The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, January 16, 1869, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Fmtollen of City Proitcrty A Brntal
I nek-Bad A BarRlar Ctnred A nn
HtAbt4- Lareemea Attempted Kb-
Jobn Slttlnger dud F.dward Depold were r
rwtled yesterday for lareuy, wtilnti consisted
of their eutliog down trees tin the tjaorge farm,
which wm lately ceded to lh elty of Pntladel
nbla as an addition to Falrmonnt Parte. Alder
man Maule beld tbem for their appearance at
"i.rwiUl(kn Meftarsen, living on O ask 111 a tract,
below t hird, wan before Alderman Moore tutu
aiornlDK on tde rattier serious charge of at
.uniting bla Wife, wbo, a few days since, -rave
hlrlh to a erjld. He was commuted tor trial.
James ahetipaxd was arreted at Rising Sun
venlerday by Policeman Leyrer. II seams thai
he entered a tavern at that place on Thursday
nlaht rooH money fromt.hedrHwer.and walked
oil wBtti two demijohns of wblsky. Alderman
flood tent him to prison.
-Andrew Cain, a', 2 o'clook this morning,
an-libed Jntiu AUOniuKilrtn, In a tavern ou
Itodfnrd above Hnvenlh sirt. Lieutenant
KTilth found McGraueKin Hilling on a door
!r in K.iabth a' reel amove H mlb, sutlerlng in.
Tine nlu. Tlie wounded tuau wan In sea t
h, ii.,.nital.and Cain was sulMex-uenlly taken
lute ndi? BMiaall seat blm
belnV to await the result of lb Injuries of
v . van a Z Srlug LeioVe Alderman TUterm try,
Oiiaiiey Wilson, negro, wan arrested at
Ninth and Routh streets, with ft roll of cjssI
mete under hie jm. He wasnotaftle to satisfy
tue police man as to how he bad oot.ninert It,
and AldeiruHn Tltlermary sent him liolow. An
owner in wanted al the Heoond OUi riot Htt Ion
for tue clot b. The ptlsoner was arrosiui at fl
o'clock this morning.
William Ryan. George Hmltli. Jnes
Rlle-7 and George White yesterday were over
haulfd on a veHbel lying at Green street wbatf,
.... -,rr otatteiuDted robbery. Tbey were
nraeed at the time in prying oU the lock of
ttteeubln. Policeman Brown secured them and
marobed tbem lotbe Seventh Dim riot, Ht ion,
wrrere they had a bearing before AlderuiAu
Poland, wbu bem inm to Himwwr,
Tn Fire on CnESNur Struct Onb Body
llti'LVruilt-Tnit W ai.i.sBkinoHhokkd Ul.
'J'blH morning there was tbe usual pressure of
Visitors in tbe immediate vioinuy oi tun rums
of tbe fire at Oald well's and Howell's stores, at
JKlnlb and Chesnut streets, and the policemen
were kept bUHy in keeping Ibe throng from
getting too close to t be bulldiDgfl.
A large force of workmen were engaged this
tmomlntr, under the eutrlntendeno of Mr,
mrulbem, tbe arcnlteul, In maklDg tbe pre
liminary arrangements for biiorluu up Hie
Wullon XNIDVO hl teei. auiruii(U iu nuiuiueni
dnger, H Is ibougbt the wall oau be pteveuleJ
from tailing. ,,,.,
Tti Mayor has Use l an order cloKlng Nlntb
n'rel, belweeu uuihdiii. ana miuioiu a rutui.
A .u.iuil f uulicouitiU will oe ir Heut tbroiixU-
oot io-dnyauU to- u.rrjw, to prevent people
from going lino aaiiMur. ana w prereoi Luein
from interterlDB wlin workmen ent,aiod in
h.irtnir nn t lie eaHtern wall of HowuII'h build
log. Thin order will necehsliat.e lUe JumplUK of
thecarsof tbe union line ai 'uui ursumu
olber street south of It, to iilgbtli street, and
then to Market sireet. by wbion tlioroujj&Ure
tbey will again reuoU Ninth street.
Workmen yecterday afiernoon, while dig
King among tbe ruins In Caldwell' s'ore, ovnu
acrosH the charred trunk of one of tlio untortu
nxle men who were unable to get from the
buildliig on tbe night of the lire. Its condi
tio" In hiichthatH cannot be IdLiitifled. Tbe
remulns of the other man have nol yet baen
found. Xhe atts iu the store wete all secured,
and nme of Hum exhibit any signs of having
been tampertd with.
Fire Marshal blacltbuin Is still engaged In
InvebtlgallDg the cattae of the tire. Yesterday
be had the head of the holier whiou was allege 1
to have exploded nncovoied. and U Dimeuted
no evitienoes of having blown np. Further In
vestigations by the Hie MHrnhul miy develop
tbe origin of the exploslous wuiob wore so dls
tluutly bemd by peonle for same dlstauoa from
tbe placa " ,
BomanyerroncouH statements have appeared
In llie press regHrdicg tue recent coutl igration,
that we give tbe t)llo. li'K fants. to oorreut them:
TeltiDrauceou tbe building owned by Mr.
Benjamin Orne. sod nccnpied by Uessrs. J. K. &
JS. a. Ome, was tfiinnr Tbe stock of this firm
was ictuied fbr it6.000. Adsiy or so prior to
tbe fire, they hal oonoiuded taktngan Inven ory
of their goods, and then ascertained thai tbe
valuation of their stock was equal to tue full
amount of it eir inurauoe. We have no douot
but what this enterprising nrrti will, lu a short
time, be fully uuder'way, audenj.ty again the
treat pull on age wblcb l.ney bo well deserved.
We are pleased to make publlo mention of
the maguantmous conduct of Mr. J, X. Bailey,
of tbe tlrm of Bailey & Uo., extensive and well
known jewellers, now located al Twelfth and
Cbesnni streets. This gentleman, upon bear
ing of tbe disastrous tire and the losssustalned
by Caldwell & Co., immediately tendered tbem
lb use of tbe marble building No. 819 Cbesnut
street, free of all charge. In which to place their
stock. This generous aot does bonor to tbe firm
ot Bailey A Uo., wnoee quick progress, like mat
of Old well A Co., bas bceu wale bod wltb
interest by all onr oltisens.
