.'THE DAILY EVENING TKLTOKAPII PHILADELPHIA., TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, "i860. 3 NEWS8UMMARY. City AflUlrn. . Tbe various school boards organized last evening. JoDn Kelly linn hern Appointed Llputenant ot police tor tbe Eighth district, la place of Mr. Whito, rcslnteil. Jobn CuuDlnpham, ngd sixty, livlntf at No. V22 l-orb bard street, Icil down stairs yesterday, nnd broke bis buck. It Is leared that lie will Lot live. The followlne exhibit shows the ciolugs of Ihe Kccelver of Taxes lor tbe jear 1HG3: -Total amount of 'axe received. . 85,125,811!)0 Discount allowed 4U8.47G-07 Net $1,717,3553 At a nicetlnir of tlio employee of the United Stages M'nt, held jesteidny, re: olatlons were presented and adopted In relereuco tt the deatu tif James 13. l-oneiiiTe, K q. Joseph Smttti, an ovsterman, who resided at Jo. 606 ft nn stmt, uied at the Pennsylvania Hospital jester-ay, liora the elltcts of a stab in Hip tbigh, said to have b en Intlicti'd bv Michael Tajne, in a tight, on Cunstmas uigUt, Dear Front and South Btrutt?. Tayne ha9 not been arrested. At tbe second annual bull of the Philadel phia Citv Guard, held at Horticultural Hall last evening, ex-UYertior Curiin presented to tbo Guard, on behflll of a number of ladiu.a beautitul tet of ting0. General McUandlcss re ceived the gift in appropriate remarks. At the Girard House, yesterday a'ternoon, John Lamon, Esq.. lute Chief ot the Detective force, was presented with a hand-otno testimo nial iu tbe shapij of a vase, of considerable valae. The pift bears on one tide the inscrip tion: Presented to John Lamon, E3q., Chief of tbe D'tective Department of Polico of the city of Philadelphia, by his friends as a testi monial of regard, January 1, 1869." On the reverse is the inscription:' J. L from A. VY. lilackbum. David Beltler, and others." Yesterday, at tbe instance of General Collia, a young a an (whose name tor the present Is withheld) wa-f arrested for aikins? donations of money for a Mrs. Livingston, the widow of an nicer who was killed in the late war. The young man had received considerable money Irom Caleb Ccpe, $10, and from P. W. Welsh & Co., $50. It is thought that he is working dis Louebtiy, and until this is declared to the con trary the accused will bo held. At a meeting ol the Guardians of the Poor held yesterday, toe Out-door Agent reported collections tor support cases amounting to $i49'50. The Steward reported hont-e receipts at $300. Tbe House Astent reported the fol lowing census of the house tor the week ending fcaturtay, January 2, 18G9:-Number iu the house, 3720; same time la-t year, 3541 increase,' 185. The Trea-urer leported that ho had de posited in the City Treasury silica last annual report $16,0J1,82 for support cases, $706 tor emigrauttax, and $2255 44 as house receipts, making a total of $22,093-26. The thirty-fifth iinuual meeting of the Aso tion for tbe Relief of D.sabled Firemen was held at the hall of the Fire Association, corner of Filth and North btreets, lubt evening. The annual report of the Board ol Trustees wai read, showing that the income of the associa tion for the year was $4011'0R, and the expendi tures $2771 50. 0( the latter sum $2186'1!) was given for tbe relief ol 53 persons, 10 of whom were widows and orphans of deceased firemen, making the total amount expended for relict since the date of the institution $35,979-36. Tbe copital ttock of the association has been in creased auime tne year )'Zjyou, ana now aggregates $36,599-17. The report contains borne practical suggestions in relation to the necessity of a rluid en'orcement of the law reeulatlng hatchways in storehouses. The Trustees denounce the practice ot fast and reck less driviug of sleam tire engines through tbe streets, and reaffirm their determination not to grant any relief to a driver or engineer who may be hart by reason of tbe reckless driving of a steam engine on which he may be riding. The following per'ons were elected Trustees to serve for three years: William T. Butler, Daniel R. Murnhey, Edward D. Vates, John Sou ler, Wra. J. pascue, William Y. Campbell, W. Aug. Sieger. Domestic A Hairs. Bold closed on yesterday at 135. Tie Legiblature ol Louisiana convened yes terday. Ofer 27,000 emigrants arrived at Chicago last year. Quiet has been restored iu the Ogcechee District, Ga. Senator Spraguc has purchassd the Colum bia canal, S. 0. Commodore William D. Sal'er died at Elizabeth, N. J., on Sunday. The McLean county till.) soldier's mouu meet at Bloom lugton has been completed. The Supreme Court of North Carolina Is In tribulation about its judicial apartments. Caleb Cusbing is expected to return to Washington about the last of the