THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TRIPLE SIIEET PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 18G8. OUR RELIGIOUS COLUMN. vosirivisi'. Tbo KirU Po-Ulvist 8uc.;e'.j of Venr York has puhlif IumI its creed, or torly articles or rottitirc rHli;ion the whol ; lot m iu;r, wi'.li i f appcudlcc-', licM-ly two Cill pa-ros ot the New York World. Of these the Society doej tint fed pledged to mure than the tlnrc, which niserttlmt science Is Hie hole arbiter of truth, iid thai scientific lneilinrts houM he extculeci lo all Mthjirtsor belief. huh rlo lelt to theolojy, metapliMe, or cin!es-eJ Ignorance; not with Ihe put -poti' of wmtoulj assail in;; prejudice, but Of expiBtnir.i,' Ignorance nod siipTslilion. T every worl ot' ibis the ptouie.t metaphysician o' tht'oloL-Lin would bo ready to express Bseut, although not, of, to the a-mimp'.ion which is laciily nude tint th'.oloy Mid h i t:i hysica have uo place In science. On th platform they claim that M. Littrc and II. Tame, iu France; Hackle, J. Eluart Mill, Herbert Spencer, (i. II. I. ewes, Lycll, Darwin, Huxley, TyuJall, Hooker, Muudfrloj. nnJ Riin, in Enpluud; and Dr. J. W. I)r.ier, Dr. F. Younian-, of this country, stand, altlmie,!) niauj of them openly repu diate the I'oriti vlst pect and mime. Tli? de yelopn.enl ol t licse pcucral principles proves further, Hi-ionium t Itm creed, tbut the existence of a (od U nn imalna'.ion; that lig'it, cimvi y, electricity, lica. thought, will, 'are all mutually convertible forces; that the mind it but a continuation of thought, that Is, a Biu'ot b.-iou oi cell-pro wths in the brain, that volition in the result o( force-currents in the bram acill necessitated; that vital orgaut Z ni'ju is the result of physical forcot; and that IjW forms ol lil'o arc constantly educed by span laceous (jeiitrniiou iu colloid form of nitrose. nous matter, and in 3 cast and, other ferments; that matter is only force, with no eisoulUl Bub etiutuni; in fine, that the superstitious ideas of Cod, creation, soul, heaven, hell, slu, repentuuee, tesuirection, judgment, ghost?, fairies, all Vanish. Under the head of morals, they assart thai duties all spring from the social state; that the reflation of labor is the most important moral ques: ion; that the wuscj system is but a modiued slavery, and that c .(-operative socie ties mu?t replace it; that pioperty in laud is unjust; that the relations of wouiu to materuily and marriage need revision; ilitt htiuiau beius are the ouly objects of reverence in prayer; that all men must and all women may marry at a certain act; that ihe properly of the churches should iu time be contHCuo.i; thai low it the soul of duty, aud love "arists vt lure the emotion of the cM.?ciouiie.-s uariiionizrs with the pari Of the uuiver.-o ihatrtacU V'-lnOrpu leut SIMM A n Y OF JIELIGIO i",S NE Wd. rUE?BVTKniAN. The Rev. Samuel T. Clarke has resign? I the pa!ora',e i-t the tV-rt Street I're-bytrrian Ctiureii of Detroit, Michiau, to tnko cll'ect Jauuaiy 1st. This Uev. Norman Denver, 1. !., lue successor nt Rev. Dr. C. G, 8. lfotv.nion in the f aslora c of the hirst I'resojlerijn CUur;u, lenry stieel, N. V .,wus duly iusUlle 1 on Tuetday cvtmiij; 01 lat weelr. The Re.v. Samuel A. Ilayt. Jr.. of the Reformed Dutch Church, late ot Kisusill, X, V.. has reeiven and acceptdd u cll to the Scoou 1 Church, Relvidere, N. J., ma te vacaut by llu removal of Kev. 8. W. Dana to this city. The Rev. Alboi't Barnes preachcJ a erniou comn.ieinoin.tive ot bis attaining the measure ot three-score j ear.; und ten, on Sunday, Ch iust., in the first l're-.byterinu church ot this city. 'Ihe coniirciation of Ccu'.rul Ouureli, Wil Del., have puri-hiieii of .lames l-'ranee his elegant new brick lioite, No. 900 Kiui; s'reet, for $ffl(jn, lor a Tue house is bun 1 titully Uneu up, lias u piesccd bi'iet frout imi brown &toue la( inirH. The Third Church 111 tlu citv, Tt:v. Joeuh T. Cooper, D. D., pastor, at the late com muniou, had an accession oft'-n to tbeir uiembersliip. The church tiuildineis too sinaii to anconiinoJa o all applying for sea's, stepi are being taken to tnake some alteiaiions to the church udilce. On the communion oeca;iou lust Sabbath week, in the Fourth Uuit?d Presbyterian Church, riltsburu'. llev. J. M. C ickins pa-itor, fitty-three apphcantij were a Imitf-d to member ship. lor;y tivo ou prolssfion unci thirieuu on cerliiicate Irom other churches. The coiner-stone of Dr. Duryea's new church, on Ciasou avenuo, Brooklyn, N. Y was laid on the 1st instant. Ihe auriteuee room is rather curiously arranged, having Hie pulpit at the side of the hurch, the organ behind it. but tbo kev-boaut and oigauist beioie it. It will co.-l ji.,00(). It is aimuiinced that it is the int nlion of Rev. C. b. linbii.son. D. D lu!e ot the l'riby terian Chinch, now la'ionns a1 pastor ot the American Cbupi'l in X'nri', to retuni to Brook lyn, and (fiabbsh auolher church, still lurtuer east thuu Dr. DurjeaV. The J'ns'njttr says; ''Th" fur.ds devo'.ed to this cauc las', year auiounteu 10 uOjiit Jijj.lHil), of Vi h'i h $ '0.0nu were ooua.ions to this tviuse; over 52i!,(H)0 were afP'onatcd by Ilia Boards of Education, Domestic JUi.