The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 22, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOI.. X-No. i4f.
r'lnt Mortgage Thirty-Year
of tub
Central Pacific Railroad Co,
Secured by an Absolute First Lien Upon
the most Desirable Fortiori of the
Great National rciilc R.R. Line.
Dkab Biik This great enterprise Is approach
Ins completion with a rapidity tbat astonishes
the world. I-ess than 400 miles remain U be
built to connect the Central raclflo Railroad
with the Atlantio lines. The greater part of
the Interval is now graded, and H Is reasonably
wpeoled that the TIIUOUUH CONNECTION
The western portion of the Line, known as the
tiavlng the largest settlement, the richest
mines, the most valuable lands along Us route
is also built and completed as a first-class RU
road In all respeots. belug constructed directly
toy the Company themselves, without the later,
wentlonof contractors, and In such a mauner
as to Insure future stability, economy of opera.
(Ion and the permanent value of the property.
The report of the Special Comoilssloa of
Experts, recently appointed by the President to
examine the railroad and telegraph lines of the
Central Paclflo Railroad Company, telegraphed
to the Secretary of the Interior, Deo. 8, la fall
and speolno, and concludes as follows:
"Heavy trains of rails, ties, and fuel are run.
ning safely to the extreme end of the roa-l, four
hundred snd foityilve (145) miles from Sacra,
rnenlo Tne road Is being contracted in good
Jaltn. in a substantial manner, without stiutof
labor, material, or equipment, and is worthy of
Its character as a great national work."
By the aid ot the General Government, and
valuable grants from California sources, the
Company have already met the bulk of their
expenditures, and have sufflolent oaau resources
to enable them to finish their work vrtth the
utmost vigor. The iron, and a liberal equip
ment for the five hundred miles now about
completed, as well as the material needful for
two hundred and fifty mile J additional, are all
bought, paid for, and at hand for use. The
speedy completion of their entire line, and its
success as a grand business enterprise, are no
longer matters of hopeful promise, but are
placed beyond all ordinary contingencies.
The business of the road, although la Us In.
fancy only, Is without precedent. THE GRCH3
UPWARD OF $1,400,000 IN GOLD, of WHICH
This result was from local commercial business
only, at a time when the Company felt com
pelled to employ their available equipment, to
a large extent, la transporting the vast amount
of supplies required to subsist twelve thousand
men along a line of more than five hundred
miles, and the material required for extending
the track THREE HUNDRED MILES during
the period, to the temporary nejleot of the
onormous freighting business seeking transit
over the Road.
At a late date there were i less than seventy,
nine locomotives running on the rood, eighty
more on the way, and over twelve huudred
oars, to which the Company are constantly
making large additions, bs that by the time the
immense tide of THROUGH TRAVEL AND
the energies of the Company, with their lm
mense asclllties, can be devoted to the regular
UNEXAMPLED SCALE, and their Securities
The current Interest Liabilities upon the
Bonded Debt, upon an average of three huudred
miles In operation during the above period
were less than 83.3O.9O0.
The issue of the Company's FIRST MORT
GAGE BOND3 is limited by aot of Congress,
and will not equal one-third the cost and value
of the property npon which they constitute the
nrst Hen. The greater part of this loan Is already
marketed, and is held as a permanent invest
went by the capitalists of this country and
Europe. We are authorised to offer a portion
of the remainder at 103 AND ACCRUED INTE
The Bonds are of S1000 eaoh, bear six per oent.
Interest per annum, payable In the City ot New
As the acorued Interest from July 1 is charged
.to the purchaser in currency, and the semi
annual coupons maturing January 1 next will
be paid In full. In gold, there Is an advantage In
furcbaslng during the present month equal to
the premium on the back interest.
The Company reserve the right to advance
the price at any time, but all oraers actually in
kmuu at the time of any suoh advauoe will bs
filled at present price. At tbis time they pay
mone4tan eight per cent, upon the investment, and
kave, from national aud State laws, guarantees
superior to any other corporate securities now
We receive all classes of Government bonds
at tberr full market rates, In exchange for the
Central Paclflo Railroad lionds, thus enabling
the holders to realise from 5 to 10 PER CENT.
PROFIT, and keep the principal of their Invest
ments equally secure.
Orders and Inquiries will receive prompt at
tention. Information, Descriptive Pamphlets,
to., giving a lull account of the organization,
Progress, Business, and Prospects of the Enter
prise, famished on application. Bonds sent by
jeluxn express at our ost.
Mall Dates to Dec. S.
rcabody's Latest Gift to the Lon
don Poor A Disastrous Gala
The Eastern Question.
Bankers and Financial Aeents of the Central
Paolflo Railroad,
De Haven & Bito.,
Dealers in Government Secu
rities, Gold, Etc.,
Ho. 40 South THIRD 8troet,
m raiL4J3jjr.iu
By the arrival at New Tork ye "twrtay of the
steamship America, we have European advice
by nihil to the 8th lnsr.
Mr. Peabody'a Donation.
The following Is a copy of the letter which
accompanied Mr. Peabodv's munificent girt:
London, Dec. 5. My Lord and Oiitleraeu!
I be jr to acquaint you, who have so kluuly un
dertaken the ruRiiazenicntoi the fund bet apart
under my second deed of trltt of the 19t,n ot
April, 1886, tor tiie tbe bene tit of the poor ot
London and Its vicinity, that In pursuance of
an intention which I have entertained Muce the
creation of that fund, I am leirous now of
adding to it a further sum ot 100,000.
