THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 18G8. 3 LETTER FROM BA b TIM ORE. from our Special VurrtvHiiHient IlALTittonn. Pen. 6. ISM. Thf! colored man Will nm i 1111 ho tvas to have Oi-rn bung lsst Friday lo our city, lor the tnurdcr.ol.a co'orod w.rnan uonicd Kiima Jackson, br i titt)'nsf ber, h had his sentence commuted to iraprl-outoctit in the pi-tlientiury tor li e by tovrnor Sann. There wore lo couhts whatever of II til killing the woman, out It was rs'hi r uocertmt wrt?;taer he did It lntcntiotiB ly. lie hwl Ven qu trrei litig with another pirsmi, and tn a ratr" struck at her, the Intal blow taking cilect on the deceased. H 1b almost Impo'-oiblc Ilto now to convict of murder In the tir?t doerec. at.d It to, (he pyrites thus condemned aie rmely bunged. A. negro luau was tried in our Cnmit.iil court no, ui ago lor killing a joune u'-nre?-!, hi alleul sweethrnrt. He dclibern ol.v cut bT thron from ear to ear wita a iMznr, to tint her heivi was alnioi-t ttverid Ironi lu r rvidy, an I she dropped iutnily dead. Hn did tbo deed throiieb jHlo'iBV. The g'rl a serving at a peiiileinau'p bone. He called her to the ally pate abo"t nine in the evening, nad there pirpe tnited the foul ii-nsMiia'.ion. Tners win some lack of identity ami po-ut.ive pruo when the trial to rlive, an i the offender wns tound gutltv ol mirler In the E-Cond degree, aul tcutcticert to eitfli-.erii years n the pi'uneuUary. fine? Iih eonvicuo-! the bloody clothes he wore, the rutor, an I oMn-r poHii' e prools ot his nuitl, lutvi- bi-en toiijil md away hi the ouUiir.ldiin.s oi tue h itiso in winch Le va- discovered when nriested, bm he coul I not be put in jeopardy a aecoi d Lun lor nt lit'e. The man Meplien T. Denny, who wa-t tried Ut wet k lor the murder of Cli-tries Childs. was found guilty only of manslaughter and ri-com nit rdcd to' tin-rev. 'I he pirjou ! kdlud nnl dertroyed hit' domestic peace by Kcdiiruur away hi wiie. Tberels much sya'pttby lor tins in-in, and the beiiel is he will cmoii be pardouetl. There appears to b a pro wine deposition in our community nira'iist cnoi al punishment. Jurcr when culled to tiic stund of en decline they cMot consent to tune a-vayhuman liie, and, therefore, are ex:;ued fr tn the pauel. Id uitecates out of ten the very worst eases of homicide are now Drought lu .runnier in tins tecond depree or niuiifluuL'hfr. It would not surprise me if cat 1 al punishment were totally abolished in our State betore long. Jurors cat at pre-tnt BCHicely be found to u-sume the re-epont-ibility of coLsining a I'cllow-beiU lo the gallows. Theie are three colored men to be hunsr on the 8tti of January. In Pi meets Anne, tor the Xneriier ol the capia'u and m!.e ot a -ciiooner. SVe have had quite a tout li of winter in tn? puot few ciiiy.-'. The snow fi ll to the iie.jtli of tbre ineliea, nixi much ot it stdi reaiains. txtc.sive preptirii'ions are ilren iv luakini by fhopkeepi rs and no. ion in rcii inti lor the Cb i if-tnins holi'liiyc. Aiiie from ihia, buiuc.-9 is try dull and niony tcarce. I s-aw Colonel Uidi," r lu-t evening. He U pre- rvmv to niter upon hia duue? as Insiiecor ! ittiDiil llavenue iu 'fe.vas, and leavs m a few days lor San Aulnu'o, whu-h is to be his lie:i t-quartir-. His salar IsSHuui) a ,err. It will i.e r collec'i d C jlon? I B- L'-r ha t-eeu reins ati-j iu the r irulararmy, nul liojics to recover about $1.1 ( ( 0 back pa . A new ra' enterprlpe is now ho'ns; n'.ri tated by the citizen-, o' t'air.di a i i b i! nn ue counurs. Itsitikcs oil irom ttii No'-tli.iii Uen tral at Texa, tonrti in miN-s lrm 15 iltum n, and runs to ilaueuf &'-i in Cairoil, a tlistiiiice of twen y-tnrcP Tnib. Vour corrts Donileut his t'ousciite 1 to at end fvernl ine"t. in sr (n the line t:n. coming wek. and, wi h other peiuiemen, a Idr-ess the people. It will cost between live and tix huadrtd '.houjuud dollars. Polifcal matters here are very quiet. T;ic Den oerats, as a peiieial tLinn, us well as con-Bi-rvatives and Johiisnn nifu, Hre u qui e well tatisticJ Hint the election ot (iiaut and Coltax bus been the very bc-t vlnnir all matters taken into coubidrration thut coul I posnibly have been doue. Tbey believe it wdl trive us peace, quiet, and rronerity. What noble fel lows to ai'cover the truth at last I NEWS SUMMARY. Ky Air.tii'f. Tbe following are tbe recelpti of hay and straw for the week ending Oee. 6, 18iJS: Li tdo ot hay, 720; loads of cuaw, !t. Pnee Trnie timothy, per 100 poutds, $l'25'51,30; medium, Sl-l;j 120; inier.or, SKttl-ib; straw, $l.i 135. VV.lliam Dure, resldine; in Xiw M nket street, accideiiially fhot bunsi-lt in the loir, on iiatur day, while lianoling u pistol. The wouu t is not coiisideren a dangerous cue. He wui taken to the Hospital. Davm