CUBA. Her (jrlevnurcs from a Cuban Aland, point. "A Cuban" contributes the following to tli9 Raw York Tribune: An account of all the efforts made by promt tent Cubans to obtain political rights from the mother country is a story of humiliations and disappointments. Daring the reigns of I'bilip II and l'hilip III it wa officially de clared that Spain and her American colonies ought to be ruled by laws as e'jual and conve nient to both as possible, tue political condi tion of Cuba and pain being then entirely alike. In 1811 Spain enjoyed for the first time tho blessings of a constitutional government, aud Cuba was entitled to have two representa tives in the Spanish Cortes. Turee years after, the despotism ol Fernando Vll was established, and again overthrown by Kiego iu 120. Louis XVIII of France, sent his nephew with a powerful army to replace Fernando on the Spanish throne, and then commenced that jeriod which recalls the rule of l'hilip II. Fernando died in 1 aud the nation was divided into two parties; one defending the principles of fanaticism aud absolute pjwer, the other the doctrine of political liberty for the people. The liberal party was victorious a ter some years of civil war, and then the J'.xtalnto Jiial wa3 given as a political chart to the (Spaniards, being introduced in Cuba, with snch alterations that the Captain-Generals re rna nei iu full possession of their autocratic authority. Although the Cubans were greatly displeased on seeing that they were considered interior to the inhabitants of the Spanish pro vinces, they sent their representatives to the Cortes. The Estatuto was still-born. Iu 18 :! the Constitution of 1:1 was again proclaimed in Spain; and the Curies Uoitstiiiiyenins agreed, after come hesitation, that Cuba should send representative for every .Id, 000 inhabitants. On the i!4lh of October, ls3tj, the Cortes Coif stltuyentes assembled, aud Cuba had iu them four representatives. These presented their credentials, and not receiving any official answer, Deputy Saco urged the examination of said documents. Iu February of 1S37 a committee proposed to the Cortes a resolution "that in the luture no representative of the colonies shall be admitted to' the Cortes." The elected deputies drew up a digniQed pro test, but the Spanish Government, neverthe less, confirmed to the Captain-General "all the powers granted by the royal ordinances to the commanders of besieged places." Tie news of the Constitution being pro c'aimtd in fpaiu was brought to Santiago de Cuba the 2i)ih of September, and the Gover nor, General Lorenzo, prooUimed it in that department. Captain-General Don Miguel Taeon, a sworn enemy of all constitutional liberty, stnt au armed expedition against the Governor of Cuba, and the latter, without making any resistance, was obliged to leave the country, followed by all those who were known by their liberal principles. The Spanish Government approved Tacou's con duct without listening to the just reclama tions made by Deputy Valiente, who had been sent to Spain to defend the proceedings of General Lorenzo. In 1854 prominent persons In Cuba, well known by their talents and wealth, asked repreentatian for the i-Iand in the Spanish Cortes. A Spaniard, editor of an official paper, wrote a pamphlet in favor of the proposition, nut its circulation was prohibited by the Captain-Geueral. The writer was the author of that memorable phrase, "Cuba must be Spanish or African." In lbfiO another Spaniard, in a pamphlet entitled "The Aspirations of Cuba," defended the rights of the Cubans to send their repre sentatives to Congress; but all these efforts were unsuccessful. In 18U1 Marshal Serrano wa3 appointed Captain-General of Cuba, aud encouraged the party called Concesionista to a new trial of patience by asking the desired political rights. Notwithstanding the opposition of the Spanish papers in Cuba, General Dulce, the successor of Serrano, authorized by the Minister of , the Colonies, caused the Common Council of Cuba to elect Commissioners to be sent to Spain. The secret instructions given to the Captain-General appeared in a decree issued by him, in which it was plainly seen that the electing of said Commissioners was made so as to diminish the number of real estate owners, Increasing tnat ol tue persons who were against the reforms. At last sixteen Commis sioners were elected, and they departed for Spain. On the 30th of October the first Bession took place, under the presidency of the Minister of the Colonies. The 4th of No vember every Commissioner received a printed ciroular w ith an interrogatory concerning "the best ways and means to regulate the labor of the African and Asiatic population, and the immigration more convenient for the provinces of CuVa and l'orto Rico." To treat suoh ques tions the commissioners had left their homes and travelled hundreds of miles. The Presi dent denied them even the right to discuss on the order of the questions asked, and they had to form four committees to give informa tion about the proposed points. It would be tedious to give a report of the sessions, in which nothing was said about political rights. The commissioners came back to their coun try with the ead experience that the Spanish Government was more reluctant than ever to grant Cuba the least particle of liberty. Vhethtr to punish the insolence of the colo nies, or to throw upon the conoessionists the , responsibility of the new state of things, Cuba was overburdentd with heavy taxa'ions, which, having exasperated those who wanted peace at any cost, have given the patriots en couragement to shake oil' the yoke of the co lonial government. Let not the American peop'e be misguided by false representations from the Spanish : organs representing the Cuban revolution as an unlawful rebellion against the paternal Government, or as a premature outbreak of political impatience. The Cubans are. fight ing for tue American principle, represented by the United States, and every