In contemplation of this I purchased, sbout
three year?, a tract ot freehold building laud
ot about tlttceu acres in extent, at Brixton, near
the City ol London School, easily accessible,and
within a few minutes' waik of Irequcnt tr tins to
and from London. Tbis land has iucreased in
value, and can now be let on building leasci ot
eighty years at rents producing abiut eiaht per
cent, per annum on tbe cos', which is 16,285
17. 3d. Tbis land I propose to convey to you
with the tamo powers as are conferred by the
deed over the oiher property of this trust, and
With discretion to you either to deal with it
as a source ot income by letting It, or any por
tion of it, on lease; or, should you deem it ex
pedient, to retain it in your ok n hands, as sites
lor dwelling to be erected by the trust.
Pursuant to my letter of thi 2'Jth of Janutry,
1SU6, I transferred to yon, subject to a contin
gency therein explained, &000 shares in the
tiudcon's Hay Company, which accordingly
frtand in your names, together with 612 aidi
ttonal (hires purchased bv the reinvestment of
tie accruing income of the previous 60CQ.
These 6642 snares I have since redeemed co i
f rmably to the deed q the 19. h ot Aonl, I860,
by tie payment of 100,000 on the 1st ot
February lust. 1 have now to acquaint you that
it is my iutntion, so soon as the necessary deeds
can be prepared, to hand the shares over to
you, to be retained or dealt with according to
yoor best judgment ami discretion. Trio prise
ot tbeee bares shall be fixed on the 17th ins',
by the Htock Exchange sales on that day, wheu
1 will hand to you a check, lor the balance t
make the gift a cash value ot 190,000.
This amount will increase my former donation
of the secotid trust to 200.000, and, Including
my gift under the trust fund of March, 1802, of
150,000, a total of :i50,000.
1 trust you will see manifested in this farther
donation an expression ot my entire satisfaction
with tlje manuer in which you have conducted
the afla'rs ot the trust?. 1 am, with great re
tpeu, your humble servant,
Gkokqh Peabobt.
To the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, M. P. (chair
man); lm Excellency Reveniy Johnson, United
Ktates Minister; Sir Curtis M. Latupson. birt. ;
Sir Jamed Emerson Teuneut, Bart.; J. 3, Mor
gan, Esq.
A DHnstrout Gale.
From the London Globe, Dec. 7.
yesterday a heavy southwest gale rauel in
the British Channel ami caused several serious
chipping casualties on the coast. In Had arouud
Lomlou on Saturday, at various period during
the duy, the wind was accompanied with heavy
showers ot rain, nnd Its lorce was very great
throughout the night. Yesterday tho wind wa
aaain very strong, nnd there was heavy rata
about noon. At niht the wind raged with
great fury, and it is to be feared that lament
able, accounts of wrecks and disasters will be
The steamship Uibernla has pone down off the
Irish coast. The cap'ain has lauded at Wick,
with three bouts containing eighty-one passen
gers A missing boa', with thirty-three persons
on board, was seen to no down.
The barque Noith Briton, from Q'iebc, was
wrecked yesterday afternoon in Moant'CBay,
near Penzauce; and it is said by the Liverpool
Vouritr that seven of her crew were drowned.
The life-boat was launched Immediately, ;and
succeeded in rescuing the rest of the people on
board. On the other hand Mr. N. B. Downlutr,
the honorable secretarv of the Penzauce branch
ol the .National Lifeboat Institution, reports
"that the seas were 60 tremendous on the first
attempt that the noble boat was capsized. Hap
pily, no lives were loft; but a second ere of
thirteen men instantly jumped into the iile-boat
and saved the nine poor fellows lrotn an appa
rently certain death,"
ttinKem In tbe New ItritlNli Parliament
The Friend of this month, in a letter slgoe 1
"Observer," alves the followiug list of members
and ex-members ot the Koeiety nt Friends iu
tbe new House of Commons.: Messrs. John
Bright, Biiroinsham; Jacob Bright, Manchester;
K'dmuud Backhouse, Darilnifton; W. K. t'orster,
Bradford; William Foler. Cambridge; K. N.
Kowler. Penryn; Chsrlej (jilpin, Northampton;
K. A. Leal hum, HuddersQeld: Join'hau Pirn,
Dublin; Joseph W. Prae, bouth Durham; Johu
V hUwell. Kendall. The name of Mr. J. Fletcher.
Cocketmouth, might be added, as he is a
member ot the Society of Friends. All will
support Mr. Gladstone except Mr. Fowler, who
is a Conservative.
The lUintcru DMHrnltlra aud the Purls
That terriblo spectre, the "Eastern question,"
cast a tbade oVer the liouiae on .Saturday, the
6th instant, and produced au effect woicu all
tne ghosts in the MontmartreCemetery, disturb
ed by the police legions on December 3, had
tailed to do. The telegrams stating that the
Porte was about to break off diplomatic rela
tions with Greece and that a sl.ip of war. with
troops on board, had left the Dardanelles lor
nil unknown destination, brought djwu the
rentes lrotn 7180, the closing price of yes
terday, to 7D35. Aa impression attsrwards pre
vailed that diplomacy would hud means to ex
plain the tews away; and, indeed, if it were
serious at all it would produce something tar
worse than a fall of le-s thun one half per cent.
Beutes recovered tor the close tf 7W5, being a
iall ot 25c. ; Italian fell It. aud Turkish 135.
A fub-cr lotion list bus been opened at
Orleans for the erecuou of a statue to the
memory ot AI. Berryer in his native city, Mar
seilles. The raU Ma'l Gaztt'e points out that dur'u:
the Liue months from February to October, ru
elusive, ot the present year, there were tun for
at the different race meeting in the United
Kingdom no less a sum than 312,520 15s.
At the opening of both toe Legislative
Councils in Switzerland on the 7th instant the
Presidents expiessed the thanks ot Mki Swiss
pkople for tbe sympathy shown them by foreign
countries during the iuundatloas.
