THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1868. 7 The Trade In Texas Cattle. i tht Cincinnati Uaittte. alikb, KaniM, Nut. 21. Tha trade in is cattle became a vexed question in hern Kaonas tear years ago. A large ,ber of the eUizrua Iteuame Interested in (SjurIik-ps ot ' importing tala wild Btook ps tbe ludtau terihor, direot from their pa4Uia. Au fqnally large number of Sera on the loutbern border were exlen iy engaged in Block-raising. tub tun Texas cattle ontue that terrible rge culled the Spauieh fever, whioh swept y the Kaunas Btook as a hard frost kill grasshopper iu that region. These Btook. bis bad emigrated into this wild part of j3 ate to aeuure the advautagea of its mild iate and extensive ranges tor their f, io whioh their entire) wealth is invested, kn uiifortimate hour a drove of Texas oattle sld pas through the country, and a settler Due cows ranged where the drove had passed would, iu a few days, in many iuatanoHA, k hall Lis cows. A violent contest, there ?, arobe but ween these conllictiog interests. BOW AUALISE PKCAMB A CATTI.R MART. th tiHrties appealed to the Kauaas State it-lauire. That body enacted laws prohibit- drovers ou the cue Juan I Uom bringing as cattle witliiu ten miles of the T&ui-i oj- ied I'.v any eetllnr tor his cattle, under ere p nailif s. Ou the o'.her baud, ior the Me ol arovera, au 1 some extensive nois cattle dealers, who were specially eu- d in lliis trade, the Legislature provided t Texit rUmk. might be brought by a Otr- 11 path i tl is depot, ou the Union 1'auilio iilway (Kasieiu LmaioL), to be transported nee iu curs. n a bi'HiitCul level prairie bottom of the oky llnl livtr, lepu tlrtu two years ago, e iirtt liotiFO was put up whioh designated loca iitu of Ataliuw, a point 10.J miles st of the MiKSOiiri river. Within six Souths j"bt pabeed, neatly one hundred thoa nd bend ol cattle have been brought here ad (hipped eastward iu cars. Abaline has leretoie, ln-come a place oveiilowlng with life id gnu lii' ks. As may bo imagined, whisky id grej backs are alto plenty. The plaou, lh hBiuets. tne people, aua me exmteaiem IrauR up as euddenly, as greasy, aud a -culmr its some of the petroleum oil places iu eniiin Jvauia or West Virginia. over in Kansas, they make excellent beef the following Bomtner. and will bring io the Chi cago market withib three-fourths of a oent of lie price of Illinois fed eteers. Drovers who itll in Abaline set from 825 to $G'0 per head. in estimating the proms, tne faot that goii is reqniied to bay them, while they are sold for greenbacks, must be considered. Drovers aud dealers are well satisfied with their past summer's woik. TitR PPrPIiT. The vast nnmbers of these oattle aoouma- lated during the war. aud the ease with whioh iiey are raisea in Texas, renter tueir supply altnof-t inexhanstible. The trade will prob ably l larw than ever next year. The ex tenHion of. tne railroads southwest from Kau tas City aud St. Louis will, by shortening the route from northern Texas eastward, in a year or bo deprive Abaliue of this trade. In eallty but a email portion of the Text oattle t-ent Knfct now comes tui wav. baline. so llourlfahiug bow with its larne hotel, telegraph t flice,' aud Jew clothing Btores. will soon be left to dt pei d on its own resources. RAILROAD LINES. RAILROAD LINES. LUMBER. FALL, 106a. T. H. WILLIAMS, Scvcntceulh aud Spring Garden Sis. Call9 the atteutlou of UuIUUts ami others to his Stock ut EEASOIIED LUIIBEIl. CONSI5TIN3 OS Hemlock aud grace Joists, Carolina Flooring;, all grades, White 1'iuc Hoards, all qualities, Shingles, riaslcring Lntli, HOW TUB TRADE li CARRIED ON. Just now Abaliue is comparatively quiet, for lie business season has drawn aluuut to a iloee. l'eiliaps one huudrtd cattle cars staui an the extensive Biie trauk, waitiug ths lrrival of any belated herds. Cold wind, snow, and dead grass have suspended the iusiness. As eoou as grass has started Enough for cat'.ld to feed ou in the spriug, the (troveis ga'her their purchases together iu Koithern Texas aud the Indian Territory, tome five to eight hundred miles south of this place, and commence tne journey, lney Itciu to arrive here aout tne 1st or June i A large number ot those who briag up these 'cattle dispose of them at once for casu. to the dealers here. The drovers don't take drafts Jt must be ready money, aud ho puts his from $1000 to '20,000, the proceeds of his drove, into ills pockets, he bitches around his revolvers ir.onvenient for instant Belf-defe nse. lie spends St portion of his small change, perhaps, iu the various institutions in Abaline, and then starts pack. Others ship their cattle to a market themselves. The packing houses at Kansas jCity, Leavenworth, tLioago, and St. Louis get a large bhare, while some are sent through to pew York. Others are taken into Illinois to Jbe fed or wintered before marketing. Cattle cars oopt fefiO to Kansas city, and ijsSS to St (Louis. The cars hold from litieen to thirty-live lead each, according to size, aud there is very !: Utile standing room waste t by tuoau wuo are i obliged to pay buoU high prices for transpor tation. in laut, u is a mystery now iney tianace to stow away to aud such large horns in eo small a compass as a small tattle car. j PECULIARITIES OF TEXAS CATTLE. One of the striking peculiarities of the Texas stock is what a TVxau calls "the right (mart spring of horns." These append iges are long and blim, aud spring from the head in neaily opposite directions Irom eaoh other. As the forms of many of the Texas bteers are more like a moose or elk than Kistern stock, to their horns are sometimes more like antlers. Though sometimes more, they generally mea sure lees than seven feet iu a straight line be tween the tips of their horns. The Bight of such an armed quadruped suggests the fact that the lance has always been one of the favorite weapons ot those people inhabiting a level country. With many of the Indians on the plains it is yet. It is also apparent that length of horns is a matter of piide among Texas cattle. One of their most common colors is a muoee color, though every variety of tint is found among them. Their liability to stampede renders Occupation precarious. A centage of every drove is way. Drovers