6 THE DAILY EV MNG TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 18G8. THE DEC KM It Eft MAUAZLNKS. t Th Decembernnnbftr Of Putnam's Maga zine pens with a little romance in hexameter verse, bj W. D. ilowella, entitled "No Lore Lout." "A Day of Surprises," by Virginia Vanghan, is cooclnded, and E. A. Stanbary contributes a little poem entitled "Heyond." From "The Poetry. ,pf the Alphabet," by Benjamin Blood, we make the following ex traot as an example of bia treatment of the subject: . I assert that the sounds represented by the . 1 letter of the alphabet hare a special aptness In snpgeBtiug the qualities opposed to them in the following schedule; and that the poetry, 1 tbe prove rbo, the slang, and the common talk of our people approve this assertion; A. "Far, far away, over the calm and mantling wave" thus - begins the b)y'a romance. ' He is possessed by the poetry of the ocean of vastness and apace. The word ocean la seldom used exnept in expression of rolling and daching; but the wave, the main, the vast waters, the watery waste, or plain, are more popular. Lake, straight, vale, chase, race, trail, trace, away,' give diatanoe and line. Seen nearer, long a gives eff-jot to slate, ' flake, scale, plate, cake, etc A, 11 t, gives expression to mat, pack, slap, strap, plat lor, clap, Jlap, pat, jlats, shallows, mash, jam, slam, eto. "Fiat as a paucake" is very Hit. Waver and shake give horizontal vibration; dash, splash, thrash, have a flatter downward force. " When a stone is crushed it is much broken, yet it retains something of its balk; when it is mashed, it is flattened. Barns, in his poem called "The Vowels," Bpeaksof oas "a grave, broad, solemn wight;" the breadth and spaoa belong to a the gravity and solemuity.to a, or ah, or E- Sftienborg, in endeavoring to dosoriba the language of the angels, says the angels that "love most" use much the o sound; tat those that "know mo3t," the speculative, 8elf-contmplative, intellectual, use the sound of . Barns' idea of e was expressed in weep ing, "greeting" tears the intensity of grief alone. But it give? intensity to everything; It gives convergence, conoentratloii, ZZZ?'' iDg, and always brings thoueb 1 a iooai. AU the endeaiiDjr i'1-'nutivei' end In e-the . wf ...ings. Mark how the child shuns th ook-orthi'py when he concentrates his mind: "a lu e-tle, to-fi-ny bit of a thing 1" he peers between bis fingers, or through some narrow crevice, and cries "pi- 6 k 1" he feels the edge of bis new knife, and writhing the corner of his mouth towards his half-closed and conceptive eye, says "it is as k6 6-n!" Bo when bis contempt is intense he dwells on the e in "me an," "auZ-aking," etc. Bat when the baby gives yoa his rattle he opens his mouth and his heart with the ' instinct of the dative case, and says "tab!" outward and away. (A mother WhoEe instinct prompts her to say "bafe," instead of "baby," must have been polished very thinly.) But vie and we bring observa tion to ourselves. We would be a better ob jective' case than us so much so that a gram matical informality of Shakespeare has passed nncared for, or unnoticed, in Hamlet, where the prince speaks of the ghost as "Making nlht hideous, and we fools of nature . Bo borrlbly to shako our diepoBltioa," etc. I fancy this, like many another apparent Inaccuracy of tbe master, came through a law that is above the books. Squeamish, queer, leer, zeal, squeal, screech, sneeze, to be, to see, to feel, to retk, get force from e. "Deep self-possession an intense repose." 7, short, as in pin, has a stiff, slim, prim, spindling effect a rising and sinking, perpen dicular eiiejt, as in "the bristling pines;" but, more especially, it gives a thinness and light ness; thus, we say a "light skiff." Pope showed his judgment upon this letter, a3 upon r: "When the loud suros lash the BOUtidlug 8 1 lore. The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar; Not so when swift Camilla scours the plain Files o'er th' unbending corn, and sklius uloug the main." So TenDyson, for the fairy bugle uses t and e: "O hark ! O hoar, how thin and clear." -J, long, gives inclining effdots: "Iu winter, when the dismal rain Omen down In blanttug Hues" 'The clouds consign their treasures to the fields." In sounds i has a lightening effect, as in tinkle, dick, link; clank is as the sound of a sheet of zino dropped flat on the pavement. and a in combination make a beautiful curve, thus: Many an hour I've whlled away." VSwllled by the wild and wasteful ocean." "Once In the High t of ages past." "Oh I when Khali H dawn on tho night of the' grave?" 'Ob ! wild enchanting horn !" 1 "Borne happier island in the watery waste."' 'Ainena, and Tyre, and Balbeo, and the watte Where stood Jerusalem." . 