THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JAmARY 23, 1809. OUR RELIQ10US COLUMN. The Modern i'ilato. A rt-rcnt eertuon of Mr. Bpecbor's describes the Modern Pilate In tbe following mnnnert "I bad ra'lier bu a rurllati than a I'lluto. What a THate? A Pilato Is one of thoe courtly gentlemen, polished, tasteful, export, who Is not distmbed cor warped by conviction In over measure: who looks upon all moral qualities as a Rambler looks upon cards, which he Bhuflk'P, and plays accordlrg to the exigoncy ol bis panic Find one just as easily as another. A Pila'e Is a man who believes In letting things have their own way. 'Po not sacriSce yourself. Do not get In the way of a movement. Do the best till up. Live in peace with your tine. Be not like the Tool who stands In hla own liht, IHaintniu good appearances that Is pro. fitable. See to it that you do not go too lar, one way or another. Study the Interests ol Number One all through. Aud, whatever conies, see that you come uppermost. Do not be groi, brutal, fanatical that Is not profitable Preserve your balance. See that you keep your eye on the chances. If they go this way, you go far enough to reap them. If they go the Other way, go with them. Do not be too scru pulous. Be just enough to gain your ends. Uso men, use events, use everything that Is profit able. Do not use your conscience too much 1' This Is the language of the Pjlates of our day. Those who ride astride of the times and of admlnif (ration aud of policies; these men who are polished, cold, calculating, speculating these are the phates the Pilules, I meun! It was a blunder of the lip; but, alter ail, It hit r Ktit!" - - SUMMARY OF RELIGIOUS NEWS. ' EPISCOPAL. A movement is already in progress to found aiiew Episcopal denomination on an evangeli cal babip. The evangelical bUbops will be tigeiitly' invited to head the movement. The Kpiscopalians in Nebraska are wide awake. Ttiev have a missionary iu every place Which has COO inhabitants. Duriiig the canvass preceding the late Fugl.sdi election au ipUcopalntu clergymau told his audience a', a morning service that he should preach politics iu the evening, and the bad better not attend. There are two Protestant Episcopal sifter hoods in New York connected with the oppo site poles of the denomination. One was originated by Mr. Muhlenberg In 1815. It is called the Sisterhood of the Holy Communion, and Is devoted mainly to the cliarae of St. Luke's Hospital. It is an independent orga nization. The Sis'i rhooj of St. Mary is under ecclesiastical control, and Rev. Morgan Dix is the cbaDluin. It is co'i-id. -rably on the model of lloman Catbalic sibtcrhood, aud has done a good work for fallen women. The acquittal of Mr. Hubbard by the ecclesiastical court more than balances the conviction of Mr. Tyng, on a far less serious charge. Mr. Tjng simply preached for a Meihoitist minister, in his church, against the remonstrance of the resident clergymen of his denomination. Mr. Hubbard deliberately ex changed with a Kap 1st minister, avowedly with tbe purpose of endorsing the validity of non Episcopal ordiuatlOD, and in spite of the protest of his bietiop and yet he is unanimously ac quitted on every charge and speciticatiou but ore; and on tbis a majority of the court acquit him. This specification, on which a sligle member of the court votes asaiust him, Uut reference to his disobedience of the ' godly admonition-." of bis bishop. It is, therefore, lawiul in Rhode Island, but not in New Jersey, for an Episcopal minister to recognize "oue Denisou'' as a regularly ordaiued clergyman, 7 even tbough be sunds outside of this line of 1 apostolic succession. Verily, the world moves, ai d we do not believe that BUhop Clark is sorry. tndependt nt. The many frieuds of the Rev. Dr. Hunting ton, and especially the members of tne Im manuel Paiibh, will learn w ith regret that he bas tent In his resignation, to accept the Episcopal charge of the Diocese of Central New "York. This is a severe ordeal to Dr. Hunting ton, as all his habits, attachments, and associa tions are connected with Boston aud with this community. He leaves, perhaps, wbat is the most desirable parish in the country, which fiays a salary larger than any tu New Kng'.aud, s united aud prosperous, and devotedly attached to him, as its first and only pastor. The field of labor to which he has been unanimously called is a most important one. It is half as large again as the State of Massachusetts, has more Episcopal parishes in it already than Massachusetts has, and contains a harmonious and energetic body of clergy. Tuere is also a wide opening for missionary work, and nothing 1b wanting but a leading and organizing chief hepbeid, and to this position, tor which he seems so admirably adapted, Dr. Huntington is cordially Invited. Hamilton College, Cornell Univerbity at Ithaca.and Institutions of learning at Aubuiu and Uticat lie within the territory which embraces the prominent and growing cities and towns of Ceutrul New York. May he be as successful aud as much loved in his wider field of labor as be has been in Boston. From the Boston 'Iraveller, Tbe earnest or the hiehly-sugared attempt of the Hih Church iparty lu the Church of Eneland, under the lead of Dr. Pusey, to win over the ereat body ot Wesleyan Methodists to the support ot the establishment, hows at once kow heavily the pressure is felt of advancing public opinion, aud the tenacity with which Anglicanism cliups to its fancied tltluof exclu sive legitimacy. They do not intimate tbe least intention ot receiving the Wesleyan preachers as Christian ministers, but only propo.e to employ tbem as lay evaugelists uutil they con tent to admit their irregularity by accepting reordiualiun