rr 1 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, .1809. NEWS SUMMARY. City Allaire. Mr. Evan 0. Jtukeon, the well known Pen Ion Agent, died at bis residence In llils citj on Bunda j, in the CSih jcar of his re. ' Ibsptction of flour and meal for the week ending JanuHry 21: JJarieH of superfine, 7238; do. R.ve, 70; do. condemned, 136; total, 7663. The lollowlng are the receipts and prices for the week ending January 23 at the Farmers' Hay Market: Loads of hay, 448; straw. 77; Prime timothy, per 100 lbs., tV2w$V26; mixed, l-10W5; Inferior, $lf06j straff, $l'25a 1 '30. The following vessels cleared from this port last week with petroleum: Barque Idolique, for London, with 116,912 gallons; baique Har mony, for Antwerp, with 44,852 do.; orifi Given, for Halifax, with 10U0 do.; uiuking a total of 182 764 gallons for the week, and l.l'J'1,428 palloiis tince tbe first of January. Five barquei and two btigsarenow loading for foreign port. The mouttily meeting of the Younn Men's Christian Association was held lu't evening. nd their hall was crowded to its full capacity, (icorgo VV. Mcars, Kq., Vice President of tlio Association, in tlio cliair. After the usual opening exerci-et, Kcv. Moseley II. Williams read tbe etsay of the evening, which was lis tened to with much interest. The subject was "The Man.of the World.-' James l?.cIrmott. a victualler, has Deem appointed by Mayor Fox to the police of the beveutcenth district, and James Uafigerty to the same district. Mr. Hnc'crty was a sailor in the United States jN'avy, and served during tbe war on several gunboats, and finally on the frigate Rt. Lawrence. Hugh McCullougb, of the Third ward, Is nis-o api oinWI on the police, lie was in tlio navy during tlio war, ami was promoted to master at-arms for meritorious BrrviccH. He took part in the first attack on Fort Sumter, and was at the capture of Port Jtojul, aud Feriiandina, Florida. DoiiiFfctic Afiiilrs Hold closed yesterday at 1 3(i g . burglars are again in lusting Camden. The sailors now In New York, huve struck for higher waces. Senator Morrow B. Lowry had an attack of paralysis yesterday. One thousand distilleries are in operation in the Ucited Ktatcs. Chicago reports little clue but murders, and she has no rival, eave New York. Tue Uev.JDr. Littlejohu will be consceratcd Bishop of Long Inland to-morrow. One thousand miles of the Union Pacific Railroad are now finished and in operation. The health of (Jovernor Weary Is improving, but ho is not ytt able to attend to business. From North Carolina we have reports of additional outrages by the Rebels in that old Common wealth. Fires .yesterday at Boston, Mass., and Hamilton, Canada, destroyed property to the amount of $05,0(10. Jf . (!. Randall has been convicted of robbing tho mails at Portland, Urctron, and sentenced to twelve years' imprisounjeui. Cassius M. Andrews was arrested at Buffalo on Sunday afterr.oon, charged with IssQing a large amount of forged checks on business men. Biaisdell and F.ckdtlJ, convicted iu New York of defrauding the (Jovernment of the Whisky tax, werd yesterday sentenced each to three years' iraprionaient in the Penitentiary.. Our efficient police have driven the thieves' and burglars ot our city across the river to Camden. Good! They will have New Jersey justice speedily meted out to them either the tsta'.e'e Prison or the gallows. Foreign AflTnIre. Havani, Jan. 26. Serious troubles have re cently taken place iu Jesu Maria Ward. Yes terday afternoon these disturbances broke out again in the same quarter. Some people ou the house-tops fired upon the volunteers iu the streets, and tbe latter returned me lire, it is not known whether any one was killed. At a late hour iu the evening the house of Benor Aldana, a rich planter, suspected of giving aid and comfort to the revolutionists, was entered by police oUiccri, supported by a "guard of volunteers, and searched for arms supposed to have been hidden there. Tho building was badly damaged by the troops. Tbe Spaniards report that this house was one ot those lrom which the volunteers were fired upon. At nine o'clock on tbe same night, in the vicinity of the Louvre. Codec House and Tacou Theatre opposite, shots were fired At some volunteers who were pasting through the street. The lower hall of the Louvre was crowded with people, who were utterly ignorant of what are going ou outside, or on the upper floors of the building. The detachment of volunteers halted, faced tue Liouvre anu nrea dpon ineguesis iuui criminately, with fatal results. Several Spanish gentlemen, Government em ployes and officers of the army, were killed. Two Genuan merchants, Messrs. Rechling and Lappenberg, aud many other persons, were dangerously wounded. Hainuel Cokner, a well known photographer from the United States, was attacked and killed near tbe Louvre, about the same time, by some armed men who are supposed to have belonged to the volunteer . Jorce. While the advance was leaving Villanouva Theatre, shots were fired by which two ladies and several children were killed. A meeting of the commanders of the volun teer forces in the city was held to day. General Dulce was present aud deplored the recent oc currences. It was resolved that all volunteers, excepting those on guard, shall hereafter remain at their homes, and only come out when a signal of twelve guns is fired, or at tbe command of their chief officers, until the arrival of additional troops from Spain. Sailors from the Spanish men-of-war