MUSICAL AJiD DRAMATIC ' Th City AmiiMmesH. AT THE WaLkut the drama of Dtrk, With Mr. J. E. MoDonougb as Old Tom." will o performed this evenlug. . m At tub arch Daly's drama of A Flash of lAghtning will be withdrawn after tne present week. Oo Monday nexiHnafcespeare's comedy Of Twelfth fight will bo produced. At rum Theatric Comniuk the operetta or r'tH" wtu be given for ihut-Mtt time ttita even ing. To-mono J4t Rosa de Stint rlnur aad liUehen and Vtitzchen will rie performed, wltU Miss Susan UaUon and Mr. Whltlln la t&e leading ro'c. At tub Amkbican the pautorolme of Jack the Oiant Killer and a vai My of other enter talnlngpeif irmances will be given tuts evening. Thi Ukkuania oik UBrtrBA win give a pnblio rehearsal at Horticultural Hall tills afternoon. ... Dr. J. F. BoyntoN will clve the first lecture Of bis ooitmo at tue Ao-ulemy of Mnslo thin evening. The subject 01 Hie lecture In ' World Making." The o nor U-cluies of tho course will be delivered on ThurMlav and FrlcUy evenings, and on Monday, WeduesilHy, and Friday of next week. . , , Dr. Itoynton recently deliver? 1 this coarse or leotnres at the Coper Idh luue, New York, and the bouse was crowded lo ovei flowing every evening. Be bides conialnlt k a vast amouutof valuable Information, the niDjeots wnicu ur. Boynton will illustrate are us interesting as fairy tales. A number of our prlncip l schools nave taken tic-acts tor the entire course. - Tickets can be procured at Gould's, No. 9j Chesnut street. Miss I'aciiwk BRF.WftTF.R HMYTnK will lec ture at tiie Atnateura' DrawlUK-Koona, Huven teentb street. aMve t'liesntn, this tvenlufr. But ject: "An Appenl to Women." Tickets can be procured at Tru rapier's. Wo. 920 Chenuut Btrtet, and at Covert's uews stand, Continental Hotel. GUOULS. Hie History or ( rime In Hie A cniiitrtal his just been tried in Northern India on a terrible etiuree. Oae Ramadboen, a Hindoo ot the Mirzapore district, took to poi soning as a relict iroru ennui. The number of his victims is thus tar unknown. He ha", how ever, killed twentj-seveu inayctr and a half, and exhibited au especi! tute lor holy men on pilgrimace'. A society of poisoners is believed to exi9t lu India. A tew jeur ugo, a uejgiir In Folomyia, Galicia, was proved to have Killed and eaten fourteen children. Dunn? the ti teenth and pixiceutli ctnturies cunnibalbm fre quently manlicbted Itself among those supposed to be civilized. On the 14th of December, 1598, the Parliament of Paris sentenced a tailor, named Chalons, to be burned alive for lvcan thropy. The evidence showed that he had decoyed children Into hi shop or attacked them when they strayed from home, and having torn them with his teeth and killed tnetu, be dressed them as ordinary meat and devoured them with great relish. A whole cask lull ot boues was discovered in his houae. In 1410 Marechal de Eetz, a Marshal ot France, a "licholarly man, a patriot, and a man ot holy life," bi-came sud denly possessed by an uncoLtrollable desire to murder children. Duririr seven years he con tinued to inveigle little srirls and boya into ai ca9ilc at tli-i rate oi about ten a week, and then put them to der.tti in various ways, that he might wttne9 their usony and bathe In their blood experiencing after each occasion the roost oreadiul remorse, but led : on by an irresistible cmviusr to repeat the Scrimp. When this uuDaralleied inlouitv Wii9 anally brought to light, his castle was found to t contain bins lull ot children's bone9. During ! the sever.teenth ctnturv a Hungarian countess f named Elizabeth enticed voune ciris into ner j palace on divers pretexts, and then coolly mur ' slered tbem lor the put pose of bathing in their blood. The spectacle of human suuerinR at last berauio such a d. liaht to her that 6he would annlv with her own hand the