jjDjjpAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TRIPLE SHEET-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1868. JYl AR8HALI8 ELIXIR. Any person habitually costly cannot be to the enjoyment of health. If not relieved oob tivenesu will result in confirmed oases of RhenmatUmi, Tiles, Inflammation of the Bowels, Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, and anrronndlng organs. When costireness is radically cnred, all the machinery of the sys tem moves in harmony. Marshall's Elixir permanently onres oostiTeness, and so pre Tents, diseases more painfal and dangerous. Headache quickly yields to its oaratlve powers. Being entirely regetable, it may le safely taken by all persons at any time, with perfect safety. Headache, 'besides being a very painful complaint, is also weakening to the nervous system, and may lead to palsy in its various forms if not soon relieved. Mar shall's Hllxlr so strengthens the nerves that they perform their duties without pain or un easiness. By supplying the stomach with the medici nal principle, the want of which causes Dys pepsia, this distressing and common disease is quickly onred by its use. It not only supplies this to the stomach, but imparts strength aud vigor to the whole digestive apparatus, so that health, with cheerful spirits aniarn idy coun tenance, la fully establibhed. Head the fol lowing certificate: Chester, Pelawara county. ppnrHlrs I have liati sick benitacLu'8 at times for ninny years. Wnen KtillcUU wltn It I w.ia unlit to hilt nd lo my houtmbolil ali'ulre. Voar fcilxlr piirtlally cured me tbe Bret time I tried It. Tliu frernnd liuiu it cured uie almost Imme diate ly. Mim e tbin, by Us oeoanloaftl ue, I nave beta tullrcly Iree from It. Mils, matit.ua Hays. IPt, No. 11)01 MARKET Street, Thilada. M. MARSHALL & CO., ti r. iiimpii rnonttKTOH. AAKOS H. DURR. BiRMtiGTOW, N. J., October 9, 1SG3. This is to certify, that In the year 1S64 I was pronounced by the physicians who at tended me to be in the la.it stages of Pulmo nary Consumption, and (hat my tnd was near at hand. At this critical stage of affairs I was induced ry a friend to give "VVishart's Bine Tree Tar Cordial" a trial. I did so, aud I was almost immediately relieved. I persevered, took fourteen bottles of the "Bine Tree Tar Cor dial," and was completely restored to health once more t Four years have elapsed since my miraculous restoration to health, and I am still in the enjoyment of most excellent health, and wonld t-ay in all sincerity that, under Ood, I owe my life and health to "Br. VVis hart's Bine Tree Tar Cordial I" I advise all poor, lingering consumptives, if they value life and health, to give the "Bine Tree Tar Cordial" a trial. Aaron K. Burr. Mr. Burr is one of the most prominent aud Influential merchants of Burlington, New Jersey. This Great Remedy is sold by all Druggists throughout the world. Also, at Dr. L. Q. C. Wifahart'a Great Family Medicine Store, No. 232 North Second street, Bhlladcl phia, Ba. One of the most celebrated and euccessful regular practising Physicians of the age in attendance, who can be consulted iu strict confidence, either in person or by letter, free of charge. This is an epportunity rarely offered invalids in this penurious and money making age: and those in need of professional aid or counsel will do well in making a note of the above liberal offer. Bend for a Circular. Address all conimuni tlons, "J.. Q. C. WIS II ART, M. ., No. North Second street, Philadelphia, Ba. 12 a tunatp II I s GOVERNMENT SALES. ALK OF CONDKMNED OltDNASC'K AND ORDNANCE til ORES. Will be noll, et Fnblio Aactton, at Fort Monroe Arsenal, Old Print Comfort, Vs., ou U.OSDA V, ibe ihih day ol Uervtutt r. Ires, at 1U o'clui k A. M ., a Jm t;e quantity ci btiiee, consisting in pail of the lollowluir ankle, Vi: " JW tleld, niege. and Hea-coait Cannon, Howitzer uaUor.tr , enm irou t7) aud brouza lit. ui vatini'S calibre, 7 Wrong in uou Oun Carriages aud cost Iron Mortar . 1)IU Large quantity of Artillery Implements and Eunlr n. tin's. lZjtiv Mii-t, f hell, Spherical Cane, ritam'a of Grape and Cai li.cr. for t-iiiomh boro a.iil rilled tuu. of varinitn cKlllirtH. M Foreign u?Qti at mn, of various calibre. 10 UurnMu Ci.rbiufM, good order. Jbullitltd Mutke:s, altered lo percussion, csd. --, good oidtr. SIS Foot A i lllu-ry twor1s. kooiI order. 7 .ili bprlntitielo. Killed Muskets, ca . la. 27 KHUe, s.orced. 