-ious, Church Kit teusmn, Hiid by the tiovcinmeut; and nearly $!)000 bylhe tnedinen for l)uiitii:ffii and the Kupfoit ot echoots aii-1 churches. The freed nieii'd Cominittee have empiojeo 105 nilssion ries, ol whom ."2 weie oi-lwinetl uuuisier.s, 4 liccntii'tCH, i.0 c.itechisis, 41! siudei t culecln-ts, find 70 ot whom 1 1(1 iruie o.ilorcd. lo the day schools there were 280 pupils, aud iu the .Sunday schools ?V1 1202 baptimi-, 00 cbuiche-, iiiiii filOu coiiiiu iiii'c.n's are it-portoJ. The.-e siu'istic.i are t-Meouriiuin'r. No depa1 tm-'ut ol the Cn i cli'rt buiievuleiit oi-i lia oeen more (ucei'(iii.). In tne i'.cut oi tin f opi-raMon we have now l'resby tenes Culaw b-i, AMutitic, and Kn ..'' CONOi:i:,lATIOMAI.. -The I'cv. .). W. Welln aii nil T. v. J. O. Means l.nvc cacli (ieei;ni:d tln feeivtarjship of the Cot'f leu'iit'ouul S. S. and Cabl sbher "oci-ty. lion. Icliubcl Wa.aiiiin, cit Wo'-ceit- i', lilasf., piven Liuooln t jllc't-. ICaiisas, $20,000; unit 111 nclii oftle . 11 1 . n'. ot tn:s nobi f:ilt tLi- insti'nlioii is hi-rcui'.cr to bj culto 1 VV'ashblll 1. Collesjr. The C"iiavp.atiot'a,!f of Catiala save 102 rhu rebec, ami a ereiti 0-t.-liip of ot who u 3CD lave been received the pit veite. 1 h iV me 07 Miobalh--ch3ol.;, w nh u iutiuOjrhip of bhib. The council culled to coii'ulcr the lv-isna-tion of liev. William Alsin B iiiielt m -t at Hie Elm 1 1 ce ('ciirrt'iii'onnl ( iiurcti. Icooklvn, cn Wnim .-cla ot lust week. IIivuii! noiniu.' tj do hut to oncur iu ttn hi lunircnii-nt, they ail it lacclc'lj. and heartily ciimiu 11 Jed bi n to the Cliicai-o cinucb. The old K.-ex Htieet Ch ivch, Boston (D-. Adam-), has rcu.oveJ to v iutu tud. an I will build on Coluuibus avenuo The fnuu Jx'.ious of the new t Oicco are lani. The plan piopoe Oothio uicliiii tture ot tne iir.- i"rioii, iu the form ol a ne!-. The nnitcual will be xt inc. Theihuich is to accomnnidaie one thou;ind ptn-ors. anil wiH co-t $l;0,0liO, 'Ihcie are, fi.tcordine to iepoi U jiut poh-li.-hcd, 47 Coiv.:ies.'.i'ionul cui'li-liei in California. 43 lnliiim-r-, a iiiemher-hip of about iOllo boinif nn ii ercic 01 17U duriiin ihe .vnr. five new church' a have neen nrenu'wi and one ilis bBiided. There me live other prenehiuij places, where churches have not b en ormm'zed ; and 40 Sunday t-clnols, wi'h 4juu schoWro. The alue ol chuich pmptrty is $225 000. For uirent exieiifrs $14,000, have been raised th last vi nr. ?27,0l)0 for deb s and church erection, and $10 0( 0 lor charily. There are also 2.1 Mo Kchi.ol 1'ieshjti rixii climc.hes, l'j of the. New KcLool, and oiie. I'niled Prenhjieroin Church. Eriscur-Ai.. Wo tuV e the foliowinu from one of o ir Fp'sc i.l cxehaiiep'!,; I'he b-ho,") vh wioc tic ptinonii coudeiiiiiimr rit'mlisr.i, a ten li"L' to a.'-biuiiiu' .- our woi-h'P t j tat o: a I 'unch iof or Iv ulirn but hostile f.'i our own, ha. In Chanel under bis m pervisioti, pioees.oiials and ness.onal', cauuU'H, and weekly 'loiv ccla bialions.1 " Jbi-hop Totter hns ordn'ned MoirisTyna;, con ot Itev. Dr. Vyna, of New York city, hemf tin third B'in oF tbat dlstinpiiishod divine who has been brouht Into tin; ministry. At the Installation, Nov. 10, of Rev. Edward A. I.nwrence, D. D., as piur of a Ooinrreiju nonnl cburchjin Mrtrblehead, MacK., the sermon was preached by Kev. John Cotton Smith, an ICpi-copaliaii clerayniau of New York city. Dr. Smith is a prandson o Dr. Lawrence, a son-in law of the la'c Rev. L-otnird Wjods, D. D., of Ai.dover. Where is htuiibs ? I'he rew Diocese of Ivi-ton, comprlsiutt what it known as the "Kastern Stiorc" o! M ir.v liind. iu eleetinir for tbeir tirnt bishop Dr. H. C. L it. now Bishop otAikansas oiler him a salary ot !?25( 0. The Diocese of Central Ne it York olleied Dr. Littlejohn a salary ot $l(M)i, nn I a bouse, if bo would b'i tbeir b'shop; and tue Loiifr Island Diocese, whOie invitatl in ti lias actejifec'. pivc h'ni a sal, 11 v ot ftiimo. with a house. Truly, "star ditlereth from star in felory," if wnttc are the test. I'titlier Morrill, of St. Albans, lias C3t.b livhfd auticulur confelon, and there is litilis (lillu'eneo between his and the Romau Catholic tcrrice, save that it is in Kiifl sh. Dr. Di., of Tiinity, ho occasionally preaches for bin, has l'Ot jet denied the chinri of the'erfio w Wtrid that he nlfo encouraL-es auricular ooifesslon. Yet 81'O'ber mcrtm lias been held by tna heirs ot Auneke Jans lo secure their claims 011 tin? Kind's Fhiih, better kuown as tho estate of Trinity Chuich. The claim onuses Home unea-i-ne-'s aunonff tbe present hold-rs, especially as the pullie looks with little lavor on ttie powers ot this wealthy ecclesiastical corpoiutlou. ifi'e5ClJe7l'. Next year, Pays the KintTton t.Ttiraalci) (Ivnrdian, the law which piorides lor the nia'n tennnce of tbe I'Mablished Church in Jainuio i expires by 1 Illusion of Uoip, aud fireat anxiety is manifested bv the ccclQ-daitieul disut'aries of the colony refiardinjr her fuiure. A nutaer effort is to be made by his Lordship at the Colonial Office, in the hope that matters are not too far roiic to prevent the Chureh beiiir lelt entirely to the voluntary support of its adherents. The very fear ot such a crisis In the history of tbe Cbuiob lu Jamaica has produced revolutions in this body: she Las suddenly sprung into life become,iou:iry and active lu her opera lions such an amount of energy and earnest ness has never been known iii tho Church befoie, and it is the lesponsibihty o self-support that I os produced this wondrous ahanue in her