TIIE. DAILY EVENING TKLICOIIAPII PIIILADELPniA, SATURDAY,. JANUARY 1G, 18G9. 5 NEW YORKISMS. fVtwi Our Own Vorrt&cmdmt. New York. Jan. in, 18C9. THH HWXDLRRS AND TBR SfflNDLHD. OocMipoAll huuisnlij cuius to roiolre iUcK 4nto two Rrt at clssc', one of which resides In .ftew York and likes to swindle, aud the other of Jwhlch reside out of New York and like to bo swindled. One Is an active part; and the other Is a passive; one a big swindler, and the other, 'for the mo t part, a tribe of small swindler. The bin swindlers tire forerer ditrtliiir. about Iroia ptaoe to plaoe, cbanglng tbelr Dames like signboard in a pantomime, Vauish1n.fr and turn log up at ODMiBpected plucei, like the harlequin pursued by the unsuccessful rlowiu The little swindlers address plaintive notes to the Supsr Inteodcnt of Police, but never Ure to lodge a , formal ctinpliilnt or to Institute u suit. , The people who run theo mviud'.cs arc In league with oueanoth'T. T'j niedicul swlndlis 'the gift swioiile, the dollar otore swindle, the partner advertiscnuent awimllv, th? cuariulc swindle, tie grand concert swindle, are all .conjoined. Tlie pbyticUn whoso souUsof life have nearly run out Is Identical with tuo . cdobrated herb doctrew;tne retired clcry f roau who Is aoxloa to benefit his raej If a tamped envelope be tent him is t ?ln limine t to the Indian the fame o( wnosc liniment has ! extended to the ends ol tde s-irtru But it la the ' men who advertise the great iril? mvIuuVs who , find at once their willing dup.v and partners to , their rami oo the Inhabitant' of alinjst every 1 town aud city In the Union. Tbeic first-class swindler Impose per -on ally In many caee by the plMidor in their physique . and the unexceptionant. urn of their a'.ttrc. They impose, in a bunuess way, by the extent aud magnificence of the olikr ihey eiigage, aud , the quantity of account-books Wgers, circu lars, check-books, and basaif, parapherualla Which they display. They provide themselves With diiectories to every town and city of the Union whioh possccs one, and when they are unable to obtain names they resort to post office lists. They address thrnnds of letter? to individuals whose names are tints choseu bap-hazard, informing each one that the ticket he hoid has drawn such or such a prize. The pa.ties to whom such letters are addressed ii'.ver purchased any ticket, and do not hold any. Esf;n one, however, bi'j poecs that a mtMik': is made, that a letter has reached bint tii'.,Titcd for houi other person. Mid that In due tiuie he will com: Into possesion of the prle eor.rioudlue with the nuuibc'i of the ticket which he is informed he hold. All that he is riu?ted to do is to forward within tcu day the mai of $10, the ' percentape on the prize to which he is entitled' ' and which is variously represented as a gold watch, a Bteinway or Cnicar-riiift ptanja, or a , $200 diumond ring, lly lorrt aidins; the SslO he thus becotni'a a party to the frud. He is ' silently coi niviinr at a chia, and luylu.; claim f to property wUicli he believes om other persoa ! Id entitled to. Thiit be should do o aires us a rather htioiilmtii'g idea of hum:tn nature, but $ perhaps people who have st-u miii-'h of the dark ' sidoof life me prepared to e;ii"i'.:tin Ideas of , that nature At any rate, it ir a fact that three- fourths of the parties to wlio-ii such circulars ' arc addressed will .forward Hie Uf named, and quickly anticipate the at rival v' a prize wuioh they cannot help believiur I" n ally the property of bouie oincr person. Thi is lue reasou why gilt awindlCH are saoh a frantic .ucte.i. There are more, thau two doen in tlui e:itj, aud ot all kinds probably two thousand would be