THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPHPHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1869. NEW YORK1SMS. VoU Our Own OtnreipondmL Niir York, Jan. 30, 18G9. VKLOCiravniSlf. H bu at length been decided that the coming tean. U to oome on a veloolpede. Brooklyn and New York are Intensely Interested In the ub JaotrfBrooklyn, perhaps, a little more o than New York. Veloolpede schools have been opened in both cities, veloolpede olubs have been formed, and, in Brooklyn veloclpele Bonrscs are to bo laid down, and 6ne has already been oonimenoed, This looks aa though serious J work were meant, and veloclpedlsm were not Intended to be a mere toy for the hour, to be (brown aside as soon as the season U over. The tenacity with whtoh both New York and Brooklyn have em braced the new Idea Is something wonder ful. Inventors, by the dozen, are forwarding their patents to tho Patent Offloe at Washing ton, borne of the finest acrobats In the world have opened a velocipede school, and dovoted to velooipedes that skill, patience, and Intre pidity which formerly did tbein such good ser vice on the flylDg trapeze. BaslneaT- men, aportismen, and that class of actresses who attract by their phyivjue and muscle, are among the inoBt entb.nsln.stlo dl clplei of the Hew art. For bnnlness and for pleasure, alike, the veloolpede Is declared, to be the thing. The tumbles ana bruises and other wounds of honor ofceei fully lncurrod la the praotioe ol base-ball aud skating, are as nothing compared With those obtained In the eUort to manage these horaeltsu carrioles. A new rhyme bus been admitted to the Eng lish lanituHBO. aud the pout who has looked in Vain lor a word to match with Icicle find it at lam in Hie veloelpettal oloicle" uud "trlotole." lliuk HKhiicluilouM are preparing to turn their SKatlcg-grounds into velocipede-courses so soon as the lceabaaon shall have ceustscl. Toe Com mlHsloiiers ol Central Park: will, ere long, lend a liHlenlttg ear to the voice of wiadoiu aud pro gression, and, as their brother couiiuiaHiuuors of the Brooklyn Central Fart have already done, oreu the sacred precincts to this new rival of 1'eKaKUH. A single firm in this city turns ont more than a toore a day, and an In vention Is nearly perfected wblcu promises to put the best racer in Mr. Bouner's siaoies to shame, li, by any lljure of speecu, horms could j be supposed to blusii. Among the velocipede schools of this city, the "Vtloclpetle Hall" at the corner of Tenia street and Broadway ought, perhaps, to take the first rank. It is here that Air. Frederick lianlou, on of the celebrated liaalon Brothers, perfonui With remarkable grace and ease, aobleviug Upon the velocipede the same kind of feats thai. aiisvcconiDlltibed circus lider performs upon his -are-backed Bleed. He Eiieela aud stands upon the two-wheeled horse, changes bis coat, and, Whilst the animal" is going at 2 4" speed, per forms a number of acts which uuuausoular peo ple in private Hie usually preler not attempting at all. 1'tBinnU'a up-town velocipede academy was the UrKt one started. Tais was followed by Mercer A Monod's school, in William street, a locality haunted oy the bulls and bears. Parker's establishment, on Broadway; the Uanions'. at the earner of Tenth street; and Burnham's, in Brooklyn, who has the largest veloclpedal hall in this country, it is reckoned that toe numbor of velooipedlsts In ' tbia city already reaches several hundred, . Augmenting in the same will, within the next three months, be reckoned by thou sands. The principal carriage-makers of the oily have already added velocipede making as ,a branch of their business, and in their ware rooms, side by side with stately equipages, from the airiest of resilient gigs up to cumber some family coaches, may be seen the Informal and fascinating blclcle, mat reinless rover of Nlcolsou pavements, whose personnel la an unconscious seL'-enootutHst, whose every glit tering spoil e Is 1U own most eloquent spokes man. To orown all, the velocipede lias been all but Introduced npon the metropolitan stage. Ids one of the standard amusements at tua "Tam many." Every evening, during the Interval betwenthe acts, veloclpedlsm is illustrated la the Care Amusaut. The area, to be sure. Is some what confined, out the performers do all that oan reasonably be expected ot luein, con - ajlderiug that the limits . allowed have not the circumference of a clrous-rlng. Per haps the days of the horse drama are nearly over. Perhaps Mazeppa ou the blclcle la to usurp lis place, aud gallnrles which once hnng enraptured over equine feats will discover a new source for cold thrills In Venus on the Velocipede. A new element of ratrlbntlon will be Introduced into the sensa tional drama. Nemesis, mounted upon the ' modern uncepnains, m in ue Bwnter-iduteu than ever before, and the heavy villain of the drama, after having been tracked througn five long aots by a keenscented detective (as keen scented as those who have been ferreting out the Rogers murderer), will be brought to Jus tice, as the curtain descends, through the manoeuvres of a veloclpedal Vldocq 1 A visit to some ot the veloolpede schools of the city is worth while. As the newest and most startling New Yorklsm, they challenge a regard not easily satisfied or forgotten. Home pupils learn In a couple of days, and some would never learn In a couple of lifetimes. A very few women are among the neophytes, and It la said that two of the Worrell Bisters bid fair to became good veloeipedittea, In which case the publlo will be sure to learn aomethlng about it from the placards la front of the New York -Theatre. Miss Carrie Moore, the Skatorlal 5 ueen. Is also announced as a rising artist of the velocipede. The rapidity with which a beginner finds his heels raised Into the air and his coun tenance abased to the floor, is probably un- ' equalled by anything In nature but a flash of lightning. Perils like this, however, are nothing when profession is the watchword. Meanwhile I beg Phlladelphlans to remember that when n.asi river is Driogeu, anu wnen our underground