THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TRIPLE SHEET PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, T 1868. 7 LITERATURE. IlKVIKW OF N13W BOOKS. with Commoutarlii. Pdhllsbxd by Jjiiu EnAKHsrKAOB'g Bonmkti, By Thomaj D. JBudJ. Campbell. We think it a grrat pity ttast Shakespeare did not leave tbc world soma satisfactory account of hlmsol', his family, his religion, and his opl Dions on waiters and Ihloas generally, for then his commentators would have baen saved a Tast atnount of uneasiness and ineffectual labor. It ba been satisfactorily proved thitt he Was a Cutholic, a Protestant, a FYee-lulnker, an Arlstotlean, a Platonic, hermetic, and many other kinds of pli'.losophf-r.a doctor, a lawyer, a superintendent of an lneaue asjlurn, and we know not what besides, much iu tha same w iy that Archbishop Whateley ptovd conclusively that no such person as Napoleon ever existed; and, indued, this has b'jon at tempted in the case of BUnke-spcare, wilh. about the same amouut of success with the difference, however, that the Archbishop only deigned to perpetrate a jest, while the atmihilators of ShaketiK'ai'c were dand iu earnest. Figutes, It is said, will prove anythinsr, and so will books; and a innn who cannot develop any theory tha'. may happen to strike his fancy from a given voluiuc to his own satUfacUon atjeast must be a mere tjro at the business. Of lato yeors bbukespenre's sotinets have come into favor, and commentators, having apparently exhausted themselves on hik plays, havo turned their attention to these poems. Some havo attempt id to rearrange them in their proper order, uud to ditcover to whom they were va riously addressed; while others have vexed their bruins to find out mysterious meanings that will accord with tlisir own extravagant fancies. The editor of this volunio has his theory as well as the; and why should he not? He, however, is wllllur to take the sonnets In the oider in which they stand, aud to explain then In a nranner that would doubtUt lac In the highest degree edifying to 9hakepearu himself, it bo could only peruse his lucubrations Mr. Budd, however, we doubt not, has derived mnch amusement from his task; aud as nobody is likely to be lujured, or any damage to the fair fame of Shakespeare to accrue, wby should we find fault? Wuile we are ou the subject, how ever, we may as well slate that we havs a theory of our own with regard to tiiee eonuels, which, if not ingenious, we flatter ourself has the merit of boing at least in accordance with the princi ples of plaiu common seue. Our idea is that the sonnets were addressed o-ne to men, some to women, and many to nobady; for it is a piece of absurdity which requires no demonstration, to suppose that a poet's love verses muu necessarily hare a particular object. Any other theory than this would make, it bar! for married veroiQcra like Jlr. Tennyson, for Jnitance un'cs they are ble-sed with wive Who differ fioin the majority ol women. The first publishers of Shakexpeaie's soDnets strung them together without regard to order or con sistency, and a it is impos.-ible now to success fully rearrange t'ltm, all we can do is to take them as they are, and eiijoy them as containing some of the sweetest utterances of the great master. We always have admired the sontets greatly, arid without worrying over them; but if any pu Wither will pay ns handsomely we will encage to prove any desired theory, the elabo rateness oi our Iuve-itlgitiou to be iu proportion to the amount of pecuniary emolument otTcred J'r. Budd's essay, therefore, we do not consider to have any gi eat value, but we commend the Tolunie as one of the handsomest editions of the sonnets that .we have germ. It is printed on thick, heavy paper, with wide margins and edges uncut, so that purchasers can have It bound in any stylo that they insy fancy. Tobacco and Alcohol, by Jnhu Fiske, M. A., LU B. Published by Leypolctt & Holt. Philadelphia Agents : Claxtou, Keinscu & llaCeltluger. This boot consists of two eeays, entitled "Ic Does Pay to Smoke" aud ' Tee Comiug Man wil Drink Wine," and it is Intended as au answer to the very readable articles by Mr. Parton, origl Bally published lu the At'an'ic MonXlily, and taking the anti-tobacco aud auti-alcohulic vie of the case. Mr. FUke accuses Mr. Parton o having made ata'.emeuts with regard to the injurious effects of alcohol and tobacco which are not sustained by iact, and ho then proceeds to demonstrate with much ability that both alcohol and tubaccj are useful and necessary, an! that it is only when abused that they are injurious. Mr. FUko deals Mr. Parton sonio hard blows, and he makeB sad havoc with soma of his apparently strongest arguments. The essays are lively and interesting, and they arc worthy of the attention of those who wUii to under stand both sides of the subject. From J. P. Lippinoo'.t A Co. we have re ceived "fireater Britain: a Record of Travel iu Euslioti-spcaking Co in'ries during ISM-"," by Charles Wtntworth DiUe. A few weclts a-o we gave a loni? extract from an appreciative revittw ot this work by the Lou Ion A'hemmui, and we reoret that the crowded feta'.e of our columns pievruts us frou uo'.lclng it more at length at the pveseut time. Mr. Dilke in tha years named followed EhrI-hf! around the world, and every where he found himself In KuglisU ipeak uB or Knglieh-goveiuod lauds. He ro maiked that climate, soil, msuuer of life, aud mixture with other peoples had modified the blood, but he sa, on, that In essentials the race was always one. Mr. Dilks has endeavored to give a conception of thu'eraudour of the L'uj llsh race, alteady girdlinc; tue fAith, aud which be thinks is destined eventually to overspread it. The book is oxceiuliiply iijlen-sting, aud it has been issued in haudsouie 6tjlo by the American publUners, 'Louis Michaud; or, thd Little French Pro. tettant," jiublished by Henry lioyt, Bjston. is a well-written religious story for cbillren. FOr sale at the MtthodlsJ, Book Store, No. 1018 Arch street. From Jsmes 8. Claiton, Mo. 1214 Chesnut itieet, we have received "A. Isoblo Sister," "Snow Stoims and Sunbeams," aud "Orphan Anne," three cntertaluiui? little stories suitable ior Sunday-school libraries or Christina gifts to children. The J'Muloch Sto-ies," published b W. J. Pailey, New York, ar a collection of short stories by the author of "John Halifax." Taeas were origirally published