4 JANUAJtY 21, 18G9. TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAFIT PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, UBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), AT THE . EVENING TELK9RAPH BOUDINO, KO. 10S 8. THIRD BTSEXT, rniliAbELPHIA, The Price U Uiree etntt per copy (foub'e sheri); tr eighUen cent per iveek, payable to the career by whom served. The subscription prveJV tna ilmne Dollar, per annum, or One Doll nd Fifty cents M two month . invarwbly advance for the time ordered. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 18U9. The Jiierrillrn their Prey. Mb. Elkba W. Pav.s, a Bo called Kepubli can member of the State Legislature from this citv, saw fit yesterday afternoon to denounce THE liVKMNOTEUWIUI'F, in uumm.u . ,., J.,7er., the Afc,-njr JW. and ue Viput'Ji, as a "guerrilla sheet, be that an end cause they have Vetn insisting Rhall be rut to the "dirty woriy . i itii h talk of legislation at.IIftr- ivUK M. n - . form risburg. Tor our pait, we accept me term i whiohMr. Davis Las applied to us, and ask what he has done, either for the Republican j or the people oi iue cnj, ; I 0 1 IT V vm . ? As fur as we nave BOl our ii'B"""""' f - , , ., been able to learn from the reports of the doings at Harrisbnrg which have reached as Mr. Davis ha8 taus far during the present session lent his voice and his vote to every vnlamous Scheme of plunder, favoritism, and servility which has been brought before the body of wLioh he is a member. Unhappily for the iDtereBU of the pecple and the future enccess of the Republican party in Uiu city ana owe, Mr. Davia is not the only man of hi3 cla;s in the Legislature. Tor the most part it is made j Hp, as it ha3 been made up in the past, of a ! set of men to whom we can apply no milder j term than that cl Jeecues men who, us general thing, are without vi3ible means 01 support; who go to Ilamsnurg year auer i vear. and there plunder the public purse and pervert the will of the peopk.with an amount of brazen as-Env&iKe that fairly takes away our breath as we content plate it. It is notoriously the fact that any measure of simple public justice or of paramount puulic necessiiy, wmuu, io uae the slang term employed at Jlarrisburg, "has nothing in it," will either be pushed through Jn the crudest and mott r.n?ati3iactory f-nape, or crowded out alfce'her by the great pres jure of sleek legislative jobs. Such a hold upon the machinery oi both the great political j parties of the SUie and country have these j men obtained, that the people would appear j to be almost pcweiless in their grasp cer- tainly powerless to prevent them from re- j ceiviug the foimsl iiomiualions for thy ollices Which they invariable disgrace. In this lamentable state of affairs, the only refuge of the people and the parties is in the "guerrilla sheets" which hr.ve the courage to give tine and lailLful expression to public sentiment by huntiDg down these political leeches, aa the genuine gorilla hunts down his prey. Tub Eve'is Tiai:or.Ai'ii professes to be a liberal and independent Republican journal; and we flatter ourselves that we have heretofore lived up to our professions as closely 83 honesty and common de cency would permit. To continue in this conree is our present intention, and when we have resolvc-d upon abandoning it, Mr. Davis will receive due notice in the shape of oar advocacy of all the outrageous schemes which he proposes or defends in the Legislature. In he past we have ventured to protest against some of the more reprehensible schemes of the political tricksters, both in this city and at Harrisbnrg, and our protest has not always been without effect. Recognizing the true claims of the Republican party on our support, vre Ehsll, in the future, support its principles with all earnestness, and it3 candidates and the measures of its so-called adherents, whenever they commend them selves to the mass of the party as decent and expedient in the one case, and capable, honest and deserving in the other. Our desire to contribute to the success of the party in the future, and to promote the best interests of the whole community, without regard to party lines, prevents us from going one step further. If this platform makes The Evexinw Tklk ceaph a "guerrilla sleet," write us down a guerrilla by all means, Mr. Davis. But we do not desire, like '-Dogberry," to be written down an ass. In Una resptot we are perhapi a triile more sensitive than some Republican iaemWr3 of the Legislature. The J allot ll l)el The friends of libeity throughout the world will Lear with pleasure of the capture of Villeta and the destruction of the Paraguayan army. This puts an ei-d to the despotism of Lopez, and it opens the Rio de la l'lata and the immense stretch of country watered by its tributaries to tb commerce of th9 world. The heroio resistance of the Paraguayans during the long and bloo ly struggle which has now concluded has tt cured for them au amount of sympathy to which the intrinsic juBticc of their ci.uf.e did net entitle them. We cannot but respect brave wtn when we see them struggling against desperate odds, but it was for tho good of tLe world that the more fctilifflitr. 'i.--ir nf Brazil and the State3 which were allied with her against Parajuay should prevail. Lopez, the fallen despot, was a worthy sucoessor of the infamous Dr. Fran.jla, and the annihilation of hi3 power in Sontti America la a benefit to the human race uolesBUmn to tlj9 brave people whom he misgoverned. Lopea undertook to battle with the olvllUaUoa ol the nineteenth oentury, and he was crushed, &a oer despots will be who ( The Entrn (location. Tub settlement of the interminable diffioulty between the Grecian element of Southeastern Europe and the Turkish power now known under the general title of the Eastern Ques tion will be consummated onl by the final expulsion of the Turks from Constantinople, if the dispute were strictly confined to the petty sovereignty of Greece and the widely extended dominion of the Sublime Porte, there would be but faint hope of its realiza tion during the present century. But as soon as a speck of war begins to hover over Con stantinople4 all Europe is aroused, and when for once the war-cloud burst less than a score of years ago, England, France, and Sardinia were leagued with Turkey against the Czar of all the Kussias single-handed. This cirouin etance disclosed the true issues at stake in the East. St. Petersburg is a very cold and eheerless town for a capital, and ever sinoe the days of Peter the Great the dream of the Czar has boen the removal of his court to the Dardanelles, and the virtual restabliahment of the em pire founded by Constantino and demolished by Mahomet the Second. As a means of diverting the attention of the Turks, and o w aflbrding a plausible avenue of approach to Constantinople, Russian influence has made itself paramount at Athens by the marriage of King t ieorge to the Uraud Duches3 Olga, the bond of union between the two royal families being still further cemented and strengthened by other intimate marital relations between the house of Denmark and the Russian dy nasty. By this convenient family arrange ment, Greece leads the never-ending assault upon the Turkish dominion in Europe, the trump card of Russia to be Introduced into the game only when a grand crisis Las been reached such a crisis as will enable Russia, at one decisive blow, to drive the Turk out of Europe for all time to come. The Conference which has ju3t been held in Paris, with the view of postponing the final resort to arms, has accomplished practically nothing. The real issue has not been touched; a guarantee by all the great powers of Europe of the integrity of the bultan's dominions, tho oaly alternative with his ultimate expulsion, lias n()l ieeu broached by the representatives 0f e powers who participated in the treaty of pariS au,i ju the recent Conference. The proceedirjg3 of the Conference, a3 far as they caH a3C8rtained, amount simply to a formal declaration that the encouragement of iusur- rections witnin, or of privateering ana military expeditions against the countries of friendly States, U a violation of international law. As this principle is one which has been clearly established for centuries, there can be no doubt but that it will again receive the sanction of all the parties to the Conference. The rep resentative of Greece, however, was not ad mitted to the afrSi-mblagf, and Greece may withhold her assent to the declaration, in which event, we are told, the Sublime Porte will still insist upon its ultimatum, while the great powers will simply staud aloof and per mit events to to take their course. Therefore, if Greece