8 bixrt,u littles and Shot Ouns. 61 Light Artillery habies. tTi ti. C. O. and Muaician' Kwcril. Infantry Accoutjtium.a Iluree 1 qtilpnifnts, and binall Arm apeudHgo . Artillery aud Cavalry Bus ai.d Iron Faite, fUr Ueld cerrlucra, 27,678 l ar-r.OKf Bkh (Hannel aud serge). Kone aad Coin barks . . Bind smiths', Curpenten'.bsddlcrb', aud Armorers' Tool, etc. ... . ,, . , Thirty d.ys will be allowed fur the removal ol cannon; fourietii days ( r ail oiLcr Mtcreu, Terni of Halo-Ten t r cent. caU to be paid on dj Of aalj. bala-.ceoii delivery of toe auodH, A twtalotrne of the mNicIuj lo he oid will bo fur ula Led upon application at Hum Arteual, or at lue QriaLc Dliuv, WaNliluKlou, 1). C. The o UK-ei uiakluK U.o Hale rtsarve the rltit to bid lu kod auciii-ud tliu sale whenever the bidding dues Lot ci.iud op to llio It'iill that maybe lliod oy proper authority on touie uf Hie ariiwea, or wlwu. tver the lotenbit of Hie Unlit d Slntoa, lu hi opiulua nTAb7.ejUbBerVl1 b' '"Ml0lUtt' T. O. BAYLOR. Maj, of Ordnance and Hvt. Co?. U. t. A., Coui(l'a. ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC. Hrr I'BNN bit. Ail BKU1NE A5JJ - tsull.t.li WOitKo. NKAilK A Lkv batliUAl.ANll 'I H h.UKklil AL. KHHIN kn'iu Ullll l I ri'W Unl I L u.M . 1 b LM U t . . . 1 bAUTlin, auu i'OL'tJUJU.trt, hnvlug lor many year, beeu lu uicewnml opeiauoo, aud been extiiajlvei eugasod la building and repairing Marine and K vo Knglneo, liifcti aud low-preauure. Icon liolltus, Vt'at.u Uanki, iTui.ul ore. eto. etc, respectfully otter tucLi tr vices to the publio a belli fully prepared lo co tract lor euKlnea of all bii., Marine, luver, auc blatlooary; iiavlng ei of paitorua of dl tier en I iio. are piepkmn 10 etecate oraeri wiin quiCK aenpxlol' Xvery duucrlpllou of paiterii'iualcliiK uiade at tut lharUxt hoikb. Illkh and Iow-preanre 'lu Uubuiar and Cylinder ilolien, ol tho beat lenusyiva Bla charcoa! l'Oii, orKSi ot all 8 lies and kludi Iron and B.as Caailu of all desurlptlona. Ho') Tarulr.g, & rw CnttlDg, and all other work oouneotad Willi the above nusiueM. brawiugs and aiieciuctUoua for all work done at ihstbtabiuiniitjutfreeol tae, and worn guaran- 'I he aubsi ribera have ample wbarf-dock room tn; repaltaof boa'a, where they can ilu la perfect aaot. and are provided with ahears, block, falia, eto. ic fcr raia.n. h.y or light wu. 0 John r. uvir, III BHACU ana fAJUUt Htreett. SOLXllWAhK rOUMJfcy. FIFTH AXI J-HILAOHU-HIA, U KK1UI K ib bUNH, (VaiNKJU04 AI MACHISIS'W, TuaiiuiMJiur High and Lkjw Fremme bieaui Irurcai for l-rjjd, Klvr, aud Marine fJorvlce, itolieik, Uaioiueiera.'l anka, lion Boata, etc ( aa.lngi. k.l all kluda, either Iron or bra. Iron 'raute Ituob tor Uaa WorK. Workaliopa, an Kallroad btailoaa, eto. Hetona and Uaa Machinery, of the laleat and moal Improved coulrucllou. Kvery diacriptlon of Flaulatlon Machinery, atc Kugar, Haw, and Urlat MUia, Vacnom J'arw, OJ e.eaat Iraiu, DelevaUira, IfUltua, fuinpliuii it' m Idrijajt fl4X boie Ageuia ' N Bllleux'a Pateat Bngar Boiling Ani arata, W'bUiyth' l"uu iit riieum llauiruer, UMI Aaplnwail da V.ooluey'a fateut UanUUugal Buvai iialulu taOilne. M BOARDING. NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE American Siiay School Onion's PERIODICALS. Kcv. KlCHAItD NEWfON, . ., Editor. THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL ,WORLDf A monthly paper, sixteen pngos, rjoarlo, for HiiDilftyncliool Teaciiers, liible Claxsew, 1'areniN. end all interettted In the relllou train In of thoyoucg );icti tiumlior coritalon a vlOV fur CHILDKKN, and n oun.TNK LBiSOX lur Hnutlay bctmols, by the Editor. It la pub lisiud at tue low rate of nrry cents per annum. THE CHILD'S WOULD, A rieautlfully lllriNirnted paper, for Children and Vouln, montnlyor Beml-niontlily. Terros twelve cttils per year lor the monthly and iwcnty-fonr cents for the neml-ruontlily, for ton copies or over hcdI to one adilreHS, puetae pay able at the ofllco where received, CatalogucM of the Hoolety'a Publications, onu Hamplo C'oplett of He rerloJlcls, fur nished gratnlloiihly, ou appllcailait at. ttiede pobilory, LUl7thfmf N. ll'-ili t'licnunt Mrccl, IMillntlelpbln. SEW HOOK A!SD STATIONERY STORE. II EMI Y GRAHISO & CO.. (II. (Jrambo, or the tate firms ol LIPPINUOTT URAMBO A. tKJ .andOKlUU, KLLIOrr St 00.,) No. G01 CIIESNTJT Stroot, (Oppoalte the New Ledger Offloe,) ', Wholesale and Retail Booksellers