8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1868. CITY INTELLIGENCE. TUB MARKET STREET FIRE of the Different Ma Oarers) Mil ThloM and lnsnranoea of the -arlont par tles aneeted by the great fire wnlon occurred un Market slrret last evening;, tbe particular of wblih will be found elsewhere, have been ascei talned to be as follows: T. Won la I'erot & Co. w re completely bnrnai cm. j ueir ion in stocst and nxturee win rang between t 160.000 to faoo.oou, altogether as yet they can hardly form any Jut estimate. Tuey re beavlly Insured In Pniiadelpnla, New York, and Kew Kngland Companies, probably to an amount eufnuient to cover two-tnlrda of their lose. The building occupied by them la part of the Tho rims estate. Nothing of It la lelt stand ing save the walls. It was rallied At J40.0W, and was fully insured, Kllburu, Oitea & to, sustain a lom of between $45 01(0 and tSO.000. They are Inourei In Near York, New Knulaml. aud Philadelphia Com ranks to about two-tnlrds of the amount. 1'ne llrm leused the building they occuple l from the Glrard Ltf fOHurnnce and Truxt Com pany. It wus damaged to the extent Of IJO.OOJ, but was fully Insured. The building occupied by the firm of William W. l'aul dt Co. was owued by Mr. Paul ulmsnlf. He had it insured In the Franklin to un amount enfllclent to cover the damque it resoivod. Too Hock and fixtures of the Ann were Insured In the American, Delaware Almuxl, Manufao lnrerii', and Union Mutual to the extent of f IV 11)0. Tula Insurance Till cover ttiolr loss. Tne loss of Hellers A Brothers U also fully covered by lusurance. i'hey are insured at fol low: Enterprise, iriC0; Mutual, I.OU0; HcliaBoe, iCiTO; Koyal, J4WHJ; Fauie, ?'J0. Meters. Urytfl & Jordan, miocenrorg to J. W. C'aixiu fc Co., lone between 8l,0l)U and 130,0'" Thev are injured an follows: North Atner 2H(KH ltoyal,5(Xl: Rmlanoe, JoOVO; i" inyiu. ; iV'iiaueipttia, y.u.uou. 'I be bullcllui: U:ey occupied " dxn'Fgerl. It belonus to I' , ,,,, ?anrtyr!Hrr - Walton lose by water $20 000 iaua coi ln i-iiilauelpuli and New ia- CITY CRIMINAL CALENDAR. .an, ..rpriBo, X I.fnlhcr Tlilcr-Aiiothcr Arrcst-Paee-Ins; Cormtcrfvlt Money-Wharf Tble-en Larceny of t'lothiug-Kewrrwiteal BtHlls UrnN. James McCarty and George White were irrtbted yesterday at Front una Noble streets, 'with two bides oi leather 'In their possession. lot being able to account for tnem, they were conducted before Alderman XoluuU, who held litem 'to answer. ...... ' Policeman Houck, of the Seventh Dlstrlot, yesterday look Into custody one Dtuiel Cullen Xor keiuii Implicated la the robbery of a house at Hew Market and Poplar atreets, from whleu aome ti0 were stolen, lie was bound over by Alderman Tolatid. Jrinon Taylor Is the nome of an Individual Who Ibis morning was ccmtul'ted by Aldir in sn Tolund lor a lurlher Learlug, on the ouarge cl pHiblug counterfeit five-cent pieces, lie was Arrested at Vine htreet wharf. James fcloan, Patrick Hughes, and James Young have beeu sent lo prison by Alderman Titiermary. They are implicated In several robberies that have taken plate within a short time along the wharveB. Tney were cuptured on Hbippeu street wharf. John Mccormick, a character well known to the police antuorltlee, wus yesterday taken Into custody, He 1b cuurged wittt being eon eerticd lu the robbery of lead, etc., from the government storehouse at the foot of Catharine street, lie wan committed by Alderman Tit ttrinary. Daniel Lennlnga yesterday went Into the While Huu.se at Brldesburg aud helped lilrnyelf to a quantity ol cloittli-c wulun was Kept in tne upper rooms. He also look a gold ring valued Si llO. Alderman Nelll held him for trial. William Hmith (colored) whs held a day or two ago for s'ealing a wagnu cover and a blasket from a stable at Tuirteeniu and Mount Vera n atrcelf , wub rearreritcd yesterday, and charged -With tne larceny of a lot of clothing from tne Stables of Colonel VV llllain 11. Thomas. Afier a bearing before Alderiaau Masey he was com muted lo Prison. Some two weeks since the mill of Mr. Arm Strong, bilualed In Uermanlowu, wau burned down. Home thief went Into tne ruins aud stole a lot of brass cocks and other art icles, Talned at JR. Yesterday Henry Ulruer wu arrebled, aud, after a beurlng otfare Alderman tiood, was required lo enter bail lu SliKJO for hu apptai auce at court. LECTritES. A large and appreciative andi ence bteiubitd lu Concert li-nl lust night lo luten to a lecture by He v. William 11. CuliUs on the subject of "Our Vouug Meu." The loo turer on coming lor ward was received with great applause, after wblch he proceeded to deliver a powerful, buggeaiive, and entertain ing lecture. He described with ihrilllng lmertBi and In the mout earnest and eloquent manner Ihe slgutflcaucy of u young man's life and the grandeur of hla destiny, and sat form, In clear, nervous, and Impressive language, tne needs and perils oi yuuih. Kvery mother and Bister piesent would thank tne speaker for clothing lu such earnest burning words those warnings and suggest lona they have longed to five for the safety and good