railroad Is built, and when velocl pedlsm becomes universal In the metropolis, we shall have tripled otir claims to "Excelsior," and Illustrated the fact that perpetual motion means perpetual progress too. Aj-i Bah a.. Tiie Uronze Horses ol Venice. Every American who visits the beaatifal "Bride of the Adriatic," as Venice id called, must be struck with the silenoe that reigns in ' that oity of the sea, owing to the total absenoe ( wheeled vehicles. No sound of travel is e!tc from morn till night save the "cheep," ' 'cheep" of the oars of the gondola aa it shoots off from beneath your window, black and mysterious, like some flitting shadow of a dream. The sound of horses' hoofs, which, In onr own cities, is so apt to confound ua with that ceaseless olatter, is here never heard; and, Indeed, it may be said that there are bat fonr horses in all Venice, and those the oldest in the world, the bronze steeds ot the eminent sculptor Lysippus, which etanl on the por tico of St. Mark. The history of those horses is highly inte reBtipg. They are generally supposed to be the work of Lyaippus, who lived three hun dred years before Christ. They first adorned the pediment of one of those clftsslo temples Of Corinth. Bat Greece fell beneath the power -of Rome, and Corinth was destroyed by the Consul Mummins. The four bronze horses were seenred to grace the barbarous triumph, and were, in 14(5 years before Christ, placed on the Temple of Peaoe, at Home. Constantino the Great, on removing the seat of Roman empire to Bzautiam, to which he gave his same, had the four bronze horses to adorn this new capital, Constantinople. Greece and Koine both in tarn crumbled to decay; th latter falling vlotim to the barbarous hordet that surrounded it. This decline of Koaian empire was the impelling oause of the birth of Venice as Queen ef the beas. In the year of onr Lord 451 the conquering sword of Attila destroyed Verona, Mautaa, etc, whose inhab itants in numbers sought rtvfuge in the islands of the Adriatic, and thus grew np the Venice which was to rank high among the chronicled cities of history. About the middle of the thirteenth century Alexis was dethroued by his subjects, who hld nosceBsion of his capital, Constantinople, Ilia ion applied to the then powerful maritime republic of Venice for assistance, and he re ceived it. Never was support given with more willingness, for Venice saw the opportu nity to expand her growing power, and so the capture of Constantinople was rapidly fol lowed oy tne oonqnest or the Isles or Ureeoe. The four bronze horses again changed qaar ter, and Venioe now boasted her first impor tation in that line. They were plaoed. on the portico of the m'agnifitwnt Charon of St. Mark, lacing the Piazsa di San Marco. Here they resnd until that child of fate, Napoleon I, in his plundering career of conquest, took them, with the choicest art-gems of his vanquished enemies, to enrich the French capital. The fonr bronze horses were set upon the triumphal arch in the l'laoe da Ca rousal at 1'aris. by his order, previouj to l8l.r. This triumphal Arche da Carousal, a veritable t lirf d'o uvre of elegance and good taste, stands at the entrance of the Court of the Taileries. Napoleon ordered the architects l'ercler and Fontaine to build it in 180G, to celebrate the elory of the French armies. But the star of bis destiny went out, and by the treaty of 1815 the Allied Powers restored the four bronze horses to Venice, where any of our readers may see them in their old position, on the Portico of St. Mark's, after a record of over two thousand years' duration 1 There, it 1m to le hoped, they may remain for many centuries to come, undisturbed by the politi cal char ges of peace, and "in tho event of war To snuff, nnmoved, the battle from afar." Sloan's Architectural Rcviiur. SHIPPING. LORILLARD'3 BTBAMSUCP LINE FOR NEW YORK. ealllng Tnesdays, Thursdars, and Batrtrdajr at noon. The winter rates at which tfrelcbt Is not luken Is 20 cents per 100 pounds, urows, Scents per root, or 2 cents per gallou, ship's option The bine Is auw (.rerared to contract for spring rntes lower tbun by any other icute, commeaclnK on Hatch 15, 1839. Advance cbaiges chod at oliice on Pier, Jfrett'lit received at all times on covered wharf, JOHN p. OHl, 8 18 6m Tier 18 North Wharves. N, It. Kxtra rates on small p n-kagos Iron, me'.als, etc. IfSt F0K "VEKI'OOL AND QUtEQ S&S1! TOW . luuian Line ot Mali uie&uiert 1U aplKJlUbvu w ami as IUMOWS:- 11' Y Olf BAH'IMUUE, aalurday, February A CI l Y OF COliK, 1 ueaaay. i'ebruary 9. CH Y O i'Aiiis, RllJ(1a, February 13, Cl'l Y OK A.Nl W.KtU1, famraajr, i eoruary 0, K'lNA, Tutaay. February t3. CITY OF X.OHOON. BuiurJay, Jamary30. aud each succeellijg Hatuiday aud allcruale Taeidai al 1 P, M., irom Plor , I-Iorlu Mlvwr. l'.TU OF PACTHAUK by tsm mail stiiamkh bAilinm KVicay atubuav, Payable in Uuld. Payable in Correucy. Fiiwt CABiK.....4i(xi;bi-i,ii,uAtjB; 4 to i-onuou. .,...... inf. I to Lonuoa.......... -li to 1 arm 11. u X'arla - 17 FABSAOK BY THB TU1MOAV BTKAMF.R VIA M' UifAX l!tT OAlilN. BTKKSaHI. Pay able In uold. Payable In Ourieucy . iJverpool. halliKi.. Liverpool.... uantux 4 11. Jouu a, N. l''. 1 u y Brannli KLftflunr... I Sl.Jolin'n, M. P I 4, by Branch t) teacher. ... Pasaeueers also Icrwardea 10 Havre. lirnbure,.ttre- uien, eic, ai reduced rate. Tickelacanhe bought hero by persona sending for their menus, at muoeraie rates. i or further lniorruMUun apply at the Company's Ollicee. JOJUN G. ALE, Agent, NO. 15 BROADWAY, N. Y. Or to O'iMJiNJNJsU.i A i'AULK, Ageufi, No. 411 CHliiW UT Utret, PhllUlelplila, ONLY PIltECTLlNE.TO FRANCE. Urn. UfiNKBALTRANSAruKriO COMPANY'S JUA1L bl hAKWIlfd BU.L W L.1JX ISLIW lUttK AM) JiA.Vifi. CiLLlfxU Al' Btit-ST. The aiileiidiU iiew ves.taia ou nils luvurua route for tLe Gouilueui will tall Xrou 1'ierJSo. uUiSorlurivor, us loilowo: dT. LAlKlNT Brocaude...Haturday,Oct. 8 VILLI'. Itti PAl4iO.. .Uuriuoat biimruuy , Oct. 17 1-i.ltJtlltH;.., Duuliesuti ouiuroa, Ooi. 8i PRICE OP PASSAGE In gold (including wltit), TOilKtoi'OR HAVHK, ilrbt Cabin UU at-fund CaOiu. )S5 TO 1'AltlS. (Inolualng railway tickom, lucnlsbed on board) ph ui ttUiiiM. ...Mb I BecuuU c-oin. (3 Tiiebe sleauttis Oo lui carry aiediuge pattaeuaent, Uvdlctl aU' idauce Iiee ot ctiarge, Aiutr.cau (avelitrs going 10 or returning from the coi. Hut-n !r iiurope. by kaklng the htouiene of in.Biineavom uunCtihaary risaa iruiu traiiait vy Kngiish railways ana crosBing me uhunnui, btwidcs saving t.ue, trouble, aud expense. UiiOllWE AlCKKNZIK, Ageat, JNO. !l liUOAbWAY, iN'ow Yoii. Por passage In Pnliadelphia, apply at Adams' Expreu Coiupsny, to H- ! LK AF, 1 nt No. 820 CHKbN U t' dtreet. PHlLAUfiLPUIA. RienMOSD AND OKPOLK BTliAMHHIP LINK, 'iiiiWjLWil PKitiUJiT AJ-tt LLNJii XU Tfl.3 EVicHY SAIUKJJAY, At noon, trow MiauT YttLAMM above MARKET Btreei. 