THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHlLADELPIlZA, TIIUllSDAr, JANUARY 21, lfc?9- 5 MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. The City Atnunemenf. AT Tin Walnut After Dark will bo per - Ornied tbls evening. At titk Akch the drama of A Plnh of Liffht )(7Win bo withdrawn after tho present week. On Monday 7VWA ZitgM will bo produood. At tijk Thkatkk Comiquk MIhs Hasan Ual ton, Mr. Whiflin, and troupe will appear tt1i evening lu (Jll'enbach'B opere'tas of La Hone lc 6Y. FteM.r and I.irxchen ati'l Frilr-.chen. Between the operas a favorite oomedleitu will be par formed. At tub Amkiucan a number of talented Artists will appear tbls evening la au Interest log variety entertainment. Cari. hunt.' and m auk H asst. kr's Orohks Tra will perform at Musical Fund Jlali on Sa turday afternoon. Dr. J. F. Hoynton will give the seoond lecture Of bis course at Concert H ill this evening. Tbe aubjeel is "The Earth and Moon." Yesterday we erroneously stated tbut Or. Hoynton's lea tores would bo delivered at the Aciderny of Music. A notico of the le ;(nre last evening Will be found la our local columns. C TY IT E 61 S. OVBHC.0ATS Heilaccd 10 prices a follows- - Flue all-wool Ueiver lu f'.l'Ou Flue all-wool Cbl uoh 1 lift and Fur Denver to I8 00 Of the newest mid stylish tunterUl, out and make, which hiivii be-, u sold at ..MJljOO A Krrat variety of all styles, upwards from f Od Skat is a Jackicts. The bet assortment In tUe city selling very low. Pantaloons, sood stylo, all-wool Canluiere, redtietd to fi'Oii Vbhts FU ail-wool Cass'm -re r.dune'l to KJU Mii'-u(: ' rn 1 Uiiv.Nicrr & Co., ' (V'l (i"'t T'UVK.t lll,T JClh t!U Is.) No. 51 H . VI Alt U K r ST , rinr.A t!ti rnn, tNO No. J0 Ri'.oah-.vay, Wkw Youii. 1'HB JI a:ik :suN A Sai i: stic am Boir.Ka rHlLAimi. :"(.. Tan. lM.i.-.hM en J1kkhds Jr., Ks i : -'D ' .Si. Wo most w;lllii;;ly and i-ost tlvcly say to you that the llr" ut our store on tbe 1Kb lnstsnttild n :l ariie from any c.ipais'on or detect In tbe two su siin bollsrs mud" oy you, now In their places In tiio bso:uent. We Pavo caused ac.irjfn examination to be made of tbe-e boilers by our own people since th9 fl.e. a-cl thty wera found entirely intact lu r.Ii tbolr excvA tonis bl'bt br;a!c ageson one of tuetu outside tbe i.rlokworic, ca.iaod evidently by faUiDg timbers Curing Hie progress or tbe fire. Tbe water was at lta prope: level, tbe flras had gone out In a outural wav, w riiotit aoy disturbance Of coals or ushes m tho ttnarn, ul the lire-doors were found Just as incy ha 1 h .u I. -It by the llrunian wbon tbo were last attended i, near 11 o'clock ou tbe night o! the lire Trey now In the s.uue condition m when ex.-.ut:i.ed, except t hat t Ua MHtpr Las huoB drawn of! to pr frtezlnj;. As far as the b'..i;r wiTeciiice.-iM. .hey are now ruady for nse.Jtist as they were before ti e lire. .1. I'. ' 'A I.ll.VtM. t Co, BkuoiN'.. u IiiOow Muadv-!, vNuiains '. and Uphol stery Goods, Upholsterer of every doicrlpUou done a, rattan's, .No. H'. Chuuut s reet. New Books. T. U. Felerron & Bi'otbeis have Jiut published the followlij ho.ks, whlcb arebaviuKn large sal- Malor Joih-s1 Scenes In Ce:)i j;'a. With sixteen Illus trations on timed pnpKr, li-.'iu urininal devim by )ari-y. i'.y author oi "5hjr liiuej' 'onrtmilp," 'Major Joun.' Sketches ol iiuvei.' cl-j. Ouo voluuits, Clolb. Pr.ce i'T6. . . , TheBwanm lx.c'oi 3 Advcntur' s in the Eontltwst. With fourietn lllusiiii' loi.s ua ilm: it pap-'r, from orl Kloal designs by lurley. ly I. nil -j Koob. a.uh'.r of "bwallowiflf! Oysters A:ivi,-' tic. one voiuuie, ciotli. Price 11-70. A Haokino Couoit li ouo of tbe most distressing as well as danKijious fonus of ucujh one can be allllctcd with. Its cjuumvu.s action fatigues and Irritates tbe litncs, aud thus t uk( n-.'