a numoer m-arer Ibe mark. The circular j which lutorMia the party u wi.mn it is ad i dressed that u pilne ban been drattn, likewise I particularly requests him u'itln r to o:ill nor I send for it, and five fis a re won. that the bu-.i- ness of the office is to extensive tbal nulna thi& , rule were adopted the clerk- would be over run with calk rs and unabk to attend to lbs demands ol any. It requests the drawer to expect the delivery of the prize within ten or twelve 6ay; and It is needless w ay that the ""drawer goei ou expedite un'.il expectation ceases to be a virtue, . t The dollar stores are a leer ii'Urloiia braocii ''of the same tuupuidcect innnl. A hit rut some store aud eligible site are scieetcd, and khrlve windows, counters, and cae are packed with -' everything calculated to attract tte eye. Aoove all, "one W.uiued beauiilul jouu lniief,'' who have at ouee a rouged and wo-bcs;oue appear " auee, ate engaged to laseiiiae ic.ilc purchaser ' ' into the delusive b- lief that ai much there citi begot for fl.as anywhere ei.-e for $1". Oa everything thtt is sold at thee, dollax store-t ' you may be sure that the proprietor mace a handsome profit. All theegiiiteribi; pinchbeck article 'ire made lor the oco'iem, and it i . only bumpkins be they city tu-npkius or .country bumpkins who wilt purchase with the expectatiou of gettln; their money' worth. When the gut enterprise W got Hp uukr pre tcueof a charitable purpo e, the willing vic i tinis to whom circulars are M ut lU'.ter ihem selves that by oue little act of di.-honesty they axe doiugr go'id to tbe pour and i iiy. They ''reverse the aohitr.sm, andjborutv the liwry of ' the Devil to serve heaven it.. An advertiaement for a partner a very (re ' ' qaent swindliiitc dodge. A young man i wanted, with a few hnudrtd dollHTa eapua.1, to engage iu an hoiiotahie and liitiaiiv buines. Some smart fool, who has saved a fehunired dollar i out of hla legitimate business, aoc'tr to the I advertisemeiit, and Is half lultia'.ed into the tttysterlcs of ohle gift liKllinr eoneeru, the proprietor of which are the advrrtisers iu question. The lmuu ne numb' i of ktteO: cou tainlug uio lie y are laid belore tm astouUliud eyes, and he ii induced to bel-evc that by In. ,x vesting what he possesses he will In a few mouths reatit'i several thoniand for every hun-'- lred so sunk, lie in vests. The Cxm kuddoufy r collapses, like the dr;am of a dream, and even if he should ever discover U)irh''renboutn, ho di-re not pionecute, kcowic? hiuuelf to have ibee n a partuer in the fraud. Tbe fools that are swindled by mediil .tdver , tisrmouu are ni, perhaps, to much to bm.ne. 11 tbe retired clergyman, or Old Sands ol Life, or tho luJian physician, or the herb doctors aak la a stamped envelope bear!nfr the address s of the party wUuln the so(ciao forwarded. t, Nothing could be cheaper or Mijpler, and tho envelope mil htamp lorwarded. This Is only the first step, however, an 1 In f pile of Madame Dudevaiu'd witlicliui, it Is the second, and every uboqucal :p that are fjun l to "con" ai ; ' well as tli Prat. W'ben tb recipe h forwarded, i n ueb as ?carc. ly any druggist In a small town (:om which n li" to meJicai advertiseii.e.nt.s jirn g'turaily received) can , , voinpoupd. wUJiqv.V cu-iiual'ig -i-uis li conveolenr.f , for the simple reason that he has net the material on band. To tbe reoipe the retired clergyman baa probably attached a few lines to (he effect that if It is impossible to pro cure the articles named la the neighborhood, he will undertake to get the recipe prepared in New York if hla correspondent will forward him from three to five dollars. Very often the money is sent. Twenty thousand