republioau nation must take an interest in the triumph of the revolutionists. Let the American people take into consideration that the idea of anta gonism to the Saxon race has never existed in Cuba, aud that the name of the United v States is more respected in that island than the boasted glory of the Spanish ancestors. CurlosIUcs of English Advertising1. The rull Mall Gazelle has an entertaining article growing out of the recent publication : in London of an adverti-ing periodical called the h j channe and Marl. Tuia periodical, says ' the Pall Ju Gazelle, "offers its oolnmns at a low rate to advertisers wishing either to ex change or to sell au j thing, from a rare postage stamp to a carriage and pair and a mansion ,' bonBe." We give, by way of illustration, a few of the advertise meuis in the F.rcliamje and Atari, as they are given in the article above referred to: Here are two advertisements which answer each other in the most admirable manner, so far as one material of the bargain is con certed: "Dandle Dinmout terrier puppy, mustard color, to exchange." Wanted, a Dandle Dimiont or Scotch ter rier puppy." On looking further, we find that the first THE DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JArttARY 11 , J8G9. advertiser wants In exchange for the tyke "Vo'es of the Old Kent Asylum" lor deaf and dumb boys. The second offers in exchange for the Dandle Dinmont ' a handsome buli-terrier from a prize strain." Another advertiser is apparently equipping himself as a Fenian, for he dates from Done gal, aud offers a red Irish setter for a Colt's revolver, aud a "choice whelp ditto" for a bowie-knife. Many of the proposed exchangers are dying for rings. A lady has a very good morocoo handkerchief box, with cilt fiuisbinea, exoeed- -ingly pretty. Sbe is "only open to offers of rings not turquoise." Another lady has a white Limerick laoa tunic, uncleaned, cost X'4. Sbe wishes for a good turquoise ring and long gold ear-rings. Another writes:"! wish for rings. I have an electrical machine and apparatus, a pneu matic trough, an alarum, alphabetical safety lock, and other things, but am opeu to offers." One lady declares that a sealskin jacket is much wanted, but she is "open to offers," and this is what she will give: "A Lallier album, containing six hundred aud eighty-one stamps, very rare ones indeed; forty-six grad uated red cornelian beads, thirteen large ivory ones, three pretty illuminations, a set of green beetles, ear-rings, and brooch, on gilt leaf, cost nearly 2." Under the bead of books and pamphlets we find an advertisement which Dr. M'Neile or some of his friends should certainly look up. "1 have about one hundred different, mostly free-thought, pamphlets, average price six pence, which 1 would exchange for anything useful worth a guinea." Here is another different ppeolmen: "I have twenty military badges, and Adam and Eve eocentric, to exchange for others, or would give two badges for Tom Dawson's oat, Miss Senhonse, Miss Charlton's fan, Mr. Milbank's eccentric." We observe "a chain of Italian beads, blessed by the Pope," for seven andsixpenoe, and another advertiser, ingenuously offers: "To amateurs, or those who desire a small organ cheap. For sale, in working order, the complete shell of an organ. Only wants pipes." A Huined Town in England. An English paper tells this story of a ruined town in England : "Going into two shope which adjoin each Other in Manchester terrace, aud which are owned by one man, we asked how business was going on. 'Business 1' he exclaimed, with a sorrowful laugh, 'business has bidden good bye to Millwall.' Then, in the course of con versation, he told how his means had drifted away, how he had given credit to hundreds who weie unable to pay, and how his lease prevented him from removing to a more con genial quarter. Ilia wife, a good-natured woman, took part in the conversation, and looking affectionately at a chubby little fellow who was hanging at her skirts, and then at us, she said, 'When the poor children come and ask for bread, butter, bacon or groceries, and say they are starving, how can I refuse them ? I have little ones of my own.' "At the butcher's shop opposite we heard the same doleful tale. A few pieces of mutton and several little soraps were hanging there, but nobody came to buy them. 'I suppose the people don't buy much meat ?' we in quired tf the butcher's wife. 'Ob, no,' she said; 'we sometimes sell a pound or half pound of bullock's liver, which is the only thing in the shape of meat the poor psople can affoid. We don't sell a sheep in a week, end were it not for the milk which my hus band sells, I don't know what would have happened to ub.' "A coffee shop opposite the Millwall iron works has changed hands four times during the past twelvemonths, and the present un lucky occupant is vainly endeavoring to transfer the place to somebody else. The landlady of a similar establishment, not far off, informed us that the money she managed to spare a few years ago had not only been spent, but a horse and trap, her husband's watch, some rings and other articles of jewelry, had been disposed of to procure sus tenance for the family. Her son, who was the proprietor of two shops a few doors above, had shut them up and 'tramped it' to South ampton, where he was obliged to accept a situation as stoker on board a steamer. "The public houses, as mty be imagined, share the fate which is common to the various shops. The proprietors with dejected look Hand behind their bars and wait in vain for a flow of customers. A straggler or casual visitor in the neighborhood now and then drops in and asks for something, but most of bis time the hapless Millwall publican finds no other employment than that of reading the daily newspaper, which he formerly took in for the use of his customers, but of which he himself is now the only reader. All attempts at a transfer are, of course, useless, and like the other traders in this poverty stricken region, he