at the hands of tome bishop. Tbe discussion of tbe subject has called out an able pamphlet by Kev. Dr. J. H ltiggs, Weslevan, who goes right to the foundation both of the controversy acd of the Hieh Church assumption, le (hows how Wesley himself wholly changed the views which he enterta'ned in early lite. After reading Lord King's book on the Primitive Church, be entirely renoupctu the High Church views, and boldly trampled, oue alter another, on all the princi ples involved iu the divine rielit of Episcopacy, until be had consecrated with his own baud an episcopate for America, and provided for the registration of his own chapels as 'Dissenting" places ot worship. Tlie preseut generation of Wcnlevan Dreachers will uever so much as seri ously consider a proposal to plunge, their united nd nowerful oreanization into tho confusion and uucertaiutv which now envelop the Church of Enclaiid. The London Weekly lltview, a J'resbyterian paper, savs of t hem : r "They have tnelr own church eovernmcnt, in almost all respects Presbyterian detective only iu not completing Its Presbyterian is ni toy the introduction into conference of lay representation and they find it so much better, as well as believe it so much more bcrip tural, that thev do not dream of returning to Episcopacy. They have a vast power for good in the country, and they have a great future before them; and they would be fools, Indeed .It tbey even distantly considered which they do not the queaion of reanlon with a divided and, throuah its divisions, insecure establlbh me lit." Independent, BAPTIST. Rev. Dr. Jeffrey, pastor of the North Church, Ch cago, has been called to the pa'torato of the Ninth btreot Church, Cincinnati. Ohio. The Kev, Isaac Weecott, D. D., has resigned Ills secretaryship of the American Bible Union, and inteiids to rtsumethe pastoral work. The Itev. T. B. Ktnesbury, D. D., has re moved to Oxford, North Carolina, resigning the secretaryship of the Southern Baptist bunday School Board. Tbe Baptists report thirty or forty converts in Arcndo. N. Y., and fifty-five 1n bugar drove, K. Among the Freewill Baptists of Statks bor Vt.. loity conversions are reported. Kev. Mr. Eaile has been conducting a series of meetings In Providence in connection with Or. Caldwell's Baptlit church and Dr. Hirau'a ConffrtBatloual church. More than $10,000 have been collector and expanded lor building the new church edidce of 'he Herman Baptist Church on Fourteenth -trert, New York. The congregation woishlp In the lecture-room, whluh will seat about COO persons. The Rev. Mr. Francl. at one time a mis sionary and colporteur in Richmond, Virginia, now of California, has recently visited Salt Luke City and preached, by Bingham Young's invitation, m tho new tabernacle. Mr. Francis writes to tho Home Mission Society that he has had an Interview with the authorities, and with Ihe United States Land Agent, to secure a lot for a Baptist church editlce. A cil zen of Prussia Is by birth a member of the Lutheran Church. If he wishes to become a Baptist, be must go beloro a magistrate and declare his purpose. A'ter two weeks the Lutheran pastor is exacted to exert his elo quence to reclaim the wanderer if no adhere to bis determination, he must repeat his decla ration befoie the magistrate, and is then allowed to depart in peaco. This is not required of Methodists, as they do Mot dider from the l.utLeiims in their views ol baptism. Persecu tion for opinion' sake bai now ceased in Piotestnnt Uermany. Mr. purgeon defends himself for allowing Mr. Hammond the use of his Tabnruacle for his children's meetines. He says it is none of his business to defend every object or organization to which the liee of the Tabernacle is lent; that there nre some things about Mr. Hammond's methods which he does not like. Tho services "have evidently been a blessing to our school; and, with much that is not at all to our tatc, there was the true ring ol fervent love to Christ in them, and wc intend to wait and watch results. As to frightening or terrifying the children, nothing of the sort was attempted or accomplished; such remarks show a want ot information." A good deal ha been made of tbe crown of thorns anJ the hammer und nails which Mr. Hammond was said to use at his meetings. It is a fact that he has shown a crown of thorns, presented to him iu Palestine as most probably the kind of thorus of which the Saviour's crown was made. The hammer and nails he used in an entirely different con nection , as a sort ot "object lcon.;' He wished to impress ou the children's minds the fact that the longer conversion was delayed the less the power over them of holy influences. He Irid a maenetic hammer and some small tacks, which represented the children drawn easily to the Saviour; larger nails were spokcu of as youth, readily attracted, but not so easily as the children; and so on, until the hammer had little or no influeuce upon a very larue nail, representing the grown-up man, hardened in his sin. METHODIST. An experience of lay management in the councils ol Southern Methodism duriuir two years past has proved exeeedinely satisfactory, at.d is regarded us "highly ftivorablo to the preservation of the itinerancy, and eveu lo the restoration of its ancient glorv." The Methodist Kptsopal Church South 535,010 members, including GliU travelling and locil preachers. They have churches as Ur north as Baltimore. Southern Illinois, Califor nia, aud Oregon. There are 25C1 members re ported hi Illinois. Tbe Methodist states nn interesting and encouraging tact wh( n it savs: "It has been said that American Methodism dedicates a new church every day of the year, and the assertion has seemed to be more boastful than accurate. Yet the statistics