6 JSEW UKCOMHERCIAL SIMPLES. BY CHARLK3 P1CKBWS. lT.rb'oV.tost,rnlPh. tbrotiti the , 1 b. nncc ut Dua.h," sunt to-diiy tae run .a r.r -.. . .t,ati niono'onv not t) be jmCrr. ouia'., TUT we,! .lon SirAl" i ."tVo'WS.ri.o" counted Sk. ?u.d Ml.: "iuvJ;, m Kutc.iitleand Stepney, ra-itwarcl f Loudon, mJ KivU on ttie impure river, were the scene of this tincomproruiswiir Dbuco of lK-slti. upon a drlzzl.n November day. A. ionalid maze of strceti, courts, and alleys of 3f rable bofP let out in single roons. A. tldeire.8 0t dirt. rsps. and hunger. A mirt dcsen. cbiellv Inhabited by a tribe from wUom emptotmeut bin departed, or to whom it comes a...iiw nrt rHrplv. They are not skilled " Mn1P; In nnv wi-e. Tliey are but laborer. loc laborers, writcr-sldc laborers, coal porters, tallust-heaver, such like, hewers of wood and drawer oi water. Bat they have come luto Ten'e. and they propagate their wretched tence, and they propane wictuucu ie erUW ioke Moue. metliotiiht, the (-kcleton lied to play oiT here. It hat mucn elestiou "on the Wain, which the ind and rain bad xace. One weuuet '' " ...;...hl rC It llllll PUPtl dptr-noraled nno Bimnuic v ., MmSed up tho state ot the poll, la cha Ik, on the sbu tew of oue ruiued home. Ita.tjurd the lice and independent servers to vote tor Thlanian and vote for Tbotroan: not to plump, as they valued tbe state ot par ies and the. natloiial prosperity (both of great importance totbem ,5 tiillikl), but, by returning fhisra in and riiatruan, eacu naught wltnoiit the other, to compound ft glorious and Immortal whole, purely the skeleton is nowhere more cruelly Ironical in the originAl monkish Ideal Ponderini? In my mind the lar-seelnt? schemes ot Thisman and Tbatrturj, and of the public blessing called Party tor slaying the degeueraey, pbjsical and moral, of many thousands (wuo shMll say how mnnv?ot the English race; for devising employment useful to the community, lor those who want but to work aud live; for fqualizinft rates, cultivating wate lands, facili tating emigration, and, above all things, saving; an J ulillziug tbe oncoming generation-', and thereby changing ever-growing national weak ness into fctreutttb; pondering In my mind, I ay, these hopeful exertions, I turned down a narrow street to look into a house or two. ' It was a dark street with a dead watt on one tide. Marly all the outer doors ot tbe houses stood open. 1 took the flrst entry, and knocked at a parlor door. Might 1 come in? 1 niignt, if I plased, sur. The womau of the room (Irish) had picked up gome long Birips of wood, about some wbarf or barge, and they had ju?t no been thrust into the ntbirwe empty graie to niitKe two. iron pots boil. There was some flfh1 in one, aud tbere were fotue pota'.oea in the other. The fUtre of the burning wood enabled rue' to see a table and a broken clinir or no, and some old cbesp erockeiy iiiLiinieuti about tbe chimney piece. It was nut until i bu t spoken with the woman hr a lew niiuuies that I saw a horrible brown heap on the tloor iu a comer, which, b jt lor previous experience in this dirmil wi-:c, I mijiut 11 m t have tuepccied to be '"tbe bed." There was something thrown upon it, aud I asked wbtt that wn. " Tis the poor cra.ytliur tint s'ays here, sur, and 'tis very bad sue'is, and 'lis vtry bxl sbe'a been tbis long time, aiid 'us belter ehe'il never be, aud 'tis tlupc the uois all day. aud 'tis wane she dots ad night, aud 'tis the Wd, sur." "The whiit?" "The lead, Bur. Siire 'tis the lpad-mills,where tbe women gels took on at e'.chtecn pence a day, tur, when they makes applicaytiou early enough m.d is lucky and wanted, and 'tis lead pisoued bhe is, Eur, aud so, lie of them gits lead- Jusoned t-oon and some oi them gits lead pisoned ater, and eome but not many uiver, and 'tis all according to the constitooshun, sur, and some codb'HuiIocs Id strong and some is weak, and her coasutooitiun is lead- pisoned bad as can be, Bur, and her brain is coining out at her ear, a:id it hurts her dreadtul, and tbat's what it is aud niver no more aud Dtver no less, sur." The sick joung woman motudng here, the speaker bent over ber, took a bandaue from her head, and threw open a back door to let in the dajlipht upon it, Irom the nmaiiubt and most miserable back-yard I ever saw. "That's what cooms irom her, 8ar, being lead-pisoned, aud it co jms irom her ntght au 1 day tbe poor sick crajluur, and the paiu of it la dieadtul, and God he knows that my hus band has walked the stbrects these four days being a laborer, and is walking tbcm no w aud is ready to work and no work or bim a-id no Sre and no lood but the bit in ttie pot, aud no ni re thau ten th.llings m a fortnight, God be good to us, and it is poor we are and dark ii is aud could it is indeed 1" Knowing that I could compensate myelf tberealter for my self-denial, it I sa v tit. 1 h id resolved that I woula give nothing iu the course of these visits. I did this to try th'j people. I may stale at once that my clOoent observation could not delect any indication whatever ot an expecta'ion that I would eive money; they were pratctul to be talked to about their miserable aiTair, and sympathy was plainly a com'ort to them; but tbey neither asked for money in auy case, nor showed the leat trace of surprise or disappointment or retenimeat at my giving none. The woman's married daughter had by this time come don from her room on he floor above, to join in the conversation. 