TEUBGRAJPHi H VOL. XI -No 15. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 1H, 18G9. double: sheet three ounts. FIRST EDITION GRANTS POWERS. tboc fram Mi Went th Ulal of th VcuureMtf-OUtre lilll. fYom the t1cato TrUmne i Grant' l organ.) Jan. 13. The Itan-e of heprseota'.tve ou Mooday thotved abundant pood ne by giving more tbao a to-ibiTMB to e In tavor 01 a r-peil ot the C-lucv Tenure act. The House ba no d iu in liole datj, and tbe country ha a njrut to .sptrt t him he Senate w.ll spe-diiy take up the trpehcff act til pat It. Thu people liave rl-o'd General Oraa aud thcv expect him to haw and pott ess and exernse t 1 1 t.e c iis.itu tei.sl function ot the Kxecmlve otlice. It Vies. Lever cootemolate1 unr tu'enlel ihtttne Uena'e of the United ta'es eboild exercise the autv of appointment. Tue emerircney t'lat demanded the ex'ruonlinnry leeisia'ion knowu s tho Office Tenure act wiif exi'.rc on the 31 I March, and the law oiwht t exp re Wl h It. The Ottice Tenure net Is part an 1 patcel of tbe record ot Andre Jbns iu'b ad ministration. It nerved to mark toe total dtprstity of ibAt admiuls'ra'.ion; it wa. as exiriEstve as are the bar wtucu inclose the wiuoows ot the Mate Prison ; it whs the nat'oual Jiiocruent that the can then hoi .ling toe otlie-i of Prendre t was not to be truted to e at Urge, .and ihtte'ore wat to he prevented from doing burin until te was succeeded by ano.her P.esl ' ctit. Ihc peoolc did not reelect Andre i Johnson; ou the conmry, the? selee'rd a man lu wbo-e integrity, personal and official, tuey ) ad full cmudecee, ami elected htro that he n ight tesuaio tbe powers audditiojof whicU Johnson bat been deprived. T'ie American people would not hve tlened Clraat ha I they mi posed that ine Office Tenure act wo aid be necenmrv to restrain hun fiom wroug.lointr. By electing bim they virtually ordered the repeal ol the ns'ralng law. lhat General Orant will remove every dls beneet person is known tn alvauec. Tttere la do consideration that will Induce hm to retain a n.ea.oer of tbe whlskvr.ug or any other ynave lcrger than is necessary to reac'i him with an order of diemls-al. The Office Tenure act will alote restraiu him. That act wai in tend d to prevent Amirew Johnson from re monngthefew hone-it meu In office to man i io m for thieves: but Us continuance no v will only serve to prevent Grant removing tbe inieveB and replacng them with honest men. The act van Intended to arrest dishonesty, lo continue It in force can have hoo heredrct than to protect disLoneat v. and to enable every ro,'oe la office to oefy the PreaiJent and insist uuoa a trial, with tbe'right of appeal to the 8 "uate. Are tbe public interests to be kit in the hauls oi John?on's othViitls until Otant nm beld a jear'term of a court of petty pesslons and ihe"8-nate bis fat another year a a coart ofapieals? Are these men to have r.on'.rd ot the pool c revenue m debanoeot the Presideut? Toe teopleefpecttheSeuaieto pa tbat repeal in n bill. Ibey waut the t xecutive arm fr-e to tr ke at the enemies of the country who are robbing Us Treasury. Are there Hny 8nators vh object io the removal ot corrupt men? Have these dishonest officials any frieu Is and partners in tbe Semite? Are there anvPenatora , who will vote to retain euc'i men in office? It the corrupt rinpt' who have control of tbe col- lection ot tbe revenue have any strength aud I power In the Senate, there is no more tittinr ,-or espres-lve occarion to ma'e it evident than In misting the repet.l of tbe Office Tenure Uw. i REUBEN E. EE NX ON. Tbe New Senator from New York. The N. Y. Eerald says this morning: Afer a fcomewhat protracted and.lt maybe said, oitter contest between St na'or Morgan aud ex Governor It. t. Fenton, the latter reoeived the nominaiiou (ortbe sea'-lu the Uultel States Bena'e, now held by the tormer, at the caucus hi Id by tbe radical members ot the State Lecrts laiure at Aloauj on Saturday nl(;bt. As this nomination was Bubsequenily made unanimous tbeie appenrs but little pwpect ot a "bolt," bo that the election ot the nominee to-morrow may be regarded as certain. For tbe next six years, therefore, the ex Governor will probably be one ot tbe Sena'orB in Congress from this Siate. Reuben rJ. Fenton was born in lbs town of Catioll, Chautauqua county, N. i., oa thu lt ot July, 1819, and n conM-quently not yet fitly years of age. At the Fiedouia and Pieastnt iliil Academies he received an excellent educa tion, studied law aud waa admitted to tbe bar, but subsequently engaged iu mercantile pursaiU. lis tlrbt upparance on tbe political arena was in 1843, at wbicb lime he was elec.eJ one ot tbe sup?i visors ot bis native to vn. In 1862 ha was elected a member ot tbe Thirty thir l Conercas. and terved on the Committee on Private Land Claims. At the exp ra' I on ot his term he re ir d to private life, but in 18r6 was again elected a Rpretentat1e and served iu tbe Tbicty-filth, Tmrtysixih, Thirty seventh Bad Thirty eighth Congresses lie resigned bilore his last term expi.ed for tho purpo-e of aceepiing the Governorship of New York, to which office he was fir -t elected In November, 1864, defeating Mr. Horatio keymour by some 7000 majority, ab a memoer oi i, ingress uo wa- regarded as a bard-workirgKdpresen'a'.lve, althonuh he did but little to distiaguish himself, lie had not been Governor inny month betore the Bebeliiou was dually suppressed, so that he lot; tbe opportunity of affording the Nattooal Government that hearty co-opera'ion uml sup port in its war measures aeatnst the Confede racy wbieh it surely would have reoeived. While in Congress, however, he gavo unques tioned support to all acts of