refu:e to yield every position which she has heretofore assumed, the preparations for war on both sides will continue, and when the conilict is well under way, the great powers will be drasvn into it by jealousy of Russia and fears of her final establishment in Constantinople. Then wfll come a recnact nient of the Crimean struggle, and the issue this time will probably be materially diil'erent from the ioimer. With the lapse of time the hold of the Turks upon their European dominions be comes feebler, and a hearty support from the Western powers can alone enable them to maintain it. Their sway over the greater portion of so-called Turkey in Europe has sel dom amounted to anything more than a nomi" nal suzerainty, or technical recognition of sovereignty such as Charles the Buld, of Bur gundy, conceded to Louis XI of France, at a time when the vassal was a more potent sove reign than the liege lord himself. The Mol davians, Wallachians, Servians, Bulgarians in short, all the nominal Christian elements of the population, are quite a3 hostile in feel ing towards the Sublime Porte as are the Cretans, quite as anxious to set up on their own account, and, moreover, are for the most part in the praotical enjoy ment of the substance of independent sov reignty, although they have not, as yet, come into possession of its shadow the name. Gieek sympathy for the Cretan insurrec tionists is merely the entering wedge; the open or disguised assictance of Russia to the Christian provinces, in case of their revolt, will consummate the dismemberment of the empire founded by Mahomet the Second, and consolidated, as far a3 a consolidation of such heterogeneous masses wa3 possible, by Soly man the Magnificent. That such a revolt will certainly follow the iuajjuratlon of war between Tuikey aud Greece is, to Turkey and tie great powers jealous of Russia, one of the meet unpleasant features of the Ka-tern Question. Who Hilled Kiliiiili-ick? Who but Kilpatrick himself ? Kilpatrick, as all the world knows, is Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Government of Chili, with the very comfortable salary of $10,000 per year, In gold, of which amount he has been in regu lar receipt since the year of graoe lSii5. That Kilpatrick has condesceuded to pass a portion of his invaluable time at Santiago is alao a well established fact; aud it la equally incon trovertible that for months past he has been perambulating this country as a stump speaker aud lecturer. Who attends to the business of the American legation at Santiago duiing his protracted absence? Doubtless his Secretary, whose salary, we ' venture to say, is a trille loss than $10,000 in ' gold. The fact that the interests of the United ta.tej flonrtsulor from thli circumstance has not len lost Bight of by General Butler, who has introdnced a bill into Congress which, if passed, will materially rednoe the amount of internal revenue tax paid by Kilpatrick, by legislating him out of office. Although this measure of General Butler's may savor slightly of revenge, there are to be found people who profess to believe that it involves noinherent violation of justioe. Kilpatrick has been perambulating the country for monthp, as a stump speaker and lecturer, and he has just secured an extension of his leave of absence until March. It is also stated that he haa relinquished his pay during his prt sent absence from his diplomatic post. This circumstance, if it goes for anything, goes to substantiate the fact assumed by General Butler, that his presence at Santiago, and his $l,ion gratuity, are not essential to the pre servation of peaceful relations between the Govtrnnients of Chili and the United Stales. Kilpatrick is an orator of no mean preten sions, and doubtless did the canse of Grant and Colfax considerable service. Thia was not objectionable, nor was it inexcusable, for the defeat of Grant would, iu all human pro bability, have upset Kilpatrick's little' arrangement at Sautiago. Yet it ia cur rently reported, aud generally believed, aud doubtless capable of proof, that Kilpatrick insisted upon receiving $100 for every speech delivered by him during the late campaign, and that he invariably canied hia point. Thia may not be mercenary on the part of Kilpa trick; but to persons who have not been in the yearly receipt of $10,000 in gold from tho Government, and