8he hemlf bid been to the lead-mills very early that morning to be "took on," but nnd not succeeded. She bad lour children, and her hushand, al-o a waterside laborer and then out seeking work, seeme l in no better case as to findn. it than her lather, hhe was English, und by nature of a bJxon fieure and cheeitul. Both in her poor dress and in her mother's there was an etlort to keep up some appearance of Leatness. Sbo knew alt bout tbe sutler! tigs of tbe unfortunate invalid, aud all about the Icad-poisouiug, and bow tbe symptoms ciime on, and how they grew having olten seen them. Tbe very smell when you btood inside the door of the works was enough to knock jou down, she said, yet she was going back upaiu to get "took on." What conld she do? Letter be ulceiated and paralyzed for eighteen pence a day, while it lasted, ttuusso the children starve. A oark and sonalid cupboard in this room, touching the back door and all manner of offense, had been for some time the sleeping place ot the tick jouDg woman, ilat the nights being now wintry, and the blankets and coveilels "gone to the leaving shop," the lay all night where she lay ail day, and was lyinu- then. The woman of tne room, her husband, this most niit-eiable patient, and two others, lay on tne one biown heap together ler warmin. "(Jod biens vou. sir. and thank vou 1" were the parting words irom these people gra.efully pokeu too with which I left this Dlace. b3oue streets away, I lapped at another parlor door on another ground-Hour. Looking iu, I found a man. his wile, and lour children sitting at a wauhing stool by way of table, at their dinner of bread and infused tea leaves. There was a very tcanty clnderous fire in the grate by wnicn tbey sat, and there was a lent ueuoiou ' In tbe room with a bed upon it and a covet let. The man did not rise when I went in, nor during my slay, but civilly inclined bis bead on my pulin g off my hat, and, in answer to my Inquiry whether I should ask bim aques'.ion or two, said "CeiUiuly." Tbere being a window at each end of tbls room, back aud front, it might have been ventilated; but it was shut up tigut, to keep tbe cold out, and was very sickening. Tae wife, an intelligent, quick woman, rose and stood at tier bubband's eloo v, and he glanced up at her as if lor help. It soon ap peared that be was rather deaf, lie was a slow, timpte fellow of about tlnity. "What was heTy trade?" Gentlemau asks what are you by trade, John r" "I am a boiler maker"; looking about bim with an exceeoingly perplexed air, as if fur a boiler that hud unaccountably vanished. ErVcU bin It wm tiwVm of um. ftfnclj, but ' Tcd on n0 dulcimer here, "'r-i.hSoflSwcr. wave! nbpLime .THE DAILY K "He ain't a mechanic, you underhand, ill," ih wife pot in, "he's only a laborer. ' -"Arc joo In work f lie locked np at his wife, again. "Gentleman. sv are von in work, John T" "In work I" cried th s lorlorn boller mikcr, staring aehast at his wile, and then workiug ins vImou's way very slowly round to me; "lord, no I" "Ah! He ain't, indeed!" said the poor womao. stinking hei bead, as she looked at the four chtldrsn in soccesifon, and then at him. "VVorkl" suld the bolier-maker, still seeking that evaporated boiler, tiret in roy conotenaaee, then in tbe air, and then in the features of hW second son at bis knee, "I with I wa$ in work ! I haven't bad more than a day's work to do tat three weeks."' "How have yon lived?" ' A faint pbam of admiration llvbted np the face of the would-be boil r-muker, as he stretcned oat tbe short sleeve of his threadbare canvA jacket, and replied, pointing her out, "Un the work of the wife." I forgot where boiler-making had gone to, or where he supposed it had gone to; but he added some icslened Information on that held, ooupled with an expression of -bis belief, that it wa never coming back. "the cheery helpfulns of the wife was very remarkable. She did slop-work; made pea Jackets, bhe produced the pea-jacket then in band, and spread it out upon the bed the only piece ot furniture in the room on which to sfn-ad it. Sue showed how much of it she made, and how much was afterwards finished otl by the machine. According to ber calcula te n at the moment, deducting what her trim ming cost her, she pot for making a pea-jacket tenpencc balfpeinv, and she could make one iu Eomeib'ug lens than two.dajs. But, you see, it come to her through two bntid-s and ot course It didn't cotno through the second hand lor nothing. Why did it come through the second hand at all? Why, this way. The- second hand took the nk of the given-out work, you see. If sho bad money enough to pay tbe security deposit call it two pound she could get the work from the first banJ, and to the second would not have to be deducted for. But, having no money at all, the second hand came in and took its profit, and so the whole woiked dowu to ten recce halfpenny. Having explained all this with great intelligence, even with some little pride, and without a whine or murmur, she folded her work again, sat down by her hus band's side at the wasnloe-Btool, and resumed her dinner of dry bread. Mean as