THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 18G8. NE WS SUMMAR Y. City AfTrtlrx. r-1 rhotogrnplicrs' Convention awmblrd Jfsteniiij ttfieriinon In trie naii !hc f,ra1Kl!.n JnrUltule, Mr. Abrntn Uouardu, of Hen lui. in the chair: E, S. Wilson, of Phil ielptita, Secretary. Mrsrt. D. Bendaun, J. J. Snjilcr, . a. Wi'lRon, and A. (Jurdner were constituted a committee on permnnent orpanizatiou. The treasurer's report wai then read an t adopted. The Convention then adjourned to meet tbia iuorninp, to hear the report of the. cotnmittco on penuancut orennlzation. The eemi-auuual nieet1uf?of the fiixth Army Corps l.CL'iou waa held lait cvi'Uinir In the IMh. trict Court room, No. I. Coloiii-1 James W. Latin was re elected President: Captain Charles Noble, Jr., aud Captain (Jeome Wool, Vice rretidtiite, and Coluuel Charles S. Gic-uc and Cnptain 1). W. C. Hanline, Secretaries. A Board vi Dirtctors was a'po elected, i, A meeting of the IrWnda of Spanish evan jtelizK'.ioii was held lat evening at the Oiinrcli ol the Epiphany, corner cf FilieeutU and Ches sat street", lion. Charles (iiblions presided, and addresses were nitidis by lievi. l'hilltps 15rooks Itev. Dr. Newton, Rev. Ir. Willits, Kuv. Drz-lianse. and Kcv. J. Wlu'a'.on .Smith. It was stated that twelve churches worn already or ganized in that country, and the Bible and religions publications ;u t-pfun-b. hud beeu issued by the Anierioan Bible Sintety, American Tract Society, and Auiencau aud foreign Chris tian Union. A meeting of lugraln carpet-weavers was li eld last evening at tha hall corner of Muster and Front ttrculb, in releience to the difiiculiies now existing in some ol the carpet establisn ineiit, owing to the retual of the employes to rubintt to a reduction of three cents per yard on the fabric niaiiutuc'iiii'd. Atter aome discussion, a resolution wan pased directing the names of all percons found workine at reduced prices to toe placed on a printed black list, the same to ic posted in the diilerent shops aud other con spicuous places. The annual meeting of the New Jersey Con ference of the Counregational Churches com menced yesterdiy at the. Central Church, Eighteenth and (ireen streets. Kev. K. Carter was chosen Moderator. Tiie minutes of the last meeting were approved. He ports from tlio several churches of the Conference were read as follows: Chntch at Washington, V. C, rutin liership, 220; Plymouth, Philadelphia, increase; Fort Lee, increase; Lodi Meeting and Howell Church, progressing; Baltimore Church, 120 members, and go:d Sunday School; Fraukiin ville, K. J., 11 member, and 00 congreuatiou church bui one year old. Dr. Boynton, Chaplain in Congress, made au addrss, aud the Couterence ndiourued. A ircliminary meeting of property holders and residents on North Broad street, for the purpose of est ibli;hiug a line of omnibuses on that tlioioimhfure, was held last evening at the ball No. Miy N. Broad street. An oTtrauizatlon was perfected by selecting J. C. Moore to act as Chairman. Alter some discussion it was sug gested that the line should be establi?hed at as arly a day as possible, the termini to bo the Baltimore Railroad deoot and the German town ltailroad, crossing at Broad street. A committee was then apouinted to take the matter refularlv Jn charge, aud ordered to report on Tuesday eveiiiug next, until which time the meeting adjourned. The taking of testi-nony in the contested flection case in the Third Congressional district was resumed'yesterday by Aldermeu Carpenter and Helns, Commissioners for that purpjso, appointed under an act of Congress. The drst witnets called was Charles Mousely, who testi fied to alleged li regularities m tne mode of conducting the,electiou in the Seventh division of the Seventeenth waid. A few minutes after 6 o'clock last evening a fire broke out in the tdiirt manufactory and warehouse of Ludwig Siedenbaek & Co., No. 308 Alarket BUeer, aud extending partially through the first s'.orv, in w hich it originated, burned to the second tloor where its progress whs arrested. The stock on the tirst to'r was cither destroyed or much damaged, ntid that on the second lloor sutl'ered by water and smoke. Until it is examined carefully, the extent of the damage cannot b3 ascertained. There is au insurance ot twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars upon the Mock, which will probably more than cover the loss. The building, re ported to belong to the Lewis estate, is insured in the Fire Afsoclauon. The origin of the tire 1b a mystery, as it did not bleak out uar the ttove. Ttie occupants of No. itufl, Meser. McComas, Ultuan fc Co., wholesale clothiers, are suli'ercrs by water, but to what extent is not known. They are heavily insured. Domestic Afritii-H. Gold closed yesterday at 133J. Chicago had live tires last niht. Keadiug is projecting free re.iding roDTis. (icuerul liawlius has returned to Wash ington. Ciencrul Grant arrived in New York lat evening. General Grant has sold his Washington residence. The New York cily election yesterday passed off very quietly. Snow fell ye.