The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 09, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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lent npjrj
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Continued from th FlrttPaff.
Vttb tbe rxpreie consent of tue people of ttaoie
leieacs. Tula treaty still remains under e jo -alteration
la tbe Senate, a new oonventloa
kvee keeu entered Into with Denmark, enlergiag
the lime fixed for Anal ratinoaUon of tne orli
al treaty.
Ueaaprebenslve aatlonal policy wonid seem
to sanation the acquisition mud Incorporation
)o to ibe Federal UubJ of the several adjacent
oailnental and insular oommaoiil a a
speedily aa It can be doua peacefully, lawfully,
ui witnootany violation of national Justloe
Jain, or bonor. Foreign poeseesioa or ojotroi
f tboeo comannnlttta baa hitherto hindered
the growth, and Impaired ibe InQqenoe of toe
United States. Cnronlo revolution and anarchy
tbera would be equally Injurious. Kou one of
tbem, when llruiiy established aaau Indepen
dent lepnblio, or whco incorporated Into the
Vnued States, would b a new aooroe of
ftireuglh and power. ,,,,,.,
I Anlltlminfl IDT lUIUIUIRHHU JU w.-w
t have on no occasion io unlawful expeditions w
loot upon tue pie i riiuno w'-f .njisin,
sir of natloual extension or aggra ja,B()inei)li
yiw necessity, however, of Tupfwloiimioii un
lawful movements clear ly )'aloaiei toe duty
wbien reals up n us of a ., ng our legtala'.ive
au'loB io tbe new al'CiiPiance-i of a d-oiia
if J-'nropean ruonaroo'.oal power and IntlUHiioe,
ai d ine inrreaae of Aruurluau ropuolioau lde.ta,
intervale, aud syropuitiles.
It cannot be king brfiore It wilt beeorow
Becesary for Ihle Uovernment to lend aonae
a ctive al l to ibe.s ilnllou of the politioal anJ
Itclil wrobleniB wrilou are oouiluutily kept
ax fore Itie world by toe two repuu.ioa of tue
lalaudoiSl. l)jiulut, and wblou are now die
losing tueinsalvea uiore tlliiluot'y tjaa aere
tofore la tue lilaad of Cuba. Tne sabat In
oaauiended o your oonisaurailou wlin all tbe
mure earutstuesa iiecaune 1 aiu satisfied that
tue time baa arrived wnen even so direct a
proceeding as a proposition for an annexail a
I tbe twortpublicaol lhe Inland of Si, lowtugo
would not ouly receive i lie oonaent of hue
people InlereaieJ, but would also give aailHUo
iru lo all olbt-r Jorelsu nations.
1 am awaie tbal upon the qna'.lo of farther
extending tur posiHslon. ll is appreuended by
Dime ibMi our politic 1 system oanuotsuo'K'aa
fully be applied loan aiea mure extended than
or eoutina ; but iu conviotlon la rapldiv
gaining gruuud m tun American mind that,
Willi tne locreuneu f mi-II Ii 1-h lor interooiamuul
eailon bttweeu all portions of tbe eartri, tne
principles of ir-e government., as embraood lu
ur tot ml I U' Ion. If flibimly malnalned and
eiirrled out, would prove of HUtrloieiil aire ni,li
and breadth to oomperi nd witbln Ibelrapnere
aud lufluebee tbe civliUed uailouaof tbe wuoie
Tbe attention cf the Benate ad of Congress
la again rei.peeifuily lavlied to tbe treaty far
tne eaiabhaiiiuent of commercial reolprooity
wl h tbe Hawaiian kingdom, entered luto last
vear, and already r titled by ibattidveriimeuU
I'ue attitude ef tue Uolted Htatra towards taeie
ihlanda la not very oiUereut from ibat la wtiloa
tbev fctaod towa.da ibe Weal Indies. It Is
known and ft-U by Ibe Hawaiian Uovernment
and people mat tut lr Oovt romeut and luiitlu
tioua are fteble aud precarlou; tbal ibe United
Btaua, belug ao near a nensbbor, would be ua
wlllInK to aee tbe Islands pata nnder foreign
coutio'i Tbelr pnaperlty Is continually dis
tnibed by mpeoiatlom and alarms of ui
frlendlylpoliiicnl well from tbe
United Htaies us from olner foreign powers.
A reciprocity treaiy, wbtle it could not
materially tilrolDlnh tbe revenues of tbe Uulted
biatea would be a guurautee of the goodwill
and lorbeatance of all natlous nut.ll Ibe peoule
f tbe inlands snail, ut no distant, rtjy, volunta
rily apply for adoiifston to the Unlou.
Ibe Kmperor of Ilussla has acceded to the
trtaiy negotiated here la January last for tbe
aeeunty of trades-iuaika in tbe Interest of
inauufao'.nrera and commerce. Ibaveluvlted
kia alteullon to trie lmpvrtance of eatabllshlng,
Xtiw wbllelt seems eaty aud practicable, a fair
an J equal regulation of tbe vuat flsuenei
kionaiog to tne two nailjualn tue water of
Ike Noi in 1 aclflo O. ean.
'ibe twotieatlea between tbe United Sta'es
asnd Italy lor tbe regiilatlon of eonsular powers
aud tbe extraditlou of criminals, negotiated
nd ratified bere during tbe last session of Oju-
freor, bave been accepted and confirmed by tue
lallan Government. A liberal oousular o n
TBilon wblcb bas oeen negotiated with Bel-
tknm will te buhuillied io tbe Benaie. Tbe very
u port ant treaties wnlcb were negotiaied
laelween it e United States and North Odrminy
aud Uavatla, for tbu regulation of tbe rlgats of
namraliEtd clllEens, bave been duly raMded
na excuuugeu. nun biiunar treaties bave beeu
ntertd Ibio with tbe Kmgdoina oi o jihiuiu
and Wnriemberg. and with ibetirand Daoutee
of Badeu and Hesse-Uarmstadu I bope luou
lobe able to fcubinll actually satitdaolory ooa-
ireutloDS of tbe name cbaraetcr now In the
tfovrnru'iToYi?,JWQ, iKiJW'JSlS
.Aamiaation of claims against the United
Rtatea by tbe Hndaou'a Uy tiompany and the
Panel's Aound Airiojltural Company, on as
eeunt of certain pttseMiory rtgb'.a in tbe Btale
H regon and ferrilory of Washington, alleged
by tbuae companies lu virtue of provisions of
tue treaty between the United Si ales a id Great
Britain ol June 15. 1846, nas been diligently pro
atcnted, under tbe duectioa of tbe Joint inter
national eomuilssloti to which tbey were aub
wilted for adjudication by treaty between tbe
two Governments of July 1, 1863, and will, it la
expected, be conclnded at an early day.