InrsRBSTina Ssrmons to Yoca Mes. At
tbe request of tbe Young Men's UbrUMaa Asso
ciation, Rev. Henry M. Storrs, of Urooklyu,
will preaob a sermon especially to yonng men.
al tbe Central Presbyterian Church, corner of
Hlgbth and Cherry alreets, to-morrow after
noon at 814 o'clook,
Kev. Peter Hiryker, D. D..W111 preach to young
men to-morrow (baobalb) evening, at 1
o'clock, at tbe North Broad Btreet Presoyterlau
Church, at the corner of Broad and Green
streets. At both ot tbeae services seals wi 11 be
reserved fr young men.
liev. D, C Eddy, D. 1)., of Boston, will preaob
"A Bermon without a Text." to-morrow even
ing, before tbe Young People's Association of
tbe Tabernacle Baptist Obnrch.
Falsa Pbktxrses. Before Reoorder GIvIn a
man named August Nern bas been beld to ball
to answer the charge of obtaining goods upon
falsa pretenses. It seems ibat tae defendant
was employed by one Oitenbelmer, wbo oar
ried on tbe tanning business. Tbe place they
occupied was not very convenient, and oonse
qoeMly Nern found a better, aud rented it in
bis own name, but did not Inform Oitenbelmer
of this faot. ibe gcods of tbe latter were re
moved to I he new plaoe. and then be wan
eieotfd. tbe defendant retaining possession of
the goods, Of ooarse Oitenbelmer entered suit,
nd bad him beld to answer.
Thb Akkivbbbabt op tub Sabbath Sohooi.s
oflbeWtst Arch Htreet PresbyterUn Church
will be beld In tbe cburob.Kigbteentband Arch
streets, to-morrow afternoon at a quarter-past
o'clock. In addition to the beautiful songs of
the cbldreu He v. Dr. Newton, of tbe Cburon of
the Epiphany; Rev. HerrloK Johnson, or the
Washington Uquare Presbyterian Church; Rev.
Alfred Taylor, Rev. A. A. Wllllts, and Governor
Politick will participate In the exercises. From
the well-known character of tbe speakers we
have no doubt the anniversary will be an ocoa
Hon of rare interest and profit..
Falb op Kbal Estatb ahd Btockb.
Thomas & Bona will sell on Tuesday next, at
tbe Kxchaoite, tbe valuable store, norlhwe-t
coiner of K gbtb and Cherry.streets; day lot. l'J
acres; residence, No. 118 N. Nineteenth street,
brewery oud fixtures, southeast oorner of Ann
and kuuetnout streets, aud several small dweli
g. valuable stocks, etc. Bee their catalogues.
Dbowbid Mab. Yesterday morning the
body of Philip Uuderman was found floating In
the Delaware at Coates streei wharf. He was
aged tweuty Ave years, aud lived on Coates
street. Coroner Daulels took charge of tbe
AppfiniTMBBTS. Mayor
Pox an-
nonnced yesterday the following appointments:
TKeant Third dtsinoi r ruui rui
?n, same distrlot Joseph OH Ilea, Thomas b,
'aiun, John P. Ford, Bryan Fealy, and James
Tobkib Brotbbiu & Co., No. 808 Chesntit
?If?llhvJust reoelved copies of the follow
i"? ;S',tneB;-37i OaUix,), AUunliO MoiUldy,
&3tfA!ZEm' We. we MUu
n... ainui etxtnan veara. was
la7eu into custy this moVnlng. wHU a Wnf
wanned clot I iliR In tils pMaesslon. al From and
h "utb St?e" W. itema utif.ble to give any aeuonni
It... hitiwt A r A WHM ltlTTKtHl U II it U 1
Tbe rtnrii (lomlell.
ebtBlJVd frV. "rVle wlih. a Jury h.vlug bee
- waiopentxl by Mr. Hri fiw the Cim
"wcaltau who iia that h prnooaei to prove
at the ptlsonsr bot lhediMu.(l mrtlT boni
the latlw Vkd iropoinMlthritiorfor the !
Sw, prisoner being luvmlwr of ths yraakiio
Ti in unnrnlPf the rvtrn'oatlon ol the Ootnmon
w Hi's wttr,R was renamed.
1tiomnt. Mroniey sworn I know the prisoner
and Ilia tivfirskudi on tlie n'ght or ib shootin I wm
st tlie nmlMi, o;irnr nl llilrd and Mimron. who
pynols and Mnlvtnuy; I saw Holt, Pollock. Kpeht,
an tha two Hurni ro out Into Monro "rest, nar
Koort'i; about a miarn-r ef an now law I nejrd
ahootlnr op towarsa Kourih itrli I went op tie
lower aide i f Mimroeatniet lo Fourth' who I got
naai-iy up o Ktmrih lroet, I niet Holt talkloc to
some wtimi-n: there wait a man wlto llgbtolo ties
mud ng towards llm liona, but I 01(1 n;t
hliu. a 1 wan koIiik by if on tliraw np hit hand aiil tlie pii.ri'i.luii tbt lie bad lielpan to put two
out el lha road; I tlien went to fourth street
and lonnil cut mat i:tirls. Unrna was slioli 1 helped
to rarry bltii dowo lo ilia hmie house.
John aialniiev swnrn, wo. w In oomnany wltlt
llroiney u lliU nlsbi. corroborated that wunMs'
AlBry'VaVraworB-At tha tlma of ths shooting I
livd at N-. Jt Monroe -ir- et. I rmntuUr lha niKbt
Chiiaiophrr aud Kdtmnl lnrn wern ai3l: I w
atanalua on the pnvemi'itiifir nay own door) my at
tentam win aurant-rt Uf the report of pistol abuts; I
wenlupilRl'tawavaniltawlwoor three man walk
tor down.oue liavicg oih'oI In hit band: tbav came
titwnn'i tbea tith aide; I ft d not kBOW either of
tlims i went to wliere thu first dead body lay: I did
notree thobolt uf ft.rtstopher Burns untlt 11 was
n k. - a I ia wwtti hiss van a vaaejittrnaBV.
le'tig crr ea lothe ho.w House,
Ma' llda burton wrrn-I live at No. ,U Stanley
Blreet; mi lh-n'tiht, nf ttna ocniirrence I narn ono
sli d tlrpil In t rnldrtle. f Konrtb atreet; I lhnwi.t
to iheroiD-r of Fourth. mret and saw thre m.ire
Hreo hj a man standtnc uo me car trai-ii
itmiiar P.uriis foil oo tlif o vem'Bt, and they said he
waNBt.oi: 1 took hid or irm.
atcitt-' of IJeraM Kwlost.