Mr. Linojln's ad ministration, and took, an active part, tn a civil capacity, in tbe prosecution of hostili ties. In 1800 Mr. Feuton was renominated lor tbe office of Governor, and was opposed bv Uou. John T. Hoffman, the present holder ot that position. Tbe canvass was a cloe and exciting oue. UVon the returns from thU city beine reoeived, the enormous .najorlty given to UoDmau at first indicated the eleo ion of that gentleman, but a heavy falling otf of tbe 1 moe rutic vote lu tbe interior ran up Fenton's n ajority in tbe northern part of the State, e)c ins blm for a second term. Oariag his first aowlnis'ratiou the Metripolitan Excise law wa pHS-ed, which bus none more to Id ere tne the lmocratc vote in this BTtion of New Vorlc than anything els. Mr. Fenton was at one tin ea Democrat to politics, but abaudoned his party to Join the BepubMcacs, and is now a member oi the last-named organization, At tbe ftpnnhllcan National Conveo lion, held in Cb'.catio lust spring, be was a prominent caudiaate for h nomination for Vice-President, but was teaten bv Mr. 6choypr C ifix. During his norinitoital career he was fiercely denounced V.o hi nniUicul onDoneLt and by a c ique ot his piny: but, to far. their abuse of him does not an-jear to have affected hi political pronoecta ifi tinmttiiitinn tor and certain election ashen tor. wa, no doubt, erea ly inrtuenced by cotrse abuse from enemies In the Republican party who rhaipeu h m not many days uso with hav- Jnc ren guilty ot many oirgra-eiui o' wuuc Governor ot the Bate. Mr. Fenton is a very tI asaot and agreeable renrlemau in social life, is very suave and entertaining iu bis manners, and bears the reputation of beiig a man o abllitv. What his career as Sen at r will be wo cannot, of coarte, predict. The Boston Farm Bobool on Thompson's Island, In Dorchester bar, supports aboat a bandied poor boys, all bat twenty-six of whom are either orphans or half-orphans Their average age la twelve years and two months, and they remain at the sohool five or Blx years. Tbe lnstitntlon was removed to Its present location la 1835, when there were hat fifty toys in school: it was loaadea la 1814. and la the oldest establishment of the kin 1 la the State. Theodore Lyman, who fonndod the tttate IMorm School at Westboro, took the Fans Dchooi lor las modeL CRIME. Ttie Orcnt jMUMdlin lVOtf ry. Ihe Cleveland (Ohio) iM&it of battirdy nioinlcg contains the following: Tbe polu e authorities hre have bn noti fied 1n retard to the preat bauk rbl.ry at "sr. CatbuTlm b, Canadn, on Monday night Ust, with ins ructions to keep a soarp looK-out tor the burplurB, It is pretty well entiled, bo sever, that they passed tbrougb Cleveland two or three oa.ie ago, and are now probab'y Int West. Tbiy have lth tbem $48,000 in paper money aud a iintlty of gold. Tbir manner of operating In tbU successful robbrv proves them to be ndepts at tne art. lbe teller ot the oank was iu the habit of IcHVine Lis keys on the niatitel-ebclt in the evening and putting them under his pillow a', n if ht. home one lamiliar wi'h tbe premise must have cbta ned an mip"cs-lon of ih.'se kevs. Ou Monday night the saf", bu'ik vault, aud hankiiig rr om were securely locked as u.iuil, but at 11 o'clock that n gut a psser-bv dis covered an aprearatice ot fomothag wrong there, and i he rubbery was discovered, but tbe birts had flon. Tbe door of the bank and of tbe vault had been unlocked with lalae keyx, the sa e onucbrd Jupt oer tbe lock, a lose applied, in vault d or 'lord, and tun sund heinn couined bv thu thick stone al'e. was ni.t hetrd bey m I tbe butldinef. The $48 000 iu paper whs pvKed into a couple of ordinary hac, aid the burglars jrocured a convejMnce Irom Ht. C-tthnnin s to Niagara FaliB, trom there tbey got an dher to ToLMwm tla, from there aiiotoer to Bulf.ilo, an I at fiuftnlo they procured a team, driving it themselves io Autiola There they remaimd at tbe hoti 1 for a coapld of boors, ai)'entl v faying little heed to the raicbela tiiatcontained tbenrtctous load, but retus.ng to allow tin porter to take rharee of thcr overco-i's. T'l'dr reason lor thl.-is that mol probably the oon'o-rs veie pretty well blled with gold, as they had a chan-e to help tbems Ives to what they wished ot $iOO,000 in eold, alno in tbe sa e. At the Anpola etatlon-tbey tried to get through tickets to Ch cago, but the regu'ar agent was abtent, and tbey paid their tar? on tbe cars, payirg out Aoieriean money. Nothing further i.s known ol them ecept tbat they went thro igh ti le on toe 7 P. M. truiu on Tuesday nigh'. One ot the men is ot sb rt build. a''Ont five teot six probably weiebing 190 pounds. He has a num ber ot disguises, and between 8. Cutherins and Erie had chanced bis f icial appearance bait a dozen times. The otner is tall, ot rather spare build, and wore a lUht mousiacne. The Itopreris Murder vfArvellonia N t ra te it y ot (Ira Aw York Police The N. Y. Sun SHy: As we uudersUnd It, the police are now working neon tbe theory tbat the ftMasfin ot Rogers is a young folio wh recently ei-CHped trom Slug Sin, aul who, while ihere. was tbe assoctve of James L'mun. ana h re in his pocket at tbetimeot the mnrder tl.e empty envelope addressed to L"gan. When, on Wednesday mormug last, we saw these tarts spread out in detail iu all lb io u naliot ibis city, aceompauNd by a vivid sketch ot this erton's antecedents tor the past Uiree or lour years, and a minute description oi thn ruode ot his ecnpe from Sing Sim?, we confess that we re?trd It as a blind thrown out by tbe po'ire lo cover ihe real track thev were pur suing. Hut we have anp'e reason tor be lievue that the officers w hi impartei this in formali n to tbe reporters, aud rauea it to be primed in all tbe newspapers under Hiirtllng head lincp, witb ibename al'O ot tbe detective who was emolotelto hunt do vn tbe assassin. were realty i-In cere iu their belief that the per- ou whom tt-ey baa taus no iaet to qils the ciiv was the very man who killed Rogers. Tne strategy which devied this mode of catching a fugitive murderer Is too deep for this metropol s, though floating In slush. Its stupiditv oraws ninety teet of water. It la hunting wild oucks w.