THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM! PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY,' PUBLISHED EVFRT AFTERNOON (sutrDATa xxcbttbd), . AT THE EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDIKO. TO. 108 & THIRD STBKKT. Price, Three Onto par Cepr (Double Sheet), or Eighteen. Genu per Week, parabU to the Carrier, and Mailed te Robacrlbeni out of the city at Kin' Dollar per Aidud. O.'e Dollar and Fifty (lent for Two afoatba. Invariably in advance tor tae period rdered. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1863. Congress and Its Datf. Thb two notifies of Cougrces ruassenibled yes. terday at the national capital under far more favorable auppioei than for many years pst. Tliey came together to aee the culmination of the great object of their political exiateno, the 8ncoeB8 of their polity of rwiomtraotion. In the meeting of those members who far years have stool together in good aud ill repute, who have fonght th demon RebollUn aul the giant Prejudice, atid bave conquered both, there is something peculiarly pleasing. Timy, like warrior-vlotore, reoouot the daugera they have paused and congratulate eaoh other oa the complete victory tbey have achieved. The matters which for fix year past it ha baen their doty to discufa are now becoming insig nificant. The question of reconstruction is almost out of the wav. Trio guooaa of General Grant, and the preservation of the large ma jority of the Republican party la each house, render the continaanoo of any line of policy they may see fit to agree upon a certain for at least four years to come. Within a many months the whole eytttem of reooastruotlou will be in complete working order, and the obstacles in the road, which have heretofore caused delay, be levelled down by the cer tainty of decision in the iuuomiug Administra tion. The thoughts of the country and also of the Representatives can now be tamed to other issues, and they can devote themselves lo qneetions comparatively slighted in the inu6ual attention to the question of loyalty. What ia it the duty of Congress to devote Itself to, now that the inaue of reconstruction is practically removed ? We can answer ne gatively with more force. It U not its duty to continue to tinker and meddle with the boiy of reconstruction laws which it has establish!. So far as the policy of government in the Southern States is concerned, Congress has done all that it can in justice do to give perfect equality of rights to all men. It has pissed laws quite Btringent enough, and has given force to those laws by ttie establishment of governments which crry int execution their theory. These laws are tal&oiently decided and sufficiently broad. With the aocession ot General Qrant will come a proper execution of these laws, and it would be both useless anl unwise to add to or correct them. They are good enough as they stand, and the people of the laud have so declared. Therefore we favor the abandonment of reconstructive legislation, And with it all the various measures whioh the undue zeal of paitisauship has led the authors to propose. Among those which should die the death is the measure declaring by b tat ate the exhtenoo of universal suifrage in all the States. We deny its constitutionality aud eerioruly doubt its pul cy. If an amendment to the Constitution ia deemed proper by two thirds, let it be proposed to the States; bat m to decree who shall vote in Pennsylvania by a general law passed m Washington is an idea entirely too arbitrary to be candidly bus tained. Snob, a measure would be the death knell of the Bepublican party. We favor uni versal suffrage ourselves, and would eheer fully support it in any legal and politio way; but the Sumner bill ia neither the oae nor the other. We hope, therefore, that Congress will let all such measures rest in peace, and let the solution of the great problem all over the land be worked out by time and the gradual education of the popular mind, which must