present month. William Perry, a prominent citizen of Jef ferson, Texas, was snot and killed on Sunday night. None but Bepublicans participated in the municipal election in Wilmiugtou, N. C, yes terday. General Adam Badeau, General Grant's mili tary secretary, had an interview with Horace Greeley iu New York jesterday. Daniel Lynch Oas commenced a libel suit ftea'nst the Chicago Tribww, tor statin?, in a police report, that he (Lynch) kept a disorderly house. The House Appropriation Committee have completed tor the action ot Coniie;s the T egls lative, bxecutive, and Army aud Navy Appro priation Dins. It is understood that when the Georgia Legislature meets, on tbe 13ih instant, it will pass resolutions explanatory of Us recent action in ousting colored members. George Opdjke, ot New York, has written a letter on the unancial situa'mu. Tbe missive it- addiessed to Senator Conklinu, and opposes resumption. Tbe Legislature of Wisconsin assembles on the 13th instant, and will cboose a Uulted Hates benator. The prominent candidates are Metsrs. Carpenter aud Washburn. General Gordou Granger sent from Mem phis Captain Poole witn 250 men to investigate the alleged miliiia outrages in Arkansas. Tne Captain returned with the information that he could not trace the reports of troubles to any reliable source. The annual report of the Congressional Printer shows the actual disbursements of his ofike during the year ending tbe 3)thof Sep tember, 1808, to be $1,809,000; the cost of paper and other materials remaining on hand at that time was $17U,180, being $195,441 less than at the commencement ot tbe year, so that the ageregate cost of the printing and binding au.oui.tato tbe sum of $1,504,513, or $126,071 le-s than tor the prpceulng year, which mav be tpportioned as follows: Authorized by act ot Congress, $178.9"2; ordered by ihe Senate, $141,437; ordered by the House of Representa tives, $130,757: ordered bv tne Executive aud Judicial Deoirtmeuts, $747,345. The total printing ordered in 1865 was $2,227,100; In 1808, $1 309.000. . . The whole number of claims received at the Person Office during tbe montb ot December, ' 1838, original and Increase of widows, etc., was ! 1047; of invalids, 2111; total, 3958. Tbe number ) of claims admitted, original anl increase of f widows, etc., wa 1018; ot invalids 1966; total. 3008. The number ot claims tf jcted, original i mid iucrease of widows, etc.. was 239: of in- valids. 411: total, 650. Tae whole, number of claims disposed of during the mouth was 4258; number of lelteis wiiltcn, 4098; c.rculars bent, 16.318. Although the mpans at the command of the j Suoerinteodeiii's office (Wasbinpiou) have been exhaiihted to bring tne Patent office report ' within the smallest practicable I mi's, tbt tor 2 1HC7 will make three large volunes of ab iut 900 pages etch, one-half of which is composed of handsomely engraved uiusirau'ms oi macui- mrv, etc. Tbe print'ng and blrding of 20,550 eopies (61,650 volumes) has been ordered by ; ConerpsH, 4000 for distribution bv Senators, ' 10.000 bv Keore-eutatlve. and 5300 bv tneCom- missloner nt PateuU. The repi-rt will not be ready for distribution he'ore tbe expiration of the present fesslon ol Oontrress. The reportH (or 1868. the engravings for which Hie now boinB executed bv the contrac tu', Vt IWUfcC UX U'S: Y9lni. i-.v the Superintendent's latt annual report, the volume entitled "Kxpresslons of Condolence and Sympathy on the Assassination of President Lincoln," has been corrected. It Is a handsomely printed qunrto volurve of 902 pages, of wbtcu 60(10 copies were printed. As exaggeratel statements of the cost of this volume h ive bnpu made in tbe newspapers, it is stale ! that the actnal cost of printing and binding was $18,179-54. Foreign AfTitlrN. Lonoon, Jan. 4. In vie of President John son's amnesty pioJamation. Jeff. -Uavl( Slidell, Maon, A. Dudley Manu, and other ex-ConfedP-rates are preparing to return to the Uuitcd States. Tbe press of London generally approve of tho treaty between England and China recently concluded by Loru Clarendon and Mr. Barliu game. (ily StntiHlIrH. The following quantities of Grain, etc., were measured in the city and port of Philadelphia for the quarter ending Dee. 31, I898: Com, 305,876 bushels; Wheat, 199,890 do.; Oats, 304,038 do.t Rye, 42.118J do.: Barley, 240,0144 do,; Malt, 35,858 do.; Seeds, 42 do.; Bran, Mid dlings, etc., 112,1961 do. Total, l,3u0,982) bushels. The following fhows the operations of the Philadelphia Water Works for the month of December, 18C8: Ao. of pallont A reran Xo, pnmi eil during of iiiiihrnt Work 1. thmnvntti puinjirilitrdayi Fairiiiount, . . 678,!i43,438 21,!01,4Dl frhnylklll, . . 