-terduy at Portland, Oswego, BuiMo. and Pittsburg. The New England Conference of Universal Ists met at Bptinerield last evening. Pedestrian Weston started on his one hun drid day trip trim Bausjor yesterday. Secietary Scholield will witness the experl mentul firing at Fort Delaware to-morrow. Fort l.alayette was destroyed by fire yester day; all but the buro walls was'destroyed. The Nineveh tunnel, ou the Albany and Diiighamtou Ruilrnad, has beeu completed. The National Convention ot Cattle Commis sioners assembled at KpriugtieM, III., yesterday. The Presidential Electors for Ponusylvauui meet in the Senate Chamber at llarrisburg to-day. It is expected that the public debt state ment for November will chow an increase of $io,(;oo,ti00, Chief J ustic? Chase delivered an important decUion ou the Confiscation act of July 7, 18iJ2. The Presidential Electors of Ohio met at Coluuibus yesterday; tney will ca-t their votes today. Tue trial of Samuel W. Andrews for the murder ot C. W. Holmes commenced at Ply mouth, Mass., yesterday. One Jesse Thompson has been arrested nt Viektburg on the charge of being the.murdeier of Uncial liuduiau. According to the decision of the Supreme Court of Caiitoinitf, the lull electoral vote of that State is tor Graut and Cotiax. The Mayor and City Council of Atlanta have postponed the municipal election until the aascmbliiig ot the I.eaUUuire id January. Tb storage warehouse ot J. M. BloomfleM & Co., at bt. Louis, was partially destroyed by fire ou Monday night. Loss about $150,000. A. boston cleik wai yesterJay robbed of $1400 while going down the steps of a bank. The robber threw blue pepper In tha clerk's At Carlinsville, 111., ou Friday last, a man named Engicmau murdered his divorced wife by cutting her throat. The murderer has beeu arrested. One Ilcnry Wonderly bas instituted libel eults airainst the Chicago Iribune aad liepu'ili can. lie lays his damages at $10,000 against each journal. The mei chants of S. Louis have adopted resolutions approving the b II lor uniting the telegraph lined of the country with the national Postal iiepartmeut. Richard H. Oana, of Boston, will repressnt the io eminent in Robert Ouild'a motion to quai-U the indictment against Jell. Davis. The arpomeut ou the merl's ot the motion will be made before Chief Justice Chae, at liichuioud, to-morrow. A meuing was held at Cooper Institute, iu Kew York city, last night, In behalf of IIeler Vaugtan. no w under tentecce of death in this city icr iufantleide. Horace Greeley presided, and a collection wa made, amounting to $500, to b Utd for her beue at. f ort-lieu Airitlra. London, Dec. 1. The second great ecull race on the Thames took place yesterday, between Joseph ftadlr aod Henry KelUy, ot Putney. The latter has held the eamplocthip of the Thames for nearly six years, bat m defeated lust month by James Ueu"forth, of llaushead, in a race o( marly live milef, lrom Putney to JUeMlaki, for 200 a kide, luu ravd to-day was ovrr the an;e course, and for the simo atiount, ai.d was won by Krlley. who beat Sadler four lengths in 23J minute. The attendence ol fpeetalors was Imtucncc. The Queen has recovered from her slight indisposition, and will leave lor Osbointsoon ;'ter the mee't ot Parliament, I.lfiraell will "voi propose auy more nnms for preraees during the remainder of his ad ministration. A grand testimonial banquet is proposed In Liverpool in honor of tho members of the expinrg Cabinet. Mr. Gladstone's chapter of autobioaraphies is gmcrally thought to be a needlsss and in judicious publication, and It is believed to have alienated many of his friends. London, Dec. 1. Oueen Victoria. In as auto graph letter, compliments Lord M onck in connection with Lis administration as Governor of Car ad a. Elections were held yesterday in Mid Somerset and Slico, Ireland. In the former, Messrs. Neville tin nville and R P. Paget, both conser vatives, were returned, and in tho latter Mr. O'Connor, liberal, and Sir U. G. Booth, conser vative, are elected. The table of the result Is given by the 'lim8 to-day: Liberals, 381; con servatives, 272. Liberal majority, 112. The crew of the Fleetwing, of Quebec, aban doi ed at, sea, have arrived hafely at Falmouth. 1 omion, Dec. 1. A despatch from Constanti nople Fays it is believed there that the Sublime Porte will recall its Ambassador from Athvns, unless recruiting for Crete ceases in Greece. Bkrlin, Dec. 1. In the House of Deputies yesterday, the Minister of Justice, Count Ltppe, 'made a speech urging legislation for making the legnl system of the Prussian kingdom unl form with the tystems of the Northern States. Madrid. Dec. 1. It N rumored here that the Government of the United States has recog nized the Insurgents in Cuba as belligerents. Admiral Mendez Nunez hss arrived in this city. The Republicans have attacked and dispersed a meeting of Monarchists in the town of Orenze. Madhid, Pec. 1. Yesterday a political meet ing of Monarchists in Yaliadohd was broken up by the Republicans, Paris, Dec. 1. General Trim, In a letter to the Gaulois, declares that the present Spanish Government 'will have no deatines with the Bourbons, and denies indignantly the truth of the report that lie purposes a coup d'eiat. Paris, Dec. 1 The printers of this city are on a Urike, and business iu that line is therefore checked. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Newi tee First Page, ALMANAC 70B Hum Kihbh..., Bum Bkth.. PHIL AOELPB IA THIS DAT. ,7'us moon hihki......, 7 2 ,4-a Hien Watbb S'4'i PHILADELPHIA BOAKD OS TBADK, fiMI'IL K.8TUKK3, ) Oku. N.Tatham, i-MONTKLT OOMHITTBa, ANDRKW WHKHLgn. J MOVKMKNTS OF OCKAN 8TKAMKUS. FOB AMKK1UA. Caledonia Glasgow. .New York -Nov, 13 tnlunl.......louaon...New York..MM......Nov. 14 Tripoli Llvenoul...New York , Nov. 17 I)8ujrhcu8 1.lverpool...Portlftuil Nov. I CliyolCork Mverpool...New Vork... , Nov. 21 Perelre Bri-st New York......Nov. iil China. . Llverpool...New York Nov. ai ialiujia Llvprpool...New York Nov. 21 FOB KUBOPK. Russia... New Ynrk...Llverpool Dee, 2 Batuarltt, Mew York. ..Liverpool Dbo. 8 I niOD New York...Bremun ..Dec. 'A City of Boslon...New York...Liverpool Deo. 6 Columbia New York.niHKow -Dec. 5 Iowa.......... New York...GlaHgow -....Deo. 5 Denmark New York...I,lverpool .I)eo. 6 N. Anierlcan...I'ortlHiiil....I.lverpool......M....Dec. 5 Atalanta ..New York...Londou Dm 12 Co Anlwerp...New York...Llverpool -.Dec. 12 C.ofWasliliiKtonNew YorK.I,lverpool Dbc. la City Ol ParlB...,New York. ..Liverpool -..Dee. 1 CXiAeiTWIHE. DOMKSTIfc), BTO. Morro Castle-... New York...Havana Deo. 8 Pioneer..... Phllada..... WllmiriKUio ,.M.Dee, 4 Tonnwanda. Plillaila. Havannuh Ueo. 5 Juniata .Phtlaaa .New Orieuns Dec. 21 HtaraBudStilpes Ph!larta...M. Havana M....Dec. a.i Mississippi New York... Rio Janeiro Dpc. S3 Malin are forward by every s learner In Ibereunlar line. '1 Ue steamera for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, except thn Canadian Hue, which call at Londonderry. The steamers tor or from theUontl neutcall at HoiHhamoton. CLAItRD YKSTKRDAY. Stenmshlp Noruian.Crowell, Boslou, H. WInsor ACo BelirKUen Jloigale, UoldlnK, Pautego, Noicrosj ji Krlir C'a'raPawver.Kawyer, Portland. J. Rommel Jr bichr Jnlin Cftdwalla'ter, Hieelman, Norwich do" Hrhr B, Kcimtir t:ruiihy. Portiaud. a0' Bel r Mmelo. WrKadden. l'uriuiuoutb, ' hebr Ha.lelon. t'UH. DUtiloa, Jj,, H 'hr M. H. W etcott, Gandv, IltDRham, io M'r BiIhIoI. WalLice. New York. vy. P. Clyde .t. iv B"r H Wllllnir, Cundiir. Baltimore, A. Groves jr TuirTlios Ji tlornon, Allen, tor Baltimore, with a tni el barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. ' l" low ARRIVKD YESTERDAY. FteaniRlilp ji unier, hours from Provldonce wlthluilse. to D. H. fsteiHou A Co. ruviuonce, toSKAl wittSTrS Ct0Jby, lrom Sa,em' ln ba,Ia,t hrbr l'ntcsl. Triiaz, 1 day from Lelpalo, Del,, with grain to Job. E. Palmer. " Schr Nile. Collins, 1 day from Lelpstc. Del., with grain to Jea. H Palmer. ' Kchr HiiHheit. Maann. 2 days lrom Milton. Del . with grain to Cbrlatlau & Co. " ,lu Hteamer Ann Klif.a. Itlchards. 24 hours from New York, with mrise. to W. P. Clyde 4 Cj. TugThos. Jetlerson, Allen, lrom Baltimore, with a tow oi barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. MEMORANDA. Bteamnhlp Pioneer, Caihanue, for rhlladelnhla fti ra Wilmington. N. C, sub ult.. has on br.ard m) bb a. n aiu, ivt do. spirits, 74 do. tar, fto do. pitch 4 d,, crude turpentine, 7it balea col on. 6 do. rags. 105 i, p! " iaTp?k7m,,'.,a,H.ele8, " "kg8" 160 Bai que freeman Hennls. Fletcher, from Cardiff tor Nw York, aalltd from Penarlh llih ult., having re- Jii one Edwin, Rorersen, for Philadelphia, sailed lr to GlrpeniKlh ult. "t.a BiKiue Woodalde, Edmonds, hence, was below New OrleanaSGih ulL 1,9W Jintque Village Bcllo, Little, hence, at Llveronnl 271 h int. r""1 Hrlg Wm. Creevy. Haley, sailed from Tenerlflesoih Oct . t..r Vuerlo Ventura. u Brig JUlKa McNeil, Umall, remained at Meaalna 7th Brig Nelite Mows. Merrlman, from Oporto for Lon don put, Into Plymouth imh uit. u Brig Laura. Johnson, hence, at Texel lflth nit. Brig H, J, Burton, Burtuu, hence, In the Tesol 13th UltllUI', achr R. A. Ford, Carpenter, bence, at Si. John n B . muli ult ' ' Kcbr E V. Hopkins. Low, hence for New Ifavn New York nb ult. chr vm. Capea, Ryan, from Boston for Phlladni. phi, at New York 'ioih ult. "uo' Hour A. M. Aldrldge, Kobinaon, hence, at Provi. denr.e'iHlb ult. M . Ni brs D. . Hlner. Huntley, and Anna E. SaQYirrl WH aor, ar thlladelphla, sailed from Provldeuceh uitluio. . gclira BenJ Wrong. Brown, and Ocean Wave Baker for Philadelphia, tailed (rom Providence Mtb mi ' Kthr Ocean 'Iraveller, Adams, hence, at Bayerlv Beta r J, A. Crawford, Berkley, hence, at Danvera 27th ul. t-ci.r CobBBselt, Olbbs, hence, at New Bedford 2 jth nbcn'r'M.H. Bead. Benson, trnm Mattapolaelt for Philadelphia, at New Bedford 2"th ult. lur Hi-hr John Ciuckloid, Brlggs, huuue, at Fall Bif er 27th nit, . bebra Decatnr Oakea Berg, and 8 L. Burrlll, Smith, hence, at