come with suoceaa iu the practical work ings of equal rights in the more Sjathorn Commonwealths. Having let reconstruction remain as it is, to What should Congress direct its attention ? There are so many grave questions that have been neoessarily Blighted in the all-absorbing devotion to the issue of equal rights, that it will take time to Select what first demands attention. Probably to the revenue system should be direoted the earnest investigation of both houses. The present plan of raising inter nal revenue is so full of facilities through which rascality can be perpetrated, so abounding with means of swindling without deteotlon, that It needs a thorough renovation. It would almost be easier to recommenoe on a new foundation than to continue to paUh up the present one. Some decided steps should be taken to repress the frauds which now deprive the Government of so muoh which is its Just due; and the above will occupy no small pro portion of the time of Congress. Then, agalnt the Issue of finance demands most thorough investigation1. To a certain extent we have lost sight of this in the flurry and excitement of the last few months. Yet its overwhelming importance is generally appreciated, and it is to-day de manding careful and extended examination. It la time that some steps be taken to establish for our nation a decided financial policy, and this can only be done by a prolonged conside ration of the whole subject. To this Congress should devote itself. Then, again, the tariff calls loudly for revlbion. Oar home interests must be proteoted, and that adequately, and this can ouly be done through a Just tariff on imports. The object f the tariff bhould be a double one to raise revenue and to proteot native Industrie; and the present schedule Is not formed with auy ruuli iuteution. TothMse three gtft measures the revenue, the ficmoea, and the tarilf -Congress could devote avoiy wuit cf ;'.3 time au l do the mi!oa piost rigaal ?erviw. W:h .Loss Still peulbg, there is certainly no time for the discussion of extreme measures neither warranted by ne cessity, exj-edienoy, nor law. The Uprising la Trance. T continued politioal difficulties in France, oonpled with the reported decline in the Em peror's health, furnish an inausploloas augury for the perpetuatien of the Napoleonic dyna-ity. The heir apparent will evidently have grea difficulty in acquiring and maintaining the position now held by his father, and hia pros pects are not muoh better than those of the exiled princes of the old line of F re nob. mon arch. It is by no means oertain that Louis Napoleon will not be deposed by his disoon tented subjeots. Ilia oonatant efforts to main tain and extend Lis popularity have pioved unsuccessful. Always hated by the sincere Republicans and the sincere Royal ists, he has failed to eudov the Empire with the glory which Frenchmen demand as a com pensation for the surrender of liberty. WuiN be taxes the resources of the people heavily, and maintains an immense standing army, he gratifies the national pride with no resplen dent viotories, aud his tortuous policy has resulted In a mortifying failure to extend Frenoh iiifluence In the New World, and iu the destruction of French dominauce In Europe. Helping to raise Italy to high ratik as a oontinental power, French men contemplate "with indignation the dauger that their heroio efforts have aided rather to Strengthen a piobable antagonist thin to create a formidable ally, and they are dis gusted with the failure of the Emperor to prevent the formation of a new empire as powerful as France. To the loss of national pieatige, and the continued pressure of the conscription and high taxes, are aided con stant and irritating persecutions of the press and unpopular new exhibitions of absolutism, and the time may soon oome when the people will be ready to dare anything to secure a change of rulers. The Situation in Spain. The prospeot of a speedy settlement of the difficulties in Spain, aud