.ers cousaiuptlon. ' Upbam's IfrtBb Meat Cure whl euro tho cousb, soothe tbe lu Hated broDcbU, "d t'lve touo urn! Vigor to tho lunss and wholo syatjm. A single battle will convince t y uue of lis purity Bold one du:lsr per bottle. JUltMbfuX, llol.l.oWAV A- Cowdk.v, So. Arch street. tltiif ills!.-asks. What Ir.rm of 'Ii8as9 Is more annoylug than that of the skin, with Us Itchln-r, slinging, nunrtlng, Us ns!y pimples, blatchy eruptions, and loiill'soiiio ichorous uesiiui-natlous. Happily, HieskeU'a Tetter Ointment Is a sovereign remedy for every form of sRln, making a . radical cure iu every Cite. Kold m cents per box. Bent by uuil lor oO cents. Johnaiou. Hoiloway & (Jowden. FtTHNiTfait mended iv.d varnWhed. aid made )oox equal to no v at PiUteo's, Ko. ll t C'jeanut street, A'ork done at tbe house or tkei away. JWKiJv. Mr. William W. Caatitdy, No. 12 South fcecoud street, ban tbe largest and most attractive assortment of Cue eweiry and taiverwaro ntbiclty Purchasers can reiyopon obninliig a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cauant be e vatled. He also bai a stock of Aui'-.'!cau Vestcra watcbee In all varieties and 1.1 ad :iri.s. A vilt to bis Store la mire to result i;i piei-sure iinti prollt. MONEY LOANED In sums from one dollar to tuous. uds, on Diamonds, k-llver Ware, Vtcb'Jb, Jewelry, Ulc'.b'.us, Dry Uoods, etc., at Ki rtiw's Loan Oitice, Noi theiist coriier Fifteenth and Market atreeia. Auction Konci.-ftK o" Parian Goons, sir, vkb WAUk, and Nitw i'p H M 1 1 it k, Ju i reade.s will not oret tbe sale of elfgAiit Parian Goods, sil ver Ware, inl Furniture, to l.y wold to-niorroiv I-V1-dav) moruliig. at lu1.. o'clock, i.y i. A. MsClelland Auctlouetr. at Concert Jlall. Anc loa rooms, No. lilt Clbesnttt streot. Have voi r Uraoi'Ttiuxii done t-.t Tatleu's, No. mm Cbestuil street. He H always ready, prompt, cbarges modi rate'y. and sives eml e satisfaction. . CHABI.SS KTOKKS ,t CO., Merchant Tailors and Ucthicri, N' Cm-suulstraet., lAisi Co.'s Pianos an: uuequalled In durability, bitiliiincy. to-e acd p.-uv. UMtingiilsbed , pianists ey t l.ey arothebeM. We i.ever lissuicd t any piano o cncbaiitiua. NO HuMBito. Cnrlftlcs and Mindes sslllug at a 1 great rtduciion. No prtei ds. bu-. real, Uumi ul bargains a. Pt;f.!NL''?i:'.1i-,.lli! Blrc:r' GaoVita A Bakbii'b tiigbiv Pteala-ii SeTlcg llaobiaes. Wo. TjJOJetiMijriMoi I'.tllOAtNH IN ('I.OTIIINn ji(l(lilH lit ( llllll :. V,'iruain i'l VjVu 'ii, ' Hai (aim in I't'.thh u. jlttroainn in I'lntitiitii, Jlnrouim In I'liilUin'j, jlitruitiitx in Cuthivii, Im unliit in lliiithlnu. Ittt; t'iolhim.i J(i,ViiiiS in ViuHil'fj Jf ' ' f ' ''""l"H- til '" i i & (i : ' ' 0' A Cm -lirfi or rt ij,i;i ,'."'" ii-F ,.- (1 lV'l'l(II.HII 1" ' """. ' " Wanamaukk t Knows, WaSamakhi it Hbdwn, Wanamak kh .fe Ukowv, Wasamakhb A- Kbown, WANAMAKbH &, BUOWN, AV iNiiHKiiii it Brown, WANAM AK Ml . BHOWN, Wanamakk ik Kbown, Wanamakkb A JiBOWN, WANaUAI, Kit it llllOWN, Thk LAB1BKT Ct.Ot'lllNO, 'I IIU LAlttiK. T Cl.OTiilNd;, TSK I.AIK-KST Cl.OTIIINO KoiLSM, Tub Lak('KST Ci.otiiinu Hiium.j, Thk Lakki-t ( H.M'HK, TtiA LABUKM Cl.OTHINd illjUSB, OaK JIa'.L, Oak iIai.i., Oak II ail, Oak IIai.i. Oak JIai.I., Oak IIai.i.. Tin: (OR. KlXTIf AM JlAltKW STRCKTS, '1 Ilk. t OR. blXIH AM) MAKKKT HTKItKTS, TllK 1 (lMl.NTU ANO Mai-.kut brilKliH, 1 UK (K, HlATH ANO tlAKKir Kl'KK FT. Ill it lO MMH AMI fMABKKT HrUUtT', 1 llfcl Cou. blXTII AND IJ AUKkT LTKKais. DIED. McCf.A RAN AN. Oa Tmsday. January III, JAM I :s J,l( l I,A KA NAN, In thedMOi yie.r ol ItN me. iUJlailvea and triemis are luvilod to alteud the fun, ml, from the residents of Ins snu-iii-lsw, .loliu W. White, N- l''ls Monterey mree'. on l'r:dy at 1 p'oloef. li'terinept at Mount .MorlHh Cnmetery. POTT8. On tbe ltb Iusiaui, IMA AC POTTS, lu tbe '2d year of b-s st. 