MIMICAL AM) BKAMATIU ftrn. D. P. Dower tin' Donna Dlnnn.' Mr. Westland Marston's adaptation of the old classical Spanish comedy which was performed lMt evening at the Walnut, under the title of Love' Masquerade, call to miod HUakespoare's Much Ado About Nothing, at least no far as the leading obaraoters are conoerned. And It Is not ULilnterestlog to note bow two. nearly contem porary dramatists have elaborated the same Idea. In ftbakespeare's comedy the plot tnrns on the Intrigue of "Don John," and his false accusation of "Hero;" but "Beatrice" and "Benedick," who are merely secondary, so fir as the plot is concerned, are made the prluclpal personages In the play, and Shakespeare, after bis usual manner, ha subordinated his plot te his characters. In the Spanish comedy, however, the plot is an essential, and there are no characters, In the Shakespearian sense of tbe word. "Donna Dlaua" end "Don CiHar" are conventional types rather than Individuals, and tbe Spanish princess boar only so much resemblance to Shakenpeare's witty heroine that she rails at marriage aud lives to repent of It, Bbakespeare's poverty of Invention is shown by his employing the same somewhat transparent device to entrap both the hero and heroine, bnt with the .Spanish dramatist the Intrigue is all-important, and the interest of the play is maintained by the plots and coun terplots by which the principal personages seek to circumvent each other. "Donna Diana," is not a gay.laughter lovln? and sharp tongned woman llko "Beatrice," but she Is a haughty Spanish beauty, who, bavin been deceived by suitors who aspired to posses her wealth and her principality rattier than her self, disdains all mankind, esteems love a cheat and delusion, and determines to keep her fa'.e and fortune In her own hands, by living a life of single blessedness. "Don Cieiar," ardent m a lover, Is advised by "Perln" her oonQdeullal socrelary, to asyjme a disdain supreme to her own, and thns oonquer her pride and win her love. The shifts and tnrns by whtoh this resnl Is brought about make the substance of the play; and the lady's struggles between pride and love, and the gentleman's almost InefToo tuallefTorts toaflect an air of philosophical In difference which he does not feel, give rise to a number of exceedingly effective Js'iua. lions. A scene in the second act, where 'Dlana" betrays "Don Ccosar" Into a declara tion, of love only to repudiate him, and then almost tlnUs with rage and mortification when be remembers 'Perin's" admonitions, and estlngly declares he In only aotlug tbe part of a lover at her own request; Is admirable. We consider Lovt's Masquerade as one of the best and most entertaining comedies that has been given to the English-speaking strge of late years, ani we only wonder that It Is not oftener represented, as we never yet saw an audience that did not enjoy It heartily. The burden of the acting rests upon the representatives ot the three leading characters, and if these are rea sonably competent a satisfactory performance Is assured. The half dozen subordinate charac ters serve merely to nil up tbe scene, and do not make any great demands In the way of acting, so that it does not materially damage the play as a whole If thoy are not given In first rate style. "Donna Diana" Is one of Mrs. Bowers' very best personations. The part Is admirably suited to her style of acting; It calls for the ex pression of very varied emotions, and it affords