0 THE DAILY EVENING TELEG11APII PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, FEBKUAIIY 2, 18C9. BOARD OF TRADE. Tblrly-Rlxth Aimnnl Ucport-In tercst In I now. At a meeting of the Board of Trade, held Inst evening, the following olBoers were elected for the ensuing year: President, John Wclsb, of 8. & W. Welsh, shipping nud commission mer chant ; Vice-Presiiletits, Samuel V. Merrick, forraeily Merrick & 8on, machinists James C. Hand, of James 0. Hand ft Co., Iron and hard Ware commission merchant?; Frederick Fraley, President of the Schuylkill Navipri'lon Com pnnj; Secretary of the Association, T. Morris Perot, of T. Morris Perot ft Co., wholesale drug fcWs; Treasurer, Uicbard Wood, of Wood, Marsh & llayward, wholesale dry poods. The thirty-sixth autiunl report of the Exoeu tivo ConDoil was submitted. This document, after reviewing the formation an 1 an'.ioii of t'.io National Board of.Tittde iu this city last fall, tat est In reference tij direct fornifjn traile from our own port by steamship to Europe i (lie Council have not been ii Ii in 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 or in 'j;le.ctl':il of its duties. Tin; la.it report of the Committee, t!i have wiitclifnllv nd industriously HUemlt il to thin matter, stands Uon our minutes :n lillovr: "Mr. Soniier, eliaii man of a committee In refor tnce tosteitin triiiispoilitlion. staled that, after re I'coleil Interviews with tlie ollicors of tho 1'ennsyl rania Central rotul. lie thought it oafe to ntlirm the Irolialiilitj' Hint, at no distant day, a lino of steam ers to l.ivL'ipcol would bo placed in service. Willi rcjjnnl to a North (icrin.-tn lino, ho stated that a Ilrt-clnm lino of steamships Is now bcini; fitted out b twocu A Itonnu and citlr i Ieiv York or Philadel phia on this side; that Pliiluitf Iphla might secure them by i ptitll o!t lit subscription and cll'ort, lint that be win nut vet prepared to propose a .;y line of nct:on, m.d jisf.cil a con'.iinuuiic Report ac cepted." This lino to Liverpool will be ?tarteil ft the joint rink of Iliciilrrido c ileinK r.-nii. of lil.tsow, and the rem".: ylv.'.nia Central Kotol, Mr. MeUcurv bclnp the nr.i nt. The steamship lino to the north Of Germany mentioned above is one eminently de serving the m est, si riou'i consult' rni inn of tho limi tless public of l'liiladelphia. It will be ln'evory respect a tirtt class line. It will bo the recipient of a subvention from the Prussian noveriniient. 'i'tiu menaprrs of it are strongly inclined to make l'lii ladelphia ltd American terminus. All that isnceileil ib that a Philadelphia intercut should be created by a Joint contribution to its funds and a joint risk (It Such there be) In its success. The hesilaliui of tho coiiimitleo of this board in teeard to piin-sinir its claims upjn thu public has originated in unpleasant reminiscences ot tlio re sults of some former uiulcrtukliiKs. Tho question is still open, and is worthy of careful consideration by the two powers equal to the task of Insuring a decision In favor o! this city Mm one tho great business public of Philadelphia, before whom tho cost of tbe enterprise, it won Id seem, would bo as nothing; tho other the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, which would be the principal recipient Of its ad vant :";. At the Mated mccttn.tr in February last, on mo tion of Mr. Kent, a memo) ial was addressed to ths Councils of the city in later of tin: immediate con struction of a second ice boa', for the purpose of seeurini; on open winter navigation of the Delaware river. Tin: Council are now happy to congratulate the Association upon the conipl dion of an ice breaker believed to bo adequate, to all reasonable requirements, and capable, with the help of the old one, if not alone, of keeping an open channel from our wharves to the sea. Tbe frauds upon the internal revenue had bocome o manifest. In regard esnecially to thu articles of whisky and tobacco, that, a special meeting of Council was called in April last, at the instance of Mr. Merrick, to consider, and if possible to indicate, some plan bv which a (irpater revenue from those articles cou5d fce "secured to the government; and the demoralization, so general and to great as was nppp.tent in tbe trado in those articles, be measurably checked. Alter mature consideration and debate, a memorial was prepared by Mr. Mer. rick and forwarded to Congress, in favor of a dimi nution of the tax upon whisky to not less than lit'ty cents per gallon, and a chi'nge of the nioiieof taxing tobacco, bo that n! lor n'.arly all the excise tax shjiild be collected upon tho leaf. The former change was adopted, 'lho results are probably not yet fully apparent, but so far as they are manifest they cer tainly do not show that diminished temptation will wholly eliminate fraud. Memorials have also been forwarded to Congress against pcrmiitiin; any local private or public cor porations or liidivldiiala to levy tol's upon Cfjm r" merce entering the mouths of tho Mississippi, uu- Ul.i IUU D'.:,,,! 140 J)li VClll.C VI I1UUU , tug ui tt;epi;ii- W;'. us cnannei. Also, el the instance of Mr. Wctherill, In favor of continuing government aid to tho Kansas PauUlc ltailroad. Also, on motion of Mr. Fraley, In March last, In favor of the bill then before Congress diminishing materially or entirely removing the excise on domestic manufactures. Also, on motion of Mr. Kuzby, in favor of contin uing appropriations lor the activo prosecution of the United States Coast Survey. Also, on motion of Mr. Allon, against tho further postponement of the time when that portion of the bankrupt act should become operative which re quires the debtor to show assets to tho value of DO per cent of his indebtedness in order to njceivo the benefit of its provisions. The subject of taxation by States and local muni cipalities of commercial travellers, exhibiting goods and selling by sample, under the name of lieeuses, was brought to the notice of the Council by a highly respectable house, which had been the sufferer by an extravagant penalty, imposed in the city of Pitts burg upon one of their employes, who had actually paid a license tax. These license laws are in force In almobt every State, and a State court of Mary land has recently decided that they aro not in con flict with that provision of tho Constitution winch secures to every person in a State he may visit the same rights as are enjoyed by a citizen thereof. That tho effect of these laws upon the whole and 'in regard to the general Interests of trade is per nicious, cannot be doubted: but where a reform can begin, or bow and by what authority it can be effected, is of such tliilicult determination, and re quiring the acquiescence and assent of so many parties, tbut it seems almost Impossible of accom- JiUshnient. It was remitted by Council as a tit sub set for their consideration to the National Hoard c Trade. The Oovncil have above recapitulated, as is re quired by the constitution, tho principal subjocts wnicn navo received mctr attention and been de finitively acted upon. As has been their custom for some years past, they will here add a few words respecting the results of tho business of tho year in the three great staples of the State coal, Iron and petroleum. Measured by quantities scut to market no year baa ever been so productive at the past; and, judg ing from these quantities, no year has over added more to the wealth of tho State than the past. Tho anthracite coal sent to market from tho three great coal fields is l.t.CT-J.