THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23,' 1808. 3 KEWS Hi; MM iltV. Vity U.,lrv. The lolloini exlibi' tin- rc pis of our tlica-Ire-fur I tit' (juut t Odin.' Ociobrr 31, as re. tui ii'ti to the Covert went, wuli the lluitod lairi t.ixes JBid. The tjuijtis .a official: cuanxur fv.kt T.J n -TBI. (,'?. trerr'jUl. Tir. Aiifrust . , . $.) $i;;i'bJ Hi pu nibir . . .11 !!: 2:t:K(J October . . . 6,fc:,0 IIU'72 $J .(! WAI.NU1 tiYliKltr TIIBAIHH. AliRi.Pt. . . . (10 3 ,"3 Nipt'ialior, . . 10,1 to October, . . 13. 1 10 Al.l'H Jnno (iml July, Annus! (T bl'tl ), H"-plf lllln-r, October, 1 PI 2J LIlllCi:!' TUSAtT. '. Ilf-r.) $o37'i0 !i7lJi $401 12 r,7'7?l oJiPlO 1 1.7-1 Z-n AMBIil'J: TSIliATilE. AuiiFt. , . . vr-.i.J fio's-on rietcniber, . . (i.iJOJ 12JU0 dcobcr, . . . U o i) 12,p)J (MUSI 1,(1 U IOsi.V'd MINiUT.i:. AllJ-'lll-r, . Kcp'rmliiT, . October ll.i2 1-10 2 jj Bl S22 s;7mj Tin's tVc tot -it aro int or ni'ni'.',' cn! 1 iu luive inonlUs bv tuo peoiili; nf Phil., ld!)i:i to live p uces ot Miiu-eiu. i,t. t-xi'liisi v of eiiowi, eon rcrt.. bulls, cpria-, etc., is Sf 151.6-5. At I be iiiniMil in 1 1 1 1 1 oi t;,e Genera' Com ini'.ieeof tbe 1. 1j. Cliuri-ti Extension Son ay, the following coMctfDco appivpria'iotis weie mi't:-KbMii:i, siUU; l-n i , f'JUll. nil toriiitt, $101)0; Color i, tiluUD; ll'li wan;. .i!)J3; Di-8 Homes, i".!U)'J; L.-iioit, I0M; K. G T,n m, JSoUO; Georgia, llolston, 2o0;i; Kaosit-, jUDU; Kentucky, sp.iujO; Louisiana, $jnOJ, film in Miia, $20011; Mnisii-sipfM, $i.rUU; NcWs-kg, i'2(il0; Nevada, yiSO-j; No'tb Ci-oltns, $'j00; Oiceoti, $1500; .south Carol na, S3J0U; Sou-bora 111 hole, $000; 6l. Lou.. tlisllOj'lci.uesSf, ld:j0; Texas, fc2UU0; Ui er Iokh, $1500; Viiiiniu, $1000; Wa-hii-pioti, f l'JOO: West VirniuW. SlOOo; Wtsl W iconiu, iiouu; V il-uluijtoii, $1UUJ. i'be tt'HiiHT siur ot tUe Urn in, bi-louiup; to tbe ioutlH-rn 11 S cnu.iliiii C'oiupsoj, uud rfCf-Btly wri-ckpii oil' tlie coa;. ot Caoa, w iuhureti for $d0.000 iu tb folio a 'ws coiupauiei: btnte of Pfiiii8ylvMii:i, C CO 0 ; -NoriU Americi.. 510.0UO: Dclaurc M Jiiitil, 5elu,000; t nmu, aO'JO; (reit cstcrn, oi k-'pv Vorli, $11,601); U. a. LlovJ, New York, 36 JJ; Or. tut, rteVjiif, VbOOO; I5u(kt'.T'' tstu'c, .laiiuliu, imj Eiri-rpnsi', ot C'iiu-innu.i, i'5'JOO; iim i s tj., Uuiuu, ou4 Ccu tial, Ot tlit! :tiu tlt. $260-i Part., lire, llary l'ison, ajpil turty-four years, rf K'diiig in b.-tiiicatown, ' l' wliilo on a visit je!terily at fJloticeater, wa r iiy buru-d bv ber tlotbts thkii.g die 'roru tlie fliaie of coail oil. Jouii 1". Cn-si'.ty. mue y.i8 ,lij, reililini; 'hi No. 10j5 l.utoua itref t, bail bis collar-bone broken by ulail. Cluis'.oybcr W IJiu-r, Uurty fivo jpars old, l-tf brjki u by tieing run over. Dennis Cuspy, aet"1 bix years, hJ ale;' broken on t-utiiulay by u Ml in Win yard of his part-uts' residence, Mo. 610 IVun street. H a taken to tbe llo-pUn). At 4 o'clock yes terday at ernoon Join Jobu-ua lell trom the platlorra of u pmafiit, r car al Second ngl Cottaae sttcetv, ami vnui enouly injured aba-ji tbc lend. He wan tkeu ub u:id conveyed to bii lendence, No. 1:17 South t-ecoud street. JamcH D 'lan. aeJ fnv tive ycais, wai run oer tiud killed ou the i lii-aniji 11,11 Unlroal last evenuiR auout 7 o'clot-k. The ckeeaned v,ub terribly iniiimleJ. H-i lived iu Centre street, nod leaves a svid.i v and two children. Tie Coroner wasnotiflod to bold -in iuii ien. On Saturday evei. in L', ftUry L id gix-eeu years cM, resutii g on I'mrd .'tree', a'jove Caitiii r ne, was to badly biirueil, by ber cloitiei tak'nat nre, that Mie oled ou ttie lolliiwirn uioruinjj before dnjliulit. she whs alnne in tin room at the Hi' e of . be oceurretjce, and tielnu; boated mar a furnace, H is sup.iofccd thit, kdo lell --leei, and that ber clo Ui s ctlchinir tire from the couls Iu tbe lurnacr, thj tire hni made cor MUeiablo projirefs uetore bbe wa urousuJ. When some of the uelultb-ra rushed into the Loui-etolur rccue, nlie whj discover'-d to be t-nTehred in tlattie-, and when the c'.oUies wer; torn oil, tbe body wu bJ riled iibuosc to a ens 9. Medical aid was prouip'ly at iiaud. aua tho nelpbDors rendered all iitceaie.ry a---istatjce, but no hope wan t-uteitiiued ot brr recovery from tbe tirst. lli-r mntlier, who was on a visit to i liieiid'ts bouse, returned eoou alter tue lernoia calnmity. On Saturday uiebr the dwelling of John liond, butcucr, No. 73.) Houtli Second Btreet, was en'erid daiiii.'T tlie ab-cuuo ot the fatnily, and lobbed ot u eld walelt and t welve or til'eeu tiolbxj, the monfy ben (? takn from caildren'i i-aviusr b-iuki. Tin; place was rau'alsed, tbe tliievea bciuR evnlen'ly in sfatcli of money, ag furs ud wearin;: uppurel were not dinturbe I by them. At tbe time of tbe rjibcry Mr. Bond and several assistants wete eupaijed iu tue me.-it thop ou the ground floor, und it Is suoposed that tbe thief pasocd through the shop to the duelling. noinMlio Attain. Gold clo'ed on ti-iturdiy at 13. Deaths in tbi-t city last week, 171. Taxable inhabitants iu this city, 137,190. Entire real estate of th county ot 1'hila delpbia, $454,lU(i,i70. John Cutrou beat liii wife to death in New lotk, ou Saturday nil ti t. benator Morton, of ludiuna, has arrUoJ and taken rooms in Wabiuiiton. tlayor uuviiu tbe suspension of ail uunuess in is a ioik on xuirstiay. A niiin named Carroll wan suot by u police man, on baluruuy evenniu, iu New York. A joung pill incmuiury his been arreitcd v at Jamaica, L. 1., who conteuse tj tiring 10 barns. 