The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, December 07, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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A IlihiiMt Empli-A Jrr Ttalef
Ktl m Kil-Ilarlerlla Coald Mo
Aeeon.t fer It-An iwnipHle-A-sawltlng-
l7nWi"i??1'-Cb,."K., Tonth of about wren
enml; " been lor some time n tne
I" J " oi Mr, MulUD.a suoed-aler at Eourln
u jHanstead place. The proprietor haa for a
tew weeks be-n missing money rrorn nis
drawer, and on Saturday be placed ten dollars,
marked one dollar nous, in metlll, and tnea
withdrew from tbe siore. Returning, he
Missed twoot the notes, and on Questioning
Chatham he admitted the theft and drew forth
tbe stolen money. Alderman Renter held him
in Ittoo ball for trial. .
J amps Bmlth Is a negro. On 8tnrday he
removed a bundle of shirts from a wagon on
Hevenlh street, near Lombard, and ws min
off with It when be wsb overuauied. Balun
Kuspeoied of oiber robberies be was bound over
Jor a further bearlrg by Alderman Uousall.
Henry Justus and James Mullen, on Hatur
day. wenliuio tbe yard of a dwelling at Fif
teenth and Arch streets and plotted upa kettle,
with which they trotted np Fifteentn street.,
aid on arriving at Willow street a p-ilio-maa
relzed them nnd escorted them totbeoinieor
A Merman I'anooast, who sent them below for
yesterday aftemoon, two rival gangs of
youths met at Seventh and Button wood streets,
and commenced pelting each ot her wlm roorcs.
voi.omBn Rperier was on band, and succeedel
In capturing Oeorge Haean, wdone p ckets
were wen Oliod wltu missiles. lie was held for
brearb of the peace.
James Welsh was yesterday found In posss
lon of a tuBalorobe, tor whioh he could Rive
nosailBfaciory scoiunt. Alderman Jones com
muted him to prison. u ,, ,,.im.b
Dennis Orogan has been held by Alderman
Dallas ks an accomplice of Hugh Oreea, In the
rotibeiyo tbe bonne at Flfieeutb and Uouih
streets. "J be clothing that Green tiad on wan
Identified on Kaimday by tne lodv of the house
as having ben stolen from her domicile.
Last evening, Hamuel Dunlap wis rndelv
assaulted by a crowd of roughs at Twenty first
Hnd Bed fold st reels, during which he had an
ye nearly gouged out. Alexander MoClsy wai
ubkf qnently arrested and taken before Alder
man Dallas. H www oommltied to prison.
Thb Philadrli'Hia Exchange The mem
bers ol the Philadelphia Exchange met this
at ernoon at the Exchange ttuildlog, for the
pnrpnse of electing nine members or the Board
of Directors. The following seems to be the
tnly ticket on which tbevo'eby stock Is being
taken: Edward 8 Hsnfly, Coffin Colket, Robert
W. Hverss, Henry D. Hnerrerd. William J. P.
White. Francis H. Duflee, James A. Freeman,
Benjamin H. Haines. Joshua Wperlng.
Fatal Casualty. On Saturday afternoon
the grindstone In the cutlery establishment of
Reltzer A Cook, on Arrnat street, Oermantown,
banted, tbe pieces flying In all directions.
umrai atiunk James Brannan. aa employe.
nd so severe were the injuries he renewed that
he died In a short time. The deceased lived on
the Limekiln Dike, and leaves a wile and two
Attempted Suicidb. Between 12 and 1
o'clock this morning Policeman B'ack saw a
Tnnng girl going dowu the wharf at Koe street,
t a intercepted her. and. according to her story.
lust In lime. She stated that she In'ended to
commit suicide. Her story is the old one a
country girl, enticed by a yonng mn to f he
city, deceived, and then left to the cold charity
of the world. -
A Novel Kntbktainment. To-night tbe
Btoux Tribe, No. 87, Improved Order of lied
-Men. take a beoufll at tbe Assembly BaUdlng".
Tenth and Cbe-nnlstreeis. Tbeente lalnrnent
Wll be novel and Interes'lcg.and will cnoslstof
a series or performances oy tne aiauouque
man, Professor u. h. wt. jean.
Thb Home Faib. The fair in aid of the
Home for trie Aaed and Infirm of tbe MetnodM,
TTntunnnsl Cbnrcb. now being held at Horli
cultural Hall, bus been well attended daring
tbe past week. It will continue open (day and
venla) during the present week. Beck's
band la in attendnn In the evening.
Acctdbnt. Andrew Carr, at an early hour
voatnrdav mornlDK. fell at Second and Quarry
Streets and broke a leg. He was removed to hU
borne by Policeman Lw Bur.
Rodbebt. On Saturday night thieves broke
Into tbe cellar or Mr. itonuins, on Manueim
street. Oermantown, and stole a lot of pro
Old Court of lnarler Swmlons-Jutljfea
Peirce auu Lndluw.
This morning, at 10 o'clock, before their
Honors Judges Peirce and Ludlow, sitting in
Ine old room of the Court or Quarter Sessions,
Jar. and Mrs. Twltchell, committed to prison to
tand a trial for the murder of Mrs. Hill, were
brought np on a writ of habeas corpus. At
night have been expected, the room was
rowded both with members of the bar and the
seneral pnbllo.
The two prisoners sat together in the dock
under the watchful guardianship of the offloers.
Mr. Twltchell, whatever may have been his
concealed emotions, manifested but little eon
cern, sitting quietly, save now and then hold
ing occasional oonversewlth his attorneys o
Bus father. His wile, deeply yelled, reouned her
head upon the railing of the dock:, and allowed
tter eonntenanoe to be but oooaalonally seen.
