THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAHI FHlLADELPillA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1363. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC The City Amtinement. Atthb Acad em r of Musio this evening Mr. 21 ax MarelEek will commence aeason of twelve performances of Italian and Herman opera, wh Icq promises to be In tbe highest de gree enjoyable to all lovers of mulo. Thecom Jt) ned troupe Is a strong one, and there Is every reason to expect that the operas will be given In snperlrr style. 11 Tt ovatore is announced for this evening, with the following artists In the east: Madame States, Madame Cellini, SIgnorl Brlgnoll, Orlandlnt, and Barlll. Tomorrow evening Beethoven's great opera of Ftdelio will le performed. At ins Chksnttt the Circus, whloh wllj commence a series of performances this even lng, Will doubllet-s Rttrnct crowded houses. The troupe Is lnrce, and It contains a number of flrHt-clafcS equeHtrlans and acrobats, and the rnanaeement proralne to cloeverythlog In their power to make the pennon attrpctlve. Mr, James K.iblnson, the bire-back rider, will be a est in himself, ai Uiere Is in noli curiosity to ee him after the rncomluras that were passed upon him by the European presi. The Levan tine brothers are sfcllful gynnis's, and Mr. James Mngulro, Clown, Madame Louise Tour nalre, Mr. James Maoigan, Mr, OUarleu Midi gau, Mr. George Wambold, with bis troup of perform 1 1 k apes and dogs, Mr, James W.rd, Wr. William Morgan, and others, are all re. ported as cxcellt nt in their particular lines of business. Theie will be an entirely new fit-on' Of costumes, mountings, and appointments ' d Ihu circus will be the maul attractive afTAir o: the kind that we have had In l'lillniiel phla for a long time, and It will please an Imnv nse number of persons who have no taste for tbe ordinary run of dramatic entertain ments. At TRit Anon en old comedy week will com mence this eveulcg with Arthur Murphy't Comedy of The Way to Keep IJim. Mm. D.ew Will appear as the "Widow Bel more," Mls IEzle liloe as "Mrs. Lovnmore," Mrs. T. A Creese as "Lady Constant," Mrs C. K. Maeder 'Muslin;" Mr. Barton HIU as "Mr. love more," Mr. F. Mackay as "Sir Bashful Con stant." Mr. A. Everly as "Sir Brilliant Fashion " Oolman'a comedy of John hull is announced for to-morrow evening. Mr. Thomas Fitzge rald's new play of M'oivt at Bay will be brought oat on next Monday. At thr Walnut Mrs.B P. Bowers will make ber first appearance this evening since her return from California as "Lady Audley," in John Brougham's dramatization of Miss Braddon's novel of "Lady Andley's Secret." The performance wlUcon',lude with the farcoof The Bippietl Dzyofmy Lift. The Orange Girl, a Christmas story, la announced as la pre paration. AT thr Amkrican Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B'anohnrd, Vivtan, tbe eomle vocalist, Mad'lle Eetty Itlgl, Professor O'Reardon, and a host of other artists will appear la an entertaining mlscel'anc cos performance tills evening. At tub Thuatbi Cohiqui tbe managers are exerting themselves with much success to pre ent an attractive and perfectly unexception able eitertalnmont. The show-piece of The Ga thering "f the Clans will be withdrawn after