0. This is the noblest . Roman of them all. If we would find the most solemn sentenoe in all literature, let us turn to Eoolesiastes: 'or man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets." Not all the trappings and the suits of woe can so pall the sunlight in the homes and walks of men as does this sombre verse. Burns calls . o "the wailing minstrel of despairing woe." Swedenborg's idea was rather that of holiness and adoration. Solemnity and nobi lity are its general effects. All things noble, holy, devotional -or sober, sombre, slow, dolorous, mournful or old, lone, glorious or even bold, portly, pompous, find their best expression in the o-oound. Jove, Jehovah, Lord of glory, lift up the adoring aoal. O ! lo 1 ho 1 behold'l are interjections which na tions use with little variance. "O tad Komore' O sweet Nomore !" "Oh 1 Roma, ray oountry, city of the soul, Tbe orphans of the heart must turn to tuee." "Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ooein roll !' "Their shots along tbe deep slowly oor:n." "The lowing herds wind slowly o'er the lei, Tue plouguiuau houiewurd plods his wary way." That o gives volume may be aeon in the fact that most people think a boulder is a large stone; but, philologioally, a boulder need not be bigger than a pea. V, gutteral, or flat, is a humorous savage that cannot be described except in his own words a huge, lubberly, blubbering, blun dering dunderhead; a numskull and a dnice, K'Jt sullen, dull, glum, rugged, clamsy, gullible, dumpish, lugubrious; a mumbler, a Btumbler, a bungler, a grumbler, a fa oilier, , a grunter, a thumper, a stamper, a tumbler, a stunner; a nudge, a trudge, a drudge; he lugs, tugs, Bucks, juggles; he is up to all manner of bulls; a fusty, musty, crusty, dis gusting brute; his head is a mug, his nose a Bnub or a pog; his ears are lugs, his breasts dugs, bis bowels guts, his victuals grub, his garments duds; his hat is a plug, Lis child is a eub; his smallest diminutive is chubby, or bub; at his best he is blnff, gruif, blunt; "his doublet is of Bturdy buff, and though not sword, is cudgel proof;" budge he will not, but he will drub you with a club, or a slug, or a nub, or a stub, or a Catt, or pelt with mud; he is ready for a muss, or a late; and should you call him a grudging cur mudgeon he gulps up "nghl fudge 1 stoiTI lubbtah humbug " in high dudgeon; he is a "rough," ablood-tnb," and a "bummer," a "rum 'nn," and a tough customer generally; be has some humor, more crudity, but no delfcaoy-a ereatnre whose voice" is seldom heard in walks of refluement and devotion. Of all nations I should take him for a Dutch man. 1 Yet , long, seems to give force to the true, the riure, the beautiful, the good; and rude aui crude are used with much emphasis in the opposite direction, partly owing to the force of r. Mother would seem to use w flat, but the o or ah is more evident and the dreamy mo notony of m and the soft th fit the word to its use; but "Ma" is better. The devotional flat in father, is beooming too strong for youug America, and he nioks aud reduoes it by familiar pa, pap, and dad. Ou, diphthong, is an upward curve; thus in round, bough, mountain, bow down, mound. Mil ton hits the rolling swagger of the gaudy cock who "To the stack or the barn-door Htoutly atrouta his dames before." "Three gamly standards Jloui the pale blue Bklca." , o, u, in combination, make a fine carve, the true "line of beauty;" a, o, u make the same: "And false the light on glory's plunao." "Of Love's aud uight'K and ocean's solitude." The wide old wood from his rotJesMc rost." "In all that proud o'd world b.iyoud the doep.'i Oi, diphthong, strikes me forcibly in tho word coil. D is a solid, compart, heavy letter; thus iu wad, sod, clod, load, plod, dogged, rugged, leaden, dead. The report of a short and heavily loaded pistol is well caught in explode. "Kanti's cities had no sound nor tread, Andsiilps were Urll'ilu with the detd To shores where all was dumb." "Morena's dusky height Biista'f S RlOft the brfttery's Iron load." The metals seem to me well named; gild, eilver, iron, lead especially lead. Tin is good, in thin shape as it is used. D, initial, has strong philological connec tions in all the European languages, but its poetic foroe seems less to me. borne very effi cient swearing can be done with d and g hard, which well approves the character of violence given them by Dr. Murray. h and . are ethereal and 00ft"'" let- . . -- . ters, and show their natnre in such words a breathe, soothe, feathery, warmth, far, faint, fading, forgetful, Jethean, thoughtful, sabba'h, mulled, smother, sufj'ocate, stuff, muff. Notice the dillereuue between fog and mist; fog gives a softer, dryer, more definite volume than mist. So roth is kept dry aud light by these sounds. "The efiuslve (South Warms the wide ulr, luid o'er tho vault of heaven Breathes the big clouds with vernal showers dintent. At first a duiky wreal h they seem to rie, IScarce staining etho." elo. "Lethe, the river of oblivion, rolls Her watery labyrinth." "Like a dish of ripe strawboi i'les smothered In cream." aS is a wet letter; thus in moist, misty, naty, steam, s'iu, slop, flush, dash, swaih, drizzle, etc; luscious, delicious, nutritious, sug gest juicy subBtanoes probably as onomatopss of water in its various mcdea, as moisture, washing, suuking, and sibilation. kh, either initial or final in a word, suggests confusion; thus in shatter, shiver, shake, shrivel, shrink, shred, beshrew; or in dash, clash, swah, thrash, trash, crush, gu.