THE DAILY EVENING? TELEGIIAIMI PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANlAItY 11, 18G9. MKH LSD MEASURES AT 1YASIUXUTOX. Jom Our Oum Oorretpondent, Uon. K. H. VtlibnriioN Retrenchment Nprerli Wabiiinotoi, Jan. 0, 1RH9. U Is not often that Mr. Waehburne greats the House to a carefully written oprrrh. This fact, of Itsalf, naturally attracted attcutiou to the srnrch which he routl from printed Blips on Welnoday last, just previous to the confiderailon of the Pension Appropriation bill. Kvcrjbwdy at once eurmiscd that whatever Mr. Wabhbume said on this occasion might be fairly tnktti a a reflection or the opinion of General tiruut. Wuihbiirnc himself denies that he consulted the President elect about thl upri eh, or t'.iut it was real to Grant alter It bad been prepared, and previous to Its deliveiy In tbe lloui-e. This may bo the. fact, nuudoubtle8 In; but Vahburnc's relations with Giatt rue so in'.ioiu'e that it I aafo to :8iiine thut l.t- U thoroughly acquainted wlih the lat'irN views, not only concerning retrenchment, but upon every other subject. There Is n tli of mm who onto' rnanlfcat Jealouj atTiCl to blleve themselves And in rnnviiinp nthpra. tUn. Wrtqlihurrii'n lull- macy with Uraut In oaeA'hitt Those, however, who have but kno a-ledu of the two men will lay i.o biicu "natteritiij Unction" to their soul. Tilting Wasbbnrnc' speech as an index ot Ihe policy of the next administration, eo far as the tinannes are con erned, a reduction of the public expenditures and a borrespoudn.g decrease of taxation miy be rcffrdcl as certain. This will necessitate a thorough reform in the Federal patronage. The internal revenue service, from which the ft v ernmcnt derives met of lis income, must be overhauled, aud nearly all its oiliciais channel from the Commissioner do .vn to t he storekeeper and detectives. This one fact of it-clf sets a rest the silly stories which have been t-et arto about Grant's keeping the Johui-ou olUcialiiu Otfioc. -C'onsolMntion of the 'rniral nml South Ainvrienu MinMoiim. General Butler's amendment to the Diplo matic and Consular Appropriation bill con solidation the diplomatic missions of the United Biatca in Central and South America, does not meet with that favor which its passaije by a large majority in Committee of the Whole would seem to indicate. It has been stated that Bntlcr's obket in oHerina it was to displace Gcnerul Kllputrick, the present Minister to Chili. Butler disclaims any such motive; and, indeed, evcu bad he entertained it, he cuul 1 bardly have hoped to accomplish, his purpose in this way, for even ild the mission to Chili be abolished the President elect could easily appoint General Kllpattick minister to one of the consolidated nii-fcion?. Those who Ve anxious to perpetuate the old feud between Grant aud Butler nave circulated a story that Butler's object was to cutdon the patronage of the President elect. It may be safely asserted, however, that Butler had no such object in view when he offered his amendment. It went through the Committee or the Whole without much opposition, and may pv-s the House when the bill is reported ou .Mon lay. But it la very doubtful if it will pass the 'na'.e. Butler urged urned it purely on the pround of reform and retrenchment, and in view of the fact that that policy is already Inaugurated, the members of the House could rcarcely vote asralDst it with consistency, even if they were