answers, each containing trora three to ttvo dollars, may come bark to the retired clergyman if he wotki the matter right. Very often he returns no replies, but sometimes he forwards some simple preparation which cpsts , him from twenty to thirty cents. In all case he n akes a vast sum of money, and when his vic tims rule him out In tbe metropolis, they will find the apartments vacant, or people of a very different description occupying them. New York ia the great emporium for swin dles of this description. They are New York i.ra of the firm water. Nor, in nine Cases out of ten, are the victims to thy gift swindles to bo pitied. For the victim is usually an accessory" in whatever other light he may couslder hicu helf, and dare not pro-ecute Irom the very fear ol i-cU-convietion. All Beat. MUSICAL AM) DKAMATIC. Tl I'lly AMiHoemenft. Attuk Walnut Mr. J. li. Moivmnnuii win aplear as "Old Xom" lu iJutielOHiul'a dtu'iia of AiirrDark this afternoon and eveniuit. AT Til K Akch 'July's drama of .1 P.uih of IsyhtHinir will be glv-n this evening. AT THK 'I H EATKh liOMIUUK Mlhl eltHll Ut- ton una trunM) will apuur lu the operutta of ' Xi" this afiernono and evealug. AT THK Am aiiu.'A n there will bo perfirtu anecs this afternoon and evening. TH rillt.AI)Kl.lIIIA l'HII.HAKMOHIll Ho- rihTV's 1'uat grand concert r the soaion will be given at the Academy of Mualo t hla evening. Bvethoven'B "KeveniU Symphony" nd oilier nrst-oiaNa mnKlo wlil be glveu by an orchestra of alxty-Uve porformeis. Mnd'lle (Untllla Ui'm, the young vloiluUt, and Mr, V. ii. Jrvis, t ie planlVt, will appear. Ticket can u projured by new Milx-crluera at the otll'ie of tile iSncluty, No. llitiCheHUul si rent, and at tue Aoddiuy. I here will b no reserved teatR. Cakt. Sknt.' aud Alarle Haler'K Orchestra will give a performance this aiteruoou at Musi cal Fund Hall. 1)k. J B . Boynton will give a aeries of leo tnrea ou scleniillc subjeeia, eomnienolog on Wednesday evening, J au. 20. Tue loot urea will bo IllOblraied by aiereonoopic views and lute renting experluienta. The aubjoet of the nral iee'urowlll lie "World Making." Tickets for the oonme, 13; single adralRHiou, 50 cents; re served aeais, 73 centa. Tiie opening sale of tickets will commence on Monday next at (iould'a piano rooniN, No. OA! Cnesnul alreet. Okokok 1'"kanci.-( I'rais. Eitq., will lecture at Concert Hall this eveulug, ou the subject of "Train versus John liuli and his Kugllsli Baaille." . . . Mr. Davis B. CAs.-rAY will lecture on the subject ot "True Woruauhood" at Concert Hall on Monday evening. Tlckuts can be proouiad at Tnnnp'er'H, No. lAl Cnenuut street. M is 1'aumnk Buewstkr Hm YTii B will de liver a lecture at the Amateurs' Drawing liiom, evtDteeuth street, above Chesuut. Siluject "An Apical to Women." C 1 TT ITE M S. OVKHCOATS Kedueed to iirlees a follow: Floe all-wool Beaver to... n....H-ou Fine all-wool Chinchilla aud fur Beaver lo IIS 00 Ol the newest and mol s.yllsh malerlsl, cut Mid make, which have been sold at am..l.!5 0o A great variety of all style, upwards from. ...-tS oo kaiin jACVKir., 7 be beat nnxuiluioiH in the olty selllug very low. 1'A.sTALOONb. good style, all-wool itotaiuuire, reduced w...... - V o) VKMT-l'lne all-wool t'attlui're r dms-d t'J.....riiM Hvliwi brM'rn li ksi r H rT 4. Co.. V In.) I I4 i No. 814 Makkkt ST , t'an.Auii.eKi 4, And No aao Kboauwav, isicw Yokk. AlMHtll KAPI.O10M OF A HABBlaOMBUfIl.BAT THK Flat at Ma. CAUUWItl.L'S t TOBIC. In view of erjnib appeared in tbe public prima ef yeUerrtay and Mi-day, I would say tbat Ic baa been proven be ytind any doubt, by careful examination tlilt day, tbat tbe two Harrtaon Roller lyintf Intbaroloiof Mr. Hairlson's alo e