THE DAlLi mENINo TELEGRAPIT THIl'LE SHKKT PniLABKLPIIIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 18G8. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (SUNDAY IXCKr-TZD), AT THE JCVENINO TELKORATJI BUILDINO, NO. 10 H THIRD STREET. Price, Three. Cents per Cnpy (Donble Bheet), cr JSlghteen Onta pnr Wp)c. pajahle to the Carrier, and Mailed 10 Subscribers nut of the city at Nln Dollars per Annum. Oue Dollar and Fifty Cents for Two Mouths. Invariably In advance for Ike period ordered. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1!', 18C8. jfl-Although ue issue a four-page supplement to day, to accommodate the great pressure of ad vertisements upon our columns, we are still obliged 1o omit about four columns of advertisements in Cider that our readrrs may have the usual quan tity of iuhstantial reading matter. The following table of eontcnls will thow how varied ami enter taining this is: Page 1. The latest news ly telegraph and nail; to-datfs proceedings in the great Twit' hell trial, and other court reports; ct'j, financial, and shipping intelligenre. Page 2. Editorials on the leading questions o the hour; musical and dramatic notes. Page. 3. The Career of Dcnjamin Disraeli; The nev Pritish Ministry and the Alabama clnims; Dumas on the late composer, Hossini the condition of Abyssinia since the war; terrible tornadoes n the Mexican coait; general news summary. Page, 6. Editorial selections from the leading journals of the country; fordgn art item; our series column. Page 7. Summary of the latest religious i'n tdligene. rage 9 Supplement). A new Christmas poem by Tom Hood, editor of "Fun," entitled " Ton Many Cooks;" anew Christmas story, ly Mark Lemon, editor of "Punch," entitled "Aunt Grace's SMetthcart.,' Page 10 (Supplement). Conclusion of Murk Lemon's Christmas story. How Mill the Court Ifl!? Tub constitutionality of tLa, Legal-tender act was argued before the Supreme Court of the Vnited States, in banc, at Washington, last week, and rumors are rife as to what will be its decision. Correspondents, with that saga city which they claim to possess, have informed the publio of the sentiments of the Justices, although there were no better indi cations to judge by than the attitudes which their Ilonors assumed while listening to the arguments. As a consequence, public atten tion is direoted to the subject, and the deepest solioitude felt as to the ultimate issue of the question. No one can wonder at this. Every man, woman, and child in this broad land is personally interested iu the settlement of the question. The debtor knows that on it de pends the question of the payment of his debts. The merchant konws that on it depends the existence of his credit. The farmer knows that ou it rest3 the price of grain. The dealer of every kind and the purchaser of every sort feel that their relative credit hangs on the question, "Is the Legal-tender act constitu tional ?" Should it be decided otherwise, the balance of business would be destroyed. Supply and demand would lose their equi librium. All sales would be at the option of the seller. No one could tell whether he had any means of purchasing bread unless he had a supply of gold. Let us ima gine for a moment the effect in detail. We Lave a hundred dollars in greenbacks in our possession. We cannot tell whether these greenbacks will buy what we want or not. We may find the seller unwilling to accept them. Then we must pay according to the premium in gold. No longer will gold be forty per cent, above par, greenbacks will be forty per cent, below. Everything would fall with theur reucy and the whole land be placed at the mercy, of the gold speculators. How long does any one imagine it