-th a drum corps raising a nue ana cry wnose only eaect couia be to warn the assassin to u. e the countrv. Tbe simplicity of ihore eneaged in working up this case was ludicrously reflected In some of those reports ot Wednesday. After telling the murderer that tbe police knew him, anl were acquainted with all his bauuts and associates. and had specially detailed James Irving to hunt him down, they declared. In a Durst of enthusi asm at the exquisite texture ot tbe net spretd In the sight or ibis state l'rison oird, tbat it would be impossible lor him to escape tbe cortlou of dettcttves fast closing around bim! The police. tboup h evioen K acbiner with the secret, claimed great credit for wiihoo'diog trom the reporters ibe name of tbe assassin. The donxeys I If they bad given hl.s name to tne prens it might have afforded some means of catching bim. It certain I v would have imparted nj additional information to bim and his "pair," woilt; it would have afforded the public another clue to his identity. The theory of the police goes on the asamp tion that James Logan, now in custody, is intimately acquainted with the man who they insist killed Rogers, and has seen him since he i scared trom the Penitentiary. Is there not temDtatlon enough In tbe rewards offered by the Mayor to induce bim to "peach?" or cau not a searching cross-exumina'ton bv the District Attorney force him to "Qaeal?" Of course, the culprit bas fled; but Logan can give a shrewd guess aoout the eonrse of bis flight, or, at all events, he can refer the officials to those who can. It" he refuses to do this, it will be pioof that he is lar more deeply implicated in mis nomicioe man ne preteua. BANKRUPTCY. An Interesting; Case la the Enjrllli Courts lbe Firm of Overend, Uuruey A Co. The first day of tbe year 1869 (says tbe Bui- Hernial) has been reudered memorable by tbe commencement of a judicial inquiry surpassing in interest ana ringuiauiy auy ameoeaeui iu vettigaueu ol'a similar cuaracier. Oa that day tbe justice room of the Mansion House was crowded dv an auditory anxious to near fhndowed lorlh the fao s upon which the first nagistrate of the first commercial city in tho world was to De a tea to commit jodu uenry Gurney, Uenry Gdmund Gatue;. Iiobert Birk- necK. rxenry roia oarciay. ueury ueore Gordon, and William K"nme to lake tbeir trial on a grave criminal charge. Tbe defendants were not oidiuary men, and tbey were as little like tbot memoirs of tbe criminal classes with whom maelsira es nave most to oo as could well be imagined. They bad held high positions In tbe city and in society. They baa txeo trusted tmpltoitly with tbe tortuueB, nay, more, wna tae commercial renutatlou aud existence ot tens ottboisaoas. Tbey bud lorp 'oo 1 not only above suspicion, out almost above en v v. Bf) well were tbey oe- lieved to have keDt the nath marked out tor i bom by tbe founders of the great house whose la'ett tepresentailve tbey had been. Tbev. or three ot tbem at least, bad euloyed the a Ivan taee ot descent trom iho.e who bad made tbe name of Overend. Gurney & Co. a tover of strength, in whose lmoieenar,l iw ever one be I uvea that he m'ght securely trust, and uu'il ruin nsa overiaaen tuem n is per'ec'.ly (Mttln tbat neither ot them had ever deemed it possi ble that be tbould oocupv sucb a position. Yet Ibt-retbey were, defendants agulnt whim a number ot ser ius accusations were b'loir made and who. for three hours or more, ere comnsiled to listen to an adore, in which lbe ruoat imouri ant act of their lives wa denounced ai .no niirmlnclv. craftily, aod deliheratelv de- Hcned piece of fraud and fahehood, whose ascertained and intendel effect was to involve bui.aredt ot innocent perinns in havy 1o-b aud utter ruin. We have no need to tell an tin tne inn umtiwr stotv of the failure of ihe great dK count fcoue nevber have we auy desire to antif ipa e tne result of the peudiug inveniga hop. How many dau or weeks it U to last we do not venture to gue s. B it when it is fjqnd ImiMisslhle ou tbe first day to do more than flntan the nnenlnff IDPACb. one CU but feel afiprehenmve that it will be soue tle before tf prosecution has Bail Us sav. We confess, however, tba1 the Btrengih ot th9 imprison iade bv Mr. Lewis' adJrcfS Is In the nver-e ratio of theler.ethof li ne which thst aJ Ires conaon ed. Tberc were in It a great many ba-d words, but very lew hard lac. True tbe story ot ilie two deeds was told with great, nit to fav wcarhome fulness or dean, and Bur.u fibrsses as "utter rottenness," "to any ra iled end bHnknipW.rouotrns," ' bopeles Iv inpolvint, Ac. &c came In aealn and aeam, as It they were liki ir to ea ner inrce trom lrequcut repciilou. Posiblv, bai the fortbcuniiug exAfkir ation relsted ouly to a civil action, all ih s m'got bave been fair an l pro per. But the issue raised was a eilmlnal Issu1, and tbe punishment wblob the prosecution riesiie to inflict is a criminal puuiPbuKut. Coder these clrcnmstancea we thlak tbere stioul t have ben ca'Iu-r niore re iueu e lu tae nsc of otfToo.iouB epi'hetB, and thi're cer'ainly should bave been mure cm lor in the preeu'a tionofifli ts whlcn are peneutly well