the n eal a, on the bare board, with its old galli pots lor cups, ard what not other sordid make shifts: shabby as the woman wa9 in diess, and toning down towards tbe Busjcsman color, with want of nutriment and wash Ing there was positively a dignity in her, as the family anchor just holding the poor ship wrecked buib r-ninker's bark. When I left the room tbe boiler-maker's eyes were slowly turned towards her, as if his last hope of ever again seeing that vautshed boiler lay in ber direction. Tucse people had never applied for parish relief butoace; and ihit was when the husbaui met with a disabling accident at his work. Not many doois from here I went into a room on tbe first floor. The woman apolo gized for its being in "nn untidy mess" The day whs Saturday, aud she was boiiiug the children's clothes in a saucepan on the hearth. There was nothing else into which she could have put them. TIitc waa no crockery, or tinware, or tub, or bucket. Tnere wa6 au old gallipot or two, and there was a broken botil-s or so, and thirewere some broken Doxes for Beets. Tbe last small scraping of coals left wa rased together in a corner ot the floor. Tnere were some tags in an open cupboard, alsoon the floor. In a coruer of the room was a crazy old trench bedstead, with a man lying on his buck upon it in a rasped pilot jacket, and rough oilBkin fantail hat. The room was perlccily black. It was diilic:ilt to bplieve, at first, that it was not puruosilj colored black, the walls were fo begrimed. As I stood oppoi'e tbe woman boillne the children's clothes she bad not even a piece of soap to wash tbem with and apologizing lor her occupation, I could take in all these things without appearing to notice them, and could even correct my inventory. 1 had missed, at the first glance, some halt a pound of bread in the otherwise empty sure, an o.a rea rasrgea enno 1 ne banging on the handle ol the door by which I bad entered, aud certain fragments of rusty iron scattered on the floor, which looked like broken tools and a piece of stove-pipe. A child s'ood looking on. On the box nearest to the lire sat two younger children; one a delicate and pretty little creature whom the other someUuies kissed. This woman, like the last, was wofully shabby, and wa9 degenerating to the Basjettnan compli xion But btr fieure, and tbe ghost ol a cena n vivacity about her, and the spectre of a (timnie in her cneek, carried my memory s'ranpely back to the old days of the Adelplii Thea re, London, when Mrs. r'itz William was the lnend of Victorine. 'May I ask you what your husband is" "He's a coal porter, sir," with a gUuce and a slab towards tbe bed. "U be out of woik V "O jt6, sir. and work's at all times very, very gcuuty with bim, and now he's laid up." 'U'a my legs," said the man upon the bed. "I'll unroll 'em." And immediately began. "Have you any older children ?" "I have a daughter that does the needle-work aud I have a son that does what he can. She's at her work now, and he's trying lor work." io they live nere T" Tney sleep here. They can't afford to nav more rent, and so they come here at night. The rent Is very hard upon us. It's rose upon us too, now sixpence a week on account of these new changes in the law about the rates. We are a week behind; the landlord's been shaking u.uu ibuiiui; at mm uoor irmniiui; ue says he'il turn us out. 1 don't know what's to come of it." The man upon the bed ruefullv inu-rnrwM.i "Here's my legs. The bkin's broke, be.-ldes the swelliuer. I have had many kicks, workiug He looked at bin legs (which were miirh lin colored and mshapen) for awhile, aud then appearing 10 ruiuemuer unit tney were not popular with his family, rolled them up again as if they were something in the nature of maps or plans that were not wanted to be ret ex red to, lay hopelessly dourn on his baeir once mi re with bis lautail bat over bis face, aud Uo jour eldest sou and daughter siren in that cupboard ? ' ' Yes '' replied the woman. ' With the children ?" 'Yes. We have to j-et together for warmth. We have little to cover us." "Have you nothing by jou to eat but the p'ece of bread I ce tbers!"' "Nothing. And we had the rest of tbe loaf for our breakfast, w.th water. 1 don't, know what's to came of it." "Have you no prospect cf improvement?" "It my eldest son earns anything to-day, he'll bring it home. Thenwebtmll ha?e soinuib'iig to eat to-n'ght, and may bo able to do some thing towards tbe rmt, lr not, I don't kno what's to come of it." "This is a sad sU'e of thinps." . "X cs. sir, it's a bard, hard He. Take care of the s'.aiis as you go, bir thej're bnuea aud good day, sir i These people bad a mortal dread ol entering the woikhuu-.t, and received no oat-oi-doo'r relief. In another room, in still auother tenement, I foui.d a very decent womau. with five children the last a baby, and she herself a patient of the paiih doc or to wLom, her baband being iu tbe hospital, the Union allowed for the sup port of ber.-eit and ber lamdy four sbilliugs a week and five loivts. I suppose when Thinnan, M. P., and Thatman, M. P., and the public bless ing party lay their heads together iu course of time, and come to an equalization of rating, she may go down tbe Dance of Death to tbe tune ot sixpence more. I could enter no other bouses for that one while, for I ceull not bear tbe contemplation of tbe children. Such heart as I bad summoned to sustain me auainst the miseries of the aduitj failed me when 1 looked at the. children. 