with a faint hope awaits the time when business and prosperity may possibly be revived. "We were informed that in one case a licensed victualler who a very few years ago paid X'-IOUO for a house, then doing an im mense business, now hardly sells twenty gal lons of beer in the week. Another case was related to us where the proprietor of au establishment which also cost thousands had to part with his watch to get bread for his children. Other instances of a similar kind were mentioned in our hearing. But persons of the publican and shopbeeping cla-s, not merely from pride but from absolute necessity, are compelled to keep up appearances aud preserve, as far as possible, au outward show of piosperity, aud they are, therefore, unwill ing to furLish details of their sufferings." A letter dated at Visalia, California, Ko vemler 7, mentions that a party of huuters, while on an excursion in the neighborhood of Rem Lake, were startled by an unusual noise, ai d presently saw a strange object approach ing with great speed. Wuen it had arrived within two hundred yards of the hunters they discovered it waB a boy, nearly naked, and so sunburned that thev could not determine whether be was an American or a Spaniard. ! The hunters started in pursuit, but the 'wilii boy" fled with such rapidity that they soon lost Bight of him. The hunters, whose nameB 1 are given, are well known in Watsonvilln, i and the paper which publishes the letter vouches for the truth of the statements. In the cape of Catharine Pitt, of Boston, egainst the lierkshire Life Insurance Company to recover the insuranoe ou the life of her husband, wlich had been refused because the insured had failed to pay the first instalment on the note given for cash premiums, the Supreme Court has decided In favor of the company, because by the failure to pay the first instalment the policy beoame null and void. In regard to the provision of the general statute for the non-forfeiture of life polities becauss of non-payment, the court decidfd that that did not continue the polioy iu force, because the indebtedness of the In sured to the defendants exceeded the net value of the olity. RAILROAD LINES. RKiDINU RAILROAD. - GKRAT TRUNK LINK from Philaoeipnl lo tne Interior oi Pennsylvania, the Schnyiklil, riusqiinhanna, Cum nor land kid w joining Valleys, the Norm, Northwest aiitftlie Canada Winter Arrangement of Passenger Trains, December 14, ItMU, leaving the Onmpn' Dfpot, Tmrtonth and OalJowhUl streets, Philadel phia, at tlie following honrs: MOHN1NU ACCOMMODATION. At 7 HO A. M. for Heading aud all Intermediate stations, aud Alleu town. Hemming, leaven Reading at 6 85 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia 9 28 P. M. HOKMM1 KXPRKHH At ilB A. M., for Reading, Lebanon, Harrl. hurg, Potts vllle. Pine Grove. Tatu a qua, Hunbury, Wll.ianmiiort. Elmira. Kochimier, Nlugara Fails, Buffalo, w'llkesbarre, Plttston, York, Carlisle. CbamherHhiirg, llsgerstown, etc. The 7'80 train couura;a at Heading with the Kant Pennsylvania Halltoud trains for Allentown, etc. and the 8 15 A. M. connects with Hie Ltbanon Vailey train for Harrlsburg, etc.: a. Port Clinton with Oatawissa Railroad trains for Wllliamsport, Lock Haven, Kinilra, etc.; at llarrlBburg with Northern Central, Cumber land Valley, and Schuylkill and BiiBHuehanna trains (or Northumberland, Wlillauisporl, York, Chaiubers burr, Plnegrove, etc. AF1ERNOON EXPRKS. Leaven Philadelphia at H',10 P.M. for Heading. PottAVllle, IlarrUburg, etc., connecting with Heading aud Columbia lUilroaU trains for Columbia, elc. ..- . POH8TOWN ACCOMMODATION. Leave Potts town at 6 4b A. M., stopping at intermediate stations: arrives In Philadelphia at 910 A. M. Returning leave Philadelphia at 4 00 P. M.S.arrtves la Pottslowu at t'U READING ACCOMMODATION Leaves Radlng at 7'8o A. M., stopping at all way stations: arrive Iu Philadelphia at lo ai A.M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 115 P. M.; arrive In Reading at J--W P. M. Trains lor Philadelphia leave UarrNbtirg at 8-10 A. M aud Pottnvllle at 8 4fi A. M., arriving In Plillaael phia at 1 P. M. Alieruoou tralus lve ilarnsburg at -o6 P. M., and Pottsvlile at 2'45 P. M.i arriving at Philadelphia at -48p.M. , ,, ,, .... Harrlsburg accommodation leaves Reading at 7"15 A.M. aud llajrlHbiirg at 4 10 P.M. Connecilrg at Reading with Afternoon Accoinuiodatlou south alt 34 1. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 9 2j P. M. Market train, with a Pabaetigercnr attacuel. leaves Philadelphia at l2-0moon for Pottsvlile and all Way Htatioiis: leaves Pottsvlile at 7'80 A. M. lor Philadel phia and all other Way Stations. All the above trains run dally. Sundnya excepted. fctuday train leave Pottavlie t'VV a. iu., ana rmiadelphln at 8'li P. M i leitve Piiilndelphla i.,r ReaOing at 8 Oo A. Mm returning troin Heading at 4 u2 P. M CHAHTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers for Downlngtown and Intermediate point tnke tue 7 so A. M., I2'8ti and 4 ()0 P. id. trains Irom Philadel phia; returning from Dowuliigtown at b 30 A. M., 1245 and 6'16 p. M. PKHKIOM.KN RAILROAD. Passenger for Sttlp pack take 7 30 A. M. and 4'li P. M. train from Phila delphia, returning Irom tsklpp&ck alg'lu A.M. aud 12 45 P.'M. fctage lines lor various points InPerKloiuen Valley' connect with tialna at Collcgeville aud tjkip- Pftl'W YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND THK WltHi'. Leaves Kew Yoik at A. M , S'.XI, and 8b0 P. M., passing Heading at 105 A. M,, l fi i, and 10'19 P.M., and couuect at ilarrlsbiirg wltb Penunyl vaula aud ISorthern Central Railroad xprcss Train lor PltiHburg, Chicago, WUiiumsporC, Kiuilta, Balti more, etc, Beturiiing, Express Train leaves Harrlsbnrg, oa Arrival of PeuiisvivanlR Kxpress from PKubarg, at 8-60 and fi 60 A. M.. 10'50 P. M , passing Heading at 6'44 and 7'31 A. M., aud It SO f. M.. arriving at New York, 1100 A. M and U-2u and 6'UO P.M. Sleeping Car accompanying these trains through, between Jersey City and Pltlaburg, without change. Mali train lor .New York leaves Harrlsburg at 8-10 A. M. and 2-Oa P. M. Mall train lor Jiarrlsuurg leaves Mew York at 12 Noon. 8CHCYLKILL VA LLKY RAILROAD. TralnB leave Pottsvlile at 6'43. 