-h, rush, mush, slubh, etc. "Ah when tiie sun new risen Looks through the horizontal misty air Shorn of bin beams." G, L, and li, are the stronger consonants; and although each has a distinctive quality, it usually blends its force with that of one of the others. U is the hard letter, r id the rough letter, and I the chilling and polishiug letter; thus gr makes a rough hardness, as in grit, grate, grind, grained, gravel, grudge, grim; while yl is efleoiive In glide, glow, glance, glary, etc. "Stoop o'er the place of graves, and softly sway The sighing herbage by lae gleaming Bloue." R, by itself, is effective in such words a3 scour, writhe, wrinkle, crisp, fritter, fry, fragment, bur, blur, mar, scat, rude, broken, rugged, "hoarse rough verse," gnarled, burly, horrent, groan, growl, roar, eto. "l he crisped brooks" of Eden. "The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls." "The salt fringe that dally Uoks the saore Is gross with sand." The brackish wash the grit of the sand in the brine, is well suggested here by grow. By the fame instinot Tennyson speaks of the plashing brine as "the shrill salt." But how dry and deep-carved is the following: "Dropt In my path like a great cjd of gold, All rloh and rough with stories of the gods." ; L, by itself, makes all cold, clear, lucid, lus trous, placid, liquid, sliding, glary; it is the polish of glow, gleam, glide, glitter, glanoe, glassy; solid glass ; is a strong expression; even bo, "hard as iron;" so the mellow sound of a fine bell is well given. "The clangor of the bells, iron bells" "golden bells." For the little bells we have "the tintinnabulation that so musically swells," eto. 8o Tennyson re duces the effects of tbe fairy musie; observe hare the effects of t,f, I and i': "O hark, O hear how thin and cfcar The horns of eilaud atnlly 6owtug." "Soft-eyed and open-necked to the wild wind In love wUn mine own motions the smooti ettill Of my own. flowino fibre, ere my steps Forgot the 6refoot feel of the elny world." The star3 come forth, through "The cold, delicious meadow of the night." A" has fine effects in connection with I, in thin lights and sounds; thus in twinkle, flicker, darkle, sparkle, sprinkle, blink, trickle; so in tinkle,- clink, crackle, clank,- link, chink; and alone it always has a lightening effect, as in skip, nick, cliek, skijf, skin, skim, eto. Quarry men call a thin sliver of stone a splick. "Theoutstrelcbcd ocean glitters like a lake " "How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, While the stars that overspiiukle All the heavens see.ui to twiukie With a Arystrdllne deilght." This is very plain work; but it is of the same genius as this in Tithonus, where the steeds arise "And shake the darkness from their loosened manes, And beat the twilight into Hakes of fire." Swinburne, in a single line, confirms all tiat I have said of -, i, and . "Like scaled oarage of a keen thin D3h." J. 0. Culver concludes his story entitled "The Founders of Globe City." "A Study of Still Life Paris" is well written. From the concluding letter on "Woman Suffrage," by a Mother, we make the following quotation: The idea that women are going to desert their babies and their homes, and rush for political offices, the moment they become re sponsible for a ballot, is sljaply preposterous. When the Great Father desired to express the Infinite depths of His own faithfulness towards His human children, He found no better words than these, "Can a woman forget her suckling child f" and we may safely leave all her personal matters, as He has ever done, to her truly divine instincts. There is every reason to hope and believe that these will not only prevent her from an unconscientious ac ceptance of olfioes whote duties she cannot perform without sacrifloinsr hleher duties at home, but that la case of her acceptance they j will enable her to regulate both 'her actions and Speech according to the trn standard of womanly excellence. .Thatlhi li not an un reasonable hope appears from the faot that, la . the denomination of Friends, there haj be-m always the most entire