1 saw how youtgthey were, how hungry, how serious and still. I thought ot Hum, sick and dying in those lairs. 1 could think of them dead without anguish; but to think of them so suffer iuir and so ovine quite unmanned me. Powu by thenvcr's bank in RttchfTe, I wa a.ING. TKLTCGRAril nilLADETiPIIIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1869. tomlng upward liv a ide roo, th "retire, t reeain the rail ay,"when tnt rya tested on toe lnsrrlption across the road, '.Kaet London Children's Ho.-piial." I could scarcely have Been an Inscription better snitd to my trne of mind, and I went across and went Rtra'ebt in. I found the Children'" Hospital csian.isbed In an old saiUolt or storr hou-e, of the roughest natuie, and on the simplest means. Toere wec trap-door in the floors here poods had been hoisted ud and itowa heavy leet and heavy weights bad started every knot In th well trodden plunking; Inconvenient bulks and beams and awkward staircases perplexed mv pa-sage through the wards. Uut I lonnd it airy, sweet, and cian. Iu its scven-snd-tbirty beds 1 saw but little bi-auty, for starvation in the second or iblrd generation takes a pinched look; but I saw the onfler ings both -of hifaney and childhood tenderly assuaged; I heard the little patients answerinu to pet playtnl names, the light touch ol a delicate lady laid bare the wasted sticks of arms lor me to pity; and the claw like little hands, asshe did so. twined themselves lovluely around her wedSing-rlng. One baby mltc there was as pretty as any of Raphael's angels. Thetiuv head was b.inda ed lor water on the brain, and it was suffering with acute bronchitis too, and made from time to time a plaintive, though not Impitltnt or com plalnit g, little sound. The smooth curve of the cheeks aud of the chin was faultless in its con densation ot iu'anUne beauty, aud the large bright eyes wie most lovely. It b-ippened, as I stopped at the toot of the bed, that these eyes rested upon mine witn that wisUul exoresidon of wondering tbougbtlulness which "we all know sometimes in very little children. They remained bxed on miue, and never turned from me while I stood there. W hen the utterance of that plaintive sonnd shook the little form, the gaze still remained uncharged. 1 1 tit as though tbe cMId implored roe to tell the story of the little hospital in which it was sheltered to any gentle heart I could address. Laying my world worn hand upon the little unwarned clasped band at tbe chin, I gave it a silent promise that I would do so. A gentleman and lady, a young husband and wile, have bought aud ilttert up this building for its present noble use, and have quie.ty settled themselves in it as l's medical oflicura and direc tors. Both have had considerable practical experience in medicine and surgery; be a home-surgeon ol a great London hospital: she tn a very earnest student, tested bv severe examination, and also a a nuvsc of the sick poor daring ice prevalence ol ciiotcra. With every qualification to luro them away, with youth and accomplishments and tastes aud habits that can bave.no rcsp mse in any breast near them, close begirt by every repulsive cir cumstance lnse arable from such a neighoor bood, there tbey dwell, f hey live in the boa pital itself, and tb lr rooms ate on its flrt fl.ior, Hitting at their dinner-table, they could hear tbe cry or one of the children in pa n. rue lady's piano, drawing-materials, books, and other such evidences of refinement, are a-j much a nart ot the rough place as the iron bedteads of the little patient". They are put to s bi'ts tor room, likp piisseoners on board ship. The dispenser ot mediciues (attracted to them, not bv self-interest, but by their own magnetise and tbat of their cause! sleeps in a recess in the flimnc room, aud has bis washing apparatus iu tbe siueiiOiiru. Their couiented m inner of makiug the bost ot the things urouiid tiieru.I louud.so pleasantly Inseparable iiotn their useroinesb! xueir pride in this ntutition that we nut up oor-clves, or in that partition tb-ti we took dowu, or in that other partition tbat we. moved, nr in the stove thut was given us for the waiting-room, or In our nightly conversion of the little consulting- room into a smoking room, their aumirauon ot the situation, if we could only get rid ol its one obiKCtionahle incident, the co-il-yard at the back ! "Our hoeprtif cainas?e, presented by a friend, and very usetul." la&K was my pre eeuta'iou to a perambulator, tor which acoucu bonse had beeu discovered in a corner don stairs, just large enough to hold it. Colored prints, in all stages of prtparation for being added to those already decorating the wards, were plentiful; a charming woolen phenomenon ot a bird, with an impossible top knot, who ducked bis head whn you set a counter weight going, had been inaugurated as a public statue that very morning; and trotting aboat among the beds, (iu luiiiliar terms with all the patients, wa ciuI m! mongrel dog, called Poodles. This comical doc (quite a touic in hirmtli ) was found characteristically starving at the door oi the institution, and was takeu in mid fed, and has lived here ever since. An admirer of bis mental endowments has pre sented him with a collar beariug the lecend, "Judge not Poodles by ex ernal appearances." He was merrily wagging hi.