THE DAILY EVENING TKLKGK APIITItl PLE SHEET PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 18C8. CITY ITEMS. Wa hut the itMmm each ear or number who purchase f wi, after having examined Other (looks. whVsb, ander different picas, are Mat waorlfloed" tbet oar goods ere Mid tx lower ariose thea Uf other Clothing la Philadelphia. Tb aeaeral experience la that inoh goods are Vet to Chbap Al ItaraaaatrTaD, sod Uiepobllo those who have puiebaaed thsm and, those who have aot many ol tbo formor to their eats, two generally becoming aware of this fact. On Htook is Foix and Oomplstb. our asaortment unbroken, wo btleg la receipt each day of Urge lots of bow good,, replacing those sold, which ersbelag msnu'actured not To na SAoainoao, but lo successfully compete with any other goods la the market la alt reepects, stylt, fit. mske. or price. W'a in Uood Faith oarrjr out oar established rule now, as at all oibar times. n niw mt all price lower than A InwrM rliut whmi alto, gvwrnnU full tatUfaction to evtry pvrrMMrr, or its taU cancelled and morwy re funded." i potm.'T our Patrons sod fully carry out Hi In ru'e at present we bare bsduobd all micas. Wi KKMi'MirruLLr KxyusnT buyers of clothing, after having examlued the stock I which are being "eaoilftoed," to extntlne oars before purchasing. A rata test is all wm aik. Jl-ilf ttnv between BuMMirr 4 tJo firth and Town ilALt,, tjuetn itrteU ) No. 014 UARKKtxr, rniuiKi.riiu, And Ko 600 Bbospwsy, bnv Yuhk. Hv in Makb it Pay roa Both Pabtirs. It Is POiltlvtiy UtigtiaMe tutes bow enviius men altsmpt lo .count lor the Tory low prloei waich are a; alt (lAeeourrentalOsk Hall. Oouricts 'or aallorms fur the PostOfflis, f ir fir o ltn, for po'ioemen are aws Ued to Wammtker A Meowa ecutiie tbejr furnl-h the tame Ideatloal gr mints at prices be o v the lowest bid of other oimpe. tltort ant peaple ay, 'On, yi, that't verychuo; bo I they'll make It all upon their ready -mart clota log." In 'he Reedr-mtds Olothlag Dprt man', n theosandt of oar i ttisens who h ive tried all our I ! lag clothing houses caa testify, they tell at prl.:t wllhwhloh none caa oimpete whea the qutllly o f goods and the general make-sp It considered; and people say, "Oti.yfs. that's all very well; but they will make It up la the Custom Department." Iu Hie Custom Department It Is proverbial ther give m chant tailors' work at ready-mads olotblug pries ; and It Is said that what ihey deduot here thoy add somewhere else but where they add it noouecan really tell-lor every twenty casta you meet with Of persons making good bargains, you do not And one who has. or even professes to believe, he hai been ohargrd anything above a rery medsra:e aud fair paten. Now me great thing to be marked In all this h te fast, ad a I ued by all, of low prln . And the renl ex planation Is simple enough. An; ra in can understand It, and, If he Is booest, need uot rummage his brain to find out "how thsy do manage to sell so phenp at Oak UalL." Here It It as plain as the noes on face. Bay one home sells t 12 i0 a day (more than which amount has been sold In a day at iMk Hall li but ordinary times), and males a prottt of ten per cent , or tllCOO, and soother nouns sells but tj'iooy a day, and makes a roflt of 15 