Here Judc-s lMrne ntid Brewdter came InW conrt,
ai"i hr tiiul t ilo.t i smpendoil In o-der to dis
poseof ihei ASH ot K.aion. coolcied of mitr
0 t In Hid H.nde-r-.-. la taking the lite of Tpno by
lltdisu. Tlit iu iirmvf r-oled the motUins tor new
trial a-d In arrest o' Jmloient. hh Honor Judga
Pe rre dellvfrlna lit l.-llowlug denlslon:
The CXinitiionweai' h vs. lierald 10 .ton Sur motion
lor a uew triitl and lu a. rest of judgment. Felrca. J,
1 lietla end. in' enuv ored of iunrdr la Ibe lirst
dtcne Atteraorefnt exauilnath n ortherfasons
assiiti ed for a iiew trial, we do not xlod anyiblog la
turn- toJiiFtllT u iu awtiug aside the verdict, i'tie
reasons uii st urged at tue argument of the motion
were the third uud fonrth re.aoos. The third
reanon relates to the occurrences a Biilll
Vaii'a tave-o. It was there that tha difliuulty
betwtcn Hit noil and Tralnnr, In wblcb
took part, lirst hexaii. And evenia rauldly
snrcetdtd earn oihertiuill Haenan was shot. Tuese
.nun, tha ti twli twtl of taton. Traluor, and
Nfllia from bulllvan's tavern; then three men. of
whetu l:at n was una. were Beeu no n up rruu
Mret t towares the t'arpen er Hanae. which ws kept
tir Traluor: tbat tbe 11 lug of plntols was heard la
thai direutlen: tbat afterwards several men
t amenowu Frui e streat to Fifth, and went down
Filth btmet to tpruct; tbat the persons, ani'iog
wtioin were Katon sod Tralnor, Brit went
to Kulllvaa'a laverr, aud rinding it abut,
went in aearvb .f Heeuan to Bmllh'a
latern at tha onpoal e corner, whera lteenau
was, where the difiicintv with Heenau was renewed,
and when Kkion became a principal aolor In the dilti
cnily wliicli rraLlted in a lew minutes In the firlag
nl Hie aliilsl ot thai y wuuudnd lleanan. All
Ibis (cenrred wlitiiu a very abort apace of .Inie.
Tliera evenis ao naln'ally connect ihemiflvi
tilfeiher ami wlin the iniiieuuy at s iiiivsnn ivern.
ill hi to xtJtio lliini wnud leave unexplained tlit
cunee el the diltlcnlty and ihe v-ryfl'niof the fatal
9rriea of acla which renulled in the death of Tiinoiby
'JLe i nrtn ricnon related to the testimony of
FraLcln iun a wbo was nulled on croa-exaai. nation
by ti e Dtftrict A itorney If it wan lila Habit to Hell
llipu r to eriint en men. i be wltneM had teatllied in
bin ezaminailon lo cblrf mat he was barkeeper at
fcuilivaii'a lavtre; that alon, Trulunr. and auovhur
man ciime lu: that they wked lor drl-iks aud be
walled on Iheiu: that t an n bud Dt-en drlaklnir and
he dlionld cll h'm a drunken man at tbat lime, lis
repettitd iu rroari-pxttnuuutloa tnat Katon was
drunk when he so d lnui the Honor, and then
tbe qiieclli n was put wlieh.r It was hi
habit to toll iKiuor to drunken meo. The ubieot
ct t lie iUtatlon a as nut to liq lire lulu tbe geueral
hablicf ibe aiints.1 in an iu ce. bu. luascertuin If
t-lH'h as not hla bull I. wli hemde an excepiiou lu
thin ct He, with a view or tutting the crel iillty of the
witness and a no as topchmg the extent of thpri
koner'a ori nkfnimn. The prlsuoer B eme . to recog
nlxe aud Pluutra'.e the penluency of the quis Ion, for
he aiifitvered. "It a-aa cot my habit to ami liq lor to
arunken men; my bo.-a wan there, and I thongut If he
din not waul lha lliioor nuld It was lurblui touhjeot."
1 ne luotioii i u arreni hi piuguient roiawa t ina
nnmber t-f tales )u ors who were brought into Court
In con nlets ihe iurr alter the regular panel bad bean
eibaoateit, Nliie Jnmra had been obtained fiooa the
tegular paon acc tnreejur ra were wanted to con
pleielhe jury. The act or 2oih of Ad.-II, is.s,
vides ' whenever talfmen are renutred la any of iba
aid couna, tha said sheriff Wiail produce the said
wm el lu tea opt n c-nt,ana irrtns pr-seoce of the
Judges thereof draw ibere'iom Ave names for evey
lallHuian rtquirtd, wh'cb names so drawn shall be
immFai.ieiv noiea nn ins minutes or the u mn.
whereupon a veulresba l be Insaed reauiriug the s-tid
Mheritl tohrlng Uto Conrt any one t f tbe said fire
Poraops to drawn to sore as a tal s J iro . No
luior si ali be telectea or served In any oiuer
Under this act a venire waa Issued to bring It fifty
tales Jurors, which was qua' hen fur irreguiarl-y la
ihe ibejuron. Aneootd venire was liaued
lo bring In niiy tales Jurors, but 'he panel wai ex
LauHied before the Jury wa completed, a third
vei'lra was then taaoea to bring In twenty-five tales
Jurors, and the Jnry wa- completed. Tbe motion for
the arrt-bi of Judgmont proceeds upon the allegation
Ibat this waa Illegal, that but hileen name should
have beeu selected from tbe wheel, aud tbat but
three tales Juiors should have beeo brought Into
Court: bd so apod every suhaeqnaut veilre"uto
many tales lurors abould have beau broucht Into
Court, aa there were lurora needed to eomolate the
Jury, m eoonottbiuk tbat this Is tbe meaning of
The venire facias to the Sheriff atoommon law was
to r el inn only twelve to serte .on tbe petit Jury, bat
an there wou.'d bavs been great Inoouvenlence from
merely auui a oulng tha number lo be aotnally em
plo;eo.aud Ihe full Jury would very seldom be aa
aembled. It seems lo have always been the practice
for tbe BberlfTto return twanly-four on the panel.
On. L,lt , )i-ia; 2 Halx, 2tiS lie might, however, at
ary tims nave returnea more man toat number, for
lha aiainteof Westuiloster. lbs second wblota limit.
the pat't-1 lu olvll cases does i,ot extend to orimUial
procetaings. aei. to, uttr. Aor, oooen. lis,
i he i ale Is the mode by which at common law.
and nnder several of tbe Britlin Btaiuie, If a full Jary
do not appear, or be reduceed below the i amber by
challenge dtath, or otherwise, tbe Judges may, on
me application oi eiiiifr party, comniana tneanerirr
m atiunlut to many suiEcleut cerauus nreteutaa win
complete Ibe number, ami whose names are to be
annexed to lbs panel, Biac Com., si: 1 Chit. Crlm.
