THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 18G9. Onnttnuedfrom Pi Third Page. taxui oonalder thli along with tha other vldenoe la the cause. Uood character U cot only desMve In furor or a defendant, where a doubt exist, bat It may be of teen wrrth at to ralee of itself tbe doubt wbiob. ei title i the accused to an aoqulttal. It prenige weight In each oare la a quaatlon, like all other facta, exolntively for the jury. Yon have heard from me that yon are to give to the defendant at eaoli stage of yoar Inquiries aid at the oonolutlon of your deliberations the beaeUt of every reasonable doubt. This doea not wean that von are to speculate aa to whether a matter established to your aatlsf tctlon nay not be otherwise, ltmeana that yon are to take nothing for granted upon mere aasertlon, and It means further than tbla, that where you honestly hesitate npon the question whether oertaln evidence establishes a given proposition, when your mlada , after n ature deliberation and earnest ellort to ar t rive at the truth eannot oome to a aatlafaotory J conoluslon aa to the existence of a oertaln f act, or -aatolta tlleot, then the doubt belongs to the da ' fondant. The dlttloulty must he suggested by the ease and not by yourtlmaKinatlon. If the beam wavers, tben the doubt Is thrown Into the defen dant's toale. but you must not 10 hold the balance aa to create tremor. You may possibly wish to fix the preolse time of the murder. I have analyzed the testimony on tlila point thus: Sarah Campbell aaya she left Mrs. Hill' a house about 8 P. M. In the evening she waa at the hoase of a friend. In Lombard street, between (Seven teenth and Eighteenth streets. It atruok 9 o'clock a few minutes before ahe lei t. She probably rea.ob.ed Tenth and Floe about 26 minutes pest 0. Frederick H. Weaver, the watchman, waa going . to Lla bank, and at 20 minutes of 10 o'olook be aw a woman pull the next-door bell. The murder had then been discovered. John P. Montgomery, Kiq., took tea at 0V; ' remained In the dining-room, aljolnlng the scene : of the murder to the nortti, until five mlnutoi pat 9. He then went to hla bed-room; oommanced to read, aid had read about half an hoar when he heard a knook at hla doer. Mr. Doeterand Mr. Uhannlng Leldy wereootn- leg down Tenth street about hall past nine o'olook; understanding that something had ooourred, they went Into the house. Mr. Loldy aaya the body waa then cold. W. H. G. Morrell aaya that the clock atruok Sine when be waa In Tenth street, t elow Chestnut street, and that he went Into Mrs. HUP a hoase, about ten or fifteen minutes of ten. Dr. Zantzlnger arrived there at twenty minutes cf ten. Mrs. Hill was then dead, and had been dead, he supposed, twenty mlnutos or half an hour. Dr. Werritt reaohed the hoase about twelve uiln ntea before ten. Dr. Maury, the defendant's witness, did not see the body, but supposed from the description that It had been dead an Lour or an hour and a half, when Dr. Zantztnger made his examination. Aa Air. Montgomery waa sitting within a few feet of the aofa on wbloh Mra. Hill waa probably mur dered, with only a brick wall between him and her house, through which sounds were readily heard, and as he remained In tbat room from V o'olook to five minutes past nine without hearing the slightest noire. It 18 perhaps probable that the mur der waa committed ehortly alter Mr. Montgomery went to hla bed-room, say between live and ten minutes post nine. This would correspond with Dr. Zantzlnger's statement. If so, two or three of the win-esses examined must have been very near the house at that very instant, and the sor vant girl was then on her way home. I have thua endeavored, gentlemen, to touch upon every point In the cite, and to present all the evidence under appropriate heads, you must sap. ply any omissions you detect, and look searohlagi through the whole case. Accept no circumstance of whose existence yon are not well satisfied. Draw from It no con clusion save that justified by truth and by reason. (See to it that eaoh link Is perfeotly forged, and " logloRlly wolded to Its brothers la the ohaln. Al- low do element of the case to weigh against the defendant unless it point to guilt alone. Uuard yourselves agalrjst every possible prejudice, dive the defendant the benetit of every rational doubt, ' and ao discharging your whole obligation to the ! law, to the deleiidart, and to yourselves, yon shall i find tbat duties thus paid bring repose to the mlaJs 5 that atndy to perioral them. OVR RELIGIO US COLUMN. A Choir Caught. We know of more than one pastor who has been neatly annoyed by what poea on in hU choir (quartette or otherwise). If there ia no sieging alter the morning seimon, it sometimes . kappeoa that the organist, the chorister, or other men.beia of the company who do the music, find it convenient to take themselves away, ai their .part of public worship ia done. . If there is singing after the sermon, they can time it so as to be abent for a while, aid ; by guess-work or a preconcerted B'aal , o be back in season. A certain pastor - in this State, who had bseri mack dis turbed by this operation visible to him( but invisible and unknown to the congregation, thought he would try his band at a cure. Keep ing his own couusel, one day, wben the choris. ter and organist had left the house, and he was in the midst of his sermon, he concluded to have a hymn sung for relief. There was great alarm in the gallery. A member of the choir 'rushes out to find the missing officials. The hymn is given out, and an awful pause ensues. The congregation look round in an uneasy state, but the minister can bear it. At length the absentees are found and brought in, audthe congregation put in possession ol some yalua ble fao'.s. Congrega tionaUst. How to Head the Bible. 