the present week to make way for other novelties. Thb Okkmania Orchestra will give a pub llo rehearsal at Horticultural Hall on Weduos tiay afu moon. CITY ITEMS. Mkn, VotTTns', B rs and Children's Clothing Beady-made; finest assortment In tbe city; also, Choice stock of selected style of Piece Qoodi, to be n aae to order. Style, fit. and workmanship of our garments tttrpassed ty none, equalled by few. AU vriees guaranteed lower than the lowest elsewhere, end full satisfaction guaranteed every purchaser,, or the tale cancelled and monty refunded. Ball vrty between ) Bbswbtt A Co., t'Jxhand Y Towbb Hall, Sixth streets.) No.Bl MabkktSt., FHILADKLPHli, AyPNo. 6QW BOATWT. Nbw Yuuic. Abtkmith Ward ox Warhinbtos. jL. Waidsaysot Washington, that his Crr at titrlr. ) (. in vt having any man of the. pre lent generation to rcszmble Aim to any alarnirg ertent. CHABLBS bTOKB Co.'d. forte In Burpstus all cilhers In h qulli7. yle, end cueapuetaor iiielr tin 3mtomr Wade cioltiinaj ihwrj paruient cut over a cuttomer pattern by praoil- raleriUi. Your patronage respectfully oltcla " at Ke. su Ohwnnt street. Pekvknt obRkpmt. When health has been sac rificed for want of tbe care neCMsarj to protect li, regrets are unavailing. It is better to prevent tban torcjient. The most lnc'eraent season of the year it at band, and lis cold and damp are tbe loarce of In dlstreeslog allrsents. Tbe best meant of -escaping them Is to keap tbe outward snrfkes or the kody comfortably warm with suitable clothing, and tbe Internal organs In a vigorous condition by tbe oo CasloLal ate of a healthful toalo and Winter makes tremtndvaj drafts -upon Iba vltai forces, aud therefore it Is a season when a pure vege table stimulant and lnvlgorant like Hoststthh's Stomach Bittbhs Is of Infinite use, especially to tbe weak and feeble, it sires Nomina to the system, and thereby ensblts It to withstand tbe shocks of oold, which produce cough, broucLiili, catarrb, and other diseases of tbe organs or respiration. Dyspepsia and very species ot Indigestion ate also greatly aggra vated by cold damp weather, and lor these com plaint, tbe Bitters are an acknowledged specific. Tbeie is no fact better know a in this country, and, indeed, througnont tbe civilised portions of the Western Hemisphere, tban that this genial prspara tlon Is a swift and certain remedy for all ordinary dlsraers of the stomach and the liver. Wmr, Pirsk, and Roots. Fper's ".landard Wine Bitters" are composed of bis pare Wine, with he ts and roo's, the best bitters known to the Materia Jfed'ca, aud In dally nie by our bent physicians. A. W. A B. Bogen, M. I)., of Washington tliy, t y of bis Wlne:-in diseases of a prostrating character, for lie qualities as a senile stimulant and certain tinto thpse Hitlers are every way worth the attention and test of tbe Medical Facully. These Hitlers and Wiues are told by Druggists AsTonifDtNa Rbforts. 