THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1809. 5 MUSICAL 15 D DRAMATIC. "LAtannawnbnlA' by the Gftlion Tronpf. Last erenlng Mist Sman Galton made ber first appearance Id tbU city in an opera that would enable the public to form an alequate Mea of her abilltici at a 11 a gcr and at an actress. The pretty little operettas of Offenbach .which haye hitherto occupied her attention wou for her popularity which she ran iomo risk of lotlng by attempting etich an arduous and difficult role as "Atriiiia'' in Bellini's opera of La Sonnambula. As an experiment to Intro duce Hits Galton in a first-class part, the per formance may be considered a rery decided success, although the your prima donna bad to contend against many disadvantages, not the least of which was a deplorably incQlcient upport. Miss Galton cirriH off all the honor tVf the evening, unle??, ludeou. they are to be divided with tbC chorus. A Luge audience was In attendance, aud a disposition to be critical was manifested iu the boRlnninq; but the singer conquered fairly, and her success was assured When the curtain descended upjn the secoud act amid a storm of applause. Mies Cia ton's success whs au agreeable sur prise, lor we did not think that she wa capalle of sinftiuf? such Onlloult musical that Of La Hxmnambuia, and this was probibly the Opinion of many in the audience. Miss (Alton's voice Is uot very powerful, but Is sweet and flexible, aud a slight rouorhueos, wnich was ap pareiit last evening, Is doubtless attributable to a sevorc cold irom which ue was evidently Bufferinp. The whole ot the chu-uber scone in the secoud act was rendered with much taste and feeling, both as regards the tinging and the acting, and the same thing may be eald of the flower sotit; in the sleep walking ecene of the last act. Tae air "Ab, non gtungo" in the same act was encored. Mlsi Ualtou's acting throughout the opera was entitled to high praise, and at the euJ of the second and third acts she was complimented by beiuj called before the curtain. It is to be regretted that Miss Gnlton was not better supported, as the performance, as a Whole, cannot be considered at all in the light Of a success. The choruses were generally well leading roles were totally incompetent. Mr Whiflio, who appears to advantage in the light pieces of Offenbach's, wh-re his yoice is not put to any severe tests, and where his talents as a comedian have full exercise, was not equal to the part of "Elvlno." Mr. Wnltlin's voice is thin, aomcwhat nasal, and of only moderate compass, aud it breaks into an ear-cutting falsetto whenever It rises above a certain note, and even in those portions of the music that . 11.. Ll If AlA nftf t.r were api'areuiiy wuuiu u-oitujc uiu i ap pear to be well under control. Mr. Whiflin's acting was not much belter tbau his hing ing, and in the early scenes of the opera especially he seemed to be nervous and razeed, as if conscious thai he had undertaken a task beyond his powsrs. Iu the chamber scene he acted with considerable force aud ex pression, but the ferocious manner in which he dragged "Amina"' about the stage was calcu lated to inspire the audience with some tear that the ladj's arras would oe dislocated. The remaining parts were sus'.ained by performers who bare not signalized tln-msclvcs