11'80 A. M tuid 6 40 P. M.. returning lroui Tamaqtta at s-oo A. M., aud 216 aud 4 4 P. M. hCilU VLKILL AND SOSQURHANNA RAIL ROAD. Trains leave Auburu at 7 65 A. M. for flne gtove and ilarrUuurg, aud at y u p, tn. for Pine grove and Tremunt; letiirulug from IJarrUburg at 8 30 P. M., aud from Trtuitui at 7 40 A. M aim 5 its P. M. TICKETS. Through lirst class tickets and emi grant tickets to all the principal poinld lu the North and Went and Canadas. Excursion Tickets from Philadelphia to Reading aud Intermediate stations, good tor day only, a.-e sold by Alorulug Acuoiuujodniiou, Market Train, Heading aud Pi tutown ACuommodailou Tralus, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day oniy,tare Bold tit Heading aud iiiie.uieuian? statious by Heading and Poltutowu Accommodation Trains at reduced rutes. '1 he following tickets ate obtolnable only at the Cilice of B. Bradioru, Treasurer, jSo yXl 8. Fourth street, phUadelphla, or U. A. tficolls, Oeueral super lnteudeiil. Reauiug. Coniiuutaiion 'ncket at 25 per cent, discount, be tween auy poinis desired, tor iaml.ies and lirms. Mileage Tickets, good ior zouo miles, butweeu all points, at 2'5o eacu, lor lamliles and lirms ISeaisou Tickets for hree, six nine, or twelve months, tor holders only, to all poluts, at reduced Clergymen rehlding ou the line of the road will be furnished wlin carua, entitling thumb jive and wives to tickets at hall laie. f xcurslon 'lickets from Philadelphia to principal stailous ,good tor baturuay, ouuday.aud Monday, at reduced lare, to be had only at tue Ticket Ollice. at Thirteenth aud CallowhlU slreeis. i'KEIUHT. Uooos oi ail de'crlptlons forwarded to all the above points lroui tue C-mpauy'aew f relgut Depot, JiroitU aud Willow eueels. ireit hl Trains leave Philadelphia daily at 4 35 A. M., lz'.iu neon, 8and 61' M., lor Heading. Leoauou. Hain&burg, PotUvllle, Porti Clinton, and all points be oud. Malls close at the Philadelphia Post Ollice lor all pluces ou the road and lis branches at 5 A. 41., aud lor the principal btations only at 2'lo P. ji. BAU jACK. Duugau s lixpress will collect Bag gage lor all trains leaving Philadelphia Depot. Order can be left at No. -.16 o. fourth street; or at the Depot. Thirteenth uud CallowhlU streets. EfcT CflESTEK AND PHILADELPHIA HAlLKOAO,-WIN fiiil AKHANUKMUrfl' -ou and alter MONDAY', October &, IbuS, Tralus will leave as follows: Leave Philauelpbla from the Depot, THIRTY FlHaT auQ UHKsSJJT btreots, 7'4 A. AL. 11 A. Al.. I 80 P. M ,,4-16 P. M., 4 50 p. M., 0-15 aud ll 3J P. M. Leave West Chester lor Puliadelphla, trora Deport ou .kail Market sweet at 0 2) A. M ; 45 A. M., b'uo A M., 10-4& A. M., P5&P. M., 4 60 P. M., and bad P. .U, '1 rains leae West Chester at 8 oO A. M., ami leav lLg Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M., will blop at B. C. Juuc Hon aud Meula only. Passeugers to or lroui station between West Chester and J. C. Junction, gjiug jut, will lake train leaving Went Ouestex t ;-i6 A. M.. aLd going West wUI lake the Iraiu leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 P. M., aud trausler at B. c. J uuctlou. The Depot In Philadelphia Is reached directly by the Chennut aud Walnut (streetcars. Tri,se or t e Market btrutl line run within one square. The curs uf both Hue countct with each train upon it arrival. ON BCNDAY'S, Lf-ave Philadelphia at m A. M . and 2-00 P. M. I.euve WeML Chester bt 7'6S A. M. aud 4 OU P. M 'j rains leaving Philadelphia at 74S A. M. aud 4xo p. M., auu leaving West Cuester at 8 00 A. M. and rio t. M., connect at B. U Junction with Trains ou P. At B. C H. H.. for Ox'unl aud lutermedlute points. 410J MH-NltY WUOD.Aieueral ttuo't. OH I LA DELPHI A, GEKMAKTOWN, AVD t fcUAKloTOWN HAILltOAD-TlAUC TAB La: PCR toiiHMAniTOWi. Leave Phlltdelpula ft, 7, 8, 9 oa. lu, n 1 A. M.. 1. fc 3, 3H. 4, 6, &h, 8 i0, 7, 8 8, 10, 11. 12 p'. " ' uve OeittJaotow n 8, 7. 74 8, 8 2o, , 10, 11, 12 A. M 1 2, 8 4, 454. 8. 7, 8, V, lu, 11 P. M. " The 8 2o Dow u lraln, and aud 6 Up Train will Dot stop cn the tieriuauiown H ranch, V " CM bUNDA Yb. Leave Philadelphia " A. M. 2, 7, W P. M. IAVeUermautowu84 A, M. 1, 8, l P, M. cwjusiNUT til ll Railroad. Leav Philadelphia I, 8, 10, 12, A. M., 2, tX, 6, 7, 'LeaveCuestnnt Hill 711, 8, IT40, and ll'lo A. M., l to 8'40, 6-40, 8-40, 8'40 aud 10 40 P. M. ' ' ON SUNDAYS, l,eve Phliadeipnia A. it. and 7 P. M. Leave Chestuut llhl 7 &0 A.M. 12-40, 6 40 and t-st p. ai. Ci,,o."" "'--ON BCNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia a. M., 2 ao and 71a P. it Leave tiorrlstfwn 7 A. M., 6-20 and 8 P, tl, LoavPhlladelphia6,7i:. U, aud 110b A. ., IK, , N. Mi, .l4. S 05, aud ll P. iA. Leave Manayuuk 8T0, 11m, 20, 9X. and HX A. U ..i.ej.ai1aPiM.BpNi)Am Leave PhlladelphU (A. M., ii and T P. H. Leave Manayuuk A. M., 6 aud 8 P. M. W. U. WIUSON, Ueneral btiperlntendent, Depot, NINTH and UHUiUN Htreet. OHTII PENNSYLVANIA It AILROAD. l ,,r HETDLliHfcM. DOYLKSTOWW. MAIIi If IiIjNK. JtA-'lOM, WILLI AM SPUR P, WlLKKs- BARBK, MAHaN'jY UlY. MOUNT C MtM KL, Pl'lTbTON, TUtVK UANNOCK. Nu HCUANTUa. WlNTMl AUbtAMJH.Ma;NT.S. Pasrenger Trains leave the Depot, corner ot BERKS ai d AMERICAN btreets, daily (Sundays excepted), as loilowb: At 7 45 A. M. (Express for Rethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, 11 szleion, Wllliamsport, Wllkesbarre, Mahanoy City, PMstou, and Tuukhauuock. 0'46 A. M, (t xpre) lor Bethlehem, Haslon. Allen twu, Mauch Chunk, Wllkesbarre, Plttatou, aud tirranUJU. At 1 45 P. M. (Expreso) tor Bethlehem, Maacb Chuhk, Wl keebarre, l'lluiton, and Hcrauton. At 6''jo p, M. lor Bethahem, Kastou, Alleutown and Aiaucn cluuk. 