The Interest evinced by the auditors in the pro
ceedings was Intense. Tbe gloom of the day
without caused an answering gloom within
smd everybody's faoe wore an expression of
Kravlty lilted to the serious nature of the oase,
After some delay. Judge Ludlow announced
that tbe writ was before the Court, and oalled
noon tbe Dlstrlot Attorney to begin.
Sarah Campbell, the servant girl, was the first
witness oalled and sworn, bhe testified Knew
Mm. Hill: was a servant in her family: had
txxin there about eleven weeks: remember tne
Sunday of her death; during tue afternoon of
that day was out at ueventeentn and Lombard
streets; went out at 8 o'clock; remained oat
until about 9 or 10 o'clock; it was after 0 o'clock,
-when I got back; can't say bow Jong after;
when 1 returned I pulled tbe bell at tbe door
several times before It was answered; pulled
the bell, I suppose, seven or eight
times; after x puneu it ursc i stopped
awbllt; tben I pulled it as hard
i cnuld-. tbe bell was answered then bv Mr.
Twltcbell; he opened tbe door; there was no
light in the entry when be opened tne door; he
had no Haht or candle In bis hand; be said "Is
this you, Sarah?" I said "yes," and thsnked him
loropening tue dooi; he slu, "Do you know
where moujtr can be?" l stid, "I don't kno
but we'd see;" didn't hear him say anything In
reDlv: 1 went into the kitchen: dou'l think any
thing furl her was said at tbe door; he closed
tbe door; didn't know bow the door was fas
tened; I beard it unlocked; can't say whether I
beard tbe dead-latch rained; Mr. Twltohell
went directly up sialrs afier fasten-
Ids the door; didn't observe whioh- room
tie entered; didn't near any uoor opened or
hoi afier he went up stair; when I wout back
into the entry I found tbe door leading from
the entry Into the kitchen open; tbe door lead
ing from tbe kitchen to the yard was wide
opec, tbe nlKht was a cool od j; there was a
current of cool air sweeping thi ough the klloheu
and the entry; there was a caudle burning ou
the table In tbe kllcben; the kitchen Is suo-
plied with gas: the gas Is ordinarily used, but
e use a caudle sometime; we une a candle
when getting supper for several things, but
not ooiuinoniy; used It when going into
tbe ouuitte kitchen; used It for going Into
the c liar: tbe candlestick was kept In
different places; sometimes in the
Utile closet that was outside the kitchen door
lnarilnii Into the entrv: after I sol Into tbe
kllcben 1 went to close the door leading into
the yard; there I saw something lying la tne
yard; the body was in the side-yard; when I
saw the something I turned back and took the
mndie: dldu't light tbe gas: took tbe candle to
see wbst was in the yard; saw what was In tbe
yard; saw Mrs. tint tying sireicnea in loe vara;
1 remained at tbe kitchen door; I sup
posed It was she, as she couldn't be
Hand. or didn't come to let me
in; I tnrnrd Into tbe kitchen and oalled Mr.
Twltcbell: went bark Into tbe klloheu a little
k called Mr. Twltcbell to oome down; I
2 said; J called onl aloud; he said, "What's the
mallei ?"
hessldthata 11i.Ha ariae T nailed: I Bfttlrsr break.fat; don't remember w
think 1 oalled I wlce, but lam not eer.n. before I of ih.t u was WhSQ M"l. T"1U52;,;
!r. ""n wmea iwioe Deoanse I dldei't
WXV-"ber. ltn.wram.fro,mibe
, ... wining room, or the chamber; it was
npntalrs I know; he came down tne front
stairs, tbe stairs leadlcg from the dining-room
to tbe hall; tbe sound of bla answer appeared
to oome from tbe same direction; It did not
seem to comedown tbe bact; stairs; he didn't
bring a candle or lamp With blm; bectmeoul
to where tbe body was lying; slnoe he
said nothing to hie till he came to the body,
when he said, "My God I what's this?" I am
not certain wbemer I said anything to htm
before be went out to the body; he didn't lake
tbe candle; the oandle was wnere I left It oa
the table; except the gns was burning low all
tbe time; It was not lit when Mr. Twltohell
came down; he went immediately out into tne
side yard; he said, "Will no person assist In
carrying her in ?'' I did not make any reply;
be cnugbl her by the shoulder, I caught her by
the feel, and we carried her in; the body was
lying face downwards; think tbe body wai ex
tenued at full leugth; don't know whether the.
clothes were disturbed; think the reel were visi
ble; rsn'l sey bet her I carried wl'h rnyarms at
full length or not; don't know bow Mr. Twl'ctiell
carried tbe body; don't recollect his saying
anything while we were carrying the b My In;
the bony was placed on the settee la the
kitchen; when be cume down Into tne kllnhen
he bad coat and pants on; can't say whether he
hnd a vest ou; he had an undershirt on, but
en n't say whetuer be baa a wnite sulrtou or
not: ran't sav whether tbe coat, was bultoued:
the undershirt, was a kind of gry one; he wore
that kind beloie; Dever exaimueu the under
shirt but suppose it was woollen; 1 did the
wasbii'g, and had seen such shirts lu the wasu;
be bad no shirt roilur en; don't kn iw
whether he had cutis on or not; dual
know whether be hd boots or slippers
en: dou'l know whether he bad auy
Iblcg on bis feet; wbeu he came to tne front
door to let me In be r aiacoal and pants on,
but dldii't notice whether be bad any white
shirt, orxsl, or culls, or collir on, or boots,
slippers, or stocklugH on; wuea we carried tne
bony in ne SHU, "win no person g' lor a aoo
toi?" don't know wnelber be asaed for the
doctor or tbe water first; tie asaed lor both: be
asked lor a little watei; ine waier was goi, out,
1 tion'l recollect, whether i orongnt it i aim or
be got It blrjmeif; 11 was In a little llu dish; Ibis
aishaas used lor many purposes; we washed
polattes lu It sometimes; we cept it hanging
nnln the kllcben: mere Is la tne kiiobeu a
sink; tbe water was procured from tbe sluk; be
loon ine waier sua a cioiu auu uameu ner
face: I was still there: it was a while
cioih; don't know whether it was a towel or
not; saw li in ins nanus, out uou i kuow wnat
it was, other than awhile cloth; dou'l know
where he got it; ne goauea tue cioin la ine
water, and then put it upon her face; I saw him
doing this; don't know what be nexi said; he
asked for tbe docior; no porson else hid yet
come Into ihe kllcben; tuked Mrs. Twlicuell
where 1 would nnd a doetor, and she went wuu
me to the front door; sne was In the kllcben
when I asked hei; she came lulo the
kitchen Immediately after Mr. Twltohell: 1
badn'l called her; she came Into the
kneben a little bit a Her Mr. Twltcbell
answered my cull; don'r, think that Mrs.