hitherto in the light pieces by OtTeubnch which have been attempted by the troupe, a.Al the public, there fore, had no reason to exp'-ct much from theui. Miss 8usan Gallon's ambition to appear in flrst-clais woiks is commendable, but unless aha can secure a reasonably good support, it would not be advisable i-ircneat the experiment of last eveniug very frequently. Tne operettas In which she has heretofore appeared contain gome yery pretty music; they are eutertalning, and suit the faucy of the public, and are not beyond the capabilities of her troupe. With regard to grand opera the critical staudr.rd is higher, and it is worse than useless to attempt such pieces as La Sonnambula unless the means are at command for rendering then in a manner that will at least approximate to excellence. The finest singers en the stage would not be able to achieve permanent success in the higher class of works under similar circumstances to those In which Miss Galtou Is now placed. Wo hope, therefore, that Faust, aud other operas ot like character, which have been announced as in preparation, will not be attempted at the GbesMil unless Miss Galton is able to ell'eut a Yery decided Improvement in the calibre of her troupe. , 1 1 . . - AT Tns ARCH the comedy or Twelfth Ni'ht will be pel formed for thy last times on mis and to-morrow evenings. . . On Monday, Edmund Yates' comedy of Tumc Ct will tie produced. AT tbs WAi-Nur Mr. J. E. McDonough will baye a benefit inia evening, and will appear la . After Dark and Tom Crinylc. After Dark will bo represented for the last time to morrow evenlDK, and on Monday Air. and Mrs. Barney WUiUmi will appear. AT thk Chksnut Mltu SusnD (i a I ton and troupe will appear tui evening and to-morrow In G lien bach's operetta ,f A Marriage by T v. tonn a ...... .11. . 1 : 1 . . i Xy" f.fctr "J cvuu bu vuiutn(llw'a Ul 4 tits Kfwtil OaUage, AT the American Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Love wtil appear mis evimiis. A. maiiueo to morrow. Madison OnKKY will prrtirm this eveatngat tb.i Assembly Building mi uie mutilcil rouits, th Hmdostan "StirriUfcU'-e,' ttie H.trdlLiiaii "Tibia," the concertina, and olner curious In struments ThbHknt IIasslku 0"ii:e'ra will perform fit Mulol Kuua II ill ti ruonow at erno in. Mu. James K. .MUkuocH will read at the Ao. demy of- Muelu Mcnday evening next, under tne auspices of tu Ueroxntlie Library Company. Thu now ljirli.nn of tuls lubiiu tlou, on Ten 111 street, In btlnij completed as rapidly as possible, but, l.e directors are nam pered lor want of iuud, ht-J this reading is to be elvu la aid of uie euiei irike, Mr, Muidooli Is well known to the people of Philadelphia bum a an Rotor and a render, ik the public may be assured of an entnrtalnrjieiit on Monday mat will be worthy of lhlr attention. We hope that there will be & feU brmse, and that the .Library Crmpsny will reuli.e a handsome sum. TlnlrutB null hA flhrairiPil U I . Tr Il 111 1 1 !!'' A. Ml). D';fi GbeHDUt atreet. Mm. i) CoitnovA's a-cocd )c'nre will be l given on Thursday, Knur nary II, at Concert ' jiaii. MUPjfci: "airs, u.onuy." The Lyi.k Momlmkm r 1:ali. A grand ball will be Kiven at the Aefidomy of Musio on Wednesday evening next, February 10, by the FMladfllphla, Fire Uepai tinent, in aid of the Lyle Monument Fund. A vety handsome