21IC0 CASKS OF CONSUMPTION CHSKS, Professor Trosteau, of the Children's Hospital, Paris, reports that, In two thousand cash of Don sumiulon, la whloh the foimula for Uphamt Prcsh iftot Cure was med. It cured nearly every o;ie it allays I Ke cough, heals the lungs, an I gl vos a new leaneoflire. Hold 1 per bottle, or s'x for IV John ston, Holloway A Cow-off, No, Hui Aroh street. Jbwrlkt. Mr. William W.Casldy, No. 12 South Pecotid street, has the largest and most attractive ar,sortmeit of line ewe.ry and silverware n the city Furthest rs ran rely upon ob ainlug a real, pure arti cle lurnlslied at a price which cannot be equalled. He alo baa a largo slock of American Western welrlx s In all varieties and at all prices. A vim to bis store Is turn to result in iilnaHuie and rrufit. Chim'Hkk's Clothing. A bpleudid Assortment for Hoys. UlrlH, Infants, and Misses, Belling Offtt Greatly Btdiced Trices. M. eiioiutKKU A Co., N'). I2I Uin-ainu s'reeU MAHK11SD. HAMMONI ri,UB, November ! at the Churrli ol the Kptphaiiy by 'he lt '. 111. Nwlnii, Mr. IaJUS HaMmUNI) to tllSK CA.1UKU1NK K. C J.ARK.all ol thlRclty. ST(Hl-HAVKINfc,-On the n Instant, by tte Kev. 'I hef plilluH Murk. Mr. JOHS K. TO l 10 Mum fct't. Mi llArtKlK;. hoih'f th la city. Mo cards. DIED. BATtNPS. On the 2Ktb Instant, V. FR KtifZ. son or Charles fix! Kale A. ita'tirs, and graudsou of Wl -liain and Alary U. Dilnon. aged 2 years and b uioaihs. 'I lie irleuua ai d thore oi nie lauii.y are respect rally luviu-a to attend bis funeral, from tbe rMui.' ol bis graiidparniM, No. ts:o Khr.aDctli vr-t Frank lord, on W eniK'nday, iecetuher t, at, 10 o'clock A, M. Interment at x.everingloii Uumetery. GRANT. At Fas'on, Pa., tbls morning. KTJPHB WlA.wlleof Rev. John It. Urent, In the 7ls year or ber age. GBIM.-On the 2th Instant, Mr. GEO BOS GRIM, In ti e 47ib year of hla age. Due notice will be given of the funeral. WcKNIGHT. On Huuday, the 2.h instant, at his residence, liuroeniown, N. J., JOHN L. McKNIUUr, In tbe 7tHt ) ear ol bis age. Mis relative and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, ou Tuesday, lb 1st ol December, at Christ Church, Brdeutuwn, at 2 o'clock P. M., without fur ther notice. An ex'ra train, for the aonominudatlon or tbe friends, will leave Walnut street wbart at 12 O'clock M. WAGNKB. On tbe Mth Instant, after a short and severe Illness, MAKY WAGUR, In the 71th year of Der age. The relatives and friends ot the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from ber late resi dence. No. IMS Hamilton street, on Wednesday morvlng at SO Clock, to proceea to jaoujt jaorian Cemetery. LIFE INSURANCE. A M EQICA N Life Insurance Company, Of I'biladelphia. S. E. Comer Fourth and Waluut Streets. AS-77i Institution ha no superior in the Dntled Stout "tu Bal Mafqubs. The coming ssieonof pabl.cand Private maaquerades promises to be the gayest on record, Costumers and d'essmaksis are In a whlri of prospfrlty, tbe beads ef our belles aid beaux are dluy with expected pleasure, and their tongues are running wildly about tbe coming bills and parties which add to tbe mad excitements ol tbe fashionable world. The gay aad laughing crowd rushes on kecdleisot polltloal troubles or threatened financial d sailer, and scatters m-ny lavishly among the thousands who work fir tbe pleasures of tbe million, Amongst the many ballt, "L Coterie Carnival" (whlebls annonoed for Monday, January 11, bids fair to bs Ike mntt grand. It will be one of tha . ftrat at Iho Acadeiay of Muile. and were It not for lbs mbr of other ballt to ba n , 4 some details but invention and genlns in organialng L r Baimasquta no not come unr tne oopyrlsbt or t' ' patent law, to we refrain. Hum, lt to say tbal "Iji Coterie Catnival ' will heasuooet. 