The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 22, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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TIIB ( DAILY EVENING TfiLEGllAf tt-f dlto 1 ''arifiRtCpflltAfeatntA; WfeSDAY; DEOEMDER 22, 1868.
nfthehelle1 nt the Theatr Comlqne.
Last evening the Susah Gallon English Oomlo
-per Conrny made tbelr first appearanea
before a Pn'.ladelpbla audlenoe at the Theatre
Cemlque, on Beventh street, This ooxy end
comfortable establishment wai weU filled, end
the autence wai a floe end appreciative one.
Previous to the operetta, the old farce of A Phe.
MiNMon in m Smock Frock was given by the
Uelton Troupe In as creditable a manner as the
Miterial would admit of. Then came Levy's
Otsilo opera of ranched, In wblob Miss Susan
Walton, Miss Blanobe Galton, and Mr. Thomas
Whlffln appeared In the principal parts
Mies Susan Gallon displayed very
redltable amouift of both vooal and
aUtrlonlo capacity In her lively per
sod a Hon of "Fancbctte." She acted the part
with an agreeable naivete, and sang several
solos, among them, "Comln' thro' the Bye" as
aa encore, with much acceptance. She has a
tear, sweet voice, which she manages with
much sk'.ll arjd force. Mr. Whlffln, like wUe, ao
quitted himself In a very acceptable manner.
Taken altogether, the performance appeared to
delight the audience not a little, and at times
Ui house was fairly convnlsed with laughter.
THe t'lljr Amusements.
AT tbk CHK8HUT there will be a matinee to
morrow. Oo Christmas Day there will bo
three grand performances by the clrcns troupe.
At the Walnut Damon and PythUis will ba
given this evening.
To-morrow Mr. Charles Waloot will have a
benefit, when The Mtrchantof Venice will be
perfoimed, with Mr. Itlchard Penlstan as
Sbylock." Koberlson's comedy of tioety will
be given as an afterpiece. Mr. Waloot Is a
favorite actor, and we hope that his friends
will remember him In tropir style on this oo
e anion.
On Christmas Hay the drama of The Orange
Girl will be produced.
AT thiAhch A Lenson in Lwe will be given
this evening, with Mr. Craig's burlesque of
Uarbe litexie as an afterpiece.
To-morrow evening A Flitth of Lightning will
be produced.
At the American a variety of attractions
are offered for the holiday season.
At the Theatrk Comiquk Levy's operetta of
FanehtUt will be given this evening by the
Pyne-Ualton Troupe. The performance will
commence with the farce of the phenomenon in
a Bmoek Frock.
The Grand Concert to be given this even
ing at Concert Hall by Mr. Thomas K. llarklns
will doubtless be appreciated by our musio
ovlng cltleens. Mr. Marking will be assls'.ei
by a number of well-known and popular per
formers, and a fine entertainment may be ex
pected. Us, P. T. Babntjm will deliver his lectnre on
The Art of Money Getting; or, Sucoess In
life," to-morrow evening, at Concert Hall.
Tickets fifty cents; can be procured at Trump
let's, No. 020 Chesnut street.
Mrs. Bcott-Siddons will make her first ap
pearance In Philadelphia on Thursday evening,
at the Aoademy of Mualo, as "Kosallnd" in As
You Like It. Mrs. Slddons will be supported by
tbe New York Theatre Company. The sale of
eats commences to-day at Trumpler's, No. 020
Chesnut street.
Miss Henrietta Markstein, the youthful
pianist, will give a concert at Concert Hali
on Friday evening next. Miss Markstein will
be assisted by Miss Caroline MoCUffrey, Slgnor
Beverln Frohlicb, and Mr. Herman Volgbt.
Beats can be procured at Gould's and Trump
ler's music stores, A. Ucherser's piano ware
rooms, and at the hall.
Receivers f Stolen Property Selling;
Uquer Without License ltun Over u
Xfgro A Imrd Thief.
t-Oeorge Barr, who holds forth at Seventh
and Btdlord streets, Elizabeth Kooblus, of No.
418 Bedford street, Mary Farrwn, of No. 608 Ued
Zord street, and Barbara Arnold, living at Sixth
and Bedford streets, were before Alderman Bon
all yesterday, charged with receiving stolen
property. It is alleged that they purchased a
number of pocket-books from two lads, who
bad stolen the articles from a store at Fifth and
Mhlppen streets. After the bearing, at which it
was divulged that the accused had paid a re
markably Tow price for the pocket-books, they
were all held for trial.
Margaret Smith keeps a rummery In St.
Mary street, above-Sixth, where she dispenses
the vilest of liquors without the sanotion of the
law. Yesterday Alderman Carpenter held ber
to answer the offense.
William Scott, while driving a butcher cart
this mornlDg, knocked down and ran over a
negro at Sixth and Lombard streets. He was
arrested and taken before Alderman Carpenter,
who held him for trial. The injured man was
taken to the Hospital, with both legs badly
A keg of lard was found at an early hour
tbis morning on the shoulder of one Jeff.
Wbaley, at Second and Pine streets, by Police
man Baylatts. Both were taken to the Union
Street Station, where the former awaits an
owner, and the latter was sent below.
A Splendid Bbnbfaotiom. In anticipation of
Christmas, Mr. Wanamaker, of Oak Hall, has
arranged with the American Life Insurance
Company of this city to place in the bands of
very employe In bis establishment a polioy
of Insurance, In amounts ranging from one
thousand to fifteen thousand dollars. The
men number considerably ever a hundred, and
the whole amount of Insurance taken out will
not be far from two hundred thousand dollars.