'lji rltlvt and frleniU of tbe family re rasp;. fully InvttM to attend his fnnersl. from his late resl. denre, No.SOlRttepvlvanreet, on Friday at 11 o'Olock. To proceed to Laurel 11111 Oemntery. B( OTT.-On tbe 19th Instant, PATRICK BCOTT, aged 64 yearn. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the fnnaral, from his late resi dence, No. 239 N. Broad street, on Friday morning al hi qclock; LIFE INSURANCE. Am E B I C A H Life Insurance Company, Oi lUiludelpUia. S. L'. Corner Fourth and Waluut Streets. 0WThii ItuUtution has no miwiorin Ite United Siamt. eia AGENTS AND SOLICITORS FOR LIFE LSUKaJXCE, AN1 ALL PERSONS CJONTKM PLATING INSUR ANCE, WILL DO WIvLL TO HKK Jtr. U. (J. IIAO.N, al the Oflleo of the PEim MUTUAL LIFE INSUKAKCE COMPANY, iYo. 1)21 ClII-:3riTT Street, 1 Ustu'.h tt TUILADELPIIIA- A ti W U A L ST AT t Wl ENT or I'D E VMEI1ICAN i LIFE INSURANCE C0S3PAN7 OF PHILADELPHIA, S. E. Corner FOlIiHI acd WALS'DTSts., l or llieYriu' S'.iidio Uecember 31, 1S8S. nr.cjcipi. ritnii.iniu received for Ibo year t9.1,R27,W Inleiest, liotu Itivesi ni iut.s 117 Ij'H 4i Aiijitiilltii hud litUH l'J,Ui)U30 Sl.llS.jJj-iO'i tM) ExrEssis, ;'fo Looses', fcto., po.ul 571 iq-S2 'i'nivtlling Aculs aril Com nilsNtous.. ll.".2SiJ il Salttilei trnd Moillcal Kxuiuinutioris... 'I1 102 i)f U.'?. and Hlnte Tuxta itid ll.UJ M Kcturn Premluuts uu a Policies cau- telkd K,"'fi7'?,0 PrlElifin. Adv-i tlslDfr.BihUonpry, etc. SS.lOS'Si btirplus rieiuhiJiiaifciuineiJ toltisuted tuid UivlueuUs 12'J,0(3I'22 euTi.yoTS ASVi:3 J.VM.lltY 1, 1869. S!SS,i(!() City of Phllodolphla T,oan6i..l 17,1011 u. . l'lve-tweuiy Ijohw it(),(AiO State of I'euiia. Loiiu Gs SJ.OOU Ktuto of N. Jeioy Luau Us Si'i.iiOd Ht. Iittls Cny liond (is tin WW City of PlilhicUi. WbrrantB 2"),C()0 Allegheny Comity Bonds a-J.ODii City ofCitradon N J.,l,oun (is O.biHiIttiuUiOK llmlroad liondH 2'.),eOO Vnltcd States l.onu of Usl 'ji.tHJO We'it .JeiMey nullrotid (is iMl.'lfl I.eliigri Mnrtgn;o Loan of 1SS1 l.'i IM 0 81. I.outs Water Homls.. I'J.OHU reuua. H. K. 1st Mortia;eOs JO.UuO .St. Louis County Itonds 7s 10,1 HO Phllada. and Ki le It. it. (J? JiiOl.UIu'Sa o.otu imiribuiira ii. u., iMirtueru Central P.. It., WyomlDg Volley Camtl, rdu oilier bonds shares Pennsylvania It. 11... ojl blinrcs Corn Kxclinuge Na tional l'.aDb Hi2 Bliares Sovcnlb Nat. 15ank.. 600 isLnres NortUeru tJonlral U.K. li t) shares Commercial Nm, ii'k. oUslifties Fitrmers' Nat, Hunk of ltcitdiue "2 thures Consolidation Nat. U'k UUhluircH W'llliaiusporl Water Com puny fchaics Vuuidou Water Co McrfgnKfB upon ltdal Estnte $:;oS,0I0-00 ):f al i-istnle and Ground Keiita 11!,2) 73 Loans on Collateral amply secured 112,U;7 li5 i'reinium Notes tit'imJ by Policies... 