sbow uo alyua of rupt iro or xplonlou. They a e now perfectly iutact, with the water at the p'opar level, aud ready for liuuie lUte use. Kvsu outalde of the b-llera aud brlok-worlt the connectljni are all tutao tze.pt a cUit tubo and a auiall ateam pipe avidvutly fractured by la:iinc lluibtire, JoaAi'U HARklNON Jr., Maoul.turer of the Hurrlxm W uier, l'liiUdelpbla, Jainmry li-i P. M. Vik, I'lMK, Kirk Tba Urj clothlne at r of PalDler, Keud A UdreOue, Ku. 3il Cbeiool atfeal, cauthi are a lew aayanince, aud wa Molded y tue water wh'.cli illi:fctt!i!i U 11 of courts the clotblug In tbe place wan prtuy well apoosed, not to any deBiasrd, and now tbe uudHrfrrlter bav atepped in and ordered lu sale at privet no low "aa nerpr wa-i." There's ihs place to get a cheap tiilt. A HAUKlKUtCL'UK It onf of ths most dtatrefcloK aa well as danseroim foriuo of conch one ran be ail! kit I'd with. I la cutuinuoua action fatigue and Irritate the luusa, and thua eugeudere cousuruptlou. Cphatu's Freab Meat Cure will cure the Crtivb, aoutbs the Irritated bronchia, and give lone and vigor to the lunga and whole ayauuu. A slugle bottle will convince any one of Impurity Hold oue dollar per bottle. JuUNetUK, KOLLOWtT A COWbl V, No. w1- Acvu street. iskik IiiHKAsaa What form of doeane it more annoying than that of the aktn, with lln Itching, atlnglug, smarting. Its uly ted plmplee, blotchy eruptluus, and loattuioiue Ichorout des jun ntloui. Happily, llekeira Tetter Oiutmenl Ih aaovsrelgu remedy for every form of aalu Uweane, making a radical cure lu every cuae. Bold 60 cenia per box. Sent by mail for HO cent. J oh union Holloway & Ccwilen. JkWKLav. Mr. William W. casldy, No. 12 south Second street, has the largest and most attractive iteortnieut Of tine eweiry aed silverware n the city rurcbatera can rely upon ob'aiuiug a real, pure arti cje tornUhed at a price which cannot be equalled. Be alio has a large a took of American Western watrliee In all varletlee ard at all price. A visit to bis store Is anre to refult in pleaauro aad piullu MOh'FY LOASJiD In Minn from oue dollar to thousftiidi, 00 Dlamomta, biiver Ware. Watches, Jewelry, Clothlug, Iry Ojoda, eld at BitTtrw'K Loan OHlce, NortbeaHt corue.r Flftventb and Marlret atreate. Froti A. V. 1N H, Ku. Ku, j0o Cbeennt street, ws Lave Just received the latest huaib;is ot J.onttun bocUty and Cornl iU Jlacu-tm la audition to theae ppblicail' na, alt lb otb ra both foreign aad dou.eeiks-can be louod to Mr. WliirU etbl aU-n,ul- CHAKLSi' fcTOK & C.J., Mevhaut Taiiora aud Ciolbb-ra, No. A Clieauul street. 'I he Hai.k ov Kakcy Uoor.a, wbleU was lo have taken pi ce at t-cot' H Art nailery, Ko. losncbetnut Htreet yeht?riloy waa pon'poned until Monday mora lug l;iil, IKil' lt., al it) o'clock. The catalogue em brai!. s tin- U; t;l afcaor'nient of a fancy goorta ators. lUirVT Davis A Oo.'s Piano are unequalled in durability, bf Ulittucy, tone and power. DUUugulabsd plabbti ay they are tbe best. We never ilauned to sny plauo so epobantt'ig 8aovK A liAKaaa Uiguwt freralum ee.vclng HechlriM. No. 7lJ Cbesnal strse. LOST. T G'T-iN TUKSPAY ISVHVINO, ON SIXTH, .Li A i b. KiKhi.en.h or Oail'iwUIH airfels a ti'd nil eve lltiunn. The finder will pieaea Kav It a' the '.L.ci.J HiU1'.'1"a "Hjnulrr,1' U 3 Dims. OAltNRH. o Uis llth last!. Mra. MAHY ANjS CAHNJ.H, In ttaedo'h yvAref br cv -7 The relatlyra and frtomts re reaiwutftilly lavtteffTe Sltond tter tnenrel, rm her Imin residence, Nj. bet 'I homtMon etroet, on Hundar enernooa at 1 o'clock. To proceed lo OUd fellows' Uemetery. HPOI.