monument to late Chief Engineer Lyle Is in course of construction, aud the firemen of the city are extremely anxious to have It com pleted aa aoou aa possible. Every effort will be jnxde by those in charge of theariAlrlo have the ball on next Wednesday a brilliant success, ' and we hope that a handsome sum will be realiaeu irom it. CITY ITEMS. raioas Gbbatly RinucKD-to dote out Winter Stock of Men' I. JouW' and Moyt' Clottilno. HM-waV between -j Bkhhett A Co., buUh ttretlt.) No. ois Makkkt t , m Phi Lri.pHii AjtD Ko. 60a Bbqaiiway, Maw Yuan, tjphoiatwsy. By sending to Patten's, No. I4us Chwnut street, any Intricate Job, your upholsterer does not urdersteoo, yu win insure its being fla jAh(4 properly ana sni nes m once. RTHH iMCLrXKBT Sbahoh, AMD we BrrcT ow thm Weak aw d Ferule. The draft whloh red I. f cold makf s upon lb Vital powers of the doblll Uted and delicate are Hot lws severe than the drain upon their strength earned by exoMsIrs hert. The vast disparity betwenn the temperature of over heated rooms and ofHeee at this season and the frigidly of the ootr air, Is a fruliful source of slckatss. To fortify tbs body against the evil conns quencee or thesnddsn alteraatloni of heat and cold referred to, the vital organ Ir.atlon should bestrength enened and endowed with extra resistant uowrby the line of a wholesome Invlgorant: aud of all prepa rations for this pnrpons (whether embraoMl la the regulr pharmBvopul or adve'tins i In the t ubllo Juarnals), there Is none tbal will compare In purity and excellence with Hdatttbb's Btomcic 11 it nan. Acting directly uuoa tbo organ which con verts the food Into the fuel of llf, the preparation Imparls to II a tone and vltfor wbl"h are communicated to every fibre of the frame. The digestive Iu action being accelerated by Its tonlo operation, the liver regulated by Its anttbNIoiis properties, and the wante matter ot the system carried ir piinclunlly by Its mild aperient noilou the w.'inle irrfnltlon will necesKarily be in Hie boat ponlnle co idltlon to input the etiocks of winter and the sudden unuci-a of temperature. Tlio weak and seupilive. PHpooUUv, caniiot enrounter thexe vinlKSiiiiilnx Willi H.ilolv. vnlexs llielr inm r svMems e MifiigilirDed and braced by artiliulai means. Hvery lliiunr sold ana staole ol trade Is a mleraUMl, and, were II othr u'lne, mere a'cohol Is simply a tnmporary ei( llant, bleb, wben lis llrsi elleuut have mdniifd, initTes tne physical powers (and the mind an wi) ia a worne condition than iiHfore, lliwtri-.tvkh'h Bit tkkm on the ottaT bund, nontaln the eennal pro perties of tne most valua'ilH ton In and alerailve roots, barks, aud berbn, and tin 11 acii v" prlmlple is the meliowesi, learn exuding,. and. in 8l Inujciimu ot all oilluBive stimulanu. I tUB nv rjeiNn bejcieii'B Bitkrh. Tle cons'mit waste ot the energy or our system. Irani baiug over tasked both mentallv and physically, reqntrei sonin thing to keep our faculties In tune and our consti tutions Iu a sound condition, so as to en Able us to meet the demauds which are coni'anlly being mails upon U'. Tills Is provided for In Sper'n "8lndnrd Wine Bitters." The use of them for a short time will oonvlrce the mist Incredulous, They arj Bpser's pure wine, embittered by the boat vegetable toulcs known to aoalyllual climnHlh; notliln