in the harbor are to perform patrol duty, and they are now patrolling the btreets outside the walls. Business has been suspended since the com. mencement of the disturbances with the volun teers, but tbe people are now greatly relieved and tbe feeling of security grows stronger, as the sailors are well disciplined, sober and faith ful, and peiform their duties to tbe satisfaction of all. The city is now perfectly quiet. Havaka. Jan. 23101'. M. All quarters of the city, iuside aud outside the walls, are quiet. Nothing has occurred to-uiuht to disturb the public tranquillity. Thekiilinsol Mr. Cokner is the general theme ot conversation, and la looked upon as a cowardly assassination. The American schooner Arresia, formerly a Key West wrecker, Bas been brought to this port as a prize by the .pauiih gunboat Belta. on suspicion of carrying supplr-s to the rebels. When discovered, thej pre'ended to be engaeed in wrecking a ebip lost ou Colorado reels. The Arresta cleared lrom Key West on the fctu for BiNEW York, Jan. 25. A Cuba special to Ihe lltraid says: Advice from ht. Thomas to the 18th instant have been received. News had reached there from St. Domingo that President Baez had sold Alta Vela to a Fieuch company, m 4.,.;,t 1 1, iirpvlnin mil-or itieisianu. Ahe r m uiriiuH.."- c " . . , , . , imericau consul at St. Jj.mintfo nai protested " asaiust the transaction and stnt tor a tnau-ot-war. Baez remained in his capital, around which intrenebmeuts had been I brown up. He bad invited ex-Piesident Cabral and bis fol lowers to return to their country, and they will do so If Baez asms that an flection for a new President be held and all political pnsouers oe released, London, Jan. 25. The political news to-day is meagre and unimportant, lteverdy Johnson has accepted an invitation to dine witli the corporate authorities at Manchefctef some time in February, JlettTT Ilnnk Kobbery In Rnltlmore. New York, Jan. 25. Inspector Dilka to-day ..iivpi1 a telegram lrom tbe Baltimore detec tive police, stating that one of the banks of that City tunme uut fncu) wua cubcieu ujr burelars on Friday night, who broke Into the tacit and robbed it of money and bonds to the ;..nt of $115,000. No trace of the thieves Z been obtained. The property stolen is of ij.UTnnd bonds, f 15.000; Union Pacific Railroad jj fiOH(l: B-20 bond of 18G2. 81000 : 6-20 Knnd of 1864, $6000; 6-20, convertible, $4000; ?.7-.hinifton county. Md., bonds, 120.000; bonds w Orleans and Opelousas Railroad. $30,000; l wh. Kcw Orleans and Jackson Railroad, Scnen' bonds Western Maryland Railroad, The ntnlMl Election. Before Examiners Mcsslck and Batturs the contested election case was resumed yesterday afternoon, when tbe following testimony was adduced relative to tbe Fourtb division of the Twenty-fitm wwd; William Cooper, No. 1107 Pomersct street; Alexander McKay. No. 1024 Somerset street; Hugh R. Jones, William Lenlz. No. 1409 Fisher street, testified to having voted the Republican ticket in this division at the October election. The last named witness further testified that he was on doty as a police man at these polls all day, except during dinner, and saw the deputy sheriffs there. The counsel fof tho Incumbents objected to questions as to the conduct of these officers, as the specification relating thereto had been Withdrawn bythe contestants in open court. Wliness resumed Did not see them interfere with any man, but they tried to drive the police away from the place; were charged by tho lieutenant to keep a convenient distance away from the polls, so as to hear and see what was going on, but not to interfere with the voters; he left an officer in charge of our squad, who alterwaids went away, and left Officer Joseph Winmlll in charge, nnd he and Oflicer William Taylor were atnaulted while discharging their duties by these men, who got hold of the former, and tried to drag him away fiom the polb, and went to their assistance. Wiunnll as not near the window when the difficulty occurred. Jacob Jacoby, No. 1117 Fisher strec'; Joseph Hntrerman, No. 1112 Belgrade street; James A. l yle, No. 1023 Huston street; Gjorge I'rescott, No. 1412 Kichmoud street, and Joseph Jacksou, No. 15ri2 Richmond street, also testified to voting the Republican ticket in this divii-lon. Mrs. Roe Ann Mahon, No. 1153 Williams street, tetttfied that Edward Carr lives ou Wil l.atn street, above Salmon, and never lived wl.ere she does. Ho is assessed at No. 1163 Williams stteet, and Is on tbe list of voters. Mr. Mary Gallauher, No. 1520 Mu lieu street, testified that James Short moved from the hou? e where she lives to this side of the Reading Baiiroad about nine months auo. He is assessed at No. 1520 Mullen street, and la on the list of voters. John Yost, No. 1414 Richmond street; W. M. Pickup, No. 1134 Somect Btreet; Benedict Darlington, No. 1122 Richmond btreet; and James Patterson, No. 1415 Salem street, all testified to voting the Republican ticket iu this division. . As to the Sixth division of the Seventeenth ward, Miss Mary Devlin, No. 307 Master street, testified that she lived in a three-story three roomed house, aud kept boarders; the first floor was used as a store, the second to cook in, aud the third William Allen and Edward McKeeu, two boarders, slept in, together with lier chil dren; Cornelius Donnelly left about two montbs ago; could notsay whether ho came there before election; could not say when Charles Brady came or went; no others were boarding there daring