No practical regulation onnaerutng colonial
trade and tbe flsberlea can be accomplished by
treaty between tbe United States and Ureat
Britain until Congress shall bave ex ore -me 1
tkeir jndtment coLcerning tbe principles lu
Volvtd. Xnree other qneatlons, however, be
tween tbe United Btates and Great Britain
remain open for arijus menu Those are tbe
xaniual rights cf naturalised citizens, tbe boun
dary question Involving the title to the Island
f Han Joan, on the Paclflo ooat-t, and mutual
eialma arlaing since tbe year ItiiS of tbe oltliont
and anbjeoiaof tbe two countries for Injuries
and depredations com milted under tbe autho
rity of Ibetr respective Governments. Negotia
tions upon tbese subjects are pending, and I
am not wltbont bope of belog able to lav before
tbe Benate, for Its consideration during tbe
present session, protocols calculated to bring
io an end these Justly exciting and tong-exist-UB
We are not advised of the action of the Obi
Bete Government upon tbe liberal and anspi
elooa treaty wulch was recently celebrated
With Ita plenipotentiaries at tbls capital.
Japan remalna a theatre of civil war, marked
by rellglona Idcldenls aud political aeverltles
peculiar to that long Isolated empire. Tne
Executive bas bltberto maintained strlot neu
trality among tbe belligerents, and acknow
ledges wlin pleasure tbal It bas beea frankly
and folly enstalned In that course by tne en
lightened concurrence and oo-oneration of the
other treaty Power, namely, Great Britain.
France, tbe Netherlands, North Germany, aud
Kpaln having recently undergone a revolu
tion marked y extraordinary nnaulmt y and
preservation of order, tne Provisional Govern
ment established at Madrid bas been reooz
Bleed, and ibe friendly lnterconrae whloti Uaa
ao long happily exlateu between Ike two oouu
trlea lemnlos unubanuedt
1 renew tbe lecoiuuu-ndatlon contained 11
abouiu be 'aken on the nronrlutv of nr . "P'9
Ing tbe Federal Constitution that l,,a.a"
Tide: shall pru-
1. Fir an election of Presld- ; . . ....
kldent by adlreot vote of - and Vice-pre-tUiough
the agencv . people, Instead of
tbem lnellulble of eleotors, and making
term. - tot re-election to a seoonu
w' a distinct denUnatlon of tbe person
.uo shall dUcharge the duties of Preatdeat, in
the event of a vacauoy in that oiboe by the
(leatb, rehlgr atloti. or removal of both tbe Pre
fcirieit and Vice-Prebldent.
8. the election of Benators of the United
States ditecily by the people of tne several
btatea, lr kie.a of ny ibe LeglslaluroH, and
4. For the limitation to a period of years of
tbe terms of Kederal Judges.
Pn foundiy impretwed with the propriety of
making I bene important modifications in tbe
Oonbtiiuilon, I reapeoifuliy submit them for
tbe early and maturecouaideratinn of Congress.
We kbouid a far aa poolble remove all pretext
for vlolailonaof tbeorganio law, by remedying
auob Imperfections asumeand experleuce niy
develop, ever remembering that "the Uoustiiu
tion wblcbat auy time exists, nntil changed
by an explicit and ambentio hoi of the whole
people, 1 sacredly obligatory upon all."
in tle peifurmanoe of a du y imposed upon
to by tbe l.'onsitiution, I bave tbua commnut
ealed to t'ooiieaa inlormaticn Of theataleof the
Union, aud leeomraended lor their considera
tion eueh measures as have seeme l lo ui ne-eeat-ary
aDd expedient. If carried Into ert'dot,
tbey will iiaaien the ancomilihment of the
ieat anil beneficent purpoes fur wulon the
iiDS'llutlon was ordained, and wnloti Iteom
prebei ale!y alatea were "to form a more
fei f el Union. eaUbllah JusUoe Injure domea
in imiiaolllii v. nrovkle lor tie common de-
febse, pr'inoie I lie aeueral welfare, aud aeoure
tbe bleu. Jugs of liberty to ourselves aud our
poster nyr"
a renew luu lecommt'naaiion oontainerl 11
iy communloailon to OonKrea.t, dated tne 18 h
I July iai a copy of which accompanies r.i
KBsge ibat tne judament of toe -
In Oongreas are vested all legislative power,
and upon them devolves the responslollliv a
well for frsmlug unwise and exoaiv laws a
rorbegleotleg to devise and adopt manure
auaoiuieiy demanded by tbe wanu of ma
country. Let na earnestly bope that bofore the
expiration of our reapeolve terms of aervloe,
now rapidly drawing to a elose. an all-wise
Providence will a gnlde our eonnaelaaato
atrergtbta and preserve the Federal Union,
In pi re reverence for tne Ooastltntton, restore
prosperity and bapplneaa to oar vlioin pmpi,
and promote "on eank peaoe, e-ond win towards
Washington, Dec. 9 1WH
hmcm or tb Wvaiiftue Tnt.naAPW,
Wadneaday, 1H0 J UBS.
Tbe Money market continues omet an 1 tbe
rates are without chncge. Call loans rale at
C617 per cent. Firt-las ooiaroerclHl paror
tai ei s troin 010 per cent, per annum. Tie
bar ks continue to diacouut moilira'.ely tor lUcir
curtomeri. Tbe 8iock mark-t wn exremcit
dull this morning, but finces lericiallr wpre
steitdr. Government aeoantle s were a traction
lower. City loan were without CDaago; tbe
tew isHtie eo'd at 100.
Hailrca.l tiiute were Inactive. Catndu aod
Amtiov Mid at 12.S.12BJ.a Bilabt advume: an I
l'Mt:b Valley at io, bo chanre: 51J was bid
tor Ptcrsjlvnnia baitroa I; 63 far Norrl.rovo;
4 for Keadiae; 17 lor Mu-hil'; 30 for North
Pcnnsjlvauia; i fnr Eloitra covaioa; 42 lor
Elrjira prclerredj 30 frrOU:;a pflerre.1; 25
tor PhdsJelpUia uudtnt aai 4i lor Aor tbera
City Pasniter EtlHftf sbnres were nn
rtatared. 47 a as bid for ?v ootid and Tatid; 17
fur T'ur etntb and Ktnei-Hili: 411 tor Cticsit it
and Walnut: 60 lor Went Pkilfielpiia; for
lltT)vt)le; 334 'or Urcen and; aad 2H
lor i(rnjanton.
ifBck nharcs were firm'y held at full prices
345 as bio foi North Arucr ra; 150 for PUila-
deipb a: 30 Mecban cs; 106 ioc SaatkwarK;
kDd imor rVPDMDaion.
la Cauai sliarfs there was vry lit'le da'ti",
I. eh eh NaTicatton sold at 28 . a (lecline ii I
) w bid tor HcbntU'U Navicatiou oemnun;
and 72 lor Uorris Canal preft-rrcd
rillLADKLPlllA BTOilt kit) HAM till BALKS TO-OAT
Beierted by Be Baveo A Bro., No, 40 8. Third street
'n City as mun.a d.ioi I 100 h Leb TVav
b V A Aiu...l .hH 4 tut Ln V B . ...