in a msgszlns called The Schoolmate, anj are, we believe, among the "earliest of Miss Muloch's wrltlugi. Thy are distinguished by a graceful fancy, and wo are glad to lea them republished lu book form. For sale by J. B. Llppincott & Co. and Claxtou, liimseii A HaUelflugor. From Vihailer & Koradl, southwest comer Of Fcurtu and Wood streets, we have ricelvd "The Pottry of Germ any," by Alfred Barber vlllo. Toil Is a handsome edition of a standard work. Beloctloos from upwards of seventy of the most celebrated German posts are sjlvon, translated into i-spll-h Terse, with the original text on the opposite page. The translations are as literal as it is possible tj make them, and the book is one which we heartily commend to all lovers of poetry, tud especially to students of the German language. From the same house wo have received "Luther's Christmas Tree," a -flnely Illustrated book for ths holidays, which the children will appreciate. Turner Brothers & Co., No. 809 C'uemut street, send us as tpeclmctm of ths Cnrlstmii literaturo for juveniles ou their shelves, "Th Laughter Book for Llttlo Folks," and 'The Tall of a Mouse," publhhed by Jsmes Miller, New York. Thee books are bound in attractive style, and are full of pictures and stories, which cannot fail to please the childish imiln Uion. "The Good Mr. BngglPthorpe" is a lively aad entertaining Christmas story, giving glimpses "behind tbs scenes," which do not make it less interesting, by Miss Olive Liao . Received from the Aathois' Uniou, No. 204 Pearl street, New Yoik. Hearth and Jk,me Is Ihe title ofa new weekly psper, edited by Donald K. Mitchell nnd Harriet Beechcr Slowe, and published by Pelterigill, Bates & Co., No. 37 Park Row, New Yi'i-k. The first number promises well for those which are to follow, and we expect to see Ucanh and Home speedily tuko its place in the favor of ths public as a firt-c!ais family paper. The conductors promise to give a little ot everything, and plca-.e everybody, andj in the discussion of matters ot interest they will endeavor to pre;ent plain, practical ideas in a plain, practical, and common eeuss way, that will command the attention ot intelligent mulcts. Thers will bo- interesting stories in each number, with sugscatlons about farming, horticulture, landscape gardening, religious reading, poetry, sketches, and a great variety of other features. Pictures byatlistsof repu tation, will find a place In its pages. Hear'h and Dome has sixteen paies of four columns etch, it is well printed In large, readable type, on good paper, nnd the pro mises which n.ive been mnde with regard to it are cairied out to the letter. The contents of the first number are as follows: "Christmas Wight," a picture by Thomas Nast; "Santa Claus," by Mury K. Dodge; "Lime on Hill Pasturee," by Professor S. W. Johnson, of l'ale College; "A Farmer's Thinking, aud his Time for it," by Oliver Wendell Holmes; "But ter vs. Wool," by II. A. Sheldon; "How to Keep Farmers' Boys at Home," by Levi itockoride; "A Ciopof Beets," by S. M. Wells; "Lay-out of a Suburban Place," wilh illustrations, by Donald K. Mitchell; "The Cnrpcntero Bird," Illustrated, by James Ilojrr; "Warren Lelaud'j Poultry Uaislnp," illustrated, ly A. B. Crandall; "General Grant Driving Dexter;" "Horticul tural Hints for Jsnuarv," by James Hogg; "Mechanics of Agriculture," by J. B. L.; "Our Hopper," "History or the Times," "Foreign and Home Mews," "Heads of Wheat," Book Reviews, Maiket Keports, etc.; "Our Ueadirjg and our Hopes." by Donald K. Mitchell; "A Greeting by Harriet Beecher Stowe; "Ihe Old-Wotld Sparrow," a poem, by William Cut len Bryant: "Prcachiua Other Men's Sermons," by J. P. Thompson, D. D.; "In ihe Ice," by J. T. Trow bridge; "Hydraulic Power," Uy Dr. J. V. C. fcniiib: "How Wo Kept ThitnkKivini at Old town." by Harriet Beecher ftowe; ''Mr. Huuui- bee's Uiarj," ov Laura v,. Lyman: "Unnstmas Gifts," -Bob, his Llfo and lenth," by Grace Grreuwood: "Burial of the Bird." illustrated: "Elizabeth Barrett Browning," by Madame Le Veri; "Bernard's School," illustrated, by Mary V Dodge. THE ROYAL SOCIETY M'liat it Ilns OF EXULASD. lnrinsr the Iuing: Year. The London Atheno:um of Dec. 3 tays: "Iu hit aniilverary address to tne Royal Society last Monday, tho President, General babiue, save an able summary of the leading sc'riitiric proceedings ot the year iu which tne Society have been actively engaged, or to which they nave ancruea aid, support, ana sympathy Thote who have watched the progress of the Roval Bocietv lor omo years past will not need to be tola thut during General bubiue's Presi dency thilr activity iu what may ba descrioed as matters ot public scientific interest has been much more marked than in former periods, Government is fortunate in having such an am lifiiiLv u the Council of the lfnvul Kncietv to appeal to whenever they require information on a scientific question. The appeals arc mora numerous than would commonly be supposed Fir ourifclves, we arc well pleased that the Society tlioula stand at the bead of the science ot ivurope or ot me v. or; a, ana promote re arth by snpge'tions and the loan of Instru ments to tbeswtdii-h Arctic Expcdiiun. and bv undertaking to superintend the construction ot a great reflecting telescope lor Australia. And it may be xcgarked as ot good import that ia the Society's 'Iransactwns and Froopedni'js may ne rcaa papers contnouua iiotn .Norway fewedeu, aud Denmark, from Munich, Ii;rtin, Uonn. euu vicitn, irom rortugai an t Greece, iiotn tne tape ot uioa uope, irom luuia, aus tiulis, Uih New Zealand. "Ihe MetcoroU ffical Office was one of the Crst tcpirs which Aeurral Saoine brought beto.-e h s hearers, and contiuuin. to to sp ak,'hn laten eiit irom la-t yeni, ni; snowea wn-it nua been ihe reulis ot tho reorcauizotion of the itiice, aud the present state ot operation'. The tAStenintlc workius of the start" of obiervers aid the iustrumentul airnntreiueut ot the ober vatorirs uufler ihe control of the central oilice have beeu peifeWfd as nuirh as pj5siDle In the time, so a to ob'aiu uniformity of action at the tcven Bnti.