so disposed. The Senator, however, are further removed from the people, und often tanctlou measures from Which the Representatives would shrink. Be tides, these foreign, nn-slous are to a large extent controlled by the Spnatorj, aud they will be loth to deprive eltuer toeniselvcs or General Grant of so much valuable patronage. Butler demonsirutid to the satisfaction of the louse that the adoption, of hi amendment would be a clear saving to the Government of about seventy-three thousand doltais per annum. I will venture to assert, however, that there will beSeuators able to prove, when the question cornea before them, tbat the abandonment o' these missions would insure a loas to the ciui merclal interests of the United States of tiee that amount. The Civil Sorvlee ltlll. Mr. Jeuckcs' Civil Service bill, about which so much has been said and written, experienced a formidable attack from General Logan on Friday. The speech, it may be said, was boru of an accident. Like many other members o the House, General Logan's attention nad been eo much engrossed by other mutters deoiaudia more Immediate action, that he had not seri ausly considered the Civil Service bill. During hi4 xecent illness, however, he examined the bil carefully, and also the report of Retrenchment Committee accompanying it. He was eo im pressed with the absurdity of its proposition' that be immediately prepared the speech which ho delivered in the House on Jriday. Logan attacked tie general theory o! tic measure, leaving the discassion ot its lesral aspect to others more vcrs-d in constitutional '.aw than himself. His ipetch, however, will f)im the key-uote of opposition to the bill. It fas noticeable that upon its conclusion he was Harmly congratulated by a number of the bet lawyers in the House, among others Judge Voodward of Penrsylvanit. The latter Is eu giged in preparing a vpeecn In opposition to the Pll, lu wnleu he will discus it Jrom a purely legal standpoint. He conimted himseir on Friday with dm ply denouncing It as "a nil, ibievous measure," aud lu b opinion is cou mrred in by so many members that there U Utle hope of the bill ever becjinlng u law. Vbc I'rowpeelH of a Turlir Bill. ' The fact that the Wuys and Means CommUteo las coma to the conclusion to allow the Witt Ulto take its chances lu Committee of the Thole has given rise to tears of defeat upon the jirt of its iricnJs. Had they agreed to ask the I.U6C to recommit it, it would have been much btter, but to attempt to perfect it in Committee o:the Whole will go far towards killing it out ribt. In addiUoo to the opposition it will meet Jo the House, from members representing dlerent sections, the members of the Ways H Means Committee (its natural parent) will IK be united in its support, because, as It is to b( perfected by amendments In Committee of th Whole, the Ways and Mi;ani Committee will n feel bound to support it as a unit, lie in' etable wrangling which the cla-hing of the lmrests of different sections Is almost certain leproduce will go far towards insuring iu de- let. If the bill is lost the responsibility will rtt upon J. K. Moorhcad, but for whose bluu- citing it Ight have parsed before the reecss Tli 1'anblonablo SeiiHon, bolety at tho'capitul IbU winter does not pimlse as much gayety as previous season1. Tls la to bo accounted for partly from the fact tlrt the bcijsIou of Congress is very short, and partly becaufe the