3 ao.......ii) 2 ao..nM.s. u
Till ,IA inil.l.n.
by Harr & Ledner, No. 30 Soatb Third Btxeet:
1W-O0A. M. . 13VUl-'5 A. 11. . 3J
JII Z4 " . f H 1U P. M. , 1J3
1106 " . 1361 1245 . 135
Mrsfrs. William Paiuter & Co., bankers,
Ko. 36 bouth Tbird Street, teport tbe folio in
rates of exctiinpe to-dav at 12 o'clock:
United states as. 1881. lUflUJ: 0. to. 5 20a,
1832, 1108SlllJ;dO.. 1864, 107107j; do.,18t!6,
107aiu7i: do. Juiv, 1865, ll"Jfj611"3: do July,
1Ho7, 1104 1104; 18(18, lio.llO; lo-40s, 105 4
junj. t ompouno interest Notei, past due, 113 2 j
Gold. 136ifttl3!Sj.
Mrtxru. De Haven A Brother, No. 40 Ssntb
Tbird street, report the following raifsot ei
chane tOKlay at 1 P. II.'. -V. 8. 6i of 1881. 114)
01141; do. IWi, llOi'JUl; do.. 1M4. 11)71
107J; do.,186S, 107j'3107: do., H6I. new. 110,
noi; do., io, new, uiij tii): do., mtis. n.i;
rill0i; do., 6s, 10-40a, 1053 se l(5. Oub Cotj.
pound Interest Kotos, VJi; Gold, 15J135j.
Silver, 131 133.
Rfoe-k Qnotatlona by Teleffrnph 3 P. M
Glendlnnlnp, UavLsa Co. report through their
acw zuiil uouoe iij Miimwiug:
N.Y. tJenu h i2 Weal Unlrtn Tel... 86V
N. Y. and K. K........ 87-IUiev. and Toledo tt 1"1
Ph. and Uea. H. UtvU Tol. & Wab. Ktt bvZ
Mtcb. w. and N. 1. K. K7 i M, 5t Hi.. PI. H. com C4
liirT, a riiiKO ? n.. ri't, Aiiams r.. un.
Chl. and N. W. oom 77i Wells. Furgo ,.MMa 26
Cbl. and N.W. pref. W'x U. H. Kxpres....... 4U
Obi. and K.I. R. mi Tenneexee6s, new.. 0V
Pitta. F. W. A Chl. U0' Gold 135U
ii.. . r . I ii . n in'. i . . .
r.iuiiuo. mnrxet irregular.
.Six Per Cent. Gold Intbkbat, PKfNoiPAT.
HUO HhPAYam.K IN GOLD. First raorls me
boiiUs. based upon tbe valuable franohUea,
Erants, raiiroaa, equipment, etc., or the
PlTt'ed; andformluToWfA H7 J?-Wj?m:
heiu piuuuvtivv iiuvs ui irnuiu iu iuh worm
The way irufflo alone la larite and remnnera
live, Indepepdcniiy of tbe lmmeuae through
uusineasiioiu ioioiuiw.
Av'iiiuuui tins juuiii onered to Investor!
at 108 per cent, and accrued Interest in inr.
ency. The bouds bave Beiijl gnuual Kolt cou-
pobi. atiacned, payable lo January auJ July.
Inloru.Ht'out etc.. to be bed of
Ub Havrn Broth kr.
Dealers In Government Hecuritiea, Gold. eto.
Ho. 4(t Booth Third street.
Philadelphia Trade UcporU
Wits ksday, Dec 0. Clo verseed meets a
limited inquiry, wlin small sales ol new at S7$
7 60. Prices of Timothy are eniliely nominal.
Flaxseed la taken on arrival by the orusnera at
$2 t(l2 C2.
In Bark no further tianaaotlons, and we
quote No. 1 Quercitron at 112 60 if) too.
In tbe Flour Market there Is bat little kotlvitv,
tbe demand being limited and confined to tbe
high grades for tne supply of tbe borne coo
comers tat t7fiO8 25 lor Nortuweatern extra
family; 8(gil0 60 for flr Pennsylvania and
choice Ohio do. do.; $UQil3 for fanoy; S86 75 for
extra; and S5'255 75lor hu per fine. Hye Flour
sells In a small way at I775&S. Cora Meal la
Wbeat la In limited requestat the latedeolln.
Balea of 1000 bushela fall and g'od Western red
at llSt2; and amber at 8210)2 12 Rye has ad
vanced; sales or 1200 bushels at tl 55 fir Penn
sylvania. Corn baa declined and la dulL Nw
cornea In slowly; salea of 3600 buanela at 9ISJU70.
for new yellow; tl for very dry: $ll.j for old d..;
ar d $1 14 for Western mixed, lo Oats we notice
aalea of 4O0OG0O0 bnshels atC9d71o. for We era:
6' 65o. for light Pennsvlvaula; 1000 bushels
New York Barley sold at 8210.
WblHky la In limited request; sales of 150 bar
relB, tax paid, at $106.
For additional Marin New tee Inrtde Page.
(Si Atlatule OabU.)
QraaNSTOWW. J i mo. 8 i'ue steatuiiblp City of Bal-
liuiuiv, liuw ivw a Dra, arrivva yeauaruay.
i aimmtDi, Godfrey, Balem, a. a. Rap-
6ham orrioic
7 A. MmM.....8iU a. At... m.8;I P. M., as
Bt)J W WW"1' Wuoa' TrielTie. I. S. St8UjIl 4
B0i,arw".ctk't,80n' Uonok' NP0rt, O. J. A J.
Bcbr near"
8cbr B. O. wlllard, rarsons, Portland, Borda, Keller
A panting.
fccbr Ui1' Flac. Malnney, Cbailestna, S. C, Lath-
bury, w lcxeisoam m uo.
Bteamsrilu Whirlwind, ua-r. wl boura iiwm Provl.
deuca. wnb md-e. lo P A HieiHun A Vo.
NbrWrnnFifriw Bhiioii i any irom Delaware
City wlib graiu to Barrait.
Mcnr i. p. w ainoQ ii ucn. irom i,von.
Bohr Hi bluiiuous. tiudirey, iroui datum, ,
dlaobarelDg at
at Queeoaiuwo
BldDJrseph Flab, oiacapjle, was
Ca lao Km u I.
Brque ua Moore, Masters, hence,
230 on.
hriK Posalla. Tanartno. !inct. at VonloiM. nit
hour 'lboojas liuroeu, Wrlbilngiuu, beca, at Fall
River 7ib iu.t.
Hcbr James Jonca Porter, fur Philadelphia, cleared
alJackmiDVllleXI In-t
ecnr A reus Kye, fur Plilladelptla, sailed from New
Berord7th Intl. m .. . . w.
tmnr Frna H.-rbert. Crowall, for Palladelphla,
claarsd al Bstun 7ili lunt.
Wedding" iNviT4T0NrEN3RAVED in
the i eweal and tet aihaoer.
. .tinu I.I1. w a tu.i....u i.a Kncrr&Viyp.
IjU LJ iriTI'l T I m -
W. luaOUtMNl'T Htwxt
cuBWEM mroDuiur a bro.,
WOB. ton, 4. a-d 4M W. K WD Btreet.
Tho Legal Tender Acts-Testing
their Con stitut tonality Tiie
President rcry Indignant
An Eleetton Ordered in
of rolitlcal
BEDDOED FROU lltlO lo Ois.