constitution. Tbe election of bishops-by a majority of one seems to be p to fling into a fash Ion "anion? our Kpitcof allan brethren. The new Bishop of Albany bolds his ollice by a majority ot one vole or the laity, as the Bishop of Lonjr Ll ind holds his by a majority of one vote of the clergy. Bit-bjp Pottri presided In both case"; but "we have uot heard ihar he travelled out o! his juris diction by seratctiiu? a name irom the roll in order to secuie the election ot Dr. Diane, as he did lor Dr. Littlcjohu. Iu looking over tue nine Foversil ballots which took place netoretbe Con vention could bo bioiiffht to eleva'.e a hish ritualist to coiscopal poer, we Und that the laity beiian wilh a stromr leaninsr to Dr. llnt inirtvii. as a Low Church candidate. At the third 1)hHo which was the rirsi that Rave Dr. Donne a majority of the c.ergy, Dr. Huntington bad thirty-' our votes, being two more than u majority of the laity. It was only at tbe ctahth ballot that Dr. Daane gained a lay plurality over the Low Church candidate, and at the niir-h a clear majority over all. -V. Y. lndc- St. Taul blocked the li tile same 0' the Jews by appealii g to Ciesar. That is, be c illed noon the law to protect bun in the enjoyment of the 1 ifihts which tho law had iflveu, ho Ion? as those r'plits wire r.ot forleited by ac;s which the law had forbidden. Dr. ColeiMO did the same with his Ilich Church persecutors, a'nl is thus secure 1 in his pieroaatives os a lawful bishop of the ; Chuich of fcnpland. by law established. The : iis hops in tbe colonies In Mjulh Africa, Canada, New Zealand, and else here are trying i various ways by which they can secure to tlietn ; selven tbe prerogatives ui tinted by the Churnu i ot fin.nland, without bemi; held uineuublu to the j laws of I'hiylanii as to Uieir use of thu power : thsy claim by their oiliee. In New South Wales the rsroeiuiient is eoins ou of a synod which is indeoendeiit of the Sla'c. But the trouble is, what to do with tbe biboi. Under : the laws of England ihe bishop is sole trier of rcclesiaslical offense, aud has the sole right of pru-entatleii to vacant parishes. Hut, treed from Sate control, the sjnod thiukstho people who I purport a clergyman ouuht to have a voice in choosing him. And the clergy are uuwilliu;r to beirisdby any tribunal which will cut th"in olt 110m the right ot appeal to tbe laws ot England. There is probably 110 way iu wh ch a church organization can enjoy the benetlt of iclitrious freedom, aud at tbe same time reta n the pn rosalives emp'iweu d by a le.iial eaablishuicnt. Ar. Y. Iivirpcmivul. BAt'TIsl. The F'iist Church, New York city, aie bnihiins a new house up town, to con nearly $200,000. The Annual Conference of tho Geiman Bap tists ot the West met, on the eveninj ol October 1.1. in the Gemini Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio. Ten jears ago, when this Conference was organized, Ihe membership of the churches coiiicctid with it was ti7'j. During the past year 50 weie baptized, aud, iu tho diilcrent Sunday schools, 2C0 scholars were taught. l!ul no v tbe l.'cnlerence has. in round numheis, !iiH)0 mem ber. and there were 2300 c hiidreti iu tho re st active isuuduy Schools cuiiut-cted with tue Wi stern chutchLv. METHOD1HT. The bte Thomas Armstrong, of naltiniore. Mil., ui his lust will save aboiu one thousiud iic'lius each to twenty-seven leliious nn 1 charitable tocielies, thielly of the M.-thoiiil Chinch. Anions Hie pifts of the Methodist Centenary f sr was Unit ot $25,000 by Mr John T. Martin, 10 loui'd a theologlcitl school in Germany. A site lis ulna ly been purchased, and a build'u ciec'cd in Frank fort-ou-thc-Main, on yroumis loehor than any oi her In thu city or viouu'.v. J he chool is culled the Maitiu Vi?siou institute. --The new co'l'ge bnitoins for the Wesley a 11 I'liiveisity at Blooiuinulon, Illinois, no iu process of erect ion, wiT be a hundred and tl n'y six feet long, sevent?y-!'0'ir feet wide, ai. J tonr' sitries hmli, wilh a Jiansard roof ami towt is Cdi two comrrs. It will tju auion; tac I. ncst colic up bni.diui's in Illinois. New Jersey is culled the garde 11 ti Id of Mi tl'Oilism. which has now over UMiOu toll k-. r-j in that State, s-ub-tautial brick buildings, of I I. e value ol tiveiiiy thousand r'olttirs euch. are t ii g ( reeled at Madioii. lor the l'iores-ors of the Diew Thetiloeical Seu.iuary. Dr. Nadal 11 (.ties In one, and three others are in a fsir way 01 ciiipletlon. Horn live lo ten m res will be cn 11 tied with each dwi lletg Moicih nioO sluecnts arc emolled lor tlm term. realm, tbe rellsrWm of lln State Is the Evangeli cal Lutheran, and no dissent is tolerated. In 1815, however, some concessions were ni'ido, by which, under strict retialation, dissenters are allowed to exercise a certain ileuree of freed m in worship. In 1865, a law was introduced into the NtorthltiK permitting dienters to bol l public office, and was ably advocated byftl. ?ch welfare, professor of law iu tbe Uuivcrstiy of Christians, nnd reputed the ablest juriscon sult in tbe kingdom; but it was defra'e i by the solid vote of tbo members representing the peasaut class. But ths questlou Is aua 11 occu pying the public, attenliou, and will be brought once more beioie the legislative body. GERMAN RRFOBMKO. - Rev. Dr. Boniberger will preach a sermon lo young men to-morrow (inbbatb) evening, uuder t lie auspices of the Vonng Men's Cnrlstlnn Association, at the First Reformed Church, in Itsce street, below Fourth, at 7.1 o'clock. Hub ject 1'rotestiiut Chrl-tumity and the Young Men of our Country.