Sipars, a slio-tonder at the West Jersey Ferry, Caindeu, tell into iha Uela ire uu baturday, and was drontd. ll.sbolywaa re covered yesterday atternoou. Tbe Uecaa-ed reiscued an old man on Haiur.taj. wuo leil m o the. Delaware and wm nearly droued. Tue deceased lived at Kaiirbu's 1'oiut avenue ai d Broadway. South L'auiaeu, aud leaves a widow and six children. Mary Conawcll, aged slxty-flvn, residing at No. 715 8. SeveutU street, tell down bttir e terday at her residence and was senou-ly in jured. She wa-t removed to tbo liospitul. Hannah Naultj had one of her arms irctuied on Saturday by beim run over by an espress wapon. tsne resid'-d 1n II uib''8' court. Jo in Watson (colored) hal bitb leos crushed ou Saturday by beinfr run over bv a wnqon driven by bimselt in West Pbtla lelpbla. William Maclean, employed on board the steanir W. Wbiildiu, was caught in a coil of rope on Satur day. and had one ol bis legs badly injured. Tbe annual meeting of the Movamen-ini Institute was held at the ball corner of Ele veaib and Christian streets, on Tbur. day even intr last. The report was read by tne President, which contained many iuteies ina stHtement. At fretent a tiifrbt sebcol, coLtiBt usr of eighty bojs, is in successful operation, with eratityms; results. The loilowtog pen1 lenien wre elected olhcers for the en-uinz years -President, Jobu tJ. Oilier; Vice President, Pa'rick a. t'aan; Bccretary, William J. Meed; Treasurer, Anuur Huphee; Manascw, Joun H. Davis, William Loupblin, Thomas Ricnnrdion, John Kelly, Francis Graham. Henry rJ. Ta' ham. James L. Campbell, B, II Bartol, James C. A lams, John II. Tsegart, Peter Glasgow, aud Tujujus a. Stewart. As a specimen of the clans of men we may expect to tind In ibn now pjliea iorc, proviiied llr. Pox wins before tbe couris, wo cite tue lol lowing case: M'chaei J. Daley wrs yesterdey 'nkin Into custody for druDkMQUfHt no disorderly una lnu(, and i (no- ion a copy of a vemluu which was luuud upou dm: i-MlLDKI.PHlA, Nnvembcr, 18WJ Daniel M Fox. T,... -A tlik iinoerhlt-'ijcU clllz ns. du i-hrmhuiu r.coumieud ilr. ii u mel J. i) ( tiiu nojmo . of iM.lltmiftii ui.iler jour r Ion, koluK lh 1 in apijoiiilninii w 1 1 Klve ki eri o9'c luu lo ttte ClUKeiltt UI IUB W.'Ui 1 irnuri.i lit'. .v. Johhck H. HiHiKnr, Kelcc1. t'oiinnll, John Canoimo tev"iii' eulh Ward, It Is intended by the Piladlonia Alutiol Afi-oeiauou of Princeton Coilejro to pive n public reception to the new President, Or. McCosb. onTuefdav (to-morrow) eveuine. Tn ceremouies will take plice at the li-i?. Dr. Croweli's church. Broad above Cbrnut. Attorney-General Brehterwill deliver the ad drers of welcome, and William C. Alexander, Eta., of New York, will mak" au address ot con pralulalion. Of cour'e Dr. M'-CjsU wld also speak. Tbe matter is in cbtree of a committee ofithe Philadelphia Aluami, of which Ilou. James folio a is ciiairinnu. A conteience of all the bishops of the A. M. E. Church will lake place iu thU civ in the earlv nart of next week, toir'-ther with the Mi- siocury Hoard of i-aid Church, for tbe uurpose oi more thoroneniy organizing me missionary work of the Cburch. Bmnops Ojiun. Puvne. Campbell, Way man, Brown aud Udor er will op present tn perfon, and ppinaps histiops Wafd, of California, ami Nazrev, ot Canada, by proxv. The Missionary Board. In addition to th" Bench of Bishops, is composed of many of the ablest minUteis in the A. M. K. connection. It may thcreior" be expected tnat a verv lu'orestiusr week will bo enjoed bv tbo uiember of tbtt brai chof tbe Cnnrcb. Their seions w II be Vpi.i ut. Rihul Church. Sixth tttrcet. ru-lnw Pinp. The evenlne services will be opn to all who defile to attend. A general missionary meeting will tie Leid peiore tue ruanuiwu uug ourns, IfomeHtlc AfrnlrN. - field closed on Raturday at 130. lb re Is excellent Me!iUlu nw at BuT1o. Cbiel Jubtice Chase has rett.rued to Wah ir.rton. Tbe Elec'oral College of Georgia will meet on Wednesday. News oi snow Ptorms reach us from all sec lioi s ot tbe country. ' Th" raae ol Jell. Davis has been continued ovtr to May ncx'. Thomas U. Florence has been appointed Ask esor ot the 8i cond district. Newark, N. J Is about to erect a monument lo ti e memory ot Union sol Jters. The couvic ion ot Colonel A lexnnder creates surpn-e amonir his Inends at Ueadunr. The vote of loa on ibe question of ceprd m 11 ree stood:-r'or, 10."i,3Hl : a2aniBt,.Hl.ll'j Wba.en, the asasm ot D'Arcy MeiJee. will not be bum; ou tbe lUtU jiroxuno, as previously a loo ii need. K A. Pol'ard, nnilicr of the "IaA Cane,' has been rewarded by a clcrktdnp in tne Cdstoiu House ot Got hum. Wa-blnston is already teemlnir with mem oirs ot CoLpress and thuso who always follow tn the wake ot tbe treat. Arss Mary Wiltse, need 17, committed sui cide ou Fuday uU'Ut iast, iu Cuicuo, by luitiu t-tr)cbnine. Cause ui. known. - The trial oi Deacon A-drew.s stdl coiiiluues at I'hn outb. Ma-s. The case willpo to tbejjry to muht or to narrow. Tbe bony ot Capialn Blnrd L. Hirtz. of the V7ui Uee'ulHr5, who died r eeutiy in uemral lerrj's depar m ut pas-ed ihroue n Omahi, ou the I t i:is am, etirouie to Potisville, Pa. Walter Bioh, champion oarsman, whowa) rowtuir Irom Pitisouit? 