1-our persons were suffocate! by the burn ing of a cuiiplt;of houcsa iu Lowell, Um., ou lat bnturday lU'-vnlni;. lty the ofliclil leport It is ascertained that 12,633 ol our citr.eni c;irry poll watchej, aud only ti3U wear Filver itiui-keejier-. Lituteuaut 1-ortn, of 11. H. II. thio Cin stance, now at Ualiinx, decamped on i-'riday, cuiryinpr off u larure nutn ot ines money. - b. D. Annsironir u is suel Hie city of Bt. Louis, Wo., for $20,010, tbe ul'euol value ol some lauds tukeo tiy the ci y for Bireet purp moa. Dr. Horace WiUe je d, Sapenuteudeut of the kla?Huebu-eit8 Aim iiiuui- a-. M ias-m, hui bten arieted Icr illegally utc au in-i.ato. One ol tbe etan muo ai-:iUed Aron lilna In lis nouse at Man ou ou l-Vid.i?, and lobbed htm of money aud ojnd, was aneiiicd on Su uiday. l'ui ttcularsh ive been r-cived of the wri-k of tne klil.i llfiletip ait. i'he cap'.ain, tils', uta'c, and iiine bPunieu wero dt'ouvd. The survior Laeteuchad Situ Krauci-co. The directors of kUe Hoard of Trade of Port land, Me., aie in cebMou, lookup toapiblio iuceiiut; early tins wtek on the subject ot cboip truLtpt-naUou in tne Ma-a'a S Jip Canal, eie. Tie 1-euiau pmoueisin the O taa,Cauata. jail are to be libeiave.i at oucc, with tbe excep tion ot linckley, l) yte, uud Kmaella indicted as iicceoforu to the muiderot D'Aiay MoUto. The Saperiutendoiit f f 1'oliou iu Nevr York huscetiuied men to oo duty iu citizmis' wreKd lor tbe purp 'teol detecttn-jf Incend arie. idt a, and otin that be itdopiol iu ciiiea other ttiau (iothaoi. CoIolcI J. Whitehead Hyron, lae of the 88tb New York Volunteers, uud a prouiineut member of tbe 1-Yuiau liro'berhool, hai beeu appointed a Britfadier-ilenernl in ttic United Jsiaies Army b tbe President. (Jeuerals Humpbreys, Delalehl, (lilmore, Conutock, and lleuhatn Culouels Ca-ey aud lioueton, Majors Kiu aud Haver, were at Kor ties Monroe witneastim tbe artilltry expert nifuta. They lu.t fur the North ou Saturday Iiij-'bt. 1'atrlck McDonoueh and Thomas Ciirley have bi oupht sultj, one f r $10,000 aud tbe otber for $6000, aeaiust David Nichols iu. or St. L ula, Wo., tot injuries received by ihu fuliiuK of Hiu walla of the lutter'a building a short liuie since, I'.tibop DureaD, of Chieairo, )efu-d pr nitrtioD tor requiem mass, yesterday, for th otila of the tlancMvster martyis, Allen, 'MtrH n, and Lariilii, linnf one year a.'o. T'ie 1 legation pas.-pd a resolution d precaunir thu action ot tbe Kirbop. At ftt. Johns, N. R, tjie financl1 ratrr till continue, tba notes uf the Vuimouth fisnli ot Nova t-cotia aud the Pr nce Kdward'a li-md linnk In liigr rtfiiecd. Tbe St. htefiben's no c roll), on Saturday, at thirty-live per Gut. diKoutt. I or !,", Atfultn. I, okiOn, Kor. 21. h1 to li e New York JJtruid. J At lie receptiou of the C'uii,ee Km lny by tbe yncen, Lord Biaiiley introduced Mr. I)iitliiiiui v, who bnelly u ldroned her Ma jesty in the name ot the Kinperorof Cbiu i, and expieised adeslre that lb.- health and happiness ot the Ojren, mid the i eoplo over wlioiu she ptr&idrd, t-liouh.l b" Ioiir rttiil InsMncr. He ipokn in the hinhent teims ot lia lt'e Kir Fred-ri(;k Unite, hi d in the course of his addT's ma 1 a prateitil t-1'u-.iofi to the wtleLuowo frteuiisliipof bci linjefty lor the I nlted States, ind iuou cliiMcii pifbenied b'u letter of credeuce troui the Lni eior ot thru. II, -r M- jciy, evt den'ly plen-irl, rsecivol the 1 ciiient, uimI, addre--uii; Mr, liuruijya iif, mid tbe was tlnd to welcome the Ch-nes-t 10'ti ba?ry to (Jn-tit i;ii;ani. She as ileaseJ to tl'teif.Ir. ti ll lluL'atne find ttie. miss, on, uud ex (K Sftd J lie tain f th it it whs a step in the right itiieciicn. Mr. I ji line imp tV-n Introduced ).U assici i'e ii'inin'is nt.'i tb- s"1! tetuiies to ill-'u. Tlie ii.tervi-w tbrouf,liOut w s nitiikel by tne turnout ford all y. Af, r a miiprilcent liineh'on aft?r vaMs Betted in the Civile, L l"l Stanley evpr-'ss- l biniptlf u" per ictly in accord wi'ii Mr. Il-jt lin rtiino in feiit'iii'-nl rei-iiive t) ('Jiina. llflpit l iha' aceilHiu oea'eeot oppo itnu. oiln'iuaMn in icroiunce of tlio ral otiject ot tno ChitiC-.e n iirti, coupled with a desite to adbre to the .KI truo tioiiul Urr.ihh eo'-ictve policy, met ttlr. Hull nitiiQie en bis arrival in Ij.igiutid; but thit hud all jinssrd ew.iy. iMr. liadn.j line, by lis eiwiiitied oourse of I e. 1 in tr and the frat.iU ur and iinporlauce of the bifih 'ni'tcou fided to fciccare, lad conducted himself m such a munncr as completely to dts'trm Of postUou, aud ctea'e in t only a favorably opinion tor Cuius, Liit ! r hiinselt personally; and while noting as the reprei-entative ot the Umperor ot Chiua, his dlpnibed beaiing uud pri-gressivo Ideas stio hnu a true type of the icprescntatire American. Lord Stuuley c-OLt-luoed by eipressiLt tlie belie! that tie cordial piiucples which are tat tu fiuet.eiDR the nations ot the world havecnaued cunilee into trlenda. Afcueher, the reception of the Embisy bv the Queen was most bandome, aud ca. emitted to lmpir.'s the members ol the tuinaiou favorably in their ideas ot the Uritisu na'ion. llAvtM, Nov. 21. Many rumors are in r-ircu-)s ion in ibis city iu repaid t) the n jui'i.