KOW -S. Wt. anil s N W WOO X U H rnet.
" M D I A 8HAWL8
Hill KOW.w,iJ2,AudlN.siiA.,aDblro'
ITInatiotal txncl Comraorolal
Special 2e.tpieA lo Th Svenino Telegraph.
Waaiiinotok, Dee. Arjr imeuk on the
Conatitutlounlity of tue l.exnl Tender
was eontinoed la tbe Supreme Coart to day, the
lawyers engaged a? nu t!ta acts opoalair on
that side. The osirt room, s on yesterday, is
Ailed wub Senator and members auJ proini
neut lawjers.
Attorney General Kvnrte
U in court to-day, and eboild the opposition
lwyrt Kel through it Is probable he will speak
for the Government.
E. II. Wnolibnrnf,
of Illinois, now acting as chairman of tbe Oom
mittee on Appropriations lu tbe pUoe ot Thai
bievPDfl. deceased, called a special nieetloa of
tout Committee to-day for the purpose of cia
rldeiliig the etimates aod reeonmendatioa3 in
some ot the Secretaries' report?.
It is tbe Intention of Mr. Washburno to cu
everything down with a view to
Thia is done with the view of exhibUlng ho
tillty to the present administration, as the
appropriations made at this session will bo for
Grant's administration.
Tbe l'realdent is Indignant
at the report of the premature publication of
its mersage th's morning by a Democratic
paper in New York. It was oblued under
written pledge that it should not be published
until neiivtrert lo CoDgres?. It will be read in
both houses to-day.
,Tbe Iteconei ruction Committee
beld its first meeting tbls mornioe. They
agreed to report a b 11 ptotldm or aa
i:iecllon ! VirttlnlA
on tbe 20'h of January next to ratify tbe State
CnmiitQt'oo, hnd also a bill reaiov ns tbe poll
ticul diHabilines from twenty-one Uebi-U ot Vir
c'mi. and also liooi Cniel-Juslioe Moses, of
bouth Carolina.
The ilonae Military Committee
this morutt g authorized lis ciialrmnn to report
a laree nurnlier of oilis and urze their passag".
'one ot tbeai are iipor ant," exo-pf the b II
revii)ns tbn articles of War aud D.c puue tor
tbe United that's army, auil one au'h vising tlie
ale ot ieervatiin and the erection ol lorttdca
tions in the West.
Bnrulua; of
Block In
tli Townaend
My raviiMe.
SpeMal Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
HYRACUSK, N. Y., Ueo. 8. ao mt one o'clock
thin moiuina; a fi e broke out in the To vasen l
Block, originating In a paint shop, whlca con
tained inUamniHtile mutter, aud whlca nave a
veiy raplo speed t tue Uiime'i. Tbe lot la very
l eavy, but well Inanred, principally In Bslr'n
erll;?rr'1.'.n'J ,llo," ar tue "nbTirere:
. ...... ... ....... no,,, 1 1 W K I f M bardwure:
o'ewart A ri
Hulperdc Kroaa' 8toa,
uHuiav uviuuiuieu a iihi uuv,
Copies or Ibe Frraldent'a MeaMnce DIs.
(ribnfed lie Authorlzea rubllcntiou
Tore stalled.
Office ofthi Absociated Prbsb, Nrw Yobi,
Di c. . Ooj les oi itie Pre-ulem's Messigc for
tbe reus were luml heJ to the Ueoeial ent
ot toe Aseocla'ed tlan A', day lig ht ttiia morn
Ilp, with ihe express proviFO irom the Pret
deutthat ibev were not to be (rtvea to toe
f ditore until 11 o'clock. At 9 o'eloes. noever,
a paper iu the city Dot beiODtf'DK to tbe Asso-cta-ed
Press issued an extra con'tunlng ib
kicbace. perhaps ootatoed irom soiie source in
Wa:bii ftcn other than tbe President bimsel',
who Btricily en creed tbe necesdi.v ol cecrecv
until the hour mentioned. Ibe injunction of
terrecv being tbua remo?ed, the documeut Wds
Inrnii-hrd to all pans of tbe country Imme
diately Irom this office.
Tlila'&rternoon'e European Markets.
ttv JkOd.itie Oabl.
I onion, Dec. 9 P. M. Consult for account,
92. American securities arm. A lantic aud
unat Weftern Raiiroal. 39j: Kr e,2l.
Liverpool, Dec. 9 P. M. Cotton flrmr.
Mi'dlirar upland, lOJd.; Onean, 11 id.; tales
12,000 bale'.
London, Dec. 9 P. M. Sujrar quiet aai
teady, both on the spot and to arrive.
Havbb. Dec. t P. M Cotton oa tbe spot
ODocaupe-i; afloat. 120traucs.
Qciehbtoww, Dec. 9 Ibe iteamsbp City of
LliLerick arrived je.terday irom New York.
Conviction and Sentence or Deacon
Plymouth, Tc. 9,-Tbe Jury in the cas of
Deacon iiuurews re urned a verdict of guilty of
niauilauirbter. and be was temeucel to im-
pruOhmcDt lot tweutt Tea.
A Debtmctive Fir.
KiWBUBTPoKT, Mass.. Ueo. 9 Byle' exten
sive bat manufactory tn tbta city, was oe
Hiroyed by Hie tnla morr-lntf. The I ss la about
JbU.OtO, and is neany an tuanreu iuujsiuu corn-
pan lea..
Markets by Teiegrapn
New To, lec. v. tocks idy. Ohlo;o
auo Mock iHmad. I T: Keailiua, V, Uantuu Ok,
4h.,; brie, 87 i C evelRd ana l uleU i l 1: Cev
Ikud and Piiiauiir, Pl'wuurg and Fort Wyufl.
111. Ul lil'At CHutrbi, 1I8H: MlcnUau Hutbnrn.
7: New Yore (tantral, 1 6V I linuU U'U'rl 111:
t'umb'i abd nrrf-rrrd M; Vi'llun Sa, 7: Ml
Miurl 6 HuilNon Klver, l-7,: 6-M. BH2 ill; di
IhM, Hi"?,; do. lattA. ItrW: do. new H'i.': l 40a invj
iKld, l'l. niinn, (j(,,pr oeD'. Eicun, UK)3,'.
N.wobk I c. - iioitnii Hrma : o izoi
riHIf a a' '",,(at'n. Flnur arm n. sdvnot V.a)lo,-.
iimLs i f 10 UK hrr B'm Ht i5 Bfi yi; -iki; Om i
tHMduvS 'eBt-ri a' t5 M! Hi; Biii'imi sr. t7tit
'2: Cail'ornla t6 7((tia Wb' qnlt. mid 1vhii.i-i
i(1 s id io i to; 'es I s.'0 oimbm l '!.
H17S 0is rtn.l i 7S("0. Ile-r q'l'el at 2i&U.cW.
LiO flrru Wi(t$X. hs d 'II.
WM. A. BE0WN & CO.,
No. 243 MARKET Street.