of their sous and rolbers. Indeed, the riveted attention aud the frequent plaudits of the vast company proved tne deep Interest all felt In the suojeot. The speaker's remarks In regard to religion and amusements were well received. They prove him to be In advance of many older than hi nisei f on such subjects. He argue J that it was wrong to surrender these amusement and recreations, pure and good In themselves aud elevating In their tendency ,to the Devil and his emlssariea. He believed that Uod sent tne billiard table Into the world to do good; but good men thongbt they saw In It a thousand devils, and they surrendered It to had inen.wno kave prostituted it lo bad purposes. It la our duly to rescue It and surround It with pure and elevating tendencies, and make It a means of doing good. He hoped soon that not only would every Young Men's Christian Assaola tlon have their bliliaid room, bnt every home that could aflbrd It. Mr. Cnlllss does not be lieve In sending his audience to sleep. He pan seises a large fund of Illustrative and amusing anecdote, from which be draws and relates With the happiest e tract. The lecturer con cluded a discourse of about an hour and a half by a splendid peroration. Mr. Cnlllss leaves sext week for the West, where be Is engaged to Jectare. Tub Numismatic and Antkjoabiin SocIktt. The annual meeting of this Hoolety was held last evening. President K.l K. Piloe in the hair. The usual routine business was trans acted and a number of loiters read by tne (Secre tary, Mr. Henry 1'bllllps, Jr., and valuable do nations received. The regular election forofll. era being In order, the following (senlletnea were cbocen for 18t'l: rresldent Ell K. Price. Vtce-Presidents William P. Chandler, Woo. B. Vaus, William Duane, and John Karuum. Corrtsi onding Secretary Henry Phillips, Jr. Recording secretary Hmuel L. Taylor. Treasurer Thomas K. HcEiroy. HUtorli'granber Charles II. Hart. Curator of Numismatics Alfred It. Taylor. Curator of AntiqulUta Daniel U. Urlnton, 11. D. Librarian William T. Taylor, M. D. Mr. Phllll ps made a statement to the Society relative to a late discovery of co ns upon the body of General Agnew, burled at Uermantown after the raemoiaole battle at that place. Dr. Drlnton made a communication In regard to recent Indian discoveries In the far West, and snnouueed that a handsome present of abort. Jinal rem ul us wua on Us way to the Hooletv, rom Dr. Comtnrt, U. B. A. The Committee on the Amelioration of the Condition of the In dian Tribes reno.'led progress and was con tinued. A special committee to obtalu auto- fraphs for the eJoelety was appointed, consist ng of Mr. Henry Phillips. I r A. 11. Taylor, and It C. Davis. A number of members were pro posed and elected, after wblea the Society ad journed, Lesbbdhmain. That king of magieisng, th celebrated Professor D. H. St. "fan, will give an enteriainruenl for the benefit of the Sioux Tribe, No. 87, Improved Order of Ited Men. at the Assembly liuildlngs. Tenth and Chesnut alrrets, on Monday evening next, the 7th Inst., He commences at 8 o'olook. If yon wish lo aid tits Tribe, and also be amused, attend. Tns OrKEi. Matirkk. The first matinee of VI r. Maretgf k'tf season of grand opera will be tlven to-morrow at. the Aoademy of Muslo. Verul's opera of I Venpri Hioiliani will be per formed, with Hlgnorl Autonuool, Orlaudiul, and Brlgnoll and Miss btates in the oast. Tne jirforwttB.ee will couauieaoe at 2 o'ciook P. W. Th Fai at IIonTrcoLTrjRATi IIau, The Fair at Horticultural Hall In aid of the II nm for the aged and Inarm of t.tie Methoilu Epis copal Churcb.wblca opened on Monday even ing last with srow4s, speeohes, ramie, and splendor, ami oontlnnaa wltb unabated auooess. It la nnqnesltouably one of the finest exhibi tions of ineklnd that baa Uken ptaae In this ciiy for a long time, a general Interest baa been taken In It, not only by the members of me particular denomination under whose ansplcsa it ia being condaeted, but also by the good and benevolent of All otner f-ltba. In con-equence of this support the enterprise has paid, will pay, and It cannot be donbtd bat that lu tbe winding up the expseutlon of tboiewho have it Immediately In hand will have been far surpassed. Certainly nothing con Id more strongly appeal to the charities of the public tuun a call in behalf of tne aged and inflrro, It is, in sooth, a dnty to reu ler noDor and aid to the hoary h ead and astlitauoe to the deerepld. hot yet there is a t3iioti of beanty In that species of KrvificiVlon wtibth arises from giving; thnrn helo. The Fair will t'onlinue for the rest of thU week, and dur:.r the whole of the com Inn n-jek. Ukitsd States Cohmisiosbr's Cask. A uuuu io-ohv. La ore n im hi.i.i ......' alouer Aubrey II. Hmlih, B. F. MorrH' -', arraigned on the charge of nldluir and w lu the unlawful removal nt vhiir ithHttlnc other than a botulod wnrehouse . to ft plain uearirg, ami wus iieid ft.rrl' . Hawaiveua MOl l llt. it Will hftlemoir - witnesea lu the cns rjured, wat on of the (Jeorae W. Alexi.