1. Read it every day. 3. Read, sometimes, one verse at a time. 3. Bead, sometimes, one paragraph at a time. 4 Bead, sometimes, a whole chapter; at others, a whole book. 6. Sometimes read by subjects; c. g., the par ables, by themselves, one alter another, etc. 6. Take one "character," and trace it through the Old and New Testaments; tuts, direct his l tory or geography; illustrative commenU on, i either in the way of enforcing as an example or ' exhibiting as a warning; by contrast with others of a different type. 7. Find out the contrast between the Old and jt New Testaments; between one saint and au- other; between some zealous Christian and some zealous persecutor; between Jew and Samaritan. 8. Take a verse sometimes to pieces, word by 'word; and find when the potential word are used as elsewhere, and in what sense. , 9. Use all the helps you can get if yoa ' haven't a commentary, put by the difficult pas " sages to ak your minister the meaning of " them. 10. Above all. endeavor to make your reading of God's word improve you lu the article ol olf- examination and growth in grace. SUMMARY OF RELIGIOUS NEWS. CONGREGATIONAL. Tie statistical report or the Congregational , General Association ot New York, ju.t Issued, shows a total of 2a2 churches and 221 ministers, . with 25,273 membera. Duiibg the yt-ar 1351 ' have been received on proTession, and 623 adult and 617 itfaut baptisms are reported. A boat 16 of these cburche have since formed the General Association of New Jrraey. There are 7 more tLinlbtere, 29 more churches. 3714 more meat hers, and 8392 more Sabbath-school ncuolurs than a year ao. " Conreaationalism In look'ng up in Missouri. Six churches bave te n ojqamzed damn? the year, making forty at-veu in all. In 1864 tbeie were but two Dr. Post's, of bt. Louis, and 11 r. Blurtevuni'p, in Hannibal. But lour ot these churches are able to go without the aid of the Home M.ssionary Society, aud the Cougrega- ' tional Union have utded all buttnreeol those ' which have built houses ot wor.tblp. ' Borne time ago the clergy of Cincinnati fora ed an Kvanueliral tliblatcrial Association, The atiarks ruade upon ttem iu the uewspupera by a "liberal" minister ol the city, lor their 111 bcriilUj lu ruling a theological fence in requiring eympa'hv wi h evanxeical views hb a conuU'on ot membership, lia led them to di'tlne what they mean by tho word "evangelical." Tue word Implies, theyaay, a belief in the Inopira. i tlon of the .Serlptnres, the ttinity of God, the (all of man, tbe vicarious atonement ol Ctinit, and resr Deration by the Holy Spirit. On the adoption of this system of faith as a part of the contiiution, Itev. W. T Moore withdrew from the Aaodation not because he objected to the nicies thcmaplvca, but because, as a member of the Uisclrile Cburca. be was opposed to every thing takihg tbe form of a creed. Atioovir still has a larger numbr of students than any of ita et-tter institutions, and showa a total of ninety. Tbe junior olaia is much smaller lhan either of the others, as the two ptolctsors ot biblical exegesis, thouzh superior fcbolsrs. are bo h young men. Next lu the numlcr of students comes the Ubtcago theological Seminary, which instructs 63, being eleven more than any previous year. Binwr bas 34. New Haven 25. Hartford 22, and Oherlln 16. This summary, which we have condensed trom the Conmtnationalis', shows the remark able progress ot tbe Seminary in Chicago, wnich at Its present rate of growth will win be the larpeHt in the denomination. Tbe Old Sohool Presbyterian Seminary at Princeton, and tbe Union ineoiomcai beminary tiew bcooou, in this city, bave both of them a larger attendance man Anaovcr; tno lormcr oocause it nai almost a monopoly in its dcnomina'ion, while the latter, owing to a great extent to its loan tion iu a large city, attract many Uonzregn tionalist who are willing to secure the benefits of a residence lor a year or two in the city, at tbe pOHHible expense of their scholarship. Independent. The Congregational church In Shullsburg, Wis., bas taken a bold step forwacd in tbe right direction. Trie palter, Hov. A. M. Oiion, D. D., had been holding meetings In an adjacent neigh borhood, and had received quite a number of converts into bis church, who, living at too great a distance to be regular a'.tendaut?, wi re recognized as a branch cuureh in that locality. Not beinir able to supply both them and his church in town, T)r. Dixon relerred the matter to his church, which settled the ques'.lou in a nianuer in accordance witn umgrcga'-ionai het dom, by selecting two men who were to act as lay preachers in that aud other destitute settlements among the lead mines adjoiuing. They will read and study uu ler the supervision ol Dr. Dixon, aDd talk, exnorc, ana preacu as (rod shall give tbem ability, while purauing their daily