Th Work of a si Insaaie Mam
At an extremely early boar this moraine tbe
people living in tbe vlolnlty of Teota aad
Christian atreeia were In a great a tale of excite
ment, owing to a report that an old lady nanaej
Mre. nanny uraig, reeiaiog in uttver eireenaa
been mnrdered by her aon. Tue hoae i
snrrouaded In a few Winnies, aad shortly after
a policemen arrived, who received certain la
furuiation on wbleb be Immwiuteiy went Into
mi building, and, aoenriing to an noper story,
t k a aon of tne old Isdy, named Hugo Orl
ontof bed. He was dressed, and hi olotblag
and banda were besmeared wilb blood.
On descending to a lower room tne pilloe
men Kinnd Mrs, Craig lying la tied wlta ner
throat cut froua ear. Blood v flowlog vry
freely from tbe Wound, an J oailiog In some of
ibe nelgbbora, she was removed to tue adj do
ing honse, wbn a pbyalolan was aent fir. 114
advli-ed Der removal to (be Hospital, wnereane
now Ilea In aeritleai eonditloa.
Hngb, wbea arrteted, noted very stranaelv,
and iuaulleted mneb concern abnat a ll'.tle
box, which be lualatet apoa taking with tilm
to i lie Mtallon. By tbls titue It Is ruinorml toat
be waa Insane; and wneu be was waked ab nl
ibe deed be replied; "Nover mind; wait until It
enmea to tTlal." Ho ea rled tbn box. wrilcn o a
lains aeavlnRS' fund boik and a policy of la
antkkee, with him to the dial htn.
'ibe potloemau returned to the lionse and
fmiid In Mia. Craig's oedroom a table koiie.
wMch was coveted wlin blood. Tne woaudi
of toe lejnietl lady on her arrival at tne II xpt
lal were pronoouced danaerona. and medical
aid was promptly on band. Blie stale thai
Uugb Is -8 years of age, a printer bv trJe, bal
tor aome iluie be baa oeen de lrounof obtaluiun
acme other employment, aud ba for nignta aai
np colli dayliabl reading and atuoylng.
Tbal be baa during ibat lime auown atrong
ay mptoma of insaully. bat that tt was of aeioti
a nature tbal abe did not fear biro. Lat ntgnt
abe retired aa usual, and at 4 o'oiock waa
awakeDed by blrii beirni at her bedside, and
Ix-toie sbe could rle no he emtohed ber and
drew tbe knife acroas ber throat. He left her
room, and she fell bach In a awoon. Sue aoeuka
very kindly of mm. aod any s that be baialw-tve
meo a outwoi sm. manitesiina ine aimmt ooa
crn atMnt ber welfare. He went to California
some tlbne ago, for tbe pnrpoae of tnaklug audi
clent money to insure ber comfort lor tne
remainder of ber life, bat returned without
raving accompllabed ila or!ol. Alderman
ll hi gull baa fouimltted him to await tne result
of tbe injuries of bis mother.
U is it kb . Statbs ConMusio.VBB'g Casb. At
noon to-day. before United Si a tea oiomn-
aioner Henry Pnlllipv, Jr., John MoDerinott
ii ro a nearing apon ine enarge or aiuiog aou
abetting in tne unlawful removal of wblaay to
a place other man a uondeo warehouse.
aariM Miloln. mldln Mo. li Uirard avenaa. ti
llrl'O Am furuKure car man: n- hul-d wulmy
eccaalonatly; rreolicl Imu.log w imkv al wdioi Mr.
Idcberoiuii aaalnted In inn unloaaina: H wu oi .ne
l ant oay M Novimher, ahoul iiihh n'ol x k In tbe
ninrniDr: tnl mi wht.i-v I banlel in Ma'mm
r'ei ,b . Ann; tbn barrels were In tbe kttcttsi f
tbe lion; tw a laiecilou n K1 oi lim t r-lit;
wben I put l.ia barrels lo ine wa a luera waru
atan pt aod btaon on ttiem: M 'UH'rao i put tne
branil- on tlieiu: Iblok I saw d'i,rfmii wltn tba
M-n p lu hl pi.SHfSnlo ; ha gtve tli aia-n a lo an
othoi man who put ihxm on h h-r a; don't tlcik
Hie man m an Crl'ed -tao oftlcor; bis oama is
Dan IfrUoDlKle: beard hi called b that
bam: saw ann l.erstanp ta M nDariuon'a poaloa
side ilxNie put on the brrnH; a man I did Dot
know belDen lead IDe barren: lbs derndan. aoonn
uanled me la ib'Wiinii lo Not. HO nt lit nnmti
econd m ei. A. J. Jaihe-w od A Ui : w nn oad d
tbe barrels op tue pavement: lb- oorten nf tbe eata
bll"hnent cam ont and tolled tha harrnis In; the
rarrela war per'rctlv ilaht barrel: t-for I leu inn
ilto- oi deliver? I aaw Rbvpqiio OiUoer Bablugloo ou
becono Mree; have n-rn him aicoe.
Seietdanl held lo J oj bati to appear and answer.
Tbb Mbtbodibt Eaib It mast be borne in
mind Ibat tbe great. Ftur now in progress at
Ho tlcult oral liall, for Ibe benefit ol tbe lloina
for the Aged and latino of tbe M. K. Cbtiroii,
closes on the evening of Saturday, aud that.,
conn quently, but two or three duyayet rem tin
In wbieb to pay It a vlalt. As it oppnmt
anccestifully, let It close snocesafolly. AHhous'l
very many things bave been dmposed of, tue
o Inula v of useful and fnncy aril -les it atlil
magnificent. From the almost eudl-sa variety
nf goods on exblblilou no person can ftii lu
finding something to tickle bis lancy; and tinu
he baa tbe knowledge that, in pnrcbasln, he Is
aiding a moat loanable work. The splendid
galleiy of paintings, tbe beautiful fouoiuln,
Hni tbe flue music, all asalst in rendering the
Fair atirucilyo.
.Extrkbivb Firb. At twenty minates of ten
O', 1)118 UlUIUl., K. ,n
Sicker room at Inched lo ibo aboddy faotorv of
"lb Hnmphrey. on Cbeannl street, abive
Tnlilletb. Tbe firemen were quickly oaths
grnur.d. and io tbem belongs tbe credit of hiv
ing saved the entire bonding, although they
li'd'cied cot alderable damage by tbe quaotltv
of water poured into tbe place. Tne loss of Mr.
Hnmphrey. whloh is principally bv water, will
be covered bv Insurance In tbe Royal, Hert
ford, and otber companies. The strnctnre
belrnsa to tbe Parrlah eatate, and It bat
slightly damaged; It Is covered by insurance,
Piavt Bobbbbt. Some time dorlnjr last
night tbe MOte of L. LUnoenbuuru AUo.lm
prtera of hUkt. ribbons, and otber millinery
goods, waa broken into and robbed of material
valotd at 1800. Tbe lb levee effect e.l an entrance
tbrongb tbe door leading to ibe dwelling part of
be building. Tbey then tore away a step, by
which tbey gained admittance to the collar.
From there tbey aot. into the store by sawing
out a portion of ibe floor.