per cent., or IMO. Tti'i house doing the largest bu.luess makes the largost amount of money, you see, but at the same time charges Its customers only a proll'. of lo pcrcsnt., whits the house doing the smaller trade hastocbarge a larger profit. If per cent., yet does not make sj mnoh money. If now yon oect oa the ground ol iti costing so maoh to run such an establishment. It Is enough to assert, what Is easily emngh proved, that the machinery a- d the running of such an lmoatjute concern at Oak Hall dots nt cost, In proportion to the amount of trade done, half so mucn as does a smaller house dolug bat hair the trsde !bat li, if a small establishment has to adds per cent, on 0101 garrn'oifor "store expenses "a larger one can mate as great a profit by adding but three per oeul,, Ihui saving two per cent, to th customer. This, then, to Bay nothing of the advantages wliloh must accrue to a house boylng so largely, Is the ex planailon of the whole Wanamaker & Brown started ont with the Ida ol aVipufarCluthiDg House, and It Is admitted that they have so far realised tbelr Idea that they are sometimei evsn falsely called a monopoly. b3cauie they cnmuiand leu an unrivalled amount ol builoest Tbat't tbelr secret It's out now, and all may take the benefit of it. Tiiey will do business on tbM same principle to the end, or tintii tbey have very diOVreul experiences from any that have come to tbem to far la tbelr bjnueji career. So that every nw customer who come t Oak Hall doea something towards the ''low prteeV which the people are marvelling about. And here's a nice little problem, wblcn we wonld like to tee the people try to solve prac loally. What Is the very lowest figure to which wo ould eiaolo Wauamvker A Bsown to rednoe their prices U we were all to u;iy our cioUiIng at Oak HallT It ib wondkbfiii, bow cheap gocda are sold at Clay's China Palace, No, It'll Ohesuut etreut. The stock was well selected by Mr. Gay In person, from the laigfst manufactories in Europe. The cauxe of liitlr being to remark ably cheap is the great reduction of prices on the other side of tbe water. Business being veiy dull, all the manufacturers have large stocks on band, and are willing to dlacouut larurly to effect sales. Below we quote prices of a few staple goodx. Fancy are at a still greater disc junt. White French china cupt ana saucer, per set, 12 plvcee, i 25. , White stone china cups and saucers, per set, 12 plecei. 15 cent. White French china dining plutes, 9 inches, per dozen. It. White stone china dining plates, tV Inches per Ji 7,.-n, ll'iU. Wblie st)iie china chamber sets, per ( ut -gUss goblets, per dozan, 2 15. iilovunlass goblets perdozn, (l'JO, 1 u' :! luiuders.per dosa, i 2:, A Y, MiinBY Ciibiktmas. A lariite avsorv ment f new goods lor tbe holidays atHheppard. Van Harliegen & Allison's store, No. lCMUuesntit stti et. Where could you go to procure better goods at cheaper rates? Of course you have friends, and design giving them prtsttnts. If amoug their number there bo-as there unquestionably will bd-Sjine bead of a lamlly, a man, the niauy mouths ol wboaa chlldreu tax bltn to fill tbeiu wl b foud, and whole other wants, consequently. In tbest bard times, pull baid upon hit pu si-strluin, ro'tid