It is stated that the complete accounts of the
Rnstiun budget of 1867 show that the revenue
was IS.000,000 roubles more aui the expendi
ture 15,000,000 loss than bad been eitimutel. It
added that the Government has at its disposal
with foreign bankers a running aocount of
68,000,0(0 roubles in specie.
l.lghty-six Journalists have presented a peti
tion to the Chamber of Representatives com
plaining of the arrests, domicill.iry visits and
seizures to which they were subjected during
IbQ mi'fit press, (rial. 1'JiO rKtiUOU wa in
ferred to a committee, which reported on
Monday, the 7th Inst., that they regarded those
measnies aa legal, and that journalists must
always be incarcerated from the time of tboir
arrest until their trial.
TbeOrrat Repnblicnn Reaction.
From the Sacramento Union, Deo. 6.
The to'al average vote of the State on Presi
dential Electors is 108,636; for Congressmen the
total Is 108,421. This probably Indicates a popu
lation ot somewhere near COO.000, which is an
average ol 6"4 per voter, acc irding to the last
estimate of population In ban Francisco. In a
political view, the result must be discouraging
to the Democracy, despite their quo warranto
aDd other weak devices to escape the conscious
ness of overwhelming defeat. They have in
creased their lat year's vote far less than the
Republicans, and tbe large Democratic mijortty
of last year has been completely wiped out.
Tbun, counting the (Jorham and Kay voles
together, the comparison is as follows:
Rep. Tem
Total vote in 1S68 64.671 61.002
For Governor la 1807 42,417 4 9U5
Incrense 12 127 4,157
Republican net gain 7 970
Out of a increase of 10.2H4 votes, the Re
publicans get three-fourths. Should the great
icaction we were told about go on at that rale.
Democratic majorities in the future will bi bard
to find even by figuring m advance. Our Demo
cratic friends try to draw coosola'inn and hope
fiom consideration of the Congressional voie,
which they claim Is in their favor. But here,
too, the actual count Phows a reaction against
tbem since last year. There are Republic in gatus
in every Congressional district, as lollows:
i U-Hl Dit, Urtond I)itt, TMrd Dist.
Jtr)i. Item. Jt'p. Jmn K-n JJnm
1S( 2CJMI 23,082 18 2(1116.121 15, 3 15,732
1607 13,189 18.7U3 10.053 14,780 11.391 11,707
Increase.. 0,002 4,839 2,211 33 1,134 1.023
Rep. gain... 1,251 1,879 100
Thus it appears that the Republican candi
dates get, after a full, lair, aud unembarrassed
itebate ot political issues, a larger increase of
votes than the Democrats. This does not look
like a Democratic victory on tbe Congressional
issue, nor has it the most distant resemblance
to tbe supposed reaction against recoostrucMou.
lhe following figures show the result as a whole
throughout the State:
fxmgretsional Vote. Srp. Pun. Tntal
11N 58.B7.') 6t 5tS 108 421
lb07 41.4.16 48,318 84,7S2
Increase 0.437 6.2y2 I5,(jju
Net Republican ga u. 8,235.
Under such circumstances, for Democrats to
sue out a writ of inquiry about lraud is nearly
as fublime in its impudence as the charge
brought against Republicans by the proessional
ballot-stufiers of the Sixth ward in New York
city. We heartily wish there were some micro
scopic grains of honesty about thli pretended
desire to investigate fraud, it would be well
to rale all that rotteuness clean out of both
parties; but this work cannot ba expected of
men who are more diligent and evince more
zeal In trying to perpetrate new frauds than to
nnearth old oue. On the whole, we think the
Mate has gone (or Grant In epue of all posi.
tively nilour Democratic friends could do to
prevent it.
'o Denrili or Paymasters.
There are over forty applicants for paymaster
iu the army to fill a vacancy cau-ed by the
Senate's rejection of Paymaster Gould at ttje
July session. The President has again nomi
nated him, and the nomination is now betore
the Military Committee of the Senate.
The Lynching ItnuincNS.
The lynching of the Reno brothers in Indiana
recently is supposed by some to bo uuder con
sideration by the State Department, with a view
to the punishment of the lynchers, in vindica
tion of a supposed pledge of our Government to
the authorities of Canada that the Renos should
be protected from the violence of citizens of
Indiana. It does not appear that auy such
pledge was given, bat steps were taken by our
Government to prevent tbe prisoners trom mo
lestation en route trom Canada to Indiana.
Tobacco NelzureM.
A report has been seot from this city to cer
In in journals that C. E. Creecy, Esq., the newly
appoiuted Bupervitor for Louisiana, is not enti
tled to half the proceeds ot the tobueeo receutly
seized at bis instance at Mew Orleans, on
account of frauds ou the revenue, because of
Mr. Creecy's position as Internal Kevenue
Supervisor. There is no truth in the statement.
Tbe Commissioner has made no such decision,
theeflectot which would bo to induce super
visors to consult the interests ot the tobacco
and whisky rincs rather than tho interest of the
Government. Mr. Creecy's reward for the New
Orlcxns seizures will, it is expected, amouat to
General Ilurncy on the Sioux Imllstn.
The St. Louis ItepuWican says: "General W.
P. Harney., commandant of the S'.oux Imllan
district on the Uppsr Missouri, has ar
med. The General, we understand, will visit
Washington before returning to the Sioux coun
try, with a view of obtaining from Uoucress a
rntification ot the Sioux treaty inalo at Fort
Rice last July, and to await the adoption of
such legislation as will enable tbem to carry out
the work so auspiciously begun. An additional
appropriation Is needed. The General has the
utmost confidence in the success of tbe plan on
the fcioux reservation. He says the greatest
tear that tils the mind of an Iudian is starvation.
Fetd him and he will bo contented. He says he
asrees with Wade In the assertion that it is our
best policy to teed tbe Indian stall feed them
Iced them at tho Filth Avenue Hotel it is
cheaper than denting them.