Twltcbell called her; couldn't say bow long
alter Mr. Twlicbell came down that Mrs.
Twltcbell cm me down; it was not long after:
think it was alter be went out Into tbe yard
for he went out as quick as be could; it was
before tbe body was oroogbt In; she didn't do
anything when Bhe came down; don't recollect
what she sum; sue sum someiutug, out dou't
rerolltct what It war; she didn't asHist In carry.
lug tbe body In; when he called for the water it
wan either ir. i wiicnen or mysen malgollt
not Mrs. Twltchell; Mrs. '1 wilchell acoompanied
me to the door; before then Mrs. Ttvnoheil
stood at the side of the body; Mrs. Twltohell had
notbing on but ner iiueusand ner red sack.
awooiun sack: sue had not anyiQiDif on her
feet: she was barefooted: did not henr any door
open or snui wneu Airs, i wuuoeii eame tiowu;
suppose she came down the first entry; unto
that time mere was no one in tne nouae out tne
persoi s I have meu.loued; I could not sty it
Mrs. Hill was dead or alive when we carried
berln: Idld pot look muoti at It (witness then
descilbi d her search alter a doctor); I could not
get into the doctor's at first, and Mrs, Twlicbell
called to me to ring the bell bard; she then
oalled me bck and asked me to go for Mr,
Morreli.on pinestreei;! wentouiortaesidegute
to go there; there is a holt on the gate; it was
never locked in my time; aoivi reootieot any
thing in the gate but a boli; It was boiled
wneu 1 wentou ; that was the first time it had
been locked that evening. (Witness tbende
scilbed ber visit to Mr. MurreU's.) Oa my
return to Mrs. Hill's I found a good many peo-
Fie In at Ibat time; saw Mr. Montgomery, but
did not know tbe rest; could not say bow
many were inside; Mr. Twltcbell was In the
k lichen; Mrs. Twltcbell also; but I cannot say
tbatthey were doing anything; Mrs. Twltohell
asked ine to go np stairs with her and get
some clothing; I did so; we went up
the first stairway to Mrs. Twitoaeh's
bed cbambei; don't know if tbe gas was lighted
In the chamber or not; tbe door of tbe chamber
was closed-.ihere were four little dogs about the
house; don't rememoer where 1 iisi saw them;
I saw them downstairs, but I don't remember
If it was tbe firs place I saw them or nol;
don't know where the dogs were when I went
up stairs; tbe dogs were kept np stairs, but they
went about tbe house by tbemseives; don't
know who owned tbe dogs; wheal weatap
into Mrs. Twltooell's room she dressed herself;
we did sot remain longer than wnlle she was
dreBftlnt; we then came down stairs; I then
went back into the kitchen; I went directly
down; didn't stop in auy room; went down the
front stairs; don't know whether Mr. Twltohell
was in tbe kitchen when I went down; couldn't
say wbetber the dining-room door was open or
closed; don't know whether a light was in the
dining-room; don't know what was going on in
the Kiicoen wnen i got aown; a great many
persons were tbere; I saw police ofilcers there;
didn't see Mrs. Twltcbell do anything after she
got into the kitchen; a poker was used In the
kitchen, also In tbe dining-room; tbey were not
alike; tne dining-room poaer naa a orass neaa
on It, the kitchen poker had nol; tbe
one used In the kitohen was larger
than the other; didn't look for any
poker that evenins; don't know whether a
fioaer was lonna in ma yara; saw tnem nav
es: a poker in their hands; there was blood oa
li, x Deueve; someoi me ioias in me aitonen
bsd it; couldn't say whether it was the kitchen
poker or not; it had no brass knob on it; It
looked like tbe kitohen poker, but couldn't say
whether it was me aiicuen poser or not; aner
going back into the kitohen there were a great
many persons tbere; don't know how long I
remained tbere; a policeman asked me to go up
stairs and see il any of the windows were up; I
went up; it was the extreme baok window off the
dining-room where Mrs. Hill was thrown oir;
that was tne onty winaow i rouna up; the
kitchen shutters were closed; don'iknow how
tbe dining-room ssyitters were kept at night; I
did not attend to tbem; the dining-room is
immediately over the kitohen, and the sitting
room Is in the rear ot tbe dlulnt-room, over the
enclr sed space In the yard; I passed througa
the dining room into the slitlng-room; I weut
up the front stairs; no person was In the
dfnlDit-room that I saw: no light that I saw: I
had no candle or lamp; mere was no light In tne
sitting-room, but I oau't sav whether there was
any gss or candle burning in tne dining-room
or not; after the policeman told me to go up, I
went straight np and examined the
sttilng-room window ; did not ex
amine the dining-room window as I passed
through; tbere are Venetian blinds to tbe
dining room windows; tbere are blinds also to windows; couidnlsay whether
tbe blinds were down or up In thedlning-room;
in the sitting room the blinds were drawn and
tbe window up; went down and told the police
man: remained in the kitchen for Bomo time:
afterwards Mrs. Twltchell and myself went up
stairs, but I don't remember whether we went
Into Mrs. Hill's or Mrs. Twltcbeli's room; we
remained most all the night. In Mrs, Twiiehell's
room; we did to Into Mrs. Hill's room; Idldn't
seeanyohlect in going into Mrs, Hill's room
two aentlumen also went with us into Mrs.