official) of Hi? outgoing ailminibtrailon are not disposed to spend much n oney In the last (toys of tholr official terra. The first "card reception" of tbe season was eiven by Secretary and Mrs. MeCulloch last Friday evening, aud n very select and distin guished company were ptesent. These "card receptions'' are different from the receptions ol the Speaker of the House or of the President of tbo.Dulted Elate. The ma-scs are admitted to the lattu, but only the favored few are iuvlted to tho termer. "Cards ot luvitatiou" are out for a lnige party to be glveu next week by the Hon. Dennis McCarthy, member of the House from New York Mr. McCarthy is famous for the clegaccp of hi:i hO"pitaity. Hpeakcr Co'.fax's receptions will commence soon, aud ot co'!;xe will bo hbeially patronized. Joqxpiiuh. MUSICAL AM) IHUMATlt'. Hie CII.T niiiMtnienli. AT TlfK Walm'i KimclcauU'H drma of Afl-r larh will be pi oil net it tblx eveulm;, witn new scenery, appolnlmetitR, anil raeehaulcal elleow. Mr J. E. McDouontiti will make his appearance lor tbo llrat tlmn In elglit years at IbU tUeatro in the obaracter ol "Out Tom." At thk Aut'H Daly's drama of A Flaih of 1.1th(ning atlll retains Its populai lty. It will b performed to-ulgbt and every niUt until fur ther notice. AT tub Tnr.ATHK COMiQtTH! Mla Buaan Oal ton anil troupe will appear mis evemni in the operetta of ( The performance will com mence wttb a lunglmble farce. On Friday MImh Ualtou will have a benefit. AT tub American h variety ol attractions are oDertd for tuls evening. Tint sai.k of tickkta for Mad m e Parepa Rosa's concerts nu Wednesday and Tliurailtvy evenings, at Concert ilnll.wlll cotnmenoa to day al Trunipler'a muale store. To prevent as much as posHlblo sneculailon In me tickets, no morn than six will be sold to one person. Msdame 11 sa will be assisted by a number of competent artists. Mr. J. Levy, the cornet piayer, In particular. Is so highly spokeu of by the press both In Europe and America that thnre is mnctt cariosity to hear lilm. Tub (JritMANiA Ohciikstka will give apnblio rehearsal at Horticultural Hall on Weduesdsy afternoon. The performance on this ooeiivion will be for tbe beneflt oj Mr. Hobert RenRbaw, editor of Im. Matine. The favorite young vocalist. Miss C'Hsnle Kentz, will appear. 1a Cotekie Cakm vai.. This grand affair will come oil lo-uight at the Academy of Music. Mcsm s. Abel & Risley bave completed all their preparations, and all that remains to be done is for tbe maskers to throng into tbe building and slve themselves np to enjoyment. Toe success of La Coterie balls In former years is an aisu runce that the present one will be in every way grntlfjina to the lovers of pleanure. Thk M.ksnrrcuob Bam The annual masked ball of the Mroanerctior Society will take place on Thursday evening, January 11. at tbe Academy of Mudc. This managers wno have charge of tbe aflalrnre exerting them selves to make it a brilliant hiiccchs. A num ber of new and interesting leatnres will be in troduced, calculated to promote tho eoj lyraent of those who participate, aud every oue may be assured of a good time. The sub.iertpi.lon Uat Is rapidly flMiii'.; up, and those who propose to attend should secure their tickets without delay. Miss anna K DicKfNSOK's leolure at the Academy of Music, on Friday evening, on the snt'jeotot' "Woman's Wrongs aud the Kemedy," should attract a Urge audience. Tbe price of tickets ia unnMially low, lii cuts