93,132,2'0 3.O04.2G6 Delaware, . . 44,433,280 2.019,694 Tweiity-fonrtb Ward, 55,883.250 1,802.686 GermautOftD, . . 15,724,600 682,393 Total,. . . 888,116,818 29,310,439 The lollowing official statement shows tbe number and tonnage of new vessels enrolled and licensed duriDg 18C8 at the port of PhiU telphla: Ao. Class Tonnage. 1 Steamship Cll-07 1 Steamboat 466 93 1 Steam propeller .... 108-26 9 Steam tups 239'32 1 Stpnm tacht . . ' . . . 2J 01 11 Schooners 216j-17 10 Sloops .15 47 6 Barges 1286-98 H8 Canal boa's 7100-86 1 Yacht 2361 98 12.180-28 TiECArlTCLAriON. No. Class. Tannage, 13 Vessel propelled by steam . . 1449-19 22 " " sails . 2341-25 63 " " horse-power. 8387 84 8 12,180-28 FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Jan. 4. Tlie Ilonse Committee on Appropriations, at their session to-day. fin nifihed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation bill. It will require some iur t her revision yet before it can be reported to the House. In Ihe Supreme Court thl morninall the Judges were present. There was a very small attendance of members of the bar, the only ones present being the Attorney General and one other lawyer. The Sub-CominUtce of the Hou?e Judiciary Committee arc in session examining witnesses in tbe case of liiittterd. It is understood that the evidence, so far, is aerainst Busleed, and it will not be surprising if be is impeached. Members and Senators aTe arriving iu large numbers, and no doubt is entertained that a quorum will be in attendance tomorrow. L. T. Kolfe, claim anent, was arrested this morning by officers of the Treasury Department, for presenting to the Quartermaster-General's Department a fraudulent claim of the Evaue- ville, Ind., Rilroad Company for transporta tion of Government troops, amounting to $2970. Commissioner Brown held him for an exami nation. The President of the railroad com- pnny telegraphs that tbe company has no un bettled claims against the Government. Treasurer Spinner was taken quite sick to-day, and was forced to retire from his desk at tbe Department. He has been exerting himself very much lately iu the exirctBe 01 omciai amies Ueural Grant will return here either to-night or to-morrow. The Public Debt Statement will be Issued about Friday next. It cannot yet be deoniteiy btatta what reduction win oe thown. FROM CUBA. Havana. Jan. 2. Small sale3 of sugar: prices nominal; No. 12 D. S. sold at 8ja8. Lard active at 20ju20ic in tierce?, and 20j.t22& In 16 pound tins. Hour quiet at $Ual2-60. Butter steady at 30a60c. Tallow dull at 9ial0gc. Bacon ac tive at 17ial7Jc. Petroleum buoyant at 3Ja44c. Potatoes, $3-25s3-50. Lumber active: white pine, $2122 per 1000 feet; yellow pine, $22-60a 23. Shooks lower; box, 7i reals each. Market well supplied with hbds. shocks; prices, 2ja2J. Emotv hogsheads firm at $2'75a2'624. Hoods. shaved, $45a60 lor 14 feet, and dull lor 12 feet long at $35a40. Onions active at 6afj. Freights quiet; transactions unimportant. Exchange on Loudon, lAs37j: on the United States, long sipht currency, 21a20j; do. short sight, 19. Gold on the United States, long eight, tia7 pre mium; uo. short sight, 9. Fatal Accident at Sandy Hook. New York, Jan. 4. Bv a premature explosion at the wreck of tbe steamship Scotland, off Sandy Hook jesterday, Captain William L. Churchill, late of the navy, Louis Jurgeus, a diver, aud George Moore and James Asbay were blown to atoms. Several otner men iu tne elver's boat were seriously injured. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fur additional Marine JVewt tee ftrst Page. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. gOM Ri8Mb. .,.....7 26 Moom KiaH..MM,1.,. tt i6 -1 Clunu A'AI ; Ui.wn A 111 QUO, 1 ' " iw a aun. ... Ul PHILADELPHIA BOABD OF TKADE. D. V. Mc-CaMmoit. J. fllCi WKTHKKIIX, UHNII WlNHOH. UOMTKLT OOMMITTES. UOVEJ1EITB OP OCKAS iTJCAMKUl, FOB AMK1UOA. Cells Loudon -New Verk...,M -Dec. 12 acoi .......Wiasgow New York .Deo, is Kirope.u... ....Bresl......New Yorlt. ........... io. 1W Vlrxiula. .LIverpooL..New YorH. ..... ,I)eo. is U.ufWaBlilugtoo. Liverpool. ..New York....... Dec. 19 HTDjaDu.bouiPampu)u...New York beo. 2: Aleppo .... Liverpool. ..New York -Dec 2! Kin.................LlverpcK)l...Ne-v Ycr;.......Uec. 21 O. ot Boalon Liverpool. ..New York 23 Helvella..........LIveriool...New York Dec 2 ) N. Ameilcan Llverpool...Porllaud Uec. H Iowa. .......Glasgow New Yor.. Deo. 23 AilniaBnia.Boulhaiiipion...New York Deo. 2 , FOR KUKOPB. Minnesota New Yorn...uVerpool Jau. 6 Kusola -...New York...Ltveruool Jan. S Weser.... New York.Bremeu Jan. 7 tllty of lkwn...New York...LWerpooU- Jan. 9 Europe. .......-New York.MHavre ......Jan. 9 Bell"" ew York...IndoD .IZTjacT ktna...