would take the specu lators to run the premium up to two hundred ? It would be done in a week, and with the suc cess of these conspirators would come a finan cial paoio and universal ruin. It would iu truth be a violent resumption of specie pay wuts. It would be an immediate and in roluntary resumption, and one for which the oouutry is not prepared, livery mortgage would lei'Oine at once valuable only according to tliH tlut'tuation of gold, cud throughout the whole laud would go up a cry wh eh would indicate a terrible financial "crash. " We do cot over estimate in predicting such a result. It woi!d be attempted by tint iutereited, and we have no reason to doubt that it would BUOed, Ilriit.oit is that of all the question at pre Eett occupying the pub'ic tuiud, there is none in whii-U it feels eo de p an interest a3 in the constitutionality of the Legal-tender act. U it protiublw that the woes we have depleted will coiue upon the laud ? We do not hesi tate to answer no, and for two very gooi rea sons. Eirat, it is possible that a majority of the Judges of the Supreme Court think the law constitutional, and will eo decide. The case in Us favor is vtry stroDg, and with t'ae evidence of the past before them the Judges will leau towards its constitutionality. The opitoii prevails that a majority of them will so decide. If such should be the case, of course no commotion would result. Secondly, they may think ii unconstitutional, but if they do they will not cay so. It is an established custom of the Supreme Court not to precipitate the country iuto a tonvnialou by any of its decisions. As the highest law tribunal of the land, it does not recognize the practice which justice compels iuferior courts to obey. It does not give ad adverse decision which will do publio injury, eveu if that aJverie decision is according to technical Uv. It adopts the alternative of thinking ovi?r the uattr, so that whil-t the ultimate decUiou is that which is dictated by law, Kill the time of that decision is so remote that wheu it comes the danger to the oountry will have I passed away. This it did in regard to certain ' of the Reconstruction laws, and this it will do egain, if it be of the opinion that the law is unconstitutional. The Judges reoognie clearly the commotion they could create, aud, being ooneervative in all their feelings, they will not overturn the social edilloe by any act of theirs. Souse day in the future, when the gradual approximation of gold and greenbacks makes puch a decision of little importance, except in theory, they will give their decision, and the people will feel a Bort of speculative interest, and that is all. Nor will there be in such a line of conduct any wrong. The law in ques tion was the offspring of necessity. The nation could not, when the Legal-tender aot was passed, pause to investigate its concurrence with the aot and the sentiments of Fletcha or Coke. The cry of necessity forced the law through. It was a blow at traitors, who were seeking to destroy the national credit, and it was successful in its object. The people ac cepted it in good faith. They have aoted under it, until it is so ramified throughout the whole system as to be part of its life. To overthrow it now would be to injure that life. We therefore both anticipate and commend an indefinite postponement of the decision, should the Court not rind it consistent with judgment to decide the law constitutional. Wrnltli anil Poverty. Tun actual wealth of the Rothschilds is prob ably not known even te themselves. It is re ported, however, that the late Baron Roths child was worth, in round numbers, four hun dred millions of "dollars, and that he was greatly regretted by the