Stationers, Blauk Book and Envelope Manufacturers, Litho graphers and Printers, Importers of Engineer' Materials. CHRISTMAS AND SEW YEAR'S PRESEXTS. We have lust received otir shipments of fancy artl rles ano noveillei fur the holidiiy trade, which are resptxtlully mibniltted f ir exauimatioa and sale 10 our friends and Iho public. Unr stock of Hrm-clans Blank Books and btailouery for merchants, la com plete In eve y reepocl. Annexed we enumerate a few of the leading arti cles 01 the fancy trade: Work Box?h In every variety, Jewel Caiei, Odor Case, Travelling Bars, Hhopplug Bags, Hlik Bkh, Bron.e i'lRures, I,adles' Dreablog Chsbk, Meutidmeu a lire-Hlng Caia, Card Kecflvera, Pocel B oks of th linest aud uewtat paliirnt. Imported, Library and iUice InksiandH, Mahogany, llosewond, and I'anoy WritlDii Desks In every variety of slzns aud styles, Kans. Ma ch Boxes, Papier Mnrhe Cabinets. 1'aoUs and De-k, 1 r-wileg Caes, Work Boxes, Bcotcu Hoods, Pearl Tberniometera, Poarl Albums, Peam Pen-holderH.Peurl Folder, n Pin ultra Deiks, Btck gsmmou Boards, rlbbage and Crlbbage Bo ges. Chess men, Uodgera' Kuivea, Fancy Mo.e Paper (aeuv 81 A suiierlor assortment ot Stationery, Bomestlc and Imported, all at the very lowest prices. 1'iiuioirp DUFF1ELU A S II M E A D, NO. 724 CHKSNUT STKKKT, Has a moat varied aud complete aaaortment of Uootfs for the Holiday Heason, 1HGS-69. comprising ILLUSrRAlliD, STANDARD, AND HISOKLLA NaOUd BOOKH. OXFORD, CAMBRIDUK. AND LONDON EDI TIONS OF THE BIBLK. STANl'AltD EDITIONS OF TUB BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. ELEGANTLY BOUND BOOKS. AMKKICAN'AND ENUMdII JOVKNILK AND TOV BOOKt). MOHK TIIAN 1W0 HKTi OV JCVKSInK I.IBU.i.. BIK.S IN NliAT BOXES. Fine French, Kugllsh, and American MTATIOKEIIY. PAPAll, ANU KS VKMPK?, Btampcd, aud neatly done up la Fancy Bjxs. Wltl'HNU DKSKS, a splendid asriortuoent. 1UE FINEST AMHKIC.VN, E NULLS II, AND HERMAN CHROMOi. l'lCTURK FRAMES IN WALNUT AND O0t,D, For the convenience ot our customers we have ar ranged OUR KEW STOCK ON COUNTERS running I he entire length ol our store. Call at once at DUFFIKU) ASHMK.AD'H, No. Til CHE6NUT Btreet, AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS. 12 17 il'.ip SHIPPING. FINE ILLUSTRATED AND CHOICE HOLIDAY COOKS I HENRY GBAMBO & CO, No. CO I CHE8NUT Stroot, (Opposite -Ledger" nice ) Bare Jostopeaed with a large assortment of STAN CARD ENGLISH AND OTHER BOOKS, In no bindings; also, a very One aeleotlons of ALL THE NEW AND CHOICEST ILLUaTRAlED WOKKS. JUVJLNILEH AND TOY BOOKS, ALBUMS, Etc., adapted tor tne present Hoi Ida v Season, and to which they Invite the attention of ail In search ot eiegant Christinas Presents, at moderate prices, 12 Is lutrp 1CNOL1HU AND FOREIeJN BOOKS, PERIOD ( CA1H, Etc.. Imported to order weekly by steamer. BOA It I :r..-HKST-CMHH U'lAKDINii f. r tir M 1 h MH'N, a; No. :S sjuih ,EI'.ii I'U ritrexu HHa; HAZARD'S DOOKSTOKE IS NOW AT So. 72i sannim ntki;i:t. A I. A HUE AND ELEGANT HOLIDAY STOCK OF lLLLSi IMTi:i) WOKKS. BOC K IN FINK BINDINGS, UULUKEN'S BO KM IOY BOKS IN LINKS ilCSTLY LONDON EDITIONS, AS CIIIC.U A3 AMERICAN EDITIONS. Your early limpecilon is invited while the stock la largo and well resorted, at THE ENGLISH BOOKSTOUK, xo. &asom ksTi:i:j;r, 11 so Imrp PHILADELPHIA. n 11 0 I (! B A 8 8 O K T M K X T KJ ov 1 1 O I 1 1 A V ii I F T S. 11IUI.ES, PTAYJKH, POKT8, AND GIFT B30KS, ELEGAN1LY BOUND. LARUE VARIETY OF DBSK8, ALBUMS, PORT FOLIOS, E'l'C!. GAMES A.Ii.C, and BUILDING BLOCKS, JUVJC NILks' IOY BOOKS, paper and lluen, ol' ovoiy (iucilptlou. All at rtdiaed latts. J, A. BANCROFT A OO., 1119 61 No. 612 ARCH S:ieet. HAZARD'S ENGLISH UOOk'STOKr.. Ha.ard'a Buoksiore is becoming ayuuuymous with gotd Iiookh, Hue books, ehgaa. y llliilrt(l books, choice editions ol standard book, books In rich and latity bli.dlugs. children's booas, toy books nn linen aud paper, nooks for all trades aud people. The slock being uliiiom entirely of Lomlou edl'lous, here will be f und at all tluies English Books which cannot be had elhowheie la this cliy, Particular atleiitlou Uluvued at the nreaent ttma from thie In starch of a really tasty Preneul for the Holidays to the Kleaoilv Bnuud or Illus trated Hooka In ibe co'lecllou, and iha Chlidieu's Book, v, lib tay bludlntta and attractive piciures. 