- New York...Llverpool .Jo. 12 0,01 Anlerp...New York. ..Liverpool .Jan. 16 IIOABTWIBK, JDOMJrtTlW, BTTO. 8 BtartandBtrlpee Phllada.... Uvana.HM.,.n.jaa, g Kiigie New Yorlc...JIvua. Ja. 7 ottii Fruncltoo.New York... Vera Crua jo, 9 t'orua New York...New Orleaus Jau. 9 AluBka ,...New York...Aaplnwall Jau. 9 Malls aie forwarded by every steamer In tbereicular llne. Ihe steamers for or from Liverpool call ai Queenstown, except the Canadian line, wblch call at Liondi'ndeiry. Tbe steamers tor of from tneContl. neutcall at aonthainpiou CLEAItED YESTERDAY, steamship Roman, UaUer, Boston, H. Wlnsor Co. Barque JleUb, Bbtldoo, BrDados, T. WatUuu Sch'r'Minnl, Hudson. Mobile, Lsthbury, W cker- BchrM.tBenderson, Price, Hsgua, 8. AW.Weloh. ARRIVED YB8TKRDAT. Prbr A. M. AiilrUle. Kooluson. f-ooj Provtdenie it, .in nil, wb , JAilt MEMORANDA. B(emhlpNorft)lk lor Polladelphla, sailed Irom llirhmond M mat. . . MeniiMp Norman, Crowell, ben 09, a Boston yes teioity Djornlng. . Brig tsnujr, Butler, hence, at Georgetown, B.C., BrJgrive Brothers, Thurlow, from CronsUdt, at B'hr v7lshrt. Maon. cleared at New York eteirty lor Wilmington. N. O. Bclir John8'ocilie Kels, from Boston forrnila delnhU. t New York ad lout. Bcl'r Amos Fnlhenbnrg Terrell, from Providence for Pnlluelpbl. tJNew York 1 lnet. M echts t ilfdrD'n. Oivle, and Brh Fisher, Moore, henoe, at Norfult let Inst. r.hv.,v, Bchr Arthur 8. Bimpsnn. Ohnrn. from Chnckatnck fur Phlladelnhl. l Norfolk 81BI Ult. .... ' '?c" ififl-BMlon. Krinic, lor Philadelphia, was 'CS?hnr ViffiSJlU ier. bnce. at Portland 1st In.U Kbr. Jrhn W. Merwln. Rogers, from Frovldeno-. and Wm. Me Perniott. Orent. irom New Haven. DOW lor Phllsdeiphla, at New York ad lnU NOTICKTO MARINERS. Captain Nye. of tbe iemehlp Galatea, at Provl-dt-nce 1ni Inst from New York, reports that he passed J'olnt Juoith ahonl 4 A. M. on Friday. 1st Inst., and Beaver Tall LlKbthouse at 8-30, but saw no light at Benver Tll during tbat time. Passed near eiioiiKti to Beaver Tall to see the lighthouse, bat it was not llgliud. LIFE INSURANCE. THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TBI United Stales of America, 1YASIILXU1UN, D. C Chartered by Special Act or Congress, Approved July 25, 18CS. CASH CAPITAL, SI. 000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: F1IIST SATIOSAL BANK BU1LDLNU, PHILADELPHIA) Wnere the business of the Company Is trans acted, and to which all general correspondence should be addressed. DIRECTORS. Clarknck H, Clakk, Jay cooke, K A. RoLLiire, Henri JJ. Cooke, Wm. K. Cbanolkh, John 1). Dkfrkk), (Coward Dodob, tL. C FAHNJUtOOK. f. xvATCli FOBD HTARB, W. U. MOOKHEAD, UEOKGK F. Xylkk, J. iiiNCELXY Clark, OFFICERS. Clarence H. Clark, Philadelphia, President, Jay Cooke, Chairman Finance ana Executive Committee, Hknry B. Cookk, Washington. Vice-President, fc,MKnON W. Feet, Philadelphia, eoretar; and Actuary, E. B. Turner, washlneton, Assistants ee'y. Francis O. Hmitu, M. D., Medical Director, J. Ewinq MARS, M. !., Assistant Medical Director. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD. J. K. Bark 8, Uuigeon-Ueneral D. B. A., Wash lngton, p. j. horwitb, Chief Medical Departmen U.S. N., Wahhlngion. D. W. Blibs, M. X)., Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, Washington, D. C Ueorok Harding, Philadelphia, Pa. THE ADVANTAGES Cilered by this Company are: It Is a National Company, chartered by spe cial act oi Congress, lbtM. It Las a paid-up capital of 81,000,000. It otters low rates of premium. It furnlsbes larger insurance than other com panies for the same money. It 1b definite and certain In Its terms. It Is a borne company in every locality. Its policies arc exempt from attachment. There are no unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Every policy la non-forfeltable. Polloles may be taken whlon pay to the in sured their lull amount and returu all tbe pre miums, so that the Insurance costs only the in terest on the annual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to the Insured, alter a certain number of years, during life an annual income of one-tenth the amount named In the policy. ISo extra rate la charged for risks upon the lives of females. Lbttwsrp It Insures not to pay dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will be impossible. BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW STYLE SKATING BOOTS BARTLETT. THE BOOT MAKER, Ko. 83 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. A'ew Styles for the Promenade. Sew Styles for the Tarlor. Kew Styles for Heavy Weather. His large stock enables him to furnish a good fit at all times. 