Kail Btver 28th uli. '"J bclir K. C Cnnklln. Daniels, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bristol Sib uit. Bohr J. J. Little. Little, hence, at Pawtucket 16th U licbr I-anra A. Webb. Webb, from Bangor for Cam den N J . sailed lrom Newport 27th ult. bebra Beers, .and Louie F. Smith, Crle, fur l'hliedeiphta. cleared at Boston 24ih u t. Hchra J. W. Hall. Howe; L. A. Baylea, Baylea: W. V. Cnok Falkenberg: ii. H. Walowilght, Brower; M. E Graham. Pouniatni John Mye, Wiley; H. B. Mctaulty. Calui J. M. Broomall, Donglaaa; B P, Lowell LeavlttiBud C L Adams, Nlckeraon, hence, Hcb'r'venl'a Ja'ton. from Bangor for Philadelphia. In bo'pk out of Newport harbor 27th ult., collided with ichr DarluaEddy, and tore mainaaiij re,urned to Newport for repairs. Ths D. B received no damage, . HchrAbble Davla. bence, at PorUmouih 2ih uiC bieamer ueorge H. btoul, Ford, hence, at George town, D. C, With uit, NOTICK TO MARINERS The"Retlel" Llgbtveasel (No. 0) was placed on tha Pulli ck lp utatlon on the 2nth ult. OO B N M X O H A N Q BAG MAR OFACTOKY, JOHN T. BAILEY. R, X. cornet ol MARKET ana WATER Street, Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description, fur Grain, Floor, Salt, Super-Phosphate of Lima, Bona Dust, Klo. Large and small GUNNY BAGS constantly on-'haad 221l AUo. WOOL SACHS. WILLIAM B. GRANT, commission merchant. - Nr. 8 8. DELAWABK Avenue, Philadelphia, AGENT FOB DnpoBt'n OuriBowrtr, Beiiued Nitre, Charcoal, ete W. Bauer A Co.'a Chocolate. Cocoa, and Bioma, (ri'Cker Bron. dk Co.'a Yellow MoUai biieaihlnc; Boln, aud Nail Vi, CITY ITEMS. Viftoa II coo, It la cot, fldently reported that, when Victor nngo was a-ked lr be could tell the origin Of the Bonaparte family, he retlud, Of-cors I can: and so, when asked it you can t '11 where to purchase tin Ann yASHioNAnLa clotbzno, In tlie language of the llluatriona Huso you can an swer, Ol cauise 1 can, at Chables btokks A CVs, No. 824 Chesaut street. Pbkvint ob ItiriNi.-When health has been sac rificed for want of the care necessary to protect It, regrets are unavailing. It Is better to prevent than to went. The most Inclement season of the year is at band, and Its cold aud damp are the sonrce of In numerable distressing ailments. The best mean of escaping them is to keep the outward surface of the body comfortably warm with suitable clothing, and the internal organs ln a vigorous condition by the oc castor al use of a healthful tonic and corrective. Winter make tremendous diafU upon the vital forcea, and therefore It Is a season when a pure vege table stimulant and lnvlgorant like Hostittkk'b Stomach Bittkrh Is of Infinite use, especially to the weak and feeble. It gives tlamina to the system, and thereby enablis It to withstand the shocks of cold, which produce cough, bronchitis, catarrh, and other diseases of the organs of respiration. Dyspepsia and every species oi indigestion are also greatly aggra vated by cold, damp weather, and lor these com plaints the Bittebs are an acknowledged specific Tbei 6 is no fact better known In this country, and, Indeed, tbrougbont the civilized portions of the Western Hemisphere, than that this genial prapara tlon Is a swift and certain remedy for all ordinary diseases of the stomach and the liver. Wini, HKRns, and Boots. Speer's "Standard Wine Bitters" are composed of his pure Wine, with hems and roots, the beat bitters known to the Materia Medlca, and in daily use by our best physicians. A, W, & B. Bogen, M. D ot Washington City, say or his Wlue: In diseases of a prostrating character, for Its qualities a gentle stimulant aud certain tonic these Bitters are every way worth the attention and test of the Medical Faculty. These Bitters and Wines are sold by Druggists, Astounding- Biports. 20(0 CASES or CONHUMPTION- CUBED, Prof est or Trosseau, of the Children's Hospital, Paris, reports that, ln two thousand cases of Con sumption, In which the formula fur Upham'i Fresh ihut Cure was used, It cured nearly every one. It allays the cough, heals the lungs, and gives a new lease of life. Sold $1 per bottle, or six for S3. John ston, Hollo way fe Cow den, No. 602 Arch street. JofH Billings; ays of the Alligator, that when the alligator's mouths lz wide open hlr. head is Jest abont In the centre ov bis boddi; but they hav one v rloo 1 same very near forgettlDg, they make a very sli!l iLOlae, altho they hav more jaw than enny critter I knoed ov. Chablks Stokks A Co. 