secular employments. At the last coin rauu ion season these brethren were solemnly set apart by the cburch with prayer lor this special aervice. This example of tho church in Shnllaburg shows how Curistian work should bo dune. If ministers canuot be found, then con secrate laymen. Tbe best man that can ba bad is better thau none at a'l. There is no re iein why Methodists should monopolize the excellent institution of local preachers. Iniependent. EPiscorAL. The Episcopal Church Almsnac reports S3 dioc'ses, 49 bishops, 2730 clerery, 2112 paiisbe", 20,835 infant baptisms, 21,0f8 continuations; 194, 192 conimuuicaats, 1P4.040 Sunday Scao 1 scholars, and contributions amounting to ?.4,457.b8. Tuauki'lving services were held in thu missionary chapel in Athens, a' tended by the Americans and orae Eugl'.sh-spe.iki'ig Gteeks. Pr. Kmg piesided, and read tne Pie-idon'.'s Thauksgiving proclamation. Mr. Bennet, the Episcopal clergy man, who officiates iu place of Dr. Hill, offered prajer, aid an ad Iress was made by tbe Amencan minister. His address waa trani-la'ed iulo Greek lor tbe city press. The Protestant Bishop ot Cashel, in Ire land, used to say thnt he wis but little troubled with Tructarlanisui In hia diocese, tbe reason being that tbey had too uiu:h ot tbe real article at borne. A correspondent of the London Record accounts on the some principle lor the fact that there is no city in Canada, leaving out the Protestant diocese of Huron, which has so much sound Protestantism aud so many Kvau gelical clergy as Montreal. Tbe London Aon-conformist says that "Mr. Gladstone'ii increased majority hu boeu pro cured from tho uon Episcopalian communities. Nearly if not quite the whole of it i9 the result ofrflue elections in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. The gain on ibewbole eltc'ious twenty-tnree seats.'' Of these seven ore iu Wale, eie,ttl in Sc otland, and neht in Ireland. ' Tuat is to say, Nou-conlormist Wales Scotland, and Roman Catholic Ireland hive returned the whole of the lucrea-ed Liberal maionlv. The representation of ngHnd stands ex iclly ai it was." BAPTIST. Statistics of the baptist churcbea iu Peun silvania. iust Dublishid. show that there are m this State 18 as.? ciaiious, 443 churches, aud 60,497 members, ot whom 3725 were received la-t vear on Drofession of faith and biDlism, A Swedish Baptist cburh was organized in Red Wing. Minn., November 23, with a inem- bershio of fifteen persons. On the same day Mr. Ongman, late 'rom Sweden, was ordained to tbe ministry, and called to the pastorate of the church. -Thel-aiehl Ptreet (N. Y.) Baptist Church has invited Kev. Matthew Hale Smith, who has nreachtd for tnem tbe last six Sabbath, to bi come tbelr pastor. A minority was opposed to this invitation, and the council which met la-t Thursday night decided after a stormy seseiou to adjourn for six month. Tbey refused to vote tor or against Li m, and seemed reluctant to admit him to the brotherhood of Bantist pastors. On Monday evening pf this week a Baptist Union was formed in Brooklyn. The meeting was held at the Mansion Hou'e, and was attended by about 75 gentlemen. Tne objects of the union are to form and increase the ac quaintance with each other of leading members of the Baptist cburchea in Brooklyn, and to circulate Information concerning the churches amonn each other tbe model boiue the Boston BaptiBt Union. Only laymen are to be admitted to membership, and tbe initiation lee is to ba $15, with annual dues of $12. The meetings are to be held monthly, and once a year Indie are to be invited and social entertainment ii to be in dulged in. The officers for the present year were elected; aud then tbe company sat down to a plaia dinrer, after which speeches were made by ministers aud other invited guests. Tbe Union will doubtless exert great pjweraodba ol gieat use. PRESBYTERIAN. The Presbyter thinks it rather "queer" that an Old School minuter oi Wisconsin, wno nas been prominently opposed to reunion, should bave just accepted a call to a New dchool eiiurcti me Jersey. Tbe Western missionaries of the none Mis sionary Society and of the N. S. Presbytenans are to be gratuitously supplied with copies ot Pro'essor Cowles' on Bzeklel, Da nil I. and tbe minor nroDheta. -Rev. William C. D ckmsou, late pastor of tho (. alvary PresDyteriau unurcu ot UQicao iDu-t be a pastor of marked usefulness. If we may judge from tbe luct, that although he leaves tbe church alter a serf ice of only a year, his people expressed their regret at parting witn n m dv tbe substantial tritt ot siiuu. At acoulerence, ueid December b, oetween ine old School and Hew School Presoytertea or BuUalo, Dr. Lord, w bo was a participant in the siparation of 1837, said that the real cause of separation, and one not much noticed at the time, was the refusal of the Assuuiblv ( 1830 to establish a MUsion Board, under tbe charge of iuc temuiy, as tne uia sjdooi desired, rne caused dissension ia now practically obviated uj mo jiemiug or rne principle by the Nesr j-ctuoi men, wno have put nearly all their renevo ent aeouciea, except foreign missions, under tbe charge ot tbelr General Assernblv. The Aweru an Presbyterian gives an account oi a siupuiHr juvivui movement in I.ult, a to u of Upper Canada, the main feature of which is the rueefng oi urge