-i j and posit. ou ot tbe insurqeniH. Tne litter clatoi u have lrom tcu thou-and to twelve tlioasau 1 men, and that they are in posi-eaou ot the ai my ot 1'ue.rto 1'riuolpe; theau reporus hto Oouoted bce. It is fcUucd thut a di.-ari etneut In,? bi t km out au),tii tbe lea ters oi liie insur rection in rcRaru to tbe l'rea dnucy. The cotu munuius general and lead-r of tbe revolution istit Ki'e itpcri' d to bo Douuuicaus. A repoit received here from Spain th it Gene ral i'liui advocates a L'ourbon uyuii-ty causes much njoicinu: atnonn lh) ultr.i loyulists. A battalion of voluuu-vr-S priucipaliy veieritns, ors ortran zihb lor acttvo service iu the hold. Tbe rttvolu iouis's hold JJiyuto aud other towns. Ileie is mtteb exctenieiit here and in tbe eurrouudinjf coiniiiy. The revolution is thought to bu dccreasiu!:, on I th tji uerul op mon is that it wul die out ou the urmal of troops expecu o lrom tr'oaiu. The C'ubun republicans claim that the rerola t oui-s uic oailj reeeivint! reiu oiceiueiits, but iuloima'ioii received bythe Covci uuieut ibroUijn prnuie leiteis i-i to liie coutraiy. It is reported that ui cut. sutlerinir eviets in the revolutiouary di-trie boh account ot thctesrclty of provisions. Tbe rcpoi'ted upnsiuf; luVuil-o Abajo proves to be a i;i tii. Ail accouuts uirree t h ;i l tue Oinin boiiy of let) . Is arc bally uruied and waui, nui iiiDnition. Telepianis leeeived to-day by tbe (Jovernmeut stale ibat Puerto I'liueipe couLiuu' 8 in the pos bftfciou ol the (Jovcruiueut troop, wita Valiiii ziida at- coin mp.ndrr, who r dtcule- tb l ieu ot an ben )i a tacked by the revolutionists, but, on the coutraiy, says he has commenced opuiauoas lien n.-t them. Tbe revolutionists iu Havana ate aain n,i k:i p pn tesr. Havana, Nov. 22. Ltrsundi to-day reviewed COt'O volunteers and the whole tire department, ol this city, tbe members of which Pave bseu iiimtd aud drills. They inado a very nue nppearauce. 1 hei-f1 lo.-ceH, united with tb" tegular li oops in and arouud tbe city, coustitu .e un army of 12,000 aucipliued men, all ot wuoui can be placed at tbe disposition ot tus Uovtri: u.eut in au en'.treeticy. Tie Ouctta to riity publishes a manifesto of the Provls onal Coveiumentat Msdr.d, unikiui; liberal riforms In the poverunu-ui ot tnis uluud. It has bet n tram muted by telegraph, railroad, uud other channels to all towns in tne interior. II is the pi neial 0 miou thtt tbe cireulatiou o this document m tbe distmbed districts w.ll piove a powerful auxiliary in puttlug an eud lo ae revolution, a neavy sioru iroui tn-i uoitb pievaiis in the gulf. "Please I'lty the Illlnd," Borne benevolent persona will perhaps re collect a poor miserable looking inau, who, with a placard "1. AM. ULIND." hanging on his breast, stood (shivering In the cold on Wed nesday last under the window of the building on lliioadway latelj known as the Southern Hotel. Ilia eyes, one mass of inflamed sores, appeared to suffer terribly from the piercing cold wind, and attracted a good deal of pecu niary sympatny irom ine passers-uy. Further down Broadway, ou the curbstone near Canal street, a poor woman was seated, soliciting pennies from the charitable. She, too, bad a placard over ber bosom announotug Ler blindness. At this moment a drnnksu railor came up, and saying, "Come, get up, old horee, deliberately kicked the poor crea ture in the side. "Och, yer repthile yer, how dar jsr iilthrate a poor hould widdy, what's got seven childer a Btharvin at home! " moaned the, and tnen began to cry piteousiy. A re porter of the i ribune, who happened to be passing, joined the bystanders iu comforting the "pour widdy," who reapd a rich harvest lrom their contributions. Now comes the strange part of the story. Our reporter, who had a visit to pay in the Braudreth House, cloce by, was aetonished to witness, ou leaving, precisely the same scene that had lakru place on bis entrance, au hour befcre. Bufpeoting that all was not rifcht, he lit a cigar, bought a newspaper, and ttl Liinfelf to walch any further proceedings. In three-quarters of an honr the farce was playtd ttjaiu, a little lower down the street, the earne brutality, the same Celtic- remon strances, and lnoie stamps from the by standers. Determining to see more of this, he repaired to the spot again about 6 j o'olook, and louLd the "poor blind widdy" preparing to go home, helplessly led by a little girl, who was moat careful of her. Following at a short distance, our reporter saw them separate at the comer of Water street, the wemau tuck ing ber placard of blindness under her arm, and getting ou first-rate alone, bhe turned up cue of the lone, narrow places out of Water street, and entered one of the lowest class liquor stores iu which that neighborhood abounds, withing the laudlord, a rosy-faoed, sharp eyed, tubby little Dutchman, "good evening, " as she went in. "Can I have a glas of lager f" inquired her pursuer. "Yah, vark in," replied the Dutch man. The reporter entered boldly, and fouud himself in a low, Ill-lighted room, filled with a nice selection from the hubitui of the neigh borhood. Judge, then, of