street, and shall not be
occupied for any oll'enslve occupation. Terms
12000 may remain on mortgage. Possession
Mayl, May be examined any day previous to
M. THOMAS A SONS. Anotloneera.
2 6 1 3t Nos. Iii and 141 S. FOURTH Street.
SALE Two four-story brick dweUlnvi
X-.OB, 801 and 803 Gask ill street, west of Third
street. On Tuesday, February 10, 1809, at U
o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the
Philadelphia Exchange, all tbose two four-story
brick messuages and lots of ground thereunto
belonging, situate on tbe mirth side or Gask 111
street, west of Third street, Nos. 801 and 303; the
lots containing together in front on Uasklll
street 2M feet 6 inches (Including half of a 2 feet
10 inches wide alley), and extending in depth
22 feet Vt Inches. Clear of ail incumbrance.
M. THOMAS RONS. Auctioneers.
3 6s2t Nos. 189 and 141 South FOURTH BL
JL'All Sale. Large and valuable lot Berks street,
tuat of Fifth street. On Tuesday, Februaiy 23,
KitJO, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at pnbllo
rale, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange, all that
large and valuable lot of ground, situate on th
non h side of lierks street, 87 feet 2K east
Fl.i,.1l'ire?'; obtaining In flout on Berks
street 172 feet, and extending In depth alouf
Apple street 152 fe;t )i Inches, and o the other
line 61 frtet, and being in width on the rear end
186 feet Wa Inohes. Subject to a ieariv around
rent of 27. See llthographV tlans at the
uo.I!T,.A8 SONS. Auctioneers.
job. loo anu til (a. D'OUKXIi Utreet.
" ", wiu ue sold at publib sale at the
Philadelphia Exchange, all that well-seoarud
all that lot of ground, with Ihe three awry
2j feet
r"i iou lues to ivaspberry
M. THOMAS A 80NS. Anotloneers
wo, m and in a, vdvaxuSSSit.
R-wtnilJS;ZJ0Aa41 BON" BALE.
wen-secured ground rent Si'iii a ur
'' On TaeSdoy. Feb. sk iaV Iti