more and nothing less. Hold by Urugsls's FuBNiTUKK FLirs, or loose covers. IV hoi and Chintzes. Iu great variety, aud C3inp?taut liands ready to cut rr make slips, at greatly reduced prices, a, Tatten's, No. Hi-sChesnut s'reet. A Backino ConoH is one of the most distressing as well as dangerous forms of cough one can be ailllcled with. Its continuous action fatiguea and Irritates the lungs, and thus engenders consumption. TJpbam's Fresh Meat Cure will cure the cough, soothe the Irritated bronchia, aud give toue and vigor to the lungs and whole system. A single bottle wilt convince auy one ot Its purity Sold one dollar per bottle. Johnston, Hoi.i.oway A Cowdkn, No. Aruli straaU MONEY LOANED In sums from one dollar to thousands, ou Dlnmondi, Silver Ware, Watches, Jewelry, (Jtothlns, Dry Goods, etc., at Rkttkw's Loau Office, Noitheivtt corner Fifteenth and Market streets. It Em' jtion in Pricks "o close off Winter Stock. CBAbLKS Utobk-i & Co., Clothiers, No. 824 Chesnut street. Iri'RiNu MATTiuoaans of a very superior males, l'rlces reducf d at Pufen's. Nc. Hog Qhcsnut street. Bkin DiHKAsm What form of disease Is more annoylug tbau that of the skin, with Us Itching, stinging, smarting, Its ugly red pimples, blotchy eruptions, and loathsome Ichorous desquamations. Happily, Illeskell's Tetter Oiutmeut Is asoverelza remedy for every form of ssln disease, making a radical cure In every case. Bold so cents per box. Bent by mail for 60 cents. Johnston, Uolloway fc Cowdeo. , Jjcwklby. Mr. William W. Cassldy, No. 12 South tiecoud street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of line ewelry aud silverware a the city Purchasers can rely upon obtaining a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. He also has a large stock or American Western watches in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to bis store Is sure to result in pleasure and proUU Fttt'M MR. A. Wixca, periodical agent, No. SOS tbe;nut street, we have received the HI. Jamet' Mag the London journal, i'unrh, and fun of the latest dates. Mr. W Inch Li agent for all of the foreign periodicals, aud receives subscriptions for thesams, 1 be trade supplied with boti home and foreign pe riodical publications. CLOSING OUT WlNTKB BTOf-JC, Closing Out Winter btock. (JIohIuk Out Winter 8tock. -a A "t 'va - - Closing Out Winter Htock. Clos'ng Out WinUfr I Sto.k. Closing Out Winter Htock. Cloning Out Winter Hiock. ( Iomuii Out Winter mock. in .i.rciAi. KnTic-K lletermired to cli eeout ail m stock of the former firm, we again call citentl,,,, (0 the ract that since the appraisement we have reduced the prices of all our goods The ftteortnmnt of Jieu's and lioyi' tults ard overcoats still very good. WaNamakpu & Bkown, WANAMAKKH t li,IWN, Wanamakbb it Uuowsr, Oak ijai.l. This Labohht Cloi'iiino Hotisw. Trnt Cou. Bixth and MmKiir Sraaicis. MARRIED. CAIN-lIttYBEItaE t-At Rock Mills, Lauoaster couniy, Pa., en Tuesday, Jsnuarv 2ti. by the dev. Josenh IS. Kittvnhonse. Mr. JOHN (4 CAIN, of Ln- casr county ann Ml"" bCrtA N AM KL1 A, eaugbter ol Jacob Ueyberger. of this city. FKAKCKE H IRKINh.-Ou the 3fltlj of Sttni- ber,rb7,b. the Rev. P. C'oombe, JA.VIKS HKVltf FRANCKW to CHAltLOfl'K KlilA ViiKTH U til Kb. both of i-bliadeli)bia. DIED. C ' 1.-KeSruary 5. 