knovn, and which, It Is qiite ccr'atn, wtu come out betoie thp cse ih concluded. Tha tne mem bers ot the old drm Dd tti tie direction were wofu'ly. ereglousit In error wheu they agreed to form lbe company with auob mtu-rials flsthey had at command, no one will dispute. Tnat they htd temp'eJ fortune too far, ami warden d t.o whl-iy from tbe good oil ajs of tletr fathers, notie can feel so de"nly as 'themselves, but the fact remains tht tbrooi liout the city, even by tbo.se who hive lost heavily, tbey are not deemed reeroaTbahie wiih anvthine like intentional iniqilty. T icy believed in the reeuoerative no erio: a bimnes wh"b was reuming a genuine prolt of 2(ifl,0C0 a j tar, and trey took 'oi little ac ionnt ot the leeny which enormous 1 issos wo'ihl co a nel them to fetch up. So much is ad'nit'e.1, but ihisis a very different thing from conspiring of net purpot-e, and of deliberate io'en"., to defraud every unfortuna'c whom they cond induce to take a sha-e. That p -rsons iTiu'ed by tevere and nnexpec'ed Iohsps should f ill to see th1t, is altogether not Unnatural. Thar, the mental vision of the outsMo public sboul l be equally obl'que, would be highly Improper, tl ougli we nmy add that this Is nor at a'l likely. Men tor whom Huron Kothscbtld, Mr. KirRratu llodirsoo, and Sir Fowell B iilon are willing to become bail are not likely t i have b?en iruilty ol couBolrlne to de'raud. Their ooodjoc may hnve been censurahl", out at present no eround has bten fhov,u,for treating it a delibetately wicked. CABINET SPECULATIONS. How they 9Inke"Irwmlnent randldnitea" Itt-n Wixte nuil tVuHlibtirue. Tbe New York Jnbte' Saturday Washington corresponoence contains the following: This is tbe manner of becoming "prominent conoiuaies fur ibe t arjuiei:" The nopul ir and aocoroplithed Tide Waiter, Ksqv, of ilame. aud tue Lion. Wni:ky blossom, M. C, of Illinois, meet on the Avenue, greet each other with clluslon, aud muluitlly inquire "Wbat's the nevts?" Waiter, fcsq., respooJs with the intor mation thii Jones tumks CovoJe would do lor Pos' matter-General; and Blossom, M. C, sc iru mg Jones' opinion, as wuo sbon'd say. "An I not one of the noule army ot opinion-mukers-in-general lor tbe natiou mtselt?" B'os oin, M. C, announces tba', as lor hlmsel , he thinks the claims of the Pacific coast can't DC Ignored by a President wno once lived tbere, aud it Jolin Connes Isu't put in tbe Cabinet, hepublicau CoEitresimcD will kuuw tbe reason why. Ihe di.-tiugui bed gentlemen separate. Next day the bo els and otner secon I ra'e boarding-houses of ihe capital tingle with tbe neas tbat Conness and Covode are promt Lent caudioates tor the Cabinet, that tbe pres sure lor bjih is tremendous, and that botu are euro to go iu. I suppose toe truth about lbe Cabinet to be tnat before tbe holiday reces neither Mi. Waiter nor the Hoo. Mr. Blossom, nor any oiher honorable, nor even General Grant, knew who were go.ug lo be offered places in Gram's Cab net. Certatuly the uiaa who, next to tbe President elect, is credited with the most intormatlon on the subject, was thtn ignorant us to the persons most likely to be telt cted, and was even without auy positive knowledse as to whether a p. ace would bo offered to bimsel. Since that time, however, it lsQioretnau probable tbat urint's idea have been coming to a focus on this subject, and it Is at any late certain that bis tongue has been loosened. He bus sougbt meetings witb promi nent eiatesmen whose names the coutnrv keeDJ betore him as fit for his Council Board; au 1 if tbe solt-epoken rutberor tbe House were uow to aaturc ftlr. Quidnunc tbat be hadn't tae re motest idea of tbe probab. lilies about the Cabi net, Mr. Quidnunc woull be apt to laueb. but, after all, it is true tbat absolutely no. bing U known here in any way that brings it with n reacn oi punters' ine oi oen. uraut's punioees In the matter. We ate within six weeks ot the Inaugura'ion, and to this day tae political gotsips of the capital (including nlneteen twentletbs of oar excellent CongreBsmeu) are loft to euch tp culattons as their own i leas of Grant's preelections and of tbe ritue-s an 4 claims ot prominent gentlemen in the Kepubli can party may suegest. but it is uo tceubte that the time for the rauge of taeso speculations beyond the limits of the Itepublicau party has passed. The audacious chatter of the Uoia- t ratic papers came near unsettling the ;aitu of a few ot ibe weaker brethren for a lime: bit if to-day tbere is a man ot either party who hontbtiy mints mere is proDioiuty or poisi bimy ol Grant's "Johnsoniziusf," the credulous individual is to be Bought tor outside of this i'j. TERRIBLE TRA GED Y. A Startling; Cbaptar of Crime and Vca Keauee lu Illlnwla. From the Ohicago Republican, Jan, IS, We have chronicled tue fact ot tho killing of a manii named James A. Laird, at Napiervlllu, Da Face county, by Ch-uncey Bailey, with whose witethe deceaseJ had been criminally iu timate. A Coronei'a lnqucAt has since beu held upon tne remains-, ana a verdict returned in accord oce with tbe tacts. From tbe testimony given at the inqiest It appeals tbat Mr. Chauncey Badey. the ml jred hurband, resided in the western suburbs of Napnrville; tbat come three montba ago oue James a. Laird, a ;ouogaud not a bad looking man aud formerly a resident of tbe village, returned from the somewhat l.ut town of Cheyenne, where he bad held the position ot Sheriff1 of tbe county in wnicti Cheyenne Is located, as also the position ot IVpu'.y United States Marshal of the oistitct. During the three months tince his return au Improper in timacy ;rew np between tbe cx-aheriff and the ie ot air. oaney, an intimacy