the summer or fall; nobody came there before election to board and said they were sent there; did not know Daniel Murphy; James Dugan died several years ago; D;miel L'lndregaii did not live bac k of witness, but moved some time ago to American aud Master streets; had not seen hini since July last; did not koov whether he was dead or not. Dauiel Murphy, James Dusan, Daniel Lan degran, N'eall Donnelly, Charles Brady, nnd Felix Connelly are on the list of voters, and assessed at No. 307 Master street. Henry Lance, Robert Donnelly, James Floyd, No. 1440 North Second street; Lackian Came ron, No. 1425 Phillips street; Josoph W. fccott, No. 1407 North Fouith street; Tiiomas W. Jack eou, Charles Seeburger, No. 1417 North Fourth street; Georgo Patton, No. 1413 Phillips street, and James McCobb, No. 1422 North Second street, all testified to voting the Republican ticket in thiB division. Mrs. Lincolu l'ffitloiia Congress for n I'eiihiou. The President pro tern, of the Eenate laid be fore that body jesterday the lollowiujr petition from Mrs. Lincoln, written upon note paper, with a heavy mouruiug border: To the Hon. Vice-President of the United States Sir: I herewith most respectfully present to the honorable Senate of the United States an application lor a pension. I am a widow ot a rresuent or tue unuea states whose life was sacrificed iu his countrj's service; inat taut calamity nas very greatly impaired my health, and by the adviee of my physiciajs I have come over to Uermany to try tue mineral waters, and aunug tue winter to go to Italy, but rav financial means do not permit me to take advantage of the urgent advice given me, nor can I live in the style becoming the widow of tho Chiel Magistrate of a great nation, although I live as economically as I can. In consideration of tbe great Eervices my deeply- lamented husband bas rendered to tbe united States, and of the fearful loss I have sustained by his untimely death bis martyrdom, I may say I respcctlully submit to your honorable oody tuis petition, noping mat a yearly pension may be granted me, to that I may nave less pecuniary care. l remain most respccuuuy, Mrs. A. Lincoln. Frankfort, Germany. The petition was referred to the Committee on Pensions. Br utile y 's Case-Au Order to Restore uim to fraciit-e. The following is the writ of mandamus served upon the Justices of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia yesterday morniug in the matter of the restoration of Joseph II. Bradley, Sr., to his position as a member of the bar of said court: United States of America: The President of the United States to the Bupreme Court of the District of Columbia and Justices thereof, greeting: Whtreas, It has been made to arpear to the Supreme Court of the United States tbat Joseph II. jiradiey was duty admitted and enrolled as an attorney aud solicitor authorized to exerclso the rights, privileges, and franchises thereof in your court; yet you. the Justices of said Su preme Court of the District of Columbia, with out reasonable cause, have unjustly removed said J. II. Bradley lrom the place and office of attoiney and solicitor to the said court, to the no email damage and grievance to him, the said J. H. Bradley, asset forth iu his complaint to said Supreme Court ot the Uuited States in that behalf, aud which fully appears of record in the said court; Now, therefore, in order that spcedv justice f hall bo done in this behalf to said J. II. Brad ley, you are hereby enjoined that, immediately after Ihe receipt of this writ, you do restore or cau?e to be restored the said J. II. Bradley nito said place and office of one of the attorneys aud solicitors in your court, with all the liberties, privileges, and franchises of said place of one of the attorneys find solicitors of your court be longing and apperlaining, lest ou your default herein complaint should be made to the said Supreme Court of the United States; and how you shall have executed this writ mako known to the Justices of the Supreme Court ot tbe L'nited Slates on tbe 2Gtb day of January, 1SW, and have jou theu aud there this writ. Witness The Hon. S. P. Chase, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of tho United States, this 21st day of January, 18G9. P. A. MlDDI.ETON, Clerk of Supreme Court of the United tates. The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia has not yet acted in this matter. FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 25. Tbe Electlou Committee heard this morning further argument from Judge V. A. Schal, of Texas, in behalf ot Simon Jones, the contestant of Colonel Mann, de- nnoud o.ln tmrl h. en seated. Colonel Hunt and Mr. Menard (colored) desiring a further bearing, tbe committee couuuuuu mc unac, and further argument will occur to morrow. 4k(a mnriilnrf a H H IPtr ft H OH nf Vir?illl& ucoiu tuita uiuiuiuK - - -" Metbodisti in opposition to the plan of the com mittee of nine, so far as It modifies the Consti tution in tbe maiteroi cuurtu propenj. FMin Indiana. Ikdunafolu. Jan. 25 A nrlze fight between Mike Douavan, of Chicago, and John Boyne, of t'eru, inomua, was fought near Tipton, Indiana, this momltg, resulting in favor of Donovan in 99 rouBos, MARINE TELEGRAPH. Pvr additional Marina If&wi ue Fir it Papa. ALMANAC WQ& IMIILADSLPHIA-THia DAT, '" i T ia Mwr Kllia,.nnw, Bom Bbtr..mm....m 6 10 Hihh Watch. .. i PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE, Jawb DottoBMTr, 1 . (. HJBLKH WalKXXB, fMOWTHLT OOMMITTIB, W. U. KKNT, J MOVKB1KNTS OF UCKAH gTEAUURS. FOU AttKKIUA. Wm. Pnn.MM....Ixiulon.....New Yurk Dee, 26 Britannia. ...OlHgiw....New York..M.M...Jaa. 8 AlaHnla.......Loilon-....,New York....Ju, Palmyra.,... l,lverpool...New Yorlt........Jaa. 11 MhelH M..Boulhanipton...New York -Jan. 11 Manhattan llverpool...Nw York Jaa. IS Olty ot lxnlon.Llvertool...Neiv York ...