-.VI tons, against 12,51,503 tons ltt 18CT, an increase of l,101,NVi tons, notwithstand ing a long suspension of production in the Schuyl kill region In consequence of a strike on the part of the operatives; but as the production of tho year before was diminished in about equal quantity from the same cause- in another region, perhaps this may be considered as a chronic and normal alllic tion of this trade, and that this increase of 1,000,OM) to 1,250,000 tons is about the legitimate, increase of this product, and as no over production or over stock la apparent from the present prices, it may be taken us a fair conclusion that the consumption of tho country will absorb fully this increase iu the future, as in tho past. If the bituminous llelds have boon equally pro ductive, and it is certain that they have, tho total coal product of tho State has not been less thau 18,000,000 tons. The price nt the collieries has been at least f 2 tiO per ton. From th's it is seen that t fully ffS.oOO.MiO have been distributed among the producers. : Fully an equal amount has been re ceived within our borders by transporters and deal ers, since an estimate of fco per ton at the State line is within the averago price of the year. This product may safely be set down at 90,000,000. But the article of petroleum has transcended in quantity all estimate anil, one may almost say, all bounds. The export has been: lsiri. Kew York, Philadelphia, 3S,sl!-l,133 W,437,-ia) C3,2;i,5u2 62,H03,202 40,SU5,U0 0J,3('8,822 6,!I72,!I3S AU other ports, Total .... 09,281,7 GO This statement floes not Include Potroit and ome other lake ports lroiu which considerable ihlrrnenta are made, or California, from which onio goes lo the Islands ol tho PaciUo. It Is not unreasonable to suppose, Indeed It is certain, that these would, it added, cloi e up the full lW),000,oi)i) gallons of export. Tho price" at Philadelphia fare ranged from 23','c.. tho lowest, to 31c, about the highest, tor letlned. ( if the whole export, about g per cent, has been crude, which has been worth from 111 li,0 1-Mtlniating from these data, the export value at twt of shipment lias boon fully ttf.lHjO.Oi), In currency, aud were It not that this vast and rapidly Increasing pi oiiucMun has outrun .i.u .iiiFiiiiil'tlon, also enoiinoiis nnd liicreaaln r. this article alone ought to, and would have, at Iki real Intrinsic value as compared w itn any illumina ting substance in existence, been worth at least uio coo.Dl'O oolu noLLAUH. itioic pctroluuiu was discovered, the kerospoo oil made from bitumi nous coal, retailing at .! 40 per gallon, was fast sMpcrM'illng all other illuminators. If it should proo in lho future that we are exhausting our reservoir ol this article it will be a subject of groat regret ' bat wo do not now adopt some means to bus- huiid Mir resources in tho present. It we had ox- 7 orted but fin.onn ,(!00 gallons the past year and could hoy means nave retained lor luture use tu? rest, it is certain that this jnoietv would havo real ized to us as much us Hie whole has done. The rate of increase in shipm"iils has been: ln.t, ... gliims, 1,is:t,32 1N2, - 11,110,(m;) .... IM.Wa.Till Wl, .... ;tl,KT'.',f72 1 .... 2,K(5,r,At l-i ;i, - - - - M,4;vini 1 i7, .... ;s,is),o:ii IMS, .... 1l)il,00".fM" The domestic roiisiin ptlun added to this export would "how that the world lias lnkon for cons'imp ti'in j t less than Hn.i:ii,(:o gallons of tills remark ,il le product, and a value of over s-'J7,i.'0'J,W)0 iu our tl ni v.i y. The exact statistics of Iron production for the ar I' i s. cannot yet he quoted. From lho returns airendj received by tbe secretary uf tho Iron and : led Association, tin ureal cr increase over the pro duct ion of la t year is anticipated than the increase of 1' 1.7 over Im'i;. The proilm I ion for t('A upon this basis would be: i f pit; iron of all kinds, - - tons, S7'2,S2J Fmni the forges nnd b'.oomcrii s, -And of rails, - - - - -M.-int:lacti.ied lien in the v aiious forms led, sheet, plate, hoop, lmils, CsC, bit 2e.5,;inO 2(.5,il Tons, ... nr. I. These amounts would indicate a value of not less than -i;i,ni il.tii o, tit the average of prices current for the year. Aggregating Ihe.'o values, wo have for tlicso thrco ai tieies not 1cm than: Coal, - - - . ,epr,0!ri,ouo Pi trolrillii, .... ' ,17 ,(li)i,lini Iron, ..... C8,imhi,oi)0 Total, ... s: l:j.T,in0,(Miit Th.'e statement with repard to these three meat sources f wraith (two of thein exclusively I'enn syi ai.'an, or neatly so, petroleum and anthracite i oa!) w li icli distinguish this State, they being ad ditional to an agriculture as productive in the main as th:,t of any other State ol equal geographical ex tent, and additional also to a manufacturing and meibiinieiil industry in textile fabrics, and In iron, wooil find stone as divcrsilied and as extensive m can be found anywhere iu this country among an equal population, tor the practical purpose of demonstrating to our business men and citizens tho iiiai'iiltufie and importance of our own domestic trade, which involves tho exchangeof values within our borders of not less aggregate amount than that of the whole cotton product of tho country, 2,L'0o,(iik) bales, at . K(i per bale, p17(I,imio,(Hm), the great and al most exclusive staple of eight States; and further to impn ss upon our ereat carrying companies tho no cesi ity of reconsidering the policy upon w hich they appear to act, with systematic and determined per sistency of subordinating tho homo trado to tho through trallie over their roads, tho one of them by allowing drawbacks of freight on the coal trans I cried through and beyond our limits, and the other making a less charge per mile on merchandise transported throughout! beyond than on that de livered at our own warehouses; In the ono caso