TUK DAILY EVKN1NG TKLEORATlI- PIIILADELPIHA, SATU11D AY,': JANUARY, 10, 1800. NEWS UUMMaRY. ItoinCMtlr AIIAlrw. ;ii1 closed jeMrrdiiy wt 130,'. Hempen MorHu to I'uTiidrtu of hi re dec lii In specter .Tarncs lonrI of the Met.ro fnitii I'ohce 01 Now York vlicd suddenly fcl esiKrr ("lfft puv his t'r-t reception of tt.r teaeou Int-l cveua).'. It was bv llllKUtly titM'tidc-fl. Tuc L"itibtnre of Mis oiri nsks Congress tu irausler tan Indian Bureau to tueWiirle par mm'. Xi Srnnte J iJi i:'H'-.y Conrnittoc iihvc re inrtrd aifhinut linii.infr the Pit'jideiicv to a tickle tuni. -Cute nnii'l wUl semi five 1::1y ilrlreitog to the Bnm !S;i:liv' Cjtivciuiou to aibcmble tit Wai-hmeioii. Tup prtTnuijinrv i'X!i(H'ini''oii cf prisoners ftp'tired on t lie ueotclicj conn icticod. at Sit viiuiihIi jc.rnl.iy. lOic Unpcr', twed seventeen, was fatally tmrwd In !Irri:b iri? jcs'.erday, by tuc upiet-t)ii-' of kTO ' nr Ift'un. Torre Is no orirtinie I opinion liclnir umde totlio rerdectioii of Unit.'il S'.aten .Senator Xiiton, ot Nebra-kH. Dr. Bunaiuiida. lomie-ly of CineinniU, was murrteiftd at Water ViiH'y, Man,., by UhiiuI Mark ham, on Monday. Tliu aas-tn escaped. A boiler exploded In the brush-handle tae lery ot Gpow Woods, at Eli.itb.tiliport, N. J., jesicrday inouiitg, killing one man and wonndtoe sir. Thoinn M. Key, once Jnd Advocate on Ceneral MeOli'ilan's stntl, anJ au ex-rueinher of the Ohio Legislature, died fat Lebauon, Ohio, jesterdur. The excitement over the HeMfotid r.iiiUv.t in M'sso'iri mxi it is prohible that (iensral lm; n by u lurge majority. United States Ins sublded, Suliurz will bs Foreign AlfiWrs. San Frakci.ic'o. Jan. 15. Ma.a'lan advices to Jin liar j 7 have been received, (ireat discon t nt prevailed ncuinat Juarez's jiovurniueut, aud an open rebellion is oou anticipated. . (iinctal Corona departed tor Aeapulco on January 2. (n rtute lor the city ot Mexico, on leave ol ubsei.ee. It is asftrted tint bis presence baa only prevented an open r up lire. The leader ot the present contemplated prominent mento is Jet unknown, although the name of lion :jlacido Veuu 19 rueinioned in connection with his well-known aspirations tor the Kcpub lx ot the Occident, from Topic to the Kio (-(.dorado, including Minora, Chihuahua, Duran eo, Smalna, looser Calitorma. an t a portion ot Jrtlbco, and claiming protec ion Iroui tbe United States. d'eneml Martinez's name Is alsr mentimed in the same conneciiou lie as exoected to ar rive in the country by trie next steamer. Advices were received at Mazatlan on January ropoitii e the nuns of Hon, ilea Oi tt-ea. to eiiiOii'e his cla'tn to tl'.c Pie'-idi-icy. Neurete, (Juirtiu't), Vurtraa, and I'analcjarc Ins t-up ort'T-. 'i i.e death ot his lil-nl P-iioii', It U supposed, lilt-, enm ed lb" cjii to t;tk-. this Mop. Tbe Jeteral tloermiert is exnibiting ta.'di i ess to br.iic f.i'ito 'o ir.al. (lei eral Knloeta r.niii In I) on appointed n iliai v coiniDiind.iiit ot tiiii'o,i during the itbu'nce Ot Onoiia. All pe.sons who ai'leil Mitrliiv'.'s vevolu'lon are ordered to pre.-cni IheinL-l . es be'ore th I.j.-.i net Court. f an l-'iuNOisio, Jan. 1"). Tito Commissioners appointed ty Cov. mor K ibi to report upon ibe iotn s ot citizens by tne Frcneii invnsi(;n, ore M'tit clainis auioiuii ns to SI'.'S.OOO, whlc'a have been fi rwnrded to the C.ty ol Idexico. There is jireat diBs'at'Hfaciionnuious thp clergy )u r dxrd to the tie militia l,iw, which exempts no males between the aes of t cniy and lllty. ieveral arres'3 have b -eu in i-.le and liuei ex ne'ed from ciere men. Tne iitiM0 of Leon was brr.uj Lkt b'' ori" the courts oncause of his .ro'pstiriir ara'ut i lie oocupn:.cy ol the church property by the State author. lies for school purpofcB. Ibe LcKif-lature .f JaiiTo hs nuthorlzoil the Covcmcr ot the Htaie tofeliall buildins belonclnR to Hie clcrjry, even tt o e for inetruc 1 on and benevolent puipo ee. The Apache Indians are eommittln hornbio outrajjes in Souora, and the National Guard hai been called out to fii'ht them. KvrrythiUK is paralyzed in Lower California, and thp niii-es ate only woiktd sutlicieutly to retain tbe titles. Havana, Jau. 15. The journal of this city continue to repott that Vain aseda has taken Bayamo, but the fact is ttlll doubtful. Even It fae had reached the town, It is liot provable that be would enter it. The Spanish aud Cuoan aecounti) coucur in stating that the cholera Is ratxins there. Senors Ramirez, Ovo. and Tamayo left this city to-day as a comnnssna to co.isult with the itihureent cbiels, and endeavor to brius; about a compromise. Various meetings to consider the queftion cf peace have bi'eu held at the residences of prominent Uubauc, but they bave likd no definite result. The Cuban Revolutionary Junta in this city bas had several secret meeting, at which they bave resolved to remain quiet and accept no Wijk from Dulce, and to make no demon sira'ion nntil they have heard fully from Oenpedes as to the wishes of the revolutionists Jn arms. Havna, Jan. 15. An orieiual copy of the no-called Emancipation Proclamation issued by the revoluiiOLurv General Ccspedes has beeu received here. It dees not, as reported, abolioh slavery at once, but counsels tbe owners to give tbe slaves their freedom, aud leave the ultimate dfciplon to the people, who at their pleasure ir ay decide upon immediate emancipation, coupled with tudemnldcatiou of those owners who are favorable