1 UKOUOH BATES and THROUGH SECKIPTtl to all polu is in North and Souih Carolina, via Sea board Ah- Llue ltailroau, conueodng at Poriomouth ana to Lynchburg, Va., Tennessee, aud the Weal, via Virginia and Tennessee Air Line and Richmond and lmuvllte Railroad, rebnt HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken at LOYVLJ RATJKJ THAN ANY OTHER LINJL The regularity, salely, and cheapness of this ronte commeuu U to the public as me most desirable me dium for carrying every description ot freight. .No charge for commission, dxayage. or aay axpemui 01 trausier. bieamshlpa Insured at lowest rates. freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 14 North and Bouih WHABTia. W. r. POBTIvB, Agent at Richmond and City rotnt. T.P. CROWELL4CO., Agent at Norfolk. tl KEW EXPRESS LINE TO ALEX. andrla. Ueorgeiown. and Wanhioeion Li via Chesapeake ana Delaware canal, witu con oectlons at Alexandria from the most direct routs lor Li nohbiug, lirialol, Knoxvllie, Naahvllie, Daltop and the bouihweat. bieamers leave regularly every Saturday at noos from the ttrti wharf a 00" a tlarket street, i relght reived dally. WM p 0LYBJJ. No, 14 North and uoulh Wharves, J. B. DAVIDSON, Ageut ai Ueorgeiown. M. LDiUDUJii Co., Agents at Alexandria, Vir ginia. 1 nk BUiiti!-ruu NiW IUKK. VIA DELAWARE AJNDBARITAN (1ANAT,. .APlUW- BTJiAMBOAT COMPANY. 't he ku-am Propellers at this Una leave DAXLY from Jinr wnari iwiuw jiiaraefc sireet. THROUUU IN 24 HOURS. Uoodr iorw arded by all the llaea going entot York, Nurib, Kaal, and Weal, tree or couiinlasion, tfrelghts received at our uhuuI low ratM, WILLIAM P. CLYDE & CO., Agents. No. 11 w. WHABVES, Philadelphia, 4AJUAn AAAilLii fllOUpi CfUf No. m V ALL. Birfcrtjt. corner of StrtUi, Now York FOR KEW YORK SWIFI-SUIU Transportation Company Despatch a. u bwui-bure Liues, via Delaware ana uariiao Oaual, on and afler the lath of March, leaving daily al u m . ana r, ul eonaeouug wua su nuruiera bum linns. for tielghi, which will be taken on acoommodatlnt terms, apply to yvilluu ra. haiku suj DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. J-OBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., N E. Corner or F0BKTU anil BACB 8ta., PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUCCI8T&. IMPORTERS AND MANEFACTUREBb of White Lttd and Colored Taints, Pnttj Varublies' Etc AQENltt FOB THIS CELEBRATED FKESCU ZISC TAIATS. .. DEALERS AND CONSUMERS SUPPLIED Al LOW KBT PBICES FOB CASH. 1 rOTION BAIL DfcCK AND CANVAS, OP KJ ail numbeis aud biauds, Tent, Awulug, aud AfbotV'ap'r 'Maiufcturer8 Prior Felts, from thirty Irici es to seveuiy-suf lactiei wine, raiuia, uuit- I.... Wall 1'u I.... ul. a. y ,n r viii 11 1 ii HiriL.tJltv Stores. te. etc- Jl'Mtf l', naLi, No. RAILROAD LINES. "OEADINO RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK JLV LINK KROM PHILADELPHIA TO TUB IN I'KKIOKOF PNNYLVANl AVI UK HOUUYL KII.L. fH'KQfTEHANNA, CUMliEUL AND, AMU WYOMING VAIl.KYH, -rim NOItTH. NOBTnWKBT, AMD TltB CANADA?. WINTER ARRANGEM KKT OF PA8SENGER TRAINS, December 14, IMS. Lravlnn; the Company's Jj.ipul at Thirteenth and Caliowlnn i reels, Philadelphia, at tne following hours: MORNING ACt'OMMODATIOTf. At 7 :i0 A. M. for Reading and all intermediate Stations end Alleniowu. Returning, leave Reading M 6 a P. U.; arrives la Philadelphia at Ai P. Jl. MORNrttd KXPRBW, At S IB A, M. for Kt-adlng, Ijiiwion, H arrWwrij. I'oitHVllIn Fine Orovn, ratnaqna.Hannury, Willlaiu tort, J'.lmlra, itooheater. Nmifaia t'aim, 11 1IU1O, V. iikehtmrie, riictton, York., Carlisle, ctiamburkburs, llagem'own, etc,, Hie 1 M A.M. trHn connects at ItKADIffd with Faut I'euiiBylvanla Uallruad train lor Alicnljwn etc., aua ihn 8 13 A. M. train ronnecta witti thn liebannn Valley tran lor Harrtabiirt;, mir,', at i'Olt r CLIa'lOJN Willi Urtiawi33a Hfillroud traiimur Wli DunisDnrt, hot-K Haven, Klmlia etc.: al JiAUHti tl)Hiwlih iSorlAern t eutral, Cnruberland Vlloy, aud tti-nnyikill and HustieUnna irnlun or Nortn nuiberlniid, WlihHiLoporl, York, chaiubertburir 1'iDcgrove, etc. A FTirRNOON FXPRTS. Lfvp Phllailpiplila at 8 an i H. fur Red1n Poiwllie. JlarriKliiirf , etc., enni er-tlng with HsdiU2 and Coiuuibla J libla l.aluoad trains Ijr Columbia, DIO, POTTSTOWN ACCOIIMODATION. Leaves Poiuiuwu at H4.A. M , s.opping at Inter mtiltate statlonn; arrives In Ptillndclpma at H lit A. M. Returning, leaves 1 hhadelphla al 4 P. bl.: arrives la PolUtowu at 8'15 P, M. READING ACCOMMODATION. Lrnves Rt-ndina at 7 -mi . M.. sKiiiiimg at all way Station?; airlves In pniladnlpola at 10 2 a. M. Kiuruluir, leaver, puhadulpnla Hi 4 H P. M.: arrl vas In Reading at 7 4') P. M 1 rains lor phlttuielnhia leave Hnrrlsbore at 8 10 A. M. and l'm'svllle at 8 44 A, M., arriving In Pni,dni phlaaHP. M Alleruonn tra.ns leave Ilarrlstju.