poor of his neighbor hood." It is to be hoped, for his own credit) that hi3 charities were such that the poor will indeed feel that they have lo3t a bene factor. The responsibilities of a man having control of such an amount of money are great, and it only too frequently happens that the possession of great wealth increases the desire for more, and that the man who could part with a million without in convenience to himself and with out seriously diminishing his accumula tions, is less willing than others of more limited opportunities to remember the claims of the poor of this world. The policy of the Rothschilds has been to keep their wealth in their own family, and this is the general European policy, based on the feudal prin ciples of primogeniture. That such immense fortunes as that of the late Rothschild prove the tendency of modern civilization to be in the direction of the concentration of wealth, we do not think, for, as the matter appears to us, the influence of modern civilization is in the other direction. The feudal principle, by which the eldest son alone inherits,' has produced the effect of concentrating wealth in the hands of a comparatively few persons, and the result is the extremes of poverty and riches which are to le Eeen in Europe. In this country a man spends his life in accumulation, but on his death it is divided among the diUereut members of his family, who very frequently dissipate it in a few years, and the result is that we have an average of wealth, which on the whole is undoubtedly the most beneficial for society. The concentration of wealth is an impossibility in the United States at present, and we believe and hope that it always will be an impossibility. The lull uenoe of the United States in regard to this, as well as other matters of political and social economy, is making itself felt more and more every day in Europe; and we doubt not but that the time will come when the laws of primogeniture will be done away with, along with other remnants of a system that was good in its day, but which is now a drag upon modern civilization. The evils to society at large from a few persons having control of a large proportion of the wealth are so great, that it.U not to be wondered at that enthusiastic re foimers should sometimes propose to restrain the accumulation of property beyond certain points. The evil, however, is one that cannot be remedied by legal enactment, and it cau only be regulated by a general policy of jus tice to all like that which has been adopted in this country. No system, however, will do away with poverty; and it is therefore the more incumbent on men of great possessions like the Rothschilds to remember the poor, aud to dispense large proportions of their wealth in acts of charity. WenpelIi Phillips has been lecturing in New Vork on "The Lost Arts." Doubtless the erratic orator made the subject interesting. If Wendell would devote himself to the lost arts entirely, and abandon his abuse of the living arts, we think he will get along muoh more comfortably than he does, aud he would ceitainly accomplish rome little good in the world. One ot the lost arts to which he should devote some litt'e attention is that of Fj.eakiDg well of somebody besides himself. M USUAL AM) DRAMATIC. The City AmiiMcme nli. Olk lii-ii, will give aftt ruoon and evouln concern tit the Acailotuy or Music to-uav. Ho will Lmj Hsbihtcd by auveial lavoillo m tmu, and most ameenble uaiunnliiiuoiui may ue ex pected, i no lualiueo will cuiumouce at li'AO V. M. At the Cjiksnot James Jljblnsoo and the French Circus Troupe will tipor lor trie last timea tills ulicruoou and evL-niuir. On Monday u new nciUpH will i ppeur. AT'J'iie Amu