who did not receive $10i per diem for advocating the cause of a candidate whose election would probably secure their annual income of $10,000 in gold agaiust all contingencies, it looks very much like avarice. Concerning one portion of the campaigu receipts of Kilpatrick, General Butler haa declared that every cent of it wa3 earned. Thia was the $12000 which he received from Butler's opponents for stumping the Fifth Massachu setts district against the erratic hero of Fort Fisher. The result of Kilpatrick's labors Iu thia field was the election of Butlor by the overwhelming majority of (5237 votes over two competitors, one of whom was a Republican "gentleman, with the best blood of Massachu setts coursiug through his veins." If Kil patrick had been paid $ 1000 for denouncing Butler, the vote of the district would pro bably have been unanimous. And now we come to the pith and point of our farewell tribute to the memory of the late and lamented Minister to Chili. lie is adver tised to lecture this tvening at the Academy of Music, in this city, for the benefit of the Twtnty-lirst W?.rd Soldier;;' Monument, his subject beirg "SLenusn'3 March Through Geoigia," concerning which he ia well quali fied to speak. But the avarice of the man ia so thoroughly rooted and grounded ia hia character, that he hsis insisted upon receiving s?-00 for deliveiirg this discourse. As the ex penses of the association in arranging for the lecture have been very heavy, they very natu rally regarded thi3 figure aa rather a large one, and submitted that $100 would be a proper amount of compensation. Kil patrick could rot be convinced of the fact, and demanded the full amount of $200, and $200 he will receive. What an inspiration thia will prove to the orator of the evening ! Aa he touches up iu glowing terms, in high-ilying metaphors, and in smoothly-rounded periods, the suil'eringa and triumphs of the "Boys in Blue," how the greenbacks will glare at him from his well-stuffed wallet! With every tear that he drops upon the duaty stage over his fallen-comrades in arms, a five dollar note will slip into his breeche3 pooket; with every L grand llourish over the triumphal march of their suivivors, a double X will steal into the same yawning receptacle l We sincerely hope that the house will be filled with people, crammed to suffocation, packed from pit to dome. Perhaps such a tribute to the memory of brave and unselfish men who laid down their lives for a pittance, counting the welfare of their native or adopted land as above all reckoning in dollars and cents, as more precious than the life-blood which they poured out without stint or com plaining, may put to shame thia oratorical jobber who ia unfit to be their eulogist, and smite Lis conscience so keenly that he will be tempted to disgorge the half, if not the whole, of his hard earning. To the I'oint. The 'cw York World of this aioriilUB contains tlie followiua pithy pari giapli: "I'lue TUis rigtil between Kllpatrlon and Uutler. Ien wants to smash the little iushroom missions to South America, aui Kit, being Inlerchtea to the extent of SlO.COl) per annum, which ho enrns by prowling about Iu the purlieus of WasUlufcton when he bUouIJ bo in Chill, Bnys my. Hence the row. Tiiero belus no known manner In which Hen can couveit the proposed suvin of $13,000, we are raihei with hirujnjhe flgJjJV SPECIAL. NOTICES. T'C ' COLD WKaTIIEU DUES NOT CHAP -or roiiilieii tlu nkln rtr uriii? WltlUHT's ALCON A ' UDUl.YAlUiS I'AliLEI UffdOUDIVl El) Kl.HI I'.JN. lis daily use mitkt-a tUe HkUl dell. cul! toll nut! bmtttitul. It Ih oellghtluily lrarm, iri'-iiHiuiri'iit, luut lncmfiniubie as a 'loilft Smip. ii'or btle by ail UlUbgiils. K Ai W. A W'K'UUT, It 4 No. 6-.!l CHEHNUT HtrcPt. (VTT;0 "UNITED SECURITY LIFE INSUR. S AN-H AN lTUUST COMPANY OK I'KNN SMVAMA." oillop. k K. corner ol ilb'Xit autl UIIKfcKlir KUeem I'liliadHli.hU A u iiii':lns o I no f'.ocULolderi of the Company lii-lrt on Die 'mh U.siani, Hie tullowiua fiuii'.loiau wi re elected On-ectorii for the piibiiIiik year: ( ieo. J I . t luuri, l'MluiJ Hon. Asa l'uoker, l'allftda., Anlln ny J. el, Wii). V. MuKeau, " Sidney J. Hoiiuh, " S ui. (J L'oualun, " H. 11. llorjiiunu. " lim. M. Morrison, N. Y. ,!ihcih Hiuart. " Ij. .. I.f'il-r, Cuioaso, U. M. built U, job. j f. hp i son, FancU A. Drexi'l. " Hon. V. A. l'or-er, " Wm. l'.cw, H'thti iri,'. Hon. K. f . To bey, Button W. l'rpfcou Muiili, jsn.li., A. K Cliaiuuerluin, CI".. J. K. Yti tu an. bt. Louis Jit a n t-fiint; of the iiorrt, boM tu same da'e, OKOhUK H.: HTDAUT wwt e fote'l PreoHlyo!, TJIOMA4 W. JiVANM Yleo-freaiueut, aud U 1'. iKTT- fcitrr.'tary. liiltf RC?7 COMMKKCIAI, EXCHANGE OK fsJSJ pniLAUKLPHIA.