Mr. U. B. McLean, the manager of theoity
agency of the com puny, was on baud yesterday
morning with a strong force of clerks and
medical men, and In six hours bad taken the
applications of the whole party.
This is a princely gift on the part of Mr.
Wanamaker, as any one at all familiar with
the rates of life lnHtirance must know that the
premiums on two hundred thousand dollars
amount to a small fortune.
Cafoht at Last. A number of robberies
by thieves entering the utile windows of resi
dences have been committed In this city wttutn
a month past. Thetblef has defied all efforts
of the detectives to catch hlra until last night
he was nabbed by Detective Levy. The roo
berv at the houso of T. S. Newlln, on Arch
street, above Fif i tenth, where a gold thimble
and a lot of oretses were stolen, and that at
the bouse of W. H. Canyl.No 1018 Waluut
street, wheie handkerchiefs, etc. were re
moved, have been (listened upon nltn. The
gold thimble belonging to Mr. Newlln was re
covered at a place where be had sold It, and he
had on bis person a hundttereblef marked with
Mr. Carry I'h name. He is known as Kobert
HoRcra, and will be exhibited at 2 o'clock this
afternoon at the Central ion.
Heroic Act of a Yousq Lady. On Saturday
stfternoon last a number of ladles and gentle
men weie Indulging in the winter pastime of
skating, on the pond near Twenty-third and
Filbert streets. One of tbe yonug men broke
through the Ice and for a moment disappeared,
lie, however, reappeared and was resoued by
the herolo conduct of Miss Mary French, a
dangbter of Mr. Joseph Frenob, master carpen
ter at tbe Schuylkill Arsenal. She got down on
her bands and knees, and, crawling to the ede
of tbe lee, held on to the nnforlunate Indivi
dual until further assistance arrived. Hind
tbe name around.
Show Cattle. There was an unusually
fine display of show of Christmas cattle at the
Avennu Drove Yaid yesterday. Owen Smith,
disposed of f )ur bead Champaign oounty
(Ohio) steers, averaging SDK) pounds each, at
16 cents per pound, live weight, MeHsrs.
Ullman Baobman also disposed of thirty
bead Kentucky steers, averaging 2200 pounds
each, at from 13 lo 14 cents rer pound. In this
lot there was one bullock whose weight ex
ceeded 4000 pounds, and for which over $1000
was obtained. This was the largest bullock ever
ottered for sale here, and bis fine appearance
was tbe subject of much comment.
CUiiTBTMAS Exercises. To morrow after
nOon the annual Christmas excreta of the
Wwceaeoe Girls' Grammar Sohool will takr
place at tbe school building, at Kennnd an
Heed streets. They will oommenne at 2 o'clock,
and will consist of addresses, dialogues, recita
tions, and singing by tbe pupils.
The pupils of the Beck Grammar School will
have tbelr anniversary to-morrow morning.
Tbe yontig ladles of tbe Wyoming School,
Sixth and Ooatea streets, hold their Ohrtstms
exercises this evening. Their programme Is
varied and entertaining.
A. Y. M. At an eleotion of officers of tbe
Grsnd Lodgo for the State of Pennsylvania,
A. Y. M held at their ball, South Seventh
street, below Lombard, tbe following brethren
were elected for the ensuing year: Jonathan
Miller. It. W. G. M : William Winters, K. W.
1. G. M.; Isaiah Cropper, S. O. W.j Thomas 8.
Fsuscet, J. G. W.; Alexander Benard, G. T.;
Daniel Johnson, G. ft H Jacob Jenkins, G. O. S.
Ownkrs wanted for battean fourteen feet
loos, painted lead color, at the Harbor Police
Station, and 1200 weight of Iron, which were
found In tbe possession of John Manion, on
the Delaware, nbove Green street, yesterday.
At the Fifth District Station there is a hay
bone end dearborn wagon which were picked
up on Salnrdiy night at Tenth and Spruoe
Balfs of, Estate. -Messrs. Thomas &
Sons' public sales December 21). January 5, 12,
It), will Include several very valuable estates by
order of the Orphans' Court., executors, trns
te s, and others. See their advertisements and
IcKNTiFiin. The man who walked into the
Schuylkill at Cut hatlne street wharf yesterday
mot nil g whs Michael HaKSou.iiged twenty
four years, residing nt. Twenty-filth and Lom
bard streets. The bodv has not been recovered
y e t .
Ttio l:ir-tlon Friindn.
The Oomroifee appointed by Conpress to In
quire into the election (muds in New York atthe
retent Pieaideuiinl election met yesterday, in
the United States Court room, on
Chambers street. Tbe CemmHtce fat with
clord doors, and nothing positive has trans
pired with regard to Us aciiou beyonl the Isct
tbat several witnesses were examined. It is
rumored that the United States District Attor
ney, M. S. G. Courtney, and Marshal Murray
were anions those examined. The names ol the
CcngieMional Committee are Messrs. Lawrence,
Dawes, Blair, Dickey, an! Hopkins, Iteoublt
rnn; and Meters. Marshall and Uubburd,
Funeral of Chief Jnstloe Robertson.
The luneral rites of the late Hon. A. L.
BoberUon, Chief Justice ol the Superior Court,
were sole nmi.ed at the First Presbyterian
Church, Fifth avenue and Eleventh street,
yesterday morning. Among the friends of the
deceased jurist piet-ut were Mess-re. Thurlow
Weed, Douglas Taylor, A. Oakey Hall, and
many cthere. The Rev. Dr. W. M. Paxton otli
listed and preached the funeral sermon. The
following gentlemen acted as pall-bcarers:
Hon. ShujucI Blatchford, Hon. T. P. Iograbam,
Hon. Charles P. Daly. Hon. Ch-rlei Conor,
Hon. AosuBins ficbell, Hon. Isaac Bell, Hon.