nuniDera ot the people to rend their Bibles, and to converse with one another as to the meaning of the passgea read. Ic commenced with atreet preaching by two loymeu, recently arrived from Scotland. sJOn tie Methodist church was thrown open, aud then thai ot the Free Cburch. the largest in lown. The latter was, at last accounts, too snalltohold the crowd. Tbe presence of to convened Jews, and their experience in conver sion as based exclusively upon the Scriptures, are adding to tbe Interest. Ti-e Kev. B B. Parson", D. D., has been unhiiimoubly elected pastor of the Cedar Street l'rerbj leiian Church. Dr. Parsons labored for some time In esiablisbii g churches lnViscoii:n, and wbeu tbe war broke out was cilleit to M s Fouil, where be look charge of tho WestminstT thuichin SI. Jobtpb. The press of that city asys of hla labors In tbat nlace "that for several years be has labored with unflagging Zealand ndoslry to build cp Westminster Cnurch. until it now ranks among our most flourishing rli- giru organizations. Wherever Dr. Parsons may bo called, the good wishes of our people will go wrh him. A an able and eloquent divine aod devoted Christian, we commend him to tbe people among whom he may hereafter reside." METHODIST. Last March the colored preachers of Ken tucky, belooiinor to the Methodist EdIpoodaI Church North, prepared a petition to I be Gene ral Conference, prajina: that they might, with their charse". be set off in a seDarate conference. Tbe white State Conference approve). Tula petition was granted on the coadition tbat they noma continue to desire a separate organiza tion from thtir white brethren. The colored preachers of the northeastern district held meeting in Lexinaton. navember 27. aud yotei uuao lmousiy tbat It was still their desire to nave a separate colored conference. MARINE TELEGRAPH. Far additional Marine New te.t Flrtt Page. ALMANAO COB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAT. ..7 '26 Mooi R m .. i 9 60 4 , hih WiTm. a an Bow i i, i bUM HTS.... t . . MEMORANDA. Bliip W. H. Mnody. JJnrkee. hsnoe. aallad frnm ir,l. moutta 18th lilt, for Antwerp. HieamsUlD Whirlwind. Oner, henoe. atPrarldnnca 80i h ull. iiaraue itooert Porter. Cart a. for PMIede Dh a. en tered nut at Liverpool 18'h ult. Barqun Mary A. Neiaon. Nelson, heDCS, Bailed from Falruouih IHin uil. for London. Brig John sty. Nickurs.U, from Palermo for Pol ladelpbla, waa atuibra.lar litn uln,, wliu foremast aprniig. urig wBveny, i erry, nenoB, remainea at uiorauar lotb u t, for Omasa, repalrlD aai . Hrig Wis. Weian Hirooriilga, lienoe, at Palala (Bslie Isle), lllli ult. for Bordeaux. Brie KMs McNeil, buia.l, for Philadelphia, sailed from MeeilDa7tb oil. tiai. (jornery. urey, irom Ballast ror uavan nnh, at Holmes' Hoievom uit. Hclir it Jt. KissDii. AipbatTrfy. rrom swm ror rni- ladelpbla. sailed from M London -ma lilt. i-ebr Amos words, Bomera, cleared at Charleston 201 L ult. lor Bestoo. echr Wary Kiiey, nuey. ror rnnaieinnia, wai npat Charleston 8 th ult. Belir V. a Miner, Munuey, Cleared at uoaion sisiuli, for Jacksonville. Hcbrs Elvie Davis. Johnson, and John Johnson, Mc Bride, beucx. al 81 ui ttih ult. BolirLitrie Bacnuiaer, jlokiisq, at oavaaaaa ib ulu from Baltimore. FINANCIAL. Union Pacific Railroad. WE ARE K0W The First Mortgage' Gold In terest Bonds OF 1IIIS COMPANY AT FLU AISD INTEREST, At which rate the holder of U0YERN- II EST SECURITIES can wake a proflt able exchange. tOUrOS duo January 1 CASHED, or bought at full rates for Gold. WM. PAIHTEE a CO., BANKERS AND DEALERS IN tlOTERX SIEJST SECURITIES, Uo. 33 South THIRD Otroet, : t PHILADELPHIA. u N S OF UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD 5-20s and 1881s, DUE JANUARY 1, AND GOLD, W ANTE Dealers In GoTernment Securities, No. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, azs PHILADELPHIA. 1 STERLING & WILDMAN, BAKE BBS AND BROKERS, No. 110 South THIRD Street, AGENTS FOB SALE OF First Mortgage Donds of Roekford, Rod Island, and St. Louis Railroad, Icte-eet fclEVHN PER CENT., clear ot a'l taxi payable la GOLD and February, for aala 7 and accrued lotaieat In currency. Also First Mortgage Donds of the Danville Hazleton, and Yt'ilkesbarre Railroad Interest 8EVEN PER CENT., CLEAR OF ALL TAXES, payable April and October, tot aala at 8 and accrued Interest i'auifibleu wlin mapa, reports, and fall Information Of ttieie toads alway s on band for distribution. DEALKB8 lu Government ilouda, '"void, Bllver CiUuone, eta t TUCKS of ailklodR bought and aeld on commia- aion In isew Yom aud i-nuaueipuia. n a tutu NKINC HOUSC OK Aos. 112 and 114 8uth THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Dealers In all (iovi rumi ut Securities. Old 6-L'Uh W anted lu Exchange for Aon. a lid nil Dillcrence aliened. i'oniH)UHd lnterebt Motes Wanted. iinertHt Allowed on Deposits, "J'LLKcTIOM, MADE. BTuCKB bi UJiLLKcTHB MADS. BTuU&H bought and aold bpeclal bualneaa In'llea. acoomnaodatlona reaerved for we will rrwlve apnllcatlona for Pollolea of Life Ii,irnr In it, Nli, nl Llf lnurnua Coal'T or the United fetaitw. nl i,ir inaurai Full luXoimatlou dlvn ai om viuua. 