Iraedom as to public speaking among the women; aud it frequently happens, I am told, that they chiefly make exhortations, and deliver the words of tbe Spirit; yet who, amoug all women, have higher reputation for modesty, and gentleness of speech, and all womanly virtues, than these same Quaker ladies f Christian churches everywhere should, it seems to me, lead the way in this reform, an in all others where the moral elevatiou of mankind is proposed. And were not authority and tradition arrayed against it, thy would hardly be to far behind their privilege in this matter as tbey are. Let u, then, hops for increased graoe and knowledge; aud, just so far as they are able to make wise interpreta tions of Scripture, following the spirit rather than the letter of apostolic teaohing, and en tering folly into the mind of Christ in these matters, they will come to an increase of power and to the realization ef that old pro mise given to the prophet Joel, in the days of his Beershlp, so many years ago: "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall Bee visions; aud also upon the servants and npon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit." Is it not the duty, then, of tbe women of this day, as a part of their contribution to human progress, to maintain this dootrine of individual freedom and responsibility, even at some cost to their personal comfort f At first glance this may seem to imply a greater sacri fice of feeling than the case requires; but you will agree with .me when. I say that nothing could be much more trying to a woman of delicaoy and sensibility than such assertions of herself AS are commonly stigmatize! as immodest, unfemfnino, unnatural, and the like; especially if she be the mother of sensi tive children, on whom the recoil of rebuke may fall so heavily as to more than double her own pain. And does not this beoome the best of reasons why men should prepare the way for her in these matters, rather than call upon her to make a Way for W.lf --SO tuey must do this, so far as mere legislation is concerned, they only having the power; but in all departments of life, how eabily can they invite her coin- Eanionship, without Incurring any los3 or ringing any odium to themselves; whereas she inuEt suffer in various ways, if left to claim and actually enforoe her rights aud privileges, as a free, responsible being, owing, like man, allegiance to God aud her own con science alone. It is on this account that I would call upon man, rather than because he seems to me to be, par excellence, a wrong doer, or even the wilful cause of his own pre sent acknowledged supremacy. Mr. Scheie de Vere, in "A Pinch of Salt," discourses pleasantly and instructively, and J. W. Palmer has some verses entitled "On i Year More." Sydney Hyde, in "Plauchette in a New Character, " gives an account of some curious performances of the little piece of board which a few mouths ago created such an excitement. Edward A. Pollard has a "historical study" of Stouewall Jackson, from a llebel point of view, of course. And "The Treasury Department," which is illustrated by a portrait of Secretary MoCulloch, tells how greenbacks are manufoctured. The Monthly Chronicle of Current Events, Litera ture, Fine Art!, and Table Talk have a number of items of interest. Received from G. W. Tiicher, No. 808 Chesnut street. "Uodey'8 Lady's Beok" for December has the usual variety of stories, sketches, and gossipy articles suited to the tastes of the class of readers for whose benefit it is designed. Besides two steel engravings, "Our Country Cousins" and "Under the Mis. tie toe," and a large fashion plate, there are patterns for needlework, crotchet, etc, and a number of wood-cuts, which make the number attractive, tiotetfa Lady's Book is a long established favorite, and it retains its popu larity in spite of the fact that a number of rivals have appeared in the field to dispute with it for the supremacy. . LUMBER. 1868. . fcPKUCE JOIST. trttUCK JOlBf, HJI.M1AXJK. 1863. -ir..L) bKISONJl.U (JLHAK If IS H. tUi'O lOUO biiAOOJSJiX) VLKAli. i-iK J.UUC5 Vli-OlVhj if ATI bilel 1'liNJb.. fcSPAfciieii (,'i.DAlt, if UK PA'l'l'&KNSf.! KKII CKDaK. IWftd FLOKiDA i'LOOKINU. -id,q lOUO JfiAiKUM. t'LOOnlU. XOVO . t AKU.Li.NA AiOOKllNU. ViKUiNlA FiAKUUAU. UiU.A WAKii; i'LOUlUIW. WAXjMJI JLUUiUNQ. FLORIDA b'1'ij.k' iiUAADS. ItAll. l'LASK.. It'.'X WAiiKU I Unti AK1 FLA3 K. 1 Ullft XCliO WAl-iSUT iiUS. AU i-liiiNA. -lOUO UUUI' bUlHLl.1. WAl.aU 1' tLAi&K. lOr.O VMD.Kf.TAJiKU' LOMliEK. 1 Oi'O HL.U VkVAil. WALXstt AxNU rlStt. J.OUO bi!.Ativ;iNJ!.I CUJUUIY. J.OOO A iili., WHITE OAK tU.VK AND HOARDS. HitJilUKV. IfifiK (JIOAft KOX MAKEI S 1 ClllQ XOVO UWKlluXaiKiil.j' lOUO KI'AJNisH I'fcUAH UO-V UOAltLW, Uit bALU LO W. iCf.Q CAKOLISA fcCAKTLICJ, lO.'J OVO CihOLltf a. i bLLX.i, lOUO INSURANCE COMPANIES. 