-c al 2 W P. M.. ai.fl l oitsvlllo ai 2 ij P. M.. arrlvlug at jlitiaclelpliia at 6 46 P. M. liairlabuig Accouimodailon leaves Reading at7 15 A. M , and Harrl 'iiiirK as 4 it) P. M oniiHcilng at Heading with Alleriioon A' counuodalion soum at 3'i P. M.. arriving In Philadelphia at V Zi f. At. Jilarit 1 1 tain, wltn a passenger car attached, loaves Phliaiif Iphia at 12 :io no.m, icr 1'otiHVIlle ana a I way bihiIouk: leaves Pottavllle at 7 30 A.M. for Pullalei 1. hiu and ab way statloim. All the above trains run dally, Sundays ox CPU led Bund a trains lrave Potttsvllle at 8 A. M , and Philadelphia at K 15 P.M. Leaven Philadelphia tjr Reading al tt A, hi. ncturulug irom Beadlug al 4 -li P. M. . CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. PinenteiB for Downingtown ami interniPdlaia points idke the 7 SO A. M 12u. ami 4 P. M. Iralus .roui Philadlephia. iloiuruli.g rrom Dowalugtora at U'l A. M,, Vi 4i and 6, PERKIOMEN RAILROAD, Pasnecgers lor t;fclrpack take 7 X0 A. IX, and 4 P. M. trains Irom Philadelphia, reiurnliiK from dKippacH atB'luA. M. and 12 45 P. M. M;k lines lor the various points In l'trkloinen Valley connect with trains at collegevllle and Bklppack. NEW YORK KXPBE33 FOR PITTSBURG AND 1J1E WES I. Leaves New York at K A, M. and 5 and 8 P. M , 1 anting Rcadlcg al 1 C5 A. M and I'jOana in t p. m' and connecting at Harrla urg with 1'ounHy.vauia uud Northern Centra) Kallroad Express trains for Pittuburg, Chicago, Wllllamaport, Eimlra, Haiti moie, etc, ... Ktturuluff Kxprens train leavis Ilarrljburir on arrival of Pennsylvania Exprees from PHtsburir at bto and 5 00 A. M... and 10 u P. M. leasing Readirr al 6 41 and 7 'ill A. M , anu li-Hi f. M aud arriviUK a1 JStw Yora Rl H A. M. aud irn) and 5 P. V. Mieeplue rar aLCerupany these trails through between Jersey City and Pittsburg wllbotil change. A Mall Train lor New York leaves Harrmbiirs at 810 A.M. aid 2 ne P. M. Mall train for Harrisuum 1 . ....... V'nm 1 at I ). M . tKCHUY'LKILL VALLEY R AILROAD. Trains luave potisvme at 6-4 and irjo a. M , '4 P. M... returning Irom Tamaqua at S ua a. M and aud ii-iaand 4.Ur. M. BCEUYLKILL AND 8t'8UUEa ASNA RAIL- Iralus leave Auburn ai 755 A.M. for PInegrove alio WurriHUurg, aim at j-in nuou ior 1'iuegrove and I remont. Returning Irom Uarrisiurg at nnu l. M . ana irom Treiuunt at j 40 A. M. and e ao P. M. TICKKTH. TliiotHta flrst-olass tickets aud emigrant llokeH to all the prluolpal points lu the Aorth- aud Weal and cauadas. Itxcuraion 1 icaeia iruiu jruiiaueipniu 10 ueaaing, uud iniermedlatu stailucs, gocd lor one day ouly. are sold by Morning Aicouimodailoa Market Tralj, itekdlug ana A'oiia.onu aixvuiuiuanuuu i. 'rains, at ''Exc'ursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for one day only, aie sola al Heading ami luieuuedlute sta tions by Reeding aLd Pottsiuwu Accommodallua 'lrairs at leouctu raieo. The following tickets are obtainable only at the cilice ot H. Kradlora, 'treasurer, . 2i7 H. Koutn street. Philadelphia, rr of u. A, JNlcuolld.Ueuural buperlutenaeut, awmiui.. COMMUTATION TICKETS. ' At 5B tier cenr. Ulncouul, beiweeu auy colnta da. s.ied, lor lamnles and hrnis. MILEAGE TICKETS rirnil fnr 2010 milts, belweou all each lor lamlues and hrms. BEABON TICKETS. Vnr thrm six. nine, or twelve mouths . fnr hnlilara only, to all poluis at reduced rates. CLEROYMEN Rf Rlillne on the Hue ol the road will ba furnlnhaii with caros entitling tberuuelVM aud wives tj tickets at halt lute. EXCURSION TICKETS Frnm Phlladelnhla to principal stations, ennd Saturday, Buuuay. aua Monday, at reduced tares to be had only at the Ticket OUlce, al Thirteenth aud Callowhill slreeta. FRK1UHT. -Goods ef all descriptions lorwarded to all the above poln t8 irem tne Company's new freight depot, Broad tul Willow streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Pbllaaelpiuu uaily at 4 i4 A. M , 12-M) noon. 3 and 6 P. M., lor Beading, Lebanoa, Harr sourg. PottsvUie, Putt Cilujoa. aud all points bejuud. Mails Clrse at tho Philadelphia jrost Oftlce for all place on the r ad and ha branches at 6 a. It., and lor the principal iiatioub obly at 216 P. JL BAOUAO r. Duogan's Kxprens will co.lacl oaggage for all trains leaving Philauelhla Jepot. Orutrs Can be left at No. 225 8. Fourth biieet, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and callowhill strte s. XTOliTIl FESNSf LVANIA RAILR9AD. 1 PorBETUIJlHE. DOYLhSTOWjN, MAUt ll ciiCNE, EaVlON, WILUAMaPOBT, WILKES BAHKE, MAHaNuY C11Y. MOUNT CiltuKL, Pll iaXON, TL'NKHANNOCK, aKu BCBANTO. . WINTER ARSAUEMENTS. Past enger Trains leave ibe Depot, corner of BERKS aud AMERICAN Streets, dally (suudays excepted;, as follow . . Ai7 46a M. (Express for Bethlehem, Allentowo, Uauch cnunk, Hanetou, Wllliamsporl, Wllkesoarre, Mahanoy City, Plilaton, ana Tunklmnuock. tt'45 A. M. (axprese) lor Bethlehem, Eanion, Allen tnwu, Mauch Cuaiik, WUkeebarre, Plllstou, aud BCAtUp45 ' P. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Wtikesbarre, Pulsion, and Horauton. At 6'uuP. M. lor Bethlehem, Easton, AUentown and Mauch Chunk. For Iioylt-Htowo at (45 A. M., J 45 and 4'15 P. M. For Fori Washlugton at 10 46 A. M. and 110 P. tt. For LaOHdale at b'2 1 P. M. Filth and blxiu streets, Second and Third streets, and Union City Passenger Railways run 10 the new ,BPt,TBAIKH ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA From Belhlehem at 1 10 A. M 21u, b ib, aud S30 'vtlm Doylestown at 8 85 A. M., and 7 P. M, From Lansdale at 7M0 A. M. From Fort Washington at 1C 1 45 A. M. and 8-10 P. M. ON WUItDAlfl. Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 80 A. M, ' Philadelphia for Doylestown a 2 P. M. Doylestown tor Phlladelpnla at 7 A. M. Bethlehem lor Phllade puia al 4 P. M. llekets sold and Baggage checked throngh at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage Express OUl3, He. MB. Fii'lH .treet. CLAJlKt WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD. WIN I'ER ARBANOEMEMT: -On aud alter MONDAY, October fi, laod, Trains will Wlll't PhUaSeTphla from the Depot. THIRTY. FIRbT ana CHEnNUT Street, 715 A. AC, 11A.M., 2 80 P. M , 416 P. M., 4 60 P. Mm e-16 and 11 80 P. M. Leave Wtsl Cheater lor Philadelphia, Irom Deport on Fant Market Street at 6 21 A. M 7 46 A. M., 8 00 A. V., I0'45 A. M., 156 P.M.. 4-50 P. M.. and 866 P.M. 