1'rice ascbtap as Ami rlnan adltloua, and ranging fiom the lowest auui to two hundred dollars mo "I'lai'"" No. Til 9ANSTM STRKKTi jtffpfy LORILLARD'S STEAMSHIP LLNB FOR NEW YORK. On and after December 15, the steamer of this tine mill sail at booh. Freight taken on accommo dating; term. One of the Bteamen of (hie Line will leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sator 0y. Good a received at all time on covered pier. All gotda forwarded by New York kgent fret of charge except cartage. For further Information, apply on the pier to sttitun John r. onu -JCJift LIVEKPOOL AND QUKEN8 ZtkiLkmZ. TOWN.-lnn.au Line of MaU Sleauuui ai ,1'uinied to sail as follows: wmrt . Cl 1 or PA KJS, Saturday, December Id. CM Y OF tOAUUM. Saturday, DocumberM. Cl T 1 OK COM.K, '1'tienday, December 2. til V OlaBALtLMWKE, Saturday, January 2. and each shoceedlng Saturday aud alternate Taos lay, at 1 F, M from Pier 4fi, Norm River. RATES OF 1'AsSaue y tb nan, kumm IL1N KVJtay BATl'BDAT, Payable In Gold, payable in Currency, FIRST CA Bl N...li10; STEE K AUK .......A to londou...,., nu to Loodou.....M..M 0 to Paris iu, to Paris f raasAWH 11 Y THM Tuuniir STKAMKH via haul ax. kiaHTCAHtN, naaiiB, Payable In Gold. Payable in Currency. Liverpool-,.. l"!I'lver(Koi.... ..43 llalllux. iXil rlalilax 1 Bl. John's, N, F 4, 1 11. Jonn'n, JS, ........ 1 by Branch Steamer.... I iy Branch Steamer... Passenger also tcrwardeu to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, etc, at reduced ratua. 1 1ckets can ba bought here by person sending for their Irlenda, at moderate, rates. orlurther Ihformatlou apply at the Company' Cillers, JOUN U. DALE. Agent, No. 15 BROADWAY, N. Y. Or to O'llOtMNaLl, A JTAULK. A(,flilC", No. ill Cil KSN UT Bn-Kt, Philadelphia. ff-Ht Kfcwr BintiflSS LINE TO ALEX. mm JkmUm m andrla, Georgetown, and Washiugion u. o., via chesaiieake and Delaware Canal, with con nections at Alexandria from the most direct rout tor Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvlile, NauhvUie, Daitvu and the southweat. bteamers leavo regularly every Satnrday at noon ftom thehrat wharlaoue Mar get atreel. JTi.bjUlMo.lTM dally. WM p oLyi)R No, 14 North and bouih Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. EJLDRIDGE Co.. Agenu at Alexandria, Vlr llil. 1 ?tn MOI1CK FUli NEW YOUK. VIA StUbUlDELAWARE AM) KARITAN CAJSAL .A1-1UHJ SI EA ill BOAT COMPANY The Uteam propellers of this line leave DAILY from Hint wharf below Market street, THROUGH IN Xi HUUBfl. Goodf rwrded bv all Ihn llnua iminir nnrnf York, North, East, and West, free 01 couuulsalou, a r tight received at our uhuh! low rales, WILLIAM. P, C1.YJIK fe CO., AgenU, . . . No ls, WHAJiVES, PhiUdclphla. JAMES HAND, Agent. J Bo. I id WALL street, corner of Bonn, New York Pllll lllll'I.PMIl IKPIIIIMVI, i AND NORFOLK STEAMSHIP LI,ic. XvxkOUUH FREIGHT AIR L1AE 10 THE EVERY SATURDAY, At DOOn. from FIRST WHARF abova ITlSlrii-i Street. THROUGH RATES and THROUGH SKCEIPTS to all points In North ana South Carolina, via Sea ouard Air Line Railroad, couueotlng at Forutaiouth and to Lyuchbnig, V'a., Tennessee, and the West, via Virginia and Tennessee Ail Line and Richmond and fcauvllle Railroad, u Frelgut HANDLED BUT ONCE, and taken ai Low er Rates than an y other i.isbi. The regularity, safely, and cheapness of tms ronte commend It to the publio as tne most desirable me dium for carrying every description ol freight. No cbaige for com mission, drayage, or any expert. 01 traubfer. Steamships Insnred at lowest rate. Freight received dally. B WILLIAM P. CLYDE ft CO.. No. 11 North and South WHARVES. W. P. PORTER, Ageul at Richmond and City PoinU X, P. CROWELL A CO., Agenu at Norfolk. 1 1 PROPOSALS. FINANCIAL. All M V TBANSPOttTATION. Offick cuih' Qitaktjc am amtch. 1 Fort LuAVKowoaiu Eausss, Dec. s, lsss, BEALED PROPOSALS will ba receiv.d at tills otllce until 11 o'clock a. M., January 2), IKltu, for the TKANSl'OKTATION OF MILITARY Sl.'PPLIKS cur lug the year commencing' April 1, is), on tba following roines: (froposa.s lor route No. 3 will also De received by Brevet Lleutenant-Colonx! M. 1. Luddlcgion,C. i M . ai Sauta i o, iN. M.., until the time above mentioned ) ROUTE No. 2. From snob points on the Union Pitclflc Railway, E. D. , as may, aurlng the existence 01' the contract, bo dehiguated by the Chlol Uu rtormanter lupurl mtnt ol tba Ml6ourl, to any places that niay be neaiKOaieo by thu lor Aatdlug ollioer In the State vf KanfiBs and Territory of Colorado south of latlttiau