THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NCTmmER 24, 18G8. LITERATURE. ItBVIEW OF NKW BOOKS. School IIistoht op Pekjvhtlvawik. I3y J. R. Svpher. rubliihei by J. 15. L'ppincott & Co. This volume U designed for use si a text, book in ichools and academies, and the author baa endeavored to give a concise as well as comprehensive history of the State of Pennsyl vania from the earliest settlement to the pre tent time. Of course, in such a work many interesting details must he omitted altogether or else he passed over with slight notice, aud the difficulty the anthor has to contend with is to cMdcriaiinate butweeu the essential ami the non-esaeutlal. Mr. Sypher Las executed liia tank with good juJginent ad ability, and Le hns presented an outline of the history of this Commonwealth which appears to be well Adapted far the purpose intended. State Listory is a branch of study to 3 mnoli neglected iu our public aa well as private schools, whereas it buouM le CGLbiJered a matter of the first important and such a uoik as the one under considera tion con id with propriety b3 used aa an intro duction to the general history of the United States. Mr. Sypber brings his record down to the end of the Rebellion, and iu an appendix lie gives a Dntiiber of tables showing the date cf the formation of each county, with the population in "..SCO; the date of the laying out of the county towns; the names of the fiiv-t-rnors of the Colouit-d on the Delaware, of the Trovince mid the State, with the dates of their accession and exit. The principal officers of the United States lrom Pennsylvania since the adoption of the Constitution; tai Uriversitie.s and Colleges of Pennsylvania' the number of troops furnished by Tennsylj. Tania during the 1M union; tho railroads o Ptrnsjlvauia, with their cost and length; the canals, with their cost and length, and a chro" He-logical table of important event3 in the hisj tory of Peiius lvania, fiom the discovery o -the Delaware in lo'O'.i 18'JS., Thia work ought to be adopted iu all the schools of Peuu tylvauia. Db. IIoiVrll'b Fahii.t. ly Mrs. IT. B Good win. Pnblirhfd by Lee Shepani, lioatou. Philadelphia Agents: J. B. Lippinoott Co. Mrs. Goodwin his written a very plea3int story, showing the different moral aud intel lectual development of the characters of mem bers of the same family under the influence of parents who differ widely in their way of think'iDg on moral and religious subjects. A decided rel'gious tone runs through the book, and the moral of the story i3 snffioieutly pointed, without beiti;- uuduly obtruded. 'Dr. Ho well's Family" please3 U3 better than most novel- of its cla?; the author Las shown much fckill in the development of aa interest. iDg plot, and the charanter of " Diautha" in particular is charmingly described. "liillsboro Farm," by fophia Dickinson Cobb, published by the same bou-e, is a story Of plain country life, pl ilu country people, and the quiet, unexcit'ng incidents of an out-of- the-way comer, wh'c'u is a little world in itself to the men and women who reside there. The author does not claim to have any special moral or mission, nor has the aimed to teach anything or to prove anything. Sue has merely tried to describe some of the iiniet aud I'ttle-notioed phases of life and nature which Jiave come uuder he'r own observation. The Story is a little crude iu some respects, but it is cleverly writt3n, and it promises well for Miss Cobb's pel for mancea in the future, wheu experience shall have ripenti her poweia. Messrs. L:-e & Shepard also publish "Lion Ben," one of the "Floi Island" series of Stories by Rev. Elijah Kellogg. This is a story for boys, and it is full of the kind of adven tures that boys like to read about. Itisnioe'y illustrated and handsomely bonnd. J. B. Lippiucott & Co. are the Philadelphia agents for all of these worka. From J. P. Skelly & Co., No. 21 South Seventh' street, we have received "Mary Morneand her Friend," by Mra. Muy K. C Boyd. This ia not the least attractive of the many religions stories for children published by this house, and it will please the juveuiles who have been interested in "The Little Slate pitcher" of the same author. The la'ge and legible ty p aud the absence of long words make it a suitable book to be placed In the Lands of the youngest children. From the American Sunday School Unioj vre have .received "Dora's Stewardship," a Xeligiou3 story for the young. Part XIV of the American edition of Dr. Willi'im Smith's "Dictionary of the Bible' baa been issued by Messrs. llurd & Hough ton. Many improvements have been made iu the American edition of this Btandar 1 work, which will tender it more Valuable to bibli cal Etudents. It will be completed in about thirty monthly numbers, aud will be gold only to Bubsmb&rs. "Sloan's Architectural Review" for No vember Las, as usual, an attractive table of contents. The artistic and practical both re ceive due consideration in this journal, and it appears to be rapidly winning its way to the favor of architeota and builders. The conteuta are aa follows: "The Cathedral of Milau," descriptions of the Metropolitan Savlug3 Bank, two adjoining city dwellings, two Qothio colleges, an heroic monument, designed by Eailley, and executed by Strnthera & Sons, "piotore galleries," "practical carpeuteriug and Joinery," "pictures," "table ot plate glass," "a history of architecture," "the Hindoo," "landscape, decorative, and econo mio gardening," "plumbing water supply, and water pipes," "An American style," "heraldry: the composite tnotures aud forma," "porcelain, glasa, and pottery," "foundations," "fire escapes," "scenic effect." Published by Claxton, Kemseu & Ilaffdl fingor. "Good Worda for the Young" is the title of a u- w inagazinn, edited by Nornian Maclecd, D. D., and published by Messrs. Strahan ft Co., London. The November nnuvbar commenoes the first volume, and the excel lence of the articles and illustrations premises well for thoae that are to follow. This maga zine ia intended as a sort of supplement to tho well-known "Good Words," edited by Dr. Macleod, and among the list of contributors are the names of some of the best living Eag