0j7,0J2-7li Pi inluniH lq bands of Agcnls sucurcd by IioxjUb 111,74 KJ7 Cali on band and In Banks 03.712 OU Accrued inteiest toJuuuary 1 SW.702 2.1 S2.:i25,402 (jS TheTiustets bavo made r KKTUKN PKE- M1UMOP l' ll-TY PEll CENT, upon the pre miums paid lu 1S03 on Mutnal Policies in forco January 1, l.soo, to be credited to said Policies, aud have ordered tbe Dividend of January, lhtO, to be paid in setueioeut of pieiiilums as they mature. TRUSTEES. ALEX AN DK II WHILLD1X, GEOItGE NUGENT. HON. JAMES POLLOCK, J. EDGAlt THOMSON, ALBERT C. ItOBEHIH, PHILIP 15. MINGLE, HON. ALEXANDER G. CAT! ELL, ISAAC UAZLEHlUtST, JAMES L. CLAGHORN, HENRY K. lillNNETT. Ii. M. WHILLDIN, GEORGE W. HILL, JOHN WANAMAKER. rilliSIOENT, ALtXAM)EB WUILLDLN. VU'E-PJtEIlNTf E 0 R U E MUUEKT. ACTUAKY, J 0 11 t. S 1 H S, A It'll ETAS Y' AMDTREaCBEB, J 0 II K S. W1LSO K. .HEDIt AL tX A'UNCBN, J. -lfl'0' WALKER, M. I), T1I03IAS J. YARROW, M 1. At Ofiicc Iily liom Id l 1 o'clotU. 0SI'I.TINU rilYMIC IAJI, joiL r, map, tt. i, Liwuiwt insurance companies, 'HE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY POB INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES. Capital, S 1 ,000,000 Fifly-Nixtli Annual Statement. Tubllsh, In conformity with an aot of tbe LeglHiaiuie, the following statement of their assets on tbe 1st December, 1HB8: Keal Kstate, IeHgne Island, Office Holloing, No. aol WalnntHtreet, and several wellnsecured Ground items Kl.SOlo Iionds and Mortguges on unincum- bered Property 070 2BJ Oi) Loans, will, ample collsterals 1)18,451 -4S Debts One to Company, Including il- vanctson Trust Kstates 11'1.15'j 01 Push 20J.HS8-4.I BlocBSUiid Loans for list below 2, u70, 591-02 81,001.21!) 22 112 slis. Commercial Na- liouui jLiua GOlshs. Pur mors' and Me chanics' Nat. Banlt.. 101 ahs. Pnila. Nat. Bunk blis. btale U'k of Cainden COD sob. Locust Ml. Iron Co.. iiuOshs. Minolilli aiidWch'y'l llitveu K It 211 shs, Cleveland and Ma honing it. it 32 sub. Del. Bridge Co., l inn ton 3i!0 sbe. Insuiuncu Do. N. A.. 1L," slis. Hen. Nav. Co fi7 hhs. I'enim. 11. It. Co .lOsns. N. Pencil. 11. It Co.. Oi) bhs. Lcblgij Coal and Nnv. Co 17,2n0 Phllft, 5 per rent. Loan... 1 !,."( 0 l'lill:t. 0 per cent. Loau... 111,100 Puilu 0 per cent. Oas Loan It) 010 Schuylkill Nav. Co. 0 jut cent. Loan, 1S72.. S (10 PiUhb'B 0 pel ceiit. Lo:.u 3VU,7lO Lcblgli Coal and Nnv. 0 per el. Loan, lsl... 20,000 Lehigh Coul umiNav.Co. 0 perct. conv. Loan.. 71,172'e Cliesape.oko and Del. Canitl (i per ct. Loan 8,400 Tennessee 5 per ot. Loan 12,100 YoUKlilof;houy 0 U. ii. Co. 10 per ct. Loan... 600 Schylkill Nav. 7 rer ct. Loat Loan 52 COO U, B. 0 perct. Loan, PHI.. Ooo U. . 5-20 Loud, July, 1805 8 lidO I'. H. 5 20 Loan, lb2 24.WO V.H. 5 20 Loan, Nov. lbo lOO.OuOl'tuoa. K. P. 0 per cant. Debenture Bonds IS, 000 Tennessee 6 per ct. Bonds 12 (no Ter neKBet 0 per el. liouds 21,0b0 North Peuna. It. K. Hper cent. BondM 8,0'jO Pittsburg r per cent, Couip. Ponds 20,000 N. J. 0 per cent. Bonds... 30,000 Junction It. K. 0 pur ct. Bonds 5,000 Ltarrisbuig,P.,Mt. J. and L. 0 per ceut. lincds.. 20,000 Wyoming Valley Cucal 6 ncr ceut. Bonds 6,000 Allegheny Valley 0 per cent. Bonds 30,W 0 Penna. 0 per cent. War Loan GI'S.GOO Tcbna. (i per cent. 15 23 Loan UO.QIU McKean and bilk Lai d Improvement 0 per cent, Bonds 41,0 0 Warren aud I xuuknu 11 11 7 per ct. Bonds O.OCOBeivlilere Delaware 0 per cent. Bonds... 20,000 Cleveland nod Mahon ing 7 per c:ut. Bonds 3,010 Del. aud Itaritau and Catiideu and Aniliuy 6 jier cent. Bunds... 27,000 Lackawana and Blooms burg It. It. 7 per ceut. Bonds KO.OOOU. 8. 10-40 Bouds 20.0U0 llaniilion Co. (OUtu) 0 per cent. Hood 20,000 Bun bin y aud K le K, P. 7 per ceut. Iiotids... :i0.tC0 V.'tsleiu Pen mi. 11. 11. b percent. Bonus 10,100 Pernio. ItiiUroad 0 per cent. Moons 30,000 Union and lingiinftpott 7 per cent. Bonos 5,000 J. H. Lucas 8 percent. Bouds S.Ct 0 Elmlru and Williaiuop't It. 11. 