Law, is: uio. x. u. 7a. in capital oasea uie tales may
be grantee for a larger uuinbir than the orlglual
process, Id order to prevent the delays whlob may
rlxe from peremptory chailonges. 1 ( Crliu Law,
(!: Hale, lUk
At Mich. lSilenrv VIII. In Mldd . before the Klni a
tales of alzly was granted In ao appeal of felony and
ri hbery between x. j arueo ana i. Apuowen, aoa i.
It lleury VTI1. between Ferou and Aahton, la u ap
peal of rt buery, tbo Hhe liref eurrey returned
tevnty-flve Jurers. it Uwyer. 21, 1 b.
Id Alfred Daubaod'a uaae 10 (Joke 104 b.. It Is said
theieason why a ta'M may bs prayed is that It la la
favorem vltui. aid tbat the dele idau t may deapa'ob
and tree bimnell ol trouble, and tbe qu-aiaon of bis
life, lor (ear i bat h i witnesses should die, etc.
It will be perceived tbat the language of our act
does sot favor the view taken by the dalendaat's
ot uu-l. The act siijb;-" Whenever talesmen are
rt quired." J'y onnietoua daemons audoog-eaia-hlbbed
prsclice, ibene talesmen are somanyonu
pateut per s. nn a ere peoeKBary to complete the Jurv.
Laving re peel to tbe number of peremptory dial
let g-a which may be exercised, and to ins poialhls
diiuualllicatioD of lb Jurora who may beaaun armed.
The a l alto ay thai auch peraoa s brought In Is
"to serve as a tale Juror." That Is. be It to be one ot
so m-uy oompateut persons aa may be naceasary to
oumplete the jury, having reipect to tbe tight of
chattel ge. etc.
It lha view taken by tbe defendant soounel were
tha law. wetks might he conauinad In t b aislnc a
jury. In tbla caae It waa necessary to brluglnUt
Court seventy-five talesmen to secure three Jumrs
EBce-tary lo complete Ihe jury Three days were re
qu red to obtain a Jury. If tbe talesmen wars re
quired to be biougkt In ibree, lw. and one at a time,
an Ibe Dumber oi Jururs required might oted. tb eo
week ungnt have baeu reqoirsd before a Jury could
have been obtained.
The act or iAtb Merih. 1867, directs tbe Jddgett
ot this (Jourt to Hz the nnuiber ot petit Jurors to ba
brougt t in upon a van no or venires to be Issued; and
we tbii'k thatlh's apollM as well to a venlra 'o ba-laaut-d
lobnog lu laiesuiea as to tbe tegular Jurors
oftbsteim, . ...
Tue motions for a new trial and 'n arrest of jadg
ment are ovt-rr tiled. . ...
xar. Hi ep par i iheo movf d tbe Court to enter judg
ment lu.on tbe verdict, T e clerk was tbeu lu
struct ed to ask the pnaoner if he ba't aught to Bay
wl y aeiilencs of deaib aoould not be prououuoad
upon him.
Katon replied "All I have to say Is that I am In
nocert ol ttila charge. Hu help me Uod, I eld not hie
a Mogle shut Ibat Bight."
Judga Pierce then addressed the prlaenar aa follows:
Herald Falun After a carelul and aeltberate trial
whloh nccnpied lb In Court several dars, in which you
were satiated by oounnel wbnae labors In your behalf
wr akliful and InUiilaitsable. eaual to au wblub I
liits ever wlineotted: and by lha verdict of a lurvof
I ynor country, oareiiuiy aua impartially aeientea ao-
tbe bml degree. In having unlawfully, maliciously,
and premedltaledly lasn the llie of Timothy
This derd of blood was committed by yon without
rirovf oation glveo to yon; aud upon an oouaMtn 4
ibenaUly sought by oo; and was executed wi ha
deadly weapon upon an unarmed man. wbo pro
claimed himself to you unarmed; aud who at tbe
lime was humanely endeavoring to aave anotner
from the murderous assault which you ware men
Yeu Bought your vintm at mtdnbrht, and snddsa'y
brought blui face to free wl bdaatu and the solemn
realities of tieruily. My a lemarkaoie oolncMtsnes,
fl providence of flod. yon too, at tha olmn iTJ'
mldblght by llie veroict or wi" "'""J"'
far ta face with your comma doom. Thin daea U id
visit for iranngrewilon and teach na that aawssow
o also shall wa reap. 's"tj
Motions have bean mads and argned by yoor
eonaael before Ihe Court In Bano In arrest of Judg
ment and a new trial, w hlch saotlons have boen over-
"Itod now nothing awalis to bs done by ns bnt opr9-nun-e
Ibe extreme penalty Which tbe law aiUxat to
thecrlma of which you have been convicted. Tbat
penally la deah. Let mo exhort you, If yeu are not
already prepared tot It. wl h all the earnestness of
onewhrwier us a'S but few upon tho earth, and who
rnDst shortly appear before a id to answer for tho
deeds done In the bodv. And although we read that
Ood la angry with the wicked avsry day, yet with
Him there la also pien'eousneas of mercy nlo all
those who through fault and a beany repentance
tarn onto Him. (treat en ha oean your sin and the
trao'greaalona ot your life ihe mercy of Uod la In
tin li. If greater, If yoa will humole younelf before
Hint and wltb a sincere repentanoe sek salvation
through faith In tbe Hsdeeroer ol mankind.
A nd now the sentence of the Conrt and of the law
Is, that ( lerald Kaum tho prlnnner at lha bar, lis taken
hence to Ihe Jail of t he conn ty of I'hl adlphta whence
he came, and thence to tbe placs or execution, ami
that be there be hangsd by ma neck uitl be la
dead, and may WX In als Infinite compassion have
mercy r n your snnl,
mid tbe buzx and hn n that followed thli affecting
crrciuuny tbe prlaoner resumed bis seat.
IlurwdnKor at Holler In i;llrabelh M. J.
Two Men Itillctl Oiitplvlt-trterti I'st
tally Injured.
