THE DAILY EVENING; TELEGRAPH PHIIADELPIIIA, ? WEDNESDAY-, DECEMBER" 9, 1868. NEWS SUMMARY. City Affair. Th rcnnirylvsnia Alumni of tho College of Nw Jeraey lnt evening extended to ,lamc McUonh. I). P., l.L. 1)., Into of Scotland, a publlo weloorao to the United 8taea, and to I'rlnceton Coll-go, to occupy the I'refldrntiel chair of which institution lie hat been lately brought from Kurope. Tho Hireling wm held in Dr. Creuell' Chnreh, on llroad itrrct. above (Jbonnut. At the appointed hour fr opening the cerrnionleauf welcome, the church being well filled. Judge Stroud ft-vtcd the ob ject of the meeting -to receive and w rlcome Dr. McUosh. . , The KeT. William E. Bchcnck.Mif tho clnaa of lW made' n extempore prayer, and the Hon. Jainc Pollock, a Chairman of the Coinmltteo of Arrangement, mado tho Introductory tntcment. The Inttcr gentlemtn naid thnt the lject of the Alumni Anaociation Iwiitlea tending tmiarda continuance of a eluso fiieiidalilp among tho Alumni thrmarlvea, was all intended to fi rther in a h1h tantiiil manner the Inton-tt of their Alma MatiT. With tliie oli et In view Dr. Mrt-'onh hiid Ikcii brought from among hi frit'lidii to proidc over the Ollrgi'of li iuoi'ton ef I'riiH Cton w hore tenoning wrro not rcctariin. iiiiIcm tho tearlilngn of the Word of find wcrv nectnrlan. Ho ex tended the kludoit wilcomo to Dr. McUonli in the duiiio of the Alumni. The lion. Benjamin Harris Hriwrtcr piko tho "A1 drM of Welcome," raj lug that tho dutina he hnd to per. form n ere tiniiKiml; they Vera plenum! and thev wore dill cult. In deference to Ma old friend:' imd f lluirn who were around him, and alo In deference to the oera Ion, he had eonxentt d to come, nnd. nlthoiigh c niipiirntively tint ri I arid, he would endeavor to do U ilnt- lu tvelc.oin lug to hia new position the ecntlcinin wlion tliev had brought acroM the ocean, and la nlioui tiny recognized an nrliiril ion to the collcco. Tho eongratnlnt .fy ttrtilrr-" of tho Hon, WlllUm Ci Alexander conrratulntcd the Alumni on tho proapcitr of their iiKfiK iullei), nnd of tho fr.iit of it htlKir In weiiring for the tiolli'ge of 1'rlnroton the ferric of Dr. Mi'Jos.i. lie congratulated Dr. McConh thnt Mr aeloetion f ir thn po . riiion lind met ith inch general approbation. Mr. AI.'T ai.dir reilen cd the iiapfulncKe of lenrniiigniiioiig tho m.iiwi. and of the position taken in the rnvolotlon of tho eld mrld hv the r-tudi tits of tho college of Krn-ico and (..mutiny. In conlirination of hia aaertiona tint! knowl rilye t k a prominent port in revolutionary pro trew hu r.trd the incident connected with the Frouch (Involution in v lil' h th (Undent of the I'olyteelmlo at I'arl to k tin ir pofitionH nt the barricade and aided uiiuvriiilly in the aueeeaa whl h greeted tho ooiilliet. Dr. Mrtjoali wan then introilneed. and, aponklng with ft ftrong Keoteh accent, expien-cd hi he rtfelt til ink" tor the reception tendered him. When young h h id written a book, and a very ti g one, too, nnd the public t iking a ' fnney to it. he iM'cnme lonitt 'ii wit'i a pr iin-ii'lty fr lujk w ritlng, and hud dirtied about a miieh whit" p iper a nnv loan if III" age. lie thought, then, thnt having written book lie miglit o-MIly be ablo to lecture to u clai of titdi-iitp. lie had come from a tphoro of tif ilnn-. and lioped to benefit the JculL'go over v. hioli he had iho honor to prende. II i view on education were oxprcsned in hi Innngnnl addice, nnl although through the prem ho hnd met with an criticism of that addru.-a, nuthiiw unfavor able of it bad come nndrr hi notice. A n teiiufnT of phi loFohviu tieothind, he hod rcxoli-ed to nmko Ma cIimmm .eipinl io nnv in tho world. Ho had ent men to conip -to w ith Miidcu't" frmn (Jxtord nnd Triuitv College, and 111' pupil were nlaav enoel. and in eei?ral fn-tiiiee tietti-r rend tlinn their competitor. When he h id at ited that he tielieved in the enenurngement of the clndie- of modern hiliguage and chemitry, he proceeded to poiut out noine of the exclleiicie and defect of Princeton. Of i ti fleiit Iti' iid that they pox-ccd the alillitv nnd character Hint, tinder jiidieiow training, could lie led on to the lii'-flict leniniiig thiit.eonid lie gniued by the men of uiiv eoiintrv. lie dirii'id to iiicn at- it ii-cfolnc and neiko it e'liml to any institution of leiiruiug in the I'nitcd btutoe or lu tlio V orld. The defects of Princeton .!o!lego were that, in thn firat J'.iiee, tile reinuiicrati'iu of the Profewnra wa "di."grivee ti 1 1 v r-ioall.11 nnd een to pay tbix inndiviuato remuneru tinlhe rollei-'e antliorilie. he hnd learned, were a une tiine nl a lo for incan. Tho mall -n! irie of the tut T8 enured fie inent chiuu'c in the college, from the f n't that ' v In n tht'tc pentlenien became manter-i of their aevoral de- artiueni. tnev ivere induced to go where their d 'grco of 1 aelitlnei- coi M be better appreciated, lie hI-u udv e.ited the tonuding of rchohii-Hhip nnd feliO'Vidiip hi uilar to thoe in the F.uropenn college-, for ho would h ivo tiiu col li (.e o( America rival thoce of the old continent. lie eiecially advocated the extiitdiihuicut in our col leges of u Chair of Political I'.coiioiiiv, w hich wa particn lurlv ncrcwary in this com. try. lto would not c impel t dent to take fiei-c branehes, but wo aid uiaso it up. tionnl. and would oiiC'inriu'C tliein to do o. It ti regard to iiimai-i ana til pronioccivo raid that inheriting the perrcvoruncv of hi f irefatherj, ho v ould pin