lih writers. The table of contents is as fol lows: "Madame How and Lady Why," by Charlea Kingsley; "Child World," by one of the authors of "Poems written for a Child;" "On the Back of the North Wind," by George MacDonald; "Johnny's Opinion of Himself," by the author of "Johu Halifax;" "King George's Middy," by William Gilbert; "Tum bledown Tower?," by Matthew Browne; "Cockie-Lockie's Journey to Seacod Land," by Norniau Macleod, D. D.; "The Bjar of Beachwool," by the author of "Hester Kir ton;" "A Leaf out of Milley'a Book," by the anthor of '-.Nobody's Dog;" "Fin ling When Not Expected,'" by the editor. The nia-in-j is profusely illustrate.;. For sale by Duffiild Ashmead, No. 724 Clmsmit street. Drimirttit I lent. A enf-set comedy in verse has Ik pro cured at tho Odfoo. It is by M. Lnnu B-itrnuil, nnrl li entitled Lc Comite Lecture. A yount; autt.i robtsiius ndnrsou to tho Theatre I'rancni .at n time fixed lor roa'.n g w.w plays. Owlug to a couilHiiHtUjn of chances ho is iiblr to t 1 ul a play of his own In place of o comedy wlik.k is expected but nut forthcoming. IU finds accordingly his work accepted, an 1 becomes at the ssmc time the means of e.xposios; a sulli cientlv 6 irrp ltMilr trick of -I'linian pbi7 wiichts. Tins trifle was well tidci Ru-1 favorably received, lliu proouoiiuii ot tlie exp-c'eil novel: v, Le Drame ue la Hue (k la l'au cauuot be much loutrer deterred. Mr. IIeudrick9, the (Jorrusn nctor, appeared for tbe first tituo as "Ilamlel" at the Stadt Then're, New Ytrk, on Friday ovcuing. One of the Kew York allies toys that no better "Hamlet," wi'.h the exception of Ud ffiu Booth's, has bcn seen on tbe New York slnae for ton j ears or more. 'At first, iu the interview with the "(hot." Mr. Hemlreks was Bome vrmt etay. but this was fori'ot'en in the sub'eq jeut m to, iid the fcene w'th tbe "Queen" in par ticular wait a masterpiece of acting. Leotard, disgusted wi.h America, hat re tained to Europe, where he intends to remain for the future. Tho managers are said to h'lve io't$20D0 intTO lights on his performances m New York. Bo wonder hn is dieeusted. On Batanlay eveuiu? Mrs. Scott Eidlous made her second appearance on the American tHge as "Lady Tea-de." in the School for Scan dal, at the Bi) ton Museum. Fraulein Jauauschek ha9 been very succss lul in Clevelxt d, Ottio. She coocluloJ heron gageiiient on Friday, appearing iu Le'joralx. SIiiMlntl lleniH. Ia :Drcden Holutein's opera, Der Ilii'lc- scharhf, has ben well received. Moz .rt's mouumeut, in Viema, miured some months a?o, has again boon despoiled by unscrupulous almirers. The medallion portrait of the com poser, a candelabrum, and an inscription, all in broT.ze, liavo been carried otf bodily. At irezz ), tbe monument to tbe famous monk Guido, the repited inventor of tho modern system of musical no'ation. has beeu com'tiencM. It U said tli nt 3f0,0itO franc have been voted by the municipality lor that purpoie. La Sena Pudrona is now in rchearoal at the Theatre Ventad our, Paric, ami it is to b3 followed by 1'iccolino, libretto by M. Sariou muic by La Omiteese de Grandval. O'-eUo, Jloise, and PoUuto are to be brought oat hs iood as aijiior iamueriiK arrives, iu. t'oise's Corrico o is to be considerably altered in the third act betoro it comes out at the Opera Couilqur. Donizetti's Itrcjlna di Qolvonda, written forty jf an ago, expressly for tbe inauguration of the bimdsorjie Carlo Felice Theatre in Genoa, has LSt uecn repioou"ed tru re to opcu thu seaou. CITY ORDIPMNCES. CITY ORDINANCES. Tj S O Ii U T I O N JLv 'JoAiitn AutiHit l. trie ravine of Annan, Sloan. b i t y fliai, anil Tuirt y-bevtnta streets. Htxilvcd, J'.y tho Select ami Common Conn, ells of Ihe City ot l'tilladetiiliiii, Tout the le ) Hrtuit nt ot HUliwbyH be Hiiit Is lieieoy nuilio. ri.t (I Hi d Ulrecieil to euter Into a coutract wkti nciimx ieul peiaon or porHonH. wlio shall he ncl otU by a miijoilty of tlio owners of properly fiontli'K uu Ai.nuu htriet, frani rwooty-ilrst l rfet !o Twenty-Kceond stront, lu the Twenty hlxll) wnrO; Forty-first Ktreet, from Market, nt rent lo i tiniul hlrt el, in Uie 'J wenty-weveutU ward. Mo ii MTtet. lrom I'nitt streoi to ii,irin bt.ret; Hij.t 1 iiii ly-fcivntli stlee', tmin Market str ibt to I.hiiciibter avtnuo, In tne Twenty-fourth w .rd, for I lie pnviDK liiereof, too eondiuotis of Hul l coiitiaci that l he contractor oroutraoiorssliuU collect Hit) coKt if Kitct ptvvln:i from tUe. property owtifM ren'oll vely, and Ktiall enter Into an otilikHtlon with tli city to keep llie Kiild eireots In lioori oidtT for thrte years alter tuo paviu is .ICHEI'll F. MAH''KR. . 1'refcltlcLit of Ooiiiru'jii Council. Attent . AllllAHA-.l f-Trt W ItT, .Vbsihtata Clei k ol' Common Cui'icil. wii.i.iam s. siokij:v, 'roldem, of se urn cou'.l-U. A pjiroved this I went j first duy of Novoiooer. Jiotiilni one ttioiisuud elUt tiuudrod uud hlxiy.Cgbt (A. 1J."). AIOUTON M(tl lOM A KIj, 11 24 U Mayor of I'liihiUjlphia. 1 HKOLl' T 1 O N To Auiiiorle tlio (iradln? and Cnrhlnot the rootwuya on Meaduw, Ciiarry, and helper nrnl, lu t tie Tweui v I turd wtii'.l. ltrbilnl, llt'lliti Helcil Hi'il Coninion O I'ltl cim df tho City of t'ijlluilrl)iilu, Tlia tlie Iu pfirtrnn.t of H.niiwtiys Ib mid 1h lirMy tun Loi l.i (I utul dlreeted to no:!fy tlie owiihim of pioperiy )'ioiilitij on Meadow htrcet, from l',ul miel loClieiry ktreet, mid on Ciietry Htruut, fi om Meadow tdrcf-t lo Ilonhtotl Htr?nt, i.n t on Leij er fctieel. iroiu Orliiotltix btreei to oxTini blri t, 111 Uie i'svcnty-iiiira vard, to r.tde unJ ti'iti tliclr hld'jvv.illcs, und if ttiev neK-et or reluse lo comply wl'ti Kld noMee lor ttdrty (inH from ttiH date tnenol. llifl Denarl mo'it klmll proceed nod do tlio woi k etui col lent ttio ctfl thereof fiom ine properly owners re sitctlvely. JOSKPII F. MAItCF.R. PriBlUeui, of Comiuou Council. Attest AllKAII AM KTKtVA 1!T, Aibisiiint Clerk of Common rounoil. WILLI A M S. Sl'tiKLKY. I'resinent of Suleol Counell. A puroved;t lila twem y-IliHl day of t-iovBiiitier, Ai.lio I.ioim in! one t iion.