10 C.nciiiiiail, on a water, run his boat on apikiof bn.iut) pier, at I'm keit-burp-, Ta., ou Saturday iiiOinnur, ami injnied her so much as to be unaolc to proceed lur'lf r. The Navajnesbave commenced deprelations at Bio Viraln, In Colorado, ami have alieady caitled orl a larpe number of hor.-c3. Tue en zeus, aided liy trieudly Indians, pursued and recaptured twenty of the hursts and killed t AO ol the Indiau.. Gerald Ka'on has been found trinity of mur der iu the hit-t acKtee In tbo (Jjiiri of Oyer uud Terni'ner, the verdict ot ihejury beiuu tendered a few minutes ater mluinvht on Huuday morn irp. His counsel gave notice of a motion lor a new trial. l orciuu AllalrN. London, Dec. 5. Tb linue. iu an article lo (lay ou ihe Alaoama claims, nrnues uu;iiust. tue Government yielding to the te demand ot Mr. evard,thet the questions of interLauonal lu v be submitted to a com miss ou. The 'limes i-ays that ihe Auierii-an Cominissiouers will come ci mraitud ua.iin Eutriand, uud ci'iuus that oy the natural law the brili.-h Cuuinnssiuiiers will be i liven to ihe opposite view. The ltnus re prtts that Lord Stanley has been rob'J-d ot the elory of setilinp these iiuei national diilieulties, but is leituin tlint Lord ('mreu ion, or whoever the now Foniun Secretary may be, will pursue the same pulley. LoMioa, Die. C Tho Obrtrvcr pives the fol lowing lit ol nienibi r oi Mr. Gladstone's Cabi nc: Chancellor, Sir A. M. Paecwood; Presi oi i tr-l Pi ivy Council. Lord KuiiIh i u ; Lord of i he IJii y .( at, Kan ltus-eli; Cli incciljr ot tbe Kai hi qiier, Uobeit Lowe; t list L rd ot the Ad Uiiii.ltv, C hi. ih is; l-ore eu ,ecieuiry, Lord ClaieiKiou ; Home Bccieiary, Henry A. Bruce; j-ecietiry ol War, CuidAel!; necreiary tor India, Duke ot Ail'j II ; Colonial becietary, E it 1 Gran ville; htcrettiry lor Ireland, Chiehe-ier r'ortes eue; PiTrident ot Poor Law Board, Goscbcu ; Piestdi lit ot Hoard ot 1 rude. Br flit: Po-tiuas- ter, Genet al de Grey; Chancellor of tbe Uucby of L auciister, Charles P. Villiers: L ud L c.' tenig.tof Ireland, Karl .-pincet ; Lord Chancel- loi oi ireiauo, uiaaL'ao. Lovvcv, Dec. 6-2 30 P. M. Vacuo rumors are allout in this cuy ot a pmenil Helurc of newsf iipeis this muruins in i uri-, audot cou flie:8 iieiween the troops vd ihe pcooic The-e rumors, thouth not continued, have caused a piinic in commercial cri les in mis city. LotNi'ON. Dec. 6 Mmu'cht. lelcurnms from the New York As ociated Press announoins un- asiness in on th reported killuiir of Nnroteon were received bere to-n:iy. The rumirs were entirely wi'hout foundation. The I nipcror is not dead, nur uas lie been ill. I'Aitis. Dec. b. 1 ne panic iu commercial cr- e'es here 1o-Uay was occasioned by rumors of the Subline Porte having tent an ulumatun to Greece. . , London. Dec. G. Despatches lroin. Paris to- duv report that that city i Iranqui). Havana, Dec. &. several arieis we-e moiy made lor atiempts to i-liiparuis into the interior, intended to be used by tne m-mrieeiionisis. The steamer Tavaca has sailed for Key west, with various sensational teleiriams, nervcrtiuc and exapcratinsr tacts, and intended for publi cation iu New York journals, tue object of which is to cause excitement in tne Netf loik suear market on Monday next. Inteliictnce received Irom Mexico states that active ii easures have been tMken by the N itiooal CunL're8 for the ejection ot all func tionaries w ho served under tlie late Maximilian, The fo lowiLor has been received irom Haul: Salnave's nickels attacked the tou ol J tcmel ou tbe 19th, and were repulsed with a loss ot 300 killed jncludiuc General Geronlmo. Tlie icst of the force retreated to the interior. Sal- nave has captured an Eusllsh schooner, laden with eotJee. and lias reiuseo to oenver uer over. The Luel'sh Conml has sent to Jamaica for a war vessel, aid ibe r tent h Consul also sent lor t bins of war to demand satislac'iou tor tbe de struction ot tbe Consulate at Jacmcl. hdlnave had detained the British mail steamer Jamaica Busini &s continues brisk. Heavy rains were prcvniling, and a large sugar crop was ex pected. Q1TY ITEMS. Wi would at pre ent particularly invite the atten. tlon of the public to our esiabllsucd Dullness rule which Is strictly adhered to under all clrcuwst&ucea: "Ills guarantee all vrtec