mi ni. Ding lor us the advantage of locality In regard to cheap fuel, so important to our iiianiifacttu ers, nnil in the other ta.Ning our distributing trado by Irciglit charges equal to those levied upon oods cai ned one hundred miles beyond our limits. The Council have ut various times expressed their opinion upon the great question of the policy of protection to homo industry in the arrangement of a tariff. They have taken it for granted that so far us this Itoard, this city and this State are con cerned this policy is no loncer an open question; that it is the tlxed and settled conviction of this organization that a protective tar 1 ll' is absolutely necessary in the present state of thu finances of our courtly, not only to our onward progress,' but to our very existence as a nation regardful of its cre dit, niul the Council have at all times acted upon the conviction, as they w ill in the future, that a watchful attention w.is incumbent upon them to see that no step should be taken without their ear nest opposition, tending to an abandonment of that principle. The usual statistics, which have been totind by experience to bo of considerable interest, especially 1'broad, will be found in tho appendix, to wit, the full statistics of iron, coal and petroleum, and the exports and 1 in ports of Philadelphia, together with as full a statement of the manufacturing industry of the city as can, from tho internal revenue re turns and other sources, bo obtained, witli such other notices as seem to be of value for reference and permanent use. All of which is respectfully submitted, on behalf of tho Kxecutlvc Council. John Welsh, President. A. .T. Perkins, Secretary. RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTWN, AND iSOltHIfe'iOWM JAAIIiKOAD. T1MK TABLE. FOH UKltMAiNToWN. Leaye PhllKdelpuia at 8, 7, a, 06. 10,11.12 A. M 1, a, a 15, !?' 6, 6'i. flu, 7, 8, , lo, 11, 1 i P. 31. Leave (Jirmaiiluwn at 6, 7, 7Ji, 8, 8-a, 9, Pi, 11, 12 A. M 1.2. S. 4,4?4.8 6,'i,7, S.S.lu IIP. M. TheS20 0owu tratlu, and s?i ana 6 up trains, will not slop ou lue tjermautowu Braucu. ON KUMDAV8. Leave Philadelphia al 915 A. M., 2, 7, and in'.' p jf Ltave Uerniamown at 8' 16 A. hi., l, 6, aud s.'4' r, M. CHESTNUT BILL RAILROAD. avePblUMielijnla at 6, S, lu, 12 A. At.. 2, Ji, OX. 7, 'Leave Chestnut Hlllat7'10, 8, 9'10, U'10 A, M,. lua S'40, 8-4U, 6 40, S40, hud 10 40 P. M. ' 6N SUNDAYS, leave Philadelphia at 15 A., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Cn.sti.ut litll at 7'60 A. M., J2-40, 6 40, and B 25 P. M. FOR CONSHOnOCKEN AND NORRI8TOWN. leave Philadelphia ml 6, 7,'i, 9, ana Ifoa A. At.. 8, Hi ti4. "a. ana 11.'., tr. M. leave Norrimowu at 6 40, 7,7 60, 9, and 11 A. M IV. 8. 4,'a. 6,M, aud B), P. M. ON BU.NDAY8. Leave Philadelphia at U A. M.t 2,'i aud 7'i P. M. Liave Moriiulowu at 7 A. M.; 6.' ana 9 i &l, FOR MANAYUNK. leavf Fhlladelphla at. 6, Hi. 9, aud H'05 A. M.j l'i. 3,44. b!-S.U.sos, and P, M. Leave. Uauayuuk l6'10.7.!a,ti20.9,'j',and 11.', A.M.: n ..I r. i ..... ii t ii . ' Jl f Mil. A . ML. ON fc U iN DAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M ; ii and V.i P. M. Lev Jt.anayuuk hi7;.j a. M.; h uqo v2 r, m V. a. W1USUN, (ieneial Miperluteuoeut. Depot, XsluthauU Uieeu sireeis. CHHOMO-LITHOGRAPHS. plCTURES F Oil WIESBNTS A.. S UUBIXSOK, Ho, 610 CHJibNUT Biret, Hrs Jcnt received exquisite specimens ol Art SUlTAtSLii iOR HOLIDAY OlFTti, hltsK DHKSVtmi "KNAMEL8" ON POKCF.LAIN lu treat variety. bPLf NDID PAINTPD PHOTOtHtAPU-4, liiCludlug a number ol choice geaid. A bUPKMB LIXE OF CHKOiilOS. A large FfiPorlment ot KKW KNGHAVINCm, Etc, a iiu, xtxt. xx o 1 1 xaio.sm, ox eieitanl new 1t.iit rtiB. 3 it JK T 1X1 k iiov iIXttleu l or IlMC-lliugM, CHrHteinuboutii, Etc Prevents Rattling and Bhaklug oltho Wla diiwsbj tho wind or other causes, tigi-ttra tlie lusli, pievouts thewlnaaudtiuHtfromeatt ring niBuy Biiiteucu, i:u requiren but a bliiirla , : unii. t iiulim i.t llu i.mvl,u Call ou tlie Ueutiul Agent, C P. ROSE No. 11 JAYKE Street, Between Murket and Uhosnul, 12 11 fmwStu "uUudelplila PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. I'hiladi' Li'tii, Uoeember2, ltui The altendluB IdauaKsr. are; Wis'ar l orris. Xy'o. 2e s Third street. B. Morris Wain, No. lisrt. Delaware avenun. AfenOliiK Physlclau-J. .M Da Costa, AI. 1)., Nj. 10t5 biruce strt el. AtlendluK iS.irKODns-Vwl.luni Hunt, M. V. No. l'JOO fee; lice slreet. Thouiaa Oeorge Morton, ?I. D,, No. li:i Cheonut street. 'Ibe Physician and Snrpenns atteDd at tho Hosril tal every day isundays excepted; to receive applica tions lor (utuilsdioii. rers ina seriocHy Injured bv accident are always aniuUitd 11 biouiiht lo tbe Hospital Immediately tibieaher. 1 221 Dt A FX KSH.K V .U Y lNSTliUMBNT THAI deuce and (kill uave luvonied lu auaiul IU bearing In every degee ot deatne; alaq, Uaxpli loin; alito, .trauOll' Paient Onuelien, npflo!r le any oihen lu use, at P. M ALUUHA'it. No. il M RAILROAD LINES. IJLADIXO UAILUOAD.-UURaT TKONK rVjXSK fOM PHlLADKt.PHI V TO I'll l 1 X'IRhlOKOK PJ;NNYLVANIA. THK'JHUYIe rJv'A'i. p'ilHUMNNA, COMBKltLaND. AND THU uRTH. north wear, and tiik oanadap. WINTKIt ARIIANOMM KVT OF PASSKNUKR '1KAINS, lleceinber 14, lRhS. Ii"avlnB t)n, Ciiiupaiiy's h pui iiitr.flcnth and ( elKiw.'nii r ri:t)ti, piilladelpbu, at tun fohowla bourf: MORNING! ACCOMMODATION. At .-."'i A. M. for Hedinif ami all ut.crm1! ite Hiailoi s atid Allcntow n. Itiuumlnd, Iorvps ItxAdlug at 6 -oil; M.;urfivea In I'Llludeliihia at H'AP. M. NOIININU KXTRKSS. At 8 'B A. M. for U adimc. Li lianoii, Itarr'"nnrit 1'oiiRVUI.) flu (iruve, I'ama'iu.i.rtnubiiry, Wl!linii port. im'ra. oetipster, iNngiia PititH, Ruti.o. V llkenonrie, I'lu ion, xotk.CarllHle.CUaiubesO jrg, II uk! n, 'o. 'ln V.iU A.M. trnld connpe's at ItRADIfM with Past lci.iisvivftula ltullniad train.) lor Ai:eiiluwn etc.. t i.d the Sis A. M. train connects with in L tianoii Villy iruln tor HrritU'V, etc.: at pit It I' Cl. lis 'ION Willi Cttiatvlssa Uuilroatl tralno for Wll .leu.siicri, iota. Pi.vcn, Kliuiia fie.! at HAKiUS llL I t) wi:h Northern tetitral, Cuiohirlaud Vaih-y, anil tb :iiuj ikin nnil Siiisipieliiinua iralea lur jNortn mi. termed, l-.l.i.nib)ior', oik, tUaniUer burj Pint'uruve, to. AFTK K NOUN I X P R i. I.rnvis Pbllaoeipiiiu at s ::u I". M, fi r Ittaillni P. imvllio, Kiirrithur, ic , csini ectiug with Kinding autl Co.uu.Lla Itsisioad iralus lur Couiuiblit, etc. POTTdTOWN aTTcOU MODATIO. Leaves l'oiuiowr ttt 4.. A. r.l , u nel'iug nt Ititer niedlaie si-.tlou3; arrlvm In I'nllndeliilila aoa 10 A. M. l eturiilug. leaves 1 In, aJeliihla ut 4 P, ai.; arrives 1 j l'otutowu al b io i; hi. RK A riNli ACCOMMODATION. Leaves l:t aoii.fi at?1! . M.. sio,wni at allwity eta tii in ; at tivca lu i-h,litdlnnla ai n)-2i.rt. H.. iteiuniluK, leave Piilludelplila al 4 ii P. At.; urriV J'i lu Ut atl ni: at 7 4 i p. .M. 1 iiilns lor l'l.llti'trlpU'a leave nnrnsiniri at 8 in , M.. and 1'olisv li'.o a. 8 4 A. M.. arrlvmif in rul.iulm. phta n' 1 P. M, Altorno 'ti trams n hvh 11 rr is iii.i; at 1 Co P. it.