"Iu regard to the present condition of the
reservations uuder charge of the Gentral, we
have in a casual conversation obtained some
interesting iuformatiou, much of It new, and lor
which we are Indebted to the General's Secre
tary, Colonel O'Comier. General Hrney had
his headquarters fltieen miles below Fort 8ully,
at a place called Peoria Bottom, named from
the Belle Peoria, which was wrecked in the
vicinity. It is located on the east side of the
river, and opposite the reservation lauds. The
location was selected in order to be shielded
from the annoyance of too much Indian com
pany, as they incessantly want to smoke aud
have talks. Although It whs late in the season
when o eratlons on the reservation commenced,
jet a great deal has been pi isbed in ga'.b
ciing iu the Indians and settling them do tin."
List of Amfrtcans registered at the office
of MesfeiH. James W. Tucker & Co., Nos. 3 and
6 Rue Hell be, Paris, for the week eudlug Dee. IS,
1m8, furnished by Hmtlh, KaudolpU & J.:
Mrs. Mary W. Pha'ntx, New Yorn; 8. Whitney
flKDDlx; U. F. Hpang and family, Pittsburg; Dr.
J. b. Pnrdy, Hyde Pdi k, New York; Francis U.
Young, New York: 11. U. Hall, wife, and son,
New York: Mr. and Mr. W. M. Cranston aud
daughter, New York; 11. A. Wrlgbt and faintly,
Michigan; James H Dennis, Newark, N. J.; Jaa.
Mibsou Jofanuou, Newbury port, Mas.; Cuarles
F. Dunbar, Boston: Mrs. W. II. Harbeck. New
York; MlfS Harbeck; Dr. and Mrs. U. D. Hmlth,
New York; Mrs. Andrew Lawtou, Washington;
Frank M orison, Uowlon; Mrs. A. H. Fluke, Bob
!od; Andrew F'lske; Mrs. Joseph Wlllard, Bos
ton; Mrs. Sidney Wlllard; Asa W. Parker. New
York; Ralph U. Packard, New York; the Mlsaes
Daniell, Boston; Henry Harrisse, New York;
l,fcwls T. Barney, New York; Ii. 8. Hiookwell.
New York; Mr, and Mrs. Geo, W. ilowe. Cleve
land, Oblo; Mr. and Mrs. K. Lawrence, New
York; Mr. and Mrs. W. L. llansoom, Boston; J.
McKaye, New York; Clms. 11. Karobam. New
York; 10. M. Knox, New York; J. 1). Bird, New
York; Mrs. Reford, New York; R. U. Colt, New
York; F. T. Washbnrn, Boh ton: J. Dundaa Lip
plncolt, Philadelphia; John Taylor Johnnon,
wife, aud daughter, New York; F. B. DeBlola
and wife, Boston; H M. Klnasley. New York;
Kt'Vi 1 XVUBga, Ne W X van-i.
Mob Tiolcncc in Tennessee-Two
More Lynching8 Brutal Mur
der Near Boston A Dc-
structive Gale in
Stetiial Despatch to The Eventnd Telegraph.
Attempted Lynching or a Negro-He
Shows Fight and la Middled with
Pulibki, Tenn., Dec. 22. Last night a party
of disguised men broke open the jiil, aud taking
out a negro named Aleck Mason, riddled his
body with bullets. They first tried to lynch
blm, but Mason being a powerful man and offer,
ing resistance, they used their pistols and in a
moment ho waa a corpse. The prisoner bad
b( en placed in jail for robbing a negro business
firm in Pulaski on Thursday night last of over a
thousand dollar. He bore the reputation of a
desperate character, and bal been repcitcilly
Imprisoned fjr Ligh-bauded depredation". HI9
sudden taking off, however, Is severely censured
as In Itself a piece of outlawry.
Another rgrro It Lynched and Nhot.
A few days ago, near Edgevillc, Haywood
county, a negro outraged the person of a lady
approaching the period of confinement. She
recognized him, and he was sbottly after ward
arrested. While being tttken to jail, in the cus
tody or an officer, he was seized by a party o'
masked men, and In an hoar afterwards his
body was fomd hanging to a tree pierced with
A Cold-Itlooded Murder at Maiden.
Specxal Desjuxtch. to The Evening Telegraph.
Boston, Dec. 22. One of the most cold,
blooded and detestable murders we have been
called on to chronicle for a long time was
committed about a quarter before 3 o'c'ock this
morttnir, the victim being Mr. David Faulkner,
a night policeman of Maiden, nnd a much re
spected citizen.
Ho far as the tacts appear at present, it seems
that two strangers, suspiclons-lookimr men,
were observed to be lurking around the depo1
ot the Boston and Maine Railroad after the last
taaln, which leaves Maiden at halt-past nlue had
departed, but nothing was thought of the fact
at the time, as it was supposed
they would soon go away. The depot was closed,
as usual, and all remained quiet until half-past
two o'clock this morning, when Officer Faulk
ner, in the course of his pattol, passed up Pica,
sant street towards tbe depot, when he saw two
men, supposed to be the two seen tho previoai
night, near the shed opposite the depot build
ing on the other side of the track. lie at once
accosted them, asking them what they wanted
there. Instead of replying one of them imme
diately drew a pistol, and, firing, shot Mr.
Faulkner through the heart, killing him in
stantly, when the two turned and ran oif in tbe
direction ot Med ford.
Maryland AfTitlm.
Special Despatch to The livening Telegraph,
Baltimore, Dec. 22. Jacob G. Nicholson, an
old and respected citizen of Baltimore, died yes
terday. Daniel Deckert, proprietor of the IIager3town
Mai', now has a suit in the Washintou County
Court to recover fourteen thousand dollar
damages from the corporation for the destruc
tion of his office, types, etc., by incendiaries,
because of his alleged disloyalty during the
war. The case excites great interest aud will
establlth a precedent lor other and similar
Tbe Baltimore colored Republicans had a
meetiDg last night, and expelled oue of their
members for lulling to act in harmony with
them, by joining the Democrats.