lo degrees north; lu such positions of the State of 1 nan and Indian Territory as lie north ol the Uuua dlitn ilver and wtnt ol longitude V7 degrees; and 10 Fort Unl-'ii, New Mexico, or such oihur depot as unty be designated lu that Territory, aud aay inter, menial points on the route to that depot. BtdUors will state the rate per Hill pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport the stores lu each mouth of tbe year, beginning At rll 1, 186;i. Peparaie bids, however, are Invited and will b3 en tertained for the transportation to and from the 10I lowing points, tbe rale bio 10 be pur luo pounds lor the ei.tiredl taucc, and not per lou miles, as In the lore-. going cast: FKOM FORT UARKF.lt to Forts Zirali, Larned, Dodge, Lyon, Reynolds, Gar Und, and Union. FROM FORT HAYS to Forts Dor ere, Lyon, Reynolds, Gurland, and t'nlan. UtOM SllEKlDaN OR FORT WALLACE to Forts Lyon, Reynolds, Gurland ani Union, 'I be transportation herein advertizad lor must be wholly by wagon. Information will be given on application to this cltt ce of the distances between the places named above, and upon any other peluta reiurdm.' the ser vice herein advertised tor. ROU I K NO. 8. From Fort Union, or sucu other depot a may b. ettabllshed In the Territory of New Mexico, 10 auy l.ons or stations that aro or may b eUabllHtied in that Territory, aud to such pests or stations as may be des gnated lu the Territory of An, ns aud the blateot Texas west of lbixliude liii degrees. TleweiKblto be tausported will not exceed on Route No. i, :n,0(Xj ecu pouudh; ou Route No. it, lu.too.ow pounds, BiddeiR will n'a'e their plaees of residence, and each propcwai ntr be iccompanled by a deposit of (2M0 (ro osor certified dice pa able 10 the order hi tbe nuderslgned), as a guarantee that lu raia aa award U made to him the oldder will ac:tptkaud inter Into contract with good auJ sutlijlout security In atci rdanre with the terms ot Ibis advertisement: said kuui to be lorlelied to the United states luottst) ofiniln e by Die party to wnoui the contract may be awardtd. to execute lu due form stnh contract. Each Mi der inunt no prevent at the opening of the proposal, 01 tie represented by his attorney. The crirHclors al l bo required 10 give bonds nn Route No. - lu am h amounts u slnill be lixud by the mull iHltued: on Rinte No 3, IIhii.ihh Sailsfacior. ev Idenoo ot Hie loyal'y and sn'.vency of inch bidder ai d person olforcd as security will ba required. Pio'iosals must fcn lnrtorned "l'rono';Kls for Army Trun9cria'iou on outo fo. 'I,'' or " as me c i muy be. and none will le euiertalned nnb ij-i tuey tuny comply with tu ri-ciiiiieuie.m of this adver tisement. 'The party to whom an award Is mirts mus. be pre t andlu exeuu'e the ccutract wlmout nuu.ienHrv id lay and 10 g've tbe re.rnredooudi lor Hid l Aithi'ul pei biriu.i ce ol iho c nir.ua n be right 10 reject any and ail bids that, may be ctli ric is reserviu, T he eoritraciur on eacri route miiit h In rea4lne f. r fcrv'ce b tbe lht dy ot April, iM'), and nniit have a plaoeot bunlut-Ht or aifeicy at wnljli henmy be com luunlcated with readily, at Hie starting point or prints of tn route, Blauk forms, showlug tho condition of the cm tract to be entered Into for eaon : route, can bn had upon ar plication lo this ollice, clthxr personally or hy letter, aud uiusl accompany a'ld bi a pan ot the rroposals. lilniiks lor proposal will be furnished on applU ClVy order of the Chief Quartermaster, Military Dl viHlon of the M.isoiul. 1 17 iml L. O. ESTON, Di p'l 1'. M. Gin. V. S. A C. U. M.i Dep'l M . STEAMBOAT LINES. r..F"ZlS rillLADKLPHIA AND TREN. asm i'i'Vs Tib tou steamboat Ltue. The ateamboat Et-VVJN ORRE5T leavea ARCH Street Wharf, tor Trenton, atopplng at Tacony, Torreodale. Beverly. Burllngtou, Brlsiul, Florence, Bobbins' Wharf, and W bile Hill. Leaves Arch Street Wharf Leavea Bonth Trenton, Sa'.nrday, iiec.l, do 't go i Saturday Jjtc.lu, A.M Monday, " 21, Isy. A. ml Monday, -.11,10 AM TuHbday, 'ii, 7 A M 1 Tuesday, " a:, 11 A M Wed'Cay, " 21, a A.MIWed'duy, 'il.ll M. Thumday, i. A M Tburaday, - 2, Ill's P.M Friday, " VS. A.M Friday, "1, 1 P.M laie to Trenton, 40 ecu la each way: Intermedial, places, M cents. U p anrriN F0It KEW IOKK-SWIFI-SUBI JaMaaujUTransportathtn Company Despatch ai u swlit-uure Line, via Delaware and Human Itanal, on and alter the Uth of March, leaving dally al li U. and 6 P. M connecting with all Norlhern an4 Emler.i Hues, For Ireight, which will be taken on aooommodatlni terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIKU A CO., 1 11 No. lag S. JJELAWAKU Aveais. mx$ZLls SUNDAY EXCUUSION.