-The auuuul mee'loarof theroniuinrci.! kvctiungu wM bo lio.d ou XiJKd 1A , January 21, lhi a. j ue RiinuiU rep jrt ol th Board of Managors will be rend M 11'; o'clock A. M. TliopoilH win be iiikmi from 10 A. M. until S I. M. for the tU'Cllvu ol o:iico:a to naive lortlie enuulug r, y, K, ihiiAI.I,, I '.1 'A tsecretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. KENSINGTON RATIONAL BANK. flllLAPKLPIIIA. Jan. 1H. IHIIU. At an Flection hftld on Hie 12' b Inniaat, thn follow. lug-named gentlemen were duly elected Directors of in b iiani, io eerve tne tnsnmn yeHr; CHAM. T. YKKK V.H. ROUT. M. COLKM4N, ISAAC K. I.AMIKLL, JOHN SCAN 1.1 N, MUFUHN M BltlNS, HKNJ. C NAduKK. CHA. II K TKIti.HRL. KI)WAK' W OOit'JAH, loKN MAltriN. ltKVJ. n. UKO A'X. JCH. H. KfcKH I. ii. ntinwiUHHii At d Bt meetlnKini the Jtonrd of Ulrcto'x held tliln morning. ClIAltl.K-H T. YKKK KM, i'.gq., wai una.nl nioim'y re elected frMcnt, aud 1 ID lit WII.I.HM MuCONNKLL, CaHliJer. IS- EXCIIANUK AATIOSAL DANK. M li II.Al'li.i n in ,j ni. i.ni y i;i l.l...t At the Annual Kleoilou lield on inn Hill Imtunt, the followiUK-Naiiit'd Kxulieineu were eleo.ed 111 roc torn ol this Hunk lor I lie rnu'n year; Ahh X. . CATTKM,. Al KX. WHfrXDlN, JOHN W. TORHKY. 'JOHN K (i(tOs, HUH CltAKi l'HU.IP 11 MINHf.K, I'llUls. .1 HOfKMAN, AML'KL T. CAM1Y, WILLIAM 1 l't KliVYA Kit It. KSH'!'. UAV, VANUr RVKFU I K.liftlCJMJ A. bOL JJK.Il. HKI.I. NOKLI IV .IK. And at a meeting oftue itourd held till" d ty, ltin, A O. ( A 1 TKl.l. wbh iinnninioiiHly re-oleotej ITesl dent. .1. W, TUJIKEY Vine-IVeslrient and lll'!:t Jl. 1. NJIIKI'KV CaMilw. KPjr- TI1K FAI1MST"aND '"filKCUANICs' NAXIONA I. lltMi. I'HiuAi Ki.i'iii A Jniinryl". 18!!. Atneleo'lon lield on toe Mtudayoi Jaoanry, Id, I'.o lolloping namd BtotkhoidHis were olooted l'lr i lora oi ihm nank Tl . . . I. I. . ...... T r. n .. .. . . .T . r. J. 1 WIN M. I.KWl j. ii i.i rnNcur r. JI'ItN AMIlilJi-t-'r, AN UIONY J. AN I KLO. 1KJ. A. i'AKMJAM. FJtAM'IS TKTt., Jl M I ' I.J; Y SMYTH. JiH llAHI) v.. DALE. J fcDWAUl) tfAItTJUr, lutonut: W. 1-A RB, j WW. H. W()OI)AKI), O H. IIOTclllNSiiN, HKiNhY I'. bLOAN. Ana am rmppiing of tna J);recnm this day, KD MN M. LtWIS, Ksfj. waa UDaulmously re-eliciad ttrfldenv, 1 1ft Klt Vf, RTJ8HTON. Jb., Cftthler. 1' DIVIDEND KOTICE. ill JL ATKLPHIa AND TItKNIOX HAILHOAU CO I' A NY. Ollice, No. avt South DKLAWAttK Avenue. Fuii.AOKi.riiiA, Jitimtkr 2u, i:'.t. The MlrectotB hare mis day iit olured a t'nii-iiiiiiml dlviOeuo . I HVK (fl) FKlt uWT. ui the Oaimul .stotlc of the Com, any. clear of ta.ru, trout tao pr.illiH ol the (tlx ii.optlm enulng Hut-ember at, lit.i, payu'il i Oh and aitcr Feornary, tl int. proxloao, in thn liolilprs tnerfot as tney stood reKiRtered ou the bookH of I'jo Loiupauy ou the J6tU lust. J. PARKER NOItHIS, ltuH't Trea.nrer. PJr" ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN HAIlWAY COMPANY. teaciiit-rAtiY'B Oincs, No 40 Broadway, Nkw Yok, uttili Dvcumiier l8t. Notice Is lmreny 1 ven that a.Hpt clal meetint; of the StockholderB of the Atlantic and Ureal Western Uuil way Coni.eny will beheld at the Ueneral oillcea ol the Coiupany, No, 40 liroedway, In the City nn'l State ol New York, ri 1 o'clock noou, on KA 1'UKUA Y, the m.tli duy of January i ext to conalder uud ap. Iirove of, or reject, certain cuu'.racts oniered luto Willi the Krlo Kellwny Co'tipany, and tho Coluiuum. ( lnc go, mid lijrtlara Central Kallway Company, and fur other purj os.es. To transfer b joks will rcmuiu cketd until alter the meeting. W. ARUUDALL O'COHEKTV, 1 1 4w Secretary, OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE DJVI-ION CANAL CO M PAN Y OC PK SN feYI.VAMA.No. 