7 .1 We may mention tht the sob'crlpilon Mo, fixi ! Sli si up. auu ium wuv uesu tv urn iiwauii oult) 1 PttWHIf VS vimmt 'w u.iurii. Weili Waitiro ob a Cough "to go as tt came," - you are often sowing tbe seeds ol Oonsompt'on Better try at onoe Jaynb's IxraoroBAWT, a sure core for all Oonght and Colds. Sold everywhere. Tbinwitb's News Dkpot. lately opened on Cbes- nut si., wtwt oinixio, imo. ton. u a moaei esiaoinnmanl ol lis kind in evrry respt-ct. Neatly fitted up, airy llhl. and convenient, goods conxulououslv dlsolayed every ih lug In perfect order, It Is rtally a pleasure to stop In his plane. We have )ui rHouiviid from hltu Harpei's Weekly" aud "Mouihly." the "Atlauilo Monthly," "Ouuiio Monthly ," etc CLOTHING. ONE rRICE CLOTIlINUnOUSE, Ko. COi MAKKET Street? FALL AND "WINTER CLOTIIINQ. l-'ALL AND W1NTKU CLOTIlINd. FALL AND WINTER CLUTUINGr. Our Stock Is Large. None but well-made G ARM ENTfl are offered. But One Price is Asked. Satisfaction gosianteed to every purchaser. J OSES' 0'E riUCE CLOTHING HOUSE 11 It mwslm Ka KIH MARKKT Xlreet. Aoove bixto. . CUTHBVSAN & CO. SELL, Tine, Well-Made, Kellable, Cheap c o rr n i is AT THE CONTINENTAL HALL, Ko. 830 MAltKET Street, 1118wfmtl281 rfllLADE'jPniA FURS. JJ'ANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS I uuiiAl iUiuuuTiuri in ruitJiis. JOHN PAREIRA, At bis old aud well known KUR HOUSE, Ko. 71S AHCil Street, Is now closing out tbe balauoe of bis immense assortment ol 1 AINCY lUIZS, For Ladles' and Cbildren's wear, at a great reduction of prices. This stock must ail be sold before New Year to make loom lor great alteration lu our esta blishment next yeer Tbe cliaraoier of my Fur U too well known to require praise. lteinember the name and number. JO EN FAHEIRA, No. 718 ARCH STREET, 11 u 24t rp PHILADELPHIA. L E V; I 8 DLAYLOCK, Ko. 62 K. EIGUTU St., Below Areli, Wbere may be found a large assortment of FINE ITUltS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. Also. ROBES AKD GENTLEMEN'S TUR GAUNTLETS. MUiTLERH aad CAPS, at reason able rates. U fmw tl J 31 CIGARS. HAVANA OIOAK8. LEADING brandt-; fra i0u imported by every ateamer. Prieet lew. Aim, or our own make and copyrighted brands: MAUIANA niTA, best pare Havana leaf. KHA D1AV01.U, pure lUvau, fillers. Low prices and war- an'cii quality H. FUOUK.T dt HONS, No. 2J9 H. Front St., 11 85 wlmlotop Importers aud Manufacturers. FIFTH EDITION ADVICES F.70M EUROPE. LATER FROM SOUTH AMERICA. GEKERfi CORREOSO VI3TOnlO'JS. Et., K1c, Etc, Etc., Etc., Etc. FOREIGN. Py Atlan'lc Onbte. . 1 lie 1 liniiderei" on Ainr-rlrnn Entrr rito. Lokdon, Nov. 30 Tlie Times of this morning corrrnjDt with won J r on tU rapid progress ol tbe Pacific Hallway, ami, nolinp;tU'j cxt'a orditiarv fcaliirod of tlie roil, commond tbe fntrriiribC of tlie American puopli; inovcrc min obsiadrs lieretofor deomed ImuriDDiintuble, and ciplaitis the influence this ureat proucl will txeril'e on the commerce of the world. The AiiM-rlrnn MlnlMler lo Npoin. Pkis, Nov. 30 Jnhii P. Ilal, th-s Amcricsn Minister to Spniu, is in this city co"8uUi! pb liriatis Willi rcynrp