use swift horses ness. Several of the horses and mules are always kept saddled, day and night, for in etant service. A sudden snort, aud a herd ot a thousand spring as though they were but one animal, while the earth trembles under tbem as they dash away with all the speed a 'frightened animal c.n attain. The cause is invisible, or they had no cause, except ia their own imaginations. Then those on guard mount in Lot baste and chase the frantic nerd, to get ahead of them aud circle them round. But with ileet horses they can be gradually led to travel in a circle, when they gradually recover their sober souses, and after having bad Biifficient exercise, can be brought back to the starting point. They are also a lavage asimal. It u dangerous to go among s them afoot. As an illustration of their fero cious nature, I may mention that some of the poor and weak ones frequently get down and - cannot rise. Yon go and help him up, and the first act of the animal, again set on his legs, is to mike an attack on you, and perhaps run until he falls again from exhaustion. THE PltevEns' THOUnLBS. The Indians along the line have obtained a custom, since last year, of levying a tax of fl per head, or of some cattle for beef, on the droves, as they cross Southern Kansas. They also stampede the droves in the night, to scat ter them, and either steal some or get paid for aiding to lind andoolleot them. There are also ' a parcel of desperadoes who follow the busi ness of Btampeding for the purpose of theft. They eeleot a dark night, put on a buffalo robe, or, more frequently, tie something white to their pony's taiL that will flutter in the air as they ride through or in the vicinity of the . cattle herd. This is dangerous business, for the herders would shoot him at sight. Yet there are plenty of desperate men whom such an adventurous life suits, judging from the nnmbers who lollow it. Hut the drovers are men whom nothing deters; who would preftr this wild life to luxury and eate. THE PKOF1TS. The cattle are purchased in Northern Texas ti.. f'rk Iodian country for from five to twelve dollars per Lead. After lining broucbt through to this plttcj mauy of ihem ire (inhe jrw, and few of tl;em good beef. f They will fcvenie in w.ipiit iiom nve Hun dred to one tbt-asHud po Jndj euuh. V iuiuiud An4 all kinds ol Balldiog Lumber. Io g tistom AT LOWiSBT PKKJWo. 1RRQ-FOK NEW YORK. TUB ClAMDRM f iJ "" AMW AMI PHlLADKl,eHI AM'TRKNTOM K 4 I l.kOA D.OOM PAN I fH' LIN KH J'!)1 PHr .AUKLPUIA. TO KKV YOKK, AMU ., . y ROM WALMVT STRIttT WHARF. A n ao A. M., vln CHindeu d Atubny Arcovn ?-2S At A. Mtl via UiwiMleu nutl Jium-jt CUT Kx. M.ll K'OO At 2 P. M via Cindfin .ud Amn.j Kxpren....n I'lW AtSP M ., lor Anbor nd Int -i inplii.a .t.tluns, A l 6-:m and SAM, and 2vi P. M. rnr Krt-hcud, At S mid In A. M.,2, . anil 4 an P. M. for Trenton. t 6 :i , and Iti A. H , 1, 2. X 'J, 4 I A, and l P. M. lor Bjdentowa, lliiMlogi n, Birerl, aat e l.nto, At fMand 10 A. H 1, X 1 1, 4K1, S. and 11 '30 P. Jn for K ornnca Kogewalpr. Kivcwce, K vr oa, ta! nir, and JTihq Houae, aud t P. ioi i'iorouc. aud 1 he l and 11-10 P. M. LI net leave irom Market Strett Ferry (up Jerll-.) ltOM KKMHINOTON DtPOT. At It A.M.. via, it'oa aud Jersey City, New VorK t i j.r. h Llu Kari. At Tm Hia ii a. . x . mi, ana s r. m. ror rrenton Lid llri lo!. And at Hrl5 l . M. II liUil. AlVKO and 11 A.M. 2 Su, aud o P. M. fur Murrnvllle and inhjuiwu At 7ito and lo-n A. M. and 2 30, aul t P. M. for Hclienrt'naDd JkddliiR.OH. , At 7 UOalid lU'lA A.. M 2 XI. 4. 6, aid 6 P. Jf f r Corn well's, 'li'im-cale, lliminnlnirK, Taoony, Wihil ii uiIi k. llrlupHUurK. and cr'.kuid, aua ai S P. M. lor iioin""1 uri: ai.u In eiui'iliHit" statlo.ia, t'kuU V-l cl' i ll.lLAUh.L.PlllA LEi-Or, Via i uiiui'O iiiic nn wtty. At 9 45 A. M . .'2u. 4, in. aud 12 P.M. New York. Kx preHH i k, via Jnncy CIL; !!'', l V At 11 Iu 1'. M.KinlKianl l.lil.; Kitrt. (2. n At -4ft A. M., !.. 4 ii. ai d i P. M . lor Trenton, it i 6 A. to., . 6'iiti and 12 P. M., luT Br s'ol. At 12 P.M. (Mitui). Inr Woriavlllo 'lullytown. Hi lii'i rk's, Kdrtli R ou 'oriiwen'a l'" in ', bniK, 'lucouy, Wisjluomiuu, ItcideHbuiK, aud branA- ' I li'e 9 45 A. K f a and 12 P M. Lluea will run dully, Ail o l.ei. eundyex'ep'e l. ior Llura ievlim iteuHiuiun deunt take the nir, on 'lluru or Kif U iiltwi, at Cue. mil, ml nr. before Cepar ure. I U. earit f V arael bt eettva! way run dlrtct to et MnUtielunia l l 'i. 4n.mi aim Walnut wnliln onomi'iaie. On Hiiuda.vd thu 4 'k-t Hire el earn will run Iu uunuoct wltu Hie U'4b A.. M. 6 SU and 12 P. M. Mat-t Uh.Lyi)hlh U.LAWaixK RMLHOAD fhUU KlMll.tU'HIM UHIOI. At 7'EO A. M. lor in uiia la.h, ijuUaio. IHiuklrk, Xini.ia, lihttca, ii.ou. Mer, Siu.nmiu nu.u- WfKU, tryrai-uae, Oreai. ..nU, aluair jhv. Wilkt-auv ii, fcviauicu,, Water O&i), txinuoluy's Jloun 7'a. M. and 8 3o P. BI. for Belvl'iere, Eaiton. lanln-rtvlle, Kl. uiiiiKlo". 0 TneSJfJP M. Llu roijU.ciB dlreci vklili iuh Tritln leavluH h.tju lor Mbu.1i Clim.k, Aiientown. UethleUrt u, etc A16P. M.. lor Lttuiboitville aud lnuuuied.ate UU turns. CAfcl'KX AM) BCIILIS(JP')N COUNTY VD rw AA11 liiUUioiOWiS KklL- ii.OlJMAP.KKT ffTKKET FKRRY. (Uppe- BM ) A 7 ai.u In A, M.. l'XU. A Ai, aud a au P. M., tor Mor cliauiHvll e, jaorettowu, llriK.ra. Msoaiild. J-. aiiieo Tl, Iloui.t Ho ly, aiu.mviile. Kwausvilie, ViuLeuiowH. itiitn'nauiui, aud Peuiu. rlou. A' 7 . M , 1 ;i and a8u i M.. lor Lewig'.owa, W tlglitHnwii, t'onks.owii, .New h-KH'l, Horuerilou, Crebiu Lldwe, IuiiajMiou.eharon, nd HIUilovn. 11 10 WILLIAM U. UA.lZJJ.Lii, Agent. I8t8. fcl'KUCK JOIST, fcf .l.Ci!. Juldl', 18G8 bKSUAJtL ILiinlit PiMK, t liult.-b. l-antrt. 1114 81'AJMisrt Cl'.liAK, eoll l'i.i'ic.ltr3.i 18G3 It'CU J-LOlllOA It'LuUKlAU. 1 lCUO 1-x.ultlliA 1'luUi.I.W, 10UC5 lAi.oLuNi Huom.Ml. Vllfuii.ilA li.ouKuU. tiLLA WAKK Ir I.UJHlxNJ. Ahil VAL. U 1' LUO .V 1 NU. iLOxULA b'lt,f liUUS. KAIL PLAiNK. IKli' WALMJl'UB AND PLANK, 1 Qpo a Lis L 1' liU iltua. WaiftUl' lLAxA. ICrS TJiNDEtiTAKEKiS LUMBER. 1'!U J.OUO Vjj.i.i.KlAKjj.toB' LU ji.ah.Di. AOJO LkliAK. WALiNUl A.NH elSK. pF.KESYLYAKlA CbNlUAL KAILliOAD. FAI L 'im D..TAKIMU tt't'tX) I NOV. 22. ltW, 1 tie naiiit) ol Ilk fbMi. j i fui Cmuul iiii( leave ine litpi, at '1 H ilvl' y 1 tys 1' aua Mif.Kai' tj.rfito. vLlou la rtauitcd dlon tly by. tne ilar i oirrt :&. me last car cuiiiieotiiii: witu eauo lt.m It-avlnK Fruui null .araei. biihi inir.y unuut oe (ure uh ii(..rl ne. 