Tne Newark, N. J., Advertiser of last evening
This morning, a few minutes after 9 o'clock,
Hie boiler in Uextrge Woode's tirusli-bnu llo
iHtilurv at Kllaaoelhoii't exnloUed with a lond
nol.-e, causing the Ucstruoilon of two fratrte
bulldlDga, the iuntattt dealU of two men. and
the aevt-re wounding of aeveral others. Wo iie -t
fuctnrv la situated lit tue ecu ire ot a oiook
bounded. ' by Jhlrat, Clinton, and Ijtviogttnu
strtets, tue bntranco neiug on uiiuton street,
iiv t.tia exnltiKlon the boiler was lifted from
Its tied sud hurled a distance of over iwn linn
tired feet tiroadsitle Into Wlnana & BrolUur's
hHrdwaTH, etove, aud tin store upon the turner
ot Clinton and rnu sireeis on tue uioua kuhvb,
roriunwtclv tlie spuoe ihrnugh whloh ttrismass
r,f iron !1hw was uuocciioicd. Two smtll trees
In its comae wete lorn up and carried alon
with ibe boiler into the ouuuing. uuriatnn
Wolf, is lad In Mr. winans' employ, was en
enKCd In narneKSing llie horse lo Ihe slellvery
we non. He was thrown by the force of tue wind
through tbe busHint-nl wiudow of Mr. Then. VV.
Wlnnus' dwelling house, but marvellously
cHcspcd any injury beyond a few cu'ttonthe
bands lrctn tbe glMKS. The horse waa thrown
down and the wagon Is a complete wreck.
Mr. lierjamin M. Wlnans waa engaged at
work at a tie neb. in the tin shop, rrMjuulng a
ti n in d for John Regan, Ihe oaptain of tne b trge
Wlldtrnea, wbo was siauUlng near ulia. Boiu
of tbe men were instantly killed. Htauley
Miller, In Mr. Winans' employ, waa also at
work In the shop, and was very severity
wounded, so that his lite Is despaired of. His
heed is Injured, tbe blood exuding from tne
ears, and ono of his arms is broken In two
places. Mr. T. W- Bruen, the book-keeper,
narrowly escaped. He waa wriilog near wn-tre
the boiler entered, and was thrown from his
peat uod stunned by ihe concussion. Buyoud a
few btulses he is, however, unbnrl.
Two workmen wereslandlng near the engine
In Woode's factory at tbe lime of the explosion.
One Herman Miller was silling, It Is said, upon
tbe boiler. lie was thrown nearly a hundred
feet and deposited upon the ground, without
inlnry Have a slight scalding, aud was able to
walk awny wltnout ncHlfelunoe. The other,
John Kilter, was partially covered by the
deuila, and Is ncalded severely ubont, the limoa.
Although suffering extremely, it is thought
tbat be will recover.
Asfcoon as the noise occurred, which la de
scribed as like that of an exploding rocket a
dull thud, the hissing of stetm,aud then a
heavy crash, as the boiler entered the building
tbe stieels were fllUnl with men. women, ami
children, and the wildcat, confusion prevailed.
Tbe rear of Winans & Bro.'s establishment
was a mass of debris. Tne boiler, entire, save
a small aperture at one end, lay npou a heap
of battered stoves, demolished tiu-ware. splin
tered boards and broken plastering. Uuder
neath the rnlna were also the dying and tbe
wounded. The bodies were quickly extracted
and taken into an ndjoluing drug store, wtiore
Winans nnd Regan soon expired. Neither were
much disfigured. Winans' body whs removed
to Hie residence of ills brother, Mr. Theodore
H. Winans. who is also his pirtner. The de
ceased was forty-three j eirs of age, and resided
in Mfadow sireet, iOlizabetb, where he leaves
an invalid widow aud ono child. Regan's body
was taken to police headquarters. He lived at
Bergen Point, and the barge of whloh he U
oaptain wos lying at the port taking In coil.
Btanley Miller, who is so severely Injured, re
sldea with his mother lu Crane street, Eliai
betb. Be la abont twenty-two years of age; hU
condition Is considered very precarious.
Tbe apartments over Winans' store were oc
cupied by Mr. Charles H. Nye and family.. Mrs.
ye was about to enter one of thetleeptng
rooma when tne walls of It closed in. compress
ing the air ao forcibly as tolnrow her backinto
tbe dining-room upon the fl tor, but at the
same time saving her life. The furniture Is
damaged, and among the articles destroyed
waa a bureau contalsing a roll of hills amount
iDg to $125. The lo"s to Winans' establishment
is about liOUU. Wooile's loss la not known, but
cannot be very considerable, aa the building
waa a mere shell and the boiler was worthless.
Tbe rnlns of the factory were at one time on
fire, but the flumes were quickly extinguished
by the efficient Are department.
The eause of the explosion, it la affirmed, was
an absence of water in tbe boiler, which waa of
ten horse power. It ia alleged by many who
claim to be acquainted with the fuels, that tbe
boiler waa old and worthless, and that It had
been condemned as unfit for use. II ws, not
withstanding, in charge of a boy twelve or
fourteen years of age, wbo had run it success
fully but hazardously for some lime prevloua to
the accident. An investigation was commenced
at two o'clock this afiernoon, before Dr. Lewis
Bralth. coroner, by whom the decree of the
culpability of the owner will doubtless be de
term In ed.
tbe latest and moat fashionable styles.
Jnst received, a new assortment of very de
alrable patterns.
Monogiums and Initials stamped In color$
Blailonera and K igravers,
91mws8m No. 913 ARCH B.reeU
PAPB aud xCNVfiXOf already stamped, In
boxes, J. i INKXtO,
111 UaawBtm Wo. 021 BPlfN'l OAKDKN Street.
, FUUUlil UTUKhir.
OnRU-Tbe I p'eodld collection of Pslmiuga from
V. Knotdler, in censor t tUonpll ti Co., will be on ex
hibition al the academy of Fine Arts on Wedna-dty,
Su.h Inst. The sale will take place ou me eveuiDsa on
teuruary 1 ano it. i ia
PUBLIC. Piiit,ArKLi'HfA, Jan. 4. JSou
Iion8and discounts Ji ct8,051 02
United H'.Dtts bnnda de
posited with Treasurer
of U. H 5"0,000 00
Ponds on band lilOuUOt)
Keaitsute (productive)... 132 121 10
, . , . 11,611, 175 12
Legal-tender notes, coin,
and certificates 358 1113 00
National Bank nolea iiO tWl 00
Fractional currency aud
stamps 14 412 OS
Premiums 9fiitHI
Due from other bauka 6-17,21 1 7
W7.315 9-i
Expensea and taxes...