- cf the UnHed Hta!ea v. Lnlted States li" ,1r EOw pending in the wnlader, nr-' .strict Court before Judn;eCiid liancact i ,, Hlitunl to be Implicited In the loum' ni,,. wiiij. h limt. nrnnmiuLioa la -d, A Nkw Paf.tor. Strvioes appropriate to tbo commencement of Ihe pawtornl work are announce d to take placo oa Huudy morning, at the t hurch of ihe M;bUb, Locust reel, below liroiid. Ilev. Dr. Uii.oli, of New York, the newly-elcn'ed ji.tstor, will prea'in oa the crrohlon. Dr. IJk.o'hh erjoys iho reputation of being one of the abiest speakers in tho Uut vertallbt elennmlnatlon. ErrriDE tiy Hakoi!.o. Coroner Daniels was notified this afternoon to hold an inquest on lite body of Frwncis Smithing, who committed milririe by bi'.uglnir himself irom the dormr window of his rertldeone. No. 1210 Lellhgow . tltltan'!! wus uiiyii ycain 01 wu Ktrcet A Wkloouk. Dr. MjCosh, of Prinoeton, will be received by his numerous frleuds lnlhls ally tn tbe 8'.h of December. An R'idres of welcome will be made by tho Hon. Wlillaiu a Alexander. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Tbe Ileeuuu Homicide, Cocbt of Over ani Tkriskh Judges Peirce and Iudiow. in tbe case ot tne Com monweulth vs. Uerald Eaton, charged with tne mtudkr of Timoihy Hesaan, toe case of tiie Common wealth wus rioted yesterdny, aud the delense wus opened by James V. MeD.mougti, who stated tbitt he expccied to prove that tne Alderaau, tbe prmclp l witness for the prose cution, was in ii o condition to see wnat ne una tektlned, and also that llecuau actod uimju tbe agi'.rt salve, bavmg oblaiued a halohet from Huilih's Uvtm, and following K.tton'a party, vnetj ice snoia were nrea in ben tit ieuse. Wi'llain Murphy, npon being sworn this motnlne. teblilied tbuton tbe evenlntr of the bootlig he had leinrrifd from Fox's Theatre, anas'oppeu ut umitn taveru: iieenan came In, tot a hatchet from "ehind the eonnter, and went out. carrying it by nis side: soon after wvrds Heenan reiurned, and a number of men enteied the tavern; a Uiincalty ououired, during wmcn me rrisoaer wan been wiiu a nistoi lu his hnnd; the iia'urbanc3 ceased, nnd Ihe party went out, Hieukn'a party going first anil Katen's party Deing biioved out afterwards; jiteuau rencnea over ni9 uar aim t see tne lietchet acd walKed nut; the witness elid not go into the street until the utootlnj was over, bnt Old not see wno did it. CioKB-examinMl lie haid. 'Heenan entered the tavern, too it the natchet from the counter, aud crossed to Sullivan's tavern, and stood on tbe corner with toe ba'cuet in hla Hand: be did not co into the house: thi wiLnena folhtwrnl nn,l finding Sullivan irytn;; to muue U wing leave bis house, ho wanted hlai locomeoui; alter this iteennu flirt oeveral others rn'urueii to Hmlin and took a di mk, aud then Ljtou anil his party entered, aiim danciut; aooat and fli.urishlng a pinto': ti.r, first party nut Kut ju'h party out, Hoenr.n helping; It appeared that iiimpaiiy iniit cirw in wiuueu 10 uut, and Ewing, who was drunk, rusliod at thoui. K-examlncd He said ho was taken from his oytier vessel in Chesapeake liay anl brought here to testify. Frank A cumin, bartender for Sulltvan, having jast evening teaineu mat ne v?n in me second story ol Suiilvun's houHe, aud seen fi'om tne window the occurrences in Smith's tavern, the occunejiices detailed by Mr. Murphy, and the juibiriut Attorney navi ne croHS-xamiued mm clotely upon the pooMbillty of ouch a thing, Mr. Brooke this inorniug called Messrs, Ueorge 1). Glenn, B. O. Worthlcgton, and Joseph O. Fuller, who went there last e vening and tried the experiment, and leallfied that it was easily done. Peter Kills sworn TeEtlflod that on fiis night ne wuh at Bmiiun tavern, at r inn una apruuu, with Heenan, Katon, Tralnor, and others, when a kind of tight occurred aud all were hustled out of the house; slaudlug on the door-stoop Heenan said lo Eaton. "Jerry. I'll remember you;" aud Katou, levelling a pistol at Ueuan, replied, "You buem to have picked me out as a maikf Heenan went back into the tavern, tusskd with a man over atable, and said, "Ulve me tbat jjlbtol;" the reply of tue man was not beard, but Heenan returned toinedoor held up his band and bald, "I nm not rlxe I;" Euton and his party crossed tbe street and went up Fifth street, tne witness being with them; they were going np Fifth street wneu suddenly some) one ran up to Eaton and took a pistol from him, saying. ''Give aietoat pistol, If you are afraid to shoot;1' as he turned round this man was recognised as Michael Leary; Eaton walked right up Fifth street, very dmuk; very soon a shot was fired; there was a sound of breaking bottles In Hue nsn's parly, and some one of them said, "Corns back, jou , and flht;" the witness crossed the street and continued walking np tbe street, and then a numotr of shots were fired rapidly; be saw Iltton At Tralnor's house at-hort lime after thut, but never again saw Leary or Tralnoi; no fchot bad been fired up to the time tbat Leary look ibeplstol from Eiton Tbe eroNH-exauiiua'lon of the witness had Just begun when our report closed. Ignored. The Indictments preferred against Conover