ot our own Church for 1868 show that it is wituin tne truth, for our increase during that year, in the number ot church edifices, reaches to live hundred and seventy. This makes something more tnau three new churches fcr every two days of tbe year. With an efficient Church Extension Society to give encouragement Bad aid where theso are most Eceded, what may we not expect?" TRESBYTERIAN. The First Church of St. Louis, Mo., is once Detroit, disappointed in Dr. William ilogarlu, of more declining their call. The Kev. Halsey Dunnin?, for fourteen years pastor of the New School Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Md., died January 11. The Kev. Laiayette Marks, pHstor elect of tbe Noith Broad Street United Pre'-byterinu Mission Church, has accepted a call to tho Hanover Street Church ot Wilmington. Del. The Itev. David Hopkins was installed pastor of the Presbyteiian Church of New Rocuelie, ew York, on the 7th inst. The sermon was preucbed by the Kev. Dr. Hastings, aud Rev. Ir. liajles gave tbe charge to the pastor. The Kev. Henry M. McCracken has been invited to supply the pulpit of the First Piebyterian Church ot Toledo tor a year. It is understood that he accepts. The congreeutiou design to complete their house of worship, now in course of erection, during the present year. In our owu city there are encouraging signs of auother gracious revival in the Cobocksiuk Presbyterian Church (Rev. Mr. Mutchuiore's). Between forty and titty inquirers have presented themselves, and the hope Is felt that the work may De extenaea. Ihe Annual Catalogue of Princeton Theolo gical Seminary has just heen issued. The number of professors is live, the tame as last year. The number of students is as follows: Resident Minister, 1; Resident (Iraduates, 3; Senior Ciass, 24; Middle Class, 39; Junior Class, 40. Total, 107. May tbe blessing of Cod abide upon the Seminary. The Northwestern Presbyterian says: "The Rev. Mr. Johnson, ot Kuoxville, 111., writes: 'The Lord has been doing great things for us in our church. For the last two weeks He has been pouring out upon us the spirit of grace and bupplicatiou, aud as soon as Clod's people became importunate, God began to couvert sinners. Tne chinch is deeply moved, and the work is beginning to be felt, in the who ie com munity.'" ' A correspondent near Albany, N. Y.,says: "We are having quite au interesting work of grace in the New Scotland Church (ttev. Dr. Edie's) We commenced to observe the Week ol Prayer, but our meeting tooa gave evidence of the special pretence ot the Spirit. On yes- teruay we received fourteen on profe-siou of tueir taitu, aim last nignt mere were oiner inauireis, and a geueial seriousness pervading iLe entire congregation. Men who have not itended church lor years are coruiug out to the meetings." The church of Clarkson was organized In 1S16. Soon after the formation of the Presby tery of Rochester, which occurred in 181!, that chuich connected itself with the presbytery, and remained in that connection uutil 1853, wlieu for some canse, we know not what, it withdrew from iresbytery, and has remained an independent Congregational church uutil the (ith insUnt. when it voted itself a Presbyterian church a -a'n, appointed elders, and resolved at-am to connect itself with the Presbj tery of uccutBier. Tbe Kev. Matthew Newklrk was lustalled pastor of North Tenth S'reet Presbyterian Ctiurcb, in ibis city, ou Subbatb, Jauuary 17. Thechurcb was filled with a laree nuilieimp. In tho services the Kev. Br. Musgrave presided mm uuiivereu me cuarge to tne pastor, the 14ev. D. A. CurniDBbiim preacher! thp sermon, nnd the Kev. B. A. Mutchmore delivered the charae to tbe people, air. wewltirk was heaitilv wel corned by his new charge, and is fully cunaued in his pastoralilutles. Wc wish him abuuuuut and constant success. Of theHome Missions of tho New School Presbyterian Church Dr. Kendall says: "since the 1st of May last we have commissioned 100 new missionaries, in addition to the 450 we had tbe previous year. In the meantime wo have eeut 7 additional to Minnesota, 11 more to Iowa, 17 to Missouri and Kansas. By this addition a new synod-the Synod of Kansas and two new Presbyteries Humboldt and Smoky Hill havo been formed. We think more churches have been lornied lnce tbe 1st of May last tnau during the came time any pievlous year. The eu,h Riwtinn Committee have aided to build 31 bouses ot worship durlne that time." A colporteur of the Presbyterian Board of Publication was recently arrested in i anon dj fripndlvto the spread ot relt- cious truth, aud was brought belore the United States District Court on the ground that, iu w.iii.iit,o the books of tne Board, as a coipor .,.. i.o u violatinc the Internal revenue laws', in not having taken out aud paid for a license us a book-peddler. The case was recently before the United States District Court In session at Springfield. Ill.nois, where Messrs. Stuart, Fd wards and Brown, attorneys at-law, of that ctty, gratuitously and ably defended the colpor teur on behalf of the Board. Ihe result was that the colporteur was discharged. The Judge decided that religions books and tracts sold and given away, not lor profit, but as a means of distributing rellelous reading, were within the cxeepilon of the law, and that the colporteur of the Board was not a "peddler" required to have a license. The "Old Pine Street" congregation, in this city, honor themselves in cherishingttic memory of the eminent divine, Rev. Dr. Bralnerd. wuo for nearly thirty years was their beloved and faithful pastor. Lat year they erected a com modious and beautiful building in. Carpenter eticct, called the "Rraincrd Memorial Sabbath School," and now they contemplate, asaturttier memorial, to