you do him, hit wletnd liltleouea a lavor than by bniow. lug opoo them as a Christmas gift tome of tbo articles they have so often envied as they behold them in the windows of No loist lirsuut btrewt? Ther you will had plno and table oovors richly, yes. iroramiusly emuroidered. tit lo keep ih rtcraicues fioui 1 ne maiingany of a kin:;. There are exhibited to yuu quanltJesof lace ciuunn li.e 0 ei lo.i tracery of wiit w entbioidery a uiosl defies tt eyeto unravel a:u U.iwlU rs It lu Incatch iiK all the parts of Urn des'KO, UaiBeli'ei null in. wbosBWaiiu colors aud downy texture Uellui lUe gacthi d Invite lurHpusc Ah! bm bere's the thlnic, ye tenth (, lancy tas.e I What do you think of Kreocu euibioldeietlslilrt fronts? Kroui a jrus Urn wa'er tbny C4.uieiuycu adicned by lue iwif- lingers ot pnaiy l'nmcli priKiittt ai.d cure bi-utolug beueatu your ei,oii are the nobleti man that walks. lau't "all lo s' curs oui of lbs sbln front. Tueu coma pllns f xira prruituin blankeis Look at them. '1'ney swell beiore you lu tn cuh r of the anow-llike. y .eld lojourtoucn like the cheek ot a iQKlUt n, an I aUiiont speak the wordr. Wrap yourvelf In uiy emorace and iry niy waruitb.' Tut-y'rejuht itie things for tbe cold uUhts uow uMn u. L'uon ilu o'linirH of thes'ore, ttlho. ycticome upou beans f ilimnlt damaHk ta .le (.'lot ha. fiom two 10 eight ya-da in leog h, uuaurpustad In quality and 1J: and niouniali'S of uapkins, lowelH, Me. finer than wblib were never luipined. lu lact. anvthing you ca 1 itenlie lu Ihelr Hue will he fmiml at tusesiahllsnaient of Musnrs Mliepptrd, Van HanliJK' A ArrUon, N-. lm t'hHUUl street: so don't iii'js woiug theru bsfuie you purehaa at other plao;t. liia Hai.b or ti a D'Hoyvbttkb Collbotio. A' thesecoud sale of the li'Uuyvetier palutlngs, last vei'lrg tbe bidding wt not very tplrtted. except In thtoase of "Ttklog It Knur," No. Ml. by llenrletu ltunaerand D. Ool. which brougnt fi. The other pictures tod very low. On Monday mornltg Mr. B Boolt. Jr. will sell, at hl ttoro, opprtltt to the Acad" niy tf fat Arts, an tstorlmeat of Dixon's celebrated Sheffield Ware; also. Hat J-'ronch Brontss figures, etc. These nrtlolet art a'l from a first-class 0 lesuut sureet bouse. ThU talt will afford flno opportunity Ut thewUo wltatoturcUattChrlttmat prostnla. To A tiPTtomiM amd ' lotbt Be. Wt havo a largo atock of Rady-made Clothing, uneqnallel la this oily In tty to, fit, and mak t.whlck wt Intend to oloat ont. It tnoluflea tvery kind of seasonable garments Men's, 'Toutbt, Boys', and Ohlldrta't a especially adapted to the holiday season. No bettet or more useful pre sent can bo found, and at the redaoed prices at whioa war running It off, will pay a good profit to any clothier for private tale, or aey auctioneer for pnbllo tale, daring tht holiday toason. Halt twv Mkmn 1 Bbmwbtt A Oo., MVthand r Towbb Hall, Hixth itrtMl.) No. IB Mabkbt ST., PHiLAnnLPHia, AJtP No. aa Bboadwat. Nbw Yoaa Thb Wili.cox. A Oibbs thb Standabd sbwino MacbimbI It Is a' remarkable fact that alt the "grand Improvements" to frequently advertised by one and aso.her ol tbe various Sewing Machine Com panies and tbelr representatives, art la reality bat allibt epproxlma'lont towarot Iba high standard of UeWlllcox