-' Heals will be reserved for young nun. TElirr.llANCE. Tbe Ami-rinan Gwwdian, which hai ben heretofoie published monthly, is to be issuud lirreaftrr weekly. The Brst number for January comes to us in new type and looks wall. A serial story is the opening article. It Is from the pen of Mrs. Denmton. Tho paper is devo'ed to tht cause of temperance, is a sixteen pnsie lire ociuvo, and is publisbad at ?'2 1 year, by George S. Ferguson &. Co., No. 25 N. Sixth street. SKATING AND SKATES. CHESHOT ST. RINK ASSOCIATION 21)00 S52 VliJ.S Pbksidknt Hon. JOSETJI T. THOlt 13 TuitASCBKii-B. UAMMKTr. DIRECTORS, WSf.G. WOORHKAD, JOHN FALLON, MATTHKW BAIRD. B. HAMMETT, THOMAS A. 8001T. HOS. J. 11. CAMPBIXL. HON J. T. T1IOMA3. LUTlilU DOOK, H. E.BUOWNS. A L1MITKD AMOUNT OF BTOLK FOIt BALE. The Company who own the SPLENDID NEW SKATING RINK, Comer of CHKSNUT and T WEST V-THIRD Streets have Instructed us to orTer a limited amount of the stock for salo la shares of Oae Hundred Collars each. The Company have expended one hundred thousand dollars (10il OfjO) In cash on the build lug alone, which Is 2io by 110 feet. The main hall Is 6tf feet blgo. It Is conliden'ly expected that the ltlak will be ready fur use on Christmas Day. Each share of stock will be eo'ltled to an advance dividend, payable yearly, of twenty per cent. (840) la tickets. Buch dividends nay be taken In single, leason, or coupon tickets, which are transferable. BegardlDK the successor the project there can be no doubt, as the building Is Intended for a pub'.le ball, to be used ior Convert, Church I'nlrx, FcMtlvnls, Con enlJoiiN, AKriciiIlnriil Exhibition, 'tc. Of twenty (20) similar Institutions In various parti or the country, the dividends have range! from thirty to sixty-five (60) per cent, out of the winter's earn. li:gs atoue. 1'urlhtr particulars ca'i bs obtained at our office. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, li A 3 K E II S, No. 40 South THIRD Street, J ii 17 lmrp PHILADELPHIA. H R I S T M A Q, At No. GOO ARCH Street. GHll-riTH & TAGE OF FEU s ic v. rr jz ANW iul'si; ruitxisiiiMi goods HOLIDAY GOODS. FOR IBM HOLIDAYS. 12 10 Utrp QKaTES! SKATES!! 8KATE8!!! O nn u I'Alltti F1K AND KCOSU-HAND SKA'l ES A'f UNK-11ALK THU) UetUAL PKlCEd, ia Hie Jtirekrr'ii cillice, . W. corner ot XHIItU aua UAK Ilit. btreets bolow Lombard 12 li lut r&Tiiouc. -The Anieiicun Kouiunls have been up pi;.l. d to iu ild of tlu' Ainericuu collcire cou i.r t d with the J'rOatianda ut Koine, it bus a l j Kid buildine, 6U inor to Unit ot nny other nu'.ion, una letter students th'iii tiny oilier i .ccpt the fecotch. They propose to rai?o SL'jii.iiUO lor it. The (i'cnk Church will fend no repiesen'a tivci to the Pope 'a Ecumenical Couucil. Tne i'.'iiiiarch is n- resruied as reiu'in: even to ri c ive or reud the niii-eive which contained tlm i ii i tut ioo, aud will obstinately retnuin out-ldo ol ii i d uwuy I'oiu the preiii council. Tue uniiy of Christendom the dream of Mini- (:Oi.d sauU, iiupu'ient of the divi (.ions of the Cuuicii, and lndillerent to the conOicts rt opiriou which oriintite siul suMRin these divi-lons is uot soon tobe And the uu ou ol Uomtu and Greek what would it be but the unity of error ot'ciror ihut to overlavs the linthasto hide it piactically from the eyes ot men? kucb unity would bu fniundible to the true ChurcU of Cl'ihtand liotilo to thu bii-it intero-ti ot nul l. W'v are plad thMt such a tuovcincnt is likely lo he defc au d. rtrsbuleriait. LUTUEKAN. The Lutheran Synod of Marylim 1, and tlm ileluiu tbcii t-ji od, whli h si panned it Mnie jeai !?. have taken n'ftisiireH for ie nnilinii, und ihe uuion w.ll suou bo cou-uni-luutcd. by tie teinn of the oih.Ut'iUoii of that LEGAL NOTICES. 7N 1 1115 COUUT OF COMMON PLEAS FOll J. 'IDE CITY AND COLA TV Off UiLADEL l'lIlA. AHSisned Fslato of WtMUM JrllY, J. REKSK 1 llY.aun KDWAltl) P. FKY. '1 lie Audncr i kiuintoil by tno Court to audit, RPttle, aim ndjunt ine etcniiU und Haul aeouiiut ot JusEt a. A. CLAY, Jinq. and JOHN C. MITCHELL. Eq Ass'Kijfts ot WIiLJAM IttY, J. ItHlElJS, EllY, and a I'.U 1. 2 itY. buu to rtuoa dd rlhunuu oi IIih Iih!hii In the hands oi the bcckiiu. am, will inert tho )ii riles luierra.eil, lor lUe mrvo.-e ot his upiiului u.t'bt, ou TUESDAY, Decemtior 29, A. D. niis. -t cleteii (ID O'tUck A.M. .at his CitBce. Iso. 4Uii VV AL tiV'l' bluet, lu the oily of fhlindnlphia. WILLIAM D. BIKER, J 10 1921 88 26 2a Auditor. IX THE OU1MIANV I Ol'liT i OU Tllli C1TV J AKDl.OUiSTY OF I'll i I. A I iKLl'll IA. EHialeot JAU1.S lUMli.'l'UN Oeceassi). Tbe Andiinr anpoluied uy Hie court lo auiiil HHitle, mid i.ojuiit tnu Uilriy-e Khih accounl ot THOMAS C'Ai. W ALADEH. Execiuor ai.d I iiiiten ot Hie lu-il win Mid teHlniMi'i.l ol JiSIKij HAMILTON, ue c i sen, ariHlii Irom porlion ot iiib e.ilula Ijelnu?. hiK to hclii-ou.e a. annexed to inu ludeiuuru ol tii I luii in Hild col. tie, oulud JiiiuiKiy Im!i. rccoieel tu Hit ollice lor itiiji iIimk ui On. eiu.. In Flilludelplila, IP Ti td Dm k o. W V.. Nu. 1, peine I '?, lc, and to repon dihirihniuiii ol I lie tiulHiire to tne ImnUsol1 I lie Ht'Coiiutitiii, wil I mrt-t Ilie purliuft inti rested tor ILe iiipnut-s ol hU appolntuienl, on MU.VDAY, 1)8 ieu bu -.'1, A. 1. lv;-, i 1 1 u'i.