Hill's room: I never saw them before: we did
not remain long: don't remember whether we
went uptogether; the two men were not in tbe
room when we entered; from. Mrs. Hill's room
we went Into Mrs. TwIlobeH'M room: while in
Mrs. Hill's room tbere was a conversation; we
were all talking; we didn't staud exactly together-,
we talked about which room we should
sit In and put the fire In: tbe two gentlemen
said we might sit in any room we please I; that
wss after Mr. Twltchell bad gone to prison: we
made a fire in Mrs. Twltchell's room; tbere is a
love in Mrs. Twltobell's room; sometimes there
was a policeman with us, sometimes I wo, and
sometimes nol any; we stayed there dorlog the
niabt: another aentlemau cams In sometimes.
whom I understood to be Mr. Twltchell's rather;
be and Mrs. Twltchell talked together; he was
In and nut during tbe night: be went away
abrut the break of dav; be oame baok again
tariy m me toreuoon; Mrs. Twltcnell was stl
In ber room; I was lu and out of the room; he
went in; there were times when he was alone
with br: policemen were in the house all Ihe
night; sometimes they were la the room with
as; I saw them downstairs la tbe morning
bat time
aWa Ulolln if
self were taken to 1 - nome; air.
Twltcbell wss taken there tbe preceding en
Isg; a grate Is in tbe dining room; a fire was id
It; I saw It living In tbe morning: when Mr.
Twltchell came down to the front door be ht i
on a short dark coat; bad seen blm wear eoue
like it before; when I went out on the Sunday
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Twltchell were nol at
home; it la more than I can say where thev
were; during the night 1 spent in the room
with Mrs. Twltohell she was esolaimtng alonl.
aid said that she whs very sorry; we ha 1 sup
pers on nnnnaye rrom o 10 1 o'cioca; me mean
were generally eaten in the room down sialM,
tbe kllcben; Mrs, Hill told me often that sn e
didn't wish to go to bed before lo o'clock; ths
coal-scuttle is kept by tbe ranee lu tne kitohen
t'ws examined by Mr. Mann Lived with
Mrs. Hill about ten or eleven weeks; my days
out were every Thursday and every other Sun
day; always took them, exoeptou one occasion;
wss In tbe habit of coming home from 9 to 11
o'clock; usually Mrs. Hill lei me In; wuea I
came home usually Mr. and Mrs. Twltcnell were
in bed; they retired early lo their room, bull
don't know whether they went to bed or not.
Tbe Coroner's physician, Dr. Bnapleigh. who
made a post mortem examination of tue bo ty,
was tbe next witness, and repeated the testi
mony be gave before the Coroner's Jury. II td
Hie been extinct long enough for the blo-vi to
have become cold before tbe body was thrown
from the window, that oool ot blood would not
bavebeen on tbe pavement; life was either not
extinct when the body was thrown out, or had
been extinct a very short time.
After the regular examination by the Com
monwealth, the Doctor was oroHs-axamtiied by
Mr. Mann, and, in reply to a question, std mat
as blood was spnltered all over the room, hit did
notiblnk that Mrs Twltchell could hive bien
present without getting some of it upon her.
The drops of blood upon tbe floor appeared lo
have fallen in a perpendicular dlrectlou, lett
ing to tbe supposition that tbe body must have
been beld np. not dragged. ,
Mr. W. H. O. Morrell, who resides at No. 028
Pine street opposite the Hill building was
next called to the stand, and gave the sumo
tesltmory be gave before the Coroner's Juty.
Ttils witness, when he entered the house of
Mrs, Hill In the manner reported at the in
quest, it appears was met by Mrs. Twltohell,
who exclaimed to him, "My Uod, Mr. Morrell,
my mother Is killed I" and then added, in
answer to a question n to how Mrs. II HI had
come to her death, "bhe full from tho second
story window." He had bis suspicious vronsed
that all was not right, and was continued in
his suspicions wheu he saw the bloody sofa In
the dining-room, and the pools of blood sur
rounding it.
TJ. 8. District Court Judge Cadwalaier.
Revenue cases were before the court to-day.
Tbe United mates vs. Itefloed oil, claimed by
Packard, Cooke & Co. Tne tiovernment sun
milted thl" information to the Jury, and a
verdict was rendered for the claimants.
The United Stales vs. Oue still, etc., claimed
by James Hagan. An Information for forfeiture,
which was alBOsubrnli ted to tbe Jury without
evidence, Verdlot lor the claimant.
The United States vs. Twelve barrels of
whisky, claimed by Cbarles L. Johnston, of
Mount Pleasant. Tbe whisky was seized by
Collector Dlebl, of the Second district, at tbe
depot Tblrteenth and Market streets, on the
18ih of April last, and was marked "old Monoa
gnbela," and with an Inspector's name; up in
examination It proved to be newly reontlei
whisky, very slightly flavored with Monoug
bela. Upon these allegations the Government
founded its Information for forfeiture, contend
it g tbat tbe whisky was perfectly new, and tne
tax had not been paid upon It, but the stamp
of old whisky bad been fraudulently pat on the
-osks in order to evade the payment of the tax.