to the revolutionary cause, and yet unilline to part with their properly. The (Jeneral's principal object in issuing the proclamation appears to be tue utilization of the terviees of tbe olaek as a military necessity. Rio Janeiro, Dec. 24, via JLir-bou, Jan. 15. At tbe last accounts from ibe pea, of war the Allies l.eld Villetauiid Ani;ostur u iliuy cautiou and k larte an ount of stores, amiuumtijn, and i risoners tt 11 into thpir bands. Tne losses of the Parauarans in killed and woonded m the recpnt bu'tle ate very heavy. A repott, lrom I'atamaya- sources, claims that the Allied fores lot 6000 mou kitted and wounded in the bat. le of December 6. General Amelia whs mortally wouivie I in ibis tight, (ieeeral McMahoo, iho tmericxu Minuter, wd) in the I'araifuawu camp. A ood understand ing esihts between ('resident Lopez and the American Minister. Madrid, Jao. 15. The elect'ons for numbers tif the Constituent Cortes baii commeuoed. The RcHt'tiouists bav attemoe l to create dis turbances at the polliue places, b it these proved fcirtne. Wbh these exceptions, g,od order Ins been maintiiued Tbe .Provisional (Jovern ueu', bos obtained pn ofs of the existence of a coo.-piracy, in which Generals l'ezuela (Vonue aud Alajuel Oa-i-ett are implicated. Tlie perjns named are cnoer arrest, and if the chan-es atraiast them are proved they will be summarily punched. Ukulin, Jan. 15. The stattnuut ma le ny the Vtecna journal that Uismark nail declared that Von Heust must be reaioved lrom tue dea l ol tbe Aui-tnau Cabinet, u prouuuuced to bj withost any louudatmn in lact. London, Jan. 15. Tbe Madrid journals are hostile to the Dune ot Aoua ai a candidate tor tbe throne of Spain. The ctiances of the D ine cf lli irpeas er reem, at pres' ir, to be increas inf. The Gaulots, ol Pans. thinVs, hoever, that the former is the most nvai'able candi la e, and is most likely to mcoeed, if apain ceclardo in favor ot a monarchy. PiaiB. Jan. 15. the C inference on the But trii question meets again to-duy. It is generally belli ved thia tes-iou will be tin 1 1. It la reoort d on crediiable authodty that he.o Rangate, the (iirtian M'nister, has been lnvrue.'.ed to au nource that G'epce la resolved to reject the decuion of the Conterence U certaui demaiiJs In the Turkish nUimiituin are supported by ihn body. All the Indications ate tbat (;-eeoe is b iii on war. An Aibena depnca says tbat Ki f (.'eoipp U pierarin? to retire to Nauplla. , PlRia, Jan. 15 The pubbc nesparjrs report tbat iha Coiilerence ou ibe KaaUsru ditli.j.il,v beid harmonious spsion to day, and adopted unanimoutdy a eonciUa'ory rth-oiution. Kan fikbewasuoi in attendauee, mt his eintib;u d KWure i. run-W as a rctu4 by jr .e0 ,0 icouliie uu Cciirucc, J Tie Pa'ls 1'atrir, pubMchcs a translation of a letter of Mr. Gladstone t j C. KdwarJs L?tcr, ot New Voir, and proceed to condemn the acknowiedK'tients matte therein as humiliating to Knelard In tbe pre dice of Amerto. and as likely to produce no littln Irrttatioa of leelnia apsintt tbe Premier amone b's own conntrym' n. Paris, Jan. 15. The Const uwlonn't of tin city piedicls that Grecco will nib l)H to the voice ol the conference. Lovdcn. Jan. 15.-All theireal powers etcept Russia have JJuiji'cd In a dem ind upon Greece that, tor the piescrvanon ot peace, she shall wlthdiaw her formal onjections lo the Conier ence as at present oonsilt jted. l'iie powers bave reason to hope that Kussla will also coucur In this demand. , , London, Jan. 15 Tho rrfjnlar mail a'eamshlp lioni Rio .lai elro arrived hern la.c vesterd ty. havii'ix left R o on !): -eaiber 24. She bruits ibe following linportaiit intelliL'euco from Para- srna.v: ... Ihe iiliioil nrinf bad made a vicor mn asauK on the Piieai)inau Htronsbold of VJIeta, a-id atter a de.pcrate b.ittlc succeeded iu carry- '"Lores' army was utterly rented and dedroyed. Tbe allies cap' tired over 80(10 prisoners ot wai. Lopt z hinifrlt. with bandy 200 lolljwers, m ule his esenpe. This Important victory opened the way to Asm cion, the Paraguayan cap tal, to which place the 13raz liar, iron-cla ls tiad (fone. l.o don, Jau. 15. A dc?Ditch from Hone Konff, just received, states that a stroni; rebel fOi.. jad capiined the c.ty of HakoOadi iu Japan. The persons and roperty ol loreign-rs wcie ret pec led. The Cou(c(cI Election I'ns. leslerday alteruoou Examiners Me?sick and Oatturs rat and took the IoIIowidk additioaul ttstinu ny in tbe contested election ca-e: Jobn H. fceott was recalled, and tesil'led that John Savage, on whose name a vo:e had been cai-t in the Sixth division ot tho Heveuteeuth ward, was not a citizen, and tbat in the Bltu hour tbe majority inspector jumped upon tne table to kick some person through the window, up et'ine toe table and throwing ail the boxes, pat tiv, etc., on the 11 tor, and breaking down tbe window board. Wben the judge helped to pick tne boxes up he bad sonc papers iu bis hand, but witness could not say that they were t ckitp; taw no natuializailon papers or tax receipts oll'ered during tbe day. On cross-examination witness stated that be did not see the (uurc pnt the papers mentioned in the box; aud did tot know the man who voted ou 8n vale's name; couid not say th.it he saw him before his ticket wis put in the box; onechalienee was disregarded, and the fudge taid, ' Put his ticket in tbe box." Witness continued At the November elect. on tbe same otlic-is