-Iikk 1. M.. av hU ollnw, Iiie . -t'-li WA i.N U I K'n-e', In tne ell v ol riillndelpniu. 1J 1' Ihsluoi WILLIAM 1). H KK Elt, Auditor. "INSTATE OK 1H. FItASCIS WEr, l.'E- Ji ce. ktd . Li t'.erH ll nlniiiuiituiy bavlng b'-ell (i.n'til to the u.jnerU in-U upju the will o' lr. En A M l W EST, deee.tseil. all pernios hit eid lo BHtil I'bia Ftiti r iiiitMied lo in ii lie pnyiunot, and liuvlim clttiuis or ue.iua.db udulnai tho sauio to pre sent i In ui to j A M US W F.--T, No. ?1JI PI N E fi.lrent. t II Al'MAM BlDDLK, No. I'il b.Elt'l'W Strpct. 11 H tut Executor. ELLAS or inv, LATEST LONDON AM) WEDDING INVITATION, ENQltA VLi) IN the pnwost and best manner. LOUJB DKEKA, Htatloner and Fmrravcr, 9 IS Ma. KKUOHKSNU r struat QHRI8TMA8 GIFTS. BOX 8 OF STATIONERY. ISKS1ANDH, a Urge assortment WRIUNO DE-K8. OAUD CA8ES. I'OCKET BOOhfct, SCOTCH OOOD FIM: ENOL1S1I FLAYING OAItllS.' ENHLISH KNICK-KNACKS 1) 11 L K A, BTATIONEB AND CARD ESORAVEn. u u at Xq. i Q33 t'H i:s U T Slrcct. HOLIDAY PR CGCrJTGI WRITING DF.UKS, A very Larue Assortrueut, Kromtl-jOtotijOO. VAI.NCT, ROSKWOOD, MAHOGANY. PAl'l Klt-M ACT! K, AND LK AliilJii IJAtK U A MM ON UOAU1H, POlil'rOLIOS, BCOi'CH GOODS. And a variety of FANCY UUOD1 AND QAMRS. H. HOPKINS t CO., No. Hia AKCH H.reet. 9 lmwfc8m Open livening. AUCTION SALES. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. THE LAROEST AHf-ORTMFNT OF rilOTOUlMPJI AI.HUMS, AT TEK LOWEST PRICES TO LE HAD IN THE CITY. A very large arsertaient ot Writing Vwk.rrviii $1.25 lo $20-03, CARD CASES, WORK B3XE3, BACKOAUMON BOARDS, PORTFOLIOS, CHEtB, DOMINOES, GOLD PNs. WALLETS, PLAYING CARDS, ETG. KEW OAMkS IN GREAT VARIETY. J. LINERD. 5o. 921 Srni UARDEX Sheet, 1211smw6t PII (LA DELPHI A . PRESENTS F O 11 HOLIDAYS rou iaiii:s. A. J. LANDER, .TIL, KO. 1302 CHESUT .SIRHET, oners for sale all tbe latest styles lu tjiitnomFitiE., sureKHs, il'SUIOXN, jHNV HID ntlRS, II E t'OUX ItKSTS, KTtl.SM C A UVt'.l) UOODN, a good assertuieut. TOWEIi HACKS, - liihurtJiiKi. AJASKKTS, ETC. ETO. ETO. Also, a One lot of my own Importation BKAL iil,JkHH KOIIEMIA GOODS. Please call and examine before you ro elsewhere. Oar prices are as low as anywhere In the city. A. . LANDER, JR., 12 14 mwerpot No. 1M2 CHE8NUT St.. Pulls. HOLIDAY AND WEDDING PIIKSUN-J S. WILSON c& stellwaoi:n, No. 102S CHESN'UT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. W A T O II 11 S, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, MtlDAL .SILVER, MUSICAL 1SOXES, AND FINE FRENCH CliOCKS. All of which we are offering AT REDUCED RATES. 12 17 IU OLIDAY GOODS. KDWAUD OHItlSTMAN'N OTFEPS A LARUE VARIETY Oi' IANCY ARTICLES. TiPTTseixn t'ASF 8. ! PEEKUMERY, TOILET REQUfHITHS, COTLEUV. ETiJ. ETC. ALL AT THE I.OWHBT PRIGS 3. D WA II I) C 1 1 R I ST M A N N, 12 lGlltrp No. 70S CK.KSXL'r Street. Tl SEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL HOLIDAY U PREttENTH. MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, Ivio. 10.11 CIiENUT Street. Dolls, Card liasKetH, cigar fasen, smoktric Csps, l'orieuionimli'", Leather Hoods, Zepbyr MU'pcrj, I'nnliloiiK aail Tidies, Lace Gloria li Tiiteafl, Gnipura, Climy, Ynlt-lirunuti. point AppHqus, C illms, Kols aud BarlifR, CollTurcs, Haudkercbiels, White Walats, Ui riliBR. ClierulEettes. A beautiful atsnrtnipnt of Flee Jewelry . new styles. JH. Gilt, Pwri, Hteel. Coral, aod Plain Sets. CIiuIiih. NprkluciH, Tlaudkerulilef UoUers, fetuds. Slerve Kutioi.s and Biaee.eis. Head Drei-His tor Parties aud Operas, kiiip Fans and Fancy Moods. Rllihorjs. Jouvlii's Kid tllovs, Krtdsl Vel 8 and WrnatLs. Freni-li CorseW, Hoop Mklrta. K ii pans very rich Embroidered allppers at $1 71 and f btore open eyenln s during holidays. VI H lit QOLD -HEADED I'll 1 N TATIO X CA N 10S AT P. K. Cor. 1 EN Til and CJJESNU1 S:a. PA11IS STYLUS, bo a; ciish.stjms ii:i:skts, I'd a BALK Ity WItL a. bkown & CO,, fio. 24G MARKET Gtroot, IV till Pail. ADELfHIA. CLAUK A hVANS, AUCTION ELKS, NO. 61)0 CUEisN OT Btreei. Will sell THIfl DAY, Morntn and Krenlnr. A large Invoice of lUankf u, lied hprfartu, Dry Goods, liotbs, l'aNlmereg, llosli ry, btaUuuery, Table aao lix uet Cmlory, Noilonn, etc. City and country niercbants will find bargains. Terms caah, Gooils packed free of charge in WaTestate sales. (! REAL ESTATE, THOMAS A BON' JhLABALE. Modern Three-story Brick Resi lience, Mo. 'i'ji Third street, above Spruce street. Ou Tuescliiy, December 22, 1H8S, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at public salo, at the Philadelphia KxohBnue, all that modern three story brick mwHtiiigt' aud lot of grouuel situate on the west side of Third street, 3d feet 8 laches north of Hpruce street, Mo. I2; containing in fronton Third street 18 foots Inches, and ex tending In ttppth f-0 feet, together with the privilege of a tluee feet wide alloy. It has the KHH Introduced; bath, liol and cold water, etc. Clear of all Incumbrance. 