-h ob-ervatoric. K-.ier oberv-nory tends hp to imi oiucu in I'ainauient street n onthly record of ihe oDserva;ion ; and tie l.ext (iierti(n wbu h iho AieteorolOiilcui Com niitn e Viill lake into cousideraiiou ill bo as to ths best means and method by which all the j weather facts thus oai;luby collided can be tuuiie useful to tho public, or to t.ny ho wish to stusy Hit weather phenomena ot tha Briti i Islfinng. j "We sre plad to learn, on General Sabine's i assuranco, that the work of ojchu meteorology htic bien commeneeJ, iu fuitherauce of wuich I the co operation of t-0 mo of tlio leadluit ea jpiinu steamship companies Is sccuied, and a number of the commanders of tae vessels are i tenvely engaged in the work of ooscrvin?. Instrnnicuts have also been supplied to other masiers of vessels of our mercantile mariHe, care being always taken that the individuals thus favored aro competent and willing to observe. The stock of objerrations already collected is so great form as General Sabine ha It, such 'an immense arreai' that (there can ba no hope of its speedy publication unless the Government will increase the oflice stall of clfiks. Meanwhile the conditions are to be ob tained of the atmospheric pressure, tempera ture, varor tnion, direction aud tarce of wil d, character ot the weutber, un l curiae tampe ratnre in that tract of the AtUntlo comprised between 'JO deg. North and 10 dcg. South. "As regards the communication of weather intelligence, GeLeral Sabine informs us that tho jstcm has been further dovoloped, so that tha (irum.s'goal is now hoisted at ninsty-sevcu British stations. The news thus conveyed, it should be understood, is vol a forecast or piophecy, but a fact. Rince Kebruary last s ui ilr uews has been flashed to Hamburg, aud the harbor authorities lucre bavs resolved to hoist the drum, and at Guihavou, whenever intelligence implying probsblo danger shall be leretved trm Loiidoo. In Franco, alio, under the direction of tne Ministry of Marine, the f ractice of telegraphing tacts has been aJopted. )eides all thl, the London oflice makes known to i.tvorpool aud to Holland the existene.H of a certain amount ol barometric pressure between iwo staiions witotn a aeoneu area. The Influence which the distribution of atmospheric Cressurs exerts on the motion of the air bus een much dwelt ou by Dr. Bails Bsllot. of Utrecht, and a rule has been propounded bv him for Inferring the cominir direction of the wlud. from simultaneous readings of tha barometer at ititletent place. For more than a year past the ijOtxion oilice has s nieht to tst this ruin bv systematic discussion of daily meteorological charts of tho British Islands, and tho nprr ccasts of too Continent. It Is satisfactory to hear that the results of th'.s investigation are, on tho whole, encouraging. as may ie anticipated, ihe erlmao of the son of Aujju it Inst was 'rented of at some length in General BabinC's addrejs, particularly with reu"rcuco io ine spectroscopic oD'crvations thereof. But us our columns have recently presented much on this subject, we need not on misocca-ion do more than mention that the President of tho Koval Hocloty taktta lmios to illuutiate the new facta bv lornior obnrvatlons and intervening researches, thereby rendering them more tlgniQcant aud valuable. In cou- neclion with the most recent spctroscjoic ob servations of the sup. a body ot iulorni'ition has been ealncl which cauuot " fail to be of hnrh importanco in co'inictl science. The Hovnl!slo- ciuiy expended nearly J0t) lor instruments to send out to lnoia for observation of the eclipse, ana u is granting io learn mat, notwitusland ing clouds and bad weather brought monsoon, so many of the Intcrestins Dbenomens were really observed. To tbM. as forming part' ot the astronomical detail", we appeud tlio lull matioii that the great Melbourne telesc ipn was shipped in July last, and his p robably ai rived ere UiU at its destination. "The dredging expedition bv Dr. Carpenter and Professor Wyvllle Thomson, in tha Noilh Atlantic, wet of the Faroe Islands, in a vessel lurnished by the Admiralty, was mentioned by General Sabine. Allowing for unfavorable weather, it was successful, as will aoouar from the report by Dr. Carpenter, which is to be reaa at me evening meeting ot the Koval Society, and, as wo may infer, will prove un usually interesting to naturalists and geologists. .1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ' J L .11., - C " i r ii iiiiuws uiiiii ou iuk rouuiuou oi nullum lue, ana enlarges onr Kuowieuge ot temperature at great depths. To puts Irom this to tne Swedish Arctic expedition was a natural trtusition; we, however, rctrr for the particular! to auo.her column, and pass on to the collection of lossd plants brought irom Greenland by Mr. Wliyui- pcr, aiaea Dy a contriDutton irom tne Govern ment Grant Fund of the Koval Society. Tins mertiug was informed the entire collecuou bid been sent lor examination aud description tj Professor Oswald Heer, of Zurich, wtij has already published a work, 'Flora Kossilis Arc- ticn.' xoe oesicnpiion, it appears, has oecu received, nnd will ere long be submitted to the Koval Society. . Amonthe specimens are two cones of magnolia and the flowers and f nut of a chestnut, which atlord iresh evidence of the vigorous growth and ripcniug thatouce took pluce iu a hifjh northera latitadc. By Mr. Whjmpcr's collection the number of "iosil species oi vegetable remain discovered in Greenlaud is now increased to 137. of waicu 4i are common to the ruio'iene deposit ol Furope. Wnen Professor Heer returns tho fpecinieus to London, a complete series Is to be deposited In the BritUh Museum. "Tuirestriul magnetism aad the coincidence of periods of mamietic phencmena wilh period of sun-spots, ami the question therein involved, fojm u topic on which General Sabine miht have been tempted to enlarge, for, as he in formed the meeting, the greater part of his liie has been devoted to tue iu vesication of terres trial magnetism. Here we "quo.e his ojvu words, premMug tuut the papers aud maps therein meutloueu as completed, or iu piepara t.ou, me bis own achievements. The redac tion.' be i-avs 'of the great scientific work, tlio Mat'iie.ic Survey of tho South Polar tfegioin, ccmmcni'Cd iu 130, under the auspices and at the expem-e of her Majesty's Government;, has been ccmpleted in the present year by the pre sentation to tho Roysl Sjciety, and the publica tion in the Phi'osophwal 'J ran sac1 ions, of Maps ot tho tluee Magnetic Klemeuis iu Southern Parallels, commencing in 30" south, and cxteml lug fur t:eoiid the hmlisof ordinary naviga'.iou. Thle maps are uccoiupuuied by tables contain ing the numerical coeilicients to be employed iu a levir-ion of "Gau-s' (ieneral Tueoiv"ut tho m teriictim of every fifth degree of latitude and every tenth degree ot longitude, between 30 south latitude aud tbe Fouth tcrtestrial poiu. The niagreticrtl dclerminti'ions of the survey correspond to the epoch 1812-45. Similar maos lor the rorre.