-J mi. 18 1 be Queen Liverpool. ..New York Jan. la KealorlRi) Liverpool... Portland Jan. 14 Gerroanla HotitlinmpUin...New York,... Jan. lb Perelre Ureal. New Y'ork' Ju. 1(1 AtiBtralafiian Llverpool...New York' Jan. la Hol6atl...........fiavre.... ...New York .......... J an. It FOR KUKOPB. Hsmmonia New York...llnniiirff ..Jan. 2 Kangarao New York...Llverpoul Jan. 21 Cellar .New York...Ix)iirtoii.....M.........,.Jaa. 2(1 KehraHka. New York... Liverpool .Ju. 27 Java ..New York... Liverpool ,.Jn. 27 Tripoli.. New York... Liverpool .Jhu. 24 New York.. New York...Brpmeu .....Jan. 28 Cot LoiHlon..New York...Llverpool ..Jan. SJ C. of Baltlmure.New York...Llverpool.........KHb. 6 C Of Cork New York. ..Liverpool ....Feb. 9 COAHTWlHK, DOMJMT1U, KPO. Btananastrlpea Phllada.......Havana.......Jan. 27 KKle Now York...Havana.. Jan. 23 Uranata.... New Y'ork... Vera Orus. eto Jan. 2i Alalia are forwarded by every steamer la the reirnlar lines. Tbe ateainerg for or from Liverpool call at Uueenntown, except the Uanadlan line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or horn the Conti nent call at Southampton. CLEARED YKHTKRDAY. Hehr Rtephen ilotcbklss. Hodgdon, Boston D.Cooper. bt r U. 1m Uaw. Iler, Baltimore, A. Urovea, Jr. ARRIVED YK9TKRDAY. Htenmsnlp Norman, Crowell, hours from Boston, with miiRe. to II. Vinnorfc t.'o. K'hr ;itle Hall, Maxon, 1 day from Freaerica.Djl., with ((rain to Jas. L. Be w ley & Uo. R. JIu.RlrorlBi Owen, cleared at New York 231 1 i Aulw.e!1 vl I'ulladolphla. btp John v. Jloynton. Waycott. wert-haven th Inst. hence, at Brou- bteamshlD I'lnnoar r.t...lna h.nro at 'Vllm1n. ton, N. C. yesterday. ' HteaniBhlp l anita, Freeman, hence, at New York yesterday. Barque Neretd. Bearse, hence 18th Bept., at Ban FranclKCO 2ud lnst. Brig Julia F.Carney, Carnev. sailed from Havana 17th lust, for UatauEas, to load tor a port north of llatterac Brir J. Mclntyre. Haskell, at Olenfuegos loth Inst., reported from Philadelphia probably from Ports mouth. Bchr Mary J. Farr, Maloy, at Baltimore 24th Inst, from New York. Bchr Albert Thomas, Bogers, hence, at Charleston 24tb Inst. bchr Surprise, Bymmes, for Philadelphia, sailed from Charleston yesterday, with Ud bulea cotton, ln2 casks rice, Iterates rope cuttlniis, lo hbils. and 100 tons iron, loo empty bbln., and 2i'.iiuJ feet lumber. Hchr W. O. Irish, ltathbuu, beuce, at Norfolk 22d Instant. Bchrs Juniata, Patton, hence, and Hiawatha. Lee, from Baltimore at Providence 2.1d Inst. SchrOrace til 11 Urn, Uodrrey, lrom Providence for Philadelphia, sailed from Newport. 22d lost. fchr Albert Mason. Crowell, heuce, at Boston 23d Instant. bchr Bertha Souder, Wooster, hence, at Boston 24th Instant. , Bchr Amos Kdwards, Bnmers. cleared at Boston 23d Inst., tor Savannah via Wood's Hole. schr Si arietta 'lllton, Frltslnger, cleared at Boston 24(1 lust, for Baltimore. bchr Abraham Lincoln, Dill, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Y'ork yesterday. bebr Othello. ldrtdge, for Philadelphia, cleared at nf VnrV PMlArrtAV. Bchr John Johnson (of Phllsd'-'pbla). from Havana tor Boston, wns spoken win mat., u mum sn. oi (jape Cod, with the loss of foremast and malutopmast. FIRE-PROOF SAFES. PROM THE GREAT FIRE IN MARKET STREET. HEKKIXCS rATES'T SAFES Again tho Champion! rHE ONLY SAFE THAT PRE8KRVE j ITS CON- TKNTB UNCHAKKED. LETTER FROM T MORRIS PEROX 4 CXJ. Philadblpuia, Twelfth Month 8th, 1M8. Mesnrs. KurrHl. MerrluB A Co.. No. 2D C'heniitit street Ueuts: it Is with great pleasure that we add eor teltlmony to the value of your Patent Champion bale. At the destructive tire on Murketstieet, ou the evening of the ad lust. Jour store was the centre or the conllagratlou, and, being tilled with a large stock of drugs, oils, turpentine, pauua, varnmu, mcouui, eio , made a severe and trying lest, Yoar bare stood In an exposed situation, and fell with tbe burning lloors into ine cellar among a quantity oi coiuuuhuuih ma terials. We opened it next day and lound our books, papers, bank notes bills receivable, and; entire contents all safe. It Is especially gratifying to us mat your bate came out all right as we had entrusted our muBt valuable books to B, We shall want another of ytur bates lii a few days, as they have our entire con- Yours, respectfully, ' T. MUltRIS PEROT & CO. HFRRINO'H PATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the victors in more than Di0 accidental tires. Awarded the Prize Mtuala at the World's Fair, Loudon; World's Fair, New York; aud .Exposition Univeroeile, Paris . Mannfnctured and for Bale by FAHIIEL, IIEIUtlNG & CO., Ko. C29 CJItSXIT STItEET, 12 9wfm3mrp PHILADELPHIA. 0 . T. . HI A I H V. 1 I uiKnTirrnnirn n FIRK AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES, LOCKSMITH, BELL-HANGER. AND DEALEB IN BUILLINU HARDWARE, 151 NO. 434 RACE Street BLANK BOOKS. WARDED TIIE ONLY MEDAL FOB BLANK BOOKS By the Paris Exposition, 1867. WILLIAM F. MUltriiT'S SONS, No. 339 CHE8NUT Street AND Xo. 55 South FOURTH Street, Blank Book Manufacturers, STATIONERS, And Steam Tower Printers. A complete stock of well-seasoned BLANK BOOKS of our own manufacture. A lull stock Of COUNTING-HOUSE STA TION EKY of every deHcrlptlon. 