for the murder of Henry Soallergood, and Patrick Kengaii for the murder of James Thompson, at Ocrrnantown.were returned this morning "ignoied" by the Uraud Jury. District Court, No. 1 Judge Thayer. Bae mer vs. Phelnn & liucktieil. An action to re cover for lumber sold and delivered. Verdlot for plaintiff, (774 00. District Court, No. 2 Judge Hare. Mor. lacbl vs. McDounugn. An action to recover salary as principal dunseusn in tbe Mack Vrook ballet. liefore reporUd. Verdict for plain tiir, tU12. Henry Flnklelmer vs. Conrad Hopf", Christian Rentoher, and John W. Henoiil. An action to recover damages for an alleged unlawful eleot ment by defendant from certain premises of which plaint! tl' claims J ne held rightful posses sion. The defense pet up that plulntlfTs ten ancy bad expired, and he would not leavo when requested. Un trial. Unitid Rtates DivrniCT Court Judge Cad wulader. The Court is now engaged lu listen ing lo the argument of counsel in the Alexan der case. WEDDING INVITATIONS, ENQJiAVKD l5 lit riewent aud bent manner. IAJUia stationer and Rntrraver. Ill bio. lUaaUUKHISUT btrot. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AKDtOCNT OP PHILADELPHIA.. Ksialaur HAAIUKL L. . UN . duceaoed. NollcslM hereby given tliat thewlaow ut tald & cedent bai n'ed in old Cuurl hut pmlilua and un ap. praiheoient of lbs pememtl prupnity, wulcn abeelevis to retain unir Hot actuf April 14, 1851, aud IM suit plementa, ai4 tout the Ktinn Will Da approved by said Court on (SATURDAY, Dec. U, JSIW, aclus xctpiiont be tiled liieruts. . BICIIATtn LTrDLOVC, 11 "l Aliuraey fur PaHuoaer. rjlUE BATE DEPOSIT COIIPAJSY, For Sue Keeping of Valuable, Securities, etc., and Renting of afe$. DIUKOTOR'S N. B. Browne, 1.T Gllilngham lfell.lAlex. Henry, CJ. II. Marke. It) MaealoaUir, B A. Caldwell, John We.sli. It W. Olark, 44eo. V. Tyle. OITFIOE, NO. 21 CHESNUT BTKEKT. N. li. BHOWNK. Preoadeiit H.DLAKK. VlOB 1'fB.Mflnt. X. PATTERSON, Beo, sod lYeavtuer, 1 itwfeu rniRD EDITIONirOURTU EDITION WASHINGTON. AiTiral of Clilcf Justice Cliase from Kichmond-TIie President' Forthcoming Message Trcpariog for tho Next Ss-ssion. FROM WA SITING TON. n - ffotal LfVutoh to Ttu Evening Teleoraphi WAIBtNOTOF, Pee. i. thief Jnatlcs 1'baae "Will nrrive here to-morrow from Richmond, In order to open the Supremo Court of tbe United fctates on Monday. Some of the Anociate Jus tices are already here, and the remainder will arrive by to morrow eveniu. A Snow Ktorin commenced aout lioou. It is the first of the ecasun here The tlorvthat the resident's MenHag-o h i pot out ia incorrect. Ouly three pages of it are In type. The remainder ii ia mauucriptj and wt read at the 1'iibliict Jleetlna; to-day. The President U doteruifced that no copies of bis mcfsap.e shall get oat this year prior to lis trane minion to ConRTeas. The Seeretnr.r of tbv Treitsury is about to institute an invebtia'.ioa es to how his report got out. It It said hu ptopoees offering a reward for the conviction of the party .or parties who sold it to Wall street. DinjmlcA to the Auoeiated Preii. Arrival of Cunsjressnaen) WmnntOToif, Deo. 4. About twenty Senators and thirty members of tho Houes have an-ived here. The number is Increased by every arrival. A Nuuw Bltoria eomacneed to-day at 11 o'clock, aud still eon tinaei. Tlie PreeMeni has written about two-thirds of hU cieisaa. Eomc of the reports of baads of departments ara also unflnihed. WiPiiihGTOK, Dec. 4 Reeeipti froti customs from November 23-to November 30, inclusive: lioaton. li'J7,V,r.0; New York, $l,trta,000; Phila delphia, 10,26li; Baltimore. Jii7.G5a; S tu Krau eifco, October '11 to Oct. 31, $311,017. Total, ,7ti,Tl4. SNOW. Railroad Trains Itlocked np In the A or in went. SpeeM Dmpaoh Ut Th Evening Teitffraph. Et. Paul, Bliim., Dec. 4. There are frooi two to three feat of enow on tho upper Minnesota river. It snowed lor three dajs and three night Incessantly. A Government supply train fur Fort Washington was enow bound ou the Yellow Medicine river. The Fire in New York. Vivr York, Dec. 4. The fire this morning in the building No. 514 Broadway, kuovn n? the Theatre Cotuique, was soon extinguished, with aloes of S1S.O0O to $20,030. Iusured for from $2000 to $31)00. The Are oriKinated from the heater. George Eharde, a fireman, had a leg broken. markets by Telegraph. Hiw York, Dec. 4. fttocka uniettled. Ohl runt) ml Kock laiand, 1S!4; lltnUlnc, 98; Canton C' ,49; itUlG,l7?4; C'svelKDdaua I'oloUd li 1;,- UleveUm and Piulitir, rt,; Pltuhnrr aud Fort Wyne Hi; WIcblgHO l etnral, lin1,; u ictiican SooiUern, l?-; New i'ora vulrl. 12; HiiU'iN e,Vnirl, Hi: (JtimuorUod prtferrtd. a;.3,: Vlrclala , 7: MUoorm, b; Jiiul sua Klver, lil; t-xna, 1, 11.',; do. Ix4, UiTii; do. IPS; do. Daw. 1I"H: lU-tuS KIS. Unlil 13a. Alaney, 7 prr cent. Kxctiange, Ki9!. aovarnmant tinld nald to-day at 135 O UO. Knvr Vcirk. Dec. Cotton qtitet at tt Fliur BtfBdT: Mull barais sold at Taiterdar'a qiiiitati n. WfcHt flrmrr. Corn dn 1; 2 tOi nunbrla lo'il at H 1 1 (.4 1'17. 