't rains leave West t liester at 8 00 A. M.. and leav ing Philadelphia al 4 60 P. M.. will stop at B. U. Juno, tluu aud Media only.' Passengers to or from station between Weal Chanter aud B C. Junction, going Eaut, will take train leaving West Chaster at 7 46 A. M.. and going West will take the train leaving Philadelphia al 4 60 P. M., aud trausier at E C Junction. Tbe Depot In Philadelphia is reached directly by tbe Chesnut and Walnut Hlreetuars. These ol Hie Market htreel Una run wlihlu uue sutiare. The rars of both lines connect with each, tralu upon lut arrival. ' 4 ON BUND 1 YB, . Leave Philadelphia at 8 Hu A. M. and I'OO P. M". . Laave West t heater at 7-65 A. M. and tul P. fat. Trains leavlug Philadelphia at 7 46 A. M. aud 4R) P. M.,VUd U.avtuk' Went Cheuter at 8 00 A. M. Aud 4'fcO r, mfuurum: Kb u. vi tiuiinioi. witu i raius ou . iX li. u tt, It., ior ux'oru anu tutiiritedlata point. 410 UENUY WOOD, Ueaural bup't, RAILROAD LINE3. 1 RIQ FOR KEW YORK.-THB CAMDbN I-Ot 0. AND AM BOY AND PI1 1 LA DICLPH 1 A ANDTRKNTON KA I LROAD;COM PAN1 f4' LIN FS FROM PH I (.A DKLPUI A T) NEW YORK, AND WAY PLACHM, MUM WAWIJt ITISrT WFTARV. At A. M., via Camden a'ld Amhoy Aocom...2'M At J A. M via Camden and Jersey City K.x. Mail IfOO A IP M., im Camden and Amboy Eiprw.... I'OO Alfr M.. for Amboy and Intermedial stations. At fl'BOand 8 A. M , aud I (in p. M. for Freehold. Atland 10 A.M., 2, '8, and 4MI P. M. for Trenton, n1 10 A- M " , 9, and 1PW P. lanco Bor,antnwt Burlington, Beverly, anl De At fl-SOand 10 A. M I, S ,, 4 30. . and 1180 P. M. for Florence, Edgewater. Riversloe. Rlver.on, Pal pivra, snd Fish Houso,and8 P. fot Iloreuoe and I Ivertiin. The 1 and H-ao P.M. Llnea leave from Market Street erry (uouer side.) .... . m."' KKNaiWOTO! POT. At 11 A.M., via KeimlnKtoo aud Jersey City, New ork xprens Line, Fare l. AtjmiaLd 11 a. M. go. and 8 P. M. for Trenton aud BrMol. Andatlu-iSA M fur KrlHtol. At7 Hoaud It a. M. 2 80, aud 5 P. M. for MorrisvlUe and TuHytown At i m and lu-lfi A. M. aud 8 80, and 8 P. M. for Kcbenck's and ldluKioiu At 7 80 and 10-15 A. M 2-40, 4, 5, and 6 P. V.tnt Corn Well's, lnrre.oale, Holniesburg, Tacouy, WlMlno. nilng, Brldesburg, and Frankiuril, aud al 8 P. M. (or Eoluieshnrg Run ln.ernjcllate la. Ions, FPOM WAKP rlliLADKLPlllA DEt'OT, Via Counoctliig Rliway. At 45 A. M , 120, 4, 8 M). aud 12 P.M. New York Kx prens Llr en, via JerHey City: Faro, fa 25. At 11 8U P. M.Einlgrant Line; Fare, ti At 4h A, M ., liW, 4. is and 1 2 P. M . for Trenton. At 8'46 A. M., 8, tcwaud 12 P. M., for bristol. At 12 P.M. (Mght), lor Moriisvllio, TuHytown, Pclienck's, Eddlugion.Cornwull's.Torreadalo.Holmes burg, Tacony, Wiasluomlug, Brldetburg, aud irank- Th'e t'45 A. M., -M and 12 P M. Lloos will run d:lly. All otheP", Mundayn eip'el. For Lines leaving Eetislngton depot take the cars on Third or Filth streets, al Cheuut, 80 mlunteti before departure. 1 lie cars of M arket Sl.'bet babway run rtlrn t in West Vhil.idi.lii!ila iw not. Clirsnut and Walnut within one square. Ou Sundays, the Market btri et cms will run to connect with the tf to A. it. 6'80 and 12 P. M. Lines. BELV1DEBE DLAWA1US RAILROAD LINES, Thvu KKKhi.xt. ior liKeitr. At THO A. M. lor Mianrrn Falln, Uullaii. Dunkirk, F.lmlra, Ithaca, Onego, Kochi-Hter, BiiiBUamion, Os iiio. r-vracime. tireat Bend. M.outroso. Wilkeabaire. Scrautou, btroudsburg, Water Uap, Ucliooloy'g Mouu At'iw A. M. and 8-30 P. SC. for Belvlrtere, Easton, I.anilierivilie. Flemlnctou. eto. Tno 8'3'J P M. Line couneciR direct with the Train leavlug Eastou ior Mauch Clntak, Atlentonn, Bi'tlileheui, etc. , At 6 P. at. lor Lambertvllle and iutermediate Sta tions, CAMDEN AND BURLINOTON COUNTY IAND PEMBEBTOi AND iiiUUloiuW N BAIL- liBOMMARKET (STREET FERRY. (Upper Bldo.) Al 7 and lu A. M I'M). 8 Ml, uud MJ P, 1., for Mer. chantHvllie, MooroBlown, . Hartrord. JUasonville. Iialusport, Iluunl 11 oily, eiuithvlilo. EsvausvlUe VlucentowH, Blrmlughaui, aud Pembertou. At 7 A, ill., 1 ou anu ecu x. in., ior jjvwisiww Wrlghhitown, CookSiOwu, New Egypt, Uorner?town Cream Bldce. ln lotstown, Sharou, and Hlghtelown. ..... " 1 1 T 1 , U II 1J.T'UI.'l . .r.. DENKbYLYAKlA CENTRAL RAILROAD FALL TlMK, TAKINU EFFECT NOV. 22, IB88. Ihe trains of tne Peuntrivauia Coutrni Ran road leave the Depot, at THlUT Y-1JT ana MAtiKii.'A BireeU, whlcn Is reached directly by. the Market street cars, me last car connecting wua e&rji train leaving Front aud Market streets tulrty, rutuutee be fore Its uepartute. 'Ihe Cueauut and "Walnut btreets cars run within one square ot tueDei ot. Sloping Car Tickets can be had ou application ai ihellii-el, olhco N, W. .corner N loth aud Chesunl streets, and at the depot. Agents of tne Union Tranater Uompauy win call for and de.iver baggage at the depot. Orders Ion at No. w l Cbennnl slruel, or No. lie Markot street, will retelveainenUon. hKAVK Dfc.pOT vz lfc All l'k)lli ,.t.t. 8o0 A i Jtf t Paotl ActoiHiAodttiiou, iu SJ A. AU, VM, aud uuu P. At, FbjU Llue... A. M. Ene Expi "4'A- M.' B&rrlHuarg Accomu.iouaiiou....,.....M....., a ii'j ir. m, Lancaeter Accouimodatlon........... 4'OU P. M. parkeeburg TrAlu.w-M....'.. 580 P, M. Cincinnati tut press?. ",?.''!! Hrlo Mall aud tfi.tlalo itAlr s.....,,. 10 46 P. M. Phllaaelphia Exprees I2 0oNlgnt. Erie Mali lev eft dally, erccepl Suuday, runnlugon Saturday ulgnt to W llllamaportonly. Ou (Siiud y ulgbt BhSBengern will leave Pnilflelph'a al 12 o'cloca-. Phllauelphla Express leaves dally. Allotnertralus The WnAmmodatlon Train runs dally, -ocpi 1 btVnaay. For tlnu train ticaeta iiiual o pro cured and baiuage delivered by S ou P. M., at No. H MWkTBALNS ABRIVB AT DAJOT. VIZ.!- ClnLlnhatl Exprees.... ;10 A. M. TPiifirdniLhla express. - s lu a, m, Paoll AccbmiLoaailou..- .b M A. At., 8 4Ua..a7-10 P. to. EHe M-U aud Bullalo JtLxproaa 10 M A. M. Parketbarg Tralu . J 10 A. M. Fast Line.;.....-- w.p ! Laucaaier Tralu....M i r, m.1 Erie Express - - P- M Duy Exproas ?t Barrlsourg Accouiiuouanui.......--.... .. w r, 50r TOXioertniormil''n a, -ply to igriui.u VANLEER.Jr. Ticket Ageul, f BAN CIS FUNK.Tlcrcot AEul, No. 116 MARfcLHT Mret, SAMUEL H. WALLACE, , , fi icket Agent at ihe Ieioli The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not as sume any rluk fur Burgage, except lur Wearing Ap parel, anu limit their rpuntliiity 10 Cue Kuudrcd Dollars In value. All Baggage exceeding that amount lu value will ne at tneriHK 01 ine owner, unlens mtteo by special contract. EDWAIUH. WILbUMh, 42V tteueral Saperinteudent Aluxna, Pa.