most excrucia ting- tortures, keenly relishing the shrieks of her victims. In tins way she 19 said . to have murdered six hundred and fllty neisons before her cureer was brought to an end. The old Herserkerd of Scuudinavia t killed liuin:in betn29 tor the ovre love of the thiue. Their clnt t amusement and business was to 3ei sail for some pleumnt country, like i Spain or Fracce, snd make a'l tho coasts and f naviuabie iiveis hultous witii rapiue aud mas sucre. When at home, lu tho Intervals between their fret-booting exped'.ttoup, they were liable to become possessed by a Btrnutre homicidal mad'CAs, during which they would array the' (selves iu wolf skius and sally forth by Bibt "to snap the backbones, smash the skulls, aud sometimes to drink with tit-nuisu gleu the blood ot unwary travellers or loiterers." The peasantry of many secluded portions ot iiurope still cherih the superstition ot the Middle ages concerning wcre-wolvCS. A were-wolf. or a loup garon, was a person who had the power ot transforming himself into a wolf, being endowed wuile in this lupine atate with the intellk-euee of a mau, the ferocity oi a wolf and the irreistible strength of a demon. "Hkln chunsers" was another same for these my tbice I beings. According to the mediu-val theory, while the were-wolf kept his human term, bis hair grew inwards; when ke wished to become a wolf he merely turned feinoBCIf inside out. Aciwuing to another theory the person possessed bad merely to put on a woll fckin in order to assume iubtantly the lupine iorm and character, baring Oould, an writer, h89 recently produced a very entertain ing volume on this Buperstition, wheiein he demonstrates trem numerous instances that it a as a foundation in fact to some extent. He cites many cases iu which the homicidal aud cannibal craving has been accompanied by genuine hallucination, in which miserable wretches have supposed them-elvesto be wolves or other animate. N. Y. Advertiser. GEORGIA. Wrsnt mid (he State Legislature. From the Atlanta (Ua.) Intelligencer, Jan. l(i. A telepram from a gentleman In Washington ity to three citizens in Georgia (the proprietor of this journal being of the three) has been widely circulated, and with the transformation which always attends tales ot wonder, has been alluded to oy au Augusta contemporary as con taining the advice of General Grant to the Lecudatuie 0f deorgia-. Tue despatch recom mends tiie General A-:;embly to refer the ques tion of the eligibility ol negroes to office to the Supreme Court; not to allo w auy excitement in passing the legislation necestary for the State; and, having done all that i necessary, to ad journ, adding that in couver a'ion with General Grant the author learned that General Grant thought that sueh a course would be the nnderthe circumotances. The following is the despatch : Washington, Jan. y, fioo.-To Hod. E. C. Cabiness, General J. 11. Gordon, and J. I. Whit aker: In conversation with Gene ml Grant I learn that he thinks it will be hot to pass the Joint resolution referring the right of the colored citizens to hold otliee to the courts, aud adjourr. I have written to sou at Atlanta. Wherever legislation is nccci-cary for the Htato khould be done without excitement. Answer. Nelson Tn r. LOUISIANA. Murtlemlii lie Nolo Parihti-Nliinglitcr of luoiieuuiujr Aegroes. The New Orleans lif,ubiican of Saturday copies the following from the Hed River Aews, published at Natchitocaes, which paper justly denounces the murders committed in De Boto. The good people of that ptirtf-a can, if they choobe. slop the.e fiendish aeis: From the SiansHeld Times of the 2d lustant we gather tho following particulars of the perpetra tion of a most dtabolicil aud heudish wholesale laughter ol freedmen. It teems that ou tho night 01 December 2H, 