- J6 .fClfrtC I HANflK OF TIME. The splendid leuuic-r 'iN.'ILIGHTleaveaChesuulstreet wharr at tSiA.M., aud I P. M.. for Burllugloii and BrluUd, oochlug at Taoor.y, lUvertou, Audalunla, and Be verly. Leaving Bristol at l.A. II. and IP. M. Fare Union Pacific Eailroad. Wlu ARL' M)Vf SELL MA The First Mortgage Gold In terest Bonds OF THIS COMPANY AT PAR AIND INTEREST, At which rate the holder or UQYEKX. MUST SLCUKITIES can make a profll elilc exchange. COUPONS due Januarjl CASHED, or bought at full rates for Uoltl. WH. PAINTEH & CO., ItAAKERS AND DEALLTLS LN OOVERA'a HEJNT SECURITIES, No. 36 South THIRD Stroot, FINANCIAL. FHILADKLPHIA. fflTHMDOLPH Dealers In United States DoihIh, and Mem bers or Stock and Uold Lxchanje, Keceire Accounts of Hanks and Danker 3 on Liberal Terms, ISSUE DILLS OF .EXCUASUE 0 C. J. HAMBRO & SON, LONDON, B. METZLER, S. SOHN & CO., FRANKFORT JAMES W. TUCKER & CO., PARIS, And Other Frlnclpul Cities, and Letters of Credit Available Throughout Europe. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., S. W. corner THIIID and CHES.XUT Sts., U a PHILADELPHIA. ti ct ut. kicimliiu, i) wni. lo a U No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA, -DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE BROKERS. A'" units of Ha nka, l-'irimf, aud Individual receivvd, tuljcd ' t.ocL ;it ttiiit. ITKUi:ST ALLOW. -:n ON UALANXKvS. xENERAlTENT3, V FOR Sn, PENNSYLVANIA s iiaiV NOT J a OF THE .T .i IlFElKsiih. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. TIlP VTilV'T, I.H'K IStMMSI K CnMl'AIV is a M! i in' ill. in fliui'icivd liy hiKM'iul Aft of I'lnuri-in, iiy iuoi tl July Si, los, vvitli a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. r,"i; ml tcniis MUti! In A''.-nt:i uml Solii'llorH, who in iK'il lii npiily t nur nlliii'. I'ull j'nrliriiliuM to hi- liml mi ii)illontlnn nt nurolTlro, h hIi iI In ilu M'Cdii'l i.Uiiy iii our lliuikini; llonm', li'i.. ('Iri'uliirs iiinl l';i:iilil''N, fully itt'.-rriliing tliu vlyiiiilii(;i i.llei i'il ny IlioCiiniiuiiiy, may bt hail. 1'.. W. I.Alt K .v o.. Ao. 3o iSiiui TUird St. GLEMNMG, DAVIS & CO., Ao. tS South TIIIlcL SI it cl, PHILADELPHIA. GLE1INHIKG DAVIS & AMORY Xo. 2 NASSAU St., Xcw York, DAKLDS AM) DK0KLIW. Direct telegraphic roniimiiilcatlon nlth tho New York Slock Doards from the 1'hlladelphla Ofllco. nut BANKING HOUSE or JayCooke&G). Nob. 112 and 111 Sonth TIllltD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Denlers In all Uorerunient Sccnrltlcs. Old 52U8 uutcd In Exchange lor New. A Liberal DMemice allowed. Compound lutcroht Notes Wanted. Interest Allowed on Deposits. IDLI.KcTIOMJ UADK. HTuUKU bougbt and 0ld on OoruailMlon, hpfcial buaineaa aocomraodatlon raeerved for IiliIIms. We will rrcalr" appllratlona for Pollclna of I.I fa Iran rauoc in i ua national iir inauraDs uoupaojr of id uniitia Hiaiv. vuu mroriuaiioa iirttkiuu oaictt. jNION PACIFIC RAILROAD HIIST MORTGAGE BONDS At Par, AND ACCRUED LNTEMHT. CIaNTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FUIST MORTGAGE BOXDS At 103, AM) ACCRUED LKTiatEST. FOB AIK BT No. 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET, a PHILADELPHIA. STERLING & WILDMAN, BANKKK3 AND BROKERS, No. 110 South THIRD Street, AGBNT3 FOR 8ALB OF First Morlsrajre Donds of Rorkr.ird. i;w Island, and St. Louis Railroad, IntcrMt HKVBN PER CENT.. rlu f .11 ... payable In GOLD Anguit and February, for Hale 7H and accrued Intereat la curreucy, Also Irst Mortgage Donds of the Danrllle llazleton, and M ilkesbarro Railroad. Interetit SEVEN PER cent., rr.uin nir- in TAXES, payable AprU aud October, for aale at n aua accrues loiereau ramniieu wltn maps, reporta, and fall Information iumb roaas aiwars on band for dlNtrlbuilon. CEALEJBS la OoTornmant Bonds, aold. Hllvar Coupon, eia . STOCKS of all kind botiffbt and sold on comrril. alou In Mew Yoth and PUllauwliinia. 11 1 tutu of LUMBER. 1868. fcl'UUCB JOIST. bPAUCK Joint, MitMLUC'K. ilt-MLOCK. 1868. IKl'tt BKAHUKJtU t'LKill PINK, 10UO HKAHOMKD CLEAH WSH C11UIUK PAT mill ri.R Httli CKUAlt. ISO'S 1 Kllu FLOlt IDA F LOOltl SO. 1w(.u 10OO PiAKli)A i J.OKHU iNii, 1603 CAKULiNA FLOUlUiNU. V1KG1.NIA FI.OUK1&U. DiaAWAUK FLOUHiJSO. ABU FLOUU1ISU WALNUT FLOOilINO. FLORIDA HTEP HOaitiJ. It AIL PLAKK. 