tlij stronger will bi performed this evoulug, Willi Mm. Irevvus "Alri. llallor," nuu lire comedy of tlie Honeymoon, w hli Mm. luw it 1 Juliana. " Till H h Hue ttalurilay ui 'bl bill n Monday and ' iiffday A Lcxson in Life and Uarbe Httur, win be nuei; nn i on Wednesday Jjnly's uianui ol .1 plant of Liylt'.ninj will bJ l.rodured. At mi;'T Mr I). P. Iljwers will con c!uie b-r ei KKi'uriu mis evenlm;. Tue UiHtPan of Mari stuurt, tiny JUmuu'rtnff, and Jonathan Jleailjurd will bo pciloraiud. Tue uruuia ot Uie Orange Girl will oe pei lorrnei ou t. l.ilt,tijiu.s ufteruoou wad veuiuj. Tuls iluy u hi! Id lo bo luil of iiuu cll.cix, ui.d every crT rl will lb ruaOe lo put it ou tue mua iu Ural-rale biyle. At tim: Amehican there will be performance Ibis uf li rnnm aud evening. At Tins i iiKATKfc; Co.mihi'B the Gregory I'a mil) wnl aiiprur alieruoou uod evening lor lue lu m time, ou Monday the Pyne A Gallon Conic Opera 'l imine will commence a scubiin. Tula troupe -bos h.,t nrtu In Now Vol i mid other utile Willi lui'cu nvcrfHH, itud lliolr perfurinauca of tlio urk of UUeuoacU aud oilier ciiiiip nrii moxrry nimbly hikiKoo ot. Tlie Mute of eat will -oiiiiu-ii-e lo-dity tu 'I rumpiov's, No. V-i C lit i-nn I biieci. TlIK .CRMtltRATKD ORCIIKRTRA Of TlieiVlirH ThnniHH, Kddod loOnrl Meui.'s and Murk let'a combined forcnw, will give im thl evtoilriK, At MunichI Fund Hall, a grand mii-dcal per forruHuce. Mr. William Hioll, Jr., )f.vorli, yonntr vlolinlwt, will execute a Nolo tty Kxll, Htid MIn Murkntcln, ft ciUld pianist of thirteen yearn, will perforin oue of MhzA'm most dlltl jull comrohillouH. The srHt tturn of the eveulDH will be the "Keformnt.tnn" rjf! "UnUnlsue 1" Kvtnphonles of Mendelsnhon und Hcauert, aud I he Kler.Kl overture by Wagner. A (iRANi) Uorcrrt will be Ri veu Rt f Jonoert Hull, on Tuesday evenlnn next by Mr. Thomas K Ilnrklno, who will bo rhhisIflI by Mme. Jo Hephlne Hi'hlmpf, Ming OrlinA A. Ciiuntntton, Carl Wolfsohn, HndolpU Ilennlij, Jenu Ijiuls. Oeorgo K. Uittbop, Hugh A. Clark, ud other The enterlHlunienla given hitherto by Mr. llarklo have been most enjoyable, and a fine programme will dnubllem be presented on TneHday evening. Tickets, one dollar, any bo obtained at the principal music more. Mr. John 15. (Jouoti will deliver bin lecture on "Curloolty" at the Academy of Music on Monday evening. RELIGIOUS NOTICES .-7V ftKK.nON T Tori SIHf T'ndr ttn mnplo of the YOUNO MK H C'HMIKTIAN AbHOC'lATlOff, I10V. J. H. A. HUM BKRWKR, !).!., will praanh a Harmon especially In YouiiRMei To-morrow (rtnbhalli) Evening, at tlio UMtUtN RKKOKMKD (1HU;K, HA(!IC Mtret, below Fourth, a' 7,L o'clock. Bubject "Protestant CliriHtUnity ami the Young afeo ot cmr Cnnlry " Heaia reserved for Young Men. Mellon Hm tontH and Ktracgers lu the city are cordially Invited to attetd. p-rtn, ItKV. . W. (IASHOU, II. fcw wl I iire'cli hrlorf tlie lolU PKUfLlLS ASSOCIATION TAP.RUNACI.E UAITISTCtTDrtCrt I'llribNtrr Hlreat, wpm of Ji( TO-MOHHOW (bUNOATl K V JC 1 N U , At 7',' o'ol ink. Fnbjact qOMPKI, LiltKRfY. U i-rr. I IRT IHrRVTKRII t lU'KCII. !l WA-HIKUTON byUAHh. KaV UKHKIllK JOHNHONJD.U., Pastor, bervicea To-uiurruw at 10,'i A M. and lk P. M. The bfoond ol tbe Series nf Rermons on the S'gnlfl r.tnt ijuota'lons of fccrlptiire, To-morrov Kveulnc, btihjt ct "The Olft of UoU Who Is TuIb'.' 1 of THIKTY-NINrH and POWK LION Ave nue, West Philadelphia. This church Having bioa ihoroughly relllted, will he reopened rar Dlvlueaer vine Tomorrow, December 20. Barvloes 10,'i A. M. and if. m Kev. WM. HENRY" GREEN, D.D., tf frlaCatOtt. W J., will preach Morning and Afternoon. W CHUKoH, N. K. coruer of BUOAU and bPKiMl HAKUKN bireeta, entrence ou Brol street. bfrvlces To morro , at IK-JO A, M. aud T'.il i". M. Prnaohing In ihe ir.o.