AOibhs. That there have been Improvements made n one will deny; but In no particular has the "Htandard" ye been reached. Two or throe of tt,o prominent ma chines bave tern rendered comparatively noUeleis The Wlllcox A Nlbbs. however. Is still denominated' Ihe.'NFllent Machine." Home have studied to alm pllfy their mtcblus, and not without m triced results: but tbe Wlllcox & ttibhs Is even ye', dlsilugalshod for Its simplicity. "Elasticity of etltch'' It someiimee made mention of In advoitlsements, bnt la this th, Wlllcox A Ulblis twisted loop-stltoa U surely without b rival. "Hymruptry of firm,' also "beauty and ex. cellence of finish," are sometimes clalnreJ for this or that machine, bnt the Wi.lcox A Globs Is universally acknowledgtdtbo very "perleciion of mecbanlsaa," A Haokikh CotiSH Is 0110 of the most distressing as well ae dauncrous forms of cough one can be ttlllcted with. I is continuous action fatigues and Irrlta es tbe lunge, and thut engenderi consumption. TJpham's Fresh Meat Cure wlil cure the C-xixh, soothe the Irritated bronchi, and give tone and Vigor to the lunks aud whole system. A tingle bottle will convince any one ot Its parity Bold out dollar per bottle. JoHNHTON, HOLLOWAT A COWOKN, No. 601 Aroh street. foAL, Coal Coal for the million. Now Is the time to lay lo your wlnter't store of fuel. Old King Frost is drawing pictures on the windows, and the mol-t snow Is wetting your feet. Build bilgbt tires and bid tbe cold defiance. Bat to build the fires you mast have good coal aud where should you purobaie It It not at tbe celebrated Alter's, No. 957 North Ninth street (ofllce Sixth and Bprlng Harden ttreeiek He has it In abundance, too notwithstanding 'he recent atilke In the coal reglms and It ready t. .oi'Qlsb. cuntoiuers with all and kinds, at the very lowest prices, RELIGIOUS (NOTICES. tor additional JZeHvioui If Meet ire Second Page. fKpOM RKV. DB. BKBM WILL PKCIl'H V5rf In tUa THIRu UKFORMJiiii CMUKCH. 'IK.NT11 AND FIl.BkiltT otieieta, To-morrow, at 10,' o'clock, morning, and evening. rAKTlCL'LAK TKOULAM 1 MM! ! TOWIi tbetlm! We told yon s. 1 eivvet were clothes 1 1 be had so low. tiPMlALNOTlCK! a 'OLD y u to. and tell y. u again I'leuty of clotbes for boys and men 1 i.ET IT BK CNIK -STO(.) 1)1 rK'UK going tu take stock I That Is tbe reason We sacrifice gcods rt the present BCHUU. WOS'T BKl'SDMWO'.I)! ry iii nnblje needn't aea'n he told A. Vat we don't tuteod to be uudr old ! IU3ADY FOR THE HOI.IO.iV8 ! Tl UKRV aluim! Don't bo afraid. J I W' marked tbltigs uown for the Holiday trade, A hill FOB EVKBTBniiY! ItUlCiCS Keilii Mtl !! ! Come and enjoy An elegant hu.i lor each man ana each bey I A Stilt rtduce.l to .a A $ 8 Stiti,.. red lead l . A lis bull .educwi t.- n A g to eveiui at rpdncel in ,.. so A Overcoat reducnl to ...... ti8 NOW FOB THK BOYI- The Toy's t!2 Hult reduced to $9 The JBoy's lis overcoat... reduced to....... ju Ivirjlhing else in proportionate reduction. COMR AND 8KB. ROCKHILL & WILSON, OBfilT-BEOWN HALL, Koh. 603 aud i35 CIIESUT 8TIIEET. SC8 I'lTCHKU'S, NOW TLitxi:n iti:os. v co., si so fntM'sv'r Niiti;i,r, PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS An IiMiiionso Yirli,v for Tonntr I'oIKb uaul (.roHii B'ulKw. Toy Books, Juvenile