1-nr LoyleHtowu at 8'4S A. M., 2 45 and 4'15 P. M. Per f ort Waf hlii;tou at lo ii A. M. aud 11 80 P. M. Por Laiihdale at ti-2 ' P. M. Piftb snd hlxtb streets, Hecond and Third street, and I'ulon City Pabseuger Railway ruu lo the uew epfTKAINH ARR1VK IN PHILADELPHIA pJ' Ui Bethlehem at 8 lo A.M., 2T0, 6 25, aud 8 JO Vinm Doylestown at 8'35 A. M., 4'66 aud 7 P. M, Prom at 7 .0 A M. Prom Port Wahhington at 10 45 A, M. and-8'10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Rethlehem at 0 SO A. M, Piidailelphla lt.r l)oiwtowu at 2 P. M. DoyleUowu for Philadelphia at 7 A. tl. liel hlehtm tor Phllado pma at 4 P. M. Mi kets sold and Parage checked through at Vai.n's Nf'rlh Peunuvlvanla Bitggage Kx press OlUce, N". 106 . Hi 1 U Street. KLLLS fJLARIC, AgeuU . . .... iiurtf.irt'w Leave Puiladelpliia , 7i, w, and 11 y6 A. M. l , a, "1 ..aveNurrlstown 5'4U, 7, 7'80i . and n a. M.. i ' I mi RAILROAD LINES. F il ii i u f f V? K 1 LROA D;OOM PA N 1 KH Ll N KM WAYPlScilS. TO WKvV YoaK AND At fl-M A ??OM. -tr ST a HIT WRARf. At B A ii 1 via Camden and Am boy Aocom.....lr2 At 1 PM "J. Anif en nd Jesey City JCx. Mall 800 At6P,M''7n?A2n 51 A'nboy Kxpress.... 8 00 At 8-80 an"J .AA5?b-1' JI '"temiedlate stations. Mr'c'renceVeV. Vv"4 M The 1 and 1180 P. M. Line leava w..k. Streel Ferry (upper side.) IW "om Markot I,,, i lLrVM KI"?I'f"TOlf DXPOT. At 11 A.M., via Kensington and York i.x press Line, Fare. 0 Jeraer City. New At 7 .aLa 11 A. M. 2 Wl, 8 80, and t P. M. for Tf audBrlMol. And at 1016 A M. for Hrlt,,l Trenton aul'mij'town A M 1W nU 6 ' U- ,ur "-VIU. At 7 80 aud lO-lS A. M. and 7 30, and 5 p. m tnr Bcheuck' and Bddlngtoii. ' .. rot At 7 80 and 10-15 A. M. TM, 4, 8, and 8 P. M.for Corn. Well's, lorrvsoale, UoluiesburK, Tacony, Winn no mlrg, BrldeeDurg, and Frank lord, and at 8 P.M. tor Uoluienliurg and Intermediate Htittluns, FKOM WKBT A 111LA DK LP ill A DEPOT, Via Connecting Hiliway. At 9 48 A. M , i-20, 4, e-ao. aud 12 P.M. New York Ex press Llces, via Jeisey City; Fare, ta 25. At 11 8u P. M. .Emigrant Line; Fare, i At IC46 A. M., 1-io, 4. s ail, and 12 P. M , tor Trenton. At 845 A. W.,8, tr.-ioaud 121'. M., lor Br.s'.ol. At 12 P.M. (Night), lor ikloriisvlllo, Tullytown. BchCBck's, Kddlrgion.Cornwell's.Torresdale.Kolmes bnrg, Tacooy, Wlsulnomlng, Brldestiurg, aud Frank ford. The 8 45 A, M., 6-)o and 12 P M. Lines will tun dally. All others, etundays excepted. For Lines leaving Keuslngtou depot take the cars on Third or Fifth streets, at Cheimit, 80 minute before departure. 1 he cars of Market ttt-eut Hat'Wuy run direct to West Philadelphia Depot, Cnesnutand Walnut within one square. On Hnndays the Market Htreet cars will run to connect with the V'46 A. M. 8'SO aud 12 P. M. Lines. at.LiUKHii hi LAWAHK RAILROAD LIN Ed, laoii anNsiNuroN dkcot. At 7'0 A. M. tor XSiagara Fails, Bullalo, Dunkirk, El mil a, Ithaca, Owego, Hochester, Binghamton, Os wego, r-yracuse, Ureal Bend, Montrose, WnkesUaire, bcrautou, btroudsburg, Water Uap, Bchooley's Moun tain, elc. At 7'8o A. M. and 3-30 P. M. for Bolvldere, Kaaton, Lambertvillo, Flemlugtou, eio. The 8 3o P. M. Line connects direct with tue Tralu leaving Kastou lor Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Betblehe n, e'c. At 6 P. M. for Lamburtvllle aud Intermediate Sta ilous, CAMDEN AND BCRLINOTON COUNTY I AND PEM B KB ION illWUToTOWii itAlJL- VjfiA llM IHUM MARKET STREET FERRY, (Upper Bide.) At 7 and 10 A. iu., l au, s do, puunwr, iA., ior uier chanlsvllle, Moorestown, Hartford, Masonvllle. Pialusport, liouut Holly, emithviile. Ewausyille, VluceutowH, Blrmlugham, aud Pemberton, At 7 A. M., l'3o and 8 80 P. M., lor Lewlstown, Wrlghtstown, Cooksiowu, New Kg) pt, Iloraoritowit, Cream Hid go. lnilajstown, f-harou, and lllghintown. 1116 WILLIAM XI. UATZMUtt, Agaul. DEKSSYLVAMA CENTRAL KAILK0AD FALL TIME, TaKINU U.FFECT NOV. 22. 1888. The tralus of tue Peuuaywaiiia Central Ualiioad leave the Lepji, at lHtHT y-sIUtsT and MaiKh,T btreets, whlca Is reached directly by. the Maraet btreet cars, the lant car connecting with each train leavlug Front aud Market streets tuirty niinut) be fore Its oepartuie. The Chewnm aud Walnut btreeta cars run within one bquaie of tueDopot. bleeping Car Tickets can be naa ou application at theUicket ollice N, W, corner Ninth aud chesuut treets, and ttt the depot. Agents ol the Uulon Transfer Company wUI Call for aud deliver baggage at the depot. Orders loll at No. Ml Chesuut stibCt, or No. 118 Market suefct, will receive LExVK Djsm, V1Z:- MallTvlu S'OO A,M, Puoli Accommodation, 10 80 A. il., I i0, aud 0 10 P. M., Fal Line...... 11 o0 A. M., Erie Kx.iem VoUA ilarrlsourg Aocommodutlou - i0 P. M. Lancaster Accommodation 4oo P. hi, Parkesburg Tralu....M...... 6 0 P, M. Cincinnati Express 8-ou P. m. Erie wall ana juunaio juxpreaa iuio jr. xa. Philadelphia Express 12 00Nlgbt. Erie Mail leaves dally, except Buuday, running ou gaturdsy eight to W illlamsport cn ly . Ou Bund y uighl paBsengers will leave Philadeipli'.a at 12 o'clock. Phliauelphla Express leaves dally. All oiuer train dftllv, except Bnnday, , The Western Aocommoaatlon Train runs dally, ex cept Sunday. F"or this train tickets must be pro cured and baggage delivered by 6 oo P. M at NTo. lia U,UrkTHAIN8 ARBIVK AT DJEPOT. V1Z..- Clncluiiatl Expreas aTO A. M, Philadelphia ExprosB.......................... 810 A, M. Paoll Accommodation,.- .8 80 A. M., 8 10 and 710 P. tl. Erie Mail and Bullalo Jtipress....