eei ved, excepting thejtnlpe, and on that day 51 3 names were voted, aud over COO vo es lound iu the box, eomc tied uo In bundles of 25, bin could not eaj tMat they wtre counted. The coum-cl for the risi oudents objected to what occurred at the ovcnllJLr election as li rele vant. Cross examined McGuckln took all the tickets, but did noi see hi m receive the bundles at the Winnow; the voies were counted bj tUe Democratic and HepubUcan iupec ors. litiiinniiii t oo er was reciiii'.ii. ami ii"-ti:ied that he did not see any naturalizatiou papers or tax receipts oll'ered during the day. Cross-exam ned-Cacunl Bear that none were ollt red; s-at aoout mx ;cet I om the indow. Thomas B. Reeves proouccd the papers of tue Tourth division ot the Twuty-nitli ard tioru Hie Pvotbonotary's ctliit", aud tiiey vvcie Ihcu otl'eied in evidence. Gei. eral John l'allier prcdiif ed the copy of tl.eorigitai list of luxuhles tor tlds divioion, fioin which e,( pics were made and funnsaed tne election ollicer-, and s'ated that the books for tie Nivetiteeu h ward were given to Bdw;ird Chirk, Jucge of the EiLib division ot that Wa.d. James B. A pp'e was calbd, aud the books beinR i xhibiied, tesuhed that tbey were exact copies ot eiich o hi r. Uno w as then odeicd in evi-lerce. John SicCulloch te:tlliPd thtt he b id com pared the list ot voieis of the Sixth division of ihe hcventerTith ward, with the list of taxables, nod lound 87 names on the former that are not ou the Utter; aud in the Fourth division of the Twenty n th ward there are 01 tucb names. Cross-examined I vote in the Teuth ward; am cietk in the Recorder ot Deeds' oihce. David Dijouiph testified that bo wJ the Republican inspector of this division, atd bad ilic window booif; the Deuucranc return Ini-pector's clerk (Air. Fay) took it from me once, sa- tup, ''You can't pet alonn last enoufrU; piveitto me," and kept it tor toe b -ft part ot he lirct honr; when a voter came audcallel out his came, Fay woulJ say "all ruut,"and ihe ticket would be taken; 1 had no chauce to see if a voter's nau-e was cn the book; tbe ludfte Insisted three times that 1 should -. weir the mn I objected to who came to vote; turea were sworn during the day, aud the res-, when challenged, were vouched Joe by the Demo cratic otticers inside, who would say, ''We nave alieady been sw.irn, aud tbet Is no iipces sity in swt arme us apa.u;" wben 1 got tuo book from Fay, I made examinations in sett, and wben a volet's name was not on the books I would tell the officers so, who would vouch for him. ana the name ot the voucher wo Ml o placed on the book; three outside vouchers weresworu; 1 administered the oath to them; the book was taken lioiu me because I would not let them vote so fast that I could not bud the names. Cioss-examlned Had tbe book after the first hour: do not remember any votes beinc chal Jenatd tor hom some one oid not vouct. ; there are eipbt names and vouchers on the book not in tbe handwiiting of myself ncr uiy c.erk; do not kDow who wrote mem. Geo ce Prescott. rsturn inspector of tbis diyi Bit n, ti stitied to tay takiLjt tlie book from pie- ceding witnei-s. aud tnat in conseQuei.ee ttiev got behind Iu counting the vo'es, and did not catch up unui haii-i ast two in tne atternoon; and aUo as to the cllicers inside vo jchiue tor voters w th nit ihe adiuiuistt rii K ol an oh'Ii to either themselves or ihe voter; more ihau three- ourtbs of the voters ot that division are loreigno, and during the day did not see nor bear ot a naturalization papvr nor lax receipt beins shown. Mr. Iryburcb was recalled, and testified that several ux rtccipis were siiou; but toat no naiurnl zaiion papers were showu by voters, nor ior them by their vouchers; about lour filths ol tue voters were lorcii-ners; witness In the n om.i.g objected to that style ot taking votes, when the iiidgo said, '-We have been sworn, snd tbeie Is no necessity lor us to swear whm we voucu;" a n an voieu ou tne name oi Geortre Alvers. and about tbne miriUtea u'ter- warns ibe teal Jlvers came to vote: be brought two vi ucl pis when he lound his name had been voted, but the iudte reicctcd his voie. Cros-tiaminaiion elicited the tact that no challenge oo naturalization papers were made on challcnees on residences aud lax receipts. James A. Pvle testified that he was the Re publican inspector's clerk, and kept the list of voters of this division; no one was sworu to brovjthe residence or any voter w nose name was Dot on tbe list; these votes were admitted on th voucher ol the Democratic otucera; Mr. Fay, alter the polls closed, marked tho letter V opposite names on the libt tbat he said oe knew bad vo ed; did not ee any naturalization panels produced. Ou moss examination witness was unable to give the name of any one of foreign birth who toted wiio pad not been voting lucre ior ten years: be did not bave tbe window book, and could ( nly tell tbat a voter's name was ou tbe tx ok bv beating the window ln-pector say so; of ttie three to five challenges made ou that account, three or four were sworn; the ollicera acre oru at tbe opemnu ot tbe Dulls. ro-8 exfeuimed Cannot itlvethe name of any man who voted who ban uot the right to vote; oo not know the ua r e of the mau who voteJ m the name tf George v. iycr; ue as no', coal Ui.ofii,. h.. nukt tne vote utiout three o'clock . un iKp i,o ( ther in-laiice; Mr. Fav s:iid, Hfier the p lis (bind, ibat air. Dryburg had not marked the names of some bom he kuew bad V"ltcxmtned Ihe nnraoi of Thomas Abero, Thomas G life. Pa nck Cont an, James Conudly, Kdward nardins. Phdlp UA'Idsfa. 