-, PBILAUKLPH1A, WlLUKNtil'UN, AND HiLllHOKl. RaILUOAD. Ti JlE A ABLE. ' rutcmencing MONDAY, November 23, i.jl.--'i'raies '. will leave Depol coraer Broad street ad tAaohlng. i ton avenue, as follows: Way.&ali Train at 8'3U A. M. (Sundays excepted), I 9m it.iitmrint. ftuiiitnuir at all rexular utatlou." dm. ntctlng with Delaware Bailruad at Wilmington fur Cristieid and intermediate stations. Exprtss .Train al 12 M. isundays except; d) Jor Bal lmureand Washington, au-piiug at WumiugUju, Perrjvlile, aud Havre-- e-urace, connects al Wli niingtou with train lor New Caelle- ExpreHSlranat4 0uP. M. tHuudays excepted) for Baltimore and WashUgtou, stopping at Cucaltr, Tnutlow, Llnwood, caymotn, iimiugt,u, maw. port. htanUiu. Newark, Eiktou, NorlU-Eaat, Cnarle,. r V T.i. 11.... .... M... lu llmnlbun ruau'B, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase's, and stouamer'i KJNlKbt Express at ll-3n P.M. iDally) for Baltimore aud Washlugton, stopping al Cheater. Tuurio. Llu- ivood. ciaycuoni, niwiuii.uM, j.- " wkwu, North-East, Perry vilie. aud Havre de Uice. latsn gere for Fortress Muuroe aud Norlolk will take the 12t0 j3fi!U10K trains. Stopping at all btalloasuutween ruuaumpui uu WllmiDgton. iui, 4 u, Leave I niiaueipma wi ', 7 mi P. M. ' The 6 00 P. M.. 1 rain cuuueuut wnu usia- ware itauroau ior Biiuiw ' latlOOS. u. . . .fiA.M.. l'Sll. 4-1S unit !? M. The s lu A. M. Train will nol stop between Chlner aud ppl.adeiphla. The 7 ouP. . Train trom Wllminaipn iuu m. illlmore to P. it., w ...... !..! Ininru aaL'tbaVlJsrowu. .";-V,,",' dSZ" S anion, Newport, " iiiiiiii.u-i and Chieler, ' ,, poimg weal, South, and JKV. be procureJ Tai Uckti o'tbce. No. 824 r nV,iit uruuuuer Continental Hotel, w hers also Chetuut tieH nmna lu B eeping cam can be ''iV'ine the day. Persons p.i.cuasiug tlckeui ;VSV.?iice c!iibave bsgKagecn,cgea at tueir real- , ..ljiiion TiaUBier ueucs by the -'u'Jlt y lijsNEi , Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE.-TIIROUUH AND fei MOltE. H A HRibBU R4, W ILLIAMHfOtt 1' At D THE OBBA.T Oli KEUlON OF PENNSYL: VAfIA.;t RieeulngOars on all Night Trains. USS alter MONDAY. November 28, 188. the iralus en Ke Philadelphia and Erie BaJroad will run aa louows; mTWinD. nTKUDi .tt TRAIH leaves Philadelphia.. UAILEAJJS ,' -wuiUkmiipori arrives at Erie 1010 r. m 8-15 A, ML , 50 P. M. ,1160 A. M. ,. 8'60 P. M. u . arrives at ano mail leaves Philadelphia.... ELM1B A M Al A .'."willlamsnort..., ,1U',0 A. M, 9 W A . M . 8 80 P. M. arrives at Lockiiaven.. XAHTWAUU. . 7 -46 P. At, MAIL TBAHS leaves Erie.. 10-58 A. V. -Wllllaiiuuort u..12 55 A. M. arrives at ruuutiuia..,,auw m.. ai, KB IE EXPBESS leaves Erie '26 P. M, BjtXB, jLrnjua ,, willlamiinort....... 7'6o A. m! m arrives at Phllaaelphia... i w P. M. Mall and Fxprias connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River BaUroaa. . BAOUAGK CHEOKbd THROUOH, Ai.rui.ii n. 1 iLr.a, . j i ' Oeueral Buperlnleudent. EST JEK81SY KA 1LKOAD 8. Vll t, AND WIN'lER ARHANdKM KNT. mm foot of MARKET Street (Ueuer Ferry L Commencing VrUUMtnnir, seiitemner 14, 1868. 1' tlAINS LEAVE A FOLLOWS. For Cap May and statloua below MiUvlUe, fU V. M. or Mtllvllie. Vineland, and Intermediate station g-16 A M., s is r. m. For Dridgion, dalem, aud way nations "Iv.t undiinrv at 8-15 A. M.. 818. 880. and 800 P. M Freight train leave Canideu dally at U o'clock Freight received at aeoond covered whasfitl) Walnut street, dally. Freight DeuvMed NO. t8 South Delawaresvsa " WLLLIAM J. SKWELU .(g) ttatrarlAteadaaii 1 TSZ "baTtwlior; w" Phtladelphla.-Leave B P'f r.T5o i'.i v 'niAlNrllua B A LTIMOUK. ....?.r. .17 11 P M.. stopping at Mag AUCTION SALES. TVTABTINi BROTUEKS, AUCIIONEERS. A-V U II : Lateir Salesmen for M. Thomas A Sons.1 lNo bZ CILESN UT SU. rear entrauoa Irom Minor. ' Pale No, 140 N. Fifteenth streH. ' ELEGANT WALNUT FCBMTU KK. II ANDHOMS MIRRORS ELRUANT ROHrtOOD PIANO, VERY FINK OIL PAINTJNUH, P1CRT BRUS- r-EI.I CARPETS, VINE ULaSBWABJB AND CHINA, ETC. . . , On TriMday Morning, February 8. At 10 o'clock, ai No. 1408 N. Fifteenth street, above Master street, y catalogue, tbe entire furniture Inc ludlng very elegant walnut and maroon piuh drawing-room suit, centre table, htndsorne walhot cban.ber lurnlture, 2 handsome walnut slde honrus, superior library lurnlture, bookcase, elegant rosewood piano by Ramm; very fine French piale tnlrrois. hauosiniely tramed: French mantel clocks lu gers' Group, fire-proof silver chest, hair mat tret.sea. richly cnt giuawara, floe white French chlua. plated ware, rich Brussels carpels, cottage suit, ki. chen utensils, e'o. ELKOANT Oil. PAINTINGS. Also, several line subjects by William Sharer. Ver boeckrHiyeu, Bonheid, Dyke, aud others; llue engrav ings, etc? - 1 he cabinet furniture was made to order and Is in elegant condition. May be teen early on the morning of sale. I 2H0t 11 AN DHOMK MODERN Khti DKNCE. Immediately previous to the f ale ot the lurnlture at lOo'rlork, the II AfvPsOfa K MODKKN TUKEE feTORY BRICK BESlDkNCE, Double Three-story Hack Buildings, side ya of ground. 2,1)6 f'el Ironl, by lno futt deep No. H(fl N. FifieentU street, above Manter street. The house Is In elegant coudl tiou; hasall the m dern couveuleuues and improve ments, underground drainage, eto, 1 2- at . Sale No 6!9 Chtwnnt street. HANPPOMK WALNUT HOUnKHOLD PURNI- TURK, 2 PIANO-. FINRFKEull PL4TK M I K ROHS. HANDSOME VELVET AND BBUSaELS CAEPET, ETC. On Wednetdav Mornlnd, Feb, 3, at 10 o'emck al tue aumioj roims, No 524 Ciffiuut street, by catalogue very excellent Furni ture, Inciiidirg Very superior walnut parlor aud library lurnlture; 5 eUgant walnut chamber aulis, finished lu oil and varnish; fine Fri-ucblpiai) mantel, pltr, and oval nil rrs. In gilt lrm?a; tianuiome n edulilon velvet, Bruiseln, and othor carpets, Iron SHl.