the establishment of a permanent government of liberal ideas in pi ace "of the despotism of Isabella II, ia not primi-dng. The monarchical and republican parties are becoming more antagonists every day, and the cable gives us rumors of deuou strations threatening the public peace in va rious places. In Cadi, the republicans paraded with arms in their hands, and troops were called out to disperse the prooessiou aud prevent farther demonstrations; wLile in Tarragona the republicans attacked aud dis persed a ineetiDg of monarchists. This sort of thing is the beginning of anarchy, and the only hope against a relapse into despotism is in the speedy establishment of a stable government, that will command the confidence of the people aud be strong enough to put down agitators of all parties who seek to keep up a spirit of dissension. Un fortunately the proepects are not enoouraging in this reppeot. The Frovioional Junta seems f atifcfied to keep th management of alfatrs in its own hands, aud it is rumored that they intend to postpone the general elections until the 15th of January and the meeting of the Constituent Cortes (or a month later. In the present state ot affairs every hour of delay is dangerous, and we are more than ever con vinced not only that the Spanish people are not prepared for republicanism, but that the chances of their being granted an opportunity to try the experiment are exceedingly slim. They made clean work in the revolution, but they have not shown any skill in the difficult task of reconstruction, and we cannot but ad mit that the situation grows more unpromis ing every day. Tub success of General Sheridan iu his first grand assault upon the Cheyenne Indians will remove the apprehensions that the country was about to enter upon an Indian war that would prove a serious drain upon the national treasury. The present campaign is evidently instituted with the intention of accomplishing results briefly and economically, and it does not belong to the category of the contests which were waged mainly for the benefit of contractors, and which were characterized by their raids upon the revenues rather than by an --disposition or ability to punish murderous red marauders or to keep the peace on the frontier. lirouioL.iiliog;raib8. The populurlty of cbroiuo- lUnograpbs Is, we tnlnk, a most promising elgo, and we are con fident that pictures in tble style, attractive In color ea well as design, and cneap enough to place them wllniu tue means of tbe poorest, will do more to cultlva'e a taste for art than any otber means tnai could be devised. Tne large sale of chromoti, tco, while It necessarily puts upon the market many inferior works, at the came time encourages the best manufac turer to make Improvements, and to rival eaih other in the excellence of the pictures lfcsutd from tuelr establishments. Oar Ameri can enroino artists Lave improved muoh In a ftw years, and If tbey still fall to rival the best foreign work, tbey give promise of future ex cellence that entitles them to commendatory notice. A very attractive little subject has just been Issued by Colton,, &. Roberts. No. 172 William street. New York. It Is oopled from a palntlcg by O. E Boetlober,if Dusseldorf, and Is entitled "Attention, sir," representing a rosy-cheeked little fellow teaching a dog lo go through with some tricks. We think that this picture will be popular, as It deserves to be God's Aore," which we notioed a week or two ago, Is a patbetlo little picture of flue artlstlo qualities. "Tue Unoonsclous Hleeper" and "Wbltller'i Barefoot Boy" are also pleaslug subjiots, which have already won their way to favor. Turner, Brothers fc Co., No. 808 CUesuut Btreet, successors to U. W. Pitcher, have those we have mentioned, and an infinite variety of other chromos of American and European mannfaolnre, and those who wish to purobase can soarcely fall to find something In their laige stock that will soli, la price and subject. The ChioRgo Times has been measuring the erowtu ot that city during the pait year, and'llLda thr.t thirty-lour miles of buildings fcnvel'"! " er'erl, at a ooit of !?5,lt,H", eud twenty u churches, oostisg ?2(OOO,6;0.' SPECIAL NOTICES. Jbr additional Htmeiat tfotjtut a IS fntid Fnv.l H2ro riAN09-PlAN0S-PIa.NO3.