A Damaged I pant. Last nigbtamale in
fant wan found In an alley la tne rear ot Njw
I6H5 Perth street, in tbe Twentieth ward. From
tt Juries wbloh were visible on le
Huppoaed ibat it bad been thrown In tbe alley
by some one who waa passing along the street'
Firb A lot of frame eheddiDg on a lot at
Tweuty-lbird and Pine streets waadaatroved
by fire shortly after U o'clock this morning,
t l.e strncturea were naed as atablea for boraeit,
rows, and boga. Three cow a aud two horsea
wee consumed. Tbe latter aulmals belonged
lo M. Kafleriyj
Wkkdbll Phillips, wboee name alone la
efficient to attract a lare audience, will de
liver IiIh lecture on ''Daniel O'Conneil," at Con
cert Hall, tbla evening. An interesting and
iratrooiive lecture may unquestionably be
Fast Drivers. James Mitohel and George
W, Thomaa bave been beld to Keep the peice by
A derm an Hood. Tbey were driving at a rapid
rate ovtr tbe Nlcolaon pavement on Broad
FAintw Aiopr thb Aean ax a infib or ran
OMi'em obaic I ofTi-rt d n aeenre rlo Idav B.'ia'ns
attbitFa'r. Ti.era are ibi"and (if artlnl stoa-lent
(mm. aud tbay are olapusad of at amaainiiy loiv
Profeaaor Riifua Adania' Rendiuga.
A good audience was In attendance at Jonoert
Ha l lust evening lo llttlen to the reudlug of
Piofe.aor Hnfua Adams. Tbe seleotlous were
f Iven in excelientHtylf, and the apolau-ta wis
bearty. Tne acene from the Merchant of Ve tine
waa particularly good. and the mauner in walo
It whs rendered would indicate that ProfeHtur
Adams waa a close Shakespearian student.
The afleoliona lant. everiiu wre Jivllolom ail
-ottlrlentiy varied. To-morrow evening Pro
IVtor Adams leads la Bali iraore, and In the
. ourne of a few days in Ilroukiyn, Balhluheui,
and other places.
Tbe City Amnaeinenta.
AT thb Academt of Memo Madame Tj
Qimice u III appear tnla eveolug aa "N'irina "
ATlllit Walkdt Mn. 1. P. Uowera will ao
pear lain evening aa 'r'auline," la J 'he Lady of
Lyon. Tbe peformatire will conclude witu
llie iMrcnof A Jiotanilur an Oliver.
Atthk PukhnUI' Ibe olrcua troupe will give
4 tine tqnealrlan end acroOallo perfur.utuna
i bia evening. Jimek Houlnsju, tbe great bare
okOk rider wi Hppear.
atiiib Ab it Colonel Fi'xerald'a new drama
of olvtiut Hay will be p- Hormed tbiaevenlu.
Attuk Tubatrb Comiqub a great nutubar of
Iniert-siiug perloruiaucts will be given this
At thb Ambrican an attractive variety en
lertalumeiit will oe atven tbl evening.
CUB -A..
By Cuba Cable.
rrwgreaa mt tbe Inawrreetloai,
Havana, Dec. Advices from Keuvltas to
trie 3d instant bave been received. Count Bai
rn at ed a. In cortimaod of tbe tipan'th force, left
B oeito Principe on Friday, tbe 27ih Novembsr,
wub 16(i0 iu'antry, 200 cavalry, aud eight piece
of artill-n. lor Nuevitna. Tue next niorotn?be
ni onntered the trjsurgcuts, a ho reueaied alter
lao bonr' fimimr.
Ualniateoa ie acb-d Pan lllgifl. a sraa'l town
near tbe bat oi Nuevita-, on Tue-rlay, ttvh'.lcg
ail aiorg tbe Ime and driving the in-iarni.
He adaidconorraole low, itn four otlictri
k lied and threw woDde1. During tbe inarch
be flex'roeJ several ulaut-i'lon. ...a.
Colonel loiio, aub bis comaiapil, bas abtn
doned Las Tone- aa i arrived at Haoatl. Coanc
Yi'iniriar, at tte beai ol a larre ln-uiaent force.
1- lertdtetl to be niarctma on San a Kspirltn.
Advices trim fit. JaioneCub are lo the 30 k ult.
Heavy fiuht'DB bad taken pUoe at Uuaotinariio,
abere tbe 8pat1h lorc bave b-par-ducel.
It Is nppoed tbe insuigcbts will at Lack St.
J ago toon.
Canadian Adair.
ITiiiPii, Dec. 9. It l reporW tbat Mr.
Iloae r,ii received prcposltlona irom Mr John
A. llcUonald, With a statemeut vboariD? duau
cial uiooirjctiioo- to be r coametult; 1 to t e
l)i tnitioti Parliament iu ftvor ol N
Tbe Chrotuo e aovocfu"s Ibe furTiatioti ot
Itpial Leairaes. aud ca' la upon ibe Bept-alora of
ua i'bx io ei i bp imii id moiion.
lhe Cititm coutrad eti by au'kr'tv the e'a'e
ment tba' tbe llouae b-okn up tbe Repeal orga
n tat Iris nf New Brupa wick.
A urritic vaie pna-ed over Hull Tax on Monday
nmbt. and about thirty vesscU were damaged iu
me umunr.
The Erie Railway Case.
IniACA, Dec. 9. In necla' term of tbi
Supreme Court, jistpniaj. Jai'fru Boxrlmsn
diohed tbe Injanctiou rrintpd by Juttioe
Cardoso u latum Ki-relver Dvteslrom taking
potsesaion oi ise aiie nanay.
Tbe Ileeu&u llotnleldo.
Brmi'tr and Lai uw. la iuoor William Maua,
Chkigfd aim lav murder ul Tiniulby Ureaau oj vu
li b nr laat Ja lb-required uaiuuor ofiirnra was
uiaala, d tbl mora log auu lix trial D-suh. I haOoin
miibwealtit di not prmano thai tliu prisoner tired auy
oi ibe sbu a at Ilcwuaa. bot alle kbat h wat witu
ainhiiO Tra norou ibeaveulnaot . UeMimdtr.w itta
Ike o ) llli ullv (Cvurr.d. nonllnuea wlm tuauj, look-d
Into fennib'a tavern "r lie-nan. aud ttJdiog
b id Hira repo. U-d n Eatou ana ut uon'sd rUa
tiuirlde. and was ana of lu.i party until the murder
bad beta coniiuludr; and tbey contend tiai he ac
v mi act d aoo aid 'iralour : to Hiuilu'a
averu bere U euau waa, wiin the unad d alau u(
m-rnerlng biu.. anu an-d In concert alibibeuiaa
IliHr trout aidms abd abetitrg tue rr urdur. a id
tr e en. re ibnuKb bla band did not lflluia alade
woiDd,)t ha waa equally guilty witu ibosa wuj
h eo ibefbots.
Ti e same evidence that wa given in Eaton's
t'lal last weeklatobesubmiliod lo tne Jury la
Ihtf raae.
Court pf Common Plkas Judge A'llsonand
Pi lice. 1 be Orpuana' Oourt aruumut Hat waa
op tbl" niorMng.