1'erinH WK) may remuln ou mortttnKo. Iiunicdlale possessioa. Keys st thu Auction Rooms. M. ThuMAS fc BUN'S. Auctioneers, 12 7 2w Mob. lli'J and 111 B. FOURTH BlreuU 0 PUBLICHALK. THOMAS&.SO.Vi. AU C MJiTH INFERS. Klrstrciass Oram DIsllliHry, W. corner of and Uoates streets, i:ieverVh ward, First Cnlieettou dlslrlot. Ou Tuesday, December 22, lhbti, at 1'2 o'clock, noon, will bo sold at publlo salo, at the Philadelphia Kxchaue.e, all thoso two couIIkuous lots of ground slinate ou Ihe B. W. corner of Kaoh, aud Coates si rebels, Klevenlh ward; one of them containing iu front on KchcIi street 3J feet, and extending In depth aloiiK Coates street 02 feet IU inches: aud the other of them contalnluir In frout on lioaeh street 17 feot, and exleuding lu depth ltsi loot Inches to Front street, ou Which It has a front of 17 ieel :t of an lneli. The lniprovemeulsconslstof a tureo and a half story blleli honso ou Front street, etc Tots Is aoom plcte distillery lu every rcspojt; all tho work, viz., mash'tubs, formenters, copper work, ele vntors, French burrs, boilers aud engluo, eto., are first elasa, and cannot be excelled. AH to bo sold in one lot. Clear of all Incumbrance. Immediate possession. Mny be examined ou appileatlou to the Auollouoers. Terms osh. IHHiO to be paid at tho time or sale. Plan and deserlplion of the property may be seen at the Auction ttooms. M. T1H iMAS ct RONS, Anetlonoers, 12 17tlis'2t Now, m end 111 B FOURTH Btrnet. Kf REAL ESTATE. THOMAS A SONS. tiSALE. Modern four-story lirlek Residence' No. 2i5:i B. Sixth Htrcet, opposite Washington square. On Tuesday, January 5, 1831), at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, at the Philadelphia Exchange, all that modern four story brick iiM'gsiiHge, with three-story back building and lot of ground, situate on the east sldcir f Klxlh street, below Walnut street, op- Fiosite Washington square, No. Zio; containing n front on tsixih street 19 feet 3 Inches, aud ex tending in depth 1'R) leet to a 12 feet wide alley. It bus I he ga Introduced, b.tlh, hot and old water, furnece, cooking rjtp'je, etc. Clear of all Incumbrance. Tei ras-Ha'f cash. Imniedlite pofsei-ion. Wuy be exuuilued auy day pre vious losale. M. TliOMAS A BON'S. Auctioneers, 1217 19 0 Nob. Hi!) and Ml B. FOURl'H S.roet. JJ RK4L ESTATE THOMAS A HONS' l&lSALK Two Modern I ur-story Rrick Kssi oeuie, No. iI12 Mow Market stieet, wltn four tbixe-Htorv brick dwellinnsin the rear, between Vine nnd Caiiowhill streets. Un Tuosduy, De cember i'j, 1MJ8, at 12 o'cluek, noon, will be sold at public bf 'e, at the Philadelphia Exohauge, all those brick ruessuatres aud lot of ground the rennto belonging, situate on tbe west side of Mew Market street, between Vine and Callow -bill streets the lot containing in fronton New Mxrkot street 17 feet, and extending iu depth VM feet. Tne improvements are two modem lour-slory brick residences, with three-story back building; each have tun modern conveul encts; also lour three-story brick dwellings lu tho rear formins? a court. Bubjeot lo a yearly ground-rent of 8108. RI. THOMAS A PONS, Auctioneers, 12 17 19 2tf Nos. loll and 111 H. FOURTH Street. AUCTION SALES 3 12 is :i'p pOR THE HOLIDAYS. CHOICE WIM:s, WUTHKIKrt. RRVXPIK': IM l'ulil S Ij, I'llA"' i Etc., , I A .i:L UK k.1111 1. nlTA.i:'!'! Dl.. SM'DEIi & CAI)VALLDi:n, i-:i,-i idi tp No. ii ai;'ii vi i:s:a'T. "cloths, cassi:ees, etc. gUAYEl.S, CHINCHILLAS, HTC. ErC JAMES Ci L C no, li nikUTii i:i i.m MTFIIXT, Kiu't of tlia Qoldert Lamb , Ate nonr recelvltis a large aortmeut of lJtiuers, Clilucliillu, tuiil other Orereoat. ius. Also, a fall line of 3-1 ami G-i IMiuk Doeskins, all ol'thc best makes. The attention ot Menbaut Tailors aud Clothiers are sin dally lolt"d l26s AT WHOLKPALK AN3 ItKTATL. JZ 12 W 12 IV T S. Itoili'iV nnd W'oslenliolniN I'ochet liiiiti'N, Ita.H, ami St-t.ssorN. I.U1E3' HCIBBOKS. IN CASKS. UiS l'S UKKtS' lNO-l!A8lf.S. KTC. MAli:iIM,S, o. Ill Tl'XTII Nlreef, hcloiv 4'lieHiiul. PHKSKNTS FOH A DKAF FRIKXD are tlia IN H'l 1' t' M l.M'S Hnml tilt IIKAItlN i, at M -L HHA t, ISu, Ct) Teulli si., Udluw c'LinaaV. 1- It iii FXECUTORV PEREMPTORY BALE Estate of Ellas Reluhelmer, decensad. 'ih nms aoons, vuciioneers. vaiuaoie i-tusi-loe sHtmid. BKiie, N. W. corner of Fraukford road Hlid Colombia avenue., Nineteenth ward. '11 Uc-l Iroul, Hill leet deep 10 Loth street, three fronts. Ou Tuesday, February 10, ISO!), at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at publlo sale, without- reserve, at the Philadelphia Exchange, alt that two-story brick butMlmraud lot of urounil situate Mos. 17U0 and 1702 Iran it lord road, N. W. corner of Columbia avenuo, Nineteenth, ward; the lot containing in fronton Fruuktord road II feet, and exleuding lu depth along Columbia avenuo 160 feel to LeIO street three fronts. It has been occupied as a dry goods and cloihinu store; has three Jare bulk wludows, new balcony, large hall, und o rooms on second llnor; large yard, etc. Tho above Is a very valu able property, and Is a very good busluess stand. Bale absolute Inimedlato posslou. May be examined auy day previous to salj. Uy order of JACOH NlROLINQITK, 1 Vrnontnr M. bKIDKMlACII, J '-pCUlU.3. M. THOMAS & BUNS, Auctioneer, 12 17 2G J21I i(i 13 No. l.'i'J and UI S. l'OC R I'H P1.HF.M PTORV RACK. UY OltDRftOK iii heirs aud alias order of Orphans' Court. of Nathsns, relnnih, Isabella Colem cu, under will ol isaluu JSalimns, uecenseo. f our story brick Dwc-lilng, N'o. 817 i. Front street, cxteudiuK through to Waier street, whore it n live blories high. On Tuesday, December 2!), at 12 o'clock, noon, will be eold at tho Exchange, all that bank mesNURgo and lot of ground situ ete onlhobuuk of Front and WatT streois, 