0t llruier; S?,' wi h i.hela told fttTC.O. D-v oBtnt. l'orn dnli at f io25 60. X.ard steady at lb'i t'Xe. Vljlakyqole r.ALTIMOKic. Dec. 4. Cot'on dull; rr Iddllne uplands, 21.',o. iiciiir qmac nnd uu'Ii.Dyi'd, Wheat dull; priiDfl choice rnd, 2 2.vi2 4!. Coro firui: prlm wblie, Vjtit"c: yolio. Ol-OOil Ci. Om firm at7.ic. ltyed lit ai rujtiM7. lvrk du'l at tin'iffo bacou stock scarce: clear Rides, ;7.c; abouideia, He; liuaia. lac. i,krddullail6ie. litisi Ka? on, Deo 4 Cotton Nett rccalptt for tbe wtek, IcOt bhlet: r-celpm roaatwl e. 112; to at, 74 1 1 balfs torelK'i exports, none: exports c8i n. in7 bait-; rtcck. 1 074 bnlas: sales or ita wank, 3'7i balH. ( fltton Is dull find 4c. lower; middlings, i3,'u0: btta iHlaniln. Btc.Wfl HO. DRY GOODS. EYEE & LANDELL, rOURTII AND ARCH. REDUCTION IN PRIOBS. FOB TBI Christmas Holidays. MAGNIFICENT SHAWLS. EXPENSIVE SILKS. FASHIONABLE POPLINS. DESIRABLE CL0AKINQ3. 4-4 PUKE BILK VELVETS. BATIN BTRIPE SKIRTINGS. BTRIPE TOPLIN SKIRTINOS. GRAND DUCHESS SKIRTS BELLE HELENE SKIRTS. FIRST QUALITY ASTRACHANJ. fOCO yards DKLAINZfl for Presents for the Helps of the bonne. 6000 yards fast Vast Colored CHINTZES, do. 8000 yards 4 4. FttEHUU CHINTZES, do. Bargains in Handkerchief., Ulovei, Collars, Bcarfs, and Neck Ties. 12 4 fmwlmrp "fllXGLASSET One of the beat assortments, including many new designs, Just received, and for sale at low prices by JAMES VJ. QUZEN & CO., Ko. 5)21 C1IESNUT Street, lUfmwrp PIIILlDKLPniA. DETERMINED TO MEET THE POPULAR demand lor lower prices, i ofl'vr lay eullss atuoK of new and tilesaoi styles of FURNITURE at greatly reduced prices. JOHN M. (.ARDIJER, 11 IS liu4p he. Hit CUluaW Vi UiieeV The General to Hold a Lovoo in Boston this Aftornoon. Affairs in Ihltimore nnd New York-Largo Sales of (JJot ernmcut Gold. EH OM BALTIMORE. Initial Detpeitch to Ttie livening Telegraph. Baltimore, Dee. 4. Tbe jury in the case of Nlcphon T. Itpiiny, on trial for tbe mtirJer of C'liar'.ea Chllds, after being locked up all nirbt, cntne into court this moxairje and rendered a vrrJict of ;iillly of Mnnslnuir liter. The prisoner teemed much disappointed, as ha expected acquittal on the plea of mtultv. lliiHlnrns is quiet. The weather i cold, cl" , , aaa thteattning mow. THE MARKETS. FROM NEW 7 'quiz Special Vtrpateh to The Kfrl(ff TelegrapK 8lc Uoltt Nkw Yokk, Dec. i.MesFra. Ward & Co., of Wall stmt, purchased the cold eold at public auction by the Government this morning. Tbo omount eold. was only tbreo huudieJ thousand dollars; tiie price obtained was 135'45. Wvatou arrived In Portland at 1145 this morn in p. Hie 4'rnlrnt ltoul O verUsuin jf Itonds. &)tciul Deepatch to Tne Kvtning Tetegraj h. ew York, Pec. 4. Seward, Bla'.chford A Griswold have obtaindd an ltijuucUon agint the New York Ceulral liod lor fiaudulenily Ouer isuir.g $3,700,000 in bondp. Itisc!aimed that $900,000 were isBiicd without enyiug a word to auy one. Workingmcn's Meeting Fire. IJocnEBTFB, N. Y., Dec. 4. Tbe workinsmea of this city held a lartre meeting hut Dht to protest ai-alnst the coutract system of labor lu the ppoftl institutions of the S. ate. The Mayor prebided, and several gentlemen aidrcised tho meeting. A Are in Clyde, Wayne county, this morning, destroyed property to the value of $25,000, in cluding the hardware store of Blossom & John eon, D. Waldrutf'e flour store, and several restaurants and saiiill stores. The insarnuco amoubti to I11.0GO in thotlome, ot Ilunford aud other companies. 1 The Cole Tiinl Waiting for tho Verd-ct. Albany, Dee. 4 Judge Hoge boom charge 1 the jury in the ea-e of Geuerul Cole for the murder of L. II. Illscock, this uiorninir, occu pying two hours. The jury ha3 been out lor cne hour. Ko verdict yet. From JJoMon. ToexoN, Dec. 4. General Grant went to Lowell this forenoon, with a committee irom that city. He holds a levee at the St. Jauej Horn 3 to 5 o'clock this alternoon, to afford cili ecub au opportunity to pay their rcspecla. Ship News. Pobtlakp. Dec. 4. Arrived, steamship Da DiMtcus, Irom Liverpool. Bobion, Dec. 4. TUe schooner Lewis Chester, of Boston irom PuilaaiLiiiia. nith c!il tor Svleui, waj run into ud huuIc by iti.; s-choouer J. S. Wheiaon, which vctstl saved tue crew aud took tutu to taltui. PElLADKLrUIA STUCK EX0UANUK SALK1, DKO. 4 imported by De Uavea & Br j., Sio. 10 H. Tnlrd swsel BBTWKtJ BOARDS. luu hu N i'enna...... as t u Udi Aui 12i' J0O Nil Ucxau Oil t i bli Ktiadlus IS m iug iu ..u.4!,-ij 100 nil fnsOo N A.tiw t 'li 41,0 HU i'llll Oi K..-.b(Jfl. litf 11000 Cllvss, New.oul u Si OO UO. tW.O 0 10 icA) d".N.Cj!r C.lliO I2ui0 Read K Us H-8 . us iml'A.rii V lts MJ4 S.wwi Vt Cent d. 7. tMUObcii M U. 'to 7u City us. TSew.i u mu )ihi eli Head B hi : 4h.'; US do lui. 4S BKCUMI BOAKl. 45 Hb PnnR......... 154 W 1 U Hli FiVkt'in C'oul.. ., S I Wsu. Hcu N slk....UI.. It BOOTS AND SHOES. IMPORTED BOOTS AND SHOES. MEN'S CALF DOUBLE SOLE BOOTS, $800. MEN'S CALF DOUBLE SOLE GAITERS, $6 00. boys' man lace boots, $4 oo. Also a large stock of our own manufacture, at REDUCED PRICES. BARTLETT, 'o. 33 S0UTU S1XT1I STREET, 10 1 fmw ABOVE CUiBNUT. LOOKING GLASSES. TIIE CHEAPEST AND BEST Di TUS CITY. ROGERS' G RO U P 3, 60 LB AGENCY. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. OIO CHESNUT Street, 21fniwniSp PHILADELPHIA. ELFEHSTEIN txtEWlS lJbintingHooms tFTH?!!kDSTRE RODGIBS AND WOSTENIIOLM'9 POCKET KM V hH, Parl and Hiur Hanrtiwi, o' b.aiiUlnl Mulsh. ItOUHKitH' and WAL)K & iiUIOIIKK'H 11A Z.OHH, aud Ihe Rlbraud LKuUUIilHUi KAZOli bCltHOiU4 Of the Mural quality. Hkcora, U nlvra. tk'lmon, and Table Ontlery Oronnd atid PnlUtied. at P. HAI1LLUA'S, U. lib 0. Tit NT 11 uevl.baUiw ClMauiui. Vt I The following are the latest quotation for the Various articles uealtftiatad: Pol, Ut st innir.7-71 7 tlx Pearl. 1st sort ( I'M s S6 C'Ar lLJu Uuti: isa V lb. Bprrin. V lb... 45 Do.lI P'xdtCo-iS ku liol'oj'dtkisr iS kv 60 Adam'necny ) kv il AO.m'e Mtaia ia CVAL-UUTT: fOCtt 1116 . Von. M..Ur'iton hid ney iS" Fkiou.... Vt Aiilh. V2,mit).ll lKii2 '00 CtHJOA-Dl'TV; SO. V K, Marac'o aiolnod l ant) Uuay.q'ir ' " i loK Para. " " Hi. Dom'O B II'HM-i'UTYiSo Willi Java.wu'a.WDK'd.21 a 1 Jaruira 14), l,hiiyi :is Mmwsitiii tl .i hl1iui.,cuiIi. -a.t7 COFHKtt f -14, Ijiitt; Pir -rtr-.n -and Ki. . Kr. aSc. Am cf -vn. nti. r,. m (4iotz2Ha 'Hi. ' .cit)V1 M a fnui K ota. u si hiiiu'c yei, a Plu. i lilit a iiiiit.......... a a DKI H- AND liVKH Alcohol H It a II"'. Aiow. a... i a do no Ktssal, (old 7-ll.Va-U Mantua, . . oid a 1V Jui, gold s. s Aujpr. und'd iSO-iiOwiTo-OO Do. (lrrantid...t7StlUKHlt 60 UiOka-UuTv; 10oent. ad valorem, g.ld ItlUltiyrn Uo bUC-'W lla 11 Ilo.do.sr.8lUl... 21 2iw Orouooo. loa so au Jnaa 17, Dj 'riavKaiii. whj ..t'i M.iac.luosdkd ' ' Maranli os-- ; J Mumuh' ---11 a II v,-'0.---l'Ha-lsS ' nm ; k lli.IT .V If"- 14 1B4 (ri'ru HhWkkI K0 Vl'NIKl'Br H tv isH in is p. v duty: aic.g.i, Cutia, gal., amy pma. oeuu 16 -M 1MWW S fS 2J iiHV.riaiiM i5 (Ii.Ai HaUKvTl'Ti w:uu Ol, P. .st It., O. u ij pa l i10l IMITYJ mim. -ivuKm, T II)...I'WJ . s 'ia A lot sntjL'Lriui Alum giaura golU.-is a its Anl rfK, gin H'a U 1 -ji'i..oi,i iv . i hj a 81 a n. a s .. a a 4A a l'uo as -70 a3'7 a vu a-41 a ii a no a- 16 a a 28 a 61 ArgOlH rl. glu Xl.lu Armcc.i ii r.s 'i;,a AnsnieiUla 2 a 4(1 HHlnHUiClvl 14 a Hul.iaui loUi... Kft a Bkjoiiu. v u aVSU Bf'riiUH.Fcrs tlVH a 81 Bvrrliw, 'l urk. a Bi-i!Bro.boo, gd- a 4 Horn, iftlliKl ofl'4a 37 lir. run. ou, roll 6 u S Tirinisionp.llor t4 ( Br m'e, mp..j.is in. 7u VQ l auipirrl'lti nlid.K CBDJiilic r, rel 1 ts a (MtHtliaridts... a I SA Cr.Auiuioul 18 a 1,H ( arOkiuouis. 8 24 a 4 i-u tiorl .. a 86 CliaiuomlleFI. u a 60 OK'iuve Pot ash, gold M a M Coi'lilnrai lis gu; a I och ilex. golu a i) Copperas Am. a S Cream '1 a. u d...S0 a Cubcbs. i.. I... a go lurch, golu a SH Itpsoin Suit.... H 4 UaiuboKe 176 a200 Ouiu A ruble, a'lfl 87 Guui Arabic, I k) 46 Hum HeiiKolD 80 Uuni Myrrli, K. I. (linn Mvirh. TV" 55 Coin 1raK.,SI- 8i bin 1 rax., tl.gdbu Uyd. 1'nia l'.ng. and Fr..g 10.8 65 Ipcracuaiiha, Hr l Jalap lubdgld nS Lao Iy o-d 8J Licorice I'ftM1 24 j, fKlUiT.iuicn gold 13;.a 14a luckier, 1'lcliCh Bold 16a Hhiiu, small Mak 05 11 b una, large Auk-.! noa 1-75 Knigha, bl. Ait-p a Oil Ke rg l 6 7ift W Oil CaHbla a 8 6") Oil L-mnu-...4 i)0 a 4.6U OU l'ei perui'i a 4'i6 Oil Orungn a Opluui.Ty.u'd B 25 50 Ox, ACiu V Bi 84 a Phoopliorus- a f5 Pros. PoiaNb. 88 4o Uuii ksilver.. 74 a 77 Hhuburb, Chi 2 t taieruis c'U 2 a B A iu'Ibc. g'd S.'i e.hodtt, f!i Ul. 1" 180 bvma'ioa. lion In l-d gold. it barna'il:a.aiex. In bu gold.,. eeuua.JC. I- IW hcui, Alex 26 bh el lac 44 fceda Asi' eOV , ., c. gold TZ-37ia 2(12H &. i-e0. W.d a 2i Bulr h. QuU. 2 in Ttti. Aciu, g 48 a-4 Vi-rr Igrm, g.. Mi a si yiirlol Bluu... ? 11 f KA'1'llli.Ki HUTU Vupf iTimeVv fsi'n 85 a W 'jujiii Bbee 85 Jfit-H Ihtvi MacKerel. I'.:: lUrriufcs.tl; t almon ia; Olhfrilrkled.ll 60?' bbt. Oiln-r Fish.pl' klt'd, dried, or siuokrd In smauer package, 50 ctn Km Urn, DryHd "cw..7 26 a 7 76 Plckl'dhcaie 4 to Pickled cou. 6 lo ll kr'lN' 1. llai kelel Mo, 1, smull JJack.o2.1I 16 U0 Aia knjajll 00 haiui'ul'ic lS.2i 0U bKi.l'lr V tee bud. Cl.No.l, tw hi. hbl...- Hn'Kluk'd. Hcr'tcVU'i.- 45 lien mil. Wo.l FLAX Upty: 118 ion. Horih lliv.f' 1 24 i-I.Otlt A'U AiKAL i)l)l V, 20 V ""Ol Bour 6t0 Jix. An ber) In.. Ohio, 7 10 & M1CU...J Ohio t 7 80 bhlPPlg.J Ohio ex. bds. 1 10 Oeiitte do. 8 to tun o fcup.. Lauada extra Kraotly lue. 1 75 GeorgnlOWU- Olllor'a fcl i.yu Oregon.... Alexaudrl...-"" Uali Uow'lilftL- Kya tluuf 5 80 a 7 75 C.rn Meal 6 26 a S 10 do. Braudy'e,6'k6 a 6 so do.l'uuch... a.60 FKUl'l i'l'Ti: Dried. 5c.; Almonds, 6((ilic. shelled aud not shelled; blbei Nuia. 2c.: Latea. 2c: at diues 6u, Urttpts ia, aim Froltt lu bngar, byrup and Bi a. oy. ia vcern. lUis.fh.VHck 7 25a T 60 an.bchily r-8 65 aS7n Uur'nis6t.'ll a 12' Citron 28 a Vt a luuiuda.Bicl. ly soltsuelLi a 144 Aim's shell d. 44 a IUH8AMJ BK1.NS Furs areatsu or uuurenaeu, uu t-klui io vceutaa vai.: Heaver V POe; Konhf U 60 a 6 00 HomDern 10 asio m v estern- 1 2o ' a 4 66 OlteiNo'ihpceSUO a We!eru- 4-uo a (' Bed Kox r'ih- 7 a 1 sJ Ksccnon H'm 75 al 10 Weei.com '"8 a 12i North 78 a 1 J MlukNortu'u I ou sli - Wesiern. 8 oo a T 00 Marteu, N'lh uo a2ouo (ioat. Cura'ma- '4a a 60 ' 14ex. a Txwr.fclsalVto-- a "47t " ti. Juan....