-aiid hundred and silly-eight (A. D. lviHl. MUltroN McMICUAKL. Jl 21 U Mayor oi I'tillndi-lpiiia. I'. SOLUTION Of Institu tion to tho Cliy Sollcltir. l.ehoivi d. ily IhB SelJl mid l o.umoii Co'ia- cIIh i.t ihe City of I-'hiluiielphiu, Thm ttie t;ity Hollcltor chilli tnlio such inenKiires n iuhv bo M'tttMRitt to compel the 1'n Hldent of tnetJer nihii'owii unit IVikloinini Turnpike 'lompauy to ornply with t hB provl-l"Lo of hii Aft of An k mbly hpinovtd the thirty-nit.1 day of March, m. JOSKl'II F. MA 140 EH, 1'reulUeutof Cumiuou Ouuuoil. Attest John EcKSTEitf. C'leilt of liimtnon Council. WILLIAM s. KTOICLnY. yrenldtiiii of Stilecit, Coaixdl. ApprovPd thin twent v-flrm iUy of NAve-iiionr, At no Iiotnlnl one thnuuaLid elulit hun Led iiud blxty-eigul(A. li. 1WW(. WUlt'l'ON McMIOUAF.L, 11 2-1 It Mayor U l nilu.UliuU. RAILROAD LINES. AN ORDINANCE Auinorlaing the IVnuf-ylvAnla Railroad CompitDy to Conx'ruot a UnllJlng In the Twenty-fourtri WarU of the City of i'nlla delpliln. Section I. The Rfleet and Common Councils ot the City of Philadelphia do ordain, Tnat It Rhall and may be lawful for the 1'euiiHy 1 vanU Kallroad Company to erect anil cojstrucl on their properly, la tbe Twentv-fourtn ward of Bald cliy, a bul lii i n n for the reception, Rtorag. and handling of 11 ur, Riain, nnd pri.duce, and IimvIiik a trout on tlia eanl tilde of rtilrltelu e.r el of one hundred and twenty-Uve fuel, aud extending- of 1 hat width In length towards the river Schuylkill about five hundred and fifty five feet, the frame of winch Khali be of timber, thesldcH lo he covered with Iron and lt, and the roof with Hlate. Provided, That tbeaald Penrslvantit Kallroad coin tinny Hhall pav to , Ihe City Treasnrir the (mm of t,ivnty tlve 1 iloilain to pay for the publlcatlou of tula ordi nance. JOSEPH F. President of Common Council. Attest Joim ncKKTvuf, Clerk, of Oiiiiimoit Council. WILLIAM S sroICLF.Y, Presid' nt of Scliicl Council. A pi -roved this l wi-iiij -nrxt, day of N iv'-n-bc i, Anno Iiotnlnl one thousand elxht huudrei nmi bixty-oight (A. I. lwist. WOKION McMICIIAKL, 11 21 It Mayor m i'iiiladi-ip:ila. AN O U D I N A N C K Mtikluu a cercilo Irtinfer In tho an-iro. 1-inttlon to the department ol Surveys for tue jeer I wis. beet mn I. The Select and Common Council of the. City of Plilhidelpnni do i.i daln. Til it. the City Controller he aim lie Is her -hy nut ,iiorlz"d and dliected to mnke the frvlnwim; tr in-l -r In li e iipproprlnllon to the liet nrlineut'of ur vpi s lor tliH year ltiH, vi..: from l'ein 1. l-'-r HalarieM oi Chief Engineer uud Snrveyoi, Ki-eoi oi:ii Clerk, i; ani:iiiii in. mo., the mm ol Two turn lied dollar-n :;JH0) to lLuui No 4, fol clc-ciLi;,iUii oIlbiH and lnol I nnii. juji:t'n F. MAitei;n. Presldeut of C iiniuou Council. Attest Aukakam Stewart, Aoaibiaiit Clerk of Common Co'ricl!. WILLI AM STOIC LIOY, I'rcNtdeut of select C mactl. Approved thla nlneteeut.h. diy of Novo noer, Anno I)(iuinl one thommud eii4Ul nundro.l and bixty eikhl (A. U. IMi-). WOHTON MrMKUI.VEfj, 11 21 It Mayor of t'hiln letunln. AN O H D I N A N O K ToniHke an appropriation to pny Oven .wcCnrtut y lor Injuries eustained la asblstiug to ariebt, a piihoner. Section 1. The Select and Common CiuncIN of the City of l'nlladelpliiti do ord tu, That the mm of one hnmlred dollars he and the saiae Is hereby npproprlated to pay Owen MiiCar'-uuv for Injurlen siisiMlned in aSil lll; Oillcnr l-iiiieg I.awience to at i est u primmer o;i taet .voaty niL! 1h- of Septetuhor, 1 And -i Khali tm urawn by t'ti" Mayor lu couloruilty with cxl'lnt onlinatict i. JOSIOt'll F. M.VI1CF.U, President of Common Couucil. Attevf John Ec-ksti in, Clerk of t miii:on Council. WILLIAM S. Sl'OICLF.Y, ' l'rtsidi-nt of'Sc-lecl ouuuH. Approved this twenty-firm day of November, Anno Domini one thousnud eight hundred uud biAty-iliLl (A.l. M). MCKTOX McMICII.VEL, II 21 It Mayor of Philadelphia. I E S O L U T I O N A oi Instiuctiou to tho Chief Commissioner ol Highways. Ivcmi, i;y ttio weicci nun iiiraiiinn coun cils oi the Cliy of i'hil oh.-lphin, the Chi"f t oinniibslouer of Hikuwu.vh ho and he is hereby lt.Hi i uoled to draw a wari' iul lu favor of Creole J. Smith for two hundred and aoveu:y-six tlol Jais and twenty-five cents (i 21H tor the con hti.iciion of u fewer oa Moion b: ri i t, atiovn Clo venlli.llK bame lo be.taiccn from Item Is, in tbe epi-ropiiaUojii to the Department, of iliga ways. JOSEPH F. MAUCEIt, rresldeut of Common Couucil. Attefit Aurati Anr Stewart, Assistant Clei k of Common Council. WILLIAM S. KfuKLllV, President ol" Select Council. Arru-oved tbis nliu-tof ni h day of November. Aniio Domini one thousand ei-;:it huu-liea uud bis.ty-eiiiUl(A. I). ). MOKTON Mc.MIC:iAEL. 11 21 It Mil vor of Piiihidulpliia. RF. S O L U T I O N To Trans'ei- n Ceit.itn Item of Appropria tii'ii to ttio Superintendent of Trusts. liesolved, ily the St-h-cl uud (J iinurn Conn rilnof tbe City of Phihidelpul.i. Tnat the sum ol Two liuudrcd aud nine dollars and Cveuiy nine leuts be Hnd the narno 1h li'i'iihv trnns lerrtd liom Hem Thii teen lo Hum Seven, of au (ppioprhtiiou made to the suiieniihvid-u of Ti uhih, February 7, lS'jij, for est:itu ot Xuuuijs U. CJrover, deceased. ' JOSEPH F. M.VUCF.U, President of Coiumou Couucil. Attest AUHAIf AM STFAVART, A.-sisliinl I let k of Common Council. WILLIAM s. STOKLEV, President of Select Council. Approved this I weuty-last day ol November, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred uud biity-eliihi iA. 1). 1 -')). MOKTON MoMICIIAEL, 11 21 It Mayor of PnilaJuipliia. - i rtAILHOAD LINES. TXrST JEHSEY RAILROADS VV FALL AM) WISTEll A ltKANU KM KX T. rrniii fuutof MA UK El' sireev CJi'Pr ferry). CX'niuieueiiiK WKliMl)V, SHineuiocr It), lHtvi, TKAINiiLKAVK Ai VOr.UiWri. f"T C'aiie May lout tititilviiiS below MlUvtUe, 815 P. M. fur Vlllvllle, Vim !uU, ftud InteriuedUte etatloaa 815 A. fci.,S',S i. M. For llrnli;non, bnleui, and n y stutloua 8'1S A, M uixl h hii p. M. For Woodbury t R-15 A. M.. 115, S'M, Bil'1 6 00 P. M. Freight tmlu lettveo Caii(ieu Unlly ut 12 o'doo nKrVtKht rocrlvert t second covered whasf bsluw Wttlout ulreel, dally. FreiffUt llehverod NO. I?KS(uiih Pelvrre nveaue, WILLIAM J. hKWKLU 9 US Smiernileuilrfiit. HAMDEii AND AMCOY RAIL '.10 AD. ITAiNUKUK il'Jl'KS. on onil Elte- MO.MA V. Nov. ill, i-n, tlie IV )U V INu ACt O.MMOIIATION LINK. R-avloi: vv.tlnut Sin et Wbrf, l'iillileli'i &i 5-;il) A. M. fur Nhw York, via Soutli A uiliov, w I'l leavrf Ml (i 3 1 A. M , Ail it ihe line UavuiK "ier No. 1 North river, .New York, 6-10 a M. tor 1-i.lluiH IuiiIh. will iiivo hi, U W A. II , blol.ptlli,' Bt Hll tlie UlUnl (UrtltOU i, , 'llie '1 ruin leuvlut; WuUini. 