16 feet 10 inches south ward of Caiiowhill street; coutuinlnii in bieudth uoil'i aud souta 13 I'oet, or thereabouts, anil lu length csst. nnd west about 40 feet, more or lts.. L.minljd n'rih by the corner nn-ssuage aud lot ol Tuomas lirillou, eastv.'ind bv Water street, southward by an- iitbcrbHnk messnago and lot lino ol Thomas lJiUtun. and westward bv i-rout street aiore Mild, bcina tbo name premises which Jonathan Penrose, F.mi., Hlh MUtniT f the C'ty and Cniiniy of Philadelphia, bv- deuil poll Daaritig owe ist or pi ii, a. ij. i.nni, HCKuuwti'iiimi 'u in en r-ur.rt ino Court at PtnladelnhU, Hentem- her 3, A. D. IWO, and enterni in Rook li, piiio HiJ, grunted ami oonveyeu unto lsuiun rattidns, in iw. rsuie uosoiuio. Py tbe Court. JOSI'PH MEO ARY. Cleric ol Orphans' Court. M. THOM AS & SONS. Auello'iHurs, 12S IIIL'iiJ Nos. I Wand 111 (. l OUKL'H Streot. NEW PUBLICATIOTNiS. A BLXS1ULK Clir.l.STMA.S (U1T A Pox or Iuitiuiraper, l ite (Jnlres, Iu bright Colors, $l-Ul), Or Slumped 1'lain, only 7 5 Cciils. AhbUliH-U B17.E3, .ESVELOi'Ki SAME P1UCE. A lull nrk of all Hie lull'.ul i always un hand, or Stan. i. o at ouco to orUor. Fine ITeiiili, tnslisli criil American I'aper. li.NVItLOPKK TO MATCH PtKFfcl TLY. XoHograjus, frc&ls or Names Printed In liilsUl Colors. I rrtLIHAY BOOKS, PO 'KKT HOIKS, I I'ltAYltR ItUOKS. CAIIU CASUS. ruIlTFOL.OhS. CiHOMOi. WitlTTNU DESKS, FBiMES, Ittiirj Uooils nlcxcccdlnsly low prices. CUALLEN, Staiioncv, No. I30O CHC8NUT Street, 12 )K ;u miLAUELlMllA. - 13 I S DAY READY, T. B. ARTHUR'S NEW ROOK, A F T 1'i li T 1 1 K S T O It M In one haudsouie volume, cloth, price f 1 50 THE LEST CHI T ROOK OF THE BEA.SON ALSO, New editions of Ihe other writings of this rot'ULAH ANL BTANOAUL) AUTHOR, comnriblng about 1 a THIRTY VOLUMES. Bold separately or lu sets. For falf, wholewle aud n-tall. by JOHN E. POTTER CO . Publishers, 12 17 IhtaiJ No. til7 slANSoil .Street. DUST1NO, DURIIOBOW A CO., AUCTIOB LARG "'OTnK EOttO- ' On Monday Morning Dec 21, at 10 o'clock, un four mouth i' crsdlt. UUH HALK OF lOCARKu JtlKlTS, BnoEH KTO. r, - u 'luMWay Morning, 'lliiilit Decen.ber 22, at lo o'clock, on lour months' oreuit. LAUOKSAIJ?OFBRITI.-H. FRENCH. GEBMAW. ti, n. . V niu-srtny Mornlns, wee yj.atiooclnok.on lour monilm' erwilt. M2UU Door oil ciotlm.eii "",,""u" 11 !J TllOMHa & MUhH, NOS. 13 J AND lit . d. fuuitm tTitii.iLT. M on ; Vw l.iulm .oIa a, W.. o... CJn...l. u . . STOCK Oi" bLffclClOtt CAIIlMhT iUHNlTlIRH. Dec. SI, at io o'clock, at T A J. A.'llrnksls' wtrt- , - twin. " . .; i ..iii u n n'.iu. M - - - -' - - i mru, vi cuponur 1! Ilr- uliore. c.inii'ilHing- Walnut puilor subs, witli rtoh .... K, llu,.,,. u uiuK-room, ana nail lurMuin; -ICKuni cimuitir Inrnliure, various r1Ih. all lll.nilf I-Ili,l1 In a imi.rlnr .,, o n Z - their warnrooui .aim, ami warranted 'I liOIUld Hill I.. . . nr............. .. .. I ....... . ..... ,,, , j , .uu ,1 invtir, on ao- ronnicf 1Ii-iik-Is uUg aniiiii to remove to iiwii new n.ii luuuin, iiu. in'. Arcu Hirtlt) lli 1. M HALF. OF CHOICE AND KLKOANT ROOKS. cliotcti Clirl'HUiaa liookH, 1 kih ly lllinitraid woiks lu .uix ri) LIuilloRH, :nlinu ai,d Amer.caa e1ltloin. Mlllti.lilntiLliitli.kuu...n. ...... . mors tu all utuaniuouts of literature aud ths lia I t 17 S tCPKRIOtt lClllll KK IIOBKWODI) PTlltn Ou TuiNUay Mcrnlng, "rumn ni iv Uiili:,, A o. Iill n, F.lS7.1h sirii'l hIiovb urei-n e.reet.oy cntalo.uo. Hie entlra lurnlture, conu.rlnli'E superior wamut parlor and din Ike rnomluroiltirr, line French itlaerouud iDantal tlllrrnr. Ohm IkiiiiiI r,.uun.n...l .l...l - ......... ............. ,.. .. i. u, iuiup uv real). tunekctftUo.; I'renih chluu and RluHwaie. walnut uirm.iu k r. 1 l ..... . . r ' , . . nrn' ".mm aim DiRiiuKAnr .iimiu.-i .Mi,,! mm icwiiuur neon ana ualr mi&u triea, tunurlor wanlrobes tine Axmloster rAm. ...iM lllil tl,ll,l.lul li.MUil. lili .. . n AlhU,rtlriairators, kltcl en furniture, etc, 12 16 SI PALE OF REAL KMT ATE AND STOCKS, On Tuesday December 22. at 12 n'.-'ni U nm.n t tlia wlil incluo-.- ' ' 1-ll' l H (t-otnb). No St.. Modern Ros'deuoa CllKISlTi AN. 08 "111 10 2111 SlXLxn.i nau. I. iDgn. j.hii'uk, r,o. jsie tranne Dwelling. KIOKY, o. 4 -Brick Dwelllnir. TTllhDti-outh) No. 0)1 M.dPiu Reslrtsncs. TiVH.F'l'll Ourtbt.iSo. SJ8 Morturn iihi.. by KHi leei; ban all the modern coavenlttnoes. i i r-. r, io. -z-'i juiiucra itaiiaence. l'i:l'l N LAMI, Twentv-tlmt ward-Valusbls Xsst Rl-ACH A Nil COA'l h'S Vtrst-class Urain Dlsui Ury, STOCKS. or ace' unt of uiioni it may concern fOstiaria Traverton aud RitlOond Co 413 sliari'S I.referred aiauK of tlia Dam, hi,, .mi a,.-. iuelbDua CoiilCo. Wti bcrlp ol the Dauphin and eusqtiebanua Coal Couii.auy. tor oiner seeounts Hsharen Bank of Northern Lllrtlci. !i shares llmk of Norm America, ini.hrm Ac-Pdi my of AIuhIo, Uli ticket. 