5 perct, Bondd I CO.COOLitlleSoijuylkUl 11. t. 7 i per cent. Bouds I 4O,C0i)PhSla. and Erie It. It. 0 per cent. Ponds.. ... ' 11.000 Reading K. K b per cent, i Bonds 5,0(0 Tennessee ti per ct.iiotids 143,(10 Cum. and Amhoy 0 per cent, consolidated Ponds 1.0CO Lehigh Yuiiey K. 11. (i ner cent. Bonds 3,1 00 Northern Liberty 11. K. 0 per cent. Bonds 27,000 Lehigh Coal and Nav. Co. 0 per cent. Gold Bonds C.irlJL'jClty WuriaiiU I'UARLES DU11LII, rresitljul. W ILLIA5I R. HILL, Acltuirj. Ulice of ttie I'eunsy 1 vuniii Coiiipniiy for iiwuriiiice oi i.ives nun t.rjiutlii" All umtiVH, jo. :tO t va!niit Mrect. PiiiLAPKLi-ifiA, Jan. 19. ISi't. At ph Illcctlon of the Wiockholders bold ni MONDAY, tlie lStli lis'iint, toe t jllowlng g-in- tieiiitu weio uuaiiiuioubiy elected uireciors lor ttie cnsutDK year: Cliurits Dtiillh, lAlexnnder Piddle, Jtenryj. wnnaios, i Jusbuaii. Llpplucott, Wlllliini H. itui. IS. Mortis Wain. John R, WueheitT, lOhas. H. Hutchinson, tel. Geo. l , cumpoeii, Lindley Smith. AdolphE. BorlH, '4eorgt A, Wood. Anthony J. Aulelo. And at n meutiug ol tue Directors held this day. CUAKLt.S DUTlLli wus unanimously re-elecud 1'resldtnl, aud WILLIAM li. HILL Actuary. 1 21 thstuat WM, P. HILL. Actuary FLOUR. HOLIDAY PRE 8 ENT 3. The beet and moat suitable rreaent fcr a friend ot tbe needy Is a be.rrel ot our "J. B. WELCH" FIRST PREMIUM FLOUR, and a ba or balf barrel BfKR LINO'S "MOUNTAIN" BUCK WHKAT MEAL, UW routed supetlor to any In the market, Corslantly on band tbe bttst assortment ot differ en orandB of FLOUR, INDIAN, and RYK MEAL MOPS, etc. GKOItGE F. ZEHNDBR, U 24 2m rp J Oli RT II AND TINE MTH. QHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, For the Iraue or al RetiUI. EVIIIY- IIAUQEL XV ARB ANTED. KEYSTOMJ FLOUR HILLS KOft. 1 AND al (JllttnO AVKSl't, 1 VJ jmrp East of Front street. LAnZELERC CL ESUCHEY, Custoiu Rouse Urokers nud Notaries Fubllc No. !05 LIBRARY Street. AHCubtoui House Riislncss transacted. PASSPORTS PROCURED. Pi-u.?AmKl IN nOYAl, HAVANA AftHH'tKV. iiid MlRsnmtr i.u r ranti K uf .Vu"i5,'lli-",,'f. '""'''maiii.u iveu JOSttfU -OOAK Nfi-flHT-C t.AS HOARDING - ........ tj u. riFTn EDITIOIS THE LATEST NEWS. Tho Victims of the llibeniia Dis aster Horrible Massaero iu New Zealana-Fright-ful Accident in Ilrooklyn. FR OM JCUR OPE. By Atlantic Cable. Tlio Victims of the Illberulrt Disaster. I-onion, Jan. 21. A vcaiol ariived yes terday liom Madeira, having left that port ou the 14th inst. Nothing had been heard up to that time of the thlrty-nluo nil'sins passonsor3 and crew of tho wrecked pleamshlp Hibcrnla, who were to have been landed there, and there is now hardly a doubt that the story of the-e persons having been picked up at all was, puro fabrication. Ei-lMlnl SlnMtnere in en enPuiil. London, Jau 21 Late ad vices from Auckland, New Zealuud, reports that a IrigUtfttl niua6cre ol the whites by Ihe iifitives had occurred at Poverty Bay, on that island. Fiumicinl and Commercial Lonton, J;tu. 21. Tho buU'oit in tin: Bank ot EiifiUiid has increased Xl:.000 since the last report. London, Jan. 21 40 V. M. Cohsom, !)3J tor money ami account; U. S. j-20i. 75.; Knc, 2(i(; linuois central, l'2l. Livekcool. Jan. 21 4'3!) I'. M.. Coltou cl"od active nt lljd. for middling upnuds, andlljd. for niiddiibg Oilcuns. Tuc sales to-day were lfi.noo biilc-i. White California wheat, 11. 7 ). lit. 8d. Provisions liiuui but uucUttued. l'roduce unchanged. London. Jan. 21 i'lto p. Jl. Spirits of Tur pentine, 32s; Linseed Oil, i'2" li-; Tallow, 18s. 3d.; Linseed Cukes, ill 3. ANTWf bp, Jan. 21 Petroleum opened at Ziira Cfi.'