6tiet Wl-ftvf i.l 3 30 P. W. lor Ki-w York, und leuvlui Ni-w Yo-kt7A. f. N .,r l i,thiueii.lila. will tie du'u'itl luel utter S tinr- b.y, Iov. 2 1, uud ma 10 fi'il trim Wh..t Piiilailrfloliitt 17 11 I.IT7 Jl.! A 13 FADING RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK V Lir K lrom I'liilBiie.phlB lo tlio Interior of 1 enn. itbuIb, Die K.hii) mid, MinqtifbauDB. Cnmbor. I ft nd Bid w-oiulng Vli, tbe Mi.rm, Noriliweit Burt the ( nniidni Miimnif-r Pniciiger iTBlm lve llie Coipnn Ixput. Inlrtfienili and t'BllowhlU 8trem. PiiIh(1I'IiIr Rt the toll ow inn hoor-e WUKMNU ALCtlMMODATION. At 7 JW A. M. for MtBfllDf and Bil lnlriijdial stBttoos, and AUm town. Itoiiirrlnif, Iprtm ReBdingBt 8 30 P.M., arriving Is Plelxlell liin, bi 9 IA P. M. HOhMMI KXPIii.s-At 15 A. M.. for Reading, I.ctimien. Firil. buig, Iotfvillr, 1'Iiih (trovo. l ni qiia. Sunlnry, W Ihinuinimrt. Kliuira Hwliootpr, JS iHgBra J-biIh. Bultiilo, W hke-ihurre, finaica, York, VBriimc. ( linn;brrhburR. HtiRerMown, etc. 'Die 7'8i train cnunic i at IU'R'Hnt wlthths Fit I'ei iifj Ivbi In Kallrond tialnH lor AilHiitown. eic and Hit H lt A. W. eon n ecia Willi tlie lAbMuon Va ley tmlu for HarrlKburu, etc.; at Purt Ullnton with Caiawmta KHliroHd tiBinii 'or Willi .mHi-ort, Lock Huven. hlinira, eic.; at 11 an Inbuilt with xsortberu Central, Cuiutier IsikI Valley, and Keluv lk'11 and Hns.iiMli.niH iraun for .NorilniiiiberlaiKl, Wiillamnport, York, Cliiuiuari lairR. fliienrove, eic. AF'l MtMjuN XPHF.-it-.-Le''vrfi Phllndelplila Rt San Jr. W for liu'Liin, l'otir. v 1 1 1 -. ilarrlxiJiii k. etc.. coniHciIng will lteuiliog and Coluuiul xiliroud trsliih tor l i Inn b!u, e P. 1 (il'IM'lOW ACMIMVOILVTION Leaves I'otU town at 6 4n A . M , nto-p ntt n iniertneill tie sta t nn; Brrlvtetn t'lillade pel . at tl n;i A. ai. ltm uriiln lovei ri'IIM!cl-.lii tl i lb P. M.; arrives lu i'o thlowu IU i 4y V. M. hKAlUNO ACCOM WOnATf-jX Leaves Iifadlnst at7'iA. M., s'iiiiiiiiu mi. all ivy b.miuuii; urrlvej lu 1 liilnle'i nt iu 1- A . M. J let in i.ln, , I raven Philadelphia at 513 P M.;BrrIves In JeBdna ' h i i 1. .d. Tialna lor I'Mi.vricptila le .ve IL.rrlslmrg at 8-10 A. M., ai.d Foitxvlde at b 46 A. W. arriving in l'liHaJ! plua nt 1 t, M. A hernooti troll- I'm llarr,Nliiiri at V!-i5 1'. W .. aud l'lKtsvlilu at i 4i 1'. il.; arrlviug at Vh llailelnlila hi fl'4.i i . M. llarrlr-biirg iccoiuuiudllon leaves Jteolln.-r at 7 13 A.M. aid iiairiM-niK hi 4 In i M. C-.nne,; . at Hf'id th v Mi l.erouou ACnmiiui' Ouiliiu hoiilIi ai6 1IJ 1'. M , arriving in iiiiKili:liiiU m. H 1 1 I. M. Alarkel tralu. viliti a i-asnei r cir BHuuoet leaven l'biladi Ipbla ai 12 4d iiimii for i'oin.ele and ati Way o'Ktioi h; idiVPs l otiRvll'e H 7 A. M.lor x'niUUeli.hia and all oilier Wiiy stations A II the above in. Inn rn i iltdlv. Snndiys exceptod. Sin eey t ruins ov.- Poouvile ti M i o A. j. , and Fbliiideipliia ul 81 P. tt : leave PiiihtdilibU lor Hi a Mug at tl Uu A . M., reU'ri.lis liuui iiu-.uniri a'. 4 tii i. t (HKSl'KIl VALI.KY KA I Lit') I D. Pu'dengert) for liiiwiniiKtf mi auo luieiuieiituiH pom' inke iiiu 7 3" A. fti., Vi 4i and 1 :i0 I'. . Halo lrom l'ut'adel pLim; reinrniiig liom ilowaltiy iovu ai 6 jtj 1. At., l iu niu 6 4.j f M. 1 r. U k 1( I -i It A 1 LHOA !. P V lenijt , i for Skip ihek lane 7 -U A. m Bud i :i" I'. M ir-ni iron; 1'iilia (leU'l ia. leliirini'K I" lu Skl'i-iicK ulb'ln .i M aud I ii J'. B. tMeve lines lor various point lu I'ernloineu Val ey connect tt Lb Utthia, at CoileyeviUo a .d akip puck. J-.W VOHK FXPKESS FOH PirTSBUIWt AND 1 UK I'. Leaves ne Y'oi k at A. M , n im, ami 8(0 I . HI., j iv-hi mk l.itiliiiK at 1 lu A. M , I a4, and 10 lu 1'. SI ., ai.d con oecl at Harm-burn wim 1'eiiiiMVi vaiiia and Aorl'iei n l elliral itahnad Kitir-M Trams lor fit buuijj, Chicago, W 11 uiLii,oit, jciudra, ilLi uioie, etc. I'.eiun InK, Pxpresa Train leaven Jlarrinburg, on HrrlVbl ol I' K.iprefH Iruui urr, at 11 oil and 6 26 A. jVL, tt Hi 1', M , (lonnllM KeallnK al 4 44 ami 7 UK i. M., and ll4U V.. arrivieg at Nh-v York, li.'U iilnl H'iuA. al.. nil fuu 1' M. Nlrrpiuy liars aeei lneai ) luif tin's-. traiuH iiiroii(;U betwe-u Jersey i lly ttnu I'lithuurK. without coane. Mil train lor ,vew Y'olk leaves llarrUli'irg nt 8'Kl A. M. and 2i 1. Id. Mll tran lor iiarrnourg lelien ,eiv i ul k VI 12 JNiutl. SCHUYLKILL VA LLfc.K UAILROAD. Trla leave tottuvtllu at tr-ii. ll'oil A. M., aud li 4U r. M., rruirnlOK lrom lauihyna at H"H A. id., aud 2 IS aud 4 bl'Hl' Y I KILL AND SlTl-tjUK!IA?rX.V RAIL KOAi'. Trains Have auburn al 7o a. Jl for uie-Bio-re and Harrisoinj;, a-.,d al I'! i.i r. jk. tor Flue (irove and Treu.0111; 1 to urninx Irion i'nrr!unr at K .10 i, AI,, aud from 'Ireiu.ul at, 7 HO A. M, aud 5 P. M. t It KKT3. Tbrouvsh first rla.H ticVots :.nd oiiil fri.ut I.i ktM to uu i;,o priuc-lpal poinu 111 luo Monb and We-ikLd Cin.adi F:xooiMoii I n kn. lrom l'hllailelpl-.Ut lo Keadlui; and Intermedials Hlalloim, eood lor Ua? only, a t) Hold by JUiriitng Accoiuu.odailoo, ilarkal llulu, tsuading aud xi Ufciu'Ao rtcuoiii luiiiluaun Tralii.-, ai, ro.'LXtd rules. KAi-urfilon Tlckeu to Philadelphia, Rood for day (tn:yvaib bold . 1 Keaoing and iulhi uieuoite fctallonti by HeailuiK and I'ollslow u Aci;omiuodacion l'.aiusui itoiu t d laieB. llie luiiottluw ticl.ctn u e iib'.aiouble o.iiy at ih ot t). llmdlijro, I rxaaurT, 2i t xi7 13 Koii'ift utr.