1 1 3m FINANCIAL. ma UfJIOfJ PACIFIC PaILROAD COMPANY OFFER A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THEIR First Mortgago Bonds AT PAR. Mne Hundred and Sixty Miles Of the line West from Omaha are now completed, and tbe work la going on tbrongh the; Wluter. Aa tbe dla tance between the flniahed portion of tba Union and Cenlral Pactno Railroads la now tesa than 4u0 miles, and both Compaulea are pushing lorward the work wlih great energy, emplo lng over so.w.0 men, there can be no doubt tbat the whole tJrand Line to the Pacific Will be Open for Ilnslnes lu (he Summer or I860. Tbe regular Government Commlnaloners have pro nounced the Union Pacific Railroad to ba FIRST CLASS In every respect, and the Special Commission appointed by the Prealdent says: "Taken as a wholn. TB E PNION PACIFIO RtlL- ROAD II AS BEEN WELL CONST UCl'ED. AND THE GENERAL ROUTE FJH THE LIHE EX CEEDINGLY WELL SELECTED. The energy and perseverance with whlcn the work has been urged forward and the raploity wl.n which It has baen execuud are without parallel In h atory, aud In gran deur and magnitude ot undertaking It hat never been equalled." The Report states that any deficiencies that ezlBt are only those Incident to all newroadB, and tbat could not bave been avoided without materially retarding tbe progress of tbe great work, Huch dell- cltncles are supplied by all railroad companies alter tbe completion of the Hue, when and wherevtr expe rience shows ttum to be necessary. The report con- eludes by Shy leg tba. "ibe country bas reason to con- graiulute ltse'f that this treat wtuk of national Im portance la to rapidly auproachlng c. mple ion uudur such raveraMe auspices." The Conipnuy now have la use 137 iLCOinutlves and nearly Suoocais ol' allde crlp tious. A large acdillonal tcjulnueht ,1s ordered to be ready In the bprlntc. The gradlDg is nearly completed, a.d Ilea distributed lor 1M lullei la advance of the western end of the track. Fully 120 milea o iron lor new track are now delivered wifctof tue Missouri Klver, BLd 80 milta mr re are cn route. The total ex penditures for construction purposes In advance of the completed portion of the rod U utl .nm man eight n.lilluu dollars Besides a donation irom (he Government of 2,soo acres of laudier mile, the Com Da ay la en Itledto a subsidy In U. 8. Bonds on 1 s Hue as ouiiileled and accepted, at tbe average rale of about i-ym) i er iolie, according to tne diOlcultlea enuuunteied, for which the Government takes a second Ilea us security. The Company have already received f22.i58.ObO of this subsidy, ot which fl.UiO.lUO waa paid Deo, 6, and 640.010 Lee. 14. Government Aid Security of the Bonds. By Its charter, tbe Company la permitted to Issue lta own FlllbT MORTGAGE BONDS to the same amount aa the Government Bonds, ani no more. These Bonds are a First Mortgue upon Hie whole road and all Its equipments, fcuch a montage npon wutt, lor a long tlme.wiil b. tbe only rallioad con nectltg the Atlantic and PaclUo States, takes the highest rank as a Bafe security, Tho turnings from the way or local buasness lor tne year ending Juna 3o, lbtiS, ob an average of 4Ti miles, weie over FuDU MILLION LOLLARS. which, after paying all ex peusea, were much more than aalUcleut to cover ull Interest liability upon that distance, aud tueeirs- lnga lor the lust five mouths have been t2.3SH.87c. They would bave been greater If tbe road had not been taxed to Us utmost capacity to transport Us own iLutcrlal for construction. The Income from tbe great passenger travel, the China Irelxhta, and the supplies lor the new Rocky Mountain htaies and Ter ritorlta.niQBt be asple;ior all interest and other lia bilities. Ko political action can reduce the rate of Interest. It most ren ain for thirty years tix per ctnt. per annum in sold, now equal to between eight aud nine per cent, lu currency. The principal ia tten payable in gold. If a bond with such guarantees were Issued by the Government, Its market price would nut be less than trom to to 2S per cent, premium. Aa thete bonds ars Issued under Government authority and supervision, npon what Is very largely a Gov ernment work, they must ultimately approacu.Gov ernment prices, Cio other corporate bonds are made bo si cure. , Tbe price for the present It PAR, aud accrued In' terest at 6 per cent, trout July 1, IKtU, in curroucy, (Subscriptions wilt be rtctived in Fhltadtlpnia by DE HAVEN & BRO., Ho. 40 S. THIRD btreet. WM. PAINTER & CO., No. M 8. THIRD Street, And In New York AT THE iOJU'AMl'N OFFICE, No. 20 NA-BtjAU Htreet, AND BY JOHN J, CISCO HON, BAKKEKS. No. 6 WAU atreet, And by the Company's advertised Agenia tbrongh' oat the United (States. Bonds sent free, but parti' s aabicrlblng through local agents will look to lueni for th-lr safe delivery A MiW PAMPULAT AND MAP WAS ISSUED OCTOBER 1, cuulalulug a report of tbe progress of the work to that date, and a more complete aiate- ment lu relation to the value of tne bonda lhan can be given In an advertisement, whlan will be sent free on app lcatloa at the Company's ollices, or to any of the advertised agents. Tie Coupons of the First Mortgage Bonds OF TUB CMOS FAUFIC RAILKOAD COMl'ANr, DUE JANUARY 1, 1809, Will be paid on and alter tbat date, IN GOLD C01', free of Government Tax, At the Company's oiUoe, No, 20 NASSAU Btreet, New York. Pcbedulea with twenty or more coupons will nov be received for examination, and gold checks lor the auine will be delivered Seoemoer no. JOHN JT. CIMCO, TBEASCBI'.B, NEW TOHK. DoQ. IS, 1W8. U U tnstulia REAL ESTATE SALES. OiRr?,ANS C0URT BALK. E9TATK OF Jaoob (Jramo, deceased. 