1'; G. han lbonus MeCia.-key, John MaUrudy, aud bemard McAveitfb appear upon the list ol uxa hies, and not upon the list ol voters. Wi pes Robert rrr Tin ma Morpbv, wm. Mctonuick, MicnaU McDonnell, w4 Uusu Pmith apprar upon the list f tables, bat are not marked as voting. ' Mr. Mann They appear non the list. of voters. Witness Mtebarl Golden and John Killfov are added to tbe listol taxatileg as having voice, and the latter ta vourbed lor. Mr. Mann They do cot appear on the list ol voteis. Anj- urned until MouJay altcrnojn at 3 o'clock. Caneni TVomluntlnn. CnicAoo. Jan. 15. The Republican caucus at St. Paul. Minnesota, la t eventog renominated Ah-xander Ramsey tor United States ."ienator. There is no organized opposition being mnde to bmator Tipton's re-election from Nebraska. Woollen Mill Iliirnod. Hcntinoton, Mass., Jan. 16. Tbe Hamosbire Woollen Mills, in this town, owned by Little & S'anton, were totally destroved by flrp last niqht. tocethpr with a large lot of mauulactureJ goods. The lo-s la $75,000. From t'oiineclicnt. Uartford, Jan. 15 Au attachment lor a larije amonnt has just bepn made on the 13 1 ant- lord lock works in Jew Uaven county. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fbr addiiionaX Murine Neioi lee First Page. AXHANA.0 rOB PHtLAUJCLPHlA-THISJ DAY, ,7 Moum H .th. ..,, IM1 , g ,12 6 Hioh Watiih m HOIS KlHKH.M dnx stwrs... CLKAKKD YKHTkRDAV. Bttsn ship Timawttiiaa, Jvuuiukb. MvAnnh, Pnlla- Bell uia auo niunueru juu isiuainiiiip Uu. til t li. JL. 0w, Iler, Baltimore, a. Urovea, Jr. ABRfVFIJ YE3TKROAY. StteamsntP itumnil. iiaknr. 4S mmn rrnm Dmlin wiuj muse. toil. Wlusor&c-o. FftmeU In lbs bay, one uniuiiu, aiuu vilv ioiviuu urlff unknnwn. l.rij t-eeU, IriiDj London, ail coniii-a up Iu low. n. . nsiqnp Meruuan, i.eni. 66 days lrom Bremen, wltb ludse. lo Harjes Bros, l'HD. Darqnn J-orenlD(pr, Ibsen. 47 nays from Ri' Buniio, vim juoiaware ureaKwaier, wim cunue tu B. W. wh. S br W. W. laro. Allen. 5 days from TtnntAn ith ujunr. in i iikiu. nr ArisUeP. 'I nomas, i any nam Bmvrna. Dai Willi gium to Jas. U, iluwley Co, SinID FxrplSlOr. hnnn Inr I'lilliiifalnhlB .ll In iu Llveipuul 2!ilh ulU nu! hob wen oprague, Lewis. Hence, at Bio Janeiro 111 OIL HIi'D Tstard Rome, tilnwell. trnm Orlmnhp TTntr tor miiaUeliibla, with railroad Iron, wblcu .ut lun Herman 2,d ult.. lo OiHtress, r. perls bavlog euconu leied a lieavy guln Nov. 11. arier winch line expe rler-ced very beavy neaiber, and lest malntnmall and t art el toretc.j must, nilfti-n tf.ii(al auitunst. aud ailRhi.i and rlaalng aitacbkt: also luet to hnnu move anoiber, biove bulwark., and was lnaklnit Dkoiy e e remained in por 9ib Hint. iisrque I.i.iiua, Delphy, from JLIverponl 1.1th No. lor I'uiladeiuhla. win nuoken 2,1 inm. ut 9-n in,,,. t7 M ' ijgiqne Imi erailnr. Heard, for NiwY.iilr. nan iii. Ira canto at Hi-inanitiiico 2(l un. Barniie llroihern' l'ii e, Siinuh. from I.lvPrDool fnr PbllBdelnbla, wlilcti put, into RHranidii Z7ih ult. In (tlHlri-Mll. 1 ItH IfultV. h.,1 Inul .all. ,.,bn Sbe bad relineu. and was ready lor sea Sth hint' n"u vyriiiua rnimer. Milne'. hnoe lor Ant werp, in Margate Poads iKlh u.l. bad botu supplied P b an aucln r at I nl. iiiocill " Anrtl'tli p. Wntt. hnncn (or A n' wo n. &llnrl In ro u m n'owu 2H.n mr. Biiinu- btm sjbepnsrd. i-vans, hence, at On meg ,0 uib uiu Bn-ui.e TrlurLt.h. r.raprs. hence, at Boston vest. r. (laj-. Hi i rs, r. brclth, Kcowltnn, hence, at Uatnza3 lji l.H'Kiil. Hnr H V. Merrick. Kurdcn. at MatuMns Gth limt. fii ia t(ili nun. BrU fictile, canpro. hence, at Gibraltar 23J utr.. aii) eimred 24! b nr x rin'on Hrlii Wll.luai W elMi, btrubrtuge, btuoe, at Paulllac 27, h ult. stcbr Abtiie Bnrplpy, Parker, lor rbi:-d"lptilo, eleored at bi -ston 14th iv.n. Hc.i Ij. a. May, i oiicb irom rrovidonoj Ior rails drbiH at fiow York Hit. intt. ro.ir i yola a. Hay, limir, irr m Piewnurypcrt for I'M arieli bl'.at New Lounon l'2tb lust, r-chr 'i cylor fc Alaibia, Cbetseiuau, houco, at Car. denaii 3lhi ult. ecbr tvaio A. Orau. Laae. benoe, at cientuezoa in littaut. hc-nr J. iiicaiao jova, x.iuie, nence, at v;ienTuego 2d lust. Hcbrs J. B. Austin and Mary Milnes. hence, below B' teon Htb lURt. Bebrs M.Tiuon, Miller, and B. L. Tay, Baker, hence, Bl BcBIdD nth insu PROPOSALS. AU M Y TRANSPORTATION. OKrtCB CHJK.V UOAHTKrtMAnl KK. I 1'OBT ljltAVK WUHTU !V.ailHWS, UVV. O, lta. ) r-lL A l.M.i i-KUFUoAlJS will bu fecaiv. d at lllla iitlicu until 11 o'clock A. M., January o, Ihti'J, lor tbe TKAlSbPOBTAIlON OK WILIl'AUV BUfPiillid ( urliia ibe year comaieucins April 1, lbi9, ou tbe rullewlbg routes: tfroposa. s lor route Mo. 8 will It-one tecelved by Brevet i.leulenauir(Joloiiel M. I. LudolDgion, c. Ci M , at tiauta l e, Sy, M.., uuili the time above mem.oned)TENo 2 From such points on ibe Vnlun Pacific. Railway, K, D.,as u. ay. during tbe exlsieuce of the cumraui, be dctlgualcd by ibe (Jblel (Jii irteriuasier's lluparl mttil ol tbe Mlt-bouil, lo auy placcB tlia'. may be neh.cnuieo by the lorwaidlug oUlctr Iu ibe Uiaie wl Kaunas end 'lerrllory ol Colorado sottlb of lan uue 4U degrees Dorlb; lu such puallluns of Ibe Hiaie ot ' hhh aud Indlau l emuiry as lie north of the Uaua dUu river aud west 't longitude V7 degrem; and lo toil