-et FPU oeji'lua, or U. A. tin o.i.s, Uv-io.ral a jpei llilenileLt. Keauii.K. CoU'txiiiaiiun 1 .cket lit 2J ptrn ut discount, bo UveeL any pom s desired, lor lami.lei an." nr.o?.. lliKahe 'I'lenets. Bond lor -i-nu m'il", biiwuju all J 01 II l, ut .2'i' Caen, lor tumllli 1 a- it 11 r.j.ll tseatou T, unlets tor bree, b.x i.iiie, or twelVD n.omiis, lor uuK.i-r only, lo ah point , at leu.ic.ia r4VTe'igyniou re'.ldlnB oil thu lino ol the road will u turnihtied iu caro-,, eucllhig tbeuisfllveu uud wives lo licknB a. had hire. F xturhiou 'i ickeia lrom PhlladolphU lo principal Sladou-. ,t-ood lor raiuida , tfuuaay ,ajU MouOay, al 1 mined laie, to he ua.l only at llm r.okct uUice, at 'I I irieeuib and t'allowlililoirteiH. FiHUH I. liooooot ail dd crlptloua torwanled o all Ihe above poiutn iidiu inn C-mpauy s iN jw urviyat Liepoi, i-road and VViLow sreeif. F.eihi 'lia uti ln.vt Poilaiolpida dilly 111 4 3i A. Iii., 1-4 1 noon. tF ., l-.r Keadluy Luuauon, llainaburg, i-oH-Vill'-. I'u.t CLotou, ad uil pjuith 'Aii'iia' close ut tli PliilauelpbiA P.;h', t'lU? u.. V.'iii-ih on the road nim Us bmuniu a tu 6 A. .!., aud ior the prliu.ljial riat onn uu,) a. li'lu 1'. Ai. JiAU AO!-.. UuiiKau's LAJieai will co hct Kag-t'agi- lor all iraiuti lavim; f niladelpuiii Lepot. o -dei j 1 an be leti ai .No. 2 A . I- lutti an eel; or ut til a Uupo!. 'Ihh teeulu and Callowlilii ireetn. iHlLAUt-LPUlA, CiEivlUANXOW, ASD iMJU.Uili A is AiAlx.awiA.o Ti.a i'.AJlUit Fell owe.ilAis lOWN. Leave PMifcO. ipula 0, J. , U'lk, 10, II, ia Al ii . 8-4. i, 4, fc. 3f 810. 7. 11 , 1, 11, U F. hL. LcaVe C)e le Mj low jj 7, 7.',, , c"-4), a, If, 11, 11 A, 2i 1 i, H 4, 4.' , tJo, 7, , , le, 11 F. Al The 'iu 1:0 a n Train, auJ 8 J ae.d b Op Tralu will njlftopen tbe OtrixiaUkowu branch, luN e.UMDAYl. FUllrale'vb ia t),' A. lilv Id, 7, h) F. M, ior.V'j lieru.autowo 8,4 i. l. 1, B, !.' ? . ill, l.iilMl'l HI1.L RalLRaiAU. U-6V-. FhllwleipblB 8, b, 10, 12, A. S. aV. S.Vi 7, i 'uive'tWtnut Hlll7H, , U-4U, ttfidU-lU A. il l'l 8-4u.f.'-K..-4U.b-4UiAl..!4 lieave FMiadoiphia M A. l. 'i aud 7 F. hi Iave'JUl Hhl 7wl A.M. U'41;, b and S-io til-' l Ul- cuw" w r J v . . 11 Si RAILROAD LINES. Fl iiartf lplilft. Nov. 20. la.8. 11 .1 lit CHHOMQ-LITHOGRAPHS. REGAL Di-SOS-aT." A ne w and beaiiMrtil, Chrouo-Lltbcgraphi Bfta;- palntlDi by J. W. FeytV, Juot rectlvid by A. S. li O It I X S O X, Ko, 010 CKKi-MuX titroet, Who liu Juot reoi-ived KEW OilROMOb, KMV i IS UR A VINOS, FKl!.c Fuorofi.iAPHs, UliW Lll!.BJDKiS I'.N'aiiMJ LOOK iNfJ CiLABISF-H, b.M, Stoi FRtit GALLKUY. DYEING, SCOURINQ, ETC. ,TEW YOltK DVKIMi Ai) PlilNTlXG Kt-TA iLlfllM il.iN 1. W11KKB U-N hlATKN ISLAM). Olbcts, No. 411 1. F.IOH'I II --iren, wat alii), Phlla,; .No. da 1IUXH Mir eel No. ? MRO .LW.vY. New York, Bnd If oh. IU and inn Fi KKitr.FON 1' rsireei, Jl ookl'n. 'lhu o.d and e.teelv eMaollto.iiieiit having been In 1 A in1 ci ( a on rtn'ury uie ()i ee irrfd 11 li V 6 an 1 I'Ll-ANK' and Clentieimia'a Narnieuti and Fleet 4. d- m every il)Ner pttou aud laurlo lu thalr Ubuaily uiibiirpuHned miiii'iiT .....,. ., . KAilLKL 1IAIW1I, Vnnlilent, J. T. VorNO, Secretary- iu I uiwi2m COTTON AND FLAX, ISAIL UU IC AND CNVAS, Ot all niiinberit and brands. Tent An rlnv. Trntik, and Wuumi 1 over lunik. A.'H', l' ManiilHi-lii em' lliior Fall, from ott totfc' t-ial feet wlce: Faollne, It-n'nir Hall 1 wiiirt.eio, JOHN W. FVKhM i,M .li O.I.. No. L JU.N'ii-i' Alloy, j.vave Fuiladelpiiia , V, and 11 Hi A. M. i, r. !.. i.6 aud lli F. iVJ, LVav) Nerrlflowa 5 41), 7, 7 60 1 . 11 A. ii., Vi, 1, ?i,b;. ami C; rttVMlAYr, X Leave FbhactfiPUiB Mi B id ?lt r. UL lvve Dlorrwiwa 7 A. M., b av -ud 3 F, AL Leave Fn'aueli liiab, 7. 1, and 11 A. Hli, i, Mauayuun.fPlu.7); i'W, nl 11; JL, ii o"iS. . , leave Fhlladelpbta A. m., 2 and 7 F. ii. 4I Is. VS Ii-oN, Oeuorai hiiperln.BOdn, Depot, 1N1IS 1 H and UHKKN KireeW OIIILAUICLMHA A.ND fcUIfc KAILllOAD, 1 'l 11 liOloh AiMU JjltvF-i.:i lvoU'1'li.lin.l Vi:h,liS ' 'I U vLl i.rllU, bALUMUivFo HA itiMLUHii, , 1 I l'l A jlBrOlll'. jixNU Him tllillliA'l' OIL UlOA OF lH.MN'iVA-.lA. h leuaui rieei .in 'ra 011 all Nlbl 1 rain. ...r"a rJ.oV mi. N. AY. Hi member 14. LHW. the 10 l-i P. M 8 ;u a. m 9 F. trt , .11 '.ill A. ill 1 KfiSl AMY VOltlv. THE C AMDS .t ?V; V0, APiD AMUOY AN1 Pll I LADKLtMl I A AN lllHkNTO.N RHILKOAU.CO.MFA.NHO' LINK-4 P111-.A11KLP11IA TO N,W YORK, AND tiAi FLAt PH. FHOM WALUPT STBBtT WHARF. At BIO A. 4., TiaOamdeu and Am boy Ai-oom...1-an Al 6 A. M via Cauiileu aud Jamey CUT K. Mail At 2 F M., via Camden aud Aiurjoy Kzpress , II IM AtRF M., lor A u. buy Bnd lntriuedlate ntaitoni. At H-DUand IA.M , and 20i r. M. for Freehold. At 8 and 10 A. M., t, 8 So, and 4 at) F. M. for '1 renton, a t m. a, and Iw A. M. , 1. 2, li u, 4 H 6, and ll-i P. M.tor Butdentowo, Burllugtou, lUrorly, aal Da lam o, At 0 and 10 A. M., 1, nt, 4 30. 6. and 11 10 p. Al. (or Fiorencrt, Kogewater. Riversie. River on., Fa' mj ra, and Fiu jUouiie, and 2 P. 101 Fioruucu and 1 Iveriou. Tb 1 and 1130 P. M. LI net leava lrom Marlrel Street Terry (up jr ld.) .... . ,.lJ4"M KMNSINI1TOX DJI'OT. AIH A. M.. ia Kei nii.Kiou aud Jersey City, New York kxpr-Mi Line, l arei. A 1 7-iie ai o II a Jl. 2 an, a 30, and 5 V. M. for Trenton and Brt- tul. And a lu ij a, M. for lirlniol. A17 an and ll a. Al. 2 iu, aud 0 1', M. lor ilurruvllls and ') ui low u Ai 7ao and iois A. M. aud 2 3d, Bnd J p. Jl for hthei i-K's and diiiiif-iou. Al 7 so BLd IO ij i. M 2 Hi, 4. t. B-i1 6 P. ir Corn weli'v, 'j tme-cale, Hoiuietburi, iaouny, VVisil io. lull K, ilrloeFmurti, aud Frankloid, aud at 8 F. Al , for iio.lio'jt 0 rK ai d 111 erlil.'.lliiie ta'.iii' R, FllOAl W KM 1 Jl ILAUKiiPHU Dli-OT, Via I 'imlieo. Inn R .1 way. At 9 41 A. H .2ii. 4. 6 .lo. and 12 F.Jr . Nw Y'ort Bs-pri-as Lu , via Jeihey lli: r are, ft in Al II Hi. F. M. F.iuiiiraiil Lint ; Fare, fi. Al K'-io A. M i-e, i k, ai d U 1". M . lor Trentuiv. A 1 V -ib A, Ai., . b .iiiaud 12 F. Al., lor ili..i.ol. Al 12 P.M. (MKtu). lor iioriiBvin,, Tullytowa, cm ht-Lek'R, KddliK mil nruweii's l'orr.Hdale, ILoime-i-burg, lacony, W is liiouiiiig, Uridesou.-g, and i-'raua-loid. '1 he 8 45 A. M., 0 and 13 F M. Lines will ran (hhy, .kilo I,i-ih. r-'mduvs exi-eteot. lor I lut.n leavInK h enm uloa depot take the euro On Ihird or F ll h Hie-t-,, ai Liie-unt, So 1111 ui-s belore depar lire, 1 b- ears 1 f V arkel ell nm am way 1111 direct 111 est-Hi laiielulila in n -l, I'.neiiiiH anu Wkltuil witliln one uu iaie On tSuudays U)aIrK-l r-lriel ram h ill run to cobueut whll tlitHI 15 A.M. & 30 and 12 F. M. Lines. ii-LVAJLLl-l'. Ui LA'.VAivii; RilLKiliD Lt.tKS, HIiOU HaNM.NHToh Ijl.iOJ. At 7 Ml A. 21. lor -am.ia ball -, lluilain. Dm, kirk. F.iin-ia, ItliM-a, iiwemo, i.ocuii-ie., jliiifc'iaiu'.ou, -,)i-wmo, ryroii.oi. Ortai 'Vnd, ji.utr ,e. VV naes n re. fcei aUloll, Miuudstlkrg, Wutt JCUOOlei S JdiUll lain, eic. Al . Uu A. M. nnd 4 m F. el. lor lieivt-r ro, Etu'ou. I nuijrit "ihi'. FI i-uiiL'Kioiie.c. Ti-oKlil' a, lu 01 uic.H direct wlin toe Irani leavlua a.adtviu lor Alain b l inn K Aoxntown. llrtuU h 1 u, 010 AtoF. Hi. lor LaiuboitvillO and luleiuii'd.atu Sta tions. lAWl'KN AM) lit' U UNO TON COUNTY VD Dl-.UION A.ND 11104J.1010IIY.N HAIL 1 HA ll.