- a- 424 RRA1N I'otv: lOaiiKSta. Whta wUVbu- a 225 Cala... 1 26 a 1 46 Ohio.. 2 20 a 2 40 " Uich.. w. 8 2o a t 86 Chicago, No. 1. 1 S4 a 1 66 do. No., 1 88 a 1 1 (no. Wo 8. 14 s im Jiilwa'k.No. II M a 165 do. No. 2;i 68 a 1 86 do. No. 8 a Rye fciale 1'40 a ltX a 1-75 a .-on asj no a u-'A a a -67 arncu.a KOIU J a 1 O, i'utemala,Kii.. 8Aa ! IbUN-Lhtv; Br jt7; n H 70 V lu,,; Boiler and Plaie. 13c, t. Buid, Hoo(. ai,a !ro:i, l'a, fcTsc' i'L , i.llKl RU, fc c icn vktoii, 41 00 a 44 00 I'lB. A.u'call.. 4liue a 4JU0 Hr kng. ief..li, yo nnr B.oi( Ul... go'oo a bheei, Jl isU. 1st q.ial. 8)-12Xa-18.'i A Aiuer:can a UUAli Iiutt: Plg.f2-i0 li" irw.i P im aud heei. n :s v nm is. ' Oalma - bpanlnh, gold. 6'42 a 6 48 enr, uei .10 so a heeiAPIiiH.ut alJOO LKATHKa-DlTTY: Molo, 86-Unper,80 ci. ad val Oak H) Lt. i t-88 Oat ml.iiie..,.i(() ,4I oaa. h.avy 4o a-48 Oak. crop a 4s Ueuiluck.ilght 28 a 2ii Hem pik,m,d-87f,a-M Hem 'k,i!ev,-25 " Hemloca.dam 19 a n ayJa7UUTT! 10 cut- KockiKnd.com t u uti LU.M KK.t ItiiT..., ad val. WUoipiB 'l imbei, W. V. "ices V cubic loot Timber Oak, Oc Xltuiier.OaY P (byottnyoft a a KkhI'u nptuce per oi iiio h'gieH.VlKh 8 78 Im.Hiiuved. t. . bui. Oi M.) 8 00a lo 00 l uc u.l. ko a 860 i)oC-d.2 ikini q.ial., t A1..4 00 a 7 00 Do. t ypiet.ss. 3 loi't a La. hri lit j. 8.C5 a B12Si Slav's VV.iipt.llu no aiftuJ Head'ir W. O aMu ou MOI.ASiSlCS UlITY:80.O Bl Porto Kic, 4 us u'ltt juie.:i,v.a 1 vmwMl..v BurnttUues m& .ii. . . Cui.4uiid.iji:iilb it j,, c''rZur: ; ro AAVAIiilUttng., Jpis.Turpoiii!UO, m, ?r' '. Turpet. etlt. JM. Coiy. V2fj0,bs a 78 a Ur wii- mi:.sio 3-CO ai'OO i r, ) bbl AU 8 128 37K ''' 810 a S '6 KtHlu-colu. Old10 a 245 Lo. No.2V2oo b2 8J a 2 75 omnia J ur... 44 a . 4HJ Olluyrv. Pai,u i0.oilvi tl. Linseed, Flaxseed J' re'. 28 cnu.; (iper.ii '"nr eiber dHUff iof".Lt0 teut- Oilve,i2bb&b t-ii,) a 01ive,iiicig, 2 86 iaim.Vio.... I2.a-i2 LiimetU.cny " kttl Sri m nn a 4 62X r.nsed.Jtng. m 6 50 .Whale 1 lb 1 23 1' 1. r III ' Kel.H'g tp-rm,:ruioj((j v. l 'bi'ch.2 20 a- U'luu 1 OJla i ax L U OUcTvV:i4j"ri Korooeiiu i'., . ol l-ca k JciDoTr: aoc. 1 hlu ooftiun.63 00 4, PL . KOLJfiU Afu Cruu. -n. lt..i .,. "ul Crude,40 7gravu V gal ..I. lieu neil free L.H. ' hi wune (uo 1 9'k .A.., . ttrm.f ..... . . hedued lu bond " xo. to whue (115 lest) fnia-. m KeUued In b d white (116 w test) a, . Nayii.a, reUiied " qij gr. pkoVihVonh-ui,.V Pork.lu.: II auis. Bacon aud Lard, o. ib ' BeeiMs.iiblb " oily.. ZZZ Pnme'c'y.i ,, ir . ,uu ou ' Prime... 28 60 a aisoo alo tu al2 2i Hit 50 a a a-80 a 75 all 00 TfS a 8 75 ali-75 a a 111 SO a atl'OO a a a 1 8a a Coru, Ho, w.y. 1 22 a 1 28 " "yellow a " WwiiJu1'16 1-17 Barley 107 a 1 18 Pa'ley irfali, 3 80 a 2 40 Cam, Hi ate... - a 71H " Ohio... -tla 72 Jersey -61 a 6 Peas bie 21iu a bUNPoWDFR. niTTV! 4 cents a ft, and 80 V ct. ad val. Blasting fl2S0 a 4 00 fclilnglug . a 4 SO Rifle 6-60 a B A Y NHlnblsVlontarO a 70 H KM P 1dtt; KUMla$40; Manilla 876: Jute6i6; Italia- 4o; bun and Ulsai. BassiaciVt 'ntoli aseoto A28 23 a4 iui " Clear"-Z f.ardprmsim-17 a-.!? Hams, sal t.,.. . "'i miouki. sail Lesibams. 'n Pi;km.jibbi--. a--. Beef M.io.Vtb "'lt'.r.rau.,48 2-3 oufo!!.1.! to primV . f Aits Raogooo. dieJseli rt2!i JIt"1!." -26a3 6ftf TAf "uHclScia'Si l urk's Island, V bush Llvarp Kil.Gr., 1 "'"' a 2 70 lbo.. Hemp J,a V Ui.Tii; ad val''88 Ct.' Clover t in - i moinytibus.8 00 a r l.u Am run s-n .... bHOr-i)rv; 'iiic, Z af JpJfHk(o)m ii iZZ isiicknumnii'i -in fckJAP-Doxr: 15 K oenL au val, fS'tle -18V la lJUTVi in Pig,, Bars. aid Piaia,. S 'SO iii.,. J Plates .....unld S17'. i.A. WFlCFjj i3i'Tr:5a40a.Wm 1 uulii llim.il "uu.in. D. eld. m Hlus'r.KiiceldXn---! " "w, 1 to . ,U,T7"' i,u i, goiu. ...... 'f I -95 Pe.pei,gold- a 71 Plmeulo, Jamaica (ol irold a 21 Cloves (ol arid sn si HUOA Krt-IOTT)4aSc?ll6 New Orl.au- a Cuba Idelado 7Sa 64 rio Kino n,a 'IS Hav'uawhlie llWa l&Af n a, I, a Manilla 11 a Mi Loar. a Crunhftd..... al leUvvM-MaiBi a 14X JPIFTII EDITIO THE LATEST llEWl Gladstone's Andlfinco with tl .accn-The New York Firo Tragedy in Boston. S FOREIGN By Allnntie Cable. Ill.li.,na i . - Iondon, Dec. 4. Tbe tight Hon. William I (Jladfltone bad an a'ldiprice with the Quo; yesterday, acd lormnlly aoceplei hU ftppaiiK mcnt chief of t tie Ministry. There wa jrrcat Bathciitin of tho Liberal chiefs at 11: (ilaJttouc'B hoiicc List Dipht. Th rinnnlerer. The Timet of this morninjr. In an c Jitorial the Cabinet about to be felccted, Ihinks Lor iiornitiy, tue present Miisicr or the JRoU will be nppolntcil Chancellor of the Gxcheqao; Riid bir Roundel! I'ulin-r Ma?'cr of the Bolls. FROM BOSTON. Fcnrfnl Trnsredr. IJ)ton. Pec. 4. A rnau nm?d Krnno tlenan tatfd his brothiT-in-la, named CrotitD, will a cleaver, this m irtitu?. Tbe triuedy oocarrot In A. Forcbmli's hat furtory, where the meJ were worklnR together. It ii 8-ltl that Crouii was to appear as a witness in some petty case agambt Keene. The mnrrlercr made bis escape From New York. New Yokk, Dec. 4. The loss by fire at tb Theatre Comique is $30,000, with no imurance The upper part of the th are is all burned outJ but tbo lower purt h damascd by water. Tb tbuutre will be rebuilt as sooj as possible. fiifock Quotations hy Trleerapli 4 P. ilj UltodlTinlBB. OavU Co. renorttbronuli their' Kt w York house the following: 1 . Y. Cent. K 128- cier. and Toledo R.101V' N. Y. and K. K. 7'4i l'ol. t Wab. Kit 672 Pb. and Ilea, it SU M A St.. PI. U nnm fl7i" Mich.W. and N.l. K K? Ailama Ex. Co 4Sv4 Cli v. Plttsb'g 11.. Ht.