Uulen.few Mexico, or such other depot as diuy be dcsiguated la Ibat Territory, aud any inter nieclati poluis on tbe n-uie lo tbat depot. Bidders will stale UieratP per loo pouuds per 100 miles ai which i bey will transport the stores lu each month ol ie year, In giniilitg April 'tis. fcei aiau'no' unn . i i vlted and will be en .li., . .iiUPi.L c tttl' Lto and from tbe lot vll t lll--' tierttei w to' f per 100 pounds lor ibe li. 1 1; uxi.t.Bd not n.tles,aa lu tue jure- B ft .ytlx HARKER . r tnirn, Earned, Dodge, Lyou, Keynolda, Oar. and, and -rRoiI -poRT HAYS 10 Forts Dot ge, lyon, Kcyuolds, Karland, and Union, IKUU bBh-HlDAtS UK FOKT WLL,ACl toFcru, l.bu, Ueyiiolds, darlaud ani Union. Tbe transportation herein aavertued for must be wholly by wguu. lnloiujalion will be given on application to this oflire of ibe dUtancea between tbe placet) oauicd above, and upou any other poluui regaruuig tbe ser vice herein advertbtd ior. B.OU I'iC NO. 8. From Fort Union, or kucu other depot as may be ei tbbllbbcd In Ihu Territory of flew Mexlcn, to any 1-OktB or Biatlons tbat are or may bd e tabiienod in to at lerrlioiy.abd to such pesta or aiatljug as tuuy be des gnated In the Territory of Ariz ua aud lua btateol Texas went of lei.gltude KiS dtgreea. 'ibe weiuM lo be UanBuuried will not exceed on Ruute No. 2, 20,uuo.ot,U pouuds; on Buute fio. 8, to.uuo.otiO pOUUUB, Biuons will state their places or residence, and cb piopofai nttul be uocuinpauied by a deposit ol t-tuo (i,o eaor cut tilled cliec payable to the order til Hie uudersigbed), as a guarantee Ibat lu oaseau award is made to blm the binder w ill aorept it aud I uter into contract with good and suiUcleut necurity In accordance with the terms ol this aOverllB juieut: Bald Buui lu be loitel.ed to the United rsiatea lucno -of lailu.e by tbe patty to whom the contract may be awardid.lo xecuteluuut iorna suth contraci. i.atb bit dcr must be present at the opeulag of the proposal, or be lepreseuuid by his attorney. 'J lie c I'tiaclora I I be required to give bonds no Iioute Ko. 2 In srch amouuta as sbnll be hxod by the undcrslkutd; cn K-mte fio o.100.e0 ta lnlaeit r- evidence ot Hie my lty and so'.veocj of each biduer and peiBOu ottered aa security will br eQuirtd. Pro. ohiIb must ke Indorsed "Proposals for Army Traiitpciria'-lou on oule No. or " as tbe cae n ay be at d Done will be euiertalued unless mcy uny comply wllu lue reuuliumeuut of thlaadver lineu.cnl . . Tbe party to whom an award Is made mas , be pre-isr-dto extcule ibe coniraot wltn-irit uooecessary d. lay tnil g've tbe required bouds tor Uis faitblul pei loiniai.ee ol tbe contract ... 7 be right to reitit auy and all bids that jnuy be oftert-c ib rcBcrvd, , . , ., Tlie coi traoior oo each route must be In readiness r r Bf rv'ee by ibe M day ot April, ist;a, aud must bave a place of buiilnest or ag-i;cy at wnljli he uiy be com in u nlcaied wis readily, a the starling poio or iielbts nl hl route. ... . kiank lorniB, showing the conHHona of ihe on t ka.i,im,ii lino for eacb .route, can be mu nponai plication to il.ls otllce, e''r persouilyor r-v iH-ier. and must aceoiupauy aud be a pari ol the P BUnk. ior proposals wiU be furnished on appll CBvortrof the Cblel Quartermaster, Mliltuy Di "tin iu i"e U 'B"ou' ! O. X 4TO V. 12 17 iVp't P. M. Pen. C. B. A ,, C. Q- U-JV M . TAKPAKTMKNTOFBTEAM KNUINEH ANI) iNBPKOTfON OFflCK, est, ) UNO, esMu r J HOOM8 20 81. AND 3H I'OKItitoTUUIUUl IV . . ,tnii Wr-i u irT ItlTUlW i Jkl 1C- Ndtlce la hereby alven to ail user or uaera of pvny H'a'-loaary riiearu rumor wivmu llmlia ot this city to give noiloe u writing witbln Thirty l)y afterdate of tnta noiloe, l the cilice of the luspector, the location of every Boiler lu use by blm or them, and toe business nr iiiirumi. fur u. ti i oh l he said Holler la tiscicl. AUo all persona piopoalo lo erect or operU any new isoiier or uoueia, m may be Inspected before using. In oompllaooa uil h u.l A ...l.l., V(ur 7 I Hill alHO (rul riunce of Co uncus approved the 13th day of juiy, louts. J J TOVTTOKOVn, IU it cwj iDJipoety'i INSURANCE COMPANIES. UNION MUTUAL. IIVSUKANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCOm01tAlTED 1B04. Fire, Marine ana MaBfl lnsnrance. OFFICE, K t. Corner TUIRD and YIALMJT Sts., EXCHANGE BUILDING. Tbe following BtHtemeDtol theaff tlra of the Company la published In conformity with provision of It ft charter: Marine nriinlnmn wrltltn to JftD. 1. lWtf - 1108.198 18 Do, not earned Jan. 1, lbttb 50,71013 HWI.Ul l 2J Fire pretnloms rierKxl rrltltn same S3C.413 31 Fire pieiniunis uot earned Jau. 1, 1MJS.. 37 3H7 44 73.WK170 1,714-05 Earned premiums lo JanQftry I. lKire MHrlne risks tll7 311 HI Fire rlshs a7,'70 4& Amount received from in teresl on inveslmeuta aua smvaees 17.09677 Iiex.ayow XjOfiSti, expenses, etc., game perioo: Marine losses C114 104 82 Flrelos8e ISloO ltentft end salarlea 11,402 67 lteinsuianota and com in is- slono m -14.771 0 United HiatiB Inxes H.51H 4!) Deductions In lieu of scrlo... 