.f. for standard white. FRO 31 WASHINGTON. Special Despatch to T.e Kvcning Telegraph. Washinoton, Jun. 21. Tlso I.oiilsinnn I'outemteil I'.leclion Case. The ConiTuittec on Elections to-day com menced the examination of the Menard and Jodo contested election ca;c from Louisiaua. Jlr. Jones was heard iu argument lo-duy, and to-moirow Mr. Jlcuaid, who is a negro, aud who claims the seat, will make au argument beford tlie (.' otu n tttee. Sfuator-rlect John Scott, of Pennsylvania, was on the floor of the Senate to-dsy. FORTIETH COAfiKESS-THIE" SLSS10.X Sen ate. Cvnthwrd f,-m: the JZiukth I'liU'-l The Tax bill lu bin n i:ns-a tn juen ne.'ussariiy co leoted from the rnll.-ond onipaity was reaiiyatx upuu pasK; eers and travel, unit the lvs lin ioilnn U were void; lircniisn & violation. of lii" LMimilHil o '. nlneniilveu to me cui7. ns oi me e nrea biihn r cemmon coun rj.and e:mrsnieis to every ci Izan the right 01 tree travel tbrniisbnus every ptrtoftliat coimlry witboi-.t taxation, lniuirupUon, ordeRn'ion by Sikle laws. The e Ih vs i.t Maryland and New j.n-.ey, aiiunngn niwsys a yoss vio:t on ot mo gene ral leuor and hiilnt ol ttie Coiisiinuioii, were not nerbKiisIn direct vlula l.n hi unv ntrilcular Drovl- slen or It. prevloes to tbu adonUon i.f the f inrteontb amend mt ni ; tny were in uirscc vioiaiton or the Dor'louol Iliac iuii'iiilmiH which provides that no bt'ite shall make ir euloree a-iy n,v wtilob suall abrldce the orlvifeafs aitd lutmiiultHa or iha cill.nns of tbe rrultnd H tutus, b raune the riiit of free irAvl wus one nt the e iiuu unnie-, vim a tnx on tnat riKnc ws au abrK'nmenr, of It For in entv-(l years Kiarymud aud iJc.v J rhey h. d Ii Kil taeir treasuries at il'e exi.en-. e ef the neovln ir ln wnuli oonnLrv. and ai ibe expunne wnul:l ortilnlv continne unlms C-Pfretis luiei veiif-d, ho bad imrodii'ed tnls b-ll, making It inlcJeii.eani r to pav or to levy si ch a tnx,M,d clvoeihe IsiioreioH (Juiirl ot till United fSmtrs iipnelimit JnriKdik-'i ,,. In any easa bleb miat ari-s under tbe ltw. fSoiiHc ipf lt irMenl allies. Mr. Cock explained tho iho'b hi the and In r-upport oi tbe report of the commlllee. This report ty.- ibat ou tbe lutb dny ot .Inly lust ut er tbe former report bad beeu com-iunred in tbe lloine, lc was ernered ilint Ihe ess" be ier-i,rnraut-?U to tneC'in- m lore of K ecllons.witH l.mti me ous to exsmind Inlo tee charges made acaiiiKt !.-. -fA r by Hie gentle man rrom tii'Miuri ( lienjtinin), ana ropnrt tterer n to the 11 outs, vnii le e to dead for persons ni pspais. Tlie ennriteH or .i r. ienjnmiu were or pninonfti nis lo.eli v. ud that be hu) viveu aid and cnmtnrt to th eiieniun oi tbe republic ilurluc tbe Uebohlou, a tile ot tne newspaper, oi v.iiioh uie cooKuiant was tue ed'ter, was mihmitt'd to tl.e committee by tbn o i te.iliniu This uewsiiHper ws referred lo by Mr. jietnauilu in tbe spee.-Ji manenv inm.anu tti9eiiar(,.a mnba by blm were par ly bused upon areic et pub lished in ba. paper. A l,rr4 loit s of evidence lias beeutaleu by the cjutesiant to reiir.p. tbe cuars-s made aunlmii him. but to this tesvmony tini ciminittee do not deem It uecrssary HpeUUy to rr'er, for the reason ibat la tba Ohinlrni or tlie committas uoavl- denea Las beeu adduced which sustnlns tha eiar,' nf dlbleyaKy, miide against lie cinUH'.itiit t'ne reiiot coprmaes as lonows: im coiaiiuciee, arier enreuu xaminatlon of ibe cos", nlt.era to tlin eeueial rev ronine and to