1'Uomas tic Hmit, nmirTwo. Iranle Dwellings, Wildey tilV orl of Calmer street, Kigbteenta jvard. I'arsnant lo an order of the Urpharis Jn.L..t!1.U"y!knd Oountyof PhlUdilpQla, , iiSS,0Jd,t pu.""? le- cn Tue"7. January 1.iu c!3.k' nooD at tlle Pbliadelprila i-xcnanB. the following: deaoribed propeny, late of Jacob Cramp, deceased, vie.: All that lot of -ground, vrim the two frame messuages i 1! Fr!2nui!'Scld: 8ltUB, on 'ho aoutueasteriy distance of 88 feet 8V$ Inches northoaaieriy from ?ii,JB,,el.n Ule of'o'or Keuslnjlon; eon I,," 5ii.!Ur0nt.0n.,,Hld Wlldny atreet 8i feet, - rtM!X-.nd ,,, depth aouiheaaterly of that wldtli, at right angles with the BHid Wildey street, on the sooth weeterly line thereof. 51 reer. and ou the nortlieaslerly line thereof, 62 feel 2i Inches. Hounded northeasterly by ground of W'tillum Cramp, southwesterly parllv by other ground late of Jacob Cramp, and partly by giound of William Cramp. s,ut,beairli? hv ground of the KvnncPllcal Society. It la subject muntnKoiu iiu wntcn twelve years' itereHt l due. By the Court. Joseph Mkoaby, Clork O. (J William O. Ckami-,1 a , , VIIAKI.K8 1). CRAMP """oiiiun, M Tlinl A 1 LuilUJ .1 12 Z2J2 9 Nos. 131) and 141S FOUIU'H Hireet. 1qRiKL,E8IATE-thoma-3 SONS' x niiudelprila kxctiaDHe.lhe following iliinriiu.i propel tieB, viz : " " n.1'.,.1'?11' bilclc dwelling. No. 131 Brown street. All that tur, ir n'ii, Bunge. witb two story baokbuildin? aud lot of ground, situate on the north side of llrowa Btreet, 61 feet east of New Market strum No. l il; tne lot containing lu front ou Browu street 15 feet, and extending lu dep- b 41 feet, to mid die of a privy wall partly on these aud partly em the lot adjoining on tbe north. Toe uouse line tbe bath, not and cold water, eto. Clear of all Incumbrance. Terms Cash.. No. 2. Lot Krank ford road, northeast of Alle gheny avenue, Nlneteeutb ward. All ttmlot or ground, Bltuftle ou the southeast Bide of irauKiora roaa. 6H uet or an no innnhnui. of Allegheny avenue; cuntaluin la front lid jtet, nu extending iu dupiu on Hie northeast line jn leet l inches, and on the southwest line 108 leet DDi InoUes. Clearof allincuniirnnn. Terms (Jafb M. THOMAS A RONS, Auctioneers. 12 22 J 2 Nos. 139 and 1 11 S. l'OU KTU 8ttee. REAL ESTATE THOMAS M(1VI' IjiiSALh,. Two-blory brick bulldluir. No. 1)21 AiMixhull street, north of Ponlar BtroeL on Toebday, Jauunry 5, lbfiO. at l oVlock, noon, will be hold nt public Bale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that two-stoi v brick bull Unur and lotot grown (I, situate ou tbe east Bide of marsnaii m reel, sso. ui.i, nr, tne Ul.tanoa of 123 feet 1014 Inches uorlb of Poplar street. In t,h Twenilelh wird; cmiaiuing la Irontoa Mar- sn an aireei m leet, ana exieudlng la depth, 61 ftet 2 It ches. Bul'Jecr. to ;t cr uln tuorltriiiio .1 . 1 . . . f L' t .'Mi . 1.1. . u, ui ui cuuu, w ii u iu iKrvtHi, iriefreua. Tnis is a very eltBiraolu loralion for a b ank. Bin 1th shop or other luunuruolurinir busluess. and Is suljoct to the rilit of way of a 2' j feet w d9 (tlley on the nouUi f,t'e Ibereof, the height oi iimrai o;i ie't unove tue euro ou Mirn'iall 8'ieet (for the ue ol the prooorty aoJ )luliiu ou Hie enst), and wiiU tho pilvilego oi bulldlcg ovt-r the Hfiuie. M. THOMAS & SON. Anotlouoers. 1222 J2 Nos. l;i9anit 111 H. KOUHrii .Street. HEAL ESTATE. THOMAS & 80NV Snle. ihiee-blory Uriclt Uwelllne. No. 1808 frouih street, with a three-Hlory Urick li rellin in ineiear.-uu iunuy, jauuitry o, tso'J, al li o i iock. noon, win te sdim at putuo snle, at the t umult ipuia i'jTcnange, an tuutiotot ground, with the improvemeniH tlnsrer.n erected. HllutUe on the FOUth Bide of bouth street N.) IS1 IS; con- tr ltnr g in iront ou mouio. sireet to idat, and ex tendir.K lu depth 75 feet. The improvements consist ol a three-story brink dwelling, fronting on South 8' red; bs gs IniroduceJ, Bad a three B'oiy brick dwelling lu the rear. BUbieul to it yexrly irri'lind rent, or 5o7. M. THOMAS & SONS. Am'to'ieor 12 22J2 No. 139 and 1 11 S. FOURlUst. JT REAL EST AT B. THOMAS & SONS' isii bALE. Three story Brick Dwelling, No. J.i3 Coatea t-treet. On Tuenday, January 5, 8(iii, at 12 o clock. uo',n, will lo hoIu at pumlo Ba e, i,t tbe Philadelphia ExchaDgo, all that ttiiee-Hiory brick mtssuune, wlta two-ttory b;ick I. ulldltigB nd lot ut tronnd, sli utito ou the tiortu hide of CoHtfa Btitot, 'M foot, wet of Twelfth, t-treet, No. 120 ': the lot containing lu f.tint on Coatcii street Is foot, aud extending ia clt-pth SU f et. tJuL'ject to a TPnrly pronnd rent of J90. M, THOViAS cfe SONS, Auo io'ierq. 12 22 J2 Nob. i:ii) and 1 11 b. FOUHTli St. AN ORDINANCE To Make au Appropriation out of tbe Income of Hie U I ram Estate, for tho purposes therein meniloned. (section 1. The Select and Common. Counolla of the City of Puliadulphia do ordain, Tuat the suinot one hundred uud twenty-three thou sand and lllly dollars ($123,061) 00) be and the fume is hereby appropriated out of the Income of the residuary portion of the Olrard Estate for the year eiKbteeu hundred and slxty-ulne (ISOti), for the purposes of paying the expanses cl and for the Uirard EsUle and Trust, for the fcaid year In tbe following particulars, that la to say I'.eml. Water rent, two thousand dol lars 82,003 