-'i Wells, Fargo - 26'. Chl. end N.W. oom M'J IT. H. Express 4t!'2 u ni. anu n.w.prei. g ienneaeet)s, new.. OX ..... U f XI lilJ ,..,., ...- VUl. pull . J . 1 1U3 VJlllll..... M..,i.IM h Hltta.r'.W.&i'hl. 111'i! Market dull. West. Union Tel... STjl Thefollowlrg lsa statement orthe coal trans- n.t.il rttt ll, I I . .1 1 nl . la nn.l f .... ,1 I 13 ( 1 ... .1 ilm In;. I I.I uo iln c u I....I I .. rv . 1 1 . ..u.iua u.v u jw, .numb xuuisuajr, liiu, 3, 1868: Ibtis. Owt; From St Clair y.lSH o " Port Curbou l.UW OJ Fottsvllle 77a IS " Bchuylklll Haven 6,031 f'Z " Aut:urn 1,285 19 Porttllniou H 683 ia " Harribburg and UaupUln a 811 ill Anthracite coal for week 28,013 Id Bl' umlnous cal from llarrtnuurii and Duupbiu for week 4 001 OS Total for wecli paying freight 33,805 01 Coal lor Compauj ' use . 03 IS Total all kinds for week 3 l,o5S 17 To Thursday, Via 3. 1S67 48,091 09 MIY 000DS QUUTAT10MS. Menimack. W., Merrimack, D... Oicheco, 1 bproaue Paililc Arufriin Diiiiiiellu. A liens l.iRiicli.'in-r. Freruaiia......... fi' ite .. aswaa.....M....M..l PRINTS. Aiuoskerf ...... i ' uowtsii...... . Waranuli. J.! Vloiorj . ...MS Arnold Maniliton.... ....... ... Pi ! Hli luiioiifl. -llH f. -ucestr.., ....li 64fA.ruliiB... ....i"S Lancaster. ..li'SlOrlftnl... AniosKcaK,,-"""" s O ...... 7-S iym M.... 84 li i 11 M ieb Pa lfl. yxtra-.. .44 15; ' I.........4-4 18 AtlnDtlc, A...-....4-4 16 11... 4 4 14V Ii 4-4 n " V....M...4 18 N S-4 Kli.- doperlor 1XL...4-4 14 bliawuiut, V .14 14 Asanam, F.........4-4 li Buark. A 16 Mass aclius ells. ...4-4 14 BB..44 18 " J&.....7-8 II Indian Bead 4-4.....1S ...8-4 18 HWHM H - IM 7 .....a. II i2 l4-f ........11V nW S a MHHia 1 23l Eieter, A.. " H... Wed ford. Auuusta., i. Ollboa"'.!r.'." PilUlield, A..... .Krnutibec Kveifit, AA.... Hbannoa Bedford, K.. ,.4-4 18 .,7-8 U ...4-4 14 ...4-4 14 ,.7-B tH ..4-4....18 ..4-4 11 ,.4-4 1 ..4-4., -4-4. .8-4. Uonekto Co., X....8-4. .14 ,...1'H 8 Pocasset...- ..-4 11)J Boct, H... 81 Pepper!!, .............m.,14 M OMMSMalS (i TV ii M -.......;-4 m -...-....8-4 422 9 4 472 ........ DZf ........ . IA' o :.. ii! H nj2 A ppletou, A.....4-4...,142 tcula, H M..4-4 is'" " .lt B...... 11 .11 16 It ,11 :m ,it .it 18V SI. Lifman, jc 4., rjtica,. I remont, o 4-4. Indian Orcnard'.A M a... " BB It W 111 Grt ii,h....w::;I5 Ji....4-4...18tf j-- .18 cabot, a. r.rjr.'ir Dwleh "" 4...14tf Vmlf Dt, A...4.4 J4i2 Mew York Mllls.4-4 36 W ausulta......... . 'iiii M,HM,.rl.,....IW Tnncarora .4-4 ) Wiiliaiusvllle....-4 4 X) Bat(i.............-.4-4. W blte jKock.......4-4., ForesUiate.M....4-4., Indian itlvnr, X.. Atla-raogan, X. A. A. afasonvllleMMM...4-4.... Biaoksloue.HM...4-4..n H OPilllMHIIIHIMU 44t Langdon 4-4.... 42-lueb. M 4S-lnch Wan rsgan .......... 4-4.... iiereU.........6-4.... S-4.... ,.... 4., IO-4. Dilca .4-4. i.a-4., Boot, jtV".v.'.r.7".v..8-4.'i " B 4-1., " W .5.4., Androscoggin. ....4-4. Oauoe wt 4., BIiBAUllXD MU8LINI4. Pepjil ,..18 ,.17 ,..1 ..12S I4 ,..1H ..IS ,..17 ...18 ,.14H ,..14 ...18 ..21 .17 .86 ,41 ...50 ...oi ,... ,...87H ...lu ...MS ...18 ...IS ... t' lwlkbi ..4-4....7 Ballou4 8ot...4.4.."::i4M Lonsdale....... -4. ' Oaoihri, a HIM ...4-4. ,17 Bartlett. jm'" !ncb..... si-iucli. ...lb ...15 14 -18X am as Bt'm it I lVi'"'ii'i5 sr. ar..tF.Ita.J-:;7:::j- 1W SUtuaitu, ln ft jvjsj H $4t . 4 ,9-l, Franklin fiTjiSI' I nx "......is 18K At M..i7a .a. 3ren, Q Amoskea.(Ai Whlteas-i," Lancaster. Burksblre, Oaleuuula, A IUa.nVlHMIMM,H,H.Hi ork .............. .M..M...... Blue Ji 111- , Norlblleld Oakland, Working Man's, Union., Pad Mo ...... Hamillon...... ... 1. .... UVUMHI,HIH.M W1NUH4.MR. ......18 I llarlford., 16 JKoanoke., .....16 Ibiasgow... U UN I Ma. .7-8 u' !" 18 Otis couipany, cxj... .28 ,..15 ...IS ....'& ...17 UKLAINEH. 'M llxiwcll 16-21 Soragnes ..1921 15B -it Warran Brown '2 Lewlsion, Brown Ooluuiblan '""... 8 i.l Amoskdac . York , Cncksvllle.. American Hamilton JverettMH. I Aroiurts.,... !i'r".i b 1 MIPIjU Bli I KTI NUtt Wliiueutoa, A M ""M........l? Ragle 1 borudike..... JIT."'""" na ,...lo.s l IS TICKS. I York, to-lrjch. . 26 York.SilQCD Auoskeag. A. U. A 88 a ....as " B V16 U. 20 " XHaaMaess19 Ck)DtStOCO 4-.......,a,..A Azirt.... ifo Baa 1 fa Dlnax in ITVlMIHIMlll ! I OOKHKT JEANS. Amoskeag...M.M.....uPe(l.erelL l Lawula. .........1 Bales ...... .11 Mauiukeag fallens 18 Indian Orubard MnlX titit Market .. Ifvtrell,.,. JtKOWN IJK1LJJ4. i'liorndlka Wetbuen, AA M...t naiuiiion Keicular. sa Willow Brook 9j Everett....... . " A, Ksira-..ra,.sfl Haranden. UO.........., Pearl Klver......,....s(i ruuneia.. A moskaas:.....M . .is Pt)i pereU...... 18 Lnooula.......... 18 fetaiik, A,,i,,i,,i,ii,m,,H A imleion 1 remonl....,.,. angusta Wlutiuup.mM ...II ,18