0 70 9T 10t.7ClDJ Amet of tbe Company Jan. I, 1809. I loads. Hiateof Pennsylvania, eonpon 0 per cent City of Phlladelphl, 6 per cent Camden and Am buy It. IC.,0 per ont. lhh9 Camden and Am boy H 11., 0 per cent,. Ihfc3 Ceniden ai d A in boy H. R.,(J per cent. 1876 Pennsylvania K. K., 2d inorlgage, 6 per cent Cnesspeuke and Delaware Canal, 6 per cent Pennsylvania it. K.,lt morigagu, U per cent Bcnujlklll Navigation Company, tj per cent , Philadelphia and Krie H. K, tf per cent Wyoming Valiey Canul. ti per cent Plllsburi; Water Loan, 7 per cent North l'tciit-j IvHCht K. H., V per cent North Pennsylvania H. K, 7 ior cent I iilun Valley 11. K., U per ctmt. t- hana HO Idttle echuylklll Iltllrond 8?0 00()00 13.000 00 11,20000 3,5)0 00 17,003 00 10,000 00 11,010 00 1.C00 00 10.000 00 10.000 00 11.003-00 7,ood wr 10,000 00 3 510 00 6,00000 5 O K) on fi.tfiO 00 6 000 01 1 Vt-0() 5 300 OO 811) 00 800 00 2 VJi'O 0U 1,0 JO 03 400 00 5,000 00 2S.VW0 uo 1:JH Pennsylvania Uiilrofl'l 1(10 North Pent sylvanla Kutiroutl 4S Delaware llailroad , 1( 6 WyomlnR Valley Caual (18 Philadelphia flnnb: h8 l-'arineis' and MechaHlOh' Bit nil... HH Delaware Mutual Insuranod (Jo... 1M) Phuiulx Inmi ranee Ooinpxny i American West India steamship Company 20 Philuuelpuia and Houtheru Mall H. H. (toninariv 1114 Union Mutual Iusarauce Co Tiir value 8vjir.2itj oo cost : SiOl ftoii t,y 22.607-2I 15.70B-12 Hills receivable, lor uremlutiiH Hundry nccountH du fur preiiiimna.. Cash in imnitH 12 toil) II Cash id drawer 110 31 22,1 18 45 t&vm 47 IHfcOTOKS William 8. Balrd. Charles Wheeler. H. Delbert, Hoi. Townaend, F. LaverK'&e, J. U. Perot, Jobn Mows, Lemael OofBn, U. H. CumimoKR, J. U. Tllge, W. D. Wlusor, James L. ilBWley, Itlcbnrd K HmltL. Francis Tele, A, liorie. John 11. Irwin, N. A. Hmtltj. William O. Kent, Henry lewis. J. (J. Burner, Kdwara Ij ciarH, Ueorge Lewis, 11. t . itooinsun. fcamubl C Cook, BICHiRD H, SMITIF, PresMenU JOHK MOSS, Secretary. ii2Ut DELAWARE MUTUAL 8AFETY INSUR ANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the . . . . .... u ...... i .... n ... imi- lvtglBiature Ol itcuubjutiiuim, ioj. OIDce 8. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Blieets, Philadelphia. MARINE INHtTRANC'iCS On VfBsels, Caigo, and Freight uo ail parts or the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, caual, lake and land carriage to all parta of tbe Colon. Kl KB INSURANCES On Mercbandlsegeneraliy; on Btorefl, Dwellings, Uooxes, elo. ABSKT8 OF TBE O0MPANY, November 1. lhbU. (200.0CO 120,000 60.0C0 200,000 125,000 0 000 20,000 25.CC0 25.000 30,000 7,000 J5.OC0 10,000 6,000 20,000 2l'7,!Ki0 United Btaies Five Per Cent. Loan, 10 40s 208,fi00,00 United Blntes Hix Per Cent. Loan, 1881 13(1,800 03 United Btaies Biz Per Cent. Loan (tor Paciflo K). M.OOO'OO Btale of Pennsylvania HI Per Cent. Loan 211,375 00 City of Pnlla. Hlx Percent. Iioan (exempt irom tax). 128,501 00 State ot New Jersey Uix Per Ceut Iau 61,500 00 Peuu. lUll. First Mortgage blx Per Ctui. Bonds .. 20.200 00 Penn. H. Second Mortgage Hlx PerCent.BoudH 24.000 00 Western Penn. K. Murt. KIx I'er Cent. Bonds. IP. K K. guarantee) 20,025 00 Btale of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 21,000 00 Ktateof Tennessee Bix Per Cent. Loan 6,031 25 Germantown Uas uo., prin cipal nd Interest guitrun ivvii hv Oiiv of Phllad'a. 300 sbs res block- 16,000 00 Penn'a Railroad Company. 2UU shares Htiick 11,300 00 Nnrlh Feno'a Itailroitd Co . 100 shares Block 3,60000 Pblla and Boutnern Mall Heum.Co..80MbaresBtock 15,000 00 Loans on Bond and ilort- biilim. Ilrat IIhiiu nn IHtv Properties 207,900 00 KI.UO.IjOO Par. Market value, l,130,32o-25 CK1HI, Bl.OllJ.tAlJ'iU. RpbI Estate SO 000 00 Hills receivable lor liihurauce made 32.1,486 "1 jiaiunct'M uue at. anencies. premiums ou luailne pollules, accmed inter est. aud other Uobta duetheoom- pal'.v 40,178 88 Block and ccilpof autidry corpora tiona, $:tl.rfi. Halimuled value 1,813-00 casniu osuB jiitlioooM Cash In diawer . 413 06 116.563 73 tl.ei7.ati7 80 lUhKCTORH Thomas C. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, Hmuuct a. Blokes, Henry Hloan, WIUl.uu U. Ludwlg, (JeorgeU. Lelper, Henry C Dabell, Jr., John D. Taylor, (Jeorge W. Bernadou, William U. Boullou, Jaoob Hlexel, Spenoer Mollvalne, D. T. Morgan, PillsOurg Jobn H. He tuple, i " juBU u. gravis, Joine. ( Hand, Thtoplillua Paulding, Jotepb li. Heal, Hugti Craig. Jobn R I'eurose, Jacob P. Jones, James Traqualr, Kdward DarlluKton, H. Jon a Uroohe, jmries B. McFarland, Kdward Lsfourcude, Joshua r. A. B. Burner. THOMAS O. HANI). President. JOHN C. DAVIS. Vice .Presided L Errr.Y LYLUUR". Secretary. . ILLS 11 X 13AiXAA5UHaulJQeUxy. . . 0 8 , INSURANCE COMPANIES. PROVIDCKT LIFE AND TIIUST COattPANr PHILADELPHIA. OfiW-f, . Ill Souvh lOl'KTIlMirct Piiiladki.piiia, Firal Mouth 1 iso-j. Tr following S'ateineol e tha usie n and ahtnp. (I ill- Celtic any IB pub litied In eouiii-Kuue Willi tun (irni-ikl ' iixnn.iK e L ni i li mli- or fennt I vani . Auil.oriKKl apitai id.ly fHld m.. .(!o,n.io u . eu' llii. Cat ilai ii..l3 5t lll'IM Asu I. I'rrtriu i;.,,. no ty to s.rro'OO lflo.it (1 Ml til bl 0 ,U ;it,i, Ot 0 1.C4I0 00 Jni,rnH"' trot liens on c:ty jiro .r.v - Illone (jrcimd Bonis Ssmioi t,'ultdblBttBSrerceiil. bonds, -20i.l7,7;j 4 no. do. tlo. Isms.. 61 Uiu o.) no, oo, do. cur rpnry lriret lorn .11,000 0(1 United biaies 6 pur cent, currency itnw . I.TM-nA rin ni pn ladetnbias ner cout. I iau u,miin s.wo ro m il on Juuctlon Paliioad per cent. boudi... 4,6uo so a.tuu to rvleor fetinnrivania per cant. bonds - 2,600 00 Lt b gli Navmailou (.iuipuj t per cent. bondB t'liooo tt Bbares Central Katloeal Bauk.... S.2iUuo tu ilmttii Bank of lb Kepubile SOiOuo ooo oo itjriM S.W1-S7 6 k6-ul S.775HI S47.1SS S-l ludBba'es ltilgli Vaney Kaiirond... 