Conflict or Judicial Authority.
fecial Despatch to The Everting Telegraph.
Deb Moines, Iowh, Dec. 22. Tas Supreme
Court ot this State has rendered a decision in
tbe vexed railroad bond question, pronouncing
tbem null and void, thus coming in direct con
flict with the United States court, which has
declared them valid.
Destructive 4Jale la Chicago;
fecial Detpatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago, Dec. 22. During the gale yesterday
three buildings were blown down. They were
on Rhodes avenue. Tbe loss was from twenty
thousand to thirty thoii'icd dollars. Consi
derable other damage was done.
Bn Atlantic Cable.
Thla Morning' Quotations.
Lonion, Dec. 22 A. M. Consols 92 for bith
uiouey and account. U. S. Five-twenties dull at
74. Americau stocks steady. Erie Railroad,
26! Illinois Central, 051.
Pabib, lec. 22.-A. M. The Bourse opeus
firmer aud Rentes are somewhat bleher.
Liverpool, Dec. 22 A. M. Cotton market
quiet; sales ot to-day aie estimated at lU.ODU
Other articles are unchanged.
1 oni.on. Dec. 22 A. M. jugar firm, both ou
the spot and to arrive.
Thla Afternoon's Quotations,
London, Dec. 22 P. MT. Consols for money,
924; for account, 1)23; United HUtes fife
twenties quiet at 741; Erie Railroad, 25; Illinois
Central, 951; Atlantic and Great Western, 41.
Liverpool, Dec. 22 P. M. Cotton quiet;
middling uplands, 10J; Orleium, luj. Lard
easier at C7s. 6d. Poi k Arm at 87s. Baoan, 64s.
Common rosiu, Bs, 9d. Tallow, 48s. 6d.
IUykb, Dec. 22-P. M. Cotton opens qtilet,
both on the spot and afloat; Hales at 122f. atloit.
Market by Telegraph.
Hew Ton, Deo. 23. fetoc excite. Chicago
and Hook Inland, 112'j; Bent lug, tlantou )
4U; Krie, 8H; Cleveland aud Toledo, W7S,; Cleve
land and PltUbura, (J1.; Pliuborc and Fort Wiyna
!)!,; Mlr.Ulnau lulrl. 127: MIciiImhu Bomtinro,8ttV;
New York Ceutral, 6H: Mluola Ueutral. 48',; Uumbar
land preferred, S7; Virginia i, 7; Mlanuurl Si, So;
Huilsoo Klver, S-, issi, liu'j do. IHSt.lus1.:
do. isss.Kn'.r do. new. lot; uvw los'w. Uold, luC.
Money, 7 ptr cant. Kxohaiua. luO1,.
Wihon would like a few more nioe plaoes
on the Supreme Court bench for Grant to fill.
Howard Paul has offered Offenbaoh $5000
to write the tuusio to a sequel to the Urand
Th Trial of George S. Twltchell, Jr.
For Conclusion of Yesterday'i Proceedings Mee
Third I'age.
rrrrn day's prockidinqs.
This morning, at tbe usual hour, the Court
met, and already every available seat was
orcnpkd. The crowd about the door-way
whs not to large as on the preoedlng days
of tbe trial, no doubt ibe result of the exertions
of the olilcers stationed there. Tbe prisoner,
a bereloiore, appeared confident and easy tn
mind, and talked willingly and easily with his
friends. After an hour's unaooountable delay
I he Commonwealth proceeded with the exami
nation of their witnesses.
George Bom men 'sworn Am an architect,
and have been in the profession about, fifteen
yeai; at tbe request of Mr. Hheppard I went to
ihe premises at the northeast corner of Tenth
e no l'lne street, and look some measurements
ou tbe 27th of November: Mr. O'Hyrne, tbe pri
soner' counsel, and a iloteottve were with ine;
Mr. O'Ry me let us enter; I tools various msa
sureincnts, and lrotn Oiem drew this plan.
(A lari;e plan was here exhibited lj the Jury
ami explained by tbe wUness )
From the pavement to the wludow Bill is 12
feet: the dlstanco fro'n the head of tho sof to
tl wail is ten feet; (a number of large-sUed
pbctogtApbs of the house were here slto va to
the Jury ); there is a tree In the yard bestdeCthe
neat gate; 1 do not recollect seeing any ash
barrels near the tree; the staircase U about
three feet six Inches wide; the dining-room
door and tbe others In the main building are
thick and heavy.
Daulel Dealer sworn I recollect this marler,
at tbe corner of Tenth aul Plue street; I ut
cmlPg down Tenth street about 9 i) o'clo:
bat evening,-and when I h.nd got about twa
doors below Clinton I met a man who made a
remark, calling ray attention to Mrs. Hill's
bone : I went to the place, aud fouud a womta
standing on the step: I entered the house, a-id
a friend, who was with me, went for a doctor;
I found the hall dark, but the klioueu
lighted; tbe body or Mrs. Hill was lying on tne
aula, and Mr. Twltchell, the prisoner, at the
head, bathing it; no one else, except myself,
were there; he said nothing to me, bat I ob
served to blm, "Tuts ii an awful thing; bow did
it happen t" He said, "We found her in the
yard;" tbe bell rang, and he said, "For God's
sake open that back gato and let tbe doctor
in," but instead of going totbegite, I wont
to tbe front door, and Just as my hand was oa
ibe knob the gas In the entry was lighted by a
woman, who ran up stairs, exclalmiug "O my
God !" The prisoner was bathing the wounds
with what seemed to me to tie a white hand
kercblef, saying repeatedly, ' O, my God! my
poor mother 1" be continued to do this uutll he
was ai rested; at the proposition of someone, I
went ont into tbe yard with Otlloer Howard,
who bad come in at the door;
my friend also came Into the house
with Officer Howard: after I went to the front
door to let tnese gentlemen in I remained
In tbe kitchen ten or fifteen mlri
ntes, and then we went Into the yard; my
Irlend, Mr. Leldy, Officer Howard, youu Mr.