2t( Blmrts llct'.iuti ckvll eOl' Co. 10 sli.rca Cential Tr.nspi r.ntlon Co lu si.nrm chetmraku and DeUwars Canal Do, 11 si. nits I'oarth Ntc oual Bank. 1 blJrtre Acufiemy ol flue Arm. 14 anaica ! nitre' and AlechanloV National Sank. m Hlmresecconaar.d Tbtid streets 1'aesorEdr Rail way Co. ltiusiiHiP. i-ro.n ion improvement co. Kuli.rf 'MxnbcinillH and ludlivua Hullroad Co. HO uu r tcouu Morlsako co.tiiutius aud ladlauaDolla C ei.Ufl Hallway, 7 per cent , A pi 11 aud October. cataiisuif. now reuuy. u ia it HuleNo. H44 Nor'h Eleventh tret. LP CANT fcOuK t'l fHk, AllRRnltS, ROaKWOOO JIAKU. FINK. lAKFJilB, KTU tin WeciieaMay Morning, December 28, at io o'clock, at No. lul North Ele nnli oil ecu above Muster hi reel, by catalogue, tba fiilne Ultgaet Furniture, comprising llaudsojitf Wuli ut Parlor Furniture Fine Gretl'luili UjvurlniiB. Fiekant ItuKenooU I'luun, made liy Aibrecut. Klrncm di bchnilill; Klesrt Uu"tel, aod l'ler Mirror; Hupa- rior hi n ui rsfcirernry aua i;t')coe; nupHrior wil. mil Lluliig-Koom 1'iirnlluro, China aud Ulawware; Two Hulls of Ji legunt Walnut Cbaiiiber Furniture; lloiHleis HDd Pillow Flue ilan' MatreweH; Klegaut jiriv hem anu oiiior i tKrppis; iiiicuim r uroiiure, eic. May be exunnued at r, o c ock uu the morning ot dale, Tlio entire t'uruluue wus iiiaUo to order, and la (qualtontw. 12 IS at B S 0 O T T, J R., AUCTFONE K R. . . v 1. 1 1 i n rui, JNo. ldio tIli-ri2sLT htrett, l'iiiladelphla. CADI). We will Roll on Mondav. Tniwliv. ml Wtnlueedav, day aud evening, at lu'i A. M. a 'ill 7; I'. 1 . a mil and geoetai miiiiruiieiji or hurv .10.1. suitable K r tho holidays. QKiKIl SPKCI A L HOL1 DAVBALKOFTHKB KftT Ui ah 1 1 en. v r.u-rLA b.u WAKhi. l iM lltlMMI IN I'A J' T. MKSsKS DIXON & bON M liFtiT DUALITY SIlfcHTKLD UOUiS. On Monila' Morning, 'lint InslaLt. at li1, o'clock, at bent's Art (lallerr. No Into t hiMiiit street, will be bOid without ronerve, an Invoice ol but q'taliiy triple nil vr-nltd goods, Coirpi mlug, In part Wetsia. Dixon ,'. bP-,1 Si ilheld ware, ruiiable lor bridal and holiday ore bens. Tuo ij'iullly ol ihla ware Is iinciiia led J i:,d ccmlinr fiom one ol the most responaiole Cu.snut bit let noubts, can oe 1 111 1 y guarauieed. it Ff.FNCH ARTISTlG BRONZ81 QP.OUPfiM. ilulllUb, KlO. KiC. Alao, On Monday Mornlnir, Slat liist., will bo sold au tuvo'.ceof French artlitlc brui zc troupes, liKures, etc., toe entire importall' n i-f a wel.-auown and loug-eaiablibued Cbeamt nlreet liniiMe, c omrlHlng in purt vi..: Louis XI and lloail iuai, C rlc. and Colombo, Duqumiie and lie Vtiyter, Al I la and Mourorln, I'eli and oestlor, hrnce and NVullhCe, liuciug tfyiiilia, Muril o's Uu.rdl.u Augnl, eiu , iLkelher w all a t uuiberof liturta suitable fjr can. lUsfc-R. VIOLKT 4 CO. B FRENCH FXTIt ACTS, bOAI'Si. Tl'tLltl' i'OrtfDlcKS, KI'C. K I'D, Aiso, an invtice ol tbo above celebruUU maaufac line of irouch perfumery, soup, etc. etc. ll f FECIAL BALK OF Rot-K WOOD PIANOS, WAR. liiN'ill), 1Y A Cls.LKBl.Al KU NKW YllKIt" JJAM FACT I" It b R. AND HIGHLY FINlaHKD. ( Tuesday Morning, Dee. at 11 o'cloc k. i.t bcoit's Art Uallry, No. 10e I bi ttiiit s rftt, v. ill no sold, an Invoice ot Planoe, vis.: 2ll. 1 class 7-oclbve overatruug rosowood pianos, hit lily hiit-l:ell. ll. 2eiiv 7 octave oyeratrane rosewood pianos, 1) liili ly in I.- tied. No. iicikbs 7-ociuve overetruog roue wood pianos, hiKh'y lln'Bbed, . Alb.', one 7 o tave rosewood plnnn, richly carved by llniliy. 'I lie lianiiHi'ineNt ai d bent Instrument lu tb Is loniiuy or ibo ctor'd, itiou.ale of waieb wua sold lor liti'i. Ail 01 ilientuvp w.rrnnled of the bent llnliti.liy one ( 1 1 1.H un si cfciibralou luuuufa :iuri:ru In Ibis country or 1 In win re. li IS .t l. AM McCLEES .V; CO. LiAi JdAliKKr Btreei. AUCTIONKEAS c. HA I.I. VV lGlOCAfcEH HtwK eHOICS, BItOO AN8, I'.'l O. 1. 1 c On Monday Mornlne, Dec. to, crtUii'Lcin at 11) o'clocn, we will sell. In- c..m. ..Kin-, I' r cah, li.LHiBHn iiieu'8, boys' aud !( olt', tlH.ta, tiTiikUB, lialojO'UiB. eiu. A it ( r hi. i" 1 lor .i"i.r 1 nit ol oi lailua', uiiviis', and iLm.r.L : ii.j-uir.ilego.iU. li 17 .11 BALL OF 17U) CAKH BOOTS, HOTS, BUOUANS BAI.VOHAL-l, KTO. Oi. 1 nui'Mduy Moruiog, Deer nber2l louiinoncm at in o'clock, we will anil by 1 ..laii'jjue, lor tasii. I7iki cases men's, boys', aud jxuii.n' lioom siioce, brogans. balniuruM. etc. Ao a superior aiMoiiiueiii ol woiuou's, misses', aim 1 elioreu n cny gojtft. in is it MARTIN r.ROTIllCRS. AUCIIOXKERS. Luteiy f aleniiien lor M. Tlioiuux A. boon.) lo. IT-i ClIlibN UT bt.. ear oulrauue lioiu Mluor. ' CBOK'K ANO HANDSOME HOLIDAY BOOKS, XltiK CUKOMOh IN WAl.M'T FiiAMKd, Iii I'U. Ou fiouday 1V' Ding, Dec. 21 at 7 o'cIock, at Hie auclloo rooms, by cata logue, clioica and elrg.ut banks, illimtra td anuuals in iiui ilkoino biinlluK Juvenile work, in rhi.i; very liuo Inoxi.oi In liai diuiuu nlnut f auies, aud otuec i' ore's. hiiilHlile lor boliiluy preseu'v. W 1 y oe examined to-Uay and ou Monday. II 19 2t K1I OANT CHRISTmTh ISOOICH. CROH;K IL- I imtll'Ui AND blANDAUD WOUK.O IX ) 1M-. IllNDlNCJ-. Ou Tuesday Everlng, l ie. 2?, at 7 o'cl ck. at ilie aucilon room. Nt. 62 Cluniui s reel, by i-a'.a oene, au exoailfni ool e Hlod ol Hut) ii oks lor il. Holidays. Including choice Fnkl'sli lllusp-t led work lu line olunlms; a varluty of new and popular juvenile books; Hue colored toy b- i I s, Muuilcril work, e c. Mi-y be enauilsed 011 Moudsy and Tuemlay. 1211)31 milOMAS BIRCH RON, AUCT10NKEIW J AND COMlllbHlON MKKOUANTa, No, IU CH KtW OT bit eel; rear antrauue Mo. 11U7 bamsota ORKAT "AI E OF FIWBr-OLAK-4 BILVKR PLATRr W A KF. H.LFOANT FANCY UOODi, FitMlfi TOYd. On Tnenday Morning, ,,,,, At 10 o'clock, aud la the ev.mlug at T p clook. at li e aucilon more, will bo sold, sO'ck or llrst-olaas sllver-plaled ware and other goods suite! lor Obi wt una pieaeuls. 1 ' LlI'l'INfOTT, RON 4 CO., ACCTIONKFK8, AsUaUlT liUiLDiNU. NO. iU WAKKSCT .