Tbe claimant alleged tbat the whisky really
was old, and therefore required no payment of
tax, and a small quantity of new whisky had
been mixed with it. Also, that it was sold lu
ibis city, after bond bad been entered, eight
barrels f r 84 50 per gsllon. and four barrels for
14 75 per gallon, wnlch it would not have
bronuht bud it been new. On UUU
Colonel Alexander's Cane.
Colonel Geoi ge W. Alexander, who was last
Wiek convicted In this Court, was to-day ad
mitted to ball lu 920,0OO,pendlng the motion for
a new trial, Messrs. John iirnhnker, Amos H,
Deyaher, John D. Mortis, and Joan II. Jaoohs,
of Keaoiug, appearing as sureties upon the
bail bond.
Installation of the Jndgcs.
District Court. This morning quite an
assemblage of lawyeis was in atteudauce upon
mis court to do present at me new org n tac
tion of the Bench. Judge Stroud was Urn I at
bis post, and announced to tbe gentlemen ore.
sent that before the business of the day was
taken up me commissions or the newly elected
Judges would be read. Judge Hare ctme upon
the bench, and his commission as President
Judge for Ihe term of ten years, to be computed
iroui tu-uny, was leau uy me crier, Air. Selldrs;
and tben followed Mr. Greenbank, whose com
mission as Associate Judge for the same term
was also read, the oaih of office having been
previously administered by the Recorder.
u pon luHing ins seat me f resident said:
"Gentlemen ot tbe bar Unon beelnninormv
new term as a Judge of this Court. I have hut
one remark to make, which is that Islnoerelv
nope mat the cordial aridctlon which hn
hitherto existed between the bar and thin
tribunal may continue during mr lima and
Tbe regular business, which was the new trial
motion list, was tben begun.
juiy trials win ne resumed in this court on
the 2Hth Instant.
Court of common fleas-Allison. P. J. The
equity argument list engaged the attention of
tbe Conrt ibis morning.
court of U.UARTBK hessions j nuge urew.
sler. Tbe December term cf this Court was
opened this morning by his Honor Judge
James JM. Kerns. Esq.. was appointed fore
man of tbe Grand Jury, and wben the oath had
been aoministereu 10 mm ana nis leiiowjurors
tbe Court Instructed them as follows:
0 ntlen ot tbsurana ju-y: t nr are twohun.
dred and twent.lne cum on the prison ca endr.
snoamucn twier uunjufr oi uet ouieti on U3II.
This accumulation ot bulnei -111 require cousldera
bie luduslry and despatch .at ths bauds ol Ilia Oraud
1 ricommena icaiwriflo ciear'y BaMsnei i-om IDS
teatimoDy of a single wltneas that a trus bib should
be returned, you at oucs relieve oth-r witness at Irom
attendance jxo diii, nowever, suo iia t isaored
nnillvou bsve exunlnrd all tbe wlimnn wnnu
names are endorsed oa ih ludlcluient. li homicides
you bavs nothing lo do wltn ihe grade or oflense,
but whenever ihe Commonwealth presents a cm or
probable cue against th defendant, yoa should re
turn a truenlll.
Io ihe petty cases of assaults and battering, brought
roly to gratifv a private spleen, X recommsad you to
igr ore me dois nu w ijui vu c"sis up.m tne proiee
cuiors. A vat majority or ins cases returned shnu'd
never occur y me puo io iiwa at id cxpeaieof the
cubllc treasury. Whea you la-sore an Indlomaeot
charging a misdemeanor, you; must certify whether
tne county or me prosecutor, uanuut min.siau pay
tbs cos's. Vpwrd8 0l fourteen years ago tbe LkIs
lature dirtcted that a House of Uorreo Ion should bs
estahilnhed In this city.
1 his law has rot been obeyed, although the want of
lucb an Institution Is one of our moat o-ylnir evils
In the coDvlot d.partoienl of our County frhon 10)
cells have each two prisoners, 2t eel s conta'n each
i hree prisoners, and I cells actually ha each four
'"ooe buudred and thirty-Ave dally vIolaMoni o tha
law, forced by a dlrvlul Lecenstty upon tbeotU-es of
the prison, lay aser'ous scnouo ability at ibd)-r
of the authorities wl o have so long andsopenUt
emly nrglected their duty In this bubal!.
No blame hereto attaches ta the IUh'ol Inipeo
tors and the ofllnera of tbe i.rls in. Tney have nut
tbe accommodations necessary to epabta them to
c mply wl'b the law, aud tha overcrowding ot prl
souen In these cells Is an unaviildt bis necessity.
I recommend that at the proper time you nlve this
subject the attention wtlch I'S Importance demands.
Applications lor excuse from service on the
petit Jury were heard, and those founded upon
legal grounds wete granted. There were tour
Erlsoners in the dock charged with homicide,
ut no oase at all was before the Court.
Tlie lleenan Homicide Jerry Fnton
Found Guilty of Murder lu tlie First
Coukt or Oyer and Terminer Judges
Peirce and Ludlow. in the case of the Corn,
monwealtb vs. Gerald Eaton, charged with the
murder of Timothy Heeuan.the arguments of
counsel and charge or tne court were concluded
at twenty miDUtes before twelve o'clock on
Haturday evening, and at ten minutes after
twelve o'clock on Hundny morning the Jury
rendered a verdict of guilty or murder in tbe
first decree. Tbe (prisoner evinced no emotion
w haiever at this result, though his wife at once
began weeping.
Mr. H rook e uotldel the Court that he would
move for a new trial, and that he would not
forget the fact of therenleringand recording
oi me veruiot on eunaay.