's Fine Customer-made Clothing has the virtue of being unequalled ln Style, In Quality, ln CtittACNEas. tCnll and satisfy yourself at No. bU Cheskpt Strbt. Jewklby. Mr. William W. Cassldy, No. 12 South Second street, has the largest and most attractive assortment of line ewelry and silverware n the city Purchasers can rely upon ob'alnlug a real, pure arti cle lurnlshed at a price which cannot be equalled. He alao has a large stock ot American Western watches In all varieties and at all prices. A visit to his store is sure to result In pleaauro aud profit. Children's Clothing. A Splendid Assortment for Boys, Girls, Infants, and Misses, Selling Oil' at Greatly Reduced Prices. M. SUOIMIKBH & Co., No. 1021 Cheanut street, Lack f crtains, from the Paris Exposition, of tlie miBt remarkable finish, selling at extraordinarily low prices, at Paten's, No. 1408 C'li'snut street, Furnitubk rt'upholstered and varnished to look equal 18 Lew, at Patten's, No, HQS Cheanut street. Gkoveb A Bakeu's Highest Premium Sewing Machines, No. TaoChesuntjtreet; UABBLBD GRTJPP rAITERSON. Novembrr 29. at the Par BOiiitKU of hi. George's M.K. Church, No. 3JI New sireet, by ttie Bev. M l. Kurtz, Mr. JOUNHRUPP to Mies aNMK PATTERSON, boll) of Ibis city. SW ENEY GILFBKY. On Tuesday morning, De cember 1. at tne residence of the bride's parent, by the Kev. W. C. Kobiuson, Mr. ISA All W. BWENEY to Mli-R JENNIE, daughter of Robert Giltrey, Esq., both ol Philadelphia. DIED. Met OY.-On the 1st Instant, Mr. HARRY McCOY, aed 85 years, 1 liu relatives and friends of the family, Vigilant Fire Company. No. 8; Goodwill Fire Company, No. iln; and Company li. National Guards, I. V. M , are re peci fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his lale residence, 8. W. corner of Eleventh and Ittuo streets, ou Friday morning, December 4, at 8'. o'clock. THOMPSON. Ou the 1st Instant, Mr. CHARLES THOMPSON, ln the oiith year ol his age. The relatives and friends ot the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 420 BUKan street, on Friday, the 4ih lu sibut, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Odd l'ellowa' Ceme tery. LIFE INSURANCE. Am ehicaN Life Insurance Company, Ol XUilaelpUia. S. Kt Corner Fourth and Walnut Streets. Intlilution has no tuperior in the United State 610 CLOTHING. JONES' ONE TRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, Ko. COi MARKET Street. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. iLL AND WINTER CLOTHING. FALL AND W1NTKJJ CLOmiNQ. Our Stock Is Large. None bnt well-made GARMENTS are offered. But One Price Is Asked. Satisfaction inaianteed to every purchaser, JONLS'OJiE TRICE CLOTHING HOUSE 11 II mwilm Na. 804 MARKET fitreel. Above Mixta. . CUTHMAN & CO. BELL Fine, Well-Hade, Reliable, Cheap O JL O T II I IS"' Cr, IT TUB CONTINENTAL HALL, IS'o. b30 MAJIKET Street, 11 18 wfm 112 U PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE COMPANIES. . OI'FICE OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, November II, 1868. The following ttatement of tha aflMrs of the Com pany tsmbllshed In conformity with a provision of lta Charter: PREMIUMS RECEIVED From November 1, is7, to October 31. On Marine and Inland Risks $M..i8-7t OnFireKiaka - 1 15,20.5 U6 ' IU 18,711 '80 Premiums on Policies not marked off .Nov. 1, lb67 400,815 71 11,35.5,557 51 PREMIUMS MARKED OFF An earned from Nov, 1. lso7, loOot.31.lSM. On Marine and Inland Risks 071il,tli5 77 Ou l ire KUks 11S,:I17'72 88U1.9Z1 IU Intercut d nrlng the name perle-d Sal vages, etc... 107.49S-82 LOSSES, EXPENSES, ETC., During the year a above. Marine anu Inland Naviga tion LoHhcH 12l,nr2 74 Fire LfiNHes 73 4H5 87 Keturn Premiums 6 '.1.14102 Reinsurances 30.1U0 51 Agency Charges, Adverlls- inn, Printing, etc 60,586 63 Taxes United States, State and Municipal Taxes 43.55.r89 EXPeD8e8 W710,837-31 121)1,68.5 (X) ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November 1, 1808. f 200,000 U. S. 5 percent. Loan, 10- IOs. 8208,500 00 120,1100 U. B. 6 per cent. Loau, 1881... 130,800 00 60.000 U. H. ii per cent. Loan (tor Pacific Railroad) . 60,000 00 200,000 State of Pennsylvania tt per - cent. Loan 211,375 00 125,000 City of Philadelphia (t per cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 123,591 CO 50,000 State of New Jersey 0 per cent. Loan 61.500 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 1st Mortgage 0 per cent. Ponds 20,200-00 26,000 Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mortgage 0 per cent. Bonds 24,000'00 25,000 Western Peuu'a Railroad Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds (Penn'a Railroad guar antee). m 20,025-00 30,000 St ate ot Tennessee 5 per cent. Loan 21,000 00 7,000 Si ate ot Tennessee 0 per cent. Loan 6,031-25 15,000 Gerinanlown Uas Company; principal and interest guar anteed by the City of Phi ladelphia. 300 snares stock 15,000-00 10.0C0 Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 200 shares stock U.300'00 5,000 North Pennsylvania Rail road Company, 100 shares stock 3,500 00 20,000 Philadelphia and Southern Mail Steamship Company, 80 shares slock...... 