-nlnat by Rev. J. A. LANDIS. Hunday School at D'lu A. M rct nit. wiid in, etisioR At wkst ka AUUH BTKEKT l'KKSB YTEai AN CUURUH, corner of Klghteentki, w'i A. M, and .' P. M , Habbath fccliool, 2'i P. u.. btrangrj always welcome. BEV. HUNK I. HOUKINI WILL M"QC? preafih To-morrow Morning and Kveulug lu the KKOAii AND UXl'MHII OUUIit'll Tnird Hm monal 7', P. M.of tue bwlts on God sptaklng to uiaL "Tha CnnntituMon of th onl." V I. V- DRY GOODS. Bier QlkS rr rm. m. nf -!OII III I.u- aJ TIIRRHAVM, Ttt'Kl.t'TH and OXKOKL). . ' I et I s Have Pepce !' How 7' At "L'liilU is! bhoiit for Joy I" Fhwk frm, i:tii iinetiiNiitci-T imwRr- lCt TKKIAN CHUltCd. Curnnr of BIIOAD lid OHKEN Plrtotr. Preaching To-morrow at 10'J A. M. and 8 P. M.. by tbe Prnitor, Rv PETKK feTKYh KR. I). D. Btrsnron ore wlc me. jag-Tjn. THE II :' YOiTII.-ltKV. K. MAUir will comluue bid Series ol dnraiuu on -noma I.'fe la the ll ble," In CMXTOS bTUKKT CHl'llCH, TKN i H bueoi bel .w suriics, to-mjr'OW (Sunday) Kvenlug at 7,'i o'clock. All p Olal'T lnvlterl to ft"enii l parsoas co: RET. K. V. IK .liPllKISS iSL? rrech to-morrow to I'UINH'Y M. HILI. ( 'II URt'H , KIOH1 U btreet, above Roe, at lo1, A. M.aud-P. M GRAND SPECIAL SALE Of JAMKS DIXON & SO.N'S CI5LLISRATED S II E F FIELD SILVER PLATED WARE. French Artistic lirouze (iroupos, Figures, Clocks, Etc. Etc., All from along established and woll known Clifesnut Street, Tuesday und Wednesday Mornings and Evening, AT 10) A. M. ami 7) 1. M. AT SLOirS ART GALLERY, w. CIIMSMT Street. Fulo without rc-bcrve. Ji. SCOTT, Jr. QHRIGTMA8 PRESENTS. I be best and most suitable Present for a friend or Ihe needy Is a barrel ot our "J. H, WKLC'li" FIRST PREMIUM FLOUR, and a bag or hall barrel bran IJNa'B'MOUMTAiN'' BUCKWHEAT MEAL, aw ranttd superior te any In tbe market. Constantly on hand the brnt assortment oi d liferent brands of PLOUR, INDIAN, aud RYE HEAL UOVH, etc. GKOHQE V. ZlillNDBK, II 212U1 tfrp FOl'IlTII AMI VINU HTH. FAMILY p L O U R, liUols to suit UKOCKUS, or bj the Hlaglt Unn cl, Tor sale by J. EDWARD ADDICK8, Ko. 1230 MARKET Street, li3uii) PUILADtLPIIIA, JOHN BURNS, No. 217 sot i n n.rviAiii Ni iti:i.i-, ABOVE 6PRUCE. HOLIDAY AD YEI)DLN PRESEXrS. One Invoice of those btautlful Satin Damatk Table Cloths, lu rich designs, 2 , 1 S.'.', 4. and tH yards long, the cliapt ever oirered In the cly. Loom Table Linen, lTi yds. wide, 5) 2i,7ic. to l. Ine Itleai'hed Table Damask, Mi yi's. wla, 760. lyds. wide line llleacbed Tab'e Damask, ST.e. e-l Tnikey Had Table Damask, best make, fl 05. All linen Towels, to, 12 Li, 18, 18. i, 2fio. Reantl'ul Dini Tewe s, 31. 87; i, 60, 75, aid np Baibsley Linen Towels, red and blua damas11 bnrdais: barga'ni. Bjileud'd D Am ask Nap'dns, only IT0 perdrzen. I1DKF3. IIDKF8. IIUKFS. All-'.lae UdktS. 6'4i 10. li'i. to to Wo. Ladles' and tiaots' IlemsU'cliel Ildkf... bargains- Tlaln Embioldcred Colored and Mournlcg Bor derrd Hdkfs. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. HOSIERY. Caitwrlght & Warner's Ladles' and Ueuta' Merluo Cndeiwear. Utnts' Merino Bhlrts 50.76c. 1, VK, to (ha finest. Ladies' Merino Vests, DY'i, II. 1 10. tVii, V I.adha' silk emhioldered geuuino lialb.ligau hose, all slsta, 87'..c. Bojs' and Mlasrs' Merino Underwear. I'.fni imported beary Kogllb half hose, ;ic. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. All woo! Blankets, from $3 to 2v par pair. All wool Flannels, 2S. 5, 4,'., 50c ,to ll-M. Tatd wide llallardvala and Bbaker Flannel, inc. Canton Flannels In ey.ry grade 12'to4-'o. It ftu STEEL & SON, NOSJ. 718 AND 713 NOUTII TEVTH ST. UREAT BAKQAIK.S IN SILKS. FAN IT MLKS. E.t.IIT StLUH FOB RVRNINO IBi:VSES. PJLAIN MILKS, CHOICE tOLOUS', CI.OKINfj OCT AT UKEATLT BF,UC(T l'UKKV B;acic Ground Silks, Colored Figures, reduced to fl'60. 