lower than tha loueit elsewhere; dttso, guarantee full latltaclion to every pureftoner, or tne tale cancelled and monry refunded." We give all customers more value lor their mosey Than tuky can out ixskwhhbic. under any and all clrcumttances. To Fcxi.y5Cahby out this kui.k at thb pbksent 11MJ, we have reduced the price Oi our null re lock, which wll be disposed ot lower ilian the same or equal goods can be purchased bf ASY OTHlta EbTABLlSBMKNT IN 1BII CITY. Without gulUK lutu further detail, we would say tbit oar stock comprises all kinds and sizes ot every oealrahle style of gooda ta he tound In the market, aind la Bupekiobto Any bTocK in Philadelphia, in Style, fit. and Workmanship. We have a choice assoriuiaut of Piece Goods, which we will make up to or Jer now, ut at any time, with the same guarantee as we oiler on our Beady-made Goids. Hull vxw between I Bunnbtt A Co., iijVi and Y Tow kb Hall, v &ixth etreetM.) t&Q. 51 Mabks.t St., Philadelphia, AndNo. eoo Beoadway.Xsw Yobk. Attiktion. We beg to call tbe attention of Medi cal Fractulouers aud Invalids to Bpeer'a "Hlandard Wine BIlieiB" as a mildly stimulating, diuretic, indorlHo and tonic aid to debilitated persons from whatever cause. Their base Is Bpeer's pure Wine without the semblance of medication, except by herbs and rcoti. The most delicate ladles use them wltb decided advantage. Thy are remarkably plea sant to Ihe taste. Bold by Dmgglstg. Jcsu Billings says The mott smallest animal which prowt is the Bumblb Bait. He miiibt have also added, thai the Most La roust ' Stork of realy fine fashionable Beady-made Clothing Is to be lound at Chabi.ks Btokes ft Co s , Ne. 824 Cuesuut atreet, ABTOUNBINO KBPOUTH. 21X0 CASKS OF CONSUMPTION CUBED. Professor Troeau, of tbe Children's Hospital. Paris, reports that, In two thousand cases of Con sumption, la which the fuimula for Uv ham's Fresh Miat Vurp was used, it cured 'nearly every one. It allays the cough, heals the lungs, aud gives new lease of life. Isold ti per bottle, or six forts. John stow, Uulj-oway A Cowpbm, H"o, &V2 Arch street. The Tbub Medical Doctrine Nature, whin RtrngtllDf with disease, Indlcaws nnmUtakably the Stud of assistance she tequlres. Incases of nervous weakness and general' debility, the feeble pulse, tbe lack-lustre tye, the attenuated frame, the llaoold mosclfs, tbe melancholy visage, Inform us as plainly as If each organ bad a tongue, that a medicated stlmu tant is mated. It does not require the aid of a medical education to understand this dumb appeal for new vigor from an exhausted sjslem. Kvery reader of these lines can ocniiireheiid It Just as well as th8 grid ante of a physlcUn's college. Lst not this de- ruaLd of enfeebled nature ke neglected. Kespond to It prontirtty T commeajlng a course of Homtp.t- Tan's r-TOMACB BiTTKMS.a prepaiatlon unlilag, In tbelr big I est excellence, the properties of asriMU lant. an in vkiobant, ana an altkbativk. Illjre tLreo dys have elapied from tbe taklug ol the flu" dose, a marked beoi HclAl chaoge will be mantrest hi be buddy and mental coiiduhm of the patient. The ulte will be slrcmger aud more regular, tbe eye will begin to lose Its dull expression, tbe muscular and m rvous systems to recover their tension, en 4 tbe plrlisto Improve. Persevere, and a comple e revl vIlicalhiD ot thedepiesHed animal and mental power s certain. Jn cases of dyspepsia and biliousness, the ame salutary results will be ontalued. The appetite w ill revive, the sallowuess of the skin disappear, and all tbe distresses symptoms which accompany dls orders of ibetiomacb and liver will rapidly subside. Ihe cold of winter ollen InteriilUes these omplaliti by checking tbe perspiratory ecilon, oy waicU si cut b morbid matter Is evupoia'ed through tbe pore n rulider weather, and therefore the Bittkbs ure esi cclally useful to the dyspeptic and bllloui at this stason, Jkwklry. Mr. William W. Caesldy, No. 12 South Record street, has the largest and most attractive ai-sorlmeiit of fine ewe. ry and silverware n the city Furcbastr ran rely opon ob aiulng a real, pure arti cle furnished at a price which cannot be equalled. Be also has a large stock of American Western welt lies in all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store Is pure io remit lu plwamue aud prulll. Attend to thk 1'ibst Isymptoms or Consump tion, and check the disease in Its Inclplcncy, by using Jaync's Expectorant, a safe remedy for all affections of the. Lungs and Bronchia. Sold every. where. Tbf.nwith's Nkws Dkpot, lately opened on dies. mil si., e-t ulMxtli, o. ti4. Is a uiudel e ulllHniunni ot lis kind in ev.ry respect. Nett-ly IKied up, airy. iiihi. and convenient, goous connplcuuugly dlHulaved. eeryihliiK lu perleci order, It is r ally a pleniure to smp in hlx place. We havp Just received from hi'U "lliiiper's Weekly" aud "Monihly," the "AlUiillo Montnly," 'C;omrc Moutbl? '' eto MARINE TELEGRAPH. Fit additional Marine Newt tee First Page, ALMANAC FOB PUILAOKIiPHlA-TaiH DAY. Hon t-ihk-i...