6,(J!W Hti
Capital stock fl.OOO.OOOOO
Clrculutiou.. 4l7ot)ti00
iteriwita..... 1.8VIll6S
Profit and loss..
- .....-$2 m 63
1 6 totUtt
The Colored Teople-Thelr Clalmfi
for Suffrage-The Negro
DfpaUh to t4 Associated Pre$.
Wahuinoton, Jan. 1ft,
T1t National Colored Convention
have anotitcd a report nrgtng the organization
of an Eiaul Riphts League. Reeolutiotis were
raesed tuklrjg Congress for an arcendmcnt to th
Conslitution, eo as to put beyond oavll tberlfibt
of every clttxcn to vole, irrcpectlve of raoe,
color or condition, and urging on Coneress tho
necessity of further legislation to redress the
outrage of expclUtig colored memncre from the
CooTpla Legislature, and to restore the rights of
colored people in thnt Bute, A tub committee
lg j rcpuring an address to be la'.d belore ths
American people, and another com nlttee has
been appointed to present the suflhiKe question
before the Congressional Judiciary Committee.
Tlie JViutti Corps).
Nkw Yokk, Jan, 16. A moeling of the 0th
Corps ofljcers, ant! officer of the Buruside expe
dition into North Caroliua, has been called by
ucut ral ButtiBido to meet 10 New York city,
February 8 neit, the anniversary of tbe capture
ol'Eoano'ie Island, for the purpose of forming a
peimaiicnt organization and taking measures
for a gtbcral meeting at an early lay. It is
hoi ed that a fall representation may be present,
aud that all officers proposing to attend wl).
notify the General as early ae possible, to Post
Office box 80S. Definite notice of the hour and
place of meeting will be found In the Now fork
papers of the ecventh and eighth of February.
Latent Marktls by Telegraph.
Kkw York. Jan. 18. Mocks strcn. hmhihi ni
Ruik lalaiirt HeadlDK, !i': t'autou Ctinpany.
B Ji; Jsirie, 8a; Ciieveiana ami eiHibiiri! citut
buia and kurt Wayne, Mlculjcau Central.
117; Mtolilgan Hoathcrn. 9a; New York Onmral,
Ifi ; Illinois Central, mji; Cumberland preferred..
o'. si iriinis t, iw; nuts .u'io', 7; nuns io xtlver,
l;tl!; 6-ltOs. IS62, IUX do, Jk4, ltl)4- A,). W(4, i.K)i
lii l(i; Mobi. Uuuey, 7 per ceuw it;-
cbnnnetin f.ootlnn. n.v.
Nn Ychk. Jan. la Cotton a'ltet hut firm: sal. an r
19(iibltsai S9.54C. i'loiir dull ami rteciiuluc; sales of
xtu Darreis, v neat ami ana aec.ln'uv. i.runrui,
and bi fair demand; nilxtvl Wpi;vn 9i'-'dir,i;.; IlK -
lille Houihcrn !) fofifi; s;i' s of 3,ti 0 liunjttji. tltln
Bi niinal. Beet quiet. Pork b'tv; neiv men. 1Z-7'.
Lard heavy: steam rendeieu JHMfiisTfc. Wt aky uun-i
at tl'i'Kivl i Iree.
TIte New ITork Money Market.
Vor the IHiMt.
"Therateof money to-dsy to th broKera Is 7
per cent, currency Interest. Ttieiaaraet woras
comtortabty at thiMia'e, but there is no decided
superabundance lu the oilerlug from leu.Kr.
The exceptions at six ptr c nt. are made al thu
clwe of the day, when baluuces are ltd wiiu
the iieuleis In loe public fundi and o: hr lc td
1 ii g Htock Exchange lit u over nlcht. The dis
count on eeleel names to meruDuul paper Is 7
per cent, al bank mud ba'd per cenl. ou the
''I he sales t.f cold tr day are at, llli'tl)lM
13(i4 per cent, i'ue pilto is rxa'a'iued wi-u
eon.e flrmnesH by the speculators for the rite,
but It aa diapoeitlou was shown than on yester
day to make further advance, owing to the
easier appearance of exchange.
"Tbe foreign excbatises to-day, on Ihe actual
transactions for Haiurd o's mall, ludiojie no
teal strength In the imirke', and the pronpeel
of att ex pot t of gold coin is less 1 in mediate luan
at the lit ginning of llie week, when credlt-i on
London were settled on the buals of OWolV. t.n
tiO day bills. The transactions lo-day were all
the way irom 109 Per cent., net, to 1U! per
con',, net. The bills of tbe Bankof Uniifortila
and of tbe Asiatic and American Btnk
are reported at the ltst-meuiioauit figure.
Oiher prime bllis litve been done at
1011V? Per cent, and 1U9 less a atxteent.n
brokeiaife. Hhorl sight 1)11 a have been
done al llU'XQilO per cent. Tne course of tti6
exchangee al California, Influenced by the dl
i ect shipments of gold and sliver to C'blna aud
Japan, aud ol wheal and flour to England, has
not. only diminished the Shipments of bullion
lu New York, but baa thrown upon tbla mar
ket, through Ibe various banking agencies, an
ltninei Be amount of London exchange; so that
tbe etft ct upon the exporldemand for gold hero
rs tiuhbiantlally tne same aa though ihe receipts
oi trebhure from Han Fraucltoo hud Incre.tNtxi
Instead of being lessened as compared with for
mer seasons.
"ibe customs duties this week, la gold, wl!)
amount at New Yoi k to nearly two autt a half
million of dollars, whloh la largely a Dove the
average of last January, and tbe increase affords
an emour8glcg sign of a good spring trade in
dry goodaaud general foreign merchandise la
the line of general merchandise, embracing
sugars, coffee, metals, leas, hides, etc., the pre
sent proportion of importation 1 08 per cent, of
the whole lo 32 percent, of foreign ory goods, a
against 58 per cent, and 42 per cent, respec
tively two yeara ago, before the 6 per cent.
Internal tax on domes! io manufactures waa
taken cffln Jnly, 18WJ, and theaddlttoual dutiee
were levied In Matcii, 1K(I7, on wol and the
fabtica of whloh wool and worsted are the com
ponent part.
' The customs received at the Treasury to-day
amount to 9417,000, and the sold interest on Ihe
public debt paid out lo f 377.000,
"In Ibe pnblle funds the additional advance
to-day waa on the old 6 20 of lttod. May and
November interest, aud on the currency d oer
cent, bonds issued to the Paclflrj roads. Toe
latter sold atHHiiti percent. and acorued Interest.