ample opportunity for the display ot the high est order of talent. Mrs. Bowers' performance last evening was exceedingly good, and the many telllcg points of the comedy were glvou In a style that ezoited the heartiest applause and ensured a call before the curtain at the end of the play. In this and other rolci for which She Is particularly adapted. Mrs. Bowers appears to much more advantage than in those Which she sometimes attempts, such as "Eliza beth," "Marie Antoinette," "Jane Shore," and some others, and in her own particular line she Is almost without a rival. Bo far as we are aware, Mw. Bowers has never played "Elsie Venner" In this city. We saw her some four or five years ago appear In a dramatization of Dr. Holmes' curious story. In another city, and although the play Itself pos sessed no remarkable merit, we rem eta oar Mrs. Bowers' conception and acting of the character as being singularly effective. Why she does not perform the part oftener of course she knows better than we do. Mr. McColloui made a very lair represents tlve of "Don Cinsar." This gentleman has Improved considerably since we last saw iilui but be did not equal Mr. Walout, who gave a really superior personation of "Don Uieiar' when we last saw this play two years ao Mr. McCoIIolq declaimed his way through the piece, and made the obvious points in good style, but be had no particular id ja of the ear acter, and gave none of the subtle by-play which la so expressive, aud whleh would give an artistic stamp to his performance. Mr. Wal cot, we remember plajei the ptrt of au ardent lover, trembling at the lady's lrom. hesitating to carry on the war against her, despondent after each defea'., and only kept to bis weik by the eneonragotueut of "Porln." Last evenlug Mr. Waicot took the part of "Perln," and acted It with spirit, but rather carelessly, we thought. The confidant, in this Instance the secretary of the heroine, U an Im portant personage in a Spanish drama of In trigue, and resembles nothiur; In ttie ordinary plays ot the KugHsn stugt. The ctiarao.er re quires to be tikiitully performs 1, for, as wu before remarked, tue luitresi of tue pi:oe de pends upon bliu aud the o'.uer two lea J lug prrtionaes. The play last night wan, on the whole, given In gftod style, and to tae uiuLiiltst uujoyiuoul of the audience. The City AiiiiiMiu-iitM. At mm academy or Memo tljere will be a oomtdcalloii ot Italian ana tierinau opera to night. Jjucrezia Iiuryia will e slvun entire in Italian, sud the last auiot Va Diarol t In Ger man. JoiepU lierm mus. lu tins roU f "ll npo," will luliouuce the EduUmi kouoI "Via Alloat." The perfor natioe will aunoiu in with u graud military march composed y Suuor Brtuoli. To-morrow II Trovuwre wnl Oh given at toe matinee, and for tun larewHll perlorinance to morrow ntuht l)er frei$chulz Is announced, iu wbloti Madame L Uruu vill suitalo. the part of "Agatha." supported bv tue principal mem bers of tbe Uennau Troupe. Attuk Chesnut tbeie will be a grand raatl me to-ii'Orrow. when iri.t price of admission Will be lifly and twenty-five cents. The circus hki rnaue a bit at this t.neare. aud us tbe per formances are really very su iirtor, it is likely to keep poeei Solon of the boards I jr a long lime to come. Atthk Walnut Mi. D. P. Bowers will have a bene Ui. Kits f-venlng. bixi sue will appear as "Adrleuntt leeouvreur" in tt.e uraraa rr A.a, i enne the Acirtss. an as "U .ma Dlaua" iu tuu comedy ui Loce't