Ihe Amendments to ihe Constitu
tion of the United States
Schnck's Flan for llocon
BtructlBg the Natu
ralization Laws.
Proceedings of the Senate.
Special Despatch to Tne JCventng Telegraph.
WasuiNOToy, Dec. 7.
Tlie Important tneliont
which will be among the first to engage the
attention of the Hou.e ar the proposed amend,
merit to tbe Constitution providing for manhood
euffrnpe, the finance, tbe repeal of the act
relative to the opetiug of tbe ecrsion of Con
press, and an amendment oi the naturalization
The Dead.
Tbe formal aonoancrmeut of the decessa of
Mcftrs. Stevens and fr'nuey of Pennsylvania,
Ulnes of Arkansas, and Mann ot Louisiana will
be made to-ruorrow, it In expected.
The NatnrallEatlon Laws.
It is expected that General Scbenclc will in
troduce in the llouse to-day a bill for the
amcndaient of the Naturalization laws of tho
United States, of which the following b a gene
ral sjnoDsls:
ii joheci.That the Committee ef the Judiciary
be U strutted toll quire wbal amendments to
the laws relating to uaiuralizailou are needed
to give greater security and purity to elections,
and particularly whether there ought not to be
sncb provis'ons euaoted as
1. To confine tbe power of receiving declara
tion ot Intention to neonate citizens, and of Is
suing letters or certificates of naturalisation, to
tbe Courts of tbe United Hiatesaud the high
ebt cout ts of reoord of tbe several States.
2. To lequire uniformity of proceeding in all
sncb cases in the several Courts so authorized.
3. To require tbat eacb such cerilQuateof
Declaration or leiier or naturalization shall be
signed by tbe Judge presiding la tne Oourt
from wblcb tbe iame may be Untied, as well as
aliened by the seal of tne Court and signature
Of Its clerk.
4. To require nnder proper penalties a com
plete record to be kept In eacb court of all tlie
ster s snd procesdlns hud in tbe case of each
such application, including a full copy of the
certificate ol declaration Issued or letters of
nHiuranEaiion granieu, ana tne testimony In
full on which any letier was granted, aud also a
full and convenient index of the names of ail
pertons naturalized.
5. To authorize letters of naturalization here
after irsued In four ears after arrival lathe
United States, but conditioned ouly to take
effect so as to router tbe rights of citizenship
one year after Ihe dale of the Issue, aid that
tbe committee be instructed to repirtat
as early a day as practicable, by bill or otherwise.
33 AL rV I MOB 33.
for addltiuiull AuctUtni ire the Srventh Pitg.
A T TI10MA.8 A RONS, NOS. 139 AND 141
JAX. b. Jiuuiuu b a 41 n, h, r.
tin WedaekUay Aiterauvu,
Dec, 9, at 4 p'tiletik. it 7 at
The Salts Against General Bailor
A Serere Storm-Death of
a Prominent Citizen.
The Steamboat Disaster on
the Ohio River.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 7. The third senMon
me r cruet 11 i.'ongress negan at noon.
Present Mesxrs. Anthony, Cameron, Oattell,
Chandler. Conk ling, Couness, Corbetf , Uragla,
in vib, uiiuu, r.uiiiuuuH, r eshennen,
Fowler, Frellnghuyeen. Urlmes. Harlan, Har
ris, Hendricks, Howe, Kellogg, McCrery, Mor
gan, Morrill Me), Morrill (vu), Morton. Nor
ton, rye, rauerson (,. id. j, fatterson (IVnti ).
Pomeroy, Kanicey, Kit e. Rooertson, Ross. 8aer
man, Hpencer, htewart. Humner, Thayer.Trum
bull. Van Winkle, Vlckers, Wade, Wllley. VVU-
lln m a 1 I1un anil V t a a
Ijpuin, i irvu, nti v latcoi 1
Alter prsyer by the Chaplain, the Senate was '
formally called to order by tbe Preside nt urn
fm.,Bnalnr Wade, wbo preHnnted the creden
tials of (Senator Edmunds of Vermont, whioh
were rxeiveu.
The President eisn announced a commnnlna.
lion fiom the Governor ol UeorgU, wbion was
laid on tbe table.
Henator Sherman prevented the credentials
of Senator Hill of Georgia. .
Mr.Drans moved to refer tbem to theJndl.
clary Committee. He understood that alter
loyal meniDers or the legislature ot Georgia
had been elected nnder the Reconstruction
laws, tbe white men of that Legislature had
combined and expelled all the colored mem
bets, thereby pulling the Legislature under! control.
House of Representatives.
The third session of tbe Fortieth Congress
was commenced in tbe House, alter the usual
greetings and interchange of kindly feelings on
the part ot members, Mr. Rpeaker Colfax re
ceiving tbe warmest congratulations from both
ines 01 ine nousp.
The galleries were crowded with spectators.
and tbere was even more tban tbe ordinary
bum and movement of people in the lonhl
and corridors. Precisely at noon the Hpeuker's
hammer called to order, and the session was
opened with prayer by tbe Chaplain
Burning; of a Ntesmer.
Cincinnati, Dec. 7. The steamer D. M. Dcch
ler took fire at Carrolton, Kentucky, on Satur
day, by tbe bursting; of a coal oil lamp, burnt
to the water's edge, aod eaos. No live were
lost. Tbe boat was valued at $30,000.