-....-....7 1- &1ihn hisK4..,.mii-ii SON HbTS.... 4 ,IilH WaTKU. S 15 PHILADELPHIA BOAKU Off THADK. SAVI'KL K. Stokks. ) Hku .ATI, VMONTHLY COMMITTEE. A MimW W H ! B.I."R. ) ....KOV. 14 ..!VOV. ill) ....Nov. Nov. ....Nov, D'c. .... D-c .Djo. JIOVXUl-Ms OF OCEAN STKAMKtls i'oa AM Km ua. A t I arjta ........... Iimlon rew York Caledonia Oli(iw Iiew Yu.'t , Cltvoi C'ura LlveritiOl...iN'ew Yura...,, I hluijia i.iveii,)ii...iNew orK Hei.ii-lvu.ula...LIverpool...rSew YorK Peiuvian Llverpool...,urlmud IIoisuIIh Soulhainpton...New York Hilt KUKOPE. CotnrsdO....M.....New York...Llveriool, ....... )'1hd Ne-v Ynrk... I.iverimol Tileo'l. New V oric.Llverpiiol Pereire iew Tor iiavra iijc. Fiance New York...LiVeru..ol lu' (. hleiiou'a ,iew VorkwlaKguw,., .Dec. Aialania iNew York. ..London Iim.. O.nt Amwerp...New Yorlt...Liverpool.......... tvo CoiWHHhlngtonAew YorKLiver-mul uu City Ot Parm....New York... Liverpool .Oao! COAsTWllSK, DUMk-vnt:. KTO. A Ipsk a ,.m.w York... Anpin wall Deo. Coluiiibia New Y(...UvanaM.., .Dec Wyoming rnila(la....a,vac'.iali ii..f P'im-er .Phllad u..... Wllailnguiu. ........ Deo, Mississippi New York...Rlo Janeiro D a Jiiiiihih .Phllnaa jNew Oriuaua l).-n BtHrsandStrtuesPhllada Hnvana iiur. Mails aie lorwarded by every steamer In theretcuUr linen. 'Ibe Bieaujera fur or from Llvt-rnooi -..n . Queenstown, except the Canadian line, wnlnli cull at U'nui inir ry. iiivnit-niunis ior or irom tno uoutl neet rail at Sonthamnion DRY GOODS. . 'T f . II T.' Ii a . Tlinr. . . . . i j . ' i i n j i ' oat unuAI, Steamship T' rnWHiiua, feuuiugx, iSnvannah Phil aflphluatid Hipiilheru MadUteauiHh'p Co. ..... l.inouuv f..lllurll,. 1,' . I . . . I . . . iriiu.aii.K , v.... iiiuiiii;luii, 1, II.. rill. ludelpnlwaiid tiotilbi ru Mnil Steamship Co. BteaniHliip Koiiuin, Bilker, Buhioii, 11. W ln.iorAOo sieamt-hip J. W, iveru-au, Vauce, illcuuoud, W P KaiQiieC'ella". Dolby. Barbados, Warren A drear Schr K. Vanneuian, Vannvuian, New OxIoaus Lath- huiv WIcSerhhBin a o. ' Si r MeyUower, Kults, New York, W. P. Clyde Co. ju'r New Y'ork. Jones. Washington, ao Ri'rF Franklin. lerxon. Baiiimcre, A. Orovp-. ir TngTbos Jefl- rsoii. Alten, for Balluuore, wiin a tovs m burrua. W. P. Clyde & Co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY, .-....,"...,-.-., ubn.ii i.uiiiaiiiiui uosron. With mil!-P. BDd possengers to U. Wlusor 4 Co. Passed in tt e bay. tuque Triumph, Irom Uavauuah, aud otiiH, as lieiore reported. " Kcur Bin. Head. Benson. 2 aays from New rtarl. loio.T-lthell tosnnber A Co. aew uea Pt-hrH. A F. Chambers, Chambers, 1 jay from Lewis, with mdse. to captain. ' ARRIVED BATDRDAV. Fteamshlp Noitnlk, Mo'itan, from Norfolk unrt Bicliiuiiiio. with mdso. to W. P. Clyde A Co ecbr K. Q. Wlllard. Pannns. S days Irom Port and wlib mdhe. to Cruwell A Collins. ' hieamer . rl. btout. Ford, from Washington and Alexandria, with mdse. to W. P Clyde AlC Hieamtr Beverly. Pierce. 24 hours from New Y'ork wlib mdse. to w, p. Clyde A Co. TngThns. JeHernon. Allen, irom Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W.P.Clyde A Co. , t, MEMOKANDA. tatestosbln Pronjetoeua. Uray. for Phlladolnhla fl. ,JV,C 4 bfoulltn, 1 bales cotton. 14 boxes old ij ph. k cases nidaf... s bdis chains. 6u0 bars iron, in ai ks peanuts and 80 pkits sundries 1 mZ't vnte'rV'"'' fr MW "d 8dBD?i?"""P wt"rlwB(1' eer. nence. at Providence SuanasblpClaymont. Piatt, for Philadelphia, sailed Ir m Klchuiond 4tn intt. wiea Barqut) K. snios. Kliefsen, at Antwerp 19th nit., fur rhilauelpbla Klib Inst. ",,,ur Brig Bessie Koue. Prldeaux. from Malaga for Phi. ludeipbla w as towed ibrougQ Ibe straits 8iu ult Brig Laura. Johnson hence, al Halvoel mm !(., Brig Waller Howe-, pierce, beuce fjr Portland salien frem Holmes' HoleSd insi. Brig Isabella Beurman, Kduaard, hence, at ADnn sang 4th Inst. yp0 Bug Marshall Dntcb. Coombs, hence, at Boston 6th Br'g H. J. Burton, Burton, hence, at Helvoet 19th ulnmo, r-cnr Hannloal. Oox. from Prnvldenoe far Philadel phia, sal ed from Newport 3d Inst. tt-brs Maiyland, (ireen. and M. O. Wells. Reeves, hence, at Fall Klver 3d lost. ' Hrlus A TrueOell. Stevens; J. J. Little, Little; and John U Henry. Dilks, lor Philadelphia, Sailed from Pawl ticket 41 h Ins'. fcbr K. ii. Whllden, Robinson, hence, at Providence 4tb 1 net t-rlir Wm. BT. Dennis. Lake, for Philadelphia, sailed from Pr vldeuce4th insu ecbra John Cadwallader, Corson, and F, R. Balrd, hence, at Korwlnh nd iimt. t-chr Anna Myrica. Hievons, from Pawinrket tor rnnant-ipnia