15,000 00 ; 207,000 Loans on Pond and Mort gage, first liens on City Properties 207,0O0'00 SJ ,119,000 Tar Market value, $1,130,325 25 Cost, 81,oa3,(iOP2U. Real Estate 30,000 00 Rills Receivable for Insur ances raado 322,186 01 Balances due at Agencies Premiums on Marine Poli cies, Accrued Interest, and other debts due the Com pany 40,17888 Stock and Sciip of Sundry Corporations, $3150. Lslt- nialed value 1,813 00 Ci.uli in Bank 8110,150 u8 CkmIi in lri4wt.r 4i:tfi. 110.503 73 81.017,307 80 PHir.AnEi.pniA, November 11, 1853. The Eoarnot l-irectcrs have llila duy declared a CABH DIVIDEND ol TES PKR CKNT ou the CAPITAL BlOCK.and SIX PKU CKNT. Interest on the BC'KIP of the Company, payable ou and after the 1st December proximo, free of Nutioual and mate Taxes. They have a'so declared a SCPIP DIVIDEND oi THIKTY PKK CF.NT.on the EARNED PltUMIUMM for the year ending October xl, lstis, ceriiUuatea ol which will be issued to tua parlies eutilled to the suuie, ou and after the 1st December proximo, free or National aud btute Taxes, They have ordered, also, that the SCRIP CEItTI FL CATK9 OF ri.OFlTSof the Company, for the year ending October SI, 18(it, be redeemed in CASH, at the Onlce of the CompaDy, on aud alter 1st December proximo, all Interest thei eon to cease on that date. t-l!y a provision oi the Charter, all Certificates of Scrip not presented for redemption within live years alter public notice that they will be redeemed, suail be foreittd and cancelled on the Muoka qf the Oumjiait!. JtuAo certificate vf jnojiti issued witter (Jij, jjy the Act of Jneorjioratttm, ' no eerttlcate slutU isiue un less claimed within two years tfter the declaration of the uii'iut?ui whereof it is tvidence," Dir,KC"f- F.duiund A. Bonder. bauiuel K 6toWes, J1VUI OIUBIl, Wllllaui U. Ludwlir. Ueortce U Leloer. John U. 1 ivy I or. Oenrse W. bpruardou, TV llllttui VJt 120U110U, Jacob Kleijel, bpencer M'llvalne, John 11. beuiplo. Pitts., A. li, lieiger, do II 'C irfiirit. 1., THOMAS i). HA Mi PrealiluMt. JollN C. DAVli, Vlce-Presldout. HENRY LYLBUKN.Beoretary. litis 11 Y BALL, AsMisiaut btcrelary. 11121m Thomas C. Baud. Juhu U. Davis, James C. llaud, 'ineopLllus Fbuldinc, JohrpU H. btai, DutiU CraiK, Juhu H. Penrose, Jacob P. J outs, Jaiuea Tiaiiuuir, KUnaid DarllUKton, 11. Jones Brooke. J a Dies li. McFarlaud, Kuwara Lalounacie, Jokhua P, i-jre, 29"-ClIAIlTEI& PERPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. tr riilm.AltKaO'UAA. OFFICK; Kos. 135 and 137 CILESJiUT STREET, ASSETS ON JAM (TART 1. 18(3, OA PjrAL.. 4 OO.OOO-O Attn UKD SVBJPL VH ........................ ?Kb.tdlVMKm l,l!4,altf-ao CJSUH.TTLja CLAIMS. XNOUMJfi FOii 1807 8.09s-ii a5e,ooo-va HKM rAID SINCE 18SV UVUB DfOCOO.OOO. Perpetual and Temporary PoUoies on Liberal Terms DlfLLCTORS. Charles N. Bancker, George Pales, Tohlaa Waguer, rAh'red Fltltur, Baoiuel Uraut, IPraucU W, Lewis. V.n Ueorge W itioharda, 1 homaa (Sparks, ' I William Is, uranl. CHARLK9 N. BANUKKR, Presldeal. UH.Oh.uiK FALi.H. Vlp.m.m JAB. W. UcALLlbrUK, beoielary pro tern. Kxoept at Lex luu tern, Keuiuoay, Uda Oomuanv hn no Ateucles Weat of Puuburit. 12j TUB. U BAN OB COMPANY NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PHILADA. IKCOKPOKATKD 1794. CUAKTHUt PKHP1UTUA1 Blarlue, J u laud, aud t lr Iugnrantw, ASSETS JANUARY 1, 1868, - 12,001,266-73. 20,000,000 Losses Paid la Cash Biaoa lu Organization. DIRHXTORS. Arthur G. Oomn, Ueorg-e L. Harrison; IJ . t m u , ....... . bauiuel W. Jouea, John A. Urowu, Charles laylor, Ambrose VVhlua, William WelHh, Klchard D Wood, B. MorrU Wain, Juhu Maann. ARTHUK a. COFFIN, President. rEAKLas Platt becrelary. WILLIAM BUKULKll, llarrlsburf, Pa-, Centra A gent for Uta btaM of Peuusj ivama, 1 U Franuli K. Cone. luu ward U, Trotter, Kdward b. Clarke, T. Charlton Henry, Alfred D. Jesuuu, John P. White, Luula U Madeira. INSURANCE COMPANIES. UNITED SECURITY LI FE INSURANCE AND TIU'XT C O SV1 P A N Y, OP PEN NSYLVANIA. OFFICE: S. 1'. Corner FI1TII and CHt'SUT Sis., PHILADBLPHIA. CAPITAL, S 1 ,000,000 DIKEOTOUS. pnri.ADFr.PHrA. OFOIiOEIT. BTUART, B. H. IIOHSTMAN, HMillUK W. IHILDB, v na . a. rum, V. A. 1-ItKXKL. -VM. V. Mi-KEAN. TllOMAH W. H,VN9, A. J. IiKKXKL. JDHEl'H I'ATl-p-.Rrt'JN, W M. v. HOl'Hl'UM, H. J, HOLM, I1KNUY K. HOOD. KEW YORK, JAMKSM. MORnnoN.Preslde-it Manhattan It ank JOsl.l'JJ. bTUAUT, ol J. J. btuart & Co., Bankers. BOSTON. HON. E. B, TOBKY, late President Board or Trade, CINCINNATI. A. E. CHAMBERLAIN, or Chamberlain it Co. CIIICAOO. L. 7.. LKTTF.R, of Field. Llter A Co. C. M. bMITU, ol Geo. C. bmlth it Brothers, Bankers. LOUISVILLE, KY. WILLIAM GARVIN, of Garvin, Bell & Co. BT. LOC1B. JAMFB F. YEATMAN, Cashier Merchants' National Bank. KKW RAITPSBiaR, HON. J. Vi PAT1 EllaON, C. b. Senator. IIAI.TIMOHE. WILLIAM PRESCOTT BMITII, Superintendent Consolidated Hallway Line, New York to WaHblngton. P. M. khukma KER, of Adams Co.'s Express. HKIoTIAN AX, of U. W. Uall A Ax. PKANC1H T. KIiU, President Central Savings Bank. GEORGE H. STUART, President. HENRY E, ROOD, Vice-President. C F. BETTS, Secretary. J. L. LUDLOW, Consulting Physician. P.. M. GIRVIS. M. D., ri.iir,.,i,... JOS. F. KOJCKPEtt, .B.,;Medlc1I:xlaluer8 C. STUART PATTERSON,! RICHARD LUDLOW, This Company lsaues Policies of Lite Insurance upon all the various plans that have been proved by the experience of European and American Com panies to be safe, sonnd, and reliable, at rates as LOW AND UPON TERMS AS FAVOR AB LH! AS THOSE OF ANY COMPANY OF EQUAL STA BILITY. All policies are non-forfeitable after the payment of two or moi e annual premiums. 