-i tad on a boy's pillow when he n'ade this modest appeal to mi. When this Hospital was hrst opened, In January of tue present jear, the people could not possibly conceive but tbat somebody piid lor the serviced rendered there; and were disposed to claim them as a right, and to find fault if out of tern jer. Ihev soou cime 10 understand the case better, and have much Increased in gra'itude. Tbe mothers ot the patients avail themselves very ireely of the visiting rule.-; the lathers often on Sur dajs. Tbere is au unreasonable (but still, J think, tousblng and intelligible) tendency in tbe parents to take a child away to its wretched home, if on the pint of deatn. Crne boy who bad been thus carried off on a rainy night, when in a violent state of inflam mation, ana who bad been alter sards brought back, bad been recovered with exceeding ditli culty; but he was a jolly boy, with a specially strong interest iu his dinner, when I saw biiu. Insufficient lood aud unwholesome liviug are tbe main causes of disease among these small patients. Ho nouiisbmeot, cleanliness, and ven tilation, are the main remedies. Discharged patients are looked alter aud iuvited to come and dine now and tbeu; so arc certain famish ing creatutes who were never pa lents. Botu the lady and tbe gentleman are well acquainted, not only with the histories of the patients aud their families, but with the characters aud cir cumstances of great numbers oi their neiaubors; ol these tbiy keep a register. It is their com mon experience that peop'e, nuking down oy inches into deeper and deeper poverty, will con c al it even Iroui tb in, if possible, unto the very last extremity. Tbe nurses ot the Hosp'lal are all very young, ranging, say Irom nine u n to I Jiir anil-twenty. Tbey have, tveu w thiu thc-e narrow limns, what many wcll-eudowed hospital would not invethem. a comloriaOlo roon of their own in which to take their meal". It Is abc.aiuiul trmb, that interest in the chtldten and sym pathy wiih their sorrows bind there younj' women to their plcs far more strciiiriv than auy other consideration could. 'i'fie best muled of tne nurses came otm l.ully Iiotn a kindred ne.ghborhood, altnou as poor, una sue knew now tuucti the work was needed, fche is a fair drcsmaki,r. Tbe ilo-pitnl cannot pay ber as many poauda in tbe J tar as there are tnoutns iu it, uiid oiie d.iv the fad regarded it a- a duty to spak to h'-r about her improvioi her pro-pects aud loilcw ing ber trade. "So," sue snd; she coald never be to useiul or so happy elsewhere any more: she most stiy among the children. And she stays. One of tee uurses, as I passed Ler, w is washing a baby boy. Liking ber plea-aut lane, I stopped lo speak to hr cbaige a comrnou, bullet-leaded, frowning cburgo ruouah, laying bold of ins o u no.-e with a sl.ppery grasp, and sturingvrry solemnly out of a bluuket. The melting of the pleaant face iuto delighted str.ib b as this jouusr gentleman tave au uu'-x-peewd k-ck. and laughed at me, was ulmost worth my previous pa'u. An atfectina plav was acted In Paris jctw aeo, called 1 he Cttidrtn's JJoct or. As i purled from my Children's Doctor nowiu question, I saw in h'Hfasv black iuctie. in bis loose tout -ti ned black Irock-coat, In hi i.eusive face, in the flow ot hij dark hair. In bis ejeUsbes, Iu the very turn of bis moustache, tbe ex.ict realization of the Paris artist's Ideal, as it was presented on the stane. But uo romancer thst I kuow of ban bad the boMi,esto preflguro thu We aud home of this joung busbaud aud yournr ylfe in tbe Childien's Hospital in the e'asr, of London. I catuoaway from Ru'cllffe by the Stepney railwiy nation to tbe tenuinu at Kenchurcu strecl. Anyone who will jevere that iouU) Biay retrace my steps. There is a IIorse-tLkf Detective Society Ifi , JWtUJiU.U, VilU'i INSURANCE COMPANIES. union MUTUAL. INSURANCE. COMPANY ... . - , OF PHILADELPHIA.' i INCORPORATED 1801'. i Fire, Marine anfl Inlani tem& OFFICII, K. E. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Sts., EXCHANGE BUILDING). Tbe following Statement of theafTilra of the Company Is published iu conformity with provision of its charter:-' Marine premiums written to Jan. 1, irOU-...MnM tWU.lSKJ 10 Do. not earned Jan. 1, 18U8 - 50.710 13 liou.au io Fire nremlums written same period tM.413 3'2 Hie premiums not earned Jan. 1, It ........ 37.317 U 73,fiOO-78 tZl,714 05 Earned premiums to January 1, 180!).--. Marine risks...... - (117 811 H3 Fire risks Ij Amount received from in terest on investments aud salvages-..... 17,C96'77 $162,2W05 Losbcr, expenses, etc., same period: Marine losses 114 101 82 Fire lossev ' IS 156 bO Kent s and salaries M 11,132 57 KelnsuranceB and com mis- fi ion 8 . 1 4774 60 United Hiat.B Ihxps ., 2 613 49 Deductions in lieu of scrip... It 750 05 164.751-93 Aftftetn of the Company Jan I, 1309. J lolld 3. Hiateof Pennsylvania, coupon 6 per cent City of Pbiladelpbl, 6 per cent Camden and Am boy K. K.,6 per cent. 18H0 Camden and Am boy it H., 6 per cent. lfttf Camden ax d Am boy It. H., 6 per cent. 1875 Pennsylvania It. K., 2d mortgage, ti per cent Cn ess peake and Delaware Canal, 6 per cent Pennsylvania li. K.,lnt mortgage, tt per cent...... BcliuylklU Navigation Company, 0 per cent Philadelphia and Erie 11. 