John T. Uoflman, Hen. J. S. Bosworth, Hon.
John T. Agnew, S. D. M. Barlow, Esq., W. P.
Duncan, Etq., John McEean, Esq.
Hie 91. E. t'hnreh Extension Society.
Yesterday afternoon tbe Board oi Managers
of the two Coi.feretiees represented in New
York and New York Mast, met at 2Q0 Mulberry
6lreet, to act noon the programme adopted by
the General 8occty, asexpiained bv the.Uev. Dr.
Rjuelt, General Secretary. The Kev. Chaplain
McCabe, of Li boy Prison notoriety, and anew
member of the Ohio Conference, was present,
and explained the necessities that exist iu tunny
parts of tbe South for cuutch accommodations
and relicious instruction, and whose- cause iu
connection with the Church. Extension Society
he will advocate in the Fast and North during
the winter. The Society propose and expect to
ralfe $1,000,000, to be expended in aiding weak
churches in the South, and in founding vmw
ones where Lone now exit. The Society will
hold another meeting on Monday next.
Drunken Itrntallty.
For lome months Patriek Croean, nn Irish
laborer, hus residt d at No. 446 Vest Tweuty
eiplitu street, with his wife Julia, who Uaj also
suffered from congestion of the luno. The
wife had no medical attendance until the
Twentieth Ward Polios sent a physician, who
lotind ber on the evo of couttnement, and
having a slight attack of congestion
of the lungs. The physician prescribed
for his patient, but the persons atteuding her
neglected to eivc the medicines ordered, and
the unfortunate woman languished in conse
quence. At tbis juncture the husband, hitherto
a very temperate, well-to-do man, took to drink
and continued to indulge excessively in liquor
ever eince. Three or four niehts ago Mrs.
Cropan gave birth to a still-born child, and when
the husband returned in an intoxicated condi
tion, be became incensed at bis wile and beat
ber terribly while thus helpless and ill. The
doctor attending the woman ut Crogan in the
street and suggested his arrest, though it
was cot done. On Sunday night, Croean "aain
appeared in bis wife's room grossly intoxicated,
end beat ber again in a most shatnetul manner,
tbe injuries being such that death ensued early
yesterday morning. Crogan has siuce been
arrested, and appears to be in a state ot stupor
from excessive drink. Coroner Rollins assumed
charge of the cae yesterday, and will bold an
inquest to day. It is stated that tbe unfortunate
woman would certainly have recovered bad not
this violence been used towards her.
The Case of the Bloeknrie-Itunner Wren.
The Washington (Dec. 31) correspondence of
the Boston Journal says:
The ttcamer Wren was unqnestlnnably built
bv Laird & Co. for the Confederate Government,
and ran tbe blockado into Galveston with a
cargo. She took a freight ot cotton Ironi Gal
veston to Havana, and on bur way from there
to Hfllifax lor another cargo her crew ro9o on
the officers in June, 1865, and carried her into
Key Wist, where she was libelled and con
demned. An appeal was taken by Laird A Co.,
claiming to be her owners, and the Supreme
Ccnit here ordered the steamer's release on the
ground that, although she might have been
engaged in blockade-running, she was not so
engaged wben captured by her crew.
Just then General Caleb Cusbing
libelled the proseeds of the steamer's
sale.", which were in the Treasury lor tbe benefit
ot the United States, under the advice of the
Treasury Department, as the property of the
Confederate States; und in case it should bo
held to be the property of Laird A Co.,' General
Cusbtng also libelled it in behalf of tha owners
of a Nenburyport ship destroyed by the Ala
bdina, which Laird & Co. bad fitted out, on tho
ground that they were, therefore, responsible
lor the dannges which she had caused. This
suit was defended by Foster and Thompson,
lawyers in Aew otk, who hud intimate profes
sional relations with Attorney-General Erarts,
and It is now rumored that upon their applica
tion tha Attorney-General has ordered the
release of the proceeds ol the steamer without
trial. Hence the resolution presented by Mr.
Mori ill in tbe benate ot the Uuited Slates.
Beporied by D Haven A Bro No. 40 8. Third strset
roco I)rby Bn. 7. so
v vv ra us m n y
I (mo f kSa. 1 stirleH.....,!
iiKh Clinton (1 f,
J dub Pun n.K. In. i3
,0 ah Fulton Coal.. .. 6.
1 all Head 4
100 Oo.. 4'ja'
u do ....-is. c. u
l'O do...... 49 1 10
IHO 41
Ush Ih V R. Ih.
YeuDK Aiuerlovn Pianist.
Id ore
ON rnRTHTMad NIOllT Frld7), Des Z
at 8 O'clock, and one
SATURDAY AYi'fcUNli'JN, 111 Jdlh, at 1 o'clock,
assisted by
("Vloili'lsl to the Csarnf Uul), aud
Admirslon.OnR Dollar. Nnsxir otergs tor seonrea
stats. To bs procured at (Jonld'a and Truuiplur's
JMusioatortti, . hcrtsrner'n flauo Wmuowud. No.
uts Arch suset, aud at las If all. U n it
CbnMnued -on the Firtt rage.