Mitsnutrude. Tula Is a first rale bill, and we hope ihui Mrs. Bowers will receive the oumollrueul of a crowded house. The Oraitae Girl, a (JlirUimas niece. Is an Bounced as lu preparation, und to be produred with new scenery, appoimineuts, muouluery, AT the A ncn Colonel Fitzgerald's drama of Wolvtsai nay wui i given mis evening. AT hik American a Una programme will b. ptcsentpd this evening and ut tne matluee to innrrAW. At Tine Tiikatkf. Comijue there will be a matinee, wi.en the price of admisstoa will oe lomg.llull cell In to all DMI'tH (if the llOUMH. ThlU tstablistnneot Is fast winniug Us way lo favor s a lam ily resort. Mit. w.-iy will clve one of his attractive f ulmtkluiiieutH this evniug si Concert Hull, and will Unir biimorous. pathetic, end war oi:gs of Scotland. One otli'-renterUinmHut Wlil be given ou Monday evenlug, aud these THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1868. DBMS S will be bis lent appearances previous to bis departure for California. A portion of the pro reeds will be Riven to the Scottish societies of Philadelphia for charitable nurponns. Cart, Hrntz' and Mark Haulier's orchestra wl'l perform at Musical Fund Hall to-morrow afternoon. l.A CoTrRin Cauwivai.. Within a few yers rniiktiuerade balls have attracted a favorable sljnro of public attention, aud received the patronage of mtnv ctf our best ctMzpns. Among olliers, -'La Coterie Carnival," projected by Man. Abel A Klsley, has occupied a de cidedly consplcnous position. They directed their attention from thn flrtit, to the oil" grand object of maklDR"La Colerie Carnival" unob jectionable in all its features. All that the most cultivated tRHte end perfected Judgment could do to gain so desirable a oanaummatlon was done, and tbe balls, as given bv tuem, are now recognized ps pre-eminent for the regl meiiBlrlcenre by which they ore characterized. At the ball In tak place on Mondav evening, Jnuunry 11. 1861), tie dancing muslo will be con dne'ed by Carl Hntz. and the promenade by Professor Theodore Hermann, and a choice selection will be ictven. Adolpti Proskaner will serve the refrcHhrnents. Messrs. K 'the A Co. and Vnnborn, rostumers, are making a variety of cost umes for the occasion. Tim directors are deieirulr d not to be equalled in tbelrnnder tRklnir. In every point "La Coterie Carnival" of tMa dcuKon will. If possible, surpass all former entertainments of the kind. - Tlekets to be obtained by subscription Only. Mov be bad of Mr. P. E. Abel, at Petersons', No. SOU C'LtSLUt street. CITY ITEMS. Wk gcarantkb all prttxi lower than the lowrtt elne.wherr.; alio, guamnlre full satitfnetion to enrry purchaser, or the talc cancelled and mmvy refunded. Protkctioic 10 Ouk I'ATiioNs. To fol'y carry out tbe above buduess rule at tbe present time, we have BKijucKn All raioics. Our stock of Men's, Youths'. Boys', aud Children's Hearty-made GlolbiiiK, wblch Is large, complete, and coinprubcaslve enough to embrace all desirable styles, sizes, and kinds, Must All Br Sold, sk It was manufactured for that (special purpose. To Insure thlt we intend to continue, as heretofore, to give all customers Mobk Valuk fob Thkik Monky than tliey cn get elsewhere, under any and all circumstances Call on us, lieirour prices, and examlue our oods before piitciinelBg. Valf-wau bftucen Bkhnktt A Co., ilflhand V 1'owhh IIaTC. Hixlh ttres.U ) So. OKMabkhtHt, I'lCiLAuai.eiu And No 60ft Broadway, Aiw Yojk. Thr Thuk Medical Doctbink Nature, when