-GRElf T AN X1HAOIDINAKY HHUUUriON OP aYMM14011 iacJtMB,a t. im. -io janu- H ham made a rtxlurltm rtf prim on our attentive ttock oj tvprrior and btaultful hoiewuoU l'Unoi. at So I (; 100. ftr!2M. Ko.tCtMW (2J, for 127V No. IClHWi.t'. form. No. 4 .lai . i7.i, f.r v.'.i. lur No Cl, i-vso, for i o. No. 7C'm, i 7. f.r via. No. Sola. tio, forii-. No. w tilt" i. I' 50 fir.j0. No m O4,t;iio forvi i-qur (jrnd, KOU. lor feno. Uouoert Uraid. tiw, fur tX!H. We I'flVr the above ra Inducement to those willing to poichexe bargnint belore ito H lld-.y We bave tiie lim Hsunm'ul of Inairniuenw on ti l Iim ever be. n utt'arefr In ibU oily and are del- rmliil to clt.s out our lament large Block at 'Atanvfarturer$' flrtl tout prtrrt." Kvtiy Inurement liWMiaiilid to give iUnl,.c,loi, unit at theie low lrlcpee plare wlihlit the (.each of everv one, h oi.oriHi)Hv of obtnlolii one of iheaeJtwCiy ecictnaUd and hUMv impriA'ed ilitimn. fill mid ejx'i' e im iu at our nur and beautiful Wktrooui, No. MMCm-SNUr birort. b 'HOMAiK KIWI" I LNtl to K'O OO., 11 is tu'b tlx ai too, lltn tHKiNUr Hireet. i$f LECTOR.'1' "PERSONAL RBCOLLKtl- llOM OK KKMA.MSM IS iRSm.SO" A Irc.nre ti.'n the nb jye i't will ox delivered bv J. J. CMVIHK, Kkcj, a. A. 4. U. I.. laieol. Monet Joy Irm. n. I;tiill , at the Aaaeuiblr ll iH'iini". Tl-Nlll aid IHMNVT 'trPeia, ou MATURDAY JVMMI Ieoenibe-;l ItMtH i lri pen at 7 o'clock V. V.. lo onjmece at TklceU.McenU It trW" OFKICK VV T1IR LEIMG1I COAL AMD a- NAVl.AlXtiiN UJJdl'A.W. TKniAsOllV lJkFAHIHtiSl. PIIiDKI.PHIA Dec.S IS I r,hr',h Aue on lb lf,ii ln-iant on the (old loai ot tblh ixiuipeny , will be ijd iu ci Iu ai lueir ulUaeou end !' II ui dale, niilrer of ten or more coupons are requpulrd to tiieieiit iheiu and rereiv" iherefor -celitn nyab. tn 'ho l b. feOLOMOi 8UJ1P4KHU IS g ley Treasurer. GIAaBD S'ATI'NAL bank. Pmi.AUKi.r hi a. Uoo. 8 imi The Annual Meeting or the aioclcnoideri for me tleitiiool JHre. tors end fur oiber unrootes will be held ai Ibe Hanking II. m on WKUNMM1T, (lit mih r'fcy . f J A r UAKY, m9, a( It o olocK M. Tue eieoil-.u will lake iilaoe between tne hnurt of 10 A Mend sr. At. W. Ij. BOtt.t F fKH. l8wi.tJI Camler. r?T" ODONTOOnAI'llIC SOCIETY. a-3 K.H1H.ION MAUiiN.' K B. O U, wi i r ad a i a.-r ou tne ' Utiuwriu. ctoi ibe ltemalns or William Kufus" belore lint Hoc I ft J , at toe 1"H IDA DELPHI A DKN r AT. OOLLKGK, No. I0S N. TENTH Btreet, at 8 O'cock THIS EVENING!. Publlo Invited. It tZZT' THE FAIR FOB THK BSJiEFIT OF v' Ibe MJKiU HKOAD BTKe-Kl' UNITKI) FHF.'.BYTltKl AN CUUKCU, In the Cnapel, M AS IliK Hireet. near Hlx.ea:b Is open nig buy, Ort mukli Mi ireat tc-nigbb fine chauce to buyCurlnt prest-nti M 8 ii -Jgr- THE FAIR NOW OPt.V AT T4E Vemorlal b pUstCiiapel, turner of BKOVI) end MAsTKK Htrli. will conllnue opuTi-D.iY aid 'ID-nOllKcW op-i.Ihk euro day .t a o'chrk P. M. a gr-ai varleiy or articles lor mle be.ow tture prices. Au nlsnlou iree. I2t)2t MARSHALL'S ELIXIR. Any person habitually costive cannot be in the enjoyment of health. If not relieved ooa tivtneES will result in confirmed oases of Rheumatism, Piles, Inflammation of the Bowels, l'iaeases of the Kidneys, Bladder, aud surrounding organs. When ooativeness is radically cured, all the xnaohinery of the sys tem moves iu harmony. Marshall's Elixir peimanently cures coativtness, and so pre vents diseaves more painful and dangerous. Headache quickly yields to ita ourative powers. Being entirely vegetable, it may be t-ately taken by all persons at any time, with perfect safety. Headache, besides being a very painful complaint, ia also weakening to Ibe nervous system, and may lead to palay in its various forms if not soon relieved. Mar-i-hall's Elixir so strengthens