Cbannlng Leldy oontlnued: Some one held
tbe light up towards the window, and found
blood upon the white boards of tbe frame build
ing; I judge this elot of blood was about a foot
in alameter; berore going Into the yard I saw
the poker In Officer Howard's hands; we thee
went up stairs aud into the dining room; some
one ahead of me with a candle went into tue
Utile back room, and discovered blood npou the
window; we then traced blood from this win
dow to the head of the sola; beneath
the head of the sofa, the end towards Tentu
street, was a pool of blood; the cushion at ttio
head of the sofa had blood unou 11; the wall had
blood upon H; midway between the euds of the
sofa was a piece of carpet with the end turned
up: we nntoided It ana found a pair of specta
cles ljlDg uson It; this was a single wluta of
car put, lying Defore the eou; the fbior was cov
ert d with oil cloth; there whs uo light lu the
little bark room; the furniture In the dining
room Old not seem to be disarranged;
one of the prongs of the speetaolei
was bent and tbe eyelet at the end of the other
was broken; we went down Into tbe kltcnnn;
there were some three or four lu the room, wao
thought It proper that Mr. Xwitehell bhuutU oe
taken into custody; Officer Howard luiitnjitait
that to Mr. Xwltcueli, and tbe latter sMd
he would like lo char ge bis cloiulni; he then
had on a dark suck coat aud a iitjut under
shirt; I did not see any While muslin
or linen shirt or collar on him;
when we returned from the dining-room to the
kllchen Mis. Twllohell was still at the head of
tue bony; when be and the officer Oitme down
the ollicer oalltU upon some one logo with
Mm, uiid, at Mr. Morrell's suggestion, I wniit
to tne station house wltn theiu; ulterwards I
returned to the houso lor a short time aad then
went home. Not crojs-examined.
Ollicer George W. Howard sworn On the
niKht of the murder ot Mis. Hill I was nt the
northeast corner of Tenth and flue streets, at
a quarter to 10 o'clock; I was coming up Tenth
street, and understood that lb .re was some
thing tbe mailer in that house, and so I entered
and passed Into the back kitchen; I saw Mr.
Twitchell there, and the body lying upon tue
seltte; he was bathing ber bead; he asked me
to go for a doctor, and I told hi in tdere was no
need for a doctor, as she was dead; after
I bad been there five or ten minutes I
asked the servant girl if she would stairs to see if tue window was raised,
and she did as I requested; 1 learned that the
window was up, aud went out and discovered
blood upon the pavement; Mrs. Twitchell was
In the room; after a short time I went into the
yard, and young Mr. Morrell, who came out
with a candle, picked up a poker in the vard;
tbis is the poker (the lnstrnmeut was shown to
tbe witness); 1 looked up and saw blood on the
side of the house; there were a couple of small
pieces of bone lying In the blood which was
under tbe east window; I came to the conclu
sion that a murder bad been committed, aud
went vp stairs to make an examination; in
this little room I found blood upon the wlndow
slll from the floor up, and tracked tha blood on
the oilcloth from tbe window to the h"Ia in tbe found blood on tbe Pine street
wall and Tenth street wall; the windows and
blind In tbis little room were up; the blinds In
the dining-room, were down; there was a drop
light In this room which was burning; we.
found a pair ofsuectaoles lying on the floor in
front of the sofa; there was a rocking chair
between the beaii of tbe sofa and the west wall,
and I observed cigar ashes on tbe window-sill
at the bead of the sofa; I do not
know whether there was a fire burn
ing in tbe room; tbe furniture in
tbe room did not appear to be much dis
arranged; there was blood on one of tbe chairs
totbeleltof the end of the sofa; I asked Mr.
Twitchell If be was tbe only man In the house,
and be said he was; I also asked him If he ever
saw tbe old lady He on that sofa, and be replied
"No;" I said, "Don't She make, a practice of
lying there?" and he answered, ' Once in a
while;" I told him to put bis cap on, for I was
going to take him to the Ktatlou House; he said
he wanted lo go upstairs toebange bisololhlng.
andl went up with him; befuieaolng up be had
on a gray undershirt, light pants, uud brown
cost; ue bad on no linen r muslin shirt, and I
did not observe any while cottar on him; he
bad boots on; I went with him to bis- bed
room, next to Mrs. Hill's room, In the
main building; here he put on a white shir t,
black cloth vest, and the same coat he had on
down stairs; on entering tho room he opened
the door, aud there were two dos there, bark
ing all the time I was lu; we came down stairs,
and be went to a closet aud put ou a dark
overoout: and then we wen', to the Station
House, where he was locked up; going to the
station House be said be was lunooout, but he
did not bUtuo rae lor doing my duty; 1 asked
blra bow that blood came ou that white shirt,
end be said he got it from carrying the old
lady In from tbe yard; I told
blm I thought 11 couldn't be possible; there
was also blood on his vest and pantr-; after
locking blm up I returned to the bouHe and
remained until about 11 '-g clock, when Oflluer
Warnock and I went back to the Station House,
taking the poker with us; Mr. Twitchell, Hr.,
came to tbe liouse after I bad come back from
the Station House; when I left at H o'clock
Mrs. Twitchell and her servant and Mr. Twit
chell. Br., and Bergeant Cunnington, with Seve
rn 1 efQcers, were there; when we got back to the
Station House Mr. Warnock and I took the
prisoner ont of his cell end searched him; there
was blood upon the bosom of his white shirt,
npon bis cloth vest, upon his pants and eoat,
and several spots upon bis boots; we sent to his
bouse for a ohange of clothing, and made him
take these off and give them to as.