Books, AutmalH, Histo ries, lilurles, 1'ot Ileal Works, Bibles, Prayers, (standard Authors, New Books, Plalu, Colored arid IllustrMled, sold singly aud la seis, lu cloth, calf, Tuikc-y, and velvet blndlugs. Also, Hteieoi-oopcg, from CO ceulg to $120. Stereoscopic Views, 10.000 kinds, many en tirely new. Plauclietle, the Great Mystery from 73 cents to $8. Rogers' droops, 21 klods' five sizes. The new bet of Seasons, $3. Puot graph Albums, niauy uew styles also i splen did stock of FOREION AND AME111CAN CUUUM03, Many entirely new In this country, all slzep, framed and untrained, all selling AT OUR WKI1-KNOWN LOW l'llICES. i mism liuoTiiiKs x to., (rormerly I'lTCHKU'S), HHH CIIF.ISXIT Slreet. NOH ALL THE NEW BOOKsi AT LESS THAN PUBLISHERS' rUICE-J. 1210 5t CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. An elegant attorlment of Watches and Jewelry of tbe newest styles, and aioca below tbe prices the tame goods can be bought for Id tbe large ttorei on Chesnnt street. Compare goods and prloes, and you will be eo .vlaced. SPECIAL ATTENTION It called to oar astortmenlof Slcevo Bu tons an 8tuds, Which, In rtjle qnallty, and price DEFY COMrBTITION, AT JOHN C. KELLEY'S; Mo. 83 NontU EIGHTH Ntrevt, It It t Above Ohesnat ttreet. NEW AND USEFUL. DOMESTIC UTENSIL , JENKINS & TONGUE'8 Patent Wincing Cleaver iron icitoiieiv use. iSEfiKfroslt foCuc JC JS- amfc.MUi.iiiuM.i,iiMM.iiii:.i :iNi:. :ii:;ii x- Th.aUieaver. iu utual Cutting K lge nn the lower snde. It furnished wltu a Virculttr Fdgeon the front col. R'taptml to clioppiuir or mincing In a bowl, for which a ecparaie cutter has heretofore bno uned. it tntis nntwers a double pnrooae. Tbe blade is entirely of pol ished steel, about six Inches long, and the whole weight about a pound a sice well tutted for womun's use. and It will b found a vulnahlo addition to tbe Implements of tne o toiling derailment. ,..o;.. iJi,Jii I v 1 " O. IWJJlt ejl'a-.rJ,!:ifl WEST PHILADELPHIA 8KATIN0 PABK, TUlHl V-Hmbt and WALNUT Hireew. hkatlpg elena-it Ice strong anu smooth inmrrior nauuiuireet Vara. AimlMlva. tfioenu. . It Manufactured solely by Ji:HIN Ac TOSiUirE. Pftlonteee, Nos. s mid 5 niciino.Mi Nt., rhllst. Two Quallllee. For sale at the Hardware and House-furnlshlng Htorea. A. II. SIIirLF.V aV SOX, Agents, No. 500 COMMERCE St.. PHILADELPHIA. NOTICE.- All persons are forbidden to manu facture auy Cleaver with a circular culling; edge on the front ends It HOLIDAY GOODS. C1IROMOS, FROM SO CENT TO 30; FANCY ARTICLES, POKTfOLIOS, roilTKHOSNAlKS, IlKRS PKJi-WlPKUS, ETC. 4I.SO, PISE STATIONERY. PRAYKR BOOKS, GIFT BOOKS, And a large assortment of CIIILDKKN'8 BOOKS for sale at li li at ' Mrs. J. Hamilton Thomas', No. 1344 CIIESNUT Street. EXORBITANT PRICES! EX OKI IT A XT PltlCES! EXO( 11 IT A NT PltlCES! Tbe rn!e at most BE9TATJHAN19 nowalayi Is to chaige BXOaBITANT PBI0K4 For edlblea and blbiblee, bat such Is HOT THB bTYLK AT JACKSOX'S KESTAUKiM, S. E. Corner SI VTIInnd AKCII, Where the Bitit XXX. ALK lis ONLY t'lVK CCK1S A OLAHet. THK BH8T OY8TEB9 TKM CKNTJ A PL4.TK TBKBKMTAND BlUUKtiT STEWS TWENTY CENTS. FBI KB TWEKTY CENTS A HALF DOZEN, Ana every thing lse la the same proportion, REM EMBER JACKHON'8 BULK, To Dispense Kotliicpr but the best, and that too al the