11 13 fmwloirii IUEMX INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED lbU4 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Iu. u WLN LTbireel. opposite the Hxchange. This Company lusures from ioss or damage by Fill al, on liberal terms, on bulldliiK. merchandise, furniture, etc., lor limited periods, aud permaueutly ou build ups by deposit of pruiluius. '1 be Of ruoany has been lu activeoperatlon for more thanblX'l Y YEARet, during which all losses have been promptly adjusted and pall, IiIKkCTOKs. John L.Hodge, .David Lewis, Counsel. A) . li. Msliouy, Jonu T. Lewis, William IS. Urant, Robert W. Leumlng, D. Clark Whaitou, Lawrence Lewis. J r Beoiamiu Ettins. Thomas H . Potvsrs. A. K. AlcHe irv. AiIujUijU Cantlllon,! ciauiuvi wiicox, i.ewii c, Jorr s. JOHN R. SvDCHKRitK. President. Samuel Wilcox, secretary. in 'rpiKB INBUEANCli EiCLUBlVELY THE ,L Ji.aftBIiiVA.MIA nilf, 1MBUKAMU1S COjM rAN Y Incorporated lbto Charter Perpetual Nu 610 WALctUT rtireet, opposite InUepeudeuce ttquaie I bis Company, favorubiy known to the coniuiunuy for over tony yeurs, continues to Insure against loss or damage by lire on Public or Private Bulidliius eulier iierujauenily or fur a limited time. Aiso on Furniture. Hiocks of Goods, and Merchandise een. raliy. on liberal terms, . " 'lheir Capital, togethi-r with a large Surplns Fauu Is iuvettea lu the most crelul manner, winch euabiea them to offer to the iaaurea an nuUoubled security ,n thecaieolloaa. DIBayroi;. Daniel Bmlth, Jr., AliJtaniler B'-Lson, 1-aao nazlehurst, IlltlllM ROO.U, WM. John DevprAriT-' Thoiuas Miiilh, J. Foil. X' . " " 1 . "iu" i a . j r, DAM KL e-AIITu. jB.,presU'eiit. B. CROW ELL, becrelary. 8joJ gTRlCTLY MUTUAL. Pf;CV!DNT L!FEAKD TRUST CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, Ko. Ill . FOUiMH STREET. Organized 10 promote LlFli MoURANCE among members ol the SOCIETY OF FRIEND Good risks of any class accepted. Poiiclts issued upon approved plans, al the lowest HW President, EKMUEL H. (SHIPLEY, Vice-President, W'Lx.iAM C. Longhtrkth. Actuary. ROWLAND PARKY. The advantages oUtrtd by Ibis Company are excelled pimtUL 1 UtE LXSURAACE COrAY LONDON. E6TAR1.ISIIFD IS03. Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Funds, GC,0 0 0,0 0 0 IN COLD. IIlEVOT & IEEUUIU,AkcutNl 11 4 8m. No. 107 South THIRD Street, Phlla, DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. -VTEW YOTiK DYE1KG AND PlilNTINO 1 iisTABLIe-HMENT. WOKKB ON KTATEN ISLAND. OiUces, No. 4u N. E1GH Til street, weal side, Phlla. No. Its DUANE Street No. 762 BROADWAY, New Y'ork, and Nos. IM aud IM PIEKREfONT Street, B.-ooklyn. Ibis old aud exteusive eHtabllsnment having been In existence a half century are piepartd to DYtfiand t LANbJ' aud Gentieiuea's Garments and Piece Gi ods oi every description aud labrlo lu their usually unsurpassed manner. SAMUEL MARSH, President J. T. TorKs, fierretary. 10 l uiwMm . . LOOKING CLASSES. THE CHEATEST AND BEST LN THE CITY. ROGERS' GROUPS, SOLB AGENCY. JAMES S. EAItLE & SONS, No. 816 CHESNUT Street, AMUSEMENTS. 9 26 fmwSmrjp PHILADELPHIA. R0DGIR8' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKEI KNIVES, Pearl aud Stag Handles, of beautiful finish. KODGERH' aud WADE & BUTCHER'S RA ZOW8, and the celebrated LEOOULTAK HAZOll BClhHOKH of the Uneet quality. Maeora, Knives, Uolasoro, and Table Cutlery Ground and Polished, at P. MADEIRA'S, No. Ufi tt. TENTH street, below Cbasnut, aopl TEAFSE6S. EVERY INSTRUMENT TUaT I J science aud skill have Invented to assist tbe bearing in every degree of deafness; also, Respira tors: also, Craudall's Patent Crutches, superior to any others In use, at P. MADEIRA'S, No, 115 U TENTH Mtrt. below Ohaanns, tasnl PATENTEDPANTS BCOUBED AND KTHKTtHKD from 1 to I Inohea, at .Hottet Prenoh Irtteam Dyeing and Soonring, No. W N WIMTH turns aadNo.rKAtlJCaril WI T3RIZE8 CASHED IN ROYAL HAVANA, Jtr KENTUCKY, and MtPBOURi LOffERIES fir solars sent and Information glveo. JObKPH BATE, No 7j RiWAD WAY.New York AMERICAN ACADFMY OP IWti. ITALIAN AND OERk A N Ctvu n i iwtJAi. iimw uit- .....M A X M AHJST Verdi's Hpenlaoular Opera, REAPPXA RANCK OF '1 II li, FAVOKITHITA nd the following great artlsips: Itlirhaaa 1. i , . as . m . D ' V J I ! G u ido d. MomTo I?: ORLANDl IM flri TYlilnt bin Halt, i . . . A t larauiula by Mad'lie Wesmsel. VOMdRJtnW (lli L R9DAY) (lltKl)(HHMlNOrHU, .Reappearance and di but In Uermsn Ope-a of In r,i".A1MKi ANN DE LA UliANUE, i.Vriii ,7, rr " masier work, ROUEltT LE Pi A It t.K. It'JRkltT LE DIA BT E. 3 MADAME LA GRANOEIn her .real charades JOINT APPEtRANt K Om . TtntaNOLI Ai .B:" Ll 0 11 as TSAPs-r ? JVtitfU JUH.RMANN3 in his famous par of 1 Grand Ballet by Mile. WK8MAEL and CoiiSI . Ballet. s COBDUCTOW wit M A Tl PT7I MAr,Ax,ltJVv:i xrTRAAviAi!lETn MADAMKUORANUE lu her rtuonedlmw r?"., VliiLETTA, In whlob charter New York 1,9 lur01 Academy of Mut AND P1RST APPEARANCE IN PHIADSLPlj' tt OF THE NEW TKBoS, i frm ii,. 