12 14m wf t2 1 JAMBS D. SMITH A CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, WIIOLKSALK AND KETAIL, Ho. 27 Soulli SLTENTU Street, U 18 IiuwSm PHILADELPHIA, STATIONERS. QEORGC PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDER, REMOYED TO No; 14 DOCK Street, rniLALriii, LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COORT FOK TUB CITY L ANDOOUMY OC PHILADKitrUU. . Ktate of ALLKX J. HUUHil, dnceawl. Notice Is hereby given thilUATHARlNK HUBBS, tbe widow of said aeoedrnt baa tiled In salJ t'ouri her petition for allowance of the sum o. f too. elected to b retained by her onder tbe act of Asiem jt? oi April 14, Ikm, and its tupplemenu, and that the same will be allowed by the font l on fATL'KUAV, Febru ary II, I860, noUsi exceptions be filed thereto JOHN ROB RUT. 1 26 In th 4t Attorney for Petitioner. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY J. ANU COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA. Estate or ANN HUH I O.N, deceased. The Auditor appoln ed by the Court to audit, ssttle, and adjust the account of DA VI- pkaICtiON, Executor of the Estate of ANN Hull TON, deceased (s slated by V. Towar ai d John B, Heyl, Kxecuiors of said Davis Pearson, deceased), and to report dis tribution ol the balance In toe bands of the ao countant, wl I meet the parlies Interested, for the purpose of his appointment, on FKIOAY, February 6, Pfi,a S'lto o'clock P. M., at his o(Ilc, No. lii B. blX 1H btreet. In the city of Phllfcdelpbla. 1 21 thtti6t JOI1N KOHKH'lb, Andltor. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR J THKCITYANl COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. i,iUAUll,nt L. Ml It K 1 L, ETC., Vo OEuRUE B. M1RK1L. Bopt. Term, 18W). No. 33. In divorce. OKORC4E B. M I UK 11.: Piesse take noticd tbat the Court has granted a rule upon you to show cause why a divorce a t'i,cur) ;i(i(riinni hottld not be decreed In the above esse, reluruableBATUKDA Y, Jauuary 8n, IHiU. at lOo'clock A.M.. peisonal do lie having failed on account of the aDSvnceoX the respondent. IUOMA4 K. FIN LETTER, 1 22 Isluthtt Attorney tor Llbellatit. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUE UNITED J. bTATKH FOK THIS EAB1ER lUbTJUcT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN BANKRUPTCY, To the Creditors ol lbs Bankrupt: The nnderslrned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of WILLI vM 11. BAKU KIT, of thejfclty and county or Philadelphia, and the btate of Pennsylvania, within said District, who ban been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. ALEX, P. COLhf-BEKRY. Aslnen, 1 21 tll3t iNo. 07 CHKSNUr fclrtet. MEDICAL. BIIEUMATISM, IV E U K A. LOIA Warranted rermanentlj Cured. Warranted rermanentlj Cured. Without Injury to the Sjstein. Without Iodide, Fotassia, or Colchicnm lij Using luiYardlj Onlj DR. FITLCn'8 GREAT RHEUMATIC REilEDI, For Rheumatism and A'eiwajfia in all its forms. Ibe only standard, reliable, positive, lntalllhl per ruaoent cure ever dlHcovered. It In warranted to oon tain nothing hnrlrul or Injurious to the iyatem. WARRANTKDXOCURKOKKONJfiY Rffib UNDfi-D WAllRAKTI)TOCUROR MONKV KBUNiJlU) Tcousanda ol Philadelphia reference, of oarea. Pr pared at Ko. 29 SOLTU FOIJRTU STKEET, 82ZBtnlhll BKIAiVf MARKET. GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVKBT PAI1I WaBBAHTHO, KXCLUBIYK A0KHT8 FOR GENTH' GLOVHJ3 J. W. 8COTT & CO., B27lrp MO. 814 C11MH(JT HIULUt, ) AT EN 1 SHOULDER-SEA Jl SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE PERFKCT FITTING SHIRTS AND BRiWRHH niade fiom meanureiueut at very short notice. All other articles ol GiSTLi-MJLJS'b DKESa GOOJJt) lit full variety. W1JNOUKSTKR & CO., 112 Ho. 7iKit'llJSMUr street. TRUSSES. 30 TRUSSES. TRUSSEJ. TRUSSES. LAIJIE9' Trusses, Abdominal Supporters, ElaRtlc Body Bolts, Stockings and Bandages, correctly adjusted by a com petent iMiiv. ar. ......... . All. fTTlI-fil vdrr A TT TC3TTr IPXTT 't "HE r. L.JL 1 o r.a i a tu . 41. f-i , 1 2wlm No. 1H47 CIIKSNUT Street. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Mta Vernon Hotel, V 81 Monument street, Baltimore.' 1 Elegantly Furnished, with unsurpassed Cuisine. On the European rian, D. P. MORGAN. "J- ERRIOK & SONS BuumwAiut ruwDHii NO. 430 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Philadelphia, WILLIAM WRIGHT'S PATltNT VARIABLK ; CUT OFF BTiCAU-ikNGIiSH, Regulated by the Governor. MERRICK'S SAFETY HOIBTINQ MACH1NB, Patented June, 1868. PATENT VALVKLKdS STEAM HAMMER, D. M. WESTON'S PATENT SELF-CENTERING, BELF-BALANCLSfe CENTRIFUGAL SUGAR-DRAINING MACHINE HYDRO EXTRACTOR, For Cotton or Woollen MAnaAusturtua. 7 lomw N T I-WI NDOW R AT TLER For Dwellings, Car", Steamboats), Etc. FreventB Battling and Bbnking of tbe Win dows by tbe wind or other caimes, tlgtitena tbe tank, prevents tbe wind and dustlroui enturini!, easily attucbed, and requires but a tiingle clunce to Judge or Its merits. Call ou tbe General Agent. O. P. ROSE No. 727 JAYJfE Street, Between Market and Cbesnut, 12 11 fmw3m Uadelphia. EENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. I,hii.adu.hui4, Djceiuiier iu, Uu8. The attendlPB MaiiBKers are; WlNlar Morrlti. No. sun S Third street. S. Morris Wain, No. 12HH. Delaware avenue. Attending Physician J. M, Da Costa, M. D., No, 1CAlieud"ogSuTgeon8-Wllllaiu Hunt, M. D., No. 1300 'homas Uobrge Morton, M.D..NO. 1121 Cbesnut atThe Pbyslclan and Surgeon, attend at the Hospt tal every Uny ((Sundays excepted) lo receive applica tions lor adnilHslon. Persons seriously Injured by accident are always admitted It brought lo the Hospital iinuiedlaiely tberealier. 