'J'i WALXUt' Street. PHILAUltiLPHtA, JU 21, lSI'.l, Tbea-.nuBl uiectlns of tho Stockholders of UiU Company will be held at tiieir ollice onTDK3DAY, Pibruaiy 2d, 1SC9 at 12 o'clock 11., when au election w:ll be held for Manasern for the ensuing year. 121 let K. O. (tILKS. Secretary. I'lllLADELl'IllA AND R E A D I N O It All. HO All COH PAN Y-OiUce No, FOV1.T.U tjiieot. Pmi.ATtm.PHiA. Pnceuiber 30, 1858, DI VIHKND NOi lCiO. The TranHfr Books of this Company will be cloned on ihe 4ili of Junuury uext, aud bo reopoutd ou TI:KsDAY . January 12. A JOIvldend of FIVE PER CKST. hna been de rlartd on the Preferred f.ud Couiinon Stock, clear of NetUmal aud Siate Taxes, payable lu common stick ou and alter January 2, 18;i. to the holders thereo', jm tht-y Hhatl stand roistered on the book of Hia Ccinpauyon the 4th of Januury next. All payable at this oillce. All ori'era lor Dividends mtifit be wltnesaed aVid stamped. i2 3ulm 8. RRADFORD, Treasurer. fPj" NOTICE.-WLST JERSEY; RAILROAD fr-1- tOMPAN Y. Ol KICK Or THV: TRKsrRKR, Camiikn, N. J. Jai uary ltl, lsiii. The Board of Dliectois have thin dy ant-Urea a Seuil auiitial Ldvidend ol PI VK 1'Js.K CENT., clear of national tax, pujabla to the Kiuik Holders of this ciaie on and alter VVKHNhSIJAY' the Hd day of Feti ruary, I f !i, at tho 1'reaxnrer'a Ollice lit Camdnu. The Slock Trauuier JJoons will be closed from tho date hereof, until thellU Jay ol February, 1S6. uKOKJM J. JKOPBTN3 1 19 lit Treasurer W. J. R. R Co. C'r CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY. The Annual Meeting o the tjt. ckno ders or the CcritlLtutai Hotel Company, lor the eiec ion of Five Managers aud the transaction of other business, win beheld on t-ATultUAY, Jauuary 23, lati'J, at 12 o'clock M., at tho Hotel. .. J. feER'JKANT PRICK. 1 15 7t Secretary. OFFICE INS. CO. NORTH AMERICA, .... . . . . ...... i .......... . ,. i ... I. laili.vr.i.riiia tiiuiiji 11 lev rr i. i . v. ...... . . .. n ...... . .. v . ,, . .. . I .... ... .1 lliBX'ir'Ct.! in iirct Liiiaitn. un.imcu u. uirnuiiu -.1 Dividend ol SIX PJiR CKNT., payable on deinnud, Lee 01 all taxes. CHaHLM 1'LaTT, 1 11 lit Secretary. tra OFFICE OF THE ST. NICHOLAS COAL fc-- COMPAN Y , N o. 2C5.'j VA I.N U 1' S I'RKK V. PHiLAPKLrniA, January 19. lHi:i The Annual Meeting ol tho stockholders will be lielil at the ollice of the Company on MONDAY, February 1. JSC-'J, at 12 o'clock Al., when an election will be held fur sevcu Directors to serve the euaiilu-' year. R. JOJIRS rojj, 1 19 lit Secretary. "lieatlT-Made" or "Mutlo lo Order." The public used to be afraid To pnicuiiHO clothing "ready made;" For "custom gootl" outlast, baiU they, Tho "ready-made" garincnts mauy u diy. The custom they had, in times of old, Wus to puv hard cash, either Biiver or gold, Any exotbitautsortof a price, For clothes thai looted duceut and fit them nice. But when IIOCKUILL & WILSON'S Hall so lirown, The ImndHoiDest liall In Hi 1 the town, Hi'nau to sell clothing ready untile, The public, somehow, utoppod bslua afraid. For they know they can purchase olothiug which Ih honebtiymado In every stitch; Finhel wlih cure, au e:ic!t umii knows, Are KOCKHILL it WliisON's ready-made clothts. But If you prefer, it will give uh pleasure, In niakitig your clothed, to take your lueubure; h ot pltoe goods. Bitch s the goods we keep, VVtre never better, nor ever so cheap. Of every dtscrlption nnd every grade, made loonier or ready-made, KOCKH1LL & WIL SON would buve you to know that the bextof all places lu towu to go, tor a suit of clothed lor your inaiily frame, as we've often told you, it's hi ill the same. Bettor huny alou aud call and look ut the cuods of the GREAT BROWN HALL, RGCKHILE. & WILSON, N03. CU3 aud CftS tlll.SNUT SllT, PHILADELPHIA. LOST. T OsT OR HTOLEN ON WEDNESDAY, ij Jamtnrv 20, lni9 JOHN ii, WII.sON'H NdTK, dated ltccember 21, IMIi, at ninety days f jr :j7a79, tnjable at IliRt;s t Ou's, SVashliiKton, D. U Als i, Wi'l'MKH & 1. A Y f nKI'-.R. dated Dncember 1, 11561, ninety days, for '17'91, payub e at National Rank, Alexaiidila, Vlrtfi' la und eudor.ied by Wolfe A Cj. All persons are cnutlrnml not to ueaollate the same, paj ment havlus heon stopped. ,-, . H4p WOLF Hi A CO. LOST CEKT1FICATE ,OF OLD CITY LOAN JNo. J8IH, tor ouo hundred dollurd. In the name of Mary F. Reeves. Application will bo made fur the Isaue of iie.v certillcate. 12 thfm HATS AND CAPS. JONES, TEMl'I.E & CO., FASHIONABLE UATTEIta Mo. to H. MNTU Street, Flrnt doer above Chesnut sneftt. 