via New Vorx, sauea irom Newpurtud lusiant. fi-hrs Vain ant, Bennett, and Ocean, hence, at Rich rroert 4 h Inst. Hebr I.outsa Frsster. Pteelrnao, for Philadelphia, as msdlnir al Cbarieston 8d Inst. bchr J. P. Aruultage, i-daarda, bence, at Petersburg rehr O. H Tot ley. Bunting, for Philadelphia, sailed from pel embers; -fad u t. -chr Ocean Bird. Marsh, for Philadelphia, sailed front petersr-urif tMh ult. K hr Km I' a Wouley, King hence for Salem, at El- n l 1 1 u- n o, 1ftl. f chr Lmle 1- verhard, for Philadelphia, sailed from Warel am 4ih tnst. Srhr Old Zack. Lynch hence, at New Haven 31 Inst, hi lir M arv M llues.CrowelK 'or Philadelphia, cleared b UM...n . V. I n u 1 Hebr 1 ucv A. orcult, Ol'chrlst. hence for Boston, at nnim.i' H,,l2d lni. balled as before reported Kcbr Rachel r. silllei, buiilb, hence lor Boston, at Holn.ea' Hole 4th iBBt Hc-br Bsnl. Strong. Brown, from Providence for Philadelphia, a New Yora 4lb Insr. Kehr Minnie, K Inute, hance, at New Haven 4th Inst. Schrs Po'ly Prlr.a Viie. and Mary L Vaukirk, Walaer. beuoe, at Prnvldence Hd lutt. Hchr Wm. F. Phelns, Oranmer, for Philadelphia, ailed fri in providence Si lust. fchrHarab Claik. UrIIHa, hence, at Pawtucketsd Pcbrs' Wra. P. Oarrlson. Morris: J. D. McOar'y. P ni son; S H. nnarp, -','" "-"even; Wrn. A. Crocker. Bax err K. B. Wbeaton, Penn l; and H. W. Oydfrey, Uodfrey, hence, at Bostan 4th rhr'Abhle nnrslv, Parker, for PhlUdelphls, C eared at Kosion m ". . . . t Steamer J. few Rockwell, hence, at Richmond 4th lustaut. NOTTCE TO MARINERS The Black Buoy on tbe souta point of Goat Island, Newpoit inner uaioyr, uas oevu lepiacea, JgAEOAINS FOR TUE HOLIDAY AT ' THE "BEE-IIIVE.' J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Will tfler daring the Holidays an elegant assortment OF SEW AU DI SlIUItLL (iOUl)S, tlilclly l'urclinsed at tiic Kcccut Large Auctluu JSalcs, At about one.half the Importation cot, comprising FANCY DRESS tOODS In large variety, from 2 j cents to 1 60 per yard, DBES 81LKS AND SATINS, R'CUK BUOCHB AND PAIjLKV HUAWLS, From I s to ll.V). FlNKfsT QUALITY FURS IN RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON BAY KABLK, AMKttlCAN HA BLR, :R0YL FRMINU, UMlNCUiLLA, ETC. KTC IlhAli AblKACUAN SACQUIii, MUFFd, AND UATS. Fino Cloaks. A splendid collection In Velvet. Plush, Montatruic Velvet Cloths Bltcas and Colors; Rich Astrachan and Heal Cloibs. Alto, Opera and Party Cloak . Lad Us' and Children's Furnishing Hoods, HcarN, Ties, Luta, Kmbrolderles, Plain aud Fancy Udals.. iiei ch t-eis, Etc. Hos ery and Gloves ol all kinds. Damask Table Cloths' and Napklni, Piano and Tauie Covers, and other useiul and oruamenial arti cles tno mmtltudluoDS to euumerute, all of wnluh w ill be SLld At a Ureal Sacrifice Trom the Original Cost. J. V. PROCTOR & CO., TUB "itEE-IUVK," No. 920 CHC8NUT Street, II 6 fmw PHILADELPHIA. f J A R D U R T O N. iXTEA ANNOUNCEMENT. I OIi TI2Ii"i:E IAYS O.M.Y. 310. DAT, WEDNESDAY, When the Hlorc Will be Fosilivilj Closttl. STOREKEEPERS, DRESSMAKERS, MILLINERS AN D THE L A D I E 8 GENERALLY. We will offer Ji b Lots AT LESS THAN HALF THICE. QUICK BUYERS WILL. SECURE GllEAT BAliGAINS. ADDITIOAIi DISCOUNT OF .FIFTEEN' CENTS TAKEN OFF EACH DOLLAR PURIt JUAsjED. DRY GOODS. WARQURTO?!, No. 1001 CHESXUT Street. VJ O V E fl B E R, 18 6 8. Sifccial Demonstration This Day WE OFFER A MAGNIFICENT BTOCK OF VELVETEENS, from i'2S to 3per yard. PAlt-LEY AND BKOLIHE SHAWU K1W STYLE OF PLAID bUiWLS, BLANK ETH, UL1LTS AND OOVEULID9. CLOaKIKUS. CLOTilS, AND CAIsblM allaS. TABLE LINENS, F1.ANNEL9, AND MUdLIS-i BLACK rILKL. AND BO LID COLOItKD SiLKS blLK. POPL1NH WOOL POPLINS, ALPACAS Etc. Etc., At Unprcccdcntcaly Low FricesISI -an .nnrd in n ih name ntialltv of Goods as tA., .n rHkftnnt MTtett nr E!ehLii stre.t. aft mni;n lower prlcts, as our izpenaes are not ONE-HALF Let tbe community tumaoiinis ana says iulk MONEY AND TlUlR TIM.E. JOSEPH H. THORNLEY. N.E. tor. ElUUTUand SPBL (JAKDO, 9 26 8m Bp PHILADELPHIA. (Established in lso8.) s I L. EXTKAORDLNAKY DAKGALNS IN DKESB GOODS, Esucciailj Adapted to this Season, Representing the most extensive and varied assort ment Id this market, at tbe extremely low prices Incident to tbe great shrink age oi values During the Teriod of their Utmost Depression. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Wo. 727 CIIESNUT Btreot, PHILADELPHIA. QOBELIN TAPESTRY AND aiOQIMST TA 11X12 COVJBUS. Tn.t rcroived. an Invoice ol thoae RICII QOODS1. In Crimson, Oreen, Maroon, Blue. Bismark, and Clulnls Colois. Irom iu up. A xvoki ouimu. ALtO, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Bicli Embroidered Table and Piano Covers, AND VERY ELEGANT LACE CURTAINS, IN NEW DE1IGNS. SIlEMDjYAN EARLIXGEX & IRRItflJ, No. 1008 CHESNUT STKEET, 11 80 mwfitrp PRILADELPHIA INDIA SIIAAVLS AND SCAUFS GEORCE FRYER, No. OlO OIIKSNUT. BTaKET' Invites attention to his stock ol ! Ileal India Camel's Hair Shawls & Swirls. Also, sn elecant stock ol PILKI, In Blacks aud Colors; FANCY BILK PLUSHES, POPLINB SHAWLS, and FARCY GOODS. INDIA SHAWLS AND SCARFS altered and re paired, and cleaned In a superior manner, lo so 2mrp JX) ritOFTvIETOIlS OF HOTELS EOAIUMG-HOUSES AXD SHIPPING. Ws have a special Wholesale Department for snp plying LIN If N AND COTTON SHEETING, TOW ELB, NAPKINS, SINGLE BKD AND BERTH BLANKETS, and other goods particularly adapted to four wants. All the above kind of GOOD9 made up at short notice II desired, S1RAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, CEMKAL DKY U00DS STOKE, COB, VltlflTH AMD MARKET HTBEI3T VAM1LY MUUKNliSU. 1 AMILY MOURNING EVERY ARTICLE POU FIRST AND SECOND J Mill KNI0 WbAR 1 DTtWG001). LOMNeTS. RHAWL9, VUL-S IKAPKs, CuLLAR, ETC. At prices to comhete wlib tne present sacrifice li LltY GOODS. VI Y E II S' New Mourning Store No. 1118 CHESNUT htrp-t, li;R(m2tu HIHARO ROW. AMUSEMENTS. FOR THE LADIES. Xo. 1011 WALMJT STREET. For the better conenlerce of hor Ps'ro!s, MliS. PllOOTOIl HAS KE1IOVED HI It LI(E!iS:MAKING F.001IS XO Xo. lCIt UAIAl'I' Street, Whete she will be buppy to see her Irlecda. The GEN Ell AL illY GOODS iiL'IN'ES'i will be CMitiuutd an heietofore, at No. MCaESSDf tit. 11 g J. W PHOOIOK b CO. PARIS "LA BELLE" SKIRTS. All Styles of Ibis Justly celebrated SKIRT. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., Ko. 727 CM LIS NUT Street. BALTJ1CRALS OF THE BEST MAMFACITOE. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT Street, 12 5 6trp PHILADELPHIA l00 HOOP SKIRTS, f,)Q UZiU NEW Fill STYLES. U LA PANISR, and all other desirable styles and 4 1Kb ol our CELEBRATED CHAMPION SKIRTS, tor ladle., muses, aud children, ounstautly on aa aid made to oroer Larguat aoaortuient la thejtu ana specially adapted for tint class trade. COHbETb I COHbETtSl OOR8ETSI Reianlng at very low prices. Our aasonment Is noiopieie, embracing Thompson's Giove Putlog, In all giadea, Irom t S)S K !); Ueokel's Buperloi Prt-ncb Woven Corsets, Irom Ut'io to ft"00; supe i lor Whalebone hand-made Corsets, trom (tt oen a to a iio, In ablolos and olrcnlar gore; MaaamePoy . Corset fcklrt hnpporters, at Vl'tfO. Also, airs. Moody's Patent be'f-Adjnstlris; Ahdora nal Corseta; whlcn every lady should examine. Corset Clasps, tt cents pair. Wholesale and Retail Mauulactory and Salesroom No. ttWSAKCH weeu g 8m WV. T. HOPKINS. CLOAKS. (I.OAUN-CI.OAKN. The crowd or cum. J tuuic-rsi wlio dally vlH our sitore must t-on viuce every one that It Is) the place to lire tbe uewettt silyles). The Uuettt qunllliCHaud the bettt work nt the luoeit reasounblc ricen. II i:.Mt Y I Vi:N, Ko. 23 Hon 111 XI.MI1. Street. C1I.OAIiSt-tI.OAKM. What every one J stays) luiiNt be true, aud they all stay you ran buy the moat laMhlouablc, the bettl sud cheapest Cloaks) lu the city, at II KM II Y 1VK.VV, li 28 mwf2m No. jUS.MI.VI'H Street. TRUSSES. "btELEK'8 11 aku'klbueh imj8a IttwHC No. 1M7 CrtEhJSlJT btreek This Trass our ri uy applied will cure arid retain wltb ease tne mo4 dllhculi rupture: always clean, light, easy. sale, ana oomtorlablti, used In bathing, Ailed to form, never ruaui, breaks, soils, becooius llmiwr, or moves from place. to strapping. Hard Kuboer Abdominal Hup. purler, by which the Mothers, Cotpnleui, aud Ladle. suQeriug wllh Female weaknesa, will Hod relleiaud fertect support; very light, neat, and eilocluaL. fnt natrumeDia Hhoolder Braoea, EImiIo Htocklnn fo weak limb., Brupeuslons, eto. Also, large stock bas Leather T'rtuiaes. bail usual prloa, Lady In atwns. pp.. liMwms DYEING, SCOURING, ETO. XltW YORK DYKING AND PRINTING IN EfcTABLlBlIWKNT. WOHKB ON HTATEN ISLAND. Ottlces, Ko. SON. E1GHTU Mirtet, west side, PhUa, No. SS DUaNE Hlteet No 762 BKOaDWAY, New York, and Nos. IM aud liM 1'IEKKEPON T Htreet, lirooklyn. 'Ihli o d and extensive eslaollsnmeut having been In ntls'n'oe a half renfury aie pieparBd to DY It and t'LkANHK Lad ts' and Guutiemea'a Uarmeuts and Ht-ce Gi i.ds ol every description and labrlo la their Ubually unsurpassed manner. riAMUKL MARSII, President. J. T. Youso. Becretary. 10 IS mwiim E"obr.EB8'AND WOSTENIIOLM'S TOCKET KNlVt.H. Pearl and Stag llandlfs. of beautiful finish. UODMKKrV aud WALK A BUTCHER'S KA KOVH. aud the eidvbreled LECOULTRS RAZOR bClt-HOLM of the rln.t quality. Kaxnre, K nlves, tkilsnors, and Table Cutlery Ground and perished, at P. U ADEUIA'H, No. LU U. TENTH ueei.below Chwnufc tvl AMERICAN ACAD HI Y OP MUSIC 11AMAN AND GEHSf AN OPKRA 1111.