-ThHmornlo. tbeHib Inslanl. SABA II P. KLiHON, In tae Sntb yer of hnr Tbe reletiTM eod erieua ort i vie of t he fkmlly ere lovlteS le etun1 the funrmi, rrnm her Inie reeidtuce. No. 4H f. benMi "'eei, ue HeoouU-dey arteruiton, the istti laatent, e t e'rtlH;k. t LA1M. on Uie 12tn instant. Mr. JOHKPH T. LAIN. aoeollieryU. and ibe late James It .Lain, aged ka fear. 1'be relatives and frlenrti of the family. Honth wsrk LtMlge, No. let, I. . ol IX V: MOl.ll T He end blreni hire Knglne Coniiitny, No. ifl- HoutarK I(lKe. Mo. IS, K of P.: anil Ibe Kmployes nl the l' obel Iron W orks, are mpnoiiiuly Invited K eitnul tlie funeral, Irom his late rHldnon, No, fiia r rrwl, below Vhertoa end bnloer Hi'venm.on SiininT afternoon all o'clock. To proeeed lo Wbarum dtreei Cburrh Vault. PltlMBCiHK At Hkltlniore, on the teth Instant. MAHY eKlMHubo.. rel.oi ol V. 1'rlntroae, in tberih year of her are. Funeral at Clinton Hirfet Pmbyterlan liburoh, on Monday, tbe ism Insiadl at 2a o'clock P. M. ROHKJIT On Frlay, tbe I5(h innUkni., J INK K, wlfeof holom n W. Jtoierta,nmi dungiiter ol Kllvuou bbannon. In the Hh year ol lier Tbe relatives aud friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mono? afternoon, th isib Ir.itant, illo'iilwk, without fnrtber notlre Irom her huai and'i residence, No. laao H. Itlueubouse rxjuire. To proeeod to Woodlands Cemetery. BNYlRU.-On ths I4tb Instant, KDWAltD SNY it, in tiie :sib year ol his ee. Tbe relict I van and frlenns of lbs family ar rnpc! fnliy Invited to attend the funeral, from his late rnsi fl.DCe. No. 7 WfhI lnliy street, Frank (onl. on S in day rooming, January 17, al 11 o'olock, wli bout lur uier nutlt-e. IiiternieHl atC'eilar lllil eiemeiery. Am ebi c a. N Life Insurance Company, Ot Iliihideliliui. S. 1 Corner l'onrtli ami Vitltiii( Nlrer-ls. Thii JnttiCMUni hat no tiijxtrlorin ilu IZiWd Slattt BlO AGENTS AND SOLICITORS FOB MIT MiSUlSAXCE, ANI AIL PERSONS CONTF.MPI. ATIN INaUft- AC'1C. WILL DO W Lb TO 8 K Mr. 11. H. U1LS0, at the Office of the PEUK MUTUAL LIFE INSUKAXCK C0MIMNY, Xo. 121 IIi:SXUT Mrrvl, llHhtu'li If I'ltfl.ADKI.l'lll A FINANCIAL. LEHIGH VALLE Y III.. MORTGAGE BONDS. We offer Tor sale a Umitel amouutol iiif FlIiST-CJLASS ii N ar NINETY, AnJ a eel lied lutcrest Irom OpooiiiImt 1. Tlie bonds are In aiaouuta of $1000, Kltlior Keplstered or Coupou, at theoptiou ot tue j.iuciiHhDi, auu uoar lutorout at six run ceat., Free from all Uovcrniuoul and Stale Taxes, The Mortgage under wUlcti tUeso llomis art ihbiieu is lor HVK MILLIONS OF U0LL4KS, Upon a properly cost Intf over TWKMY MILLION'S OF BOLIAKh, Tlie gross leceipta upon wlilcli for the year par. win over FOUR MlLLlOJi DOLLARS. We oxter thexe iiouds as In every respect A FllKT-CLASS SLCUltlTl, Anrl will receive in payment for them Uultci isuttes. 8tate, City, or other MarKetaOle Beeurlties, allowlnif the lull market price. DREXEL & CO., Ko. 3i 8. THIRD Street. WW. H. 11 OLD SOS & AEKFSO tarucr WALSUT anil DOCK St,., liiilmrp rillLADKLTtflA. Q E C V K 1 T Y PR O M LOSS KOUBKKY. J I UK. OR At'ClUK.VT, ' li DA r K l-AfOeJT ( ui I'A N V , lu riif-ptoor Ilulltling. tin J1 1'HKlM' i' e're WITH UAl'Ll'Atj CF 1 e,o1, VVLL rll, receives for aaie keeping, under Eiiaraniee. tViyuM BUf. l. Bh.. 1 MTii.-i, ITAUlbT PL Al t. tUlA, 1)1.1 AIVU Vtl.JAfiLili Oi KVi!KV KSCKIl'fiilN. Also, KKS1 halt'!. IN BUKUC.r.-PK031' tAUlila, il -u to to a yi ar, record ig m v. 8. it. BKJW.Na, 1'rt.iii nt. Itotn KT PATTKKhiiM Treasurer, li.it WINES, ETC. EKlNiiST JRKOY S: 0O. CHAMPAGNE, CAUTfi ULAXCHE iiiul SPKCIAL Juct Keeolu'ti anil Tor Sale at the AueutN l'rke. The Wlnea from this lnu-e, no f&vurnb'v knowuiu Kogland, ate fruity aud gciier iiw They neau out a trial to piaso tueui ou uu equality with the finest Chaiupatfuo here. mm COLTON CURKE, S Ws tarucr BROAD and WALXUT SlsM 1 5 talis PHILADELPHIA. COAL. jyiLLIAM V. ALTER. LKIIIQII COAL, Also, Lorberrj and Locubt Mouutniu. Dfliot, -No. 57 Kortli MNT1I Street. Below Olrard Avenue. UStptf I) Tito, Cor. SI XI II and SFKISU UACUEX O.tlCE AUT1CLK8 FOB nOLIDAYS.