admission and 50 cents for reserved seats. The sle of re served seats will commence on tomorrow morning at Gould's piano rooms, No. 913 Cues nnt street. . Mk. Hamufx K. MunnocH will lleoture on "Klocution as an Art," at Ooucort Hall, to-mor row evening, for tbe beneflt of the Teachers' Jratltnte. Tbe lecture will be illustrated by select .readings. Tickets can be procured at Tiumpler's, No. OSfl Chesnut street. CITY ITEMS. Clothing lowkr than fob ten ykabs. Ovkucoats. liue all-wool Chinchilla and Fur iienver reduced to..............M..mM.n. 118 o Uf tbe newest and most stylish material, cut and make, which have been sold at ...i5 00 A great varloty of all styles, upwards ffO Dl iimh ntwiMi ttmnmimimimMMH 00 Hkatins Jackkth. The best assortment In the olty, selling off very low, Pastai-oons, all-wool Casstinere, reduced to ft DO Vk.TB Flua all-wool CaHSlra-re. reduced to.....ra.j-oO Bi bin tus Coats, In great variety, al prices equally lew. Boys' Clothino, very low Indeed. our whole stock ot V kn h. Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothino to be sold out at a great KtoircTioN cr 1'kicks, which are in all cases guaranteed lower thau the lowest elHewhtre, or the sale cancelled and the niouey refunded. Call and examine eur goods after having examined those ot the ''saoilHcliiK " buases before purchaaluir. A t'lr test Is all we ajk. Ualf-vjuy beMW-n BKSTHRrr A Co., FiiVi and V 'i'nwua ilAi.L. Sixth ttreet ) No. 014 MaukktHt , iUIiADin,piir. A.v-B Ko. eOOBaOAOWAV, Skw Youk. "A Littlk Bilious." How otlea this Is the re spoEse to the enquiry after a frleud's heat h ! as If 10 be billots was a trifling- matter, bardly worth think-leg- about. But let It be remembered that, as ' tall oaks from little acorns grow," so formldabla diseases arise from btlog "a II tls blllou i" Mevere bilious at acks are more common In spring, sunnier, aid autumn than In winter, but tbe serious disorders ot tbe liver which so often occur at those seasons might be traced, In hundreds of instances, to w later indulgences and tfcelr neglected consequences More blghly-seaioned food Is eaten, more liary drinks Imbibed, In cold Iban la warm weather, and thus the biliousness Is produced which, under a aimer temperature, culminates In remittent and lutvrmltteat fevers, Tbe very best medicine for persoas wbo ars either a mile or a ixoil dial bilious Is Hostkttba's Sto uach liiTTBhs. Kn blue pill or calomel Is required lu such caser. Those powerlul mineral medicines cut two ways, like a double-edgd sword. They act, It Is tiue. npon the liver, but react most delelerlouiiy on other pans of tbe system. Tbey "stick" there, and teautiot b got rid of The Betters contain vege table agtuti ol an antl-blllous tendency, that produce a f pet I tic and must genltil effect upsu the bl'lary organ, wlihcut eutuUlcg an; evil conieiiiencei what ivtr. Tbty are aitoptther uliultnume, and act favor ably and simultaneously upon the sloaiAch, the llvir, the bowels, tbe nervaus system aud tbe b.sln, Da Me isth W'KATuDM-lia.f tlit nigiiis moldy the streets but Wkrixi U the a.musphe:b. Y u lu voUntariiy throw oil' your overcoat aud ihruw up the windows of your bou e 11 tli ar weli euonKO is kng as you keep youneif i rolocted ttoux tue uu. healthy Utlueucei of tbe moUt aud untlmoly tnaw. lo do so you must keup jour fuel dry when on the street, and youi dweiiiuB dry wheu at home. Ouuii accomp'Uh tb urt,t aud goil fires