11., o per cent Wyoming Valley Canal, tf per cent Plttsbura Water Loan, 7 percent Is'orlh Ptnnsylvania K. It., 0 per crnt. North PennHYlvania It. 11, 7 per cent lbtgu V alley K. K., 6 per cent fhnrt li O nttle Bcbuylklll Kallroad y.'H Pennsylvania Hillroa.l ldO North Pern sylvan la Kallroad..... 48 Delaware Kdtlroad , JOB Wyoming Valley Canal K8 Philadelphia Bnk 88 Parmeis'abd Mechanics' Hunk... 88 Delaware Mutual insurauce Co... lb Fhounix Insurance (Join puny 4 American West India Hteainstilp Company 20 Philadelphia and Southern Mall H. 8. Company 1414 Unlou Mntual Insurauce Co. t!0 000 00 15.000 01) 11,200-00 3,5 0 00 17,000 00 10.000 00 14,010 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 11.O0J0O 7,000 00 10,000 00 3 500 00 6.0W00 5 0-10 00 D.OjO 00 6 000111 1 li-0 00 6H00 (10 800 00 8 mm uo 2.2M0 00 1.0J0 0J 400 00 5.000 on . 282 10 00 . 8215.250 00 Par value, Cost . BUla receivable for premiums Bundry Recounts iluu for premiums!.. Casb in banks 2i,OI9 1l Cash In drawer 119 34 9194 859 09 22.597-21 15,70812 22,138 45 J255.273 17 Di RECTORS. Klcbard H. Smith, William 8. Ralrd, Charles Wheeler. H. Delbert, Hoi. Townsend, K, Lavergne, J. 8. Perot, John Mors, Lemuel Collin, C. H. Cummlugs, J. H. Tllge. W. D. Winsor. X-rnei8 leie, A. E. ISorle, John H. Irwin, N. A. Smith. William C. Kent, Henry Lewis, J. C. Btelner, Edward L Clark, George Lewis, H F. Knblnson. Bamuel C. Cook, James L. liewley, K1CUARD s. SMIT17, President. JOHK MOSS, Secretary. 112121 . DELAWAKE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR ANCE COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1825. Office 8. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Btreeta, Philadelphia. MAKIKK INHIJHANCES On Vessels, Cargo, and Freight lo all parts of the world. INLAND INSURANCES On goods by river, canal, lake aud land oarrlage to all parts of the Union. FIKB IN8URAN0B8 On Mercbandlsegeneraliy; onBiores.Dwolllnss, Houses, etc. ASSETS OF TUB COMPANY, November 1. 1808. $2(0,0C0 United Stales Klv Per Cent. Loan. 10 40s 208,500.00 120.0C0 United Stales Six Per Cent. Loan, 1861 130,800 00 50,010 Unlifd Stales Six Per Cent. Lau (lor Pacific K). 50.000 00 2C0 0C0 Blate of Pennsylvania Six Percent. Loan 211,875 00 125 000 City of Phila. Six Percent. Loan (exempt irom lax). 128 691 00 CO COO Blate 01 New Jersey Six Per Cent. I-oan 61,600 00 20.000 Peun. Kail. First Mortgage Six Prtul. Bonda 20,200 00 25 CC0 Peun. U. Stcond Mortgage Six Per Cent. Honda 24.00J03 20.WI0 Wealern Peuu. It. Mori. Six Per Cent. Bouds, (P. H. K. guarantee) 20.023 00 30 000 Slate of Tennessee Five Per Cent. Loan 21,00100 7,000 Stale of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan 5,031 2 10,010 Gerinaulowu Una Co., prin cipal t-nd Interest nunn.n tetd by City of Phllaa'a, 309 abarea Slock. lo.OOOOO 10,000 Penn'a Kallroad Coinpuny, ZOUstiareaSKck 11,3'JOOO 6,(K0 Norlh Penn'a Kallroad Co , 100 shares Hlock. 3,600 00 iO.OCO Phila aLd Sou; hern Mail Si eam.Co.,80shares Stock 15,000 00 217,1)00 Loans on Kond aud Mort.- gaae. first Ileus on City WV7WV..n Properties 207,900 00 8l.109.t0O Par. Market value, I1.130.82O-25 Real Estate Kills receivable for luhurauoe inado Kalancea due at agencies, premtuma on niai Ine policies, aeci ued inter cat, and other debts due the com pany - Slock and mrlpof sundry corpora noun, J3U6. Estimated ynlue .. Cash in bunk tilt) M0-H Cash in diawtr 413 bJ 36 322 000 00 ,480 91 40. 1, 178 88 813-00 118.603 73 11,017,8117 80 PlBKirrriHH. Thnmas C. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder. John V. dsvib, Jnm C. Hand, Ttitopntius Paulding, Jofepb H. Seal. Hugb Cm Ik, John It- Penrose, Jscob P. Jones, JhmesTrsquair. EiiWard DurllDgton, H. Jons Broohe, jBnies B. WcFarland, Edward Lsfjturcade, Humuel K. Stokes, Henry Sloan, WlUUin C. Ludwlg, UeoigeU. fjlper, Heniy U Duliett, Jr., Johu D. Taylor, Uenrge W. Bernadou, William O. Boultou, Jacob Klesel, Spencer Mcllvalne, U. T. Morgan, PllUburg jonn n. EHtmpie, Josuua i'. oio1'". a. tfHrirnr. TnOVIARO. HANI). Prealdent. JOHN C. DAVIS. Vloa-Presldent HENRY LYLBUHN, Secretary. jiNKV UALL, Assistant Woeretary, 1Q( ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. UNITED SECURITY j LI 'E 1 N H V 11 A X C K AND TlilT COMPArtY, ot PEN N8VLVANIA. OFFICE: H. E. Corner FIFTH and CHESXUT StsM rHlLADHLPHlA. CAPITAL, - 51,000,003 DIllKOTOH S. PHlLAl'EI.PHlA. OFOHUEM. BTUhT. B. U. HORSTM ANN a. j. nitiiXLu V-M. A. rOH'I kK, F. A. WtKXKl, UM V M K KAN. HtHLVH FATl'KIlSON. WM. I'. HUUUI'UjS, . J KMLM4, UKNKY Jt. HOOD. TUOMAb W. i.V4SR, MKWVOaK. . JAMKSM MORtll ON, President Manhatmn Bauk JOoiJ 11 bTwAHT, ol J. J. hiuurt & Co., Hankers. BOSTON. EON. K. 8. TOBEY, lata President Board of Trade. CINCINNATI. A. E. CHAMBKKLAIN.ol Chamberlain & Co. CB ICASO. L. 7 Lit ITER, of Field. Lwlter Co. f. ta.JsMITU, ol Ueo. U bmlih Brothnra, Bankers noUisviLLK. XT, WILLIAM GARVIN, of Uarvla, Bell A Co. ST. LOD1B. JAMKRF. YEATMAN, CusUlur Merchanta' Kallooal itana. WKW BAMPhHIRa. BON. J. W PAT1 U. b. Heoator. BALTIHOKM. WILLIAM PBEHCOTT BMITI1, Baperlntnndent Consolidated Hallway Llue, w York to WanliluKiou. B. M. bHtiKMAKER. ot Adams A Oo.'a Express. . 