- 10 tit) A. M. Parkesburg Tralu .010 A. M. Fast Line woo A. M, Lancaster Train 12-80 P. M- Erie Express - - 4'20 P. M" Day Fix press ' '2U M, Ilarrisburg Accommouttilon........M 8 40 P. At, F or lurtucr Inl'o.matlon apply to mvi iui.u k ,om( 0i ALLEN, Ticket Agent, No. sol OHHSN OT btreet, FBANCIS FUNK, Tk:ket Agent, No. 116 MARKET ft reel, BA hi UEL a. WALLA Cl, , Ticket Agent at the Depot, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not a, some auy risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred .Dollars In value. AU Baggage exceeding that amount lu value will be at the risk of the owuer, unless taken by special COh tract. KDWA1UUL W1LLIAMB, 42 General Superintendent Altooua, Pa, PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BjtLlXAlOBK HAILHOAD. TIME i'ABLH. cou-iuecciiig JiOrs'DAV, iNovember 23, itas. Trains will leave Depot coruer Broad street aud Washing ton avenue, as loliows: Way Kail Train at 8 80 A. M. (Sundays excepted), for Baltimore, stopping at all regular eiatiuui. Con necting with Delaware Ballroad at Wllailugton fur cr bueia ana lutermeuiate nwtiuui. Exprets Train at 12 M. (Sundays excopted) for Hal liuoreaLd Washington, stopnng at Wilmington, Perrjvllle, ant) llavre-ce-Orace. couuecla at vVU tuiDgton with train lot New Cw.tle. Expieos 'Ira'n at 4'0UP. M. (buuday excepted) for Baltimore aud Washington, stopping at Chester, Tuutlow, Llnwoud, Cluymont, Wilmmgun, Naw port, blanlou. Newark, Elkion, Norlh-East, Charles town, Pei r vllle. Havre de Orace, Aberdeen, Perry nian's, Edgewood, Magnolia, Chase', aud biemmer's co'ght Express at 11 '30 P. M. (Dally) for Baltimore aud WaBhli-gtou, lopplug at Cuesler. Tuurlow. Llu wcod, Claymout, WUintngtou, Newark Elkion, Norih-Hsl, Perry vllle. and Havre de Orace. Pa sei.gers for For tres Monioe aud Norfolk wlu take the 1200 M. train, take tue u uu WILMINGTON TRAINS. Stopping at all btations between Philadelphia and eve'pul'adelplila at 110A. M., 2 80. oo. and 7 00 P.M. TheiouP. M. 'I'ralu conuccu with Dela ware Haliroad ior Hamugtou aud intermedute lltLeBveWllmliitton7C0Bnd 810 A. M., l-3u.41B.and 7-ou P. M. The 8 lo A. M. Tralu win uotstop between Chei ter ai.d pnhaueiphla. The 7 00 P. u. Tralu Irom W llmlngiou ruus daili all other Accooimodallou 7-25 A.M., Way Mall. 0 36 A. M., Express. 2 2oP. M All,,bUNDiVllVAlNTHOM BA LTIMORK. Leaves Baltimore ai 7 2.i P M.. stopping at Mag nolu Pe.fyu "u" Aberueeu, Havre de-Uiaoe. Perry ?l!le" llarlestowu, Norm-East. Elklou, Newarg, !anion. Newport. Wllmlugtou, Claymout. Llnwood, anuChtster, ,. ,. West. South, and .A7h et may he procured at ticket ofllcs, No. 828 J-V.eLnnt s Hotel, wLetd also Late " itt-oriii i ! Bulbs lu M eeplug cars can bs rif.,rpuauring the day Puson purcauslng ticket I, i.ttlce can have baggage chveked at their resl fieucebythe tnlon Transfer Company, deuce oy tu u KENEV , buperlntendent. PHILADELPHIA AND EHIE RAlLItOAD. Wia'l'KK TIME TABLE. THKOUMU AND i.iBVCT HOUTE BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA, HAl'llMOHE. HAKKlbBLHii, WlLHAilsJPOHl', aVu lUli OHEAT OIL KEUION OF PENNbYL- VvfiJkiIt Pleepii'gCars on all Night Train, OuanS arte Monday. November, 18M. the trains on the Philadelphia and Erie Btulroad will ruu as follows:- WB8TWABD. m AIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia I0'48 P, M, M11.. . Wllllambpjrt 8-13 A.M. arrive at Erie U 60 P. M. FRIE EXPRJCba leave Philadelphia 11 Sua. hi. jemn- ., Wllliamsport. 860 P.M. h arrives at Erie lii'.OA.M, BXMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8 00 A. M. " Wllliamsport 8 8u P. M. arrives at Lockhaven 746 P. M. KAMI WAUU. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10-55 A. M. " " Wllliamsport 12 65 A. M, " arrives at Philadelphia lu-oo a, M. EE IK EX Pit Ebb leave Erie fc'26P. M. " " Wllliamsport. 7'5U A. M, " . arrives at Philadelphia... 4-20 P, M. Mali and JCxprms rouuect with Oil Creek and Allegheny Blvur KaUtoad. BAOOAOU CHECKED TllKOt'OHi ALFRED L. TYLEK, 1 1) Oeueral buperiuteudenL w EST JERSEY ItAILKOAD 8 FALL AND WlisTKR iKIUNUIfllKN'r. prom loot oi j a kiet bireet (Upper Ferry). Commencing WEDNESDAY, benlemoer 16, 1863. 11U1BS liUVH At lULliOWS, For Cape May aud atatioua below AiulvUla, IU P. M. l or MIU vllle. Vlnelaad, aud Intermediate station 8-16 A.M., 815 P.M. For Brldgetou, balem, aud way station 815 A. M and 8o P.M. ., For Woodbury at 815 A. M., 815, 80, and 8-00 P. M. Freight Ualu leave Camdeu dally at 12 o clock ""Frelffht received at second covered wbasf below W.alnul bireet, dally, Freight UehvereJ No. ?P Smith JMw,:B,yFer'u9' WILLIAM J. bEWELL, a buperluteuduut. GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. E 6 H L E M A N lntoTiiEHa WILL OI'KN A KBW SrOCK OP Men's Furnishing Goods, At No. 1004 CHESfiUT Street on ii;cE.nin:K is. Belling off Old Stock at (12 1 J lmrp 6KVENTU AD CUIWNUT Sl'ttKIiTS. H. O. K. C. Harris' Soainksa Kid Glovoa. KTEHI JPA1H U AKBANTEO. JEXL'LVSXTR AOir.NT8 Port (IKS Its' GLOVBu J. W. SCOTT & CO., Z7irp ho. 814 t llUKIT kfllLllX, pATENT S II O U L I) K B 8 B A Jl SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GLNTLEMEN'S 1UUNISUINQ STORK. PEHFECT F1TTINO bhiki-8 AND DRAWElta made Horn meaurement at ve.v lmrt n.JiilT All other arilcP ol uI7lSkvL ni.M OOODb in full variety. 1 LEjIEN a DKEtDS WINCHESTER & CO., 111 No.7ncUESNUr Street. ENUINKS, MAUHINERY. ETC, &l$L u 1;f'NN KT'-A11 ENQINB AM) HMl 1 hm. ftnrl VfiT vikii uu i a. A bru ?ut;ce,s8ful ope.ation, aud been ""fulvS2 I? Inbulldlng and repaifl.i. Marine aduTv fc"?i",,,,,'ulahdoJy.pre-1ur9, Iron Boll""" wZ tfJi, 'VOheller, etc. etc., respectfully otler hei l?i7t S,1".111? Pnb"? bol" tt'ily Prepared to ooi L.,'or enk'" of all euee, larlue, Klver. ( are prepared to execute ora.-.s with quick doVrmtob V'..d,a,crlullou ot pa.Uira umklug made m u7v shortest notice. High and Low-presaara Vim Tubular and Cylinder Boilers, oi the best PennnjlV. ulacharc'ial iron. F'orglngs of all slse and kimi" Iron and Brass Castings of jtd doncriptloj. Ho; Turning, Screw Cutting, and all o.uer workoondeoi.jj with the above business. Lrawlngs and speclUcatioiis lor all work done a tbe establishment free of charge, ami work cuarai toed. The subscribers have ample Wharf-clock r.ia repairs of boate, where thoy cau lie In perfect safei, aud are provided with shearx, block, falls, etc. etr for raasuig heavy or Imht woiahto. JACOB O.NEAFIK. JolitN P. LEVY, HI BKACi-l and PALM EH Btreet, J, VAUGHN KKM co VWLLIAM H, HaUtBICa QOUTIIWAKK 'FUUiKY, FIFTH AXI O W AttHlNOTON Btreeta. aju i-aiLAlji.LPlilA, MliKKIlK tU cjONS, lINUIIvEEitH AND MAC1UNIBTS, ,;iauufac:nre High aud Low Presaure ateam Eutln fo r Laud, Hi vt r, aud JU ar ne Mervico. Br)!lers, (iasometers, 'lauitrj, Iroo float, etc, Cattlngs of all kinds, either irou or bran. Iron Fraiiie ltoors lor Oas Work, Workshops, an ilailtoad utailoB. eta Hetorts and Oas Machinery, ot the latest and mui Iu, proved construction. Evejjy description o( Plantation Machinery, aluo tit; gar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pane, Oil Steam Trains, Deiecators, Filters, Pnmplug, u. g.ces, etc Bole Agent for N. BUlenz's Patent Sugar Bolllca Apparatus, Nesmyth' Pa' ut steam Hammer, and Aspinwaii m wooisey patent ueniruugai Dugar braining Machlnea. 