THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TUIPLK 811 EKT PHIL ADELPIU A, SATliKDAY. DrTKMHKK 19, 1888. a- LLB UJ Zj O X ui X H O X a O f X H CO Q O O a - & o UJ l 03 2 O x LL EES i o o UJ US X H urn u. O UJ o g 55 ui bb o o o o o o o CO GO n o o o Si o rH O O O 4-3 o S5 CD CD CS 3 4-3 OS o CD FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES A PERFECT SiFE. MARVIN'S S P H E Pv T 0 A L 3 BURtiLAlM'ROOF Cannot be Sledged! Cannot bo Wedged I Cannot be Drilled! FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFC A. PERFECT SAFE MARVIN'S PATENT AJA31 AM) DRY rMNTKIt FIRE-PROOF SAFES. The leading maohiuiaU in New York, Phlla dflpbia.l Boston, Now Haven, and Newark have beon unable to drill the CHROME IRON after repeated trials. In calling attention to ah ENTIRELY NEW SAFE, the pnblio may rest an a a red that U U done only after tlie most thhrongh and careful experiments on it for more than a year past during wlioh time we hare spared nithr pains nor expense to attain PKRl'HCTlOJf. 910,01(0 iii Money, Valuable IS. oka an I Papers perfectly pre-ered through the lire or July 2tl, 1SRH at Doro's Depot, or1h Crol!nrt, in one or 9UKVIV4 SAl'FK, owuod by UK I.0R1IE X DOVi:. SALE O F CLOTHING The appraisement of Stook, undor order, of Executors, included alt our pieco goods which wo keep on cutting and making up as usual; and, though always cheaper than othor houses, tho peoplo oan readil see how much cheaper wo can sell ovo rjthing now, and how impossible it is for ny one to reach our low prices; a nd our goods aro well known to be superior in every respect. To accommodate parties who aro not fuito preparo to buy, theso bar gains can be secured by making tho soloction, and, y n small payment on account, they will bo laid asido until they are roady, an 1 full payment can be mado in instalments whon de sired. WE AIIE DOING ALL WE CAN TO ACCOMMODATE OUR GREAT THRONG OF CUSTOMERS. A L E OF c L O T H I n GREAT R E a .1 CLOTHlXQa WAWARfiAKER c BROWftS, S, E. CORNER 8IXTH AND MARKET STREETS. Store Open from 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. Daily. Saturday Nights Until 10 P. M. 8 A CLOTHING L SALE 50,bOU feet tr linubcr k'htroycd in our runing Mill fn HrroMyn, Mj 15, ISG. All our Money, Taper.- aud Hooks suveil Inexeelitnt order in a MiUYIX'S S VFK, AI.L.MAM) DItY 1 L ASTEIL S11FAKMA H!:0S. Both of the above were Very Severe Tests. rcifccl Proteetlon IgalnBt Fire and Hur Rlars at the LEAST COST. They are aUo well adapted for the use of private families in preserving diamonds, jew elry, bonds, and valuable papers, as they oan be made highly ornamental, and are too heavy to be carried away by burglars. LAST BUT NOT LH4ST: THE PUICK5 OF T1ILSE SAl'KS are very mauhbelaw what has been heretofore charged fur HAFK3 called "BURGLAR ritOOiM PleaFt call aud exatuine lhn MAKV1N & CO., I'uiNCJii'Ai. nva i;i:ii()usi.a. So. liKOAUWAY, Sew York; 721 CHESNUT St, Pirlada, (MASONIC HALL); o. 10S I5ANK Stmt, Clerelaol, 0'o. And for mJ by our Agents in the priuo'j al cities throughout the United States. Altr twenty-six years' experieuoe in Nef Yorkoity, we claim to make a SAL'K superior in every reepeot to all others. Our Safes possess the fallowing advantage: Tliry coinbine the two most Hrc-pivot subhtanees known. They nre pei reel ly dry, aud do not cor rode the Iron. Tiiy 'o not loso their lire-proof iuatl ties bj ae. Our LOl'KM are "iiyvriur to any uthrs in use. BAILEY CO., m CHESNUT AND TWELFTH STS., GRAND OPENING. FRESH IMPORTED NOVELTIES WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1B2S Si r C. VV. RUSSELL, No. 22 North SIXTH Street, OFFERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Jnrclrj, Fancy floods, Silver anil Hated Wares, G0LD AND 81 From thefltmanafaotareni. poh tdb I FINE JEWELRY, Of all descriptions, and latest styles. CHRIST Rl AS