the latter, Uuuu can begotten ataay store, but sood Cjal cn onlv be procured at AlterV. lie has Mi olMce at the corner Of Slim anu epi ui viumu nee.a; an Uopot at Ko, Ij7 N, Ninth street. A JIackino Couoh is one of the most dlsn-esslng as well as aangeruus iuiuh ui tuutu oue can be anllcted with. lis continuous astlon faUgues aud Irrlta'es the lunus, and thus engenders conaumpuou. Upham's Frish Meat Cure will cure the ough, soothe tbe In listed broucuia. ana give tone and vlnor to the lungs aud whole system. A single bottle will couvluce any one ol lis parity Bold oue dollar ier bottle- JOJINSTON, 1IOLLOWAT A fOWOKW, Kn. SiU Aruu street riVALTU-r.iviao fcpeer's Wine Hitters are puraand tfally excellent-health giving. The debilitated from whatever cause, use them with the fullestcon licence of receiving advantage by them They are pleaaaut to the taste, aud are maloly the pure Jules Of tbe grape: dluretto, sudatliin, aud loulo la their effect. B:d by Diui'gUUi JrwaLav.-Jw1'- William W. Cassldy. No. U Boutb Second street, bak' tn largest and most attractive assortment of One rf"" ry and silverware a the olty Purchasers can rely o.a ob alnlug a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price fc'blch cannot be equalled He also baa a large stork of American Western watrhee In all varletlr and at all prices. A visit to bis store Is sure to rwnlt in plew;'re and profit. Skin Disrasks What form of disease Is more annoying than tbat of tbe akin, wltb lie Itching, stinging, smarting, lu ugly ted pimples, blotchy eruptions, and loathsome Ichorous desjnam aliens Happily, Illeskell's Tetter Ointment Is asovereica remedy for every form of skin dteane, making a radical cure In evurv case. Bold So cents pit box Kent by mall for u cents. Johnsum Holloway A t'owlen. It Is well to get clear of a oold the Hrst week, hat It Is much better and eater to lid yoarseirof It tbe first forty-elgbt hours the proper rime ly for the lurposebelng Dr. Jaiiie's ItpectoraaL Hilt by ad Irucgists. MONEY LOANKO In suuis from one dollar to thousands, on Dlainoud i. Mlver Ware, Watchen, Jewelry, Clolhluir, Dry Ojods, etc., at Bkttkw's Loan Olllce, Northeast corner F Ifteenth and Market streets. Thk Vnitku Secubitv Lira Insobanci Com pany adver le In another column for Agents and Solicitors. The h'ph standing of the Company com mends It to the confidence of the entire community- Btokfs A Co., Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, No. 8M Ciiesoiit street, MABHIED. JAItHKTT MCJAHTY. On tbeiith Instant, at the ( mlieorni, by Kev. Father Klcock Mr. JOHN W JAKKKTT. or Lehigh county, to Miss OA L, LIS alcCAltTY, of Philadelphia, MtOaKCKIN BICiOKltr On tbe2'itltof Dcnm her, by toe He. Mr Hterrett, Mr. J AM E-i Mi-i'KKO Klet to Mies Ll..Y B1UUKBT. both of this city. No cards. DIED. RKIDl, KB. -Saturday morning, Jnnory 9, DOIll 1I J;lIj JiKiDi.KH. wtle of K. It Iteltler. funeral from the resilience of her lather. Haniuel howell No. 6" N. Eleventh stree',1 uemUr. jAuuary 12. ai 2 o'clock P. M. Kelauves aud trleuds lu vned to attend, without lurtber notice, interment at laurel 3I11L i A881N. On the 10th Instant, JOHN C1S9IN, aged &s yearr. 