to hU failing beatih. Henry W. LongMlow, Iho Ameriuau poo, is at'Jfuca. Fit om laoimoup . The JeflT. DuvtH In Court. Richmond, Vs., Nov. SC. This m.irnlne, in tie United States Cliruit Coart, Robert 0 a! 1. coudscI for Jeff. Davt, made a motion f qutsh tie irdictrurnl ajiaiust Davie, on tb tromf that the Fourteenth Ampndment prccribn the mode of punishment for natlioipation in rebl lion, which is disfranchisement, and oo othe punishment is prescribtd. Ttao pro ecutliiB attorney moved to postpone the motion until tho latter ptir. of the term. Chief Justice Chase dee'ded lo hoar the argument on the motion on Thursday nexf. FROM WASHING TON. Special Despatch to The Kntning Telegraph, Washington, Njv. 30. Onicral ; in til, fic?oaipanie J by Mr.. Grant aud General Coin stock, left bcre tb's morui-jj for No York and Eoetcn. Vlis. Craot will stop at PhUa lelpbia, where she will be the guest of the S imlly of George H. Ktua't. From Ceutral America. Nrw Tokk, Nov. SO. Panama advices of Xoveaiber 23 state that when General (Jomviso ariived at Cblriqai he found the place non'i doncd. Ho then went to Sntiao and fmnd tbe enemy had also abandoned that piac. P.oceeding to Hatello, the enemy, iOO. strong attacked Correoso, ard a b.iUle ensued, lasting three boun, when tbi eneoiy fled in dioi rtrt. leaving 52 killcJ, among them their lea lor. and many wounded, a number of prisoners, an l ulj their arms and ammunition. The Government lost thi'ep tilled and eight woundad, hiuou? the latter Geneial Pedro Goita. This ba'tle has p it an nd lo the civil war in the S a'e of Panmn t. The icvolutionary movement lu Cost:i Rica ha proved succcssiul. and Pi' :Ueiit Castro h-ii been deposed and Jimenez iusUllcd in his place From Mev Voik. New Yoi i. Nov. 30. George W. ilc'-iean, of Wa'-b'ntoD, tou'espoading clerk of tU United Sides Secret beivice Dt-parimn", was to-da coniD.itiedto jail byUnl ed Stales Com Tilss'oner Jact'oa, of Jersey City, on a charge of p.t sma a courilerfeit $10 national bank but a. a dri'iK lug taloin yesterday. Tbe accused seiJ be a' intt x'ca'ed at the lixe, and tni no kuo wlede oi Pie ait. Kew Tork Stock Uuotitllon. 1 t . Received oy teienrapu fioin jtiBua,uutij6 a O.iv i fitoclt ilrokers, N o. 4 S.Trt irJ st 'Ht: n. y. cam. ft i'.'su cm. n.w. k. prr.. m-z V ...... IS.i.. L . 'wl 1J I LJ 1,-t. Pn..ind tleR. R MIC J. o RllU Pl.l. XV Wl Cie. aud Pitt. U 88' 8i fi tt x.K. W.aud t'hLI 1 1 v: Uold 1.15; 4 Market lne jlar. Bound Ovbb. William MoMullin, John Toblu, William Whitney, Jubu Ahe'U, and Hubert Hmllh Lister appeared before AI t'truiau Beitler tuia raniaiug, and waive 1 a he.iriDp in tbe c -re In which i hey are caargfd with being luiplicut" 1 In tho shooting of Po liceman Hill. Ge3ae A hern bud a hearing this elteinooD: and was buuuuover liiiljJU bail for tiial. John Beam andTbonias fVCanner were held In m hce union mi for 'Kfeplug a disorderly h jue at Kleveuth aud Saouctu atieem. NEW PUBLICATIONS. HAZARD'S BOOKSTORE 13 NOW AT Xo. 722 SAXSOM STBtKET. A LtnOE AND SLKOANT HOLIDAY STOCK OF ILLUSTRATE!! 