680 FIRE-PROOF SAFES. gTROM THE GREAT FIRS IN MAltKKT STllISliT. iiei:rixs patext safes Again the Cliauipiou! 1HE ONLY SAFE THAT PHErtEBVEi ITS CON TENTS UN UHAKItiCO, LETTER FBOM T MOUHIS PEROT & CO. Philadblfiiia, 1 Wellth Moutu 8lh,18!8. Messrs. Farrei. Herring & Co., No. 820 Cbesnut street OentB: It Is with treat pleftsuie that we aud onr tei tlmouy to the value y l ur Patent Champion bale. At the destructive tire on Marketstreet, ou the evening of the 8d lnsi.,iour store was the centre or the coullagratlou, and, beiug til ea with a large stocn ot crugs, oils, torpeuilne, palms, varn sh, a.cohol, etc , maue a severe aud trying, Yo jr Hate stood In au expoecd sliua'iou, aud teil wi'.h tue burulug lloors into the celiar anioug a quitntity ol comousliols ma terials. We opened It next day aud touud our books, papers, bank note bills receivable, aud'eutlre coateuis an sale. It Is epiol)v gratifing to 'us tuat your Bafe came out all rignt as we had entrusted our mi st valoatile book to It, We snail want another of yeur bales In a lew days, as tney have our entire con Uuelice. Y'ours, respect'ully, T. aiOHRI3 PEROT & CO. nKBRINO'S IATENT CHAMPION SAFES, the victors in more than w0 accidental tires. Awarded ti'O Prize Attdsls at the World's Fair, Lonuou; Worio's fair, New York; Exposition Uuiversene, Paris Manufactured and for Bale by FARREL, IIE11H1NG & CO., No. U9 CIItSXUT NTItF.ET, 12 9wfm3mrp PHILADELPHIA. 15 . L . SI A I S E R , MAMUrAlTlTBRB OF i IRE AND BUBGLAlM'iiOOF 84FE8, LOCKjbMllH, BELL-H ANtiER, AND DEALEh LN BULLDLNO UAHDWARE. 1 6 N o. 431 RACE Streo t LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' C'orilT KtlR THE CITY X AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate of WILLIAM ! 1. . 1 1 Ueo-aied. The Auditor appolu ed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of nlHK.N K V. JOdN H, administrator ot the Estate u( WILLIAM FLElf 1NO, deceased, and to report uittirioullou ot the balance lu tne hands of said iulaul, wl 1 meet the parties luterested, tor Die purpose of his rti. polmmeut, on WtDHEUli Y, January 20, 18H8. a'' o clock P.M., at the ouiu-of OEOU iB W.SPiB-. Esq, No. oi S. FIFTH blieel, in the City of fhlla; delphla. mMjm 1 11 18 15 11 aninvn r. .y rTi?.xTti urnTiiirn fL' , I 'i ceated. Letters ol Anmltilnirallou on the i.bove Kb' ate having been granteu to the under signed, persons Indebted thereto will make paymeu', and those having claims aga'tin tbe same present them to ROBERT E. Administrator, No. 135 MARKET Street, or to his Attorney, CHAb. C. LHsTER, Mo. 51)4 WaLN UT -ilriBt. 13 Uaiiil GOVERNMENT SALES. AUCTION WALK Oi"' liOPITAL BEDDING AND CLOTHING. AbblSXAIiT MkDICAL rilKVKYOK'S OFFICK, 1 Washington, U. U., Jau. 0, lib!) ( Will be sold at ptUllc uttoilou, lu this city, at tbe Judiciary Square W'areiiome. E utrent, be tween Fourth aud F'lflli Htieets, ou WEDNES DAY, tLe !20ih day of January aoxt, at. lu o'clock: A. M., the followiuii Kincles of HOSPITAL. BEDDING aud CLOTH 1 NU di Imirfer required lor I lie uae of the Medical D.ipai liueut, vl..: o,0; U pairs ol Ullppt)i9. la.LIMJ Caps. 5,010 GowDB. 6,000 palra of Soclts. lu,00d Druwera. 10,W)0 8hlrl8. 2 600 liedeacks. 1,111,0 fcitraw Matttespe 6,100 sole Mosquit i liav Erames. 6,M0 Couuterpaues. 6,1,00 Iiineu BheoiM. 6,(M.O 1'illi.wn. 2 40U White BlaukeU. With a very sinall excHrnion t lie above poods are all new, uud liavo t.ev;i- liceu uwed. Tuoy will be told lii lota to null both Urge aud stuull iiutchaaera. Terra cash iu Government fuuds. Five (&) ilas will benliowcd to parlies pur chuslng to rtiuove their limpei-t v. C11AULE-4 UMEttL.ND, Awihtaut Medical ITirvyor, 111 (it Bvl. Col. U. . A. OOTTON AND FLAX, HAIL DUCri AND OANVAH, Of all numbers and brands Tent, Awnlnr. TrnDk, and Wagon Cover Duck, Also, Paper Manufacturers' Uriiir Felu, from oo to several lee twine; Pauling, Helling. Hail I loo, etc JOHN Wi EVKUMAN A CO., SiO.lotJONW AUsf. AUCTiON SALES M. TOWnW l3) AN0 6T()CK8, LOANS, WTO Oa Tuesday, ltih Januarr At tto'clrck noon, at tbe PnnaUeiuaT. 1 share point Bree.e Park. ""aeluul ""cbaign-. Boa No. 84 Polut Itrfeze Prk. For account ot whom K may ooncern Msliarn Ureeuwicti lmproveuieut aud Rsllmn Company. n,11,M Executor' Sale, l.lshare Mechanics 'atl Hsnlr S7 sliares t.'ottimonwei.ltli Nsttooal llrtk 146 (hares Matiuscturers' National llsuk.' , Per Other Ai'pounls. .V00 Lehigh Navlgat.on Railroad . st rn.mgsn 6 n cent, bunds. '"'' (Anlikren Western Ntl,nel Bsnk. lOshsres Fourth National Bnk. tiosharrs (.ermmtowu and Perklomeu Turiin'kj Company. 1 share Pblladulphla aud Southern Mallatamshln Compsi'y. i'u share Camden aud Burlington Coiuty H tUioii Company. SRhsreiConllrentsI Ifotel. A shares Bnknf Norili America. HOihares Looint ()ii 1-i.prnvouient nn. REAL ESTATE SALE JANUARY' 12, Will Inrindt-. Orphais'loiirtKale-FslateotThimiis FleM jti d ccB-sd LApOEaud VALU.V I! La LOT, over t AcreT plderoail. Orphans' Court Ba'r T-Mate of Richard B-uit de Ci nseC DWti.l.LI N', C-mre ntret, tiurtheaVt of Wilson street, (lerniaiilowii, Twe-ity fiecoud wrd. Orphans' Court h'e Estitti' ot tleurv I.awruone d. Ci'Mf(!