18U8, six meu, thoroughly armed aud disguised, vUlted the plantation of Mr. nayora JMvidBon, dUtaut about rt'ht tulles from MautGcld. and arrested four freedmen, tauoiers uu vue piace, carried tuem a snort dm tance from thi-tr-cabius, and plieei a uard over them. Three of the meu then proceeJcd to pillage and burn several c:iMn, even settiuif Ure to the corn cribs, the fruits of the lubor of their victims during the last year. Having pcipcUfcled this crime, they returueA to their comit'OW. me whole paitr now started oil" with their prisoners, but ha 1 proceeded only tfhoit distance when they deliberately hot and killed tuiee oi vuem, ana wouoded tue foutth THE DAILY EVENING TFT.'RflU aptt PltTLADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, who succeeded in e.oP'n to Mr. Oivldon's hoohe. Mr Pnvidpon nrtcd to the scu of violence, but whs halted t? armed sentinel, who prevented bis approacblDa the quarters. At the inquest held over the bo liei or the murdered men, the wounded oitoredmaa stated that he recognized among the perpetrators of this outraee Messrs. W. L. Jordan and Duvid stid Jackson Butge, citizens O' De 3"to pnsh. These psrtles were arrested and tried before Justice Wt mack. After a trial lasting two days, thev were acquitted and set at liberty. The Time adds: "do far, suspicion now rests upon do one as being engaged tn the aiabolical ati'alr." We hive beard, among the many crimes and oil' rases so frequent at the South, no account equals this in deliberate barbarity, wholesale murder united with arson. We cauuot learn that the un'ortunato victims of this fiendish malignity were guilty of auy offense aud even supposing they were, that woull Dot justify their murder, tho burning of houses aud des'ruction ot gathored crops. Juttice seems to have chwed Us eyes, and crime Ftalks nbroad in opeu (lebanco "of law, g dug about boldly, unwhippod of its merited punish ment. Not a week passes but nr columns record some deed of minder or crime. TUo land is becoming so red with blood of innocent victims that all Neptune's ocean cannot wush it clean without becoming Incarnadined. Mr. Gladstone was defeated by a great man. Tho Tory member from Southwest Lancashire measures live feet one inch around the waiBt. A swindle Las been perpetrated upon the people of BrookOeld, Conn. Several weeks ego a strangf r visited the neighborhood, and represented himself as a cattle dealer. He bought about $10,000 worth of stock, and gave his checks on a New Uaren bank, pay able in three weeks. He secured the oattle and went off, bat was afterwards arrested. A marine curiosity just presented to the Conneotiout Historical Booiety is the work of a shell-fish from the Philippine Islands. It is a shelter for the little creature, fifteen inches long and from three-quarters to one and a half inch in diameter, shaped like a cornucopia, and resembling a delicate fabrio of lace work wrought from asbestos or spun glass. C 1 TY ITS M S. Overcoats Beduced to prices ai follows: Fine all-wool Beaver to... H.tl4'09 Fine all-wool Chlachllla and fur Beaver to .......13 00 Of the newest and most stylish materUI, cut i,nd niHko. which have been sold at ..ttSOO A great variety of all styles, upwards frOBl.M.nHHI.H.HHHM.M.1 ..H(I.HI..H..UM.HMMHf 00 Skatino Jackkts. The best assortment In the olty selling very low. Pantaloons, good style, all-wool Casslmere, reduced to t3 0o Vests Fine all-wool Cassim ore. reduced to....lro0 Uoir-wau between 1 Bkmnktt & Co., H 'UnJ I- Towkk Hal. xth itreelf.) No. 81 Maukkt 8t , philadelphia, And No, 600 Broadway, Kbw Yuhs. WliAl Abb You Taking'." IVobauly two-thirds ot the adult population of the United States Indulge, more or less, In bar-room stimulants. Hot alcoholic beverages are habitually Imbibed by thousands of people In the