Cross-examined I oould not bear thedops
bark until Mr. Twitchell opened tbe door of bis
room; they came at me barking, and I kept my
eye on them lest they should bite me; I did not
see tbem on tbe bed; 1 think they went nnder
tbe bed; Mr. Twitchell took bis watch and
chain from tbe bureau; the gas was lighted la
tbe bedroom; I do not think he said that he
would keep but a moment; It was only a short,
time, however; l cannot positively say where I
first saw blood upon Twltohell's shirt, whetuer
In bis room or at the Station House; I do not
recollect saying that the first I saw of it was at
the Station Houue; I asked blm twice bow It
came there; and both times be said he got it
carrying the lady In; I told him that
could not be, but did not add that I thought so
because be did not have this shirt on when he
carried her In; I think I first called bis atten
tion to it at the Station House, and asked him
bow be got 11 on; the gs was lighted, and the
Sergeant was there; I disremeinber whether
the Seigeanl was present when I asked how he
got tbe blood on bis shirt; the Sergeant put his
baud on bis shirt when I brought him In; I dl4
remember whether 1 asked him in
the presence of any third party except Mr.
Warnock; tbe secoud time I asked him he gave
me the same answer; there may hitve been a
half hour or several hours between the time I
first afcked him nnd the second time; I do not
recollect whether the sergeant was the first ni tn
whom 1 told thut I bad found blood; both times
I attked him he made the samaauswer; he ap
peared lo take no particular notice of it.
In answer to a Juror I did not see blm wash
his bands after bathing her heard.
William 11. O. Morrell sworn In the month
of November I resided at No. 92S Pine street,
directly opposite the back building of Mm,
Hill's boute; I was attracted on I his night by
tbe ringing of my door bell, and llstoninar. I
beard a woman's volne saying that Mrs Hill
didn't feel very well, and they wanted some of
ns logo over; I went over at about ten minutes
before ten o'clock; met Mrs. 'i'wltchefl in the
hall aud with ber passed Inio the kitchen;
there I saw Twitchell sitting at the head of M rs.
Hill, who was lylntronasetiee, and Iastted him
bow this was lie answered, "Bbe ba fallen out
or tbe window;" when I saw she was dead I
said, "Howls this, that she should fall out of
the window and hurt herseirso?" he raised his
bands and exclaimed. "My God I Mr. Morrell,
how do I know?" I said uo more to him that
evening, but proceeded to examine tbe pluoe,
to fee;now she could have fallen.
Here tbe Court took a recess until 3 o'clock.
The Atlautio Cable earned (3350 a day
laat month.
Mrs. Llnooln fainted in a store at Frank-fort-on-the-Main,
and was taken home sick.
Mszrinl Is not likely to cheat the obituary
writers much longer. '
Sixty thonsand words tripped from Glad
Stone's tongue daring the recent canvass. .
A Iast Rsert to Obtain Good Itotise.
From So'elook this morning until the time
tbat we goto press, there has been a long line
of young men extending from Trumpler's
m nsle store, on Chesnut street, to near Ninth
street, and a passer-by would naturally lafer,
Iroms large placard lu the window, staling that
the sale of tickets for tbe engagement of Mrs.
Scoti Slddons at tbe Academy of Muslo would
commence this morning, tbattbese gentlemsn
were waiting their turn to obtain seats. But
bad they looked In a morning paper of to-day
I hey would bavaseen tbe following advertise
ment, wbtcb would in reality account tor the
pretence of so many men;
S-WANTEl-FirtT(50) Inreltlffsnt, genteel msn
for light sua recpfotabls employment; salary, (sis
oollurt) per (Truing; will only be employed during
tha boors ot tevsn aud tsn o'clock eaoh evening.
Apply from 10 to llo'o.ock thli (Tutaday) morning,
at Truoiplnr's Muslo bloie. (jheioat street, betweva
Ninth sod Tenth.
From this It will be seen that tbe at ent of this
young lady, findlrg that toe prospect for good
bouses was not very fUtterlng, resorted to a
dotlge tbat not only inconvenienced those who
applied for tbe position, but would be the
means of deceiving the public la general. The
Idea was tbat any one pasting would believe
that tbe seats weie being sold vary rapidly,
Which would Induce hundred of others to pur
chase ticket; but we are glad lo say that but
few purchnseis were on bnud, as the applicants
for the light and respectable employment"
were so numerous tbat, np to the hour last
mentioned In tbe adverllsoment,tbere was still
a long line left.
Huen schemes are unbecoming to one who
professes to Inherit tbe ability of the great
Sarah Slddons, aud we are greatly surprised
tliata gentleman ooenpylog tue position that
Mr.Trumpler holds In mis community should
recognize such a transaction. On Inquiry, we
are led to believe tbat tbe author of the adver.
tlaementwss tbe same Individual who a few
years since received a reprimand In open court
for start Hub tbe mothers of ibis city with a pla
card which was posted all over the walls, noti
fy lug them to beware of tbe child stealer. A.
be was then arrested, would It not be well to In
terpose the strong arm of tbe law In this ease?
Mrs. Blddons claims to be a descendant of the
great Kenible family, and she la trying to make
the most of ber name. From the orltlolsms
tbat sbe has received In other cities we'Jadxe
tbat she has BOt given evidence that she pos
sesses and of the ability of ber family. If she
wants to retain ibe good will of the oommunliy
sbe bad belter secure it In a quiet way. Tue
people of Philadelphia are not going to be hum
buijged, and they are not going to believe that
sbe is a great actress because ber name is
In connection with this matter a paragraph
bus been goinu; tho rounds of the press, to trie
etleet Hint a Philadelphia gentluman, who has
seer and appreciated the ubilltles of Mrs. Scott
Kiddons, had made a perrqaneut arrangement
Willi her by which sbe was to appear in all the
cities of the Union, ut bis expenso, upou a
salary of Sl'iUO per week. The Item also stated
tbat Mr. Albert II. Cusslday was to be her busi
ness manager.