18;s. HOPHI 1 II ACHE, wire of Captain overtoil Carr, V. K. N., and daughter of the into lion. Wliliam WIUIui, of Pittsburg. HKIPK-OO the 4th Instant. HKN11Y HKl'PM. aged 71 years 7 mouths and li djs. The relative and friends ot the family are respect fully invited to aileud tee funeral. Irom the resiience of bis son. C J. Ileppe, No. l,;oi N. blxih etrxei, on Hnndav alter noon ai 1 o'clock, bervlne at Remrmed Zlon Cbnrco. Interment at tilenweud Cemetery. HOWARD. On February 2 iMii.Mr. 8AMIIKL K. HOWARD, la his Sid year. The relatives aud friends of the family, i'.bo Fidelity Lodge, No. 1,13, 1. O. of O. V and (be Order In genera', are respectfully luvited to attend the funeral, from his lather's residence, J. Hemy Howard, No. ill Kaltibn s Point avenue, t.'amden. N. J., uti hundiv. the 7lh liutaut, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Kvergrecn Cemetery. LA til AN. Fedruarv 2. U69. RAYMOND T. LIU. MAN, aned 38 years. Tbe reiailvej aud friends of the family are respect fully invited to aliend bis funeral, Irom the residence of bis sisters, 1r Middle'own. ou Monday. Fnhrunr ti. all o'clock P. M without further notice. MICHAKLe. On the Sd Instant I'A HOT.TNK Mr. CHAIlI.U, wife ot Wllllsm It Mlcbaeh, aged it years. inn relatives ana rrienas or me lamtiy are respect fully Invited te attend the funeral, from tha reslilenna of her husband, No. 'U Auburn street, above Kighth nun nMitiuBiuu sireeis, vn eunnay atiriinoQ at S o'clock. To proceed to Wharton Htreet Church, 6PACKMAN. Suddenly, on the evonlug of the 2d Instant, OkXJH.dK bPACKMAN, In the ttitbyearof bis age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend bis funeral, from his late resi dence, West Chester, on fcaiurday, Feuruary 6. at 1 O'clock. BTOT8ENBTJRQ. Oa tbe 2d Instant, JOHN ST OT BKNBURO, In the 67th year othls age. The relatives and friends of the family a -e respect fully Invited to attend bis funeral, Irom th i r sldenoe t,f bis son-in-law, Mr. W. il. Gray, No. hi h. Front street, on feunday afternoon aia o'clock. LIFE INSURANCE. BY THE AMERICAN AGENTS WANTED LIFE IKSUB1KCE CO. OX Philadelphia, 8. E. Corner Foartii aud Walnut Streets tetter terms NOWHERE of IN fered. Address or call at Oempany's riilladeli.lila Ouice, 1 w P. fit. CALVIN B. McLEAN, W Uaaaeer of C7 Aieucy CIGARS. JO CIGAR SMOKERS. 11 MARIANA 'RITA" Cigars, In twenty yarieties of size and price, are inre all Havana Touacco; pronounced equal to Imported Cigars, yet muoU o'aeaper ! Tkt Tubm. . 41 fra' DIAVOLO" Cigars, in five varietief, are pure IIav4KA Fiu.KRfi, Btill cbeaper, aud nnsnrpassed at tLeir price I Titr" Thim. TLepe Brands, Copyrighted, are msuafao tnred exclusively ly 8. FirOUKT & SON, No. 22!) Sontu FRONT Street, Bfol'i.ak iMPOKtKits, as always, of Fink Havana Cigars. BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW STYLE 8K ATING HOOTii B A R T L E T T, THK HOOT MAKKIt, o. M SOTH SIXTH STKKKr. Kew hfj Io9 Tor llie Proineiiado. New Styles for the Parlor. Ketr Styles fr Heavy Weather. Hlslerue stock ocaljicH bim to furnUti a good tit at all limes. 10 16 fmwj NEW PUBLICATIONS. T U S T P V B L I S H tiT), t) the January Number of 1) U 1' K 1 K LI) AH 11 M !: A 1)'8 L1TKUAKY 1JULLI0 1'IN, aiuoulbly record of Current Literature. t'ONlKN'i'3. lyllei ary News. What the I'ress saj a. l'rlnoipal l'ublifHtions of 1SH8. Tl.o Latest Hooks. Fuhlltilior's announcement. McKa.lLts anil lrlc(licals. To uo lia'i cratultoi-Hlv nf DUKFIKLD AHUM HAD, 2 2 wlBjil lp K Q.71 CHK8NUT HueeU FURNITURE, ETC. GEOEGE J. HENKELS, CABINET MAKER, ros. 1301 aad 1303 CHESNUT St., Jllmrp PIHLAKKIPIIIA. PIANOS. 