-'pondiiig latitudes of the North--cm Hemispheip, from 30 north latitude to the north terrestrial pole, are iu preparation, founded ou a co oidiualion of results obtained by maiieiiciiins of ad countries iu the titteen jrnrs followirgthe ame mean epoch of 18J2-1.), and reduced to it. It is hoped that these mips, with an accompanying memoir, will be pre sented to Hie Royal Society before the clos'.j of the present 6e.-sion. There will tueu remain for subsequent completion, the filling up tstill lir tne same epocii) ot tne splice oetween tho parallels of 30 deg. north and 30 deg. south latitude, for which mnch preparation has becu made in the assemblage of materials requiring only for their co-oidination the allotment t)f the tiine needed for the due examination and treat ment of so luiec a body of materials. Suould I be so happy as to te able to complete this task also (my work on Terrestrial Maguctkni has now extended, mors or le-s, over half a centutv), I vtntnre to erpres-s a ho,io that the girat work of which the lounuaiiou will thus have been laid, viz.. the ievislon of the Gaus sian Theory, corresponding to a detiuite epoch in the prtat cjole ot terrestrial magnetism, may. when a suitablo time shall appear to have ar rived, be taken up and completed under the ausp'i'es ot the Royal .society.' Who is there will not join in the wi h that tie Ni stor of the Terrestrial iUuueti?ui iii ij i;o ou to finish his admirable work.' "Fiom ILis i apid summary it will be S' en that the cn'.iie uddress as delivered by Gouerai Sabine covers a wide rauae of scientific ?uijci treated iu a way worthy ot the occasion." Xorlh i'olur K-'.xplorntion. ltapprms now prutty ceriaiu that our eo;i?ltn acios-i the Atlautic purpose equipping an ex pedition next spring to s.lve tha intero-iilug problem us to the existence of open water atouud the north axis of our globe. Tue dis coveries of Kuno and Iiajes snow beyond all doubt that the western chore ot Smith Sound extends to ihe north w.ird lor a considerable distance, pointing to the conclusion that the land rends iu iho diicctiou of the Pole. H ives further conceives that beyond Gaoe Constitu tion the GieenUnd Continent terodiintes, and that open water exists lioin this leriwluaiiou to th" Pole. Thtu, Kuiith Sound is one of the best, it not the bi st, starting points for North l'.olar exploration; and us tlio Americans have the iredit of poiuting this ouf, it ttrengihcus tl;e piobn'oHity that they will endeavor to crown thi9 by tlse coluiiou of the abovo pro blem. Besides this pronable America u ex pe l i tirn, Germany aud Sivedcu will mukoreneseJ attempts next summer to reach tho North Pole; and thu, unless Fngland stirs iu th s matter, it is greatly to be apprehended tnat her tlai will not be the first to wave iu that iuterestiug ltcality. Such a shortcoming on our part would be the more to bs regretted, becauHu the record of Arctic exploration runs like "a bright silver thread" through the historj of our mari time enterprise. To sail to the North Pole has long been a favorite schema of our Arctic licroeo. Inl527 Thoruo strongly urged Henry ihe Kieli'h to patronize such an expedition, and 1 Hud.ou. It will bo remembered, made two dar 1 ing hi tempts lo reach the North Pole. I Apart from tho great imerebt attending such ' an expedition, tho scientific results would bo 1 highly important. Nor should it be forgotten that we pobsess great advantages for such au I undertaking. The experience gained by our ! numerous Arctic expeditious is so much avail 1 able capital, which only requires to be pru- iaiily invested to yield high interest.- We hope I the Government will take this matt"r up. Our ' uuvj cun wiu lauieU lu the service of science as I will as in battle: and here is a great prize i within our giaep, which, if we are not euer- getic, will as'iiredly be euatcucd by auother I nul'ioa, London Athonwum. RAILROAD LINES. -1 Rftft -FOR NEW YORK. TUB CAMW?S XOWO. AND A M HOY AND Pll 1 1, A OKI, PH I AND.TRKNTON R 1 l.ROA 1,CM l'ANl HH' LINKS Flf.,JfiH.(iil)i!;i"A TO NJiW YOKK, AND WAY x IjAUFH. FBOM WAlSOt BTRBIT WHARF. At S'SO A, ti via Cnnidea aad Amhoy Accom....3,2j At 8 A. M., yia Cinloa and Jmnny Cfly Kr. Mall StlO M- via t'nuiden and Am boy Kxprenn.n. t w At 6 P M.. tor Am boy and Intarmedlittft sIhUomh. At 6SO and S A.M. , and on, P. M. for Freehold. At s nd io A. M., 8, 1 so. Bnd 4 ao P. M. for Trenton, .At 6 80, 8, and lit A, M., I, 2, 8 SO, 4 80 8, and ITS') P, lncor JJoIlenMW11' Burlington, JJiverly, aal Do At s-SOand 10 A. M t. si, 4 !W. , and 11-so P. M. for l-'iorpnce, Ktgwatr, itlvprsioe, Rlver.on, e ui r, ud i'litt House, and P. lot i'lorencs and Hvnrion. Tb i and 11-30 p. m. Lines leavs from Market Street Ferry (upper side.) rnOM KKNH1NGTON DIPOT. At 11 A.M.. via Keuali.Kton aud Jersey City, New atiL Kxprss Line, Faro St. At 7 teLa ii a. M..rn 3 so. and s p. M. for Ttenton and Brli to). And nt HflS A. of. for llrltol. At7'8uand H a, M. 2 80, aud t P. M. for Morrtivllle and Tnltyiown At 7-wt and 10-15 A. M. aud 2 3o, and 8 P. M. for HcIifiirk's and KUdlnKlon. A t ; so and 10-ls a. M . MO, 4, E, and 8 P. M. tit Corn Well'B, 1 orreole,, JloinielHirg, Tacony, WlRxllti. rnlrtt, BrliteHtitirK, and Franktord, and at 8 P.M. for Holi.ic Kiiiirg and iuierniHdlaie Hlailons, AHUM. YihMT t II I LA DKI. I'll! A JJKfOT, Via ContiPClliiR K.liway. At 8 48 A. M , SM, 4, V SO. aud 12 P.N. Now Vork Ex pitM m, via Jersey City; Jr"ar,3 2fi . .t II 8 1". M. KiulKram Lid?: Fare. U. Al 9-48 A. M., lvo, 4. s 0, and 12 P. M , for Trenton. A i 9-4h A.M., , t. -so aud Yi 1. M., lor Itr.Btol. At 12 P.M. (Nlfht). for MorriBVllle, Tullytown. Suliei ok's, J;Jflii'B'oo,-oruweil,8.Torrpiial.ll'l"e-l.irg, 'lacojy, Wmaliicujlng, lirldeaburK, aud Frauk lurd. , 1 lie e 45 A, M., 6-.o and 12 r M. Lines will ran dully. All olieiH, rJiindays ex .-.opted. lor 1 lni ievlp(s K onsmgtoB depot take the can on Tlnra or FiMi utrtew, at Uneuut, so nilunies lielorc dcpBr lira '1 lit- earn of Market street waliwuy run dlrcei to Viirst lMnladelplila Depot, CUBuntit aud Wklunt nllhin one ixiuaie. Ou huudays tho Markot strm cor will run lo counect v.llu tlio 0 45 A.M.. S'SO aud 12 P. M. Lines. toJiLYlLKKJs D.