'Ihe relatives and friends, the Academy ot Natural Sciences, tbe American l-bllosopnlcal coclety, and Krankhu Lodge, No. l:il, A. Y, M., are respectfully In vited to attend tbe funeral, irom his late residence. No. 4W Spruce street, on Wednesday, tbe 13. h Instant, at t o'clock. Interment al Laurel Hid. liYKK. On the Otn Instant, of dlsase enntraotrd Id the army, Lieutenant JOHN '.). UVKK H.,ol dm luy 11, 1'lsl itegimeut i . Voie. aged 51 years aud 1 month. The relatives and friends of the family, alio tbe members of Ihe 91st IleKluient le. Vols., are respect- tuliv luv ted to sitent the innural, from bis late rusl- derce. No. 2l"i Bulge avenue, on Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. WUISTLKR-On the !) h instant. JOHN WHtST' I.K.K, in tbe S.d year of bis age. Ilia relative and menus are respectfully Invited to attend bis luuernl, from the residence of His son-in- luw, ( hsrles Knoll jr.. do. i;w a. juniper street on Weilnft.sdv. tbe lHtb luitun . Luav itie liou- at 7 o'clock A.M. To proceed to VVIHUMwii. (nesier county, Pa., via Pi-nusylvanla Hi,;irid 8 A M. tralu Am ehicaN Life Insurance Company, Of XliiludolpUia.. S. L. t'orucr Fourth Hiid Walnut Street.'?. 4r rtit JtulUutiott ha no $uperior in ihe United (SUUtM IS 1IJ DRY GOODS. IwO. 828 ARCH STREET. NEW. TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS. Tabic Linens by the Yard, The Cheapest Buyers will find PRICES SATISFACTORY. grxTRA notice:. JOHN . THOMAS, Nos. 405 and 407 N. SECOND St., Invites cgpcciul attcutiou to bU LAUUL aud LLLUANT ubsorlinent of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS BUI TABLE FOH 11 7 HOLIDAY PRESENTS. The Eiitlrc Stock Is Offered at the Verj LOW KST PRICES. i; M Q V A L K li M O V A L. 'lu accommodate our bulness, we have removed ,o our new aiid hiuc'ouu Witrehouse. Nc. MH. blXlU oTKKKT ANU.NO, 11 DKCA.TDU 6 J KICET, where, with lncresed f.cllllles, we trust to be able touiet t ti e Mauls of m; trade aud the conuiuars ut paper itenerally. 17 01 T. MEflAKOKlC Ol CO, ptHOICC AhTlCLKS FOR UOLinAYS.-Al J the iiljou l'lirniDbing tstre, o. M N. elXi'li licct. below Arch, may lie found a superb amort uient ot Vaucy ncaris. Kocstiea, Uiovtw. liauaaer LlileiM. Jlonlery, etc., which are ollured at very low prices. Mr. KICHAltU KAY UK, the proprietor, hat excellent taste lu the selection ol his stock. Also, his Improved fehonldsr Seam Pattern Shirt which has ulveo such uulveisal satisfaction, out b UjeHiirement. 12 21 luiflp ROD0EU8' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCK.'l KN1V1W, Pearl and (star Handl., of beantlful riolKh. JtolJl, ltj-i' anil WAhV a iinn irk.u'H Ki. MKH, and the eelebrated LUMVL'lH.a BAZUB AJlhhOl(H of the Humt quality. Hazurm, Knives, bclwoia, and Table Ontlery Oronnd f""inim, at r. SLAJJaJKA't), isu. us o. lltnitl teaat.holow dhaanni. inl DKAFNES8.EVEUY INSTRDMEXT THAT science and skill nave Invented to assist lbs Karlnf lu every decree of daaln,iw; also, Kenplra ttr; aluo, tlraudall's Patent tlrutohwi, superior to HEARTH AIID HOME, A WEEKLY J0U!t VL foa ma FARM, UlRDEN U) FIRESIDE, BDITRO Mr DONALD O. MITCHELL 410 IIARBIBT BEECUBIl BTOWS. No. 4 NOW READY. TAI1I.K OT tONf-KNl'. I. THE KINO OFIA8TUKK-LA;U. (Al'lolure.) E. Foaum. II. LARGE AND SMALL FARMS. Hon. Lbvi Stock uriduk. III. Mil. MECHI and BRiriSH AORIOULTfJKE. IV. ALETTEH AND COMMENTS THEHEON. Donald O. Mi rc hell. V. TUE PKINCIl'LE3 OF BKEEDINU. Hon. CAiii.Ks li. Flint. VI. S W AUD LAND ESSENTIA L TO GOOD VINES. A. J. CAYWOOD VII. OUCH ID'?. (Illustrated ) Jamks IIooo. Villi OXEN vs. IiOUSE J. It. O. IX. GATEWAY FOll A KUUAL CEMETERY. (IllustrateU ) PJNALD U. MiTOUEIiL. X. GARGET, Oil INFLAMMATION OF THE ODDER. l'rofessor