10 16 fmwj GROCERIES, ETC. TvE811 FRUITS & rilESEUVES. Bunch, Layer, Seedless, and Bnltana Raisins; Our janta, Citron, Oranges, Prunes, Figs, etc. Kvety de scrlptlon ot Groceries, suitable for the Holidays. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, 11 7ln Cor. ELEVENTH and VINB Btreets. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. PICTURES FOR TRESENT3. A. S. ROBINSON, Ho. 910 CfLKHNUT Street, H&a Just received exquisite specimens ot ART. isClTAtsLi UR HOLIDAY OIFltt. FINS L-RESDJUH ENAMELS" ON PORCELAIN, In treat variety. SPLENDID PAINTED PHOTOGRAPHS, Including; a number ot choice gems. 6UPERB LINE OF CUR0M09. A large assortment ot NEW ENURAVINQ8, Etc. AIho, RIcU briLiC FKAM.E, of elegant new 1'Hterus. 8 6l NT I-WI NDOW RATTLER For Dwelllugs, Car, Steamboats, Etc. Trevrnts Rattling and Shaking of the Win dows by the wind or other causes, tightens the tab. pievents the wind anddusifroui entering, tut lly attached, and requires but a Mingle glance to judge of its merits. Can on the General Agent, C. P. ROSE, No. 727 JiYNE Street, Between Market and Chesnut, 12 11 fmw3m Philadelphia. UN1TKD RTATE8 REVENUE STAMPS. Principal Leput, No. ts . ilK-tNUT Hireet. Central liepot. No. H3 H. K1KTH Hireet. loua door tieluw t beauut. KHiabilatied 1862. Revenue Mtauipaof every deocrlpllun coutantly on Lard In nv an..., mi, a 17 ixwik j tttmu v A.kM pitu.ylijr atteittMM tot MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM, Warranted rcrmanently Cared. Warranted Permanently Cured. Without Injury to the System. Without Iodide, I'otassla, or Golchlcum By Using Inwardly Only DR. FITLER'8 GREAT UUEUMATIC BEMEDI, For Rheumatism and Neuralgia in all its form. The only standard, reliable, positive, Infaittbt per manent cure ever discovered, It Is warranted to oon tain nothing hnrtfnl or Injurious to the system. WARRANTED TO CORE OR MONEY REFUNDED WARRANTED TO CURE OB MONEY REFUNDED Thousands ot Philadelphia relerenoes of cures. Pre pared at No. 29 S0UTII FOURTH STREET, SZSltnthtf BELOW MARKET. LUMBER. 1869. bPttUCiS JOIST. bPaUCK JOIST. HUM LOCK. UaMUICK. I860. ICfiO BEABONED CLEAR PINK. 1 onn 100 J BKAtoUMKD CLE A it FINK. J.907 CHOlOK PA'TIEUM Pi Mil SPAKibH cEUAit, icou Patterns. RED CEDAR. ' 1 COM FLORIDA FLOORING. 1 Qnn XODJ FLORIDA FLOOKItNU, lOO J CAROLINA FLOOKllNU. V1KOIN1A FLOORLXi. DELAWARE FLOORiNQ. AbH FLOORiNU. WALNUT FLOORING. FLORIDA BTEP BOARDS. RAIL PLANK. ICfiQ "WALNUT BD8 AND PLANK. 1 OflQ lOUy WALNUT BDel.AnD PLANK. lOOJ WALNUT BOARDS. WALNUT FLANK. 1Kr0 UNDERTAKERS LUMBER. 1 fiP.O AOOv' UNDERTAKERS' LUMBER. AOOJ RED CADAR. WALNUT AND PINE. ICfiO BEABONED POPLAR. 1 SftO SEAbONED CHERRY. OVJ ASH. WHITE OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. HICKORY. 1Ri"0 CIGAR BOX MAKERS' 1 QGC XOW CIGAR BOX MAKEKs' OVJ SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS, FOR SALE LOW. ICfiQ CAROLINA SCANTLING, IQfiO AOU CAROLINA H. T. KILLS, AOOJ NUKWAY BCANTHNG. 1Rf!fl CEDAR SHINGLES, 1 SCO AOU CYPRESS SHINGLES. 100 J MAULE, BROTHER & CO., 1 If No. 2U0 SOUTH Street. T. P. GALVIN & CO., LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS SUACKAHAXON STBT WIIAEF, BELOW SLOATS MILLS. (Stt OALUU)), PHIL DELPHIA. AGENTS FOR SOUTHERN AND EASTERN Man rncturers of YELLOW PINE and SPRUCE TIMBK BOARDS, etc., sball be baipylo lurnlsh orders wnoleaale rates, deliverable at any accessible uort. Conaianlly receiving and on band at our whan SOUTHERN FLOORING. SCANTLING. RHIN GLES, I.ASTKRN LATHS, PICKETS. BED-SLATS, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, (SELECT MICHIGAN ANL CANADA riiACiH. AXBilt BOAlRDH, AND HAO MAI CO SHIP-KNEES, . I SI stnlb A 1.1. OF WHICH WIU BB DELITEBEB AT ANT PABTOFTHBt'lTT PKOMPTIiT BLANK BOOKS. WARDED TIIE ONLY MEDAL FOB BLANK BOOKS Vy tbe Paris Exposition, 1S07. WILLIAM F. MURrUI'S SONS, No. 330 CHESNUT Street AND No. 55 South FOURTH Street, Blank Book Manufacturers, STATIONERS, And Steam Power Printers. A complete stock of well-seasoned BLANK BOOKS of oar own manufacture, A full stock of COUNTING-HOUSE STA TIONERY of every description. 12 14mwf Vi 1 JAMBS C. SMITH & CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Ko. 27 South SEVENTH Street, 1218fmw3m PHILADELPHIA, 8TATIONEll8. CARRIAGES. QARR I A C E S. Notice Is respectfully given to customers ana other desiring CAKkiAUES of tne ' MANUFACTURE or WM. D. ROGERS, OP CHESNUT STREET, To plaos their ordsrs as sooa as possible, to Insarr tiinlr aompiellon lor tha DKIYING SEASON OF 18G9. CABRt AGES REPAIRED In the most neat and Hl fOiiKiu. mannir. . cALKIAUts bTQBED and Insnranoe effected, WM. D. ROGERS, Nos. UIO'J and 1011 UlESNUT Sired, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1023. noi.inA v prktit. WATCIIKP, JF.WELRT, CLCCKS, SiLVERWARK, and FANCY GOOD. G. TF. RUSSELL, Bo. 22 iSUnill