the nerves that they pertorm their duties without paiu or un eattinete. By supplying the stomaoh with the medici nal piinciple, the want of which causes Dya-pt-ptia, this distressing and common diaeaae ia quickly cured by ita use. It not only supplies this to the stomach, but imparts strength and vigomo the whole digestive apparatus, so that health, with cheerful spirits aud a ruddy ooun tensiice, ia fully established. Read the fol lowing certificate:- Chester, Delaware county. Dear Sirs I have buU ai'k beadaooeaal times for oihd years. Wuuu hllllcUd wltulil Wtts unfit to attend to my bouaubold aU ilrs. Your Klixir purtlally cuied me tne ttmt time I tried It. The second lime It cured ine almost lmmo tllately. Hioce tlitu, by lie occastoual use, I Lave been entirely tree from It. Mug. Matilda Hays. Depot, No. 1301 MARKET Street, Philada. M. MARSHALL & CO., UJJthStaU PROPRIETORS. IMP OUT ANT SALE OP ELEGANT FRENCH BRONZES COMPRISING CROUPES AND FIGURES, Just landed per bteamer. TO BE SOLO ON Wednesday Morning, Dec. 9, 18G8, AT HALF-PAST 10 O'CLOCK, AT SCOTT'S ART GALLERY, No. 1020 CHE8NUT Street. 13. SCOTT, Jr. DETBKMINtD TO MEb-T THE POPULAR oeuiaad lor lower prices, 1 oflor my eutixe suca ul new aud jienara.iyle. of , FURNITURE at greatly reduced prloee. JUHN 51. (iAuDIXKK, U 18 IVff ti ll.t tUkM"f bireet, THE MOTH ATE MI 0TECC01T! Tta I Hew the bote lltt'e moth Ot bule. the Bi mi kind ef oloth I L at.prlr I pa mr ca'. wy To keep, till .he iroet oi the wintefsdar. Art t ow I lake t oat the oheet- 'Tie ii II oi holee-etid tbe moth doth oemo ttl Oi I w'eked. wicked little m-Mh, To t my ocetol tbe flaeet oloth. And now. alack I Obt what .hall I do T For tbe f armeui'. eatea tbroagb aad tlirough, I' never will t to .tend end weep. V. bile 1 OCKUILL A WIL9ON.ell(Mdl00iCnp Fr a i wenly doUar gree.back not, 1 can bur na an elegant overooat, 'Til .tout and thick, and of splendid oloth. Itauer ibaa tbatconeumed by tae moth. Surely nohody ned ever freeee, Wbiie KOCKelLL dt WILSOX (ell coaUUke lb tee, THE HOST OVEROOAT FOR TIIE LUA4T Uom;y, Aptlj . oiice at ROCKHILL A WILSON'S GREAT CROWN-STONE CLOTUINa HALL, Kos. K03 and 60S CIIESNUT STICK ETt HUH PHILADELPHIA. AAKO.N E. Ill'KIU Hvrlk-otoh, N. J., October 9, 1808. This is to certify, that in the year lbb'l I was pronounced by the physioiaus wh' at tended me to be in the al ttaget of Patnw tiary Consumption, and that my end was near at hand. At this critical btage of affairs I was in lace I by a friend to give '"VVishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial" a trial. I did so, and I was almost im Hied lately relieved. I persevered, took fourteen bottles of tbe "Pine Tree Tar Cor dial," and was completely restored to health once more I Four years have elapsed siuc-e my miraculous restoration to health, and I am still in the enjoyment of most exoellent health, and would eay in all sincerity that, under God, I owe my life and health to "Dr. Wh bart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1" I advise all fioor, lingering consumptives, if they value ife and health, to give the "Pine Tree Tar Cordial" a trial. Aaron E. lliaa. Mr. Burr is one of the mo&t prominent aud influential merchants of Burlington, New Jersey. This Qreat Remedy is sold by all Druggists throughout the world. Also, at Dr. L. Q. C. Wiabart'8 Qreat Family Medicine Store, No. 232 North Second street, Philadel phia, Pa, One pf the moat celebrated and successful regular practising Physicians of the age in attendance, who aan be cohsulted in strict confidence, either in person or by letter, free of charge. This is an opportunity rarely offered invalids in this penurious and money making age: and those in need of professional aid or counsel will do well in making a note of the above liberal offer. Send for a Circular. Address all communi tlons, "L. Q. C. WISIIART, M. D., No. 232 North Second street, Philadelphia, Pa. m thstnlg VIII 1IU0S.' Male of tlcgant Black Marble and (jilt 21-day