winter months "to keep oat the cold." The alcoholic material of all these drinks Is more or lets roisonons, and li rendered all the more deleterious In ccnRequence of being taken warm. Avoid these dangerous excitants. Shun, as you wthila Bhun the deadliest drug, all tavern sllmulivtli, Tfcey paralyze the digestion, congest the liver, oU turb the natural action ot tho kidneys, Irritate the bowels, shatter the nerves, and Impair the reason. The operation of HosrKTTa's Stomach Bursas Is ulametr!cai:y opposite to this. Tney spur no organ Into unnatural aclvl'y; but tbey tone aad regulate all. It the digestion Is feeble, they awaken the dormant energies of the stomach, and promote the work or assimilation. It the liver Is sluggish and torpid tbey regenerate it. If the kidneys fall to per, form their lunctlori properly, they ara regulated without being Irritated. It the bowels are constipated. the per 1st a tic action Is moderately Increased, and the discharges become natural and regntar. If the nerves Bretremuious tbey ere strengthened. If the mind la clouded the Bittkbh tend to disperse the gloom, These are the effects of the great vesbtablk tonio and coBBKCTivit, which for twenty years has been a staple medicine In this country, and the demand lor which steadily Increases In all parts of the West ern Hemisphere. It Is not offered as a beverage, but as a medicine; nor will It ever be used to satisfy a craving for a!o nolle stimulants, beoanse Its tttec. Is te t hi ck, nut to a tale, a raise appetite for ezoiiauts. The cuamplons 01 temperance win ao wen u) mum iuis peculiarity, and to recommend It as the oulv sate preptrAtlou containing alcohol that caa be used tor medicinal purposes, , Marvin's Bafvs abe Bate The Messrs. Marvla A Co., No. 721 Chesniit street, publish a card over the signature or James . Caldwell A Co., la which It Is slhted that the two targe Marvin hales which were In the store during tho "great fire," when removed thence and opened, displayed everything tbey con tained In the most perfect condition. Tne dlamands watches, etc., to an extensive amount, whtcn were in tbem, were found uninjured In the slightest degree, The firm of Caldwell A Co. express every cond dence In the Marvin Bles under auy emergency; aud alter the test tbey nnutrwent, we Imagine the public will coincide In tbls Judgment. Bsdoino, Window Shades, Curtains, and Uphol stery tioods. Upholstering ef every description dune a 1'atten'a, No, Mi s Chesnnt sireet. A Haokiko Couch Is one of the most distressing as well as dangerous forms of cough one can be afillcted with. Its continuous action fatigues and Irritates the lungs, and thus engenders consumption. Upham'a Fresh Meat Cure will cure the cough, soothe the Irritated bronchia, and give tone aud vigor to the lungs aud whole system. single bottle wui convince any one ot Us purity Bold one dollar per bottle. JOHNSTON, llOLLOWAY w COWllKN, No. 60 Area street. fcKJ-N DisKASkJi What form of la more aonoylng tbau that of the skin, with iw itching. stinging, smarting, Its ugly red pimples, blotchy eruptions, and loathsome Ichorous destiuauattons. Happily, Hlettkell's Tetter Ointment Is a sovereign remedy for every form ot sklu disease, making a radical cure In every case. Bold Su cents per box. Bent by mall for B0 cents, Johnston, .Holloway A Cowdcn. Fi bnitl rs mended and varnished, and made loik equal to new. at Panel's, No. lies Chesnut street. Work done at the house or taken away. Jewf.lby. Mr. William W. Cassldy, No. 12 South becond street, has the largest and most attractive asBortment of tine eweiry and silverware n the city I'urcbKStrs can rely upon ob'alnlng a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cauuot be equalled. He also has a larKe stock of American Western watclii tn all varieties and at all nrlcea A to bis store is sure to result in plew.iU aud uoUt! MONEY LOANED In sums from one dollar to thousands, on Diamonds, Silver Ware, Watches, Jewelry, Clothing, Dry Goods, etc., at KHTTitw's Loan OlUce, Northeast corner Fifteenth and Market streets. Dkiicatk Fkm alks, Suffortog humanity nd who does not suffer from disease or Irom being over tasked ?