Law. of Cornell University. XI. WHAT KIND OF WOOL SHALL WE GROW? Hon. T. C. Pktkiw. XII. OU K HOPPER. XIIL AMERICAN NEWS. XIV. THE WORLD ABROAD. XV. THE MARKET. XVI. HOW SHALL I LEAKN TO WRITE? HABKIET BEKOIIEK SfOWK. XVIL LA ORECHE. FbkdebickS. Coz.bns. XVIII. IN THE ICE. (Conoluded.) J. T. TltOWU ItlDQR. XIX. HANGING BASKETS. SoraiA O. Johnson. XX. HOW TO MAKE A GOOD CUP OF COFFEE. Prof. Austen Flint, Jr. XXI. TREES FOR VILLAGE STREETS. Prof. A. J. G RIDLEY XXII. UNCLE ELIHU. Rev. G. U. Nbwcomb. XXIII. MRS. HUNNIBEE'S DIARY. (IiltiHtrated ) Mrs. Laora E. Lyman. XXIV. TV E CARROT BASET. (Illustrated.) MUi till. UK KT, XXV. A VISIT TO A NEW ENGLAND AGRICUL TURAL FAIR. Katk Field. XXVI. HOW A GIANT MANAGED MATTE Its. Frank R. Stockton. XXVII. HISTORICAL PIE. XXVIII. SONNET. XXIX. AMUSEMENTS FOR TUE FIRESIDE. XXX. STAND AND DELIVER. (A Picture.) HoCKSTEIN, XXXI. THE MOUSTACHE MOV EMENT. Susan snap. l or Sale by all A'ews Dealers. SIAI-KMIJIIIEX, 10 CEXTS. Single Copies, Jl, invariably in advanoe. Three Copies, $10. Five Copies. IIS. N. B. We shall begin In our next number a powerful Story, written expressly for HEARTH AND HOME by Mrs.Rkukcca Harmnu Davw author of "Life in tbe Iron Mills." It will be illustrated by tuo admirable pencil of Ste riiKNS. aud will be found to possess tbe highest Interest. 1'ETTKKUlLli, BITES & CO - - PUBLISHERS, lt5p I'Altli BOW, New York, .rr BARGAINS IN CLOTHINQ. -r BAROAINS IN CLOrUINO. -f. P-iV BARGAINS IN CLOTITlNGr. ny r BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -TSlfc T- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -vk Yr BARGAINS IN CLOTIUNG. BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -r. -r BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -rV BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. 1-r BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -Vf -r BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -T- rt- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. rt- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -r Air- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -rjw fT- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -rf- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. T54 W BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. -t"- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. 'K t)T BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. fl- BARGAINS IN CLOTHING. A CABD. Pricea of everything rednoad since the appraisement of atook. of Men's aud Boys' Salts aud OVERCOATS still very good. WANAMAKKR & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAUAKBR & BRO iVN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, WANAMAKER & BROWN, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL, THE CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKEJT STREETS. LAST MONTH OWlEf?, COLLADA Y CO. HAVE THIS DAY MADE STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS IN OBDER TO CLOSE BALANCE OF STOCK, AS THEIIi LEASE EXPIRES FEBRUARY I. Nos. 818 and 820 CHESNUT Street DRY GOODS. F UENCH MERINO ES, 62 CENT!!!! , Brown French MtTimttt tac. ' iroicTM, JJluc. Urtent Aludc, etc.. 7or. All the good ilutdet, Htc, Uarnett, etc, extra fine. II. VOOI'RR t COXAlin, B. B. comer KliifHA J1ARKK' ntmti. 