1808 uj CRiMlt tfUINULIES, 1(J,iq (.'WliM!.-. hillNvil.Kd, i-OUO iiAUl.-, IJrlOf H kit & CO., So. liiuu bull i'ii birout. CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHS. "A REGAL DESSERT. A new and benutlful Chromo-LUkOKrajili, eJint panning by J. W. Peyer, Jusi receivtd by A. &. II Oil IX SO X, JN'O. 1)10 CUKoNUl' Huoet, Who ban Just tesaived KEW OH ROM OH, N-fc-W UKAVIKGH, KJb.W FKi-NCH PHOTOQHAPH8, LOOKING OLABBKS, .io. 1& FKEE UALLKHT. N1 DYEING, SCOURING, ETO. EW YORK DYfclNQ AN0 PHINTING JUS T A B L 1 8 II M KN T. WOKKB ON hTATEN 181. AND. OOlcea, No. 0N. tiUHill mrtet, west 1I, Phlla.s No. DUANli Mtfeet No. 768 BKOaDWAY, York, and Woe. VM and I'M VIKHHKVQN r H'ret, Jlriiulilya. Tnls old and nloinive tHiullsi.iueui having oven In exlHtvnre a half century tie pictured to DVH uul I'LfeANblfi Latins' and (leudnuea's Uarmeuw a.J flrce Uijbdi oi every deawiiitiuu aud laoilo iu tbeir Ubuully uuauruaMeu nianm r. HAftlUJiL MAKSII. Presldont, J. T, YovOi Secretary, JU M ivvtiiU UNITED'- .SECURITY I. J VIZ INS U It A. N C li AND TRIM C O M P A N Y, t ' ' OF PEN NSYLVANIA. ' OFFICE: S. E. Corner FIFTH and CHESSUT Sts., rHIt AUfLrUIA. CAPITAL, 1 ,003,000 UIUEOTOltS. O FPU OK IT. UTTJ t RT. M'OhUi. W. I hlLlS, W W. A. PORTfctt. F. A. HKFM-.L, WM. V Mi KUAN, T1IOMAB W, HVASB, rHILATELPHIA. H. H. A. J rrOT?TMANN, JOUKPH FAT I'KRS 3N, WM. (' HOUSTON, V, J HOLM, ' IIKNHY 1L. ROOD. OHK. KlS!? N.Prld.it Manhattan nQk JOru bl UAHf, ol J. J. ma Co., Bunkers. HOBTOJT. HON. K. 8. TOBKV. late lresl.)ont Board of Trode. CTNCIMNATI, A. F. CHAM BE RL i I N. of OhamberUIn & Co. ( HH'Aua. I . Z. T.tllTFR of FloH I.ttpr ft O. C. M. bMlTii, ol Oeo. v. tjinitu A, Brothers, Bankers. louisvk.lb: ky. WILLIAM GARVIN, of Garvin, Ball &Co. PT. LOUIS. JAM'VEATMA'lg1olerMerclBDt8, National HOIf. J. W, kfw rrAirp.HiRic. PA I 'I'KKoon, U. . Senator. daltimobk. WILLIAM PRFSCOTT BMITFJ, fiuperlnten.lpnt JtJttax'viS Xi JkING, Pruiuent Central SavIdkh Haulr. OEOROK H. STTJA RT, President. HENRY E. ROOD, Vice-President. C. F. BETT3 Hecretary. J. L. LUDLOW, CoLBulilug Physlcfan. R. M. GIRVIW. M. D., 1 .r, . JOai. F. KOKKPKK, m. B.J Medical Exaruinera. C. Bl UART PATTERSON,! p . RICHaKU LUDLOW, 'J Counsel. Thla Company Iscues Policies Of Lite Insurance upon all the various plans that have been proved by tte experience of European and American Com panies to be safe, sound, aud reliable, at rates na LOW AND UPON TEUMS AS FAVORABLE A3 THOSE OF ANY COMPANY OF tUUAL BTA BILITY. All pollclfs aro non-forfeltable after the payment of two or moie annual premium?. 11 13 (inw'Jnirp N B U R A N C BY THE insurance ceav OF THE STATE VSYLYMIA. LNCCEFOIUTED 1791. rKOFLIlTILS OF TIIE COMrASY, S6OO,OO0. Fire, TJarine, and Inland. HAS PAID OVER SI 0,000,000 IN LOtMEH. APPLICATIONS ASKED FOR DIRECT, DIRECIOSS. nenry D. Sherrerd, CbarUa Uacalester, Wui:ani b. buiuii, Um rue II. btuttrl, alliuel Oram. Jr., Thomas B, Watiaott, Henry G. Freeman, Charles H, LewW, Utuigo O. Cars hi, Kdard V. Kulguf, Irho a. Aumlu. Cbrlailan J.lIjITiwan, R. Da:t Beuaou. . HSNRY D. BHERRERD, President. Wit LTAM HARPER , Secretary. 11 g fmwetrp QTRICTLY MUTUAL, PROVIDENT LIFfAKD TRUST CO, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, So. IU S. FOl'llTII STREET, Organized to promote LIFE INSURANCE mom members ot the BOOIJETT OF FRIEND3, Good risks of any class accepted. Policits luoued upon approved plana, at tbe lowest Talcs. President, SAMUEL R. (SHIPLEY. Vloe-Prealdbnt, William. C. LoiNuaTRETH. Actnary, ROWLAND PARRY, uyiiiih uuhiu us mut itompany are a S U B A ii C B COM PA iTY xcehtd NORTH AMER10A, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PLULADA. Il CORPORA TED 17M. CHARTER PEKPKTUAi Harine, Inland, ana lre Inaaranoe. assetb January i, 1868, - $2,ooi,2u6-72 $20,000,000 LoBsea Paid in Cash Bia lti Orgauizution. DIRECTORS, ueoree u. Harrison. Frauds R. Cope, Ei! ward H. Trotter. Edward . C larice, T. Charlton Henry, A Ifred D. Jksbuu, John 1. White, Louis C. Madolra. Arthur G. Coffin. hfcinuel W. Joue.i, John A. Browu, Lbarlea 'J aylor, Ambrose White, Willlaiu WelHh, Mcl.urd D. Wood, h. Morris Wain, I f 1 1 1 , i M unn. f DPPlltTO f r,n r. n v. turiui. president, Chakt.ru Platt Beurt-lary. WJ LLI AM BUKHLKil, Harrlsburg, Pa-, Ciaira Aneut for tbe State of Pennsylvania. i P WE SIX 1NSUUAN0E COMfA.NiT OF PHILADELPHIA. UiCUllU'aA'l'Kl) lbiu CHARTER PERPETU4.L. o. U WaLN WT birnbl, opponlie the Konanv. This Company lusurts Iroiu ,oas or diutf bv FIR Si, : on liberal terms, on bulldmifa. merchandise, furniture fie, lor lliijl'ed periods, aud permanently ou Ouud li (. by dvpotii of pri-aiiuuis. 