1 t D B. KINKELIN, AFTEB A RESIDENC1 and cractlo. ot thirty year, at the Northweal burner of Third and Union aireeta, ha. lately r pToved to Btmtn ELEVENTH tUreat, lMtwea MAJU i. r, 1 u m v j , illssoperlorhy In th. prompt and perfect cure ol all recent, chronic, local, isud ooustltoUoaal aHoo Vlens ol a special nature, Is proverblaL M M DiMaMof the skin, appearing In a hundred l ferent forms, totally .radicated; mental and physical wrakneM, and all nervoo. deblllllea aulentlnoally and Miocios.tiiUy treaUi. Otttoi hours trvai I A. M fr.Mt . PROPOSALS. SEA r.KI) PRO POS A t .H W I LI . B G R Bf ; K I V F. D at tbe OtQoe of the Chief Quartermaster Military Division of tbe Missouri, 8r, LonU, Mo.odIII 12M., on the 20tb day of February, IW9. for the transportation of Uovernment troops and supplier fruui tbe folluwluK point, lo rosin on the Mls.onrl river, ludloiteJ. dm ins the time from M ircU 30, l.Stltf, to Oolober w, i(j, inclusive, viz : From t. Louis to Slonx City. Forts Randall, Sully, Rice, Stevenson, Buford, Camp Coolr, or any pot Ibat may be established at the mouiu OI tue iUUSCiebueu river, auu run Kenton. From Wyandot'e, Knnm. to Sioux CHy, Forts Itandnll, Hnlly, Hlce. Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or nnv pout that may bo established at tbe mouth ol the MtiBclesbell river, and Fort lien ton. From Fort Iavenwortb to Sioux City, Forts Randall, Sully, Klce, Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or nny post that may be established at the mouth ol tbe Musclcshell river, and Fprt Ben ton. From Omaha to Sioux City, Forls Randall, Sully, Ulce, Hteveuxon, Buford, Camp :Cook, or any post that may be established at tbe luoutu of Muscleshell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort lUndall to Forts Sully, Rice, Ste venson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at the uioulU of Muscle shell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Sully to Forts Rice, Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post tbat maybe established at the mouth ol tbe MuS3lesbell river, and Fort Benton. From Fort Rice to Forts Stevenson, Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that may be estab liFbed at themoutli of tbe MuKClosbell river, arid Fort Benton. From Fort Stevenson to Fort Buford, Camp Cook, or any post that maybe established at the mouth of the Aluucle.shell river, aud Fprt Benton. From Fort Buford to Camp Cook, or any post that may be established at tbe moutU ol tbe MuKOleshell river, aud Fort Benton. From Camp Cook, or any post tbit may be established at the mouth of tbe Musuleshell river, to Fort Benton. It will be tbe eudenvor of the Government to ship duiing the season most favorable for navi gatlon of the river, say between Junel and August 31. Bidders will state, however, tbe rate (Feparately for each month from March 20 to October 20 Inclusive, the date ol starting, so as to determine tbe rate to be paid) at which they will perform the service from each of tbe start ing points of destination above named, as fol lows: 1st. The rate at which they will transport each o dicer and soldier (cablu passage to be provided for officers, and for soldiers necessary facilities for rooking their rations, which will be supplied by the Government). 2d. Tbe rate per 100 pounds at which they will transport supplies. 8d. The rate each at which they will transport horses, mules, cuttle, ambulances, carts, wagons, etc. (troughs for feeding animals to be supplied by tbe steamboat). A Just prelerence will be given to parties who own and control boats. Boats will De expected to always give tbe Uovernment freight the pre ference, and in no cane will be allowed to carry private to the exclmlon of Government freight. The contractor will be required to transport stores by land in the event of failure by water; and all stores received by the contractor for transportation must be delivered at their desti nation within tne year ISM, Bidders will please give tbe rate at which they will furnihb transportation down stream. In case tue contracting party fails to carry freight as required, the Government reserves the right to lurnish the transportation at the expense of the contractor; and nothing herein contained Khali be so coustrued as to prevent the Government from transporting publlo sup plteB on any of its own boats. Tbe Government reserves the right to reject any or all the bids that may be offered. Bidders are Informed that no boat loaded with Government stores will oe allowed to go above Sioux City, Iowa, drawing over three and one-halt feet of water, and tbat boats will not be required to go to points above Sioux Cit v with less than loO.tons. Bidders should give their names in full, as well as their places of residence, and each pro posal must be accompanied with a bond in the mm of 810,000, signed by two or more respon sible persons, guaranteeing that In case tbe contract is awarded to tbe person proposing, the contract will be accepted and entered Into. aud good aud sufficient security furnished by said party, in accordance with the terms of this aavertitemeni. The contractor will be required to give bonds in the sum of 8100.000. The party to whom tbe award Is made must be prepared to execute tbe contract at once, acid ,to give the required bond for tbe faithful cerformance of the contract. As railroad transportation