-LAWAKK RMLROAD IilNES, At T'i'O A. M. lor N agHio Full, llultftlo. Dunkirk, Kiinlia, 1'livca, Owcki'. h.hemr, iilugbaiutou, U w. o, yraellHc, ureal Rud, Moniruoe, WilKi)nire, rjcruuinu.btroudbbura, Water Uap, Uvttooluy'd Alouu At 7'Su A. M. and 3 30 P. M. lor Belvirtere, Kaston, Laiuliertvilie, FleuilUKtou, etc. Tl 8 3J P. M. Lint coiiuictH direct with Hie Train leavlue Jtaatott lor Muutu Chuuk, Alientown. Betlilelieiu, etc. At 6 P. M. lor Lauiburtvllle aud luteraiediate 6ta tlous. UAUDEN AND BCRLINC4TON COUNTY AND FF.IuiiKR'lON AJND JllUUTblUW 11 AIL- E'iiUM'u'ABKET STREET FERRY. (Upper Bltle.) AI 7 aLU 10 A. lu.. 1 ou a oo, nuugdvr.jn., mr jiipr chantBVllie, Moorextown, Hartfurd, MaMonville. baiiiRP-rt, riotint lloily, oninnvlile. JbwauaviUe, Viuceniown. Llrmlnhani, aud Peuibtrlon. At 7 a. M., I SO and a-80 P. M., lor Lewlstown, WrlKhtntown, Conkstown, New Egypt, lloruf mown, C rehin Ridge, luilajslowu. etiarou, and Ulitiibiowu. 11 m W 1LL1AM 11. O A TZilHili, Agout. DEMKSYLYAIA Cli-NTIUL KAILROAD. FALL TIM K, TAKIU jUfFttOT NOV. ii. una, Tlio trains of tlie Fuuimyl vaiuft Ceutrai xtuliruad leave lue 1m pui. al '1 lliKl'V-j-lUo'l' auu MakKBj Streets, V.1.1CU la reaoued aneoily uy.tiie Mars; -it oiitet c&rn. tne lait car conuectlug- wuu tsmh iraln IcavInK Froui aud juaraet aireeta tmriy oiluutus bu 'ore n oejiarlure. Tho Cuecuut and walnut bireela tr rttu lililn ouo nqiiaie ol tuuleioU blo I'leg Car Tieaem can oe und ou application at ihelickii onlce N. W. coruer NUi.U auj Cuojuut i.ieem, and at tha depot, Aouis ol the Umon Transfer Oompany will call for and deliver baggage t tne depot, OiUora lui at, Ko. sid ChfcHuul biieet, or Mo. lis market a.rot, will receive jjvk UEVUT. VIZ: Mall Train ,8-l--0 A, M, fwoli AccoauiioUailoii, 10 oO A. m., 1 .0, aud oo P. at. t'M Lice............ l "u A. M. Kue Expreao 1.i?u M- llarrlHOurg Acijomiuodailon i iti P. H, lj.uea;;ter Accommodation 4'ou P, M, I'r.rkenburg Train 6'rfO P. M. Cluclnnail Express 8 UO P. M, Krle Mall aud JStillalo Express 10 45 P. M. Pullaot'lphltt Express M U0 Night, Erie Mall leaves dully, except buuday, runutug on Bbturdty rlghl to W llliamsport cuiy Ou Siind y uigUi UBfiH' liters will leave Pmladmphiu at 12 o'clock. I'hliauelpbia Express leaves daily, AU outer train "tub WeslfcinA'cclfuiinodatt'in Train ram 1all7, er-c-ut hunday. For this ir.tlu tlcreis mast ba pro cured and baggage delivered by 5 00 P. M., at Ko. lit MaikMstrwU ABRIVK AX DEPOT, VI..:- ClncInLatl Express tf'lO A. M. PI llndelvhla FJxpres8...................-.:................t ; id A, it, 1't.oli Accomruodatloil..- .s 10 A. M. , J 4uajd Vlu F. Sa. Ei lo Mali and liuUalo express...... lout) A. M. Pf.rkeuburg Trftlu........... 1 A. M, FabtLlue Lauc3tr Train....- M.. u' ' fr'tlu l'.xpreoH ,,... 't M Jr. ia llarrlsi.urg Accomuiodullou.... 4(J t. U. if or further taiormniloii fPw An, No. V1 CHIitiin UT Mtrecl, FliANClcJ FUNK. Ticket Agout, in o. no m&naai ri treeK. D A M U xl. W ALLilUiU, Ticket Agent at the Depot, Tho renDpylvanta Railroad Company will hot aa. anuie any rlk for BaggAge, except for Wearing Ap- Earel, aud limit their responsibility to One Hundred ollars In value. All Faggage exceeding that amount In value will be at the risk of the ownr, unl.ys taken by Rpecial contract. BLWAHo II. WILLI Ailrt, 4il Oeueral Superintendent Aiuxiua, Fa. IHILADELrHlA, WILMlNfiTON, AND . lis LTIMOK UAILKUAD. UalK 1'AHLLi. Ct'inuK-nctng MONDAV, November Zit, iCBS. Tralus wul leave Lepoi coiner Broad streoi aad Washing ton avenue, as follows: Way Wall Train at 8 80 A, M. (Sundays excepted), for liaUliDOre. stopping at all reulur biatiouj, jon Uteilug with Delaware Failioad at Wlluiiugton for l Cr'sllbid aud lnlermeulate siauons. : Express .Train at 12 M. (bjuudays exoopted) for Hal liuoreaud W'oshtugton, siopnug at Wilmington, I Ftrri vlllo, and lluvio-r e-uruoe, cuuuucib at Wll- . intiii'lnn with Ir&ln Ur New CaLlQ. Express 'lra'n at 4'00 P.M. (Sundays excepted) for i jinmuioro ana wasnugiou, tivimis vucntir, 'limriiiw. I.inwond. (Iiavniont. WllniiDgtin. Nsw- port, Munton, Newark, l.iktou, North-JUst, Charled inwn. FarvlilD llavra de Uruce. Aberdeeu. Perry- muu'a, Edgewood, Magnolia, (Jhase's, and utooimor's 'jMght Exrross st 1130 P. M. (Datlv) for Baltimore BLd VHhli gion, stopping at Cnesler, Tuurlow, Liu wood, OlaytunDt, WllLuinglou, Newark Elkton, North-East, l'erryvllle. aud Havre de Uruce. atsrbiers lor Fortress Muuioe aud NorlolK will take tue . . r. ; . ON TRAIN, Stoprlng at allbtailots between Philadelphia and V ilmiihimi. Leave Fhi adelplita t 1110A, Bf., 2 30, 6 00, and 7io l'. jvi. ThebuuP. Mi Irulu couuvcis with Dela ware liahruud lor xiamuglou aud mtermediaie 8Uv WHminktou7 00 and 8-10 A. M., 130, 4'H.and 7 0u F. M. '1 he s lu A. M . Trivlu win not Slop bbtweeu t inter ar.d PhLadolphln. Tuo 7-eOP. u. Train troiu V. llLcii b'.ou runs .Oj; ail oiue.- Accuuiuiiidatlon 1 rr.lts t uudayb excepieu. I'rotii liaitliuon- Kn Fhlladelphla. Leave RiHimore 7 i A. M., Wiy Mall, ti So A. Ji , Exjirts. iiaftiL, fc I N D A '1 1 1 A 1 is l" lit- M BALTIMOUE. Leavts llpillnaore ai 7 F M.. sioppuiK t Ml? iiuiiH. l i irvuinn'M. Aboueeu.littVie dc-oruce.l'eiry vule. .hnrlstoTu, Kon-h-Easi, Elkion, (e.var.;, K.aiiten, Newiiort, V lluiiiiBtou.Claymjut. Ltuwood, aV.,.tji.'.,,!'.tlfr'ii,.frBi to all nolnis West. BouiH. and touili-Ata'. uit'ybopronind at odloo. No. Hit Clieiiiiti stiecl, uuuer n iinijiu.ui -.i, r ..... .. m Hiti is in ts.etiiiliii: llill tiu bl nil ur,u dm inn Ihe di.y FerHOua p iciiHSiug tlckeli at thlt -li:ce tu nave butrui! cu.cduu at tncir rest tci.te by lU L'uleu Triel"i-i Cvoipauv. .(...r uy n jjjj (Supt-riulCUiJOUt. 10 45 P, M b l.. A. M , U oil f, W U oO A. M, , 8 60 P. M, lu-,0 A. M tt'HO A. M. , HI f. M , 7 -45 P. M ....10 -58 A. M ....12 bfi A, M ....10-00 A. M 8 - 28 P. M , 7 50 A. M READINQ RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINK from Philadelphia to tha Interior ol Pennsylvania, the tohoylklil, Husquobanna. Uninber land and wjomlnj Valleys, the North. Northwest and tha Clanadas. winter PasnenEer Trains leava the Ooinpany'i Drpot, Thirteenth and Oaliowhlll St r wis, Philadelphia MOKNINU At'UOM MODATION A t 7kl A.M. fbr Readlnr and all Inlarmi1iu u'tinna im Allan. MOKNINU KXPRKtiH At 8'1,1 A. M., for Beadlnc, Lehanon, BarrUbnrg. 