6,4'N)-(, 'lb Bfiarfs tidetlty Kale Oi-ponli Co... 2.77.uo Loan on collateral lecurllf 117 7iid ki SI.4l.S0D lint M") CO fcuiidry seciiritUB dopimlusd wi.b us for ci llfctioD of Interest...... tl 4iso (Bh on band 3M!M M l'remltim nuies secured by loans on Policle... . ((ij ISW.I0I 2S Office FiBtnrfis .l.riori'oo l a-h in hntlitil Agents ti uo Vulne ol Deterred Pre miuma tor tbe current year .. ...3,fir.s ol 7S.172 f 5 ItlIKKHOF TIIEl'OMPANV FOR 18. Preu it ltiH, li eluding A (iiinlitts...2i;,9 .7 (H InlrreBt ou Freailuni Fund............ 14 005 77 lnlirtbton Anuuity Fund 1 6n; 30 ''"l.74-8J 2,o0J-0b 71672 M 302 0Sl'(i3 Cash In bands of Agents and Da Itrttd 1'icniiuUik.. Lees Agents' Commissions.... , 2i,6'.i02 276 IS7 ni At 320 3.-) .2t-i in oo Intsrest on other Investments.... Vollcles Issued in Isss, looi Inturlug Po.lcies iiuisianditig ii iuo. 81. lem, :oi4 In suring... ..... .a, Aiiicunl ol Antiunion old in jh loial amonnt ol Aiuulties aold lu ii,b I.iFBfBliy utaili, numbering seven '1 olal amount of deaths from the origin of Ibe (kiinpBDy Fiierms ior mts.M. Llabllnles to ltvpualtOiB and Truula ,0J! 097 00 1.022 Ot 12,717 U 22,U0U OU .50voo Ai 7' 9 31 412.07S-3U DAMUEL It. BHIPLEY, PresldenL WILLIAM C. JLUSUwriltfTH, V.ce '-Pre'ldeTi KUWLaNU fAKKY, Actuary. Kao tiel n. Shipley, Fbila, Itichurd Cadbury, Plilla Ju litBlt.Mn rib, " I Honry HiilniM, ' nltliarn Wood, 1 1. Wmiar Brown, W, Hacker. ,vUi (J Loiimtretb, Cbsrhs F. CoDiu. Kicliiuoud lud. 1131J. j r ; s u n c A T IN IBE h o ri a Ft ins Kiitual Life Insiiraiacc Co. o. 21 CIimUT St., riiiludelplila. asm:is, 6.2,000,00. CftA KTivKJSD BY OClt OWN BTATK. MAKAGLl; BY OUK OWN C111ZK.N3. LJtBi,b PKOMFlJuY FA1U. POLIClLlii; H.1J UN VaHIUUs PLANS. Appticnilous may be ui.ue at the Home Odloe, an t Ibe Agencies ibrougnout tne tainio. i itJ JAMl.f TUAUUAIK. PuKSlUiCN I a At VitJt-PUitciuiSiSi JAO. Vf. 4liSl.4.......A. V.l.MUd AUIUAHT UOJUATlt l. flliStU.Si bl!.CllWt'AjV JSSUIiANCfi c 0 ai p a s y NORTE AMERICA, tio. 232 WALNUT STREET, PniLADA. ISfOJtPORATfiD 1794. CHARTER PKaPJKTUAJL bailne, inlauU,auu tiro limursuco, AbBETB JANUAKY 1, 1868, - 2,001.2btj-72 t2,Wti,W0 Ltwses Paid ii CuL sL it Organization. .Mial i,a"' . ueui-ili, Hariion Francis it. (Juki. Jobn A. Browu, tliarlvB lay lor, Ambrose W nne, Wlill.m Weinb. Mcbard It. Wood, upward H, Ti otter, Kdward e. ulame, T. Cbarltun Henry, Alfred 11. Jeauuu. Jobn P. Wblte, iiunis U Madeira. e. juorria wain. Jobn Mason, ARTBTJli Q. miTIFTTV n .. r'HARI IT Pi. ATT NKIlllLara. ' "S'i WILLIAM BUKBLKR, Harrlsburg, p-, centra Agent for tne State of Pennsylvania. ' 114 A 8 B U R Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. MtW VOitA. LEJirM' BANGS. FreslduuL w0. iitmiT, Vice-President and Bee. KmokYMucLIN ickjk, Actuary, Tbe Asbury Company knues Policies In all the forms In prtHent m.e, on itbe iuobi liberal le.uiB lu reauecl to raiea, division or p tits, restrictions i d occutiatiou anu travel, compatlaia Wltb aafety; loans oue-mlrd ol oiemiuini.. wbeii ueireQ,ttnd tuakes all policies ab.u lueiy i ou-loritlioi(, (jouiuitncieg business only In April last, It has been received Uh so 111 -ti mvor tnat its assurancBB already amount to ova. :i,uu0,(MiO, and are rauldly la. treaaiug day by oay. rk-NNbYLVANJA AWJENOY, JAMtb M. l.OMlACKh, fnanager. Bo. SM WALlSUi' otrel, Fbtladulpbla. Lorai Board 0 inference lu PbiUdelpbla; tuouian 1. luaaer, r. moirm wain, James B Louuaure, Aribur U. Colli u, Jobn at. Maria, VS lulom Llvlne, JoUu B. M rx :rn.pv J. B. Lipplnoutl, James Lou', Jauita Huuwjt, Jobn A. Wrigbt. lOismJiu Cbarles Hpeucer tx. noma, PI1CRMX SURANCE COMPANY OF liill.ADEl.PiH A. iMJURl-UrtAiiLli IbiH-CHARTKR PERPKTDAL XNo. 24 W aLl eT rJ.rett, opptmite tue ituciiaue lnlu Company lufeures rm totui or damage by in liberal terms, ODbnllding, oiertband se, lornlttire etc., tor iln.i ed periods, aii permauently on build isb by dtpotllol prtuiiuuib 'ibe t innauy btis beeu lu active operation for rdort ImufclX l Y Y KaKp, during wuico all loouos bave oeen promptly adjuated and ell. (obn L. Hodge, avid Lewis. a. a. Mabcny, obn '1. Lewis. All laui B. Gran V, Hobeit w. Learning, U. Clark Wbaiton. I &u. inru IjtwiB. Jr.. bo Jmm iLtdnu. Tiiomaa H.FOtters. A. H. McHeury, LdiLULd (Jiuitlllun. nauiuel Wilcox, ui. v. n orris. juun it. w uc ilK tta.lt, ireaioenv BaMOKL WincoJt, eweretary. t.2f FJRE IN8CRAKCE EXCLUSIVELY TUB iiuNMe)tl,VAuNlA Flltr, lWdUKANUHi (JUM rAM-incur poraled leib Clbarter PerpetualNo 510 W ALcuT birtet, optoulte lnuepeudunce equar Ibis Coiunany, favorably known 10 tbn ooiuujuulty or over lony years, Cjuliuueb to luHure aglual loot ,r damage oy Ore on Publlo or Private Bulidiugs .liber permanently or ft r llml-ed tbae. Also on ffiirnliurn Blocks of Uoods, and Mercbandise guua raliy. 011 liberal terms, IbelrCaplial. together with a large Burplns Fund is lnveBleo lu ibe moot careful nianuer, which enable them to offer to the Insured an undoubted aeouruy u the case ot loaf, - . Daniel Hmlth, Jr., pmi,iv- Jonn Deverens, Tbowas omllu, Henry lwla, J. (4llllilvliam FalL Alexander Bennon, Inaac natlebumt, Tboruaa Bouiub, ilBuiei nnuuiii:i, jr DAN1F.L OMI'I'U. J.,P'StOenV WM. 0. CROWiLL. becretary. lUui gTRICTLY MUTUAL. PROVIDENT LIFE"7nD TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, NO. Ill H. FOUK'llI NTMEET Uigauicedlo promote LlFa) lNoyjtAUJki amnn. members ol tbe rtlH,TltrY OF FRIEND Good risk oi auy class aooeptna. Foliclei uwued upuu approved plana, at t&a icwei vatea, Prenldent, SAMTJEL H. ISHIPLEV. ' Vloa-Prealdeiil, WlLi.iAfc U UlNWiTrlfCTH. . ... , Actuary. HOWL NI HhHT, AMUStMENTS. PHILHARMONIC 80- m-'i v. leim ii, ";';? i ni . nr pkn-. will .ende, Bee.bT ;:.V," ' W.. Dik u i . hKVKM H SYMPHONY In a mnnr of ejtcelienoe tbat h quailed in Ibis oily. l'B"ruoe lul beta, bmg . T1J.1 rc,",K r Xlranrdinary Vlollnla. f '"' I eriormanea h .a wen "lis ladin rail !. 