'liie Cuenuut Td Walnut olivet can ruu v. i Inn uue nqua.e ol Hieii'Oi. si,-, i.itm car '1 ickoio uau ou uau on aopIIcAtlon at the lii'kft iiUice N. W. corner Wiuili aud jiiuuu, iret tb. and at me depot. Aknt oi tne Uomii Tracafcr Oompany win cil for aundaiiver Dunnage at luo depot. Oi aura leu at Mo. Ml fjueniiui, oiieui, or Mo. 110 Market B.rott, will rteive . EAVJ, jjepvt. VIZ: Mall Traiu UOO A, M. v.....,i A......,..,ii-..i..n. iu iu A. i iu, auu iiu r. -M. . ....... , -,. . Ij-oUA. M. . 4'uu P. M.. . o do r, u, ........... MU P. M. UI4S P. M ..UUlMignt, 1SG8 fc)H.AI3UiNlj.U PUiluAft. HL.VtouXs-l Jiii.t41tY. WHITE OAK plIk AKD HOARDS. Ii IUiOK. ISO'S 1803 CIUAU BOX MAKKKH' ClolAU buX a' bPAMall I LuAii u j bUAltDj, iUH ALl!; LuvV. 1808 18C8 CAKOLLNA KC.1NTLINU, IttlU CAlOLlfN J. Ja. 1. ISilH, AOUO f..-ll..AV eCAM'l unvu. the drover's large per lost in this for their busi- ICdtt CEUiK bKlNuLK'S. 1Qi:o AiAULK, lliiOl'llF'R & CO., Ill Jo. aouu frUU itl ntreet. T. P. GALVIIV & CO.. LUU'Etn CGKISSIOM f.'EnCIIAN' i lbiiAtKAiiAXU bXUEET VVUAia:,, BELOW S LOATH MILLS, (riiAIJ.0), PHIL DLLPIIIA, AtiuMe i'Oll IsOTjTHiJtN AND Jl AoTH-KN Malt .HCtii.eri of 1 KLJjOW Pi. Nil. aud bPiit'CLTlMilii B'cAKls, etc., nnti.ll be Lai p to furuiaii uiuxca at Wumeaale ratea, deliverable ui auy auo Bible port. Cioustaniiy reuuiviug auu ou uuu ai. our wuun Itlj'l HLKN iiAKj.J hU, bUAJS lLliNU. BtiilS GL, it ATiiS LAl lid, PlCKJvlB. UKu-bLilK bl'KL'Clt, HH.MLOC'K, TKLliiiT MlCfllUAN AINil CAK1 1A PLA JSli AKu HUAJUJtt, AINU UAU. tiA'lCO bULT-H.nh.MJi. I 81 lullij ' ALl. OF W HUM Wla.Ii 11B DEUVKUKD AI AM X PAhl tol'TliLtlT I PUO JttiTl.T ENUINL8, IVIAUHIIMLKY, tTU, hSL PENN STEAM ENGINE ivn rt . . . . .... ta . . . . ikl L . i. i .. w i. . MACHLhlb'lb. UUlLl.jtt-MAik.iklta, 11 L, AUU.. eiuiiiio, auu fUL JN UiUUS. uuviug ioi uiuuy ean bufcu In nucoejHful upmatiou, and heeu exouirlvelj i nkil td la bulldiug aud repairlua Marluo aua Itlvei fc.ugu.ea, Llgu aud low-pritaduro, lrou Lolluru, Vvatei Lt.ukb, Propellers, ou). eui, rwipuctfuliy oiler men sttviceu to iliu pt bllo as being lully prepurwl lo oou ract lor eugluea of all sisui, Marlue, Itiver, am SLkUOuary; Laving seia of puiierna of uillcreul nxei aie pitpated mi exuouie uruera Wi quick dbjyaicii t.vt,j dutoripuou ol paiterit-uiuklng uiaaa at In. uoitet notice, Kigu and Lo A-prounre Flu' lobular and Cylinder lltillera, Ol ma beet Peuueylva uia cuaroual Lou, Forglnga of all uUed aud kludn lrou aud luimt CaMiuvj of ail disonpiio n. Hoi Taming, Bcri-w t luting, and aUotaux vbrkccniieotr wl'-U luu abovt huBineM. IlrAwliigs and aricLlUc11'"'8 tot 'l work aone a ibetBtabilsLrueut tiuu oi vluugo, aua work guri teed. i ue Bubsurlbora have ample Wuarf dock room a. repair ol buum, wneri ibun can n ia peinjct uufott and ere provided wills oui uin, block, laiui, eta, ttt for ueavy or ligut weight. JoMM', 1 1 BH'ACJH aud PAL::i!.K BtreoM. WILIAtM H, MJCSaiCt FIFIB AXI ' JOHW OOLinWAitK FoUMiKy, i"lllUil.iPHl, MtKlU' K A bONB, JttVOLHli.lultb aNU MAtlHlSISTfi, . .ar.ou. jiura High aud Low Preanurubteam Kuglu tor Laud, 1'lvtr, uid iuarine Strvxt, Boiieik, Uabouieiers, 1 auks, Iron Boata, etc, LamlngB of all kinds, eilber lion or brae. lrca I fame Hoott ior Oa Work, Wurkibopi, aat Baliruad fctalioBB, eta. lUtinrui aud Uaa Maoulnery, oi tba lateat ana moai lLuprovud conntroctlun. i-very deocrlpuon of Plantation Maoalnery.ain Bogax, Saw, aud Orlat Mllln, Vacuum pans, Otl Bieau Tialioa, iKitecalora, JfUlaia, Pumping. Kb giuea, ate bole Agent for N. Btlleuz's Patent Buirar Bolllni Apparatus, Ktauiytli's Patent Bleain Hammer, and Auplawall dk VVooidey'a Patent CautrUugal ungai Lralulng Machines. tliW Faat Liue, kl IM f.l L.I UMM.. jiarrihourg Accouiiuouaiion - Lancanler o olouiuiouhi.1ou , ParkeHbuig 1 raiu.......... 1 incluiixli i.xpienn Krle Mail ana ttutlalo JuLpreos, li.iiuj. u.liia KrnrMNt l.i.. mu imivm dally. except buuday. ruuulua on f-hliuoty nlgiii u VMiimuiHiioriouiy uu Ojiud y uiKnk iiabsiiger mil ieae ruiuoi.u . u pni.aueiiilila f xpress leave daily. All oiuer trams JL'Le VeruUAwMfmmodatlon Train runs dnlly, ex ..... . ...,...i..v. v. tins traiu llukels niunt be nro- cticeo bud o .glRge delivered by 6 ou P. M,, at JNo. lis kK SEiXri AlOtlVB AT DKPOT. VIZ. i Plillroeii bla jixpieBB.-M...... ..................... . M. Pauli aocjiuuiouiiou . 0 A. M , ( 40aud V10 P. it . Krlo MM1 Slid LU'I'-JO 'P1" "'"J M. PMrkeourg Tfftln.. - iu A. M, FttMl Lnje " M Lunc-siei Traiu. 'i..V F.iU; F xpreau .............m. .soj r. M. Un'riPti'itK AccouiiiJOdallou.... a 40 P. M. Ktr fur.iut lutoi-Diatlon apply 10 ur lurti.n iu 0 ALLKN. Ticket Agent, No. tliil Clifiii 0 1' rtirwi. CKACiUIn U ii i icei Ageut,, Ko. 116 MAKiHT ureot, SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tne Depot. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will uoi ki sume any .lk for Lu,igag, except lor Wearing An- ri-l and liiult tu ir r uponnloiiiiy to Oun Uuudi'Hi luliaru in value All aBKiage exceeding tbut amount In value will be at iboribn of lUe owner, uulesa laken by special contract. FLVVAKis H. WILLI A MH, 42. (leunral RuperiiitendeDt Altunua, Pa. PHILADELI'HIA, WILM1N0TOS, AND UaLllAlUltl!. ItAlLllLfAU. ll.tfli 1'ABLIi.- . iuiiiijCii g luUPiijAl . JSovcuiher 'u, !(.'m vnu ii ave jjtpoi con er nioua auee. uuu vvuauiujj U ii avtnue, bh foliowk; Wb ioU Ira n a. 8 80 A. M. (Sundays exc?p e1), for Lattinmre hvoiplug at all reuitir -lutloui. C.iu-ut-eiliig w.tli Dela' are kailioad at VVllaiingtuu lur Cr 6b. id Kkd InieruimilHle BtatlnUB. F.ritB Iruiii bi 12 M. (suudays except d) for Hal luicieai.d Wabblnglou, Btopi'iug at Wiliulngtou, Perrvlile, and lluvru-' e wrace. couueoia at vVll Aiii'KU.u wlih traiu Ii r KV Ca-lle Fjpiets Ira u i 4111' P. M. (Muudavs excepted) f ir Bull no ore aud Wantili gton, Bioppli g at CueoUr, 'luniiuw. Llnwcud, Uauiint, Wiluiium m, Xnw. port, t-luiiion. iNewurk K.k on, Nortn-l.nHt., cuariei loun, 1 e r vulf Havre Ob, Aberdeeu, IV, ry n uu'b, F.dgewood, aiauollu, Uuase's, aud d.eciuiur a Hun. lMHt tKxpssnt H-30P. M. (DaIIj) for Baltimore and Wasnli gluu. aiopnlug at (Juestt-r Tutiriow jLlu vi oil, ci)tunrt, W liu lugtou, Mrwuric liiiktou, jicnb-BBi, l'erry vlile. and tiavro ue (lr-c, Pt hi ei lor Foi irtus Mouioe aud Korfclk will tiike li.eli'vA) u. tri-in. WILMINGTON TRAINS. Btnpi lng at ail blbtiuuB between Pulladclphla and V li 111 11 gMitl. l.tave PLlade'plila at lltOA, Jr., 2'3o, B no and 7 ml'. ai. '1 ue i) oo I. JM . Triu counties wltb Jidia wkre Ituliroud lor ilurruiKiOu aud inieruieuia.e statu us. L.k ue Wl'mlntton 7 dl aud 810 A.M., 1 3n. 418 and 7 (Mi P. M. '1 be H In A. M. 