1 1 .... 1 I . It, aV nt 11 WJ .Au, I A A V J-KAN CI is T. iilNU, Preaiuem Coutral Bavlugs KaliX. GEO BO E H. STUART, President. C F. SETTd Btcrotfcry. J. L. LCULOW, Consulting Physician. ?o?vm?A B.. C. 81 DART PATlKRtiOK.lp....-.., RICHARD LUDLOW. j counsel. This Company Issues Policies of LUe Insurance opon all tbe various plans that have been proved by tbe experience of European and -American Uoui panles to be safe, soaud, aua reliable, at ram s LOW AND UPON TKKitd AS FAVOBABLK TBOBE OF ANT COMPANY OF EQUAL bTA B1L1TY. All policies are nonforfek khte aner the payment Of two ui mme annual prrmlums. 1113lmw3mru INSURE AT H O M S IN TBE ram Slulual Life Insurance Co. ISo. Mil CHJrJSSUT St., ruIUdcliihla. AMSCXiS, 92,000,00. CHARTERED BY OUR OWN STATE. A1AJNAUED BY OUR OWN CllIZKiSa. LOfBtli PROilPJLY PAID. POLICLEaiHaCiD ON VARIOUS PLANS. Appncakiious may be made at ttie Home OlUue, aud tbe Agencies tUrougnoui the State. 12 ls JAMKM lUAtUAIk PRESlDENr MAllLlJL, ii........VlClU-PRllclDll!NT 41SO. W. UUUMUH A. V.P. and AC1UAHY II Oil A. HO Si. AA;Slli'i....M......bECRKrAl,Y ID 8 U B A H C E COMPANY oir NORTIl AMJER1GA, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA. ircCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPiCXUAX Atiirlut!, lulauu, and 11- lusurauve, ASSETS JAlSOAKY 1, 1868, - 12,001,266-72. k!0,OUO,000 Lossbb Paid la Csk Bino iu OrgaoisatioQ. Dili Kt-lORS. Axthtur B. ecnin, Oeorge L. Harrison. Frauuis R. Cone. John A. Rruwn, Ckarlea'lailor, Ambrose While, William WelHh, Richard D. Wocd, B. Morris Wain, John M&fmn. Hk. ward H, Tt otter, Edward tt.Claxae, T. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. Jessnp, John P. White, Duals C Madura. . j. yAjeuLm, iTreslaeni, CRABLia! Piatt, bccreiary. WILLIAM RUERLER, HarrUbarg, Paw centra Agent tor the State of Pennsylvania. isji A 8 D U R Y LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. LEMUEL BANGS, Preeldeut. Ota ELLKi-i- Vice-Prsldent Dd Hea EMORY MoCLXN IOUK, Actuary. The Asbury Company ksnes Policies In all theforms In prelum ute, ou me most liberal terms la resoect to rates, division or prifli, restrictions cn occuiuaiioa aud travel, Cumpallelt, Wth sslety; loans oue-iiilrd of peniluuis. wheii ueslxed.and maa.es all poUoles o.o luieiy lou-lorlelt.blH. C'ommncli:g business only In April last. It has been recrivtd wlih to ua -ii f.vor mat its assurau(.-ia aii-ay amouui toovwlM,Ob0.iM)0,and are laniajyin. crtasiiiK d by day. PENNSYLVANIA AGENCY, . JAMEM M. X,U&UACllb Ikauaaer. No. MM WALNUl' tolltH, 1'hllaUeiphla. Local itoaic of lult leute lu PhilaUelubla; -I 1 1 I . II l U U 'I' -1 I. .. i, .. - ft, . ... . . . 1 1 ' . I jsiues R Lnntacre, Arthur O. Colhn, v John tt, JUaim, V UllKn, IKvIi.a. Ji.lin H. Mi i.n.. J. R. Llpplucou, Jtimt-s Long, Jaiuts Huuter, JoLn A. Wright, R 2aiuiJm Charles Spencer. n. u. worne, TJHOSMX INSURANCE COMPANY Of X PiAXA.ADEi.PHlA. llSCORi-OAA Alt.li 1 MM -CHARTER PERPETUAL aLC bTH.retl, oppo.lte the Exctianga. iany Insures iruiu 4otn or damake by No. Kl Wav liils LbuiLkaff 1-lRal. on Uberftl terms, on bulluiLK.. merchandise, lurnltnro, etc., lor ilu.i.eu periudu, and permanently on build 11 lib by Utpobitol primuim u 'Hits C mtauy has bttiu lu active operation for more thbut-lX'l Y a EA kits, during whicn ail losses have beeu uioii-jjLly abjueled aud pal 1, lilAh.CTORd. John L. Hodge, .Luvid Lewis. At. H, alahi.iiy, Joiiu 'X. Lewis, Wil lm H. tiiatit, Robfii W. X.emlug, D. Ciatk Whaiiou, Lawrence Lewis, Jr., beijamtn Enln. Tuouias H .Powars, A. R. XdcHe iry, jlUu Ut.d Cavllllon. bauiuel Wlicox, Luvtl-. C Noir h. W UCUERER, President. Baaidki. WiLooi, CKuretary. FIKB INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY TH B 1 jfcANXNB. bVAMA ElKn. llSoUliANUE COM a-A N Y-lut-orporated lblto Charter Perpetual Kg 510 WALmtl btrtet, oppotilie XuUependvnce Square Ibis Company, favorably known 10 theoommuuity tor over loriy yean, Ouulluues to Insure agaluat low ur damage by hre ou Pi bllo or Private Building t-liber peruiauently or for a llmlied time. Also on ITuruKbre Btocas ol Goods, and Merchandise gene rally, ou liberal leruis, llulrtaplial, togeibrrwl'ha large Burplns Fond is lnveateo lu the moat oareluimanuer, which enables Uiem to ofTer to the Insureu an nu doubled security ib the case ot loos. arr.n. n.nlel hmlth, Jr., John TJAvaranv. Alrzandei Buoa, Ip-aac llsiU hursl, Thomas oumh, Henry lwl, Iht.mss nouiu. uiuiuguaxn ' 0L14 A.'aniei nauaock, jr. UANirL Piiiiii, jB-rAesiaenv WM, 0. CROW ELL, becretary. W QTR IOTLY MUTUAL PROVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST CO, OF I'Hll.AlJ -rillA, OFFICE, Mo. Ill H. FOUUTU HTttEKT. Orgauitvd 10 promote JLUfM iNoUKAUCE aiuuns ,tteU,be"0,USJOIETY OF FRIENDS, Good risks of any class accepted, Poliolcs Issued upon approved plans, at lha lowest rnniuvui. B AMU EL R. bUIPLEY. Vlcs-Presldeut. WILLiaV O. LoNGTKKTH. Actuary. ROWLAND PARRY, The advantsgea offbied by this Cuiapany are eivtlied, - .. Wl INSURANCE COMPANIES. g2J)-CILAKTi: - rEItriiTUAlj, FraiiKlin Tire Insurance Co. srF t-'AAXuAUA-AAt-SllA. ' OFFICE! Moh 435 itud 4117 (JHLSNUT NTB1k AJNSETM OH JAXSWAHT 1, IMS, HM,UUR.?4U'UUI CA Pit A a,.m iiiAAlitAl.M.........