straggling with dlseace, Indicates nnmUUkably tbe kind of assistance she requires. In cases of nervous weakness and general debility, the feeble pnlBe, tbe lack-lustre ere, tbe attenuated frame, tbe Mucoid muscles, tbe melantholy visage, Inform us as plainly ai If eacb organ bad a tongue, tbat a medicated stimu lant is needed. It does not require the aid of a medlcil education to understand th's dumb appeal for new vigor from an exhausted ssitem. Every reader ot Ibrse lines can comprehend It Just as well as the graduate of a phyalcltn's college. L)l not tbts de mand of enfeebled nature be neglected. Kespond to It promptly by commencing a course of IIostkt- tib's fcTOMAiH BiTTKBS , a preparation uulilag, In their blgliest excellence, tbe properties of a stimu lant, an in vioohant,&uj an alikrativb. Italjre three days havo elapied lrom tbe taking ot tbe Urs1 dose, a marked beneficial change will bs manifest In tbe bodily and mental condition of tbe patient. Tbe pulse will be stronger and more regular, tbe eye will begin to lose Its dull expression, tbe muscular and mrvous systems to recover their tension, aud tbe tplrlisto improve. Persevere, and a complete revi v lllctulon ot tbe depressed aulmal nd mental powers is certain. In cases of dyspepsia and biliousness, the same salutary results will bo obtained. Tbe appetite will revive, the sallowuess of tbe sklu disappear, and all tbe dlbtreesin symptoms which accompany dis orders of the stomach and liver will rapidly subside. The cold of winter often lrteusilles these camplaiuls by checking tbe perspiratory action, oy which so much morbid matter Is evapoiaied through the poret in milder weather, and tbereluret.be Uitikus are especially useful to the dyspeptic sua bilious at this season, Voki pr-KU A Broth kb (iitccetsors to C. A. Battt), shirt rnsnuiaciureis aud wholesale and retail dealers In Ladles' and bentt' Furnishing Qoods. are makleg at tbelr two. stores, tha main on No. 27 IortU Klihth street, the b-ancb, No, T Nuith Ninth atreet, a uiagulflceut Solid y display. Tue reputation which these two extallibmects bava acquired li well mer ted; tor at item every purchaser can And articles exactly suited to bis Uncy, and In bayln has tbe certain assurance tbat tlia gao1s will accord with the representations. The Messrs. Wotlppor are wide awake, and I ally up to the times. Notbln; new In tbelr line makes Its appearaace but ihey at once recure it. Tbclr thorough bualne S enterprlss aad activity bave made ibclr two es-abl'slnnents great popular depots for fnTDlsliIng goos of every descrlp. tlon. Entire satl. fiction both In tha qiallty and price of goods Is guaranteed, and no person cun utter tbe complaint that he was ev-r deceived at either of the stores. Only let the rial be wads, aad the resolt wtl be found to be just wbat any one acquainted with tbe stanclngof the place could have predlcteu a ie'.er m (nation to purchase there, and at no other placa, in tbe luture. A TBWDEB DBABTKO RAILWAY KNSIVItKB SayS he sever runs over a man If be cau help 'H it musies up tbe engln so I C'UAKLHS BTOKES A Co. never allow a garment to lave their FlBST-CLA(-B CCSTOMLB CLuTHINO HotTSR unless It is a peiftct lit aud entirely aatlsiactory to tbe purchaser. Tbe First Pautaloou Cutter In tbe Union is em ployed at Cbablkh Stokes A Go's., Nn. 821 Cueiuut street. An ABTrcLK or Mkkit. Nothing aflords us more pleasure tban when wo can cordially recommend to our readers an