Clocks, large Unitize Urcnps and Figures, Bronzo Vases, with Medallions, etc., etc., WILL HOT TAKE PLACE USTIL KEXT WEEK. The collection offered at that time will consist df over 50 buperior Black and tireen Marble 21-day Clocks, THE MOVEMENTS OF WI11.CH UVAU TIIE NAME OF THE IIIiM AND ARE WARRANTED. Also, several higli-llnishcd tlronpos and Fignrep, large MaibleVatcsfor halls, Ala bastcr Uroupes aud Statuettes, comprising a choice (election of objects of Art aud Vertu, all of which arc now being opened from original packages just lauded from France and Italy Date and place of sale will be duly adver tised four days previous to sale. VITI BROS. (Late Vito VitI & Sons), It No. 14 S. FRONT Street. ELR08E ABBEY." BAILEY & CO. HATE NOW ON EXHIBITION HOPPINM Model In Cork of these Famous Enliis. CHESNUT and TWELFTH Sts.f tathfj PHILADELPHIA Peterson & Brothers, No. 306CH E8NUT Street, Aro Now Selling all Books at aDisc;unt of from 25 to 40 Per Cent. Off FJICM PUBLISHERS' RETAIL PICES. ST EI WAY 4 SONS' GBAND U I (liaiiarH and uorlubt Plain... at BLahi Mm UnOa,1 Mu. IUKI OUKSNH f btreet. ( i 1 C1IIOKBH1MO Orand, Piure ana Upright I A i O H. nUTTOWH. No lUCnuNUl Bireet. 1UU fm 73 STECK & CO.3 A HAINES i:K0S'. t ( I riaNU l'UM ltd, Ml HAPON A TlaUI,IS8 0RIVET AND MUTMOI'OLI I AN OKUAfiW, wllli tbe lie nun h' Huil"' VX HUMANA. Every Induce uii'bt vtt'im It purr hmra J. r. UUI'Llt. ' UlWUia IfO. MS CU w'l ''. MEW PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED THIS DAY, FALLEN PRIDE OB THE MOUKTAIN GIUL'3 LOYS. r MR8EEMMA D. F. V. SCUTHWJRTH. T7 ' PfHUhM In wneklv InMalirenU In the LlbliiLl) IM MOK fOH. AM rOtt MALM UY T. If. rtTHSOlV & BROTHERS, No. 810 CUES MIT Street. It In ubllfhKl la a large daVaclmo volams. la o.l foioi ui. ail Mm, Huu nworiii'. wurki, anl lilu at tli low li e oi 11-7. id Oio.u or l on iu pauer ivver. "Fal'fBrrMei o, Tbe Muiintala OlrriLove,-' I. tb. work by Mr. bwurih now maul, g ibrougb tbeoo'umiiaor tba "Pblladelpbla HaturdJV Nlgbi," ai d wcioi ia or.ailog iuob a furor, ail over the ccuulry, bed g pron uiiod tu ba tno bait and nioat tauilrg woik over wrlltej bf tult (topular American (U'ttorean, Reod wlot thetdit'irt of the ' Sututdty Night'" lay of it tn Uuit l )r. i UHof UUiii. taileu V, id c; or, I lie Mouotalll Girl'. LT," It on. ot tiikOt.i, If not me b-oi and aim abiorblo, atoilrsevar aiineu by Mrr. rounworilj, lbe(4HfU ot AlbHiChu l.ovelna. It abuuiida 111 .nrilliug luul aiM. Iu' reaaen la inlrre ai rveiy hIhh, aua ojimi U'Wloipuvrrui ana .larillug utauuer. Waiaui call It e aiti-utiun of our readnra lo m knowing laal if ll.n onc emer iuiou im perusal tue will euJorae tv.i woid wt tiavo aald Iu lis praise. T. B. P rra' d A Brntbci. also Jus. Iiouod a Etw. too eto. aud un norm euitioa oi an to popu lar oik by Mr a. Kuma i. F. IS, winiliw rtu. I'uelr tiHUiet are aa folk Wn. tt,a vt eocU. (l'6v In paper ot r7 Iu cloili: At . 80CT h WORT WOK K3. Fallen f I 60 'i ue viaow' ron...... I'm Fiidto l.ieweLra ... ri Tue tortuneHei kei. fb Ai woiu A buey ......... I p Ibe iriuai ve....... 10 Ti e Fatai arugtM 1 6 Love'. Labo- Wi i 1 , J e-eritd W lie .......... it TieUliy a Pronuroy It 1 lim aitltO DUin er it, trie Lust beirta. 1 Bj I lie Ibrro tSuaui.ea... i .e Viv'a, HrOret fowcr. lt The T ao bbtlnra 1 ou Cue talftnUg Bilde 1 fo V lle' V.o.oiy 1 6 ''be ljiler Iu l,a. 1 to iaauteu Houirau-.a. ady ot iba Isle. .. 1 to ttribiiilou.... I'm uui of i"eail llior, I) b,nt broaa are caub u . oil be. lo uaoer criver ai Ii M eacb. i r eavb one u Htu.a lo coin i i 7i aO i. U.ciry Hu'l... tit; rroken KuKag.maut. ti 11AH BUHTi aM N' 1 B ILL alia. HANB lihk.1T . A'8 falUI. Witu OTHKIl j.A I.L La. By Uuarie. U. Laland. Tuird Kluloj, 1'iicr, Fiity tli di I K HKCKLKRH BOIKOP TRtVB'il ACIObHTtoh; AlLAn'lia Li tjB fro u France. Bvttisvrland, O-ruaoy, I aly, aud Kuti.nJ. IU t baiir. H. Ilaeoeler, to. L or PotMrllle. Uu6 large duocleflu.o volume, cioih Prlo1. i jail-. lluri Hft'UxNKW rt KJK.. THK MOKHl sd.s. By lira. Margaret Kvimr, au- tborof ' 'leu Year of a ,ttei!u,e'- Oi'e largnouu 0. cia.o volume, c.oib. I'rlce, 1 75, r lb oue vol- unie, t aper cover i rlcsiftv,. ANN rl PlK-HKMi' NKiV B'KK. MABRL'H U1UTAKK. B' Mis. ANN 8. STB- HIKNH, autlorof Fasalon aad Famine," eic. r. nin .lain pna targe duodecluio vo.uute. Price, 11 76in clulb. nr l- 0 Im p.ojr cover. ANN e. blUifHUNV tmifctl WORKS, I)f uhly Faie It eo, Tne ItiJted Wife 11-8(1 1 be hoidier'ni'ioi aua l'6iiMary Uerwe"... .......... I tu eilin.t ejliusale. 