ink from no obstacle, nur ahoulil oppodiliou ter rify, lie had extemporized mid adopted the motto: "i hough lut to tight, lnt to Dec," and confidently- ex pected aid mid encouragement in his i ork. Alter a ithort addiera by Professor ftephen Alexander, of Pi Col lege, and prayer and benediction, tho audio ueo wci'o di IuiKicd. City Council yesterd iy aftemooa Leld a fpecial nitetlutJ lor tbe purpose of co'jsliJenutr VLtiDiobed busaees uuU taking acclan upuu tae i ed ' Council. An ordinance raa&lnpf aii arpropriHtion 01 $LUJ310 to tbe Gaat-Juus of t b Poor, lor cprtaiu iruste, wai ttel. Tbe resolution interring tne matipr ot toe iocrpaae hi tbe FaUnei or the Jmlgog 0( tue District Coon and Court of Coinmou Pleas to tbe City BoiicUor, with tustructloos to prepare a cas'e oil lvbicb to to uie a decision of tba Supremo Court, vh-i tak u up, aud alter a dibcu-mu o! over nil boor, was iodtduitciv poHtpoued. TLe ortliTiaiice n.Bkiiig an addlnoiial nppropria.lou t ibe 0!-pectora of tbe Couuty Pr.s ju aa con Curied ic. Tbe bill Hporopria ioi? $4i)UU tor pH3QieDi of tae citj'd portion ot the expense in grading and bringing Cny avenue was aareed to. Tbe resolution of tbauki to H b-rt H. Wr z, Itq., who preaented tbe city wtib a portrait ot General Grant, wa-i oucurrel In. I be appro- friaili n of $462 C50 to tbe Commissiouera oi the inkipp Fuud was paired. A bill appropriating $500 to J. E. Sailer, tbe examiuer hppomted by tbe Couit to take teatlmouy in tae coutsted election case of 17. was relerced to tbe Com mittee on Law. An apptoprituioa of $6500 to the District Attorney ana Corouer wa-i passed. Tae boundary line ot tbe Niuto division ot tbe Twentieth ward was changed, and a nesvrtivl ion was crea'ed in tbe tame ward. Auo'tiei election division wai createa in the Kauri b ward. A petition Irom Wzin, Mail & Vezin. aniig lor tbe laving ot wa er pi, e in tbe tie nuy ot their mills at FranVord, w referred to tbe Committee on Wa'er. An extrt appro prihtion ot $8809 to the Clerks of Councils was pased. The chamber then took a recs to a wait th action of tan Common Cruncl npm toe bill flztig the tax rate lor 1869. At a fe mlnn ei ot 6 o'clock tbe chamber was called tootder and tbe clerk of Common Council wai an nounced. The body tben resolve. 1 Uelt into a committee of thi wboie. AtVer a short Ueba'.e tbe Conimittee arose and reported tbe n il axing the rave at $l'8u to Ibe chamber. A motion to ierresoe it to $22(1 was vo'ed do n. Amotion to make it $2 wa' adopted by a vote of 14 ya to 7 pa? s. Tae bill as amended ihun pissed, and the chamber aiijourned. Vornmon Counct. Piesident Marcer was In tbe ctiur. A communication was received iron Aubrey 11. Sumh, oU'eriqg to sell to tbe city, for tbe purposes of a House ot Correction, TiS acre ot land in Tmicum toffustiip Delaware county, at $200 per acre; an 1 anoibwr true-, aijoioitie tLe first, con'aintng 2l acres, for $175 u-r acre, and aUo ato' her tract,, contiguous io tbe tore going, containing 110 acrei-; no price namel. Ho erred to tne Jo'nt Special Commiiiee ou inu House ot Coirecion. h ect Council oius to supply school hoae wltb luintture ana heaters, authorizing cerlnin transfers in the appropriation tor puoi c acbool Dm poses, wete cnicurred in; one autborizn trausieisin the Department of Cliy Property was cotcunid In; enoih r autbonziug tb purr-bke ot a lotot ground m the 1'w euty-aecoud wad whb simiUrly dispo-ied of. Th bill fixing tbe tat rate lor 18P9 at $1-80 pir $100, unoer dwca-iou at ibe time tbe cbnmber adjourned on rburndav lat, whs agatu taken up. Ou motion oi air. L t-ioiou in chamber resolved itself into a commii'ee of tUi whl. Mr. Hdrii-on wa cille i to tbe chair. ' Tbe question, was debn el lor one bour uud a half. Tue c uuuttiee then rm , Mud reported ite bill back' without ameudmenL 8e.ertl dilatory motions were made, and tUa bill anally pn.ed teas. 2i;naya, 13 Tbe biil raaku g Uiriher appropriations to tbe clerks ot Councils, to pay adveitisiug bills, etc., was paed. The Finance Committee reported ordlnaLC" itkmg appropriation to Board of (iuarnaus, Ht brtil Controller, and Bjard of Revision oi Taxes for la(i9. Laid over. An orolname nopropriatiiig (365'23 to pay clt ik ot h'esra Boiler Commisi n a pushed. A re-olution requettng the Cay Treurr to ray tbn warrants of tbe iJuardi ins or tbe Poor JU preieiencc i omers was i'u. A .A.AluliA1l ftirAol ll. a. ,Ka ft, a Tmabii,., when in funds over-anl abive tbe auiouul advertised, and payment not f!ennd"d by holders ot advertised warrants to seta-ulu tbn amount to P.V tbe wariants so uucaliej fur when deaaiiOe l, aud tbeu piooed to aovertise that he is pieparert to par all s too wtrrautH a$ be mv iave tneana to pT within the nambrn advi rtised. crnvided tnat whenercr hi lias on baud 'undrt that can b- aopded to tbn Davmet t nf wrrana amo'intina to twenty ti'maanil cliars, ue shall advtriLe up to the naoioa ot warrants that Ibis trim will cover; pa?ed. Tbe Select Council resolution to appoint acomrnlitee of five from each chamber, on steam engine and boilers, wa concurred io. Me-sra. Bvana, Bardbley, Btockbam, Hctcell, and W. O. Hirun were appointed as tbe committee of Common Council. A few minute before 7 o'clock lat evening private watchman John Vox, whilst goint his rounri", diseovered smoke lanuina from the largi tr nr-sfbry bnrk building No. 417 Market street. faiisOef that the structure was on ore, he ran to tbe Central S:a'ion and save the alarm. Tbe Auetlca Ilo?e Company promptlv reponled and wlrb a plue-iream succeeded in keepl ig the flames In rheck until toe arrival of other companies. when tbe Manes were subdued. Tue tire orir lusted a bo it the centre of tbe soboud story and sprcaJ to the tblri tloar, damasiug the back p.trt of tbe bull. ling considerably. The tirt, third, and fourth Hour anl hasnrrnt were occupied by WalderUein A Kabn, manuracturera and wuolea-ilj dealers In thirty, sbir'-bosoms, and collar.