wnico, al'boueh pcnectiy evident to the cummunay at large, was not knoivu to Mr. Bailey till quite recently. At lust a irieud of lbe injured bus band told htm of tbe disgraceful rumors. Mr. lUiley very properly commenced to in estluaie us to the I'icts in the ca-e. So accordingly he immediately etaried oil' to Figin, that in, to speak more accurately, ho told his who that ho i-o lutended. This departure for Elaiu, Mrs. Bailev was Informed, would take place Wed nesdav morning. But ibis part oi the pro- ora.nn a was not carried out. O arm it tue day Tha whriir received a no'e written In a feminine tand, couvevlns lulormation that Mr. Bailey bad left towu for that day. A;eordmu:y Mr. Laird proceeded to the Loi-e ol ihe woman about n ue o'clock" In tne evening. A gu .le taD at the door, aud Mr. Bailey admitted hi n. soou alter the entrance of Lari btiley nr i.pnrsH nn the irround aazlng at ib guil'y piir tbiough a tole woicb be bad cut out n the win cow curtain tbe previous evening. Ills wife and I.nirrt m r tin iime were sitting together on lounge hi tte sit'lue toom, but soon went Into n adjolntns b-dioim. Wailing but a few minuics, tiadey burst In tbe door, and. dashing Into tbe b oroom, caught b wife and ber pura mout flagrante delicto. Laird attempted to Arcane, hut the outraged bu-buud drev levolver. and betore the libertine reached the door, ibot htm la the breast, lonnedlatelf over ibelcsrt. Fire sno's were f red In all. only one of which took effeot. Laird sneeee led In reaching tbe open air, rao a tw rod..-1, and fell n corpse. Bailev immediately gave himself up. but tbe authorities d d not lr.osroerite bim, a'lowmg htm tj sleep where be desired to lu the villsge. Tbe cane of the above traeedv, or oue of 1L causes (Mrs. Ka lev), is a tolera 'y b mdsome won bp, hboot 28 yeurs of a'. She coinmenoed her career of tree l-ive bv elorrn with a t'nlvetta'ist clergtman. This first dep-irturo from virtuous womanhood was, however, bu-hed np, tbe erring woman apparently beeomii e repentant. Mr. Cbaunccy Ua'ley follows tho oocaottion ol a farmi r and miller. Some few weeks siooo be. returned irmn loa. where for eone months past he lias f-pent moet oi bis tini. The irniredy has cetci grett excitement In Napeml'c. where a'l the parties were well known. While Its fearful rircirrstatio.s ippear to be lolly appreciated bv tbe resldeuu', the feeling Is very strong In favor of Mr. Bui iy, and rone speak of b's set without vnidla ini him. Ihere Is n noubt that it ha was t bo tried to day m Pu Page county he wojld bo Instantly acquitted. EE A VY ROBBER Y. A UeulIeiiiAn'M I'orhel IMeked la New Haven l ts'J OoU. Frtn the yew Haven Keyi'sler, Jtn. 16. Dr. W. H. M. "oard, of West Farley. Vt., arrived here last eveulor (15tn) ou too seven o'clock trf.lu from New York and remained uatil the departure of tbe eleven o'clock expreos for B' ston. Oi nnor the interval he called upon the tuniiy of Mr. O. F. Winchester. Soon afier pttiiniron board the train be discovered that his coat pocke's ha1 heen cut open aud a pof net book B'O'eu, in which h t bal tourteon $1900 United Sates bonds, e ght $1000 creenbacKs, Hi d one $600 greenback In all $22,500. Hj reroeniOered psssinu throuuh a jostling crowd it tbe depot, and a brakeman on tue train sav t wo men tump off a'ler tbe train was In motion. Putting these lacta together, Dr. Iliward, a'ter conferring wlih the pol ce ot Hartford, took an officer and leturued here tins moriine. On Inlotmlug Mr. Winchester ot the circuniitauces, hojvover. it was learned that, tbe cut was made before be called tbere, as Mr. Winches' ero'iserved it at the tim. Ibis wou'd i-ccni to Ind rate that the robb-ry was committed either lu N iw York, ou the road, orwnen he le t the train oo Us arrival. TUeie was a cut on the o ber breast of the duvor's coat, abtiut two Inches Ion, which peoetra ed another pocke'OocK in which was $14,000, wnicb the thieves did not succeed In extrattmB. Dr. Howlm stated to tbe officer deiailod by Cu ct Lincoln to a tet d to the case, tbat he ircclve l $18,000 in New Tor in the pre eaco ot no ore but the oresident of toe b'inK, wuere he oh'aiLeo n ; but tbat be counted overall be had in Lin hotel In the presence ot the clerk. H't was conliient tbat uo one but the clers was present; but it Is just possible that o'ner eyes were upon hifn. and ih tuot that attempts were mane to get po-se-6ion of bitb po'.-Ketbooks seems io indicate that the thieves were well hooked ub to th'ir location. Dr. Howard's family required bis immediate at'cntlon. ani he has poi, e home, but tbe police will make every possible exertion to recover bis property. CANADA. A circular has made its appearance tn Wash ington advocating tbe annexation ot Canada by peucelu) negotiation as a quid pro quo tor the abandonment ot the Alabama claims. After pointti g out the advantages of annexation and the danger of Fenian inva ion II the provinces continue much longer un jpr ttnglUh dominion, ihe circular continues: Tbe time is ripe for aonexa'lon. The Emoeror ot Huseia In the certion of Alaska has oointed out lbe way. Tbe pending negotiations ou what are called the ' slaoama claims" lurniso the opportunity. Tbe protocol agreed upon be twt cd the high contracting parties emorsces a variety ot unsettled claims aad questions ex tending back to 1863. Bi ine In tbe proposition for tbe cession ot British North America, aud while absorbing all these mluni points in dis pute It may be niid, from financial and com mercial equivalents embraced, too attractive to Knslaud lo be resisted. In tuts connection the present agitation ot reform in behalf of popular rights and retrenchment among the