1 oo Faabino and Faoiiue. l'oil TLe Wlie'a b.rre. ....... r.'ol I'bf Old Uouie..ed... 1-vi 1 li Uold Br ck 1'ii'l Tbe llelreaa 1 60 I be auove are lu f aper cortr, or la Cloiu t ll 7i eacb, PKTKBSON A BROTlBR9 lire now soiling a'l n .OKS at KKTAIL, at a DI3COUST of Iron 1 WEHTT FIVB tj FORTY PICK CKST, OVf FliOM PUBLISHERS' HKTAIL PlUCKa All Books published are for sule by as the moment thoy are Isaiied from the p reus, at ao ive dlsoiuais. t!ll lu perMtn, or send lor wnaierer hooks yua want, to ibe Uheap Bo&.cllluK and Pu j.ljUlug Ksia bliabmebt ot T B. PETERSON &BR0THER3, No. 0 CIItSM T Mtrcet. Pnhsrrlptlon received for all tbe Uagaz'oes pub Ilpbeil. at fulilixlieis' Prlcee, and ihe &.agi7.inas ae livered to any place In tue oily, or scul per malt to any oirect op. t lUo 8C8. TURNKUB', 803. CHESNUT STREET, HAVE ALL THE NEW UUU0UO3: GOD' ATRE. ATTKNllOX, TWO HtlENlM, WHI I'll Ml' BASE-FOOT KOY. UNLONSI.'IOUjI HLEKl'Elt, HOUSES IN srOKU;also, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF KOKEIUN CUKOAlOd. MANUFACTUUEU9 OE FRAMES. ALilO, BOOKSELLERS BINDING OF ALL KINDS DONE AT THE LOW EbT RATES. TURNER BROTHER3 A CO., (Successors to O. W. Pitcher), No. 808 CHESNUT Street, It .-Above EIGHTH Street, It PHILADELPHIA. HOM PAY DOOKSl HOLIDAY BOOKS!! KLEUANTLY lLLUrtTRATEK BOOK 3, All Staudard Works kept constantly on band. Largest anpply In tbe city of Juvenile Books, .English, and American Toy Books an Immense supply in every variety of binding. Fiesh supply of 1 booki selling forSOcsnti. All new publications as soon as Issued, and sold at less Iban publishers' price'. Everything In our line at a treat reduction. Call acd examine before purchasing elsewbor. more open In the evening. TUE POPCLAB. CHE1P BOOK STORE, JAMES 8. CLAXTOW, 1282t No HU CHESNUT btreet. Tr subscriber take, this metfcod of Informing the lubabliauls of PhlUdaipala that ho Is aoou'. oloalug the above work for ibe printers, and earnestly ie quoui all m rs n whose names have not be, n taken by Ihe canvassers, or luoie who bave made onauges lu ihilrttrujs. places ot business or rmlde- ce, to potliy blm a tbe Directory Ollice, No. iil is. Flk'fU. btrrt. corner of Waluut. 12 11 at ISA AO COSTA. Compiler. AZARD'S ENOLISU BOOK3TOBF,. HkT.ard't BooWsio-e i. bocnmlug synonymous wlib good books, line books. el-gauy illunrated b i'ks, cbolce edltloLS ot aiand.r l books, books lit rich and latiy biLdlugs, clilldieu's books, toy books on linen aud paptr, oooks for all trades and people. The aiock being almoat eMIre'y of ImidcIou editions, bere wlll be f uud at all tlrues Eugllsb ilOJks which cannot be had elsewhere In this city. Paitlcniar attention Is Invited at tbe present time fiom those In starch of a really tasty Present for tbe Holidays to the Klegamlv B tund or Illus trated Books In ibe collection, and the Child, eu's B ks, wiib car bln4lugt and attractive pictures. Prices aacbeap as American adittout, aud ranging from tbe lowett sum to two buudred dollars tbe volume. H tl To. T22 BAN80M BTB8BT. 18217 REMOVED TO 13117 BtLOW THE UNITED STATES MINT, M Ausm is t u n NEW MUHIO Sl'OKE, NO. 1317 CHEsN UT U T,. ebovo THIRTEENTH. Pti I Li A DELPHI A. Mublo Publishers, and Dealera la Munloat Mer cliMtiUlse of every DeacrlpUuu. JOHN MARSH, WHOLESALE AND RK TAIL AGE VT OK THK HALE OK THE BE?T UOLD AND HILVKK WATCH E 3 PIRKlT FROM EUIU)rR ' CHEAPK.HT IN Til K WOULD. No. 1317 t'MHMir HTIlKKl', 128mttiH2ui IN THK MUUIUHI'ORE. Dl AFX L88.KVfcUY lNSTKUMENT TH 4T auienoe