fit up one of the large halls in Lafayette College lor tho use of the Braincrd Missionary Society. There is a peculiar pro priety in this, for this society was not only named after the illustrious Kinsman of the doctor, Dnvid Bralnerd, one of whoe missionary stations umong the Indians was where tho college now stands, but it will be reiiioinberei that it was beloro tnis society, at its anniversary m l.sCfl, that Dr. Brainerd preached his last eerinon. The congregation very naturally regard the work of this society with peculiar and tender interest; and as tno incrcasinz number of students in Lafayette College renders it necessary to fit up a larger room tor their reli gious meetinirs, tlie Irieudsof Dr. Brainerd have undertaken the work. Tho congregation will thus have another appropriate memorial of their beloved pa-tor In tho "Brainerd Hill of Lafayette College." GERMAN REFORMED. A Talk to Young Men. To-morrow evening the pulpit of Dr. Buthune's lonuer church, corner ot Tenth and Filbert streets, will be tilled by Rev. Professor Doolittle, of Rutgers College, lie will address blmsell especially to the young, whom he cordially invites to come and till the church ou the occasion. His text will be, "The way of the tran-gressor la hard." Dr. Doolittle has supplied the vaciut p i'pit of this church since the removal elsewhere of the Rev. Dr. Schenck. CiTnOLIC. A conference of liberal Catholic priests has been held In Madrid, to consider the stale ot theii affairs produced by the revolution; aud it is understood that they have taken preliminary measures looking to tlie orpanizatiou of an independent national Catholic Church. If they mean by "national" to make their church an appendage ot tne uovernineut, tuey will fail. If they tnink they can give to their "independ ent" oreanization the prestlerc and power arising from the patronage ot the Pope, they will fail. jiniepenaenr, The Armenian Patriarch acccn's the invitation of the Pope to attend tbe (Ecumenical Council at Rome. The Creek Patriarch of Constantino ple, of course under Russian inilueuce, rciuses. The Anglican bishops have written uu answer with a keen pen. After refcrrim; to what the Church of England has done iu disseminating the Holy Scriptures, they add: Thou, our most holy Lord; Thou, the Vicar of Christ, the Bishop ot Bishops, tho Supreme Judge of the Faith, and Arbiter of all contro versies; Thou, the Head ot the Church.the Light ot the Nations, let s humbly ask Tuee, canst Thou show us even a 6lngle copy of the origiual Hebrew Old Testament printed In Thine owu city, Rome, 'the Mother and Mistress of all Churches?' No, not one. One edition of tbe Xvew Testament in ureeK, printed mere the other day about 400 years after the luveution of prlntine from the celebrated Vatican MS., we have now cratefully hailed, after Ion" and anxious delay. But we apprehend that the flock committed to the pastoral care has still to watt lor au edition from the Roman press, in their own tongue, of tlie Old and .New Testament." ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC, iUi-L. KU1J.H.K WCKiva. Wii-Aiie' a . i jv.wutAL AMD 'i'.HkO tillI'll; A.Jj .ktfUiiN.E.i'jiii. billlULb, UQ if'OUNDii.Ha, UftVlu tut many ui-tu iu Buuconsiui upurawuu, uu ueoj bjuiujiveo engaged lu DuiiUlnij ma roua:.rla Marine ana xiiv ,, jKUBiuKa, "'Uu uu luw-iireiaure, iron a juern, ati I t.iiKb, iTuiiollBTB. ew, 610., rixpuctfuily oiler ;qui; jtrvlciu to ihe public us bolug tui'y p.eiiarul to uon uei lur eiitil:ie ol U hubs, gkariuu, Klver, nc bii.nui.nri; uavlui; sais of ptttteraa of aiUoreui ia kre pibpared to uxv-oUic 01 Jurs wuli qaulc danji.iuJi f.vnj UeacrliiUou of piiiiurn-usklui made at i.a, Biiorteat uoiluo. Ult;U aud I.otf-nruf Flue Tubulhr and (Jyllnder Mullen,, ol lliri bml i'dunayw lila ouarcowl Iron. JtorgiiitfS ol al alien and kindj Itou aud iijtuid Civilians ol ail daaurijHlofH. noli Turning, (Screw Cut;.!", and. aUdlir wrkeonn.xjt) tvim ilit above buniut.. lirawlnys aud bic1Uci1ou lor all wora aoie a, thf tuiabiiabruent ruuci charge, and work gaxray tued, 'iiie HUbacrlbera have auipie Wuarl-uocn rooj u rjitUri. ol bvaiH, where inej cau lie in ierect ar0. and are rrovlded wltli HUeam, blocks, tails, etc. ac' tor ra!iii heavy or iiWit weiauui. J AUJh V. Fi M JOjiiN i. UVV, 11 a.A(JH aud thUKH uireau, bOUTHVVABK FuUlsBKy, FIFTH AST WA6HXKUTOM bueeia. ' rMll.AlJKX.PUIA, MitIUCK fe BOHSJ, UESUlHiUi,Ka AJ1 AlAOliXNiaTS, n-.aimiaci,urt iiiab aod Low .treasure bieaui tntlnn lor .Land, Kivtr, and Marine bervloe. xMiivia, Uasonieieis, i auks, iron iioau, eta, CaotiiiKB ot all kinds, eiitter Iron or brasa. Iron i rame itood lot Ua Work, WorlisaOps, ana italiioad blalioaa, elo. iteiorta and lias Machinery, of tne latest and moat In. proved couuirucilon. Every donuripUon ol Plantation Machinery, alio ftjw, Baw, and Urlsl Mills, Vacuum 1'aua, Oli bibam Trains, Detecatora, Fillers, Famplng, Ka, gluee, etc bole Agents for N. Bllienx's Patent ttngar SolUna Apparatna, Neflmytli'a Patent fcteam Hammer, and Aaiilnwall aV V ooiacy a Patent Uantrliugal engat Uraliilog Idachlnw. t iol "gent.'s furnishing goods. H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Glovo3. EVEBI 1A1U WABBAHTED, F-XCLU8IVB AU.NTB FOB GENTH' OLOVHa Ja V. SCOTT fit CO., ti'hp . CMJEWM IIX KTBiiKt, TDATENT b II O U LUElt-BBAM SU1RT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISUINQ STORE. PKllFKCT FITTING bUtKTB AND DRAWifilUJ maue tioiu ineasureUient al very short uolioe. All outer articles ol UJh.iS'lXl-Mli.M'B IH183 COuUb lu foil variety. WINCUKSTER & CO., HI tio.7iKiCUli.6NUr ttlreet. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1828. HOLIDAY l'Bi-.NENTS. WATCIIBS, JJtWELRY, U.OCKB, BaLVJCRWABK. na FACV QOOOd. a. W. RUSSELL, KO. 22 KUltXU S1X1U HTltBET, tint PUlLAUiOiPHlA. QCORGE PLOWMAN, CARrENTEa AND BUILDER, KAMOYED TO No. Ill DOCK Street, PHILADELPHIA . TrvK. KINKELIN, AFTEB A RESIDENC1 Praciloe of thirty years at the Northweal vomer of 'lblrd and Union etreeta, baa lately re moved to Month KLEVJCNTH bueet. between M-AH. KET and CHEHN UT. Dww"' Hlsauperlorlty In tbe prompt and perfect core Ol all recent, chronic, local, and constitutional allr tlnna of a apeclal nature, la proverbial. Disease, of the akin. aioartn. In a hnnrirml dif ferent forma, totally eradicated; mental aud physical Weakneaa, and all nervoua debllule. aol.ullfJoal'r and aaooeaaiuilr Meaiod, Ultloc bouza from I la CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. JBAVEUS, CIlINCniLLAS, ETC. ETC JAMES & LEE, wo. 11 uomn hecobid stbekt, Sln of tho Crolden Lamb Are now receiving a large asaortmant of UoaTcrs, Chinchilla, and other Orcrcoat Ings. Also, a full line of 3-4 and C-i Dlnck Doeskins, all ofllic best makes. Tbe attention of Merchant TaUoraand Clothier a are specially Invited is 28 a AT WHOLES ALK;ANB RETAIL. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED X M'ATin FOK THJi; KA.Vl'ikKM LialKlCt' OF P.NNt't.VAlSIA. lKi.y hAr KK of Ph'lftdeipbla (of theUteflrm 01 Henry Rakett Co ), bankrupt., having petitioned lor hla dlxehaige a meeting ot creditors will be held on Ihe i.Blb fay of January, lhwi at i) o'clock P. M befoie tlieRelKter, W IJ.LIaM AIcMIOIl AKL, Khii., oihee, at bis elllce, mo. 6ao WALKUT Mnnt, In said city, that the exauilnutlon of the bankrupt may be UnlHhed. a he Keftliter will certify whether the Bankrupt baa conioiiued to his duly. A bearing will atso bn had on WEDNESDAY, the Mth day of February, beloro the O.niri at Plnia. deli hla. at 10 o'clock A. N , where partus Interested hi ay show cause aramt the dlscuarge. Aties'ed by the Clerk aud ItegiHier, In tho name ot the .1 nege, under weal of ihe Court. lMMt 1 N THE DISTRICT CODUT OV THE UNITED J. TAlh FOB 'llli Kaoli-ItN LUiilUCt' OF l'S.7S Mb V L V AK I A. IR BANKRTJPTCV. At Philadelphia, January 16, A. I). 18C9. '1 he underslgnec; hereby gives notice ot Ills appoint ment an Assignee of UEOKOK W. BIMPSON, of Philadelphia. In the County or Philadelphia aud btate of Pennsylvania, within Bald Dislilot, who has lieen adJuDgf d a bankrupt upou hl3 petition by the District C"urt of said Dlatrh-t. CUARLKb 11. MATHEWS, Ans'pnefl, 1 lfi3' No. 740 HAN Wa Mlreet. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY X ANJ' COUNT OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate or ANN HOH'ION, deeeaaed. The Auditor appoln.ed by tbe Court to audit, settlft, and arjust the account of DAVI9 PEAB.-.ON. Executor of the Estate of ANN HOKTON, deceased (as stated by C. Towar aud John it. Heyl, ICxeculors of said Uavia Pearson, deceased), and 10 report dis tribution ot the balance In tne hands of tbe ac countant, wl 1 meet the parties IntereHted. ior the purpose of his appointment, on FltlDAY, February b. lKJu.a' 3:io o'clock P. M., nt bis oilic, No. lii U. fclX IH Street, In tbe city of PblUdelphla. 1 21 tbatuSt JOHN KUDKhlH, Andltor. XN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR X THE CITY Al) COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA, ELIZABETH L. WIUKIL, ETU, Va UEOKOE ii. M1HK1L. Pepr.Term I8t,a. Ko. U In divorce. GKOBGE H. WIrtKiL: Pienae lake noilo that the Court has granted a rule upon you to stauw cause why a divorce i vinculo mntruiK.nii Miould not be decreed lu the above case, returuableSA TUKDAY, January m, 181U at loo'clock A.M., peiamial no 1 e eavkg tailed on account of the absence ol the respondent. IHOaiAd K. FI2CLETTF.K, 1 22 fs'.utbl. Attorney Ijr Llbellant. SHIPPING. rff LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LINE FOR NEW YORK. . EalUng Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at noon. The winur rates at which, .freight is nov taken la 20 cents per 100 pounds, gross, scents per foot, or 2 cents per gallon, ship's option. Tbe Line la now prepared to contract lor spring rates lower than by any other route, commencing on Maicb 15,1839. Advance charges cubed at oUlco on pier. Freight itcelved at all tlinta on coverod wharl. JOHN F. OHL, 8288m Pier 10 North Wnrves. K. ii. Extra ratet on small packages Iron, ineials, etc. FOR L1VEH100L AM) tUrJENS iSiUt. ToWK. luiuau Line ol Mali b tea inert tun kpwiued lo 8U as lollows: Ci'lY OF AN 1 WEKP, baiuruay, Jauuary 83. haMlil.uo, lue.iuay, January id. IIT'Y OP X.OAUUSS. onturday, J Hilary ao. CITY OF HALTJMOitE, enturuay. F, uruary 8, CITY OF COivfaL, 'i utsday. February . and each succetuiiig ba.uiua and a.iernate Tuesday at 1 P, ai., trom Pier 4o, Norm JUver. KA'IEB OF PAnisoKE by u kail siuiua aii.ijs jtvay bATUKUAK. Payable In Oold, payable lu Curreucy. FlKKi' OAlilN 10lij8TKli;Ji.O M to Loudon lo.) to Lonuoiu 4(i to i arm, 11. I lo Paris ii PAtiSAOK BV T11K TukSliAK BrZAMUU VJA U UJrAJL. i lltHT CABIN" el itJHAKl . Paaole la Uold. PuauiB iu Cuirency. Liverpool. W Llveriiool ... JialllUA ti -iKlitax 1 tt. John's, N. P.. ......... I 4, 1 '' Jonu'a, IS. V. i , hi brunch Leuiuor.... J I i iliauon hLeuuiur... Pabseiigera also iirwaruoutu Kavre, Hamburg, lire lueu, etc, at reduced rates. '1 lckels can De oouyni. uto ujr peruuiia dquuiuk iui tlitir irleuua, at moueralb rates. or turiaer luioriualiou apply at the Coiupauy'a Oltices. JuHN'U., Agent, No. 16 BKOADW AY, N. Y. Or to No. Ill CHEoiNUT Du' i, Pnliuaelpnia. ,.,.T PH1LADELFH1A, RICHMOND 'IiMommI ANi INOivFULi. BlWJlSilll' LINE, ITIiooWii JiKEiOii'i Ail L1JE TO TiaJI JLV EKY Biil'UJvUAY, At noon, from FLUtiT WJxAlUi above iiAEH.E'1 Bueeu r. 