-IWI) Ni'OKY ll.'tll'K lnVR.LLIN'i. M inn. I'lenoitnt Bireet, west of .Mftikei street. Twentieth etnt rnrnpr f Front aril K ct Mre. Tl) MOHKi '1I1KKK MTORY lilt ICIC RI'MI II Vev. V,.. ni7 ..... ,.m , .i r liHe all ihe noil rn couveiilti. ces. 1 1 8 ji nf n. i uau a,, f .'Diie. Catalogues now ready. BALE OF MFDWAL AND MISl'EI.L N KOtM HUlIKH lrr... h,..i..u On Wednesday allernoou. t't .u.U " Jar. 1. at 4 o'cia-k : : i V4t THOMAS PIKC11 A tr-ON, AcCTIOS EFM AND COMMlbBION fcKIWllAN'IM. N T ,7,7 O HF.tiNTJT Htreet; rear entrance No. 1107 ban.oia a' . . t l ' i.ff T-t rrr . wr . . VAji' y"' rxi'A.iil lltl.ian VAlSIt. ST 4TII h'l TKH, Fl.OR KNT1 N E TAHLEi. ETC Imported by tilgo.r'l'OPl Irom Florence, Italy. Ou Tuesday Morulug, At 10 o'clrck. and lu the evening ut 7; o'c'ock- at the attotton store, No, 1110 Cbeinut slreet.wlil be ohl a collection of eiegant par. or. cab ne.. aim iiie.niel orrsmeiiK, C"n-isllng ol F oreniiueaud mo. satctablen Rjuinu, (ucnu. Oresian. Venetian, aud ygMe vss: bat llnmal founts; groups of tlguraa Iriiltslh niarl)b:tazs.r.:ctrd '""mvers. eti "l'ur,M FINE bILVEll PaiATFD WAKE AND TA13LK CL'l LEHi , Alio, an assortme"tof ilea bllver plated ware aud fill'.' tab.e ru lerv. The goot s will be opeu for examination ou Mouday. Hiii .m . f-ale at No 715 K mth .sixteeu.h street. HANLbOME flOt.'SHU' i.d VI K UI'OHE BRTW. r-LLH CARPETS EVC. ,. VVe'luts lay Morulug, At loo'ricck. at N . 74 houth suteenth street, will be sold, the lurillureotu lau.lly ntcllntrig Iioimj. kee i Irg con'j r slpr, llai is uim liriiKS-ln aud other carpets, walnut parlor luiniture. walum chaumer f nits. I.air ma'ire-ses and lender hwls. walnut side, boarif, extPLsiou dlt i.ig Ub e.and olhor dlnlug-roo'ii turullLie, clilua aud K.anare, kitcheu (uriiltuia, cataloguts cuu te had at the auction store on Tuesday. '1 lie itirnliure msy be examine! early on the morn-Ugtlfcah-. llttl B SCOT T, J K., A (J C T I O N G R R. KOT'l'iS ART UALiFHV, No. Ii!i0 CHEaN L'T street, Philadelphia. SPECIAL 8.1LT5 OF TJId' srtKJK OF A PAlfCV OUOUr. blOlU, Ti e rrtperiy tt a partj oeciiL-lcg business. Re movtd lor cunvenlw cenf tale. i 'Ihursday Morning, Mill Instant, at 10 -,'uiock, at M.-ott's Art Qallory, No. H20Chsuiil sircet, will be un a without the leant reserve, the entire stoca of a fanny goods store, cim prising tbe mual assortmtiit, viz :-Porcelain vans, card ricetveis, toilet sets, gilt goons, sliver plated ware, bronzes combs, brushes, paplci-mache aud rrs wood de.ikR, cabas, etc. e c. elc FlENCli PLATE M LA SS S)I()V.CAciE.S SILVJtR HUUNTKD. AlfO, 2 8-foot show caes, i I, et wlil9 by 13 luchM de p. l ti-loot show case, 2 feel wi.lo by It lucuai deep. 1 11 st SPECIAL SALE OF A P"iVATE COLLECTION OF PA1NTINHS. The Pro)erty of U T. cihaw, Esq.. lato ot Baltimore. Cn 'j nun-day end fruity Evnlngi, 141b and 1 th inst , at T'.. oVlock. at Heel t s ArttUI lery. No. lOai Chesuut s're t, will be oo d rhe pilvAte cohPCilou "f piciurea belonging to D. T (-haw, Ksip, laie of Bnlilmore. couipr.oing wnrSi by Kugllsu, French, rind American celebrities; aUo, a number by some of the old masters. Now open lor exhibition. 111 St MARTIN HKOTHEKS, AlTIIONEEBxI. (Lately falesmeu lorM. t-nus.) Jio. I'M cliENl)T bt.. feur from Minor. Rale No. 529 Cues-, lit street. HANDSOME WALNUT HOUSEHOLD FURNI 35 Til RE, Eft!. Oa Wednesday Morilug, Jan. 13. at 10 o'clock at the Auctlou Rjoraa, by cata logue HaudBome walnut pal lor lurutture; six hanl sume walnut chamber sul.s, linlBberi Id oil and var nish: very mperlor tilning room furniture, tine Frencn piate mantel and pier mirrort, In oued wal. nut and gilt frmee; 5 excollent lire-proot Bafes. by Parrel Ji ilerrlug aud Evans & Waisou; Hue car riage harLtsr; handsome bronze chandeliers; haud eome litvcn china. glbsare, tine learner beds, handsome Brubse's, Wuton. and othur carpets- wal nut sideboards, double gune. stuves, skHtes,'e.O. . , LEVANT PIANO-FORTK. At 12 o deck, eietrsut rtsewood plano-torte, maaa by Chlckerlng; one do do do by Hardmau, COPPER bTlLL. Also, large copper wblKr still. 1 IHt LIPriNCOTT, BON A CO., AUCTIONEERS, AbHHURtoT BUILD LNU, No. 210 MARKET St. NOTICE. Regular Sale of Dry Goods Notions, Trimming.' etc.. will be neld every WEDNEiDAY through Jacuaiy. Consignment of Stock Goods, etc, solicited. Bales cashed within five day. . CLAPK & EVANS, AUCTION EKES, KO. C30 C'ilEbN DT btreet. Will sell THIS DAY, Morning and Evening-. A large Invoice ol Blankets, Bed bpreada, Dry Uood. Cloth, Caesiiueres, Hosiery, btatlouery, Table an l'ocaet cutlery. Notions, etc. City and country merchant will And bargains. 1 .--- ..uat. Goods packed free of charge in BUNTING, DUKBOROW & CO., AUCTION EEitH, Mos. maud i84 MARKET Htreet, corner of Batik street. Successors to John B. Myers b too. AT PRIVATE KALE. 50ci.8fs Infantry overcoats, periect. to nalea grty-miaed army shirts. 1 II c D. McCLEfcS & CO., AUCTION l; EES No. ti UAKKKT bireet. CLOAKS. (1LOAHN-t'l.OAKS. The crowd or ens. J tomt-r who daily vlU our atore moat convince ef ry one Hint it 1 the plmce to mm ii re tlie ucwcHt ntylen. The flueitt ituiitl4HHiil tlie beat work at the most rt itaoimble prices. II KSi ItY I Vi;S, N. 2H Won th NINTH Street. CM.OAHS-tXOAUN. U'ht every ono J atiya luuat be true.uud they all ssy you c-nu buy the moat laliiouabIe, the beat utl t-beaiieat Cloak iu thei'ityi at II IVEN!i', lisamwflra Ko. a S.SISHI Htreet. GROCERIES. ETC l'LUlTS & rilESEllVE Bunch, Layer, Beedleas, and Sultana Rataln; Our jautf, Citron, Oranges, Prune, Flg, etc. Kveiy d crlpllon pt Oiocerles, suitable for the Holiday. ALI1EBT C. BOBltnWi Va,i. ELEVENTH and VIMjjjMreetl., 11 7jrp NFW PUBLICATIONS. A Z A H I) ' 8 ENtJLiaH BOOKSTORE u n, la Oeoomlng syuonymoua aaar'a Buokare ie J umslrMod with good booas, Una b duf book. In books, choice editions oi , bu..iis lov hiuib. Uthalid tasty ilSii!S VI i'S whilaHui entirely of London edllioit. ftnm nil li w".t sum to two huudre.i dollars th Xme!?W0- No-.78ANaqMTlUi;rlT PR 1 7. KiTc AS n ElT S ROx-AT IIAVA A KKN1CCK Y, and MISSOURI LOiifcKlEi circulars sent and luttrinnilun given JOStPU haiFh. No. 7S BEOADWAY, Now York. Poa Ollice Box iM. Ii 13 lot Orphan 'Court Hn:n eitrto of .lacoT I'ramn, d4. CPHKed Two FRAME DWKLLINO", Wldley strost nor'tienxt f,l Palmer Ightee itli wr.l. ' eele by Orer of lle,r Kiiuie of Cutliirtns f'larit deceSHed VA I. II A RLE l'.U3'NK-S I'AND4, S)ul.