British people would exert a powertul Influence over tbe new noerai government under air. uiua ttone. Tbe circular concludes by Bolicltig a reply, as tbe ooject is to eatber the opinions ol a nim ber ot iLtclliGrent men whose views are calcu lated to command public aiteut'oo, in order that tbe two great branches ot tne Aneio-axoa timily and the two Governments concerned may be drawn to ibe strand propcattio t ot annexa tion as the proper basis tor the settlement ot the Alabama claims. X. i. lierata. lien Wade. Ben Wade is held, like Waihburne, to be one of the necessities of Uraut's position. has been thrown out of the 8eaa e, at.er eighteen vears' service, by an untimely aud temporary reaction in bis State; be has beeu Vice-President In name and he came very near being President; he was a conspicuous candidate for a place beside Grant on the Chicago ticket, ani hs became so after having been much talaed ot for the first i lace, and baviug sent his friends to tell Grant tbat if the General meint to alio tbe ue of his name, then Wade onlv (ought association with him. Uepublieans ot all s bade s look upon these ib'ngs as coustitntlug W.d. 's certain title to being "taken care of." But he is sorely prei sed Irom his on Bute. which has a ftcuuuity in great men mo-t nnlor tunate for these gieat men tbem-elves, who find tnat tbey ate crowded altogether too cl.iee to thrive well; the persons who assume to cham pion bis cause iu many ca-es do htm more barm tban eooo: aid tue tact tbat be uas never done executive work, and is to) old to learn, is aeairet bim. Tnen the army set have naturally great inauecce witu urant, and tbey nave never learned to love tbe Chairman of the Committee on tbe Conduct of tne War. which their writers call tue Amerlcau Auhe Council, nortotoreet tbe Old Senator who baa eatdsomnny brusque things about tbe number o: ttaitore west point bat given to the country. Nooooy oeueves mat inese ib nas can diminish Gram's npprec atiou of the bluff Obioao. wnise 11 e Das reen so now" a Dattie. but a eood mauv believe lhat ibey dull tbe edge of his aD.oetlte for taking Wade as a confidential adviser. If tbere were a good vacant Judgeship or tt Wade wouia oe aiuueo wun a crstc'a-s loreten nm slon-soch as that to St. Petersburg moat Republicans think that probably Grant's mind wouiu ue quite us easy. Waabbnrne. That Mr. Wash bar ue Is to be either asked what place be would prefer or otlere t one of tbe oest is oi course. Those wbo tbink that be would rat bei remain in the House to serve as watcbdog ot tbe Treasury, and tuke tbe kick of every rat aetous gann fiat may be trying to nieaK in, nave oveno'ixeo nts stxteeu vears continuous service in ibe Uous, bis doslre iu limes past to esoitpe to lbe hena'e. and hi falling health. Public opinion has settled do wu iu'o i be belief that, oo this lust acoooot, he would pre.iertheea ierlifeof a toTeigo mission. Whoever hns vieiied him lately at his rea di-nou ha- not tailed to observe the rara Frenco boo ts ot hut ry that lie about his work-table, or ibe nmrked Interest beftas beeu sbovlnu lu Frenco affairs. This, to be sure, l only the tudulgeuce or a ta-te formed long before General Grant uas thought of for the Presidency, bat tbe go-slps have fixed it tba if Washburne shoal I go abroad, be is to succeed General On. On tbe same process of 6ludylog bis tast?. they I old tbat, it he should taae a Cabinet otfloe, tt w u'd be tbe one iu whirti the leaks are now thought to be tbe moet serious ant ths oopo--tnnlty lor economical re'orms the gieateit the , Detaxtment ol the Interior. SECOND EDITION LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, The Cnlian Insurrectionists Coil- soliciting-A Grand Move Antlcipated-The M.iiae Senatorial Contest. iyiiinninl tviid Oommorolal FROM CUBA. Arrival ot a New Npinlh Foree The liianrireiitfi Coneeiitrnlln lbe Iln vkiiis lpnee Coiumlnaton. By Cuba fuble. Neuvitah, Cuba, Jan. 14. via Ky Wes. F1a Jan. 17, 1HC9. A force ofTSpaulsh infantry, t.umbering about 1500 meu, arrived hero yes terday. It is stated that they will loave shortly for tbe scene of operations. News from Puerto Pnuctpe reports that heavy rams were lall:nr, rendering tbe roads so bad as to be almost Impassable. Ti:e Insurgents be sieging the town state that tbey are actively engaged In concentrating an army of 10,000 men for the purpose of making a vigorous assault upon the place, and are onQdtnt of belu; able to carry it by ttorm. Ibey are reported as being plentifully supplied with exctllent email arms, and bave at present eight pieces of artillery. Tbe commander of tbe besieged Spsniar Is in Puerto Principe is aware of tho preparations which are going on to attack him, and Is hard at work placing the town in a thoroughly de fensive position. A luigo number of labjrers ore engaged In fortifying bd! numerous barri cades have been erected on tho streets. Tje Spanish force numbers about 3500 men. Tbe Peace Com mission from Hivana his arrived, and a messenger has been sent to t'je Insurgents with a proposition for a compromise. It is very doubtful, however, if the Comraision villi succeed In effecting a peace. FROM MAINE. The Senntorial Content. Special DegjHUeh to The Evening Telegraph. Apopbta, Me., Jan. 19. M-. Morrill publishes a card this morning, withdrawing the further use of his name iu the Senatorial contest. This leaves Hamlin the liepubllcan candidate against tbe field. There is a talk of Morrill's friends, backed by the Oraud Army of the Re public, running Governor Cbamb?rlaln as a andidate, and a combination has b en proposed with the Democrats. TEE E UR OPE A N MARKETS. By AUantie Cable. TbU Hornlng's Quotations, I ondon, Jan. 18 A. M. Cousois for money and account, 03. D. S. 6-20s drm at 754. Stock steadv; Erie, 26j; 111 nols Central, 93L Liverpool. Jan. 18 A. M. Cotton flat, ani the sales will probably not exceed 100,000 biles. California Wheat, lis. 81. Corn, 35i. 6d. for old. other articles unchanged. This Afternoon' Quotation. London, Jan. 18 P. M Consols for money and account, 02f. U. S. 6-20 qni"t. Stoc&s steady; Erie, 26J; Illinois Central, 93; Atlantic and Great western Liverpool. Jan. 18. r. M. Cotton is flat: middling uplands lljd.. middling Orleans lld. b read at una quiet. UAVBE, Jan. is. cotton quiet ana nn changed Qukenbtown, Jan. 18. Arrived, steamship Siberia 10-day, from New York. f BANKPOBT, Jan. 18. U. S. S-iUi, .