tb. conclusions ot tbe foimer rpr, and ihey further rwpoil that while ther. are rnnny niiri:s couisineu in ire nwsinpr oi which tha con'tant was tbe ackuotvle.di; ea editor which the commlUxe caiiunt miprove, and deem mischievous in tbelr tendency, yet i here is no such proof ot the dl'luytlty of the enntca'ant ss to exclude blm front a none, In this Heuse. under the rule, adopted lu the Keulucicy elec tlou cases. It 1m due to the contestant to ssy that, he ent'rely dlitlainiM tin eutmishlp ol or ruKpuvsihiihy for Ibe artieie pohllKbed in his r eivi'i Aper in telation lo IU death if Colonel K'lsworth iii,i'ed in the cpeejli of llr. Bexjamin. and stated to the Committer that the mtiewta luserled iu the paper without bis Imi'.v li dro, and that h never aoproved It, aid no prooi has been oflVrd snowing Ins resprnisiiiillty for thrf anic'e, bc-youd tha fact tlit lc appeared as an edi torial in Ilia Lciwipaper of whieh lie wS Ibo editor. The stni ral lencr ef tlie editorials la the nnie paper rectali ilitt tiia', ivtlelo are of n chaiae er. Mr ( otU exiiuilufd tho tesnuieni', suvlim there was none lotliuw that there wera threats or mtluiliUtio;, sut t'fex'o prevent a leal reziatrailon lu C'Alloway coiisty. From HnltDnor. ri.'.i.rtvMtB, Jan. 21. A fire wa ilieoveied in tbe iiiilif' erawinir-room of Biirmiru's Hotel at 7 o'clock tins evetiini.' oiiiirt'-iti"- iihhhis tho cmtftids. Tlie furaiture was d .imaged to HJOiM. Or;cfn of the fire is unknown. Ceiiernl Cmnt arrived in ibis city about 11 o'clock i his morning lo attend a meeting of the Trustees of Pcubody Kducadonui l'itul. (Jin:e a larHc cowd anciubled at. ihu deiio', but th're wus no offal reception or military di-play as WS-S exicctcJ. He imineJiitlcly ptoceeded to the rc-idfnee of n priva citicen. The uitoes of the Pt fcbcdy Fund are iu the city aud will meet at noon to day. . alio Iitti:iua Keuut.(t'.0-.i, Ikdiasai'olis, Jan. 21. Two balioU wove taken in jotut couvcQlIhu of the Legislature atbooutoday for Senator, ici-aitiniz as foiiov CuuiV) ick, C7; Hendricks, U,u,; l''ra.';r. 13. i'iio ctuvtution lit adiourned UnVtl o P. 11. I'aper Mill Hnrucd. TjtoY, Jan. 21. Tl.e paper mill of Slosher, IlaiL'ht 4' Co.. at S'. . II witter, was des'.voved by fire this morninif. T-o's estnnateJ at irlo,000; instued for The lire ii attribute I to un inenUiarv. Ibrrt ri-IMreu Kurnetl f Dentil. New York, Jan. 21. Bv a (lie ill a teuemeut-boti'-e in Hiooklvp, early tbw mcniln-;, tlir?e children ol Frederick lnoin weie buined lo death. The los on the h'uMum m Phiall, Stock UnotRtloii by TeK'-ri pIt 1 V. Tt, Olendlnnln?. Ot vis Co. report lurougU their New York houfce the followint;: N.Y.Cenl. K l"',.rVt8!.lTnloilTl.... "I1 N.Y. and K. ti Pn. and Re. It t'.'i Cleve. A Tulndo It. KM': Toletfo A. Wabash.. OP Mil. i i. F.ail It... 74'; Atiauij rixpross 00 Weill,. !4 Mtch.S.aud N.L t. b Ole. fcnd pot It I a.- Chi. and N.W.Ooiu. bl; Chi. andN.W.pref.. ! Uuu.HlH.aies i:v... -IS Chi. and K. I. H 1 iu J Tennessee Hi, New (ii Pitta F. W.ACIil.H.l.' !' , Uold , l i-V'i Pf.fUlt'! ;mte; Irrcij'lliM', UNDERV'TERS' SALE. 'fine READY-MADE CLO'IHING, Slightly Damaged by Water. Stock to be closed out immediately. PAIN.TEE, READ & ELDREDGE, No. 321 CHESNUT Street, l is euu LAST MONTH MEM, COLL HAYH THIS FURTHER REDUCTIONS IX ORDER TG CLOSE BALANCE OF STOCK, AS THEIR LEASE EXPIRES FEBRUARY 1. If os. 818 and 820 CHESNUT Street. INSURANCE COMPANIES. OFFICII Til 13 x: rr 3E j i i :i i i is IXgUlIANCE COHPANV, y . V. Cor F0 UKTIf ami 1VALN LTT. Philadelphia, January lli, ISO!). Annual .Statement of this Conjpttny on De cember ol, ib'jS: C'Al'I l'AI.. Authorized S200.000 00 Paid up iu cash lu full JOO.OJO'OO ASSM'H Ponds and Mortage, all titfct Hem; on Ktal Palate in the City oi Phlioda iio.nvj on Ground Kents in the City of Poll tda 10.00) 00 Philadelphia 0 per ceut. Loan 1,000 00 United States Loans (reislcied). 