Morreil.and myself went into tbe yard; the
Erlsoner did not go; I found out there a pool of
lood, when we came into the house 1 saw that
Officer Howard bad the poker In bis hand; I
saw blood on the poker, but did not n tice
whether it was coagulated; some one
then proposed to go up statm; I went up stairs
with Officer Howard, Mr, Leldy, and one or two
others whose names I do not reco leot; the pri
soner did not go up; but while we were in the
kitchen, before going up, some one remarked
"Tbis Is tbe thing that did tbe deed," speaking
of the poker; this was loud enough for every
one there to have beard H: I recollect no reply
toll; no questions were asked by the prisoner
when we came In from the yard; he was still
standing at Mrs. Hill's head: tbe proposal to go
up stairs was sufficiently loud to have
been heard by all In tne room; we went up the
hall stairway, leaving the prisoner la the
kitchen; we entered the dining-room; I cau't
say who led the party upstairs; it seeinud to
me that the gas was turned right low in the
dining room; this was a drop light from a
chandelier; some one also had a oandle; those
&htad of me went out of tbe dining-room luto
the little room back, and found the wludows
open, and the blood wo tracked
blood from tbe window In the back room to the
sofa la the dicing-room; there was a oushlou
on tbe end of the sofa which had blood upon
H ; tbere was blood upon the floor beneath the
same end that bad tbe euahloa onii; 1 saw
blood on the Pine street wall; the drops of blood
on mat wail seemed to extend two or three feet
above the sofn; I did not make a minute ex
amination of this, nor did I take any noMoe of
the Tenth street wall or the chairs; we
then went down the front stairs Into
tbe kitchen, where the prisoner still wax, and
the officer arrested him; be was standing at her
bead bathing it; I heard blm make no Inquiry
as to what we bad found up stairs; I heard him
say nothing at. all; the offiuer arrested him and
they went up'-taire together; 1 remained In the
kileben three or four minutes until they came
down; be tonic au overcoat from the hall, aud
myself and Mr. Leldy went with blm to fie
Htatlon House; Mr, Leldy and I came
back with Oftleer Howard, and seve
ral other officers remained a few min
utes and then went home; the prlsouer
that night had on a dark sack coat, buttoned
up to tne breast; be had no collar oo; nisstilrt
looked to me like a white undersuirl; I oa
served no plaits or atndslult; I did not notice
whether be had on boots; his pants looked to
me of dark color; this bathing of the bead con
sisted iu putting the handkerchief lnt trie
water, on the wound, and Into the basin again,
backwards and forwards; the only doctor 1 saw
there was a Dr. Zantzluger; I do not reoolleot
that he said In tne presence of the prlsonur that
the body was dead; he satd something, but I
did not see tbe prisoner change his oonduot.
Cross-examined I cau't say who was the
woman who lighted the gas in the entry; It was
lighted while 1 bad my hand on the door-knob
to let ibe polloeman In.
Cbannlng Leldy sworn I was In tho neigh
borhnod of Tenth and Pine streets at vi o'elouk
on the night of this murder; I was with Mr.
Drsten; my attention whs first drawa to tnls
house by a gentleman coming up Tentn street,
who said tbat something was tne matter there,
as they were calling for a physician, and asked
me if I was acquainted in the neighborhood; I
answered tbat 1 was, and hastened oa to the
bouse, where we saw a lady standing on the
step: mv frlead entered the bouse, and I went
for Dr. Weaver at Tenth and Lombard; I then
started for Dr. Vandyke, when I was hailed by
Mr. Doster, and went into this bouse; 1 passed
through tbe ball Into the kitchen, and d I Hoov
ered the body of Mrs. Hill with a wound In the
rlgbt temple, lying upo t a settee; Mr. Twllchell
was at her head, bathing her temple; I think
no one else waa there at tbat time except Mr.
Doster and Officer Howard; when I entered the
room tbe prisoner asked me If I was the
Rhysiclun, aud i;repllod I was not; I put my
ngernpon tier pulse, and felt none; the rag
was removed fom tbe temple, which led me to
put my finger upon tbe wound, and It Bank; I
think I extended my finger In tbe second
Joint: I turned about and said, "Why, It's no use
bathing tbat woman's head, she Is dead, and I
think cbe has been dead some time;"
the body was cold; I stepped baok from
the body, and a proposition was then m vdo
by some one to ba Into the yurd; some four or
five went Into the yard; tbere was a caudle tn
the pontry; tbe prisoner did not go; there was a
clot of blood there, and we found pieces of oomb
in tbe blood.
Continued in Third Edition.)
Omc or tus Kvknino TLBose,
Tu'Sday, DfO 22 ltttJS. I
Money is active, but. the rates are without any
ma'erial chauge. Call loans are quoted at 67
per cent; first-class business paper ranges from
810 per cent, per annum. Tbe Stock market
was very dull tbis morning, but prices were
rather firmer. Government securities were a
traction higher. 1054 wa bid for 10-40; 1144
for Cs of 18H1; 1101 tor 't2 6-20i: 10t for '64
6-20 ; 1071 for '65 6-20; ; 10!i for July '65 6 20s;
and 110 lor '67 6-20t. City loans were without
cbantte; tbe new itsue sold at 1003.