(!(, YUJ. Amtwkbp, Jan. 18 Petroleum fir ji at GfUd 671. Markets by Telegraph. New Yokk. Jan. 18. Stocks unsettled and lower. CtiicnKO and Hoc island Us.v, Kdiug, 9 (Janon C npKD7,BH: Krle, US. Cleveland and Toledo, luK; :itTelnd aud Plitaoarc, IS7,V; PlUabari and Kort WsjDe. 12S: MlcUleao Cinlral, H7.y. aliohtaan boutnern, WSa! New York Central. 1W IlllnuU Cen tral, 14 i CUDlDeriKDa preirrea bis; v ircinia w, MlssurlSs. 87; Hudann RITer, Mil; t ttm tun 1111,; 0' . UM, 109V da I88K. Jloj: new ioss4(itw.7' lo-lw, lu7;-.. Wold. 136. Money, per cent. jucaane, ioiih Stock Quotations by Telegraph 1 P. at. Glendlnning, Davis A Uo. report through their New York house the lol lowing: N. Y. Cent. K....16278' WeaU Union Tel.... 81 ft. Y. (md E. R., 8S .Clev. and Tol. R. It. I'M Ph. and Uea. K. 95" -3 1 Toledo k WabasH. 61 Mioh. . and N. I. 1 Mil. & St. Paul oom.74 '4 Clev. & PltUb'g K.. 87 Adams Express...... 62 OhL and N. W. coin tfl Wella. Fargo Exp.. sy unl. ana xs. w, prei. er'uaiieaBiaie lip, so Obi. and K. L B....1V8U' Tennessee 0s, new- (8 Pitta. V. W. A Ohl. 12lklQold .........16 Paclno Mall B. Co.121i Market Irregular. Io the north part ot Saratoga oounty, town of Greenfield, N. Y., recently, there was a trio of weddings in one house, at the same time, on which oooaBlon an old lady and her two daughters were led to the altar. The mother was a widow; the first daughter was a widow of two months, and her husband a widower of fonr months; the other was a girl of seven teen, and the espoused a man of aboat thirty years, who had recently obtained a divoroe from a former wife. The minister was con siderably confased to know when he htd finished, and It was understood ththe wai to be paid at wholesale prioe, and reoalve the equivalent in fire wood. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ornca or tui Kvbntns TaxseaAPH,! Monday, Jan. IS. iboll. There la no material change to notice In tho money market. Call loans are quoted at 68 per cent. First-class commercial paper ranges irom 810 per cent, per auuum. Toe Stock market was inactive this morning, bat prices generally were steadv. Government securities were firmly held. 107J was bid for 10-4 ; 1121 furCs ot 1881; 1134 for '62 6-20s; 109i for'4 6 lit; 1101 for '65 6-20; and 108 for '07 5 20s. City Iomds were unchanged; the new Liaue sold at hatlroad shares were the roost active on the JUt. tteadlng soldat 47i47L a elitrht decline; ( amden and Amboy at 1891, an advance of 4; PtnusylvaulaUailroad at 6758571, a sliuht ad vance: l.ekieh Valley at 65. no change; and Philadelphia and Erie at 2Gj27. no chunge. City Paseenuer Ballroad shares were" dull. "i.b,xlh 801(1 at 354- n bangc. 17 was bid for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 11 lor Hestoa vi.le; and 37 for Green and Coates. Bank shares were in demand tor investment at mil prices, but hear of no sales. 235 was bid for North America: 314 for Mechanics': U8 lor Southward: 67 for Peun 7ownbtp; 31 for Msnu- a'inu?.rs : 7JM ,or c,,,5 1 Consolidation; and flhi tor Cern Kxchang-. Navigation sold at Jft20, a slight adrauce; and Dlnwnre D vis'on at r.hnre. n via? ti l tor SchuyiKHI Navlatou common; 2 4 lor preferred d'i ; 72 'or Morris Ctnul prcter.ed, ard 12 lor Susquehanna Cansl. PWILAPKLPillt 8T0CK KllMilHB SAtBS Tfi-DAI Rstbried b Aa ivu at Uro., Mu. w B. ialrduet ftHr H JAHD. ' 2 n CUV New 1, (i .u (B th V R SS t;ii dO..... 'II ; 14 dO ft lik sh K(i 1 1 in. 1: 8 UUM.iwi.iiMH Se S.I du .m 66 . trf dn BS in" sh Pbtl E -iiJi it 0 do ..UJ. 27 :"i nl) Alh A Stb v'i iisibu Leu N is Si iihi d iS li n do ........o- on lo-i ...,. tax 7.1 d in 1 do. . .b in. lush Buck Mt.biwa 40 .10 III! .1 II 3oe lij ies ft 11 (1 db ..! 47 I.H to .... .... do il do..... i'X - " s .. .is. 4 u "7 '4 ,..li.a s.4 !, do.., 4:'. 10 nh (' Aiu..n IJ...I2 S I He d n. 1 V'i t'llub FeDiih iv Is. 67 114 do R'.cssri. Jay CeoKe & Co. quote Wovern- merit seeu'ities, etc., as tohowc? U. 8.6s of HM1, 112f.jll IU: b i' or 18G2, 1134113; 6-21'S, Ibti4, Pia.ritlO0,: 5 20-1, N.iv., 15, llm lUUtJuly, I8C.1, ltl-ifisclosij; do., 18C7. lOflltfl 1(184; no. lvr8. lOJiOO; 10-40J( 107Jf3107. I'nion Pai'itic bfii ns, lOlJ ilOlj. Ali Hus. Wiuiaci.1 i'nu'.er & Co., bankers, No. 30 South Thir I Stree. report the tol)ovlng rues of eschinpe to-Kv Ht 12 o'ctocki United States 611. fc I. 112jaii2: D. 6- V2n, lin. H3jail3i do.. 1H64. 1094100 do., 1866, lotjailni: do. Jui'. 1866, 1 offl'isl: do.Jaly, Hi;7. lObJ al08i;Uo. Ihum, OJiOlOdjd-los, 107J (c 1074. Compuumt Inw-rest Notci, past due. U9'26. fJold. l?5J.an8. Messrs. De hUvet tBroher, No. 40 93ith Third s'reet, report t.e followina rates of ex c'lanee to-dav nt 1 P. M-: n. 8. 6b ot 1881, 112 01124: do. Wi, 113l!313is do.. 184. 