12..17S jO KBterprlae Inbiirauee Company Lllcelr.. .0,000 00 ltenl Kstate oiiice huiidtUijteijtHniiieJ) audollice furnlttire 70,000 00 Ileal l-jstate held by Company on fore- clofiure of mortgage 6 51S 00 Cash in Bans: and oa hand lo. iJl 13 Due by Agents and Boon Aeeouuts 7,l T 0ii Revenue aud Postage stamps 11211 Interest and Kenis accrued hut not due f .1,2 IS 5s Intereht aud Penis due i,ud tiupaid 2si'i0 o,v;;os C'Ofct, f 163,87S'IM; Value Sl7!,2SS-2'i ItlXXII'f'N 1 1SKS. Premiums ou Fire PUks 51U.0TS-20 Interest, Rents, etc 2S.000 2S Karnings on Cancelled lYrpeUtul PoliclfK 210 00 Policy fcurveyand TrauK'ur L ee.- 1,1)37 KH0 081 27 I'AYM I'.X IS IX " I.ostes by Fire S19.01V0J Return 1'remUimnttnd lteinau ratios TJOiiO 10 Taxes United States, Slute, nun City... 7.2US 07 Advertlblns, Prlntiut;. Ktutionery, Balarles, Commissions, l'l.e Mar shal, Leisa), TravelUn;;, i hji.-o, atd Miscellaneous L"apcr.s;s 17,112 o0 I i7,:i-',5-r,ii lJivldcnds of January aiidJui.v, liuS II.oojoo S71,320'j(i F. HATCH I DUU HTPJt, President. THOS. II. MOlSXCUMiatY, Yice-rresldent. 110UilW:;t Al FX. W. WlSJ FK.Sec. p R E N C H P E A 0. fSniall and TcmUr F R C U C H P C A 8. fJPaitltuitr attention has ticfcu k!v .1 lo Ilia iniioit Hon of I bete flueiooUi. Abo MUfcUROOMS Al TRUFFLES. There are cone In tbe market to compare !n onallty wltb ODtS, Tor Sale Rttlic Lowest Prices." mm GOLTCN & CLflFiKI!, Importer ot Flue Table Hoods. W. Comer r.0AI) and YYAL3UT Sts., 1 J tutbs rniL.VDELPUIAi PaiLADo-LPHIA. OF THE SALE, AD A Y f CO. DAY MADE FINANCIAL. LEI110II yalleyrr; MORTGAGE BONDS. We o O'er for sale a limited amount or these) FIRST-CLASS BONDS AT NINETY, And Acciueil Interest from U?ceiuber l; The Bonds are lu amounts of SIOOO, Flther Registered or Coupon, at the option of lue purciiaser, aud bear intorest at SIX PE1J CEST., Free from all UoTernment and State Taxes The Mortgage under wtiloli these Bouds art Ibbued la lor FIVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, Upon a property costing over TWEMY MILLIO-NS OF BOLLAllS, The trobs receipts upon which for the year past N are over 10 UK MILLION DOLL AIW. Weoller these Ponds as in everyrespeot A FIKST-CLAISS SECUKITY, An will receive in payment for them United. (Stales, utute, City, or other Marketable becui'lties, allowing the lull market price. DMEXCL & CO., BAKKER3, ' No. iJ4 S. THIRD Stroot. VYM. II. EVB0LD, SON & AERTSEN Coruer 11'AlMJI ami DOCK Ms., 12 SI lm rp PHI LA DELPHI A. WORKS OF ART, CHURCH'S K E W "1TJ I AG A n A," Ills le at Important Picture, and tbe best and nx comprehensive view ot tbe GREAT FALL, Cu Exhibition for a Short Time. Auinl-siou, 'J j Ceut?. CARLES' GALLERIES AS D LQ0KLNU ULASS WAKLT,00aiS, o; GIG CHESNUT Street. i-3UlituluDp PBILADKLPHIA. CIGARS. Qm FUCUCT & SONS, IMPOKTKHb OF HAVANA CIOAU8, ud Msnofacturers of line Cigars, No. 229 8. FRONT Street, Philadelphia. Leading brsnits of Ilsvana Cigars, Imported hr fvery sleuiuer, Bt low figures. aIu, of our oa uiHke sud copyrlKbted biAuils, us follows; 'WATtfANA RrTA"-pnronvn Cigars. ' I Ua lim OLO " pUtM lUvaua filler C'iSr. "i- LKlTlW)!'; lis." iieiocltd hood Leaf Low prUas, VH .eiy ot Hires, u4 wTT,"le',