62 CENT WOOL 4'OPLINS Double Fold redua U from 88 cmUd. 76 ct ill jvijlim, reaucntjrmn ft. tl Fopltiu, reduced from ti Ti und l 09. Bona fide reductions on our Jh-ru Uoodt. VOUVElt it COXA no. 8. X cornrr SIN'J JI oud AlAUKUt Sirerti. M OUR NINO fiUESS GOODS JllarJc I'WtHir Ottoman fl'lVi K. Jilack lt')f Poplin, bxn xi Mack Mnhair AIJH'mn. (Or . ; Mack trench Nn inut, 7. c. up Mack Wool JJUatnt s. ! c. t COOJ'JiR ,f- rO.VAKD. ft S cornrr NINTH unit MA lih kl' Mrni, OMAN SCARFS. Jiomun Tiei, all wiillha. lie tn ii 60. i6 cent 'J'iet, rich ana r r wiWre. biicent '111 handsome Hrnchr. ends IMiaoscn Jidkfs,, heininrd ami lieiiitii-hcil, UiJl'KK .1- VONAIllK 8, E. corner NJN'J'Ji find MAllKKTHtreetii. R SILK VELVET SAC QUE S. ttiObilk Velvet 8aeittt Hraver Sarijnit. cha p ft tn SIS. Jiedueed pric.Mur many L'juukH, S heavy large Wool ni .nun Sh wi. OOI'KK t CO.VARn, 17fBm 8. E comer NINTH and MAKUl:Ttrei t. 1869-compei rnoN pmces ! ! Ur TOWN LIGHT ! X PENSFS 1 ! 0CK IUSI0MEKS THK UAIXKRS ! ! Goods delivered la all r of tbs city cro.'uly and free of cbrge. MUhLlNSI MUSLINS! Thornleys Popular Corner. We bave laid In a iDpurior (toclc of MUHLINB, Bleaclied and Unbleached nl' wlath. and qaallt'ei, anil tn prpitret to mr iy tuo ihoniauila of our 1 hllRdtlpUla Uuuaekeiipem uu tua very best terms, JOSEPH H. THORN LEY, K. li tor. ElUIlTIlnud SI'KIXU UARDEX. N. B.-Yoacaa ride to our ao.-, it will pay to come. Idlmrp l)l;IS3 OCODS AND nil V WLH oloslog out luw. 1-AaiiLY MOURNING EVl-BY ABTICI.K FOK If KST AND BiiOOSD DTtH unuun. HON N H.'I'B SnAWLS, VHLS, UKAl'fc,a, (JoLLAlH. TO. At prices tu compete wim rvn ortiont eACrldcelu 1K1T tlUOi):i. MYERS' Now iluurmug ttore, No Uls CII KHMJ I" Ktroet, lllSlniwuui ulHtRDUDW, Th assort ueni OF THE SALE. DRY GOODS. QOTTON GOODS DEPARTMENT. S1RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER CEMllAL DllY U00DS STOKE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA, We shall ccnt'nne to maintain and I acre ate the re putation we nave sustained at being Uie largest and Cheapest Muslin House IN THE CITY. Eecplvlcg onr supplies from first bands oulr, wa ball berfadtr sell all Muslins bj the Tiece at the llegular Wholo sale Trices. THIUTY-FITE CASES AU DALES MUSLINS. Comprising all tbe leading brands and w Id tbs of riLLOIV JMVMI.INS. VI1K MflKRIINUi, riHKauMiiiJiuai, WAHNIITTAi n i aj. i a n j vi iix, NHW IUHH MILLS, Bil WILLS. ABHWBI81IT, rOttKTUi OR. lUlKfKHKKPf.B. vuvit or thk tvua, Our constant aiut will be to make the lowest prices tu tbe market. iiuca yaid-wtde Hhlrllng 12'. cents. Yard-wide U'lbloacbed Muniu, ci'i cents. i yaxas wide DubleacUud bheellugi, ix) cents. House Furnishlns; Linens IN LABQE A860RTMENT. STRAWBR1DGE & CLOTHIER. pOPULAH PUICE3 KOlt DJiY GOODS. KICIiEY, MIIARP CO., Ko. 77 CHKMAltlV Street. HILKH. KICKKY, bHAKP W VKlVKI 9. KICtl!.Y, BKAKF OO iHlfU 1'OPLIKS. KIUKhr. PKKNOll POI'LINS. WL'KH.V.B 'lKC i . SILK 1-OPLINB. K,KKX' 2ff a KP 2 . WOOL POPLINS. 1(-'K1,;!itKPAOO PLAID POPLINH KlOKfcY, J. CbakUicali. Poi-lins. 11UM, gfJiK? oo Ii t'oous at i!i cents. it'Cgi' Sh arp 2 CO. Dress Ooods at 0 oeiiW. K Ch ?32kp 2 oo Dits Ooods at 4 cut g,,iUp LHi DrMsUooHsatMoeuUi. ftf M1AKP ix ltre.8 Ooods ml Vi'. cuts. . J ha HP & OJ DruiB Ooous at 56 cent. SuAKP A ll( i'KVWii1 10 W HIt?K KY BHikp t CO i xist: kp z & 1 AIM "it A l b KICK K Y. 811 AKP A CO H?VAV,IFU i MOSLINM. KICK KV, SHARP A CO. I 1NKIV H ltlt'K KY, HHAKP A IK). WllirJrf'I'8v ItlUK f.Y, SHARP A CO. l'(."it priu. for Dry Ooods bj the yard, plaoe. or psukaa- Kit UKV, Nil AKP A CO., l!wws:rp No. 7'J7 CllKSNVT tit(eA.