-AT w lb uiiuu yurulhiilng bt..re. tin. M N. blXl'U "ireet biluw A uh. may ne fouud a aitnerb assort ment nl k'aicr ncarls. Neckties, moves, 11 ami a er- H'eu, jiosierr. etc.. which ar oHered al very low r. ivn;ni,iui B.AYKK. toe proprietor, Bar , ...n n in n,B neiei iuiii o' ni stoea. Also. Itls lijiDruvM kii(.iiIiImv hi,knt iM.t.u4rn Rhlrl which hk Klvto nuon uulvwwl aavldlaotloa, out b WORKS OF ART. C. PELttAN'G NEW AIIT GALLERY aro LOOKIMx (;LASS WAltLUOOH, o. 0:S C IT.I.OU'IIIM. 8(rc3(. FllL'MH Fl ATF. L4SS MANTEL AND PIER MIHRORsS, In Fine Uold, Fiowwood, and t'arrctl ?Tl nut Frames r Best Material and Workmanship. Mew Falte nw. OIL FA1MISUH, CHK0X03, LMJRAVLyS LIU, or my owu 1m Ki t allon, now open for exhlhl- tlou and aala. 1 lit a. pkTjMan. EUGENE VEKDOECKIIOVEN'ri GREAT WORK OF ART, Fmntly Imported bj A. D'HiiTtettor. Esq. of Antwerp, Now on Exhibition, Free, ar CI. TELMAN-S NEW ART GALLERY, o. Vi ( VLLOHUILL St., l-T FUtLADKLl'HtA, CHURCHY W E W "HIACAR A' Hla Isat iniportaot F ctats, and tbs beat aad saoal toiupretei slve vies; of tbe a HEAT F A L L, On Lxhibiliou for a Short Time. Admission, 25 Cents. CARLES GALLERIES AAD 1U0K1MJ LASS WAIIKLO0.S Ko. CIO CHESNUT Street, 12 SI il'Htu.SiDbp fHILADKLPHIA. WANTS. A (i H NTS W A N T K D! A I'.OoH Of UKKRAL I.N rUKIS iV TJ At.L KJCCOM.KOriOH OK A KUST MFK, 1IY JIOKAUN UBKhibKY. In oue elrcsut octavo volume of over 600 pagBS. MMiMraieo wub an ailonlrabe pir-rall on alrel or Mr. l.rteley, and a be.uiKul porirait of Margaret fruiter. Mr. ureelev aays; "I (ball never write anything e.se Into wblcii I aball put so muub ol uiyxlf. tat expulencea, uotlons, oonvlciloiis, and modes O' ibuubt, at tbeae Rrmllrcliont, I give, Willi aaiall rvfcerve, my mental blslory." Tbe book embrace viewa of ear.y New fiogiana settleraenl. the au hor's own y oti'luillfe, educatlou, spnrenticesblp, advea tuie, professional and pollilcal remia'aoenoea, expe rience la Congress, newspaper lif ia New York, aad uiucb uselnl talk about farms and farming. It is a look behind tbescenei during au iiuportaol period el tlie country's history. Apply lor terms to CHARLES f. QKKKN A OO . 1 lHiilhl No. itsOtlK&yUTBt., j-bilade pkia. AGENTS WANTED FOB ZLLL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA. 'OVK NTJMBEK'8 READY. PRICK 10 O IB. KACU. TbePbiladslphla"Iloletln"aays It is tbe NOHLKriT I.H KKAKY TJNI)KltTAKI ever ven-.nred upou In this country. Tte Teietraph" aaya It la the CHEAPEST and mOKtCOalFLKTiC KNCYcr.OPKDIA lu the world. The ''frees" says It la WKLL WKITT SIS. WELL KDli'KD, WEol, fitlNlEO, AND NKATLT llv LCdlUAl Ku. T.EwOtKEI,l-, 1 1 a'.utblm 1Mb later, fhiladelpola. WANTED T0 KEN T On or betors th. l&th of March, A MODERATE bIZKD H0C8K man contain all the modern conve nience.!, and be In good order, for which a good rent will b paid, and tue beat otcare taken of It. property with OOaCH KOUvB attached r re fern d altnaiefl between TKN tH and XWJtN I'lBl'U and CBLHMJT and V1NK Htreets. Address P. U. Uox U, Philadelphia, elating teims aud altoatlon IHI WANTKD A PARTNER WITH f 15,000 csau capital to take the Interest or a retiring partner In a well-etb'ishedmaniiiucturlng bualneas. iMl. ra la band. Address il. W. ,C., Xelograpb oilioe, 1 " ANTED AN OWNER FOR SOME LEAD Pi Pi;, and miA'wsnijh his. s.jpposea to be Sl Itu, APi'iyat,wo ihi taiiwiyuiiij an,. n PIANOS. KTEIKWAY & HONS' OR AND ii e K 1 1 square aud uprlg ft square aud upright Plauca, alBLArllUU UUU4.' No. li CHKSNU f ntreeu uu