SIXTJI STKEI J, WI PH1LAUKLPHIA. b B. WARDEN. S. E. Corner Til Til and CHESMJT Sts., PREVIOUS TO REMOVAL T0 No. 1029 CHESNUT 8TKEET, OFFERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OP Cold and Sliver Watches, fiue Jewelry, Sterling Silver Ware, riatcdWare, Etc. Etc., SUITABLE TOR HOLIDAY UIFTS, AVTRM ri9Rlmm LOWEST rOSSIULE P16ICES. The II nest afiortment In tbe city. A fresh Invoice Just received direct lion) Geneva wlin beamllul Bell accompaniments. Onr selections comprise the choicest Operatlo and Boms Melodlss. FARR & BROTHER. IMPORTERS, 7io. 321 CIIESXUT Street, Mllwfmtrp BELOW FOURTH PROPOSALS. ARMY TRANSPORTATION. -Of riei Usui VluiHTiiMAHTia, 1 -Fort Lkavknwukth Kansas, Decs, 1868. SEALED PUOPOBALS will ba recelv.d at tills oflicenntll It o'clock a. M.. January 20, isfiil, lor tne TRANSPORTATION OF MILITARY SUPPLIES curing the year commencing April l, 1869, on tbe following touies: (Proposals lor route No. 8 will also be received by Rrevet Llenleuant-Colouel M. I. Ludoingion.c U M , a Sauu Pe, tf. M., until the time above nuntioned.) ROUTE No. 3. From snch points on the Union Pacific Railway, B. 1). , a. n.sy, curing tbe existence of the contract, be tleignatvU by Hie Chief Uu rtermaster's Depart Bin ul the WibBourl, to any places that niav be deoiKDaied by the lorwardlng otllcer In tbe State ef Kanaas and 'territory of Colorado south of latitude 40 degrers north; In such positions of tbe State of 1 na and Indian Territory as lie north of the Caua dlan river and went ol longitude VJ deree.; and lo Port Union, New Mexico, or such oilier depot as may be designated Iu that Territory, and any later mealat points on tbe rt.uie to Hint depot. Bidders will stale the rate per li0 pound, per 100 miles at wblch they will iranuport the .lores In each mouth ot tne year, orginning April i 'try. Separate mo: Lct..i ... vlted and will baeq 'iiti.m, KiHtliSL.ic Iptt r. to and from the iol iwu i ( Iu le it tfclt- r iu io 1 1 or 100 pounJi for the u lit t UirtLonC liov . tuilea, as lu uie I jto n il l.- Cl K.Jtlt hARKER .'r 'iarFr,Larned, Dodge, Lj on, Reynolds, Qar and, and Union. 1 FROM FORT HAYS to Forts IXx'go, l.yon, Rt-y nolds, Garland, and TJnlon. FROM SUEmIDaN OH POUT WLLChi to Form Ljcn, Key nolds, Gar: and nnl Union. Tbe transportation herein advertised lor must be wholly by wagD. lntormation will be given on application to this ottice ol the distances between tbe places named above, and upon any other points regarding the ser vice herein advertised tor. ROU l'& ND. 8. From Fort Union, or sucn other depot as may be etabllbbed In Ibe Territory ol New Mexico, to any pobis or stations that are or may be established in tbat t erritory, and to such posts or statl jus as may be des gnated In the Territory or Ariz na and the Slate ol Texas west ot longitude 105 degrees. Ibe weight lo be transported will nut exceed on Route No. 2, 20,000 0o0 pounds; on Route No. 8, lu.tu0.0C0 pounds. BlUdeis will state their pieces of residence, and each propotal mtut be accompanied by a deposit ef 12000 (io eaor certified cliec payable to the order of tbe undersigned), as a guarautee tbat lu cue an award Is made to blm tbe bidder will ao eptltauU enter Into contract with good ani sutlloient security in accordance with tbe terms ut this advertisement; said sum to be forfeited to tbe United States Incase of iallme by tbe party to whom th contract may be awarded, to execute lu due iortn suih contraot. Ath blLder must be present at the opening of tbe proposal, or be represented by his attorney. Ibe c 'Uti actors l'l be required to give bonds on Route No. 2 In such umouuta aS shall be fixed by the underslgutd; on Koote No b, tloO,t0. batislacior evidence of tlie loyalty and solvency of each blduer and person offered as security will be required. Pro. ossls must be Indorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on oute No. 8," or as tbe cue may be. and none will be entertained unless they mily comply with me requirements of this adver tisement. The party to whom an award Is made muni be pre pare d to execute the contract wlinout unnecessary dilay and to give tbe required bonds lor the faithful net lormat.ee oi tbe contract. Tbe right to relttt any and all bids that may be Offer Is reserved. t . Tbe contractor on each route must be in readiness ftir service by ibe 1st day ot April, 1869, and muii have a place or buslneaa or agency at wnljit he may be communicated wl'h readily, at the starting point or points of hn route. Blank forms, showing the conditions of the con. traot to be entered Into for each ; route, can be bai opon ai plication to this office, either personally or by letter, and must accompany and bs a part of the