'iilitOUUrt tiAius aua intt'juuu ju&vjjaarm to all poin is In North and bourn Carolina, via bea boaru Alx Liua iUuiroad, conuevilug at. Portautoutb and to Lyucbourg, Va.i'uuuesHee, ai.d tbe West, via Virginia and lenuesaee Alt Line and Biuniuond and LanvlUe itallroad, Freight HaNLlED HOT ONCE, and taken at JVOWEit KAiEM THAN AN Y Oi'UllK LiCiA. Oi traiibifer. . t . Jrr.l,btru;elveaidai.,i.iAM p No. 11 Murtb and booth WKAJt VE8. W. P. PUBTiOt. Agent at iiicuaioud and ClU "!"!! . 111 f-iyi ana ria. ueorgeiuwu, auu nmiuiujvuii .. . u . . .liuk.tuiLit .11(1 llHIHWLTR OHUftl. Wltll OOU''M. aim ria. uouiciuu, " t. -u..iuB.u aj c, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, with oou- .i..... u. a i. ...... - . n. ii. u KwutL ilirM.! riiuLa UIV1IUI1B Ml AlCnuu.!. .iwM- " -- " " " for Li uchbmg, utiaMl, Kuozvllie, NaabvUle, Daitos and the bouihwesi. bitamers leave regularly every Saturday at nooa Irora tbellrnt whart auu"a iiarket aueet. reignirceivea WM p CLyivK A No, 14 North aud Houtli Wharve. J. S. DAVIDfeON, Agent at OeoreKu. M. iCLDitlDOE A Co., Agents at Alexandria, VU lula. . 1L fjT-- JXUiior.. roit inew XUlth., VIA TTl'KEbti blEAil BOAT COilPAiVY. ti,u ki l inn Propellers of this Hue leavrt DAILY from 11ml wharf below Maraet atreei, 1 'IHltuUUH L.N -a nOtKs, Ooodr Jorwardeu oy an the linos going oatoi York, Ninth, East, and West, free ty euuia.jjlon, Frelabta received at our usual low rat;. " WlL.JAM. P. CLYDE ft CO., AgenU. No. 14 b, WHAJUVivi, Philadelphia! JAMES HAND, Agent. Mi lio, uw WALL btreet. corner of Beutb. New York. FOR KEW YORK SWlFr-SDBl Trausportatlon Company Despauni (inal on aud after the Ulb of March, leaving dally at i.i.M.ira Lines, via ueiawaru ana KariLan 12 ai. anu . Jr, m.., a oire'L'hf.'whlcb will be taken on acoomruodaUng lima'antly W WiLLiAM M, BAIKU A UO., IU No. las b. DELAWAKE Avenua, FOR RENT. s? O R R B N T. 1'KEaiISES, Ko. 803 CILESA'UT JSU, f VOU BTORJS OB OPFICX. ALHO OFFICFH AND LARGE BOONS anltabla for. commercial Colg.y GROCERIES, ETC. 1IITE CLOVER HONEY BETHLEHEM BUCK. WHEAT, BX1KA MESS MACKEHEL. ALIIEUT 4'. UUUKHTM, Dealer In Fine Grocer lea, 11 7Jcp Cor. ELEVENTH ana VIH S Streets. REAL ESTATE SALES. OPUHLIO BALE TO CL03K A PART nersbfp Account M. Tbosaan t Sons, Auctioneers. Five well-ueeured groand renin, f&4, HOW), (10 00, (10 60, $111 W. On Tuesday. January 20. IW9, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at tbe 1'rillaUelpbla Krobange, tbe following degorlbed ground rents, vi : No. 1. All that yearly ground rent of Kt, on lot of ground, northwest side of Newklrk utreet, and nortbeant side of Emory street. In Klgbteentb ward or tbe elty of I'ullftdelplila; containing In front on Newklrk street 18 feet, and in depth on Emory street 80 feet U lucties to lbomrson street. No. 2. All tbat yenrly ground rent ol IIO-SO, ou lot of ground, on northwest side of Newklrk street, 71 feet northenst of Kmory street, la Klitbteenth ward of tbo city of Pulladelpbla: containing in front on Newklrk street 111 feet bxi lncbes, and In depth SO feet 9 inches to Xliompsou street. No. 3. All tbat yearly ground rent of $40 50, secured on a lot. or ground, on the northwest wardly side of Newklrk street, 35 reel northeast or Kmory street, In Klliteentu ward of tbe city of l'ollRdelpula; containing In front IS feet, and in Ueptu b0 luot 9 lnoUes to Thompson street. No. 4. All that yearly Kronnfl rnt of 810 50 on lot of ground nonhwetti side of Ne-wklrk street, 18 feet northeast of Kmory street, In Eighteenth ward, city of Phlladelpblaj containing lu Trout lii leet, and in depth bo foet 9 Inches to Thomp son street. No. 5. All that yearly ground rent of 810 50 on lot or ground on northwest side or Newklrk street, 6-1 leet northeast of Kmory street, la Kigbteenth ward, city or Philadelphia; contain, log in rront on Newklrk street 17 reet, and la depth fcO reet Inches to Thompson street. Tbey are each secured by a two-story hrlek dwelllrjg honne. and pollev of insurance of Jooo. M.THOMAS&HONS, Auctioneers, 1 0 23 Nob. 131) and HI H. yoUKf U Btreet. FXECUTOKV PEUKMPTOKY HLE. MZl Folate or Kllas Kelnhelmer, decexsed. 'itiumas & Sons, Auctioneers. Vuluaole Husl ness btand. Store, N. W. corner of Frankford roHd and Columbia avenue., Nineteenth ward, 41 feet front, 100 feet deep to Lelb street, three fronts. On Tuesday, February 10, 1H09, at U o'clock, noon, will be sold at puulio sale, with out reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that two-story brick bulldlngand lot of ground situate Nos. 1700 and 1702 Frankiord road, N. W. corner of Columbia avenue, Nineteenth ward; the lot containing in rront on FrauKford road 41 feet, and extending in depth along Columbia avenue 100 foet to Lelb street three fronts. It has been occupied as a dry goods and clothing store; has three large bulk windows, new balcony, large hall, and 6 rooms on. second iloor; large yard, etc. The above is a very valu able property, and Is a very good business stand, bale absolute. Immediate possession. May be examined any day previous to aula. By order of J At'OH NlRTJLINGER, 1 T.,, M. tiEiDRit hach, J J'ecntorB. M. THOMAS & fclONS, Auctioneers, 1217 2CIJ23fO 13J No. ir9audl418. FOUKTHHt. KEAL. ESTATE THOMAS A HONS1 SALE. Modern Four-story Brick Kesl- i.eiice. No. 1713 Uace street, near Lozan tiouare. On Tuesday, January 20, 1809, at 12 o'oIock, neon, will be sold at pubilo sule, at thei'nlla tlelpiiia Exehune, all that modern fonr-Htory briek tnessuage, with three-story back building and lot or ground, situate on toe north side of Kace street, between Heventeenth and Piigh tee nth sts., nearLop;aulSquare,No. 1713; contain ing in fronton l'.ace slteel IH leet,aud extending In depth 100 feel. The house Is well and substan tially built and In good repaii; has parlor, dining-room, and kitchen on the first llojr, ami cnmuioolous chambers ah' ve; gas, Oath, hot and cold water, furnace, cookim: ranee, eta. Immediate possession. Keys at No. 170 Kace siieet. M. THOMAS & HONS. Auctioneers, 1 13 10 23 Nos. 13H and 141 S. KOUlU'il Btreet. PUBLIC SALE. THOMAS & ROSS. Auctioneers. Business Bland, known as Kolseli's Hotel." Front street, between Kafghn's Point avenue and Mechanic street, Kaiulm's Point, New Jersey; 00 feet front, ISO feel deep, about oue square from the lorry. On Tuesday, J&nuary 20. 