12 26 Colored Silks reduced to 11-73. 12-60 "Eagle" Poult de Soles reduced to Ii. 1 "0 Corded Bilks reduced to 2. II Cortad Hll reduced to 2 2i. J'2 Taffeta Silks reduced to I! 60. ' 4'60 T.lTeta Silks reduced to 1 '. RICH PBINTEII FBEKCII Ff-ASXEM. RICH PRINT K O I KKKt K CAMI.U KK KM FOU OK1TV AM LAUIKH' WBAPPKHN, FIN K IIRi:S UOOUS, LYONS I'lOAUIlIU VELVKTS A NO ftllAWLM. fcLTTA BLK FOR HANDS JME HOLI DAY GIFTS AT OKEATLY REDUUHD PRICKS. It 22.3 1'ARIKS it WARNER, 023 .North MSTH Street, ABOVE P.ACHI. HOLI OAT UlFTN. Lad us' Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 18, 2S, SI, 37;,, 46 60C, etc. Uents' Hemultched, Bit fs , 50 62i . 73c, and $1, Ladles' Mourning Utmstlto; ed Haudkerchiefr, Gents' Colored Boideied H ana kerchiefs. Ladle.' Clun7 and Real Lace HandkerchI ifs. Gents' Silk Hdkls 6c, G2i. 75, 833. i,$l'23,l 0. Gentu' Bilk Tits aud Black Silk Xlandkerchlura. Ladles' and U Ui' Cloth Ulnve.t. Poitemooaaies, 25, 31, ZT-i , CO, Ri, 7"r, to fl 60 Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth liruahes, etc. WAX UOLbV SCO do.en Wax Dolls, Iroru 20 . to (3. 2t.od'xen Wax Dolls, 20c. ISO dozen Wax DjIIs 50c. ICO dozea Wax DjIIs, 75u. Wax Dolls at i, (1 60. fi. tl so. aud 1 1. Ladles' Marino Vesls, $1, l'12,12i l3.,'d, l'6u II-C2X. ITTI. etc. Gents' Merino Bhlrts and Drawers. Boys' and Misses' Merino Goods, all sir. s, All-wool Flannels, 26. 28, 31. 87 , 46 6oc ., etc. Canton Flannels, 12.', 15 18,17 IS 19, "0. 22, 2.ix, etc ( lit Ice siyiks Callcotis, Delaines, Aruures, wtu,, etc. Waler-piouf Cloaklugs, etc. , etc FA III EN A WAItNEK, No. 223 North NINTH Btreet, above Race, N. B. Open till P, M. during ihe week. it MARSEILLES TOlLtST SETS, 31 CENTS A Sat. opened this dy one case, 2)0 doz n sets . u ir r cent less than uanal price, 4iENl.V OLKl0l ItOHDF.HED I.I SEN HAMOUEttClllEtS. Jost received (iu do.en read r hemmed, very fine, at t'i a di ziji; same Hokfs. have been sold recently by ine Imporisr hi T-&" a dnz 11. KESV TllhDAII LACK COLL ABM. Just ricelvtd, svaial huudred, very etieao and UKUTSl' IIFJUITITCHEit LINEN 1IOKFSI. A ne mi. very good, .V5 Ouzen.sjc apiece. Ono lot, be ter, ivo 1 dozen. Ii''. apiece, t ue lot, be'.ter. t o CO dozen. 9 n apiece. One lot. beot ll'26dozeu,tl apiece, icti better ll'au dmihI to' the pries RfcAL VAI1KC1KVNK L 'E IIIKFi. fceverui loin Irom i-it to .-60: a rMliicel price. TlillK A11M.AUN A!l All ta, Col'nrs a' tl a dosen, 11 otuts apiece. Culls a a dozmi, te eents apiece. tlUltOlllKltllt I'OLLAKI AND CP FEN. Choice oeil(ii8. flHesl hand wo, k, alt'i a aei, worth twice the amount, at WOIlNK. Lace and Emiiroliierv istore, it No. 88 IV. EIGHTH Btreet. J N I) I A SHAWLS AND SCAUPS, on exlil illlon a stock of Choice Styles which we will tell at less than regular 1 r'ces. CURWK.V 8TODDART t BRO Nob. 4f.o, V,2, and 4.VI N. SEOOJID fctreet, O N (i B It O C II E SHAWLS lu jsew Designs and Coloi Ine. PRICAB URU'ATLY REDUCED.' Full lines trumflO to IW. Splendid Styles f-om 40 to CUHWEN KTODDART fc BP.O . No. 4n, 4M, and 4i4 S KKUOND Street, R l V 11 II LACK SI I. K S IX CHOICE COLORINGS. fl 50 iier Ya-d. CTJRWKN STOOD ART .t BI'.r) , 121831 Nos. 40. i ll and 404. N. BJSCO.ND Street. EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS P1M-1SENT 1' It Y OUNO M E N. A Fc'-nlarshlp at CRITTF.SDKN S CO.MMKIlCTaL ( Ol.I-KJi'.. No. 6.7 ( llfeMJl' Birtet, cuiuer of rieventh. KtalllheJ II4 I ueorporale I JH 5. '1 he iualiliCHliiuiH for Business eulusJ at tnls Insti tution iiHve proved a lorluue to hundreds ot ouug men. 