his astonishment ou seeing at the further end of the room his "sore eyed" friend from uuder the windows of the Southern Hotel; his eyes lookiug mar vellously well, evidently cured by the aotiou of a bar In of cold water and a pteoe of yel low foap, . with a glass of tht "uratUer" Mefntirg by bis side, and disoassing om tbiig out of the 5 o'clock edition of the Ihuly AVu, with no less a perdon than the diuLkm sailor." "What luck the day, Biddy f" inquired "sore eyes." "Party good, pnrty pood, eh I Mike," responded the poor victim of bmtality, as the knowingly leered at the "drunken sailor;" and theu they all three langhed heartily, the little Dutch laud land, who was evidently tip to the "job," joinii g in. Thinking discretion the butter part of valor, onr reporter paid for bis Ugr and walked out, deeming It imprudent to open out in snch a place. Of coarse, he now regiets that he did not at the time call the attei tion cf 4be police to the woman, but he was anxious to see tbe little game played t-nt. He says the 'widdy" must hive real ized the best part of a dollar for every "brutal kick." A. r. yw&tine. Aithur Sketchley's real name is Rose, and be is a renegade curate. jVA R TNE TEL EG RAPE. i'Trt' a tUitioitut Mnrine Sewn sks Vint l'njn. i jS'JM Bit. riiii.AUiiini'tnA-T.iiiis da v. ,.-i m a5,)N Wr. 0 17 4 f IWil UIK H Ji PUlLAl)lLl,tiIA WAHU Oi' TuAUE. Kaiiikl K. -iruK rs, ") U.u N,TTa, VrjoNTRLT CCMUITTRK. AMifc.v vvnKAU n. ) UUIbUKM'S OK UCKAM ST .V!M t Cf.tS. He(tla . l.lveriii-iii...i-ew V ortt Vn. 7 hiMimrlR 1 tvei iooi.Niy Yurk N ji-, 1 i I it-ii ij 1 1, r k j,lveriMil...iVetv Yum ...1N.1v n (lerli ui.iu biu liiuiti)ii...IVew Vmi m.v. II iui-n JjlvrMii,l..,New Yorit N,)r. II A'.ulktilu.. t.O'1'lon New Vora Nov. 11 KM KU f II'K. H- raninnla New York...Hiirainirjr Nr.v, 21 Mil, lit Join New Yura...I.iverio )l N,.v. H.iiua New YurK...I,ivi'ruwl . ., V il: oe l'.rm...ew Y( nvre .............Nov. ?8 Jowa New N(,v. 2S V.'n . iJ-iiu New Vol k...lxii(lou N'v. ! ( oliin.bla New York.4lairuw lec. 6 Atuluuta Ni-w Yiiik... I.Hiiil, in Jjeo 12 IKIAi-TW HK. noMKM-IH. li:'Hl. B. AmerloA New York...Ho Jaimlro Nov. ?3 If. Cbuuncey ...New York.,.Apluwall .mi, 21 WVOUjIiiu Pliliadu M,v::nnli N.iv. 5 M Brmma'Slilptis Phi It hvriir IVo. i rioiieer .rma wtirntiiirin:' luu. 4 SiKlltt m lurivarflfd bv uvarv HLp&niir In LhA r.iful&i. line. 1 h sieauiers fur or froi.1 i,lver no it Call r.l Quei-nstow n. except tli Cinadinn line, wuleti cll i-.l Lendi ndeirv. Tbe sieftmurs for or trjm lueUunn- neutCHU al Snnthamn'ou. CLOTHS, CASStMERES, ETC. QOATINC8! COATIMCS ! JAMEQ ft LEG, MO. 11 HOI1TU SKCOKD RTKF.CT, Siyn o the Goldtm Lamb, ART. HOW BECEIYINU MI;Vf StTTt.K or FALL AND WINTER t'OATINUS, TO UIIKM TIIKT INVITE TUB ATTEN TION Of 1 UK TIIAItK A NO OTIIEHM, AT miOl.FMAI.EANI IlKIAIL. S 28ui MOCP SKIRTS. I.A PAN1KB, and all olUor Ueslrabte style and nion ol oar CUXKHRM'EU CHAMl'ION HKIHT8, tor IsCibu, u.ihj.i-0, Ukutl eUliUieu, cuuuutDlly uuill a, d u ade to i r er I is,i. 'iri.,.i-nl la tbojuj auQ din euiiy a:btti d fu llr-a clwia txtule. COH-K'itl tUKr 1-161 CAnt-l-lAlS' ie.iili)fc ot very luw pr.CMa Our siiii-iuiiit If itiiii, it e, i.-ji,ut jw eit I no i.-". i,i'ii u,uve i'aii.,. u il flmlev, iroui H : ht-i kel'n i-u,,t-rlo, 4' I I.LIl VS V, II i'tll, liom mi t(i'0; B.,l,r- li.-r Vi- hH:b ru iiauil iu.o (Juriet.., l-fii h oh-i i ti, 4 20. iu Kim e a kvd cin ulr aoiv; liaoa-ue e'uy'i eeiai-i, r-ktrt "U." rter, ut A to. tain. AbUtv Hmieel bell-AilJunitng ADdom i, Hi I (Tu i': wiih it evory lady Kbou.d exaiuiue. t i ,i pi t C. h, o rcui a Imir. Wl'iilc :e hud H, XUnuiacUry and Bales room o ' ASCII i leeu V g bin W. T. HOPKINS. Cl.KA UKII HATIIkllA Steair slitp T' Dawaml. Jennuixii, BHvannab. Pbllft- urjfuin un onuiuern naa i mrauinnip cu. RteauiBiiip Jtiimuu, Baker, H. Wiu.tor & Oo. Httn,hbl. Kutiolk, Moiguu. llicliiuond, W, If. Ulyda (v v. . Bi.rque Ann Elizabeth, Nurravo, DarbaUos, Jonn It ItllM. SciirUettjRbnr?. Coison, Ii"Htop, Wannemaclir Co eelir ) niuia. Tmil, WasliliitiiM, Sooit, vVn'ier tci ' KclirColiu HK.wer. r.y nn, J,,hi komujel Jr. t-ctiruieic w iiiiauis, u-r in. H gitu. do, rcbr jL. Buylles. llaylies. liost.iu, do. i-curfS. P. M, 'i'ksaer, Ailua, iluaton, Birda, Keller A Niit'lOK. 6etr 11 i. Holway, Tbouipson. Salem, Qulntard Wiirrtl'o. ecbr W. J?. Oarrlsoa, Mcrrla, Bobtoo, Hammct &. Ne'll. hchr lleBj. BtronK. UrowD, Provlrtenne. lo Beiir w. o"ucui. joii, w jmt i-oiui, van Ijusen, l Mro. & Co, Sel.r 'I reutun, Martin. B.ew Haven LeunoiABurgass t-clirTrttiiPl"irl,Jp-wley. ilro.iltlyu Captain. St'r A. I!, winners, Knox, New York. V . p. i:iyde&Co Sl'r Heveily, Herce, New York. W. I'. Clyde & Co. rl rN"W York. Jdui-h. Wn-Oilnntoii, oo. Ht'r 1lamoid Htate, Wetib, Baniuiore. A Grovj, Jr Tne T.ies. Jcffwrf.on, Ai'en. lur liu) iluioio, rum a u.w' ol bart98, W. P. Clyde t to, ARRIVKI) HA TCRDAY. BtepmshlpKaxon, JHiikrh. 4 hours rrnin Boston with luiise. and iiaHseuifers lo U. Winsor A Co. i, H. buniue feodlnr, Weller (8 dya Itoax Uot'ter ctuni. wlin iu.'.hi', to Workiuun .V l',, Barque Brazil. Illlitieu, ej cays lrom London, with Dm e. In Hemy KarHen. 1 Br. i rla W. H. iiine.uw, Mills. 4S days from Llvor piMil, Willi uidne. Iu IVier Wrixut dt is .ni. Brbr Jlly, Currie. 