- and l'oiinvi)le at 2 IS 1', il., arilvlu al i 1 llhtll 1.1 lu at S'-l P. M. lliorlriMii-K Acconim',tla Ion Uavei Readlu? at 7 !5 A. W , and Lisril huirf ar. 4 i'l P. M t.on;i-i;'i nt a; JtcH'iii K Wilu kvlK'ruo hi A comtno lutioii souiu a. O lii P. Id. hi Ivintr In tliiludtophi al f. M. Market 1 rain, v I n a tiivsmogt r cur ii. isciied leve3 Pl iiB" elplna at 1- '.'u no.ni. n,r PiittavlllH mid a 1 w uy ttHtiuus: lei-ves I'iH.BVlllu at 7 iu A.M. for Pullale. pbla and al' way atjiloiii. AH ll. e ubeve Mains run daby, Sundays ex- ChmidHV trams lave Potusvlln at 8 A.M,and Pblliou Iphl.t ot s 15 P.M. Leaves Philadelphia lor Hi Hdii t al S A. jJJ. iteturuliiK lruiu Reudlu al i"l P. M. CIItKiTEIt VAL1.1IY RAILROAD. PasKCnceia !or Downiugtowa aud tuieriued late poitiia uKo tee 7 -tu js. i" iz .tj, nun i r. ai. itaIjh ,iom PlillKiilcpiila. Reuiriilii(t ireui Doivuintftu ivu at b'30 A. hi., 12 46 ubd 615 P. hi. PKKKIOMKN RAILROAD. Pi'mei cei.t lor Clclppuck lake 7 .10 A. M. and 4 P. M. tralua liem plilUtlelpiua.reiurnlng Iroui jaiupaulc ai S'iti A. M. and 12 45 P. M. ttiage lines lor me vmioiu iinliitt In l'erkiouieu Vslley ceuatel w liii Lritlna ul CoiU'o'tville and Hkippack. Ni.W YORK EXPKKsd POR PITT.-JCURa AttD ) ii i . tv r-o i . l.enves New York ai tl A, jsi. and a and a?, nr.. I Ktsilm ileadicg at i to A. M aud lvja.itl Hi lu p. ivf.. aud counectink ai lii.rns org wun P-.nusyivauiit ai:d Jsot tji-rn Central Ki lroad J'iijntsj truiui i;r l"iu. limn, Chicago, Wllllauibpon. Jiimira, Halil- Uioie, He, ItKiuinn.g l-xiire-.s train leav s llarrl'iburg on arilvai of Pennsylvania .xpra lroiu Plttsimr t .. .. I C .'. 'v. .1 .1 ill 1. 13 ...... .. n" .i .Jl' aUU U i.W uu .v w.. & . i&., IM.1,1 tltliitllll ai S 44 ai.O 7 xl A. hi , ui o 12-..H P. hi., aud arriviuK .u itw York al 11 A. tl. and I2'tii ami dp. v. siHo.ni.j. tan Blc. in puny Uhbo iruius ilnuugu betwetu Jeisey Viity Ulltl J niaums i. .I..I.H. .i.'i.,t,i7. A Xiieii J rain i"r i.r.y j m k. teiiven n arrisourji HI 8 .0 A. M. Hi d 2 05 r. M. Mall iraiu lor iiamsuuijf ltavea tow Yorlc at 12 M. 'SCHUYLKILL VALLKY RMLIiOAD. Trail. leve PounvlliM al t.-4a uuu it -u A. At . and 4 P.M. leiuruing Iroui TauiaiiUik amaj A. il and 15 ana 4.t6 r, Al. bCSUYLKILL AND tCbQUiSH ANNA P.AIL- Traits leave Aubiiru at ;.',. A. M. lor Pinogrovo 'uu li. inn uig, aim ai U'lt uoon lor Pluctovd ao.l 'reini nt. UeturuiiiB irotu Harru mr a'. :i l, jl. , iijU iruiii Tieuiout ul i -lu A. ihi. and 'Uj P. Al, TIUICKIS. Thk.- Arg'.-class uckeUaud emlsraut ileketi tu all the p.iuclpal poluts iu lho Norm aud Went, and CiM'atUs. . I'.xcurslou licitetn iroiu nn'cuuipuui to il?aaing, nid tin ci uieolule a.alioi a, gooo lor oua day only, are Suid Ly Moiulu acuox uiouMlon iMnrkei Truia, ltci du g auo l'olibtottu Aecoiuait,Qillyu Traluj, al ''kxcijiviou Tickets to Philadelphia, good lr ono Cj cnlj, ate n!d at iieanii.g auu lun.-i media e si I, el, a uy l.tuuint; aud i'oiiotuivu -Ve-'jiuuiuuaiieu 'Hans at leuucd r-ies. 'joe toSK.wifg tickets are obtainable on y at tlia tliiee oirf-i. liradloid, Tietbuter. jsu 227 tj. lTourii stitei. l'liiladelphia. r r ol u. A. Niouollt, Oejorai buperluitnueut, iteauiu. COMMTJI'Al'lON T1CKKTS. At 25 per ceni. Ulseouui, between a jy points de sii tU, lti lamnlfcS auu Uiuts. WILKAOa TICKKTS Gctd lor 20(0 uii.ta, bolweeu ah pjln'.s, Rt .",i-5U tacli lor luiijl.ies auo lltuia. BEAtCN T1CKET3. Per three, six, ulue, oi twelve months, for holders only, lua:l poiuts ai reduced rates. clekoTmen Bt siding on tbe Hue ol the road will ba lurnlahed with cart s entitling intuselvea auu wives to uckuts al libit jaie. FXCUKSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal Billions, good far frBlureey. Sunday, ana Monday, at reduced lares m be bud ouiy al thu Ticket Ollice, al Thirteeuin u(i Calluwliiil btretuj. FRlrJtiUT. Goods of all descriptions lor warded to all the above point lroiu iue Company's new Ireigui Qepoi, iirond atd Willow siretis. FP.KIOHT TRAINS Leave Pbl'auelpuia uaily al 4 bo A. M , 12-30 Cooo 3 and 0 P. hi., lur Reading, Leuiuon, Uarr BDur' Pottsvuie, Pull Cautuu, auu all points beyond, M ilLS ( Ii seat tb? Phlladelpiiia roat onio for all places on the r ad and lia orancues at 6 jt. hi., abd for the pilncipai biail jus only at 216 P. M.. BAtiUAOK. TJUEgan's Express wlii co.leel oaggage fjrall tralua leaving l-hllaue'pklu Depot. O.u.is van oe ten at No. 22a K Fouriu Street, or at me Depot, lUirtevutu aud caliowlilli oireeis. XTOHTII I'ESNSVLTANIA IlAlLU3aI). XN For Uh.TtiL.nlim , buVbhBl'OiV.i, at A Ui H iHUNR, HiA-i'iOJ., WILLI AM sPOUP, V1LK.K'. ItaRRK, MAHaNuY C11Y. MOUN1 ClKtiWL. Pli'l'B'lON, TUJMKHANNOCK, aNu HCRANTOiS WiNTRJt AHKANOitilKNTS. Pasreuger Traiua leave the Httpoi, corner ot BK11KS aud AMERICAN blreets, daily (buuduys exejpteJ), as loilowa: Ai7 4iA. M. (Kxpresa for Bethlehem. Allentowu, Maueh uiiuua, Haitleion, Wllliauisport, W llkeeoarre, Mananoy City, Pl tslon, auu Tuukuauuock. '45 A. M. (hi press) lur HtlhU-Ueui, Easton, Allen ti WB, Maucb Cuuuk, Wllkesbarre, Plltotou, aud bcrautou, At 1'46 P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Uaacti Cbuhk, W like80arre,PiiMio3, and hcrautou. At b'UO P. hi. lor Reltuebein, Kasioii, Allentown and Maueh Chunk. For Doy leslown at 845 A. M., 1 48 and 415 P. M, For Fort Washington al lU'4o A. M. and 11 SOP. M. For Lansdale at tt'2 1 P. hi. Flub and blxth atreeta, Second and Third streets, and Union City Passenger Railway ruu iu the new '"TRAINS ARRIVK IN PHILADELPHIA From lietulebein al 810 A.M., 2'lu, (-26, and 830 P. M. From Doylestown at 8 85 A. M., 4-55 and 7 P. M, From I.auidale at 7's0 A. M. From Fort Washington as 10 45 A. M. and 8-10 P, hi. OiN bUKUAVS. Philadelphia for Buthlehem al iW A. M, Philadelphia for Hoylesiown at 2 P. hi, Doylestown tor Philadelphia at 7 A. lit, Betblehtm lor Philadelphia at 4 P. M. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express OUlce, Nt. 14 tt. FIFTH street. . TT.T.T.Tst CLARK, Agent. WEST CHESTER AND PUILaDELPIIIA RAILROAD. WIN I'gR A RRANUKMUiMT: -On and ailer MONDAY, October 6, loud, Trains will leave as follows: Leave Philadelphia from tbe Depot, THIRTY FlltKT auo CllKsN UT htreUl, 748 A. tf.. 11A.M., 2 SO P. M , 415 P. M.i 4 60 P. M.. U-lo and ll sn P. M. Leave Weal Chester tor Philadelphia, Irom Deport ou Jiast Market suent al 6 24 A. M 7 46 A. M., S'tMl A. hi., lu-46 A. M., l-6o P. M..4-60 P. hi., and S'o6 P. M. 1 rains leat e Wtsl t heater at 8 ou A.M.. and lenv li g I'blladulph'a al 4 Ml P. M.. will stop at B. U June t'"it aud Media only. Pftssoogers to ot Irom station btwetn West Chester aud li. U. Junotlon, gjlag 1 ast, will take train leaving Ml Cheater ai 7 i6 A. 11. , and going West will take tbe trau leavtrg Philadelphia at 4 bO P. M., aud transior at R. U. Junction. The Depot lii Phlladnlphla la rcaobf d directly by the Cl.e.ini't and Walsut Hireet cars. Those or tl e llaiket Hi.roei Hue run within one square. The cars t.f hoiU Hues oonut ct with eauh tralu upon lta arrival. ON RHNDIYH, Leave Philadelphia at 8 i A. M. and J-00 P. M. Leave Vest t he i'er at 7i6 A, M. and 4 10 P. 1. . 'Iri.lnii l.uvliig MiUaiiH'pliia al 7'4S A.M. aud 4'S0 P. M ,nd It avlng West tinesier at s ne A. M. aud ViM) M.. tonnit'l i.t H O Jtmcttou with Trains ml P. tk It. C R. R.. for Ox'orJ aud IniHiwedlaie polutit. 410j HENRY WOOD, Oeuoial bup't. RAILROAD LINES. 1 RRQ FOK NEW YOHK. THE CAMDEN J OllO, AND AM BOY AND PH ILADKLPHI ANDjTRENTON K A ILHOA DICOM PANI KH' UNWi F1M PjllDKLPliiA. TO NJtW YOUJC, AND FROM WALWtT STRUCT WHi, S?4; via Camden and Amboy Aecorru...f 2'M5 4: ii'J?" via lltnitlen and Jeisey City Ex. Mall 8 00 A y la Camden and Aniboy Kxprs.. J 00 4; I.S. M,l '.or. Aff boy "nd lntrmedlatt ntatlonu. At ?IHD,) ! AVMV f Ud ""a M-tnT Freehold. Aa iKS .AtVi S li'' VI 4 80 F" M" tur Treulon. M fnt1 8: ,n'J-1" A !f " h 0. 4 80 6, and 1I W P. Unco Bordentowil Uurllnglon, Beverly, anil De At '-80anl 10 A. M 1, a t, 4-80. , and 11-80 P. W. for i lorence, i tluc water, lllverstoe. Klver.on, Pal royra, anaPlaU House, and J P. loi kloreuoe and ..The J, n'',11"80 P.M. Lines leave from Market MreeS Perry (up aor side.) hi ., . yM ksi;into naroT. YoVA;";;YlueParc?in City, New -i? ?Lia Ji A '' 80t "id 5 P. M. for Trenton aiidBrl.lol. Aud at 1015 A M lor ri..iol. ar'Tuby't'ow rl A M" aU' UU 6 P' U' lor M"l!vllle At 7-Jto and io;P5 A. M. and 2 3n, and BP. hi, for Bi henck's and Kittlli gton. At 7 80 aud If 15 a., Al . 2M0, 4, 5, aud 8 p, yr, fir Corn Well's, "lorresnale, Holnjer.biirK, Titcony Wiitslno. mil's", P.rldcsburg, and tnuk lord, and aiaP.M. for lioi tut Tiiurg aci liuerniedliiio sita'.ltuia, Pl-.OM Wl-hl' 1 JlILAUKLPlUA UEfOT. 'ta Coutieetlng ltttliway. At t 45 A. M , 4, Xu. ami )2 P.M. New York Kx prcs Lti i ii, via Jeinuy Ci' y; I i re, dt At 11 8u P. Id. J-.uilKrant Lint : 1 re. I '. At -4.', A. M., l-:e, 4. u-31. aud 12 P. hi . tor Trenion. A l H i;, A. M., s, il-:,ii f,ni! 12 P. .'d., tor ri'.H'.ol. At 12 P.M. Mgt'l). lor aiorxluvllle. Ttil'.vtown, t-'chei ck'a, Koiiliig'ud.coriiweii'a.Torrrsuale.iioliuea burg, Tacony, W'UiUluomlug, L.-ldy.,uuri., andiruiiL. f.n d. 'j he lt'45 A. M., m0 and 12 P M. Lines will ran dally, All o.lsci'., fc.uiidi.y.1 ex. .cptea, lorl lues lettvln; Jjrijiilii,!oii depot tRl-fl til" CRM on linrd or pifi.l siieeii, n ll,enul, mi rnlniilts before Cn ai ore. J h ci.ii i f V arkel fcit i e"..-.ai wuy rim t'lrtci t Wtat PhiiatiplpDia iip. t, cntutiut and Walnut Vi Ithlii one sipiie. On Sutidivt Hi.' Market S;:,ei r.r will run to cuuuect wn.ii tuo B'4'j A. id. (J'SO and 12 P. M. Lines. iilkLVllljl.l' UxLAVi AK1" KATLiMAJ LINfc, rllh Kh..NSlH-lnN l.l.KliT. At 7 o0 A. AI. jor is'.aba.-a 1'uii-t, liuilne), littukltfc, KiOiba, l"irn.a, Owi;;o,iecIji:iRr, jiioie.'ituii, O t tg;', r-"itici.e, lirtal Vend, Jdoutrtise, V.' I1 i(eMi.'tii'e, bc.aiiit u, fcjtroudeijui'g, Water '4.ip, sichooiey's iAouii ' Ai'ViwA. M. and 'oft P, M. lor 15'dvPlero, Kivi'on, T tmbeitvltlo, f ")' tiu.fclon, e'e, Tli ) It So t' ft. Llna conincifi iliret with ma Traiii leavlua IstJn lor Mr.udi Clnu.k, A'.t-n'.o vo, IJethleneei, eio. Al 6 P. it. tu! LiiUibtirlvllle aud Intermediate Sta tions, IAMU1CN AMI ISUKLINUTON COON TV (AND PJt.A'iKliTuN A. Nil HltlUTolOtVN KAllw- fci-ioftl'ttAltKI-.T IVTI'.KKT PEKRY. (Uppec tide.) Al 7 atjO 1U A ' iU, Vl 'tl, W -V . I.'. rbaiusvllle, jiOt.ie.iou, llnrllt rd, Msnonvillo. liHinsp.rl, Houi.t Hoily, c.untuvllle. Kwansvllle Vlnceoiowv. liltnilnihniu, and Peintirrtou. At 7 a. hi., I AO and aao P. Al., lor Letvistuw W rightstown, Cookbiowii, New Agypt, Hoiuer.-lown, Cresui ltldge, lmlajsiowu, nbaiou, and JliglivBiotvo. 11 is WILLIAM H. UAl'tSMKa,, Agent. OI'.Nli&Yl.VAjSlA CI'.NTiiAL KA1LU0AD FALL XlMii., TAii.JNU totlfkUt NOV. 22, 1SSS, lue trains cl ti-e J. e.ii'.-.j wuui.a Ccii.,.,, tiaiirt,nd ii Vo tuti i tP.i i HI t t.l'V-i: li'.Si itiii; .lvXnAiii M, reeiit, auuui is fnsi'jeo mre;t,iy iiy.tutt Marii i 3lt,t ft, W.I' lau tii.uu-Httlng whu e.'.'ji liaiu tt-avme 'oni ti.u aar et airvecs u:r-y "Jiunt u- (urii Its tepai lute, i u-Utieniii auu '.V if:i:i, tri ; Liirii rnu wnno. o.in ctiiiam oi tt.eutri.uv. til, 1 1..11H Car 1 1 "Heps wnii oti un ufi aipilj.',rlou m :2e -.'!c''"i tdbce N. W. curoer Nlnili tud cheaimv SUvi ttt, kU at l'IJ Ul'l :-. Ai-suts oi ma Cnn.iij Transier Ojit. ptny w.n ciu ,or ino deliver Oii'iKairei et lite depot, i.ifii.ri i :im No. 1 C'iiemiut anet, or o. il iiarket s.rtet, wui rwt.,ve.t.ij. tfcAVK .y.j.1, vm- ieallTraiu "' a,,, pr.cii Actouiuiodatioii, in .10 a, 1 .ii, ttiiu tii,o p. Aiuit i.iite I A. A. tue Eipitss ' M'oua. .u.. Harrisuurg Accoun.ioi!!.iou i'liu f. it, luiii;-v.!ei itcooiumoua.ion 4 e0 P. hi. larKesburg Ham JMU P, in. Ciuelni.au Ji.x.pcesa 8 uo P. a, y tie liailaud tsuiialo iiipiona tunft P. M, J-iulauoiphl Etprt! :i tr Ui'Nlgut, Jtrle Mail leavea Oliy, exe-pt M-uuny, luuiilngou Baiurdy rigid to V lliliimspnr:. cuiy On .-nniiy uiaiik I'.. st.el:geiit wtii itiivs 1........ . w.wi Pniiaueipnift r.zpiean jeavw tAMitjr, All iiu. eriraius lue SV tibitm Accouin 1 I'UlLi i'ltllj, -.i- Ct'Ot frU'ltlSj . 1' Or I'i'l " .... .... in"-'. ..v Jir- .- cured aud ongtt.ge rtellvored Oy 5 i,e P. M... at Ko. Its Tltffi AKIUVK n.' Clueini.aU l-xprw i 1. 1.. ...... eii.. 5i.il tii VI... i'id i. i. ,i in a, ij'., ii , V t itii-u ,'lu P, jl. 'i a. ii. v.ri; a. i.iu.iii.ou j-.ie'.i " " i-rk Alall tnd i.utial-J r.xpn:-s.... Pnikty-eurs Ttam Fr.st Lint Luneettcr Tmlii iilH Kxire:s V y J-i press " J01Z VANl,. u ...i-io A. ..I" l") A, ,.12':M P. ....4 iil P, ,...i ve p, i.i:-t .Laelll. B'Kii.X tti 1-CiNR, 'I ii noi Agent, No. lie &Lii.tiL'l irejt. bAttCiiX. ll. WALLAl;j, '1 ickel Agent at loe Ltpo 'ioe Penniyivt.uia Railroad cvmpariy will uut lime any i log ior Jitf.tiKo. except lor Wearins A p- tarel, and built ll-.e j litpoiuihi ity lo One Uuuai ioliara In ValUtk Ail toggau-.t excetaiiug mat auicuoi la vudie wui ue iue n oi tne owii'-r, uciv.u Jt.oii ! by special coi.tiaol. RDViARUH. ! 4ii General iinerlntendeol L M intendeot A Ui.ona, Pa. IjUll.AUHLil'lllA, WlLlilNGTOtf, A,N U lini.iij.Ollr, il.ilbltOAU.