8TUISWAV & KON8' (J It AND tti' BO'iaro and uprlulit PIhmcS, at BI.ASlUy UltOd.' No. 10116 CiiKUT btroeU 8 1 tf 5S3ft ClllCKEKIKO 111 III drand, Square ami Upright rlAHUS. DUTTON'S. II 8tf No. H CHEjA 0 i SH'UV. GROCERIES, ETC. JjplIESll FllUIT IN CANS. PKAClIK-?, nSEAPPLtS. ETC.. ORHKS IJ.RS, TOMATO K. FBEKCH l'KAS, MUiiliKOOMS. ASPA It AU US. ETC. E1C, ALBKBT t'. KOUKKTSI, Dea'er Iu l'lne Urucerles, 11 7Jrp Cor. ELfiVJiTJi and VISE otrertts. FLOUR. QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. For the Trade or at Retail. ETEBV BAKKEIi W ABKAN1KD, KKYSTOXE FLOUIC MILLS, KOS. 19 AM1 VI UIIUIID AVKXIIIl, I ltt wrp Kast oi Froat street. COAL. ypj ILLI A M W. ALTER, LKIIIQII COAL, Also, Lorberry and Locust Mountain. Depot, o. 957 Korlli XINTU Street, Below Olrard Avenue. t30tM13 Office, Cor. SIX1H and sritlXtt (jAKUO. HATS AND CAPS. JONES, TEMPLE & CO.. FA8HIONABLS UATTEKS, First door above Chesnut street. 9 OWAKBURTON'S IMPROVED VENT1 lated, aud easy-Uttine Press Katu (patented) I n all the Improved lasblous ot tbe season, CUES NUT blreet. pert door Ut the Post Olttce 11 19 no WANTS. WAXTFD-A BASS SINGER, I 1 AN copsl chu en. Befereoce required, aoi.-s "ChU'cu Music," iyuitwr oilice. ui v BOARDING. AT NO. 1121 UI8AT1D STRHKT JUY P.K bLtaliied lurulnln d ami nniurulabeu r .i- iuh l.;r loJkloK. oard, alto, it desired. 2 1 tl TO RENT. RICNT-AN OFFICE SUITAULbS I'D It A X oi.ysioiau t.r a lawyer, wall or Without oiri, ab No lia UIP.A1U blrect. i I it MISCELLANEOUS. DLAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAI science and skill have Invented to assist itis bearing in every dtgree of deafuees: also, Heeplra. 1' Craudall's Patent t nitches, soterlor to TJtKi h'2.15. Si0,' MADSLtiAU Ho, US 8 Tf. DR. F. CIRARD, VETERINARY BUR- tf??., .11 ,'reata ail diseases ot horss and oat. mlidatinr . 'nrK1kl operalloiis, wltn elllclent aooom- MAKh'STAili0L,bor"e',,M hl8 luurmary, Wo. MAI, Ml ALL Htreet. above Poplar. 1 luj TPtth nD,,XA1lT A DELIGHTFUL SPUING lie KHif,fJ?Mitl.',ieal lliyf nd comfortable, use L?w luulnBua Sprlnire.dil S.I per doa haUsfactlun guaranteed. au 8. ad HUl 23 Tsm Tj'ImsPiJh kLA.mEMANTE,j WORKS. J. B Li K 1MKS, No. iilti QH KbN UT Ptri. 1 lswtml SG A R TI, A N n UNDERTAKER, DRY GOORS. QSLJ8! SILKS I 3ILK8! STRAWBRIDGE.& CLOTHIER'S 81LK 1I'ARTMKT is ff Unuswallj AttmtllTtv The acsoitment Is large aud trion readoaable. RICH BLACK SILK8. RICU FANCY SILK. RICH PL4.1N SILKS, RICH RVKNIN I SILKrf, I'INK SILKS, VtlllTK SILKS, CORN-COLORKI) sII.KS, tCAKI.KT SILKS, 15LUK SILKS l'LAIN DRKSS SILKS at 2 00. ALL SUADES DRKSS SILKS at ji'2 0l. RICH CORDKD SILKS at $275. VERY WIDK HEAVY SILKS at J3-5D. GOOD BLACK SILKS at 2 0). HliAVY BLACK OROS GRAINS at $2 50. Jnst received, per late steamer, fall assnrtiiietitj of SILK and LIN UN POPLINS iu PLAIDS, PLAIN, aud BROCADi: P MURKS. S1RAWBRIDCC & CLOIHItP, t'EMKAL l)KY O01) HOUSE. Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. 1869-C03IPETITION flUCES !l 1' TOWN LIGHT EXrUXSirS !! OUK Ct'STOMEKS THE (Jll.M lWIl tiooda delAered In all pr:i of the c'ly caratull and free ol charge. MUSLIMS! 