-N, cilice Itirnlttire, flnu chlua and glas.4warn, leather bsdt, large turning lathe, gas couHUintng stoves, etc L2IZt Peremptory Sale on the Premises, to clone the Part ueishlp Concern of the Firm ot Evsni & Walton. t'lOLK AND MACU1NKRY. BUPPRIOR I'IKE-PROOF SAU'Ed, SUPERIOR, Fli:i;-ri;o'K ack, with tsanb iru Hteam f mat; 2 FINE LURvJLAK-PROOF MAJ'Ed: WElON l HANK SAFES; VAULT DOOR-; PKILLINCI MACHINES; I.ATHW; SUaFTINU; BEbTINO; TOOLS; CAbTiNOd, ETO. Ou Thnr&dny Kornlnff, February 11. at 10 o'clock, at No. 11 South Seventh strtet, without reserve, to close tbe partuersbtp con cern of Evans A Watson, by catalogue, the entire stock, luclnaing: lo superior II re-proof safet, with k anburu steam attachment; small Evaus A Watson sales; 2 very llue pattm burglar-proof sales, retail price i;1); Inside linrglar-prno'i; money buxes, patent lock.; sttot vault doors; 12 sales, made by LI. lis and others: targe quantity ef pumphlets aud printed matter, etc. AT THE FACTORY, Back of No. 244 North Eighth street, below Vine. VALUABLE MACHINERY; LA 1 11 E4; DRILL- Pt.E.Si'.b: FOROE4; TOOLS; WROUOIIT AUD CAfoi IKON; PLATFORM bCALEd, EIU On Thursday, At 12o'cloci M., tbe entlrs contents of Factory, In cluding: 4 drill (..reuses: planing macbluei; lathes; vises: pair heavy Bheara: ens tings; shafting; pulleys aud hanger; belling: screw cutter; blacksmiths' and inuchlnls ' tools; lorge: 2 pairs platform scales; 4) cabinet makers' benches; 1 barrel varnish; lot lum ber, etc. Also, 1 ton asbestos. Also, Final) Iron safe. ; May be seen early 011 morning ef ala. 1 sn jnt RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TOWN, AND NUBBISTUWM BA1LEOAU. TIMETABLE. FOR OERMANIOWN. Leave Fhlluaeiphla at , 7, H, 8 0 j, 10, II. 12 A. M , 1. !. X 15. Hi. 4 6. 5 '.' fill. 7. 8.9. 10. 11. It P. M. Leave Utrutanlowa at ti, 7, 7,, 8, 20, 9, lu, It, 12 A. 11,, 1,'i, 3. 4,4U. 8,7, B, U, 10 11 P. Id, T ho b 'J) don n train, and ;t and 6 up "trains, will not Biop ou tne uerinamuou uruueu, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 9 15 A. M., 8. 7. and 10V P. M. Leave uermantown at la A. M 1, 6, and ;t P. M CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Pciiautipbia at ti, b, 10, 12 A. At.. 2. Ui. 5X, 7, 9, hid llf.N, Leave Chestnut Hill al 7-10. 8. 9'40, H'10 A. M., 1'40, H Wt U 1U, 9 lO, O AU, CUU IU IV JL ill., ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia al 9 15 A., 2 and Ch stnU'. Hhl BIT'iO A. M., 12 P. M. r p. M. 40, 5 40, and 9 25 FOR CONBHOnOCKEN AND NORRfSTOWN. Leave thtlue plua at 6,7a. 9, aua ll'UA A, M., li, -..'o.t'.'j and 11 , r.M. Leave Norr;nlowu al5 40, 7, 7'60, 9, and II A, M., l.', . 4i 6,V anu '4 ir. m. ON fcCNDAYH. Leave Plilladelphia at tf A. M,: 'Hi and 7' P. M". Have Norilftluwa at 7 A. M.; t!, aua a p. M. FOR MaNaYUNK. If ave Philadelphia at s. 7. 8, aud 1105 A. M,; 1.' 4ii,. f.'i'. U'i. 8lh, and It's 1 M. 1,-avt- Matiayunk at 0-10, Hi, 8 20. 9';, aud II.' A.M.; b. slt " f '- uu 9 x ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at. U A. ia ; i'-i and 7,'4 P. M. LeLVe tiMii'i link at 1)., A. M.; 8 aud V. M W. b. WILSON, Ot-heial Superluleuiient. Depot, Nluthaud Ureeu streets. LUMBER. bi'RCCE JOIST. bPaucE joj"r. HEMLOCK, HEMLOCE. 18C9 1869 t 1L i.t SEASONHiD CLJUAB PINE, lOUU SEASONED CLEAR PINE. 1869 tutjitix. rsiiibAn rinn. SPANISH CEDAB, FOB PATTERNS. BED CEDAR. Oi-ll FLORIDA FLOOBINCt. lOOU FLORIDA FLOOBINU. 1869 VI HOI MA FLOOIUNO. DELAWARE FLOOIUNU. ASH FLOORLNU. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA STEP BOaaDS. BAIL PLANE. lbG9 WALNUT BDS AND PLANE. WALNUT BDS. AiD PLaJNE. . WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT PLANE. 1869 lCfiO UNDERTAKERS LUMBER, 1 Qfl ICOtJ UNDEBTaEEBS' LUMBEU. iOUU BED CA.DAB. WALNUT AND PINE. "l-Ml SEASONED-POPLAR. T non 1CCJ SEASONED CHERRY. lODy ASH, WHITE OAS PLANK AND BOARDS. HICEOBY. 1 ftfriO CIGAR BOX MAKERS' Qnr IOU J CTOAR BOX MAKERS lOUU SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. FOR SALE LOW. IRAQ CAROLINA SCANTLING, "l Qnc lODl ' CAROLINA H. T. SILLS, 1001 Norway bcantlino. iQftO CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 OPO XOVO CYPRESS SUINULEa, lOOt ALACLE, BROTHER 4 CO., HI No. 2600 SOUTH Street, T. P. GALVIN & CO.. LUf.'CER CGMlVilSSION MERCHANTS bUACKAMAXOJJ bTREET Wliilal'. BELOW SLOATS MILLS, faa.CAU.kJ), PHIL DELPHIAJ AGENTS FOR SOUTHERN AND EASTERN Man factttrers of YELLOW PINE aud SPRUCE TIMBU BOABDS, etc, shall be happy to furnish order Wholeaale rates, deliverable al auy accessible port, - Constantly receiving and on baud at our wharl BOUTHEBN FLOORING, SCANTLING. SHIN GLES, EASTERN LATHS.PIORET8. BED-SLATS, fcPBUCE, HEMLOCK, SELECP MICHIGAN AND CANADA PLANK AND BOARDS, AND HAO ItLATCO SHIP-EN EES. 181tulh A OF WUIVU WIIJj BK DKU VExtKJJ At ANT PANOr X1IECITX IltOMPTxT CHR0M0-LITH0GRAPHS. JpiCTURES FOR TIIESENT3. A. S. BOD INS ON, No. 810 CHESNUT Street, Hit Inst received exqnlslte spnetmen ol ART SUITABLE I OB HOLIDAY UIFTS, FINE DRESDEN "ENAMELS'' ON PORCELAIN, SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including a number ol choice gems. A SUPERB LINE OF CUllOalOH. A large assortment ol NEW ENGRAVING5!, 'Eto. iko, aivu aiiu 1 kaib u, 01 eteaant new patutu. . 11,4 AUCTION SALES M. TCliVffl.Koa- " ah 11 FKEXHIBITIONOF,ptImDn)rATlfTTiraji M. Knotdler's (inco.ior to Gonmi tton ot elegant 1 Eaat Ualuiy Sf paintings Is now vu xdihiuno . 1 the Academy of Hoe",'0" " ' , a. from HAM. till t P. rsTdali. " Admission free. 1 i.r - Catalogue now ready. ratjw or supers PAiwTiwae, 1 or BtiriHs rtiRTitiaB, lotiplist C.... M Rowdier. flnseoUaa. ' mence this evaoing at 7H ooiooi i of Mr cnarle P.llMeitln" tlS ' t, One hsir the oatatngua will bas.Iii? non. win ceruruec he Art Gallery 1 nernui strvvt, uno n r ilia natan.mia m k. .",7 L h I. AVAfllna LhA hkl.nit. In mnrvnw n SOIOt . . .'..y(, SA I. OF BEA L ESTATE, STOCKS. o , Fnhro at . 18C9, at 12 o'clock, noon, at lb Philadelphia k, change, will Ineluda tnum Jx- iQOLD YORK. BOAD 1 Frame Dwellings ant urgl south ro, s4i store ana nweiiing, HPBl'CK, o. giu Vam.bie Hotel. CA'I tiAUNK, above Slxleentti Btltldlng Lit TEN I H (North) No. 220-D slrable De.lii SEVENTH (North) No. 2124-Mortera Dwoliln IO00 shares West Bangor Slata Mlulng Co. 2 shares Union Pasener Railway Oo. 14 shares Union Mutual Insurance 03 csdIIai Stuck. Plsbarfs Hear 8onntaIn and Frackllu Coal Oj. 60 Bhi res M ple Shade Oil CO. QMl nhar, a M limn OH Co. 1 16 Wabash and Erie Canal (special stook.) lew 101 l UUIIHl u luv J-.pilfiiail J, 1 share t ontlnentul Hotel Co , (old stock.) 