-'ltiiit, lAULiii,. Ci-U.uieijcii g ihONDAt, November 2i, i-bj. J taata Vt 111 leave Depot Cun er iiroaU aree a-u Vatiniug tun vuue, as tenowb: Way i. an Tra.u a. s if) A, M. (Sundays excepted), I foi BaltiUicre. siut plug at all regular . latioiii, Cju , nectlug w.tb Delaware HaiUoad al Wilcuiugluu fr , Crlstlidaud lnieriuet.ir.ie aiaiioub. Expreta ,'lrt.lu al i Jit. tauuuays except, u ior Bal luioro ai u Washington, stopping at Wilmiiigteii, Perrvllie, and Havre-t e-Urace, connects at vVli niti'gton wun tralu lur New Cattle. ExpietB Tra'u al 4 ut'P. M. tbiii'days excepto.) lor Baltimore aud WashUgiou, eioPi lug al uueoler, I'tiiirlnu.. I.lltvt nild . (t aVlllOUl. Wllllllllgl .0, NdH- porl, t-tun ton, iNuwark, Eikion, Nortu-Eaat, Uuarles town, Te, r viihe Havre do Orace, AOerdeeu, Pe.ry n au's, ECgtwood, Magnolia, Chase's, aud atemuier s Il"gbt Express at IPSO P.M. (Daily) tor Bultimore and WasnUKioii, stopping al Cueater. Tuuriortf. juiu weod, Cianiol.t, WlJudngton, Newark ICikiun, Nortli-Fasi. Peiryvllle. and ixavre Uo JrCe. Patseiiseis lor Foitrtss Muuiue aud Nurlols will take toe U'OO "-"ioN TRA1NH. etopplug at ail btaiious beiween pnlladelpula and Itave'ol'adelpbla t 11-lOA. M.. 2 3o. BOS. aud 7 w P. M. The 6 00P.M. '1'ralu coiiuecia WIIU Deia v.aie Rabruad lor ixaxriugtou aud mlurmediaie " ileave Wilmington ! W aud S10 A. hi ., 1 3e. 4'15. and 7'ihTp M. 'Iheblo A.M. Xratu will not siop between 1 niiter and Pbltaueii'hta. TUe7ooP. n. Train lroiu Wilmligiou runs oanyi ail oihe.- Accojimudailou 1C"!iSS;a(lCll.Wa-UvoBJi,lnio,, 7-25 a7m W ay Mall. S A. hL, Expresa. 2 ib P. M E X p i iia'i 1 'J 1 to MBALTIMORE. Leavla Bfltlmure al 7 2b P. M., stoppliig at Mag nolia, Pel rjU' au's, Aherueeu, Havre do-Grace. Perry villo ' Ibarltaiowu, Nortu East. EUtoo, Newark, slantoi; Newport, Wlluimglou, Claymu;, Lluwood, ud Ctimter. (1 ponl8 west, Hoalh, and Ihrougb w rH bl ulkH1, J.Mce xNo. bis riesuut HiretlfluVr Conilut.u.al Hotel, wfi.r also Kiicms aud Bittus lu B.eepmg cam cau o b,?..u outiua "he day Peisous piicuuuing liekels KXI oflicein have liaggage calked at liieir rosl al 'bis ouii-e Traitult-r Coiupauy. ceuce by the ivui Ki;j)lJsitV ( tjuperlnteudeut. PHILADELPHIA AXD ERIE 11A1LUOAD. wV&'lFK T1MJS 'laBLK-TUhOUH AMD . ,pvTf ItOUTE USTWf.tn l'tHUAWtLfHU, Wl MlflVli'. 11A KlUhBURl, VVlLLlASlaPOUl', AD 1 HE OiUi-i" OLL REGION OF FEaNdYL VANlA. Hip,ningCara on all Night Trains, tltkaut r.'fP'joNDAY. Novoutber 23, 188, tho u "on Ui Philadelphia and Erie Ra.Uoad wiU run as follows: WKsTWAan. , , leaves PUIiaueipbla ......10'45 P. M. KAIL TBALW I0." vnuamspoit S'lo A. hi, trrl ves at Erie 60 P. M . i-o-x.iii.KS uiaveaPhiiaueipiiia il-ou a. m. 1! ' arrives at Erie lu-.OA.M. . uiii liavtsPnlladeipUia StMJ A. M. EiMIRA MAID leav wialkuj')0.l gu p. M. h arrives at Lockhaveu. 7 4o P. M, XABTWaUI. . ttTtj a in 1 aves PJle- i0. 6! A f. jiaui" - , ii viIllmiipork liauum, ,i arrives nt rumtutjir"" M UTS, A. Al, KB IE EJCPBSbB leave. i A, utiilMifi.liih leaves Erie Wllllamsporl 7't arrives at Philadelphia... 4-, ,sr connect with Oil Ore 7 60 A, hi. v i i nt, wxcresB connect with Oil Creek and ?. . Ulr BaUload. BAGGAGM OmKOKJCJ) AiiKtHllfH 'ALPREH U TYLEH, til General BuperiuUindent. . . . -ttvrT JERSEY RAILROADS VV viLL AND WINTER ARRANGEMENT, V. m loot ol MA RKET Btreet (Upper Ferry). For Cape May aud statloiu below MtUvUle, ria r'ySi univille, vmeland, fuid intermediate stations ''FotpKi"".'80-' and way Itationi 815 A.M ',,'woodhnry at 815 A. M.,8-15, 8-so, and OO P. M might train leave Oaiudeu daUy at I o'oloo: nFreiKbt received at second covered whasf i ill l!,htlDaUvefedrN0 128 Month Pelawaresvoa irelght ueuvereu w. wtLi(iAM j 8KWELL, tj BupwUiteudttUl, AUCTION SALES. MAKTIN DROTllEna, AUCriONElinS. I uMoly Palesmeu lor M. Thomas A. bona.) io. t2 CHRN UT bt.. rear entraace from Minor, Rale No. B29 Chesrint street. HANDHOMK WALNUT HOUrtS.IiOLO FTTUVI- I I 11 1'., 2 PI AlN O . 1' I.N K l' KKNl ll PI, AT K St 1 ! ROKH, HAMHSUMH VELVET AND BRUdslO.9 CARPETC.lfTC. On Weducsdar Morning, Feb. a. nt 1(1 n'einck at tun aiielion roims. No 579 C'lesunt Btrnpt, by catHloKtie very excellent Furni ture, nit-, tiding Very superior walnut parlor and uorary mrnlture; o eirgitni wainui cnainuor utm, liiil'tiel in oil and varnish; line FrmchJolrtti manlel, pit r. and oval mi r.'rs, in clli Iranivs; handsome D edal leri velvet, Lru8"l-, aud other carrets, Iron snfft, i:ic liirnllur'!, fl'ie china and giansware, itiilher bsd.i, large turning lathe, gaa cousucning eiove-, cto. 1212t Peremptory Hal on the Prem'ses. to close the Prt uertibip Conei rn o' the firm ol Kvani A WaUou. I 'lOt K AND MACitlMRY. eVPPItlOH 1 IhE-PhOOF BA KKS, HUPRTtlOR FJ RK-Plt(uF sAl'E, with Hunhiirn slteani P-tnnt; 2 PINK P.tllli-'LAK-PROOF HAKKs: WKtO.VJ )IAISl HACKS; VAULT IU)i)K'! Pit 1 1 ,1.1 N(4 KAl'ltiKhH: IiATHMS: HllAHTNtjli'JBK,LlT.N'U; TOtl.b; Ca1T NOS, ETC. . On TliuiBdny Kornlnr?, I'ohiurtry ll, al lo o'e oek, al No. M South SnventH strei t, w ii hem reservo, lo close ilia partiiershlp con cern of an it Wur.oii. by rn-alogue. the entire stock, InclDtlliii;: pi nupeilnr II re-proof safe, with t tiiinrrr stccui aitttrbuieut; Rinall Kvuus ,i Watson rtites; 2 very linn p:it"nt burslar prool Ra:ea, retell rr.refti.,0: Ii hIiIh luirKlur-prntifs; money bjx, patent lotKf, nit of vault d"or3; U salts, iu t.la iiy i.l liuml mal'ier fctori l"ulUJr 01 Pmpblets aud i riu.ed , ' . AT TUP. PACTOItv, x..rif d?.' 2i? Nc"1? KighiUBtrent.blnw Vlnn. AABLK MACUlNKiiV; l.ATHK-; Dltll.T PtEt-l-tr! 1'OllOKD! TOOLS; W HO Uli .1 1" AND CAhl 1UON; FLATU-OKM hCALES, EltJ. . , On Thursday, yt i-o cloo II., thorntic.i c iiuents of Factory, In Clna tig: 4 drill presses: piBntUK mnchlnei; lathen; vises: pair heavy shears; ciistinH; slihtilni;; pulleys ami I hbiiKtrt; uiliinc; gerow ciuter: blaeknui itiit' aud liiHChliilic.B' lo,H; lorjjc: 2 pairs platform scales; 4 cooet nntkero' fcencaes; 1 banel varnlali; loilaui- Ah o, 1 tin ruhrntoc. A po. sietiil lri.n nnf i. May be seen eur'y on morning of ale! t lot sii:ppiiq. . LOKILLAKD'S STKAMSUIP LlWB n-,s, m FOR HEW YOHK. Falling TueRflays, Thursdays, and Saturday, at noun. TLe wlnttr rates ai which freight Is not lakeu Is 2n ceuta per loo pounds, gross, ScenM per foot, or 2 cents per gallon, ship's option The Line Is now prepared to coiitrr.ct for spring rates lower than by any other icute, comme-iclug on Match 15,1810. Advuucc chaigib cashed al olilce ou Pier, Freisut .ictivej at aU liiuts on covered wharf. JOHN F. OID,, 8 S8 8m Tier 19 North Wharves. N, R. EAtra rate ou nmall pckagt!S Iron, metals, etc. H". F0K LlVEltrOOL AAU Ulilfiijib tliiiCilfeVia. TOWN. lumuu Line of Mail steamers ate r.,'puiniuu lu sail as iulio.v&: i;lix oi'' RALlTAtyrtjj, Katurtlay, February 6, Cl t Y OF COiiJi, 1 ucidav, i-'eOi uiy 0. CHA OF PAxtlitattirdu, t-e'iruitry 13, ' Cl l Y OF AN 1 VV EitP, ottturday , l eoruary Ju, I'li'MA, 'i'utstiity, Feoruary i-t Ci'l V OF LONDON, tsaiiirdrtj, January .10. and each euceeeuii g bamrdej aud ell.iriJ4.ie lTieiSay. at 1 P, Mi, Iroui Pi'.r 4,, iiort'i JtWer. l,tliis Oe' PA-aom: itv r;i maIi, HtMaMlu tAlLISu KVa.UY BATfiltiAV, i'r..'1'Jlu lii Wold. Payaoie lu Currency. FI lf.