31L'SLL.-SI Thornleys Popular Corner. We have laid In a snperlor stork of MTJ3T.IX3, Blrarlied arid Unb'.enched, all widths aad qualities, and r ' prrpered to supply the lhonands of our Phlladeihia bonsekaopers on the very best terms, JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, . E. t or, KUilliajvudSl'IUNMUAKDliX, N. B -Yoicao ride to our door. It will pa to come. 1 1 9 tiurp DItla3 QCOCS AND 311 A WIJSclosK-g out low, Q LOTH DEPARTMENT o? COOPLK & COXAUD, i . Corner of MN'lJI ainl MllIKtr. M'i l itre rtillnltii in iJii) trtmuit a ni'j.7 rO;tl- Il rtlil U Itj il 00 i.i.KXS OttUjllf t t i .'.(il'j UHif Jii'lix' H'dtC. ;i'i- itr. ( 'OOI'KH, ina!:ln'j It' nll'-nsn xprriully, r' ii'iita fnnniunt! in f'uiti I Villi III' H'l'CV as i- o,i hvyt y, l'oi'iit;i ft 11 iyi' Ct 'thing anil 'I'ni'i'V hiart ,tf hi imr si'r .iil-hl'if whirh eon. sM,m .t tariff- ii'ni7,r.v t,f ;o( .(, in enuhlcii to but r-'t oi.u in Untie l'il,i ami at tin market j; in ft IaiI tnj'tilfii ''an'xnffirc'rnxitmer. Our ,in,llii in iii'ti, ir. t it rtu Anrxt. ni''o,y. tell vlien at.ul, n lir.l ir" l.i.mvol a iiri-r of gootli, ij nil H in t, ifitart n-limi, if toiWj.i' imimrt- it or 0'hii tie.. Itilittfi c- tii'.t "j llu and mnre. uVOIK I ol US I S' 'i. ( Will nlHO.'ll U r.r.-hUilih. 'l rl,r,rf. Hy. lOOl'KK . COX.IRJ), i 7 ftp- S. K eori'er A7.Y27 ami .lf.4 H .VA'f'4i V.. v LINEN STORE, . No. 828 ARCH STREET. i P E 0 1 A L BARGAIN. One Hundred Dozen Ladies' Hemstitched Hdkfs. 31 1'cuts, or $350 1'er Dozcu, WELL WORTH $5-00 PER DOZEN. - "POPULAR PRICES FOR DRV GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESS UT Street. RICKEY, BHARP 4 CO K1CK.KY, SHARP & CO HlCKEY, BHAKP fc CO KICKKY, BHAKP ds CO K1CKKV, BIIAKP dc CO KICKEV. hllAKP fc CO KIC'KKY, tiUAUP ds CO KK'KKY, SHARP fc VO KIC'KKY, BHARP ds CO RICK KY, BHARP & CO KICKlSY, BHARP St CO R1CKKY, BHAltP m CO KICK KY, BHARP & CO KICK EY, BHARP & CO iilCKEY, BHARP & CO KICKKY, BHARP dt CO K1CKKY, BHARP fe CO KICKKY, BHARP 6l CO KICKKY, BHARP t CO RICKK V. BH A RP dt CHJ KiCKKY. BHARP & CO VKLVKTP. VtlVJtTHESS. ILlbH POPLIN. HtKNCH PUP1JN3, blLK POPLINK. WUCL POPLIN8. PLAlU POPLINtt CHANOKAHL.B POPLINS, Jjiets Oooos at cents. Dress Goods at HO Cf nls, lire-, tiood at 35 cents. IirebS (roods at l cents. Jress t'OOCB at CO Cents. J)rns booos at flii c uts. in x Uooos at S etuis. I:r"fc Unodn, tl to IJ. ELAKKX1B. l'LAMr-Lf. , (jloths and Casslmeres. Paris La Belie turns. liALUQKALb, RICK bY, BHARP & CO. lilKAClllil) Mffcl-ISS. BICKEV, BHARP ds CO, I.INtNS Rrcif;Y. KltAHP A r ri WlilTK OOOrS. KICKKY. BHAKP ds CO Popular prices for Dry Goods by tbe yard, piece, or package. RICKEY, SHARP A CO., 1 23 wfuijrp No. 727 CHJCSXUT Btreet. WATCHES. WATCHED, C. & A. PEQUIGN0T, Jlaiiutitliirers ami Importers, No. 13 South SIXTH Street. Jiniwsjrp itanvactory, X. Zi 3. FIFTH X. UNDERWRITERS' SALE op EIHE READY-MADE CL0THIHG, Sfightly Damaged by Water, RESflcvea to No. 3(3 CHESNUT STREET, DUniNC PAINTER, READ FINANCIAL. UftHGft PACIFIC HAILR0AD FIRST MORTGAGE no YEAES SIX PKK CKNT. GOLD BONDS, FOR SALE AT PAK ktto ACCRUED INTEREST. DEALERS IN OOVKKN'MEST SECURITIES, GOLD, ETC., No. 40 South THIRD Street. 