Pale op Stocks and Reai. Estatk. At
noon to-day tbe following stocks and real
estate were sold by Messrs. M. Thomas &H3ns,
at tbe Merchants' Exchange:
80 shares Trevorton coal and Railroad Co g eeats
418 shares Dauphin and ttubq iehaoua dual
Co., preferred stock, par 50................. 1 cent
t:u-2crlp do. do. ioc lot
10 shares Chesapeake and Delawar Canal Co. til on
14 Rhurea Bank of Northern Llbartlet. 4U8 fci
nfiarca Bank of North America Uhiim
24 (hares do. do. Hum
24 snares Farmers' and Mecbenloi' National
ank w 112)00
40 Misree Central Triisitr.allon Oo M n
tlO.coo eecoud Mortgage colnmtnis and la.
atarJBpuiiB central jiatiway, 7 per cent,
Botds, April and October 75 cents
154 snares Ceonnd and Third (streets Pas-
seraer Railway Co. T4S-M)
1 share Acaflemy of Fins Area ( .j to
200 shares McCilutockvllia Oil Co JOortnn
S sl.arrs Mercantile library On 7 6t
U shares hUuhrnnlle aad Indiana Railroad
Co ( t'.OTH
.T2 Fractional stock titeubeuvllie aad Indiana
Maiiruau JO .. j 101
ESMiare Broad .Mountain and Mammoth
Vein Coal Co 28 cants
I1KTH tHoutb) No, 612-Modern Roaldsnce v) WU
CHRISTIAN. Son. 2111 to 2141-Slxlten new Dwelling"-three
at 13(00 each.
IsTORY. No, 4-8-Brlck Dwelling.
Bold since last reocrl:
Lot, Walnut street, between Seventeenth and Ktjh
teenth street, I9 feet front, 176 feet deep 10 Chancel
lor hi reel.
Pals on the Premlnes. Two-ctory frame Dwelling
and Ave seres. Inland road, KlnaSeasiog, Twenty
seventh ward, 4no.
Twr-story none Swelling, Fascha'vllle, near the
Sloe Bell, li7o.
'Tis Holiday Time,
Arid we'll Bingonr rhyme
As tbe merry bells chime
On tbe frosty air.
And we'll sing with glee
Of the sights we see;
Clothes for yon and me,
Jast the things U wear.
Good old Jaok Frost,
We know to oar cost,
Oar path hath crossed,
And he freezes oar nose.
No matter, old Jack,
For your frosty track;
We'll pat on oar back
Some good warm oloUies.
Both short folks and tall
May joyfully call
For the clothes they need;
From miles and miles
To the stately piles
Of magniifoent styles,
Folks all proceed.
"Tis a holiday Joy
To take your boy,
And let him enjoy
And see the child
With delight grow wild
At the garments piled
For good boys all.
'Tis an excellent plan
For the grown-up man,
Whenever he can, ,
To give us a call,
And notice the price
Of the goods so nice
For the frost and ioe,
SSrWe're going to take stock t
"So we gave a knock
0-To the prise of the stook
3-And it isn't slow
3J-The way the clothes go,
At prices so low,
To the happy folks all I
The publio nook to look at the stook, and
they Bay it's so nice, and bo low is the price,
and they never saw at all better or oheaper
clothes than the like of those that they carry
away, from day to day, from the
Heavy Failnre in Now York City
-$1,500,000 of Liabilities
"New York Central"
A hl.HOO.OOO tnllnre-The fitft
Central Nennntlon.
Syecial Detpateh to The JOvnino Telegraph.
New York, Dec. 22. The Commercial Adver.
tmr tbis afternoon reports tbe failure of a dry
goods commission firm, with liabilities amount
Irg to f l.600,000. It Is smd tbat million dollars
of their paper is held on the street.
Wall street is still befogm-d reipeclina; tho
eot.dition of New York Central. All parties arc
at a loss to decide la what light tho certitlcut-js
are to be rr gsrdcd.
They ere an Invention for evading tbe law
restricting the issues of stock, but urejetjiu
lended to bold In all r si eels the same positiou
as slock, and a doubt is suggested whether upon
tbis very ground they uiiy not bo declared
Tbe stock exchange aud the open hoard hve
declined to r ail the slock en-dlvlclcnd. owinj t
the peculiar sharacter of the dividend.
KiirTerliiir of ttie loor lu UntTitlo.
Buffalo, Dec, 22. Great distress exists
amcrig the canal drivers und poor persons tem
porarily slopping in this city. The police
jufctlcei daily commits numbers of them to the
workhouse as vngrants, at their own soilcia
Itallimorc In Entertained.
Baltimobb, Dec. 22. Maretzek, with his
Get man Opera Troupe, at Concordia; Blind
Tom at the New Assembly Booms, Ole Bull at
the Monumental Assembly Itjoini, and P. T.
Burnum at the Univeisalist Church, appear to
Baltimore audiences this eveniug.
Baitikobi, Dec. 22. Jacob C. Nlchohon, an
old citizen of .Baltimore, died yesterday, a?cd
tlxty-Jour jears. He wss tho father of the Hon.
Johu A. Nicholson, member of Congress from
Delaware, and of U. O. lcholsou, editor and
publisher of the Iowa State Reporter.
A K)Hdliition.