Item 2. Taxes, Uiiy-seveti thousand dol lar 67,003 Item 3. Salaries, Blxty- eight hundred dollars 6,800 Item 4. LttnilH out of tbe ooumy, tweuty thousand dollars 20 000 ItemS. Fermareut Improvements, two tboiitaod dollars 2,000 Item 0. General repairs to real estate, eighteen ibouuand dollars 18 000 Iieni 7. Inside painting, three taoujaud dollars 3 000 Item 8. Outside painting aud glazlug, four thousand dollars 4,000 Item 0. Paper and banglog, tour thou sand dollars 4,003 Item 10. Annuities, six bundled dollars GOO Item 11. Miscellaneous expennes, coun sel fees, fuel, stationery, and prlu'lu, watchmen, asslstaut lu Superintend ent's offlce, ceasp,olH, live thousanl six hundred and lifly dollars 5.630 S123 0M Sect Ion 2. That the Bum of twelve huuured and fifty dollars be aud the same la hereby appropriated out of the luoome of the fund appropriated under the i wenty-seooud Item of the will of btepheu Uirar l for the Improve ment of tho eastern front of tbe City or Phila delphia (J125U). Sections. Tbat the sum of five hundred and five dollars and slxly-l-vo cent oo aud the same Is hereby appropriated, U'uler the flf.u Item of tbe will of Btrpneu Uirard, f)rihe purchase of fuel lor the Poor wnlio house ket) ei s end room-keepers" ( 6.'). Section 4. The warrants for said anrropMa. tions shall be drawn In conlormily with exist lng ordinances. " J03EPH F. MAR'JER, President of Comui'ja UjuujII. Attest KOBKIIT, Asslslani. Clerk ot Selec' Oounoll, WILLIAM. S. HTOKLKx", Preslderil of Select Council. Approved this tweuty-nintb day of Deaeiaoer, Anuo Domini one tbo.iHaud eight hundred andBlxty-elght(A. D. 18, H). MORTON McMlOHAEL. lilt Mayor of Phil tdelputa. EESOLUTION Oi Instruction to tbe Chief Commissioner ot HlRhwuys to Clean tbe Sireels. Resolved, Hy the Heieot and Common Coun cils ol tbe City of Philadelphia, Tuut the Chief Commissioner of Hit; a ways la hereby diiecied 10 employ men to hive the street cltatied In froui of inlets and charge the ama to the contractors for the oleaning of tue Bireets lu Whoso dlsirlot the work may be dune. .lOIHPrt F. MARORR. President of Common Couuoll. Atteht llKNJAMIN It. IlAINKS, Clerk of Select Council. WILLIAM 8. STOKLEY, Pieldeut of So eol council. Approved this twenty-ninth day of Doyember. Aino Domlui one thousand eight hundred and Blxiy-elght(A. D. 18iiK). MORTON McM ICIIAEL, 1 1 U Mayor of Philadelphia. WILLIAM 8. GRANT OiMMIHKN hkkohant, Wo 8 8. 1)JiLAWHK Avenue, Philadelphia. A Ols. NT FUK Dnpnat'a Gnnrowrir, KcIIiimI Nitre, Charcoal, eto W, itaker dk tJc'R C'hccula'.e, (Joeoa, and il,ouia, ( rocker ktrm. A Co.'s VeliOW idoll Clieaihing lUl.uaaUs. AUCTION - SALES' M. THOMAS & HON 8, N08. 133 IHU til B. JTOOKTa BTKKKT. : . IXTEN8IVE BALK 8TATK1 UWIO!f HOTL Al BV ti Baron. EOTJSHHOLTI FUKK1TURN, MANTKti Attn CAJKl'Eltt, OIL CLOTHS. K TO. On if , nil y morning, Jannary 4. at U o'oloua. the entire furnttiir nf th BlatM Union Hotel, No. ana Market atrem, ooiaprla- ii'C wniLut parinr lurniiure. msntei aua pter nilr- SIms. cantor., eto. Alio tne furnllnre or a'tiout i riionm, oair mimreBSPs, oianaein, DHiain(, Krnaiela and other carpets, large iiuitiitltv ot oil cloth and r.'no. nillce furnllnre. tire-i rool r.henl ii,k,ik h t,,m A Wauon. Also, bnr furolvure, tbr-e marble-too hars. cooklnar ranae movn. nhikudniioni. knannn. tlty of kitchen uteualla, elo. ii at at BALK OF UK A L KSTATE AND STOCK1 . Jan. 5. at lX D'rliU'k. linun.ll the KxchAnira. will lmlnrif : CAl.LWIIIT.r. Rtreet. IBn SKIS ThrM.itnr rtrlnV Tavern acd lwePiiR am) Inrue L"1. HI X TH Btreet (rrntb). Nn, lt-1ok Rldanoe, KCJL'TII Htr.wt. No. IhiiH Torn Tbrcs-aLnrt lirlckr Dwellings. tuAi im Btreet, cic. laia tnree ivory isrica iiweu- ROWN f(re,t. Vo 181 Two-atory Ttrlck Dwolllnir. VRAMKFURD Rnsd. N IT. of AllOirneilT Lot. MARHSALL Btreet, Fo. Two-atory Brick IlnllOlng. TlM H (Soul ). No. 107 Tbree-atory Brick Tavern and rtwetliug. C HRISTIAN Btreet, JSo. 2.0J-Thr, e atory Brick Dwelling. BTOf KB, LOANS, ETO, ?5 abarea Ihigh Z'i,o )'mpuv. SOahaiea W'etitern liauk. ttiK O mate of DoUwme iiondn. 8iKio Lehigh NavlKatlun itallroad flrat mortgage a per cei t. It nda. so nriaren t'onanllrlntlnn National Bask, i Miere Plilladelplil Lib ary. fioo Bonn UnUm Fa nehger Kallway Comprtny. For nocount ol whom limay concern, rbarrs Union PuHerser ltitllway CJornpany. feiMO bieubenvllle aud Indiana Railroad Ural mort gBue. I'cw No. ?o. North alnlp, ft Lnk-ft'a Oorch, Pew No. 7B. Middle m. BU luke'a Cnurcti. f I 1 at MARTIN BROTHERS, AUCItONKElU I Cutely Pnlctiruen lor M. ThnniM A boas.) Ko. I2tt CUAHiSUi bt., rear entrance lroiu Minor. Peremptory Bale on the f remises, No. toil Brandy wine atreet. VFRY FTTPKIUOIl WAIAUP PARLOR ANI C!HAaxB.H FrilNITUKK, KANUsOVIK BRUtJ. BKLS eiaUPJ-TS, j-'iiSlii MAI TaalaaaM iUATHKllBbDH, jfiTC. On Tueadv Mnrtlng. January S, Ibbn. al hi o'clock, at No. 2U1 Brandy wine street, by catalogue, trie entire furniture, lu cludlrg haudion,e u.ul and hatrcl uli pur or lur nliuro, htnf aome wa iul clianibnr ru nl ore, dlnlos rouui luruiture, hue iehtber-heds, hal mttrmiA. blankeu, ct.unterpuuea, cuuaud g: a-a ware, kltcuaj lurniiure, etc, Tne linn tine la nearly new and In gord condltloa Way besei n early ou t he morning of aalo. NKAT MoDKltN THUKIS-sTOliV BUIOK BE?I. DKNOK AMI) LOT Ol? UKOUND. Immediately previous tothetaieot (as farnltnre. at lo o'clock, will oe Mild ihe neitt tbree-atory Brick Ke-10 ei ce, with two-i.tory back h illdtuKx aud lot of tiound, 15 feet three lucres front by 6a feel 3 inolies In cei. ill. to a four leet. wide alli y. The bnuao la lu ex ci llent cor duion. coniHlas e.nt mo uia, baih, hot aud cold wat-r,and all i:u deru touveuleucus. Clei"0f ail Incnmhrnnce. My be aeen at any tlm. n 2 7t pUNTIM), UURBOKOW &, CO.. AUOflOSia J KKits, Noa. iS-i aud Ma itKlaT hircet. coraet of Hank street, SucceuSora to Juuu B. ittoit A wo, liEKHITORY SAlK tif A HnsTrL4S.S RJ. TAIL SHX. K OF LltY UOOLS. On Monday n,o. ulng. Jannary i at in oV.oeK, ou four montha' credit, by oruer ol aaaiguees. 