may be required lor troops ana supplies irom imiuatgo, iinnoi, to Sioux City, proposals for the same during the season above specified are invited. Copy of blank form of river contract to be entereu into, in tne event oi awaru, ana Diane forms of proposals, can be bad by application to this office, at tbe otllce of the Chief tiuarter- master, jjeparrment oi ine .Missouri, fort Leavenworth, Kansas; of Chief Quartermaster, uepartmeni ot me riuue, unmua, pteorasKa: and at the ollice of Brevet Brigadier-General Fred. Myers, Deputy Quartermaster-General, U. B. Army, Chicago, Illinois. Proposals for river transportation should be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation by the Missouri river;" those for rail, "Pro posals for Army Tranbportalion from Cbioago to Sioux City," and addressed to tbe uadur signed. By order of the Quartermaster-General U. S. A. J. L. DONALDSON, Assistant Quartermaster-General U. S. A., Chief Quartermaster Military Division of the Missouri. 1 25 23 1 DB0P08ALS FOR CORN. J nEADO.'E3 Fifth Military DistkIct, LITAItY DlSTKlCT, 'J tk or Texas, f IAKTKKMASTKR, i t), January (i, 1m9. J ISTAl. Office of Chief Quai Austin. Texas. . Sealed Proposals, In duplicate, will be re ceived at this office until FRIDAY, February S, IbU'J, at 12 M., for furnishing the Quartermas ter's Department at Fort Concho, Texas, with moli quantity of Corn as may be required until May 31, lb9. Corn to be of good, clean, merchantable quality, shelled, and delivered lu sacks, subject lo a rigid Inspection. Delivery to commence on award of contract, and continue In sucb quantities and at such times as may be required by the Post Quarter ter. Bids to be plainly endorsed "Proposals for Com at Fort Concho, Texas," aud addressed to the undersigned. By command of Brevet Major-General J. J. Reynolds. J. A. POl'TElt, Brevet Brigadier-General and C. Q M., 1 22 2w Filth Military District. pKOPOSALS FOR CORN. Ueaeuuabtkus Fiyiu Military Distric t, bTATK or Tax AS, I'T, l XAS, I JCU. I , 1'.9. J Office or Chibk Qi'ahtkktmabtjck. Austin, i hxas, jan. a, i fcp.tpi! nmnosRli. In dunllcaie. wilt be received at this oilloe until bAI LRKAY, February la, Ihwi, at 12 o'clock lor ruruUhiog the Uuariermasiers Department at i'aiup toucorula, Texas, with such (iiianlltj of Cora a. may be required uutUJuue ao lfcti'J. Corn to be of good, clean, merchantable q inllty, sheiltd. and delivered in sacks, subject lo a rigid in spection. Delivery to commence on acceptance ot em'ract, and continue lu such qusniiUu. and at sncu times as may be required by the Post quarter- jhids to be plainly endorsed "Proposals lor Corn at Camp Concordia," and aduressed 10 the under- Si'y command ot Brevet Msjor-Gejieroinb. Brevet Brlgadlr-f ne'ral'snd U li. lit., 1 2l 3w Plftn Military D strlct. "PROPOSALS FOR CORN. Hbadotjabtkbs Fifth Military District, 1 Statu ojy Tkxas I Oryicx or Chief Quabteuuahtkb, f Austin, Texas, January 6, lbtw. j Bealed Proposals lu duplicate, will be received at this rrUce uuui PKIJJAY. February 6, istti, at l'i M., lor rurulnblnK the ljuarleruiaUer's Departmental Port Mioek ton. Texas, with such quantity ol C'uru as may be required uuih May ill. 1m. Corn to be ol Kood, clean, merchantable q-iallty, shelled, and delivered in sacks, subject lo a rigid lu. ipeclion. . , , Delivery to commence on award or contract, nd to continue lo such quantities and at such time. a. may be required by the Post Quarter m us to P Bids to be plainly endorsed "Proposals for Corn at Fori btocklou, Texas,' and addressed to the uudur- ''ly'command of Brevet Majar -GeneraCani)y. Brevet Bricadler-Oene'rai and C. u. 4 , 1J2 2W Fifth Military Duirlct. PRIZES CASHED IN ROYAL HAVANA, JXKNTUCKY, and MlbHOUKI LOTTKKIK, Circular, seal and Inlormatloa liven. JObKPU BA 1 KM, No. 7 AiiWADWAY, Sew York. Pos AMUSEMENTS. C II A" I L I, tj; D u WON AND GORILLA HTJHTINQ OR. TWO YEARS IN EQUATORIAL ARIOa .f.- t,AVL ? DTT CHAIXLU will Kty. ovir-rw," TY.R Pn h' bove W"0- Profusely 7!2: , with palntlnKS. maps, etc.. and descrlblui hij anu tnriiiiDK aa venture, in Africa, at CONCERT HALL, C0E8HTJT BTRKKT, ABOVK TWELFTH, On MONDAY EViNINQ, Feb. 1. Tickets of Admission Menu Iteserv.d Heats .. 75 cents The sale of tickets for reserved seals will tak. place at Trumpler's, No. 9I Cliesnut street, on Wed nexday, Thnrslay, and Friday of this week, whnra hlRO tickets without cenpons nisy be had, and at tba Hall on the evening ol the Lerture. Is7t o ONCBRT HALL fCIENTIPlt) LKOTDKKH V Tt V Iill T I.'' RliVIU'l'nH LAST TWO OF TlIK HERIES. ON WEDNKJSDAY JfiVENlNO, January 27 Til K AH; OK KKPTlifc-S. ' ON FUIDAY EVKNINd. January 20. THE MAHTODON AND M a M MOT It PJ0RIOD ADMIKHrON, FIFTY CKNTR. RFPKRVF.l) HKATt. 1-KVKNTY-PIV1S CENTS. ber), with reserved seals, (I 00. Tickets to be obtained at t-iotild's Piano Rooms, No. C2;l iiewnut strrel: also at the Hall on the evening! Of the lentiirps Doors open at 7. I.ectHreatS. I 21 tl WALNUT ST. THKATKK. BEGINS AT 74 'I'M IU (Tuesday) K V FN INo, Jan. 21, " IIOL'SKH CltOWDKD TO THH DOAU. UNEQUIVOCAL MtltJUKaa. TI1IH1J WKKK Of Dion Rouclcanlt's great senallonal drama or API kit DARK; OH, LONDON BY NIOUT. Received on each representation T VITH KNTHUttlAbTIU APPLAUSE. J. E. Mt-DONOUOHM OLD TOM . "'J' to accommodate thosn who reside In adla fonnarce "d U,wu', lbtfte wlU bo "aylWht par ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AT Z O'CLOCK. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STKEET THF. AT HE. Begins at half-past 7. xaJ!'