Uallrosd f-bures were tbe most active on the
list Mineblil soil at 67, no chauge; Lehigh
Valley at 6tJ. no change; Catawissa preferred
at 30J, an advance of fj; Camden and Am boy at
1 2!i, a decline of j; Reading at 49J f i advance
ot ; Pennsylvania Railroad at 64, a (Ught ad
Bhlpa Ida. Isftowan. aud banipo. Haoven'
lsdelpbla, antarad out at Liverpool ti- '
atuiahlll HruniLLA- h-
II . O 1 ... . 4-1.1 ,.1 I'4,- -." 1 W " "
City Passenger 1UU way snares were dull. 47
i'.as l,
teenth and Fifteenth; 24 for Spruce and Pine
46 for Chcsnut and Walnut; and 104 for lleaton
ville. Bank shares were (Irmly held at full prices.
Northern Liberties sold tll2ii57was bid for
Commercial: 31 for Mechanics'; -48 lor Penn
Township; 70 for City; 66 for Commonwealth,
and 125 for Central National.
In Canal f bares there was very little move
mint. Lehigh Navigation sold at 2P',)2H, a
Mteht advance. 10 was bid far Schatlkllt Nsvi
eatlon common; 26 for Morris Caual;aud 121
lor Busqnehnnna Canal.
Reported by Pa Haven & Bro No. 40 S. Tblrd street
SfiiKl du.B ew d b
fMK) Bel Del s m ba.... 7?',
1 1000 Lli Sa gold l.bS. 87;,
44 Bti lik M Lilis.C U.ll'i.',
This morning's gold quotations, reported
by Narr A Ladner, No. 30 Sodth Third Street;
1U-00A. M. . 135 1124 A. M. . J.15J
10-27 " . 135J 11 v 6 " , 135
1M4 " . 1354 12-03 P. M. . 135
Messrs. Jay Ccoke & Co. quote (leveru
ment securities, etc., as follows: U. 8. 6s of
IrtSl, 1142031141 ; old o-20s, do., linj'lflllO. new
5-20S, lH64,lt)6Klf0i; do., 1H65,107J9V)74 1 6-20s.
July, 1865, lili)jrjJ110 do.. Iftf7, 110'dllOJ; io .
IS6P. 1104a 110 10-40K, 1054ftai05J. Gold. I35i.
Messri. William Painter & Co., banners.
No. 30 South Third Street, report the followiug
rates or exchange to-day at 12 o'clock:
United 8tntes 6s, 18S1. 114j ,2114$; D. 8. 6-20s.
1-.62, llOtailOl; do., 1M4, 10il'(8106J: do.. 18P5.
tab Mtoehltl 57
loin Lh V K....MM. (tVl
100 Kb rata Prf.......... situ,
100 all OIIUrAAl JLbJS 4S
1867, 1001110,; 168, ll5$1104; ltMOs, 1054
10.r). Compound Interest Notes, past due, 119 2 j.
Jold, 135tai35..
New York itloney Market.
TbeN. V. Ewnlnp fottot yeiterday thus dlla'e
on 1 lie great bull" movement in New York Central
'J beH'oek Eicbaniehai tbis morning ben the
setDC or the wlldist exislteineat, tbe oauie ot whlost
wai Ihe announcement bv Hie treasurer of tho New
tork I'emral Ballroad Uompaoy. in a card bearing
tuixdaie. ibat at a niceilng of tbe directors of tbe
n ad 011 kbaisib Inattnt, a, scrip dividend o so par
cnt. waa declared alo a cash dlvldead or 4 per
cent, (p.jaolo Feoruaiy 10. l68), 00 tbtt old
ttoetc and cn the cev scrip cvitltlcateii. Tbe
scrip dividend la Issued 10 eaoh atockboldor,
aud is In ihe form of a certificate signed by tbe Presl
tlent and Treasurer of tbe compnny; It dtelares tbat
the owuer Is ei tltled to eighty i ptr oent. of the
amount of stock hold by him: that tbe aama divl
llenl shall bereafier he paid ihereou i are dectarwl
en tbe old capital stock; and that tbe certlfloatea may
be, at the option of tbs couiptny, convert. toto
atock whenever tbe company shall be authorlxa to
liicrrane its capital to aa amou-.t sulticiant for eooli
cnnveiHloo. Tbladivliend was au tuttouudlug sur
prlao not only to lnemeorty .f stoct operators at Ihe
Kxcharpe bnt to many wno were sup.osed to share
the coi fldence ot tbe lOiitrolUng owner la the
roatl. Bcine of tbe Dlreetora deny tbat at the
cose ol buslneai on Pulnrdny thoy knew that tue
dividend waa to bedecUred; ami a Is reported Ihe
truih of the report we cauuov vouch lr bat the
Djceilcgot tbe dlrectois waa held late on datordav
night, at tbe house of ona of their Duinbnr: that
everything bnd been prepared for an Immediate oon
Rnmn anon ot the scheme, and that tba huvluem was
taati:y closed. Various other ruunri of all grades
of probability are current, .uiong tbem one to tbe
fleet tbnt recently there has been a perfect u ider
aiuunlng betwe n tne Krle party and toe Vanderbllt
party. This theory U sustained by tbe act that tbe
broker's firm pf the llmt earned were coiirpichous
t-urebaaers of New Yurie Central during the past
week. A large number it tew ceruUuaus have uen
lfcRucd this morning at the olliie of the Union Trim
Conn any, holders of stock aho Ing a desire te ot ain
the same be I ore any legal proceedlLgs can be IohiI
luied to prevent the Issna Jt has been of ten reported
that tbts dividend w soon to be daolarcd, and so
often deferred, tbat Wall s'reet, although believing
thai It would ulilruituiy be d ne. had boontne iutlir
ferent to the report, and regardel it elmp y a one of
the means uted to trlgbmu aneculaitve aellernuf the
s'oclc Into roverlnf. Tbe ciimenuenoa In, a large
number have been trapped, and must sustain heavy
loe. On Hatu-day evei liig IU clrwlug quotallnn
ti la.l4diS4. Th s morning tbe earliest sales were
at 16,1 to ntl and ihe subsequent course or tnestoeki
waa as follows: 1st. Ml, 15. 15n. 167, if,,, t. isi, iaZ-i.