1 be U mi any hi a been lu actlveoperatloa for m- rf tbaublXl V iKAUH, durtuv which all loasou liave betu piomptly aojusted and pall, uiiikirroRs. John L. Hodge, J. avid Lewis. Al. A MalK'py, 1 R4i'Jmin Eulng. Joliu T, Lewis, ,Tuouias rt .Potvars. U. II i - . . (I....I . I I II I . rilinuj ui.i'r, A, n, luino.ll. I Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wbaiion. Lawrence Lewis, Jr., Jul u u ,d CdHllllon. bauiuel Wllcnx, r.ewM u. iNorr s. JOHN R. WUCIIERIlIL. President. Biui IL Wilcox, decreiary. a 'in FLUE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY TIIG ItKMjYLVANlA FIRtt 1M8URANOK UOAl PA N V Incorporated loto-Charter Perpetual-.Nu Sin WALdUT Hirvel, opposite ludepeudence Square This Company, favorably known to tueoomnunity for over lorty yean, Cuutluutu to insure atcaluit loi or daiuatie by fire on Poblln or Private Rulldioks, either permanently or for a llml ed time. A 'so on Furniture Stocks of Goods, and Merchandise k" rally, on liberal terms, ... mb '1 heir Capital, together with large Surplus Fq5tf la luvesteo In the most caretul maimer, wuion enables tlitim to offer lo the Insured an undoubted security in the case of lux. ... John rMVANinv. Thomas oniuh, Hanry i.ewls, J. (lllllnil,... l-.ll. 1 1 H 11 1 1 i i ' mm I k , j r PANIKL SMlTu, J. .President. WM, 9. CROWJtLJJ, Secreur. ' I M Daniel Bmlth, Jr., Alexander Buaon, li-aao nlehurht, Ihumas RoDins, ' ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. tiino; or Til F. I DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY PIlILADELPHIi., November 11, 1808. Tbe followlnt statement of the afldttrs or the Cam paoy Is j nhlished la conformity with ft provision ot Its Charter: PREMIUMS nEPKIVED From November 1, 1W7, to OotoDor 31, 1K!1R. On Marine and Inland Jilsfen $80.1.508 7i OnFlreKUks U5;JM 06 1018,711-80 rrpmlrjrri on rollclea not marked olT Wov. 1, U67 40fl.8l.3 71 I.:i55,fi57 61 PREMIUMS MAKKFU OFF '" " Asfetiifd ficnaov. 1, 107t toOot.ai, i8. On Mhrlue and Inland Rltke 174(1 (105 77 OuFlreUUkH llS.;17 7i IntereBtdnrlng the same rerlod S tl Vhttea, oto 107.49S 82 LOSSES, EXPKN.SES, ETC., l'ml'i 51 lim ing the year as atitive. Mnrlun anu Inlnud Nuvlga tlon IxiBt-es.... ....................... 1421,052 74 Fire LuhHiH.... 7;)s5 87 Keturu 1'reiuluuie 6U.MIU2 Kelnauronces 3(J7TOO 01 Atst-ncy Ulmrges, AUveriiB- lDK, Print lux, etc E0.5SS 63 Taxew Uolted Rtatim, BtHte And Municipal Taxes 43.iri5,V89 Espenbet! 23llJdtii 710.837-3l 2Ui,585-00 ASSISTS OF T1IK (JOJU'ASY XoTcm)cr 1803, t2C0,Of 0 U. S. 6 per cent. Loan, 10 40j. f 208 r((r'.00 120,(100 U. H. (i per cent. Loan, 1SS1... 13U SOU 00 60.000 U. H. 6 per cent. Ij.wu (tor ' . aolUo KallroMd) 60.000 00 2C0.C00 State ot l'eiiusylvauia ti per cent. Lon 211,375 00 125,000 City ol PUlladeiptila 0 per cent. Loan (exempt from Tax) 128,501 CO 60,000 State or New Jerney 0 per cent. Loan 61,500 00 20,000 IVncsyivanla ICaliroiul 1st MoriKUge 0 per cent. Wonds 20.200 00 25,000 Pennsylvania Ktulroad i Mortgage 0 per cent. Bonds 21000 00 25.000 Western Peuu'a Kallroad Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds (1'cnu'a lUilrouU guar antee) 20,025-00 30,000 State ol Xcnnehbeu 5 per cent. Loan 21,000 00 7,000 State ol ltrinoHMte 0 per cent. Luau 6,0312-5 15,000 OerniHnlown Gas Com pan y; principal und Interest guar anteed by the City of I'll t- ladtlphla, 31.0 armies sU.ck 15,000 00 10.0CO rtnosj I vanla Kallroud Com- pany, 200 shares Block 11,300'00 6,000 oriu IVnusylvanla Kall - road Company, 1U0 Bhurea stock 3,500 00 20,000 riillaoelpula and Southern Wall Steamship Comptiuy, 80 shares stock....- 15,000 00 207 ,1)00 Loans ou Bonus and Mort gage, tirst Ileus ou City i'lopeltlos - 207,00000 81,100,010 Par Mnrltet value, $1,130,35 25 Cost, Sl,003,t)01'2ti. Real Estate 30,000 00 Bills Receivable for Insur ances made 322.4S0 SI Balances due at Agencies Premiums ou Marine foil ol s, Accrued luleienL.iiLd other debts due the Com pany 43,178 88 Slock and Scrip of Sundry Corporations, S:150, Kstt- niitted value 1,813 00 Cash iu Bank Slid 150 iri Lush iu Drawer 413 65 . 110,5(13 73 81,G17,3t)7 80 Philadelphia, November II, 1818. The Board or l-lrecturs liave this day declarod a CAfH DIVIDEND of TEN PKH 'CENT, on the CAPITAL BlOCK.and SIX PERCENT. Interest on tbeBCKIP of tbe Company, payable on and after the 1st December proximo, free of Rational and btate Taxes. Tbey have a so declared a SCRIP DIVIDEND of THIRTY PER CENT. on the EARNED PREMIUMS for the year ending October 31, 1868, certificates of which will be issued to the parties entitled to the same, on and after tbe 1st December proximo, free of Katloual and Btate Taxes. Tbey have ordered, aUo, that the SCRIP CERTIFI CATES OF PROFITS of the Company, for the year ending October 81. 