48 days lrom i.-uidon via 1'il ru' iitb, wi ll cMi.acluy in C ) V ll ,ru. Brlv Addle Hale, Uall-y. 66 days from Xi'verpoo win. nnme lo Jolin k. IVnri at-. ' lirl M 1 nli-e Miller, Ijvl' ton S8 days from t,Iy. t ri noi. It!) uiiiHH. to lvtnr Wru ut i Soim. Jtal. lirlu (otlredo. 1( huio, 75 days lrom Qlreatl wlin null linr lo t'eiil foul. Jr. ' BiIkK. II. itien, lliiiktH, 21. days from Turk's Isu iid. w uli halt lo Win. Buaim A tjous vessel to j li llauley Co. 1 r. sebr Kn'erprlse, Barnes. 20davsf--o'n r,ondon. derry, N. IS.. Willi iron i-ml IHU lo it. O. Van H irn. bci r Marfcte. McKaddnii. lodivslmm til. Julia, N li.. with liiruherio U. 1'riinip. iSo-' A Co. Hoi. r TtiiimaH Ware. Abuell, IU ilays troru Jttcksjn M CI , wlui Hli-iiKltN to Noicruss . auels. ' Kobr Jchii Ileal ty, Price, In m Ifuriauioutb, wltb old lr,,i, in Hart di Co Kchr Trenton. Martin, Irom New York via Wll mil HU n. 1'ei , In Ine last t Leuuux .Vi Bureni, fenr Julm B. t (inner uew). 1 uy iroiu Magnolia Del. , n Itb grmu lo J allies Ilarrat'. ' He rts f. M. Taaki-r. Al'en, lrom B rnton. hebr H. J Holwav. Tlu-iupiuii, Iroiu Jljatoa. hour flf UyHtiurg. Cerson. Imm UjhUiu Keiir Bei I Btioudr, Brimn, lrom r.nndoa, Isebr W. IMm-iil I'enuy, Iroiu Uuuicy P Int. Hebr Trai Blu rt,. Cruwli-y, Iroiu Kit Harbor Mean-er Claynieiit. Fluit, Irum Uicumuud aud Nor folk, with moi-e. to W. P Clyde A Co. rsieauier O. II. teloul, Ford, from Washington nd Alextndrltt. with nirtne. to W. V Clyde C. Hteanier hrlp'ol. Wallace. 24 bourn liom New York, will) md.e lo W. P.Clyde & Co. Mean-er CbiMter. Jouea. 24 hours from New York, with mdhe, to W. P. Clyde t Co. Hteanier Monitor, Jones. 24 hnnra from New York, with nidse. to W. M. Balrd 4 Co. Tug Tlioi. Jerternoo, Allen, lrom iilltiuore, wtin a low oi baraea lo W. P. Clyde A Co. MEMOJAAKDA. Bli'p Admiral, Hatstoop, beuce, at Bremerbavea 61 h lUNt. Ktamstilp Wyoming. Teal, for Philadelphia, aalled fiuni eavanoHb 21nt In t. imihlp Utility, Fargo, hence, at Providence totb Instant. Jim nue Providence, Coal fleet, cleared at New York 2lai Inai., lor Cork toroidera. via Pnl'adeluhla. Bhrque Henry P. Lord. 1'iukham, c. eared at Port land Vulli Idi. lor watHiiBHa. Br'g J i. Dies B. Kltby. Bernard, for Philadelphia, vraa up at Charleston laili luat. B'lgBusaD K. Preuooii. lience for Boston, aalled from New I.onden ltiih mat. hchra A.T. Kowland. Bowland, and will B Emery, Yiui k bnth irom ew llaveu for PbtiaUulpuia, at Nw York With lust. .,.!,,..,... B hr isaao Hich, Crowell, for Philadelphia, cleared lt?l?r,vVmmB.lMotShaln. Chrl.ty. for Phllade.pbla. alod fri m Rlchuioud 18'h IiinI Vilr li ale 1-: Hlch. Houghiy, cleared at Charleston IHlli Irak forUei.raelown.B O.. and Philadelphia. Htmmer busan, for Puliadelphia, sailed Irom U.rt foiU ltlb Inst. NOTICK TO MARINERS Notice la bervby given thai a green ouny, marked with the word "Wreck," hts ueuii placed aujul 2U lalbuma NW, of the wreck or a veanel (uauieuu known) sunk In Klngroad, Brlsml Ct.annal '1 he Lu y Ilea lul', faihoms allow water spring lion. Willi tlie following niarkaand o nonais hearlngi: A vi D ligbthouae lower, twloe lis height, opsj ui.nlt ol Blalhet astle. K, hy M. . ...... l lrtrly Kuoy, W. by N. J N dltirt lo hi mile. 1 Ii.ii Hunv. R. bv N. .' N . d S "III 'lr IKIlK Ui lie. By order. ROBIN Al.l.KN, becraury. Trlnltv House, London. Nov. 4. Ismt FURNITURE, ETC. l IltOH PARIS, Ko. 121 Soulli LLEVOTH StreeU Just received, a freab stock ot fancy articles of i u 1 1 rsi rr u n , (Suitable for Ilolldny and Wedding l'lCKeuts These articles of Furniture have been manufac tured lo order, and are warranted to stand this oil mate, aud will be sold I in 27mwfldirp AT A bMAI.L ADVANCE. LOOKING CLASSES. THE ClIEAl'lttT AM) BEST IN TUE CUT. ROGERS' CROUPS, bOLM AOKSCY, JAMES S EAULE & SONS, No. 81 G CHE8NUT Street, SHIPPING. :' LORILLARD'S STEAMSIIil' LUi FO MEW YORK. From and after this date, the rates ot freight by tht-? line v. IU be ten cunt, per loo lbs, for heavy goods; lour cents per ft ot, meaanremi'iil; cue cent per gallon tor liquids, ship's option. Que of the bteamera of this Line wl.l leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and Silur Cay. Ouoda received al all tunes on covtred piers All go:ds foi warded by New York aeut free o I c, arse excn t cartage, ttl further Information, arply on the pier to SkSbiii JOHN F. OIIL, FOli L1VEKPOOL A5S1) g(Ji;KN8. ialuWU.-luuiiiii Line ol .Mail t,im,i,, an o, to st.ll as loliuwa: el i i OF PAxwla, baiurday, November 14. l- 'l N A i via liulnai i, I uemiay, Novou.lier 17, Cl l OF jUiftiiON isaiurilay, Nov, 21 UH OF BALI lAlOiiK, oiuruuy, November 18, Cl'l Y OF N S.W i OUK, Tues-lHy, JLieCemiier 1. ui u each ben etuii g ba.uida) aud alieruale lueaJay al 1 P, M.i lrom Plur lo, Norm Liver. LAI itb OF 1'Ar-BaUh, bv turn mail, tTuam Bviiar aaicKUAY, Payable in liold. i-nt aiiie iu Currency. FIBbP CABIN !oo;st IhoUt. lk to xaiuUou no to Louuuu. ........... 4 to Puna l)o to Paris 4. 