proposals. Blanks lor proposals will be furnished on appll- CB order of the Chief Quartermaster, Military Di vision of the Missouri, 1217 lml L. C. EA8TON, Dep't P. M. Gen. U. 8. A C. Q. M., Dep't Ma. STOVES, RANGES, ETC r. NOTICE. THE UNDER8IONED would call tbe attention of tbe publlo lo his NEW tooLUEN EAGLE FURNACE. ' This is an entirely new beater. It Is so con structed as to at once commend Itself to general favor, being a ocmblnatlon of wrought aud cast Iron. It Is very simple iu lis construction, and Is perfectly air tight; sen-cleaning, havlngino rlpes or drums to be taken out and cleaned. It It so arranged with upright Hues as lo produce a larger amount of heat from tne eamewelgut ot coal than any furnace now lu use, Tbe bjg.omello couaition ol the air as produced by my new arraigenitntol evaporation will at once de moiii trate tbat U is ti.e ouly Hot Air Furnace that will pnduce a pereiclly beauliy atmosphere. 1 1 (wtln wantol a Complete Healiug Apparatus would do wtil to call and examine the Golden Eagle, CllARLE 4 WILLIAMS, NOB 1182 auu MARK ET Street. Phltaiulphla. A large sssor'meot of Cooking Ra' ges, Klre-ooara Stoves, Low Down Grates, Ventilators, etc., always on hand. H. B. ipbblng of all klnrs promptly done. lo rr in .m tj. .Kira i nvnnM iTTTrrTir lt inoiurcoj.1 j..-...-isvl a .u ui. cx, I or EUROPEAN RANGE. rr families hotel., or public Institutions, iu TWENTY DlFfc'KH- ANT BlZEb. Also, 1'bliadelphla Raoea. Hot-AK JrutUKtes, Portable Heaters. Low-oown Grate. Fireboard Stove., Ba b Boilers, ettew-bole Platen. Lolierb, tookiiig blovee, etc,, wholesale and .oikIi bv tbe niauulacturers, retail, oy tne u auu a kHAKpB 4 THOMPSON, II Mwfmem No. ittitf N , SECOND street. 13nrj7 REMOVED TO jffiy iifcLOW THE UNITED 8TATE3 MINT. MAKHH & CO.'S NEW MUSIU STORE, NO 1317 CHE-iN UT ST.. ab.ive THIUTEENTU. isu. ioi PHILADELPHIA. Music Publishers, and Dealers In Musloal Mer chandise of every Description. JOHN MARSH, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENT THE BEST UOLD AND BILVEK WATCHES DIRECT FROM EUROPE CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD. No. 1817 CHESNUT STREET, 128 tntha am IN THK MUBIU STORE. O B X OH A N Q l " BAG MA n OPAOTOR Y. JOHN T. BAUir, N, K. come, ol lUMnjjj WATKB BlreeU. DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description, for grain, Flour, Bait, buj-Posphat ol Uina, Boat Lares and small GUNN Y BAGS constantly otUbani iial Alan. WOOI, MAOKM. ALEXANDER O. C ATT ELL A CO PHODUCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. M NORTH WHARVES . ANO No. NORTH WATER STREET, PHILADELPHIA. It b AiXAAJitiMvVCArlAU, . UJAAW1M i AMUSEMENTS. GRAND OPENING. THE MAMMOTH SKATING RINK, IWISTtriRT A Nit R4CK STHKT WILL POBITIVKLTf OPEN 03SKATfVG A ilhrut retard to the wpaher.atTP M 7 ' ON W.I)NtHDAy EVENING NEX . J inuarr A t k',ur1,D,'procll"Ie,'nd wo,ld e"Owned Canadlaa THE MEAC1IIEK IHCOTIIEi Ha'lrg been e rgsged at a grent expnnsp. will anno.! on tbat occasion and ft.r tne week oll"wl7i in theU .OKAM) SKATING EX1I I ai TIONS 1 IDelr I, .kmtfliminl .J"P" I'sresUng exhlbluc is O' Ibe kind fever tlven tbe world 1 b Ice at the Mummotn Sink is Hip'eprt'il cn. OIIU'B It rfkalln,. and I. .ix luche titles. Tim celn. btated BLACK HAWK HAND, iim ot Admiral Lee's Fl.g tbip, baitwen eiiiaed. and will pnrroroi every Aiternnrn and Evening during ih i., ana Mr. J. W. PRICK, ibe we.i known C'amrtr Prnrtnand Chesnnt.trerts. will h.vo ctiargn or th Rerlauiant. colonel JAMKI I'AWK hao in tna kindest manner enntented iu deliver Ibe ImuiuVi'l I Addles lor the Nrand U.eiilnB. ""sural SKSSON AND CXiUPON TICKETS for sale at E. o. kton fba uo.'n. No. 7 m ars w Street, and at WILLIAMS A WOODWARD'S w,F V CHEtoNLT Utreet. SCALROP PRICES. Gentleman's Sesson 'i'irst . Lady's Season Ticket. l a. i bl.dren's Tlckeit -t, i-JOt Coui'on Tickets (2u aOmlKsioBR) S.i . Single Adnii.sloni In tbe evei.li.g.....BW Hrr Admli'Sloti OorlnK the day vs THE RINK WILL iiK OPEN MORN1BO ijr J' Visiter to the Rlrk will hvamulVo"""?-. tor sailngonrlnsihelntermiilonsln Iheexhloltinn! of the Meaiiher Br Hum. "u""Uona ALNDT ST. TUEATKE. BEGINS AT i7 THIS (Tuesday) KVEMINU. Jan a ' THIRD AND LafcT WEEK. ' The original, thrilling, and attractive drama nt THE CHANGE OIRL-A OH KWrMAHsSiftV Prologue THE POM EOF TH Hi OKAsSsiii u'r Act I.