-. Tbe two nppi r floors were ns?.l lor cuuiog anl niariutsctnring put poses, and tbe first story as a thow and taleeronrn. Their stock of ready tnaoe goods wa quite heavy, anl was bidly dam aped by water. Ihe stock and materml and fewina mschines in tbe other htorh-s were en her di stroyed or rendered utxlto woribli s-". Ibe rlohfiis estln at-d at between $10,0IJJ aud $16,d00, and is covered by in-uiatiuo to PU.U delpbia and Eastern companies. W. (. kobltr, wholesale dealer lu haia, caps, and tura, occupied iho teoond nooi. JJis siock, whlcn was quite lurge, was almost entirely dct-troyed. lie will probibly )0:e betacta $16,(10 tnd $20,000. lie bas a partial lnt-uram e. The baiiuinrf bi.'lonos Io an i-teie. It is damaged lo Ibe extent ot $20lhJ. Iccured. Ibe kdjuimtig btuie, No. 419, occu p.e.l by Rouaixrer, Cunuingham A Co., who'e rtiie dry go ids dealers, v. a prellv tboroa rbl? Kater-Miaked, atd tbe goods on the tir-a fl ior and in tbe batuieut were con.-ticrably ditinagt d. lopy rouuhly es'.lma'e their los troui IblOO to $10,000, wiiU aalliccnt insurance to cover tbe same. The election for officers of the 11. W. Grand Lodge for tbe Male of Peunvlvania, A. i . U. (colorto), held on Monday, 7iu iusiaoi, rcsuKed as toilows: Kalph U. Gilmore, re eiec'ed Jl. W. Uraud Madier; Georce V. Koper. K. W. D. Grand Master; William Cooper, K. W. U. Senior Warden; Allied K. tlawkins, IL W. ii. Juuior Waroen; James Need ban, re-elected K. W. G. Tieacurer, and Jouatbtn Davis, re-electe 1 H. W. G. Scre ary. The olhvcrs eit ct wul bo installed into tbeir respective po-ltious at tbe annual sentiion, 'o be ueld on M ndy, Decem ber 28. Tbe Grand ilaster wlil then maae his appointments lor tbe jcar. William Bundv, eleven yeaTs old, was shot in the leg yesterday by ibe accidental discharge of a pistol m the hsnds ot James blown, colorod. Gecrge Brooks, tbirty-oue jears oid, residing af, o. iJ4l l,o in bard street, tell into the cellar, an l vas hurl about the head. Ed wart lltley, tilt5 -t-ix jeaiij old, re tding at. No. 607 CiUhtrin'! siieet, tell liom a sreoud-itory a imlow yester day, and was budly bruised. All the fnidWen Vitie adirilte.l into the Peiinslvania Hooitl. Teachc f? bnve been cbangeo iu the folio ing public tcbools duTit g tbe pnt mouth, as fol lows: Mr. J. H. Sides has been elece i Princi pal of tbe new Ga.nmar School iu me Twen'j lourth ward; J unit's C. hicnie h is been sett to tbe Tarntj-sevenih Ward Granimar School; J. tmery li mm tnkescharec ot the torst School; J. W. Bnhtui!; Iihs been elected Prmcpal of the Kajette Grammar School; J. Monroe W.Unrd, ol tne Kiii.iiolpb Grammar School; and A. E. Hunter oi the llo'nie School, at CoUegcville. IloiueMtic AITitlra. Gold closed yesterday at 136,5f. Horace Grctdey is in Wnsliiiiton. General Buuks left Wasbiuglou last niut fur Boston. Tbe liishtj Star brings from Aspinwall $223,000 lUFpecie. An nnsnccetrful attempt was mads yesterday morning to rob tbe Pouhkeepeia bank. -Hubbard & King's saw mill was bnrncd at De troit, Mich., ou Monday ti-bt. Loss $20,000. isouo worth of silks were stolen from a Zanes- ville, Ohio, dry goods stort lust Monday ni'ht. Captain William Macomb has beta ordered, by Secretury Welles, to the command of the Kenosha. Ex-Uovernar Browu, Senator Mill and other Re publicans oppoit further CuagreeaiouiU Interference iu Georgia affairs. Mellville Brown, a brakeman on tbe Albnny nnd Boston ItailroaU, was killed yesterday, by falling be tween the cars at Westb.iro. Captain Thomas U. Corwin, United Strttes Navy, has been detached from tbe command of lbs GucrrUre, and placed ou waiilug order. General Grant yesterday was present at the wedding, in New York city, of a daughter of Gover nor Fish to Profebtor BunjAiniu, of West Poiut' Academy. Twenty-five female employees were dismissed from the United Stales Treasury Department ou Monday, and Mr. McCulIoch contemplates making still more removal of tbe fair sex. Arrangements have been made with the d:rT,;ieii railroads centering at Chicago for the transportation of those officer and men who wish to attend the urand gathering of tbe Armies of tbe Cumberland and tbe Tennessee. Bpeaker, and Vice President elect, the Hon Scbujler Colfax, was culled upon last evening, at bis residence, In Washington, by the great Western Senator, Oliver P. Morton, aud over one hucdred Iu dlanlane. Hon. Jobu D. Defrees, known in every portion of the Weat, lntrodnced the visitors to Mr. Cvllax and his bride. Among those preicut were Hun. William MeKee Dunn, ex-member of Congress, and now Assistant Judge Advocate-General of the United States, Secretary McCulIoch, aud other pro minent citizens of Indiana, Tbe occasion was ou of gieat interest. General Grant was entertained by the Union League Club of New Voik la.