'i ml il will IiotHtun belweeu ( bffier and I'll a.ieif.blti. Tue7'MP. . iiatu Ir.iui HQiU.a'ou runs ami); ail uum.- AccoAimjdaiiou 1 run b fcunCbyi) excepteii. J-ion. Itaiiiumre to Plillndelplila. Leave Ri'tlmira 7 S i A. M Vy Mull. i A. M , KxprtlaB, I ii if. Ai., lii Die's. 7 2.' e. M., F.xprehi 1 tlNDAV 111AL HlOSl BALTtMOHE. LeavtB Bultlniore (. 7 io P M.. aionliig at Ml?. nolin, peiryuiau'u, Aberueen. Havre de-oroo.Peiiy. ill. I imrlmlmvii M oriu- Kual. H.lktinl. Metvaik. Miantou, Newport, Wiluiinglou,Claymoiit, Liuvooa, ""lliVuugli'ilckels to all points West, Sinth. and K uiimto'. nu y be procured at ilckev oaic. No. Si ClieMim street, unaer Conunenial Hotel, wui-rd also biaie Id. ems and Htitbs lu neepiug Cars can ne beiuifd cuilug ttie day Persons pjiuuuNlug llcktu at tnm 1'Uii e cau nuve bBKaxe uii- cked at tuelr real Lence by tlie Liulnu Trimler Cooiiniuv. . RKADINU RA1LU0AD. GKEAT TltUNK L1P.K tri m Pnuaneipnl to tna Interior of emni). iVBnla, tbe ecbuyikl.l, etnqtiehaiina, Ouiunnr laua aid tuning Valies, tbe Ni.riu, Norihwet and the t'anacas nil mm or PasiTger Trains leava ina l ompni s I), pot, Tblrleeniu and CAIlownlU sirens. Pmiadclf bla. atihn following boors: MUKMNU AlHOMMODA HON. At 7 M A. M. for lit aulug and all lniermdiaie stations, and Allan- H Wn, ltHurrlng, leaves Readine at 6'0 P. M., arriving In I'll lix eli bia at s p. M. tldlMMJ KXTHKoH-At 8 19 A. M., for Reartlnt, Lcnanro. . rrl bu g, Pottsville, Pine Orove, Taiua una, Hunhury. W Ii iaumiort. Kimira Hoiihniier, tnnBia IbiIh liuiTaiii, wnkesharre, Plttatou, York, cariiie ( ban beisburir. Hugernowu, etc. llie 7 Suit Bin Oouueo a at Keadinc with tha Kait I'ei niyivai la Lalliuad tialns Aileulowa. etc. and the S l.i A. M.ooiii foiI wltn the U inon Va ley train tor Uar'liiburg, eic.i ai. Port Ollnlon with Caiwia HbIIiohO trains or VViliUiusport, Lock llaen. Kimira, eic; nt llari lulling Willi M.rini rn Central, Cuiniier IhikI Vnln y, and Ko'iuy Ik II and Hpsuiieriaiiiia iraun Inr Nuribiiu.berland, Wnllamsport, i ork, Uhambdrs liurir, pint srnve, etc. AF1F.1.CUN FXPRKs. I.raves Philadelphia at 8 :hi t.M. fi r KetituiiK. 1'otii.ville. HHrriiiiuig, etc.. ttii'iiK'iliii; wiib Hthilii g raid Columbia It.droad trnliif l'r Ci Inn, bla, e c. I'Ol'lH lOiAN axu.M01)aTI ON I.eavea Potts Uiwii at 4n A. M., stnpp UK a la.erm"dlsi si l inn; Brrlvnln Plulatleiii'it at tl o A, M. Ueiurnlng leaves I'lil rdtspbia at 4 Su P. M.: arrivea lu Pousuiwn at 4u P. M. KKAUiNu At tunnuiiA I KJN Leaves Heading al !. a. M slopping m uli way s.auouB; arrival lu lnliOei'lil at iu 1- A. M. LeiiitiiiiiK, leave l'nliadelplila at S'lS P. M.: arrives n 1 el.dli K tens P. M. lisliiK I. r rr iiaipma ie"ve iitrriHburg at s io A. M , Bi.d PihImvIiIh a- b 44 K.t'. arriving in I'm ,ib. itun at I P. M. AlteruiHin ir lns lee llatr HOor at z-efi p, ., aud I ouhvI to at it'fj P. M.i artlviug at PMiadelplila ai 4o r. M. llarilibnig aicniiimtHla'.ioo leaves jte.ning at 7-i A.M. aid tiarriKtiuig at lu P.M. Couueo Ii g at Hinting wlib Alieruuii'i cciimm..utlou sou.u mi J P. M . ari ivn k id PnliaiielpuU at 16 P. AI. M at set iralu Willi a pe, jsr car atiaoun leaves i'lnludrlplua ai 12 no in f r Pultsvlile and ul, Wy nlailm b; line. 1 niiHVll e at 7 A. M. for PuiUdelpbia biiO ail oilier vk ay fiaiiniis Ail Hie BboVe l.Blm ru i uny. duiiuhj, nti-iuu. Km cv trams I. av.i P n.svlie at Sin A. m., aud FMiafriph'a at 8 1 P. M i leiive Pniludelplila lor Haii:g at 8 Ou A, M.. reluri.lug Irom HoAtliug at 4 H P. V. cllrbtjijit VALLI.I ka 1 1. ri' i i u.-rsineii jnr for Downlngtnwu uuu inli imtUl.tte points take tne 7 ii A. Ai.. I2 4j and 4 80 P. a., iralus Irom Piilladel- pbu.; leuuniiig irtiu llowuingtowu at) A. M coo .u. pur iu. 1'E.Lk 10i KN RAILROAD. -Passengers for Skip- pack lake 7 u A. m. auu fix P. AI tr.lus lrou. Puna iifii.l.ia iinriili ii In ui hklniack at 810 a.m. and I iu 1 1 . blase linen ior various poiuw in i-eraioiuea vai ev couueel wi.u tiaius at uuuegevitie auu okiu w. it ..... r . n .r cvniiffDa vria DimijDniiri . n iv ,., w luiii r.Al run ii t mou iv a IU; W Lb 1'. Leaves lew YnikKlUA. at . iron, aud 8to P. M., a'-Mug Heading at l IU A. M., I 81, aud in 10 P. M., and connect at II arrlKbura wun Pe.iiiHyi vania and JNortneru Ceutral ill.roaa Kxnres Trains lor Plt Bbuig, Chicago, Wll.lamspoi't, lumlra, Haiti- n,nr. .n. LuniLlirg. IOxpress Train leaves Ilarrlsburg, on amval ol Pennsvivai la Kxpress Irom Pitieb arg, at, 2 dUBUil 5 2o A, M., 9 a6 P. M .pasfclug Heading at 4 44 ami 7 uli A. M., aud H'iU i . M., arriving at New York, K.'lt and 1P46A. M a Ml bMU P M. tleeplug Cars acit inpatijlug mesa iralus tnrougU between jersey Hv ki.d I'llthltnlir. w Itbi.ut unanuH. Mali traiu tor iew York leaves llsrrlsli'irg at 8 '10 A. M. and 2tij P. M. AUU train lor Hairuourg leaves New ork at i2 Noou. HCHUYLK1LL VA LLKY RAILROAD. Trains leavi. lonsvlllH at ti'ih. II'HO A. M., aud 40 P. M. returuliiu irom Tauiuqua at 'S6 A. A.,, auu 2 16 aud tit ii VY LK 1 LL AND StJ.-UUKHANN A RAIL- kiiAli. 'I rams leave niiimru at 7 55 A. M. for t in gioie and Uarrlsuuig, and at 12 l.i P, . t r Flue urnve and 'iremout; le.uruiui; in m Harrlsbnra at .