artlole of merit We refer to tba standard Wine Bitters" of Mr. Alfred M3peer. tbe base ot which is bla Justly celebrated Wine, combined with tbe bluer principle of tho best tonics, herbs and roots which are known to tur moat eujiuent chemists and medloal practitioners, and will, by a use ot tbem, slve tone to and invigorate the system, ana put all lis functions Into healthful exerolse. See bis advertisement in another column. For sale by Druggists. Fins Pdkmch Calf Boots and Oaitbks. The man who haa never experienced the pleasure of weariLg a pair ot boots made by William II. Helwsg, Is to some extent an object of commiseration. We speak knowingly, having worn Helweg's boots for years. Tbelr comfort, however, is not tbelr only recommendation, as ibey are made ot tbe best mate rial and In the very best manuer iielweg will not employ an lneompetout workman; therefore his work Is always first-class. His store and factory Is at Ho. 636 Arctt Btreet, next to the corner of Blxth, A Hackimo Couuh U one of tbe most distressing as well as dangerous i or ins of oough one can bs filleted with. It continuous action fatigues and irrlia es tbe lungs, ard thus engenders consumption. Vpbam's Fresb Meat Cure will cure the oiuga, sootbe ibe Irtltated bronchia, and give tone and vigor to tbe lunis and whole system. A sh gte buttle will convince any one of its purity Kola cue duJlar per bottle. Johnston, IIolloway Cowdbn, No. 602 Arch street. jKVtKLBy.Ur. William W. Cassldy, No. K South Hecoud street, bi s tbe largest and most attractive assortment of hoe eweiry and silverware n tbe city Furtbastra ran rely upon ob alulug a real, pure artl ele lurnlabed at a price whloU caunot be equalled. He alio baa a large stock of American Western watches It. ail varieties and at all trices. A visit to his store Is sure io icmilt m piem-urn aud proliL. f"OAL. Coal Co l lor the million. Niw Is tbe time to lay It your wluUr's lO"e of fuel. Old Kln-j l'".! is drawing plciir-s ou the winnows, aud (lie mot-t mow ihWeiiluK yulir feet. B it Id bilgut hri and bid tii cole driiai co. liir. to bol d lb iires you niuu iiuve good coal aad where hhutild y.u p.iro a li II dot al I be crlebrtttea Allxr's N", l "7 niortli Nli tli lieet (oM c- S.j in aud bi.rt' IUln ktixexT, lie bw il lu itbui dAiiLU to t iiolwilhHinud ug tliu roiii eiilke In ih co' ri-gl u- a.;il i twaly lu I ut i msu t ii-ti'iueis wltli aU si.is and kluds, at Uie very I jeot pi ices, A HCMoaons Apotiik.cart in Bisto eipn cskeof soap In bis window, with tbe pertinent In scrip tlon, "Chiaper tban dirt," Just so with the Evening and Walking COAts, Irish FMie Coats, Paots and Veils, At ClIABI KS BlOKKS A Co'S. In price tbt y are cheaper than ever. Convince yonrnelf. Tiirnix. the sn:cess' r of Pfrner. st No. St8 C 'es nm street. hs r-centi iwupd In addition to nil Ins oiLer publications, a uirai excellent Cook link, a tie low prion of one dollar. It Is Juu the tnlng tor Christmas "cookies," L1A11EI1SD. MrBRIKTY PLTJiN K K I T. Jn the Wb of N mem ber, a l I'etei'fl ( bun b Vllml'iK'in, D 'Imv-r bj the ltlght Hev. ;l'.lsunu B'C,ir. WILLIAM Mrlill -KTY. of B!Hmnie, to KI.I.KN, daugfitor nt funlp iiut.kett, of the former cl'y. WKYANT VAN M H rj-.ll -On NovnuiW S5, at Kei'fltmton M. K. Prsoiiao. No 2i7 H'ciim..nd utreet by Kev. W. ,f Pnirsnii Mr. HKKVH. K.i AM' to Miss ALU K Vs mk,i Kit both ol ihls city DIKD. BFNNKV, On tb 9th liiKtant, nOLLfKBKVNKY, flai'Rhter of Jweph aud Martha lieu ney, aged 1 year and 1 month. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited te attend the funeral, from Mm reildeiiea o ber grandparent, .tonn ami nrati 1'leron, No. s.17 f. Hlxih sireei.on tuntlav afiernmin al 2 o'olock. In terment at l'bllantbropio Cemetery. COOPKR. on the morning of the lotb Instant, LA U 1 A VlltINl A. eldest dauirhlerol Willla-n I'. Ml jLlizabetb A. Cooper In iheiiili year ot his sue. The relatives and trienrts of tne lamt y are respect fully Invited to attend tbe funeral, from the residence in Per parents No. 719 N. Twentieth s'reet. on Mon day morning, the Mih Insiant, at 1 o'cioek. To pro ceed io Ceaar 11 II I Cemetery, wltbout further notice. FAHNVWIOK,-suddenly, on the i.h 1nrn, OKOrOK V. FAhM.Him K; a so.UKAUK l.X&l.Y, Chubbier of tbe late Oeorge W. Fabnestock. K1PO On tbe 0th lustant, at Lanorte, mnlllvan rnuiily, Pa.. In the sotn year of his age. C'H A 11I.K4 Ml'HKAY KINO, a member of Milton Lodge, N't. Yn. Fa. A. Y. M., eldtst son of the late Itooert P. King, 1 lie relatives and friends of tbe family, also Frank lin Lodge, No. 1st, A. Y. and his Masonio brethren In fcer e ai, are tnvueU to attend bis funeral, from his itioibei's residence. No. f22 bpruneslreet, on aaturday alternooD, tbe 12tb Instant, at 1 o'clock. (I LKIB FKLL. On the tilth Instant, at Ft. Luke's hum., bv ti e Rev. M. A lie Wolte Howe, l D, HaBHISON LJCIIl 'o M. K. Veil, daughter ol tbe late Keif e U. 1 ell, all of Philadelphia An Ell I O A N Life Insurance Company, Ot niiladelpliia. S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. 4 g-litis Institution hai no superior in the United State 810 FANCY GOODS. 13, & C. A. WRIGHT, No. 031 CIIKSM'T STREET, Have ust received a large assortment of HEW AND ELEGANT FANCY AHTIOLES. Selected la Europe this season for their NOVELTY AFD EEAUIY, ESPECIALLY I OR CHKISMAsJ PRESENTS. Also, a large aud beautiful assortmont of gmulce MEERSCHAUM riPE3, Which they offer for sa'e 11 30 mwfllt AT VERY REDUCED PRICES, it p E R STEAMER.' JUST RECEIVED, AN INVOICE OF r AIMER MAC1IE aud CANTON TEA P0YS. ALSO, A FULL LINE OP FANCY GOODS. WILLIAMS & WOODWARD, NO. 022(XINETWK!irTY-TWO)riIESXCr STHEKT. 12 9 12i,rp GROCERIES, ETC. SIOOO-CHALLENCE. MINCED MEAT. I am rea4y to prove that the article which la belDg manufactured by tue la the bett 1M I IV C 13 13 II 13 AT In the market. I am rcarly to plaoe $1000 in the hands of any reppontlble party, aud submit my article to a teat. JOSHUA WRIGHT, S. W. Corner F1USKL1N nnd Sl'UING UAIiDEN Streets, It PHILADELPHIA. For Rale by all Orocers. JpINE IMPORTED CHEESE JCST EECilVED THIS DAY, AN INVOIO i OF BRIE, CAMBERT, NEUFCIIATEL, ROQUEFORT, AND OTHER FINE CHEESE. SIMON COLTON & CLARKE. S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT Sts., U 1 PHILADELPHIA. ATK.ORE'8 MINCE ME ATI THE BIST AND OHLY KKLIABLE!! ATMOBE DEFIES COMPETITION. To be bad ol nearly all Grocers In the Cltv ana Country. 12 17t ip JllESII FRUITS & PRESERVES. Buncb, Layer, Bedles, and Baltana Balstns; Our lanl. Cilrou, OrBiigm, frunt-s, Klgs, etc. Kve.y ae scrijiticu ot Gioceriea. suliablo for tbe Holidays. t.UF.BT V. HOHKBTI, II ?n Cur. KUlVKNTU aud VINE Street. T U E F I ft! AS IE1 E A OF 8AL THE READY-IV3ADE CLOTHING, PER ARRANGEMENT VITH THE EXECUTORS. THE SALE HAS COMMENCED, AND IS NO WIN FULL rROQKESS AT OAK HALL, LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE OF THE CITY. WE ARE RAPIDLY SELLING OFF. PRICES BELOW THE COST OF MANUFACTURING. OVERCOATS. All Styles. 