Tbe Collision Itetwen tbe Ateamera
I'uitcu rotate auu America
Details of the collision between the America
and United States are comlog in slowly. The
indications are that both boats at the time of
the collision were heading toward the Indiana
thore. General Lyttle arrived last night with a
few of ihe survivors. M. Hull, of Eyanstville, is
among tb09e saved on the Uulted States. The
charred remains of eight bodies, supposed to be
female?, have been received from the United
States. Mr. Btgley, suppo'ed lost, U safe;
Geoige W. Fahnestock and daughter, of Phlla
delphta, were lost on the United States. Mr.
Fisher, ot Pennsylvania, a puseDger on the
United States, was badly burned about the face
a lid hands. Mr. Cunning ham, of Allegheny
city, PenDH., is In the hospital in this city, badly
butned on the hand, feet, and right tide of tho
face. A lad, en route from Rho9e Island to
Memphis was slightly burnt. Mr. Taylor, Clerk
of tbe America, visited all the wounded In this
city yebterday, administering to their relief.
Thel New York Bloney Market.
From the Timet,
' 1 he Ijmik statement nf last week felt the lull isnoe
rf Ihe I rei'UDry tales ot gold and of a partial duuiaDd
for currency 10 go Huulli. Tbe rmiru f xnihUs a lo
mate or nearly Ihren nillllix s In srfoutjackn au1 a
aiu t ae.rly two mllllous lu gold. We oelieve Ural
the rreBrnt actual sum ot go il In bank Is over
twenty uililluna of dollars. lucludlDg come very
npro'al ov pi situ pot hrmigln Into tne ratular
weekly average, Mo ftirlh-r sale ol gold bv
Mix Tieanury wrre advertised alter th last award nf
:i00O m I'aHi'Oay, and Ibis fact, taken In ronufo
Hon with private t able teleg auia of pulittral dUturh
aure In l-arli, canned au advance of prion of nearly
oue per cent.; ar o tbe wonder Is thm oa tbe verv
heavy nu'Oliasti for arcoubt of the baiikars who
ii.d the news, the rlHe was not mera dcclijd. Tbe
Ooid xchans4 Bank this morning will prnbab y
rrrnn larva clearances Id netilemeul of the butntwn
of (Saturday. A Cable txhgram to I lie A.asociaie't
1're.s, dared London. 3 30 f. M., wm received
late on balurday, wnlch ounfirrued tha eillenoof
r union, lo that market from Paris: bulowthlnsof a
Verv (tetlnii uaturw wa communicated. One report
ou Wall street ealy In tbe day, that the Nmperor
was dead, was positively ooutradlnted by a inidntglit
(te. patch lo lbs Aaaorlaied Fren. The American
fuOa Id l.nndoo weut down from 74V to 74: reojver-
lng lo 7l'i Pr cent. We have no aoUDt Ibat the
:ngilh fund were lerloimy aftcl-d, and Iho lale-l
quoiarlona. direct from the Paris B-urae, Halurday
svsuluf , 7v i,tu' WbvIs no alarmUu tigubla,"
SpeeUU Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Baltimore, Dec. 7.
A Heavy Northeast Ntorm,
with rain since 12 o'clock lust night, still con The tide is unusually high and the bay
James Polk,
an eld and respected citizen, a distant relation
of the late President Polk, and father In law to
ex-Governor Law, nod father of Joseph Polk,
the actor, oled yesterday of cancer in the
stomach. in his seveotj-flftu year. lie had filled
many public offices.
Ihe Mramrr Msrjlnnd,
from Havana, reports rough wealher, and the
icbels gaining ground In Cuba.
A man named John Watson, from Mont-
eomery connty, Md. committed
here yesterday a"ernoon, by taking strychnine
The Till ler I.awMnlt.
Tbe Wooley damaee case against General
Butler has been dismissed from the Superior
Court here.
The K'niberly Brothers' case is still pressed.
Noah Kearth was arrested on Saturday aud
held in one thousand dollars ball against prize
John B. George, an old railroad conductor,
and well known on tbe Baltimore, Ohio, and
Philadelphia Railroads, died here recentjy.j
The Forthcoming Message.
Washington, Dec. 72 P. M. The President
has informed the jolDt committee appointed by
the two houses to wait on him, tbat he will
send his message to Congress on Wednesday.
W V the rewest ana oeat manner.
LOUIS DHKRA, Ntallnuer and Rngraver.
IS WO. 1083CHKHNHT fcHret
The Georgia Senators-Drake Makes
ft Illf 4am UnAnAh I 4ha UnMjitft. 1
H JLtl onrjttu 111 111CT UCUtttV
The Successor of Thad
deus Steven s-llanhood
A very I,rrne Assortment,
From Jl 50 to $3o 00.
And ft varietv of
It. HO-K1NS & CO.,
No. 913 AKUli S.reet.
9 lmwtSm Open Evening.
Tlian the Store Will be Positively Closed.
At Less than Half Price.
o. 1001 CIIESMJT Street.
Well known in Franoe; and other countries of
Europe aa
Is now introduced to the trade of the United
Btates by the nnderslgned. In addition to the
purity of the OIL, the bottles are larger than
any other brand, making lk IN POINT OF
Bcle Acent for Mottet & Co.'s Oil In the United
No. 25 South FRONT Street,
Fine, Well-Made, Sellable, Cheap
Ko. 830 MAKkLl Street,
11 18 whn tU N rmLADELPHlA
Bpectal Def patch to The Kvtning Telegraph.
Wabuinoton, Dec. 7.
The credentials of trie
Nenslors from Georgia
wore presetted to-day, whereupon a discission
arose on a motion by Senator Drake to refer to
the Judicial Committee. Drake made
A lii Iter Kpeecli
against tbe admission of the Senators. The dU.
cutsion will coiibutue most of the day.