4BJ 8 r. AltBURTON'3 IMTROVED VEN'II j- lnttd, and eauy-litlluii Fremi Haw (pateuledl I a all the Unproved i'usbloua ot the seacou. OH Hi N VI iili Ml, u( dour h lUu font Oolcu, U U ln NEW PUBLICATIONS. pUOLl&HCD THIS DAY I ASP FOR SAL BY T. IJ. l'ETEUHOX & liKOTllKKS Ko. SCO CHISNUT Street. MAJOR JONJ'S SUKNRS IN OEORlUA 1 Willi SiJCll!,N H,J.UalRHlIUMJ ut IJAKLKY and Til K. HVMP roCOH'S A I. V KM Tt.lt KS IX 1HK. SOU JM Wrl' W.TH FOUItlHKM ILLUS. I JlA lluiNr- BY LtAHf KY aud a huhd unuoN o mhs. toi rn woivni-- OUKaT IOOK. TAllt Pii.V," 1 j.iioiiBhe.1 and lor salo thli day by T. B Pi.T'RbO.V ,t HrtOrHHIW, No. S04 IHeS'SlT straet. MAJOR JO-VIS' SCKXKS IN OKJUUt.V. Will H'.. n l liiMtnt'O' s mi tintt d pat er t '-o dt1 n h il'Sl!tiB oy Pi )'. liv eiriior or M j ir J.ineV CocriBhln," Mi jur Jones' SketcUe of i rnvei," e.c. One oltiiuo, cioui. pile. $'.73. "tfi ujor Jone' ' Scenes lu (irorgla" c;t tiiiH the wnola oi Mj.,r J. om' t lirunli ih In piiti-vliH'," eni brccinK f Km Ih nun Hketcne ot ' mem ifm . iivum. Iu. c )e:.l, and l.binaterH, anii'in w,,ic . vlli u- Ijii d tlie tliiKi.rt sio.liso lb- "Co.-u Hunt In (leu Kle,' '1 he Vt Idewer In a Hornet's Vest. " "imuik a She, III." ' fo iy peitblkBiu-tu-a Weeding," -Ai Arkai.iv aft O. Ilnal," ' tlr-i I'luuo In W'ir'.!i-" Ii 1 nois,'' 'lluw - Holier o'. tsnak Bit ' a in otl er Seutbern Scene?, 'l'ne wuik I. eunt-l.lsne.1 ltl. Uxlic ' lull pBKe llltiMt!i'.p!ai, u;i tlut-.d liiti -r. from oilKinal dtBUiid by JJAriey. THE SWAMP DOCTOH'S AHV iHNTl' ftM4 IN TU . SOL' 1 11WKSI-. WlUi fourteen lllm ..-t:oiM. fin Hi ltd apr, lrotu or si. al d.l. s by I irley. y John H Riht, dii'hor of "sn-ailowlni; Oyotcra Alive," etc. One voiune, clo'.h. P.IojJITb. T be Kwamp Doctor's Adventures In the otithw 't" cuulains the whoie oi the "ioul nana Swaiup Ojc ler,' "Streaks oi Sqnatt. r I.I e." a.id '-Far Westrra Scenei," in a He. to- of l-'or.y two HuMuroui rt iii.m em nnd Western Ske'cheB dtclptive )! no'douts and cba-aevrr. By "MadiH n T.'in:v" M. D aj llioi ot "cupping on the r.ter.inm " and ' s.ilnaire," Johns. lU'bl), id bt Ixinia Mo., uutie.r ol S.va'low -Irs Oy lets llve," e c. The work U cuib-iilnheJ with founeeii Inll-tiagj UliiHtrHilo , i n tiutod paper, Iroiii uriclual dinlUi bf J.ni. , FAIR PLAY! By Mis. Emma T. F. N. s lulhwortli. 1'blro Ji.diiioi. uovv reuoy. Kveiyoo:iy U leaoinn and ri t tininieiK li.fc It Oi e voiuine. eiotu, price, !; i tr one volume, paper cover, price, '.-oil FAL1KN PRII)K:OR Til K WOUNTA IN WI RLN LOVF. ills. J&ujuia O K. . buiiinnl In. lunno I.dttion now read . One vcinme, cioth, pilco. ill), or tne volume, tiaper cover, price, Jfoo. 1HK WIJJOW'S SON. Sy Mm. Fauna D. F. N. Southwortb. Futu Kul.:eii noiv fdy. U jo v.d.iin rlotfi, price. 1'73, or one vt lume, piper cover, prlje, fl 50. MRS. SOUTH WORTH'S COMl'LF.rK WORKS. Fair PIy iuO The Lost Heiress fl .10 Fttih ii Pride 1 fe I he Teree lleauiie ... 1 uo The Wloow's Son I to; Vivlu; l-eei of I'ower 1 j I Bride of Llewellyn ... 1 fc"; The '1 wo Sisters 1 5o 'J bo Fortune beeker... ViAi l'n Missing Kf.de P5ii A liworth Abbey I fi. Wife's Victory 1 The Bildal F:ve l-fio ! he Motu"i-le.Law.... 1 -5n Toe Fatal 45 i.rr itH;e... 1 te Love's l ab' rWor fi lieeerted wife. ITn Thediiisy's Piopbecy.. I-.-,. lilecaided Fianjjhlei... 1-fi. t-iaunle i Houie.iiead,. l'no r.n.dy of the ls'o 1 an aetiitiUtmn I 50 mdia of l'eaii Uiver... Ivo Jijrse of Cl'H iii t fcO Above books e.re ei.ch piibilsbed in paper rover at JV5u each, or each one Is lutuea In clnh at Jr7a each. CopleB of any of Hie above books will bo xent by mull posiiiild. ou rictipl ol price by tiie 1'au- iiHuers. All honks pnbl.shoa are tor said hy us the moment they are issmd fit hi the trej. at Piibii :iera' prluts Call In pei sou, or bti.il tor whatever books yon want, to lUip T. II. I'l l j:HSN A IlKtlTIIKIIN, NO. 8 OK CIII.MMJT NTlri', PIIIUD.l, Ho. 2 of No. 2 of Till XEW WOULD THE N FAY WOULD tiie nj:w WOULD TIIE NEW WOULD THE NEW M OULD Is for sale at all Anvs Depots. Is for sale at all 'crr9 Hepots. u jev;elry, silverware, etc. J, E. CALDWELL & CO. 1VI1 L RESUME BUSINESS On Monday, January 18, AT Tlllv BTOUIi Mo. 819 CHESNUT Ctroot, 1 18 tf PHILADELPHIA. INSTRUCTION. 