-.T CAdlN ,iVW. j H'!. S, el l: ti Ii , .'! to Londou lii;. to Le:.liUU., ........ 40 to Pt.rei it I to Paris 17 fi.-iSAUlC 11 if IKK lUK.il-AI- HTKaUKU VIA. U ULTAJL. ly-tusl' CAUkSii H'Ch.n.v.AVJ , Pt.j a-jpi- In Muivi, Poy ttblti lu Cucreucy. 1.1 '. i p,; ji i 'JO ' LHe n ool lli.ii tiX 2t JLHiliaX 1 O.. Jiltl SI a, I' i, I ' J'.l'ill'B, ii. l' 1 o,, l bruih iii!.'..f'....J I '. Ui'iuicU wtoamer... i'ariie: geru uls K-rwarotia i. iivie. Alftinnurg, Ere- aiea, ett,, ttt .suuetl rut.-.. J u'koi- cau he oouihl rioro oy peruous scudlrg tm Ibtlr ii iein.n.a! mudeta'c ra-.er. or li.itiier tiiforuiatiou api.iy at the Company's Oli.Lffe. JOHN. O. JiADE, At-ut, iio. li JL.UJADW AY, N.Y. Or 10 0'nu.a:.ul ji lAl'liA, iitfiiUit No. 41'. CiiiNU'i' t i rntt, PrUti itiipiiia. ftt.y , , OKLV lUUIiCi' LlNhl.TO i' RANCH. iA.j.. t....ti'KAl.'fiiiKs tl,.- NTJC COMPANY'S .UA.i, sll AJ-iih II J ill'n WbL.i ftJ'.W iTGitli. .ij.i HiiVitJli. Oj.L1.iiui o i' i.itaii'. '1 he ii i..;.uid t verittls o i niw lavorlt.u route for i l.c Ctii.tii.'t t:t mil tdii Iruut Pi-r o. iiu iNu.ta river, t.s ii.i.it.Vtt: .-!. i.A Ij i.t N I RroOitiit! S;tlurd:iy,Oct. 3 il.LI. tu-. . Att-t? feuiuiom Haturiuy, Uei .7 1 li.iiti.r. uuelitjiij omiKUk , O0.. Si PRICE OF PAd.-jAUlS lit goiu (:i.ciiidiiia itiii. i, iu ilRbat' Oil ilAVilK, ilrst Cuhii, :i4o .-tcot-d Cuuiu Ssa iu i'.tiiis. tlr thuiiiiK rr.iiwa take s, lurniahed oa board) Filai ti.o.u S.4'1 Cuutl OuOlU , fSj 'I iiee tit. ..i.ei b tiw o. o.-.i r steuin j paiengo.a, A i-u.e i tt.ieuiit,ut.e t. tu or cUurgo. Auitrn an travuiiirra guiu lu ur leturulug from li.e coi tin' lit oi curopi. by inking the ate .mora ol ill 8 ui e a ViM UuiliCtsasnry il.Ka Jroul tin jail uy Eng. isii liiiltiajB uuu cr'jat..)is lue chttuuei, besides oVle I UjO, litn.uie. ai.tt ilp.u .e. Ge.tiP.t4J0 i i-JKENlE, Aeat, jNo. is flKU.vi. WA V, Now Vo. k. Per Diissi.ee iu PuuaauliiUi. aopiy at Adams' Ex renj L.tu-p.iil, to 11. Ii. LEaF, 1 tij No. KZOCHEaNU t' eitreet. Iw' V PtllLAUEJil'lUA, mCilMOND SSfcai AND S10RDC1.E eU'EAMSHlP LINK, TTrStijcH UHEUIH'i' Ali L1NE1 TO Tjgn buO'l'U aND WEST. EVEji dAi'CRDAY, .ii noi.ii. trout FjIUjT W HAxcb abuV MARKET dtet-i. liii.Ot.UH RATES and THROUGH r.ECEIPTS iu ait poiu ui lu Noitii auu Duutu Carolina, via ttoa ooaru Air Liuo Railrouu, connecting at Portsmouth ami Ij l.ycnouig, Va.,ieuuejsee, aud the Wen, via V :rgiu:a auu Teuuesiiee Air Hao and Klonjnoud and Uauvliie liAilruao, irelsei HANDLED JifJT ONCE, and Ukea at Lev J5.ll RAPES THAN AjS Y crillliH UK. The regularity, suluiy, aud cueapuees of this roni. tjuuiLiouu it to lue puolic aa tue liiosl desirable me dium lor cany lug eve--y diacripilcu ol Ireiut, Au ctiaigs tor couiiumsiou, aruyage, or any exp-3ns oi irauatff. bU'jtni.'.tilua loan red at lowest rate. Freight received oaiiy. WILLIAM P. CLYDlfi b CO.. No. li North end fcouih WhaKVJM. W. p. PORTER, Ageut at Richmond aud Cllj Poll... T, P. CROWEL1. ACQ., Agents at Norfolk. Il e-Vw HLW EXrRKdb LINE TO ALLi.. cWatiii.ac.uria, Geurgeiotvn, aud Washington j v., v.u ctibanpeake aud Delaware canal, with oon necticu at Aiexautirla frocj the must dirocl ruate tor L' aeliourg, Rrmtol, KnoAVlile, Nashyllle, Daivun aud the inou'.Uwest. hteniutre leave regularly every Saturday at DOOB (rem tlie dm whan a-ne Mar net street. Freight received daily. w p & No, 14 Honh nnd bouth Wharves, J. R. DAVIl'bON, Aueutat fceoitt-etown. hi. ELDRlDGii; A Co., Ageuuj at Aiuxandrla, ylr. glula. I NU11CE'.-F01t NEW YORK, VIA DELAWARE A1J llARll'AN UAJtfAJu. . Al'KJL-.ei bl EAiUiJUAT t.'OAiPAN Y. 1 net, team Propelleia of una Hue leave DAILY tixin llrol a barf beton MarAei s:teet, TDitOCGH IJi i HOCP.i. Goodr awarded by all the lines goiug out ol York North, Eaal, add Weal, tree oi cuiuaiioaiO!!, Frelahta received at our uiu ul lo v re.t.'w, WILLIAM P. UUba t CO., Agent. No. lib. WHAHVM, Philadelphia. JAMKii HAND, Agent, 8. tlo. HO WALL btreet. corner ot t-.oith. New York A.7v. i'OUNEW I UKlv SW Ir i-oUIiM iat'lTESilTraiisporUtlou Couipany Deapnu.h a. u ealil-aure auuco, t, "n.io " xutruan Canal, on and alter the Llth ol March, leaviug dally al 12 M. and P, M connecting a Kit all Northern aud Fo'r lre'LliTwhlch will be tsken on aceornrnortatliit lfms apta W WILLIAM hi. BAlUf) A CO., 1 1 No. 131 0. DELAWARE AveulU, DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. J-OCEllT BHOEMAKKE A CO., K.IU Corner of FOBKTil and lMCIi Stu., PHILADELPHIA, Vu'iiCLCGALE DHUCCIST2. rtM PORTERS AND MANEFAOT URER8 OP . Wtiite Lead uud Colored ralutu, I'uttj Varul-ilics, Etc AUiiNTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRKCU ZLC iALM;S. DFALEltS AND CONaUMEJus WUPPUED Al J.OWKST FRICKrt FOB CAt-H. li Jl OTION SAIL DUCK AND' CANVaS, UP all nt.nibets aud biauJr, Tent, Awning, aud Wagon-t'iivir 1'iielf, Also, JPaptr Mautilsctnrers' Irler Felta, from thirty lucties totevocty-slx Inchei wide, faults, Rett ing ball Twlue. etc. JOHN W. KVERMAN. No. 103 CHURCH Klreet, City biores. AUCTION SALES M. THOMAS ft BON8, N0U. 139 AND 11 B. FOURTH BTREKT. FREK EXHIBITION OF PPLENDUJ PAINTINGS; M. KnOedlnr'a fsncnrisnr la Oonnll . Pn rvtllA. tlon ot elegant pnlntinga is now on exhibition In tbe Eaf.t Gallfly er the Academy ot Floe Aria. l it Atiiuinsion rrte, irom v A M. till a r. . naity, The sbip will tnka rilarn at the Art Gallnrv nf Wr (has. P. Hsseltine, No. HI'S Chen mil street, on Moo cay miu intsaay evenings, jceoruary i ana i at in 0 clock. Catalogues now ready. Bale at Ibe Auction Roon s, Noe, 139 and 111 8. Fourth street. IfANPFOME FDFNITURK PIANO, CABrHT WBIMtl, Ml'-'KIHt HAN l)St)M K VKLVH'T. RRCbstELS, AtfiiOTHRB CARPETd, ETC, KT0. Ou Thursday Morning, Fell. S. at 0 fiVliifife1 n t lh, Mftlim HUtm, Kw t leiiiie, a larce aasortruent or superior household tur nlture. coiuiirlsinir bnndtnuie walnni narlor. iinmrr trd (lii'lug-rooni furniture, walnut cuimbor auita. superior roseweod plano-torte, 7 line French-plate mruiei ar.n pur mirrors, eieuam walnut nxtrnsmn tr.ble, bauitsonie wardrobes. bookcaes,ild-)board, and ceniie liihles; btrxe show-case, nhliia and glassware, hi ds aud bftbllng, line hair mattremFs: large awio rt nienl ol cilice lurnlture; ceiisuuiliig aud conklnr hmivpp, cgar ponipev: engravings and oil palming; bandhouie velvet, llniKsels, and otter carpets, etc. bio. i.i.i-UAit t t.atinir,! is net a in Al0 eWant cslilnrt rruan. with doulile hink nf ltys, ll stops, av.fl pedal hitsn, made by Carhari dt Neftihatii, l.i liaiiufonie waluut case. 112i BUNT1MJ, DUR1I0R0W CO., AUCTfOH. EP list, Nos. 2. and IU4 MARKET btreet. ooraav' o: Rank street, buccuwors to John b. Myers A to. ADMINISTRATOUBPAI.K OF FANCY CA98I- On WcdneBday, Prb. 3, will be pertmptorlly sold, on four month, crtflli, (ouirnencli g at iu o'clock, by order ftl j",;. liul otk ono ltt hecea Ann P. Huuter, adttilnt8trV,, of P. M. H inner, nrcetsed, late surviving n.,." or P. M.Hui''ier A Cu., partner ONK TO TWO THOUHANI) PIKOKS OP pirnirr UHKH AND HI AKMIiiD MILL CASt'IMK!:?Jf1- lw 1 1 ( I , C. K. t , . ' .1 i.t filnnlr I r ..... ...III. II ' 1. . lk tlC1, ...... .....v, . . ... ... iuginon,.,.;. 