1'otUivllle. Flue Orove. Tama- ia, Bnnliory, Wildamsnort. Klmira. Rochmier, lagara Falls. Bodaln. WlllrnaharFa. Pllt.i..n Vn.k (Carlisle. Charobernburs;, Ilagnnilown, etc. (ouirain oonueota at Rending wltntne Basi Fenneylyaiija Railroad trains for Alientown, etc. and Hie 8 18 A. M.COIinPPOl tlio tjh.n..n la I la. Ir.ln for Harrlsburg, eto.; at Port Clinton with Catawissa nauroaoirains ror Wllllamsport, Lock Haven. Klmira, f lci f.' ,,rrlslirK with Northern Central, Cumber land Valley, and (Scbnylltlll and Honniiebanna trams lor Norihuuiherland, Whllamsport, York, CUaaiUers- bure, Plnprovp, eio. a j r rnuon FX press. lsvps Philadelphia at SO r,M, for Heart ma. PotUvlllp. Hurrll,iiiu- am. connecting with Heudlug aud Columbia Atailroad trains lor Columbia, etc. rvi ltllUWfl AWtlMMOllAl -I'.IIN. 1. PH VPS I'OUS town at 8 4b A. M.. suimiliiir at intermediate staiions: arrives In Philadelphia at U'I0 A, At. Rinitrnlng lenvrs Fhiadelphia at 4 ou P. M.:. arrives lu l'oltelown at fib RKAuiNU auwmmodation Ieavea IKadlng t7Mii A. M stopping ai all way Slalloua; arrives In liliuuttii'iiia ai. iu I6i a. m . Reltirnliig, leaves 1'liliadblDhla at 4 15 P. M arrlvui In Reading at 7 4(1 P, M. Trains lor FLHadtunhta lpsve IfArrlnhnrr f tn A M., and Pottsvllle at b 46 A. M. arrivlnir In Plitladel- Ina at 1 F. M. Atternoon trains ltve llai rlHlmrir at rt J. M., aud 1'oitavllla at i'4J P. M.: arrlviuc at illadelphla ats-4.'i F. M. llarrlsiiuitf acnfimnirwiallnn leaven ltAmllntr at. 9-1k A.M. and liairmburg at 4 10 P.M. Couueuihg at Reading with Afternoon Accomm'.datlon souih ai8 ii , in., arriving in miiaoeipni at 1, r. M. M arket train, with & Prrhpi ui-r iur .ii.fiii.1. Ibavm Philadelphia at Pi siMioon lor PihuIiIb nnd H.I1 Wtiit bliloi,H; leaves I'otisvllle at 7"80 A. M. lor rhiladul- piiia tno ait oilier w ay l-jtations. ah mo atiovo tialnn run dally. Hundiiys excepted, hoi dav trnlna loan. Pnimvlla mi ftm a a. Philadelphia at 81i P. M ; leave 1'iul.iiln'lplillt lor Reading at S oo A. M., returning Irom R Jiug a4-2 IHKSIWI VALLKY KA 1 l.H'J VO. TannnKUrB r Downmgtnwn ana Intfrmeilliite polnut take lue 80 A. M 12-80 nnd 4 IX) F. flu. trains troin Philadel phia; reluming from Dowulnytowu at 6 jo A. M... li-45 ana 616 P.M. FKRKIUMEC4 itA 1 LRUA i. passengers rorRxIp pack lake 7 c0 A. M. and 4-uo P. M. irloH irom Full delphla. returuiug Irum HklniHcK at 8-10 A.. AI. and 12 4o F h. binge lines lor various points In PerKloiuen Valley connact wilh tialns at (JolleuHvlllH and muiiw pack." " ' n r. v. j r.Ai nra rim riiissutui AND THE WFJS1'. Leaves New Yoik at 8 A. M. ,d-0.'l, aud 8 CO T. M., passing Reading at l'OSA. M., 160, and 1018 P.M., and connect at llarrinbiirg with Pennsyl vania and Nortuern Central Railroad Express Trains ior rimuuij, cuicago, vt iiaamsport, iiuuilru, Haiti more, eto. Returning, Express Train leaves Harrlsburg, oa arrival of Pennsylvania Express Irom Puiab irt;. at 'u0 aud 6 60 A, M.. lli'oll P. M , passing Reading ,t 6 44 and 7 ol A. ii., and 12 50 F. M., arriving at New York, ii-iiu a. iu.. auu v anu oniu sr. ni. nieeping uars accouipauyluii these tralus tliroimh bHLwuun jemuv City and Flttsourg, without chunge. mmi umii iiir iiow 1 ura reaves iiarnsuurg T. s 10 . M. bud 2 0.5 P. M. Mall train H.iriiluinr leaves New York nt 12 Noon. rC'llU 1 LK1LL VALLK.Y RAILUOAD. TraiUS UtX lt P,lltM.,lliu .1 H.Jk 111b,, A .1 U...1 ill 11 ' M I ... ...... 11. HV U ' " I . 1 11. . "Hi I HUU V 1 J , .1. , . reiurnlng from Tamaoua at 8-33 A. M.. aud 2-18 and i'i'j F, M. BlliClfl.HlLl. AND SU.QUr.KANNA RAfL-ROAD.-Trn.ins h ave Auliurn al 7 na a. M. for Fine- grove and Harrlsburg, and at 12 16 F, n. fur Flue- grove and Tifninui; leiurninu from Hurrlsbur at :i M F. M.i and fioiu Trem.ui at 7 40 A. M... aud S 3a . M. TICKE ia ThroiiRh first class tlckpta and ml. era tit tickets to all Ihe Priucloal nolnia in ton Norm aud West aud Canadas. i ourslou llekeis from Philadelphia to Rending and Intermediate stations, good for day only, are sold by Morhlug Accommodation, Market Irani, Reading aud FclUitown Accommodation Tralus, at reduced rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day only. .are sold i.t lleaoing auu luierim atnle statious by Reading auu Polkitowu Accommodation Traius at red uced raieu. Ihe following itcKeifl aie obtainable only at the olLceol U. Biudioiu. Treasurer. No t7 ri. k'nuroi street, Philadelphia, or U. A. Nluoils, Oeueral super- Commutation Micxei at i- per eent all i-lin.AI)K.LlllIA AND EUlli KAILROAD.- r hi , ki I. u 'i i m 11. 1 aiil. 11.. 1 liitoLuti Ah LIBECT ROUTE liClWHiV PiliuADELfHI, KAlVlIMOl-E. llAKRlblJURW. W I Ll.l A at d FOR 1'. AND 1UE CLEAT OIL RFUION OF FHi.lJNaXL VA7i ti,in.r!ir nn all Nlulit Tralus. OuanS ' MONDAY. Noyeo.ber -a 18.18, the trains on the Fhliadelphla ami Erie iUilroud will run aa follow:- w,iTWABD. v AIL TRAIN Icavts Fhilaileiplila..... . -AutxA.AiJi winiamspjrl " arrives at Erie ERIK EXFREbS leaveaFhtladelphia.... .. WUliauicport.. - arrives at Js.rte Fi.Miia VAIL leaves Philadelphia., Wil Hani sport arrives at Lockhaveu.. xahtwaud. MAIL TRAIN leavts Frie. -..... " WIUlauiKPort ' arrives at Philadelphia. EE IE EXPBIttB leaves Erie ' Wllllamsport.. arrives at Philadelphia... 4-20 P. M Mall and Fxrjrens connect with Oil Creek and Allegbi ny River Railroad. BAOUAQK CHEOKJtD TDROUOlx, aiiiniiu u. 1 iiimu, 1 Oenerai Buperiuteudent. EST JERSEY RAILROADS. FALL AND WINTER ARRANUEMENT. fuiii foot of MAHKKT Htreet (Upper Ferry). Oomiuenclng WEDNESDAY,. Beptemner 18, 1868. TRAINtt LEAVE Ad FOLLOWS. For Caps May ana stations below Miilvuie, 8U5 P. M. For MUlvllle, Vtneland, and Intermediate stations g'16 A. 10 F. JUL. For Rrldgeton, balem, aud way stations B'15 A. M and I 80 r Jn. Vnr Woodbury at S'lS A. M..ST5. 