109fJ 10!).; do., lHHMin.j)UOi: do. HG6, new, 108i K18; do., 117, ie, 108ril084; lo., 18G8, 108 (rjlO'J; do., f, 10 .40--, 107'3Ciu7. Due Com pound Interest Aotes, 19; Gold, 135l-ai36i; Silver, 131133. ' . " ritlladelphia Trade Report. Monday, Jan. 18. The Fiour market Is dull aud depressed, and only a few hundred barrels were taken by the borne consumers, In lots, at $o(ii5 50 for en peril n; $(?6 50 for extras; 17 H5 7 75 for fair and choice; and 7758 for faney Iwwa Wisconsin, ana Minnesota extra family; 88 75tf 10 50 for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do and 811(6.13 for fancy brands, aooordlng ' quality. Rye Flour eo nmauds $7'508.ibarre Nothing doing lo Corn Meal. Thra la no vitality In ihe Wheat market there lelnis uo cletintnri, exoept lor prime low from tl.e local miler, huU prioea favor buyers, tealea ol red at St 801 Uo. ami Hcnberat l'J2'35 I'ye is ucc nan uea. ouUh ol Western at tlticA 1H2. Corn la iinli. at torinT rues. Hales of new yellow at 87rj0i cent and new white at 85 (ah7 cents. OxU r wnhuut Improvement. H11 es if Western at 72(g 74 eeuU. WotUluu dolnir Id Hailey or Mali. H:eil8 CloverKeed Is firm, with sales at 8 75 9 Timothy la nomloai. Flaxseed la taken, by t he rrusbers ut (2 80(2 62 Whisky la dull, ami cannot be quoted over tl 01(3)103 peraallon, dn'v omn. ridluuclplila Cuttle Market. Monday, Jau. 18 The Utttle market was moderately active this week, and prices were well maintained. 1800 bead sold at 9610J4c for extra Pennsylvania and Western Bteers; 8 9c. for fair to good do; and 57o. per lb, gross lor common, as to quality. Tne following are the particulars of the sale: JJead. Bi, Owen Bmlth, Western. 69 gr. tt), A. Christy St Bro , WtH.sru.uflD, gr. 62, UeuKler & McCleese. Viriftuia, OaSli nr. 75, P. McFUlen, Weatern,8IO!4,gr. OH, P. Hathaway, Western, 71910 gr. ' 20, B. McFilleo, Cheater (o., 90lO,r. 95, James McFilien, Vegtero,9 gr. 60, E. tt. McFilien, Wenlrn KOU. gr. Mi, Ullman fc Baenman, Western, 79 irr 76, Martin Fuller dt Uo.. Weateru, 7im9U ir 0, Mooney A Hmitb, Wetro,7U'10 lie ' Bn, T. Mooney & Bru., Wesiern. 0iu7U. ?r . 60, H. Chain. W. Penua, 74 gr. " jui, juiiu sruiin, w t-tnero, u aiHi gr. 6.r, H. H. Frank, V ralula, n8 Kr. 70, Frank A Bchomoerg, Vtrnlnla, 64a8;K. ar 110, Hope A Co., Watrii, 7(9, gr. 47, M.lirytoos A Lo., Peuusyl vanla.68 ffr 41, Biom A Co., Virginia, a7. gr. " ' 84, H. Baldwin, chemtr co., l(aU4 gr. '62, H. Ciemaon, Coenteroo., OslO.gr. 8tJ. James Auil, WealerD, 6H7, gr. 21, Chandler A Alexauder.Cuealeroo.. 839U tt 80. Kimble & Wallace, Cheater 00.. 810 ir 18, U Horn, lla ware. bCvl.ur. " bo, K. Mayne. Western, 6v7U gr. 02, J. McArdle, Western, 6aitia gr. 40, 15. Walker, Vligtnla,6 r. b7, Elkon ib Co., Vuginia. 'X'i7U, gr. 88, H. BtetnberK. Virgluta. 6U7. nr. 21, W. Duffy, Weslein. 6&0. r. 14. W. Bandera, Cnea er 00., 8 9)4. gr. Hogs were higher. 8000 nead sold at the dif ferent yards at 115 5'kSdo 1 er too lbs., net. bbeep were unohauKeii. 6000 bead sold at tbe Avenue Drove Yaid at 6)7 cente per lo., gross, aa to condition. Cows were without ebang. 150 head sold at S50$to for Cow and Calf, aud tlOiatfo per bead for bpnn geS; LATEST BlUrrmtt LNTELLIOENCEr" For additional Marine Newt tee IixHde Paget. BY TlU.auaaPH. Boston. Jan. 18.-Tu u.rqu. t-wnto, from TirK for miiadeliinia, put imo A-ijrnioatn, Kugiana, Jan. tixw toaK, Jaa. is Arrived. steatnalilD M iBv Atlantic Cabls. QcimsfsToww. jau. is -arrived, steamshlo Mln ctaula, eater dy, iruai Ww Yutk. POBT OF PHILADKLPHI A... A.NUAB Y li. stats or VHKBtioiirraa r raa avmeriMe tils. eaArri orrioa. T A. MMM..M..Jt7111 A. M CLEARED THIS MORNING. Barqnentlne Uaroiuuy, tiiepben. atwerp. L. Wes- leiKKard & Co. Br. brig Ida Uoraer. Trinidad. John Maion A Co. "Sft r JrJ?UL- Yuuok, ijaar.eatoo, a. J.. Day. Hodoell tt Co. Bcbr Maine 0., Batemaa. Bagaa la Qrand, Oeo. O. Oar- aoo A Co. Bcbz CaroUne, TIee, Mlllvllle, Wkltall, Tatom A Oo. .ARRIVED TH?e MORNING. Steamship Vuiiimerr. J -art It boura from Hew Yora. ltn mdae to Jut.n F. OuU harqae Amelia Uebrlug. H.ynla. 71 days from Buli.lCug.. wub oid railroad irou to order. Tawed up by iu America Bour Mary o. Col Hun. Kodloott, s days from New York, who 18 (too busaeta wbeat t K. A. 8 tader 4k On. bcbr isaao Hicb. liryaut, 1 days from tit, Joan, M. F.. wlib riao to oroer. Bcbr Ciara, MuUord, from Savannah, with lumber to captain. bieaoier lilamond Biate, Webb, is hours from BHlituiore. witb oidaa u A Oravea Jr. Hieamer J. H. Borlver, R'ggana. IS boars Irom Balti more wub mdae to A. Wrovta Jr. Hteamiug America, Vlrden, trum Dslaware Brsaa water. Broil ui up ba-qae Amelia Wehrlog, Towed to aa Sunday mornlnt barques Etna Uulton. (or Antwerp, aud Bessie Harria, iu( Uenua, bou from Fbliadelphla. . MEMOKANDA. Steamship Norman. CrelL benoe, arrived al Bos ton at V A. M. yealer-iey. Hteauieblp Frouietbeus. dray, haooe. at Oluutlestoa yeaterday. Barque Cynthia Palmer, MUner. benee, at Ant werpfttlnsi. Barque Valkyrla, MeCentle. benoe, at Antwerp Id lostaut. . Brigs Condnva Eddy: H V. Merrick, Nnrdenj and li T. Miocker. Bibber, lor fbliaa pola, ware loadins at MiiaciHi stu lust. Brig Baobelor. fur Oe'awaraB eakwa'er, vlaBafoa, wiih 260 bboa sugar, at v U. ebafiered al H vanaWibluai. Brig Wm. Mntr. for Delaware Breakwater, via aaaua. wlih Sou bhda. eugar, at faSa. was Ob arte red at Hnio luau . fck'br E. U. liwla, Atkins, benoe, at Savannah yea- '"s'chr BeribaPeufler. Wooattr. benoe lot Boatoo, at Bmmea' Hole I610 lut. . . Hcbr Jau ea eaiteilbwaiea. Parker, from Boatea lor Philadelphia at M Yolk yt-autrdey. bob? Blv o. 'orpiil'adelubia wun aOO boxes Sugar. ,obCrbdrRVer1,a"DH21oX'a. be.O. fov part. Ui&?.VrV?XKMP was p at Ty'SliMly. Baker, fmm NewH.por. to Pnl adelubla. aul roui New Loudon Wtb luai. . ob M. Heed, a) eelmau: Mary KL Baekla. rrabr: aad Mary aiUnea, vruwell, beooe, al Hj 1Mb Luat. 1