0, wor d, win make ber Hrsl ""raw M or 1, AADONLV APPKMANCK TftlJ BRl'tini, MR. u, H JAHV1H ,0B u ceiibruy, will ex ecn a brlnUut 0 Jostlly Th!. ,, PIANO OIAJ. HTiirJr. comnt.Ion, wiib otner Orand Orch.,,., '"" ""o.irnpilHe.oneor the fine" pr.i.m' ftakon Tickets, admlnlng the holdm . Mtisiie TlcatiB..M.. Z."hkr:r m."i", i"'.";zzr -" h?!?!!'? .K'r 'lleket M each Cob oej ' '? Hlngie Tickets to each Mehearsal.. 1 w Tickets to iNon-Bulmcrlber, m each OoSXr'r . W c Door. .p.. at 7 o'clock, tft begin at . p. IS. B. BO REtjJiRVKD 8F4TS. WAr.NUT ST. THEATKB. BEOINhTtTT , TH 18 (faturdBT) EVEN W(i j, ,7 T ' 4- . r,. UJVAtlUlV'OUAL eUOOKji J. K IsYlMShKS TOM TH1B (SATURDAY) A F1KRNOON, AT 1 Q-QLOCtC. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH fcsTttKET THF ATRlU. BegluB at hal-pat t,1 trr.n.rtiJi'.V"1'!!" APDIKNCBl fourth week. oun un ued boom. Ol Autiustin Laly's local 1 lay. ouvjehs, A FLAtH OF UmHTNiNQ. with Us lSew fcctuerv, ' Intricate Machinery p , ... aud Efficient Cait. TTOX AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. - J? EVERY EVhiNJNO MI) bAlCBJJAY ' AH'iKRNOON. V""AI GREAT COMBINATION TROFFE. In Prantl Ballets, Eth oplaa Bnrlesqneg. Bonn lisnccs. Pantomimes. Oymnaitt Aotn, eto. ri'HEATliE CUillOUE, SEVENTH STREEf JL bnli w Arch. Commence at 7Si. ' J.C. OSK OliY t-ole Lessee and Manager MIsSfL'SAN U ALTON AND tOUlC EMil.lMi Ol'EllA COMPANY IN (iFPKN BA 11 Is" "6" "titl," RY OKl iNBAUfl. "tW." "OKKFNIIAL'H'H" SB." LOl8LB CItOWDEO lo Wlf.XEg.a "68 " 1 US', T ALb R'H (LAI K .MILLER'S) WINTER V OAltlliN, io. "20, 7W, 7U, and 7.(1 VINE bireer. IHI'l ORAND OiiCUKSTRION-, form,ry tnA pr0. pe ly ol (be CiKAiND DUKK ok BAOB.N, puri based at great expense by J A- 1 'it V ALK .1, ol uWcuy.lu com-inailon wilh Fl.AM Ktt'tj okdii KSl'ttA. and ilBss NELlIK ANDEK.-,N, will perforLU KVKRY AiThRNOON und KVKMNU at tuo above-meu-tmiieo place. Admission Iree. 1 U ,1 HORTUC'LIURAL II A L L. GEUMANIA ORtllKTit P tt'B LIC RE1IKAK.SALS EAE.lt Y WE:urDAY. at S P. M. Tickets sold ut tne duor and an principal Muilu dtores. Pack ages cf five lor fl; single. :;5 couts. nRKKfmcnls can i-i-muue by addrfwMng O. BAS TE Kl. No. l':l nKlN'1'EKa.Y fciireeti Wlltrg's Mualo Kture No. liti ClirHiiut alroet; Audre's MubIc t-tore. No lun Chtniiiit sireet. 10 la ana CtABI- SENTZ' AND MARK HA81.KH'80R- l'bK:l'KA MAT1NE.EH. jiiVERV SATURDAY ai :t' M IN MIMICAL FUND H ALU Irlngle Ad inlbSinn. Mi eel o-. Package ol 4 tickets, SI, at Boner' No. 1102 CHKUN UT hi., and at the Door, J.H i tf ' CHESNDT ST.RIHK ASSOCLAHON 2000 siiAi:t:s . . . $100 each. Pkkkidknt-Hon. JOdEPir T. THOtf Ati TltBibUBKB B. HAMM&TT. DIRKCTOR8. WM. Q. MOORHBAD, JOBN FALLON, MATTHEW BAIRD. & UillX ICTT, A. 1). BARCLAY. m HOS J.H. CAMPBELL BON J. T. THOMAS," LUTHER DOCK. H. E. BP.OWNK. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK FOR BALE. The Company who own tbe SPLENDID NEW SKATING RINK, Corner of CHKKNUT and TWENTY-THIRD Streets have Instructed us to offer a limited amount of tbe stock for sale In shares of Ou Hu ndred Collars each. A large amount of money hat been expended In tbe erection of this build tag, which Is 20 by 11 feet. The main ball la M feet high. It U confidently expected tbat tbe Rink will be ready for use on Christmas Day. Each share of stock will be entitled to an advance dividend, payable yearly, ot twenty per cent, () In tickets. Such dividends &ay be taken lu tingle, season, or coupon tickets, which are transferable. Regarding tbe succss of the project ther own be no donbt, as tbe building la Intended for publlo ball, to be used tor 1'oncertN, (liurcli Fairs, FcMtlvaln, Con veutionx, Affrloullnral Exhibition, etc. It it understood tbat numerous Institutions of a similar charade. In various parts of the country have been quite remunerative, aad Iti s confidently believed that this will not prove an exception. Further particulars can bs obtained at our ofHoe. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, BANKERS,' . No. 40 South TIUKD Street, 12 17 lmrp AvUHttPHlA. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1829""CUARTER PERPETUAL, Franklin FIrcIiisiirance Co. Olf rallB.IaviaUAJu OFFICE! os. 136 and m CUESSUT 'STRIk AlafsRTS OM JAM IT Alt T L. !', ca ri ta ACCRUED ITfiPXDS-w..........., .4000-9 ,.i,ois,flas9 WUJtilU). 1, , CMiETTLED ULAIMb. IKOOMlt FOR 187 98S.eQifa aootM, IlfSfaKM fAID SINCE 1SS OVJBB 06 500,000. Perpetual and TempoiAry Policies on lubar! Tsrati T)I REITTORH. (jbarlea N. Banc ax, .Alfred Fitter, ..1 r-lrai.L. 'ihomaaHarka, Wnliautb. uraut,, Alfred U. B.lier, H. aillal OeurseW Richards. UcorK Fala. 4 . nrini vu u a m. iir a-K. frMldanL J, 'T , j. OEORc-E FaLEH, VKw-freuluenU iiu w MiiAliUbli-lt. Snwnmrriirohiiii. i.MM Lelluin.Bsuy. UU. Comply ha, BUitllUlWI WMIOl"-"""r' " I MI'KRUt FUtJS liUBAAClS COMPANY JjOSDON. ' ' CtjTAULINJlED 1805. ' faid-op CapH1 tbd Accumulated Fumta, eo,ooo,ooo I fl COLD. PBEVOhT Atfeuta, Htm, U toutli TnlRii Blreet, foil,