'Hie Irsiruciloa is enluenily practical, tiior oush. aud ci.iiiprelicnsivt) !HMi, one 111 innstjortest pitfHlbie lime, at a con parmlv. ly binell expouHB fur the employments ct Liiainess Me HunilredH of our most ac-couipllsliej and succjssiul buliiisa men are ku ong lib krsdoatcs. The t'oiirna of In trnctlon Includes BOOIv-KKEP-INO lu all Its lirui cliii. s practised in Hit beit bisl limn lioufK; PF.N w ANHIP, Plain nnd Ornauieutal, Col. ikierclHl CalrDlHlinna i!iinlnei,s Papers, liuslue's Prai ilufs. Couinieii.-lal Law, etc. etc. Buirlerts ti.Hiriicied tepiirale'y. al such hours. DAY an 1 i NlliQ, as may nest Mik ti.elr cou voii.i uce. Dipltimas awarded on radua'lou, Circuluis ou applicaiinn J he CRlTTF.NrtK.N COM MBIRPIAL AlttTHMK. Tit I AND BOblM'.Sd M A N UAL. 6KV K.Ni'H Kill I ION, lor salo at the College, PiUe, li'o. Mallei tree. The lilt RCIIANT'B MONTHLY, an eight-paged paper, t'evoled to ibe lulere-ts or llmluet 6teu, Y( ling Men, and Families, ronlaltilng article on Prsoilcal Husluess Bubjr-cs, Business 1 leallngs, Opo rations, Means t f Kuccess, Commeroiul l,nr aud Political Keonomy, items of Rualness Intitlllgeuua. Klorles. P, eirv, Ensays on Boolal Topics, AuecUo el, Pki-tcles ol Mercmillle Life, aud a misoellauy ol au li Mrncilve nuil enlnriHlriug character ONLY FIFTY C K N IS a year. 1 11 advance. t;luha ol Seven, Cmlw of Twelve. It. To anv pemou seuding TK.N NAM Ks and FI VK DOT. LA Krt vt'M will bead the ( iuiiut rclt Arltltnieilo free ol CJ.orue. H. II. IIW1TI IINIIKM A H).. Mo. iiti Cll K-iNtI 1' B reel, 12 lu 17 19 21 2-up phllalsipuia, Pa. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE. ETC. COOD8 FOR THE HOLIDAYS. J.E.CALDWELL & CO., No. G02 CHE8NUT Street, Are now opening it collection of JioTcllh'S, Hems and Artistic Woods, Greatly excelling In variety and extent every former effort of this House, to which Vhey Invite attention, Gold IVatolioP, Diamonds, Oriental Rubles, Emeralds and Sapphires, Hast India Ftarls. A MAGNIFICENT bTOCK OF JEWELRY IN ITALIAN BYZANTINE MOSAICS. New Designs in Gold Jewelry, PALAIS ROYAL JEWELRY. I!ronze and Inlaid Marble Clocks and Vases in Sets, for Mantel Ornaments. VfRY CHOICE PRODUCTIONS OF ART IN DEAL BRONZE. bTI-XIAL DESIGNS IN STEELING SILVER GOODS. Rest Qualities and Newest Btylea In KM G LIS II AND AMERICAN PLATED WARES An unrivalled display of F0REIUX FAXCY U00DS, In Metal, Marble, Cut Glass, Leather, and GOLDEN BRONZE, Of the moat exquisite taste, from all quarters ol Europe. Our arrangements, both In Europe ani;thli conntry, are such as glvens nnnsnal facilities In the selection and economical production of our stock. It Is oar wfBh, as well as our Interest, to secure to our patrons the benefit of such advantages la Moderate Trices Throughout our Stock, WITHOUT EXCEPTION 11 Hwsm U2 23 GREAT INDUCEMENTS To rurcliasers of Holiday Tresents. MEAD & ROBBINS, J net ess or s to John 0. Mead & Son, K. L'. Corner MNTH and CUESNUT Sts., Manufacturers of tuo Finest Grades of SILVER PLATED WARE, Respectfully Inform their customers ana tbe publio that they are now prepared to offer EX TRAORDINARY INDUCEMKNTa during the HOLIDAY SEASON, and confidently Invite an Inspection of one of tbe largest BtocKN of Silver l'lated Ware to be found la this city. Hard Metal Sets reduoed from J 113 to $75 and S50 per set. An examination of our stock, will Insure sales. CUTLERY. PEARL, IVORY, and RUBBER CUTLERY In grtut variety, Vlated and Unplaced, In quan tities as required. 