1m;W WALMir BUH AMD PLANK, 1 UiQ WALXHUT BOaKDO. W A LIN UP PLAWK. IVIJSi VNDEKTAKE1W LUMBER. 1 XOOO IJxJLJalPAKll.iti, LUAlUJiiU. 1503 Ht U (jlllAK. WALiN UT AMU PINK. IHCH BKABONKD POPLAR. 1 OrJO ABU. WHITE OAK W.ANK AND BOAKDS. mua-UiiV. IwfJJi CIQAR BOX MAKERS' 1UC!0 XOOO CW4K BOX AlAKlSlts' 10U3 ISPAHiBU CtUAII UUX BOARDS. . FOR BALK 1AAV. IXriS CAROLINA riCANTLINO, ACUtf UAKOL1NA H. T. HlL,I,li, 1003 WOK WAY bCAliilMa. 1fti;u CEOAR HHfNULKS, 1 WiTQ AOUO CYPREHclMIKNULKS. A003 MAULK, BKOnl Kit A CO., Mu. ItoPO BOU 1'H btreet. FOR HALE, TO ARRIVE FIFTY THOU. HAND !lrt tjuaiily YiiLLO t 11NK AND CYFRKBM BOAHOa aud bCANTLINU Loia Kaur prlae Mills, b. U . WARREN A OREilO, 1218 81 No. Ill 8, DELAWARE Aveaua. T. T. GALYIN & CO.. LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS &UACKAJIAX03 bTHEET WlIAKi', BELOW SL0AF8 MILLS, (Ro-CAXtco), PHIL DELPHIAi AGENTS FOItHOUTHERN AND EASTERN Man favtnrera of YELLOW PINK and HPKUCifiTlMBK BvSAKDH, etc, shall be harpy to furnlnli order at wnoleiiale rals, dellverabib al any accmalble port. (kinntantlT recelvlnir and on band at our wharf BOUTHKKN FIiOOiilNO, HCANIL1NO. HH1N. OLE, EABTKRN LATHc. PICKETS. BKD-BLATrt, BPRLCE, H KM LOCK, BELKUT MIUHIUAJ AND CANADA PLANK AND bOABJJti, AND HAU HAiVU BJiix'-jUMa.aOi laiatutui ai.. or vmrn wiu re dkutebeb AT AKT PAETOrTUKmi I MO ill PTJLX STOVES, RANGES, ETC. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED would call tbe atiemiou of tbe public to hi NEW tiLllLN EAULE I'U UN ALK. Thla la an entirely now healer, l u o nun auucceJ aa io atouoe couineuil Itwll to general favor, bvliig a combination ot wrouaut aU caat Iron. Ills very aluiple In ua construction, aoil Is pi-rlecily air Htlu; aeli'-cleanlnK. bavlnK.no ile or druuiH to be taken out and ck-aurd. It 1 1 no arranged wltn uiinglit Hues aa to produce a larger aiuoiintof boat from ine aaiue welslil of coal than any furince now lu use. 'lue bK'omello coudillou m ibe air as producod by my new arrargeuient ot evaporation will at once de muui irale tbat It la Ite oifty Jiut Air Furnace Uiat will produce a perefclly bea'-by a'mtiepliere. 'llii.nlii wautot a coniiilute iletlluK Aptiamtits would do well lo call and examine tiieOoldeu Kale, Cll.i ItLiit W I LL1 A 41 M, No, lib:' ami lliil MARKET Stiet, Pbllauetphla. A large assortment ol Cooklnif Ranges, Vlre-board btovt'o, Low Down Urates, Ventiiatota, eto., aiaayi n band. m N. is. Jobbing of all kim s promptly done, s in THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCII1SNKR, or EUROPEAN KAKwK.lnr fiiinillea. hotels, or public InmitutloiiN. iu TWENTY DlFFEK EN1' HlEB, Ai',o, l'Kiladulbla Ranges, llot-Air Fiirnai'.es, rorlauio lliu.era, L,ow-uoivn Uratts, Flitboard fcilovoit, Batb Bollt-rH, Biew-bol pmt.'d, Pollers, look lug htovow, etc., wholeaalo aud retail, by Ibe luauuiaulureiH. 11 SiwfniGm No. -Ita N. bECOM D Hiroet, FINANCIAL. FURNITURE, ETC. EXTRA FINE F UltNlTUUE. Latest Deigns Superior .Make and Tinibh. A. & H. LEJAMDRE, French Cabinet Makers aud Upholsterers, JVo. 1135 C1I1:SXUT Street, 12 2 w mslin F1IILADELPUIA. TO RENT. p O R RENT. rilEMDSia, No. 809 CHESS UT St FOB BTOKX OR OFFICE. AlBO, OFFICKH AND LAROE ROONH aultaDJe fojr a I onuuarclal College. A iiplv at TUB UFJION PACIFIC RAILl)0AI) COIIPLNY OFFJIR A LIMITED AMOUST OF TURta First Mortgage Bonds AT PAR. Sine Uundred and Sitlj Slilo Of tbe line West from Omaha are now completed, an t the wcrk is golug on ihrougb ih; Winter. A th ttai tance between tne Oniebed portion of tate Union and Central Paclflo Railroads lu now lesa than 4u0 mllaa, and both Companies are pushing forward the work, wlih treat energy, tmplo) log oyer SO.MO men. Ihor can bo no doubt that the whole drand Line to tho PacIQc bfOprn for rtiialiiea In (bo Sitmaner of Tbe rearolar OoTernmeut Commissioner have pr uounoed tbe Union Paolllo Railroad to be EiRT CLAEB In every respect, and the Special Oomaalailoa appointed by tbe President aaysi "Taken as a whole, TB E UNION PAOIFTO RAIL. IIOAD HAS B BEN WELL CONdX LUTED. AND TBE .OENKKAL ROUTE F Jit TUB LINE EX CEEPINGLY WELL SELECTED. The energy aod perseverance with which tbe work ba bee. urged forward ant tbe rapltlty wlih which It baa bee a exeouUd are without parallel In h atory.andln gran dear and magnitude ol undertaking it ba never bsea t quailed." Tbe Report