180. and -00 P. M Freight train leaves Cauidou dally at M o'clock rioou. Freight received at second covered whasf below Walnut street, tinny. Freight Delivered No. tw South Delaware avenat, WILLIAM J. HhlWELL. (IS bUUIlUtudUt, RAILROAD LINES. , at the following honrs: twteuauy po.u s desired, fur inuiiile aud tiruis Mlleauu 1 ickuta. koou ior 2cj miles, betireua rotuis, al 7-z on ea:u, 101- iiiumicj atiu urius Season Tickets lor three, six unit), or twelve niouihs. for holders ouly, to all poluts, at reduced ralec Clergymen residing on the line of the road will be furulsned wi.u 1, euttlllug lueuiiolvei aud w ivod to tlcaeis a. nan laie. Fxcursiou TK-keiH from FhlladelphU to Drlunlnnl statious ,good tor baturdny, isuiidis , and Mouuny, at ruueeu mio, w u. uov. c. . mo Aiuaot V1UCO, at Thirteenth uud CailowhlU strteis. FuEiOm . uoous 01 an ue oripitous lorwarded to all ihe above poiuw irom tue Cnuipauy s Naw i rji-ut Depot, tironu ana w mow streets. Fretilin. Tialns leave Philadelphia dally at 4 33 A. M., 12'.0 noon, Hand 6 I, ii... lor Reading. Luiiauou, bstrmburi;. Fotuvlllf. Port Cltulou. aud ail iiuiuls be i; nd. Mulls clone at the Philadelphia Post Oilice ior all places on the road and Its brnncues al 8 A. M., aud lor tue principal btations only at 2-ii l. M. RAO 1AOFJ. Dungau's FAuies.1 will collect Bitg guge for ail trams leaving Philadelphia Depot. Orders can T'hi be leliut Nn. it ti. l ouiih mieet, or at the Depot, iteenlh aud Calluwhlll siteels. 7ElsT CHKSTEtt AND i'lIILAUfcLl'illA VV RAILROAD. WIN 1JI.R ARRANOHiMB. Ji l on aud alter MONDAY, October s, UM, Tralus will leave as follows:- Leave Fhiiaoetp"ia irom vuu juepoti, mini k FlRsTauaCilEKNUTWtreeis, 7-48 A. AL, 11A.M... 2 311 F. M , 4-16 F. M., 4 60 F. M., 8-16 aud II ao P. M. Leave West Chester ior l utwueipuia, irom iJeport on Fust Market street at 8 2s A. M., 7 45 A. Al., 8-00 A, 10-45 A. M., 1-58 P. M.,4-60 1. M., aud ti bi F. At, 'I ruins leaieW'ett Chester at 8 OO A. M.. and leav. lrg Philadelphia at 4 MP. M., win stoji at B. Q. Juno- tlou auu jneuia oiiiy. rwicutoio to ur iruiu sia.ion between Went Chester and 11. C. Juuotlon, going Euet. will take train leaving West Chester At 7-16 A. M.i and eotng West will take the train leaving Philadelphia at 4 60 F, M., auu transfer at a. ti. " Thojuepot In Philadelphia la reached directly by the Chesnut and Walnut biraetcars. These 01 tue Market Blreet line run within one square. Tue cars ol both lines couuect with eaclt train upon lu arrival nv nrrimtva Leave Philadelphia at 8 3o A. M, and 2-on P. M. Leave West CheBier at 75 A. M. aud 4 ou F. M, 'i ruitiR leavlne I'hiladelpuia at 7 '46 A.M. auj 4-f0 P. At., and leaving Went Chester at 8 00 A. M. and 4-60 F. M., connect at 11. C Junction with Trains ou P. ot B. C R. R., for Oxford and Intermediate points. 4pi2 xj.B.iajA.1 vv iivfa, uoaaiu oup i, L.lilLADEEi'iilA, GERMANTOWN, AND f XSOTOWN KAILROAL--TIMJ, TAULtt, Leaye Philadelphia 6, 7, 6, U 06, 10, 11, U A. M., 1, , . .., . 1 m s in. 7. fl u. 111. 11. 14 u j . -i i "l ave iie'rixtalilown 8, 7, 7H, 8, 8-20,8, i. U, 12 a, M I. A . Jh'k,:i. ' .. 'X tl- b -OJ iUWU a i ntu 1 puu Uy suu Ul A AMI 144 Will uoi ntop cn ib GtriLiauLovya Branch. Lei ve Philadelphia M A. M. 2, 7, HX P. M. Lave Oermantowu 8m A. M. 1, 8, 1' F. AL CDFblNUT UILL RAILROAD. Leav t Philadelphia a. 8. lu. 12. A, M.. 2. M. 5V. T. Ul!.ve'tJhtnnt HU1 7'10, 8, -40, and 11-10 A. M F4D 8 40, 6-4U, 8-40, 8 40 and W 40 ' F. M. VA.'V V V A A A Ma Philadelphia 8 A. M. 3 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestuut ma 7 '60 A.M. 12"4o, 6 40 and 9ts zr:. . ji rrt n nr'ir w.j a Km kt. iv arnU,. iaV ' Fhilaueipuia 0, v, , ua u-w Ai M , . :ZL w,!rriuwn &'40. 7. 7'fin. V. ami 111 u 11 uiT C m. ' i;i,OA,iiu.n..-uli BDM1IAVR. lAave PhlladelPhlaB A.M., 2 ) and 7-l P. JC, Leave NurruiMiwn 7 A. M., 6mio aud if, 12, u" FOR MANAV UNK. Leave Philadelphia e, ig; e, auu 11DS A. lx, i, i i . u k us. and 114 F. ta . ' "V. . M ..n.viii,k8-lu.7K. S'Aj. 8K. aud Ilk: A u 8, 8A, auu 'JS-BUNDAYB. Leave Philadelphia IA, M., 2H ana F. At. Lf av V auayunk 7H A. M., 8 and 8 P. M. w. B, WlLMON, Ueneral Huperlniendenl, Depot, NLNTll aud OltEEIN BtreeUJ. -NTOH1II 1' E N N STf LV AN 1 A RAILROAD. X Fvir RET U Lit HE t , DOV 1.1! 8 TO WN, MAUlil ClJtlMK, EA-.'10N, WILLI AM.1PORT. WILKES HAREE, MAHaN JY CT1Y. MOUNT C R4i KL, Fl'lTbTON, TUNK11ANNOUK., AIN u MURAJNiOxl Ulti'l'kll AltltAMikMKNI'S. Pasienger Tralus leave the Depot, coruer ol BERKS and AAlh UlUAN bireets, daily (Sundays exoepied), a'VV-4a!"m. I Kxnress for Relhlehem. Alientown. Muuch Chunk, Hazloton, Wllltamsport, Wlikesbarre, Mulianoy City. Fltlsiou, ana Tuukttauuock. B'45 A. M. (hxpresit) tor R thUhem, U anion. Allen town, Mauch Chuuk, Wlikesbarre, Flttbtou, aud K(AtUl45 ' P- W". (Express) lor Bethlehem, Mauch Chulik, Wlikesbarre, rituttou, and borautou. At 6'j0 f. M. lor Relhlehem, Eautou, Alientown and Mauch Chunk. For Doyleslowu at 845 A. M., 2 48 and 4'1S P. M. For Fort Wathluglou al 10 ii A. M. aud 11 80 P. AI. ... . T .ncito IU At. Ii' I P. 81. vim, aii, 1 tilth streuls. Hecond and Third streets and Union Oily Passenger Railways run 10 the new """iniTKB ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA From liethleheiu at 810 A. M s lo, 6 26, aud 810 Vroin poylestown at 8-88 A. M., 4-68 and 7 P. M, from Fort Washington at It 1 45 A. M. and 810 P. M Philadelphia fo Bethlehem at 8 i 80 A. M. l'hiiadelphla lor Doyleslowu at 2 F. M. Doy leatown for Philadelphia at 7 A.M. T,"ri. ii,.., for Phllade nuia at 4 P. M. ai. kiH sold and Uagkagn ohecked throueh at Mann's North Peunaylvaula Ran gage Exprtsg OlUoe, u.loB.iitt.ife.t. jLua CLARK, Agat, BDMTINO, DWIBOKOW A CO.. AUCTIOH EERH, Nos. 82 and 884 MARKET Hlreet, corat v. rrA DHW-wivi. "VI ULU j. m.J9TM 41 WO. A ROE BA Lit OP RRITlhH, FRENOTT, QtSlfAR AND DOMEHTIO DRY (HXJDS. -r. .. ... 9? IfcuradAy Morning, Dt 0. ii. at 10 o'cltirt, on lour month? credit. fl2l8tl CARPETIKH8. Oil. fll.OTHH v.rn l,4u, , Also, at 11 ooleck.srj piece Ingrain, Venetian, list, htnip, cottage, and rxg oari-etlngs, IvO piece floor oil cloths, etc laisn M THOMAS A HUMS, no. 13 AND 141 H. FOURTH F1REET, aaa 1 Btlo Ka 1444 Nnnh Klaventh itnui ELEUANT 1 1'XNll URE. Ml HltOltH, ROSEWOOD 1'lANO FINE VARFEIH, ETC ","WJ- i.n Tveanesaay Aioruiug, December 73. at 10 o'clock, at No. 1444 North r.-t- venth street, above Mnster street, by cstmcRtie, tha enure Flessnt Furniture, comprising llatidiome W all lit Parlor Furniture Flne&aeeu Fumh Cjverlntrs Fieionl Roxeaood Flnuo, mane by AiVeoiit, Rlxken V t-chuildt; Jtlegsrt Mantel, and Pier Mirror; Hups nor Waiiint hetretary aud llo.-rouse; Hupnrior Wal nut l'lnlng.R; nm Furniture, China and Olassware 'Iwo Hulls ofFlegaul Walnut Chamber Furniture: lloisteis andPillo; Fine Hair Ma'lreises; Elegaut iru-seis ara inner :rpeln; IvltcMoil Furniture, eto. jjjaji ue e au milieu nig ouck on me morning i (ale. 