1Y0IIKS. iOC KSIN FINE niSDINOH, Clllli litKJS'S BJ K'f, TOY BOKS IS JIChSTLY LONDON EfilTIONH. A3 CjtUAl A3 AMERICAN K0IT1OXS. Yrur early lai eotlon is invited while tbe stock !s large and well Hsorled, at TIIK KJOLISU BOOKSTOnE, Xo. 722 MTIIKKT, liaolmrp FIlILADEU'dl A. UEW BOOKS Cf MOKAL i.d llELIUIUUa Clisrsiter for CHILDREN and YOUTH, I'uOllHlied by the American Bunday School Union. Alio tor Bale, r.irtLKS. and JKVUTiONAL BOOKS of tbe ihllvrent Dcnuinlnntionr. Cttialugues of the Suelwy ' Publications and nam pie eotjiet oi Uh l'er irdicdin furmalied Kraiuimuily at me Utpobllory,llU(JliKeMD'i''bilada. lllii mmwif JONES, TKMI'LB CO., FABBIONABLIS UATIH8, First Uu r aticiva t!bnut gtreet. 4 9 SWAltEDHTON'S IMPROVED VENTI lateiJ, ud fany-iUllDff Press llata (patented), la all Ibe Improved fnoMous ot the (eatuii. CHSH NCT btrext. next door to tlm Post OBlee. 11 in jiip fpilE SAFE PCPOSII COMPANY, For Safe Keeping of Valuables, Securities, etc., and Renting of Safes. DIKEOTORI ft. R. Browne, J Gllllnsham Vell,Alex, Henry, C. II. IHarka. 11 MaraWaler, M A.CaldweU, iotiu W.m, IK. W. Clark, (4eo. Y. Trier. OFFIUE. 0. 421 UHESNUT HTREKT. N. B. BKUWNK, Hrmlilont () M. oI.AHK, Vloe I'rmhmnt. B. PATTKUSON, bee. aud Areaniuw, I lawluil IMMEDIATE AND IMPERATIVE SALE OP FINE READY-MADE CLOTHITMG, nt ARRANGEMENT WITH THE ." EXECUTORS, MADE THIS DAT, WE SHALL FINISH OUR ACCOUNT OF STOCK AND SELL OFF, To close affairs of old firm, OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CEKTS AMD BOYS' CLOTHING. AMD CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, AND VESTING?, AT Unprecedented Low Pi ices. Bo as to Make a QUICK SAL12. This Is an opportunity tbat doe not often occor, aa tLe whole stock will he soil. Our iionarjse bowse is loaled wHih O ARMKNT3 of every description, made np in the be.t manner. Whilst we ara net entirely tbrongb with tbe Stock JWotvut, yet we arn lUlng a great many of tbe Oood go uow. e aball be enttnltf ready, Lowever, and tb ORHAT 8AJJ! will o mm. uce- 7UESDAY, DECEMBER 1. Tbe Btore will be open early, and not clcFed until late. An extrTmmber of Salesmen w;ll U eugaedj.and prompt and polfer attention given to all. We make this f arly NOTICE, to tiat large publicity 1007- lw gireu. r WANAIVIAKER & ifiOWi, OAK HALLr 8. E. CORNER SIXTH AND S7IARKET STREETS- DRY GOODS. B AJKIAINS FOR TUIi II0LIDAY3 AT THE " BEE-II I Vr E.'' J. W. PROCTOR & CO. Will offer daring tbn HoWdaye an e!fKot aisortmeti OF SEW AM DESIRAULK WOODS, tliicfly riircliased at the Kcet'ut Liir Auction Sales At abent one.half the Importation co6, cnraprin&re In Urge varloty, from 25 cents ty ft 50 per yard, DRES 81LK3 A.ND 8XTIW8. R CHK BKOWHK AKD PAI LKY SHAW1S.. From $'lt to l5n. riNHfeT QUALITY I-'UBSS IN IIJS.MIA.N SABI.U, aCDHON BY "A.KL4,, AM i: tlOA v ua nt-K ROYAL ERM 1 fc 4, CI'IXCidlLLA. HTCJ. KTO RH All ASTRACHaN SA04-'KS. JIUFFS. AL HATH. Fino Cloaks. A Bplenlidc'illectlon In Ve'-vet. Piuns, MnDtasTNia Velvet Cloths Bltcas and CoVm: lllcli AstracliAU and Beal LTo'h AMo.OpranilfArtV Cloakl. Ladlta' and Oblldrea'a KarD'.Hhlns Hooda, HcarN, Tlea, Laces, Embroideries, Plli aad Fancy IT.Jkls., Frei co te:s, Kto. Hosiery end Gloves ot all kinds. Damatk Table' Cloths acC, Napkin, riani and Table Covers, and oilier une'cl and ornamental am cli'S too niultltudluons to eauu state, all of wblcb will be sold At a ttreat Sacrifice tvom the Orlriaal CosU J. W. PROCTOR & CO., TIIE 