6IU- alessandro KOKrrr, f mril.ii r,Dcll'l opera housis of Europe, w OoJt'K' OKAiNU UAL-- MATINEE Al GPERA?DAT KVE5ING. December GERmJ .a .', FAUST. I AdrolBS op, ti. Reserved HesU, 50 cnt erttl Punniy Circle. 60 cents. Aniphliheatro, M cents. 4 Hckets and StalHran now bes.curf d for any nlrH . . i t v ' " vjuaries rrumul U i f K lira. Nn H rhunni n.uu yl c UESHUI STREET 3 IUEATB, Ibe enterprlne whfrh In I NOW XO LONGKR AN EXPERIMENT BDTADKC1UEDWUC0K8 The stablihlinitnt tt tbe CI' ens In Philadalnh has proven arrestable and popular. ""uipu EVERY mMMjTHW WEEK. JAM in ROB1JNSON, W hose merits have fu'ly susialued the ronntatK which prei eded hlni-lbat of being the OM.Y GREAT RIDER IN JUK WORLD. Will accomplish his i BAREBACK ACT. in which he will execute the culmination of Eon . llbrlnm. - a" CARRYING CLARKNOB ON HTB HIJAD " 1HK kOIHEKW A.RVANTINK, ' whose grace and skill render their science of Ovn fiYwaiitEi,:?1 gea"18' ,a pper iu ,wo" LA PETITE ELISE, the atom, tbe fairy child, the Lilliputian Earn enne, In a fanclnatln set of equilibrium, 4 HADAMfi 1 OURM AlRlfi will demonstrate her skill as a horatwoman. JAMhH M AIJllll.c WbOre Orlelrjalll V. til. bumm. anil hpimmlni. mnA, dtmeanor have made him a most acceptable Wows JAUllAMmUAM '1 Will be nrOmlBenLlv rpcoanlr.d km thA nrlnf.o nf rJ rlrinra r--www. All the great art'otes who make this the best Cons pany t ver In Philadelphia. , VillVtS, rAILUUAX, A.1 TWl ADMISSION lO JMATINEE. Dress Circle, Paiouet. aud Crcbitra..FIrivCn 1 1 j. t. imiy i wtMny.nve oent TVI US. JUUfl DttEW'S AKCH OlKKET THE COM e DY Wj KK alRw, JOHN DREW. TO MGHT (Weduesoay), Til K PRUVOKEU HUoBAND, By Mrs. JU11M DREW anu Comnauy. Alter which a favorite Ccmedletta bv R CRAIG and MISS f. DAVENPOBT. Tbnr. day-THK HK1R AT tiW, - " Friday THE GOOD NA'j fRttU MAV, Saturday HUN kFIT OF MR R CKAIGi Mouday net-WOLVKS AT BAY. ALNDT ST. THEATRE. BEGINS AT 7 mi. -3 i iuwimyi jj.v e..ijh. Doc. a. Engagement of the DUtingulihea Traicedlenne. TtM Uk. I, 1. .., .11, 1. ,,. . Edward Pa'coner's Hi .lorlc.l Tratedy of r. MARY' bl UAltr. UUEKN OP BOOTS. MARY bl UAltr D Ri, D. P. BOWERS Lord George DoiiKias Mr. J. C atoCo'luui wuuiuue wiwi inu laiiKiino.e tionieuiekia oi '1HK IrOfl.h's LAWYER, The Oranne Girl. aChnstmai btory shortly. Irlday BKNEFITOF MRS. I. P. BOWERS. ELIZABETH QUEEN OF KMULAND. THEATRE COMIQUE, 6EVENTU STIiEEr. J.C. UKEbOR Y :....LiHuee ana Mauaueij Tbe l.ailleH Euranfured. Chlirlren Deliehled. 1 '1 lie 1'ubl.c Oruillled aud UHt-s CVowiied. Eveuirgat 7-U0. aatluee MA I UltDA Y at 2. Perfurmlnir lilons. Leeuard.i. 1), tin. Mi.iikovh nnala and IVenies. Circus Wy annuls, 8tei pie ciiase, PantoJ mime, Pkire, Burit-figue, r5ieciacle,operaiici.keiches,! eic. 'Ihe perlormlua Baby jlephaut aud M'lle ier. ruue. I ISO 66 a FOA'S All Kit IC AN VARIETY TIJEATRE. EVERY EVENING AND BA1URDAY AFTER.NOOX. GREAT COMBINA1ION TROUPE, In Grand Ballet., JKih oplau Burlesque, SOngl Danres. Pantiinilinea. Gymnast Acts, eto. rrhE PUBLIC REHEARSALS OP THE GER J. MANIA bKCIi bTKA at Horticultural Hall will be uUcou' lnued on account cf the llali having been ireil us!y engxged. ihey will be resumed oil De tiubf r 3 i. EiiKfCi-uienta can he made by addresning G. BAS TERT. No. llilil MONTEKh Y feireel; Wlltlg's Muslo S'ore. No. littl Cbrxiiut street; Andre's Mumc biore. No. 1HH Chemiut street. io lu iia nAKL &EMZ' AND MARK HASSLE R'8 OR KJ CBESTRA M ATIMilS, . VERY' SATURDAY AlS'i t. M IN M I'tslCAL r CM) 11 ALL. Hlimle Ad- luinHlon. Hi ret ic Package ot 4 tickets, si, at Boner's. X. u. 1 11' V 11 rr-y j . c?b.t nuu n. inn iwur, 1111 tl AMERICAN CONsERVArORY OF MUSIC 'iwtniy-li ur h Matinee. Fourth of Henes ltta-tti Al THE ACADEMY On' MU?IO THIS (Weduesilay ) Arl, at Hi o'clock, t ee Lu.ii-e 1j Euucatioual Cjiuu.u. it CLOAKS, iI.OAUH-CI.OAHN. i lie crowd of ens- V toineranliu dally visit our atore mnat couviuce every one Hint it In the place to aeciire Hie ucweitt atylrw. The flueat (liialllleN and the bent work at the iuoa( rciihOuubleiiriccN. II K.Mt Y 1 VK.V.S, Ko. 23 .South MM 11 Street. l.OAli.S-CL.VHS.-VVhat every one Hitya iii ii t be true, and they all any you can buy the moat InNhiouuble, the beat aud cheaitcat 1'Ioakn In thecity, ai ii i:ky ivi;.y, H23mwf2m Ao. S.M.MII Mreot, CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. JQECORATIONS ON CHINA AND GLASS. INITIALS, CRESTS, AND ALL KIKDB OF DC0BATI01S OJi CIIIKA AKD GLASS, DONE' TO ORDER BY TYNDALE & MITCHELL, Xo. 707 CHESNUT STREET, , 28 mwf8mrp PHILADELPHIA. SEWING MACHINES. J O T I C E. lo rurclmserp, Sellers, or Users of But touliolo Sevlng Machlueg. The Commissioner ot PaienU having extended my Patent ssaliitit the oppusitlou ol the rresideut of tha American Bittouhole Hewlnc Maohlue Oomnany. tnereiore, all purcLaser. puichaslng. UHlng or sulilug Buttonhole Sewiu. Macnluee, O.utalnlng my pa leuted bhnttle Carrier, are hereby aollhed that they will be beld directly respouslble lor damages ualesa llcenied by me, 11 ti aiwlturp CTIAB. PARHAM. LFXANDER G. CATTKLL A CO. PitODCCE COMMISSION MERCHANT!, No. u north wharves Wo. J7 NORTH w atkr street, PHILADELPHIA. II '