1664, be redeemed In CASH, at the Office of the Company, on and alter 1st December proximo, all luteiest thereon to cease on that date. i-By aprovlslonottheCharter.all Certificates of frcrlp not presented for redemption within Ave years after pnbllo notice that they will be redeemed, shall be forfeited and cancelled on the Books of tMoOompany, Mt'Ko certificate ef profits Issued By he Ace of Incorporation, ' no certificate shull tstue un less claimed within two years after the .declaration of the dividend whereof it it ivitience," DIREC.WR SHIPPING. Thomas C. Hand, iujiu j 4,'avm, JauieB C. Hand, Ubeopl Hub Pttuldluf, Jubipu W. heal, Hughdaiir, JuliuH. Peurose, . jMCob P. Jones, Jurue 1 raqualr, .Ua d liMiiiuHlon, H. Jones Brooke. Ji ni.a It. Ald'arland, Kcusrd I.au urcabe, Joihua p. k-i re, Ediuund A. SuiHlnr hutnuel E. blokes, Heury Kioao, Wllllttiu C. Ludwlg, Ueortte W Lelper, Hemy C. Dalielt, Jr., John D. layior. . (Iforgd W. Reroardou, William U Roulton, Jacob Klegel, Hpencer M'llvalnn. Jubu R, beuiple. Pitts., A. B, RerKer, do U. T. dlnriri.ii. rln TROMAB II. HAM) Prealilunt. JOHN C. DA VI j, Vice-President HKNItY LYLRDRN, fece'ary. HEKRY BALL ABSIsiam Btcretary. 11121m 1829""CUAKTER PERPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF rilll.ADJUJr'JIIA OFFICi! 0S. 435 and 437 ClIESJiUT STREET. AaBTCi OS JAM IT ART 1. 1868, ,03,r400l), CAPITAL.... 10Q,00t'0 A CW VED SUBl'i US ....... 1.0lNvHUd'hO !X:iUUJi8... Il84,s4dtt TJMbETTLED CLAIMS. INCOME FOR 1 as.uoa-tt). asti,ou-o. J,,tSV.H PAID SINCB IStU OVU , 5C00,000. Perpetnal and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms DIRECTORS. Charles N. Bancker, tieorge False, Alired 1 1 ier, FrancU W. Lxwli. if. n Thomas Hparks, f William 8. Urant. Tobias Wanner, tjamiiel Urant, Ueorse W Rlohards. lsaau IaA, CHARLES N. BANCKH'R President. UKORoE FaLKH, Vloe-Prealiieni. JAS. W. UcALiLlU Vh-li, beoxelary pro tern. Except at Lexington, Kentuoay, this Company has no A geiiuiwH st ol Pi. fours'. ill jaU'EEIAL FIRE 1ASURAACE COMPAJiY LONDON. i:STAKl.IfIIKU 1803. Paid-up Capital and Accumulated Funds, $0,0 0 0,0 0 0 IN COLD. PKEVOST A Ii:itItINl, Aktouts, 1H 8W, Vo, 1C7 Eoulb TH IB Street, Phlla, L0R1LLaRD's STEAM3UIP i FOR NEW YORK, j From aid after this date, the rate, of frelht b lln. will be ten cent, per loo lbs. for heavy foodi cents per foot, measurement) one cent pot (aih liquids, ship's option. On of tbe Bteamera Line will leave every Tuesday, Thursday, and ( day. Goods received at all times on covered All got da forwarded by New York agent fi cbarg except cartage. . . i For further Information, apply on th pier to I l8m JQim F. Ol T(H, LIVIKI'OOL AND QDr! SMJr TQWN.-lnman Lin of HaU rites 1 1 1 V t) K FA KIM. Hftinri.. U n.. ETNA (Via il.lnaxi, 'j ueeuay, Novouiber Cl'l Y OF XCiStDON. Baiurday, Mov. si. Ui I ur HAJbii iyKii, Haturday. Movemboi CITY OF NEW lOhu, Tuesday. December t and each sorceeding feamrda and alternate Tue at 1 I", M., Irom Pier s. Nona Rlv?r. RAlEtJ OF PAMaUK BY TIB MlU . "y1" ,n Wold. Payable In Current FIRST CA BIN ,.....10O BTEERAOK ... to Lendon.M.M.M,,, l6 to Loadou-....t to Paris lit to Parls........ rXBSAOK BT TSS TUB 11 AT IIIlSSS VIA HA1A. tit I Payable lu Curr'end Liverpool ,. raalllHX m....U "I. Joliu's. N. K .J y Rraneh Hteamer.. VI bai r.Liu . Paableln Uold, Liverpool-. IM Halllax at bt. Juliu s, H. F..- 1 4, hv Hri...li b i a.. ... . r vu.ujr,i i v "i n L 11 n if.uicr ... Passeiisem almt irrwurduu La l-i -w . u.mh,iH men, etc., ai reduced rnlfcS. j '1 irseio can be tioiiHht here by persons aendlm their IrienOs, at nioUMra e rales . lorlunher Information at-ply at the CompS OHH'is. JOHN O. DALE, Aent, No. 16 BROADWAY. 5 Or to O'DUitiv&LL A lAUllt, Aiceuta No. ll CHEMJl HttMt, Pnlladelph . KLW tX Pit K&U LINE To Ail , 1 1 ll 1 1 1.. (,.i,rLvlAwn .nil U i. . " ' vueSi.eKt aim Delaware Caual with t pectiousat AltixauUna irom the m-st direct i lor Liucliliura, Url.iol, Euoxvilie. Xasuvhle. Da. aud die bouitiwest. M ' ' v o sartisaa aj nvrir OHtUIUBj ! W l lit V 1U A. rw. j n r. . ".?r,'n"1 Wnarv ' "'"'-"' at ueorattion li. . M. ELDRiirtii Co.. Aneut. a'. Alexandria J D VV ARE AN D RA UI tIn CA J.APRE B.;.4""'!' COMPANY. ANJ The isuam 1'roiiellMrn oi . " H" leave nil irom oral wiiuri below Maraeisite- lUttUliUtl it i Houli', Uoodc iOrwaidtid hv all tli H Yitr, rili, Earn, aud Weui, free ol ci.li mlsalou.I iiU'tuui reirivfu at our utum low ralHI, I WILLIAM P. CLVDE A CO., Agen . . W,J 14 WHARVES, PUliadoipnu JAME8 HAND, AeuL Ko, 11V WALLireet. corner of Couth, New Yo 1 Fllll.ADfcLFtllA, RICHMOI AND rtORJbOLE elEAAi-SIll P uvi iuitUbUil FRElUHX AIR LINE TO Ti bOli '1H AND WEST. , EVEi.y WAi'UIiDAY, t At coon, from FLUs'f WKARi' abuvo MARK1 Blreel. i h KOTJOH RATEI aud THROUGH REOEIP" to all points In Noiih anu feou.li Carolina, via b hoaid Air Line Ivuurouu, coui!euilua at l ortsiaou and to Lyuchbtirtf, Vu., 'J rnuenuue, aud the Weal t Vlrgiuia aud 'leuuessee Air Line aud Rlcumond a Dauville Railroad, i Ereialit HANDLED BUT ONCK, and taken! LOV. ER RA1 tin i HAN AN V Ol'liER LlNi. f Tbe reijUUirlly , safely, and cheapness of this roi imuiijLivuu it. w buv iiuuiiu au tue ijuohc tleelraole nt uiuu. m... j p,. . j nmu i'i.iuij Ol JrUlKliL. i No charge lor oouuuission, drayae, or any expetf Kteanihiilps lusnred at loweet rates. Freight received daily. U. I 1 If 111 U , T XrrH- M. rr No. 11 Nnrlh an1 Kr.mh lull i uv h-a W. P. PORTER, Aeut at Rluhmoud and CI Point. i T, B. CROW ELL 4 CO.. Agent at Norfolk. l( STEAMBOAT LINES. 