8UIT8, Every Description. PANTS AND VESTS, Hundreds of Varieties. For a Short Time a Reduction of lfi Per Cent, on all Cash Sales in tho Ous'om Department. BOYS' CLOTHINC, THE VERY BEsT MADE, AT HEAVY REDUCTIONS. 25 Per Cent, Discount on all manner of Gents' Furnishing Good3 Determined to close out quickly the Stock of the late firm, no other house can approach the low pricea at which wo are selling off, as the large crowds who have filled the store all the week can testify. All these goods are of our own excellent make, and satisfaction warranted. HOUSE OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M., AND SATURDAY NIGHT LATER. Any garment bought at night or any other time cheerfully exchanged, and when not able to suit the cus tomer the money returned, according to our custom for years past. An extra force of salesmen in attendance, and most careful attention given to all. WE ARE GLAD THE PEOPLE APPRECIATE THE OPPORTUNITY, AND ARE GETTING SUCH BARGAINS. "WE HAVE STILL AN IMMENSE STOCK. iMAiYlAKER BROWN. OAK II Ta L, THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOUSE, CORNER OF SIXTH AND MARKET STREETS. THE FOR THE LADIES. YCLVETEEN 0. GREAT REDUCTIONS. In order to reduce our large stoofc of theso goods, we bave marked our prices bo low for tbe preterit tbat a rare opportunity Is offered lo purchasers. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CENTRAL CLOTH HOUSE, Corner EIGHTH and MARKET. PARIS "LA BELLE" SKIRTS. AllSljles or tills justly celebrated SKIRT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Wo. 727 CHESNUT Street. BALMORALS OF THE BEST MANUFACTURE. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Mo. 727 CHESNUT Street, 12S6trp PHILADELPHIA. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. 405 CHESNUT STREET, OLD HYE HOTEL. 1XNC1I OF VESKOS. d otber Game lu Stsson, tvrj day lrom 10' j to 12 M. 12 81m ROBEItC BLACK. Riddle temple IIOT1L AND IS EST A I'll A XT, So. 110 South SIXTH Street. 12 in II. EEIK1IARD, Proprietor. G EOKUE ZIELLKY, Formerly Fltz water it Zlolley, Filbert siroet, above Klyaili street, has ouened tbo old statu, H, W. COH. T111K1J AND WOOD 8T3., where be will be glad lo see uls frluuds. 12 11 lm GKOKOK ZIELLEY. UMBRELLAS OF THE LATEST LONDON AND FAR1S STYLES, FOR CIIKIS'OIAS lI5i:SKXTS, FOR SALE BY WM. A. DE0WH &C0., No. 24C MARKET Street, HI Ml PHILADELPHIA. IIelfeFstein &TewTs' Tzz tsr IHKNTINGROOMS vw - WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. ESTABLISHED 1828- C. W. RUSSELL, No. 22 North SIXTH Btreet, OFFERS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, From the best manufao'.urera. FINE JEWELRY, Of all descriptions, and latest styles. FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS, Direot from Paris. SILVER WARE OF THE OORIIAM MANU FACTURING COMPANY, at 11 1 8wrp THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. C. k A. FEQU10N0T, MiNrFiClURIiltS OF WATCH OASES, And Dealers iu American aud Imported WATCHES, Xo. la Sonlh SIXTH Street, 12 1 tlrp Manvaclory, JVo. 22 & VIFTII St. FURS. JjANCY FURS t FANCY FURS I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. JOHN FAREIBA, ibis old and well known FUR HOTJSH, Ko. 718 AIIC'U Street, Is now closing oat the balance of bla Immense assortment of FANCY FURS, For Ladles' and Children's wear, at a great reiluoiioa of prices. This stock must ail be sola betore New Year to make loom for great alteration In our bsta