Canwalauer. ilaukrnntoy builoess was before tue
(onrt to-uay. Tiie Jury we e ucbargea until to-
UlOltOW. aMM
Tbe Alexander t'aae.
KetKon' for a new tr al ut lioionrl Ui-u'fe W, Alet
r r ave bean Hied. uiii wblcti It 1. drolared tbal
tte Liiairw-l Atiorny. la bia cloant spreca lo toe
Jmy s r.ird Iblnss ibat worn not ta evidxaae aud
tei did wrnoufitllr to prejudloa ;be mlndi of the
Jurt la asalunl lhadelendaut aod aave tbeteait
ru py or the mliueas feller undue elsnii ibat Iba
defem aiit baa aili r dlnooered evidence leading to
laliiry re li ailoim y o' Detecib'e Urtoka; ana fl-lly,
i' at ibe verdloi of tbe Jury waa against tb.e tvldeuue
beiore tbem.
Pbincipal abd lNVBuaiiT in Gold. The Flru
Vengage Bfy-jear seven percent. Sinking Fuud
C'ODirn BoDds of Ibe Rock ford, Rook Island, aud Al
lords italiroad Compary, principal aod Interest pay
able In GOLD lOlN.rc o Um ernment tax are for
sale al ibe office of tbe tympany. No. 1 J Wall street,
ew i via, m. ; iti c.ui ana auuruud Interest lu
Part pblets, giving teller Information, may be bad
at tbe office.
Government and otber securities reotlved In ex
change, at market rates.
H H. BOOPT. Treasarer.
Again the Cbaniplou!
PRiLADBLrmA.Tw-iflh Houtn Stb.l88.
Mearra 'urr . ueriiur A Co.. No. S28 cbaunt
Strea ue..i: it's with treat plea-me taat add
our lei llmony tn Ibe va'oe of your Patent Champ'oa
tale. At tbe deaiiDCtlve fire on M arketstieet, outbe
evenipjr of iba Hd lot I., lour store was tne centre of the
curl ((ration, and, being HI ej witb a laige a ock ol
drias. ol'a, luipeDiina. paluta. vara ab, a cotiel eto ,
Biade a severe ana trytmr tst, Yoir Hare stood Iq aa
esvoeed slinion, ai d leil with toe buralaa fl nre
Ini i iberebar amour a qoaot ty or oomoosiloia ma
terials. We ripened It pan day aod loun oar nnoaa.
papers, bank n- tee bills receivable, aid;Dtlre
co .len'B an aaie It ta e peclell gratifying lo us ua
nr HaN cam 4 on', all ngbl aa we bad antra, ed uur
CD' t vna"le bcoka lo I', We a nail want another o'
y nr Bales In a few days, as tuey bave our entire eon
fidtLte. Yours, respeoim'ly.
vicing id more tnan acc'denial Urs. Awarded
tbe Prise'a at the World's Fair, Lmi loo;
Wi ria's Fait, New York; aad Exposition TJalvreno,
AtanufaCnred and for sale by
lit w'r. amrp PHIfjADELPHfA..
Is the riaco to get the Best Panned or
Stewed Oy atcw, for 20 cents, In thh city.
Families als will find tbla tbe place to buy
their OYBTER8.
People coming to market can ore! or tbolr
OYSTERS, and bave them seat to any part of
tbe city.
Families, Parties, Balls, etc. ets.. furnished at
low rates. Please give us a UiaL
Jt 9 2i PftTPRIKTOR.
auieuoa and salil bave lovenmd to aaaiai tue
bearing iu every dare of dttalueaa: also, K-plra.
tore; also, Craudatl's Patent Uruutbtw, so parlor lo
any oh- in ure, at P. MADaUBA'B. Na, il 8
TKNTH - Mra 'hannl Vatnl
11 ro let-tub Fivasionv bkiwn
iTUK nTORK, No. 120 N. lUIiiO Street,
Poitfttaslos on tba 1st of January neat.
A pply at Ho. Us 8. PKOJS X Uroet, U ii.
Ko. 825 ARCH Street,
(Half way between Eigbtb and Ninth, north
aide), aud
Wo. 234 AUCU Street,
baarrdnced bis splendid stock of FU1H
Tbe fiords have been imported and mannfio
tuied by uiyaeif, and ate warranted f ' aa
leprfcetaied. i.0Ulrp
The rrcsident 8 Hessnge ia the
Scnato-Hhat is Thought or tho
Document Senator Coa
ncss llores to Suspend
its Further Beading.
WAsniFf tow. Dec. 8 Alter nriver and th
reaUliiaof ibe rulnniea ol eaierday. ibe I'resi.
dent presented a communication from Trea
anrerHplnner, tranamliilDg bla annual report
aud alaoacoiumunioallou irom ibe Uimptrol
lerof tbe Curreucy. iranamuilog bia report,
both I which were laid on tbe labia. )
Mr. Iomeroy presented the net H Ions, on of
the clllzena cl Nasi na. New Ilampaulie, aud
tbe other Irom citizens of Manneenusetta,
(raying ibat li any amendment be made io tba
Constitution in regit id luautrrane, Uteuoha
lo mead tbe privilege equally tomaltaand
fenialea. Tabled.
Mr. Winunis, by consent, Infrodnaed a bill to
aid In the ronairasnou of tbe Oregon uranoa of
Ibe Pacific Kxtlroad. whlon, on bia moiloi,WM
laldou tbe table and ordered lo bn primed. j
Mr. Bumner Introuueed a bill to carry out
tbe Kecotiatruoliou aoia lu the Hiate ol Ueorgla,
whlco, ou bla motion, was laid on tbe labia
and oldertd to be printed. ;
On nioiir n of Mr. Ro Den son (9. G.) the Benate
took up ibe bill for Iheriltol ol ton political
niakbiiiilea or F. J. Mos.-s, Oulef Justice of
Boom t 'aroHna. 4
Mr. Kumuiidi at Id that he had objeoted to
tbe roualut ra Ion of tne bill on Monday ,i
because be did not know tbeu the fto'a upon
wblch It waa ba-ed, but be oad atnoe beoome
eimiely sattarleii that Mr. Monea whs deserving'
of the piopoted clemency, aud that ibe loyal
people ot ibe country would be willing to i
extend It lo him, aud, therefore, be would'
make t.o otjeoliou to ibe pxsjige of lhe hill. j
iiar. itooenaon aai-j ne uelrea lhe passtaje or
the bill becauae It would ouly De riolu Jostloe
to Mr. Moses, wtioae cblef dlaaoillty arose from
bla bavii'R been a State H n uur before and
uurtug tbe war for tweuty flve eonaeoutive
years, At tbe end of lhe war be hat been
leoied a JuoKeof tbe Soprene Court of Sooth
Carolina, and lu mat position bla decisions bad
fclven satisfaction to botb parlies.
Mr. Da via (Ky) moved lo amend the bill, ao
astoextend the en me relief to all otber oltla
Bene ol Houtb Carolina laboring nnder polllloal
Tbe motion was lost, ail tbe members nreaent
yotliig in the necatlve, except MeMrs. Bayard,
Liavla, UIxod, lKilltile, Kerry, MoUieery, Nor
ton, 1'atteraou ( Tenn ), aud tulaOury.