Tue 6 20s ol ltto7. January and July interest,
were steady at 1083-4 per cent., on a good deinaad
at the counters of the principal dealers. Tue
10 40s were a fraction easier, and tbe old 6-20a of
lbtJ2 barely steady. Tbe general market waa
reported firm at the close of buslnesa "
Sons, Auctioneers. Large and vlua lie lot,
bitwery and fixtures, 8. E. corner of Ann aud
Edgemoutaireeta.Tweuty-tlfth ward. Ou Tues
day, Jun. 10. 1869, at J2 o'clock, noon, will be
sold at publlo sale, without reserve, at the
Philadelphia Exchange.
All thai lot of grouud and buUilloiS thereon
erected. In Twenty-fifth ward, btgiuulng at the
suuibeaslwardly corner of Aon and EUeinoul
afreets; tbeiice northeastwardly along the said
KdgemoDt street, 195 feet lo a point iu grouud
lale of Nicbolax Lennle; thence aouineast
wardly by said ground 76 fiet to the point whole
a line drawn pararti-l with, said El,ewnni
street lnterst os aline drawn sou tlieuHiwardiy
at light auklts to said bldgcmeut sueul; ttieucn
sonih-westwardly from point of In eruei loaV3
leet to nnrlbeusierninosi corner of lot lae of
James Uibsnn; llieuco southwestwardiy 107 feet
to northeastwardly sldo of Ann street, and
thence northwestwardly along stid Ano street,
72 leel IU Inches to plee of ix gluuiug. Huuject
to a yearly grouud rent of lbu.
Ou Ihe above lot is a Ihree-story brick bnlld
lug occupied as a brewery, with nxtutts apper
alultig lo the business; also, the walls of a
latge building recently burned. And, also, lot
(adjoining ihe auove) composed of contiguous
lo'aon loutbeast side of Ann street, beiweuu
Salmon and E"gemont atieets; containing It.
front on Ann strcel U0 feelfeaoh lot 24 leet !)
inches), ami iu depth not theualward-y 107 tent.
Tei ma 12000 caih. balance on mortgage. (200
to be paid when struck off. Hale absolute).
M- THOMAH iSc HON.H, Atictloueere.
It Now. 139 and Hi . FOURTH Htreet.
Hale. Two well-secured Ground Ren's, eaoh
oil a year. On Tuesday, Jauuary 20. IbfjU, at 11
o'clock, noon, will be sold at jutUlio sale, at ihe
Plilladeiiihla lOxciiange.the foAuwina described
Ground Reuts, vim:
No. 1. Ail llial well-secured grouud rent, 131
a year, ltaalng out of alt that lot of grouud,
situate on tbe west tide of Dorrauoe areet, 15
feel north of Washington avenue, First ward,
14 feet front, SO feet deep. It la secured by a
two-aiory brick dwelling. A polloy of lusu ranee
lor 1300 goea with It.
No. 2. A grouud rent ot I V) a year, luiulbg out
of a lot of ground artj itnluii the above on the
north, of same alae. It ta seeured by a two-story
brick dwelling. A policy of lusuruuoo lor J0J
goes with II.
' M. THOMAH A PONS. Auctioneers,
it Noa. ISO and 141 b. FOUHIU tHroet.
rrrparations for ihe Inauguration
lldll-Tlie Kussian Uhsion
A Fenian Advance.
fJprHttl Despatch U Th ICvenino VtUgrnph.':
Wamuhotow, Jan. lfi. rba committee In
charge of the proposed
Innngrnrattan Ball
re pur.yled to know whether or oot the Ffrjftt;
will reconsider its action aftitinut nllowiog the
use of tbe rotunda. An effort will be made to
have a vote on CragiR's motion to recoosider
eatlyncxt week. Should the Senate pc'elstin
Hsrctutal, it is probable the committee will
rre et a temporary building for the otcasiou.
In any event, the ball will not be abandoned.
ticvernl Tromlnest Fenian
from New York are now here to urge the con
Urination of Jobs Savage, nominated as Consul
to Leeds, England. Owing to Savaffe'i peculiar
relations with the Penlan quettion it is not mip-
pofpd ttit the tlenate will confirm hltn, and,
indeed, ome of ravage's beet friends say hs
does not want the place.
llie Equal Illg-lifn Aaaoetitf Ion,
cctopord ot females, which is to hold a eon
vcutton in this city in a duy or tjo, for thu pur
pone ol Ink mi? measures to secure female euf
fifise. is tlirowing out its lulvaoce guards in the
shape ol memorials addressed to Congress in
favor of the object had iu view. There have
probably been a score of petitions presented in
-the two houses this week, praying for female
SQflrape, which are numerously si!?ued by
females In ail parts of the country, lrjrluding
LtieretU Slot, Mrs. ADthony, Lucy Stone, and
rnai y other ' ahloing lights" araou? the stroui
minded. There ecenQ9 to be no donbtthat Collector
Smytheof New York would be conlrmed lor
Mlnl-tter to Russia,
coold bis friends force his case to a vote. Thone
who oppobc him inleud talking his case to
Beporied by De Haveu A Bro., rfo. 40 . Third sireet
BKTWKEN hoauiik.
Itot'Kch pt se, t fs.t.
lob Keadlna....r1.h. 4T
Ikliti Wis ti. iew.
..III '
I lo.hi '. 4
'!' do,
2 M
II u
d i .7 hi
to.... suwn.
do 6- 47 '&
0O....-iil.tlll 47-.
Nine do
6 sn Penna rt t
tn sh -r A Ooales Si
lt n hU Cant ft - a'.
ti nn l.t Ii V K U It. r5
lu do.......iB st
; u do . An
.(I sli Maiiu Hk HIS
Ithiali Haa K h:)i).17 M
I Ml till St
100 an.......hSU7 81
47 81
.la. Vi
-.4T 1,9
btt). 47
1130.47 ,,h
.......47 B
. .17 ;ni
f iPWiCiiy s. New ....ii n
2nsalhV 6
i"i lo ..Id )t
Ihhu. Pa Rliixt 1.31 s
t sh he- t Del At... H
Wah-aiy llk.... )1
Iro su 1', nuiv K.t Swn 67
KiO dl ........IWU. 17
4t sb Mdl.tlKk......... Sl'
IB do l.s. M
bo do 64 i
l 0 do 57
lll do 2d. 67
8 do ............ 5. .;
11 sb Read K.....irl.. 4;
IH OIlI'OItATED M&IiCIl 27, 182(1.