1 RjAnrA I'UILADtSLPUlA AXl) IBiJ as r ' '' i i t. ttn bieauiooat Liue. i'ue steainbo! JUortiN if uitRE&T leaves A RLH street Wharf, l Ireutou, stopping at Tacouy, lorreadnle. beverb White" mil' rlalol Florence, Robulus' Wharf, u Leuvi-s Aic'n btreet Wbaif. Leaves South Trenton.) Batuiday.Nov.M JO A.M (Siuruy,Nuv.l4, t i.i Mcuduy, 111,12 Al. iMuuduy, Jtt, 4 P.j Tuesday, ' 17, 1 P. Ml Tuesday, 17, S P.I weo-uay, " in, l,', l',M n'wioiif, " ln.dou'tg Ttiursday, " la 'i'.i f M lhuisday, " 19, 7 A.l Friday, . uu, 8 P.MlFrtday, o. 7X A.l Fare to Trenton, 40 cents each way: Intermedins places, a ceuu), 411, opposrrioN to the cos? oxvua Bu-auier JOHN SYLVESTER will make dallj ?.1iiU.,?l"u.8 10 Wiimlutttou &uu.iaysexoL?tui:iouor; ii vuesier anu aiatcus Hook, leavlne ARUi Street whaif at 9- A.M. and s-ao P. l 1 retuxnlnl Light freiguu takeu. j rUf FOtt WILMINGTON, CUESIErt fail a il 1 ' li i l' 11 1 -n n FARE 10 crs. i The Steamer 8. SI. FsXTON leave Cheannt Streef niiaii m. x.ra., huu miuiiugtuu at x re, iu sib, j? reigui taaen at low rates. DAILY EXCURSION 6 u A. AL 11 laiatl .TS. Tils! sriasf ' f silt-nuid steauiuoat JOHN A, Will 1.: 1 .... k.n. I i ! , I ,' ' I lh I r 11.. I VI ....... 1 1 . . 1 1 .. . .. I . .. . at li o clock P. M , lor Ruriiiigtou aud Rrlstol, tuucli, hue at Rivertou, Torresdaie, Audalurla, and Reverly, Returinug, leaves Rilstui al 7 IU o'clock: A. M. Fare, 'la cents each way. Excursion, 40 ceuts. 4 ill rHT.S FOR NEW YORK-8WIFI-SDB1 stiriaii-rii'Viii. '.Traustirtatlou Couipauy Despatch a u owi.t-ouie Liues, via Delaware anu Rariuut Canal, ou and after lite l3ih ot March, leaving dully m VI M. and 5 P, M counucUug with all Noriuern ana Exhtero lines, ) F'or trelgbt, which will be taken on aocommndatlW terms, apply to WILLI Aui M. RAJ K U tic CO., i HI Ku. S. DELAW AxtK Aveuu. j FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS.dtC1 H. 8. K. G. Harris' Seamless Kid Gloves. KVEBY PA1B WABBAIIED, EXCLUSIVE AOENT8 FOR GENTS' ULOVFH. la W. SCOTT A CO., 52Vfcrp HO, 814 CIIKMMUT STKKKT, PATENT . 8 li O U LDER-SEAM SU1RT MANUFACTORY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISUINQ STORE. PERFECT FITTING till IK IS AND DRAWERS DisUf I10111 lueadiirenieiit at vrry K)iori notice. All oilier artlcUs of UENTLEMEN'tt DRESS GOODS in full variety. WINCHESTER & CO., 112 No.7iKlCUEdNLir Hlrout. PROPOSALS. P R O P O 8 A L S. M , - lUfH V . 6 ma.) OlFlCF DEPOT ANO DlniTBRTNS Q. M iluus. DicfxaTMkWT ok Til a Sou Ail'I.AMilA 14l M(IU u Sealed Pranosals win h UM 11 12 M. a. ON DA V, Nov. 'IS, lb0, tor autiPiyluu ti is Lenot Willi ttm.ino pountl. WESTERN OATS. 41. M0 poui.ds CORN. 1,'MW pounds TIMOTHY HAY, baled, 210,000 pounds fc'l'RAW, baled. Oa s and Corn lo be of prime quality, sound, free from dust or dirt, and pui up lu good, strong sacks. Hy and Straw nnst be well bated, per ectiy cured, and Iree Iroiu weed., dust, or dirt. lb. whole will be subjected to a rlttlu Ilsiivoiiou. Ail Forage and Biraw to be delivered la cars on the aiding- ot Metsrs. Oieon. Wrlgut & Carr, or at ttia Quartermaster's biorebouse, loot ot Forsyth street. 1 Allanti.. V Delivery to commerce Janunry , 1819 and to con tinue in equal quantities ou the hist day of each, mouth ior hv. mouths ensuing. Proposals snould be Hindu for each article shpa bathlv, and lu tuiplicatu, with a eoi.yoi this ad verilieiu nl attached to eacii, aud bear the lndoise mrnt lu their own band of tbe person, ol wnonx tliere must be a( leant two, offered n. surety for th faithful pt rfotmance of tbe contract, If .warded. Rids will be received for any amount not less than Kti.ilO pounds. The right U reserved to receive or r-J'Cl such part or tbe 11 ole of bids as may be for tue ben I ate reals of tte sei vice. Proposal, should be addressed to the underileaed,' and Indorsed upon the envelope, "Piopvsals fur th Del'V. ry of For.ge and wiraw." Ry order ol Rrsv. Rilg.-?u. R. 8axon, (Ihlef Q M. li. J. FAKNSWuUril. Brevet Captain and A. A. 14 M., U. B, A., lu charge of Deaol. 11 lOJt NIT10D STATrS REV EN UK BTAall'S. Principal Lepot, No. a"s i.HKlSUl' enreet. Central Depnt. No. US H,- FIFTH street, loae door teluw Lbeaout. Established Uiii Revenue Kiamps of every description constantly oa band In any amount. B17 Orders by mail or Express promptly attended to, a