Ft. Paul. Dec. 22. The Boaid oi Directors of
the Chamber of Commerce last evening passed
a resolution repudiating their subscription to
the Id is si9ippl Valley National telegraph Corn
puny, ou the ground of misrepresentation,
The Knropenn IWitrkelw.
By Atlantic Cable.
LivEBrooi., Dec. 22-2-30 P. M. Cotton oblct.
Wheat quiet and steady. Corn dull. Flour
quiet and sttady. Peas, 45. Tallow Urine..
Manchester advices are less favorable.
Arrival nt Nan Francisco,
San h ranoi co, Den. 22. The s'r'aaiship
Gnat Republic, l'rnin Hodb-Kodk and Yokama,
was telegraped off the Heads at 9 A. M. to-day.
I.ntcht Markets by TelefvIl.
Wsw ioRK J'ic. Lotion dull at 'iiUo. Float
duil; le ol 650O aar.rls at j emerdav'a quotation.
W ln-ai Cult. Corn i) u I sua declined la; "alos of 32 Out)
bushels at tllKailMi lor Old. aud Mo.fSSl for ne.v.
(J is dull at7f(v-';ac qa'et. Por lirm at :'7a
taiV'H. Laid Brui m I7(l7.j,e. Whisky dull
11itimobh DfO. 22. I 'utteri quiet out steady; mid
Ollus uu uub, 25c. Fliiur Dull and wenn; tin ward
trepl mre line, t.-:r('v7 -.: do. etr, tv-Aitail' 2S, do,
lanil'y, ll(i2: Ci y M'ls suptrtiua i 7fl)7-4U; do
extrs. 8-At (rtlirtl : do. ItnilJV, U tb(r)Vi 76; Wenl.r.i
uriei tine, t &t("-7; do. f lira, Stu.y in; do. umlly, (Iu'2j
o.I2'76. rV'i).t verj dull aud ajiaoat unr'eat e. Uoru
iiravy and receipts lr ; pr niv wuile. T&wwic. Oats
dull und unDinal a' 7"(;.Vc: Itye rirul at f I UN&I Ml.
Pork rirm at (tveV(2b. li.ocii quiet; rib side, 17t: ;
clar .idt-s. lfi'4'0.; atiouidera, 11.,: asms, Ihc. .Lard
lirm at 17 ).() mo.
Itc cover Ot Two Hnre Itodlva An Aft.
pal I iik lucldeus.
Two bodies, or paits of bodies, were taken
from tbe bull of the United Mates on Suuatty
alieiuoou. One ot tbem was that of a mau
bitviDg the picture of an eacio on the left arm
bow the elbow. Tho eagle is spieud across
the arm, lnsteud of leni-thwiee, as is usually the
cae. The other was a portion of a body, and
was terribly burned and disfigured. It w i n
f or-fcibie to tell even whether the remains were
tbote of a man or woman.
Id this connection, tue following incident
ot that appalling disaster, taken from the
KvaLtvillo Journal, will be read with paiurul
"From Captain Dick Fowler we learn the
followiDK thrilliug incident: Bueinff a mother
aad daughter about to leap Into the river as
the stern cf ths boat was swinging toward the
chore, be restrained their impetuosity until the
stern of the boat bad swung near tbe shore.
Kach bad a life-rreserver properly arranged.
He bade thm both leap into the river, which
they did, and ust as be was about to folio v
ttnr txample, a woman rushed out of the
cabin upon the guard, when, seeing him, she
appeared to oecome ternaeo, aua rusnel
into a stateroom. Thinking tuat ho might be
able 10 tav ber, be ruelied to tbe stateroom
door aud called to her, pajinr that if she would
couie quickly he could save her. Ihc room was
full ot smoke, and be could ecc nothing. lie
called ber the secoud time, but received no re.
i-ponec, wbeu tbe thickening smoite aud ap
proaching flame drove him overboard. The
lerrtued woman win lost. When he reached
the shore be lound matber and daughter cling
log to tbe willows, more dead than alive. They
weie helped out and saved. This was ouo of
many ai pallirg Incidents ot the disaster.
CULt,KUJC, No. .i7 ( lltfeMJl' ttlrtet, coruer of
bolt-nib. KetahllslieJ lull. Incorporate' J8aS,
Tki qualiliont'ODB lor Kustnti.s yaluad at tbis Instl
tuilou liavs provi d a loriuno to iiundrtda or yon
uien. TPs li iiruc Ion U frclueuily practical, tbor
outb, aud couiprrlieriHlva. lll liiKona 111 tue suor test
poaslble Unit), at a oaiparuil ly iinall expeuHS, for
trie euiploynieuts of tuitiness lile Huadrednof our
most aucouipliHueJ and successful bunlutss nieu are
an odk lis graduates.
The Uourntt of lustruotlon Includes BOOK-KEKP.
IKU In all lis brancbM. as practised la tbe 0ml bl
Dt-as bouses: HiNMANHIP, 1'iaiii sud UruarusuUl,
Coa uieruial t'alcDlaliooa. Bunluttas t spers, iluoluuts
Fractlofs, Uouimsiclal, eto. em.
biudsuta luhlrucled separately, at snob hours, DAT
and h VHN1KO, s may beat suit luelr cou vouieuee.
Dlploruss awarded on graduation. Circulars ou
TJON, loraaia at tus Collsss. i'llce, luU. Mallei
Tb MHHOHANT'8 MONTHLY, an eight-paged
paper, devoted to ibe lu(rnls or liulues M.a.