-AN hVKN IFUL CnRISIMAH kVt'1Bt" Act 11 -TITKCHRItSTMAS REVEL V Act 1II-TUEORANOE iilHL HAPPY To commence wlib ihe lauitliahle laroa of . UP FOR TH E UOL1UA YS B nFPv Y AFTKRNOON-TUR ORANaB Q TltL drairrof " PrePMtlon 'on BouclcauU', iSit AFTER DARK; OR, LONDON BY NffWT RS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH 6I&KT THr ATRJC. Begins at half-past y,0 IUE. CON I INUED SUCUESS THIRD WEEK. TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT Augustln Daly's great local play, ' ..w A FLAbH OF LIOHTNINQ. with New Scenery. Machinery, and an Efficient ... The piece already wlrpessed by over ' CMt- 18.H0O PERhONS, AND HOUSE CROWDED NIGHTLY. Seats secured six days In advance. THEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTH ETCiEEr belcwArch. Oommences at 714. Eole Lessee ana Manager J. O. ORRannv PRONOUNCED SUCCESS OF THE KG0RY t -n.TBUSAN OALTON rro ?JU$ ""H OPERA COMPANY. TO-MUHT-New Opers by Ollenbacn, . x MARRIAGE BY LANTERNS, nd Charles Dlbdln's ballad opera. THE WATFIt. MAN. SUSAN G ALTON and Comlb English Oplji Ctmpany appearing. F" AOmlHslon. w. 76, and 25 cents. Secure sea's at Trun, pier's No. 926 Chesnut street, or box oOlse MATINEE ON BATUBDAY. Ht FO.X'8 AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE.- EVERY MKHltHi AND SATURDAY AHERNOON. A""x'- . R5AT. COMBINATION TROTTPB. Dances. Pantomimes. Gymnast Aots. etc. MISBE8 DURANG'S GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, AT THK FoYEIt OF THlfi academy of music, .,. WEDNEoDAY EVENING ian. a. MISS DURANG, MUSS FnEDONIA DUR1N9. liJt MlaS NAOMI DORANG, ssMsted by the talented artists, r.5,.cfrtKORGB! BISHOP, Tenor: Mr. OIL CHRIbl, Baritone; Accompanies!. Mr. DlH,TdICH. Tickets 11, To be obtained at the lollo vlng Music Blorett-Trtimpler'., Andre'., Boner'., Carncroas'. Gould's. Smiths, Winner's, and Covert's, Continental Hotel, and at the Academy on the day ot the Concert. l 4 it SECOND WEEK AND CONTINUED S0CCES3 OF MAOfVOV'S NEW H1BEKNIUON. AT CONCERT HALL. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTER NOON. Mr. ROBERT BYRNE ai Barney the Gu'de; Pro fessor J. MAOEVOY, Lecturer, aud a t.neuied Com pany. Change of Programme tor Ibis wek. Admission, st cents; Reserved Seats, 60. Children under ten years, 26 eta. Doors open at 7; commence at 8. 14 6t HORTICULTURAL HAL L. GERMANIA OBCHKBTKA P U B L I O REHEARSALS EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 8 P. M. Tickets sold at the door, and all principal Muilc Stores. Pack ages of lice iorl; single. 25 cents. Engagements can be mace by addressing G. B AS TER 1. No. 1231 MONTERtlY Street; Wltllg's MuslO Store. No. Kul Chesnut street; Andre's Music Store, No. lltn Chesnut street- 10 1 tun CARL SENTZ' AND MARK HASSLEU'8 OR CHESTRA MATINEES, S.VERY SATURDAY A18H P.M., IN MUSICAL FUND HALL. ri)gleAd mlbslcn. f0 cenf. packa.e ot 4 tickets, fl, atfioner'" No.l 1U2 CHEBN UT St.. and at the Door. HI 4 U LECTURES. QELTIC ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 11QX. WILLIAM E KOBIXSOX, M. C, WILL DELIVER A LECTURE IN Concert Hall, on Thursday Evening:, Janu ary 7, 1869, at 8 o'clock, On the lollowing subject: iUE AMERICANS CELTS OR SAXONS ? Tickets, 50 rents, to be bad at the principal Book and Music stores. Reserved seats ler lad es without extra charge. R. SH ELTON MACKENZIE, President. Jams G'Donmkli Actlug Secretary. 12 6t CHfflUT ST.RINK ASSOCIATION sooo hiiAiti:s . . . $ioo Acir. Pbesidknt How. JOSEPH T. THOMAS Tbkabcbkb-B. HAMMETT. DIRECTORS. WM.G. MOORHEAD, JOBN FALLON, MATTHEW BAIRD. B. HAMMETT, A.D.BARCLAY. HO.t. J. H. CAMPBELL HON. J. T. THOMAS, LUTHER DOC If . H. B. BROWNE. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF STOCK FOR SALE, The Company who own the SPLENDID NE SKATING RINK, Corner of CHESNUT and TWENTY-THIRD Streets have Instructed ns to offer a limited amount of the stock for sale in shares of de Ha ndred Dollars each. A large amount of money baa been expended la tbe erection of this building, which Is 240 by 110 feet. Tbe main hall Is W feet high, It is oonfidently expected that the Rink will be ready for use on Christmas Day. Each sbare of stock will be entitled to an advance dividend, payable yearly, of twenty per oent. () In ticket. Bucn dividends a ay be taken In single, season, or coupon tickets, wblch are transferable. Regarding tbe success of the project there can be no donbt, as tbe building Is intended for a pub.io ball, to be used for Concerts, t uurcli ralra, Festivals, Con veutlona, Agricultural Exhibitions, et. It Is understood that numerous institutions ef a similar cbaracte. In various parts of the oonatry have been quite remunerative. andRl s confidently be Jered tbat this will not prove an exception. Further particulars oao 01 obtained at our (Use. DE HAVEN & BROTHS??, BANKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, 12171mrn PHILADELPHIA, C OTTOS AND FHX, Uii BAIL DLCK AND CANVAS, Ol all numbers aud bn nds Tent. Awnlnr. Trntik, and Wagou cover Duok. Also. Paper Mutiliicliier.' I'rlur Fella, fr.im oat to several lr.ct wide: Pxillnr, IMUng Sail I'wlne.eio