637 Chestnut St., Cor, of 7th.1 ESTABLISH! D 1611. INCORPORATED lftij. EOOKKBKPING In all Its branches, as prsrtliet In the hist nnslness housrs. for WilOLKSALK, Retail. Joboln. IMPOiaiXO, MAMJCAU. Tl'RtNH, COMMISSION. Djuieallu and F reiftn Shipping, Coumanv Hpectilatlng, Joiat Stock Company, and BANlxIMO Business. PENMANSTTIP A Rspld, Free and Klegaut Stylo ut Buslnet B Witting, Unsurpassed. COMMERCIAL CALC CLATTONS-The best Short aud Rapid Methods In use, BUSINFPS PRACTICES B"sines Farms, Commer cial Law, Delecting Count, rieils, e.c. Stuieuts received at auy time. Separate 1 net rue- tiuU. BAT AND KVENlNd BE-SIONS. Circulars furnished on app!!e&-lou it COAL. I L L I A M W. ALTER, LKlliail COAL, Also, lorberrj ond Locust Mouutalii. l)ciot, Xo. Do7 iNorlh MXTII Street, Below Qlrard Avenue. I IS 4ptf Offlcc, Cor. SIX1II aud Sl'ltLXQ (UKDEA. TOM PAI-P fn TO REST-DESIRABLE Jk-kllOUbj l JWAOUltVUUU. H. WAflNRt, Jr., No. IM B. TUlltl) Htreot. 1 IB lit s. 0 A K T L A N D, U N D E R T A K E It, ,V0 boulta IlIIRTEilN iiJ. btrett, U U Hia INSURANCE COMPANIES. 3X 1Z INSUBMCE COmPANY, So- 400 CKfSSUT S1HEET. I'iiii.ADLiniA, Jammrjr 13, lj. This Coiupuuy, lucorporAled la 1858, and. doing a FIUK 1N8DUANUK BUSINESS KX CI.UkIVKLV, In ortlerto ennlfle It to acoept a large amount of bualnom ootiHtantly deollned for want of wleqiint-'j oa; ltal. will. In accord, anco Willi a supplement to lis oliarler. in. crtaKO Its CAPITAL SI OI K FliUJI $10(),0()l, its 1'iTHent amijuul, to $ 2 O 0,0 O O, In Slisires of Fifty Dollars Each, Aiul for wnlrh s'tlncilpiloti bookn ao nvr tu at tii'H o'liee. Uy order of I iio lioatd of Directors. CHARLCS niCHARDOOFi, 1'RH.SlliUNr. VILLIALVI H. RSIAWN. VICI'.PRH8II)KST. v;iLLiAr;;G i. qlancmaro, 12(i4ptf SKCRKTARY. OFFll'E OF TIIE lOTAM'E COIIPAM KOItTlI AMEIUCA, r,'o. 232 IValiMil Sticel, PhiLula. INCtiUrOKAYliD 1704 CHARTER PliR IKITAL. Capital .... 8500,000 Slaiiuo, Fire, uii'l Inland Insurance. STAIE51LM OF THE ASSETS, J;i nuttry 1, lSGt. 1IRSX MOJll C AO ES OX CITV l'ltOPSKTV. LOAN KOXDH. J.'IOl.lCOU. S. tioverntnont Loans 8KI.177-00 150.W0 Phlladelpbla City Loans......... 119,675-00 , 101,C00rennf.ylvaDla State Loans 107.GIO t)l 11,0'JOClnclnntti City Bonds I.fjOO-OU 41,t(JULehlgu Coal Rud Navls-Ulon Company's Loans 33,8(1000 10,000 Del. and liar. Caual and Cam. den and Aiaboy H. K. co..... 3j,1ij0-0I1 o7,000 Crjednpenke and Dal. Canal Co. 'a Con. Jlort. Loau, 1S30 ;!1,010 00 40,000 North l'enosyivante II. It. Company's Bonds, lSii I W.SOOOO l.COON. Pennsylvania Ii. It. Co. 'a 7 per cent, cenpon bouda 1,003 09 20,000 l'ennsyl van la Ii. K. Co.'s Bonls (lut morlgage) 19,GJO-00 20.C00 Schuylkill IfavlgaMon Con- verllble Mortgage Loau ll,00U-Od 15,000 Delaware Division Canal Com pany's Loan ' i:j ,050 0J 10,000 Delawure Httilroad Company's Mortgrtse Loan 8.SW00 oO.OCOI.ehlgh Valley Ilallroad Com pany 'h Morlsage Bonds 27,300 ! 5,000 Union Canal Company's Loau, OOIMH) STOCKS. -loth, rullatlelpnia, Wermantown, and Noiristown Ull. Com. ll,2!)7'50 lUU sh. rhiladelplila, Wllmlneton, and lialtiuiore lUil. Com... I.l.UjM 10O Bb. I'biladfclpUia liituk 15,500 IKJ CK3bli. German town aud 1'erklomen Turnpike Company 1,575 00 170 h. Chesapeake and Del. Caual Ca. 7,010-00 50 sb. SchuylkiU N'uvliiatiou Com pany (preferred) looi! 1.1801)0 Ct Bh. Kobuj 1UU1 Nitviyallon Com pany (common) 5S0,1 101) bb. N. Pennysylvanla lilt. Com. a.SOO'OO lOsU. Pblladelpbiaand Southern ii. 8, B. Company 2,200'09 -MXSL'lcr.X.ANKOtJ8, Cash on hand and In D.tnk 113,06013 Notes lieoelvable J9!),:!73-li I'ollolfiS (premiums uuseUlotl) 113402 3o Debts Due la account (all tjood) 4S,05ti-5t Interest Due ttud Unpaid 2.5j507'9l Ileal Kstate, Ofllce (if the Company (Philadelphia) 30,000-fW TOTAL ASSISTS Ks7lH,9'j3- ARTliLi: U. C0FF1X, l'resWcat. (1IAKL1.S I'L.VTT, .Secret Ary. JUlItlXTOKH. Arthur a. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A, lii'own, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, William WelKh, Richard D. Woo l, 8. Morris Wain , John Mason, 1 10 lutlu3t l) George L. Harrison, Krancla It. Cope, Kdward II. Trotter, Mdward S. Clarke, X. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. Jessup, John P. White, Louis C. Madeira, Charles W. Cushman. PIANOS. S-:73 KTEISVVAV fc SONS' (JHAND IT 1 (illquare and uprlKht Piano, at BLAHlUil JtluOri.' No. It. .. ( ltl.aMJ I' atreet, 1 t f C II I C K E 11 I rjj.Q CranU, acinar, and TJprlelit P 1 A O a. II Stf No. 914 CU M Ui H?t PIANO PORTIA. AN1 WACUN H AM r.IN'8 CABINET INn with th new ami heauti 'ui VOX 1IUMANA. Every hiducenitiit oflcred to iur,-li.. 1 U v J2 1 tullii !in No.P2JCHIiSNUTmr!k. COPARTNERSHIPS. COPAHTNEESIII'P NOTICE. THE UNDER, aisntd bave Una day formod a coimchiersiiin SurvivlDK partner of tlie ive firm of ludlaua, pa.