-t maht with a uraud dinner and reception, at which Admiral i'airagut was an honoiid guest, la reply to a toa-t to "Our Guest, and tbe President JSiec, aid the General ot the Airoy," General Grant, bn was xeceived with loud aud lon-contiuued applause, tt id: GemU men of tbe Union League: It Is with entire legret that I hud ruvet'it umble to ntj ODd lu appropriate Inngange; to tbe warmth ot leellug wub wbieb this toart ha been re ceiTed, You ell kn J bow uuaocuctomed I an to public speak. ng fueattv I tuebter and applause); bow uude.-tiable a tnlent it i-i to po ; how liule good it srenerally doe-i (reueed laugbtrr tnd cbeeis), and how de-i'ous I am to see more of our public men toliotv the goou ex in. tile wh eb I believe in Ibis naitio il iu no other, I have set them. (Tremendous ap plause.) 1 mupt, Thowever, express my ackniwlede menta to the ULion League of this and otmr cities tor the grtat benubta they coulerrcd upon the (iovemment ouriug tbe hebelliou ihrouvh a bit h we have pas-ed of late year, laisutu acknowledge their liberality towards myself aid tonards the aoldiers serving against the itebvl lu n, and to I bank ibeni l r it. Geuetnl Grant's speech v. as followed by loud pt't lai.i-e. Admiial Farragut responded in appropriate crms to the toast cf "Our Navy and in great Atinilra'." The proceeding! did not tcrm'nate until a late hour. Tbe following poc'edle-,, transpired in Congress yesterday in addition to what was crinted in Tbe Teleobapu: - BtKaTB. A joint nsoljtion extendlag the operation of tbe Freeomen Bureau in reriam S atea was laid ou tbe table, and ordered to be or uted. A bill aboltxbing the iranaiug privilege a hI o tabled, aud oreted to be prime I. A resolution was adopted calling oh tbe President tor aiiy information possessed by the state De ranoitiit r gardina receut irsnsaclious on the Plate. Sevtial resolutions tcr the removal o' pollt csl il sat'Uitiea were Introduced. At 13 86 tbe Senate artiouroed. Houbb Tbe bill ri gula' trig tbe dtitles on im ported copper anl copper ore was taken uo aud pHed by a vo'e ot 107 t 61. fcevera1 de pat tuient oommuniea'ions received were aopri- Jirlaielv lebrreo. Uoluttns of tbe Uregn .egllutue lequeaiintr the reaiiuatlon ol their Senators were presented and ordered to lie rettini'd i candaloiif., lnp"rtiuei, an i In dccorciu, A blU lor Ue repeal of th: Tea ax. of-Ofllce art was referred to the Jud clary Ooti mtttre. From the Committee on Military AfTairi a bill for the removal of the Indltn Bureau to the War Department on ttmarstof January whs presented and ras ed by a vote of 118 yeas to 33 nays. At i P. 11. the House adjourned. ' - - J-'orrlara AHAIrn, IiNtiOTf, Dec. 8. Disraeli had an Interview with lb Qnesa yeeterday, at wblch he resigned the seals of cfllce. i I that of John Dnke Coleridge as Solicitor-General. The Timet lo-day cungratnlalea Gladstone ou tbe speedy formation of hi Cabinet. I.omiom, Dec. 8. Fred. Dad if, Liberal, la returned to tbe Hunt from Orkney. - Mncb regrel I expressed that Chief Justice Cock bnry lias not been appainted Lord Chancellor. Nw York, Dec. 8. -A cable despilcb to ILtnderson Brop, agent of tbe Anehor Line, in New York, from llardiln & Henderson, of Gtasgow, dnta I December 8, say the Ilibrrnia, In a heavy trnlc, broke her shaft nnd team-pine, and sprung a leak and fouuderel on lbs S5th alt., in 1 it. 63, long. 89. Tbe passenger aud creiv behaved admirably, and were embarked in an orderly manner in five bouts, fully provisioned. The enptain and bimUwain's boats, containing fitty-two persons, Including all the cibiu passengers, except Nelson A. Old and G, Mason, hae arrived safelv. Three bo ils, nnder the first, second aud third officers, and containing the remain der ol tl.e puff enters and crew, eighty-one persons iu all, are still missing, but their safety I looked for. I'AniH, Dec. 8. The Houxt ur rays Bistnurk, soon nfier his retnro to 11. rlin, hud an iulerview wlib the Anibntsadors of I'm nee, England and Ku-kI:i, and aFFtiretl tt:cm of his cnnrlilence in tbe iniiinten inc of good feeling between tbe Kuropean powers. Paiiis, Dec. 8. The funeral of M. Barryer took place jestrrday, nnd was attended by M. Thiers nnd many other notabilities. Deputations from the Eng lish and French legal profession and delegations from several typographical aud carpenters associa tions were prescut. Niw Yobk, Dec. 8. The steamship Hieing Star brings Pununia ndvices to Nov. 29. An arrangement has been ma le by which Spanish vessels coming to the Pacific to trade with Eon sdor, snail not be molested by the Chilian navy, and, in of need, msy touch into Chilian parts. Tbe United States ship Wateree, washed ashore at Aries, has beeu sold at anctiou for six thousand dollars. An appeal has been mide to the President of Pa nama to expel from Iho Isthmus Smiib, alias Clinton, an alleged swindler, so that tho United SUtes au thorities may get bold of him. A great flood had occurred on the Isthmus, checking operations, for a time, on the Panama Railway. The schooner Idaho, of Boston, had reached Chill, after experiencing damage by gales and Ice, off Cape Horn, The town of Ancnd, iu Chill, w;is destroyed by fire oc Oetuber 20. Tho loss is Sr0,000. Affairs In Peru nrc Improving. The opposition tn the government is very weak. Tho government lias ordered ihat the rise of 10s. per ton ou guano shall not take effect until the deposits belonging to Mr. M ioro are exhaustcdTbis action was produced by a romju s.rnnce from consignors to the United States. Lonton, Dec. 8. A very heavy sthIh prevailed ihiougbout fcueland on Sauouv nijjbc and M m day mornine. Many telegram reporting marine have been recened. Tbe ehippiug barrors sutlered much. Houses were blown down, an i great damage was done. New telegraphic arrareennnts thrrvurhout Europe will go iuto effect on J inuary 1, 18t9, In accordauce witb the agreement made at an international telegraphic convention recently beld at Vietira. for the modification and equali zation ot tolls, and for other purposes in connec tion wlih tbe telegraphic t-ytera. The contract ing parties were the directors of tbe telegraph? ot North Germany, Austria. H una try, France, Stain, Italy. Russia, Nirvav, Sweden, Baden, Pavaria. Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Portugal, Wurtemberg, Switzerland, Greece. Turkey, and most other Europeau countries where the tel-erapbs are controlled by tbe government autLoiliiep. Tbe French franc wns adopted a3 tbe' mone. lary unit tor all payments and settlements The minimum message was fixed at twenty aords, and the Moise and Hogbes instruments weie selected for uso ou tne various lined. Mtny other minor regulations were agreed to, eucti as pi rmltting me-snees to be forwarded In any lan guage, adopting words of a certain unifurtn size, ipretcrlbiog office hour, etc. Tbe tariff srheduie tor all points was carelully revised. The rate on iLeseages from London to India was fixed at 6 Iff., no miit'er which of tbe several routes to mat country they may take. TtiU is a reduction of about one-halt tbe old rate. The rates are to be uniform in each of the several countries. Provision was made tor holding like co nventions oiice every three years. The next convention will be beld in Florence, Italy, m 187L ' MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine New tee First Page. 4.UKANA.O FOB FHILA DELPH I A THIS DAT. iUN BlBMw 7 l MjOM K mm n M g'li M 'H2lHlBT WATaili......... 10'48 PHlUADKLFHIa. hOJLUO Of TKaVDfi, BAMDML K. 8T0KK8, " UlW N.TlTtAM, VafOBtTBTXT OOMHITTBIi. immaw Wmi,', J UUVEUENTS UP OCKAN 8T1CAMKH8. FOB. AMlkHluA. City of Cork.Llverpol...iSew Vnrlr.. Ntt. SI lii)jra..........lJvej'KK)lXSew Yora.....Nv. n Pei.uylvaul...lJveriKKiliSew YoiamnM.nMov. 'i.i Bdtanuiai.MM...UlM8ow.M..New Yora..M.MM.Nov. 7 Heiiuij......-..lx)nUon.,Mew Yora....,nm.fUv, as Yor..M.........Nov1 mi 1 ni...........M..LiveriAol.ISew Yora Ivo. i MaiilaitaD LlverHK)I...New York... liaa. l Wlu.......,..bouUiumpU)n.New Yuik.,.nu.MM.lco. 1 Oolora0o..M.New Vork.LivrpooI.....Do. 9 China ...............New Yira...lJveriooi....... Daa. a lll)oil.....Jew Ork...Uveruool.........L)o. 10 Ueuiaenisind....Mew, iu eerlre........ew Yora Havre.............U. H Fiance ........New York...Liveri.KjL........L)o. 12 Caleuoni........New YorkniKow. ...... ...... iec. 12 Alaluiila .New York...lJouuoii DdU I'J li.oi Aniwerp...Mew York...l,iverpool....,,M...laa U CorWahhliiKUJiiiSew Yora..Llveroool I ho. 16 CllJ Ol PrlH...New Yof k...I,lveruiMil Uoa. lu COAoTWlKK, UUMJbXTlK. Kl'O. Alska...M.....New York... Aspinwall. Dee. 9 COiUiL,bio......ISew Yora...Uavn....,.,...,vlriO A'yoiLilu....l' Cortes New York...New Orienu.......Deo. f loueei llillao Wliuiluiiiou .. Ueo. MlslBBi,pl ...,I,ew York...Klo Jneiro........D. o. ..rnllaua,.,e Orieu..l)eo. lunlutk. 10 12 ll IS 9triiastrlpesPblia,.Hovaiu......l)ec. - Mails,' lorwarOfd by ever eiea)er In lun regular lines. 'Ibrt ateauisna fur or from Llvorpoul cail at Queensumn, except tbf Canadiau line, wntun call at Londi Ddvirv. The su-amera for or from ItieUonU Dent call at Hontlianmuiu CtAKf U YhJileKbAY. t'r Ti. WIUIiiK. Oouflitl, Baltiuiore, a. urnvn. Jr. St'r Beverly, elerew, Yoik, W. K Clyde A Co. , 'i Hk'lcs. Jefte. sou. Alleu; J ookout, A.oiamlar: and I f.fBttt eske. We'rbon, lor Ill,luoiu, wuu luffs ot, W. P. Uiyae&Co. ARRIVED YKSTKrlDAY. Steamship Wyoming, ivat, 7tl uuur from Savan naii, WHO cotiou, etc.. to Philadelphia anil auutiioni Mail bteatliShlp (Jo. Ueo S 46 P. M.. 4l aitlsii 4VV iri ui aie Lmiki nt, eictiatigd alunaia witn me eieauistip Pn nie bru. ircau uoarle-iini far Paiotdel Pliia; 7tb. tape H hi era bHrlng N N W., 16 utiles dla KM. exrlmuiisd aiKi'Bi I10 aieamiUlp T.ins utida, lieura lnrbHVisuMtni atb, lu A. M .6(1 uiilea N, of Uai Hkileiaa parsed aieauanlu Moulttoaiery. Irout Mew Ycnk tor bavamian Barque Tnuuipu. ni geia, from aavanaah. with luaitisi to Viarreu A Oret. t-cbr AiberiTbouias. Koer, ST days from Peosa cola. liU liiD hT in captain. efcbr Ina F Wbeeler uyxr, S day from Portland Willi iivkdini lull U Van llaro. Scbr A. Hnmnil paina. dav from Pro vino j li d. witn n de. to Jeo. 11 Ker'ixii A 0. Bohr Oeean Bud. Ma'sn. trom Pietsbnrg, Va. rjieun er tsoveliy. I ii'i. t iwturs fiom Sinn York, lib uiIik io W M. Balrd A Un. This 1 bos. Jefterson Allen: Oieaapnake, Uertlion; and Let kout. Alexa-ider, Irom llaHluiore, wuU lowa ot ba-ges io W , , Clyda A Go. AT THE BRKAKWATKR Pelr . M. V iansKkD, Uuilii'B (rum Matanu-i for ivw Yoik, anlved aline le. aware Breakwater 7iu italauv, tl . . MBWUHArfna. Bhlp Arna, Nel s ,u from ixiodun for Philadelphia, sain a lioiu lif vsiu uli. kuamsiiip Wul. I wind Oeer.f if Philadelphia, laHed liniu 1'iovldei ee lui li si- Ba u,iie Aima, It Inter, at Leghorn 18. b alt., lor Pbt Unelpnia Vtd. Baii" JebD Bnnlton, Lindsay, at Shields 23th a t., Irnui Breaierbavea. Bna; Nkiiis iloe, Merriaian, at Lone'oo zsib ull trow imoiio. iilk. J una Any aud Abby T"iiiter (ux PUJm f hum, skUevI lioisk Aielauts' Hole 'lu Uiat, fcbrs Joba at. Brnemall. TMvarda. fmm B'Mtnn' Iiniaa Crockett Worn do ; Lisaie Evans. Evan, from