atate tbat aay deflolenole) that exist are only tboae lncld.nl to all oewroads, aod I hat could not bay been avoided without materially retarding tbe progrea of tbe great work. Buck del clencles are aupplled by all railroad companies alter the completion of tbe line, when and wherever expe rience shows them to be necessary. The report con eludes by laying that "Ibe country has reason to coat. gratnlate llaelf tbat Ibis great werk of national Im. portancels o rapidly anproachlng completion under such favorable auspices." Tbe Company now have In use 137 locomotives and ntarly X'JOO car of all de orlp. tlon. A large additional enolpmeht ;1 ordered to be rtady In tbe Spring.. Tbe grading I nearly com plated,, avdtle distributed for l'O miles In advanoeol the westers end of tbe track. Folly ltu autlea or Iron for new track are now delivered weet of the Mlaaout Rlvtr, and 90 milts mere are en rati. Tbe total ex penditures for construction purpose In advanoe of lha completed portion of the road Is not ios than eight million dollars Btaide a donation from tbe Government of 11,809 acres ot land per mile, tbe Compaay Is entitled to m subsidy In U. S. Bonds on lis line a completed an accepted, at tbe average rate of abont t29,oot per mile, according to tue difficulties encountered, for wbloh. tbe Government takoe a second lion as security. Tho Company liavo already received f22.1&8,obO of this mouldy, of which l.'.W(i.ux was paid Deo. , and tmoMO Leo. 11, Uoverunient Aid Siciirlly of tlic Bonds. By it charter, Uie Company Is permitted to Usner Its own El liar UORTUAUE BON Da to tbe aarae amount aa tbe Uovernmeat Bonds, and no mora. These Bonds are a Firm Mortgage upon the whole n ad and all Its equipments, bucb a mortgage upon vi hat, for a lor g time, will be tbe only railroad con en tin ( tbe Atlantio and Pa.lao Htatos, take the blgl (at rank a a safe security. The earnings front tbe a 7 or local business lor tbe year ending June go, Ibtu, oh nn average of 471 miles, were orer FOUR MILLION LOLLARD, which, after paying all ax pensei, were much more than sulllcleut to cover alt Interest liability upon that distance, and the earn ings lor tbe last five mouth have been (2 K8H78L They would have beeu greater If tbe road bad not been taxed to Ha utmost capacity to transport Its own material for construction. Tbe Income from the great panaenger travel, tbe China freights, aod the aupplles for ibe new Rocky Mountain Stales aud Tec. rltorlr, const be aasplojlor all interest and other 11a billtlts. No political action can reduce the rate of Interest. It moat retrain for thirty years iij; pn mil. per annum In gold, now equal to between eight and nine per cent, in currency. The principal U then. j.cya'Ae in gold. If bond with such guarantee were Issued by tbe Government, Its market price would, not be leu than from ZO to 25 per cent, premium. Aa these bonds ars Issued under Government authority and supervision, upon what Is very largely a (Jo, eminent work, they must ultimately approaob.Oov eminent prices. No other corporate bonds are made so iicure. Tbe price for tbe present it PAR, and accrued lu terett at per cent, trom July 1, 180S, In currency. HuUcrlpllona will bu received In Philadelphia by DE HAYEK & BHO., No. 40 8. THIRD Street, WM. S. FAIXTEIt & CO., No. 38 S, THIRD Street, And In New York AT Till: COHfAM'W Ot'i'Il'H, NO, 20 NAttSAU Street, AND BY JO UN J. IM O SOS, UANUKItf, No. W WALL Street, And by the Coaipaui'a advertised Agents through, oat the United Slates. Bond sent Iree. but parttis nborlblng tbroi-rh local agenl will look to tbem for their safe dollvcjry A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS WSUJBD OCTOBER 1, containing a rep art of the progress of Ibe work to that date, and more complete state ment In relation lo tbe value of tbe bond thaa can be given In an advertisement, whleb will be seat rreej on H P Icatlon at the Company's otUoes, or to any of tbe advertised agonts, TlieCouiions of the First Jlortjd DomU or this CMOS 1MCIF1U KlILlCUlttCOnVlXT DUE J ANU All Y 1, lor Will bo paid on and Cter thai date, IX GOLD COLS, flee of Uorernwut Tat, At the Company's office, Fc, 10 NAbBAU Street, New Tork. Schedules wlih twenty or more coupon will now be received for examination, and gold obecka for the aame will kg delivered Oeiemoer iw- joun j. ,:m'4, T'tt' ta'iJBcn, Keo. 1-1, 1 NEW TOBC liUthatilus