156, I.','. IB1),. 1S, 163 lul. 161. IVi'cW. ll8
first Open Board and bfre tbe R guiar Board ibe
pr'cetrik to H6H- bu, subsequently returned to'
l li. Tbedcc'lnejron tne oi enlnif due .0 re
perls tbat legal proceedings were to be Insiltotod,
and 10 the prosoect of a complloated llilgaiion. A.
jmoluilon waa passed by the Open Board directing
Its Kxeca Ive tominlfee 'o confer with the KHiilr
1! 8rd In regard to calling the siock rx dividend to
morrow. At the same time It wn a (mod that it
should be called to-day with dividends oa."
Mock lnotatlortH by Teleirrnph 1 P. M.
Ulendliining, Davis a Co. report turougn Uielr
New York house tbe ioIiowIok:
. Y. Out. B ...l(i4 Out and N.W. com 79
N. Y. and . K.. ...... Ohh and N.wTprel. 81J4
Pn. and Kea. K BHUOnL and H. h R..ll;f2
M lch. w. and N.I. R. 87? Pitts. V, W. & Cbt 1 1
Clev. & Piltttb'K K.. 8IJm Gold 136
Market steady.
Thlladclphla Trade Report.
Tuesday. Deo 22. Tbe Flour market Is re
markably quiet, and in the absenee of any
demand lor shipmnet the volume of business 1b
quite light, the Inquiry being confined to tho
wants of tbe home consumers. Sales of 50J
barrelatf5-255-75forsnperfine; 96 2o)(J73 for
extra!-; $7-2o8 for Iowa and Wisconsin extra
family; $8&8 25 for Minnesota do. do.. $0 q) 10 75
for Pennsylvania and Oblo do. do-; and fll913
for fancy brands, according to quality. Uye
Flour sells at $7-508 per barrel. io ebauge to
notice in Corn Meal.
Tbe Wheat market presents no new feature.
Tbere is no inquiry exoept for good and prime
lots, wbtcb sre in small supply. Biles of red at
tl 002 05 and am tier at 82 1(1(3)2 12. Uye rauges
from 1 00 to $102 for Western and Pennsyl
vania. Corn Is les active. Bales of 2000 bushels
new yellow at 00t07o., according to dryness,
and soma new white at tK)tji03o. Oats move
slowly at former rates. Hales of 3000 bustteU
Western at 70&7tjo. Nothing doing in Jlarley or
Wlilsky Sales at $1-032.1 05 per gallon, ux
For otltl(0tl Marine Newt see Inside Fayes
Kiw Yoax. lo. 'ii Arrived, steamship Tbe
Queen, from t,lverpoui.
Nobi olk Deo iU Tne steamship Isaac P. Smtth,
from eavannab lor Mew Yora, put tn foreoal. iu.
uoru two vessels ahora s ana ni Hatteraa,
" By Atltmtio CtiM.)
Qdissstowm. lieu, ti iieamnulp City of Antwerp
arrlvtd iroui New Yurk yesterday.
Bbt. I 'cc Ti.' The steamship Perelre, from New
York, arrived yesterday.
stat a or TUkBMniiMTaa at thb avturiNs tkls-
auiPK urricu.
t A. M 88 11 A. M a3 P. M.....m. tf,
Htearaohlp Fauna, freeman, New Vork, John P. Oht.
Brig B. I. Buiilb. Kuowlion. alaiausas. J. Mas.mrtUo
Bohr Abbls Burnley, barker, ttoatou, Day, Uudduil a
Bchr El vie Davis, JohLgon, Balem, Borda, Seller A
Bohr tinned Brothers, Eliey, Norfolk. Lathburv.
WlekeisDam t. "
Bchr J. 1j Leaon, BtafTjrd, Charleston, B.C.. K. A.
rtouder A t o.
Bchr Tiios. Borden, Wrlgbtlngton, Fall Itlver, West-
niorelaud coal 10.
Bchr J. J. rtponcer Bmltb. Mobile, D. B. Btetsoa A Oo,
Bohr Ida 1. J ley, from B,tuu, wlta mdis to D,
Boor Abbls Barsley.pAtker.from Baston.wlttt mdse.
rk lir krtvle Davis, Jrhnston, from Provldnnui.
Mchr Tbrs Borden, Wrlghtingioo, from t'ail ntver.
Bieamer Henry U t aw. iter. 11 hours froJI Balll
Snore, wlib ludsa. to A. urovea, Jr.
Btearoablp Baton, Boggs. arrived last night rVnrn
Bi'stou. repuns a sblpasoures miload w. ot Abteouai,
and appareatly In ban position, with herhsad oa the
beaob; outside Cape Heulopen. taw a barque ataodiug
In; below Bombay Hook (4 y, M ), aw baiuue
Uoanoke. from Potto Cabello. H"
Bteamablp Fanlla. not Volunteer, as reported la the
murulug papers, arrived yesterday from New fur.
Corrttixnvlrnt Of the Philntielphla Exchange,
Law, lel., Dra 20 Brig Ootlredo. frura Pblla.
deipbla lor Gibraltar, went tnsea yeeierSav.
Wave. fromVlrilnla for Hmw York and Albert from
tiloocester for Virginia, are at tba Break water tba
latter waa towad to by lhe (J.rl vevenneeutter Miami
having lost liar snaluaau. JOdalfU luMrjcritA.