biibbiueiil next jear. Tbe character of my Jb'urn 1h tco well kr own lo requite praise. Keinember t!ae name and number, JOHN FABEIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, 11 su 21 1 rp Fin la dk uPmx, A. . VJ A R D E W, S. Y, Corner FIFTH aud CHL'SA UT Sts., PREVIOUS TO HKMOVAIi TO No. io2 cui.s.viii' sntKKr, OFFEIiS FOR THE HOLIDAYS A LARGE AND VAFURD AoOKTMRST OF Gold aud Silver Yi'utches, Fine Jewelry, Slerliug Silver lTure, l'iutcd Ware, Etc. Etc., suitable yo;i H1I, PAY UlP rs. at thr plSlmrp LOWEST rhSIiig,H PltlClM. 8 A A C K. STAUFFER, WATCHMAK I. tl AM D J KWKLLER, So. 148 SECOAH St., ;or. of Quarry. An Mucrtment of V'ATCHK-t, JEWELRY, and ri.ATliD WARE, coiinauily ou liaad, suitable for Ilolluaj (Wits. 11 18 wfmlat -5 O L I D A Y P R E S ENT 3. JACOB H A U L E Y, JEWCLLCK, 12 1 lrorp No. aa 91 A It K KT Street, HATS AND CAPS. S JONES, TKMPLB CO., I'ASHIONABLH HATTERS, No. 2fi B. N I N Til KT,.l. First door above CbesDui street. 491 f WARBCRTON'H IMl'P.OYED VE2JTI Ur luted, snd easy-Hit Ine t'rew Jlaui (patentndi. lo all tbe Improved fiMilous ot lta season. OKIW NTJT Blretil. next door to tbe Po.i UHlue. 11 U lap CIQARS. HAVANA OIUAKN, LEADING biaoilt'; fresti lots Imported by- every steamer, Piieet lew. Also, ol our own make and copyrighted brands: MA HI AN A KITA, beat pure Havana leaf Fit A DI AVOLO. puie Havana fillers. Low prices and wart an'ea quality. H. FUGl'KT A SONS, No. Si H. Krootat., 11 26 wftoL5L6p Importers and Manufaoturrirs. FURNITURE. DETEEMINED TO MEtT THE POPCLAE denmid for lower rrli, 1 olTor my euilre stock of nsw and olegaot stylts of FURNITURE at greatly reduced print. JOHN Iff. GAUDINEIt, 11 18 lm4p tio. ia6 CUKBJNUT Btreet. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. A J FRIO AN COVSRHVATOUT OK MtJSIO, M. K. coiufrof TKNl l'l and WALNUT btrouts TliSiesular Winter tjimrter will beglaua Ml OA Y . January 11, tit mm ot ut pupil't sh.u'il l nutiied at an erly day aunt it e rirnj oi Drrember. JR. WlLLIAM.il aad CARL QAKBTSFR, UH lut UllHOtUIS. .X TJ JZ At 30 r r Ceut. less than Invoice Trices I No. Srjfl Ai4i Btreet, (Dlf wsy between Kljthth ai d Nlutli north stde AN1 21 AKCII HTUKET, HAS RKDUt ED HI9 SPLKNDID STOCK OF FURS 30PEKCJtNl. LE-8 THAN INVOlOa PRTCB9. Tb (loids l ave btfn Imported and maDUiaeinre4 ly bti-Lueli, aud aie wartauied m bs ai reure seated, liVUtrp LEWIS B LAY LOCK, Xo. 52 S. E1UHTII St., Below Arch, W bere may bs found a large assortment of . FOR LALIES AND CHILDREN. Also, ROBES AND GENTLEMEN'S FURS UAtiMLbTS. MUFFLERS and CAPS, at reaoa. ablsratts. US9fniwtI2Si BOOTS AND SHOES. I.1Il'OKTi:i BOOT8 AND SHOES. MEN'S LONG-LEO SPORTING BOOTS, $10 00. MliN'S CALF DOUBLE SOLE BOOTS, $8 00. MEN'S CALF DOUBLE SOLE GAITERS, $G 00. BOYS' HIGH LACE BOOTS, $4 00. Also a large stoofc of our own manufacture, at UKLUCKD PUICKS. BARTLETT, Ao. 33 SUtTU SIXTH STREET, 10 1 fuiwj ABOVE CUE9NTJT. LOOKING GLASSES. LN THE THE t'UEAl'EST AND BEST CITY. ROGERS' CROUPS, SO Lit AQKNgY, JAJlfS S. EARLE & S0X3, Mo. 810 CHESNUT Street, 9 24 finwsr. Sp PHILADELPHIA. OPERA GLASSES. One of the best assortments, Including raaojr new designs, Just received, aud lor sale at low prices by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Ko. 821 CUE&ftCT Street, 12'nnnvrp PHIL DBf-Pni A. LOST-CEUTIFICATR.OPOLD CITY LOAN" Nr. Mitt, lor nun buuiiri'ti tlollnm. In l' oams of fctiir V. RrbVes. A illuauuu will 1)0 uihiln iur ili Imus ol a usiv ovitilieaiu, U 'i tUum