(so 1, M., and fiom Tremrot at 7 40 A. AI., auu 6 us P. M. TICKETS. Through first class tickets and eml graul t.LkitB to all me principal point lu the Not in ami tetand Canadas. Fxci nslou litkem irom Philadelphia to Reading ami luleiiutOlate btailuiia, good lor Uay only, H e "old by Mori.lug Accomn.udaiioii, Alarkel Irani, lieadlug and piluiiowu ACcommuda luu Trains, at reduced '"i'xcurslon Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day ouiyaie sold i t Heaping aud imeimeuiate stations by ivtuuiijg and 1'olU.towu Accommodation T.ulus at ictiuced rates. '1 be lliuwlng tickets aie obtainable only at the i.ll.f.nol B. Bmdloiu. Treasurer. No 17 b, t ourta street. Pblleueiphia, or U. A Niuolls, Ooutral super-luienoei-l. Beauing Commutatiou 'i icket at 25 pereent discount, be twteuauy pom b deairtd, lur imiiies aud Uruis. Mile(.e Tickeis, auou ior 2ouu miles, botrtuen all I oiulb, at foi'on aacu. ior lamluea atd llrms beatuu Tickets lor breo, six blue, or twelve mouiba, lor iioidcis ouiy, io all points, at reduced 'W'rgynien retldine on the line of tha road will fliinihned wi.u earns, eutilllug tueuiselvea aud wives to nck'is ai liaii iaie. Jixcuiaiou lickeis from Philadelphia, to principal Bta.loua ,good lor eaturuay, ouuunj , aud Alunuy, at iuuceu iaie, lu be uau only at iue Ticket cilice, at 'li.irlei.nib atu CaiiuwblilsireeiB. F i,kiun I . Ooons oi ad ue crlptlons forr.artled to ft 1 the above poiuti irom tue C.mpauy'Siiwi'reigut Deoi, troad und Wiliow sireeiH. FieiMit liaius Ituvt, Pullauelphla d l!y at 4 33 A. M., U'4i noou. 8 and tP M., lor Heading Leimuou, Huuibbiilg, PulUVlUe, POit Cltuluu, aud ail paiuLS 'iitti'ia' close at th Philadelphia rostiuUce tor all t lncta ou lUe roa aua Its ut 5 A. J.., aud lor the principal etal ons only a. 2'la P. M. BaU AUi..-Luiibu's liipreos will co lect Rag Buge lor all trains having PmladeipniA Depot. O'Uurs t an be letiut No. 7-5 s. F .uilb aired; or at Hie JJeyol TnlrteeiiiU aud Caliowbill sireel. UIliAUKLi'lilAr GinulAS;T0VN, A SI) IT NU-lkio I AiAH-ifcUAiy-iljl iABLum ttih uiiaAnlOW., 1,'eve Piil'i'd.ipula 6, 7, 8, V ua, In, li, 12 A, M.. 1, 1, aii..ij, , a, 6J. 8 iu,7 8 8, lu, 11, 12 p. Xi. 1.. av & Uei mail to w n tt, 7, 7t, s, s 2u, ft, 10, 11, 12 A, hi., 1 -i a 4. l iOb, 7, a, 8, 1", 11 P.M. l .ie 8 2 Lown Truin, antiaM aud b Up Trama will B. t SU.,. ,U the UVTUK' Leave Pulladeliihlavj, A. M. 2, 7, V' P. M. Luave Ueriiiantown A. M. 1, , ' i P. M, CUFINUT HILL Ba1LROA1. Leavt Philadelphia 2, 8, 10, 12. A. M.- 2, 3,i. 7, Teve'Jhetnnt Hill T'll, 8, 8'40, and 1PI0 A. M 140 8-40. klb, m TOltfiB. Leave Philadelphia A. A'. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave (Jheatuut Hid 7 W A. M, U'tu, 6 4U and 218 'lili'ii I01NMMOUOCK11.N AND MORKIftVOWN. ttave Philadelphia , 7;,. 8, and 1106 a. M. ltf, 8, a. bX. sniaud n; f. ai. t'eavi Norrismwn 6 4U, 7, 7 ooi . and II A. M., IX, I, t.ek.andbfcP.Moa blAiiATH, i avB Philadelphia a. m.., Jon and 713 r. X. lTIvb Norriskown 7 A. M 6 ao aud 8 i . M. pun MajNAY UNA. ihiladeli.hi8,7l X. aud IPOS A. ..IK, I. v'A'wlS" W. and IL A. At., tMh 6. 6s. '8UNnAv . Lnave Prifladelphut A. M., ana i r, Lut ve MaiiVy uuk 7 s A. M-, b and P. AL xjtiAve vvluBUN, Ueneral Huperluienilent, Depot. NINTH and OH.Kia BtiBela. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALES. LirriNrTT. BON CO., AfJCriOVBRRS, ABU 11 V HOT BU1LDINU, No. BI. LAPOK PrRITIVR Ht,K OV EVriHOIOKRriH. 1 1NKN AND IINEN C A M ttKIU H 1) XP, LACK Ol Ol)-, nr., BY O OV AtM. ROlia.Hr UAllXIN ALU. By oaialontia, on fonr months' credit On Wedcesday Mnrnlug, December t, commencing a, lu o'clock. 11 i Jt ADirrins NOTtna. LACE GOODS, BUilYiH AND IKliB KKBROIDB- MR. ROB Kit r MAOOOfALD YTVl bold iniough the underhlgaed, en WeiinpKdsy ni'irninf . rmmWr t. at in o'clock, at tlioir aalnmnmi Nit. -4 Maiketrireet.on tour months' credU a large and mi Ml anri.c I- ensleof kAiLl.OlijivKlLa, LAOEOOOIIH H ANDK'i, J5T0., cornpr'Sing Toll lines JTsmbms ediiiogs aud Inaerllona. 1 nli lines csmbr n bands. 1 ml lines lnfniH' waists. Full lines inlanlh' nil in. Full Hues cambric cul!a s. csrdlnsl sriatie, nw. Full lines osu bric collars and -u II -i. sti, sliauanew. Full lluea ernhroideri'd tspi ii.irtlereil lidicH. Full ll-ts laiilufc' vainroldeiixi inlilal bdkli. Full lints ladles' embroidered names, wults and la colors. Full Hue? lad ea' emhro dered mottoes, whits aua in color. Fu I linos linen etnhmlierrd hdkfs. Fn'l line.4 clfar linen lawn lulu In. Full lines ladies' tui urnlrg Inwn hdkfi. Full Hi es laules' Isre roliars. Fu I lines ladies' mfll nus ol all klndfi. Full llo.a ludbs' Imitation point late h(lv. L1N8N CASlllAlt! II ANllrfh.HOillKt"1. . . Full lines 8 HciilUiren aplala huusiltoaedLO hakfs. IO 4-8 flo di) 0 'i Co 5-8lailis' do du J do 8-1 sent. emen's do do d' do 3 4 prlmod n,iriirei1 In solid eomri ni Ti e at-ove cniiiltiiles Hie Inr. eit and b ist otlerin? or the klid seen at i-uoiic sii 'il in In Phllaillti'iia Ihls seanon. many df tun goodi never h'tvlnii been ollt rm st private sale, and buiug Imported ex or uuuuai iiaue. it LAROF TCRTT1VK BALK OK OKIMANTWt lAfCV KNI V HtlOIM. 8H IRIS. AMI 11HAW J Kri, HtIliRY OUUD ULUVJia, NOllUWS, F.'IC. By C "Biin On Wedne'day M irnlns. I ce. 9, coniprlilug a general aasortment. U WOLIPAY OOOI)!4. J.AVOK mITlVK Hi-KUAI. Mlfil? OP F'SR H:hMHlNIKII,RMAN F'ANCV UUOJS i'Jit 1 He; HOLIDAY HKAduN. We win bill On Ihursdar, Dec. 10, and On Friday, Dec. 11, A rplrcdld assortment ol Pans i.nd German Oondi lor li.a p.roa'.'lilng holiday season. LliJfL. REAL ESTATE SALES. Ill; AL EarATK. THOMAS A BON a' SaLU. Muderu Turoe-story U.lott Kasl- uente, fso. 'Mi f. TLlrd (street, anovo api uofl eiitet Ou lueHday, Dice ruber ti, 18H8, at li o'clock, uood, will tiei sold at. public sale, at toe Philadelphia Kxclihlie, all that modern tores eloiy brink niemiiHst uud lot of grouad aliuata ou I bo west side of Third el reel., ad feet 6 looum nor ill of Spruce street. No. 2S)2; conialolugj la fioDtonTblrd elreet, 1H feet It luobes, aaU ei teiidlLig lu depth 80 leet, togetuer Willi lua prlvilette of a ibre feet wide alley. It bus the ltH8 lutrodured; balb, hot, and cold water, etc. Ckftr of all lucumbraiice. 'leirrus :li).i0 may remain on murigiige. Immediate possession. Kejsut tte Aiiotiou Koihiih. M. THOMAS & KUNH, Anotioneerti, 12 7 2w Hon. 1HH arrt Ml H. FOUK1H rttreet. "DUNTlNtl, DUTtBOEOW A CO., AnOTTOH. JL- KK.Hn, No, tut aud XS4 M A KK KT Si reek oorasa? Of Bank street. Fjucoeamra to John B. Mura aft Oo, LAKGX HA LK OF B I l imn, PRKNOH. OKRafAlt AND DOMKM1 IO hKY U(Mo On Thursday Morning, 1X0. 