- SIX MOUTH WITH SHAKESPEARE. MONDAY, AND DURINU THE WEEK. Shakespeare's live net Comedy cnlled TWELFTH KIUHT: OR, WHAT YOU WILL, with new Pcenery aud Costumes, Bhakuspearlan Mualo and Flue last. Mrs, JOHN DREW as ...........M Viola Aided by the Full Company. Monday, new Comedy TAME CATS. THEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH STREET, below Arch. Commences at 7'4&. J. C. UJKi.OO.KY Hole Lessee and Manager LAST WKKK OF .... MIBS SUSAN O ALTON AND COMIC ENOLIaH OPERA COMPANY. OlTenbach's Comic OpeVaf1GHT' d..,iAKKIauk BY LANTERNS. .5!?-i.by.' Mu'eal Comedietta. 1 25 2t SUSAN QALTON'B Farewell Benefit on Friday. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE, -j EVERY EVKNINO AND BATURDAY AFTEKNOOM. GREAT COMBINATION TROTJPH, In Orand Ballet., Ethiopian Burlesque., Bonn Dances. Pantomime.. Gymnast Acts, etc VALER'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER UAKDEN, Nos. 720, 722, 724, and 72(1 VINij fctreeu THE ORAND ORCHESTRION, formerly the pro ps: ty o the UKAiND DUK K OF BAJJH.N, purchased at great expense by JACOB VALKrt, of iblsotty.la comoliiatlou with FtAMKli'H OROHESTRA. and Msss NELLIE ANDEKt-eN, will perform EVERY AFTRKJNOON and EVKN1NU at the ahove-mea. tloned place. Admission Iree. 1 18 tf HORTICULTURAL HAL L.-QERMANIA ORC11EBTKA P U B L I C REHEARSALS EVERY WEDNESDAY, at B,i P. M. -Ticket? sold at the door, and all principal Music Stores, tack Bges of hve lor (1; sluule, as cents. ErgBgenienta can tie ninue by addrnsslne O. BAS. TERT, No. 12H1 MONTERaY Street! Wittlg's Muslo Wore, No. 1021 Chesuut street; Andre's Music Store. No. 1104 Cbesnut street. ;i i jra c ABL SENTZ'ASD MARK HASSLER'8 OR- t -li LVTll A MATIVb L'O jirL.D r u a rorm n . - A-- Ji a a A-.. al. v iVAw 1 a A X U1UA Y at8H V. M..IN MUSICAL FUND HALL. Single Ad. mission, 6(1 cents Packae ot 4 tickets, tl, atBoner'J No. 11U2 CUESNUT St.. and at the Door. U 4 tl" CHESMDT ST.RIHK ASSOCIATION 2C00 S1IAICES . . . $100 EACH. ' President Hon. JOSEPH T. TH0MA3. TBKASDBEB B. HAMMETT. DIRECTORS. WM. Q. MOO RHEA D, JOHN FALLON, MATTHEW BAIRD. B. HAMMETT, R. D. BARCLAY. HON. J. H. CAMPBELL HON. J. T. THOMAS. LUTHER DOCK, H. E. BROWNE. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF BTOOK FOR SALE, The Company who own the SPLENDID NEW SKATIKG EINK Corner ef CHESNUT and TWENTY-THIRD Street! Have Instructed n. to offer a llmltedjamonnt of the stock for sale In .hares of On. Hundred Dollar each. A large amount of money has been expended In tbe erection of this bulidlug, which Is 20 by 110 feet. The main hall Is 66 feet high. Each share of stock will be entitled to an advance dividend, payable yearly, of twenty per cent. (HO) In tickets, subject to provisions of tbe By-Laws of the Company. Such dividends it ay be taken In single season, or coupon tickets, which are transferable. Regarding the success of the project there can be no doubt, as the building Is Intended for a public hall, to be used for CuucortH, Cliiircli Fairs, Festival, Con venlloiiM, Agricultural Exhibitions, etc. Further particulars can ba obtained at one otllce. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, No. 40 Soutli TIIHID Street, 1 18 IU PHILADELPHIA, STOVES, RANGES, ETC yl would call the attention of tbe publlo to hut t EW taOLDKN EAULE FjRNACJfc This la an miLirMiv nnw L.ui.r 11 1. structed as to at once commeud Itielr to geaeral favor, being a combination ol wrougut aud cast Iron. It la very simple lu Its coustruciiou, and la perfectly air tight; sell-cleaniug, havlngtuo pipes or drums to be taken out and cleaned. It la so arranged wltn upright hue. as to produce a larger amount of heat from the same weight or coal than any Xuruace now lu use. The hygiomellc condition ol tue air as produced by u.y new arraiigemeut of evaporation will at ouue de monitrate that It Is tne ouly Hot Air Furnao. that will produce a peretbUy healthy atmosphere. . '.". V . .wu.f..DM3 u.iu mm.m.u. would do well to call and examine the Uoldeu Eagle. CHARLES WH.LIAMii, ROB. 1182 and 1144 MARK ET Street, . . Philadelphia. A large assortment ot Cooking Ranges, Eire-hoard Stoves, Low Down Orates, Ventilators, etc, always on band. N. P. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. 6 10J TniYMPKYNS LDNIinn TT 1 TV tt c t e t t - v ...ivniiti r.i, or EUROPEAN RAN UK, for families, hotels, ENT SIZES. Also. PbiladHlnhl R.jT Hot-Airuruces. Portable Healers. Low-down Urates. Flreboard Stoves, Bath Boilers. Stew-hole Plates, Boilers, Cooking stoves, etc,, wholesale and retail, by the manuiaciurers, " . WIARTO THOMPSON, II 26wfm6m No. 2uu N. SECOND Street. QLD OAKS CEMETERY COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. E18 WALNUT STREET. Tbe Company Is now prepared to dispose of lots on REASONABLE TERMS. The advantages ottered by this Cemetery are well known to be equal if not superior to those possessed by any other Cemetery, We Invite all who desire to purchase burial lots to call at Ihe ollice, where plan, can be seen and all particulars will be given. Deeds tor lots sold are ready for delivery. RICHARD V A UX, President. PETER. KEYStCR. Vice-President. MARTIN LANDKNBEROSR, Treasurer. Michaai. Nihhut. Secretary. 1 u iLU COBB BXOHa BAO MA NOV ACTOR Y. F 0. JOHN T. HAIL BY. N, K. Comer 01 MARKET and WATER Btreeta. Philadelphia. Of every deacrlpUon, for Oraln, Flour, Bait, Sujmr rh(wpi1ai. nf umti sou Dust. Eto. ' Larte ana ibuOI OUNN y b aus constantly on!hABl 7i Aiso, WOOL tiAVXJi, TT" 2,00j greenbacks, vw.