1-abba ot by ins. luaallAY STKaMKU via ualutax fi ii flllW3ui0p PlilLAULLI'UlA. jrlKbT CA11IN. Pay aole lu Uold. Liverpinil.... llulllux nl. Joiiu'a, N, 1- nu.ucu ,MLui:r, ,.f0 ::: - k'l UKUAba. Payable lu Curreucy. Llveipool -....J3 ualllax 1 si. Juim'a, is. F. i A y Lrhueli riiewmor... f fuaiiuegera aiao ! rwurdeu to Ilavie, ilamburg, lire Uieii, tie., at reduced rule. i icteia cr.u he hwu:ni nere ny persona stnuua foi thlr iritiiiia, at mudeiaie iaiea I-or lurihe-r lufornialiou apply nl tbe Company' Olliees. JOi:N O. IiALE. Atent, No. is JbUOADWA Y. N. Y. Oi to o inj.MMi.1,1, at iailk, Aiieuw, No. 411 ClifucN U A bli eU, PnllttUulphht. f-r VlVt fcAPUKSti LINE TO ALL1. .A.anUrirt. Otiiuaeiown. auu Wkhiii...,i, ii w., via cueaoeake auu Jjuinwsre ca ial. Willi ouu mxnoua at Aieiauuria from II. o uioui. Uirtti r,uie lor lo iiobnurg, hriuiul, KiiotvUJe, UaoiivlUe, ia.u, and itiw boutuwesl. bu-amers leave regularly every Balnnlay at noon in n. Uih Urt whan ''- AlarKct aireet. t.etoH.elvediU. WM A.;cjY1(K A CUii No, 14 urtu and t juii. Wnui vea, J. B. jOAVIION, AkPt e.i u uryumwii, tl. iiLUi.iLOJv a Co., Ageuis at Alexandria, Vlx giula. tl yrr'., 1SU11CE. fOit MtW lotiK, VIA r"----1 W i JtJt H r.A Hi t a;n L iVjN itA'ca bl J-.vAliJOAi lOull-Av. li,e bteam Propulleia ol .uin line ibvu jUAILY fi'O ii liri.1 v,i. nrl t,eiuw Hmi, sUeew ThltOUUH LI n ltuUKU. e'omlr yorwaiut-u oy all ihu Ituti gomg tulof Yui i, iMi-rth,, auu vV est, free Ol clu.u.M . iL'il, lTtitUta itL iveu at uur usual low luici, WILLI A1U P. C'.YliK & CO., AiuW No. 14 o. WiiAJiViva, PhiluQeipnia. JA'iKFi HA .1, Akei,t. ju iso. us VvASLL tstreel, co.-ner of benlh, New York wrr. ruiLADeLPUlA, ItlCllilONU &4iMtJam ANi iMjUHULJi. Bin.a.i!bll IF LIN Hi, ii.i,ilnU FKulolil' Alls LiiNiii hO L 'l it a N l W IiilT. Jh.V-HY (SAlUiiOAY, At noon, from FliOST wiiAKF above MAKKttj ttucui. 'it-MlOBUH RATES and THROUGH KECKiPTt to til coin m Ui Norm cuu bou.h Carolina, via rs tioaid Ah- Line lvaiiroad, cunuuciiug ut Poriauiouiii auu ui iiyucuuuri, ., xeuueaaee, aau iue Went, viu Virginia auu leu neat oe Air Line tuU P.Uuanood auu Iiuuvuih KallroHd. 1-reign l HANDLED BUT OJICK. and lakes at LOV. lt I'.A'l KO THAN ANY OiHEtt LIN J The regularity, aalely, and uhettpueaa of this root tonjoieuu ii 10 tub puouc aa lue mosi desirable me dlum lor carryliik every description ot Irelkht. No charge for coiamuslou, Urayage, or au exponas I imunier. ... BieamahliM Insared at lowest rate, freight received dally. " WILLI AM P. CXYDK A CO,. No. 14 North and bomb. WHAUVka. W. F. POIlTFit, Ageut at lilcluuoud and Uty J-OIUW T, P. CROWELL A CO., Agenta at Norfolk. S 1 STEAMBOAT LINES. aAKA.OPFOBlllOlS TO JEJl b.i-ui is, a n iiAlLUOAJJ raAlhrJ rUILAUfiLPUIA AND TEZS. ifili' r-i- 1 t tou Bteuiuuoai i.lue. lue sieamhual li.N Aui.tli.l-.DT leave. A RCii bireet Wharf, lor Iri-niou, Slopping at Tacuuy, lorreaUule. Beverly, Burllugiou, Brlaiol, Floreucu, Robolua' Wharf, aud wuue uin. LwvxAi eh btreet Wharf, Leaves Month Trenton. bnturday, Nov il, don't o' hatuiUay, NoV.St, a a.M Moaday. 7 A.M Mouduy, id. 11 A.m Tueautty,; " VI, 7. A.M I I uehday, " 24, 11 A.M Wed'duy, " k, s a.m eo Uuy, " s li;t M, lhuraday. " ts. S A u ihuisday. M io. U M. Friday, " , A.M'F.-iday, a;, 1 P.M Jtare to Treulou, 40 cent, each way; Intermediate piacea. ao ceum. . iu THE COM v ....... v bitauier JOHN BYLVK--TJIB will make dally excuiulouB lo Wllmiuguiu Hsuuuays excepiu.1), touch ing al chemer auu Aiu-.uua Jlooli, leavlug A luili bueel a baif at V 4o A.M. aud 8 .mi P. Ai t tuiUruliia, Irav. Wiiuil iu i al 7 A, At. and li 80 P. Ala Ughtfretguuilakea. t S8 tl Captain. AlT ruK WILMINGTON, cuEsran, U Ml Vivi . ' - ' ... , , , . ... ,1, r a ir iii v. i Tlie bieami r 8. M. FfcLION lenvea Cbesnit Ktreet A iihrf a1 il 1. Al., auu w iimiugioii nl t oV A. u Freight laku at low laioo. 11 lu Ut r- .AfTTT FOli KEW YOBK SWIFr-SDHB e'T'ri"' 1 .1 roi.anui latum Cuuipany Utepaleh .,,ioui a Lluea. via Delaware anil Karium ( aual, uu and utter Hie ISih of March, leavlug dully at 12 M. and t P. M connecting with ail Northern and K-Mileiu 1.UI.S, For Ireishi, which will be taken on aeoommodatlui i..r...K ,,.v to W1LL1A.11 U. HAlltDACO.. Ill No. 1Mb. DUlAWAltU Aveuue, ' BOARDING. XJO. 1121 GIHAKD 6TUEE1, CESlttALLi' A-l located, within two square, of the ouuilnental audOt.ard House An nufurnUhod BACOND-UTORY FLONT BOOM, with nral-claaa Board, Vai-anclea for Gentlemen and Table Boarders. Referenoe required. pvB. KINKELIN, AFTKB A kICSIDENCI I J BUd practice ui tniriy jreavn at mo tiuiiuwaii ftTrner of Third and Union atraeia, ha. lately re moved Uibnulh FLh.Vl,NTIi Btreet, between UAH. JiFT.iidCHFXNUr. Hta.uperlortiy lu the prompt and perfect care ol all neeut, chronic, looaf, aud OoiiHtltuUonal afl.o Una. ol a special nature. I. proverbial. xliaeaw. or tue ..iu, rii . -- - .form., totally tStTl wcftiDfH, aim . . aud ni niia.nillr ueated, OOl oe hours irom I A. M tit, FOR THE LADIES. yjACAZIH DBS MODE3, Ko. 1014 WALNUT STREET. lor the better convenience of ber Patrons, MliS. PHOOTOH HAB RIMOVFD HtR DRF3;M AKINQ ROOMS To Ko. 1011 VV A LIMIT Street, Where abe WIU be bappy to see ber friends. The GENERAL I RY !OOrS BtnslNK w'.ll bs Cbulinutd aa heretofoie, al No. S2o CilESNUr 8V 11 S J. W. PROCTOR A CO. SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC. vtV IS LADOM US '& CO. UIAMOXri BRALKRS & JEWELERS. W i ll HKS, JKW KI,H A hll.VHl IIIK. . WATCHE3 and JEWELRY EEPAIEED, ,802 Chostnut St., PhUa- Watches, Diamonds, 1 1 8-ip Jewelry, Gelid Silver & Plated Ware. WEDDING RINGS. We bave for a long time made a specialty ot Solid 18-Knrat Flue (jold Wedding and Engagement Kings, Ard In order to snpply Immediate wants, we Sfep A FULL ABbOliTMICNT OF BIZF-b always on hand, FA It It 13UOTIIKH, MAKEKS, II lUialhjrpl No. 324 CHFsNUT Bt below Fonrth. FRENCH CLOG 11 S. Q. W. RUSSELL, Krt. 22 SOUTH SIXTH STUKLT, In porter and Dalerln FINE W A TOMES, JKW k Lit Y, AND tILVLU-WAKK, offtra the.lrxes abborimeut of 15 4 FREXCn CLOCKS In Pblltde pula Wuuleaaie aad Rstall, II , GOVERNMENT SALES. OR8E8, B1ULE8, WA'JUXS, EfC DKl'OT UL'AKT1i.MA8TIB'H Ol'KICB. Washiabtuk, b,C', November is, IS' 8 Will be aold at Pnlillo Auction, ou MONDAY. Nn, veuibtr 8U, lfie, eouin euclng at 1 o'clock, at Lin .uin Le,,oi, a duuiuitv ol dua teruiasler's .ilurea nn longer ivijiiiii-u .rjr ,ui jjcj uriuivui, coniiiiu in part oi; iinrtiea, fin Alu es iui a uuy WRons, lie Wi g- n Wheels. bu Amuulahce WhcelN, 1 bhlngle Alaclilno, 8 Circular nnwa, Liu King BiiliK, llin '1 (. luiins, 10 0 Open Llnkn. 2U Wbk"ii Jucks, 8 Ca m. 6 Au,bulanca, 1 Dud IL. r-i Diav. e.'to Ihs. Iron, assoried. 6 V tl Ihs bleel, do 6 li- o bs. Hcpe. do. 2 M00 lbs. 11 and M shoes, nsurled. in.eeo feet Ouk atd Ash Lumber, 200 Wukou Wheel Boxea, 0O Amunluuce W'iiot'l Hums. 4,000 H 1 In. ku AMUSEMENTS. tcgnher with a quuntlt y ot articles rated as viciab e, c iii.sisilin; in p,.rt of llruat es, Lautuins, Hnrnem, Whips, l hulri, Filee, liedstead", e'e Alteuiiun Is epeuii-l y caiL-d lo IUj high class of V ules oirred at hi aa,e. Cuinli guex wlil be furnished. '1 1 i nn- ash In (lovernnient tnnds. l!y order ol ike Uuurtermaster-CenHinl, A. P. BI.CNT. Brevet Cjionei. A. Q. M 11 2" gt Acting Depot Quartermaster. TDUHLIC SAL! OP COMll-MNiD ORD- J. NANCE AND ORDN ANCK HIIIKlCi A laige aiuoi nl oi ciindemueU lirdnuncn and Ord nance biurei will be ctrered fur sain at public ui"l"n. ki II e Frai klord Arueual Phuadmphla ou MUM DA Y, II e 2lat day oi Dect-mber, ikiis, al Id1, o'clock a . M. The following Hat some of tae I lit cipal articles lo he sold, viz : lu Irou-hrai-s guus variou. cabbies. I 419 01 0 pounu. of ihut, .hell, eic. 84li mubkeia, carblued, rltles, etc.. various models. lei mu poundn ol guntnwder. 81 77S luis of iLfauiry aecn trement. 474 lot of cava, ry accoutrements. 427 sadd es. 716 curb bridles, 4n4 watering bridles. 422 halters. Persons wlihlng complete ll.ts of the stores lo be pold can obtain them hy appllo.ulon to the iihief of OrdhBiice at Washington, u. C , el Hrevel Colonel CBIM'IN. U. H A., 1'uroliasli g OUloer, corner of Jlul hTON and Hkliiun etreets, Nn York clty,or by direct appllcatlou to this Araeuai. b. V. BF.NEr. Brevet Lieutenant Colouel U. 4 A., II 2t lit Oomuiaudiug. rarkiord Arsenal, Brldeaburg, Nov 14, ls. OVEhNMKNT SALE AT TUB NATIONAL AH AlORY, HT ORDKK OF THE PREblDEVT OF TJTJI UNITED bTATKrt, the following CONDKMNtCO OBDNAN'CKi-'rOKKH will be onerdd at public auu. tl, Ihe NATIONAL ARMORY. BPRINUIf'IKL.o, Massachusetts, MONDAY, December 14, 1668, ut 10 u en ca A. M vis : Machinery, bcraiM flu I. Old Ur'nds onei. (fun tsuiekn, various stages. Old Vices Lot Window Frames Hash and H Inda. I MowIuk Machine. Ho te Carta. fallow. 1 Oldblud.etc, emli arms, various mo dels, Hone I iiil menu, harts ol Artillery Bits. ArrdtitreuieiiiN, Pans ot Arms, vari -nr UiodelH. ( 'Id Tools. Hi rex. OKI Ri-pe. ber. ps. lron-wrougbl,anr ...ulonntl c Iwl ntt n II H 111. It?. te BUi'pMtd ly PplyliiB to tbe oiHcer. J K. W ! it S N fcjSH, 11 20 mw6t Brevet M r Juiu'uuuaigt NEW PUBLICATIONS. etc.. have alroaly ben 1 IN 0 L I S II MEDICAL WORKS. Ali WILLIb P. HaKARD, No. 724 RANSO M Mtreet, will close out the entire stock o' M-dlcal iio. ki, u eilly Loudon editions o' good authors, t lesi ihau ci si, lon priflns t'ie Bydenhaui Hnuieiv'a Issues, Jolm l ilirchl'lrapulilinailoiis,Ctiuier'a hiirgloal DuHPiuary, aouie excellem Fiencb work.. He e u , to which lue attenilon of physicians It rq les'ert, iu.i'ka Imported loonlr pinmpiiy In si weeks, at 1" lit 'I'll K ENGLISH BJOK-Sl'Olte.. v1 v- ( Vi Qvys&rrj' XNTING'H00M8 QFl FTH STR3 JOHN CRUMP, CARPENTER AND BOILDKR, Khopai Ko. S13 I.OIMJF street, and No. 1733 C11I:NNLT 8trvet, JSf . PHILADELPHIA. I L L I A M S. GRANT, CiMUISHIONUMtCIUNi K, a g. ljlLA Wa HE Avenue, Philadelphia, .ilLUT lllll Pupont's Ounrowd-r, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, eto W. Baker A Co.'s i'lu colaiu. (Viixia. and liiuina. trucker Bros. A Co.'. Yellow Metal bheaihlng. Bulla, aud Valla. 11 w ERIC AN ACAD. MY OF MtTSIC. MCUAL DJB.CTOB... MAT MARETZSat ITALIAN AND OlLhMAN UPkHA. (OMBINA'IOli tXliaFAHY. OllAMlOPr.MNO N IU HT, WONDAY. So, JSSS. AflmlMlot , fl Rvaxrvrd Hem., 50 cnt. exl-a ramny tlrcit). 60 renin. A ni phi' heat re, 25 Tenia. IUHHI RIFTION bFCUKI D BtCAr-4 I S O KAllMtrM. ONLY TWKLVF. WH.I,AK4, ,ia'Vr'dM,',t" 'oretlber iheeix Ii Al.IaN nraiX The ethra p r u f.-lptlon" now open t ClfAS. 1 B U M Pl.KR'H Music Utora. No. JS UH KiSN III' rli The HniUl.iK MA LK fr any nlgnu w I .,,n. li, nice 'IHUKsDAY MnllKIMI, N. v. id, a Chnrha " runipln'., and ai t'ie Aedwiny of li r if "VIEW C1IF73NLT KTREaT TIlKAl'Bas'.