HOLIDAYS. Diamonds, Emcralcfs, Sapphires, Rubies, Opals, Pearls, Solitaires, Clusters, Italian, Roman, Byzantine, Venetian, JEWELRY. Viennese, Bohemian, French, English, 8wiss, Russian, American, Watches, Swiss, English, American, Chains, Seal Rings, Seals, Charms, Scarf Pins, Scarf Rinps, Studs, Sleeve Button 2. Lockets, Necklaces, Brooches, Earrings, Bracelets, Etc. Opera Classes, Pipes, Match Boxes, Cigar Stands, Inkstands, Portemonnaics, Cigar Cases, Bridal Fans, French Clocks, Vienna Clocks, MARVIN & CO, I'HNC I'AL WAUKUOUSi;s. t 2C5 UKOADWAY, en York; 721 CHESNUT Street, Philada., (MAbONtC HALL); o. 10H 1UMK 84re4t, ( Ii'tcIjuI, Ohio. And for sale by onr Agents in the prluolpal cities throughout the United States. FAKCY GOODS. Party Fans, Jewelry Cases, Reticules, Dressing Cases, Glove Boxes, Bonbon Boxes, IViouchoir Boxes, Jardinieres. Card Stands, Vases, Music Boxes, Toilet Sets, Skate Bags, French Bouque Etc. Etc. BRONZE GOODS. Statuettes, Croups, Etc., Busts, From the beet French Modellers. Warble Statuary, Parian Ware, Paintings. SILVER AND PLATED WARES. C porgnes, Cake Baskots, Castors, Fruit Dishes, Flower Stands, Butter Dishes, Waiters, Vegetable Dishes, fete. Etc. Corham Silver Wares. Gorham Plated Wares Open ovory Evening till D o'clock during December. BAILEY & CO., CHESNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS, ..... r-iiiMitr.Lriivt. FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS, Direot from Paris. SILVER WARE OF THE OORIIAM MANCT. FACTURINQ COMPANY, AT Dlllwip THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. E. STELLWACEN & CO.: AT TJiK OLD STAND. iv . : M.tisKirr street. OKNTV CHAINS, KTO., m IUhs nl (,-icully rtiliiaed prloea, aud all gotxU A cull Is Holli'.lted tu-foro malting your ChrlsU :h )urcii:iM.-8, tu onviueo you of this fot. I rout le to niiiw nttl.i If you do not wlah to lno l i )r'xenl. rjl51-'!i OKU W. OR ANT. B. WARDEN, QOODS FOR TUB nOLllJLYS. h. 1U Conu r 1'UTIl und ClltSSL'T Sts., imi i iTT t . t. Corner TEMIi and CHLSMIT Sts.f l-HKVIOUd TO BKMOVAL 10 tin. 10-iu iu:smit Mitr.Kr, orrKKS ron tiii: holidays A l.AIUK AHV VAHIK1) AH80HTMI4MT Of (old and Silver WaU-heK, t'iavi Jewels, Stci iiiiK Silver Ware, rialed Ware, Etc. Etc., Sl lTAHI.K rOU HOJ.'PAY UIKIH, AT TUH I IHlOll-p LOWEST l'ONSIHLE PKICES. R N TS E 8 E WATCHES. .TtWJ'ILllY HI I. V Ell IV A ICE. 112111 IlKNltY IIHlMnt, K. 00 AttCII M4re. Jiih( oiwiifil k cxil f-il.wi of NKW ud niCll .HUi8, Meltlel eiiiwltt lj lur OH1USTMAS I'llESKNTS. MAHOKDS, bountiful ilwlK-m (Juid Wttli-liev. l.KOifa' mm (' i'lmtnu. A ujutuiliceui sunk ( I Jewvlry I- l;iutlue Mo h U;. N-w ("phIcw. In Cold Ji w'.ry. llrm elel. I i.cktt. the i.rgint vm 'i ly vr utrret. 1-n-fi'iit.Uou Lbuw; i. (I liruilea tuu-1 BPK- tiAi.iy. llrldftl RBd nllitr vtyl SI ver Wr Frcnoh Mnlel C x k8, line 1'UitU Ojiwh UIh' elo. np. A i.r. rliuou ' t Ufii-J lu nri tiMir ud k vi ill touvlixe llie mod LU U7up UHi(il.S & CO. E. p. ADAIR tl-t of lli. firm ofKmvili A, No. 1124 Che-uut.-rr.t), MAKDh'Ai ri'RKtt Ok' S1L VER I LA T D WARE, WATCH CASES, And Diula-s in Aniericun und Imporlt-d WATCHES, o. 1:1 South Sivril Street, is 1 llip Mtmufuctory, Yo. 22 8. FIFTH SL lSAKOALNS IN WATCUES HKISTMAN Pltl'lSiiNTS. li e 3nl.iri 01 tliu mn- JJBN M. II4HPKH wlK inl i 1 h'litll. 111. .took ui Kto, Ml "ilj All. HKHVl'l-J) HI I KS M the Old HUnd. Ao. 0H ( HKS.NL'T htreU QCORCE M. BECHTEL, .. 71 A If II hTUKET, Silver and Silver - Plated Ware M'LUAiJ AT WHOLLSAI.i: IT.IUIS. 87tUK Ol'EN EVLNINUI UNTIL 251U INBT. iai7 6trp HOLIDAY PRESENTS. j a a o li iiXhlby J E WELLES, 12 I lmrp No. 623 MARKET 8trt, JaA.YOST'S KODDY HOR8C And Clilldren'B Carriage Bazaar, THE HOUSE-HJRNI8HINO 8TOBB KO. lt IIOBTU WIMTU STB EST. Wb.rtwlll tioaB Uim aMortmant ofHOBBT IV. 12-1 S. EJ.IIVEIVTII .St., HOBBKS, BLKWHa toys, vakotahb hotisb uiTittrp fttti..DEi.paiA, iccwifiBaRa owca, ttiM