No. 34
And Mertfiaudise (.eiieral'j, from Loss
Ijj Fire,
lb it (ilj of I'iiiladt Iphiu Oa'y.
Hlatetceijl of tbe Atsets of tr.e Association
Jauuary 1, Ififl, published in conformity with
the provisions of an not of Assembly approved
A trll 6,1842:
Bonds and mortices on tropeuy In
theClty of Fbliadelphia ouly ...1 tin tW M
Orouunltenla " . 17 3)115
Heal KstMte m . 61 Htlt 'ii
0iy Warrants rjt,j ou
Kurclturr and Fixtures of Otriou 4 6itl2H
V H. Keifistered Honda 45 0W0O
Cash on b an d ... .. 4ri wi9 aH
,..t.4(Ki Vitovn
Wat. 11. IlAHIITt-B, bail DKL Sl AAUttVK,
Jobs Cabrow, jEsba Liohti'Oot,
QcoitoE I. Youno, Roibht Sboshaker,
Lfvi y. Coats. M. II. Dickismon,
WM. 11. HA1I1LT0N, President.
AMl'El t?PARHAWK, Vice-President.
IlKlalh3t 8ECRBTA&Y.
tbe newest and heat wanner.
4iUUlo Witn.HA, biatiouer ana Kngrsver,
Ms. 10B3 CUiCttNlI I' Mtrue'.
No. 2G aouth FRONT St root,
12 21uiW8l2t4u
ANUtOL'NIY O PHl'.aUKufttlA.
tsta'eof HICMllY usTEHI.I N(l. deceased.
Tha Auditor aDttnitiied br llie Courlio audit, sat tin.
and i ol.tstlleaeouiilof B'lBIStT BI'KUUNt and
I IRANKMN HTEKli'KU Kxeeutors of Heur
a'trrilna deceuatd, and to report OlaKlbutlua vt
ilia toa'ance in hunts of ill s acvuuniauis wnl
inf.l lha tiartWs lutertated. fur llie uuraosas of his
si nolDloieul. on WKHNKHDAV, III. il'lb dtr u
Isniiarv. A. D. Il"i0 at 4 o'e'nt k V M at the elllce f
ttDWARO ObMoTFtll. K.(. Ho. 137 H. Ut ril
ruael.ln tbsclty ot a'ulladulfuia. UtilUvil'ii
I'mr I'ntlliio; Dccrmlivr 31, ISO.,
Iuieift.1 Jintn invesnuenta 117 WM.s
AuiauliiB iii.uKtuie . . ll.Win
Life I s. etc.. paid. tXl.m H3
TlHVe II ill AH!l an.l l ........ i i,,-
ii'i'"niu itifiiu-ai izaminaliona.
U. If. and Htate Taxee aud Licenses....
He turn riemiiiina and t'olloies can
celled rrlntlrjft. Atlvt itifciog.a'Biionery, eta
Buriiius l'rcrninKis i emined to Insured
and Uiviiu-LdH
!tl 7trai
AJM:jSt ItSrtBT 1. 1S09.
I1K8 m fity of Phlladolpbln Ixan vl
'oi'' o- r ivpi wenty jjoan....,
llKUKOatateof 1't nna. Loan 6s...
SIS ffS 2'.a're f f N;,-"y h 8i....
5.t)liU Bt. Lt.uis On v Bond tL
ti6(i()Clly of I'hllHda. Warrants us
i i.tnu aiu gre iiv Oounty Bonda.,
2A0O0 1'lty ofuarnden N"., J.,xian os
iteaoiDs- ivt'iroad ilouda..,
V!0,0UO United busies ixtan of lssl-."
20.(X,l) West .leistev Ruiimu.i .
VO 710 Lehigh M- ngage Loan of Ttwi
ii muni,, jjoma vatcr iiondaM..,
12,110 Pen ii a. K It. 1st MortKeaeoa
10 01,0 fc t. Louis Coimtv Bonds 7.
lO i no TblladH and Krie K 11. Ot I JSCl3i,ii, :
. - -.. ... . . ... , nuriuoru
Central K. it,, Wyoming
V alicy Canal, and other
'?5fcharsa rmsiD.vlvHnla It7Vlr
yilfchures t!i ru ICxchunge Na-
tloi ul Hank
1112 shares sventu NaU BankT
COO n h ni es is'or i hern fjeu t ral It H
Mi shares t rmu etclal Nat. U'fc
ao shares Frmera' Nat. Bank
Of iteuillnn
22 shares I'on sol tuallon NhU U'it
liaeharea Wllllamsport Water
,, , " y -
.ti Shine CHUKlen Witter ft..
Mortgaitea niwin Hual EiUte......... ':l8.ei0fy
Hem Katateaod tironnd Rents Juiiutn
".oaiis on C)il:iteiHl amply seoorHl.. 112 0(7 4t
I rem nm Notes st f tired ny Follclea... 8J7,lXiJ78
1'ieii.luniH lu baudbof Agehia seonred
by bondu 111741-37
CnUi on hand uud in Bunks 5ia(M
Atciued lnteitst to January 1 afrom
12 025,402 011
The Trniiteea have made a RErtJUN PRE
mlurxis p.ild In IStW on Mutual Poiioles In foroe
January l.lSfiO, to be credited to said Policies
and bave ordertd tbe Dividend of January)
letiO. to be paid la settlement of premium a,
tbey mature.
U0RUE H U ti 9 T.
J 0 H 31 ' S. IT I L 8 0 K.
At OfOce Dnily from 12 to 1 o'eloeU.
JOHN T. RIRl), 8L D. ' uiMitathSt'.
637 Chestnut St.. Cor. of 7th.'
BOCKKBKPINQ In all lu branches, as praellsl In
Ilia nnsliiens tinusra for WxtLSHALJSL
Ketall. Jobnin.. lMPOH.If-Q MajJuAol "
reign Hhlppiua, fouieanv BuecuUita,. JalLtL
bictOonipiiy.audBAlSrHNi ttuaUiess.
FENMAKBHIP-A Kanld. Frea and Eleaaiit Btrla
of alUBiuets Willing, Unsurpassed 7
and Uaidd Ueiuods la use, Btt0"
BCRINKSS PltACTiCES Biaineas Pinna. (tammti.
elal Law, Iitilaciiug Cuuuurlelta, 7T "
tluJ' received at any lima. SeptraM knaUno-
tltcuiars furul.haa on appiloa' loo 1 UtatutSt