LOWEST I'llICES. BIS BILL OF FARE Isei large and varied as any In tbeclty.'aud HEALS AUK FURNIdftED AT VERY MODERATE PBICKs. JACKSON, S. L. Coruoi SIXTH aud A U I'll Streets, lSlbtitrp PHILADELPHIA. y I N C C D MEAT. THE II EST IX THE MAKKET. THIS 1ACT IN Hi: VOX U Ul'tl-HTIOX. The underblgued, a few daya Blnoe, lwaued a challenge that but article waa the bent MINOhiD MIS AT In the market. This baa not been aooepted, but evaded by one who heretofore ban claimed superiority. JOSHUA WRIGHT, B. W. CORNEK FKAhLL and Sl'KLNU tUCDEN Sis., PUILADELTHll. For Halk by all Orookrb. 12 15 tf ATMORE'8 MINCE MEAT! The Best and only Reliable!! NO CHALLENGE NEEDED I ! I The quantity Sold and Selling the Rest Challenge I ATM0R13 DEFIES COMPETITION! TO BE BAD OF NEARLY ALL GROCERS IN THE CITY AtiD COfJNlRV. Ul7te E. 17. L E E, No. VI North ElfJIITII Stroll. OIEMNOOF BUPKRB HOLIDAY OOOD3. W0RK8 0? ART. Klecant Ironte Oronpt, riiuret, Va.ies,eiatuetts etc. Alabaster Rbs Vases. Vestibule Ornaments, etc Batdtome carte a marble oipy of Oaoova's, Dane! iDgUlrl. Fine Carara marble hast, B tab rut Venns. Flnerarraia Pastoral Oroup, from tbo Anthina Beautilully carved Castelllaa Bione Uroap, P.ul and V rgloia." Finely caieed Figures, Tragedy and Comedy, Agate Ilele Vanrs, Armarmo Hebe Vasef, and llteiy oarved Carrara Marble Peyoheol Caogya. JClrgant carved Tgore , Dunolng Venus, etc. buyer b Bronte Orouot, "M upp end Anllope." Tbe above goods were purchased at the Auction baleol Vltl Broth trs, and will "beseldai lost" than "HALF OOLD COiHT.- Alro, Handsome 'Jardaolerea" (Frenuh Flower Wanda), on Oil tend t.boay Pedestals. HANDSOME FANS. HAND30iIK FANd. An Invoice of VIENNA FAN.?, painted on H.IK. An entirely new article. A oharmlng present. Also, O lit 8 tick Fans, WhLe and Black, looo Bilk Fans, all colors, at very low prlre. loe Children's Goloied bilk Fans at Wo. LACES, HANDKERCHIEFS, HANDKERCUlE?i, LACK-3, Po nte lace Ccllsis, from f !T lo 7 io, rrom auc. lioo. Lace Barbes, Velis.Coitrrec. e:c loOi Lace Collar at 870. HO Rial Valtncleauot UOkfe., 2'21 to 1 1 00. 74 Elegant do., I! to f.O. Boms KLKUANT HOODS. 6tOCluny Ld Imituljn Polute and Vai, flaudktr. Chiefs. 620. to tin. too di ten HniHt'ichd all Linen Bdrt.,2ric. FlNBFRUNCU LINKN UDKFS. STITBSU AND COBDbli. CHILVRKS' CCLORID BOROKR HUFKS.,121, to lie dents' Fine Ilfmsilxhed acd Colored Border BdfH Ocols' Pioln LI. en Hk s.,jltj 66j., cheapest ever oflfred. G-Dt' Kngibh Cloti Gloves. Oentb F ntt K d Lined. Imported. Ulesrh' and Chi.drtn'a Flue French Olovet, elegant colors. cotoydj Diets O orit, reduced to 26c Handsome Stripe Pop. ni. M to 380. Fine FitbCh Pmli 1'op as 7 ; r.d.iced from l Su Fine Bilk VmbrelUt. Par'gou Fct-an Umbrellas Would lLVile upeoUi ait-ntlnn to tbe above linos of Goods, t they comprise many novelties. Very detlrah e and HOLIDAY PRlSBNTd at very moderate prlofe. E. R. LEE, Xo. 43 North IIUUTU Stmt, 1210 tt PHILADELPHIA. QHIIISTMAS PRESENTS, ltniiltrnpt Stock of Dress Goods. I will open this moriilnc from a N'awYotk Bank rupt h ale, se vei al kit of rxiemsH goods, Ircludlnic ROI'BAIX FOPLIN8 at 25c lerjard, tht la-. sure my customers cost the.Impoite, t ove.