1tBii aud very desirable styles. 124 at LAPGK KPFC'I A L AM) fEREMPTORV m,. OPLCHuLbllC GOODB IN EWTIili i PA Clf ' On Wednesday Mornlrg, Feb. a commencr.g at 10 o'clock enuie packageu coiton aud woalleu dorneitla SPIRTING AND BHEKTINOa esses heavy bieauhed aud brown uiiuitn. i .. wldtbsaud iiualiilts. "uaiina In all AI.HO, cases B-4 Una pillow-case mtnllni. cases white, scmrlct. and grey all-wool a.,. cases h) ring styles full maduer prinu noneI. casts extra heavy pure napkins. canes heavy wire-twist checks, -cases tine wide twilled stripes. cases herring-bone lickings. casts wide and heavy coilouadea. CQHis tine twbled lancy plaids. cases superior quality ol tailors' sllealaa cases heavy brown ai d blue denims. cunts all-wool lancy sblrilngs. cases btowu uud bleached diapers, casts heavy cautou Ilannels. casts plaid Manchester ginghams. ci.i'ea x-.u'sla and American crash. cases black and white and high-colored balmo- 'cases fine quality toilet quilts. PLANE E 14. SO bales brown and grey b aukets. MILITARY CLOTH INQ, M cr.srs Infnn'ry overcoats, perfect. CO casts grey-mixed army shirts WOOLLENS, ETC. esses 8-4 black Union cloths. esses 6-4 light lancy casslruores, Ct ses 4-4 douole and twist cassluieres. eases 4-4 heavy brown dorsklus. cases 4-4 brown Oxtotd ana gold mixed Jexna cttbt-s 4 4 Trenton and Abbyville cams! uteres cants 4-4 Wushlugmn twilled mixtures. cases 4-4 heavy-mixed satinets. cat eB 4-4 CBiile cords. YORK COTTON ADKB. 2S cases celebrated York Cottonudes. shawls. . 12 icses fancy spring brawls, N. R. Goods win be open for examination with catalegues ou tho day previous lo sale, 1 27 St FIRST 6PRINO SALE OF CARPETING!, IM PIECES OIL CLOTH i, ETC, Ou Friday Morning, Ffb. B. at 11 o'circk, on four monihs' credit, about 20 i pieces Ingrain, Venetian, list, bump, cottage, and rag carpctuigs; 1 11 cioth t, etc. Also a lice of tapestry Brussels. 1 80 5t B Y D, SCGTT, Jb., SC01T3 ART 0ALLERTT, i.u, xvv t ii.r.Oi.1 u otreui, ruuaueipnia. SALE OF MODERN OIL PAINTI(tQ3. OuThuisday and Frblav Eveuings, Feb. 4 eud ft, ci 7!i o'clot k, at Spoil's Art Gallery, Ni. iWDCnesuut sireet, will be sold without reserve, a ii n ruber ot modern pslntlegs, by artists of celeorily ot thcAiuerleau and English schcols, oomprlslug laudsca- -s, iaxes, rivers, and coast scenes, all n,i uiiletl In rich gold leal frames. Pantes desirous of coutributiug to the absve sale) cm do so. it ClliABK & LVAN8, AUCTIONEERS, NO. 610 J CHEcNUT Street. W ill sell THIS DAY, Morning an4 Evening, A large Invoice of bluukets, Red bpreans, Dry Goods, Cloths, Ciii'sln.ere'j, Hosiery, Btatiouery, Table aatf l ocxet cutlery, Notioina etc. City aud country liibrchauta will find bargains. TenuB Ct-.fcb, Goods packed free of charge IB C. D. McCI.F.KS & CO., AUCTIONEERS, Na ts.6 h. Ai.EET Eiret t. SALE OF 0J CAPES Bool's, PHOE8, BBOQANS. liALMORAliU. ETC On '1 hursday Morning, Feb. 4, conimi-uclng at 10 o'clock, we win sell, bjr catalogue, for cath. Otto cases men's, boys', and youth boots, shoes, bmtans, batmorais, eto. Also, a large assortment of ladles', misses', anil children' wear, to whioti we would call the attemloa ol the trade. 1M T7"EENAN, SON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, X. No. HU N. FRONT etrtet. Llil I M PORTE US' SALE. On Wednesday Mornlug, February I, ltt9, at 1 11 o'clock, ol 7a casks Sherry, Port, Claret, and Baut.-rne Wini. Also invoice of French pickles, olives, capers, eto. Attention la called to a iatge salo or llijuors In deuiilohns. Also, loo barrels raw and reclined, wills y in Pond, per sample, etc it rrHOMiS BIRCH & BON, AUCTIONEERS I AND COMMHsHION MERCHANTS, No. LUI OB KBNPT Btr-wt: rear entrance Mo. 11Q7 Hansom Wi LIPPINCOTT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, AbHHClto'f' BD1LD1NO, No. 840 MAR1LET H4. " NEW YORK. A DhlAS H. MCLLER, AUCTIONEER. VALtlARLF. PRCPRRTT ON BROADWAT, CHURlH. DUANIS, AND NORTH bTRUifTd, NEW YORK, TO Llf AEKD AT AUCTION. Adrian H Muller, P. R. Wilalus & Cj. wUi leasa nt auction, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, H, At i2 o'clock M , at the Exeuange balesrooms, St HI BROADWAY, BY ORDER OP THE UNDERSIGNED, A COMMITTEE OF THE BO A RD OF GOVERNORS o tu a faOCTEl Y OP THE NEW YORK H03PITAL, .THE FIFTY -EIGHT JL9T4 CCMPP-IfilNU ALMOST THE ENTIRE BLOCK BOUDEO BY BaOADWAY. CHURCH, I'TJANK. Ae-D WORTH bl'RKETd. WILL BE LEASED AT AUCTION ON TUH ' ABOVE MENTIONED CAY. Tb!s prcyerty Is located lu the ceuirs or the heavy builucfs oi the cl y, oa hlyh ground, with dry, sand soli, and surrjuuded by rlrst elast luiprovouienta. Tfce leases will be for a term of twenty-one years, with the usual covenaas 'or reaewal, and will be 81m Par to those male by tbe ' SAILORi' SNUQ HARBOR," wutch have always been considered as xuost lavorahle lo ibe lessee. The advan tage of boidins loug lenes on property In the btsluesu pi rtlou of the city Is demon Btiated by the larse bonus which has been paid lor those ruin by the "Sailors' Snag Hurbor," amounting lu luaoy caoos almost lo iha vslueof tfcefeo 'l bo leasing of the above-described, property at auction will att'uid an epportunlty that In all probability will never again occur for procur ing leasts ol building sites tuat must, from the con stantly Increasing demand far business properly la tins city, eoou oe worth a largo premium, especially as Ill's proi'i rty Is by taw vv EMI'TEI) J'KOW TAXATION. " JAME4 W. BEERMAT;. JOHN DAVID WOLDK, ' ttOltlCKT I. LIVINGS ION. JAt K-iUN H H11ULTZ, JAitiEHM. BROWN. Pescrll live lists Bent by mall ll tieelrod. 1 27 17t ALEXANDER G. CATTELL ft CO PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. U NORTH vlHAUVEU Wo, B NORTH WATKR BTREKT. Pit ILA DEXtPillA. II AXXXAWDSB .' OATTStLU sUAlAX OiTtuA