-n. iOAi AlAilKKT M'HEET FKURY (VppK Blila ) Ai ai.d lu A. Al.. Fun, a 00, mid t' i'. .J ., lor ier- chautsvlhe, MUvWIgou, Hartlord, Al asuuvillM. X. aiiihp -ri, jio.iy, omouviow. ahuvhib( Y 11.11 11 tow a. ii!iiu-iiu aim l'emiit rtou. ai 7 M . 1 .) aud 3 SO F. At., lor Li(Vininwn. 4 nulin-towii. Cooks. 011, New Loin, Uoruer-io-wu, :tnu liillao, liinajhioivu, .-iiarou, ami h.uibio .v a. JU6 WILLIAM it. UAl alK.rl, Aeut. pLMaJSYlVAMA. CJTHAL UAILUOAD. r. .IT ,I L 'l.iriV.J U' b'L'k'OI1 VOL O., ....n T'lt Ualul ul iLe l'ou:.l to.n Ceo-. al lill,Mad leave lue 1j po. at 'I li, 1.1 Y-i- i Krjl' ai. AlA.-.K 11.1' sueeu, wblcn 1') reached dirw.lly by: tbo Marnr l street cars, tlie car contieotlijt witu eaou irala leaving From and io arKMi mreeta lutrty niinut b b- lis oepartute. iue v.iie-nu ami ainui Klreeto drti run whom our tepiaje 01 lunueoiit. w oiou Car I n set oj.11 -je 'J..-1 101 aii'illintlon at the licket ulbce N. VV. vi-ruer NlLoh aud Utieoiiiil aiieeia, and al Ihe dvpou AsenlB 01 liie L'lljo imu;ir viuhi"' w-u can for aud deliver DasifaiiB al lue deiiot. Oioers left at fio. Dol ccesuui. utiett, or No. 116 Market, a.reei, will I, lola J OH the l-liliuueipuia aa;- wTWAn. MAIL TllALS leaves Fnha-ie.phla.... i. ai rives at Fne 1. it iTiniiKK i.av.R i-nilMleluuia. I JOU - jl 1 1 1 1 u ,k ... ,r I. SliP u i. airtvis at Lue U mi A.M., til MI 11. A HAIL icuvts Fhiiuiieluni boo A. ,d. VS iwori it 'ii F. M ' arrives at Louniiaveu 7 4 F. AL KAM WAK1. .MAIL '1'F.AlxN leaves F ie !')- A. M " S llllaniopo'l in 16 F. Al " arrlvti at rhnanelpnia 7 0.1 A. M. I'-llt. IiXFFI-m leavts He 1-o F. im, Wihaiii-pori 8 la A. M " arrives at FUiiadel, Ilia... tjV'i F. r.t Mfeil and JSsnrtsa cnui-rt with Oil Creek and Ihli.ny hlver llaiir-H'.l, JJAOOACA CUKCKiCU liU""Ll ' ALFKKD L. TYLKH, 1 15 Uaueral guperiuttiiUBnl "TIT CtlKam. AND PiIlLAUS.Ll'111 A VV liAlLllOAIi.- VVK 1 Mt ARll1.M.J,.Vii!.-4 1 on iii.d ntier AlONDAY', Oatobir A, ISjJ, Traius will lea.e hn loih wh: Leave l'hlla elp'-li from tbe Depat, TFTIHTY FUt-T uuu i;H rN V I' MireotH, 7 "4 A. Af., H4l.AI. " 3i F. M . 415 F. L, 4 611 F. At., I16 aud ll M F. AI. X,enve vv-isi. I he.iier for PuilBd.dpliU, from Heport 011 tii-l Mar lie1 Hi eel at 6 Vio A. At., 7 45 A. M., 8'uO A, ll., t'rti A. Al., ru.i F. ai. 00 r. ai., aim b 1: ;,i. '1 rams '.ta.eW.tit 1 lie Her ai 8 ut) A. At., anil leav It 1 Fiiiladoiphia at 4 60F. Al., win mop al R. U June turn aud Media only. PametiyerH 10 or liuiu sUnon hi-tweeu Went Chester aud h. i). Junailori, going Fail, wh! tivk nam inavir!; west iine-ii. r a, 7-, 3 A. UL. arid going Wont will take tbe irala leaving Y lillai'elphia at 4 AO F. M., aud irun.-iier ul ii u. 'the Ui.triit In Fblladeluhla hi reached directiv bv (be'iit ai'fl WalHul Siruetiars, lu h.icftiie Jlarkei Ktre"t line run wlthlu one square, Tue turn of both Hue connect with oach tram npou us ' ON BCND IY8, T.r-ave Plillurie'pbia ai i A. AI. and 2-nc'P. ST. 1 avu M ini I he-ner at 7u6 A. Ll. and 4 00 P. At Trains leaving Philadelphia at 7'45 A. AL and vn P M.. and leav tug West Chesier at 8 uu A. Al . aud 4'S0 k- M.. conueei, al 11. O Junction with 1 ratns ou 1'. di it 4'. R. It., for Oiford and Intern-edlate polnU. 4 ,(, HF.NltV WOOD. Ueueral tiup't. ALKXANDER (5. CATTBLL & CO. FRODUCK COMMIUMiON MKKOKANW, No. 26 NoitTU WHARVFtl TJn. S7 NORTH W ATRR KTREKT. FHILALLLFUIA. It ALVXASPEKO, CA1'XH.U JfiulJAH CATTali.1, AUCTION SALES. all Ttaei . Faoil", 10 'm A. i'bjt i.lae - line F-jipie-is .aairiMOura &ecotuuiiilu.nn ijauciw ter al-ci uiiuoutti loll FarkesbiiiK lifliii... ......... iocli.'Uil F.Xki:Mi IiikiI ana e.'it:aio a-ifreid.. Fullai etphla J-.xpr. vs.. , S CO A. M. , 1 aud no f M. 1 j0 A. Af. li'ou A. M. .............. '1 to F. U. 4-im F. b. ... n... ...... 6'tfil Fi At. H ii-i F. iA. Hi 45 F. At. ,.L;inlMiii, KrieWaii leaves liahy, eil ill ejiindi-.y, iiumiugon Fatuiiiry lo A illlaun nortrniy On Snud.jy night leave riiiiiuin uu'ii hi ja o cioca. AHotiiercralaa 10 A. M. iu uu ., at, K .111 . . At 4 i P. if o 10 F. At, Ji -ia F. AI. BrNTlU, DWillOKOW 4 CO.. ACCTIOS. KKKH. No. 2 and WMAK K F T hi reel , ,'rn m I Bok ttreeU Bucoeawira lu j0Ub B. Myert 1 Vo, NOTICR TO THR TRADH. Thursday nrrl hrliig 7 htrnkxplving Hat, ow unini tatrrtf jry Uoudtuill be hnd o,t Dcdntoauy. 11 ti xi LA ROD A I.F. OF RP 1 1 If IT, FRKNCTT. OKRMAIT AND DDMUMIll DRY OOODb, On Werinenrlay Morning, NOV. 15, at 10 o'clock, 00 four inoulhi' credit. Ill 20 41 LAItaJ) CA t K OF CA RPFTTNdS. 10O PIKUlia Fl.tOK Oil, CLOTHS ETC. On 1 inlay Alormng. WOTnber2T at 11 nVioek. on tour rtidnlbi' credit. Btamt tui ipleo of liig'aln. Veue.lau, lint, bemo.e .i.' tie, and ra iurpetnjK, eto. 1.1121 4t LARGE BALK OF FRKNC T AND OTftEIt EURO. l'UlA-tN DRV HOODS, H.IO. . n '"idiT Morning. Abo cluck' 00 'uur """'Uht' credit. ' tPK( IAL HALK OF HII4W1.M, lB.sVerearMtb"8- "'1I(M"'Bla f rJ.!AV ANn rr-T-vi-j-r-TtT nyj.r. of nT,- ' 'i L K 1 r T -t AMD -UlH'Ld, Hi OKU.-iJt t, . ... On 1 mi, siiay Morning. , 1 0 clncli, on I ur lnouihn' rrodlt.; If Mil I'. rli La Be. le gored Maiiuoral Rkirin. inn uew biyle biao-oolorcd mriped Wurl I'mg "'"'. i!2i7t T IITINCOTT, f'N CO., At'CriONKEIlS. J Atsll H j lUn'l' bllLDIMU.No. 21(1 AlAUU K I bt. LcnVniVVmw,POF wo T'OT AVKTtr. CA-4 AMI lSlFimieL) IKY 1 (iim iii- KW'liN? X-ili Ubrt' Uu3w!! iiy taiaiomie on four months' credit On V. i u 1,1. "(ia Aloriiiug, ' ' PTpv. 2R, oirtipnjiiu in.' a, h o cioi-k. rerln-lprl will tie foiitid.a vn v luoi' a.ori .1 .. - goons. - l r:.. ' lakok I'osrTiVRotf.KoF rrcsiF.nv, olovls. . ., ., ... tlu, . .. III V I liH.I,v, Nov, ?" JnrlnrVit win i,u ,;,ii .,n..i . d rl lloren s gloves 1,, gr al VHru-.v: lalieV.g a''. d 1 Illli'rell'H liomerv. Ill eotion ,i,,..i 1 .?. .... - - ' - - 1 , 1, 1 1. '10 w 00 1. a 'm. nun dozeu liio iniiiloivu lancy kmt iroods. liirriH 1Kb bul a-H,,rini..n'.. I en'lr, l? lw sill s t, eoniK, cuculais, Miaw.s, scurlc, eic. l it t-K(ONf) PPKCI.'L llt.vliW HAM: lit. l-Miia ' fl.