-wlll find tne "manaara wine Blttsrs" of Alfred Bpeer an antidote to general debility, uterine and liver aii'eclions. The moat delicate women osn use It with un'alllng advantage. They only need a trial to ippersede all other tonics, gold by druggists, Havb voi;b UrnoL-iBBiNo doue at Patten's, No, Htm Chtsuut street. Ue Is always ready, prompt, charges moderately, and gives entl.e satisfaction. Chablss Stokwh Co., Merchant Tailor and Clothiers, No. 8.1 Choanal street., DAVU.A Co.'s Pianos are unequalled In durability, brilliancy, tone and power. Distinguished pianists say tbey are the bet. We uever listened to any plauo so eaohaating. . No Ffcvaoa. Cartalns and Bbades sslllng at a treat rtduotlon. No pretense, nut real, bona !M bMgains, at ptteo's. No. WSChesnuHtreet. Bakoai"" ir lotwiro. -s Jlnriinlnt in Girthing. Jtarvaint in Vlhl0. -,a Jiatpnint tn CMhUtft. 'ill Jiarpnlnt in tUdlhmu. Jinrcalnt in Mottling, finrpainl in Vi'ilhlufi. f Jinrenint in UtotMny. -J a Mnrfiaint In f7'Ainf. Jinrgntm tn ''IntMnf Jturgnint in ('totninp. f,f, linrgnint in CVtlMnp. j,a n.. Pricft of tverytninn rwluerd nhice l.he n,Mrainmnt of Stock: the. nirliml of holll Mt:n'nat 22S?6'-. tf Onrrnnt.'UU m-, , uoo a A Wanamakkb A Kbowm, WlNlUtKIK A Jit OWN, V 4NAMAKHI A IHlUWH, W A NAHAKKIl A BrtOWM, WaKAMAKIH & fluowN, VANAWAKKB A tlHOWN, WiNtsiKitA Rbiiwn, WlNAUAKItt A BR1WN, WAKKM4KICR A Bl:0VW, Thr Laikht Ciathino Hotifn, TUB l.AHUKXT C'LllTHINtl ltOllNIC, Thb Laiiofst (Maititino lior'R, TUB liAB'IKST Olothinci Hoikk, TnH LaRUKMT (JlX)TIUNf( Hoithk, Tub LaBukht Ui.nTHiNu Hui'sK, Oak Hall, Oak Hall, Oak Hall, Oak Hall Oak Hail, Oak Hall, The pon. Ruth ani Mahkbt strict. Tub Cur, H.ih and Mahkk.t mtbkktn. The ( or. Sixth and Mahkbt htrkrt. Tub Cob. Hi xth and Markrt Rtrbkts. Tub tx't ( and Mabkkt MTBHF.T'. Thb Cob. biXTir and Mabkkt bTRKars. MARRIED. 1M NKFORP-CLARK On the 13th Instant, at tin bride a residence, by the Rev. M. I. KurU, eator of 8'. C.pnige'x M. K (ilinrcb, M r. Wl LCI A&t I DU JJi- l UHDK) Miss KL1.A 11. I LARK, botb oftliU olty. LKETfTt MOLL1N On the 1 lib InMnnt. br the Rev. Father Relt.y. Mr. JAM 1.KK1TH M Miss I AKHlU.MlliL)N, notn ot this city. WcKiMELLr-THOMAS. On Utm 19th Instant. at the rwddence of the bride's father by tte Uluht, Her. James K. Wood Blshnp of i-bliBdelphln, JACKSON Mi'KLMfTT.I.. Chief Knirliieer U. B. Navy. H AlAK V, daughter ot J uhn Thuiuas, Esq. DIED. Mf( f-ARANAN. Ou Tneddnv. January Id. JAM Ks Mil LiIUNAN. In the 6:ith year ul his age. Relative and mends are Invited to Attend inn rune- rl, from his late reslderee. No. Iil8 Monterey street, on 1 ridy at 1 o clock, Interuieut at Mount Morish Cemetery. ro lTS.-On the lath Instant. ISAAC POTTS, in the 72d year of bis age. Tne reinuves ana inenns or inn inrauy ure reapf-ow-fnliv invited to Attend his fnneral. from his late resi dence, No.ZOlaftepvlvaHtreet, on Friday at 11 o'clock:. To proceed to Laurel 11111 Cemetery. BCOTT.-On tne 19th Instant, PATRICK SCOTT. aged fit yearr. tho rniktivai and friends of thn family are respect- fully Inv.led to attend the fnneral, from bis late resi dence No. 2.VJ N. Broad street, on Friday morning at bX o'clock. ; Am eric Life Insurance aN Company, Of lUiladeliUia. S. E. Comer Fourth aud Walwit Streets M&Thi Itistitution has no superior in ihe United Stat6$. 