YouoK Men, aod Faiplllua, oouUtlQiiig arilole ou
Praonoal Business Hubjecs, Buolness Dealluis, Ops
ratloos, Meaus ot Huvcssa, Uoaiiurolal Law aud
Pol 1 1 leal Kounomy, Items ol HusIiims lutolllKSnoe
8torlfS, . etry, Jays on Boolal Topics, Ausodo ei,
itketckes ol Meroauille Life, aud a lulsoelluuj ol au
Icstiuctlvs and eoirtalniug oharaotar
ONLY F1STY CKN I'H a year, lu advance.
Clubs ol Hevan, 3; Oiuim oflwWM, Is. To any
person sending TEN NAMES aud iflVJC DOLGAK9
ws wUl seutl lli Couimrivlal Ariiumeilo Ire of
Cbargs. B. IS. OB1TTEN DKN k OO..
tiO. M 4)11 KSM U I B . reel, .
12 IS 17 It 21 S3rp fHUadslpula, Pa,
The Eastern Question The O
Authorizes Grecian Vessels t(
Carry the Russian Flag
Greece Getting Ready
for War.
The LondonPress Denouncii
Johnson's Messago 111-j
ness of M. Mouaticr.
By Atlantic Cable.
Lonpon, Dec. 22. The following dc?pat
dated at Constantinople on Dec. 21, bas J:
been lccelved, cmbraciDg tLe latest news fr)
tbat quarter: i
The Sultan has extended to three weeks
time for the departure of the Greeks Iron Ci
stnntinoplu. j
Ihe Emperor of Russia has authorized Ore)
vessels (probably those carrylug away refuge
to uee the Russian Aug. llybart Pasha, t
Ttiikih Admiral, with seven men-of-war, 5
blockading Sjra, where the Gieek steam
Erosis has taken refuee. j
Pbotradcs Bey, theTurkish M;ni ;tcr at Alttei!
bas leturned to t'onitanlinopie. 1
The Grecian Government i making rap
preparations fcr war. j
J-okdoti, Dec. 22.-The rres of Loudon j
unanimous In condemnation of Pn-.H.t .im.J
eon's message, particularly that poriiou rcidtW
to united states binds
rARis, Dec. 22.- M. Mouitier, ltc Ilinlster
Foreiirn Affair?, is sirionnly ill.
New Torlt Mo U 4luolntloiiH, 4 P. tf,
aGCC,tVtl tlV 1u rati ii n u
Davis, Block brokeis, o, in a. Third street:
ti. V. Uenu K I6x
. x. sna fcile
fii.und Kea, K hit's
Mien. 8. and JN.l. tv 8h4
la. ana Pitt. R ha 77'
VHI.AH.W.U. prl. 78
UnL and U. L it.M.lll
'iOUi ...IBS
Market weak. 1
TO rus
If yon are sufTerlner. or taavn Dnir,i
Involuntary discbarges, what efldoi docs It pro-f
duce npon your general bealtb T Do you feel!
weaK, debilitated, easily tired? Djbs a little j
extra exertion produce palpitation of the
heart T Docs your liver urinary organs, or
your kidneys, frequently get out of order 1 Is
your nrlne sometimes thick, milky, or rloocy,
or is It ropy on settling T Or does a thick scum
rise to tbe top ? Or Is a sediment at the bot-
tojn after it bas stood a while T Do yon have
spells of abort brcalblng or dyspepsia T Are1
your bowela constipated? Do you have spells
of fainting or rushes of blood to tbe bead? Ia
yuur memory impaired ? Is your mind oon
Bluntly dwelling npon this subject? Do you
feel dull, listless, moping, tbed of company, of
life ? Do you wish lo be left alone, to get away
from everybody ? Does any little thing make
yon start or Jump? Is yonr sleep broken or
restless ? is tbe lustre of your eye as brilliant r
Tbe bloom on your eheek as bright ? Do you
enjoy yourself In society aa well ? Do yo pur
sue your business with the same energy ? Do
yon feel as muou confluence In yourself ? Are
your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of
melancholy ? It so, do not lay it to your liver
or dyspepsia. Have jou restless sights t
Your back weak, your knees weak, and bava
but little appetite, and you attribute this to
dyspepsia or liver complaint ?
Now, reader, diseases badly; oured and ex
cesses are capable of produolog a weakness In
'be generative organs. Tbe organs of genera
tion, when In perfect health, make tbe man.
Did you ever tblnk tbat those bold, defiant,
energetic persevering, successful business man
are always those whose generative organs are
In perfect health ? You never bear suota m
complain of being melanoboly, of nervousness
of palpitation of tbe heart. They are never
afraid tbeyeannot succeed In business; tbey
don't become sad and dlsoouraged; tbey are
always polite and pleasant in tbe company of
ladlts, and look you aud tbem right In tbe faoo
none of your dowooast, looks or any other
meanness about them. I do not mean those
who keep tbe organs Inflamed by running to
excess. These will not only ruin their consti
tutions, but also ihoio they do business with or
How many men, from badly cured diseases
and excesses, have brougbt about tbat stale of
weak nets In those organs mat has reduced tbe
general system so much as to induce almost
every other disease Idiocy, lunacy, paralysis
spinal a flections, suicide, and almost every
other formot disease which humanity li beir
to and the real cause of tbe trouble soaroely
ever suspeoted, and bave doctored for all but
tbe right one.
Diseases of these organs require tbe use of a
Ia tbe Oreat Diuretio, and a Certain Cure fo
Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel,
Dropsy, Organio Weakness, Female
Complaints, General Debility, anil
all Diseases of the Urinary
Organs, whether ex
isting In Mala oi