10, at 10 o'clock, on lour mouths oredlt, ritllt LA RGB BALK OF CAKPRIINus, FLOOS OU, CL Ol Ut4, JCTC. ... On Friday afnrning, Decembprll at iio'chck.on four months' ereslit, KuplciuR aln. Venetian. Hat. hemp, cottars a-J lag carpetluga. floor oil ol"lhs. eto. lt(U LA BOB tSAt.KOFPRBNoT AND OTITER KDBO.' FCtn imv WOUDH, KIO. ..... On Mondav Mnrmng. Deo 14, at 10 o clock, on four month i' oredlt. II in MARTIN BR0TUER9, AUOtlONEERS, i bateiy fsieimieo M. Thomas A ioui. No. la cllAUN UP bl.. .-ear eutrauca lrou Minor, t ""' " Ir M fhasnnt street. KMOR WALNUT HUUNRrluLU FORI. ptinawnuil PI A Mll.b'i 111 .M iS u WKt' HKiN. illtK PLOUK Mm.. kisij OIUKH OAit- V t I'AliHAlK BltUtfeKLt I nio, niu Trcf tube On Wednerday Morning, r, at loi 'cn the au, t'on rooms, by w ...... auuciior irnini fiiriiltnre iwii icsewood plano-tortes. ros. wood ui-l ueou bo k-tase , et ni.,n tsbies. line ratiier beds ana bending, u.a ireisrs.steaui ei ciue.lsrse ai d suds nor lire p ooi s l-s, niaile by HVa is fe ssinnti, Mir. Vlii, and Fsrrel A Herring: mirrors llisclihia and glarsAarp, oifks siiil olllce luriiiiure, oubtlla Iai'e'sVtu, ,lVt' llld80,u, Brnasela aud ojier ' TlnKPKOOF SAFES. Also, superior Urn pri nt sa'tm, mails by Fsrrel A Herring, Avat-s A im,u . 'uititS aibu, sieaui eugiue, two horse power. 11 7 rjANriKOMK HI FIPFM K AFD FTJItNtTOBE. r-.ieou the preiul.ts. N i. xu Wharttiu siret. L'.'A1; LiN U'f.l'IU Oti.CUAM mIc'i A!D PI i NO FtllflK. PAIMINOH, iVrONZKj.? lliaebFLli. Nl Uilli.n CAKt-Kltt. iUcU Oil rl llllrkil&u Mnpnt. Dfcember lu. at In o' iSn . ...... mi. H ie, me entire uandsouio houieiiuld luiiiliur.. Iu.Iuuiiik suit el.gant waiaui an, SrieJ p1ut,'!iw'l,';ll,,"u 'U'""re. lour smu oiled vtsltui chamber Inrnnuie rosewond u.luu! lorie. fine Irenou plaie uiautel mirror Uauuirima SHIPPING. lorillahd's stbamship like FOR MlVi YORK. From and after this date, the rates ot freight by this line will be ten cents pur luo lbs, for heavy goods; four ceats per foot, measurement; one cent per gallon tor liquids, ship's option. One of the bteamers of this Line will leave tve.-y 1 uesday, Thursday, and Siinr- day. Goods retelvtd at all times on covered pier All go. os forwarded by New York agent free o charge except cartage. Ftit further information, apply on the pier to 818 bin JU11N F. OHL, 11. F. KliNKl , superintendent. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES C. L. . M A I S E It, li IIANDTACTUBKB OF Ulth AND J3UIi0LAU-Pi;O0P SAFES, LOCKbMITH, BELIHANGER. AND DALB AJN WkLkUli.u nxiiunano, 61 NO. 434 RACE Etr eel. I R E GUARDS, IbU kTOUK t'RAMTK, ASYLIJIS, FA4 lOlllKS, KTV, FatecttVlra Ealllrg ;iron Bedsieadt, Ornamonta V Ire AV ork, Paper Makers' Wires, and every variety Ol WlrtVoik, niauufaoturid by JI. wiLiirn A NOWM, niwt No. It Nona fclX III 8. refit. WN Nr I L 1. I AM 8. (J It A N T, t.,MH!lrvlN MFRCH NT , 8 8. Li. LA W KK Avenue, Philadelphia Ar i i run Dlipr.nt's Oiirnvd r, ll'-lliKrt Mtro, CliHrcoRl eto v. l.iim r a Cil'b'e t'.ocoa and ll inua, r rl er itioe, & Co.'s Ve.luW Atelal fchua.umg Bolls, aud Naila, i Hl T7tT CHESTER AND PHILAUELPHU VV HAlLhuau,- WIN t r H AUKaNH lUMui 4 1'. on and alter MONDAY, October S, laod, Traiu a will KLeuve PhUaeTpU from the Depot, THIRrY-Fllt'-TauuCHli.J'NL'l HtrartlS, 7 4 A. At., 11 A At., 2 lu P. M , 4 16 P. AI., 4 6n f. M., tt'lfi aud li a P. M. Leave tvst Chester lor Piillad-dphl, irom Deport on Fabt MarsetHieel aibiA. M 7 46 A. AI., 8'no A. M., IU 4 A M.. P65 P. AI.. 4 6U P. At., aud -i6 P. AL '1 rams iea o Wtbt v. neater at I) uO A. M.. aud lev Itg Philadelphia at 4 Ml P. AI.. will slop at B. U Juuo liou and Aiecla ouly. Pabseogera to or iiou. sta.loa between We-M Chester aud 1 J. Junction, gjlrig F-ajit, will take tiain leavl.ig weet Uhesur b. 5-io A. id.. "I'd going Wen wilt take the tritla lovii:(, Pbllai'uiphla at 60 P. At., and truutler at B C. Juiiut iou. .llt, u,yot In Philadelphia la reaohtd directly by the t'bebnut uud Walnut bl re.-tears. ot tie Market B'.rpet line run wiibln one squaro. Tue rarol both lines conutel with eich train upon lis arrival. ON BUND 1Y8, I.esve Pbltndelpbla at H i A. M . and 2'0OP. M. Leave W esi Cbemer at 7'66 A. M. aud 1 otl P. ii. 'i r,.l,,u Ivuvlnir Philudeiunla at 7 '45 A. M. and 4,"0 P M.. hiia leaving Wedt Clieaier at 8 tin A. M. and 4'5U y M connect bl H.V Junctioi with Trains ou P, Si B C. It. 1L. lor Cxlord and Itneru ediutu pululs. iUi HKNHY WOUD, Oeueral bun't, TTT K 8 T JBESBY RAILROAD S. VV fall anl wintkh ahkanuismkint. x.,.m. rm. i nl MAKKKr Hireet (Uoiier Ferry I. Comnieucing WLliNii l A Y, fdep'eiiioer 18, 1868. " a 1...AVIC Ad KtlLtAJWrt. Fur Cans May and stations below Alillvllla, l'l& p. M Fur Mlllvllle, Vlm'land, and Intermediate stations 8'16 A. n1 ., .D I . Co.. For Hriiiii-iou, balem, and way atatlona 815 a. M 'kU..r W'oodhurv at 8'15 A. M..8-15, 8 1, and 8 00 P. M, Vr. ii.nt truin leaves Camden dally at 11 o Cock T' received at second coveted whasf below 1T - .1 . 11,. II V T mull . .. . . . , .... ,,,,.,. ,... WILLIAM J. mi av ri.l,. buoerinlcuueut. PU1LA DELPHI A AND EUlhi RAtLUOAD. wia'IFK TIAie; 'lABLk..-THKOUuld. Ami UlllFAT HOU1F. BlCTVtKKN PHlLAOKL -UI. INovoiuher W. 18-iS. the and lule lu.lrouU will HALilMOMh. HA ratKlBllLKil, WlLLlAilsPUttl', j, 11) lUif, OliltAT OIL itLUlOJ Ul' A-lfi-MJiiiSyL VAN I A. i rn ,n all TSIirhl. Trains. FItSUl Nl" XT'- l.J, vi till ai.u aner moniii trains on the PliUadelpuil run as follows:- wk8Twxkd. . . rrT. . m. I..,., I'niiuuelobia 10 45 P. M IAii,lfiiTii.i wjniamBpjri b'ii A, at. ai i Ives at Lne nwr.m. KltlK F.XPKFXb leaves r bilouelpuia 11 60 A. AI. Jtriin, "'-DO .. wuiiauuiporu. 8 Bu P. M. arrives at trie iu-. n a. M. Tfl.MIlt A MAIL leaves rutiaoeipnia......... s-iu a. m, ' n iiiiWMiotnii arrives at LnckUaveu.. kaniwauu, MAIL TRAIN leaves Frle.. vv iiuaiubHi' v " arrives at Philadelphia.... KB IK F.XPHrjia leaves Krle WUhttmpori..... arrives at Phlladel ihla, Alan ana mpress coiiuect wun uu 8 8 1 P. M .. 7 46 P. AC lirsi A. M. 116SA. AI. IU'00 a. M. . t r. m , 7 oJ A. M . 