and .till bave Invuiiutd to aaalat il. bearing iu every digree of dualueaa; aluo, Ke pLa tnra;, taiiaira Patent i)rniro.H. uimrlir to anv omarn In new, a. f. at AiiJal lU'tt, an, u c SsUtTaittvsi.NJow baituUb yibui GnOCERlES, ETC. i VVRIQHT'S NB PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT. WnOLaVALH DEPOT, SrULVQ 0AEDE5 and FKAJfKLUT Sis., 1,1 PniLA.DU.LriH A. VJniCHT'6 N E PLUS ULTHA MIJNCED MEAT. WH0LK8AX E DEPOT, SrillAU UAIIDEX and FKAJiKLLN SU., 11 PHILADELPHIA. UECM OLIVES. VERV LABUU AND FIMK OLEtN OLIVES Flier of the imaox, new citap. Jostlnstote, aud fur sale by tbe galloa or Quart, mm GOLTON & CLARKE, S. W. Corner ISROAD and WALNUT Sts., U ,U 1 PHILADELPHIA. AORE'8 MINCE ME ATI THE BIST AND ONLY BELIAULEI! ATMOBE DEFIES COMPETITION. To be bad of nearly all Grocers la tbe Oltv ftn4 12 ( in 4 Cotm'ry, JTIlEtU FRUITS & rilESERVES. BuDcb, Layer, Sedleas, and Saltans Rafales; Car. janu, Citron, Orang.s, Pram., rigs, elo. Eve y de Bttiuilou ol Groceries, suitable fur tbe Holiday a. AtBl'BI O. UOUKBTa. 117trp Oor. ELEVENTH aud VINE BtreeM. QHRISTiMAb PRESENTS. 7 Be best and most snitable Present fir a fiisnd er tbe need Is a barrel ot our "J. a. WELCH" FIUST PKEM1UM FLO UK aad a bag or balf bkr.-el B1K i LlNG'tJ' VOUNTalN" BUCK WHEAT MEAL, tsr rontid aoperlor te any In toe market. CoLBtaotiy on baud tbe bfsl astortmentot dlffi)reBt brands or FLOUR, INIIAN, and RYE HEAL. HOPH, etc. GEORGE F. ZEIINDER, Uitgmtfrp FtH ntH ANI VINE NTSU OF p A M I L Y p L O U R, Iu lots te suit tnoCLUS, or bj tne Slogto Barrel, Tor sale hj J. EDWARD AD Dl C KS, Ko. 1230 MARKET Street, 10 9 taaip PHILADELPHIA. CURTAINS. JUST OPENED. A FliESH A11R1VAL RICH SWISS LACE AND I0W PRICED NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS KOQUKT AUD EHBR0IDERED TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. CARRIKGTON, DE ZCUGKE & CO., S. E. Corner TIIIKTEEMII & C1IESA UT, 1 wssp ; PHILADELPHIA, FOR SALE. GPEHEMPrOUY BALE. BY OltDEtl OP beirs uuU alias order of Orpban.' Court, tatalta ol hi ban, xnluoia, Isabella UolemuD, tmaer will of Iululi Katbaus, deceased. Four lory brick ilwelllog. No. 817 N. Frout mreet, exleiidlDg tbrougb to Water atreet. wbere It is live nor lte blgu. Oa Tuesday, December 29, at 12 o'clock, noon, will be sold at tbe Eieuaniie, all tbat bank meatiuaice and lot of grouud situ ate od tbe batik of Front and Water streuui, IU feet 10 lnebea aootbward of CallowbJU atreet; coDtaliiirjg in bread lb uoriu and aouttt 13 feet, or IbereakMinU, and la lengta east and west a bom 40 feet, more or It b?. lloundud B'irtb by tbe comer messuage and lot of Tbomita lirlttoa. eaatward by Water atreet, aoatbward by ao otber bank rueesuage aud lot late of Thomas DrlttoD, and westward by Front atreet afoie aald. Being tbe aarae premiHea wblob Jonatbaa Penrose, Eq., Hlgb HberlfX of tbe City aud Counij of Pulladelphla, by deed poll bearing date lal of April, A. . 1800, ackuowedged la open hupreme Court at PuiladeJpbla, Beptema ber 8, A. I). 1800, and entered lu Book B, pae 162, granted aud oonveyeduuto laalub Kalhaoa. in lee. Bale abaolute. ByVbeCoutt, JOSEPH MEGARY. Clerk of Orpbaoa' Court. M. THOMAS di Auotloneera. 12 81020J OB. 139 apd HI H. FPU K Tli Btreet. EPAItrMENT OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS, OKHt'li OK CUIEi('.tJOM.MiiIO.NEK, bo. 104 B. FIFTH 8treu PiiiLaiiKLPniA, Decembers, 1809. PUBLIC M1'1CK lu auoordauoe witU lbs provlaloua of au iirdiiiaoce of Councils, ap proved April 24, IStiH, uotloe Is bereby given thai (lie final cellmate for tbe ocuai ruollou of tbeaeweraou E'giitecutbslreet.fioiu Vlueaireet Ui (Spi UHiueu hi rcc', Minion Waluut aireet. fioui Tbiitj.iblrd to Tniriy-elgbtb atreet, will be paid Jmihi v 6in, 'WW. All lit-iKiiiK bavluu claim fur labor done or fiialei lul I tu uUlied f ii k M Howt rs aie renuejied, l piLM-Lit t tie hiui.c tor phj niHiit ou or liciou. in o'clock Ai. of tue ilnuiiuy ot Juuu urv, Jhll). v mii.ov t. DirKivmv. 12 CHilfl Coiuiuiaj.uuct i,l tiiu ways.