- -.0 cents lo gold. 8,0. TOR AN Af HORTMKNT OF DHE93 GOODS PLAIN, F1CCBF.D, bTltlPltD GOODS, fclLJJ AND WOOLGOOD9. ALL O HADES OF DUE93 O JOLU, Cuesp, ll',c, HEAVY CANTON FLANNKL4. 12 ,c. HEAVY UNDLK 1011 ED M 08 LIN -4, Wide Sheet lngt. Wlllianitvllleanu Wuuiutu Muslins ai Whole sale prices, 26c. NEABLY YABD WIDE WOOL FLaNSKLS. ALL GRADE80F WOOL and DOMKT FL.vNNa.LS BLANKJ,W-Beveral Cheap Lots. W. ATKINSON, No. Ql N. Ninth Street, Urp ABOVC RACK 3 U IT ABLE ARTICLES Fcr Presentation to Gentlemen FANCY SCARFS AND NECKTIE3. GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. FANCY BORDERED LINEN HDKF3. EAR MUFFS AND MUFFLERS. WRIST COMFORTERS, OF SILK AND WOOL. SILK SUSPENDERS. SHIRT STUDS AND SLEEVE BUTTONS. HEMSTITCHED LINEN UDKFS. DRIVING GLOVES, ETC. ETC. The above may be had In great variety and at vary low pi Ices al LIN FORD LD KENS' SjEftlK' riHKISHlNtt BAZAAB, No. 40 S. EIGHTH Street, Above Ongsout strweu li t itJl HOLIDAY CONFECTIONS. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN'S CELEBRATED CONFECTIONS, And a Large Ataortment of ANCY BOXES, SUITABLE for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ALSO, FRUIT CAKES, POUND CAKES, ETC. ETC. PARTRIDGE'S, No. 15 N. EIOTIIII Street AND NO. 19 S. EIGHTH Street, 1 n PHILADELPHIA. QBFAT IM)UCEMENTS-RBDUCTIOTf OF ITIEB. C R I P P E r J H1A DDOCK, (Late W. L. Mai dock A Co.). NO. 115 SOUTn. THIRD STRKCT. BELOW CHESNUT. Hava now on hand one of the I-argeet and Finest Ataortment oin FINE GROCERIES Ever offered to tl.eciuretjs of miladelphla, provided expressly for tbe ApprtHoim ILmicIat. Finest ftnaJIty Debeea IUlslna. quarter, half and whole boxes. Finest qnallty London Layer Ilal&lna, quarter, half and whole boxes. Finest quality Loose Muscatel, Seedless, and Bultana Raisins . New, Freeh Nnts, Paper Shell Almonds. Paradta Nuts, English and Grenoble W'aluuU.iPea Nuts, Filberts. Havana and Flcrtf a Oiatgcs. Lereor.e. New Ijtyer Flits, tluava Jelly. Mtrmsltdti Mavn k reserve oi various klstls. C II E E S 11 Fngllfch, Kcnntfort, acufchatel, I'annasan, Sao, Cn am, Yonngx itnt rlca, llae- Apple, LU:. He. New Crop Spanish queen Olives, bj Quart or Gallon. Oor W.G. FAMILY FLOUR is tie FINEST KNOW IN AMERICA. VTe call espelRl attention to onr FRESH AWOKTMKNT OF FRKNOH DEMOACIKU a geai'vanety otiier banda!,', Trnl1lwl L "r. i'ade i oie Urj, Bonetees Hardlnos, aad Potted Uame In Pitte form, such as Hnlpe. Wooilcoclr. Ueeti Hlr.N. Plover Prtrtrlde Outll Urouso, Fneawnut, Venison, Duck, Klo. ruo. tut. Fresh dofehen Iluder, In small tub, to fcult liiuiilicH, selected expreuly Tor rainllf . Just received, a flue oKsortmennt of HAVANA C1UARS, or the fluent brand. U i:i:i .N AM) HLAtK TLAHt Fliifst (Jnalll). WHIE ALMERIA IN LARGE CLUSTERS. All G(fc!f told tofrcliles in nntrnken paokastsat wboleaJe prlco, and delivered free ofonerg CRIPPEN- 6l HADDOCK, NO. 115 SOU T THIRD S T R K K V BELOW CHESKUT, DF.AL.FIIS IN AM) IMIMHtTF.ItS OF FlltX J lU)( i;itIFS. The Most Vigorous and the Most I ibcral Insurance Company in the Country. K L YfJ LIFE INSURANCE COKIPAWY, No. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ASSETS OYEIt . . . $1,000,000 CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK ee. Me Mt at st eeesttt testes tsaett etsaaetil tstttttttsaetttetttteeeeaeaaMtti President ABRAM V. rOLHEMUS. t.MfatftetaewMeeeeesteeeeaeeeMeeteeeeeteeeeeeeeete Y.ce-President WILLIAM M. COLE.........m. ! eee teteeMetset est sestet i .8eors wy 35. P. FAi. KLBMh tM. MeMeeet ttts. eeeeeeeeettseet teteetM est set eesett teeeetssteet tetet est ttseet Consulting Aotuary DANIEL AYRES, M. D., LL.D . Medical Examlnar COLTON & SHELDON, GENERAL AGLN1S. No. 7 W.USNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A. . B. IIUNTEB, UXDIVAL BXAtllBTEB. rolleia Imi:c5 as ftcd as anj United States Bonds I rllcies Talaable lu Life as Well as at Doth 1 1 Tbe Brooklyn Life la the only Company In the country wblcn guarantees a definite surrender value to every policy ou wblcli two or more annual premiums bave been paid; tbls amount, lu dollars and cents, is Indorsed on every policy Issued. Should any policy-holder beooma una ble to pay bis premiums, he can thus know the cash worth of tht policy at any time after tiro annual pn mlums have been paid. Tbl s cettalnly Is tbe greatest Inducement and most tangible advantage ever accorded Co parties Insuring tbelr lives. Dividends annually (after trcond year)lnCasb. Ilv! are divided cn the Contribution rian tht only tquitable mennrr of dividing the earnings of a Lire Insurance Company. Tbe Contribution .Plan was first conceived by D. r. Fackler, now Aota try of inli Cempany, and bst been adapted by most ot the best-managed Lite Companies In tbls country. Tbe Brooklyn Life has paid and now pays tolls Policyholders larger dividends lhaa ever befoe paid by a Life Iniuiance Company, Tbe BF.OOKLYN LIFE, unlike tome of tbe to-called Mutuali, pays no percentages or largesses to either Directors or officers; neither can It afford to spend thousand upon tb.outauds of dollars, belonging prtptrly lo tbe policy-holders, in misrepresenting and .advertising false statements concerning other eorporatloaa at la now being done by certain to called Mutatis. The management of the BROOKLYN LIFK is rpen, candid, economical, and prudent no oiw-nutn power, as la tht to-called Mutual but is clott y aoratlnlied by cartlul, experienced, and reputable bualaesa gentlemen, who have received but an equitable interttt oa ihelr capital Invested. By Its care, skill, prudence, and economy, the BROOKLYN LIFE, at a Mixed Oor. any, bat fully exemplllied tbe words ot tht Hon. William Barntl, Insurance Superintendent of tueBtate of Ktw Tbik, who sustains It In bis Report for isain the following language, towll:- "It does not always follow, as Is sometimes snppoied. that a surely Mutual Company la the most profitable one to tbe insured. Mixed Companies, or those substantially Mutual, may, by superior skill and other advantages, actually muke tbe largest dlvlduuds of surplus pr tuts to policy-holders. "Page XV, New York Insurance Keport for IbtiS. In the BKO OKLYN LIFE no Policy-holder can ever be atscstcd for any loss or doQoloucy; In Mutuala Ibe Policy-holders alone are responsible. Tbe success which the BROOKLYN has achieved, fully exemplified In Its rapid and healthful growth, to a convincing prtot of tht confidence reposeu by tbe public In Its soundness, Integrity, anl liberality. Gteel lUllalle Men Wanted io art as Agent. AUdreas, COLTON & SHELDON, NO. C87 CHESNUT STREET. rhiladolihia., Li.