Waiehaiu: and Eva. Murphy liom New Uavea, ! or Philadelphia, at New York Tin I on, echi J. 1 rowan, Ulbbs. Irom New Belford; Oarllon Jayne. Browo, rrniu Vail Klver; and A. Trutaal'. (Hmvens, Iropn Pawtuokes, all for Pblladelpaia, al Iw York Tin Inst. Bcbr Clara. Mnirnrd. tieno. at BTnnh Sth lost. riobr janodeiia B t, Petorson, aad American Kagie Bbaw, lor Phlladelpbla, sailed fiom Provide joe tb In. S tchr R Petarson Rnrltah. and J. ft. Allan, Case, Kir Philadelphia, aallm from Newport Sib Inat. rcbr Hrab t lark. noma, for Pblladelpbla, sailed from Pawtuckettib lust. echr a bixiis Devereux, Rlob, henea, was below Hew OrleaoaS i mat. - Retire Westmoreland, Ttlos. and 8. A. Botoe. Yates, lor Pblladelpbla. eatied from Provldenos 6ih Inak Kchra A. (i dfrey. Hod trey; A. Wooiley. atlnii; O. K. Pali, Iionibtyt ana At, itelnbart, Band, beuoa, at Balrm Mb li st. HehraJ.B. welden, Bowen, and L. D. Btnall, Hoe, bsnee. at psnvsn 4th lnt, Bchis Maria Rniana. Palmer, and K, Blnntokson, Bi nier bene a Boston Sh Inat. Hotir Efiiiria Fox Case, for Puliadelphla. sailed from hauioi kft 4ih lost, felire J. A liderdic. Wllletts; L. B'ew. Rnekalnw; Keptunc'a Bride. Case; H. J. Brians. Hliawt J. O. Ihi miai n. Vanaant; and Adolph Hugel, HoblDioa. be al Boston 5' h lnt. Hehr Florence fcbay.liuUe, benoe, atQanoaZIl nit,, Via Harce or a. Hcbr J. Paine. Itteh, for Philadelphia, o' ear el at New Yoik eateruay. ... Tbero is a ire uip ashore at Jones' Inlet, L I nan e nnknown. . It t said ibat tbe erew of tbe barqne Torioka. Blcnernd. In m Cronstadt for Liverpo-iLsiran lel oil Pnrkaia, havo bven saved. A aleauec wool froin UUklEKluie 2d h lilt, to Ibe vessel. NOTICE TO MARIWF.R8. Notice Is hereby given tnat fiom and after the drat day ot I'eceaiber. I .-tin. a primary seaeoMt Hani will be e blhited on the HkIHIkhhh tower recently nrecmd on tbe western Slope of t!o MeiiUoOiun Uail'oroia. 'I he liluniiDaims apparatus Is of the tirit order ot Fresne), abowms a white r-volvin Hani: duration of Dash five secnos: duration ofscilr" nueen auounii; InleiTsI between Hkh and eellnae nveaeoondt. Tom Hltbt la elevated Sail teel above mean Sea level, and should be teen lu oiear weather 27 miles. Tbe M-r laol wioukht iron. HO fe t blgh from base to loom plane: lo shape a rean ar polvg n or IS sides. Tower and lantern painted white: d nee or lantern paloied red. 1 be keeper's dwelling Is ! brick twoainrier With a wlug or one atory on each aide. Hsoilorlao' brie color, wlib green blinds to ibe windows, ami is situated 810 yards to the south or Ihe lower, ana ntariy on the aame elevation Tne Intltnde and Ion aliuae and nisgneilo variation nl the light are- 1st 41 deg. 26 mln. N 1 long. 124 dec. mlo. vv.j mngneilo variation 17 df-g S uiln. From Ibis Itgit th loimw lrgaeibe n.agnetio bear legs to headlands to the northward ano southward: To derie Bianco. N. by W W., distant 141 mllos. ToCrescenl City Hgbt, N. by W. W., distant xollea. To Trinidad bead, TV. X W distant lis miles. To Pnlni Arenas. HK J, H., distant S3 in I lea. To Potut Reyes, eE U d , diatanl ISO miles. Byorder. W. H. UHUBHICK, t'halrman. Treasury I lepartraen t, GUI ee Lighthouse Board, Wash -lngion. D. C Nov. so, lata. Belief Ltghtvesael No. 84 has taken tbn rilaoa of Weebawken Llgbtvesael temporarily. TMn vemel bs two maais, and wUl exbtbli a red light Irom her loiemaal head. NEW PUBLICATIONS. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. TUB American Eucday-School Union has an extensive assortment of Inlcro8liiigunlIcau(iriilISookM of MOKALand ItELIGIOUa charaoter, for t lllLIUtK.X and YOU I II, aultahle for Christinas ani Hew Year Presents. Also for sale, BIBLE, and DEVOTIONAL BOOIM of the d'lltreut denominations, lu plain or oruauien tai kiitidiUKS. Cntaltiguea of the Soolety'a Pnblioatlons. and 8j eclnaeu Cojiles of lis Periodical, lamUied gratuliously at tne Depository, li i .No. 1122 Chcsnut Street, PUlladelphla. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE 18 NOW AT Jio. 722 SAXSOM STREET. A LAR3B AND ELEGANT HOLIDAY STUCK OF ILLUSTRATED WORKS. bOCKSIN FINE BINDINGS, CHlLUKKSi'S B0JK9 TOY BiOK8 IN LtNKS MOSTLY LONDON EDITIONS, AS CHEAP AS) AMERICAN EDITIONS. Teur early Inaueuiton ib Hivlted while Ihe stock Is large and well assorted, at THE ENGLISH BOOKSTORE, Xo. 722 SAXSOM STUEET, lllOlmrp PHILADELPHIA. HOLll'AY BOOKS 1 H0L1DA.7 BOOKS! I ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED BOO Ed. All Biaudard Work kept oonaiautly on hand. Largest supply In the city of Juvenile Book, Eugitsh and American Toy Bocks aa Immense supply la ever; variety of binding. Fiesh supply of 2 book selling for 60 cents. All new publications as soon aa Issued, and sold at less than publishers' price. Everything In our line at a great reduction. Call aid examine before purchasing elsewhere, Biore open In tbe tvenlng. TUE POP D LAB CHE IP BOOK STORK, ' JAM ESS. CLAXTON, H 1 it No HU CHEBNOT Street. Gpll'sPMMel)liiaIlirectorjfirl8?B Tbe anbpo'lber takes this method ol Informing the It liahliama or Pbllaaeipnia mat, u aootti cloaiug Ibe above wo-k for ibe (irloier, and earnestly ie quxia all prs wboae names have not be. n lakeu i.y tbe caovMera. or inosa who have made onangei lu ibelr tlrm. piece 01 bunnena or renlde ce, to wotliy blm a the Directory OUioe, No. 201 B, t'Lb'tH bl n et. corner of Walnut. 