-li l.l l'l AM) MiTIUMs, Frt JLLOI.I. I'Al Mhi.MiY( A'Ul.hiiUI, o. in iJ.VX.l- 011 ri ouv aioi-ol", t7'h con-meni-iegai tm.'.-iock, coii'i-rlfjlnir foil Unci I nnv kim's, uow 1 11 J'ng. lu fninra ad veitleniontH. 112141 uarllel-bera W 111 1 iiiiaoelpt'la Hiuroos leaves nally, di.r'.y, except dai.d.iy, . 1UO VV ts TU AI'0'.)llllllOI-.'"ou .ao. 1,11.1 lujr. M. ci'Vt hunOny. ror llna nam fc.i-i.eta muai oe pro eiireo aud b dallverel by but. 1". M., at Wa. Ill h el :,tre at. . mul A r , u ui . i vi r. . a"1 " " . Ctui lii.ll Fxp-e-,s .') . M, Fhii'-'e" bia l.xoress - - " iu in, Faoli Acc.n.iu CP - u A. id , 8 -Hluuil 71o f. Af. Ki lu tAal, and 1. nifalo M.'n-iu. 10 en A. itl. Farku mrg T'?Ju - Fioil Line Lent- wiiif 1 rain jii r -.Apiewi D.iy :-liy -, ,,;" .l-.l ti.-if'-iri'. A' f-IHUlt'ii:'!'''' Tldaet Ag,Ut, r.o. :'--i tliiliSiM UT ti.---A. JFRA NCIH If L' N K , TIokii ,i, No. Ihj tAAKAli't' i li-ot. eAfJilEL H. VV iALLACBI, Ticket Axeut at me Depot. I'&e Fi-nr.5ivaia Railroad Ooumauy will not as. B'iuie Buy link Rr,M, ei'-epi lor Weunug A liarei bui iiiiin ine'v r-jpou. ioiiiiy 10 tine nuudrl Donari in value. Ail rtaynai-o oxreening that aruonul In va'ne win he at theru k of the ow-iov, iniimH lasea by npeciai coht.-aci. r u aiiii n, w ii.iiia m:. ih i jeoerii niuieriiiienoeni Aijonm, rB I J1JILAHEL1JH1A, UILMINdTOS, AND X Jl- LllAlOltK K A 1 t.HiiAD. TIM IS I'AHLIS. t on uirucieg AlONDAY. November iJ. iMii. 1'ralBS w ill leave Lepol con er Broad siradt uud VVaahiuy- lou avenue, as loiiuwt; Way all 'Iraiu at s 80 A. M. (Sundays oxespted), for D-tliliniire sur ping at all regular -.iuiIdua, C'ju uei ill g iv. lb Delaw are Itailioiut ai WUmingtou Tor Crisli' id end luleriinvllate stail ins. f Ai.reba ,'ir..iu at U Al. l.DUudavs eioent-dl foi Bul luioieBbd Washtnglou, uiupi'ius at Wiliiiiugruu, Ferr; villi;, auO llavru-i e-Orace. Couueols at vVtl miiiKloD with Idi'iii r iVew Ca tin KipreHS 'Ira n at 4 H F. AL iriuiiiiavs excepted) for Ruiliuiore uud Wa.-ihli gluil, biop lug at Cneater. 'L'oniiow. l.iuwnoil, Cam,Jiit, Wiloiint. jn, is'aw pori. r'taiiii-u, iNeimra. iSikiou, Norlh-Kaat. Cbarlei tun Ir r vllt Havre de Orsce, AOurdeeii, Ferry lean's, Fugenood, Aiui'lia, Cl.aio'a, aud bteuuiuor'a ii uu. jtg'it Kxpreta at ll-ao I'. M. (Daily) for Baltimore ami WiiHhlt moll, siopoliig at Cuesu-r. Tuurlovv lilu ueod, cia.ymont, M ll-.. mxion, is.'ivivrk Klk.ou, iMTiii-iubi, l'erryville. and Uavre de Of Ct. Fai sinter-! lor Flu tress .M our 08 aud Nurlolk Will lake tue li'iO ai. train. all MIXIITOM 1KAIX.S, Hlopi'hig fit ail blailo-B between FnlladBlphla ami W llloli.auin. Leave Fbl adelpbla at 1110 A. AT., -30, B 00 anil 7'IUF. Ai. 'I lii- ) iu i'. .u '' with Dul waie Lanroau lor Alarriagiou and mltrmeUiA.e HUilK'DS. j.eave W!'ir l!ikton7 dauil S IO A. Al.. 1 3e. 1'tS and 7 (iu F. Al. The e lu A. Al. l ram w in not iop net v.-eu ( iieiler and Flit. a-.teiphia. 1'ueVooF. i. Tralu lrom Y iln.iiiaun runs uaio; a.l oiho.- Aceo Aimodaliou 'Irnii.b Miiioayi. excepted. From Baltimore to Philadelphia. Lnve Ili'ttruiro 7 So A. Ai.,, Way Alatl. ij A. al , lSxpraJS., A3 pier. 7 2S A At., f.P" i'l- . Hl'SIUY TRAIN FROM iT.TI VOH8. Leave llalllmore at 7 ii F M.. sui,i!iiug at Mag nolia, Feiryuish's, Abenieeu. llavro de Orauij. Forry. vllle Cloiriemow u. rw.rin- Kio.1. Klkto'i, ?ii-a-ark, Hiaiitou, Newport, Wiiinluion, Claymju;, Lluwubd, and Chester. lliriiutih lli-!ets ti all poln.s Wst, Moutb, and houUiwws-. rxi"y be procured al ticket oiilo, No. s:s Clie.'-nui aireet, uuder Co'iilni nial ifot"l, wln-rs alsu biale Roi'iiiS and Berths In n eepunr i nn ctii Da bvi'iired during ihe day Persons p.ircnu'ilcB tickets al lb is unice can uavo osgnaue cu- -.-aed at luair resl tents by ibe L'ulon Trunster Coiiipkov. It. i. KL'xNtiiY .'iiteaJent. TOIITII FKNNSYLVAMA KiTl,lMD. For lliriHJ.KHF -. Dili I.KSI'UlV.H, MAIJl H llii.Na., .iT0.1, VJLLl AS! il'Drlt', w I i.l IS i. H..,KhK, 1AHaN'"Y II.IV MOUNT Ol Km Kd, FlTTrJTON, '11 Mi 11 AN N O'.'K. Nu KCRANTliJ. W 1 N T JS 11 A U H A O tl M. H N TS . Fau'eneer Trahu inn j).p it, coru. rot Bfj'tli'3 and Ai) I- IUOaN rjtreetB, dally (luu days excep'-edj, as h-liowf: Al 7 -i.i A. M. (Kxprerm for H-thlehem, Alleatown, AlaiiRh Chun it i 1b7.iioii, Wllhini-ip rl, WhkeaoArre, Atnhanoy City, Fhtsiou, aii' Tiiiiliiiaiinouk. 0'46 A. M. ( r a press) tor Uelblenem, Faiuin. Allen town, Aiauch CiiUuk, Wil'vO.ibarr-, Fit. Ij j, aud kt-raiitoii. Al 145 P. M. fFir-re'i) for Reihlenain, Naicti f hunt, Wl kesharre, Hazienni, V ahanoy City, Alouui Cnriuel, Fiimtou, and ccra'iiou. At 5i;0 f. Al lor lJelb.ehtfm, Kaston, A'leutown, and Mauch Chunk. Frr lmvleHluwu at 845 A. AL, 2 13 and 4 15 P. Af. For Fort Wailni. loii al lu li A. M. aud 11 M F. At. For Lf-nxoale t 62 ' F. M. Fihh and elxin slrevis. eiocoud and I bird atreet. and L'uloa Chy FassdUg?r Railways ruu io tbe uew "'"TRAINS AP-TtlVK IN PHILA DKLPltl A From Dutblebeiu al ti lo A. Al,, UT'i, o i, aud 8 SO P. M. 1'rom Doylestown at 8-3S A. 1L, 455 aud 7 P. M, Froui 1.1-nninle at 7-. li A AL ,.,., i roui ort W'jsliTHi'i at 10 4fl A, AL Bud I lo P. M. O.N hl'KnAl -i. Fhlladelplila f ir Het IPeneui at I) '(0 . AL Pti'laili InhlB lor Dovloitnwn at 2 F. M Doylestown for -iiilailelpnia at 7 A. , U. Reil lehem for Pbil-ide plilu al 4 F. M ,kels sold and Ravage cliei-kid lhrruth t Mann's North Pennsylvania liasgBye Kipftis Oillce, No. 105 tt. F1F1U Bireet. ()T An,; Is JONES HOUSE, IIARUIRUURG , .J.NHyJjVANlA. Tha nnderrlfined having lea-d tbe ab.ive popular and well known bouse-wbtru baa been thurougoly reiairtd and greatly luiprov. d. as well as eiu.iely rcfu ru shed thn UKhout w ith elegant new furniture, li cliulliiu all llie aiii'olMineiiis ol a llrst-olass Hmel, will he re-dy 'or li e reception of guests ou B"d afii r the I'llll Ol NOV'tUlhei'. IKUS. IV 81 lw THOMAS FARLKV, rroprletor, in am! ol B Y ?. 