-.... '" UNUXCPriAlUJ CLAXMB. LNUOala, JTOR 1M SS.OUU'Aia s.wereaA L4Jft:ft f Al INC 1KSU urma l n.t . s. AJ- A ' w Fbipetual aud lempoiaryPoiiuiee on Liber! Termt D1RLOTOR8. Charles N. Bitncker, .Alired Flaw, Ban-nel Grant, 1 nomas Bparks, vv ul.aui Orank, A llted .i. Rkfr, ueorte W Richards, ami r-a. GrorKe Xiales, 1 nomas e. Jtiiiiti i;nAniiti 4.1 DAnuAAn- rcnia,nii UdUllubi FaLes, ViM-PreklUent. "JAH. W. MoAL,Liai KR, Becretarv l-ro teui. KA-ovpvatLexiuRt hi, Rentnoay, this Company ha no Agencies W est of Piiisouig. 114 jsiruiaAL 1 u;l lnsukaml coaipay LONDON. i:vi ai(usiii:u IH03. Paid up Capital arid Accamalated Funds, SCtOOO,0 0 0 IN GOLD. ritLVOjT A 1IERK1KU Agent, 114 Siu. Sa 107 booth THIRD Btreei, Phlla, CLOTHS, CASS. MERES, ETC. PANTALOON STUFFS! JAMES & LCtt, NV.ll MOUTH IKliOIll MTBEBT, tSlnit of the Oolctn larnb. Have bow on band a very large aud choice asorl mnt ot all the uew styles of Fall and Winter Fanej Cassimcres in the market, To which tbey luvlle the a'.leutlon of the trade and Others. Il28w AT WKSiJuKMALE and hctaii STCVtS. RANGES, ETC. ,'ii fT" 1 n ml 1 tn rf at v .i t, . , . . . w . f UllVb 1UU U ii II Ci 11 3 1 u n t, u wouiu ckii tue atteuiiou oi tne puuiio to bla This Is 10 eutirtiy uew neater. It Is sa cnn. snucied a 10 atuucecuuiuiec ditieli iu general favor, ben a CLCbiuiuion ot rougnt avdciwtlion. It la Very slu. pie lu h i uuiiatrutiion, ai.d Is perleotly air Ultlit; s 11-clru.ninK lmvlug.no t lpe nr drums to be takeu ont aud tit mied. It 9 so arranged with upright thus as lo produce a larger amouui of ueat from the tan e weight ol ccal than auy furuuee now In use, Tne tijg'i niello coumlion oi the air tut produced by uiy uew arrai gemeut oi evaporation will at once de muuurr.ie that It la ti e ouly Hot Air Furnace that will prtduce a prielctiy hcauhy aimosphere. 1 1 oni In WHnt ot a complete Heating Apparatus would do well 10 call and examlue the Gulden Eagle. CHARLES WILLIAMS, No. 1182 ana 1131 MARKET t4Lree A large BBsonment of Cooking Ranges, mreboard Ftoves, Low Down Grates, VentUators, etc,, always On hand. " N. R. Jobbing or all kjnds promptly done. 5 10 .Jta. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCnENEB ?a or EUROPEAN RANGE, for rurnilles. hotels. iTS i or Public liisliiullons. In T W EN 1' Y DI V IfEH VSCENT HiZEfcS. Also, Philadelphia Ran.es. Bot-AU Em Daces, Portable Healers, Low-down Grafts, Flrebourd hioves, Ra h Rollers. Mtew-hole X I ia I au IKrtl Ifcrc. I nnlrliicr k.tnvon n.l,f.ln i - 'ri . ... W1..aa.un ' w, OVC, jw AlUlCsSSUtJ U wa.is.I1 hv triA mstr.tifitPiiirorQ 11 25wfmfim ISo. 269 N. BKCUND Htxeet. LUMBER. 18X9. fcpIiUCE JOI3T. bPUCE JOldf , HEMLOCK.. HEMLOCK. 1369. lOfiCi BEASONED CLEAR PINE. 10t?a lOUi bEiABONED CLEAR llNli. loOSf CHOICE PAI'lERN P1MK BPANlbH CEDAR, foR PaTIERNB. RED CEDAR. 1 KM FLORIDA FLOORING. - 0nn lOOJ FLORIDA FLOORING, lOOlr CAROLINA ELOOKIaSU. VIRGINIA FLOORING. DELAWARE E'LOORxNG. AtsH ELOOIONG. WALNUT F LOOKING. FLO All DA bTEP SUAU1J& RAIL PLANK. IKr.4 WALfsUT BBS AND PLANK. 1 fifiO AOOU W AL1N UT UlJH. AaD PLaiSK. XOV J Walnut roardo. Walnut plank. tC-f'.q UNDERTAKERS LUMBER. 1 0fiQ AOUJ UNDER'tAKEXtH1 LUMRER. lOOy RED CEDAR. WALNUT AND 11 NE. IfiP.q BEABoNED POPLAR, 1QM XOVO SitAISoNED CHEitRY. 100J ASH, WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. lOfJO CIGAR BOX MAKERS' tQM AOOft CIGAR RoA. MAKEKo' 0jJ BPANleH CEUAH BOX BOARDS, 1-OR BALE LOW, Itfjn CAROLINA 6CANTLING, iDfia j.ouv Carolina ji.t. BXLLa, lov J NoRWAY bCANTLlNU. 1Cr,) CEDAR 6H INGLES, 1 OffQ iCKJJ C.rREBabH INGLES, lOQV XuALLE, RKOl ll ER A CO., 1' N o. -ibuv bOUIHeireet, T. P. GALVIN & CO.. LIMBER CCIV.iYISSION MERCHANTS SliACKAlIAXOA 8T11E1aT H11A11F, BELOW SLOArS MILLS, (BCAixicn), PHXL DELPHIAN AGENTS FOR SOUTHE RN AND KAiSTERN Man lecturers ol YELaJjW PaNE aud BPHUCET1MRH wvAnvn, vwu., .in.,, ue aimi mi luruisn order. I AHAAW , AAA. A AA J, A AVAV A A O. JlUllM Ij. IH. fciRUCE. HEMLOCK, KELEOT' MICHIGAN Ari3 CANADA PLAAK AND HOARDS, AND HAt MA1CC BH1P-KNEEB, . laistuthg ALL or WBICII WIIaIi be oeuvibeb AT AMY PABTOPTIIKCIT FllOMPTLY CHROWO-LITHOGRAPHS. pICTURES FOR TRKSENTS. A. S. ItOUIlVSOlY, So. 91U CHESNUT Btrett, Hss Just received exquisite sneclnieiis ol ART BUITAHLE i OR HOLIDAY G1E IS. ' FINE DRLbDEN -ENAMELS" ON PORCELAIN lu great variety. . 6PLFNDID PA INT I) PHOTOGRAPHS. U.cludiug a dumber ol choice gems. A SUPRHB LINE OF CURCdiXH. A large assortment ol NEW ENGRAVING. Eto. Alho. RICH SI.LE FRAAt.ES, ol elegant uavv patttiuH, Xol TRUSSES. H. Ho. la,7 CftEaNLT Street, This Truas oar! rw-tly applied wUI cure and retain with ease tne mull dltlicult rupture; always clean, light, easy, sale, aud comfortable, used in bathing, flt to roriu. neVe! rusu,, breaks, soils, bet-ouie limber, or move, from place. No strapping, Hard Rubber Abdominal SiuS porter, by which Ibeiuothei., Ooipulent. and L5 u ullerlng with Female weaAneas, will Tni Trellilaud perlect support: verv light, neat, and edeclual. puS to.trani.nta Shoulder Places. klasUo stock tin So weak lux bs, Bupiii.loti, etc. Also, large stock bea Leaitisi Ttuosbs. tiaii usual prloa. Lady loattwU smwiH wuuimio mi ueiivurauie at any accessible port. ' Constautly receiving aud on hand al our wharf POUTHERN FLOODING, bOAN 1 LING. SHIN. l