4n P. At. Creek and Freight Lelivuid No. 1S Alleghmy Liver KaiUoad. BAliOAOB OdKOKALD 'IHMiiun. ni.rni.uii. i ilkh, 1 1 Oeueral Muperiutendnt. VTOSTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILUMD." X For BKTHLBHh, , IHIVI.kSTOW.v. MALT. H illLNK.. F-a-'lOlN. WILLIAMSPOrtl'. WILIfKs. ilLKF;, AIAHaNuY IIY MOUNT C tllvilcL. ......... i -i.i i tr i . K' r.. . ,r . .... , . . . PI I Idiui., n. I'll unit ivsvJi. aci u ni.l.AH 1 CIJ4 WIN'IKR AKRANU1U KN 1VS. Fax er.gpr Trains leave the Ipot, corner Ol BERTC3 and am t JiiCAN Bireets, daily tuunaays excjptedj as lonows: At 7 46 A. M. (Express for Bethlehem, Alleutown Meuch chuna, liuxieiou, Wllliamnport, Wlikesbarru Mahanoy city, pi istun, ami l uuKiiauuooK. Iii5 A. ti. I r-x press) lur llrthlrbem, Faiion. Allen tiwu, Alauch Ouuuk, Wilkeobarre, Plttstun, aud Bctsuliin. ai P. II. fFxnresn) for Bethlehem. Maiob ( hunk, vtl ksbarre, Hsietnn,Mahanoy City, Atouiu Csrmel, piiikiuu, ana rcrauiou. At A'liO p, M lor BelUithem, Easton, Alleutown and Mauch CLiink. For IoyleHiowii at 8'4S A. M., 2 48 and 416 P. M. Fur Fort Wabli'Ktou at IU ISA. M. aud 11 80 P. M. T.unarlulH at h'2 ' P. M. Vll h and rlxlh slreels, Hecond snd Third streets and Union Ony Passenger Railways run io the new 'VrtAIWS ARRIVB IN nilLAOELPIIIA Frt m Bethlehem at a lu A, AI,, it'lu, ia, aud 8 SO From Doylestown at 8 85 A. M 4155 and 7 P. M. Frnui Lnriiule at 7mii A M. Itom tort Wash rginu at 10 48 A. AI. and 8 10 P. ON biUItLAYH. Philadelphia fur Bethlehem atO xi) A. M. J'n ladell hla Iwr llnvleMlnwu at '1 P. M. Jlny lebt'iwn for "hlla'lelpnla a' 7 A. M. li.. i h, ni for I'IiiIhiIm nnia at 4 P. M. 'Uikets sold and lliK, me chinked tlirmi(.'h at Mhi ii'h Nnrtli PennvlvaLlu llrtfegsye Ktprcss Uillie. No. lt6 a. si I tt sireot. o. judo ELLIS CLARK, Agout, -fS-ffVir-s UK L.1VEK1UUL, AND QUISKN8 Sd'UtiiSa lOW M.-1UI11U1 A.1UO oi Mall oteaiuect io il ln-iu""1 w iwimwB, Cll us uuBioin,etuiuay, unccmaor t, Cll Y UF aN 1 WIS iP, Ba.urUay, Oeceiiiber 12. Cil Y Ulf WAeHilNOlOiN, Puebday, llrcemoer 15. 1:1 1 V OF PAn.16. baiurday. in-cember 19. ano ench succeeuiiig w.uru and alternate Tuesday. t 1 P, At., irom Pier IS, Nortn itiver. HA 1 Let OF PAciMaUll, BY TH MAII, ITIUMXS B&1I.IAH JCVSlaY iiA'tuuias. Payable iu Uold, l uvunie iu Ourreucy. FIL i' tx bin f luo ; si Li-UrtOic f-te lo JoiiUoij. ....... inb l'j iiuuoii. vi to Paris 11 to Paris 4 PA6HAUI BY lUt XllkSOAx" BTSAMKA VIA MAU1SAX. jriaeT Cabin, bthkbaus, Phi uole lu uold. Payable lu Um reucy, Llvi rpuul... lu Hailnx.. el. Juliu s, N. I 4, oy i.ruuca steamer. ...j ..18 .... 1 LlVi i-puul.. i.U: lax ii. Jouu a, N. . i or, jy lirnnch bo.eumer... I pMeeiikurs a mi tcrwurdua to liav.e, Haubrng, lire- men, etc, ai reuueed rales, tickets can be bought here by persons sending for ihtli irieucs, at mutiei aie rates. Forlurther lnlormatlou api'r at the Company'! Oiiic:s. . , A. JOHN U. JJA-l-'-r-t Leiiv, lo, iDiinirai'UAltn, X, Ur tO trilunitClJU K 1AU1II., Agents, No. 411 CHLsN U i f.ui, PulluUeliihla. . - . ' -, nunuK inn u .-irwrt s, I uiKnecilillullHr Klllta till palntlnua and eimravingn, broncos. ilcU Knglish Hrussetaoi pei, china and glassware, cocking uteusl.s. reirijL ramr, e ic. May be examined at 8 o'clock ou tbe moruluir of sale. IT A NPEOM K I'ODURN RKIDRNCR. Imn.Kiinieiy i revltms ti me nmr.ur niri,n in n'cioik, ou lie premises, will be sold the hnil Mime mt.oru Unee einty brick rrsiuencs wi h dotiole three sterv hkik-iiullaiiigs and let ol ground etinale on the nor h slueul W barlou street east ol Fourth Biiei-t Ao.lil. lhe house Is Very superior has nmibie vrst.iniie. ranges, hut aidcolu water lti cksei, heater, lias luiouKliont; has pa ior diiiiD-i,tini, and kitchen oo tlrst H1 or, slttluu room hnlh and Bioie-ioi uis.hIx chambers, dry reliar etn (inn llx lutes luviuded iu tha sate. May bease'n at any time. u t" Fale at No. 1317 Chs"iit street. HA"NDaOM K I'l.NIl l IlK, r-UPFK.OUCOTTAOlt 1AAIIIKKKL1 lb, FlNKllAlK ITKK-"h;i I1NJ- lillUwlLs, INURAIN, AND VKNllii'lArf CALPlt'lCI, A.'l C. (in Fridar Mnrnlno Dec. 11, rt 10 o'clock, at No. l.i 7 Cneinnt st,.bTcsta ICsue. the eLtiresnperlur houiehold lurullure Includ ii uni tnnr wa.uuti uri ir inr nlture; 8sul s haudsoma wall. in. iliBDiber lurniture; 4 suits superljr cottage rl smbtr imnl ure; liue hair a d other luattrsisea: beach g; noun hue Bitn-iem. Ingralu. and Vueliao rsrieia:. rb na enu g ahswaie; k.tchen furnituro ud Ulentl.s; wli.cew Bhailes, eio. 12 878 Ma be txamu.ed at 8 o'c.ock on morning ot sale. LAI.GK FPICTAL hALK OF FINE TOILKT WALK AT THk AUCTION BUUAIa. Ou Bsiuruay Morning, December 12 at li n'cio k. aw the suction rcomt, by CktaUnue wrhout leserve, a laige assort meut of pmlii ai.d fancy painted tine toilet seta, flue slop Jurs.Iuoi tubs, aud water carriers. 12 ; , Bale at No. am Camao strent. trrTRIOR HOLbLIluLO lUKM'l URF. RO.SE VLUi ITANO FUK'1 fcl FINU HIIUbhKLs a fti r OTHFIl lAHPFT", KIO. Ou Atouduy Morning. Secembfr 14, at io o'ceck, at No. WJ7 Osmao fireel, between Tweltih and Thlileemh streets, fcbt ve Berks street, ihe tnilre superior houseuolii lurullure. rceewuctl liino-lorte, liue Brussels Ingrain, and other curpets, china and glassware, mattresses, btudii g. exuusli u May be exuiuliicd at 8 o'clock on the morning or tale. 12 28 Public Sale on the pie n Ires, No. 2116 Brandywlna street. RESIDENCE sMi FUBNITDRE. Un Tnursiiuy Morning. 1. tli instant, at 10 o the prernUe). all that pent nicnem iMet-mory brick reeliieiue, iwo-sUiry LBtk hiil ding mill Jut of grouud. 16 Let front by 77 Let beep, tlluftei on Ihe south side of Hrunnywine oi'bt' U fcuL,Jet;l 10 yttrly grouud rent bLpilllOR HorSKHOtD FURNITURE, FINH BituMslB ANO O l HI-11 CA HPF.'1'a, KTO. In nudiateiy unei the sale ul tbe resldebce. at 14 o clock, b) catali tue, at No. 21 Id lirauuy wine si reel, ti e superior walnut perlnr lurnltuie, t uperlor CUam- ui r and du.lrg-iotni nint ure, Hi e Bruese s aua Va iieilun iBtpeiB, thin aud glassware, hair mat '. r'l-s. refrigerator eic. Alay be examined on tbe morning of ra'e at o'clcck. 1J 4 lit M. TIU'JJAS A tU KOfc. b. AOL'LXh Kl itAtl, 13) AKD 14 l-'.. NEW E-XPUES3 LINE TO ALEX. ukuuria. Oeurgeiown, aud WHhimti,on ... via ana jjeiaware csaai, wun uon- nectious at Aiuxauuria from the most direot route ior Lj nchiiura, uruioi, li-uoxvuie, AatiufU.e. Laitou and the boutuwest. Bteuuiers leavn rtvruiariy every tsainrcuvr at noon from tne hist v;hri t.--wu Ma. ol struct. Aieikfltreocivfd amiv. WJ1 ciyX)K A No, MNortAj and isouth Vynarvoa, J. B. DA YIDHON, Agent at Ueorgetown, M. A:LLiULOA. di Co., Agents at Alexandria, Vir ginia 61 011CE.