206 sLares fecund and Third Streets Passenger Ball, way Co. 1 sbare Philadelphia Atbenseurn. fo shares houtbern Trai sportatlo" Co. tosba'es National Exchanse Baok. 7 aharts Itank Of North America. 4 shares Phliacelphla and southern Mall Steam- ,htn I t I'rro city of Trenton per oent Bonds. TI 28 81 ti shares American liaitonbole MachlneOa, 6 shares Camden and Atlantic Railroad. f9 shares M lnehlll ad Sobutrlklll Haven RfttlTOA) 10 shares American Life Iusura'.ce Co, m -1 10 shares Central Transportation Co. innhares Fourth National Bauk. Ae'Catalogues now ready. BUNTING, DURBOROW A CO., AUCTIOB EERS, Nob. 32 and IM4 MARKET Street. coraa' of Rank sueel. Successors to johu B. Myers A Va. FIFST LARGE SPRING SATE OF 2000 CASES iinnTu. bimiru tuivbi 11 m . 7, ?0J . Ou Tnebday Morulnn, Feb. 2. at 10 o'clock, ou four mi. nth.' rmmt 1. Cludlug- aeu s, ooys , ana youtns calf, kip, and bufT leather booin; fine gra n long dress boots; Ojugresi bunts and btlmoials; kip, bun, aud pcllsh grain bra. gars; women's, mlutea', aud chhuren's goat mo. rocco, aia. ana euameiita batmorals; Coosreaa cal'-.ri; luce bouts; laming gaiters; ankle ties; tr"i hug bags; metallic overshoes, eta 1 g; ADMINISTRATORS' SALE OJT FANCY CASSI. w L . , t On Wtduesday. Feb. 3, will be pert niutorlly sold, on fonr moatha credit, commenting at 10 o'clock, by order f ii!ilr Bullock aud Bebecca Ann P. Hunter, ad-ulnlatrlinX? of P. M. Huotet, aeceased, late surviving naitSi of P. M. Hunter & Co., . varine ONE TO TWO THOUSAND PIECES OF Pttntrr CM EN AND SI AFi-OhD MILL OASaiMKuTjS" being balance of stock irom mill. The goods eran frtsh and very desirable styles. I28 LARGE SPECIAL AND PEREMPTORY- bat OF DOMES'! IU OO0D8 IN ETIBE Pli'ir AGES. 'ACAtj On Wednesday Morning, Feb. 8 at loo clock soo entue fackages cotton and woollen dome tf good. SPiKTINa AND BHEEriNGS. esses heavy bleached and brown muslins in widths and qualities. ,a ALSO, cases 5-4 Hue pillow-case muslins. , cases while, scarlet, aud grey all-wool flanniaTa caats spring styles full a adaer prints, . CbheM extra heavy pure napkins. cases heavy wire-twist checks, caBes ttae w ldo twll led stripes. caaes berrlug-bone lickings. . casts wide aud heavy cottouadea. casts hue twl led laucy plaids. 1 a."es superior quality ol tailors' sllesla taxes heavy brown and blue denims. caaes all-wool fancy shlnlgs. cases brown and bleached (lisps rs, caats heavy canton Uannels. caHts plaid Manchester ginghams. cases Suiala and American crssh. casts black aud while and high-colored Italian, rale. case tine quality toilet quilts. BLANEE1S. 60 bales brown and grey b aukets. MILITARY CLOTHING. 80 cases Inlantry overcoats, perlect. DO caatB grey-mixed army sblrts WOOLLENS. EW. cases 6-4 black Union clotbs. cases 6-4 bght fancy casslmere. canes 4-4 double and twist casslinere. cases 4-4 heavy brown doeskins. cases 4-4 brown Oxfotd and gold-mixed Jean 4-4 Trenton and Abby vllle caaslmereo, cabts 4-4 Washington twilled mixtures. " casts 4-4 heavy-mixed salluets. cbi e 4-4 cable cords, N. B oonds win be open for examination With catulegues ou the day previous to sale. I 27 l FIRST SPRING SALE OF CARPETING 9, 8M PIECES OIL CLOTH j. ETC., On Frloay Morning. . Feb. 8, at 11 o'ou ck, on four uionins credit, atant 2011 pieces Ingrain. Venetian, list, hemp, cottage, and tun carDetlnirs: 1 11 ninth., eto. aiso, a iiue of tapestry .Brussels, 1 su sa CI.ABK A EVANS, AUCTI0NEER9, NO. 680 CHESNUT Street. Will sell THIS DAY. Moraine and ttnnliw. A larce In voice of Blankets. Bed Spreads. Dry Good. Cloths, Casslmeres. Hosiery, Slatloaery, Tab! an4 pocket cutlery, Notions, etc city ana country merchants win una oargams. Terms cash. Goods packed tree of charge . CD. McCLEES & CO., AUCHONKERS, NO . Bug MARKET Street. SALE OF SOO CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROQANS, On Thursday Morulug, P.h A wmn,,to . I I 1 n'nlllCk. fffl Will Bell. D V catalogue, for cah, 9uo case men's, boy', and youtba. buots, shoes, brogans, balmorais, etc. Also, a large assortment of ladles', misses', and cbllaren wear, to which we would call the attention of tbe trade. 1 1 THOMAS BIRCH A BON, AUCTIONEERS! AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1UI CHEbN UT Street: rear entranoa No. 1107 Banaom t LIPF1NCOTT, BON & CO., AUCTIONEERS, ABHHUBST BUILDING, No. 840 MABKJCT St. KEENAN, EON A CO., No. 118 H. FBORT Strtet. AUCTIONEERS, . NEW YORK. JDRIAN n. MULLER, AUCTIONEER. VALUABLE PBOPERTY ON BBOADWAT, CHUBCH, DUANE, AND NORTH STB BETS. NEW YOBK, TO UK LHA8ED AT AUCTION. Adrian H. Uulier, P. B. Wilxlus & Co. wUl lease at auction, x ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1859, At 12 o'clock M , at the Exchange Salesrooms, N 111 BBOA DWAY, BY OBDEB OF THE UNDERSIGNED, A COMMITTEE OF THE BO A BD OF GOVERNORS Ok IKI SOCIETY OF THE NEW YORK HOSPITAL, iTHK FIFTY-EIGHT LOTS COMPRISING ALMOST THE ENTIRE BLOCK BOUNDED BY BROADWAY, CHURCH, DUANE, AND WORTH' STREETS, WILL BE LEASED AT AUCTION ON THE ABOVE MENTIONED DAY. This property Is located la the contra of th heavy business ot the el'y, 00 high ground, with dry, sandy soli, and surrounded by ilrst-slau Improvements. The lease will be for a term of twenty-one years, with tb usual covenaa'A for renewal, and will ba similar to those made by the "SAILORS' SNUG HARBOR," which have always been considered as most favorable to the lessee. The advan tage of holding loug leises on property In the bsslness pcrtion of tbe city Is demon strated by the large bonu which has been paid tor those mad by th "Sailors' Suna Harbor," amounting lu many casei almost '" valu.Cfthefee. Tbe leasing of the tor'Ul property at auction will atford aa cl,p0f,",'"" n .11 probability will never again occur ,D, lease, o, ErE stanlly Increasing du'"lVi0 premium, especially this cty. soon be wtit'l ar as lb.' property lW'ZnoV TAX aTfON. - ' EXEMPTED JF'yi'K W BKKKMAW, ' ' JOHN DAV1U fOLtK, ' .-. jtOliKRTI LIVlNGSlON, 1 1 JA( KtiN S ailULTii, jami;h m. BROWN. Eesrrlf IlBl'- Beul bf UJftU " iMtt1' l 27 171