610 DRY GOODS. (JOTTON GOODS DEPARTMENT, SIRAWBRIDGE k CLOTHIER CEKTllAL 1)111 GOODS STOIC K, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. We shall continue to maintain and Increase the re putation we bave sustained et being l tie largest and Cheapest Muslin Housa IN THE CITY. Receiving our snpplles from first hands only, we snau nereatier sen mi Muslins bj the Tiocc at the Hcgulnr Whole sale Prices. TIIIHTY-FIVE CASES AND 1JALK8 MUSLINS, Comprising all the leading brands and widths of pillow .num. i ms, WIUG NllltEl 1KUM, mUMIUKTlflUli, WAHKI'TTA, UILIIAIMIIM.", HEW lOHK BllliXjH, UAI flllL.!, AUKWKIOIIT, rouiivriitti'', iiouKKi:i:iKtt. FBfJIT OF THIS 1.0UJBI. Our constant aim will be to make the lowest prices In tho market, tieod yard-wde (shirting. 12'i eents. . Vardwide Uubleacoed mohhii, i-i.a cents, yaros wide Unbleached bheeliugs, bo cents. House Furnishing; Linens IN LARGE AhSOKTMUNT. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. 18(J9-C03irETlTI0N TRICES ! ! Ul' TOWN LIGHT EXPENSES !! OUlt CUSTOM EIIS THE UAIXERS!! Goods delivered ia all parts of the city ckrefully aud tree ot charge. MUSLLNS1 Ml'SUNS! Thornleys Popular Corner. We have laid In a superior stock of MUSLINS, Jileached aud Unbleached, all widths and quallt'es, and ra pr pared to supply the thousands of our Philadelphia hoauekeepers on the very bwt terms. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, K. E. Cor. E1UUTU and SL'BINU UARDEX. N. B. Vol can ride to our door. It will pay to come. iiiiurp DB3 GOODS AND B1IAWLS closing ont low. pOPULAH PRICKS KOK DKY (JOODtf. IlICHEY.MlAKI' CO., No. 727 ClltfiMl' Street. KILKS. VKLVK1S. VKLVB.TKBN8. IhieU POPLINS. FltKKt'll Pol'LlNS. hlLK PUPLlNb. WOOL rOrtlNH. PLAID POPLINB CM ANUKAU1.U Poi'LINS, Diets Hooiis at xs cents, Dress (iuods at Stfovuu, lJreu Uoud at H8 tenia. Dress Goods at 40 centH. Dress UooOs at 60 ceuts. Drew UooUs at tiUi cents.. Hiosh Uuoos at 76 ceuls. Drfks Goods, l to ii. BLANK KIB ' H.ANNKLM. Cloths and Casslraeres, Paris La Belie bklris. 1JA LMOH A 1; Hi KAt JI1.D MUSLINS. HtfKKY, bHARP A CO KICtfKY, BMAUP A CO KICK E Y, BIIAKP JE CJ. KICKEY. KUAUP A CO HICKKY, SIIAKP A CO. ft It 'KEY, MIAKP ih. CO. KU:KEY, HllAKP A CO. KIOKKY, BHARP A CO. RICKKV, HiiAHP A CO. HICKKY, 811 ARP A CO KIC K KY, IsHARP A fcO. KICKEY, f HARP S CO, KICK EY, feHAUP A CO RICKEY, bHARP A Qrt KICK K Y, BH AKP A CO KICK'KY, KH.VRP A C'J KICKKY, HHARP it t:0 HICKKY, hllAUP A CO KICKKY. bliKP A CO KICklCY. bill A KP A '.CO KICKKY. SUA HP :CO RICK KY, Bit ARI A W RICKEY, PIIARP A CO KICKKY. hUARP A CO, NVllllK OOOI1S. KICK it V. HMAUP A CO Popular prices lor Dry Goods by the ys.rU, piece or RICKEY, BIIARI CO., lWmwsirp No.VtfOilKHXUTBlreet. LIFE INSURANCE. 50 MB CERT. DIVIDEND Declared Jnnuai-y 1, 1800, nr. tag AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF rilIL.ADKr,lrM:ilA, S. E. Comer FOUUTH aud WALNUT Sts. WHAT rOKSTHH BIGNIFT TO THOSR IN EttJHUD AND TKOE ABOUT TO Be! INSURED IN "THK AMKHJCAN LIFE?" I. ItshowslhePUOSPERITirof "The American." X It shown thai "The American" does a bars business. 3. It shows that "The American" Is WELL MAS AGED. 4, It shows that "The American" have placed just ONE-HALF ot the annual premium to the credit of "Participating Pollclus," and may be used In the pay ment ot future premiums. 6, It shows that Phlladelpnlans and Pennsylvanlane need not go outside of their own city and State to II Ld ALL that Is desirable in any Lite Insuranoe Company, and to secure all possible benellla of being Insured. WHY DIDN'T YOU GO INTO "TUB AMERI CAN" LAST YKAH? BEE 1 0 IT THAT YOU GO IN FOR THE NEXT DIVIDEND. ALEXANDER WHILLDIN. President. GEORGE NUGENT, V.ce President. JOHN 8. WILSON, eecretary. JOHN C. BIMS, Actuary. I Pi fmTK THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE United States of America, WASIIlSltiTOX, II. c. Chartered bj Special Act of Congress, Approrcd Julj 25, 