Mr. 1mvI remarked tbitt tne bill would be
more acceptable lo blin If It waa amended as be
bad proposed, but taut even Ibeu be would vote
ugaliAl it, because be held that there was no
fourteenth amendment to the Uonatiiutloo, tne
proposition purpoitlng to oe such amendment
rot Having been ratified by three fourtua of tho
Tbe bill waa then read a third time and
passed, t eas, 46; nays, 6
A mesauKM was received from the Hoove of
Representatives, that they ha t ptaaed ihn bill
regolatlUK tue duiiea oa imported oopper and.
copper ores, and an act renorlug the
liurean of Indlau Affairs to the War Depart
ment. Laiu iin the tnbie.
On motion of Mr. Etlmauds, the Senate took
a reeeaa until 1 o'clock.
On reasaemblii g the President's annual mes
saae waa received al tbe hands of lhe private
t-ecreiery, W. O. Mi. ore, and was read at length,
by the Keeretury of the Heua'e.
1 lie President's Mesaaxe was received at 1
o'clock. Wben about naif of tt bad been rend,
Mr. C'onnesa moved ihat. the furtner readlna bo
dlHpensed wltn. on the ground that It waa od'en.
slve a"d nntrue.
Mr. Davla opposed tbe motion.
Mr. Howe followed iu ita support.
Mr. Wriym claimed ibat ail considerations;
of propriety demanded tne reading.
Mr. wilHon. while denouncing Mr Johnson,
thought the Meafcase ought to be read.
Mr. Uendrlcks inslaied t bat It was not only
tbe President's rlgbt. tut bla doty to a ate bia
oblectlona to the CongreKalonal pnlley.
Mr, Conness withdrew bla motion, bnt Mr.
Cameron renewed It.
Air. Morton ald he waa surprised at tbe
motion, and declared that its adoption wonld
belittle tbe Senate, and indicate mere spite
Mr. Drake anggeated that aa Onngreas bad
received bo man v meaasgea of a similar cnarao
ter, it might aa well take one kick nvire.
Mr. Howe argued that tbe PreslJeut's duty
was to rommuntcale facta, and notoplnlous,
aid tbe Senate was therefore not bound to
bear an argumentative audlDaulting measage.
Mr. Edmurida said tbe irannaotlon ofbuilnjas
would be facilitated by deferring tne question
UDiil lo-morrow, and moved an adjournment
until to-morrow, wnion was carried yeas, 2d;
BBJ s, 22.
II on a of Itepresentatlvea
Immediately alter ibe reaoiug of ibe Journ
Mr. Paine, from the Committee on Reconstruc
tion, reported a bill to relieve Irom ail legal and
political disabilities, ailalng nut of bis oonueo
lion wttb tbe Rebellion, Franklin Moaea, of
SoU'h Carolina, lately elected Cblef Joattee of
ibat Slate. After an explauailon by Mr. Paine
tbe bill was passed by tue requisite twc-thlrda
Mr. Wasbborne (III) Introduced a Joint reso
Intlon directing the sale of tne ateamablp At
lantic, of tbe old Collins line of steamers, and
naked to bave 11 pat on Ita paaaage. Tbe bill
having been read, direct leg the Secretary of tba
Navy to have the vessel aoid wltbont further
delay and report fully to Congress, waa passed
wltbont a o I vision.
Mr. Watbburne (III.), from tbe Committee oa
Appropriations, made aatatemeot to lhe House
In reference to lis ooslneii. He said that lhe
estimates on wblch tnat Comml'tee would have
to act wonld not reach tbe Monae ualll tbe
eioseof this week or the beginning of tue next
week; noi in season to allow the Committee ta
fierlevt and report any of tue regular appropriat
ion bllla before ibe lime when tbe Onrlsttnaa
recess la usually taken.
Tbere were few reaular appropriation bills to
be considered by the Houae the Leplelatlve
bill, the Army M'l. the Navy bill, tbe Penatoa
bill, tbe Poet Offloe bill, the Military Academy
hill. Ibe Sundry Civil bul, the Indian bill, tho
D. ficleiio lolll, and tbe Couaular and Dlplomatlo
'in case of a reces a majority of the members
of tbe Appropriation t ommltue would remain
in Washington and attend to bulneaa. Nothing
wonid tuereiore oegaioeu dvius ii iuao onu
liui liig In aastou, aud he waa Instructed to
propose oa Tbutsilay of next week mat oa -the
liiimwlng Mnnday. ibe 2lst, Congress should
arlourn till Tuiaday, tne 6m ol Jinuary.
Several membera Make the raoliou now.
Mr. Wanhburne Oeotlmen arinnd me de
sire that Ibe que-41 loi shall be stl.lel now. If
tbat be i lie Judgment. f ibe tluett I am willing
to submit the concurrent revolution lor a reoaaa
now. 1 do net, boever, desire to do so until
some other gentleman ahall have been beard
on ibe part of ibe other o inmltle'a.
Mr. Sol enoh desired to ay something about
the condition ol the business of tbe Oommltleo
of Ways and Mean.
Mr Hiaby called for the regular order of btt.
aloesa. abd tbe aut'Joot waa dropped lor tbe
"bUl'ior the, hnMing an eleotlin in Virginia
on the 0 h f Jmy neat w reported from the-'
Commltieeon Recooatrooilon. aod gave Ne to
an animated diaousKlou, pariicularlv as to the
lime fixed. Mear. Waahnn'ne aud Butler lu.
alallrg CD a date aa 1-le aa Mav next.
Hifnre dlapialrg of lb aut'Joct., tbe Presi
dent's message waa. at five mluutea past one
o'clock, received and rend.
SLuuur.ud p. re Havnu or ., Mo. IS H. iaird attest
rona Lab s guia I vh 1 sb Heading ..- 404
1 sb Leb Jav,
1 1 ah Penaa K...
i.tnnitw ta Kia f.i.oii
tuii0 do.N....ri I00S,'
txO do. ew n b ma
to do New d bio
fiuuo Pa B I m e o
a ah FtnntR..... MV
13 ilL.... t'X
1 41 ab Leb N. .it4.
2n0 do bnn. ly
lint ah Read. M,. n A n. 4s
Jn ItllKSVll rt MKH r.
A a selUna ooA-f al retail iiidr putlu.rn' retail
firtrrs apoesra m toe ordr f lb day, ' innu Mil'
all Hottt iU SrtuU. frrm a d alter ihi flay nt n ilia.
n.vtU of fimn Ivinly.Jtrr tn !) P'r " m"'
lltlii't' rriuil prion. We Invba all to alv us a call,
aa we bavaiDe larKa t and bl ae'ee ed ec ol all
kirrs of works, from ll ehaaoeat T y B to th
ojibi eipaialve I lutlre'ed Worsa ever "It ire lu
sale lu ikiaolty. tiaii ar.d "a rjr r''''i
IT. B. PltTKHMtiM RKIT" Kt-4,
No. ma i MKsiuriT Htreet.