'JJEE-IIIVE," Ko. 920 CHE8NUT Street, 11 6 Imw PHILADELPHIA. L5HEM STORE, So. C23 ARCH STREET. SEVERAL CHEAP LOTS or TOWELS, T0WEL1XGS BY THE YARD, TABLE MSEJtS, KAPKIKS, LI.NE' UANDIlEIIIHIEFS. The largest stock or LI MEN GOODS In the City, 9 30 wfmi CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. J)IiCORATIONS ON CHINA AND GLASS. INITIALS, CRESTS, AND ALL KINDS OF DLT0KATI0XS ON LUIXA AM) 0LASS, DONE TO ORDKR BY TYNDALE & MITCHELL, Xo. 707 C1ICSXUT BTREET, Z8iul3rp PUILlDlSLPaU, K?R. BEAUIHOittT'S COLLECTION OF EXCLUSIVELY ORIGINAL WORKS 0 ART WILL JiK SOLI) ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS DKGUMliKR 1 AND 2. AT AHB A HALF CLOCK. Now on Exhibition at tho Academy of Ftno Arts. Cards of Ad mission to fc ale can bo obtained gratuitously at our Office. U 28 St B. SCOTT, JR. DRY GOODS. H A M R I C K & COLE. SPECIAL CAI'iD I In oider to prepare space for an unuiualiy BLR. GANT DISPLAY ot HOLIDAY GOODS, Now In port, and aboat to arrive, we shall exhibit from tbla date to December 10, t XELB 0HEATK8T BAHQALNS KVEfl PUT fORTH in GENERAL DRY GOODS! We have determined to carry tbe imalleRt possible portion of oar UaQNIFXCICNT SIOCK after January 1, HAM RICK & COLE, No. 45 North EIGHTH Street, 11 21 71 PHILADELPHIA. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos. 403 and 407 N. SECOND St., OFFERS HIS LAUUE AJD ELEGANT STOCK OF WINTER DRY GOODS, EMBRACING ALL OF THB KEWEST DESIGNS AD FADKICS, AT PRICES WARRANTED TO BBS A.S LOW AS THEV CAN 11 E noTOIIT EI.NKH1IEKE. S20rp yJ A R B U R T O N. SIOUEKEEPEUS. DRE?3M KERS, MIX, LINERS AND OTHER3. FOR THE LAST WEEK WE WILL OFFER JOB LOU AT HALF PRICE, TO QUICK AND PROMPr BUYER? GREAT UAIVJAIN3 WILL U12 GIVEN. ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT ll li If OF 15 CENT ON EACH DOLLAR. DRY GOODS. VVARBURTOiV, Xo. 1001 CHKSXUT Street, FOR ONE WEEK ONL 7. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. NArBIFIt VI , NACBII ICB! B 4rRiriCK! HALF TRICE ! HALF PRICE t Having disposed of the Lease and Futures of th The lTliole or nr Stock Must be Sold Ont bj the 6tU of December. A Further Redaction of Fifteen IVr Cent: On tbe previous great reduction of THLRTT WVJE FEIt CANT. BELOW COST, Fifteen Cents Extra Discount will be taken off Eaca Dollar 1'urcliasea. THE GRICATEbT BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY In RFAL and IMITATION LACE GOODS KM. BHOiDEKIK. SILKS. BATINS, VELVErs, RIB itOJNS, eto, WearedeteriLiofd to otoee out ttte' atocs: REOARDLESS OF COST. SALES POSITIVE AND WITHOUf RESERVH lOR ONE WEEK. WAEBCRTOSf, 11 21 Ko. 1004 t il i:sNl'T Street. LJAMRICK & COLE TROPOSE TO SIGNALIZE THE WEEK COM. MENCING MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, BY A DEMONSTRATION IN FINE PAK1S BROCHE SHAWLS! We shall then offer NEW AND EXQUISITE DJiSIGNil. Heretofore $100 at Slij. Heretofore $80 at j0 Heretofore t'H at 9 15. Heretofore fit) at $10. PAISLEY SHAWLS, WHITE CENTRES, 118. SELLING ELSEWHERE AT 30. Our stock of Shawl le laige and attractive, AND THIS SPECIAL SAL IsCeslened lo ei:ture lu ieey reduotttav HAMRIC1C A COLFM iii8 2t up. -to X. E1UUTU SUeeU T N ' D ' A 8 11 A W L A Jumi reo 1. tfl'eot Iroiu Calvulta, a lew real tapor.ed.ndXora.l.b Hnnf il 80 lwrp Io. St N, FRtJS'V Wrwi.