-F01i iEW YOUK, VIA DtlxiyVAliJi AMlhAltlfAN lUMil. Tue bieam propellers of 1 u is line iomv iiArr.v from ilrbt wlmrl below Marae. nlreei. 'lliliouun 1.1 kl HOURS. Uoodt orwaruea oy all the Hues going ontof York , North, Itaat, anu West, Iree 01 couituiaolon. Fie-uis ro'ivcd at our usu -1 low rales, WILLIAM P. V! VK te CO., Agents, No. 14 o. WiLAKVi-a, Philadelphia. JAMKH IIANU, Agent. so ISO. lltf W ALL Hireet, corner of Huitb.New York rl-.r. i'UlLAUJIiLil'UlA, RICHMOND iLIiii- ANH NultFULlt BPif-AMisHLP LINK I kJ-Ot.WAX O.H.JOU1 AI AM.XA IU THK ULIHANH Wiasl. KVF.RY Ha'IUWJAY, At nuou. from AliUiT WHAlxF aooVC AtARJCKT "iPLOTJOH RAT F8 and THROTJHH RECEIPTS 10 ail points In Nortn aua bouth Carolina, via bea- buaia Air xuue xutiuuau. coiinoctiug at r-orumiouth dull 10 Lyuclinurg, Va.,Teuuc:isee, aud the West, via Virginia auu leuutssee Aiz i-iue anu ttiuumond and Lauvllle lUtllroad, IrelLht HANDLED BUT ONCK. and taken al LOsi.H BaTAH THAN ANY OTH ER LINjI. The regularity, salety, aud cheapueus of this root oommunu it to the puolio as tue most desirable me dium ior carrying every desuripnou on freight, iso cuarga lor tmmmsluu, draage. or amy axpensa Ol trai.Bier. . , biuamuiiira Insured at lowest rate. Afehcut received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDK A CO.. No. 11 North and t:OU(u WHARVFJ9. W. P. fORTiuii, Ageut al Kicuiuoud and Cliy PomL T, P. CROWELL A CO.. Ageuta at Norfolk. a 1 FURBISHING GOODS, SH1RT3.&G H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. EVEBT PAIS WABBABIEDi KXt'LCKIV AGE1NT8 FOR GENTS' O LOVES. J. VV. 8COTT A CO., affTjri) MO, 1 CUKSIHIT MTBKCT. pA TENT SHOULDER. BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLBMEN'S FDRNISHINa STORK PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS maue tiom lueauurenienl at very shun notion. All bluer articles of UENlLLAlLN'ri DRESS Guulu In lull variety. WINCHESTER Sc CO., Jl 2 No. 7i'll CHESN Ul" btreet. TPK. KINKELIN. AFTEB A RESIDENCB -r:-: XJ ud piactice ol thirty years at tne JNoriuweni cor nor or inira ana t'iiio- bwchb, uas luteiy re-ui(v-d lubtiutb FLLVKNT11 bUeet, betweeu ACAU RET ud I'H F-fcN li I'. . Hlhsuiierlority In tbe prompt and perfect cure ol II recent, cbronlo, local, aud oonmli uiloual alloo tiers ol a, special na'nre. Is proverbial. liiseMew of tl.e hkln, ai i-uxing lu a bnndr.Hl dlh ferenl forms tota'ly eraiilrau d; mental and physical wn k bees, and all nervoim dnbilitlea scleullUcally arm sncceasiully treated, Olllce hours trow I A. M OSF.At, Pa'e Ko. 8 8 Nn th Broad street. ELFOANT F t'lttJl l URL, WiRKOru, VELVET CAKfLTfl. HORhE, CaRIUaUE, HARjijisS. A'IC. On WidDPSday Morning. Drcemlif r 9, ut loociocs;. at No. 818 North Broad street, above Brown street, by dialogue, the entire I ui nil ure or a gentleman koIiik to k.urop ciniprisiut; cleguut suit 01 oruwlng rouiu Inn Iture, covered with yrteu plush; t lifnti eugere, ceuire table, Calt'orul marbU; mantel and pier mirror, ulturif .ru furni ture, coven d with imlr clnth: library furutture, dsniatk covirs: superior walnut dinln.-roi.m lurnl tuie, exterslon taiile. tltlebnurd, china. Glass, and plated ware; elegant walnut chamber mini ure Una spring and balr innttreexes, leallu r beds aud oed du c. Una W II. 011 aud Brussels ca -pets, etc Also, the kitchen utensils ab ut 24 It ns 1 I coal. AIho. buy mare, barouche, two sets double btrness, blunkels, robis. etc. J27t TPFOLOGrCAL. API! M'ULTCRAL. AND MI8 CKLLAKEOIS BUUKd FROM LiaRARlEd, (in Weduetday AHeruoun, Dec. 9, at 4 o'clock. 12 7 it Bale at the Auction Boon s, No?. 139 and 141 8. Fourth street. JIANEFOVE FCWNnURtC, PINO, MIRRORS. HaNHSUME VKLVET, BRUSsEL-J, AND Ol HER CAKPETM. KTO ' Ou Thursday Morning, Pre. 10. at 0 o'clock, at the Auction Room, by cata logue, a larte assortment of superior ilousslioid Fur liiiiiri,com rising Handsome walnut parlor, ilorarr, dlnlng-ieom, and cnamber lurniture; superior rosi wot.d 1 lauo forte, fine Kiench pla'e maulel aud pUr mlrrt rs wsrarolies, book-ca rs sldtnardH, extensloi, clit re, and bouquet tables: china, glass, and platal were: bean Mid brdilng; line hair mattresses; otilje furniture; chandeliers; tine engraviugs: gas 001 t,umlug tod cooking eioves; bandioma velvet, Brni sels at d other CarpehJ, etc. etc, 12 8 2t rpHoMAS BIRCH BON, AUCTIONEERS 1 ASD OOMMIHHION MEHOHANTrs, No. 111 C HEiN UT blreet; rear entrance No. U07 Bansom all PALP- OF A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF OIL, PAlNTINUa. ANCTEN 1' ANO MODERN. Ou Wedn'sday evening, At7o'clnck. at the A' cilon more. No. 1110 Ohesnnt street, will be sold about eighty palulseva aud en giavjpss, lucludtug works of fiamiltou. Lew's, Merlin, r-omrrers, Wall, Carl Hbutz A. Cortes Jul liard. Birch, Wluuer. hpngDatelll. Rosa de 'llvoll, and others. Also, a unmuer of framed engravings, plioU'i.riiprH chromos, etc. 'Ihe palutlugs will be open tot exhibition on Monday, 12 7 2t BALE IF FINE DIAMOND JEWELRY, UOLD WS Itm D, un J. in.l. nXU, Un l'huitday atornlng. At 11 o'clock ai tbe auction st ue, No. llio rtheinut strwe . will be sold an io voice Of due diamond cluser and single stone breastpins and linger rings, line gold and r Knglisb aud bw ss watches, gold Leontlna cliii'ni. go'd sleeve buttons studs, el The Oni.ds can be examlusd at the auction .tore oa Wetlne.stl.y. i22t OD. McCLEfS & CO., AUCII0KEER8, . No. to MARKET btreet. BALK OF 17C0 CA8EB bTkj-1'Is. RHOK3, BR3QAN9. a.. BALMORALS, ETC, Ou Tnursday Morning, Df comber 10, commencing at lo o'clock, wa will aell by catalogue, lor cash, 17oo cases cases man's, boys', and youths' boots, shoes, brngans. balmorals, etc Also a large line of ladles', misses', and children clt u afl gonas. lid It lLABK A EVAN8, AUCTIONEERS, NO, 630 y chhj3ii ui btreet. Will aell THIS DAY, Morning and Evening, A larp e invoice of Blankets, Bed Hpreails, Dry Hoods, Cloths, Carslmeres, Hosiery, btatlouery, laoie anil pocKet cutlery, NoiIoub. etc. City and country merchants will find bargains. l urli.l PASh. Coods packed free of charge 9 jn a m G O R N X O H A LAG MANOl-ACTORY. J U H N T. B A I L B T. N. S. oomer ol MARKET and WATER Btreeia, " PhliaUelJihla. DEALS RH IN BAUa AND BAGOINO Of every d,crlpHon, fur Grain, Floor, Ba t, bmer-Phoaphala of Lima, BOB IHist. F,to. Lfcrga aud small OCNNY BaOH constantly oiCaanal )Lil Aloo, WOOL bACAOi.