- (woLda,) EVs.NlNW.Deo 7 ZSK Verdl s G. ai d Mpt-oiaoular Opera. ' . v. Ell A N L v, frn'n,."'," ...MM8 8TAT)CI r rDim ..SK4, UOhiTTr Char .nuuibi Kii u. rlTrfiS i. i n... . M.rths J lOllf 1'iiir Seti.... Otnductor.., lotow'a Cnariuinir Cjmle Opera, MA lA M n CKLLINI i.... tlER HAH;i,4n " Kit II P0 4M KS ..... ......M... ..........,.., MAX MAlta.TAStK Biliii Km vorke Ouera. 1 ' NORMA, i taVJr.RhA 'JUM"1 ,u ncr ""rid unowned Aaf W D?-c!'l JtJRA INER. Aiuhic 8tor.Nu. sat Chwaiitstvet. rumier s JIIERNUT ST BERT " TriFATliir1 J i t WPLI- I K 8C(! K-i OK TH R I Ruin! MU.Nl AY AMI TI h: ., . v i,L.,.,"y m' CUA.N.-E Ot PROGRAMME, ' JAM E K'inl.sauN tljAKhN K. u t, .I Vt ta me . nuu .. .. t I. A t r IN t1. i.A 1'ITITKJKI.ihb., i Mfc; INFANT RIDE11 .,.. WHEAT CLOWNS. "iuJlli. '1IK 1 ItlNuM BAT roirrS LKA r ' r-i'1 V.A'r' " ASIU.w HUUDI.fei A(T. TCLUxNAlKl- -J 1 Uu K-UUKSK. HRILTuNr snd n'l mi- (in a 1 rnup. ' 'Jilh b'lt'Ii OK EDI CATKD HOIitlRq T0C0LUUU. wl Ii llf A mini ,. Haiitnmim. LLLIN ANIi ANNKT1K ' o-irr SAM tint I'M M-.TI.NKB. r.ll.KMuY AM) HViritoAV ATJ Matinet-adnjIs-uon.Man.i 2-.cmis. nt duisl,,n. 24 c nts. 10 cents, and 11. No ' x'ra tur .ciupu ih. MRS. JOHN DUKWSARCU STKEET THE. Alio Bhkuis at lin-ia-it 7. ic ON DA Y, Dro. , and EVERY KVENINCJ. first ulgu.s ol CVhiufl t'iiiKtrli'. Play. lib every scpiim n-w B tburlt. llswthnrne and Mr. Fetter, llealleilc vcnaiii;al EtV-cis. . By ,(,hn r-'ui s and Assistant New Mi slo aud o et enst, hy Mr. JOHN HKEV and Companr. Pt-atu sou fd l days In advance. ALNL'i 8T. UlUiATUB. BE(J!NSAT77 1 MIH (M. noy f.VK.vIXu.JJw;.;. " beverth Nlshl Ol tn eiiKBtrniMfiit vt ajKtj. D. P. LOW EK3, tho will appfar, 1-OH THIS NIT11T ONLY, iu ucr uuni a.itu .luyv minnLiun ui lAillbLK, In lb'- CV'lirptfd Drama ol that n-vme. AtUiauil linval Mr J. C McCollOm locuMMi"'- Miu tin- f,n"imii'e Farce of A PllE 1' I Y PxECK OF KUhlNhikj. TCEfrDAi 1 1AII, 111 K KMtSAIvEN. IHlC ORANOK OIKL, a Chr'slnisn B'nry, will no p'oduued shortly. rpilKAlRt! CCMiyUb, SEv"eNTLI STREET J. beltwAich. Cun.uieiiCi 8 at 7 80. J. c. uiiEtiOL b tu.o Ltubte aud Mauagcr Plr.l wttk of HIE AUTOMATON, flist week of ii.h M'IRAI, ASCENSION. Flr&t wrek 01 J- Kt) I II K Al ON K E Y. All ei.liip n aim ev, ry uik I. VA'IIM-K s.vrntlltT AT FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE EVkKY EVhNlNt Nli BA1U11DAY AH EKOON. GISEAT COjdKlNA'UON TKOUPK. Ii Grand Bullets, Eihrplan Ilurlt-squta), Bongs Dnni-fH. 4tiniai(t Acto, ele 1 ON CERT II A L L. 6ELE0T HEADINGS itr ItCPl'a ADAMS, . urdr-r ibe ri'"fcos .l tlm YOLX- (I M V N Cri HMTIAN ASSOCIATION, 'J U 1 ISU . Y hVtKliVU. Dt-O. 6, laoS. Doors fi hii h' 7. at 8. 'i Ickets, 1' if.y cvu s. Fi r (.aie ai K1.11 d'.i Mrglo Store, No. 028 Chesnnt strt-et, and at ilif ilui-r on lli eveuingof the Head lug. N. B.-ItOketvd Scats wuhoui extra chart e. 12 i wfsm 4t flhE PUBLIC REIIKAUSaLS Ob' THE GER X JuAIa t-KUHrrtlHA at Huritcultural HMl ill be oUcon li u-d on account i t the Hall bavlog h. tn pr- I. uiy eugfcgtd. iheyw.U be resumed on De tUibf r 8 1. h iiKiKHu,enls ran be made by addressing G. BAS. Ttlll. No. 12;)I MONTEKh Y tiireeti Wlttig's Mus 0 biore No. Hti Chrsnui street; Andre's Music mors, No 11114 ChfMHH wirfHt. 10 19 8in CAbh SKNTZ'AND Ai ARK HASSIER'S 0R J IbK-TKA MAtTNh.hW, aVKkY (SATURDAY Bl 3! a V. M IN At Ls-lCaL t UN D 11 ALL. felt'sle AdV uilhslon. Ut ii if-. l iicsateol4 tickets, 1, at Boner' No.102CHEkNi T St.. fud at ihe Door. Ulstl MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. B A I.L A D AND SIGHT SINGIN G.-V, aLilji; No. Hi b. N1NE1EENT11 bU U IIS CURTAINS AND SHADES. (J U li T A I N rSTlULISIIMENT. The subscriber are now receiving their FALL. IMPORTATIONS OF RICII CURTAIN FABRICS FOR rAIlLOII, CHAMBER, AM) LJUJiAKY. WINDOW CURTAINS AND FURNITURE COVERINGS, COMPRISING FHHNCH SATINS AND BROCATELLBS, BO? 1L TAPESTBIES BILK 1ERRY AND COTELIN, WOOL TERRY, KEPd, DAMASKS, ETC ALSO, Just Opened, direct Trom the Manufacturer, Embroidered Lac3 Curtains NEW DESIGN S, From the lowest to the highest quality some of the the RICHEST MAlIU, NOTTINGHAM. LACE CURTAINS. EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. JACQUARD AND 11C8UN DRAPERIES ViSUBULE CURTAINS, In great variety. CARVED, PLAIN, GILT, AND WALNUT COB, NICES, WHITE AND COLORED SHADES. Experienced and reliable workmen superintend otu Upbolitery Department, aua every effort Is employed tn give satisfaction and sxours promptness la fulilll. lug the ordeis entrtutud to us. . S1IEFFARD. VAX flAHUXCEXA AKRISOX, No. 1008 CHESNUT Street, IltOfmwlOtrp PIIILADELPH I A. HATS AND CAPS. JONES, TEMTLB A CO., FASHIONABLE HATTERS. No. Ku H. NIM H 8' reel. First Uo r boovu Cht-suut street. 49( SVVARBDRTON'3 IMPROVED VFNTI t.t.d, sud easy-tltilng Tress iiais (pateulHd), la all the Improved fusblons ol tho season. C'lltts. NLTbVrtt,utlUoor W the tost OlUco, UlUi'P '