21 IX PHILADELPHIA. iooo iviixh: K0W COML'LCTliD OF THE Union Pacific Railroad. Tlic Compaoj nlll Iiave the cutire Hue lhilslicd through to California, ami ready for this Miiumer's travel. WE ARE 0W SELL I Mi The First Mortgage Gold In terest Bonds AT PAR A1ND INTEREST, OTIL rUIilUEK K0TICE. tJovemmenl Securities taken la exchange at full market rates. WH. PAINTER & CO., KAAEERS JJNU Ut ALL IIS L UOYEO MEST SECUK1TIES, Ho. 36 Couth THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. QA NKINC H O U 8 B OP JAYCOOKE&G). os. 112 ana 111 South T1IIKD Street, PHILADELPHIA. llealera In all UoTcmment Securities Old 5-208 Wanted In Exchange for Aew, A Liberal Difference allowed. Compound Interest Kotcs Wanted. Interest Allowed on deposits. COLXtKCTIONS MADE. STOCKS bOHgbt ana (Old on Commission. Special business accommodation! reserYed tot ladles. W wUl McelT appUcMlons for Pollole of Lift Iusurancsin tbsNanoiiai Ufe Insturanea Oompany of tbo Cnited BtktM. full lniorwailoa jivenatosr pffloai ' 1133 REPAIRS. & ELDREDGE. FINANCIAL. bankers; o No. 35 South Third Street. PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. A"omil of Itnnka, firms, sad Indirlduali mvir, .ulssal to clt.'cW at sight. INTi:ilK8T At-l.OWF.1) ON DALANCK8. xENERAf Agents, FOR Sn, PENNSYLVANIA .oft,he 5i Jfia OF THE HlJ0t UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The National Likk Insitranck Company Is a rorHrutioii cli.irliTi'cl by Hpiciul Act of Congrwu, ap proved July S3, lnwt, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. T.lltf-rnl tprms oflvrod to AkpdU atid Solicitors, wb ir irivilinl t iipply nt our otllce. Full particulars to hi had on nppliratlon nt our office, IochIimI in the hhcoiiiI story of our HiinkliiK Iloiwo, a'hero t iirciVarst ami 1'ituiphlt'tH, fully tltwcrlMiig 111 4 aUvttiilucca oll'ereU by the Company, may be had. K. W. CI. ARK A CO., A'o. a5 ihuih Third SL LEDYARD & BARLOW llare ItenioTed their LA3V AND COLLECTION OFFICE No. 19 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPIUA. And will continue to give careful' attention to coUectlng and securing CLAIMS Inrottsnoat tne United Slates, British Provinces, and Eu rope. Bight Drafts and Maturing Paper colleoted at Bankers'. 128 6m Dealers In United States Bonds, and Mem bers of Stock and Gold Exchange reccire Accounts of Banks and llankera oa Liberal Terms. ISSUE BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON ; C. J. HAMBRO & SON, LONDON, B. MKTZLER, 8. S0UN & CO., FRANKFORT JAMKS W. TUCKER & CO., PARIS, And Other frlncinal Cities, and Letters of Credit Available Throngliont Eorope. GLElIfflE, DAVIS & CO., Xo. 48 Mouth TKIKD Street, PHILADELPHIA. GLEJIEIllffiG, DAVIS & AMOBY, Xo. 2 NASSAU St., New York, BAMiLRS AND BUOKEIiS Direct telegraphic coruiiiniiicatlon wita Uie w York Stock Boards from the rhiladelpliia Office. m . pa S. PETER80M & CO., Stock aud J xcLange Brokers, No. 39 South THIRD Street. Members of the en York and I'htladeN jhla Stock aud Gold Boards. STOCKS, BONDS, Etc., bought and sold oa commission only at either city, 1262 LOST. . . LOST CBKTIFICATE .OK OLD CITY LOAN No, 1618, for on. hundred dollars, iu tha nam ol Warr K. Beeves. Application will be made for the Issue of a uevv oertlliuau). U Uifitn LARZELERC & CUCHEY, Custom Bouse Brokers and Notaries Public, No. 405 LIBRARY Street.' AUCu&tom Bouse Business transacted. PASSPORTS PROCURED,