12 8 t ISA AO COSTA. Compiler. HAZARD'S fcNGLlSU Hi Sard's BuOksiO'e la becomlug oyiiou) uiuus wiili goid boos, line books, el-gau. y llliutrU)cl bi cks, cnolce eoitioiiKOI stand r l books, books in rich and tasty bli.dlug. childreu'a book, 'o nooks on linen and ptiptr. uook for all trades and people. Tnes'oi a being aluioai "tlre'y of Loudou edl ions. I. re will be f nnd at all ttuieit Euglisn BoJks whicn Iki nol be bad elaewbere lu Ibta city. l'ailli u ar alleuilou laluvued at the prtaent Ime fiom tliose lu starch of a really laaly Preseu lor tbe Holidays to tbe Kleainlr Bxiud or llu-t- rated Books In the collection, and tbn Child eu's Bo ks. wlib var blii'lluK and attraettve plotuiea. Prices aatbeup as American edition, anil ranging from ibe lowest utu 10 two buudred dollars tho volume, li ti No. Til BANHOM STB BET. CLOAKS. ("II.OAIiS-CI.OA KS. The crowd of cus J toinerttwbo dully visit our ator mast convince everyone tuat It Is the place to secure the newest alylew. Tho lineal quail lies aud the beat work nt t ta mom reasonable iirlcca. IIENUY IVtiSIM, fin 23f4onlli titS I'll Utreet. ("II.OAIiS-CI.OAUS. What every one J any tnnat b true, nnd Ibey nil any ) on can buy tbe moat runhloiiablp, the best and clteaieat Cloak In the city, ut lli:MtY 1VK.S', ll 28 mwf2m Jio. S. Nl Nril Street. HATS AND CAPS. JoNES, TKMPL8 a CO.. FABHlOMABLA MATTERS Na 26 S. NINTH H'n-et, Flral dot r aoove Cbtsnui street. 4 9J LIFE INSURANCE. 3 t THB NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . or THI United States of America, W1SIILNUT0S, D. C Chartered by Special Act of Congress, Approved July 25, 18G8. CASH CAPITAL, 81.000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST KAT10XAL BANK HUILDLU, PHILADKLPHIA, Where the bnslnese ol the Company Is trans acted, and to which all geueral oorreavoudeuoe should be addressed. UIREOTORB. AMUSEMENTS.. .. CLAKMtClt II. CLAKJt, J A I I.UUS K, K. Ha'icuvobd Btabr W. U. MotiHUEAO, UFOKf.K F. 1 YI-S.K, J, iiUiCKLftY CLAKK, R. A. KuLLin, Henry L). Uook, Wm. K. Ohanuur, lOH.N D. llKITKKaVi, Edward 1)oiuj, i. U. FAHMlVilOOK. em WAI'.BURTONM IMPROVED VCSiTI Ur lated, uu t-aay-liitlDg rieas Hats (paleuiwli lo all the laiproved i Bhlons ol IIih eaou, OKKH SU'Hrwl, nextduor to the Pimi urttoe. 11 in tip PKIZF8 CA?I1BD IN ROYAL I1AVAN1. krMKkV, asa Ml-kX'UKl LOtlalaiite CliC"lrs aviH ti d i r.iroiann" '. Juli l ll 1 il l. Nil is jUUlAiWAHw Turk jrestlrCosSex.iissj UUiat OFFICERS. CXARENCK H. Clark, Philadelphia, President, Jay Cooke, chalruiau r'laauee aud luxoouuve Coaimlltee, H emky 1. Cooks, Washington, Vloe-Presldenl, Kherson W. Put, Philadelphia, teteuu-y and Aotonry, E B. Turner, Washington, Assistants eo'y. Kramcib O. Hmith, M. 1)., MetlloMl Director, J. Kwinu Mkars, M. i., AsslsUtal Medical Director, MEDICAL ADVISORY HOARD. J. K. Bakkeo, Borgeoa-Ueueral U. . A.. Wash lngion, P. J. Horwite, Chief Medical Departmen U.S. it., Wahhlngton. v D. W. hiAtm, M. 1 Washington. SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS. Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, Washington, D, (J. UH.OKOE Uakuino, Plilladelpula, Pa, THE ADVANTAGES OH e red by this Company are: It lea National Company, chartered by sp. clsl act ol CougreHS, lww. ll hss a paid-up capital of J 1,000,000. I Hi Hot s low raits of premium. It fumlHlies larger insurauce than Other com pan its for the same money. II Is definite aud certain in Its terms, it Is a home company In every locality. Its policies art exempt from at.taouuieut. 1 litre are no unnecessary ruairicUous in the policies. Kvery policy Is non-forfeltable. Policies may be taken whion pay to the In sured their lull aruouut aud reluru all tbe pee mluma, so Ibat tbe lusurance cosis only the la terest on tbe annual pavmtnta. Policies may be taken ibat will pay to the insured, alter a certain nnmbt r of years, during Hie an annual Income of oue-tentu tbe amount named lo tue policy. Moeziraraie la charged for risks upon the lives of le males. 88 tvsrp It Insures Dot to pay dividends, but at so low a cost that dividends will be Impossible. CURTAINS AND SHADES. (JURTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. The subscribers are now receiving their FALL IMPORTATIONS OF RICH CURTAIN FABRICS roB FARLOlt, CHAMBER, AD LIBRARY. WINDOW CURTAINS AKD FURNITURE COVERINGS, COMPBISING KRENCH BATIH8 AND BROCATVELLE8, BOI iL 1 APKSTKIKS BILK TERRY AND COTELtUB, WUOi. TERBY, KEPd, DAMABKS, KTO AIM, Just Opened, direct from the Manufacturer, 4 Embroidered Lace Curtains NEW DeSIQIt, 8, From the lowest to tbe highest quality some of the the RIOUEur MaDK. BOTT1NOHAM LACE CCRTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUBL1N ODRTA1M8. JACQUARD AND MCBXJN DRAPERIES VESTIBULE CURTAINS, la great varlaty. CARVED, PLAIN, OIXT, AND WALNUT COR. NICAH, WHITE AND COLORED B HADES, Experienced and reliable workorien superintend oar Upbolslery Department, ana every effort Is employed l give sailsaction "and swore promptness la fultiU log ibe oiseis enlrnsted to us. SBEFPARD.YAX DARLIXCEX i ARRISON, No. 1008 CHESNUT Street, 11 10 tm wlotrp PHILADELPHIA. ROOKING CLASSES. TUE CHEAPEST AJID BEST L THE CITY. . ROGER 8' GROUP 8, BO LB AGENCY. JAMES S. EAULE & SONS, No. 810 CHESNUT Street, U fmwSmSp PHILADELPHIA. OPERA GLASSES. One of the best assortments, Including maty new d signs, Just received, and fur sale at low prices by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., Jit. 1124 CHESNUT Street, ' )2 i Ucjrp rAlILADELi'illA. AMERICAN ACADKMY'OF MCHTP ITALIAN AND UliiHal AN OPKRA lHIs ( ini-d..)lVNIN(l, Dee. T Ls.tT Musi hVT