'Hie eullre F'urnliure was inaiiH m nnUr am i qtiultonew. lai6 8t' Ifale at the Auctloa Rooms, Not. 139 and Hi 8. Fourth HANDKOMF. FURNITURk:,' PI NOS. MIRRORS. IIIANDFUIRSI, HANDSOME VELVET. iiltUd- bELS, AND Ol H FR CARPETS. ;Ta Ou Thursday Morning, Drc Z4. at 6 o'clock, at the auction room', hv rata. unite, a large a wortment of suuertur iiuimui,roi i..r. mure, comprising linndnome wulnut parlor, library, nco ditiliig-roouj furniture; oiled walnut cnamber salts: conage chamuer suiu; superior rosawuod piauo-foru-; tine Fieuch plu'e mantel and pier mir rors, warorobes, book-ca s. nlduboards: extension, centre, and botuinet labien: cblua, glass, aud plated ware, beds and bedding, line hair mattrcisos, otlloa furniture, pint (or m scales aud, weights, gas-consumluc aud cooking moves, handKiime cuandHilers, superior intr leal l)0, roeviind s'ereincope and views. One oil paintings and engraving; handsoaie velvet. Hrua. sels aud other CArpt-ts, etc. 122!2t AUCTION SALES M ARTIN BROTIISRS, AUCriOXEERl 1 I.SIaV FUtlCMIIiPtl fliP M I'l.m.ii.u C .... v - - - - - J -" - - -- aivsjiawi lit j lo. 120 CDEeN UT bt.. rear entrauue from Mluor. EIFOANT CHRIPTMAH ROOKS, CITOICE 1L- A ail AJ a ' On Tuesday Evening, ny n it ..1. . . i. .1 .7.1 . . ITU, tt Ca nv f UKtiti sa w hid Miti:i-iiu run IU IN 3, 5'Z Chcenu. rcet. by cat ogue. an xceUeut coKeoliua ..I ll. nil. 1. m. ll. 1 l.tllHii,,. . i m. ' " " . . " " j.unuuq, luuiuuilin C11UICO iipl oh lltustrled works lu line blnoinss: n v..i.i of rtw uud popular Juvenile books; hue colored loir iroks, stanrlaid woiks, e'c. May be exam lied on Moiidsy and Tuesday. U193t Bale No. 5Su Cbrsntit street. ' FTEOAPT WALNUT HOLMEUOLD FtTRNI- TUBE IN OIL AND VARNlbll; FINE FRENCH PLATE MIFRl'FN, F LRU ANT CIlieKKRINU PIANO FOR'IF,. HANDHOAIE OAS OK AN DE LIE ltd, HANDSOME KNULltm BRUSSELS AM OTHIK !AHPElr?: FINE FEAT11EK BKDS, VERY BUFltRIOK FIRE PROOF BAFK3. ETC. ETC On Wednesday Mortlng. Drc. 2.1 at 10 o'clock, at the Auctluu Rooms. Tin. m Cbesnut street, by catalogue, a very excellent assort ment ot Iloueehnld Furiilture. Including Kiua..t walnut and plush diawlrg-room aud parlor furniture; lo suits liandeonie walnut chamber furniture n variety of sivIfb nnd patterrs. linlshed In oil ami varnish; handsome walnut and oat dining room fur niture, tltie Fieuch plate mantel aud pier mirrors, upright frait e; lumosome kss chandeliers and hail t el. dun ta. Hue china and g'a-sware. leather beds and Iitddirg. BiailrebSel, hudaome Etiglish Rrusseta, iu penal, and other carpet; gas cousuinlug and coolr Ing Move", large and excellent U re-proof aafes, made by E ans A W biroo, Marvin, aud others. TAlU.E AKD POCKET CUI LERY, JK ATE3, ETC. Invoice ol line table and pocket cutlery. Bkairs, etc. , ... FJLFOAIVl' vniuajliHinu nKU TOKTR Alan, at 12 o'clock, eleiraut rosewood 7-omuv a f'hinir. etlng plaLO-lorte, niuslurack, audstoul, nil 2t Bale No. 2'i'Bi llowarrt street. HANDSOME WALNUT FARLOR. CFIAMBE1, AND DlKiaunuuu FijHAll'UKK. FlUMi URU6SKLW OARPETtl, KTtt On Thursday Morning, 24th Instant, at m,' o'clock, at No. tm Howard street. rliovn Front and busquehanna avenue, the entire Furniture, lncludlug handsome waluut and crimson nli-sh nai-lor Itiriilluia, 2 handsome walnut chamber suits, handsome walnut sideboard and extension table, very nne Rrusseis, ingrain, ana Venetian car- petB, kltcben uleuslis, etc. j ne inriiiiuiB ii riut.i iu ucn. May be seen eatly oa themornlng of sale. 12 21 3t mtlOMAR BTRCH & BON, AUCTIONEERS I AND tX)M.Mlb6ION MF:RCHANTS. No. n, a CHI-'KNUT Bireet: rear entrance No. 1107 Mansom ati t?ALV CF FINE Wlfcb LACE CURTAINS, F M HRVJ1 JUiJJ UAaUAOll 1 A tjUVEllb, ETC. Cn Wednesday morning. At in o'clock al ibo Auction t-iore, will be sold an Invoice of Hue surtalus. etc. 12 21 n DIAMOND JKVELRY, WATCHES, ETC. On Wertnsrlav. Deo. 13 at 12 o'clock, at the auction store, will tin sold an In voce or single stoi.e and clumer diamond, pins and rings gold watchfs, chains, jewelry, eio 16 KALE OF SI LVER FLa 1'U.O W ARK, 'lAULtto CUT LEKY aND FANCY OOJDlj. On Wednesday Hivenlug, At 7 O'clock, at the auoilim siore, will be sold a Juris BHornueiit of line silver ware, table cutlery. auu iancy genua, n y Rale No lllu cnn'nnt sfrent. ELFOAKT CABINF.T FKRN1TUKK. 7 PIANO FI RTES. UNFI CARPK18. MIRROfiS. BOOK CASES, FI.aTEU WARE. ETO. Ou Thursday Morning, At 10 o'clock, al the auction store. No. 1110 Chesnut alreet, will ba sold a largo assortment of elegant Furul.ure. including several rich parlor suits, In bro eatelle, terry, plush, and reps: oak diulng-ronm suit. mur luniiiuiuu auu tnree mautigauy piauu rortes, tif gether with a general assortmei t of parlor, cliambsr, dining-room and llbiary furniture. 11 Wit o 1). McCLEES & CO., AUCTIONEERS . No. toe M AREET Btreet, BALE OP 1TC0 CAPES BOOTS. B1TOH8, BKCQAN9 BA LMORALU, ETU. Ou Thursduy Morning, December 24. commeuclua ai 10 o'clock, we will sell by catalogue, for cash. J7oo cases men's, boys', and youths' boota. shoes, brcgans, hatmorals. etc.' Alio, a superior assortment Of women's, misses , ahd chlidreu's city-made goods. 12 1 4t OLA iK & EVANS, AUCTIONEERS, KO. 630 CHEBN UT Btreet. Will sell TIII8 DAY, Morning and Evenlns;,' A large lu voice of BlunkeUt, Bed bpreada.Dry Uooda, Cloilta, Csbslmeres, Flouiery, btationery, Table aad i uctet cutlery, Notions, etc. City and country merchants will find bargains. Teinis cash. ' Goods packed free of charge tS Liri'INCOTT, 60N & CO., ALCTIONEERH, AbililliRb'i' BUlUjiyo. Mo. 210 MAREE1 bt. LAFPK POSITIVE AUD IMPORTANT SALE OP AJiHRiCAN AN O IMXmTEl) DRY WOODS, Hi t)DU HO&1B.KY UOOCK4, x,A DII'M AND MlSOAb' AlEHiNO VEal'b. filO- aIO! ysiI ogue, on four months credit, Ou Weduend.y Motulug, DrceiLher 2S. cemmeuclus atloo'ciock. Included will iiei .undavery large and lull assortinent oi ner and liesirbblt- etcds lo which, weluvlte the particular alt nilou ol cliy ahd cout.try buyen . 1 B SCOTT, JR., AUCTION EKR. WUl'l'B ART OALFERY. o. 1020 CHEbNUT street, Philadelphia. CLOAKS. C1I.OAHS-C!.OAIti. The crowd of citn J onierailo dally vltit our store must convinee every oue Unit It 1st lite place to teriire tlie newest MylCM. The Uueat qiutlllloNitiHl the heat work at the most rtuaouMble price. IIENKY IVKNS, Ko. 33Sonth NI-VI'll Street. CI.OAliS-tXOAU'S.-What every oue J any tuuat he true, nod they all any you (Hu buy the moat luahlouttble, the best uud cheapest CloaUs lu tbecity,a HKMtY IVKMS', li 23 mwf2m No. H3 H. MIX TIC Street. CLOTHING. . CUTHMAIM & CO. . 8KL.Lt Flue, Well'Made, Kellable, Cheap . c Xa o t ix r is- o, ' AT TBI CONTINENTAL HALL, Ko. 830 BUUKET Stmt, 1113 Wlm t'.JJl PUILAOa-PIUA.