- JJS . AliMiAT KVEM!4 Nov. u ANOTHF.K X4F.W DHAMA. BY H. J. BYRON, In f ,t r nets, tnt tied B ow Fort btow. 1I,'W Full HLO-V, Bl OW FUJI Bl. iW. Nnw , uiir.lng In l.u-doo in cr wded Im iwi. H'.NORa . C4UFANO la two i liMracters. 1 he cam w ll Include Hie meinijer of Ine . NhW DllallA'lIU COMPANY. Jobn nrniuu.oiid... Mr J B Hi'ldley l'r ?l',rr Mr. J. B. K bria JhHth Cram i.ek Mr hi. L IMtoii i t. uleimnt Linden iir. E. F Ti'irue ..''r.,,,'?i'lir"'' Mr. J, I'. Ward Mr. Fold, r Mr j, w, ,iH ,,lg, rif .i1"'!'!""' Mr- Willis Page All, died Ciaeuoca, i Al'ceioiht-ii a, Wenora Oarfano K llty W. b r Mil.. Ittssli Riidlow l.aoy Ktbel Loiden vligi I,h,,i, Aninir'.oii 1Mb pla hit. bHfii piou,iuncid by i lie Kuk'IsiS prtts to be II e t,rnt ev. rtviii en i,v ihla etfi, U ajtiiyr. JHLRnliA Y ' I im.i jm-.iviri Day), A llltANIi slAI' NI'i: FAT X r.DAV-' 81, IW Foil II LOW ' M Tf ,V KR, At ON DA V, Nnv. .jo, inauguration ot a Or Aud Iv.uos Irian Pirloin auco 1 MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH bTAFF T 'PllE. A'l KK, Le.nm ai haii-pasl7 'lilANkt-(,l VIM WKK. Ft' LT, HorgFs' J,A!rT Wh.l-Ii uif THE L A N 'AMI I II V, i,A-b JlVKKY MhIIT fiUT !SATI K.iAY. 'HiANKMilVINU AFI KKN'OON, ' 'IIIK I.AMJAMIUK uASa, by Mis. JOHN LRfcW and l oinnaiw. Tcauk-giving h ler. oou ITu'iraJuy), only Mutlnee Of "Lancashire Laa ' baimdiiy nlahl, BKNKFIT OF BARTON HILL. Two new pKces WA LNUT ST. THEATUB. BEGINS AT JL 'IHlis (Vi.pday; AV&MNO. Nov. It. 1 PObl.iVKLY LfiT F.itllt NIOUTa OF Alii. EDWIN FDKltET. bbakespeare'a tiaatdy, in dve acis, of K1NU Lh. 4 It KlrgLear Mr KDWIIH FORrtEST P.lgar Mr. OeorKe II Clarke liieKday-OLAO'AlMK. vt eJunday J A('i CADE. Tl urndai ( Tlianksiilvn g ailurauou)-A Urand Par furmauce ai 2 o'clock. rpiIEATRE COMIQUE, SEVENTU BTREEt! JL LFLoW AKCU. Btgm. al 7 80. Ltssee mr. Manager J.C. ORKQORY 1HKNEW PLACE OF A M USE VJ EVP. A TObl'l 1 YK HUCH'KeH, CROW DEO NiUHTLY. Tr-H Kht, "Ulaxt Heads ai-d Dwarf Dodler," three Flying Men of .Mr. Dancing bi adtiws. Love in a lab, Mfcd'lie (lei-iruUt's Ciicus, Di,gs, Monkeys and Pi.nles. Alcd'lle AntUHla (land C,rps do lltllPt, Little Beaa e, l ive Brothers. Barry Carer, ThHCJaib fr'li g ol the Clans, 100 Artists participating In a spieudid hl!l. 'IHANlibOlVINO Dar and Ratnrday, MATIN KB. ADMISSION CF, svi'd. II 23 it "tO N CURT HALL MISS KELLOGG. 0 Mr. Max Ftraknsch with nlranuie annnunrAi tha in PUIUdeipnla, since her return Irom Europe, of the renuwntd American P.lma Donna, MIH CLARA LOUISK KFLIOOO. IN TUaUK ORAiDCJNCt!JltP:4, WEDNESDAY ai.U dllllt V, Nov. 8 and 27, at 8 P. M ' A D IN ONK it Ei LOU CI MATINEE ON -A l L'KOA v , Nov IS 12P. M. In rn',r to iiu.k-3 tbrse euierialumenls the most hill lam and Varied ev.r given In this rl.v, the iimi'r ha eugased tieemlut-nl Piano Vinuosa, H LEE Ai.liU ItOP. who, In roojunctlon with. bllNoH LOI I I. Piimo 1 enore; blUNOR Pli.l'UtL Ll, I rluio Ilarlione, and HEult KOPI'A, rinlo Vlo linlRt, wul salBl Mm, Ka lukg at ihese O .ncerti. A"tulcal Director. ....Ilaivi VV J , u HuHSuU tlT H Acmllun. One Dollar Hroeivtd seats, o() cents extra beals nuiy besecuied lor either par oruiauos. com reei cin. eaturday Noemb-r21, at OA. M, at tba MukIc bloreol C. W. A. Trumpler, No. DiUCiiiOSNUT bireet Doors open at 7,'.i. Cenceri tneommenee at 8 P, M. Matlute to commeuce at 2 P. M. 11 is if BL'I"NJ T Oil C O N CrTR T S. ONLV TWO MOKE IVKMlMH MONDAY AND 'IUESu-V. ,'iv. 2J und 21. LAbT MuH 'I'S '1 H I IS hEABUN OF Jit. I V) TOM, THE WOMiKhUL NEoltO BUY PfANHT. feiure seMB ai Trumpler'a No. UM I he.iuni afreet. N B Blind Tom wul perform Weduesday, Nov. 2,i. at NORKIblOWN: Friday. No, ii?, al 1NA. VliNK; aud at UERMAN 10 WN uu baturdsy, iov, un 21 BLIND TO M, BLIND TOM. AT COM.ERT HALL, TUANKaOIVINM A F I E.ifsOoN aud EVENINQ. 'lUlhsOsV, Nov. a i. POSJTIVKLV USI' itl'fKAKLsCE OP THE WONDER ll L L N LO K I-BOY PiANIdl'. Admist Ion, an, ruouu &0 cents Cuiienn, " Jo Crtuta E.veulug. tdmlbslon ou aud Ji ceuia emihiiiuyne aecnnd ai runnier'.. No. lutt Uuea Iiut atreel, cr at lue 11 all on Tnuraday morning. Matinee al i u'uiouk. 11 i!4t H0RTICU LTUR A L II A LL. G RUMANIA OltCHKel'i-. P U 8L1U JiEHKAlOSALll xt.VF.RY W EDNEaDA Y, all', P, 11. Ttcaols aula al the door, and all piluclpal Music fctoree. Packagea ol five for i; single, 2ficeuia. fc ngfcgi-mehis can humane by addre-wlng Q. BAS TF.R1. Ne. 1VII1 MON'l En a Y bireet; Wiui'a Musla biore. No. lu2l Cheimul street; Andres Mode biore. No. 1104 Cheaiiut streeU 10 is 8ia FCi'8 AMERICAN VARIETY TUEATRB. j EVERY EVENING aND bAlORDAY AE1EKNOOW. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPB, In Orapd Ballets, Fib oplau Burlesques, Bongs Dauces. Pantomimes. Oymnaat Acta, etc CAIiL 6ENTZ' AND MARK UASSLER'8 OR-CHE-'IE A UAIENttB, aVtttl BATOR DAY ai 8'., r. M IN M LelCAL V UND HaLL. Blugls Ad mission. Hi i .ms. Pacgate ol 41 tlckels, 1, at Boner's, No. liWICHFbNUT bl., and at the Door, 1114 tt CARPETINGS. NEW ARRIVALS. Opening Dally, "Wiltons, Velvets, lie ussolu, OIL CLOTHS, KTO. EEEVE L. KN Iu III & S0.V, 1222 ChCbnut Street. 1GC8. FALL. 18G3. "GLEN ECHO MILLS." r.TG ALLUf.l, CREASE & SLOAN MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF OABPETINOS, Wholesale uud Uetall Wareliounc No. COO CHESNUT STREET. 1 1 wftu2ia OppuBiie luOepeudeuoe lialL L. T. WILSON, rLUlIItIl AM OAS FI'rKK, No. 8 Aoi Hi blLVEA'TJI Street, rm laujcltuia. tu t mwrwr