112, PKltilMPTOny SALK liF A T''IR3T-CI,AS3 RK. TAIL, b l OK' lutY UUODb. J&1 llfirv 7. rnt 111 i.'rlnf.k. tin 4 fixinthtf nraAlt k.. order oi ase gnecs. 1 2 it ri-HOMAS BIRCH rV bCN, AUCTIONEESB X aKIi COMWlt-H'.ON k' KlUtHANTa, No. 1II Olii-bbT btreet; rear entrance Ko, 1107 feanaotu all Bale at No '.S21 Wp-mgGanlen atreet. IIOCBltlljLi) PUIlMi U1U, UUHItWujll PrANr). l'OK'll!,, LAltUK 'lt;i.i(Jtt i'LAt'K MiNl'r. AND P1KH MtRUUKS, VA8KM. BIl)-H.S Ull PAINTINGS BY AUKKIOaN AdtlTSTtu OnTiieady Mrnlug Jan. 5, at 10 o'ek ek, at No. Ihn Spring Garden a'rret, will be aold, the luruiture of a family declin ing housekeeping, comprlmug rosewood mnuo-.or walkut p.rlo' aid cnauiber luruiture; FreuoU p ata utantel and pier nilrrotn; velvet parlor carpet; Brui aeia entry and atair carnU; dlnlog-rooui turuiturec large none vases; bronze llgure: oil paintings, by Jr oian.Faikner JSlehoUon. buerldau, Vuuug, llaum. BrlBioe bliaw. Dyke f.u,l otberg. Aikc, colon aun fclaMjwaro, kitchen fnrnltare, eto, tulaU'Kucu will be ready lor delivery at tbe auction alore on cji,lurday. The furnltuio uiuy be examined early on the morn lng o: ea!e. 1 2 2t LIPP1NCOTT, SON A CO., AUCTIONEERS. AbULttURIsT BU1LU1NU, No. 240 HAKKM.1 84, NO l lCli. Rejnlar Balea of Dry Uoorts Notlona. Trlmmloirt eic, will be held every WHb.NK 1)A If lUrojiu' Jauoaiy. CuUklgnmenia ol Stock Goods, etc., aoliclted. Bales cashed within five days. LAROK POSITIVK BALu'OF ABOUT (00 LOTS AMJiKIOAN ND IMPORTED 1)11 Y OOJDS. llOoIEKY OOOUH, MILLIJKY OOUDi, XRlAf! MIKOS, bTOCK OF UOODa. ETa y Cutalc guw, on Kour Mouths' Credit. On Wednesday Morning. lilt January 6, comprlslag a desirable aaiortment. LAUK & HVAN8, AUCTI0NEEB8. KO. 630 ClllibN OT Btreet. Will aell THIS DAY, Morning and .Evening, A large Invoice of Blankets, Bed bpreads. Uryuooda, Clothe, Cans lnie ree. iloalery, btatloaery, Table ana Pocaet Cutlery, Notlona, etc. City and country merchants will find bargains. Terma caab. ... Goods packed free of charge U o D. McCLEES 4; CO., . No. tOS IdAhKKI Btreev. AUCTION EEfia BALK 07 BOOTS, PHOEH BBOOAN8, BALUO KALS. KTU. On Thursday Morning, Jan. 7, at 10 o'clock, we win sell, ny catalogue, for cam, a largt.awiortmentofmeu'a, boya', aud youths' boota, shoe, brngana. balnioiae, etc Also, a large line of ladita', utiaaea', and children'! wear. 1 . AN ORDINANCE To Authorize the City solicitor t Allow Jiuigment to be entered In favor of John UU bri and others lu a Certain Action ot EJeoU ixient, as provided iby tbe Ordluanoi) of June 29, It 67. Whereas, John Gilbert hag made a proper feed ol conveyance and release lor tbe tit lea Leld by him adversely to the city of Phlladel- fmla, aa required by tbe ordinance of June '29, F(j7, and has paid the costs and Charge mea tlotied in tbe said orolnauoe. At-d whereas, TbeRosion and Mahanoy Coal Company bas accepted from said John Gilbert and others a lease for a term of ten Instead of fifteen years, as provided lor by the Bald ordl tauce. Section 1. The Select and Common Caunoils cf the City of Philadelphia do ordalu, Tnal the City Solicitor be authorized and empowered to allow judgment to be entered for tbe said John (jili ett and others, lor so much of the land de acilbed iu tbe writ of ejectment referred to la the ordinance of June 29 1807. as U embraoed In Ibe nut vet s in the names of Conrad Merle and George flower. JOSEPH F. MARCER. Pretldenl of Common CouuolL Attest ' BkSJAMiN H. Haines, Cieikof Select Counoll, WILLIAM 8. STOKLEY, Prehldeut of delect Counotl. Approved this tweuty-nlutb day of December, An no Domini one thousand eight h uud red and 8lity-elgnl(A. D. 1WS) MORTON McMIOHAEL. 1 1 It Mayor of Philadelphia. I ESOLUTION V To authorize the Erection of Heaters in cei lain School Hectloos. nesoiveu, ny innneieet ana uommon Coun cils of the City of Philadelphia, That the Con trollers of Public Schools be aod tbey are nereoy autboi Ized lo ooutraol lor the erdjilon of fur naces lu the following school seollons: Seventb Kecllou, to coat not inoro than thir teen hundred dollars. l'ouiieeulli Section, to cost not more than Ave hundred and sixty-nine dollara. Heveuieenth Heotlon. to cost not more than eleven bundled and ninety dollars. The aald heaters to ue paid for out of Item 8'W til i he annua appropriation lo the Controllers of Public Schools lor IK.iS JOSEPH P. MAUCER, " Fretlueut of Coiuwou council. Attest Benjamin II. Hainks, Cieik oi Sxiect Council, WILLI M S. SVOKLT5V, . . rbeiit of Heieoi eljuuoll. Approved the twenty ninth lv orp.oamher. Anno Loii.lnl one thonatid elaut huudrad udllxty tltjbt (A D l.MH). MORION Mt'MIOnAEL, 1 1 H Mayor of Philadelphia.