THRKK. av ekNtui, BsctuaaT, ,?nKW Vu'ae, worii rlsowned Po'lTlp'" MoCULLOOn auor-rrtr::::::: IW SOshO (l lnirad.,) Dec 'KRUN1 Verdl'at dtinrra. Arrell. ,BAlji0 ,IH MAsCHKKA, VrdrV VVfctm V?rT?AP"l OKLLI.V HI T.ANriKi. aif.rri; Hpa'ii, i j.n,,ii or. DlSUuii Cunip'"'t"' B1"l BAsuLi aud aill.,j".?.,,'rC0M fCD MD-LE WK8JC1EL IRlDAr, TiEO. 1. LAWT NTQHT RtJT nRL IMSJKNSE , UH N a" oSi , r.., LUCK- 11 HOKaiA. ' and otbpr Aitno'lve 1nHuw, ' nMl,hI'i!;GKAN" MAT1NKK. f Al UiiDa. V fcV s Mau-r lUEW LL K- " FamT. i "iJT L ""-rd 50 cents extra. Kk.a;lrt"ln?,',," -A.nnlil.he,trH. 28or.t" .A '-rt Hataranni,w be s. curd for any nights M..irK?:d'?,y ' M,,",c "d Charles Trumjler-i THIS KDNKM.I ' AKI WRvtw? JnridUcfUgRLLlAiNl i,KUUBAM , AKTfIr-u 1R1TTPRJ RK-Tl lt Vi TKOUl'K In America, Cons1 ingot JWK ROBtNSOV. J A '.t htt IM)HI i!HO.V. JAMK4 ftOUINSUN, itl'l'lK (Jt , KK.NUK , '.'Kril K KM .si. a, ASly1' ' LKVA N TINI", MADAM Hi LOUISK IHtURAAlhW, Ti VITB H7 A bi. ttt W A I 1W A V, ' WAB1 CHAHLRi MariGAN. a.Pd J,,.AD' J' 1 -walla? R. nc.NTisa, KOV v,71I.?".e"," ""cent, and ll. WAkn P7n?I, TU KATK K B KO ' N8 AT 7' . Bulwer's iannfi piy ',(, live ao. . or It Psnllne LAUY OV LYONS. UO conclude a ,ii,,e Laiighau e Karoe ofllCCOIl0,a FltliiAY-JiltAKHf O .IBS. U 1? BO Wliir. a t i f atmaa Btory, will he pm.iuced shortly. A'IKK Begins at bali-at 7 JS .irstVi'U. Wl.hev,ry.ce,nLi'JlaAX11AY- ' ,. hf inariis Hawthorne and Mr. Fetter, lteallutic Vfcuaiiicul t llcin. r, t Jnhu t'Uian aud Assistant. Kew MtslcatiU t et tnat. "" y Air. jt.WM DlilttV and Company PraU nru -1 tx iUvk In advance. ri'lli AliiE ClliliyUt, fcKVENTII SIUEtT X lirlt w Art !'. Cuu-uieliuea at 7 Si'. i Irat witk of " nS MDM . .'1vIIE AUTOMATON. . First week of ite bflKAL AHCHNSION. First week ol Jutku I11K AtUNiiKY. An eniif ci auKB evtry nli t. VA1LSKK- hATUHDAY AT 1. A&1KKKAN VAK1ETY IHKAlIiE. Jh.Vi.KY JkVSAlNw aad BA1TJKDAY . GRKAT COMBINATION TROUPR. In Grand Ballets. Kin oplau Burieauues. Sorrts Dancea. Panti.mlniee Hvmi.Mt rta. eta QRAxND ANNUAL BAL MASQUE, given by tbe YOUNO MJNNERCHOR, AT TUB i AMERICAN J D t DEMY OF MUSIC. On THURSDAY tVaMNQ, Jan.T,18. u?ic'i 0B.'X 10 be ,ba1 bj ""Morlptlon. and admit ting lady aud tm uiu .il. M; hv obtaiued oi auy THE PtELIC KEHK ABSaLS OP IHEGER .. Afvl '-iie.lKA at iiurtlouliural Hail aill be oliciulli ud on actor.nur the UU bav,a b-l,hiVl,,,td wdl be rescued oo Jingagrriieois ran re made by addressing Q. Bin. TJh.K'1, No, litalMoaU'AKaY birteu Wlltlir'aaT.7. .np. luiti Uieauui street; Andre's Music Biore. IIH I'llfhlillLllrML ...... .. HmrA Ho lux CheMitit ir-fU leisika CiAbL fcfcMii' aNJU AiAliK BASSLEK'S 0R I CJb KkTHA MA il.VUS, AiVKBY BATUBDAV at 8H . M IN M LblUAL UA D U ALL. Btngle Ad. ni lb Ion. Hi i m i. l-acaake ol 4 tlckeui, H. alBoDer'T. N o. CJH Kb UU bL. aud at tbe Uooi. tutu MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. " aJ.LaD AKDMIiiUTSINO I G"T JibllCl'. No. s B. ti t UK 1 ABATa Bk M 4UiT GO VER nIIvTe NTS A LES7 SALE OP CONDEMNED OKDllAJirpAVr Will be so'd, at Public Auction, at Fort Ar.enal Old Pi lm c.mfu7t. Va oa UjNDA Y! b na) ol l)i.mb r. 1 ss, al lo o cltck aTm! . 12 SnWal? w""u,tlu ln thflilTowlS; itlS ileld, Biege. and ea-enu Cannon, nltA auo ltork r ,c.Si irun lit7) aad brouVi!r va'li,us vaiibren. u1 i ot 67 WB.Uosftl "0U UD CarrUM nsHrooMorM rge quantliy of Artillery Implements and Aenlp. l8AtB tu,Hbell, apberlcal Ca'e. stands or Gran. lor .mooiU bore Sua rllirt ,udi of nuH calitr,. "", or 86 FoieUn Hooi aims, of various calibre lu buiubld Uarblura, g'HMi o urr. ' HBlfi.d Mnhkes aliertd to percussion, oil 848 Foot A tillery Sword, goon ordor. 7n6(-prHifcflfiuB UtdMUbaei8,CS,f. XT liitlf, aavoiied. aEportiijg Millea and CbOtOans, i ' ' - Liight Arttiltry hah e. .TI N. C. O. aud Muaiuiana' Bwords, julautiy Jtiiiiiiiiuita i Hone Fqulpraenta am Bin si i Aim a p-udse . kujcui., ana K,m!llly.m'!' w "d Iroa tot Held 7,07s(. anr.cgeBigstlsnncl and serge). -i ' hotf i b i VAtu -atka 01,,1!,f,;iit'n',,'B'1 and Armoms'' Thirty d'ys' will be allowed fir the remoi m csiiiiLi,; lurif nil ral uiubr stores 01 leru B.f bale-Ten prent tiwli io be paid on'dav ol raid bala. c-i-oii oe tvery it itie gnoda on day A cataiigueof tbearticlei io be ao.d'wn'l'ne'ft,. rislitd u(,.,i, applK-ailon at lb in Ansual. o a luL Via. al tf tllii!c. W etultiKliin. u fin"umt. US Tbe on cer makli.g me sale rtsarves the rltrht to anrpetid the aaie wherever the blddinS u m oirmne up io Hie ibat maybe fli,i t.f proper authority in ouiei,fihe artlaiei. W wbeu ter the ite Unll-d btates.ln nl opluija inky b-aubervtdbyudulug, ' fwua, 7-J T. O. BAYLOR Mj of Ordna. ce and Bvt. Col.:B:tj",rit, OHH E OK LIGHT HOUSE INSPECTOR 1'h i la d i.f i a. December 7 ln8 Will benol.i ml fui ho Auction, oa tbe 12ihiln. Usui, hi 1 80 V. M. , tho bull of Ihe old steadier Oi-mral i'uli sin, now b lug on the east side o ( tiiis l iiia cifi-k. al tbe foot of Fourth street WlimliiKion, iKilawsre. u sweet, Tt ini-cahb, aud bull to be removed b it a purcLster as soon ss poxRib'e after the sale. By orter ol tbe litght. H ue Hoard. W. U. OsKDNEB, U. 8 N 12 7 6t Ligbt Houne Inspector. D R UGS, PAI NTS, ETC. JOHERT 8DOEMAKEK & CO., ii. . Corner fJ- OKia il and BICE Sta., puiladklphia; WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IV 1-OK1KKB AND MAN CyACTURJLBb 0 Vtoite Lead uud Colored Paints, Futtj Varnihiiee, Etc AeKNTN TOP THK fiET.EPUATEO 1-ltLMll Z1AC 1'AIMX. TFIFPa AStn eTOnvmii supprnrn a-