1119thslu5v A I L E Y C O M P A N Y, I) L A M O N D DEALERS. Q UEISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.PRE3HNTS. LEWIS LAD031US & CO., JE1YELLEI! S, No. 80aCHESNUrStroot-f Kelrg determined to reduce tlulr Lre Block ot DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, and SILVERWARIi, OlTi r their Elegant Asiertment, conslatlog of. FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATClIIi3, FOlt LADIKS', GENTS', AND BOYS' USE. FINE LEONTINES AND VEST CHAINS. Jewelry of the latest S.yies and Design i. DUTTONS, STl'Dtf, SEAL RING 3, ETC, AT EVTREHC l.T LOIV rUICK. fcOLlD eiLVEItS'AEE IN OBEAT VAUIKTY, Iuc'udlng a beautiful assortment suitable lor nuiuAL uirrs. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ET( Our Htock Is large and varied, embracing all the I.aust Novelties in tbe Jewelry line, aul purchasers will Had It to their advantage to ca'l before pur. chasing elsewhere, as our prleoa AKE UHE.VTLY HKDUC'KU. liHt'-ni P RIOTS CASUKU IN ROYAL HAVANA, K KNTl't'K V, and MlhSUUKl I-Ol 1'KUI KU. Uirciilurs sent anil Hil-rumiimi given JOoKl'H ItA'llrw! Ku llllu. liar i ' kF ..... lr...i, Lj 1" ' - ' I " iw A T.A., t TT V " 1 Una Oilluu Box IM. , Uliu fi LARK fBlDDL! GRAND OPENIN Christmas Holidays I WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, NOVELTIES, I'lNK CORAL, MANTEL CLOCKS, LEATHER GOOD; GOEHAM PLATE WleLfng to redttce Stock previous to RI MOVAL TO NEW STORE, we shall off inducements daring December that will INSUI1E RAPID SALES Glark 8J31DDLE; Mo. 712 CHEGHUT Street) 1121 uwaimtp PHILADELPHIA. OHRIGTMAS PRESENTS WATCHES, JEWELRY, & SILYEK WARE vm. V. CASSIDY, No. 12 South SECOND Stroet, Would respectfully call the attention of purchasers' to his bloc or American, English, aud Frcuch MOLD AM) SILYEK LEYER WATCHES, UOI.1) FOB, GUARD AND VEST CHAINS. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, Etruscan, Carbuncle, Coral, Garnet, Lava, Onyx, Jot, and Mosaic Tins, Kar-Hlngs, btuda, bleeve Buttons. Etc. Etc. GOLIJ TENCILS, MEDALIONH. CHATELAIN CrJAINS, ETC. EfC. GCID, SILVEB, AND 6TEKI, STECTACLm, To Suit all Ages and Sights. SILVERWARE, KQUAL. TO OOIN. Tea Table, Dessert, .Salt, Mustard, Cream, Sugar, and Gravy Spoons. Tea, Tableand Dessert Kulves. Butter Knives, Nap kin lUngi, Etc. Etc. PLATED WARE. i A general assortment of PLATED WA.B.E, coin prising Forks, bpoous, Ladles Kulves, Casters, Cake baskets, Ktc. HI111LY PITTED TFA SETS. URNS, KTC. The above goods will be warranted what they are t ilil for, and at the lowest OAH PRICKS. 11 m s5t WINES, ETC. EBNEST IRROY & CO. CHAMPAGNE, Carto Blanche and Special. Just Received and forj Sale; at the Agtfiit'a Trice. Tie WIups Irom this house, so favorably known lo England, are fruity and generous. Ttcy nrtd but a trial to p'uco them ou an equality with the liuost Cliaiupugue he.e. mm ccltom & clarke, S. W. Coruer RE0AD and WALmt Sts., PITILADELPniA. 11 f tl 1 GROCERIES, ETC. ?OX'8 IlIlLADKLl'llIl ST ARC II. C. J. FELL BUO.. Agent. JOIt EST ON ' S BBBAKKASr COCOA. C. J. I f l.h & BUG., Agf nta. Z U I' R N E . V. J. FEf.ti & Bno., A ents, A JjpUANKLIN MILLS btLl'-KAlSlNG FLOCK, C. J. D KLL BHO., Manufaoturera, I2 12wslm No. UiiH. 1'K'J.NT Hueet. PIANOS. mr t a Willi.' No. lu.ii tittSNb t' tstreMU STLIMVAY & SONS' (,'BAND sqiiaro aud nirlt;ht Plauca, atBLAetlUH s 1 if C II I O K E It I N fl I ji Grand, Huuare and Upright 1-1 AMIS. DCTTON'H, 11311 NoJllCHKSNUT Street. gffl fcTECK & (Ua & 1IAISES iU0S. Tti ll ft PIANO JrOKThld, Aisl MAFON .t HAM 1,1 M'M CABINET AND 1H.TUOPOL11AN OKUAMtt, with the new auu iicauil'm VOX HUMANA. Every Inducement off 'red lo purchasers J. K. UOHLD, 12 1 tuthi 8m Ko. B2J CUKSNOT atreoU rpIIE VT) ifWTi ME N's'n'O M H A OK l'llll.A DKll'lll A. Persons willing lo l ontrlliiile to tlie bnildlng fund ot thiN sucitly will plte auud their douatioua to either F. KATCHFOnn PTATIR. President, No. in i WALK II l' btreus. WILLIAM PUKVK8, Tn-asurar, N. ' WAl.NUTHtreet,, WILLIAM J. A'lWOill). Kcnre ary, 12 hi lit No 1 CllliJSNUT rtireet.