1868. CASH CAPITAL, SI. 000,000 BRANCH. OFFICE: FIRST XATHtt'Al BAAK RUILDL, PHILADELPHIA, Where the business of the Company Is trans acted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. DIKKOTORS. CLARENCE H. CLAKK, Jav COOKK. John W., W. G. MOOllHKAD, OKOHOK F. 1 YLKlt, J. IilJSCKLKY CLAKK, e. a. kollin8, Henry 1). Cookb, Wa, K. Ohanslkb, John D. Dki'kkrs, hOOWAKO Uoduk, a. C. Fahn&oiock. OFFIOKK8. CLAr.KNCE H. Clark, Philadelphia, Prealdent, J ay Cookk, Uhau'iuau Ftuauca nndExeoatlva OouimUiee, Hkmiy I. Cookk, Washington, Vioe-Preeldeut, lZMEiuiON W., I'uiiaUolpIila, -eoteury aiid Aetnai y, K K. Turnek, WaHliiutfton, Assistant;. eo'y. Francis G. Wmitii, M. i)., Modlcal Director, j. Ktv ino Meabk, U. i As6iuiaut Medical L1 rector, MKOICAIi ADVISOKY HOARD. J. K. liAESEs, 8uigeou-Ueueial a. M. A., Wash iuiou. P. J. HORWirz, Chicl Modlcal Uepartmea U.S. S Wa.hliiijiou. U. W. lSLiaa, M. !., Washington. SOLICITOUS AND ATTORNEYS, lioui. Wm. Ii. Ohanplkb. Washiugtau, D. C. GMiltOE UARPINO, PUlltitf lphia, Pa. THE ADVA N TAG E 8 Ollerod by this Company are: It Is k National Company, chartered by spe ciBl act of i.hDgrena, ItMH. It huti a paid-up capital of (1,000,000. It oileis low rates ot premium. It furnishes larger insurance than other com pa til en for the same ruouey. It Is defliilte and certaiu In Its terms. It Is a home company la every locality Its policies are exempt from aitaciimJut. There are no unnecessary restrictions lu the policies. Every policy is nonforfeitable. Policies may bo tafceu whlou pay to the In jured their lull amount and return all tho pre xniunis, so that tne Insurance costs only tne in terest on the annual payments. Policies may be taken mat will pay to the Insured, utter a certain number of years, daring life an annual Income of one-tenth tne amount named in the policy. No extra rate 1b charged for risks upon the lives of females. Hi wsrp It insures not to pay dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will bo Impossible. DRY GOODS. LINEN STORE, No. 028 ARCH STREET. NEW TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS. Table Linens by the Yard, The Cheapest Mayers will iiud 9 I PRICES SATISFACTORY. LARZELERE A DUCHEY, Custom Rouse Brokers aud Notaries Public, No. 405 LIBRARY Street. AH Custom House Business transacted. PASSPORTS PROCURED. G 1HOICK AliT'CLKS 1 OU HOLIDAYS. -AT (lie illjou I urulniituB t-.t re, JSo. R M. tjlXTll Kreei. below Arcli, may ie niuuu a supuro iHort- ment of 9 Aovy sens. xtn;a.iiu, wiuvoa, xiButiKer rlilt-is, Jtnsmry, lc wlilrU .re oiIukkI at very low prici-B. Mr. lUl'tlAHD KAYUk tba proprietor, hat txc.elleui Usia to tiie sMleclloa of his mucH. Also. Lis Improveil bliouitltir Stu FuUora Bblrt wlilcb bs.s given such universal stlfcll'n. cm by meuurf mni't- 18 'il ImSo rv d . F. f : l u a li I , v k i li ri i n .vBTbuk. JrfOKON. Ircsu ail Ulktmsei oi liors a and c.t tiBHUU all surgi:si oitrUou. wi'.n eUloient aot-oiu-luodailoi-s lor liorii-M t lils lnliruiftry, Ho. tttiu MAUGHAM- Blrt-et, .bove foplnr. 1 lti PRIZKfi CASIIEi; IN ROi'Ali HAVANA, KKNTUI KY, and MItMUiU I-Ol l l'-ltl K-l. tlircnliirs su( aua liiiorumuoiu Ktveu JOSEPH BAI1 M, No. 7S tlKOA.lWAV, Hon Vork. Pot OU1C0 U" tiM, 1 19 lui JANUARY 20, 1869. UNDERWRITERS' SJ-E- FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING; Slightly Damaged by Water. Stock to be closed out immediately. i PAINTER, READ & ELDREDGE, No. 321 CHESNUT Street, 1 IS (Up LAST MONTH HOEV3ER, COL LAD A Y & CO. IIAVH THIS DAY MADE STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IX OKDKR TO CLOSE BALANCE OF STOCK, AS THEIR LEASE EXPIRES FEBRUARY 1. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESNUT Street. FINANCIAL. LEHIGH VALLEY BB. MORTGAGE BONDS. We offer for sale a limited amount of these FIRST-OLASS BONDS AT NINETY, And Accrued Interest from December ! The Bonds are in amounts of SIOOO, Kither Rpglfitered or Coupon, at the option of tne purchaser, aud bear interest, at SIX l'Eli CEKT., FrecTrom all Governmculaud State Taxes The Mortgage under wnicli these Bonds are issued Is lor 11YE MILLION OF DOLLARS, Upon a property costing over TWEMY MILL10.NS 01' DOLLARS The gross receipts upon wlilch lor me year past are over FOUR MILLION DOLLARS. WeoQer these Bonds as lu every respect A FIRST.CLASS SECURITY, And will receive In payment for them United States, Htate, City, or other MarAelaule becurllles, ullowin lUo lull market price. DREXEL & CO., BANKEUS, No. 34 S. THllil) Street. 1VM. II. KEWB0LD, SOS Jc AER1SO Corner WALSUT uml DOCK Sis., 12 221U1TP riULADKLPiilA, BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW STYLI'l SKATING IfiOOX BARTLETT, THE BOOT MAKEIt, A'o. 33 SOUTH SIXill STREET. Sievi Styles for tiie Promenade. Kevr Stj les for tlto Tarlor. Aevr Styles lor llearj Weather. Ills large stock enables him to furnish a good At stall times. 1U18 fmw CIGARS. s. FUGUET & SONS, IMPORTERS OP HAVANA URIAHS, mid Mauafecturers ol Hue Clears, No. 23 8. FRONT Etresl. l'lilladelphla. lending brands of Havana Clears, Imported by every su-.iuer, at low rUuie. Al..o. ol our own make aud copyrighted brands, as followa; "MARIANA BITA" puro Havana (Hgars. 'I'M IIAV01-O" purs Uvna 1'iii.h cisars. ''ixKUH1Vi"i'lS."'elcUd Le''- l.o prices, variety ol, and warranted quality l U "'i 5 PHILADELPHIA, OF THE SALE. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFE CHAMPION SAFES ! I'h ii,ADFi.rnf A, January 18,198. Met-srs. FARREL, HEltRING A CO , No. 029 Chesnut street. Gcutlemen:-On the night or the 13th Inst., as is well known to the citizens of Philadelphia, our large and extensive store and valuable stock of merchandise, No. DOli Chesnut street, was burned. The fire was one of the most extensive and destructive that has visited our olty for many years, the heat being so Intense fUat even the mat ble cornice was almost obliterated. We had, as you are aware, two of your valu able and well-known CHAMPION FIRE. PROOF SAFES; an1 nobly have they vlndl. cated your well-known reputation as manafaq lor ;s of FIRE-PROOF SAFES, U anyfurthsr proof bad been required. They were subjected to the most Intense het,' and it affords us much pleasure to Inform you that after recovering them from the ruins, wa found upon examination that, our books, papers, and other valuables. TTere all In perfect condi tion. Yours, vfcry respectfully, JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO. TUT. ONLY SAITS EXPOSED TO THIJ I I Hi: I Sir I'ALDWIXL'S STORE Htm: n:iiKEi., iierkinq a co. Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1889. Messrs. FARUEI,, HERRING A CO., No. 629 Cnesnut street. Gentlemen: On the night of the 13th Instant our large store, 8. Y. cornerjof Ninth and Ches nut streets, was, together with our heavy stock, of wall papers, entirely destroyed by fire. We had one of your PATENT CHAMPION FIRE-PROOF SAFEH, which contained our principal books and papers, and although It was exposed to the most lateuse heat for over M hours, we are happy to say It proved Itself worthy of our recommendation. Our books and papers were all preserved. We oheerfully tender our testimonial to the rnany already published, in giving the HERRING 8AFE tho credit and confidence It Justly merits. Tours, very respectfully, HO WELL) & BROTHER ru;!;i;i. iu;i:u(; & co., ClIASiriOX SAFES, No. C29 CHESNUT Street, i 8 at PHILADELPHIA. DE 4 FX KfS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT si'.itmi aud skill have Invented u anlawlM hoartuir id every dtpe of dearae: also. HttirHm. tor.,- alo, Craudall's Paten Crulcbas, saparlof ta anr othars lit oa, at P. MADaiUAkTKij. U H