5COIT, JIL, SCOTTM APT GU.. JLillY, No. HW CiltriAUl' ttt Fin adelptoJa. VI RY IMPORTANT P M.1C. H'Oll CLASS AlODKKN FAIN 11 NO?. li. f-t;f 1 . Jr.. respect uPy anuouucea that, he has iccelved ii.s'riiciloi.ii to sell tie UAl I FLY OF J. F. HKATJMONT, Fnq., ol jvew York, consisiliig ol original rpecniiHns by Art sis ol ceiehrlty, seieried by him lu Hie various CBpllals ot riurope, and coiitalnlnir an uuniiial num. lo r ol Fatiiili.i.9 of the hinheel value and dUtinction. -minted ejprthnly lo his Older. Awoug Ibeui are thd K. Johnson. N.A. W.'-.lfount.N.A. More. Ronnor Opsielsobau 1'. Kels V. Chavat C. Hofinil W. Hlefstahl Noritenherg A . Hosier Jerrberg VV. C. Knell W. (I(M1 11. Baron Fug. lie liloolc K von Raveu F. Blroebel tail Bicker 1.. A. Achenhnch Clitv. t ali'ch Ouli imii'n De-oler C. cueslllKw: J Eocancura Frore reieihoiil Faiivelet v..ii liove DaiiHaert Vau A yugn rdt r-ei rnre J. T. Feeie liev.denx Ja.1il'i.Kon Veih' I- liovon htephBiinir Oil' LiCihau O. 'truilield tail H. fl Tctissalnt DeJiiikl.e W. Amnerg J. 11. Dell i Janl'laiieei 4 IJiilerlieriereto. eto Tcgeiher '07 . eetmeiis, aelected for their heantjr ard urtlMlc ine it bv lb nhnve well known connois seur, end which wl.l be exblhUed lu ihe F1A.'1 ISRX UALLl'.HIfcS OF THHi ACADhAlY OF FLNfS AiCIS Cll KisrvLT r-treet, f.bove Teoili. on 8ATUK 1 AY, tlm Novruiuer, aud day aud eveuing uutll tha lime nt nele. Ti e hale will take placa on TT'EtTVAY AND WED. MHAV tVhiiAos, Detcmoer 1 aud 2, at half FBM 7 o'clOOa. lu .1) if MTIiOlUS A PONS, jy.06. 13y AaD 111 . s. iuii:'lU i'lldtiix. 1 Fale at No-. 10 and Hi P. Fourth street ITANLsM'Vit-. 1- UmNI I LRHl, FliNO, MIRRORS! 1-lKK PRtiOF r,Ui:i H AND.xoMiS VKLVltr DRLbsi-La, AND OTHKR CA RPiLTsj, JCTO ' On Friday Alorniug, Nov. 57, a' 9 o'clock, ai tb Auction Itoonif, by catv lonue, a large a-isoriuient of su.iertor Houiehold Fdr iniuri', couiprininc ISIegaut walnut drwlu ro ita suit, cm eied w-llh line gaiuet plusb; parlor, horry and dmlna-rooui luriiliuri-; wilnut chan.ber suits! cbf,-nni 'ruew-ood 7-nciave piaao lorie, ruade by r)i-ho niacker it Co ; due French mate mirrors wardrobes; sideboards; extension tablei; cnipa and ph shwaie; beds and bedding: due hair nuitiressos oillce luri'itnre; Hvo suneilor tiro proof Bar m Ada" bv Kvaiis A . Wb'hoii end I lllle; cliandeliers; rine.-J-gravini:s: kas ci looming andcoukhiKStoe; baudioma veivtl, lirutsels. an i o uei cni p.-iK. eic. etc. L I'.OK PANORAMA. Also, at t o'clock, pfecin-iy. me large Tanoraraa. known ai llie Anlloniau Tableaux, bale peremptory, 112t2ti HALF. OF Ef.KOA.7T ROOKS. Oi- tri'lay alti rnomi, Nov. 7. i t 4 o'clocit, choloM and elegunt Book-t, llliiMtriited Wqi ks. oic, In line bludings, 11 ai 2i a V. McCLEr-S it CO., AUCTION EEIJ3 O.V. toe AiAFKLl' ftireei. F.TO. On Friday Alorulng, November 27, ai lu o'clock, wn will sell by catalogue, (or ensh, a lorgo and desirable asujrl Dieul ol F-nois. bboeti. Jlaluioral.i, Urogans, etc Aim a tuiu-rior KisortiiikiiL ol laoleo', iniabes'. and children's cit made goni.i. ll i MARTIN inOTIlEKS, ALCTIONEEHS, (l aieiy Psesiiiet! lor AS . Si Sons A No.MUCHFtiNUT let., rear eutranoe rrom AJlBiMi :-.ule at Fn. !,:i Cbe3unt street. hantkovl Walnut mni-jhiiioLO ftjRn'i-. '1 LRL. htleRHlOIri COTTaOIS .SUUis, FRJiNOlI J'LA IK JllRLOhtS, I'lRM'KOOe MAFnH TVO 111 SHWOUD I IA,()-Fl hiKH, FFATHKR BIS-4. RF-IjDINU AlATlRKf3i"lSS. 11 AND&OMK UuDK CASK, tll.NA, OLaS-iWARK. HAND-jOAHS DHUfct JiJL-l A N I) (Jl HF.U v Ll-ETbi, ISiC. On W ednesday Tdorulug, 25th lust., ai 10 o'c.ock, at the auction, roomi, by catalogue a large ami excellent assortment ol hand si uie walnut parlor, 'lining-room rd cuamoer rurnl line, crluison re i s; liurary suit, lliie-lo-ed resewooil Piaii0-toris9,iuade,hy Htlierr ai.d I'eonsyl vauia Alanu laeiuriLg Co.; French plate tiorrois, suns superior i-cllsge luruilure, baudi-ouie walnut bookCuse, flua o aiireses, featuer beii" and bedillug very supe rb r lireprool rales, made by aivans .fe Walsoii ami F.irit 1 ib Hernia: irou sale, tleks aud oiuce furni ture, rise Cilna aud giaisware, sideboai-ds. eAtensioa IShlth, warurouea, handsome rtigliab Urussuls, linpe rial, Venetian, and oltmr camels; cooking utensils, gas coceumiiig and cooking novel, no. Alto, plaie g ass sin w ri se. Ah o. au Invoice of J weiry and paper collars, il.o, turulug hillie. ilite hoi lug mnouiue. FOCKKl' CUTLhRV. Also, 45 (Ir-ien pocket knives, assorted Bli9. IlIMisuMK 1-iNiiI.lsH TAl'JClTRl CARPETS. An of 6) pi. c-s ba..doiufc lSiigllsli lupeatrjf i' .ia carpets. 11 ii U pLAFE & I VAN 3, AUCTIONEERS, NO. C3Q V LUFbNCT bueeU Will eell TlIDi DAY, Morning and Evening, A hi ( lc voire ul lilKukvl-, lied .preals, Dry OoOdg, tlo.liH. Cati-ln re, Hobiery, otallouery , Taole ana 1 oriel c Ullery, oilodl, etc. City ana eoui.try luercliauti will find bargains, 'i mm caKh. Oooos parlrec" froe of ehRrpe IB bOK, ALCTlOMiUBS - l',. ,1 i',.-. ivt ii, m . j li v jmjiliivn .ir.i,eaAii ic, ixu. OitiSfcN UT t-ireel; rM( entraaco No. 1107 Baoaoia )! rr.leNo 1110 Cne.innt stree'. .. MCV.'AKD bLDuND- tANIi DOihliirOLP M'lLFi; FiANU-1 Oltl'JS-, MI IKim. CAIl- 1MI1 l'Al'.Ltll OKUANS, FIR'iPl4U0i, HAI'li:, Bli.Vl'R l-LATli.D WAKn:. KTO. Ou 1-rlUBT Morning. At 9 o'clock, a ibe Auoilou tsiore.N'o. 1110 Chennut tr.-t will he sold, a la-ge assorinieut of luperloc l'ar'or, Chiimber, Dlulug Room aud Library t ur liliure. i'ARLf'R OUilANK-3 superior parlor orrtans, Fl'lFPhOOF H AFlS-Oae Halamander sa'O. jlo, couuilug boute and oilioa tit-ska. hooH-cat-s, etc. 11 2 X AND COMill-irl.ON TRUSSES. in ri rfjio ii . in orrnn'.T rTi r riTO jir.i.r.i jii.iiiii n j uuoa iayon nin. iir.M,r.viiTMiML 'I'ms Truss cor- rei i.) a..,'lluii will cure and retain wlih eaie tbe aio li.'Chciill ri.uiuro. aiw .. i lean. eaoy, sale. aoA toiutorlahje, uted U. (aithlug, lilted to lorm, neve rusts, brinks, soils, hcou.o lliiiuer, or luoveu Iriua place, rso sirapolug, Hard il il-ber Abdouilnal ""P porier, by which ihe :iitu-n4, Coipuloht. dA., f a"J Biiheriug wi'.h Fuoale weakueos, will liud r"" bu iwrlMci uupLon: very likM, n.-at, aud j1;;iloVr:arf!? Ai.Wri.Bien! --l-.oii.dr .inv:, i::a'lc w,2.tJPiJ2 weak lluih Snipen-i.'OHi, etn. Also, lf'k jJ-lA-atuer TrdMea. ball naual Prai LJjr , Jwri ' QEORGE PLOWMAN, CARrKTti AKD BUILDER, PiTILArFLPHlA