C?T1 (' II I O K E K I N G ud, niuare ana Cpright ri&Ausi DUTTCiN'B, Ko ftliCHluSNUl'Hireet Il Kit ft STWK A VO.'A & IIAIMlS bUOS . I (j I P1ANU i'Oitl KH. Mi MAhON HAMLIN'S CABINET AND WiL'l KOl'Ol.UAN OUUANU, with trie new sua lii'suil'iii Xt) HUMANA. t.viiy ludiicemeul oll-ied le purchasers J. K. (lOULD, 12 I tuiliS sm No. m CUKMN LIT Htreet. LARZLLERE & QUCHEY, C'lihioui House Broken ami Notaries Public, No. 403 LIDRARY Street. All Custom House Business transacteda PASSPORTS PROCURED. F A FN ESS. E V K RY INSTRUMENT THAT Jut solen fearing H tors: also, olenos ana skill have Inveuted to asalsuths m every owree ol aeatnusa; also, Kenpira. Iso, Urandall'i Patent (lrnti;hea. snnertnr to any omen in one, at r. MAtiavIUA H. No. us e) UNDERWRITERS' SAAE. FINE BEAD Y-M ABE CLOTHING, Slightly Damaged by Water. Stock ..-to be closed out immediately. PAINTER, READ & ELDREDGE, Ko. 321 CHESNUT Street, I IS Mp ff-tr BARGAINS IN ptf BARQAIN8 IN BARGAINS IN .jnr BARGAINS IN pT BARGAINS IN pff BARGAINS IN r BARGAINS IN A CARD. Prices of everything rsdnoed alnoj the appraUemeut of stock, of Man's and Boys' Suite and OVfiRCOATS BtUl wry good. WANAMAKB1 & BROWN, WANAMAKBi & BROWN, TUB LARGEST CLOTHING UOU3K, OAK HALL, THS CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARtKT STRiiKTS. DRY GOODS. ("J 01 TON GOODS DEPARTMENT. I S1RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CEMllAX BUY ST0KK, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. We shall continue to maintain and Inoreaia the re. puiailou ws have sustained af being tbe largest aud Cheapest Muslin House IN THK C1TV. Receiving oar snpplles from first hands only, we ahali hertaaersell all JIubliu9 bj the Piece at tlie Uegular Whole sale Prices. TlllKTY-riVE CASES AM) II ALUS MUSLINS. Comprising all ths leading brands and wldtiu of PILLOW IMIiail.INN. wiiii; siireiijius, lBtKtslltZk.TtMUH, w.tnsum, A II I.IA1TI1VII I.K, KliW UU. Is Mil. Ut, A It Is i KIHIIT, toitK.ru ai.. FBI7IT TUK LUOJI, Our constaut aim will be to wake the lowest prirca la the market. Gwod yard-wide ShirlluK 12L, ceuti. Vard-wlde Uubleacned -dunin, ri' cents, yards wide Onblua-uuil bheetiugt, it) ciiali. House Furnishing Linens IN LAKOK A-t-OKTMKNT. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. 18G9-C03iPFnxi0N pkices ! ! Ur TOWN LK 'll T FX PEN Sf S I ! OUR CUSTOMERS THE UAINKUS!! Goods delivered in al. iar e of tbs city carefully and free of charge. MUSLLNS! MUSLINS I Thornley's Popular Corner. We have laid la a superior a lock of MUSLINS, Bleached and Unbleached, all widths and qualities, and are prepared to snpply tbe thousands of oar Philadelphia honnekeepera on the very best terms. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY, . Es Cor. E1U11TU aud srUINti UAltDO. N. B, Yoa can rids to our door. It will pay to come. ltlmrp DIlSa 800DB AND 8 U A WLS oloslng oat low. TXTRA NOTICE. JOHN W. THOMAS, Noa. 405 and 107 N. SECOND SL, IiiTites especial atteutlon to his LABttE aud ELEUASiT assorlmcut of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS SUITABLE FOB 11 7 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The Entire Stock Is Offered at tbe Very LOWEST TRICES. QL0AK &. DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. HON, 4 SO, 439) AND 43 1 K.SECOSDStTItBliTi We are now producing; LADlEb', SUITS; Made lu tho best atylos of arjl'EUIOH ULACK VKLVKl UKNii, t $18, 18, . und VM. H 18 21 PrTILAOaLPRIl CLOTIIINCI. CLOTHING. CLOTHING CLOTHING. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. Ttta atjortaasat DRY GOODS. LfitENCH merinoes, 62 cEt,i il Jitovnt, luvn (Jnrnt. Mode, etc. 75c. norm's, i tc , ixtrafiw. l. , IVOl'KR A roXAItn, " I rerner X J A1 1 HA- MAKKKl ttlr,,. C V- N r WOOL POPLINS lm ihh Fuiil rtiiuntt Jrtnn M rrntt. mcn.l fopiinn, titdiriU from )l, $1 J1jf(Uit, rtiltieftlfmm Z) cinf ft 5. tali, rtductiunt on mir J)rrt dotxit. .. (iK)J'KK fc VO.VAKn. A h rm n-r NINTH ii MAHKKV ftmti, A-TOUKNINO PRKHS OOOIM JSVA. lltiirt; IVinir Olttmntm, Jl'lsl1, tip, Jtlvri: II txit fViri.i.f, Hie ip Mark Alohuir A Ipum, 5r v;. . Work f'n it"h ,! rintt 7 r. up ( uck H'cot Intuitu a. :t c ui COOJ fi.lt ,t ff.V.I, -S. t. fot urr &'lTJi and M AI!.Whr rnVt, OMAN b C A U p ri Jk.muh Tut oil wtilth, Z$r to $IM. ' .K Iff. iill T Iffl IIMU I 74rtYt'f, ill i I'tr hmuUomr Brwhf fwln svuuzen Milka, H.U::.t wut hinutl'-lini. , ., , W'U'EH :t,AK, tV, A, coitifr AViVj uul MAllKATgimti. OILK VELVET S A 0 Q U K . fAi'Milk IVnri 6 (., Moivp A(miira clitt.p JUoJIJ. $1 heavy liti'i'' H tHtlai Lmti iSM'ots, VOOI'KK .t L'tYAXn, I 7 ,'soi; S K enmrr KIXTII ami it A Sh y'ttw-tvj. jpOPL'LAK .'Ulcus FOR UR . (,0003. KM KEY, Silt Alt P A CO., " Ne. 727 IIi:"3sli r Mrret. Wll.KH. ViLl.VK.1H. VUVM JitfNM. Iliil-H I'OPI.INS. i'ltRMH P.'I'USl siMv IDl'i.INS. wool. I'Or'LlNd. PlAlD Pol-LIMS USANUKlULl. POfLINH, l)r ba (ioooa at 2' cents . iirtsa Hoods at DO c-ms. iireHS Good at 81. com. i)rta Hcoda at 4U cents. J'resit Goofs at M c. uia. lrer-B UonOa a b'iL4 C'lila. lireis Uuoca al ',0 ff-uie. Urwa Uoods. fl lo U BLANK KID. ILASNKL-. Ciotlis ami (.'assloiers". Paris I-B BPlieblclr.s BaLM'THAL' ttl.KACIIKU Mt'bl.INt). LINKrH KICK. 3.Y, DHAKP t CO" KlUHl'.V, .iHAIll' Ot UO RICH KY, bH 4 HP A (J UIUKUY, hlUhf A CO blCKKY. 811 VKP lt CJ HK KKY, nliaKl dt Vii ItICKa.Y, WUKP A i. KIUKhY, HUtRPAU) Kll KKV, HhAkP fc CO KICKKY. S11AKP iSi OO" KICKY, HHAAP dt CO' iiK KKy. r-H.Hf m CO KICK S'Y, MKAltPik KICK KY, H1UKP A O all'KKY. tell IKC Ot CO Kll'KKY, NUAKP A CO K1CKKY, bMAitf Jt CO JtiCKKY, sHAKP A CO KIOKKY. HHiRP A CO KU'KKV, SHAKP A. CO KiCKKV. SHARP A. JCO IlICKBV, SHAKP A CO. RICKKY, SHARP dk CO. flt' KfciY. SHARP A CO. KICK ICY. SHARP dk CO W1UTK 1M)I)H l'oimlar pries lor Dry Goods br tbe yard, oieoe. or psckags. KICKt'.Y, SHARP A CO., 1 2a ruwalrp ' No. ;27 CHKHNUT Street. liRENCH MUSLIN FOR KvVtflNii 1 ' tltriK4 We Invi e specie, attention to a lot of 84 wide I enci Husllu, btauiiful linisn. at fl per yaid. r by the dress pattern, two yards wide. imitE lAHiKTA roa kvkmhu 1IHK HKM, at lf. at . at 8, at 1 1", at 2 piece, contaleluc ts'i yarda, two yarcs wie; or by tbe yard, under regular prices. 1 1-4 WHITE HILK ILLVNIOM, menmncg about 2'j yaros wide, Una ajtallty, oal 9S r.eniK nrard, In prfetoroer wiiiib luiTON Mf:rnu wet, nearly yaid a Ide very line and sneer, nlonly ilremed, at 04 reels per yard; fc;l,c by the piece; fr (a toy pur tiosts prelerabie to slik Illusion PLA1U XAIMMOOH on hiinil. A laiae lot of Job Uoeds, by tb yarlor piece, n.iieh belter Di.d usual for tbe prlo. lI4tJSC JUIt SJOStDM. A large ousuiUy, ranglug Irooi 41 toNceutr; vary otl lor liie i.rlce, at WOKNKS Lsre and Rmbroln.ry store. It tie, 4 M. KiUUTli Street. REMOVAL. HOWELL & BROTHERS ofi'ici; For the 1'rcseut will be ia Parlor 19t tO-NTIEXTAL HOTEL. FLOUR. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Tbs best and most anltable Present for friend ar the needy is a barrel ot our "J. H. WKLCH" FIBflT FBEWIUM FLOUR, aud bag or ball barrel Srl L1'G'B "MOUNTAIN" BUCK Willi AT IUAL.tr ruuUd superior te sny In ths market. Constantly on band the btut assortment of df nVreei oranda of FLO UK, INDIAN, sod HYIC UCAXt KOI'S.elc. QKOUQK l' ZKHNDEUt UMliu rp rol'IITU AKD VliflB HATS AND CAPS. -1 (H JONE9 TKMrLiS CO., a. Fir. "door above Chuut trU m 'wabbohtovs improved vekti iHl laid. aud easy-UUin I're lli.ie (partntdi is ail tue iup"t