1M!, at 12 o'clock, noun, will be sold at public salo at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that two and-a-half story brick tavern and lot of ground, situate on Front strict, between Kaighn's Point avenue aud Mechanic street, Kaluhn'a Point, Oamden county. New Jersey; the lot containing In front cm Front street 00 leet, ami extending la depth IS i feet to Mickle street. It Is an old well-esta-bilMied tavern Maud. House contains eleven moms Terms JloOO may remain on mortgage, immediate possession. M. THOMAS A SON'S, Auctioneers, 1 13 1623 Now. 139 wnd Ilia FOURTH Street. tfn PEKE.MPTOKY BALK. TilOMAI & JtiJ..SONB, Auclluneers. Elegant moJoru lutir siory brick, No. 1317 Bpruce Ktreel, wtst of Thlrieenth struer, 23 feet frout, 170 feet deep. Ou Taesctay, Jauuary 20, 1309, at iz o ciock, noou, win ot) soiu at publ o sile, without reserve, at the Philadelphia Excuun?e, all tbat elegant modem four-story brick mes suage, with three-story back buildings and lot of ground, situate on tbe norm side of Spruce street, west or Thirteenth street, No. 1317; con taining in front on Spiuce sireet25 foet and extending la depth 170 leol to Wynkoop street. The liOUHt-ls llulshed la hauilsotne modern style, ana uas an tne improvements auu con veniences. Terms Cash. Sale absolute. M. THOMAS & Hons, AncMioneers, 1 13 1623 Nos. 139 and 111 B. FOURTH Btreet. t KEAL ESTATE FOR ACCOUNT OF i the Columbia Building Association. a nomas & Sons' sale. Lot Washington street, west of Thirteenth street. On Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1S09, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public sale, at the Philadelphia Exchango, ali that lot of ground, situate on tne south side of W a-tQ. lngton street, SO leet west of Thirteenth street; containing In front on Washington street Its feet, and extending in ueptu 70 feet 1 Inch. Clear or an lnoumorance. M. THOMAS & BONR, Auctioneers, 1 9 s 3t Nus. 139 and 141 B. FOURTH Btreet. LUMBER. 18fc9. fcPltUCE JOIST. bf-aLUK JUiST, liliMLUCK. iia,MLUCik. 1869. lurO bKAWUJtl ULISAU PINK. 1OCI lOOJ bH-AOUiNKl) CLiiAK riA'Ji, lOOy CBUICft i-ATiiitW PliSK. BPAMaJd C'UAlt, Koit PATlJtitNa. itKl) t'Kl)4lt, -.,,,-( i'LOiilDA i'LoOKINU. iu,.,, IbOJ iLOiuLA iLuoniNu. looy t'A ftOLi.N A FLOUU1AU. VIKUliNiA il.OOHlr.U. BiiXAWAllK l'A.UUUxCU. ASH LOOHliU. WALNUT LOUrll NO. JTLOKILA b'1'k.r BUAKLd. it AIL i'LAMi.. 1wi:ii WALiN UT BitJ AND FLANK. 1 OfiQ WaLNUT IjOaHUiS. WALNUT rLA&K. IftCO UNDH-rVrAKfCllO LUMRKll. 1 QfQ CailAK. WALlsUT AJsU WSH ABU. WH1TK OAK i'LAMi AND liOAl'.Dd. itiOiiUit i . ICl'O CIOAU BOX MAKS1W -J Qf'Q UUAll BoX AlAivKUo1 lOUf bPANloll CLUAit tiOX B'JAltDb, iUK teALK LU VV. 1U1MI CAKOL1NA bCAMTLINU, 1 OQ J.OUV CAHOL1NA H. 1'. blLlyi, XOVV WuiiWAV BUANTLIRU. lbOO lit OiUAH bilINuLK4, 1 SftQ CKiMtlUiSbHlNliLfcA OQV alAUL.ilKOTIlER A CO., Mo. UWXi HOV TH Btreet. T. P. GALV1N & CO.. LliYEER CCr:.IVSIS8ION MERCHANT8 bilACKAMAXUX STUCEI HilAHl,f BELOW SLOAT8 MILLS, (bw-CAUJCD), PHIL DKLPHIA. AHiOS iS FOB 60TJTH1LRN AN D KAtlTKkN Mn fucluren of V KLLOW i-lNL Mid bFrvUCH. liMlia iit-AKLb. eto., .Iittll be bat vy to lurulHO order. wtioile ri., deuvernble at nuy acoo,.lble port, CioDBianllv rei riv.nif and ou baud t our whiri bOU'lilKKN Jf'lAiOjtlNti. bOANiLlNU. bMIN rjl.Vl.. t,.AHTirUN Mlhk.l'll'Ub.l'y uvilbi iiu bi-KUCls;, HKilLOtJK, bLLKti' Mlo'illOAN ANii CIA JN ADA rAiAiMit ANii KIJAltDa, AN L) HAU MAilXj BULf-KN Kta, 1 SI stuthi ALI. OF WHICH WILL IIB DELIVKBU at amy pautohukiut vuoxiem "PRIZES CAPIIKU IN ROYAli HAVANA, A- AMJllHHl, tllU JUlC-HUUrU IAJI 1 Kill B.. Circular sent and ltilirinau.,u glveu. JUrtKfH BA I Kb, No. 7 iiUUAJJ rVAY, YOtlt. I'oi OUits BOX iiot. 1 19 Lai AUCTION SALES M. ffSLiVw 139 " I"KKE EXHIBITION O F RPLKNDtJ) PAIITTIIfag. M. Knoedler's (tncneisor to QonpH & Oo)coli tion ot eieg.ot pshilitiRi is now on xblhluon in utm H.HtO.llfiy of trie AcAileruyof FlneArui. n.; AdmlBBlon free, from A M. till 6 P.M. dally,1 . BALE OF BEA L EB7ATK, 8TOCKH, AND LKASM Jn. 26, at 12 o'clock, nonn, at ths Kichanmi PUBLIU HALiC LH.AbK( CI iV WHAHVJU ANI LAN1)1NG4, Jan. M ISA9, at 12 o'clock, noon, at ths PhtUdslnht Kxclmoge, by order of Jortio H. Pugh. Ksu.. unZ miselorer. will be leiwed at public ancHou. lor m. U rva of one or ttarst years, to tbe blghest an4 beit blitaer, tbe loUowlog-naoied wbarves aud landlogs, I'albarloe street landing, on the Delaware. AliaoDd street lanttiug. on tie Delaware. Flu. street landing, ou the Delaware. Market sireet north ilde). on the Delaware. Noble street landing, on me lelaware. Oreen street landinK, on the Delaware. itlHhop ktreet landing, on tbe Delaware, street landing, on tbe Heliuyiklll. Oeonre street landing, oa the Sciiuylklll. Lombard street landing, on the Scotiylklll. boutd Btreet lapding. on tbe Hcbuylklii. I'i H acd ADKLl'H I, southwest corner Oliurcli and large Lot FINK No J2?-Modern Resid.nce. fIXTH, belowColombia avenue Valuable Lot. JIUKR18, west of b)th Lot. OXFOKDand MILLTUWN Roads, Twenty-third W.rrt Karru, M 'n orrm ROUNli RKNTS-I&4 I0 tO, 10'M, '80, !01r WAMIINGTON Htreet, west of Thlrteeath Lot bFKbCK, Ne. 1.117-J 'iant Reeldeuoe. HAt'K, N. lillt Modern Keeltlence. KONT Kalfc-lin's Folui "KiitslliB Hote'.' tOLORADO Territory Claims and premises la reB(1 mining dlhtrlcl. MUNI ana Territory 5 claims, In pre-emotloa title, only. r :i share. Greenwich Improvement and Railroad Oo. IHslmrtB Mahai.oy Railroad Co. In Old TowD.lilp Llua Turnpike Co. 1.1 KhareB Union l'.ank of 1 ei.uefiseo. ' 10 Fourth National Fank. 5 Bliurea National Kxchnnre llanlr, M shares t oiind.kI.i ion National Rank. 60 shares Provident Lite and Trust Co. 8 shares Rank o' Norib America. 