O.J UUktrsndN. Krwtsn Petlls,
of PcnDsjWsnia, successors of Thad. Stevens
and Finuey, were sworn in and ook their scat
Governor lioutwell
will oEer a bill providini; that all male citizens
ot th3 Cniied 8tates, twenty-one yeara of age,
shall be entitled to vote fcr President and Vicel
President ol the United States. Mr. Boutwell
holds that Congress has power to reguUto thl,
K. II. tVsihburn
has a resolution prepared calling for all paper
and ioiorniat.ou In potmen-ion of the Postmaster
Genernl relative to awarding contracts, and also
a copy or the contrast iUelf for carrying malls
across the Plains.
Tbe Supreme Court.
Despatch to the Associated Press.
Washington, Dee. 7. The Supreme Court met
at noon to-day. All the Judgej except Grier
nere present. The commission of William M.
Evarts as Attorney-Geneial was read, and the
Couit adjourned in order to pay the usual visit
to the Piesident ot the Uut,ed Btates. The
docket will be called to-morrow.
By Atlantic Ozble.
AiioIImt of Peabofly's Iniilflceiit Cilrts.
1.0KD0M, Dtc. 7. George Peabody, the Ame
rican philanthropist, haa made another dcua
tion ot 100,000 to tbe poor of London.
TliU ETeiiiiiK'n laotntions.
LosnoN, Dec. 7 fivenincr. Coascls for money
m, aud lor account, 82. Fire twenties quiet a
74. Railways quiet; Erie, 25; Illinois Cea.
tral, 9G.
Liverpool, Dec. 7 Evening. Cotton heavy
sales of 8000 baleu. Common Koain, 6s. Tur
pentine, 27. 6d.
Londow. Dec, 7. Turpeutine, 28s. 6d.
From St. Louis.
St. Louis. Dec. 7. a. 8uuth Pass City des
patch sajs 300 Sioux attacked Wa-hake aud his
band of Saosbones In Big Wind River Valley,
Kov. 22. Two ludians were killed on eacb
side, aud the Sbosbones retired to the white
souleoieLts. An Omaha deepAtch says the
enow-siorm, which has been raging for thirty
hours, U tbe heaviest experienced in Nebraska,
for many year?. The buoiv is eighteen iache,
deep on a level.
From Canada.
Toronto, Dec. 7 The New Dominion Par
liament has been farther prorogued until
January IS. Tbe revenue ot Cann la for No
vember was $1,214,154, and tbe expenditure
$877,488. C. E. Kl wall, correspondent of the
Stockholm Daily Newt, is here, with ins true
tions from the Swedish Government to acquire
a knowledge of the country, with a view to
e i, courage emigration, and to develop commerce
between the to countries.
From Nova Scotia.
Halifax, N. S Dec. 7. The Hon. J. C. Troup,
one ot the Nova Scotia delegates to England,
pubHahes a letter condemning Mr. Howe's
couise and indorsing Annand.
Markets by Telegraph.
Vkvt Yokk, Deo. 7. Mocks weak. Cb'cago
ana Hock island, l8. Reading, safe; can toil
i; Erlu, 87; Cisveland ana 1'oledo, lfli: Oleva.
la. a ard P iwDnrg, H1,; Pliuibura and Fort Wuyae,
1 1 : atlctjlsan Hoalhoio. HS; Naw Yors Central,
1 r iiuols (JDiral Hl'; uumberlaud prrerrod,
!,; Virginia ta, 67; Mlviourlsu, Uudsuo lUver,
1.7; 6-a, lwli Ul; d't. ISM, Wt; do. 1SW. I OS:
do. new 11 S: ie m. uold, mfi. Moner, tbti
percent, fcicUDge, lul4.
Mi w Tohk l. c. 7--Cotton dull at iX osnts,
Flonr qnlfi; 7600 bbis sold at Saturday's Quotation.
Wheat qnlvt aud advanoed j$i eauts; 7UU bus Dels
sola; Spring No. 1 at 1 M. Vom Hrmnr; 1AU 0 Oushela
s Id ali'l2(al')7. O.ia qnlat at 77(0,8 twnls. iieaf
qnlr. Pork dull at IIj-SO. Lard quiet at 16I6X cts,
v blsky outfit,
Baltiuobb, Deo. T. Oott"n dnll, aod nominally
24ao. Hiur quiet, "teadf, and oncbaugsd. Wbaat
duil; cnolc rd 13 45 Cti'n dan and lowar, new
wbtie U ;K5c :ynllov. l'in$l 08. Oaw from 70 to 75a,.
By Arm at 1 4i'(ir&. 1'ork dull at f it so. Booa
quirt: Mlbbtd HldM. 17c; riar Hides, 170.; Sboaidsrs.
14c; Bams, lo. Lard dull at l(lo.
Stock Qootatlous by lelexraph 4 P. K.
OleEdinn.nK, Uavts A Co. report inrough tbelr.
New York bouse tbe Knowing:
N. Y. feut. H. ........ 1254 Western Union T 8flJ
N.Y.and E, H, 87 Cleveland and ToLlOlU
PblL aud Ufa. K.... WVt Tol. A Wabaata K... 67
Mleb. B and NIK ti7. Mil. & HL P. oom Oi',?
Cle. and Fltt. R...... 84' Adam Express Co 48
Obi. and N. W. onm. 7HVd Wells. Fargo dt Co. 24
Cbloand N. W. prt SiiU. 8. Express Oa... 40
Chi. and K. I. K Ur, Tennesitee 0s. .. :K
Pis. F. W.and Chl.ail IGold...... taM.....MU0
Market lrregnlor.
No. 480 WA8HINOTON AVKNDB. Flilladelphla.
Begnlatsd by tbe (Jovernor.
Pateattd June, 18.
' D. M. WmsTON B
For Cotton or Woollen Manaraetuitwa, 7 lornw