98 (hares Central Tranaporiai lou On. M khares beulliern 1 rauHtiorlatlon C'J. KiiBhare. Kmpire Transportation Oo. 1ho shares Fhlladelpbla and California Pdtrolaura Compauy. 8n shares T.tikenn Vallev Rallrord and Coal Co. 20 shares Ktick Mountain Coal Co, 11 shares Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Co. 2 kbarra Philadelphia aud bouiheru Mail Blearuabip Company, Few No. 54, middle aisle Presbyterian Church, Arch Street, above Tenth. Few No. 01, Ht. Andrew's Chnrcb. Few No. 62, First Bai tint Church.. lino shares McKeau aud Klk Laud and Improve men t Co. 1 2t3t MARTIN BR0THEK8, AUCTIONEERS. (Lately FalehUieu for M. Thomas A bona.) No. tin CliAbN UT bt.. ear eutraace from JUlnov. . P.le Nn. 49 b. Klihth street. BADKOMK WALNUT FURNITUBE, KTC. Un 'l bursday Morning, isth Inst,, at lo e'clo.-k. at No. 4uu b. Eighth s'.reot, 1 y catalosue, ihe entire superior furniture, inoludlug liaudaome waluut aud Proc.ielle pa-lor furniture, la rue ceptro wole, eleuant walnut chamber suit, large wariirobe, very line Frencn plate mantel aud pier mirrors handsomely fratued; handsome medallion velvet,, aud other carpets; giatswai e, kitchen UterslU, etc. 1 liecabluet furrnlture was mad. to order by Allen. Ma be seen early on morning ol salo. 121 St Pale No. H06 N. Fifteenth street. KLFOANT WALNUT FURNITURS, HANDSOMK AiltlhURH KLfcUANT ROSKWUOD FIANO. VFllY FINK OIL KAINTINUH, RICH BRUS hKLb CAHt'KXb, FINK ULabSWAKB JkMl) CiiiNA.Ji.iO. On Tuesday Morulng. February a. at to o'ciook. at No. I4t N. Fifteenth un Tuenaay, irert,bove Master street, hy catalogue, the en lira furniture, lueluolui; very elegaut walnut and maroou piuth drawlug-rooiu Bull, rteutre table, handsome wait ut cbau,ber furniture, 2 handsome walnut side boards, superior library lurulture, bookcase, elegant rosewood piauo by Ramiu; very line i'rencb piato mirrois banusi Dr ly Iramed; French maaiel clocks, iu gers' Oroup. lire-proof silver cheBt. hair mat trenavs, richly cut gnaiware. Hue wbite Freuort cLiua plated ware, rich Rrubsela carpels, coitaita sn.t, ki cheu utenoils. etc. tLKHANT OIL PAINTINQ9. Also, sereral line subjects by William B haver, Ver bceekboven, Rouuelu, U ke, aurj others; Hue eugrav Idkb, etc. i he cabinet fumlture was made to order aad is In t li-Knt condilltiu. &isy be aeeu early on tbe morning of sale, 1 21 lot HANDSOME MODiSRN RKdlDKNOK Imniedlalely previous to the sale ot the furniture, al 1" o ciock, tbu JlAIDiOAlSi iMOllKKJN 'i HKKK b.TORY BRICK R1081 UD.NC1C, Double Three-story Rack Rtiildipga, Bide aU, lot of ground. feet i root, by HO iett deep No Mi'6 N. Filteeuth street, above Master btreet. The limine Is In elegant condi tion; has ail tbe rrt deru conveniences and improve Uieu.b, u. dirgiouuu drainage, etc l zt yt BUNTlNti, DUKBOROW & CO., AUCTIOBs ERb, Nos. t-nd 'Ml ilAKK fai btreet, corasr' oi Lauksireut. buccouaors lo John ii. Mers & too. AT FRI VATIC SALE, 60 casr s iufftiuiy oveiioaia, penect. to uales grty-uiixed army shirts. 1 FIPST LA EOF; (?PINU 81E OF 2.J0O CA8E3 wu i cii'i'.n, inn t r.i.1, A.AU3, JLIO. Uu Tuesday MomlnK, Feb 2, a 10 o'ciouk, on lour mouiiis' credit, 1 23 8t ADAlINISTRATORB' bAl.K OJ FANCY CASbl- T, . t On Wednesday,, will be pei tnintorll v milii.nn fnnr mnniK.i crtuh, torn m on di g at lo o'clock, by order at Ueorirs Huliotk and Rubevua Aun P. liuuter, adiiiuui,raiora of F. M. Uuuler. ueceaarid. 1al surclvinir of F. M. Dinner & Co., ON K TO TWO THOUSAND PIEOKS OF PKRKI- uiuwi auu n l a r lu.ij iaiA.Ai uoeiaiairilijb, belpg balance of stock Irom mills. Tbs goods are all irtau auu very ue.iraoie styles. 1 1& t LARGK SPKCIAL AND PEREMPTORY SALES UUAliibilC UOODb IN iNiiRU PACli. AUtb. On Wednesday Morale g, Feb. t commencng at 10 o'clook 6io eniue packaites cotton and wo alien domesllo goods. particulars nereaiier, t zs n LIPHNCOTT, BON & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. AbUiiURbT BUILDINO, J&q. M UJUUUCS tit. NOilCE. Regular Bales of Dry woods Notions, Trimmings etc., will be neld every WiiiiWi LAY ihrojb. Jamiaiy. CoUKignmenis ot stock uoeds, etc., souciteo. Hales cashed wlthlu live oays. G 11.AEK & fcVANtS, AUCTIONEtBS, NO. C30- VA1AU3A u a Dtreck. Will sell THIb DAY, Morning and Evening, A larse lu volte ol RlaiikbUi, Bed bpreadu, Dry ooodSj C'loihs, Catsluueres, il ornery, btailouery, Taolb aua Fuck el cutlery, Notlous, oto. Cit, aud couulry meroUantfl will fiud bargains. ierui v&hh. Uoods packed free ot charge itt K RENAN, t-ON &: CO., AUCTIONEER, N iii A. i-KONl r-tr.kt. i21 i re ha e o1 Liquors. VS t-doeid.y, 27th Inst q-lloMAb iilRCU Jc feON, AUCTIONEEBft. JL AMI COMMlOblOW MKRCilANTb, No. 1L Oil Hlreet: rear entrauce Ilo. 1107 Banaom Ml c t U. filcXLfckb iV CO.. AUCT10NEER8 M,u!bA'iltKI riieet. DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC OliBT 8UOKMAKEK h CO., N.K. Comer of k Oli 111 11 aad HACK Sts., PHILADKLPH1A, WHOLESALC DRUGGISTS. tMFORTKRb AND MAN UFACTORfiKS OF V, hite 1au buU Colored Valuta, rutty Variabiles, Etc. AO HINTS FOR TUK CEJuJCBRATKD I xlnc r AIM'S. LKIUJ AND CONBUMEUB BUFPWJED A . LOW KfeT FRICAH FOR OABU. U TRUSSES. TRU&SEsi. TRUSSES. TUUSSE3. ... L Al irllln Woilv Rnlt.. iL l I A M 8. QUANT tV.WWlBBlON MKRCHANT. Bio ( 8. KNT FOR 'UUd9,pb,' Dnnont'B uunvnwdur, ReUued Nitre, Charcoal, ato u i,.,n a Co.'BCho(xilaie, Cocoa, and llrouia, Crlcker Fro.. Cu.'S YelUiw Aislal Bheaihlng Buim. aud aliA Inl